r iie' ... VOL. 2. RALEIGH, N. U. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1807. NO. 14 7 'Cy ,"yKvKv If Y THE SENTINEL. Wlf. X. PELT-, Pbophhthh. COifOBKfUS A Ht HKt'ONS TH ( C Tl OS. Our telegram, on yesterday, f(nr.e a copy ol the bill passed by both Houses ol Con gress, nunplemeutal to ami expository ul till! Itecoustruction ActK. It will lie. found to correspond wilii the" opiuiitiiM of I hi Di.trict Commanders aa lin y undeiHluod its intent and meaning, ami diacarda altogether the construction of tlie Attorney flenerul, and ruts off any future interpretations ex cept aucb M may be given to it ly tlie Coin, uianders themselves and by (inn. (Irani. The President la entirely iguureil by the last bill, and it guards effectually against hi future action in the premise. There aeeru to be three really uew feature added in the matter of reconstruction, ou what the Congress originally intended. It wan evidently the intention of Congress that the President should have nothing to do with the matterxcept in the simple appointment of the District Commanders, and tin' review f the decision of military Courta in rases nf life and death. We prraumr the new I. ill doe not interfere with the exercise of tlie power of the President in thin latter i The three new feature are: First, confer ring upon Gen. tirant, instead of the I'n -i dent, the power of removal and future np piintmeat, In addition to the exercise ol the same powers by the District Command eni; secondly, the right of the Registers to challenge person applying for registration, allowing them to go behind the oath to le administered to them ; and, thirdly. re(wr ing all persons, who may hereafter be elect ad under the Provisional Htate or Munici pal authorities, or who may be appointed to office or detailed for any civil office, to take the "iron-clad" oath, which in require.! of all officers of the I'nited Stair Id considering with more care this last feature, since our article on yesterday, which was written before wrsaw the bill, it Is proper that we shonld say that, il we un derstand it, we do not know that the a.ldi tion so seriously prejudices the bill, as we thought it did at tint ; unless it should afterwards sppear, tint Congress designs to designate members of the State Convention and ot the first Legislature elected under it, as tfflnrr; who con Id not take their sests u a less they could take the "iron-clad" oath. It bas long been conceded in this Atete, and we believe i so understood in tbe country genersl I), that a mniil.tr ot a 8tst Convention or Slate Legislature is in it an tfflrrr within the meaning of the (onsti tution. If to, the simple meaning ol the tit section is, that, in the selection of State or Municipal officer during the Provisional 'ttbU geveniiBCnts, under -military ml. . ll election or appointment f rn to till civil municipal ofl'mn, shall u. oul v I Irom among such ierwms as can tnke tin , test oath. This as effectually cuts oil ni I called Southern Loyalists who cannot Uke that oath, as it doe other persons i Sovthkhx 8tatic Uovkrnurnts .- A large delegation nf white and black Union 1st have arrived here from North Carolina and Alabama, for the purpose of urging upon Congress th necessity of entirely al.ol isuing tbs pfesei State governments in the Huutu. their petitions eetfcirth the Tart that tbe Union men ot the South will hate a better opportunity of controlling the reg tstration of voters, &; irtbe present onrau iistioa are utterly abolished. Tbe North Carolina delegation is headed by an iutelli gent colored mau named Harris. who is ' President of ths Equal Rights League nt that Htate, and ia behalf of tbat organiza tloa ha will present to Congress a petition tor tbe relief of ax -Governor llolden from the political disabilities imposed upon him by bia active participation in the war. -Watk.Cor.N. Y. Tim,. It will be observed, from the foregoing, tbat these "toul birds," black and white, do ot complain that, under "the present State. Governments," they will not have a fair and equal chance at registration with all other classes allowed to register. This is not what tbsy desire. They do not want Justice and fairness. 1 hey want "to tmtrU the registration of voters," juat ss Hrown low controls it in Tennessee, rejecting all, however wall-qualified, who will not vote to perpetuate their infamous rule. ja thU shameless effort thej have tailed, as they bav haretotbra dona when they bass approached Congress with their boring and impertinent appeal. Tbey will fail equal ly aa aignally in their eflorta to have tbe ilia abilities) removed from the "chief sinners." Whatever may be said of the ninth section of the Supplemental Act, that hasjust passed both House of Congress, there is this crumb of comfort in it : It covers thsm with the same blanket that it spreads over nearly all the natlvewblt citizens of the Stste. Thty cannot All tbe office for which their greedy nuU axe hankering. Thrj are left a effectu ally out in the cold as any one named man in tbe Bute, whom they bespatter with their filth M "traitor.' . rCoiilL'ITIoM. Mr. Tbaddeu Hteveuain timatsa that hie- party has become greatly demoralized, and is liable to become tffttt end to go under, from ltswruin. If the tales that are told about Mr. Steven be true, - bow can it be otherwise with a party con trolled by suck leaders I Kottenness iu par lies always begins with Its leaders first ; then the gangrene works downward among tlie rank and file. Perhaps the whole country her suffered so much from demoralisation Md corruption as at the present time, and v tliepcjt , progress rests spun the Badical party, which loan claim the right to govern the coun or.vio.v nr jcdok hkadk. We published, a few days since, the opin ton oft luef.tiKliec Pearson in the case of Phillips n. Hooker, involving the validity ot contracts founded on Confederate cur reiirv. We (jive, to-day, the opinion of his Honor, .1 in ly;- Iti ade, in the same case, which; ft ill l.e perceived, it devoted to the Iciriiimi in the piernUe : rim i.ii-s (. nooKKH. lfK.Li.iK J. I prpose ti .consider only so iiiiieh of t hu ea-e as iuviilvirs tlie ijuestion wucllici ( mile. lei ate Treasury notes, which uen: paid lor tbe land, weiu an illegal con sideration Por, very clearly, il the consid eration was illegal, t lie contract will not be enforced in thit Court. 