VOL. 2. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY, KOVEMIiEK 27, 1N(,7. JVO. 52. THE SENTINEL. WM. K. I'KLI., I'KIXI-itllTOB. TA I K C'oysKH VA TI VK f "A VKX rrny. We are glad to nt that the l oiiM-rvative are moving in the scveial counties, of the State, and pHiimng delegate to the Slate Convention, to be held here on Wednesday, the 1 1 tli. . it Deci in I ht in-xi. We lui' it will he done in every county. Application will be mule to every Hail r ad l'rcsideut tn pass the Dcbg itcs In the Convention, to ami tro, at limit price or one f in- YVe presume that all the Hoadu will Im ready to h thin lor delegates to any kind ot Convcniion wh . huve to pay their own tare. or it octv. Iu ome ol tin- legends ol the ei.lnnial ilays of the country, we read ol ini-n. who were driven out, for somecrime ami because their piesence wan deleterious to society, Irom the wliitescttlcmcnts. Seeking refuge Irom the worn "f their fellow, and the means ol sustaining lite, among the almrig inal dwellers i" the lorcsts, they sometimes succeeded. ' .i""rior art, in ingratiating tln-msi'li. with the simple natives, when, filled ith malignant passions and animated ,y ,t' c lust of revenue, they would il cite the savages to plunder the sub. lam .-or hum the houses nl those who had -W tlnm out with a mark upon them. Purine; the late war, it was not an un- common thing for deserters to had Inutile I rsiders, by fonili ir path. t" pillage n.Haiir,) ,yal Lei.gu. riihas ln crai.ked, and destroy the homos ol those, anions whom ther were riiin-d and had lived. Thus il is that the while people of North Carnlint, while loldmg their arms in indif ference and listli ssiie-s. h ive U en surprised and overcome. The horde!) which have in vailed and overthrown them haxe been led, as in the two instances cited, y men who have been f.ivxvV as unworthy of tin public confidence. It is useless to specu! tte upon the causes of our deli st. They miy all be brought under one general head. - that of criminal apathy. We must now deal n i' h fai ls as they present themnelves in their Hern r.-sli- The general composition ol tin- Conveii lion elect i mu ll as to bring the L!u-h -hatne lo the che. k of every lover of the Conner fair s'ml unsullied name .if.V.rth Carolina. With u..t an ec. ption. the Cm nervatives rh-cteil are genileiiuii of inlciiii i. i.rn.l.nre and character Alien the Kfptibirtint chosen are nu n of modi rat ren, fairness and worth; but. in by far the ma i jorityof iacs. the extreme un-l ultra liad - j cals are either incompetent anil ignorant, or : nun without any ol iho-. qualifications which make up standing in a cminuflily - i llcr.lotole, wlwn the aolelllll ad. n j Minsd.le wotk of making or uunJing 1 our organic law, the Const it utio under , which we weir t live has latin hn- I dertakeii, il has I'een committed jto the! hands ot tin Iiet men in our midlt, - the uen ol ii.srU.nl i-eneiice, andot wis.loni. Could the great worthies who sat if) t yention at Halifax, in 177" or in this City In rise from tlM-irL-nxve and liol4 upon il.. s, us ' i hi I., .hop iv lo lie nr. enteil it the Carr-en). who can pic turn x their emotions f ItagUnd i : wo'41 be h .et o sttnnlvc Tourgro in Uu! dUuir ul lacoir and rilleen or twenty negroes, sonic it wh.sjn I cannot ritn their own names in pla'c.-s oniY adorui J by (lastoii, p-ught, Toomer, N-a- j well, Morchea.l. ami others, alas for North Candiua '. j We do nol U lieve that such a body, cm t:ol!ed by Mich men, c iii be capable ot fram- j .:..!. ..Ill 1... . f.,r . I nig a l oust it ii 1 1 -n won o mo ... Iree peopie to live under. It must, ncia rily, be bungling and inconsiderate, or op pivssive. proscriptive snd tyrannical. But we will not prejudge their work. Wr in-rouio-c!l"' he our purpose rrtttirtsToYr' it rr fsiily ami d. -passion ly as wc cn. Bwf, a measure of pn-i aiition, the white Con sertalive p.oph- of North Carolina must organize thoroughly, and at once, with a view to defealii.;: it, it it "h-uld be what mi have too-good reason to apprehend. We limy have but one more oppoitiiuily to resist the encroachments ol that agrarian despot Ism, which i-ccks to pu'l the white man down and elcwtc the black man over his head. Ar-I w- should lie lost to evciy in itini t of ! 'y. manhood and self pn sei v.i tion. it tK-ii iit.rsion. for any reason, should catcii es im iiiipn pared mid as lethargic as llie i 1-,-fit e'. c i-ins found ns A In Cn-st 't.-p lowanls complele orga i.ij.i',. u -e b. c our liieiiils ihrougliout tin SlatP to, lake pi ! "tep to uiiike tin Sllggi ste l Colisi rval ive CollVentlon a ecus. I.xil-r.Ai IIXH.M-. Our ilispiitehes I mm Wa-hlligtoll. ie. l ived on Suiiihiy.st too Lite an hour Tor publication in yesterday's i-c, staled thai the Imp- a hiiienl Committee was in session until a list.- hour on Saturday night. Humors were al nudiuit n to r. sul s, but the Committer--seems to have headed tr iicws-1 crs. The impression prevailed Ihat the t-loinmittee would stand.rfi-e lor Im pea. hnv nt, to lour against. We shall doubt less have the report in luM before we go I" pres. II so.it will be found in our tile graphic columns. sB - - - Tiik Mkxhikbs ol the Alabama Negro Convention have voted themselves eight dollars per day and big n'llicagfl. Tiny .xioiilJ also vote tin nisi Ives a farm npiece, if they thuflghi tjoufcreaa wauM tht in in it. IVrhapa the cownilttce sent on to Washingtoo to ask the Jaciibh leaders how far the Convention would h permitted to go in disfranchising white citiwns, is au thoriAcd to consult them od this point also. PRINCII'LKS AND MEN. What the firtneijiUi of the Radical party are seems not yet to be settled. Beginning at a low stage of levelling and agrariauisin, it has reached now a far lower depth, hut whi ther it has found liottom is not yet known Many of them have heen the moid viol, nt partisans iu the land, opposed to abolitionism, to the freedom of the blacks, and, since their freedom, to granting them any civil rights; hut, yielding to the pres suie and aiuiiuua to be on the strong side, they Inive swung to the other extreme, and now not only advocate civil and political 'equality to the Macks, but are ready to al low t In-iii trwl equality. Such aic the nat ural oscillations of extreme men, every n lu re Many ol them were the moat bitter r.