Y VOL. 2. UALEI N C, SATURDAY, FEBKUAlItY 1, 1868. 1 THE SENTINEL. WM. K. PELL, Pkophiktor. ,J . U il TBVHSDA Y. 1 he "n railed" had a protracted session, , ,n Thursday, without uccouipIIaSidg much of ifff-nw:-''-''--! '- Maj.ri.ty and Minority Reports from ttic r,.uiiuiuee. on Suffrage were presented, but hi it r. Kcl. We do not know the precise provisions of the Majority Report, and, i hcrefore, shall omit our notice of it, until we may be able to sec it in printed lorm. Wo will lake pleasure in presenting, to morrow, the admirable "Report of Messrs. i, ihini, dl Orange, and Durham, for the Minority. It will le observed Unit the Committee ,mi I'rivi'kges and Elections (so-called) have reported adversely to the right of Mr. Wil liams, l Sampson, to the seat to which (he people elected him, and which was award ed linn liy (Jen. Canby, and in favor ot one Hull, who contests it. We know nothing ot the gMowtr '.'f;; .tukMt:" However feeble and untenable, perhapH makes no difference. I'll, "inily loll" are entitled to the per diem fiiii! iil t j l; - A,', c, '--.-l. That III.. .Smuts deserves the dunes. - ,.,! n, tint r .4U Ui lnit" , A i, solution a iwwil, direr ting the i niji iiioti ol ' ft Committee lo enquire who .iiuiii to Iw relieved ol their disabilities. Cilia is prep aratory to shriving a few sinners m.l making them clean enough to enjoy -oiiie of the numerous ollices to be filled. We leicr the public lo the report of pro ceedings, in order (list they may sec how Uiu gay,,wa,s applied toull opposition to this I m iff BeWMrTif , ;W tiltfrfniwjr mSgitti&trW , mil, tin- negro delegate from Cumberland, Liberty of speech w ill) these men is alto o ilier a one-sided matter. The little des potism in the Convention is'on a pur with the big despotism in Congress. The Article of the Constitution, entitled ' governor and other Kxceutive otlicers,'' wis peilecte-i and adopted, remaining, however, substantially in the same slrupe as when it catuo from the Committee, anil as it was commented on by us, a few days siman. W.iAim.uMsh,it. wd.ire.ju.. esssk lime. Two sections ol tlie Article on Militia were adoptedto be noticed hcrealter. We have before us an Ordinance, intro . i.luc.wLix.M.&.Jfcd'yiJ"), if'tetideiT To 'Tie the Judiciary Article ol the Constitution, of which we may only say, for the present, that, upon a cursory inspection, it appear to le tree from grave objections. UEUKb'.FOR TUK I'OOB. The crmiplatrtts of our peortlr, arising In, in personal indebtedness, are not ill loimdtd. They are hntnpered by debt lo an alarming extent. Much oft no property, lor which their indebtedness was created, h is been confiscated or destroyed by order of fhe -Natiohar government,! which indebt eauW,,.M.;tiu,.to us, in Ulnct jutiie, ought to ba beta iriivyU'd it by the government, at thu same I line; They arc, therelore, unable to pay, without, in many csses,produeing permanent and irrecoverable aiTveraTtyf 'TTTeTr rTo'ndiCloii fiectfa tfiB aid ol the government in-: - o lorm. But, -in riie u I, s--sit Imp tttT relief - bom Ibi i'lai W-r, aubmit that it is a amwhkA::Mi1y:jtA iter are alone concerned, utid which ought not to lejettjl or attempted to be settled, by an appeal to the masses, or ty the votes es pecially ol the negro race, who are neither to bo profiled or injured themselves, but may