7' r r-.- -v. terms of sriK'Rirnos. Tin Sf.ntitiu. Is ptililiisViecl avery clay, esocral H. unlay, on the following term : K-.r one muntn, .... K .r two months,. Time runrt.li, . . s. imiutUa Oiih year, -iiu-Weekly Sentinel .nn- vi-ar, mi mouths, V. I'ltlv tV-ulun.1, one year .. it nmntha, . .MS VI 5.011 In. cl Vim ii"' l.Vi THE SENTINEL. WM. E. PF.LI, SKATON GALES, KiirruitM. SATURDAY, JTLY 6. Im7. : MASS MKKTISC l.KfKM) A'.VCA' !A V. The attempt which waa made in this eily. Iiy tlie linden ol the uintitfrcl Convention viliirli nu t here the 27 th. of March lust, to oun.-cl partisan polities w ith the legitimate pnicueilinira ol the 4th. ol July, win in com pk-te keeping with the deception and hy pm-risy of the leader of the Radical in thin State. For more than til weeks Ixlore the -till., a "great mast meeting in Kalciirh"' wan iublicly advertised to take plnce ou that day. It wan to lie a party rally, "a mass nneting of the itcpulilicans ; distinguished iieaken from a distance may Lie etpeeUnl. Let the people of both races coiue up by thousand to aid in the great work ot recon struction." Ho mention was made ot lode ienleuce day, nor are we aware that any subsequent announcement wea made ot a public celebration of tha day by oration, Ac. la thin and the adjoining counties, the blacks were very generally urned to come to the "great eelebTaliOit of ihr 4th," - to come with their banners and the paraphernalia i attached to their numerous secret aasia ia i lions. And they came in large nuuiU rs. ami were marched down, in company with similar associations of the City, tn the giove in the rear of what iitsl to lie tlte Uover nor's Mansion, to the rrlfbrntwn. The num ber of blacks, male and It-male, w ho did nut j.iio in the procession, nut-nnuiliercd the pro cession largely. A gentleman w ith a prar tied eye, and who went to sen the crowd and to estimate its numbers., inlorius us that the largest estimate of the colored pcrsnus present, which he could make, was about 4.000, nearly half of whom were women and children. Knowing the uniform and pn v alent disposition to overestimate large crowds, we are ot opinion that it did not exceed three thousand. During the speak ing, It was Observed that a large number ot blacks were still on tbe streets in groups and passing about, who did not go to lbs speaking. Three thousand blacks actually in attendance npon the great maea meeting, is, therefore, a safe estimate. There were a comber of white persons who went to see, the sight, but not to participate in a partisan political meeting on the 4th of July. Notal siugle V. fi. officer in uniform, we are told, was observed on the ground. Capt. Pepper, we understand, was the only U. tt. nrfii-er who participated in the meeting. Not a siieaker or a gentleman, from abroad, ap peared in the assemblage. The only whites observed to participate were Meters. W. W. Hohieo, i. W. H olden, C L. Hams. Capt. Pepper, 'Dnvi.l Wicker, "Hawk" Ib gers, 1 Mr. Brewer and C. L. Rogers, and Fauntle- roy TayUsnlkame in at tbe eleventh hoar, j If there were other whites participating, our informant did not see them, except that our ! old friend, Ueary Keim, who it always ready I for a little "fun," joiued in, though we are told be is not a Judical. At the appointed hour, the author of this movement, W. W. llulden, Esq., arose and announces that the great Republican maas meeting would lx-orgaiU7.nl by the appoint ment of the ofheers. lie named them, and we suppose tbe; were unanimously chosen. . put to a vote, in these days Why need it hale been, I ': have learned "to take tlie responsibility f" His favorite fugleman am chairman, Mr. C. I.. Harris, (who voted against negro evi dence.) pre. isl d. The n ailing of the Dec laration of I in Icjicndcnce. though anything else hut a Itadii al document, and the ora tion, were necessary to catch tbose who came to the ctXAraiiuH. A good judge tells I u. that C.pt. Pepper's oration indicated ... 11 ' ability and oratory in the speaker, but was; etpreaaeil in language quite alsive the ca pacity if his hearers. The rain which dis persed the crowd marred the oration, though it was completed afterwards. Of its political t hai ai ler, we have no satisfac tory information, though what we beard of it authorized the humor in which we in dulged on yesterday, t f tlie other speaker we have no inlormation beyond our yester day's remark. Tbe speaking In-ing nun, Mr. Hidden of fered a series of lesolutinns, the main feat are i j oi wuicn.wa.-, imploring the Congress to re move the Stat- (internment. This was the chief object o! the whole affair, doubtless. We are further inhumed that Senator Wil son, or aome body t he ui Washington, was telegraphed to, infonniug him that 7.000 peraout hail aaacmbled ia tri meeting here. This of course ia designed to inake capital with Connie--, t induce it to do a very toolish thing, i e the entire destruc tion of all law ami ill civil rule in the S.utl.er0BUt. It flu rumor H.n,ut the tclfjgrttiu Ix Irtif, we cnW njMiD the Pr-M AifWit beri' to .rl.iir the (win und all the fdCtfl, they rvsllv rtK-it, rnl I'duniHiu ate them to the Assi-'latnl We Hated, n ye.ti rday, that just al-out the tioie Mr Hohleo introduced hit rean lutinua, tlie platlorni fell, tmnhling the load off a hirlr it liore A woman and rbild were . iuii.iiii-raljlv liuil hi- leain Uy the fail Hut tin reailiit4ins n.H pT tb "tuaas uioetinc, ' and alter tlie eicitemrnt Mas over, they were read and of course . . . .a - aa.' -.u n. a . '- .a-f)sMaa-. -W9K .TWIiiaisia-.lMJa.l-aiar.,.uaB five hundred of tbe crowd heard tlie retola . titMit, dtatiiwtlj, and .. wt are tun that not mora tbaa one bnodred of tiiem were capa Ide ol ajif-reriatlag tha character and de higa oi the resoIntiooA x A mora perfect doat iisMrrad in Ui Bute, U cburactstr, ia- it'lligriict ir -i 1 1 in hare any il.iiij; to is. in making up a Hi liti 1 mass nimtiiv, with (lie view nl' controlling pnlilic affaita. The nl ji-c nt' those rooltltluna could not receive tin voir t 5,000 inioplt- in the Htatc, Mack or white, lit all 4 Hml'li' of understand '"K then.. Xuuila-rs. unli-as they have some initMiii nri-, uuylil not crtaiuly lo niiitiul in public affnirs. No intclliift'iit Kepublicnii ' in thi. Stair, unless he liaa raua.it the Kadi- cat phreiiy, but would acorn to give nam ti-m to any such project. hia I III TOUT tit' MOUTH CAUOl.l.) I I ll in iinvorl;int that the idea of ilrau iti" ' out ol some competent citirn, u corrin t ana thorough bintory of tin- people and Stal of Norlh Carolina. miKt not In- MillVred to . pas from the public mind. The ggc.