"A. ' ' t ' C - ' " '" " ' " ' 1 I i'"- '' :-fcjr- - -J. - . -:r- - -l-j-r-r: u-it 1- a lU 'I 1. , JAa.m . . 1. LJinr. - i. 2: RALEIGH, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1807. 1 m rf -.i .TWHrvive TIIlLSENTINEli. Lufe inti'ltlgenco Irom Enrope indicates the return of this dreadful (lip ase. There i room Jlfcijf AUMyjU'iw voiuiucuced its work of havoc in Ireland. Few are living w ho remember it ftarftil ravages, j et history fur wishes limst distressing accounts of its pro gressin Egypt, Turkey, Northern ami West ern EurojH"ifi8 " two centuries preeed ing the presemV: It ravaged nil Europe in the fourteenth century. The symptom of ili disease are descrilswllhus ly tlie New York MWi.-. .. "The1 symptom of this malady are, first, liiliou troiultiug and purging, succeeded hy acuta beadn be aud uictdicrencv ; then a jiitrple eruption, usually manifesting itself iihu the breast and shoulders, uuil spread ing over the entire laidy ; then debility; r.illaise accompanied Kith paralysis, and ...inctiuica Willi a dislociit ion of the head awl spine; and nt last, death. The dura tion of thr? Hint Tariff y ol i-ascs which have occurred ainca iUreh, I Will, baa averaged eighteen hours from the llrst indisposition until the fatal instant. The duralion ofthe second variety ha averaged from three to live dnys; ami that of the third variety, which is tltoimly one in whieh niorcrv fta taken place., has reached many dnj s and, even wwk. The contagion of tin sickness is shown in the statement made in regard to eases which have occurred iniii' soldier. With these remarkable accounts of tin progress made inMreliin.l by so fenrltil a disorder, physicians in this country iil doubtlew sjticverute their ni-oll.-. ti I. and for aught that is know n, tin ir present acquaintance with, the "sjiotied fcu r.' a malady nearly aa fatal us the dreadful i.k nrwt ot which it way be the sister I'est. " THi MiMtMEWs-ts.aiior 'im.1'iiri times ('akatia, it;ith a rmip '''' ' rtrtmua fitr mu-t.iu. Mi'"i''i: '' -'. ti .1. .1 MoOHKOl, M. I).. IHfttnl ,,, i,-ia ul II., Ul.it? Suri'lmr, A,:: K'''; .1... i', UH.7. We sir ilidcliled to Mes-rs. Kelly and l'iet, the entrrisinK puMi.-hcr, lor llii iutereatilijr and valuulilc work. Il contain preciacly tlio iitforniatioii which invalid w ant and uught alwa-.lo have lieliri leaving home tor the Virginia Sjirinj;-. When patient kuo w halisthe matter itti tiirtl, and that he mnt leavr home in order to Hud health, the next thin;: i- to ascertain w here he ought to go to si ck it As fur as Dr. Moorman propos o fiv. this information, we have no doul-t he ha done it, in this work, truthfully, s. ienlitii al ly anil professional!!. The only regret that I'an'lM felt is, that, nlthoiih the work pro feaaea to give information in repaid to ilie mineral waters of tin I nit. d Stale ami Canada, yet, with the exception ol mere out line notice of all others, it eonlain- really only a full and satisfactory ai count of tlw Springs of Virginia, and i-pe ially ol the White Sulphur. Several valnaUe Springs of North Carolina, so near at I ne .11 tirtlljf omitted, and with the few noti. ed at all, it U very briosy done. A work really beiii( what thi- ro to I would make a very lari' oluno . ei UTh a work l'so desirable and important, that the lals.r and cM'nw ol u.-tiiny 11 up, would be abundantly rcpa'nl by its sale We have ho idea that one or all ol tin Vir ginta 8prina are adapted to every form ol dcSaasB Iij-tO arl Tonstittrtttms h i - Hit portant, therefore, that the public should have carrci'f inlorniation in n ard to all the mineral watersof the Tnion. Dr. Moor man would lc entitlel to thehihc.t praise as a benefactor, if he w ould favor the pub lie willi Hila Information. Hy the us.- of a mailer type and the omission of really use less matter, the whole might U- put in the same space as Yr. "Moorman's book. Ilia hook, however aa it is, is of great value, and will have great weight in lead ing invalids;!! the Virginia Spring", n li'u h. we preaume, is ila rtiief design. Il is worth double its price. The Isvok may be found at Hruiison and Farrar'a, in this city, for 3,ol. The publishers arc entitled to much credit lor its execution in so neat a form. TukStaniiuid - This paper has desc. n ded so low, tor some lime, in its ly ing per aotiul abuse and its ultcr want of irenlility, lliat, in nbetliWiee to the earnest and Ire HiH'iitly expressed wishes of our friends not Ut notice, it, wc shall, fiom this day, discon tionu our exchange with it. When tlie H-f'mlir is issued, ne shall cv- ebitlrge with thnt, b.s u-c we believe its editor if a gentleman. From that source, and others, we hope to learn al! that is true and reliable as to Hie politics of the He publican party in North Carolina. If, nt any time, any 1 I our readers see an article In the fVamlnrd that merits a notice, our columns arc al their service, but, as to oilrtelves, a ib-eent self respect forbids any further editorial notice of the W.i,.ir. Bhkbii'ak 'I'bc letter of this officer to Oen. f Irani, which we publish in another ejvlumil, lias excited mncli and varied com -mentin the Northern press. The prevail lg aeutiuunt is that of indignation at the writer' audaeily and insuUirdination. The National tnltll iyennr speaks of it as : Int. tlisrespertful to the War Department' through which the order wis tra.r milled. Sit. TinreiieeHiil to General tlr;it. 3d. Disrespectful and in:iilsiidi mte to lllutJIreiaiUnt. lit thr. rt'itiStirtw tlte Commander in Chiel of the military and aval Jurees of the United Slut a. A Secret ancicty In Tennessee, composed of negrota, la aworn to murder any ol the ' member who ttlmndnn the rank to oppose Brownlow.' Thra artMi wore daily republican aew