seriously damage the cause of justice aud right There are great principles of law, found ed upon the itl.W61o word ol OixJ and the acknowledged principle of right and justice, lodged in every sound human Ikmoui, which no earthly government should aud exigeiictes, however, in wfticlt the gov-' eminent may properly ittep in 'between the ' 7 TitoTSiul R!r?lir-'w-" ercise ot that humanity mid forlBranee wjiicli may be tieoesaary tor tlie protection ' the righd of Hie debtor, but, at the tame time. It cannot be justffietl in tij 5 ctioq, whlctjHj iiaiiilttly nnjitat t the creditor. If, iUerefoci, 1 w i lion'veriKoril 'ad "tegt-" lative bodb-s, i attempting to aflord relief, woul j wiwly ailhrre to thoae great princi plea, noui wonb suffer wrongfully,. The fien; (?anby measure t -teUst, wb4eht-W- tt " wee det"giKditt be jSimporry nT wettti liava tne ellect OLinuuesug an ueouira anu pullFnM-f- M,ib. n it.mnrnKli tinmanti w. r" r.'. ,1 r--r- t - r.r - r x I Hnu Jiial settlement oi ineir mauera, wuuiu 1 result lu ffood. But why insttrt the principle of repudi ' ' tloa In the' organic Tnr nt tbrf trft , Wty place the new , C4)ntiitMiioH n antagonism . with Vie Constitution of the t'nitar! til ales f j "TVu -ft - nirAtttftiOt CfWT.---f he so railed Convention low now been in (J'ssion . seveoteeq.' daf ft &Ft: atnt f tlOO per day making, hi tile aggregate, nearly 1 18.0(H), to siy nothing of the malUrof mileage, stationery, ic, yf, r.H the leglti f traiuact.it has oHIy adoptwl a few aeit tiona of I , ,wfci-? rr:Vi.!ii;i.:.smfeK.,Tf.. I .. - WtfitUowteir s-ji-iins conteinpi'itM a In.avr I burden to the- Mate, in the fuluro, in (lie j t , waj ol UxaUoiu- Cir"Iu iuppoiT ST'iIinEEr jd siiperllu his ot'ieefj. Thcae are the first fniiu of Radical rule? Who can precTit f T s .. .. .1 the end, if it i fastened npon Korth Caroli na i ' u ,. ... i. ,y ,.. i..,,,,,,,.) .... "Mrt lAncailn .njipointiw five of . the eight r i, j!fW vowftmttt ttn ijnfwme Owt, 'which the rarliral Coairremtnet! are atrsid tatrns.t j i NORTH CAROLINA AB0V8INO ! The proceeding of Conservative meetings fa-rhMM eim-:f !tiw taft-feaiimaUftt to be published in the Stutiatl, accumulate upon our hand's to such an entente ibid wo are unable to publish them inettenm. W e propone lu make such aUUuets, a wu can 4d JJ'MeJf rthyuu .pvjt,j5r)j;fldjf be titerewritii content. " It must rejoice tile beart of every lover ot hip State and country to witness the awakening of the fires of pa triotism aiming imr people, in this hour of exigency and pent The spectacle is full ol hopeful augury. "There is life in the obi land yet." From all the indications, we anticipate a ; glorious rally of the friends of Constitution j a Union and civil liliertv, next week. ('HAVEN. Alatgeand enthuHiastic meetioo ol the Conservatives ol this county was held "ii Tuesday. Hon. M. E. Manly pn sideid. and. on taking the chair, made an eloipn nt ami patriotic speech. The meeting was lunlu i ably address by Messrs. ,li. Hughes, II It Brjsii, 3no:tt7fftiSS(fm, Alex. Justice and 8. D. Pool. One bundled delegates were appointed to the Conservative Stale Con, vention, and an excellent series ot resolU lions was adopted. Among the resolutions Was thelolhjwrng -jnst irthme to tbc snis-ll baud of Conservatives in the Constitutional to-lh)oC-onvention : Kctofoed, That a vote of thanks 1-e and M btsreby toadeitta-Uie CuntrvU.Vt: uieui bers of the Convention now in session at Kaleigh. for their noble and patriotic course. GHANVILLE. The meeting in this County, on Saturday spestable ever assembled in Uranville. Jas. ft. Duty, Esq., presided and W. H. P. Jen kins was Secretary. Messrs. J. T. Littb johii. Ho. J. Hicks, It. 8. Barnett, D. A. Paschall, Geo. Wnithain, Willis Lewis, W. M. Blackwell, H. K. Coleman, C. II. K. 