-: tioiis ol' the arrenton InJiralor, some turn since. Umiii this subject, and endorsed b the press ol the State, seem to have slum bend and been forgotten. We Would ri ive thoec suggestions, and again uigLtUcii . importance. Time is rapidly passing away. ur ijd men ale last tiling Icmoiei! .linn III. .ai,e. The present is the only geneialiou thai can, with any dcgri-c ot vcrlaiutv, eonnecl llie past with the future. What is known and) treasured up by the present actors will, hardly be left in audi reliable and tiust ' worthy tWin. if uo real history lie wiitleu, i as wouhl prove proper dais tor the fill nn ' historian Henee the alisolute neceasity ol , having a history begun and completed bj i some one now living, who has bimwlf ' Iieen conspicuously couuected with the past There re several gciillruicn in the Stale filth coiiiH'tunt todo thiq work, could thev have ui cess lo ihc many sollici-s ol inloiiua noti wliicti miglit'iiuw Is- obtained . but we can think of no one so wi II pu p ircl, fr,.m Ins long Iml.Us ol ress arili and the ia. I tun. I W lite II. m of iiifotuiHtio:i at his command. t the luston ot Nciilh t'arorina, a. iln l. 1. Swain, ot the I'liuir.iiv lie could, Iiy no surer means, embalm m tin memories of the people of N C his nan virtues and eiot.lleni.lcs. nor rear a l-etii r iiiouutneut to hisowu serviies for the Mali , than t.y giving to his fctlnw eiiten. .udi a I hi-ton as he ni l biing forth We h. p. t tlicrclorc, he will in. long.i hesitate, l.m commence - vvoik at once, seeing be lias 1 lu im,,. (,, i,.sc ' .-. RKi onhthi ction. -Tlie New York Wurll jaaya. "The Southern jieople have ln-en hardlv and uniustlv dealt bv in this whole business ol reconstruction. It was no fault of theirs that the different departments of the Uoverniiieiit tell to quarrelling uv.-r the conditions of restoration. When they had thrown down their arms and submitted, they were entitled to know what woulu lie required of them. Two vesrs and three month have elapsed, and the) are alill kept jD ignorance. They have a right to demand that this uncertainty, an disgraceful to the Government, shall be removed by a simple, perspicuous, sell interpreting law, inlnrniiiig them without ambiguity ol the terma impos ed, and pledging the honor of Couiiri-sa to their prompt re-ailtnissii u when the prescri Is ,1 terms are complied with." STATE ITEM Tll(. Visl.,n .V;.(.W understands "th.teight cents per H..ind have ls-en ..tier. , I f, irri.- and one merchant baa paid 1,,1, H9 ten cents," but it has no idea the oamle will Im- justified in ciix-cting anrb prices in future. The Salisbury lUnntr lays that quite a storm passed through thai section last 1 Tuesday, heavy rain, hail and wind. Crops lo sriine pavrfloiiicTtt If) passage were seriously damaged. Fructs were blown down, and. it adds, "we regret to learn that 1 Mr. Petininetim'a hmiss. tup wis Mown oil. afl-11 :.. . . . 1 . . 1 cuiiiiigi.ui is ine same grniieriiau w nose bouse was struck by lighiiiiiii; a ahnrt time sun e Tbe fourth ot July 1 clcbi lationa in 1 Salisbury and tins-iisboi., u,ri.r.mclv formal I The Old A'..i7'. Mate gives the following aci-ount of its nbsiryance iu the tormei place : la conipliaiice with tin, order of (Jen. ' Wcklet, the National Flag was displayed ' "P" the Court llouae and the City Hall Than aiu an i.llaiu vii is.l.l.nl .is i.l I ... ' , . i.-..... .,i.. i 1.. .1... e. I ' tmiotx through the uriiu in:.! slr.-rU of the City with banurra uul mu, thev u : bled tthe.'itv Hmll. where the iM Urntion 1 of lDi-pemiewe ww nl It (irneml IMe . van lfeitm, and nn ldn-H8 .ielivcrcd hv Mr. I C.8, llorinir. lKth of tbia Citv. At wr , were unable lo atteoJ, wu kutw imthiu l the gtoenl taonr of his reniarki ou tUt c eaaion. It m worthy of remark that lm CsPiorad M3opl in town have rc.riduHrl tnemarlvtM with mm li jirnprii tv. Wm. Katun, Jr., Kaq , nl Warri ntnu, lias contracted aitli Joo. Miirpliy it Co., 1'iililiniii-rs, of lialtiiDnrr. Inr tlie pulilu atlun of tbe srcouil i-dltiiiu ot Iim valualile "Book of Foims." - The murderers uf tin I'm-m- fannli of Jouea County are atill at large. 1 ho til izcas of Newbern are niakiiii up a unnaiJer al.lf hiiin, to . otfprril an t rn aril lor iln capture of llm black villains; and wc pre tmiie tbal tbe Oovernor will also otfer a suiulile reward. HrMl'HhTwm ,TF1S NorMk (ttUUty tdirrt Ji-irirt ' wKit)P4, 71 ; nrtH, M2. I" P" "'""- W-wt Ward, nt clone ot L.l. i,ii,- -f 10 a hi.tc citx , so far lilacks, 441. whiten, 1.01-, In the l.l-l. ks, .-,; i. Prirjceas ADnecoutily. tirstdutrtct white., 141 ; neprcies, 73. In Loudouh county, three dittrints HOI whites, tl Macks ' In Botetourt county, two districts -whiUB13; Mafcat,l53. I-h t Vai nnmrty about Ibur timet at many whites at Macks. At fattleu't, Campbell couuty : whitet, lM;tla, k,a7. - J - - la Batltauatyf first wtgittoriat district: whites, 1 38 ; biaeka, 4. In Daatnlle up to last dates : wbitea, MO ; blackl, W- Sleimtmd JHtpaUk. Tbe MeiHorial IHtiomatvnu tayt that when the Empress Charlotte wat informed of Iter faBsbaad'a eaptivUy HaddangOrba apfearad to tuddenly(reCsver her tamty. n. j .... v,- awf ;nl Wl ivsiruiiuciii-c vo mc ujvui.iui.Au TlKiMASVIUJ, N. V., f July SnL.lSOT. j , Muwiu.. Eiuyuub: Although I have tritvi'k'il over larj;c portion of our fltatc. I have wen tew prettier village f iu kind than Thoinamille. It in evidently a '-tail Itoad town, iiml ccina to have' grown up alonL'ude the N. ,'. ll. H. The liotl.ca iir mostly ol lute date'", and house puiiitini: is : evidently more highly appreciated here than in most towns. It i becoming noted lor its maniibielures, espivialty i he article of shoes. There are at present two establishments f.n iiianul'aitn ring men ., women gills' and boys kIih" all M-gged w oi i. The Slicllv llrothers, two cnterpri-ing oung men. Iiac a shoe !actr tliat il" i iln m cn u.it ci.dit. Tiny have tin latest ma. him i. Tin' leather lor so. s i rolleil and eirt by non liinery : the welts and h i Is are cut by ni u hinrn. the bin. bi g. ncL'cim:. dosing, and a do In high. '. , ' I 11.... I . . O...I iy inipr.. en urn nun i;. . im u.in the best fiictmic. ol the country, and pur cliiei.t such impli uii'iits ns have been found to lie the best adapted to the business. The prince among the machines of the factory is the M-oging machine. 