-la Is in the South. Without principle or honor, tliev wen- clamorous for secession and lor war, hill anticipating thu certainty of Itadicul rule in tin- country, they now come down upon their knees and lick the dust tr im the fi d ol tli in-they fotmerly hated and abiistd. The Kudn-itls now fully endorse the old deinaooL'ical ilogms, "principles, not men,' which simply meant, party tirst, party second, party always. This is clearly evi denced in the late election in this State, Decency, churscter and rapacity vi m not to hiivc hrd unx influence in the selection of the Radical i rttidid itcs, as a general rule. In seine few instances, iim.lerule men, w ith sullir rt spfctilbiiity , havtbi en self! ted, hilt, asag.neiul iiih. 1 1 1 1 m has -been disregarded, tna,,y .it the worst men in the State ,v.. .,. , !, , Tl,L. wliiu of the so- every slave to the p arty has pressed forward to place men wholly unqualified in ail res I M-cta iulo the solemn and hyh position.-, nl j de'eijiiti-H lo the State t'onvt-ntion. The ( "!,S( rv:itiwN l-rought forward many I of the niot worthy lurn iu the State. In j most ciiw-h tin y have been beaten by the craven iondiu-t or the indilTerent-n of the ' whites. We aie sure that no Conaervative ' g. ntleiuaii in the State regrets his ileleat, I si in it in palpable t hat his election would ! mi l s-iinly have Imoight him in contact ; witli a cUss of men, whose asaoeiMt ion. at h li-t. CM.Ii-r sin h rircillllitunces. would gUdll he slum I THE Slli:itll- y OF S WELL A CQL1 T TF.lt. Il will la- reiiieiu'n red th.il the Ha lical pr-s w a piously 1 1, ; some weeks i .in, -i , .n i l -l In- stn!i.ni -It of Col. Sickles, ill his I'hilaih Ipma speech, that one Win. M. i .bhns-Hi, a profligate "loyal" scauip, had I Int o cruelly p. r sec u ted through the ma , cluncry of our civil courts. At the instance j ot one 1'uiiigM-, and perhaps others, the , Sin ritf of t aswell. an i xemplsry gcntlt rr. ' and c-etlerit officer, was airestcd and ur j raigm-'l la-lore a Military Commission, on j charge which are stated at length below. ' The fuel that the Sheriff has been acquitted by a ViiViry tribunal is the strongest re buke that could have Ix-cu pussihly admin istcrrd to ( 'ol. Sick.'c, and shows the malev olenVe ot the persecution of which Mr. (iritliih has bu n the victim, a persecution doubtless instigated by the "League." II Do lis III. MtMTAKY UlsTHICT, 1 uxui.r.sioN. S. C, Nov. 20, 07. ( (Imtral f)r,fr. No VU I lVelon- a xl Hilary Coinmideion con yelled ill Charleston, S. C. pursuant ti par agrapli II, Special Orders No ,!, t urn lit sclics, from these Headquarters, and of w hich llrevet Major tSeiieral K. i. Tyler, Lieutenant Colonel, Deputy Quarti-rniastur (!cm riil I . S. A , is rresnlent, was arraigned and tried : w Jrvm C WryftVA, Sheriff of Caswell Coiioty, North C irolina. C ii a in ik "Misdemeanor in office. Sitcilif'i'iun - "In this, thai the said Jesse C. (Jiilfith, ritir.cn ol the county of Caswell, in the Slate of North Carolina, w hile sheriff of mi M county, and having under the laws of said Slate the custody and control of the jail of said couiily, and ot the prisoners therein incarcerated, did wantonly, unnecca sr,!y. maliciously aiidcnnlly coiiflnc uue William M. Johnsim. a citiienof theeottnty 'of tTmlringhsin, in the (state of Jforfli Caiolina alori s ii I, w ho was coiuiiiitted to the custody l tin- said .lesse C Orilfith. sheriff as aforesaid, by order ol the Superior Court ol said county of Caswill, under con viction of burglary, at the bill term ol said court, in the year IWtli, in an apnrtmcnt other than ih'it provided and designated In Lux. to wit : in an iron cage, nine feet square, by six fiet high ; and the said .lesse (', tlrillith, shciitl as u foresaid, did wanton ly, iiiineeissaiily. maliciously and cruelly maltreat niul cause lo la- maltreated the said William M. Johnson, in the following manner, t - wii Ox oinuing ana causing m be bound the said Johnson inside ol the said cage. Willi all iion chain of alxuit the I. -nutli of six l. ct, and the said Jesse 0. Ortftlili, sheriff as albiei-aid, did wantonly and unnecessarily fail lo pioy'nh- any means ol pnp.ulj wariiiing the premises in which -.vid .billll' -n W" 'is o eonHiieil, ki-epiny Said J.liaon.iu',5ai'r1K' without fire or sulli eieut i lothingyor oiher means of warmth iu II, e winter tiine; alleging, as a reason lor such inhuman tr- atnieiit as aforesaid, that said -I iliiison had deserted Iroin the nnny of ;he so-called Confederate Mates, ami had joined and served in the arniv ol llie Lnilwl Si atis All this at Vain i y die, in the iiiiii.ty ol Ca-xiill, in said Slate of North Carolina, hi I ween the month of September, IHclii. .mil about the Oth. tiny of May, 1HU7." Plea "Not liuilty." Finding - "Not Oinlty." And the coiiiliussioii do th. reloie s. quit him II. The proceedings and finding in the firegoing case lire approved. Hv ronimanil of lire v a Major (iuicral Kn. I!. S. Camix. l,()l IS V. CAZlARf', AIiLitu Ciinrp, . Acting Assistant Adjutant tieneral. "'rrm: O- M. Mitehetl, Aiti .tCamp; A Yankee has purcliivserran ialainl i the Ohio river and slocked it with black cata to raisu the annuals for tin; sake ol me mr. New Orleans ia ten miles long, following u curvet of tlM Miatnaippi. "TH LaVaot'Ea." txclUKMTa ok- lilt. LATt ElbcTIOH. A correspoiiflent if the WadWhofo Arjui, wrtttng from l.ilesville, Aqsou, gives the followin;? im -i.lt nt ot the late farce, called, by courtesy, an 'e'ei li.