'fay lor, W. B.Oews. J. A. Hiitloek, W. H. Jen kins and 8. A. Williams constituted the Committee on Hesolutions, who reporter), an eloquent series, through i lie fiist named gentleman, the Chairman. I he Preamble recites the various conccn gion r nttt arTrflfT-which-- irh -tswrol r has already made, for the sake of peace ami restoration, and the return which she hns received, thirelor, at I he hands ol the des pui.k .iutgti(y in the National Cofineils, ai, i vww t t4M.. Iait, llie . reaoluLu.us declare 1. That the people of Granville claim the tiwHnmiuBiirf tint duuitil iiUon imd pruiciL against all violations thereof. 2. That they hail with debght the awakening of the people of the North to a aense ot the ifangeis w hich threaten to de atroy the Conslilulion, as evidenced by the recent elections; aud pledge a hearty eo op eration in their efforts to redeem the. coun try. 3. That, - W-Uilt tlicy wi ll assure to the col orecl race the full protection of the law in ftieir pelsons and property, yet, "in the Ian' gunge of the lrsfSlWito'Kiiir''j the State, 'it is not to be expected that they can -oiHprehel -aai4 -appweiate, -a they aliould bu-comprehenilcd and appreciated, tlie wise provisions and limittitioiis of Con stitutions and laws, or that they can have that knowledge of public affairs, which is jietwvirj l tiualif)' tlieau tif 4iihai yv. all . the dutiea ot'the citizen.' " The resolutions are so adinirablc.throtigli out; that ire he yet f -able to produce them entire. Fifty-two delegates, embracing many of the first citizen of the County, were sp puinted to the approaching Htate Conven tion. CHATHAM. At a meeting oi the Conservative citizens of this county, held in Pktslioro', on the 2i5tb'., W. BertjrauMii Esq., presided wit ry. Sixty-four delegate were apppointeir to f Uie'Conserviilve CdnH'ntfoi:" Attrohg tbttn, V ln tho cases above, ere the leading citizen or the county- number of whom we hope to see in attendance next week. SUKUV. .., Tl'itlljiymiiM&:- fMtsrm, on the &7tU. Capt W, M. Norman presided , mi Luther O. Waugh waa appointed fiecre tary. JtolMiss.,J' . the Jfi'tf Btr'l'SJ w"r adopted. One ot tbeiu nouimate. (kneral .WBlleiiJ ft. HuncoeV in w PJtMUi ct the United, 8tw i-Lil ?Z' Ta r dcWmps weif amaiinterf- "-"'J - r. -- -i the Cfinservatlvo 8rtc Convention. In r)c fault of the nttendan(-6 of any of the gjt nile men Tl,TtrrXeKM.'t Gale and TL C.