1 saw a slim pigUid w ith it in lt:,r'y tin rtnni.1, and yet s.. -lionelv done as to under it veiy dnia ble. Irtdi.'iMii ;.' it "'"'' ot wooden ribbon, resclliblillg till' Coils ot teli glapV paper, is M,-r!il, ,l to the ma rhiiie, and for every peg driven in another inn is cut to sijiilv iu plan-. Kvery stroke III il e a hole al.d dm , a pi g TlilV i slal.lishini nl is as clean and well Bllalio. I a- a pi i. e ..f tin kind could well lie kept. I'vi nthui" is in order, and all move nituil' lilo lo k wml. It lakes a certain 1 to woi k the various de- .1 ll iiueiuan cuts the uppers, an -..!. s. anollicr closes in. a lady (ll , ,,,. make, lining, another heels, another binds, another iic::s. another puts in strings . pol. join's, el At presiiil. tliev turn our one are " i"i-i', al I .e ;lbl. The .llllil.il I slM pans, pi r .1 iy. I I'i'i . Ilii.f niotlc l -i I ot nn -i so a to in ,ke two en- - pi r day. ,v..rk look - eipial. I'l i ll n re M'i I. le Work Li mi. III t't -in III.' North. l.im . li ii. I, noli ml t in ii mil . I li.-v - -I 'I ln ir peo.'ie''. riu.l one! . . I . two other , I II -I nn ut H..I-. .In p. I'-, ale .jolle lV lltltd. lloil'li l!l line in irhinerv. This i;ie. I 1 1 1 p 1 1 10 a 1st;.! r li'llllbi T i t lollli;.' pi T.oii. flu I w ii lllcl III" b, of colli -s , 1..U e. en ll. 11 ad i antc'e- I '. 1 1 r I ... 1 1 1 fii'lii- an . i rtani ll ri iii. i'o;. ...'.'..-I. in. ..i,,. and o.7i. men, reidi to mis t '!n- detn ind promptly, with tin .upplv ol a liiill.lsiiui- nii.l Li'i'-I urlli le ol -lio, . 1 lie., l.t Ins. b, II. r artii !e. tlo-ii onrce I'.otll tai t. .ri.' turn out i hletli pi w ol k. tile shoe in geu el al ii-e lli tin- e. ninlri Last fall, the ill main I w as beyond their capai )ty to supplj . I I. an,. .1, -how n.g tliat the business was prospi loll.. Sligld dull ness pri-v ails at present, " ing to ike gen eral dullness of the season. I tut they are much encouraged in the cuti rpri.c and are proaeiutiiio it vigoiotisli. The products ol thcc factories 0,1 chit lly to tienrgia ami Smith Carolina. They as ert that they furnih the ameelass of shoes at a smaller tlgure than thev can lie had New York, to s.n nothing I freight, n chances, etc Smthcm men ought py. in cre-isc their business one him Ired limes over on this lei.is Suppose a siitfic'n nt niiinl-er ol North t arolina merchants were to l.uy shin-sot shelly ItrothiTs and the lanes', to keep one tbousnnd hands at work, what would ii do lor North Camhna ' H wmihl Is'ni'tit the inalillf isturer, the lit -lit r and the eu.touier. It would f ive employ men! to tnanv industrious boys ami vrirl.. It w-onld make a considerable town right amongst us ll would m ike a bank in Thontrisville. It ! would feed a large numlier ot people in and 1 iimiinil the factories. It would increase the 1 nufnlx-r ol tarfories in Tlmmnaville. It - would I. ml. I a t Inin h or two in the place .It would create a .second l.ynn in North Carolina, wiih a newpawr, a lew gtisl mill.. additKiinil sr.. n s etc Tlii-- l the truest rnonslructioll nilicy we ennld adopt, 1 tiitist nietition. among the lai Is ami ! 1 tuii'S of tin. l-i iutilnl and t-uti rprising town, aehiitr thai is maile bv Westmoreland. i ol this pli.ci It is tin- split lioltoui eliair i in a 1 iin.-iderable state ol H-rhs tioii. The ' frame is I111 kmy . the pi iei s ..I which an al) tasti fully lurin -I "ii a lallie; tlie mat is Inckoiv .pbls. but it 1. hard to belnv.. Kilti.nl .....im, l..,u- I- tlllt'lllll llll.t I'll-ll ' ,.ni , hair it is, wln u varuislieil. It i ' good riuiiio h and lini-hc. I enough Im a I'n s i,leut- Ak M"H.g and as liandaome a chair 1 have lie 1 i-r sii-n tn-. ire lor t h. -aine inn' 11 v The Keinale Seminary nt fins ntare. tinder 1 the I'nsnlency ol ltev.lt. It. Ill titon, is 111 .-, ' unismefout condition sixty live i.-ist aeaeiou. . ..' I If North Cntolina has a right to boast iinvthin::. she mnv b- 1st of her tacilities temali cdiicati" 1. Kemalc Cplh-ges ari' nuinurons. perhaps, lo the population, n any State of the I mmi The ThoniusiiHc College .Idlers Trom many, however, iu one point, vi. : it givi-s SM1 ial nttelitlnll to the ili'paratlun of ynllli Mjn f"T :,v'" "' ts-.-u liir.tr. The mM """" o" m.v a young lady seem. ' " "' - ' ' la' " tills 18 Hot lUscnKI III" Id lllCtr cliarms. but he ha. sis n ennugh of tbe world of r"-"-l ,U,r tnt.-.u.Mi mm-.-.l 'thth.i!.ct-r atuHlu t, v ((fi,r ; tr.ul r 01,1 ,s ,tUiht HU' ' s;,n,!' h P l,lvir u tl'" ',l,f" lt Wt A vounK lady vim u n Uw rrari.inK. -nr s..nM- gii renin u. Shi-in iisi tul to Ihe wurlil alu- lives in , ulie earim sumi-tliinc; for heraell ; anil tlie does more fur lier own i-iluratinn than the Collci' itself has doue. I In re is a mini nil -I'lin.' nitimi ino milt s ,,f tin- tow n, tli nt j. pr. nn nun cil n-ry i iiriiliw Willi upri.ji. i im ri 'isc of thi- Mine trin n- mm :i i;iio.i iii.k I nt the HprmH, 1 hollia.liile will Ik- In .-lid from il.l The ton lakes it W Tliolnal. 1 han iianii- li'.iii Mr. .loiin mi t tin. .'f titl.'iiiaii -am .' in v arrival Ii liiiovaut .-i.i' I iovial 'I "lie Hotel, l.v M r.-. ami lie ..-i in. I-i In i. w In n l . inn;-, r . 'I'all'.l, i. Iln- place lor vour friciiil. In ll t In -1. ii i In i c I I'l SKUA NT 7 lit' IV IK A I 71 AA, Tin' .luilicarv ( niiiiniile having in ihiireclhe im i on.ltict ot I'ri-siili-nt .lelii. nil Ml I II ' l.l the 11 .'l-c. tiuulii.n of the ii. Ill view of held inc. llli r jTcnieditalcl inipenclinient i ai-r.lou yeteriay, at aIhi-Ii e,-Alt"rney ! tieru-ral Si eil ia. exuiiiiiieif t'e Uiiiler stand no fact have Imii elieitnl hy- the re i cent examinations of untncsiies i-Hlciilat..! ill 'I i in inc. liflite.l iiepnie t.. ciiHrt..- tlie opinion ' I ol a majority, officially i vpre.