1 slmll treat it aa a itry Ifijiil ijimtiii. A contract is not void uicrcly because it ( iidt i.i proiuctc illegal or immoral purpo sis -11 ill mi J un Silt, :I70 ; Armntrong vs. Tulr, I I Wheat -.'."; Story Conjlict Ijitirit, 'J.jS. A contract f r the sale ot a house aud lot is not ii laied by the lact that the vendor kiioHs, at the t i i i of making it, that the vendee intends it lor an immoral or illegal purpose, .iruirielil v. Tule, 7 Ired. 25t. A sale of gooils is not oid although the seller knows that they are wanted lor au illegal purpose, iiules he has a part in the illegal purpose - J-Ijiuh vs. 7Vmye, 5 Ta reui in Hhich case Mansfield, C. J. says : " The merely clliug giMul, knowing that the inner will make an illegal use ol them, is iiotsutKeient to deprive the vendor ot hi just riht ol imynienl." In ihitrr v. Hurl. II tJray MassuchusellB Itcports the Court !-as : "If thu illegal use to tie nude ol t l.i- piod- enters into tlie contract aud toritl Itie motile or ilidllceuletlt ill the mind of the n-iidor or leiuh r tothesaleor loan, then In- c.ui:i-ii ricover, piovided the good or iuoiu un: actually used to carry oiii tiie roiiti-inplated dtsign: hut bare know !i on tlie part of the vendor that tin- it-n It-e intend, lo put tiie good or mo ney to au illegal use, will not vitiate the sale or loan, uri.l di priv.- 1 1 r - leu.li.r ot all reme dy lor the pincliase uion. v.' Where giMids sre iNitight Irom un enemy, even in his own territory, hy a citi.eii of the t'nited States, the sale is valid, and the piice mav 1m- rccovi-rrd, althoiirh the ai t might Ih a inisileuieanor anil tbe projierly lialile as a prize-- t'liilij v. iy, 13 Masa linnet! lt.iirts, 'J'i. Auth .it. tics are abundant to the same clfuct. It will le seen, therefore, that a contract is nut void Ittvau titer- is onietiing im moral or illegal iii its surrounding or con nections. And vet il eipially certaiu that a Contract is told w hen the consideration is iilel or immoral. What, then, is the cri tori'inf Probably the foil" v '"a esses will .i. the dividing line: (Join . .eresoldto a man who inleuiled to mil B them and defraud the Revenue, snd tin vendor knew ot 1 1 . -igii : it was held that the contract was valid, and that the vendor could re cover the price ; llohnon r. Johnwn, Cowper, U41. Hut goods were sold to a man who iiilc d to sumgule them and defraud the Heveioie, ,ind the vendor not only knew of thu purpose, but put tin in up in a psrticu lar manner so as lo enable il to be done; it na liebl llr.it the contract was void, ami that the prni- could not Ik- recovered ; lny.t i. hurrthff, :t Term Itepnrl 4"4, Now wh.it is the difference between the two i -iM'.. .' Niiih-' except that in the latti-l i il u .- i pill nl tin nn.o grim III, and eiit.oil i Un t,,t,i.t i.f the paitits that I he tiling - 1 -1 In done. All thi-M- author in. - -h ..i that the tnl, ul of the partita lo ai r pli-h I iir lih-nul lhili; i- Ui . i ssary to i iluL 11..- i ontrai-t , -in I, tin l. fore, in the i use before us, iin!e.-s the liileet ul the par lies in thrir r.niiriii'l was to aid the Rebel lion, the I. i.i iliui it did il, (if it did,) by giving I'liirrnci to the notes, docs lint viti ate it. It is not pietiuded that I he Confederate Trca-uu ii. .ii - were ol c'e. It is con cedeif II.:. I ll.. y were ol value, and tliST, at 1 the linn ol ihi -de in 1SIW, less than two lobars ol the ii. .Its would buy one dollar ol gold. Hut it is contilel that elthongh of I value they were illicit. In what sinae were tbey so ; lu no case can the thing used as a cousitleration, ol ilselt anil independent ol (he intention" ot the parties, invalidate the contrail il the thing I of value; unless, perhaps, ley expiesa Statute. There is noth ing which may not be, turued to mischief in its use, as poisons, deadly weaHiua and the like; but still they arc sufficient cousi dviations to support contracla, unless it be the iultiil ol the sale to do mischief. The case el Uiiiuliin ra. 7W'y, 11 Howard U.S. KeMrt 4.13, ia very strong in point. In that case Africans had been imported and sold as slaves, which is forbidden by law. The vendor brought suit for tho price of one which lie lind sold; and the defense was that the consideration was illegal. The court says : "The plea that the notes were given tor African negroes imported into Texas alter l&tii is unavailable. Un the ar gument here, it was endeavored to lie sup ported on the ground that the notes wero void, lucause the introduction of African negroes into Texas was contrary to lsw. It these notes had been given on a con tract to to a -thing forbidden by law, un doubtedly they would be void. Neither Jf the parties had anything to do with the ori ginul contract, nor was their contract made in deliaucc of law. The crime committed by those who introduced the negroes into the country, does not attach to those who may afterwards putchase them. Aa re spects the defendant, therefore, he has recei ved the full consideration of his notes." And then follows thia strong language by the court : "If the defendant should be sued for his tailor" bill, and come into court with the elntttes made for lilm o his bsek, and plead that he wa not bound to pay for them because thu importer had smuggled the cloth, lie would present a case ol equal merit and parallrlr with the present; lut he would not be likely to have the verdict of tlie jury or the judgment of the Court." So. in the case belnre us, it is conceded that it was illegal to isrniu the Treasury notes, just as it- was illegal to import the negroes; but tlie illegality is in the usuiug in the one case, and in the importing in the other, and does not attach to those who alterwurds use the thing issued or import ed. It was insisted, ill the argument be fore n. that Hie value of tlie Treasury uoUis : ,; , . . , ,. i ,i.i.i , epenrtcil upon tl.cr circulation, and lhaK II, part.es, by using then. ... heir corrects allien in i nun i in ttitin,.. , m.j ... .