-ii '' "Everr negrii hronght his ticket with him, and neither persuasion, rca-oning mn argument could affect their intentions I aiproaohed Abram Cox, an old mgioot more than ordinary intelligence, and tried to explain the matter to him. He agreed to all I said, but said he hml tirarn f ' r..(, inr Chillem and Twktr, Und could not vioiate his oath. "No," said I. "siir.lv not ; xm. only took a certain obligation when you joined the League, to support the Constitu tion, Ac. You did not swear to vote for these men." i "Yes, sir," he replied, "I di-l iwcar on the Bible tu ttr f-r Mr !iil!.n and Mr. Tucker, and I mint do it !" The Ashrxille AVws says that iirmy in groea at that place did nol w isli to x ote. but had licen threatened by the I.' ague that, if they did nol, they would be fine I Im ... lart. The same paper stub s that, after the opei -ing of the polls, a Conseivutivc ticket Has presented, but refused by tin- ui.oiaL'-i-. upon the ground that the word- "fmii; -i. tioii aud Delegates" were not i-icl -r-ol on it. Hays the New: "This was tin- liist inti mation we had of such a requirement, but the presentation of a .in.A.Y, from 1! -ad quarters, allowed the necessity. Why t! i handblll was not miide public b for. , i known only to those who had had it in their possession for some day-. The Itnliial tickets had Ini-n all printed properly, and sent into the country. At Hondersonville the handbill was posted, bin as tin n- i no printing oflicc at that place, the lickit could he procured only Ht Aslu x ilh, and n we had no communication bitvieen th -point and the other counties, by won, limn Friday evening until Tuesday in --n .big. there was no time to correct tin oinis-ioi, on the Conservative ticket. Fort un.ib iy we printed our tickets on writing pap- r, all we hope our Conservative friends supplie I i I I i the deficiency, Jiy wri'irig the words on them.'' Again . "Our frend, J. It. Wiav.r. Chik ..I'th County Court, was not permit te.l to n gi -ter, in consequence of having be n (Nik ol the Court during the war, although dining all that time he xvns a lonsist.nt Cn-o-, man. This is in dins-t coi Hi. t wit i lie Canbv's instructions, that la ing a Ceik ot a Court during the war did not d.strancliise We inquired the reason why -o mmy negroes carried clubs to the poVs, and was afterwards informed they hud be. u t i l that the rebels intended lo attack tin in. and there would be alight One poor I. i.-w kissed lits wile, on leaving hoine, and i. i I her he dirl not know whether sin- w in ever s. e him ngain, alive, as he i p. e'e I to have a tight with I lie iela-ls, and iu..y I-.-killed. I'oor, ileludeil la-iiig.l t in ir I ou.l age to the League is really woi-.- than tin it former bondage of slavery. We ktui.r that hail anyone iiinli-tnl any of them, iln, would have fouml that the "r. bels." a . lb. are taught to cull tin in, w-oii! I have l ten ded them."' "11 is believed by some, th.il a majority of the svhite rcgietereU xoleis are loyal iiit-n, and at heart in sympalhy wiih the lb-pub lican party." Hie foregoing specimen of cool t iTronu u ia taken from the Wilunngb u, VW, a xn leot Kadical sheet. That a "majority" ot tin- "while fg istered xo.cis" of North Carolina ti re ' Uijal nu ll," no sane man d.uibts. That any but an inconsiderable fraction .f iluui sympathize with Hadii ilism, is a chiiu. i a Which only t-xts" m ih- 1 1 : e of tin- W. -There arc 10:1,000 v. hit-, icgisti-rc! vol, rs in the 8tntc, and if there are lR,loi of that iiuinler. who have any lolcrmioii lor Ifiidi ralism, the figures and fai-ts do not show'rt. The W will find this out in all gianl lime. Mn. Davis' Thiai.. The Counsel lor Mr. Davis announce their entire rca lim-ss to go rn w ith the trial, and the govci mm -nt oil! -cers give no intimation ol any postpones mcnt. (ien. Ii-e has been smniiioin 1 as ,i witiies. and will be present. Ad tin i -in. scl, jiru and r.m, are on the spot. MrJ.)avi altundeil St. Paul's thmch, in lilclimoinl, on Sundiiy. I. S. DisrniiT Col RT. -The Fall Term ol llus Tribunal coiiiuienc. -. ,n lliisc t, to day, Judge Brooks presid: -g. Among the prominent incinbets . the l .r fr. ni a distance in attendance up -n tlo Cur!, we oImmtvc lions. W. A. (Jr.ih am. Z. H. Vance," Hnbt. Sirange.lt. V. McAdcu, Nulhl. lloy den. Win. Katon, Jr. It. I'. Dick, mid Jos. II. Wilson, snd A. J. D.iigan, F.-q. We presume that there is a lull Do. Wi i a,.o mm h bnsinc to Int despatched. Si riiKUF. Corn r.- The Wiiiicr T.-im will commence on the s-i otnl Monday in January next. , FirH Wiwk. Mouihiv nil I Tuesday xxill be devotetl to applicants lor lii-t use, ( 'ah-es mi the First Circuit w ill I c . alt. il. Second Wak. - Fifth ami Second Cir-.-uils. Third irf(-il. Fourih ami Sixth Ffxirth Wtil.- Seventh an. I Kighth " Filk Week- Tliirtl Circuit. - Bs SS- -- SiimtiKK Hat.- We Iciuii that barges have been priderretl agnin.t this . keell. nl officer, for having '-obstructed ncoiistiuc tion, by telling the colon, I people tlmt they could no' vote unt I th. y p i"! taxes." Thechiiigcs are said to h.uc la-en pn-firml by W. W. Hohl.n mid J. I. D. , Mr. Hay will 1st-, we presume, able to viu.liiatc himst ll, by the nioiilhs of iniiiiy witm-'es, from the accusation. We g ive, some il iW since, a perlcclly coin ct mid truthful tic tounlol this tiansaciion. CjiI, Boiitord has vct) properly eomtitu ted a Hoard to investigate tl.ia matter. Ii consists of t'jttA-vSmith aiifi Stutter apd Livul. Aiken. -The tun shine eighteen hours out of twenty four In aotuo parU ol Alaaka. Fr in the New l.irk Worl.1. SIIM.I.TIIR NKtlliOF.S Kl.KVT THE Within eight months then-has been much d--1 tin it ion niul some tin oriing rilatingto j what is culled "minority representation.'' j Tin: aim of speculators on this subject is to j gixe io cat n poin-.ai pariy, ami in every ft cti .n , f I'm people, a wt ioht in the gov-etui--. :n . xnctly proportioned to its mini -b. i-. T;n . assert that, under existing a:-rangei!,'-!