s- paier in the South now than there, were fcthttrmfrrii'W MXTOX ROW AIT UKLPERS H"K W BOOK. Noinorr : A QeTio!i roa a nonTrmniT, bv HTS UlN ItOWAN HKI.fKIt, of N.s-lh Crohn, An llww ot "The Ihix'im1iiik Crisis of the Mnith." New York, Carleton A Co., I'lil.lisl.ers, N7. Some men acipiirv notoriety for their good deeds, others lor their bad one some for their uselulnesa in society, others for their viciousness. To this latter class, Mr. Helper belongs, lie is a native (if the South of North Carolina, yet he it not of us. Schooled am) steeped in a spirit of antagonism to his own people, he began bis career of mischief yesrs ago, whieh oul-cropjicd in the produc-. tion of a book called ''The Impending Cri sis, ' h bieh although utterly discarded by the South because of its untruthfulness and v icious character, received Ihe endorsement ot the liadieal party at the North, and !' came at once a text book of that party, and was Usui with telling effect against the South in the great slavery controversy. Without real uieiit, the book became sipu lar at the North, lccause of its style and master, ami obtained (juitc a circulation. For this labor ol love lor the Radical or Itc publican parry, Mr. Lincoln awarded him Hilh a consulship in South America. Why Mr Helper has aeemingly aii.cdonwl his ipiondaui friend and turned his batte ries against tin in, by producing "A'-y-u. ," bis new IsNik, He have no means ol know ing, unless bis vanitv, arisiiiL' from bis sue. n w ith "The Impending Crisis," ol which his new l iKik idb.ids al llli lant cviillliiT, leads b 1 111 to aspire to the ilion of a rr tiilM.r. lloth I ks li definitely I I- ell. II .1 ti 1 as a li.nlli :!, the l etter hi-im; a natural sequence ol the foimer, tiioiiah totally slit fi ring Iroui i-ai h other in their puiKise. "The lm)f'Uui rriWi" slux'ked every Southern iiinn with its bold falsi hoods, its hate ol the while race under the guise ol friendship, and'its violent character ; "A"" i-l'ie" Mill shock all -Christendom with its infidelity, its inhumanity snd its biiter hate of the negro and skins of all colois, except the white. His first book was excessive Iv abusive ol the Southern whites, now he turns with urcaler veiioin upon the negro and Northern "Begro-kisaers" with whom he has been in concord until recently. The rir-t book found w illing readers ill the North a ng those whom fanaticism and hate of South' rn whites made it welcome, but "No l .cpn " w ill find t w readers, and least ol all in the South Hut w shall not consume space in review ing a I k so deleterious in its sentiintuts. Nothing can aliemne the Southern whites from the blacks and make them their ene mies, tint their own di-regaid of the lies and sympathies ol thr pat We shall siuiph content oiirftlvcs with a lew ex trails Irom tlx oook, which we mm maiie ... , , reailr to our, hand by our c iteiiijioriiiies. to ; .; . show its real spirit. The following taken 1 nt random w ill la' KUtricicht fur this purpose I Ol the I mures-, which has signalized Itself j its haters ol thr whiles and extreme loteis i ot the hlai ks. he says : "Ain'oinf other black uionstrositus which shall be herein arraigned for enstigstion, is a liigh-himded asaenrblage f conspirators against .iil. he rights, public morals, public sulci t, publie Inlerisits, ami piililic ibieney, no tor but rcj-cntljd. organiu'd in thegmtd ciu VI Wasbint Ion a secrlnnal and Sedi lion ussi inl.lagev.ibch shall lie erery where stieinsti.eil and itel.-sreit, in all future uuir, a- the Ibaek iUtuyrem, ttiihoot an open anil complete renounrenient ol all past errors, fiirj'i iaii a Ml ,fj , au4erun promise of Is-fter MurVfor' W-feltrtiT, few lunulas ol Vlic. Ulack l.'wugtesjt, w hether Senators or " RepresBrarirrie, sbonhl over again In- derated to any office, whetlicr na tional or municipal, or of any oilier grade or nature whatJ-ver, within the gilt of the A ruerican p)l." He asserts that every where, and at all times, when the negro has been placed upon bis own resources, as he thinks b ought every where to be, there is ill him an "un fhickable tendency lo decrease, to die, t disappear; in a word, lo cease to retain a vital foothold upon the earih. & tmy it I ! Tha billowing description which be gives of the- negro, is not too high wrought for his renom against the race : "Strikingly apparent is il that the negro is a ft llow of many natural defeets and defor mities. The w retched race to whVli he belongs exhibits, among its several mem bers mure cases of 2u(ivri than any other. Seldom, indeed, is he to las seen ex cept as a preordained embodiment of un couth grotesqucness, malformation, or ail ments. Not only is he cursed w ith a black complexion, an npisli aspect, and a woolly head ; he is also rendered odious by an in tolerable stench, a thick skull and booby brain. An accurate desi riplio(n of him calls into requisition a larger munlier ol un eoiiiiiliiiicntiiry terius than is necessary to be used in describing any other creatine out of Inphet ; and it is truly astonishing how many ofthe terms so pcculaii ly appro priale to him are ctinipouinl words of obloiily and detraction." And again : "The night bom ogre stands iM-fore us, wt'obseive Ins low, receding forehead; his broad, depressed nose ; his stammering, stuttering speech ; and his general actions, evidencing monkey like littleness aud inilH-. eililv ot 'mind. Ity close attention mid ex amination, w e may also discover ill the sable individual Mitre us, i(, indeed, he Im not an exception to the generality ot lip race, niinierousollier prominent defects-aud de- liucnccs. Admit that lie las not war jawed, mnttled-tongtred, nor tongue-tied, is lie not akuc sighted, blear eyed, or blobla-r lipjied II h "ot wrj-uotkel, wen milked, nor shoulder shollen, ts lie nT hi i II' joinled, hump- backed or hollirw IhI licd ( 1! he be not slab-sided, kiioCk-kiu e.l, itor ti(nvlrgjrrl,'is lie not (lo say the least) Biindl-shankcd, cock-heeled, or flat-footed I II he lie not maimed, halt, nor blind, i he not leTcrlsh with ltiflmtlons, fester ings, oc fuugositie I II he be not afflicted .itlt .itch, blain or , bjitteraj; doe ha not stiuirm under the pain of boil, burns, or i f- w -tj-i-i-.i: tt iVAvit'i,j.