-al ..n al .nncr occasion namely, that the e nh nce iI.hib not watrant a rccsirjiniciul.itioii i, imiKfacli- 1 tu--i.t It is imripnTtxi tbil nftioiitf aad mimmy n jxitta in i.r uruir rvir wu-ri, A.;.i.. f lit II .... ai... i ,uiuiiiiai ija t.H.MiHM.nM.f, rfT-jTHT inr lornifr ua rrt will mrt, il m lit.a, im , conenrred in hy Messrs. Marshal and Kid ridge in all respects, but the conclusion ar rived tt, at emf. raced in the rraolution toialiglibwit -...ids and tn,rmrH all amiov rihe eTTcct afiove stated, will receive their sanction and that ot a majority ot tbe com mittee. .Vwnoi Tnfttlijsncer, 8rf ' ' ' The New York Krjirtm tart we have im ported since Haturday last lfl,!K7 worth ot toyt, $40,015 fancy . goo.fs, ft, 1'if) cijara, ftAft unflrhamnftcrne. win. s. etc. anil between i 18,0W od iJOrtWO jewlry. That trill dif tor one week. ( For th Sentinel. i'ijkifa;!.lat(i6e. , Mtssa, ti 1 1 fO" 1 1 is said that tilt Leg-isJatiiie-BJaJal to rin-el, to acfrnh theaobjeet of n IVnilrtilinry. and it mtnu to lie up aiaed that this i- ll nit important mat ter ou which ihc i an us. lully act. There is one other of not less the nltrtit''t fricdt tal lias iKfishid, and it i i UcflnlU.il, llBil ll Is ollH HV IIOITOW- i .'. i . i u .... i...... . capital from abroad Will lis iioiii inn ' t .- f. I tch 4ry-t sav-tuo. arc accumulating ii ai l.oliie, that business c leslnrl again. ' Kccp'clic. skilbil and i ill. icri-Hig llli 11 arc tead l III Cllte iu.! r in w I es-liii. an. I i I'l'llij; so a,:a: Hlle capital lie cum. ! Iiolnc titan Is t 111' hands ot 111, P lb. ,, iii I, III, v u.i. I ll ll ll I III I I. i..,l III. V li ne 1 1. I oli ui sue I ...ngnii I in t the reom i i . al.iind.iul abroad I I III le '- IIIOIC ol Imt il ,, ., !i I.. I., i. .!, ll no. , 1 1 1 ll I d nil II. I! oi : . I- dlt to I 1 . i , III. ail. w el , mid . u- wi-li thi-v hoard It Stored ' P.. I,... to draw a Lto.i.l debts colill.ulc war "oM .lil.i since, and i p contrai Ii .1 alu f which I am t" j to "old d. bl-." I eral policy w 1m 1 in: -I. i i ri n.liiii. oil ll.e I., nil ol i and i 'jiiii . on ' . 1 1 i .1. Tin i w I that is 1 1, highc I i. 1 1 Ion- ., .! ' lllo- II. . p, ... ' I'" .1 .l.ctloll l.i t HI i II and dining tlle I lie . onlraeted e I, 'Mi ll sluill U' age ol the lav) p." ' . Ill I I'SIM'I't ll III t In .lit lated tin .lay-law.. A - i. pi i.iav the properly ,n. h Iii. y wi le i oiitiactcil, ! .1 n h ;t n.sa .si I'll ;- .imp;) n. ci ssaiy and I li a.on With n gard to , i.le in il tin- del. tin, on i i ci , 1 1 a, , .in oil. I Is- e j them, 1 would paving en. t 1 III ll fill pi tr.'lil e. . ' la' gi In I al I t .i t till VI al.. t..tli i , have di-appi ii Const 1 1 ui i' :i u i nlilutiolt w inch . ii. I l tin. k I In. I ill. ll ill .,. . . .1 in. iinl In lore the piled. I lie "old -I, I.I." Will I. ll I- i. lie lo say ill. 1 not ul In .v. tin.. A ( oil illowcd lite evil, will allow I the Ii ineill. n 1 1 1 loi. : tlucti 1 -inc A w ai . an be l.nin.l it II li Willi l.oar.l to d. I.ts ..li llie w il .o il I'.'l. 1 In p i - -. .-lo.l . I. hi I 111 III be ""I I I A II- Ol II. loll e I- I I 1 le i I' I I'l" l.i vn 1 pt.-p-.-i; I. entin ll H.o mil ail'.it -Mill -Hi ll del !- .a I a. li d al sin Ii a distance ol I 1. ; ,.,, , M t Ii 1. . ti.-.. II pi i In I, In i il i l I. i :,l, III r. I. .. I" --agi . a. li: ll l-e .nppo.i .1 t., ii, . n- l.il!y known -1 1. nn nl. - I' i icdit. i vi ry om I'll, ol i ..i. i ..r, -M. led by a 1. n I. r ot 1 t. tin ability "f the di l.tor, '.'nil. li d ii il!in-ni ss to paV , and itrd. liioli. . his . 1 1 1 . 1 III,- Itlllll -llllll ill n I.-. I. iii.- w in t I ii . . li i-e li. I, on!. I pll. , i-uii nl. I ol these ll 1 1, ., il,.- irol Hi ihtn II, ai.. I it .11 i ll-.;. t lie I ol law . the thud i- i nn is Ol.lV b lis 1 1 . '1 1 . .1 lain ..I . lend hi. n ' V" ' Ii l.l bli-. ii "I" lite . 1 il.' I'-IIU liol.br I.. Atpni ' ,., , i, , I 1 months. . I- ii' i -1 . r 'oil i .,i.ti I . - I 1 1 .i 1 1 I ... 1 1 1 ; I., liiln ijbiig up. hi the linn- Is fine Ihc jal which I lie will . issued. , l-c ne! ..Men .. i t,-n.lt-d. in which thi-te i. no -ineere I" I ',mMty ( , fill, t Mm even in pretence of a defence, tor several terms more, by aei id-nt., ..t tm k- ol one sort or annth IT. It tliere i- :inv ground w hatever tor di 1 fi li.il e litigat ion. I lie Iii' ted lor year' t itii- r ihc ) long ami indefinite di 'ay. ntav be protrac-ircuni.t.-titci a of id with the 1111 n 1 stint iiovsil-i'ii v or ptolialiilitv that the ' prune, iv of the di l.tor w ill il -ai.p. ar before it cm be reached I a crediior. it i. not at all slirpt isim; Ihit ciiilil iu Nort It ( 'amlilia i- al .0 hoi an l.i. 'ii. wonder lather is that any body will tfiist auylanly . it i tiust on the i-onti.lenc.. principle N"' t'-r the Iclneib I' 1.. .ilbstanttallv the tolloH til:' act. which t- adapted In ll i.tlng plat..-t indi at lie . an. I ll those shad ts- ra lteallv 1 hanged, a. tin t mils! l.i it tlii re is eyi r a 1 ..mention in North Caro I ii,n, w hit It eont ilns a fair proporn .rain- ..I the State in. laincipio-s ot fin al! U- 1 preservi-il p Ml writs mi p ,i fi'itd:nits r. .ide Couit of w hich the 1 served within -tir. 1 the SI. 1 rill, and .h . I the Clerk of I'n 'u within liieilu- ii- ,,t jtl. M , ,1 tlu v shall bi- rl-in ' 4i-r ir. if tin lot . missory n a the Con ..,1 I... .ii... Iiy. itter Is- return: ll tin- to th- hall l. nt titiveri to I.le l...re r ..r I 'nlllitv t 'olirt ; ice. It either or .I 1 1 hi ait I In- 0 Illlt V, in liu .lavs alter 0 1 the di ten. bints ; reiih's 'Jit niih . ' w hich it i- . lur. 1 11 rv addili.-n a1 V.' ll the let 1 1 lih- I,', d, olara'1.-1-.- .rik.Wrd luiraSi li-b, V it . or else 1,1 'I 'Pin- d' ti - I , the tlbng of Ihe li in Ihe l o lilt HoilM' to 111. 1 .in 1 I II !tn -If lot .'O noli - 1. 1 1 . Ihe ,.: tiiitllf .hall n. on ..-ii h iiiile-s he .hall r time tie thl t '! rk, oil iif .hall '.. i.liu..ed rnnsllit. :0 .1 lillin live d ls ati-r l.e'-iratiori. shall fSIc hi. pleas 0. ih'limtri i : on oath. I. llli I'll...' ! Sllltlll tail In 1 1 Iti. h ( :,M ll - I.. ll I. pi it h. p! ;i- linf . Illmi I. i i v.,Hl I Closed 11, '. II Ihe i i - i l.iw, t!ie n.-rk -vli ; .m iii u mat t -I .i ... "i tin- n- e. v. h.. -IihII .l.