-'-. tniiioriiies hrtx.' no influence, and th -.t an cipiitab'c tlistribiiion of power ixould give tli.-rn a.share in the ratio of the otisi;tly iioil i'i the ehi-tions. Smh a . laini. in th form in which it has been I. overlook- the nature of political I'n1. he out .troll- a 1i.nl only of a r .r a negative decision They can I spli'. ns you would tlixille a loaf ol j t. tin- turnings of a corporation, a larnt r portion to om an I a sinulh i i to amitln-i . Shall we acquire a liact ot loi. ii It rl it", , 1 he ulir-stlon CSll ordv be uu-ui n d ae or no ; it ihe ayes .ire a ma i-nin tin- i g t nothing, and it matters :ot whc't.ii i In ir numbers be tew- or maul ; it the i - uie a inaoiity, the tables are eomplctetv Iilrned, and the n.es are as lullv tit teat. ii w it ii I. irrc numbers a tliev would 1 n s; ... i I Le ttie-i ;,.u in r. 1 al ion t o exu I i! b ; . a l.-i isJuliv. Ui Iv is. Mi.id ' II - - Il i, lloiji f -. I ion II- passage, . I l.ere IS no posslt ., , , ,,l I in- mi mil it X hill Ing 1 an :i 1 v i n "i.;.. i n propoi i n n to t heir n - -.in bei s. 'I lo v ice- -s in'v Itw a. I. and wlieiii. r their j v. ces be h w or msnv. Ihev are no Is tier off j in tie-r-suit than it t.. had. none. Hut il I It llllO IIIV Vol.- t.tttt tile bill, it Is US o. ni 1 pi- ly io-t il it.-- iiniiori'v be iniuieioiis as j II It : . It w . n ir 1- ;.n Mirangcmelit pos j s( '.- I. u lil, n ll.e T'-stl.t wo.lld be propor- tl--:l. -r-.O-d belW.lll till- lll'l j' I It X alll I j tie ntilnoitv. The Hit me ol things lorbida. i So i n tl.e clicii Hi ol executive officers. I n Ic is bill (llie I'r. si, U nt. or one liovemor j ! . .--'ale. It u. 1 the citli-Ua Vote lor the i same in O'. th' le en.Tl be lio qlle-tioll ol uia i : n ie- ami ucie il le-. Hull then- be tw o or (l i e p.oi.is. ih.-re i ii u -I ol necessity be : twooi 1 1n ec can. I . l.tt s, mi. I tlmse beaten air i: - c mi'ctc Ii. ittii il I lit y get nearly I Iiili ii,.- v -.e- a. ii in. x get none. Kach I U gain- ail or - all. as it docs in the paH:-e r ib-lent ol a bid ill a legislative Ix ; .'i. i. i i- pus.sible wlncli wculil i'n .-to , m ii a -h.ne in the result prnpor 1.. -H-.I o ii - niiiin 1 1. ,d st . ng: Ii. The ''res ii -o: t .; i. in . i. .in.. i i, -." as it is culled, is tin i. Ion a Cn.g oi xi iy little practical t -1 si i j ',. in c. lint u li it in .in .1 it ies niiist always be in eliieici.t iii 'i-it sih-..-, there is a sense in im .:,...!: v. i v MiiaH minorities are all p .i.nei H In n- pari ies are pretty evenly bii. ,1". id, uii.iiioriiv iilwai-s governs. For "- ' I' n nomiiiatillg Its t.-andl-I by it uuijorily ot its I lie-, memo, ..ii:;li s , Ollllliell' l , -l le .iiay hi I !'.. XI I... I Inilc more than oue i ouibi r ol vol. rs. If i: It .1 to tin- suffnige iu lln Slate governlitellts , tini i. i I In ir coin tol as . s .,1, ,1- M I 1 " il t lie V l.p . I 111 v l.o p .plilltt loll. Ar- .inn I1-, U. publican party, tiny will .-tv State torm its majority: they can e a-l i.s in, as'ir.-s ami all its noiniuii I hex cm determine iii every instance s a I b - i.ovi ii'.or mid what laws shall --eil l.v tin-Slate Legislature. Nor is in Thev can not oin'v govern those be, ' li.- n Mr.-, 'i.i i-ii'i control eveiy federal ctioii and govern the country. The ta't - which they will con'rol hold the bal !i, c b. t xi 1 1 n t he t o gn at purlic?v and can ru ih. -ia!.- in laxor ol x luchever the ne r.-i - pr. t.-r. Mipposing a Fresideulial ecii -it to be Iii 1. 1 now. and taking the re lief t . c last Mule i lections as ii eritelion I ll, -io n. :';i ol parti- the contest would e v i lose. The lo. .w ing are theDim .i.i.i m.i-h s. .net the number of thlir elec- .1 lot. - Se .1. e,v 1. i:..-.tu.-i Marx!..,-. 1 . ini-vivania i.. ; iu Th ini.ii' t r of 1. 1 1 i :il votes i nlt-il ill tie las- I'lesidcntial eVctiotl WHS 2J I . nl Lln IK! is a Uiitjoi ,ty ot fixe : m that tl.-l'' 'Si Ll II. . Lilt P.I.I ii'.i.iij; oi. v the sun- Malts io vote !,s''l. ti,! I1 -.(--its woiil.T eh'ci rf. ' -. - i-.i'i.o- t biiil.it gi'rs. We '.-i'i .'--"'i' I. -ti gir'n Mwine, lilimi', Indiana, ii 1 - -in- .-tin i Nt rt'nin Mates, and our p..,.:;l,- wi h us o-, ii-ctit 'og ilne-e who vote In- S.oitl t in States, will make , , iiuj ni y of all -in nl ill mill" inhiibi 1 i i.,--. xxbi't-':.!:.! kila. -. ndy.-t it might 1 I..: up. n ti. it -ft . r g.iii.".-. ' 1 Mates named, 1 u -': i,! li.se the i o . ti. ii by the complete e i.t , , r'ed byte, nt -not s over tlu-rc-i Co:.--; li-ti .i Suites. I hose Mat. s. im-.udiug T.-.-'.-.e. i ill haxe 77 . lectin al vo.es. aiut ! it tiny arc nil brouahl under the nuitiol of t'i. Mans', they mux Him 'In- '. and i el. A tin-next Tit sid-ii . Willi Maine. In- I it' .1 and I 1 is yolmg with tie Demo- i i ':.-, o- -iit.iil'l be bt .-i'enby a majority ol I tue II, !., side- Iho-t Mates, we call gain (Ma go:i. xx e shall .1 ill I,..,,- u miijorily in -p;-. i - in ... r . .i, 1 Thi- si. vev will e-p-aill why Ihe Itepith-liciii-s a:.- stiff mid ..l-siina'e in adhi ring I lothcii negit siotV.ieer.c ii-truclioii -i hi me. I I ti-ie is no possibility ol lliur curry i g the ' I'lcsi.n niial i N,- tion n tin y aliantloii it. II 1 tit. y give up that, they are ll.e sunn- as In ati ll air. -..Iy . i x. ti it tin y ki ep on' tin- ex. lu.l- d ' St . c- a-,.! pii-.i.t tic 111 bom ret i ! ! . ing ' th n-'iiio. nitic pnrty. The Hepubbe-.tis ' linn ! i. I -,t mi c'l thai a n ei. polit y of t 1 !, i ,i --i-.n-.t -avc tin-in. Tl.ey iiins- re 1 oi-c, ! e S'ab - uinler m-ero eoinrol. r t . I ' ' t V t hi.. .