-in, DrUlaOS I II UV uv gut tuv tiuitu iwhh- ion, sprain, nor dislocations, i he not the man ot scalds, sores, or cabst If he It not the endarer of the ache of pneumonia, pleurisy, nor rheumatism, does he not li l th fatal exacerbations of rankling wound , tumors, or ulcers r II lie lie no complaint 1 over the cramps of coughsi eolics, nor con stipation, dolh he not decline and droop under the discomforts of di.inc-. dropsy, or diarrhoea ? Il he lie no siitfen r trom icuioi 1101,11,, CI VSIIff-lHS, HOT CAOMiaiMHI, I . 1,. . " , : ; . he not a victim ot goitre, lntumcsceuec, or ..,, hi. 1 paralysis? II he experience no ineonveni 111 1 ence Irom guiii-rash, cholera imubus, imr 1 , , .1 . , . 1 1 1 diood -iiiinluosB, docs henot wutcu uiuler tlie . lk 1 , . . .1 . .l psngs ol the blii gout, the taiK'-worm, or the ! L,,iii.i. 1 ir T . 1 . . 1. . ; 1; . I uiuuiKiiiira . ii ne 01- 111: 11,1111 me , insanity, or sw.copc. is he not subj, i t to fs. ' 1 .a 1 . BIFtlBllin 11 1 Oil V IIISlOIIB i I 1 1 111 lllllM'-l ' ... . ;,. . , . - ., eterv IMissib e resnei I. he s a nelson et 1 iroonrlion l.l..i..i'hn,.l Hilt., ,r..,..l .,.! I 1111 truer in il llml tlo. TnrL in r'iit.o.. i i the sick man of the K.isl. ihuu lhat 1 ' . negro (in America) is the m West. Neither tlie niu' nnr t'ver nPuvT. TIm- iitii!:nl lutvlv imUDiIU-. It.-lli nrv k niitn ol tiir I lie oditT will f vurli in ul'to ItMMHI'l) to Ink' Upon llicinwU'n a codl hiuI iiiitiiinctt' frtdnili.ilinn.'" l tillt VlTV HfHl I he loti. j i. l 1 yMipIt Ol the ronilitiou tlie iifjro M In n lr.ntrtit lo Aim r'u :i, Im sav- ; 1 1 wjw hat It?, nikvi I riKilU'Hr, mitl Iron-t i U', 11 ii t Hhocl(M, mihI nil trt in I r i 1, lit h iih nttrrly rr-ntirr i-lrss, nakt ml fltt Ii . Wr mint hh tlit- I'Hss-bl ol cr!)nin;iU lu allit ;t ti HhlVV ; fur KtlliOTtMiill lo H!uVf;rV in a rrimi even tnori- hfinon ttian iIh-i i uhc ol niiirdtr; inon o.liuiis. than tlj -nth i iiii rnt ; limn uImum iiiahlr than t In- fin ih vil uir-hi With liiiii-"-ll In- hr'U-:!i,t no know li'ili' of 'iirifiittnrc. ronini'Ti-c. o -i iiiaiiutut tiin ? ; no al-ilitt h'l' 1 1m- vi!nl:ir hiatiu;iiiiiil tft i il Baii-. . no 1 at I li II -urn til I iiiaiiu n r i 1 1 5 ot anitirs : i t! i tii.lr lor tlie liirht diriN-tion t.t n - n. 1 Jt (UiiirilHni'tshi. wilh m imrr, 1 1 ? -r. t h: p, : nor nil ; no skill in the analv-i- ot tin rti - ; j no Ki-ntiuu'iit etinnilut ot uoUe .u Uihi: no Mini lor thr ri(-iiira;:'ii itt ol tniaiii . ! Hr'm l' I n l' u iili liiiu-t 11 noiliino tu,i hi- on n 1 Murk ain I lm-tar. IkmIv. .It riu,.h 'l ainl riinl, lie runic I i k - : i ti utf : If w i - i hrutc then ; lit- hal aiwavs lwi n i lrui . 'n is a hrutr now , aiitl tin it: i-. no iuai- i. i- ' won for U lit' inir that h- u ill r rr a- ! i he a hrutt', than thin- i- d-r -ii.j..t-in-j that I the houinl will rv r rt a- to li- a -ln i-nlv thitt tht Mm k l-tM-.. thr I :.-, r t (lit two. i will hi the anoiuT vU nninal. f V-t i'.i- i- the fat noun nt tiltli !liu u certain ilrfraiJeu ami very contr -ill tt wliitt-peron., we urc avi .l u rv. . nt, an an einal anil a hroihrr!" Mr. Helper iiiMisN that the hla-k ra i unlit for the iuim iation of the ( am i -ian race, that tin v mtint I e i-xti-rininati l or drive.), from the i ountry ll m : Ni rerniamnt lodtrment. no emlumiu part nnr lot, inii-t the Mat k ami hai. tul nenwrt he M-riiiiltt tl tt artjiiirt1 in "in country Alreatly have tlo-y 4 mi t J i h I !lu period of their nn 1'n 1 tn if, iinirM. tlu- werei'er useful at all. ami the -.olitlih iiij ami tatucealinif Hiilwoil is now urL' nh claimini; as overdue to itself thonc itsurtmM i.,.rl- ..I I .. ir I, .,.1, l..r., 1...... . i "" - . time, hare been tilted and lilti d lor I ili . .- ' Anil again : I'ertain it is that we owe it to ourselves and we ought to Is- able - to get rid ot the negroes soon ; but it they are to Ik- refsined much longer in Ihe I tilted States, (which may tjod, in his great mercy, foibid.) we may as well build iniinedi iteiy. tor tln ir re liel and correction, in alternate adaptation, a row of hospitals snd pri-ons. all the ttat Iroui the Atlantic in Ihe Tacili.-, and. upon the same plan, a range or series of alms house and ieciitentiaries the entire distance from Lake tn)erior to the Hull ot Mexico ! A.I1 the. dt:vll JljEJiOtl.eii imps, (if darkness, whether hlarkjpOtvbroun, whether negroes or Indians, whether Mongols or uiiilsttoes should at once be dismissed, and that I t erer, from the enre, Itmn the aighi, and t-ven from the thought-, ot tlie Ib-svi n born whitis. Wheretii se, ii. or wherever ci-t ing, the black and lii colon-d races are tlie very personifications of haxtiudt and leKgsry. la Auiera a, ihe-,- races ,ue tin uuisl unwieldy oeca-toticrs ot di-hunor and wcakneas; they ate tlui.ill-1'ar.ired Hud uu welcome instruments of dirsert ice , they arc the ghastly types ol cfTetencss'and retro gression. At the earliest practicable mo ment, these inui ile and baneful elements of our population must be either deported or I'ossilinMl. Speaking ol free negroes he quotes the billowing from Ihe N. V. Trihunr, which be says is truthful aud vbiiiral-'e. The Ti i bunt said a while ago : "Nine tenths of the free blacks hare no ides of setting themselves to work except