- i l, r Mitii the rn'unl. Ii rk . I. it' p:tllit h liln'.l tin Iinl. (lllil j . i ii i Iu Supn inr ; r.ril t' tin; iM-in'-l the Miime prtitiii'h with his dii ihi'tn, lltill ho iiimii ll lit 1.. I a nl . lh. I'l ' ( oiirt on tin- Umi-iI 1. i ll r llit! H( - 1 - - - -1 - n tlif n.-rk nluil I s-. ,- -I( in ten d:iH it ll till' 1 .1 - 1 1 1 iUh. tin- . N-rk -li;tll i iu . appt-ur lt.'lr' him wit -lie- -ti:ill Iln -I ''. ..-nil, i t.-. ..r.l, , l,v iti i lit 111 li:il i ll.in mmI the iii' ar tut .1 u.i r . u li lUtl'iiH-nt upon tli. n Hamr to the Cti-rk ; tin iiis. .H liin ti-ii tl.tj h ll Hi I It . nt IllTtt me. i ciil inn n t ui n ililr : I l-c mi III ;i 1 1 i nl l;i t, hire Utt a iirv t. liin tin ili.v . tin ! -ut h tm v hii.I lln-ir I . ( I. ik. and In nhitll ; l In h liol' rcroril to lt;ll pi.mtptlv i;ii -ird :tihl n l urn ttn 1 imrt jt--i m:i v apinvil I a. al.oli.. nml cxii iiliiin Diav issiHt KHalaive. 7. Tliia act shall ,,nlv aiii.lv to .u tions on iiroini-wnrv mile- not nn.l. i I nnl to I. ills j ,, mlinne,., l,M t:, nml .trull suit -Inill tunc 1,,-,-n l.n.ni; upon whiih u ithin .i ni.mt lis ;,ti, .Ic-tmili ' I A, ,t .,, .,)v l ..Irani ,, .. Itunl ship nn. ii i llu. I ui en, an. -iln r .ci I inn K 'flu. Iim -hall "ll lIlOs. Ill III-, l.l II llli ll. mi tln ir tli. III llli- I. Illl lll. . 11 i lain., il,. 41,, Iii lii'iv ml. I. It he pit HllV :i.il tl Ui t.l)j 1 lit k- Mint iir itN liri'li -tf tfi l tfiiM nml n liw thL- law . , . , , :I"-M. Wiilllfl I't1:i.'l- ci. 1 1 ..in- t. the new i.iii 11tr.11 t nn.l. r tin ii ;iw , or ni'l (In n -nit uiitilil mhiii .niil ll lin I. I i il (..-lere.l I ri il it The li'i. prm. iple to li'i panics i ou trai t lor w hut i mi. ..I . relit tin i lu-risc. l.m ivhell tin I -1 1 1 1 - i- i. nl -mil the pinnnic illlc. to five- the cri-'litiar tin- promptest remedy coinpalil.le ith justice, anil i ..iiih-I hiili even to am- proinptlv ; Jkkksi: hi 1 1 1 1 i. A privni. httt ceived l.y n eiti. n ,. Na-hnlle trom i Canadian Iricinl. -,il,o l it. Iy cut. rtained Mr favis aayi rfon w rr rnfrrh rhfHi in lw IVwiMfntv ft.i urancr n ii .. a. 11 . . it-iicwspaiieia ill-. T1TM ll)HsnrMM, OVt'VT, lepre.sm-d Tti -iN-n-tant vnftpmiion Ut wUU-.h hi be has been biiIijii ted. the -iiKpicion with which be l docpeil, tin. rritieism ol bis bit mind, lie lohl me that In vinhfd he eould i"d'l"ly tlmijifnr from thr risw of men vhere nnr toit hit prrmtuti frtlnh could fad A uero uian. in aavinir tbe life ol a viiiioir Ittdv in f. Yin hlnu who was atwini - med hi tlw cars, wat himaelf lnjureu at luai nit men in. uanger. rnkKDMKN ASD TWlB CoSTEat Tikf Tba political agitations and league organizaMon are U'ginnirig towork fearful mischief in the rural districts, as uught IraVD baw, aa ,m by all calm aurl sagacious pcrsoBB, anticipa ted. Mr. William Allen, of Clarciaonl, hail a vrrv lanre rroii of wheat, and just as it iiiiHirttmce; it is I was reaily lor me sicaie, me jreeiimcn ui .:r,.lii. Our rapi ployed U hiiu. or a verv large portion of II. I..I. ll. ..I....lui;..n ii. to Hu ll meiu, loi m iin."Mf -- -- - - on.l Mr A imito'diiiti'tv reiircsi. ll ti'd the rj ---. I1-.!. ln rln..l J.knII.M"wlin kill inj ..f I ' m vii umi ni.uuin.iu, .... i Hie tiee.linen anesteil ami urougui m .on llllll. I lie rwinairai w man iataljlislu.il the tact mat lie Ua.l urukwi . . ... iii Ins contract w itlioiil raiiHP, ami uai, uu his colleagues, left Mr. Allen's very huge' crop lo ie entirely lost so tar as nicy were' concerned. I lie tiemrai loin ine w iioiu o tliein an. -led and conveyed buck under uiiard to the nlantaliou', where they were r. ipiircd lgo on with rim harvest, the guard rrnnining to the work done, It is plain that il sin h'taillilesancss isa-r initted. the crop, ol this, Male must ne L'reatlv iiirtailed We learn from many districts sad accounts ol the irregularity of flic frccilineii. I he party "missionaries ' are paiillg the way lol Ihc pi I pi I Hat loll ol the Iliin au mid tin "rations." AViAwi.t,. , hlMfHlt-'U. I (irtvley telitied tli .t Senator Wade and Chandler and .otuc nthnsof his friends trii d to dissuade him Iroiii going bail lor Mr. Davis on the ground thatsui li nil act would injure the Itiulical party. NEW ADVESTISEMENTS. I I I) II fl l l I' I K I F4 R l i: . 0 I ill. l it II I ' A v ui- AiloisT. lm". WK .-.hall M'il. on Iln- (ir.-llil.t s. SI f.iiliile aucllull, to the Lteli. si I, io.lt I, ll.e . . It-blsled iiaUTlli I'l KHM 'N T SI'ltlNUN. 1 . i. of lal. I IU. I.. -t. -.1 . il. d iu :-l..k. v . N, ii I li Cm -ilui.i, iln-. nn.-s l.-iii tl-i I ..f the I'oUtlll mi. I . I i. ut . ,ii-, I tils 1 Slllslill l.r.il-el I V I. Ill It" I" I i .-f it..- n A in. la in ..I Hi. -HI. lit U III V .ii ..H 111 -.1 ill litres.)!!!' Ule I I .11111 Ii I I.' si ' 'I' I I ll. I III s.illll.l 111 of tl.e ehlnal. ill ill III ii liter are I. mi w. ll V i, n n I.- n. - I - - nn .ii,. I -mtiil le a .iiini.. lati, -ti. f i t'"l I H l Ii i il V'STM f a liiilli.-r int-.ri.iiii 1. H. huiailw.MHl. tin ti .-nisr.-, tun i-iiiuili , N l . t'Klill. or Sll I". 'l lolo ll,' Mill. hii.I iipi-r-m il sc. ut il i null u.i. i .'.' till, n ismi-it nil piin lissi iii -n. i M V . l A I t ""I' .1' 'IIS I II I I I.) I Jul, .- .:-!. I V -I lll.lll)!- -.1,1 I..-II.I ll.-ll, .llle Si' A 'I T . i." Ni 'KIM s " l: I IN . .oIN-l'- I' 'I I I VVt l II I alls. I' '.I I..IIII...1 1 111.11. M. A t siisili ,,l J.s-le.a I ., l.t V James P I'sim-I. l iltlliiii C'aiiaU.i, Llial. th 1 atia-iy TI' app. ai 11.;' I.- il- ll.sl Jam. I: 1 i.i... ls-lli I i..t iy . w Ii -1 nut 111 tial-itsiil s 1 -f th pithltcal tirtt In n.u.l. Ih., tt.-. kly ... the I ill ot' Hal. 1 ;h. ap-l Is f"H ll.. J 11 t.t , ,, - 1 -., -., ,, t'.nirt I.. I. I., l.l f..r a T lit. '-.iirf. au.i.il .....I ifhs I - .11 1 1 1. ..III. .111 l 1- ni'l.-r- .t Ihal s. -It.-iesstl ciy , in s-.-t pn l.nstii-il in fa 1 1 .at I .1. f. 11. Inn!- I., tie- 1 .in ' of I'l. A. ill. . - . -II I tl. oiirt An ..inn. al tin lin. Mi mini .1. ll.. -, : . n n III I - Is ! 11. 1 i..llln It. -11 lh. I f. 1 . ctl.l, s4-,T. ill tli fault lit -i, I Willies... P ftrtn e, Iln f 1 MITC'HKLI.. ALLEN & CO . NKW HKtts. N 1. , s An; 1." ; 1 .1 ' ir I IIHAL'l: I I Ml III -J- P.'.'.'