- I"-. I. ,1 . It is lor tin- r. i ,r to r.ll moth iale i. illlpl'. mi-e. atnl i t: c.niisi I r. I'1 - 1 in-tw III p.ople. III. It ,. : . t , 1 1 p tin II' I . -It net .oil s, lirmc 'aiiding its ton.liiniia ion by the T ie pe-tple ul t ... on l will be i al ett to decide xx Let n r I he Shut li. in nier.es sh ill -.-tivt rn tin- toiiiitiy. 'I';..- I ). uio( i a-ii p ti '. must gain en.uo:li n oyei La i hi-f I .ie I.. ; ibluaii gan.s in Ihe S -niii . w hieh can . a-l be done as s -on us ihe p. op.c ...me i 'hat the real is-ue i- xvli' lln r t-ii- w Lite or the black rac - -hah rule : he i ounti v. I . f si i; i- s C r' I he Mormw l'ff.n II el i. ai next -jmpi r recently started in Pinl.i 'e pin:., a It .v .1 ays miu-c- aniiouiicctl t.ie 1 i low ing gentle1 doctrine ; "We mu! set up the Test Oath in ilo Soiitu, n, ( onti .1, r:u y. an HtUr t-it tj. r.'rli' . s. and t hose w hocain.oi i..Uc it must not p;w-s it. " I pi n wlni h that sterling Deniot raiit pa per. the .Iy-, asks, "Is ihe aware what becilnie ol ii evict's experiment !" liiTiTiiijJ that hbsiory wilL T'itu, liiui. , tiesicr's i up was set up in the I'. S. Cir cuit Couit liooin in thi city, on Saturday last, when tew - were louud tcorthy to pass iiiidtr it.- lxtiinMKfiet. " ? -l- Two or three dead babies are picked up every day in w York streeta. A Further Coniidrration of the Dan geroui Conditiou of the Country Cau set Which have Led to it. and the Du ty of the People. I.V A M A It VI. AM .Kit. I V,mel to.'.. I.) Ill ll.o ' ivcr been contindcd b, lore'; that ii ii -1 r the guarantee clause. Conor.-ss ha- a right to make u constitution lor a Slate? And yd thi- i- viltn-illy what i now ill tt m j 1 1 1 1 in u-giuiito M.nyLiiitl, I,1 aw ale, inn I Keiitu. k x . If they Can do t Ins tin y hit. ihe p. ever to decide when ami how la tl.i it. A -i tit ling pielcnsion, eel t aini v 1 ll linn- leant right evi i held dear by iln people ,. tins Coiuitiy, it I- ihut oi loiiiiim. tin ii ovtn Stat-- govt i 1:111. ol. Hut how i - '. ll ovir, it It etilsls. tobe t-xerl.d; . C'.HL;li'!ii ol Itself lo ll ami- :i C.mstitiil i..,i and loice it llpt II .1 Male, llol only vxillloi.t lii;tl.l to, bill -igiiinst the knovvti xtill ol Iii r people' And is this to be done in the muni- uml on la-hall of n publican Ireeil.un : I 'un any measure be more uiibigouisl ic to ll.e idea ol such fmnlom i Ami if Congriss is not to tlo lb s wora itsell, hut lo It iiv-f it to the pi ople of the Stale, it can only aicompli-h Ihe end by i-s. n i,. ihe light to x j. . 1 such II Constitution, lis ill the Case ol olle framed bv the people ol a I'. 1 1 i:o- . Wll tt, then, is tube tin condition ol Males which insist upon ;i Constitution w l.ich is ol j i humble to Congress! They will be w ithout a Con stitution, or have one Ion i d iinoii tlin.i by Congress which that body III t x, approv. A ii 1 w hat is the charat o-r ol llie Ion e to I.-- j ex.rtetlf ll must be physical, i.ot mora' mililarv, not civil xi Inch is Mate b -tin. -tion. This is not making the niili'ury -i.L ordiiuite to the civil authority, a- the soi rity ol liberty rcquiri -. but paianioiiut. . It 1 is, iu fact, to give to ( i.ii jii--- t !..- power to establish military go., nun. i.is oi every one of the States; tn oil j'-ti iiicpe.-ph.-ol each, j nol to the mild it. tl.i. in a-ol tli-.- and l.u- ( mane laws, but to lie pow.i. l any iiillit.uv man w hoiu Congress ,L. til po.pt r lo pl-n-oyer thein, as ( 'oiig ri ss li :s 1 1. .n in relation I to ten ol the Statist.) tin- I uion. The re- ' suit of this experiment has n.. been such as to eommend it to the good sense and patri1 otic letlillgol ll flee pie. Mr. Stevens, ot l'l-niisylvaiint, tho very heatl and Imnt ol the Ibulical portion ol the Republic. ill party in the Mouse ol Ki prisctis tatives, in a recent, letter to a (l.-rniiin pio fessor, twho. by the bye, xvitli wretched taste, suys that our lathers lulled to up proach near "to t lie tun- print iples of lib erty," and that there i- in ihe Constitution a "great blol" and heinous . rime" u cross libel upon our nio-l ilh.st i iocs ,1-. a.l.) m.tiu tains, that since wind In i i lo.ieoiisly says has taken place, t Le adopt i. u ol the four teenth alnendnif nt i in- Ii I- ii. , .loiil. I i.i the power of Cmigrcs "toiej'oi e the . let tive Ir.incllise. s., tin- a- i: it-gard- iln; xvhole nation. Ill i' iMo. ! ihe l liloll." The aiiieuiimeiil hi- i... -u. h pow ci . Il only provides : 1. Thai p. is..:i- boininthe l. S., or nut urul i .. 1 1 a..-l mi1 i el lo il i ju risdictitHi, are citicus i l - r -ol. and ol llie Stute ol their residence. Tnat mi State shall make or eiiloici- an law w hit h shall abridge the prixiieges ami immunities ol citizens of the I'nitetl Siute-. ;l, Tluit no person shall be d. piived ..f life, liberty, or property w ithout .Inc pr.M-.ssol law, or be rlenied eipnil prote.iion ot tin- laws. There is nothing in either ol these provisions from which the power in "piestn.i, , an be implied. I'lifter the Constitution, uidecmleiil of this supposed amendment, the provisions as to the rights of t-itieiis are the same as those ol the aim-mliiic ul And yet Mr. Stevens himselt adiuiis xxhal no one has until late ly denied that Congress had no authority to interfeff with suffrage in the States. How, then, can tho amendment lie held to confer that authority i 1 have said, that in relation to this subject,, the Constitution snd the Hnientliuent aie the same. Ale they not f Will Mr. Stevens, or any other man of sense, maintain, that under the Constitution, without the amendment, a Stute. could, by luxv. "abridge the privileges ami immunities ol cili7.cn-,." or dtprivc any person 'ol life, liberty, or property without ftie process of law." Arid tliese sre nil Ihat the amendment prohibits. I he fact is, that the piovisions just referred to are wholly unnecessary. Il the ain.