aa the hiielinga and servitors of while men : no idea of building a church, or accompli h ing any other serious enterprise, except through Is'ggary ol the tt hitos. As a clash, the Mark are indiMVfitt irhprtiVMlcnt servile, and licentious; and their inveterate habit of appearing to stdiitt ReSrvoletice or compas sion whenever they realize a want or cu counter a difficulty, is eminently baneful and enervating. II I hey could never more obtain a dollar until they shall have earned il, many of them would suffer, and some perhaps slarvv." We shall rlose our ipiot al urns with the following bitter diatribi s aynitist the ilHth ami 40lh t'ongiiss : "This is the incoi i iil-le and urot i ignoramus upon wlioiuit is prop'ised cniler at once the priviletre of vi.nag tl right ot universal siilt'riige! This is tin loathsome and uiosl exi i rable wretch I rank snitlling and hideous arch crMiiinal that tit is) who has liven mentioned as one lit to have a voice in the enactment ol Inttsl'or llu uovcrnmcnl o the Aincncaiii pinole! Miall we conler the elective franchise on this buss: and ill bred bl.u k.uuoor tins litu 1 1 n 1 1 i -1 and skilnk-scciitul idol '. .No! Mhi in I I Itecailau lie ths s not kumt. aiol cwiunt know, how to vole nrclliLrciitJy. Ii ttoiild therelore to say Ihe least, be an act ol yio-s Hy oitoiir tart to extertil in ih. im id ii,. j privilege of doinj; w hat the onmipotciil (lod of Nature has obtiin It. and lor nil tune, iieuieil luui llu- i I to do. Titos. ill our ban ifta-i aud dermis .gn at h "i-1 i lors who waste eiine iu attctnpiiiic; io ju..t Ihe eoiialily ol the oes'ro, and in tin draft ing of absurd laws for bis rrcogiiuinu., in good faith irvniII.f l ited Miaies, inighl, with equal proiriety busy thci'u selves iu the ridiculous irrationality ot fram ing codes (or allowing tlie gorilla and , (he (ikuopanzee lii attend comnioii adiools, and fur ilm halioiin and Uie iiraniroulaiur to tes tify Wfoiirsl ol iqbfljT Let the bittndertnjj and baneful two-thirds majority of the Black ( Vrngress both blush and lware." And ugain .""'" Iict there he a full snd fettled deteroiina- , lion on the part of the American people, on I llie pari of 1 lie puuple id' ess h HtaU , re . sp tiwly, that, with a tew Inlnorable ex I options, mi niemlwr ofthe Senate, 110 uiuuber of thau House of Uepreaeiitatives, I who Mited for tlie Negro Itureau bill, or for . .i .1 i i .1 "V o the I housaud-and line other . . . . .. .. .. . . ., I'lack alioiiunalions ol the H ack Congress, . ,. , , . . . .a- shall - . r airam bu elevated to any onice ol , , . . .1 honor or tiust under '-he governuient of the , , , . .1 . t inted Stuti s. On l ie contrary, let those ., , , , , . . " , .. , guilclul and . ueHrmua liuiuera ot blw k . . . , , " """ '" tminsih.s, lust to feel thai the sntue as treason in treason in , . , . , . I lOlhirs, 11 11 luia' to lie speciiic-abv detested 1 . y e . . l""f''l and further, that so luucli r?r i i in "i lii? t norniity ot their own trearo:i i thai lit- iit ift-ui ol th traitor Jrfl. Davnt, Uuit, ulii'K itH hit perti'tiou purpoHe were j iruiiiel .nly aainnt lw ('aucanaiaii - M'Mith .l inh!itant of a tuuglft common j wiailu (an. la lew neyntjj. whether few or iiiuny. H"( worth the mention I their wicked t rlt-ii ., h;ie Im u levelled aaitiHt th Rtti 1 4-i o t mot M t-iiii-,r uellaie of the whiten of the wh -le urld '. In iTiT, al, tluit the pure purpose.' of 4.hI unl mHn uieu may no longtT lc ilnv.tiU-l Uj..ii I he curlii tnow that alavfry j and the i iiatii'i-'ii-i ol slavery have receivi-d ; tneir iiii tu-t, h t the Hlack ('ongrean I e I umMi d oi uiLml tii Irtttoi- itself nwuy iiitiikl us .".-sil.!e. th.n. without dHi-v. i !'! h A litit1 "oeiret'1, and thenci lurwntil j and Iff. i ii'Mir l;iit W'ltile onyie-tsrH, U i ii i lo i irt I la i - li 1 lie vii ut a i y I , all. i ..! llu ii it Mplil'lii , ht the liepl - it 1 1 1 a i l.i .-ill.: -w av h v i an t ot uiaiikiinl. I I.,- I. ainl t nnptuleU ( sili.ed ; and a lit:. . t ii hn hi- t.m tl m ilh pane ii -lit i i-.-u, r.ie t i liter llu n " 1. f ..I ; 1 1 1 KlilVl-al i:r:in ; ,il t!i - - I n I- 1 til. I HiitrrK nd nli ifant rat tiall soon he theirs. oi i iiy ut ili-eietioii , fand ; time in the bistort olthe hen, . it-.- Itr , I... , ami I- lleoe tIimm lenlied the most .l1.-- .h.nVi s ol tin- pain it I Hie proplli Is. All w ill i.i:!ol piue, plellty, Sill) iviiwhere Im the estal I things: and, in a single II.. f w t ! . -! rit v -b.-.l .le ill. ihe lone. t. ilked ot and siiK'rlative o! time will have come at lust T Wi re we to s ,t there r no truth in this j oook. ne sl ion I , cm'. In a book of this si7.e, penned by ever so t icious a writer, he could ! li;irlty itvoi.l -s ino something true, yet its ' eniiie Inn in tei is w icked, inhuman and M-. We hate said it ttoiild 6ml few readers, bat w-eare by no means sure that its teach- 1 bigs w ill l!u I few ndvoeates. Here and there III tin S. ill b. llnie will be foil IK I some to iidi'i" dTe his views. Hut it is in the North that hi- book will do greatest mischief and . find the eri nti st number of supporters. Hut he is in i -1 o Urn us to the classes who will adopt histietts. t 'onsert atisiu, humanity I hi d i liri-lianii y will every where discard it. 1 Ibit live years will noi elapse liefore thou- ' sands of iho-e who now laud and magnify j lfaiiical party and cry "Great is Diana I Ihe t phi sians," will lie equally zealous in eiirsini' and destroying and banishing the nero race, ns they hiwe been in their pro It'ssi. nit of devoti n and love for them. The book is Tbidical, ils i.uthorisa Radical, and litulii "ili-iu w id five it vent and influence. oil N 7 77 V It i- staled that in the press dispatches ol tin " Muiuaty" ofthe Alloruev tieneral's opinion, tt im Ii wi s w nt North the word "lioi" louuil in the tollow im; ..paragraph, w is in it. but in thai sent South, the word "ii " t :i olhiUt-d . 