- j... quoted, the value of the importation of negroes depended upon their sale, and the transaction lietween'tlui partie aided their sale, and, in that way, ehcouratfed importa tion. The fact wa uuitoyoteaiy irue,yei n .tim reiwter tfi coniract void. -The, ills- Sslity corrsisted in their impoteaUonandnot i their use after importation ; so tbe illegal ity consisted in the issuing of the Treasury notes, and not in their use alter they wtre issued. If balls, w hich lind bci il shot in battle, had been found ajul sold, il might a well be said that the eoii-i.lt i.tl ion was il legal, because- they hud lu-cn made for, ami used in, the rebellion. wCimHilije . ;', supra, the ease was that in the war of s j, a citizen of tlie l ulled Stab - bought goo.! of the enemy contrar,4o law, und brought them to the L'nitcd States and sold t In in. r and, when hu sued the purchaser lor the jince, lie set up the drlinse lli.il il was un lawful for the plaiutill to h ue bou.'ht the goods, ajid, thai, lliercliire, the i ..n-i.h r.i tion of the contract was illegal ; but the Court held the contrary. It i-nl.-in.l to supwise that the goods in that ra-r. or the Treasury notes in thi-, were illegal. Were not the giMids precisely the same as if tin y had liceu bought of a tiirndli power; Ct r tainly. The W wt re not illegal, but tin (rainwilh the enemy wa-. This is the first time that lhi vi rv Iin portant ((uestiou has come belnre u- tin consiileralion. It has Ih'cii m il argued an, I atientlv considered. We are uol uhIi.miI important aid in determining tlie iin -lion It wn well conxideicd by the t omriiii.in aflH(;."i, and b the Legislatures w hit h h:ii e sini-e asseuiblml. 'fhe (onvention wit prompt to declare that the rebellion, an. I everything in aid of it, was illegal. And il ! declared void all contracts w hicli were in aid of it ; but it did not det une mi. I all contracts, the consiileralion ol which w. n- j Confederal!' Treasury notes; on the ion trary.it plainly tletlan l sueli contracts i valitl ; that all contract.- made during the war shall be deemed to be payable in i money of the value ol -aid note-; un.l directed the Legislature to prt pure a -t ale to show, not that said noli - iw-rr ofno i.tl ue, but to show w hat their value rcjlh u.. . And the l.egi-lature .lid prepare -u. h a scale. Xow, if thedefen-c set up in ti.r csm" be good, then I he t on vent ion aul I..-'.-islature ought to have made -!i..rt uoiU l it, and declared that all t ontranls -hoiild b. ileetned to be payable in ( "olire.h rale Tr. a urv notes ; and that such notes wereille gal as a eoiisUleralioti to niijipurt a cm tract, ami, therefore, that all -u. Ii euiiii ie' were void. I do not consider theipie-tion whether the Convenlion or the la ui-lanire-had the power to validate or in al ..l ite contracts, but their aciion-are en. . I to show that those Unlit-- regnrth-tl ilu -e in. le as valuable, and c.in-i. ler ,l i.ni- t. -iipp.n l toll tracts. We thus lone the oiinitiiis of the .lu.liei.ii i . ih. 1 loneunriit ( 'i i III I. :l '. and all it. i and th" legilature ol lln- .siale inlerriipteil train ol tin i-i.ui- I land and 'lis I nil. . I Mai. - .Ih I..,. o'l klll'lli'd M-lll V Jl.'h - in ei.ntl it I- sllbjei ts, tltat i o.d. deralt Tr are not illegal coii-idrrati.ns U'twecll cili.ell. utiles- it via- the ' of the parties to the contract ''"A 'v t" am the rebellion. Our attention wa- rail. . I to an absir-ict of a case decided in "ft tint s.-t c, in whnli Confetlirale Treasury note wa re held to in an illegal coiinidcra! ion. We regret that mi have not the case at large. It seems to ti.tv" been decided upon the giniin.l that it u a the in. uiey ot rebels. Siiipo.-e it had lain the coin ol rebels. It.uibl It-., tin le i- h-iii. U-lter rras..n than that. Il w. re an eiie..iii sgitiientto n ln-1- and lo rebt lli.'ii i.mi ttuei.ite ll.eui trout a pci f..rmaii. .-of iht .i -ontrai IS, bei-au-e ol t heir purl it i i lilt ioii ii. so gre-it a Ulischi.-I. It the .lild't lary i-ouhl U intl.ielieetl at all by this e.i'i-idt lali.-n. il Would holtl tin 111 to a lu.'le ligitl m It. M In ance ol all their uinh it iking-. As ato-irl. we lieilher favor lit.r t.pplt Iiobl lln- ra!r- t.l ju-lit i .yen U-ar turtht r coiiiiiieiii. It -1 wr tebel-. I. II Hut f. I I.i our m I. CollCl illjlllll-e. -S Sfr sft- tik roi.mcM. sin .1 iki. i. T-KSSUSSKK. Mr. SellvyeteCj a prominent ctli.i n ot TeuncwM'e, has written a letter to the New Yolk M'tfrW, asking the sympathy ol all just and right minded people il the North with thi wrongs if liui CtiiHt r-vUvu wiliji4Us ui thai Slate. Among the niitnerous instances of Hrownlow's tyranny, which lie cites, we find the flillowiiig : "On the first day of the present month two desperate characters -in the County ol Cheatham, near Nashville, encouraged by executive connivance at crimp, murdered in cold Mood an estimable and iinofft-uding young man, who was jieaceably standing on the public square in the county town. The miscreants approached this young man with each a double barrelled shot gnu, and discharged four loads ot buckshot into his body. One of these niurderera wa a noto rious desperado, who had previously killed at least one man in cold blood an old man passing quietly upon the highway, llrown low has made, this mnn his coinniissiont-r of registration tor thu county ol Cheatham, an