-iitlinetil hudcoi taincd hul the single clause th lining cinz n ship, the eon-l it in ion would have supplied all of the seem nie-i enuineiated in tin- ft cond and third clauses. If, then-' re. u Mr. Stevens conn des, citii -tislnp .l. , .-i ..i confer the rigln 'o vote, or give to i '..i :o,., any power to c. i.fer it upon the i , n, ih- aiiientlinent gix. - neither the rignt. power. Imleet. to construe tin other wise w on- I ' i-ike it the dm gress to. set Lire t'.e fr:-i.t lii-e lo io i II, il T. sped I e of Sge, r"si 'en, e. color. For il n 'a- s right im id. nl li- .1 1 . t ; 7.eliship. on o i . s has not tinlv I deny or abrn it. Im'. on tin ct .ri in . It. The I ,e! is. , i: bone. I to i.i. Stevens' i 1 1 . : a L c i in nn ho. "I i an entire nii-eq -.rehensi. n ol its iiiaim g ami piiipo--. tloes HOI .1. Ill ii d n it ui s up- m i ll.- Ol I I I .it t'o list ll Ul loll ll I. Iislil p. all I , i 1 (let. n ' .. p 'in. i an -io , a , ii eii I .-r- tallied, tin obi i t of t lie in.-relv to -i.piox that oi Inllll. lit W ti ll I . a - it thus by .leelaring I iiat lurthaml i.ai ui 'i b itnm shall give ii : and as It ii el been lo M b the Suprcinc i .i i . in iht Di d o'i thcision. tllMt tile ll -et II ' 1 11 II t ot lOl Aim MM, bom within tht I int. d Slates, was in. I a i. i. n. the langiiAe ol the tiisl i iue-c wa- 'lisig'i etlly Iliad- m 1 1 llipr. hi llsix e as to Inc'tide that class. Jn fact, the ih sign was to pro vide that the viiiue ciiciitn-tuticcs i b.rih or nafiif ali.it t ion i shall make a black us well it a white m. n a eiti7.cn. It steins tome. thii. pi 'bcl'x plaiullott ll.t t-lcliisixt-ri-ht of the Stat, s I o n glilute Sl.ltiiig -, nillinltcd bv Mr. Si. tens to belong to tin in pr. to I lie linn li.lliuil, belongs to tin in. Ml -This must beso. mil. s i nui nslnp m il,, I'nite.l Stat, s of ilselt gives, tin- right to vote - II I oposit ion I.ai exlravag.tut to be bt-lletetl III Iy any hul a pt-IXcttt't! tllnh-r' standi n;1! I'lain the whole sul.j el of (he gn-.i'inltc clausf it is siibinittetl : I. Tliut its m uiing is enfir b different from that wtd h t lit Hii'litals i me day impute to il. v! That thet xisl.n g.tverniuelits of tl.e Slates are. niul have a! ays bet n. republican in toiin. 3. That ihe -"le office of Ihe e'linsi- i 'Vi secure to iln in ihat form. 4. That llie op posite construction wo old. in pun tice, fa ilestrueiiv of tic rights ol the States ami of-tlie ftfiipb, i 'I Ii ! Meh vV-imruei.ii.t. is rcpyid ao tl I . iln tmiie past history .d our coiuitiy. And. 'lastly, that there is nothing in th.- supposed loiirleenlli amends incut ahull In HuV ny enlarges the power of t'ongriTS ui thusrvsj'cct.. Ju what I huvc thu tar saitT bt ftie ii1meht, 1 have i" sumed that it tiss lacn constitutionally lati ficd. But tht i ceitainly not the fact, uu- less the ten Southern Htatea are not States of thol nion lu my foruiiT pamphlet 1 quo ted u relent tin l-ion . Chief Justice Chase to show that. in f he judgement of llie judicial dep.titi t , the (iot, riiinenr. their charac ter as siu h Mates was not lost by the rebel lion. Ills tniriujs;e is, that the rela lllon ill. I ll,.) ;tlll ,", 111 ", loll A MOM1..M. Till, sl l'tmiloN I K Nolllll Cxhoi.ina UloM i ill.: I Mow" Tin- . out r irv hxMiihesis goes upon the lisv-tiiipl,.n III it llie III. e I X 1 1 Will t-Atill ..'lltshe.l tlniu ,lli ll '.(alls, illni gave til the t mini Slates t In- same title to the ter 1 1 1 1 . i x hi 1 -i :n . I w ithin thi ir bouniluiii s, and the . uie aiithontv over thetrpeople. as if thev hail been conquered Irom a foreign m ini A woi.l oi iwo more upon this point 1 in- be tin. . il would follow that t In- I luted Slate, i mi1. 1 transfer them and their people lo another mil ion ; for what is olituiiieil hv conquest, and has not after ward become a Stale, til the Union, the b t eminent of the I nion can cede away. Ami yet, so fir, no one has been reckleaa enough to say that such a cession can be constitutionally niade of these Slates. In tiufh, such an act would be aceasion by the I ; ..fin, icnt ol a vital portion of itself Tin .i- States not having, in the words of t ic ' Inef .1 ust it e, "even f ir a moment" l.-sf iii--ii character or connection with the I uion us States, the aim-n.inifiit in question bus not been ratified so us to make it a part of ihe Constii niion. 1 V. The inipeuehiui-ut power. Upou this point the wrifT thinks that very erroneous and mischievous doctrinesarc held by soine .1 our public nu n. Tht s,- errors are : 1. ,s lo wiiat may be the subject of the pow er. 'J A-to xx hat Congi.-ss t an do pent! log the liial. The provisions ol the Con si i I ii tion me . iu regard to ihe tiist ; that th-1 imp. at liinent is to la- tor "treason, bribery, or ollnr high t limca and misdemeanors :" niiil upon the .second : that when the Presi dent is impfui he. I 'ami to that case the . iter will i online hiuiselli the trial shall be by the Senate, anil that two thirds of the iiieinbtr- pit-sent shall Ik.