3Iiiiiiciji.il ollicir.- tlutt is tft Pay officers I iiiciiijioiateil citie-, town-, and villages. ueli ii- inui i i s, ii b lei im ii. town councils, jiolice. mid ollu-r city or tott u ollicesra, are .. ' slil'i' . t to tlUiiiiidlfu aliou The t u-hiiigtA.n J-Jv.un.tf h-riru states that the wortl "not'1 w as oiii'tled in the Souihoni dispatches, and accounts for the opler ol feii. I'ope in this way, which dis I'rnni lii-h s all officers high and low who i ter took the oath of ullice to support the t'onstitutiiin of Ihn I nitisl States, and af terwards favored the rebellion. The A'ri is incorrect. The di-istch ret. ived al this otl'ue by tl.- tel. raplr go 18!.' skiihi.1i. comuiiied the "mil ' MOUK .'A' IO I '.I IS tiF Ml XKII'AL OA7rA.7.'' A'c mak siiys ihe Nt wbern liejiubliejin. Ihe I. dlow ing extinct liniuthe Sjiecial Or der No 711. Irom (Jen. Sickles' lleaibjuartrra: 1. The following nnnti-il ajijMiintinents of civil ollieiTS are hereby announced : l. For the City of Heaulort, tiouutr of Cnrteret, N. C. M&i'r I lioMtas r. Allen. rVoiwwou'iiiiirss-C. S. liell, . A Moore, . I.. Seliek. Joel A. Davis., 2. For Morebead lily, fount v ot farteret, N. f . Mt"t VV. ti. Jour-, 'niiiiuiiiiiiiiri'ii A. .1. Philii, J. A Ilcn shittt. Thos. Ilmiiels, .1 f . t'odncr. Wc iindi rs'iitid that Mr, .loci Mivis, of Iti'aiitoi'l, did not ipialily in eoitsi iiu m e ol Lis : i ! In i'i !'. i nd ,V r. . Pit. i tt as appoint ed in hi:- si- a I. (hi Friday la-1,, Major Van lloin oigatu.e.l these wwii u-ivt niiiii iits. A Nkw 1 lo i il,. Mr. J. V. l)ai, of tin Mills I lou-e, ( Inn h -ion, S l, has been in this cilv set. rid days J'-ist, negotiating lor ihe lease (.1 lliepinpiiiyi.il Fionl street, be Itieon Tl if Talker lloiisu mid linsk's Ex i li.inye, with the view to establishing a huge lii I ila hot' I. The It ane has at last been i Ll . 'i I, and .Mr. l)avis will, on or be Ion- llu- iii-i ol Oi li her next, in couneclioii with the iiaitiis associated with him. I'co 1 what wid be known a-Hn-I lareuiion Hotel - tl nnnijloh J"rnd. Wc I. am Hint liciieral Miles has ordered a ti.iili ol liivali v lo.o-i-.le in llieeoilijUes of l.euotr and i'lil I he jiiirjHist. is to arreft lue jisi tics ch.n get w ith ci imcs recently com iiiiitetl in that section. Il'icn Canii.i.tn. Mtjiicuisoit's 1'ai loin. -Wc are glad lo nun-tnat Murehison's Kselory, which was destroyed m March 1805, by Hherman'a si uty, ha been ft built i by it proprietor, ai.d,ia now manufaetoriag a sujierior articl of cotton gisitls, "Y have seen some ot th jam slready is- m srkct "oH(trtiif Ann. From the Hillabora E-conln . TVRKU'S-rUEUl VAL IK- I'll. 11 VA TlOX -MKSKM A TI O A A A l INK It w-enis lo me, that turnips, esp. i Ully as s prop for slia'k, re not sutRen mix valued by our farmers. And the time ha- now come, when high farmim? should be lie mark ; and no help should be ruiVreoted.- -I shall endeavor to give you it short pracii ca! article on the subject, drawn from my own observation and experience. I will apeak to the reader of a large White Turn. p. which 1 have Ucn cultivating with sum.' lor more than thirty years. I II LI It VAI.IK. 1 The wrltl ut thi kin. I ol very larye. I have my wit ri-nl i ttniti i it n i ..-Ii hlllidreil bushels to the acre of tlieni And have hud ihem to weiirh as high as ihniieu iotinds w llh Hie loi elf. s' The w hole ierioil of the ltow III olthe ' turiiii suits our tanner-, cspcciallt tho-e ol them who do not make either cotton of to j bacco. Aieets. I urrots or Parsnijis, arc In I ler riH.is; but ihey must be planted in early ; siring, when you are greatly iressed ttitli tour work ; they must be hand iicked alter ! Ihey are cleverly up, to clear thein of Ihe grass anil weeds which come uj along with i then), a tedious and expensive job ; titer ' occupy land, made as rich as a L' irdeii. all Ihe season, lo the exclusion ol" cliTl other t eioji on the -nine ground, and tin t nin-t at ln-t It- up out ol the ground tt ith ;o. at , labor - j Not -o wiih I h, I uriiip . ton -o tin. i. I the l-l ol Alljjo-I. whlih I- the -l.ekil 1 i I line ill m ml Work Ihe l.llluer i t- ha-, lor I I ill I lis I I illle I In- corn cloji t- 1 . 1 1 ' 1 ' i . .-ii. I I he -mall Traill i roji has a ii In i n halt. -I . . I : and Ihe tanner c an cont eiiicni It iiiiu h attention lo this crojv Set ondlv . ton -u I them on -tllbl.lc laud, win le ton h.ivi iil-l I rfot a croji Tbiidlt, tin t ii 1 1 1 i t ni i little work . ami fourthly, you atlni inli 1TOJI lit tlllllips abollt (he . nl Jli I t'lnl" i w lieu toil uaill lluve lllnc, In do it. bu .ill tour sinall grain is all -otti d and toiu i orii j i- oatllereil Hld in the rib i -I. A ili-b nt niiil turnijis iiiou t i r i.- ' bb. every d it Irmn I 'i lob. r In March, win. h by irojs r iilati:ioi ment ton can easilv h.iti is no titid thing with plod beet or laioli r lor man. Hill we are jimvidiuo now cle itlt . for st'tck. Tuinijis ale tir-t late h-r r fattening hog-, boiled with their i orn niitd the graiu is soft, tit course meal ttoiild do ' better, and a little salt is to he ml. hd Any Isnly now can jiut iii a m ii n m.i- gliuni Isiih r w ith sheet iron Isitlom I do verily Itelieve, you can thereby sate at h u.