.. , HI IN s I AI'KNfl l lint t -11 1, lis, IS, 1 .1 III sal 1 .1 an. I Rallws. II Inei is. ill s ( ' 1 alul llsi l'l -is 1 l-i :. 1 I I., ll. '.I Vlar. li 's :ll. . II ni, 1. 1 K.IO I IM. 11. at hiiriiia wink. I I111(n u, , i I I I I IA M. J.iNKJ A I iSi '' NuU'l II CAItul.lNA. AKI. t nl NT V. I si III I I. I I It M -I. -NS. Jul. STATIC ol' ,1. 1 II vppttarui it.., I Ui.l, .pjtnil t tl hlaCli.fftiM.f-tli tf Oa CfUlr' I. .;nittti. .- .ii. ! I.ia.li- I J 'lin- ki-.l hi- ll-- .lii'i' h ir-t nt Inrr of ri -fi-.r. th. -.iiit K. M. MHriHth r , ?-'-'' tk ..-f. I Hi. i i in, t - . f il.t-t St nl i . it im r.l i ' ! i)i:tt ivvttt.- tmii: h- ni.f- m Id ffmi-W( vky . , f-'t -l f llt'tthlHlj tll HI l-t it-l HI at t til." ii. t t. in. tin- i .-int. .. I,. U fti, Id, 'int. H-ii.l. in il"! ni l I h ii nl lh. I , I"' th' K.I.. - II W Hi,, ''.nrt m JilIM 11 J I'l i.l-l II. I ! ik I . .In I. V In. in V.iv, J. J. I M.i.l.J I.. V TIIK NO KM AMKKK A I.I IKM KIVI'K COHI'ilW, Sw Features and Advantagrt Whirh are Known at Belonging to no Othrr Company in the United States THK MAN n MKVT nf 'lit I !- COMJ'AN. It- iimn th. Mnnial Iteiiclit hinlnii Hie a.- i uiiiiilaU .I (.r..liU e,ni,K Ui tlie amiiiri-il. Thui rnminiiT inakiH a aiarial ill ih mil anh tl. . '"""'ranee lh iiartlueut i.r Iln- Mat.-, t. ln.-ti ! """"T, "''""''I '. r- niKili.i i'l u.i n.iimnuiilli III ill nil. lliaurMlllI l, ...in' n. rv.. v.. a "...-'. Ihal .in h lailieii an- a. . nn-il l.v i.li-.li-i- ..f rnitilii- Klin LK. Nn ntlifr ( 'trtnj.au v untm Iln atMiiml .1 nunrari ' of thin i hltrau l.tr (r Alivtlilntr .tut iils-iil nnrtv ilavM .f t-in..- ai.- ail,.v,..l ..n all 1.. n w -I i rftnnitnft, an.t Iln- Hilty r. tnanm valid jii.. 111 ritil furt.f thirmia' that tiiu"-. , , ,,f o.iUl.l. ttu. Ir. h ; h1ii. Ii " :' ...rl.l h U- fliil uiK Miii In i. h.mI 1 l-'tifv. 1 Nu hiln-r rat nl .miimm i lmrni-l ..r xia I LhHiarv KiiKilMftM, t.untlti, i.tra, haKKr," Maul m, ; i ..... ..i"i... , . ... ! .l- vm-nt iftT tin p..ln it .n-n. .1. : N'tn ri-nut rfuiri-. In lii .'.i.np:u.. Imi I a I'-aM ihhv U ittiiiiiiu nn lh' u v ft iit 1 ihinl t.f the aiiniial pri nniiin. whi ii n t ali. t Iiy tin- 1 1 h l h iijiplii il a-t'ln lOi'inU. hunt mii 1. s.j in. Iti'liii'.; 11. an iin.l h,- ;ii. i- hii -I hv lh l-t t ''iini;in , nittt, tli.- am. tun iiihiii .-. j 1. payahh ti th- mirvnur 0(1 ll.- (h ilh i f 1 iiln r. j (iur divi..-rnl, Jrtiiiia JnI. . t 'rent. Ihxdit iiita nr.- .li.liiMil Hiihullt, an. I pnnl .n " itU-nn.nl ir 4th. Antnial lr fninrii, . u nil iur 1 lahh iimiii the full amsriunl r iniiiinx n . .-iv. .1 I'n nil 11 in ina Ixt j .aid aiinuallv, wim Htinnal!y 1 or tniaru rl. . 1 All pttlii-M'B itwiif! i thi ( '"mj-iinv art imn- rn-iiin, aTfi 1 irtu, in nit iimiaiivtM.and tlin v sniiits.1 uaiuc-iily uoUi r file mr eentaire nf lilMiiliifii rci n. I isiJi. -arlr I ever JKIH, wsh M ra-r cent ; whii- ' iinii.aw nai m any nwinr new lora rniinialiv. fiitwies tiH'iai.enialite from any caiiai- kii-pt nn aeci.oin u. irauil. For inaiirauee in this (Junnanr applr to P. H. CAHfEKON, ASssSt fur Mats of tb Oamtina, WiloilOKtiiti. or KKATONOAlJa, July i 2teod.tia Ageut for Haleieh. Another supply Inst al hand of NIL tit Cf.LK BKA'I LD WAHHtlMti, aaa ,LI -nl. the t mversal Wrtngn at Msaalactursr'a iwicw, W..KI. I Alan ia store, one uf tba JtBMBa stta. ktWBsa' - inlj-tH0t JAKES H.T0WUK.1 W: If. CROW, CSEN'L AUEXT 1 p :ir THE jETHA ute - 4 -INSVRANCK COMPANY, for Tin: STATh tK NOKTH CAliOLINA AM) V1U Klina. Mouth of Hie Janii s : Takea pleasure ill ireni'iillHK the flloiug official ADDKESS TO THE M. K M I K 11 H. July lal. Asm lis ,OOO.OitO.(M. ll U.h. f kh at pi' "''ii' sls.ill 7no ,:iiill a slid . iiiziMii of North Carolina le are uieiii- Is IS lit til 1 lmve hi ll. !:oi fill :i l.i hill, a Llllll l.lti hiMtuliii'ct'i"ii'alo . II A'elil III llli.- Slllte. l.l ..111 liilii is . -Im. .. V. I. I'l. 1.1 .l s. HI .li-- - "I .1. ,UtHJ lll.-l. Hill he I, li Hi. l- 1 ri Selitilllll s tl,'-Il l's. I'l JolliMttltli I l III. I: I Ti) I IIK MKMIIIIUS K Tin: Utim l.llV liniintiifv IIAIiri-'lHIl), CONN 4. Mm. a. i si-;. -H-'1S ftlli lltloll I" tile .111 ' - - I ll. Iil.llt-.nec I .mi'.iltiv ilininu' llle ic.il ls.i li.VV.' tin- s4llsfa.-t lo slale tli.H V.. Mil , 1 ln:i l..h l-m. ii i llll'.IIH I-. I.iii in . 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1- III'- Uliilllll. of .l.ililisll an. I Iln. sear Inls lss-li . l-.nl. I. li.it ..I' i- r r. .j -oi ..lulu ti,. .in tin .a nisi i . inn . i ,-. unci, leu I' U-. ii .ii.s.t tii.nslli le.s. )V - Ii " (.. niaiiitaiii tins rail" "f itli-rt ssii iturnii; tin hut iiu-i'iil lliisyi-Ai, aha-ti will k'lvi loin i'oitiian !l vin Mil 1 ins-, or lJiil.l ars Atmcm. Krveto if Vie siM-al In eai-h pota-r-hnliler Ui silil his in-rtni'ins-, and use i very nfVort for ttn- i-oiiliiiui-il sm-i'i'M of the t'ntu(vsiiy, as npon tins, sml a ais an.l eisiuiiluleaj maiiaKi in "t. depend the aiimuut of .Uit.li tuts to I-1 ri'tlimeit to llllll. The I Hlieera anil Ats'euta of the C-oinianv have done, sl'il are ilmnii, evervllillin lit their (-tviei lo uiake die .KrNA tHrtiHii.ArrHrl.iKk Insi avsov. t'.-Mi'iMv i AMraicy. '11ns aa. enn and witt iln if loll Hill e'lll IIS lo iir llllllll'lll'.'. V,.ii .'sll ilo this l i i-i .-.b in.; In c I s..i... ..f o.tir frt. n-ls to ilisnri . in Iln- t.lna. ami if i "ii .sutiol fuJly I""1 tin in 1 lii. si nil tti. ir ii.tlili s to ttie Aea nl n-l tn- will : take Hi. S.lll i ill I allium lip.ll! llli III IH ill .ll . .ui can i-tlt your n.llni m i 1" i-ta. le sl - j t ill l'l ll'l i Knit I.. ; Is KIIT) I I lit KM I NK Ml I'l Kll SI I II OK I II K K I'N A l.l KK S'l'IN K t tlMI'AN V it ii.. sil 1M' lnv: l.l IsiV. ISlW, yi iu. l-d li II - l-M'l 1. .'sN-.l M'l t Vvi to ii-rt ;..Ci.i;7 I'1-, "?, 0 I,.m . VKiit!xi m. t.t;. -i.t.t.i W.trM :i..VJ I. , ruin i ft' Micn-iut- f-r laliM-. nf tbi ( v . HI Mr II). ! M .r. Ii lr-l lit.- t ttialllr "t Kill I !-r pi ri it-f in T2..-TO. -t tlf't 7 OHH fl rt 1 inn raj.i.i jaii I uin i.uupi 1 itntn u lutiti .1 in In. U' . -, Iti. m-i-at in rj.-ftic . ! - titii-n i'ir M-ft- I A fi - nvl I 'mpaiiH a t xii.l tVK IiIh n niftkilif tl Ml f!.rl- l) I'tllilt 1 ..I-uliii- h.iiii i.-l tin in mm ii tic -ne- atcl I'lli.