(B)Mlger, Eis., aw rcquealed to represent thd Conservativeii of Surry. I'be f'olirtwing iwwIutoMsrtuptt'il en ttw.. occ ion, uver tW troe ground and expn s the statiments ol nine tenths of the nailve f white wt'nKrrtttpri - Ketottud. That while it i the sincere k- ttre at tlie jwsople !, Kortii Carolina, tliat 41W-fllBll?W.1TW sK?!,ai',!.l" P;TC mm u.,." -- - - i t'ni..n at. tin enrlv dav. linos iilst and Ron- tnifm t o fwiy y. b" hiwlw IMIi rfil'Jltlill Jti'-g rnitovntinn B"" IIMI FT" JS p a w i 'Fampnnimni wtnek milt utjorjliiu. Jlhe w hrfe to the fil ii k race ns we sincerely believe tiiai im-Ii" p.joi7 w HI lnPTtn'rty tvtrf wrft war of races, fculh will prwiJce disarter ?t'!' ,f I",, ' . , , I.., T-l.t mim KAtiuv that tha apVAral cts of toi.riMi tout lung teoooatruction retloirly m violation of the Constitution ot the L lilted HtaUsiiMid that, if carried out, they will abolwtt al1 ditf im tton lwtwen !, k uiJ lii.i. k TJ.C thereby 'le- frrad.bir tli former.- 4 tbar-lhert thy -j connt.wua tne ciyiiiwwn pi toe ego. Af.l'UA- rA , ' HKT. ! it AMnt, BfHHtttrt Eepf Utrs aj t,ed Or an Andr, w i, a .sY.le.ii.oi ol l'iint- j e-r treat; nvift?, - -t Or Ashhv. the "Pilgrim " from Ply mouth Ii -ck's shade, i. a Hindi. , of in. itniieiil 'pravii G -I (iK Ml AM Im si-rces Wltliotll lilt v. II I .1 K - (.Inn I 1.1 ii rr i -a , III, re. i a Jones i ,1 fi-iy,1' s(d.b'"tleceiver;'" i It i, Ilea! licuv. r. en! i leal uiot ions : -! ' .o'r' proj.oituins. s a Kin. ol in., . a LatHin. of N m a Ma n. ( 'n 'J f Or McDon ald, I "(IlldV ."' Vorkciji 1'itt.; i M . i , i v wilt! ; III, joke ye I..H r ol ir Mai . m lo Mil :ailn lion: coimr,y, 1 he -i,d N a No lei ijr,!., i ' 'filial '" -lion ' I in , k . (.) foi'ttllliltl- letter '. bit' . wrong . i ihe liiidi mongrel re :,,! Imrl.er JM'llH, 1'ierKOii, is tile ijll,.iiic j thronglf When In lake t flr ll,uly l""ks i;!iiiiec ai the motley en .i. IS a Itodmall, -.lie. ;.i o ea'. l ol Sir. ; IF a f ftthrfll,--we km mo- Uiui . is great Tuuiyi.' I.uinbug "loi in i in :" J8 Walls UiYudlalor Iriini Martin i- the symbol, in Algebra framed, To represent quantities unkiwirn ninl '.HSflrMSfili !,::, r ' .. ; .. " ............ ' Kot tlie Sen tin .-1A7 fiif. I m;c A nilsera'tle b.'t ol lil,".. -t , soit were seal by our in! i! ii.it. eol.bte up a ( 'mi!! Milt ion. as H f l io- 1'ie.er I i, oi.le to was called. in the year ol our l.nr.l k:I.'i. I hev nu t in the erty of - Kligli- .is ot thcut. cauic rather late, lisving lost tiieir wa, as they wire too ignorant to read Hie sign -board., and too proud to ak. They received one dollar anil a half per da lor their service (so-called) and were wrejj paid at t but. V They sucereiieii, l.oAiver, in about six wekvis Uui akl utttJWupJo..;()iiipeU:Ut clerks, in patchini; up a .lucnment, eon teinptible in all its parti - which they culled a Contilulii in, and which has been frin tluit day lo this the scoff ot the civil ized world, and a itisgiacc to the 8. ate. In an old record id' the times, rimy tar -found the "names 'of this weitlt itnd mrt'ttteotflfie tent asaeinblngi- ; otherwise itfiutiiht b ditli cult to lesra who had gut up t lis "I'aiifalo Uadc of nonsense." Ooe Nat. Mai'iiii. p.-s-sibly a wbite.iuau, was PrS-Tdeltfl tutt Wrt so utterly )groianv "V lb' parliamentary rilli-s. that the wind.- I". U durino ilie ses sion, whs in iiu'Xt-rUiiibki c,.-niti-i. n U'ill t.ia.stoi was then pr.t..itil lit.