-t , one third of Ihe corn usually led aw a, III fattening hogs, and also get a great dial ' more pork, la-cause the hogs becoiue latter than when led on corn alone. And bu tour i sheeji through the winier and tailt :miiio. esscially lor the ewes and lan.b-. ton want nothinti Is-ller. And, reader, ton innv - in ' all the oats your milk cntvs i-nt in the win ter, lor yiHir horses nr for sale ; and take tin wheat bran from them also and 'i it in ; your hogs, the most jirotllnble uc yoii.eini make of it; and give yotircows ph-i.tv i t gootl hay or shucks, and jih-nty ol : i uj turnijw morning and erenim n'r tlt..i .. , milled, which prevents the milk trom lasting of the turnips, and two lhinjs wiil Ii-ij.i n First your lainily will have jih nti ol i., !k a good thing. Second, you w ill nevei In.ir t that most uncointortalile coin.;.uni. "old 1 man, we are getting no milk, have i-u ;'ot ; nothing to give t he cow s . Millll- OK ( II Tl t A HON Take the besL tiece of stubble land have, wheat stubble is the be-t. th. n the lietler; break it iii well wiih a horse jdongh as aiam as you can alter you ' in i In., liar test, lwo plouoliinos w on I linrt ; lei it Ile till last III .? 1 1 1 V . wlu-n all the wheal lilt on the ground w ill Is-uji . then .ul it in - ,ii plete order; thin lal.-aoiie lioisc jilott and run it oil prettv de. , in single lurrows just twit swl half kst iiutrt, and sow alung m I these luiroas No I'niitian Guano, al the rate of 100 lbs. in ihe acre, then reverse this lurrow again w ith the same plow ; then with a common coulter run aaliailow trench right above the guano, on this reversed furrow: and in that Ir.-ncli sow your seed, not too thick, cover Uu-iii tut lightly with the cor ner of your hoc, running il along. Ut ile you; and tread aloug thj furrow to .re-is the earth to the -id It you tail to get a stand, keep on son ing into tscjiten.lier, till you do get it. It a rain ol a day or lwo comes, sow on the giwnid without enverinu j When the tops are a lew inches hic-h, ihu, j out to a stand ot V hli IS inches ajmrt in 1 1 . - I rows; and if tlo nioiiml gets hard nil. i wards, or m ilch urass or weeds starts aiuone I the turnips, coulter ihein, out throw uu di. to the turnis. U4TUhHISU AMI kKKCIM.. You must WMU'h. ami nlliri lb. ii. b. ton the largest tuimiS' Ii. noine inllit. tl-out the last week in .Nomiii.ei is llu ri-ui tun. Id gathering. iull n.eiii Uj and iiii tin in in convenient pibs in ihepalch : ml oil the crowns, being sure lino ton t uloli the l.u . 1 This kecs tlieni Irmn snoutiug o lit i I wards. In (tutting up I in nips lor winiir use, two things must le gtiarttctl against ; namely, 1 heating and treezniK ; either funis the im niM, ami they are v.-iv liable I. In.h heat ; ing and free7.ing. Hence you must not j-ut I tuem into largt- ju es, ami liny must I... covered very sccutcU . Put as many as ton will use by ihe l-i. ol .laiiuuiy iir a dry eel lar or iu-a lu.Usc. Hut tiny keep best nut ot doors lor later u-e. Put them up iu tin- way in rows on a convenient jiii ce ol ginuml, whiih will U bcttei if a lillic slojung, to n v ii.t the water (coin slitiidiiig. Mart the j il s three tcet Wide al the Imltolll and Coming III H- sharji lidge at lop as yoiiiim Ikihii juii ting slobs down aloug the ceiitie ol tin rows, as you pack Hie lurn'ps. sl.oiit three feet ajiart, and puck lo this low ol slobs. Then cover the si.hsol ihe rows with straw lightly, and take Ihe earth from along ihe rows, and cover llicMi six or eight inches deep, mi that ihey caul be I10..11 tlirniu.di il. The object of pulling down Ihe stohs or stakes is to make vents lor llie h. alt d air In est ape from the lurniis whin Ihey In ai rt In Hire.it. Afier a lew wn-ks llu v an to Ik- ilrawn out, and Hie 111011IL ol Ihe hoi. s atopped with loose stiaiv. lletling net will not hurt th. m In ns ing lliein, begin nl on.- . ml ot a row, and stler taktnu ottl tt hai tou want at a lime. slulV the ai 1 me well with straw lo keep .ml llie sir and eld. lioil them I,. 1 h,":-. mid tut tln in up raw with a ipade 01 lunihct on the barn lloiu for cows and sheep. You cannot H ake ground too rich lor luruipa. You may ma nure highly and use (iuaiio ISoth, and Use 800 pounds to the ai m instead of 100 if you Uka. ., But trusb manure breed vermin, which destroy the turaips, I preler to ina bui the groosd I urtcod lor turnip- tb " ""ft" t"!i'K' (all before aa heavily as I can, sow it in the little purple mraw wheat, which halt Still -Haw, and lied il i ff with my cows and bllllhs ,rh, ! ,ir,..l ii 7y, till 1st. of yil. and I Inn add the guano at the time ot "s ing. (bit land in otlur iesscis sniiable for turnips w Inch will make 4 Ids of corn or 8 l-ti-lii Is .. wheal in the acre, will produce x very r.itr cr.ip of turnips A B. ' ii;ui' , .1 0 no J4. IhKiT. il;lri. ID i I Tllk U.V COMMA X- n:i;s We I ne hiti-tofoie hid occasion III con tra in t the assumption of certain Hailical joiirn.ds that Ihe President was I I suit to ii.sh iin in an indiscriiiiiiinte auil preeiiitate ii slot ii ioii ol. all ollie. rs leinoved (i)' the t ut -an aiai the South We have now to i i ricel i iiially iluliiiliided lejiorts ol a .In. i lly eoiiirart character. It is arfirmed by tin se same jiaucra thai the Kxeculire tiil i-sue iiooidris w htttever Uhiii the aub j.ei. Il geiiMeiuen, instead of sllributing exlreine measures to the l'resident, one way ami the other, as it appears to suit their pur poses, will hate patience but tor a few days until his itiuru -they will find that he will ait w itli (ireiimsM'clion. A a we stated a week ago would be the case, an order of uniYonn application in all the military dis til, is in the matter o the .pialiri.-sllon ol toteis at Ihe Ninth ha- U-cu issii, .1. and we now .1'. ri t allow ours, lies lo tloubt that in a short lime spicitii' orders will la i-si;e.l ill relation to unwarranted removals of Slate oiTu ers bt die S, ml hem coniman tie!-. The .jins'loll intuited CSlinol, of i. -ur- . 1 . di jio-ed ol . a tuiile geiieial . o1.: .1 mi I uu iii'ii atioii. In aiilying ii. i .n.i. r reiiieiit t. r v ilillereiit means may I .. . 