officer who holds the elective franchise of the people, under the franchise act, ubso lutely in his baud. He can refuse a certili cate, without w hich the citizen cannot vote, to any jicrson, loyal or disloyal, nnd there is practically no remedy ; or he can admit to registration any one, loyal or disloyal. and then he is entitled to vote. Such a man is entrusted and such men arc pre ferred by this tyrant for a position of soch trust iie hart attempted during Ihe day, by threats, and by the displny of him self in his shirt-sleeves, at a p-iblic meeting, heavily armed, to silence a Conservative speaker. Failing in this, he wound up the day's proceedings with this deed of blood. His associate claims, as it is understood, to hold a commission in Iirownlow's'militia. Kxpecting, as well these outlaws might, to find protection at the State Capital, they tied to Nashville and there remained till the officers of tjie law- entered the capitol build ing itsell, and dragged them forth. Itul to what putpoae-tuay these men be eninicted of their crime? L'niler another act ol Urownlow's Legislature these men may ex clude from the jury which shall try tiiem any citizen who is not a qualified voter. The jury must be selected, if they demand it, from those whom this commission has enfranchised ; and yet, if convicted by such jury, they have every reason to cxect u pardon from the Governor w ho has pub licly instigated the act.'-' " Universal suffrage that is to say, suf -frage to every male citizen of the l'nitcd States it now necessary; and amnesty. general or universal, is amairnrni Hnnpey B magnanimous policy, it not Harmony, Justice, ia the general or universal, is a matter of iinfircj aim of every loyal man in the South, ami these are, or tbey should be, the aim of all loyal men in America." We clip the above from the Ncwbern Republican. We sre always pleased when wr can esdon any - thing, csiming. Irum a Bepublicaa or Radical per, as we do the aboreA-iSsiifiW. t i..in lln) National luteUiKcneer, TO 8TATKSMKN. In nrrcr no; but in oinw statesmen of tin- lit public, we would consult together, lm. i-i ami reasonable men; we would lev it w the ia. million of our sutloring coun- tiv tio lli. method proposed for its auieliora . ami lln ill il. mililc calami rid which inn-; aitcntt, :i nil-taken rcmniy. Wh icli of you will admit, that unless tiie count , v -hall be restored on lite basis of his mi n ire i of what i lat lor r.ll, he does n.,t tli-iio the realisation f Not one. Which el yon will-tdmit, that unless the rest nt un uls. natural or unnatural, which lie and hi- nt ighUirs feel are first satisfied, he docs not desire ristoralion I Not one. Wi. ich i I vou will admit, that unless he and those who thiuk w itll liilli shal I have th ii.. I ol those who differ Irom him, lie ih.es not desire restoration Not one. In a ',..'1.1. who will acknowledge, that unit- he can save his party he will not save hi et, until : Who d ires con less it f And yet it is nrnliilly true, and we solemnly appi d to i it iv conscience ill public life for Irigi.tlnl. tln llgll secret verification ol this j that tins, which none dare 1 1 ue i.i so many able and eminent llmt it is the sole obstacle to unit .1 hiII, prosperity and happiness, inn. m coiiiitiy. i .' Perhaps net yet, generally, li.t.lhaie bee'iuiij altogether pre e.inJi sla'l'i 1 (Mil 1- ihi In II lo lu-tllllllollc. will la? tol'tvir saved only by an iiiiui.-iliatt- gone, ami g. lit I liieiil am 1 1 ll.t i ii..i. i r I, .lit the il iMiibiir-t ft popular a-iouisli iii.lignaiitiii, suliii it nt tottwttp I. Il l -l.lge ol public service tile - el lace i! -tut in. n. It it Is I it til. al the unnatural and ills tin1.. .1 c tel.ii'.u ot the coiintiy.so lar from t i i . . '., 1 1 1 1 1 ;5 al paili-in t iilerj'1 i-t , is sctualh pritoittU .I In I iie c-lcat It titlt ra til the ieopli, i 1. 1 1. p ii up pi-riuaiieuiry 1. I-. I l-i. :!!!,. ;i.. a.li goii jtlty a.il.l'Onges by healing t:ie onii -! uni t of lila-rty is alltl liolltilig It-lliilill but lo ml 1 .'I. ii -laic, to make a new coll , a- v.. !! ;.- lie mav, ami to train rln n to Roman military glory, to our i; .i -lli i a ti i : it ni ,.L;e. l. it 'iuaii coi i uplion, slid U .,. ..! -...un. We cannot solemnly i j-' lln p i: i '-an leu. hi of the day with mi! in. .i-iiii' .1 in- h ii. iuied iutauiy, t.tj! .l. i. . . pin. ni t.l tin- I'lulouian prin i i1, i. il vi-iii ol lie- Stale. V ..in it in - l. . - i ii il mil not be: priM!laiinud, I,.. t ipi. In ( - In I.. I la. in.ir:. il i- Il hoi Miiiive no lire vo.i'e to de iii. I n. liee tongue to applaud. Ilul t .mi rolling principle in the bosoms i.i in ... t i ,..e l. a.lt-r- ol all parties, and :i.t t i.i. .-a i!...i ' '. , ii". r.rioiigli. Civil hi., i ; , i- n pel ii vi hen men choaen to serve tin i... intii .lehl.i rnielv sacrifice it to their II.- 5ttug;:le for the despicable -p. L f ..iii. f once di-gii -tl peaceable and onlti'v men with the rossncsa of party i-. . : . r . 1 1 ' : it Hut this is not a dispute tor -. i's i-t cilice. Il is a struggle for the do mii; on .r a ptople; nut game for the pla ns iu which n in nmy seue the Oovern nieni an I the ( ..n-iiiiuioii, but a desperate ai -I h rnlit c"ntt-i among men tor i'.ie pow er el - a allow ing up nil govenmi nt in i!: i ... nt-. 'I he stake is the sovereignty . I ll. u in . i K p'liilie, and the true issue is p. -tple -h ill l-i'4-ji it ..r Lint it. .What is th b.iel ' I'.'-th u !i I h. i n eonilltiou ol till onee blcsil i rime or the folly w hat and ii,- is uol our actual situation .l.pl. sttl el .a. d in ihe i v 1 1 i'in- i1 ten til the n t iu U-ol . -a.uiy States lie disbou-pn-li a .-. or hang by the blei'ding t (In ir in uigli'il orgaiiisui upon the in bit o I the I 'moil. Iiitler your I it 'tire of -i-ier-. behold, orators 'i nn , t. ii til tin. lovely anil sluteiv it fir i i. ii ih. -i -i . ill... .. I. -tripped ol their hal.i'fin. nt'. m.iIc.I nub t lu-1 and gore, I al. i, lo laiih, a. i.i a i.ilhlisa .