- nuii.c IbMy Gaskins who was inrlicied for sletling a bog, or a mule, and received thirty-nine for the mistake. John Hn.uch wan among them -and David L. tSwuin - wheiher lie gims or not i soiiHuvtiiit. tinccrtuin. All that, is known of them is found in this record. There was one John en. sup posed to he the body servant ol Guv. Owen, w ho took his name by way ot making hm is-lfw'ie" another. Who was her heho answers who ; .1. J Daniel llgured among them and iniiiie some very t'ootish remarks. Hemy "' (Scnwpll wits imother; te hailed from (tie County of Wake. He was a viry interior nian. I lioiittli not a ncirro. I lie Maine oi W. Id'.n K. HitwowU a-lw ns.nam a tumor thai he is still living in Warrcii thoogll IB t?it-ieJ:ortty v Afl Uie mew- l.ers i.steniatiouslv proclnimr.f their own f incompetciiry and tolly, by frequently tiling ling in Ihe debates (o called,) which were scarcely superior in inleiesf fo the wttiT JablrtTings .,f so many monkeysin convetition assembled, The rank and tile of that mem orable bony were a stupid set, who did the voting as they were told, and lived on their dollar and a half a day, perfectly salisllud, as they ought to have been. Tin y laiarded at cheap houses, ami drank but little whis key, which was then only 40 cents per gal. Ion. lliiny ol tlielli were ill hoini s,, no, and had not sense enough to be ashamed of it. Here ntr their -M-y some ot tbeto evi dently mis-spelt, as they were Km ignorant to wrtte -: them ewnretsti. : Kmus -ut tLcm would avrtti to have made their mark.--. Probably some better informed fi tend did Hi- ctitrogntfihyi mki the niarksuieo iuiuil ' the acta by bowing their head. I Heee names, so far as intelligible, are as follows : David Outlaw. Frederick J, HiH. liurgesa H. Gaither, HaW. If. Carsou, ('Samnci, per haps) Hugh McQueen, Alexander Troy, Richard Dolibs Spaight, Jolin 1). Toomer, hmMtilmmmimn 13. UiUiiUU. Josinh. Cruilup, Jea-ie Hpwght, Kentielli .Rayner, Alex: Pi Gaston, ilaMletl Shipp, Asa Bigs, John B. Kelly, Owen Holmc William U. Mearvs, J. Smith, J. L. liaik-j, C Fisher, Mesliack Franklin, D. M. Itarringer, and a &VM)el IHSrry rfttleTff, ;tft -laiul the same pe4ir tkiuic ol ila in bad the impiidvVCe knct ef frontery to sgMmre-the" very natlfet oi tome7 of our Oovernnrs an. I Judges- and eaf4e4 liAinia nught be iiiinli'ii by their miBofahle tlevu:e. - - Cr glorious Convention is enmpoaett of ivntlftnrn-everv motlie'i's son hi iImid; Ju,t 'h. y uv rtHtfrrfttt rn ttrr, "-itttrl i It, and feeH ami pn pud,, like gtutleinen, - Ai?'(f Jiiltwi fer tiirm ! 1loiy Hnagr.ans bat ks enou.'h lor one day t ! W lh ' JLacuik CoeijmKiT. By rufereiw to our lejeipisof (iro'duce it'will t dittCoVefii.t that Measre. J, H. Hunter & fitl., merehants, ..r .1.!. t !, . M-i.'Wftll . lttt,.,T .in. .HiinijA.l onjre-tei.bry j iimn nus nw r;ieu i.y any ... .... ..c .i ..... iMiier m. r t-hitit ml till city (tn'ee cotton hat b.cu rmti!; ts this waww.'TtlT rwielyerl fort' tytyrtH" VNlWi. fwsriMSM fa In J St,tahsrtiSii- jieaeiieanSj kr. Antfvi.k Ihtif jtxi. i 1,1 Orenaila, Mite., on the !(h instant, nefrr.l woman name.f 8..iri Jrine coo!iy mutdcrt'd her two children,' one ajrect 7 yearn and the other 4, by liu rally "cutting tbetn up," a a biibhcr wuuUl nheep. The re mains, horribly mangled, were found iu the eabin occupied hvtho woman. Upon tienifr rtn-eri seiiifi4sI JWr pint, ,lat Wr no reason tor Iter fiendish cruelty. .sl- tiUBHKB Y 'uXVKX TiOXA I. aT,,r-m nil, .iTSvT Tt7f:. T"1 torn. wiwf.: " iSal)i,rha,,-. d; f "m ' , '"Ui-v. Iln.1 the prosperity of the iflr. l.ral.am, ot ( .r.Me, asked the ven K i.anKp.H-s.asb.a.-k a, a coal. held by .e Stt'tV in e X art. ! ' reU.mng -large amounts m,, was nut a Isi t that N'oitln rn ' ' i ... 