1 1 1 1. -v I . In m tiiv cases the officers i ii. nisi it. s mai iiiuilt siiitiilile corri-etion. I" ible hi mhers that the iiaitiesatTi-c tii. d In courts martin', and. if led IM i oin ! 'i d. and tendere-l by necessity unable I. pi 1 1, inn I In ii linn lion-, eleclioiis by the i. . .e Itlilll.l be the in,,er 1 1 unity. In a tv ord, -the views of the Attorney tleneral ii.oi. this sjtbjert must be substantially car il.,1 out I. iAi Im u'liut iartu-iilKr remedial I it i .-, the , n-iinistsiiei-s in each case must deteiniiue -. .iii.iu.il lutMtijencfT. ii 1 i.i t: i i.o.iTr A ..nod "Id man, a lew days since, was si. ajuno oi his conversion w ith a skeptic, who tta- '.lineing uji various arguments to provi th i1 nligion was all a delusion. The old ih in was uiilearneil. and could not eon lute loin bt reasoning, but be used the sim ple l.'L'ic: .-I a tine Christian heart, and liicre its.- tio gainsaying it. T li ne tr.e. " he said, "to serve myflnd lor liltt t.firs. if.'.l have found sweet enjoy ment in His -crv'ce He has I wen a sure support and conilort in every trouble and ev. i t Minus. Now.it it is all a delusiijn, what hate I losl f" The man had no answer lor him. Well he k. i tv that his boasted reasoning would never alord a solace lo the heart when the -tortus beat and the floods rose around it. Hut it religion is true," continued the old mini, "what liatcyoti lost t" And well n.iohl be a-k lhat question, and well would it bi lor thai scoffer if he would ponder it di . pit' He had lost his immortal soul it he n r-isted in Ins uiils liel. M i n ligiou has made me happy in this Id. .: -aid the aiied man relerre.l to, ''and w hen I come ! I he end o it, I expect to be h ippi' r 'till. What have I lost by being a i 1 1 r i -1 1 u 1 1 r ' i ln ii. m i, never yet an inQdul death-bed m .'. baj.jij by its boasted ibilosoiliy. ' In i', at .oleum hour when the soul stands face to ii-- n nli its f realor, it knows how vain an- nil clonks il may seek to throw about to hide itsi If Iroui Mis all seeing eye. Some t Hues the pioud heart mails itself in a calm exterior, that the world mar riot witness its agonr, but oftener the anguish ol despair niaswrs tterv oiimr leeliug, uuil Ihe kuarta that are nearest and dearest are w rung w ith tenfold grief, as they must stand by help lessly, while the poor lost soul ' Itarcs r.itlliil the walls of her clay tenmt, Kuiis In sell utenue ami shrti bs for help, liill slo ! ks 111 villi.' Oh. ,U were worth a liie-tiiiic of truss-beatiiitr- l.i te to gain the victory over death al..: 1 Hut alter death we ki ow there come tin jii lomeiii (Ih, what eli rnal gain lo hat. lirl ' tot our advocate then. Im Kin -r Twknty Vkaks. Lire as - 1 11 may, the first twenty years form 1 - ,11 1 j ol ..I your lile. They aear 1 - .1 ili. .re ia-sing ; they seem toilss 11. .11 w look back lo them; and they ki- u Mt..ri room in our memory than all I i I I . .11-1 h.il succeed the 111. hi- I . . ., In n iniinrtiint lhat ihey : I-, j s--e.l iu jihintinp pHu princt- 1. ii 1 ' hi mi! ood tastes, strenglliening '. 1'. its. il. , mgall those jibsini res which 1 iiiness and sorrow for time to I it. uu. id rare of the first twenty 1 ' 1 0 m lite, and you may hojie that -1 iv. my w ill take good care of you. i .1 1 mi im. tiik I.oKD Ft 1 i v Walking . i.e.- in a pitchy daik night, in companx wiih a l;i, ml who knew the road well, I soii I I,, him. "I shall lollow you, so as to be 1. :hi " M1.1 a little, I stumbled into a .lii. 1 1 V.. 11 have led me into a ditch," I - ; I hen ton hare not followed me ex . :;i," 1- I n reply, "for I haTe kept free." 1 ha-i I-- aeVttowleilge that I hail gone a lit ' '.. . ne side, thinking that of no conse .; in . So il is, thought I, with Ihe Ohris 11. 11 1. ,11. . it ing Christ ; so long as he follows him 1 xacllt, he is sale but w hen he turns aside, boiti ter little, he is liable to stumble into the dill h , . ... - - Sonic "in- has writtep : "I hare nerer l.uiii. I pride 111 a noble nature, or humility in an iiuttorihy mind. Of all trees, I ob s. mi- lhat (iotl has chosen the vine, a low plant I I111I creeps ujion the helpful wall; of 11 14 beasts, the soil and patient lamb, ol all low Is, the mild and guileless dove. When (;. id appeared lo Moses, it was not in the lofty cedar nor the spreading palm; but a bush -an humble, abject bush. As if he would, by iuesc selections, cheek --the B e.iled arrogance ot man. Nothing pro duoelh love like humility ; nothing hate like pride." SKrfKT.tiii' MjtirroN. The rumor that tin- genllei'iaii is almut to resign his posi is thought in olhcial circle to be altoi;t'ther uiifomi.; l, It would m clear that if ihe decision n the Cabinet adverse to his views had been cotibiciered by him as couileronato ry and affording ground for resignation, he would not bare communicatett tlie conse quent orders to the Sonlhern commanded. bat would have resigned at once, Hatitnal . inUiUftn&r, Jum 14 .. . - I f 4 GWE&AI. -"'-tn'Vetritnl-.-ijniviS-'ilsi. !.wrltt-"'rtt&&tilt'?-:-w Mn. T.tkCol.M !D TH st FriTrnK. Mrs. Line, In, widow ol llie lale Abraham Lincoln, is shotil in take ap bur resident e " Hacine. Wiscon.ni, and baring no furth. 1 use tor her furniture, sheearnsrd tt to lie s.l.l at auction at Chicago. A report id the sal -state that the handsome parlor set of br. a'ellc arid msewooVI,' Consist in:j otTillrii . :. pieces, were sold for 1,100. The parlor e n pets, elegant Mrosels, one hundred and 1. 1. yards, brought (3 73 p r yard. The Ian.-.-mirror was sold for f AH? ; and two ban I wise mantel snirnm fur 2ee each. I . curtaina, damask, nod latas with chtgaut cu nice, sold for j:t0 ecb. Tha targe li brou.iht and two smaller onea 00 and $tj? resua'tively. A LisUin uiarble top table sold lor 123, and a white marble 1. j. table j$ll4, and lwo nisrblo top stands i... '&' each. A handsome chamber set ot bluck walnut sold lor 1153, aud Tad's chamlier s.