-necessary to a con x ictioii, niul that the jinlginenL is not to ex tend ' further than to removal Irom office ami disqualification to hold anil enjoy nrty office of honor, tiust, or profit under the I'nitetl Slates." I. From the fa-ginning of the (oivcrninent it has been uniformly de cided by the Supreme Court that there are no i-onitnon law offences prohibited by the Constitution except such as are specially mimed. Iu thu clause before us the only oth nccs so designated arc treason antl bri bory. For the nature of these oflences the courts have u right to reler to the common hive lor their definition. Hut it is other yi-i -e as to the general terms, high Clinics and iiiis.lt inciiiiors. Thc-e not being speci fied, and there being no . oiuuion law juris ilii : ion in the Courts ol the I nion, they on 1 1 in t take cognizance ol them without stulutoiy authority. If this was not so, the the iriue of the judiciary would be pal publy wiong. lint il it be wrotig -il there mux , under this i ltiiise, be :i ci .me and mis ileiiieiinor not made so by statute this is certain, that there must he some law niak ing it so. Mu act, therefore, which thu President may do is cause of impeachment iinh-sss it be treason or bribery, or declared criminal by stiitutc or the common law. Any other construction would place it in the power ot llie House of Heprescntativi s to make any act ot the President, though not prohibited by law.uud wholly innocent, a crime and misdemeanor, which would be to place the President in absolute depen dence upon Congre,s, contrary tn the obvious design ol the Conslllulion. The result! is, thai iht President can only be impeached for treason or bribery, or tor some act made by statute a high crime and misdemeanor. Any alleged violation of a supposed .lutv, not made a crime by statute, miv alleged violation of party fealty, any use of his offi cial patronage which politicians may find fault with, or which may have proved in jurious to the public interest, are not causci of impeachment. 2. hat power has Congress during the trial? Il i. c.tuleuJcd, ami. ns the wribr liclii vi-i, for the first time, that I x siuiuif the President may be suspeiiilt .1 loin nil the liuictioirs of iiis othce. Clcirlt, this pN-twer is not m terms given by th-- ttns'i tu'ion. tin the contrary, by ls v rv wonts he is In remain in office until In I In lu en t un-l t'tioually convict. 1 i tii-u wliic-i can only he had ll ni t: ot i...-:hirds ,. the Senators po s i.i t oiiv.-iitiou had designed to give t o-. s- lln- powt r ill question, i- it . . I Ic i !i .1 thci would not have Ion nvie vote It the in I' tin t. i i,,- ; I lu v had th i.u I p. n-oii I be necessary i .1, .t n' I : h- y have left ii t ll ..po,i ,,e dl-eretioil of I ii il t .u- n i , is in the c-ise il I" .lie I en Or iriil- it o in vai, have made it tin- subject of - oii'i- i, n prox ision t Hut we are not ii. wex. r. to mere argiim. nl upon the jt . t. I ll power, it W as Suggested by a ii.l.t-r of tin convention, should I e deles ..I lo i oi giess. The su .te-: ion iltet n no faxor it w ;ts general y n mli tied. Am ' i ..ttiers. Vr. Madison opM.i(l it, oinui.d tli-it it Woulil en , bit- a mere III .j . iv ot cue Ii House to t If. i t the It mpo- 1 rnv i inoval ot a President who might j pi ne oi .uo ions to tht in, an.l to take to! theui-i 1 1. s ihe benefit of hII :c patronage ! ..t iht-olhce. by phit-ing iij it Voine person ' wh would lb-pose of such phironngc to their ii.Kaniiige. i It will not be .h.-m.-ii . i xiiavatjniit or unjust to athl. Hint the lores , sight ol Mr. Madison is illustrated by what, I it is said, is now contemplate.) by some of t he. leading men ol the Itatlit al br imh ol ! Ihe Hcpiihlieiiii party I Hut t notonlt xvithout warrant in i tion, hut is rejuignant to its pose. The whi le .'lenitive pew. the President, ami he holds il -rciiiovrtl w hen conv icted on uti. I. wiih that exception, i doi-trine is.) Collstllu I imiis pur t estei in . vi only to iii-hmeiit, under, bin against, any power conferred iif.t.1. Cm-it-.. , In reant respects it is given tuimu lo mu I, the im-oiisiderate or unconstitiiiio.i il u. t.s .u" that bislj. lie is to beeha-.d by e'ectois t'liiist n by file people, an.l ro tulle rity is given to t'ongn ss in ngartl lo tin- el. c'loii. except in the contingency ot the failine oi' tbe electors tn elect. The 11 'list .1 It. w, sentitives has if. control over him. eve pi by iivipe.u hinent ; and the S n il.-t an m y coiiTii't upon the judgment of two thuds ,. its ini-mbers. His awer to arrest the L.-i Is' ion of Congress by x-eto cnnii.tt h- ot, r ruied, encept by t-wo thirds of each llo.ise. It ia evident from thi se several provi-e u s that it w as not. the dftiign to sjiliitcl Inni or his powers to the authority of a in .-re uuij ;i ity of the Legislature. The prat 1 1. al r. suli of a power to suspend might le to woik his removal. The House impeaches and tin majority ot that body and of the Semite suspenns durinfT the trials) two thirds-of the latter branch cannot ba brought to, convict ; the Uoute again impcachcw,and suspeusion ia agaiu provided lor ; aiitl the mine proweding may be tenoned toon every Buoccaaiyts failnre in the Sen ile Intoiivic.l, until hi term of ollict! expires. During ihu alutlawriud the executive power of the tnvernmciit is to las wielded by a man u!l wktU'LliX t6e J'eii pie, but by a I re majority nt -each llonss-. Cnn it be imagined that such rca u Its as these were iviiicinplattl by the Convention f ll il cannot, it ia subuitlte.l thai lUo axjf'w. r lias no place in the Const itufioB. The w riter, then fore, niaiiitains that there csn Iw no impeachment except for treason or bribei-v, or for some suit which by ttalMe h bteii luatle a high ci iiue aud niiadauieanor. '. 