-..Idler's iron In" I in - inn ii,, ii-still p.ilpiiaiing breasts. 11., I i h i sianil be-i.le, erect, not im miu ul in Hu .ii i In- recent struggle, but rich in 1 h en 'I .i ol honor, the lilies of health, ami I In pin pie ul einpiie, b-el lit itV t Arc Jin jr. lair .liosoiu 'he lalHiritoii4.,s of hate, lie ii .ti ks'uips in Clllell v, t'l'le pillows ol nun. I. 't Away wiili the figure. Fancy leiauin ii Hh at'liurrcticv bom i.ssik iating the f.ii-ui ff l.tvelinA--ami r.f purii'y Wfth the aUiniinabh- atil limit s w hii ii the authors of oppie-iou iriipiite t.. ll. .- it--Hal ive States u h'.-e pt ..pi 'in v repn-st nt. hut rather d.i tht.e t.-oplr illlon theinselves to be- ex hihitrd to In "iven ami earth in the tableu liirie with ii Inch I'agau malevolence was ctMiipelltt.l by i-oiiiuion liuiuaii iiatuie to tigui'i-. tor aversion ami ili.-gusl, ihe very passi.in- w hicii energi.e our legislaliou to ward the S.nitllei-n ptiitleL ll the Northern State are to be tvpiliud in their attitude to wiili I the Southern, the daughters of canni bals would be too womanly to la'ar the com-'' purism or sustain the chtiracti-r which Northern politicians gie to their constitu ents. ' j D ie any person dure to rejoice at the situation of the country ? All, then, must profess, n nearly all really uiust feel, the calamity. Whatever is done, is professedly done for n lief from the calamity, for thia the names ol Southern n pivscnii. lives of un impeachable loyalty were refused record by the Clerk of the House fiom all South ern States in 18ti"i. For this the ever infa mous bargain was publicly made lietweun the majority of the two Houses, that the National Legislature should no longer exist but lor the purHise of giving its solemn form to the secret rcvoluiioiiaay decrees of a partv conclave. This was done for the "reli-1 ol the country." This colossal lalse hootl is the pivot of the revolution, and vi i t ii its public enactment and the fatal tol eration of the loyal Kxecutive and conse quent illusory mid mistaken indulgence of the invi reign people, the legislative brunch of the 1!, public tell, and still lie lallen, through the tn uson of its ow ntueiibt is, . We mean, o course, the concurrent 'resold" lions t.l Hi t . inbt i. iari."i, upon the pas-aeof j which the t apitol aliould luive tuniolett us prostituted pillars ami dome upon Unbend-ol the traitors ami dastards who then and there dedicated it and have ever since ll -etl it a tiie temple of an impious unit blasphemous political idolatry. The Freed mill's Bureau bill was passed next lo "give pein e ot the country." Did peace come f People npplanded it, lor it was to "restore Ihe I ' 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 . ' flic civil lights bill passed.- -.Many a soldier who had bled lor '-Liberty and I'nion, now and Joievcr, one ami iusep ernble," waved his crutch, for he knew that "ctvit right'1 wn but another name for the sninc thinu. Hut where ia yvt tlie I nlon f The President inu-t Vie impciiehi'd lor the, sake tu tin- I ni'in. The most unprincipled aud hardened among a score of degraded politicians were stimulated, by every incen tive t comnvu, it by so much as tlie shadow of a pretext, to put the President on trial. The very servants of bis person and .Urn. .jutKlU-WuiUui. eUiuuatic cbautber fs mterrrigsted and rummaged without effect ; and after a year' disgraceful peraecullon tbe committee is ashamed to report, Thia, Umi, W to :ttiMiUfp v uniiUli t( I lie rttim try. Nixt tamo Ihe nml ;i'.u!it revoUiiitHtiu uittwurcii v ui uju r.illr.l "HTinntriu-l inn." At la-.. ..j.li- , ail inl won M lL .itt lo nutiof V alMf.-'i.tn. The I'ri-Hi.lnit rhnrinl that llu-rt rta tlitn HT ( llit- rininuuiMtin ijlit t-t m th' o ralk'il (listriru u.urpiit hii i-v h:iti tut lo all AuicMii an iimtint'l, fatal U nil th.- nli). cl ot Bueh lip.-lutiuu, an 1 1 lcai.uli' p i l 1 mi to liU-rt) in tin- ortli. For iIii-Ih Watt I.Ml.lly tit niHItlc ctl, iliui :i'l lln y,,ikrs 11111 ot ti- lr;Mr Hitlt'llltlU t Ire I :l rvt , ill tiil'ir JiOllMH tl til! tU, re, tL .I ,' ol.H'l Hai to Knv 'tint Dot to flrsii.n ; (litit 1 lit' inilitury Natiujot wotiltt n.t j. ,, y l.i.L I hut o polin-iiHii ; I hut t he no .i mi it a rMliiitit ot inililnos ar.c) lii , :in1 wa-iho-t tilt to iirt !Nion or tiirtrlial uit mnn i.i With iMirh intf rm tHtiotiH, ttit- jxMiplf writ' willing tti tolt-ratu it tor th' -tiki' ( having an fin I nf Hififitiioh. S wiir tin- I'n -ihul. He rtctt pt; l tin inr.mou-4 riiirii'i. at, it th- j Hetl rn'ii ih Supri-mc i'onii t 'liiodt- ! til Irom it ; tor lit, too i)H-ll ami in nut ! have I.ojm how ilt'lusivtl) in our opiiooii I at th time, our rolumiiM for t wo t .-n - l.ira lcar ample witnt hN to rt-arh n po-tr t" r th rountrv. Ami what next. Ah ""h ua it leciiie prohatile that quiet would, to thu , derttrtirtiou ot an atriKlanry u liiih cxistii only in tipHUlt, aiuai-fy torrt ita I1i-hhi 1 way, th vry authors ot the uieaauie couie j here to rpu halt- it in tlte vciv ftenff in j whii Ii tin y lnrctl tii rountrv to itirept it, ( hint ikoa, atiri ni 'it than t.i vrara 4-t (- j lal -nt i.-ii ..t all inttni.T el liilitit ii cont uiimi' . ai.ili.-I Un- ;t 1 1 1 1 i it ti- ihr 1'nilt' 1 M il. - tli.'iir' ' l Ian. I, ihv rilinti Id k' pt 111 H . i!;Mlltion, ami i tr inttri, niattiiiti .nl moral, in lln 41'imin i'KMiMil iii tn-u p. til f U ll In an I m i.