-r . I'. I it-i-ii i ni;. the V in I.) t't liif-uriu- Co, itli.l i In .'It Iti 'l"isti f Itn IllaVllftK' lllt-hl lr t -nil' I ilx Ian f i- mtiniin faiith l, ;tlt'l tin n-Mi itntlti)ctl t pri jii'lh'ti thf puMic tiiilid. il Mtiny ciiittiili i-r. mix) n tartl tUv I M-aii raj.itl mi H-mrtiiii: liurtiiu t-K. ' t nvatm pr.tf.'tu ffn-mt (.ilir.'t tli twhmlf tf the ilirurili' puhlu. 'I'hfir nili.ltitt hum I'l hhTi- iii ki .-iii',' with intir'A f. unM-l,.l) nicl 1 ii'.iTl'li, thil t)u-T i uiihnf ttieir retuaika U tit hncumiiiii "f I't-ttnif", rmih.-r than U'tM-H iiJ ( ! ihi- nw of inmrrfrt -tmt-'in-nti mnt tlmi tt.A ' rtlandcrniui attot k npxi thim i'l-nipuiv. Tbn faUt I .'l.iik my ffti-ii nui'd ri toe ihin to nntr thrtr rn' 1 ni'-tivi-. atiit the tiitfinh.l mjnrv cati h iim ri" hanii 'i'hi- nHCii ( .tJuii wliich nt :h '"i.'.nurJ ufthif jiotl'ii-- ami l'. I 1 1 1 1 t . ha U-i li iHiftorahlv i'htainc-1, atcl without anatall- . llifi I'tlil r MlJs!ltlllct.l. .'. KUliMr -ll'- l-r-..- .i ...! .rc ... I m tt.;r-H'm v u ' '- ( iiil.l H. think alii "tin r t .'UiK.- hnlit'tal-l. , tin t. . ii ( Hllcct MHtuI t" v-anunl K clirtii.-i Mi tin i-,ail, Ami nahl.-a iim to biIvim --Uirr U t ).i in! i titir. iiu 1 1 is tr ", n.tt itn rath t thxll UT t I'llll.t HtM'Il aMIIIII. il fltlltH "f nth. rt I Ia mi r-iU'lic.' ahuiiUl U-couwlril' 1 aKailit ua. wt laki ihin-H-i-axon, in ur anijtial cu ulni t P'.li. . tt'l. r. to var that in nor ortnirti, ttn i iwirt aii.l utir tin - an- nut ftr n taM r ot . th. r o.n ii". t-v. nn-t nhih nr 1 itr"tii- atcl Pi .. tU rim not i ijM i t nn U i 'ill -hi h iv-4 ia.l tiifiwi r U atlaj ki , I hat may l mat It tjjNin 'fit- I "inp$nT. th- clji-'i i atcl au-'iitr. are cw-r realv nnl willing t.i j:i.i full sa4iwUitfiM-Urv nihmi.aiirn In h ttSt ntft ttn of tlie .t.tua Lit-- at1 mi (In c lit, ami r tn .as-4-as.i. i in rtttint in a-ail I'th'i-. n' tirr t-t-r-'m ntr mtinlil, or eiiilt-Vor l. nil r l i- vmJt U r UUuiij i lit-ttiif; U lntt u 4inr i ' 'inpinii - an1 f t ir TA'uv-&Uh-m. Nni' nvaln ntalf that tin .Kin ) a larc ft ne -nut of tlt nlitul ! itn SUk khohh i, in fa- f th.- n jrftrtt if t lit (VmiunMioncrw of N York ami MasetttathniM'lta to tin- roiitrary (which ran atrn ml our oikt. i 'Dif forrt of thi tttmi'nt of onr rivaU ia alu.. h aitrori il hy llit f a t Uiat Tt-ry K w 'miaiih m havi ruilMW ratio of fkt'm ami rliubnrin nifutu tn imonif an tin- .f.tna, (firluiliiiff ilirnU-u.in t poll--li.hl rn,i and heti (N'iiaitl-r, in oni iit clc-n a it h tlim that lt. ihrt r on-half if th' .T'tiia a ImaiittMiii for 1 -ifi WAMMrAs-M htifsttlt-ttfl , '1'ha.t the .t'tna TTirrraup! ita tnn-inr m a , kt r ratio than any other Company ; Al. nt thf pniM'ipa! -pt-nt' in l.tf-, Jn : itntv ta'nptni nr hrrtwm ; It u cvcU-nt that no rnrniiaur ran j U tl. i (lllllllU III P-ilc-i -tl'.ilSl i r, aii.l f. w will twi, -TtlalW, tnal t Im- ,tna. lh. i ntin- pftttitr- ii tin Mutin.. i. ft ii pt rci ni. atnifiaMy nn ipttnt. t Vytm, i h.nir to th- 1nnm!, an1 ar tli . ih l ainoti I hem i wt . Bt . Ki c J.a-t 2-t 'T J ltlljihlt t.' Tl,i . V 1 1 iii oil i 1 1 t i 1 1 1 1 itl.ir. .1. l!o- l'.'11'.Witit; mt .atitnjft r. i. M-r a '".-'( iiiitluaU''tiittaii w lt. I In- a.l.litional i en i il v i if t hi,;! 'a. ri,i t . 'Jil. n.i- Oi H,VHtt of it,, N rfnam-nt in tl,.- i-aii-rul -um-i timon of Hi hinaftiic am hy lh. iir. tori arl( -t. kh-'M. I- ', ttf tr i-.. 11 , :lril. F.i i.foMv in niaiiacenii-nt, as tin- eem-ral . nw nf tli. I ,,n,:ii,j are iltl l.l.-.t l III. ll Iln Ii.art im -itls. 4tli. All tlie lien, liin nf iliviilomls, iiiiiI 'tli. Nunc of tin. liukilitti-M ii. iinl in mutual in- .iii slii-e flu tlna , Itii-iiiaiii-r Cnliii.aiiv liari i-n-i IT.'Nm ii,i. mml , i..r. wi II -l. a.. .1 ailli ll,. 'i.iiialiv. an. I an Annual l;.-. inn ..f ... . , Thr., .in.' au.-L.ul U.Uu.h..) Ji..,r. ll n.-i-iii-il mi-r Ai i i.'.. ,i I ,..u. ,,,.1 t. Ill IHUi. ll haaa irem ii latin nt llii-rcaiM. S llll ll Hill Ljne an ai-,-, . .ii ..I ,-,,- ' 7V, ,,( V, ,7 . ami .Vn-i, Mttltrx, t.t' tf.Utini iitcimw in Ih.17. U li.u. .m-r '..i Milium, .- mu, rafi-lt ,n. . vi--t. .1 at it ut. I liaa ncarlr i J.i.'i.m l.J(.ir iirJnp aU.t.- . all lul.ilili.-s in. In, 1. 1, , i lalm ..fall l'..li. n -. I I""" r :l :i !- " annual liiinlnnl tn rli 7 nr.. , .,, uh ,,,,, ...si. .. n ...... . . .miniini I I h' '"llfs lMalna' loil- ! , , iUv iAfv i 4iiianUa rkporilng o llir Mul4'a or MHMHsi-hiiM'MM aand 'W York, for Ihr jmr I Ik' 1 t na tr-mi tmiiil.. 1 i f r..i. i, I I.etMlly i- ulU nf (h. , ,ll. ' I'.nt inn- t'niii.;n.v iMftii l -n .it : N. w r.j a. :U4 t,l I. tlllt III Mt.. ami .-in- ..r I-,. Jiii-I I j.i; I , (t ,,,, Ihfll ..in , It 1 1 I With It f- 1 ri't,t, ilif,,i hwHi ia .thi I 1 i.. itni niiniix 1 III III! I' 1 r.l. .1 , , t hn ; . , nj.-. tlMl.l-.'. H- ill.. .ill I u hl. it.. IliittsH I'n i-r .t ni I '" I- 1 "- mU't if nil ihrtl ni. tn. i.Im f.., il,.. y.-ara IKkiainl law ..ilnl.li-.l, i. I. na in III. t nM Hun mi am r.ttni ! u.lit.af I '-. ya .K la V . tl -i ... 1.. 111 ..jii.nr.iii.- Hie i ci nl. r(N iisi-, in laae.intiM i-iiiiMuli'talii'ii tin i nli i ..I ii. n I. iinim .s ..rtlii luruci Iln- n I,,,. .in- lh. Kinilii- lh" r:iti...f . xlxiiwi mil mill, I till l Im licit icm. Mm aM-t:tKcl.hi (I t !' I I, tliiiMI,. 7 I In i-u ii lll in. .1, tin. L.,, "I" in In, Vina .1 v l.lllv SYNOPSIS OF THE BUSINESS OF THE YEAR 1866 Reeroit tor I'rrnunma ami Intercut Illrhi t,i,.VHi,'i;ti.7u aea, K xpe liana . .il,aJa.ai IllMlllllKI-UllllltM, ami Tne, Inersaan ill Asm-la. Ammta, Janoary, llSai, '2 , 5,IIIll HI a,0J6 tr.tia Dm-ternd, 18o7o(t per cht ' Ataett, Jan. 1, 1867, $4,401,833 86. 