-i for $150. The dining room fnrninir. brought good prices. Hie sideimurd . im for $271, the extension table lor fftM a -1 4 he chairs for $7 each. These acre of I. la. :. walnut The new (ioteruoi- of Louisiana, appoint ed by (lenenil hneriilaii, is opponetl In f on ttacalion. in a rccrnt speech to the Ufpub lican (" nun 11 1 ion al Kuw (Means, lie is re Kirted to have said, that ( onli-ealioii was but ti giili7cd hibta i t . and, besides its cruelly and oppresainn. u a mere incentive aud leuiilalion to robin 1 fed evefj.Hivt 4tw Jsset d' the let. n Ile hoped the radical republicans would no longer stain their hands or discredit Hi. n cause by any scheme of Ibis nature." Advices from (jnerelaro, Mexico, hate been rettred. It - was n-pnrtnl thai Mar quel, on ojieniug certain doutimenU belmio ing to Maximilian, had lound a written dication iu faror of Iturblde, and he there upon iirorlalmed the latter Empemr, under the regency of Ihe Empress Carlrrtta. The liberals had reluacd to jxatlpouo the trial ol Maximilian for thirty data in order m j.ei uiit him to prepare Ili Jcklicc, aud riuimrs Were previdrirt that Im kail has-. SnOIim-.-.I. and eren shot. Minister Romero had 11 ecived ofrieial intelligence eonHriuing the statement that 8anta Anna had declared himself to tie acting under the authority nl the I'niled States, and that he was iu emu tnand ot a force ot Americans. The trial of Surratt bid fair to settle among other question the mooted one- .,! the guilt of Mrs. Hurra tt and the identity "I Booth s dead body. IV. May testified, on Tuesday, to having identified the latter by a scar on the neck which he had produced while jierlomiing an operation some years before, and John M. Lkryrl fy tnstini. ny again indirectly connecting ' Mr. Hunaii with the conspiracy. Judge Fisher denied the motion of defence asking for the recall of witnesses for the purpose of cross exam ination. ' ' . A dispatch says: "Genera! Longs! reet has left New Orleans tor Jackson, ilia., w here be will remain with bi family and attend to hi private affairs. He n said to bat e felt totally unprepared for the storm bis letters created in the Hontbern pre, De niediia ted no intention ot allying himself with the Hadiral party, hot im ly sxjwssssd, with a soldier's ignorance ot sophistry, the policy he thought best and moat likely to secure an early reconstruction of th country." The Charlottesville Ckrmids puts the whole question ot registration In nutshell by ttsing this forcible and, happy illustra tion : " When you march to meet the enemy you load your piece; it it is not loaded it will not " flre." - Yon ought- lo register, whether yon vote nr not ; you ought to put yourself in a position to Tote if the occasion demands it. If you do not register you cannot rote. V . -TltUdJcatitiftof. iUe Masonic Tiitoh took place at Hoston, 1111 Tnesdny; with li.u iiiunt imposing ceremonies; The President and suit participated, ...ul rte received with renewed enthusiasm by the masses 111 attendance. The Idedicatnirtf address was delivered by Mr. Studley, aud after theexer cise a grand banquet was giren.by the fra ternity, ai which President Johnson niade a pcecb. '.'." : Governor Jenkins has tendered the ap pointment of Chief Justice ot ' the-' Oeorgia Supreme Court to Judge Hiram Warner. Mexican new, by way of Flarana, contain further detail of the adventure, of Santa, a nna. The proposition of th old general to re.lace the def unct emplr ' with a He publie w as made th subject oi a council ot war among the imperial officer to whom he broached the question. Th majority bit terly ijiMietl the Interference of Santa Anna at all, more especially at th head of Ameri can soldier, as they were convinced trom hi own remarks that he had with him a command composed of Americans. The United States government cam in toralinost unstinted abuse oa the part ofthe iuiiei iul patriots; and their abuse of Santa Anna was bestowed upon biro, mainly , account of bia basing accepted lira "protection" of the Washington government. ; ' It' urns finally "' decided that ne should not b , invited to land. A sulswqaent council of war was held, however, and it , was lietfrntined U pronounce fitr the republic and HanlaAnna. but before the arrangement were coinjih i ed fun uiaasU-rs Hoe and Ajnslej stepped in and stptetl the gam. . . , A 8kwku Uf MdliTit. It iaaaid that in the country l 81 am. il one is found guilty of lying, the law dooms him to have his moKtA muttd ui ! A sad puaiabment', trult. Now, (npjiose that jrery lcsj who told a lie in this country s ure to have Ins mouth sewed up ' with an 4Thtihle thread, by an invisible needle how many open mnut lis should we se ia the street f I w on ler how many Ixty and girl that read this would have sewed up mouths; fori hope many uf you have never told a lie, and I hope yon never will: but, ntakl anme of you have, and if yoo are erar sent to hiam, "and tried lor lying, your mouth will be sewcl ap. tiet those who have never told a lie .-leave to the love of truth. Let those wuu have, repent and do wo uo more. Let all rem. in bcr that "lying liia ale an abomiiiuiinu 1.. the Lord , but ihey thai, deal truly ale his delight." ' Little All Right, the Jupancu, ia in llos ton, well and anxious to try il on r. The new State capital o('itbr:';i is t,, lie named Lincoln, in honor of the iatt l'n ic'nnt. A be Blondin. Who calls hers. If l:,;., Celete, l( going to tk acifsjsM.ari on .1 Ught-rop next month, 'i J -: I -: 6

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