( Ht ioiic, oil il 1 1 Ti -j , a- w r m itt , in I in- I'Hil In'Hrt" ul t to um m mn. altle o'l'innLroLjiiff, ami afmtit tn jtottr ttttir rorro'lin poi-u. in; tin- Hlrtn! pounu-tl Ktatutt h'H'k. ( How U this aniu.iii1 n-rnr-l to In- a -roimtt il tor V ill any pns.n in hi- n hclirvr ttiat wh.it we haw- int-ni ioncil writ- , mahimrsi inti;ntr.l for the Trituration ol tht: ; I'nion Vet, then, any mn' s list Irs or , m forLTi'ttnl that lie tlot-h not know or nrol i lert that every one of then, wan upln '-l afraiiwt iliwtiin t ami otherwiw irn--i -i i . t ( puWir tH'iititnent by not one tlitntr in tiie worhl Imt the n peateo!, earnent, pasMoiiati- ly AoVinn ile laratloiw. rt-stnimliii (nun every Htmnp in the lunl. tloit they wt-ri1 i neti-tHiirv Ur the early Ktilvation nf tin lTnion, r. at least, omlueivn to a Mettle inetit . Would mi v ol them have hren lole rateil ly the people . Vat uuv attempt ever made to prm-ure the loleranee of a mii jrleriti.en on any other hut the paramount and all urfi inir hope, dearer than lii-ltt to 1 the Kpulnr ml, that they wouhl nhorten the road to repose t i ThlM far we have romt We w : 'd -hnl ; ly ahut the lxok, turn our hack to the pant, I and open the voluin" ol tlie future. Ilul , what in to rotne . If this proirre- inv on, itt tendeney ran only U: rerkom l liy re eourse to itri astonishing lii-toty dm ty. tue past two ears. W r are ru-hiii to n-iu thiit'j. Tlie time must soon mnn when ihe !;iiruntie "leHishiM'Ss of leath -r may yivt- , viiv,as.i 4-riteiion of teiitleiiey, to tin ml j roils iiKidnevt of follower-. Alnady the i leejislature of a revolution ha virtually i poH-it-sseil ili If of the )oential soh-trtin e ol . the U -jit.lature ot t hi- I nion llth h i' the t on slitulion. pteHervin ail its form1. In u ' former eharaeter it -slaMihe a ta it rela ! lion w ith riuUinliiiates ot the -'.t rut i t ol , the Tinted States, whit h ia exclusive ol tin j hitter, I'v solemnly paAHini; through i on cress a it-Miluliou ot tiianka to oliii crs td the arm. t-r dis.il.i I it nee to the eontitut ioiial uut liority ot the I'nited States, acting throu-h lis appropriate organ. The next utep ii direftfy to enart pnen a formal divis ion of the Kxocntive power, so that the IVesitleiiry slmll devolve, aeeording to lo eality, upon the constitutional or upon the revolutionary Kxeriitive. The historian record that when the fcnrlh WftH treud'ttfT-f with ttrr ptrthcrmg hoflUof r.en'e and ilooiuv rollision lHtwiu Potnpey and Cfi'-uir; when Brundurtium and Hharaiia mm nijh wmm Aetuuu waa eomin, and when the last long eonvulhiou with iu August :mi interval only, whieh shook lioiuan ata iety with the national thnth-onT, prolonged tor live hundied year, was aUmi to wt in, the people ol Italy were tu a u of apathy ami inert-. hi I Ions irulitfereme I 'cop I of the I' tiled States' i thi.s your will f Speak, tr it i.- your country, nnd .' you will that civil liU-rtv i- iull perir.li, l e it bo. Hut we impluru you lo open y ur t in time to make your choice, and not pm youraelves antl vour children over t he lnnls. i and swiftly fa! inn in the dm It 1 1 . - heloi1 knowing your thin cr. We ran do no nt o From tin ('olumhuM Hla.) Kiiumi' t. BKV. A A Hi P. films orio. .' nut cm sis. We ol the So.it Ii have to Imon. ; wh.,r i, : the white f man'-, interest mul a id Hill le , the colore! man's All have h en h rn ..n ; the tmthern noil wnun niHstefs and khuih ft I area. I w uh tMiro a slave ; tins w as not mv I lUA8Ur,l fault. That amue (white h d et. i ored) are trying t make the tormur aiavc bate tUir f'sTiner oittatera is plain, Thi I will not do. I k w those aiuonat whom I waa raised ; I d not know- f !me that come to me and take u. hy the hnud at night, give me advice it the dark, and w hen it light do not ivi'ii-e me on the atrxel. I notice anothef liirifyf : Thoe wliite men that tell u s" niUHt voie the Radical ticket and we shall U-w". a Inrm, do not have enough to ! ; 1 m chicken coop. J think they waul (lie i - ;roea t do1 the votinp, but th y want' the liimi I was a ininim r of the .Hnrprl l loueii to tht HaplUt i hurth and think 1 have studied the interest ot inv rare since e have been set free, ani j;ive it a my ownttpinion it iabeet for the ( colored people to make tru-nds at home, i Ac to politics, I do nut kiww much, Imt i Irom w hat Ii f to I dt know, I am a Conserva tivH XlltPV auseiti to nnl IihVh aitiv Kferets hut talk wit. This I like. Aaron Hurt, Colored, (A Carpenter.) KKUIHTRAtlO!. A . SKSSIBI.K VlftW.- Preutioe says : "'A SAiitlirni cmnoniU'nt asks wlirthsr, if wi- wrrf in a Hnutlicru Slate, we winild 'rrgiafcr nhr' naiiivR so Ss tit t secure tilt' riitlit of voting Yis, vvp n r- tainly woulil. ..Wlietlmr we intt liilt-fl tn vittc or not, we woultl a trire the right to vote, ami thpn oxtTcise it or not, as we might prefci". IrVl! woulil make ourtolvea tret,' as far aa possiltUi, to art arcnnliiig to our own cbois as emits mfghl wcttr. Wbetfier'w wished or didn't wish to knock a man down, w would hare our hanUs loose." HOUR LESS. 1 I' i rohl tlaik DinhiiuM. , et lilu Tn lliAt r ..f ll.t. lee t . Ii ii "ii. of . nr . ..-, fror i.ulv. lm whin, h in iii.. . a4.i LU .. ta'nu-l , tr is mi.. ,,f vniir mlkeii )Mif)a, MiK nut n tin rsitt nixl Itn- nh . I. Mi iif- xIi-km ,M'in tn their hank'-tt, N:it'' ffmn kli tUrklieis At a if rH w , AlUhrt lieaMtM in nt(- rhris(iaii KukUu.I Find itr whrrfrer th-v rv. ; I 1' - ai. i. nl the li.mirli-f. i hildrt'ii, Wild nre w.-m h-nn-f to nnd lm. I s- --1 I l I III III.- llHlV tl.ll kin I h oi' (,. -n it aH in anil nirRin, I 0 -.hn l.w ihiil ih'N ii k. mv I etiii.l down tt i-1 t he wniilow , II li-lllil rtlllt' l lllltlltstj, hlll..lia( i 'f ttn re m Ih- fvrrti ra-n. N ox. .nr .Tihiiitnlii all r Mln-litT. i. t h. are pitietl ali i taniclil and I J ; '1 Ii o i-t mily tsidliT-wnnian. w in. Ims fi neither fN. nor ImM. And I In Nitfht erie-, "hin t4 l. tniiiR," "l tin- ilitr crier, hni to Ih h..." I "ill at tin f-rthf corner, Ui - r tin Mall Matitl. hUnk and har, ( ait that U- a pack which a K-dler Hat. k fl ami fnr-nttfii then. V His n.nnla, lyinx out unnhelterfd, Wul In MfMuJt by the damp in; lit air. Nay, troxl in onrthriftx Fnghiud Are not left to Li and tfrow roilt.n, For each man knnwi the mark) t valiitt 'f silk or woolen or cotton, Hut iu iMtuitiiiK the rtehca of FhkUuiI, I think our poor art" fnrp'rtf n. Our h. a-.ls. an l our thies mi. inn elinl t-ln Have weight for i;.tol or for ill . Hut the poor are mily Hi iintt-. lint m ie e. Ili wwr-l Hi-, will , Ami I.hai i in !i x ui mir ioorii m, n.l It, i i,. i-li-iMK him mill. ".' rrnKit 77. I. V SHOW. A titling i.rii'titul irmt r was viniliitK at tin- rii'tlr nt a tluke in mm of the fliicst i t.iinliin in Kiirlaiitl ,. Itxikctl Imin his inilnw into a beautiful artltii. ami inhaUiil Ihr Ii iniiin. r uhirli whs wal'u-il toward him hv tin- j;ciiilr I rriilh nt Juno. Writ i xtiiiaitf rH-rluiiie "' Iw cried. "lirinir iin-. 