14,032 new polidet wen iMtud during UltlDEftOS. Tsklnc Into eooatrleratina Ika amnani "ten! declared and Mid tu roller -bokkira bt th ketait v, .l lnTttasTaad uuuiHr w paying ina asma, thai pat ont. nf- 'an es and tirpenaos to receipts, eoonomy o( lusnega saeni ear In selnelW Urea. Imuwaae of and sbihtj to make and pay futart airklinii. , ' lb insured, t-Ue .tltna Uiuaik4 ky few tadrsu.. paaatd by no tpanj, . -j poky iJ Lni Aasnranes la ths aawauii'ai' aad aarsM ntiNil aaikinir t nnrlsia a ai imm Ll , -wi','- " sa awv ir ww-i nrar tuns I mors freiieraily LiJs FaAMKua. At this n the aavra la aei aalf at as, awl Ute Pulley is the caKarasr AM aam n. -5 makiiiK a certain laovistuafbr OLD AOS.. J . Tlie .Klna mates Non-lnrrsltntf Kadiwfcsot Puhciea, payahle in caw u( duath; also, paTahu ou attalmnu a speeifled age, tun Bukitia 'atZ i vi. inn for ieuA timlvid ana. Tas prsaawin aaiw 1 1., paid in usiasn4. a im 1t av aaw2i I natui.iils until the policy is iln Ilia a aMdial n slinent ; Tor the polie) -liolilor will Hostve adi v id- ml for every year fua policy nista, wkinfc a,n in Mstw wfciiai aniiajiM is weei Uatay--4na avaaa. inrns psivl the I'liuipaiif. I p ita u s issued upon aO tha other approved i plans. July 'i-277 lw XISCSLLAJIXOU& --J--- Jih Md.IlMik AJ.CMHPUINua, UPKM SWUM 1. ! I In- lavorili. ami ih-llKhlful Waler-Wl-,-h nuie im. I. .i kuio thurumrli rawvaiiiav as aral ..u..l i.. iii-eivu viaiUm. '1'lwewMm kava JadV . v. ii i ttoii in ihi'iinllU anil ihiuIihusmI to ss-na" I in.- c in. .i . Uuwi vr aUnutiva to ikktasa ..i. si of recreation, while to lbs lavalid Ma mmSi ' cncil wuU-rs liolil iHit new Immim a l.uiiLr . nun l . ..iiiiik-iiily claiimsl t Uttm fiat iITt . lisie in m Ri. nl many eama relieytitl and ia siTT- i . . as. s eiirid. Ul fiillowilur - ' i ml, an. I many chrome CliTANautia i inn. Nie TiisusH. IlKuKiumi lhmii is.. ; ii - lini.uit.t.i, liuoism, Asvauf sum el JUmbi and i lii.iniit.K, HI..I on i-- r .. xj mmnaiitiiai iifc eT Hot Hath-, CaaoNic liaar MA-rsna. I Aa an aps Iiaii, a Mailt, and (soatai raatarv iiiiriiallrd amuaiot nuusral waiata, nsiT pn. l.m. have engaged f, (It approaeiuaf aav " " A KKV Ht'PKstk)B BANPOi-MDMIC, Uali fi tlie liawa audtusBsiasDsiMb - v. TIIK HII.I lAltll A.NimiWUWHALOONa. Is ah fi Unlies ami KenUVnum, will M fcaaad ia inure .-.ai.ilclt' iirikr Uuvn wsv be furs. Krom the eery uteealys preperalioaa auw auk inn at aJI the U-aduiK Vir(uus HfiriBwa, a atari ir.ui 1 i- anticipated, ami, as Uiut4, tU a. . ir .et. .1. Ii .hall be th. atn ,4 lbs -.i-- - ".. .1 ivusnuMua, h ai I.. kni thi n i.talihshnirnt fvvii b m tm iiiMosi sti. I ihev hom to ass a Mioawal ufiaa lal i-t -illllolls wlunh mini IBS! eswralat-s, I il t lianu to tin t- HKuntaua rtiiiMtm. I PavM-iiK' rn lr th- Viririnla Ontral i mitral . f, t!ic oui-H at CillsHllfelM lit iMat E.tfK ,r ,,.f -la-iui: ou r a imnnth ir kuitU tl. ..t .w. f Itialftlt tn bl Pl'tt I a a . awan tin wm t-s.r , mwv rri Nmm. hMte eufed tli effieieot awTiciM of (W tmii n 1 1 am H Hai i,UMigaadravtirahlTkatm io lh- imMi.. in r.mnt-infi with thn Hprutn. I K.kIKliA liA.MX)i.JU, Pliliiala. Ik a. 1 1 1., La in, A Ittehaanul ; ' A I- Hi aKU, P. m hburp ; ''tin.N tf"-i'im, Italtiimire ; llr.il. n - A Co., K n York ; A?, tit for aali- nf iIk Watvr aad Maatj ur Sana. Ma. 2" JU-Hw X latuiniA aratiNAa Hi. f.ill.miii i! ral. hrsUal VIRGINIA IU'RI!(Qli, br railrosila aad abort atan bna if esfT a. iiv, r i-iat n.aita io ruaifortahlf roachsa by soa trs.1 limit. .1 to ten psMenirsra, will he npsa tar viMUirsi.s inairrnm WrofJnra 1181: WHITE SlLPHfl, (isM.ansir Coturrr, W. T. ttwitrr Rrnn.oR and Saw actrmia SPKiaOH, ll-rnun tsM'STt, W. Vs. It. in.' . ... Virionia tVntral railroad B Jarkm Khm itiM anba sboat MUl JnW, whaa k lailmaU sill bu run lo OimBrta; ami friaa .Uiauaek's, on tba Virginia and TsnnasaM railnit, sin stagst. hot HritiNQH, HKAI.INU hPHIHim, tad BATH Al.t'M BFRINtM, Bara t'.iraTT, .Ta. n. i irxniia Oatral raOrotd to Millburv' ilesot. Ida KUItllMiK AUTI HI'aiBOH, Ilea iKkllaiB I'oCXTt, V. nn t iiKiina Central rallmad to Osaaaa K'lUin i;.-ui. llepilt, ArnrsT" wirri'Rn.PHrH Lnt rtrtuioi, i K. sarai t Hraiausa'a.) licit.. f.-iilral railrtaal to HUaatun, tWmkr ia(o to th Hriruifra. ai.i jLiin a i i ni'iunua, ' M a r i ii s t Ormm, Ts. -limn.. r, iririma Oiilrai, (Jrajwa aad Alssa iti i.i, in Miaa.v Jl.i di A. aa Vvjraats aad T. nni'miim railrnaX N Kirn rH'If inni KPttl-tna. Itnrmii-rr t'sivin, Vs. It.niti' a. above I .. Vvner'i ' Brl)rt atathat, Ytri THKIlTrtH TICK Km an 1- imnml at tl.. arlaHial eitws Wist, "mill.. siulHoulli, la all tlw abos ruuu.il Kiruir. - I IIK I'UOI-HIKTOWI "I il.. hI-.h- S.riii(! liarn iiroTii1 ( an anUrs wS. ntof skw rcRNrrritR, Ar. .li all li-iailni. iit, and will nas evsrv stXart to iiiakF riaiim aatMhai. M:iv III - Cill tin 4TT .tt, TliaESHIc. MC'Iltc.K, WHEAT FANS, Ac. I JnltAl'K I.. KsttlRt A ROH't UKITCIIHAL M A ..ttc.li CI Hon (Iln. an. I (Vimti narrs, Osnrfris, and L'nttnn (Una.. K. Whttaaaaa tkm'i tad l-ralta' I'nttnn mi. I lairs A t'n. Tbrialung Maraiaaa aad Boras I'-iHi ra. Sl.wiuiinier) ,, Wheat JFans Oraai't Wheat i.-... si-.... .'-.ii.... l. ...u.i. iTT'A i mi.Au . ia.ii.-fi isi-iiiit. msniNl. iirsav bub-s. ...1 u...il. ail si . I suit Hnstlin. (llranira. M..ari aafcj ttaianaia. j We are Air.-nta ftir tha sale of all la atam, aad can fiin.i.-li parln iu waul upon atttact asitiea, at niamifadn'ur'a prirssS. . , ' 11 I WII.I IAHHOM A CO. , Maiiiifailure irf and IVaWra iar AariealMral Iav- ,.,..,,..., . u . I u a... . ' . i .. -iuiiB-sjtt-u i'n'(,:ii im ami Hla-iiiaiil roij. nv rnxiAM, joNE-i 4 co. I'ourfh (Rrral AhhIm Mle, H CATAaUWrE. I (M Tninil.lv, tin. Mil. itay nf July (and ouotlnu t mirnii VVmlrioitsT the Wfth.r at BUT Utora, f'ai.clu.-rllli rariiel. ItaWh. I. I?.. "-. at inni l.- t. A. M.,w iUs..ll.y l atsisia. a larh'e n. ti-ction of rboir aad SuasiassUa gosdt, isiilim. iiik 1 i?i h t i.k a n cirriKsr. a ka i i -MAtm iiM THiya, m- UATH AM 8H0K3. M;r i.onns 4x1) uhockrjkh in.-ln.luiK riiiKsraud C'unsa, ti'raes, Iiqaurt, c ir mim. Afln rttATEnor cbocseM. :im . AHKh TIIMKLKIta And a Vartt-tw r ltcellaf-W Anlrls-a. ' I Im ati. hIiuu uf Merebaou parUcalarty eall c.l in iln. sale, aa.inibra.iiiK a (raat variety .1. Biral.li- K..la, adapted U tbeir waata. I'l l.l.IAal, J0NKS AGO., Wboleat-e Oreearai Anctmn tnd CranaUasioa Mercasau. Jui... i.l . ...J . ,-; . ., . NOI.li.ll ANUlXAJWICaX BCHOOt.' flu. Kiflh Htnainti of aar. Sviiaid Brill 1 ...1 Minilsy, . aiaaTuiiliaat Utk Be. . Monthly payment will be reqnrrsd. . JNU. T. W0MB1 .... aaa.i ..a. A dsaa. m.i-i-7.elStM!a-,M.'- .-at-tBW-iaT'a .HW-yfp '"i " II KKBINOSI HECRIN08 1 1 HKUIUHai 1 1 1 Ut Barrala N. C. Cat Herrtnea, ' M " So. 1 , Onaw Hemasa, MoT la- " - Jast neerred atid'fcr esle kv ' B. P. WltllAMSOS CO. Ju)yl76-tf

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