'i'hc s. ttiitt opinion of thia ouuntrv (justilictl by all history) lias ever been, thai political Ma rty ami individual rights can la-best secured hv a written Constitution, limiting niul ih lining llie Mnveia it me tloverninent. .1 nrcv.li icttd power, whs'tber vested in nii-.i iiiuiany, is alwuys danger ous ll is but (In- power of tin despot, lata! alike to sia ial and private rights ami interests. Ii i, then-lore, albitnportant that the public mind shall adhere to tho opinions upon this -i! ji. i whicii our father Cnnly ami th vol. illy !n ' util very recently tn considerate run.'' the country Were Im?. coming uppr. hcn-iv. tint a majority ol our pi-ople w ere ab 'lit to a i million these princi ples. The r. - ill of the election during this and the pneeding month has cheered, them w ith it hope that such will not 1)0 the case. The voice which tliese elections have uttered is so coiuniuuilingt.that,.if it docs not fail to airest the course of the present Congress, and lorn; t hem to adopt a con servative .im I . .institutional policy, it will soon tall into power il different act Of servant-. The writer, for himself, ha not ful ly shared iu those apprehensions. He ha always felt a inunction, that the assaults upon the i 'onstiiuiioti- the violation of it most sue red prox isitins -and the distracted and distressed condition to which the coun try would be hioiigltt by them, would at an curly day awaken the patriotism and lovtt of ficcdoiii, wlii. h he believes are teo deep ly s.-.ited in the hearts of the people ever to la- eradicated. That the Constitution has not la-en mid is not now observed by the dominant party in Congress, he thinks he haa deniousl ruled. . ..tMi ' That the condition of the country is a dis tressing one, all must admit. Who has read a recent address ot a Convention of the white citi.ens of South Carolina without sy mpathy and pain ? The sad state of their section thee describe with a touching elo quence, power, ami truth, which much ex cite iitlmiriition and awaken solicitude. -They have made their appeal, not In a pu sillanimous, but in a manly and patriotic spirit. Tin y invoke the justice anil human, ity of their nice cvprp-s no hostility to the rightful authority of the United States - ad mit that the d.a-ti'ine ot secesaioa can no longer be maintained, and that the institu tion of slavery is teTminnted forever. In their ow ii words, "shivery is at an end," and thev disclaim any purpose or wish to rein state it. What they ask is, to lie permitted to participate, equally with the Northern men of their lace, in the privilege aud se curities ol a common government. They, above all, implore such brethren not to sub ject them to the dominion ot an ignorant Alriean race, just emerged from slavery, uneducated, devoid of all knoweltlge of the principles upon w hich rest our free institu tions, and who can only become the instru ments of bad ami designing men. What they want is pi-ace, benign peace, which carries with it security and happiness not the peace which rcigua ia the homestead whose inmates have been butchered by a savage foe not the peace of the Desert but pence guarded and protected by civil laws, such ns freemen have a right to de mand. Disclaiming any "tactions oppose lion to the recoiisl rut (ion lli tsol Coi;iei s," they tell us for what Ihev desire peace ; that it is to enable tin in to bull. I un.ui waste places "our temples of wnrhii,"rtnr sacked and ruin. 'i eii it s now lying ia ashes, our dismiiir letl tltei:iiios, mid OUT pi ost rate credit ; ti-r its lu.ly Christian' Influence, ami for the civiliriitinii irurl n-frnement xvluch spring up in its path " Shall' this appeal be in vuin I Knr.bid it, justice 1- V irbid it, liuiiiniitty ! Km bill it, our ohiubiuii orijtn, our px-t and etiiiiil renown as defenders ot the -right and hom.r of our nation upon the net an mi l the land, and as equal contribu tor... in the public council, to the salety, prosptrity. and hippinei of the whole country! I'm the writer ha no fear that the appeal will be in vain. Tot it is now the demonstrated determination of the white men of the North, the KaM, the West, ami the far Pacific, to have the Constitution respected, and lo continue the governments. State and national, exclusively in the hand ol men of their own race. When thi i done, tin; South will toon be restored to for mer prosperity will be once) mere a stores house largely contributing to the wealth and happiness of the nation and t)e, as in the past, the nbmle of th intelligent and re fined, di qiensing an elegant hospitality, which has ivr bee e'OTerhinl. And then, better than all, h. j .leople aavd-those of the other States w-iil be brmod together by tie far stronger than any that Constitutions can create thtii.i of mutual interest and af fection. A MAaVtAMiKR. GKNFKAt. "HA XT A UA1N8T NEGRO l FFRAOK. -i "Mack" writes under dafe-'fcf November 15 from V-is',i..:t"ii tti-theCltMinniiti Ciwu m ;.ti. n Hepiibliciin paper, aa follows : Anio.ig th,. witnesses summoned before he lnijwsehii-1 nt f-'itnmittewas Colonel llillyer.ioriiii.ru nl Central fclTant's staff, now a 1 . h i .. "Uit t: litiltler iu New Tnrk. What !.. : .-liii. d it., ,.r was supjamed to knot ih ' r ' t i i e ii a I to. V..I. T cannot say; I in h- ,. i. i-'.iv mot Mr. Kldritlge. of Wia- " 11 "-'"'I'-r of Ihe com in it tee) on l', ..ii--. ,t n i i i, v. uue, ami addressing him. Sin. I be upp.,K d . iu wouldn't la- neeesanry br liiui I., o ti-,. ti. rerjortot his triim. "v. .X". i.n no ;:. ..inl.qiiat would ' -!. W. b ' -n. I llillyer, t here's lie all one I'n ig )ttu Tin;"it h,i"- got oiit ol im jia.l pui lln .p.isstiim to me, awl vi tnetiit n.a' .n itio .1 when you Well i I you u came cxain- no. g tn. ai.. , i.i.no.' -What's ihat Knlild- e in .' lepllrd illllt, r. I suid heard ll COIIX. I - l- io . . I i lln I'i. - in, I t x i : . i'i -'i-i no tl l . i t- v, r .'li ti. neral nl and liii'. ain tin o.il, ii. n 'slk .poli u s (Irani i ones t ai.. in it .....i bringing h - l and aloun Ilea v i ' x tin ' It' It , .(', iy,.;.i- - ,t .A..b, irii . .. , Now . l.-lhenl "i.iy: Vr V..,, Unt, n ' '' -'a 't .'..is iv. a,u,nsi,.. -..,,1 (" t. I k , nil- .( enr ' - ' - v. im tigmcnt ,. ( mi' l"li. II In nr. l is, I . - i- , w na ..s r. ... l., ..... ...!....! t. ... . w hat ndgi;-ifTmia--TsyvM it. jilst after" theconveration between him ami Colonel U'"y- -,',': MACK.'' i s-S,- -. I p- : 'Vfc.-.miia..u,

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