1 irny jou, the flower that so tlrlit'liia my bhiw. rei! ytm ststely stalk, Injuring un il-s sUsit. those gurgtuua hlics, iiurf aiuiw petals sre veined with iilood red Hm'ssml mill viulrl shailu: that is un.lni.llit cil I y the pliant 1 Herk." They liniiinht ,im the rlirimn lily of A trim. "Hh odor is naiiMi'iitiiK," he aaid ; 4 I. ut l.rin hie that tinwer of a hue o niueh ilrt'.rr iiiitl rii lii r ilitin even the liaiitilul ri'mi. ul in v own fair laud. Hee Imw it (.low like llniiie. Surely a rich odor should distill Irom thai nu.il ilitnt." It was a dahlia; its Hcent wit i ven less unf. I'.U.Ii' tlnui that ol the lily, "t'un it lie, then, the large white hlossoiim climteretl on yn'uar hush, or the hint cups on the iiuighlioriui; shrub (" he anked. No, the snowball and campanula pmred ulike seeiitleas. Various plsuts yielded their inl.iili'Mt buiU or broatl spreading ietals for his inH'rtion. Hut hv iottinl in ' what he sought. ".Surely, it luu.t be that golden hall," he Miitl, "for no kliowy a bloom should at Irnst i Inn tu the tiiiHlril nn the eye " "Kiiuuh !" It wua a untrigoltl. At li iith t In-y plneeil in his.hiuiil 11 wee l.r.twn IiIiisk . in. "So ii ii prt-l t-iit1 i u thiitr; as thin rnnnot mirely be thu! lor which I ttrrk," i m-IiuiimmI the prince, tiiih u i. rtl uir. "TIiih npM'srs In In- n.ttliiiit b. Urr iImii a weed." IL. i tiiM.iu ll lill.il il in his lure "Is ii ptts.-iiHr In- i. ml. "h il really litis iiiinhtitisiii; broitii wrnl which given l-.iiii pui inus an odor.' Why, it hung otei the whole garden, und cmiira latiiiing in al my winilow like the vert bieuth of health uiul ptaitv. Whul m Ihe luiiiir ul Ihi Itltli darling I" "Precisely thut, yon: lni.ni'KS, ..nnweird hia.attendants "this, tumr i u ied "mig nonette, the little darling f" "Wonderful I wonderful I" repeated the astonihlivd prince, placing it in his bimom. "Thus, your highness perceives," ninurkcil hia tutor, gravely, "that tlie huiulile him) unpreli ntliug often exhale the most precioua vlrtma' IMile IHIyrmt: SOUTH VAUoUsT W1TXKSSKS It must be 'confessed -they ometitiies mcctawtth rare aecinieD9 of human nature in some of the. courts of North Curolma. -Almoitl evrrylHdy remembers the eelebra tcil "( 'niisin Hally Dillard" cuse nnd here is tine ri p ric. I in the Asliville Sjirrtntor, ir-l fur bi-tiiud ii : The tvriti r yit . s ii un .n r the hritil of legal proreeithi;: At lion lor work and labor ibmi in t tilling :i iiiirli hi defendant's lund. PI -.i Puy liii-n' uiitl set otr, iu bacon .tii.l r ni menl. Pluiiinirs sun on the atund : rtt.illrrls the ilitrllilig prlirrtly, but Slrllis Iti Itllg.'t llll ui.. .11 the bucon. v ' '..ii siy your iluil.ly ),,l ll Ihli iljti h inn ( tin iiii know what Itt i.-.'t in puy lor it i" iinniri il ( ul. C , for tl. rtnl.tni. "!l. iit-irr K"t tiotliing, us ever 1 heard tin, iiiui's ti lull he ncer o1 ," HiisWrre'l the ll tun s "lli.lu't yourdaddy get corn and bacon ti .1. Iri.tluiil, in pay fT that ilitc.hing I" ."Ni-n i heanl of his gettin' no corn or bacon." "What ditl yjur dad.lv and hia family live on last aumnier ?" "Vittlrs, moatly." "What soil of victuals ?" "Well, meat and bread, and aome whis key." "Where did he get tbe meat and bread ?" "Well, lust from one, and fust from the other." "Didn't he get some of it from defen dant I" "He mought." "1 know lie mought, hut did he I that'i the question." "Well, be : mought, hut then again you know bo moughtn't." With considerable excitement aud tone ot thunder : "Answer tbe question, and no more of this trifling with your oath. Did your daddy, or did he not, get corn and bacon from the defendant for ditching f "Well now be mought; it didn't occur adzackly, jou know " Here bis honor Interferes, and with a stern, judicial frown) addressed witnc thus: "Witness, jou must answer the question, or the court will be compelled to deal with you. Can't yon say yes or no t" "I reckon." "Well, then, answer ye or no. Did or lUilimt your daddy get corn and bacon from tin- th feiiiluiit at ths time referred to I" in quired tile court. Witness) now fully aroused, and conscioua of his danger: "Well, judge, 1 can't ad zactly remember, you know, accio' ss how it's all dun bin gone and eat up ; but," planting himself 8rmly as one determined to out with it, "tn the beet of my rccker leesaaa, ii my jutsaaury aettaa sae right, be mought, mnd then again he moughtnt,"- Tbe plaintiff saved hi Won. Verdict ' accordingly. CODKT ADVERTISEMIHTS. HTAi'KoK M'HIII OAUoldNA, r . WtsuiNoToN County. I Wat us 1 1 . vs. i (rtBVKa KcMfoSH il iv I ir.M, 1MI7. Min i l Ii. II, , , ., the II. in. .1 .w a.i.l nevt I '' nf kiunf Kiinlt Walker ilee'il. J It afwtrlir I.i tli'r. ttu HsmntsV Kmiih a nt arte Annie It. ami I'rawforil N. Walker are n..l i.Hi.l.tnis i.r ihe Dilate of North Carulina, u isor.I.i. , I tl. il iMie.iim, Iks uiatle tor m -u,- eeanlir aet k. u, J. KJwl, fvultMel. L tUtw Itt appear at ll... n.-il term of .m.l Court I,. Is. h. I.i at liir ( tiuri iltiusii in I'll iniMiib ua lhe;itl M. mi. Inv in Auriisl m il. II,. ,, , in taiiM- if ant th..j- have, against tlm probate ui solrmii f.ti-iii ..r ll. tist in anil testament ,,l Kiiiily naiki r die il, nr juil;ment )mi rintianc, will Ih' taken against llieln Whim ua, W. K HNIKi:mH, Clerk of unl t mirt at .till,-, n, I'll tutmlh Ihe aril. H.nnlsi iu May A. II. Im'T. n-, AM)K.Km)N. "lrk. June '! -iki'-if STATK OF NOIHTI CAIiOUNA. W.tMIIMlTuK t'oUHTV. ( Ccl'HT OK Pl.KAiS UNO (,l AIITKH BkssIiinu, M tv Trim, IMJ7. Joshua 11 Duv. tip.irJ, Adiur. ''" 1 Petition ta The heirs at l.uw ol matv Un,l Henry Woodley il:'d. ) ICtUUtauttn. It aisnnc to the aatisfserion of the Cimrt, Hial Jamrs A. Hi 14 It r ami wire MarRarel, anil Ifc-nJ. V. W.hVy antt H. 111 v T. Wtsslley, heirs at l.i w .,t II. nry W.K tll. y. tl. ,- ,1, ami uud ilnfrn .lanls in litis eaust , are lltm rrsitlenta, it Is or ilt re.l thai l.nl.ll, alum be Inatk. in tils We.-klr VniiifV, nnlillslit il it taltIKh, r..r an anruniaiv week, for the sai.i mnies h appear at the nexl tenu i.f thia ft.iirt, In ho held on Ihe Hni. Mntiila.r ui Annual in .1 ami answer, or the prayer of the prtititiii uill bt irrantetl. , Witneiu, W I. HAMUKIIriON, Clerk of our nai.1 Curl, at ttfli.-e iu I'lj niniilh, Ihe Srtl. Mini. lav in Mat lw,7. w. l-'.rtANUKHNON.C. t .'. Jlllit- 'iJ.iil'.ui static up south Carolina, Wmr. Coi STt, Ci st or Pi tt isn Qi'taTaa Nksiiions, Mv Tkb, Ih7. Parker t..n , l.y, 1 e. AUaehme. A. T. Hwatrr. ) ITAI'I'KAllINU Til 111-; (SATIHFACTION OF tlie Court that the .1, r, n.lalit A. T. Mawvei ' la s li.in-realilent nf III, State or North Carolina Tlirrefon-, it ia tirtlt n it, that publication be niasle 111 the SnUiurl. a lles.iis r pilhlinhrd ui Hit, eilv of KaleiKli, f.,r sit .iirt . iuiiii weeks, iiutirvinu hB tit fun. lant lu be anil appear al tlie nrit 'l. rin nf air Court nf I'leaa anil Quarter Beiwioua I.i Is. held f.ir the Couuly of Wake, at the Court ll mistt 111 ltaleiih, on the Ihinl MiiwUv 111 Aafrnat uei, Iheu an t tli.-n- lo answer, plead or demur or JiiilKiiieut will H. taken ;.rn ninfrtmt as him Wilnea.. J. J. KKIIKKI.I., Vrk of our aaiU I mirt, at .uli.-e ui ltl. iKli, tun tUti Montlar "f Mar, A. Ii., ht,;. ' J- J. FF.KKKtX, C. C. C. Mav :tl-wt w. . HTATK OK NOHTII CAROIJNA, ( Nsn CottRTY. t Cot'HT HI I'lRAS AS1 11 IRTSR I.USHION8, Mir Ti.ail, 1N6?. Oalxirn I'atttiiiBiu A Co. 1 tMjhua Anarlir.i.- . Lawrenee llatlle. ) It apiwariiiK to Hie aatiafsction of tlie Court that 1-awrtiiro Battle, the ,1. ft utlant in this rase la a uoitesiileiit ut Una Male: It ia therefore ordered that puhliesliuu lu) ina.le 111 the WSteklv Sriiiiitrt a in sias r iuhliahed in the ,u.v iif Halt u,'li f.u six snts't'ssive weeks notlh -injt" the It telitlaiil In Is un.l amu-jr at lilvDeal term of vvun, in hu in tu inriiiD Louitty 01 Mash al the I'mirl llniiss in Nashville, on the MSulltl V ,11- ine 1 ouri iitinst- 11, rvasliviUe, on't nay ni AUkiisl nt xl. Him ami thin to inean an aaer. or tl. iniir to saitl atlaebmenl, or J.nlKUient will 1st lalsu fws. AxmreaatK . . . W itiiesa. II. il HI iftsllV, Clerk nf our said Conrt at nflieriii Nn-hville the'intl. MonilavoflUav fm;7 Jim.. 11 ; U. . HOlUsilV, C. fc. C. Kl'A I K AIF NtlHTH CAltOLlNA, ( IIkktik Codntv. t hi erniuKt'oi aT or Law, Sl RlNitTtsa, As F. Early, x AUaehntriil. Alausou Cspehart I IT sppi arinc; to the satisfaction of the ('curt that the defendant, Alan sun Capehart is a ii.iu-ieai.l. iii ,if ihe Wale : Therefore it. iaordt ie.l that imhlleiiti.iu he matte in the Antar a news paper pul.lishr.l III llto l ii f lUWh. I.ir .it uusl , laut4tij4j(H.lfcw3(lfc, b, ami iK-ar at h.t next irm nf nnr Km ri.tr Court of Ua, t.i h. hold loi said I'ounlv, .1 ii, Court Hnii-e iu Wimlsnr 011 the third M'tmiUi t.f ' (TJe)iwitKv; tisM and thersto answvr "fiiel: or ileiuur ; or iu.lijineiit mil be ti r ',frM. Wiliitaa, UDNcAS C. WINwiON, Clerk of our wu. ( sum, at outer hr W'iijdaar, "Oir t! C third M..i,,ly ol Man-ti, A. I). Iri7. DUNCAN U WINfJTON, . June M wliw ; (j. C ,STATK OP NORTH CAROLINA, 'I lia VUUHTV. CiM-HTor Plias ADyiiAsTrtSaioiia, Mai Tisw IWf. J. II. liui-nett, ea. Ijisn-rits) Battle. j Original Attachment. It wiittritu to the satisfaction of the Court that Lawrence Battle, the defendant in this Case t 1 n",'-r"'1 o' 'hi HUt t It le therefore or dered that publication be made In the Weeklv .Sen'iwel uew,pr published la the City of Italeuih lor sis iruocMMive weeks, notifr inK the de fendant to be and sipear at the neii umu. of Cwrttobeheld'iWu.a Cemavof ftaela the Court Hon in Nashville on th Beeond M.a day of Annua! next, then and there o plead an- "Wnr.or.UI,la,' toid stlschmeut, or udKmeut will lie taken is-o eonfnm. Witney IS. H. HOhi.Br, Clerk of our mul Coort at ofno in Nashville the Und. Monday 3 2; -s. B- H- 80KHBV . ; . .,. 8TATT OF NCTKTH CABOUNA, 'I Co" t or Pi-saw ah d QBturrn ksjaaioKs, Mat Tebm, 1S67. 0. D. IJpacouib. I . AUmahmtm. A. T Bawyer. J TT.KIE'liH?0?,0 7HS8ATWFACTION OF X the Court, that tlie defendant A. T Hawver is anou-reaidint of the Bute of North CaroUua : Therefore it 1. ordered, that publication be made hi the -fiiiri, . miilt. p.,, pulbshJ in the eilv or Kalei(h, ft six auui.aaive week, tmtiftiuu nt nnr t.tiiiii of Pl. aa and Quarter Hraai nn 1 I bekl for the County of ioJcTlUl in Kaleuh ..n th third aTontiay iat Auirust d.i tWandlW. tu anevtsr, pieid. er dessnr . jud?rueiit pro eriMfntn will t taken M w k iH"7'J!- ' JEBRKIX, Cle?k oiVrai.l M.ySl.-r6w '-'-UC.C.C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Btimic CoV-x-tv errrjuoaaCoi axorlaw, 8r-amo Tinw, lm;?. ttm. 4. l ap. Hart, 1 - r. I Win T. Shaw. i Attavtiment. that tlie defeiHlaut, Wni. X. Miaw, j, . mnt-re": den of the Ktaie : Therefore, ,t u. tiered, t pnb n ation Iw made iu the mU, , . publn.he.1 in the I ity irf KaleiKh, Iii six .nc.Cs yW-ssr at tl.e next term of ow Snprrior Court M Isaw, Ui be held for said count v at 11.- T H.m inffld,,. on IW U' Uvltf1 Z,'. tomher rutst, the. and there to answer, ' ,, li , demur ; or indrtment will be taken ,i tTaJ. Jmaaiv-e- PVNCaVM C. WINSTON, JonelVeww ,. Clerk. 'T I j 1 (? .1 k I .---scaiv' - I ? - I -si - t-,r-- 1 i fx -7-" -

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