1 ., . lands were worked to a great advantage in n I 8 lerii-i 'nurl m t im .mnnnt I The t'onsllllilloMHl Convention," (wo-nlll.i ' - Illtll .ajventjoii a called to mder at II o'eliK-k, I'm) c A. l 1V I lie l-i'-v. A-hley, ol the 0m ventiou. : mmrrninioitiOTi was rwire) )rni tm inlltec nil I' lliancc, with lustl Uctlons to con sid. r and report the best course for the .Stale to pursue in the mutter. Mi Watts, a iiiciiiorjal fioiu Sauy.s u ; !o!Hity ill icliition to tlie late i lection., He ' liTied I., tin I oniiuUti.c "ii Klutionr- ' air. Abbott piesentei! a i:oiiiniunieati'-u j from tin: 1'iesl li lit of the Wiiniing!. n, ', ( hiirliitle and Itiilhi il. rd liailroi.,! Coin- 1 j pany. Ilariis, nt Wake, tmgroja UKiiioriul j contet.li.i- tn. -eat ot Mr Miliums, ol ! ."ainp.-oti, i.) ol e Hall. U. lerred to tlie I Committer, will, instruct ions to report as ! Minn as pOssii.le. i .Mr. J.nicb, ol Caldwell, a mnjonty rep, .it from the Committee on Homesteads. (r deaii U) be piiutwd, .Uiit,.iH,gro,) minority. report from "(he sann . A Iso or.lerial to be printed Harris, of Wake, (negio,) a ri'Solnlioii, that the Convention will not art upon pn vale bills lor relict, until the Constitution or civil governiu, hi is formed and nil or.b liaitre pflsvd tor the rebel ol t-bt" people. H wislieii the niji s suspended an. I the resolu tion put on its piuagc. Mr Abbott thought the matter had been I setlleil bv Jlr. I'doI's ordiuruua;. The bill for I the irtev rrt the Wifmmgtott, t:tloU ai J- Hutlu-rlord Hailroad .Company was the best ! relief f,.r the people of North Carolina. It ' saved t wo tnillioOK id di.iiar In llie State. anil Harris' resolution would effectually kill it. ., .Ualbiway, (iiiigro,) tiiouUl lUut all urn -"TtitfofiS 'shoiilrl He over rfmTcritel'fflr'f lie was opposed to the suspension ol the rules. If the Convention passed the resolution, it. would r reile from theposiiion it took in the earlier singe ol ils proceedings. He w as o.)io"Cil b. repudiation , it was only Ihe rich wlin floored that measure, the pour owed oi.tliiiig. Tin1 moineiit repiidiiii ion Was introduced here, it viotildbes d.-aili lilow to the Itipiiblicun party. The best method to give relief to the people was to rncouruge Internal Improvements. He hoped tlie resolution would lie over. Hari, (Hi'troi fid b resoluthMt-nw inlendml only to expedite the business -hi4bi--Uui..Jit...-,: . . . . , Mr. Toiiryee hoped ihe vole -would be taken, and the rules w. re accordingly su pende. I and the resolulioii voted down. Mr. Kii'h, a tesolutiou calling on sheiiHs for the number of cxicutions ami amount J.nopey t be eollrcted tliereon. Laid over. ........... Mr ( 'nngletoii, a revolution in lavor of" imuiediute aetiou on Coitstilulion ninl He Jkt liiltiiivt. .' SHKOlAb OHIICR. The In. ur of 12 o'rlK'k having arrived, Mr. Uiiilimin's report, as Chainnsn ot the .Coiiuiiiltep i n Iteliel, the sp.s'ial oidei of ti e hour, wai taken up. I he following is the report : I W undeisigned, a majority of the Select Cointiiittee on Relief, lesM'Ctftdly report the following Ordinance and Hesolul jorv and recommend iln ir passage : Ait bnirniAwcic RE5rm-rrao Ttttc Jfnismc HON OK THK CsiUKT OK i'HIS HtAfK. - tM.'4-i4iii I. Ma -U. ix'tiu-iiiiiZ iy tlie- pamUnf no i out't of law or . quity of this State shall have jurisdiction ol any suit or actiou IiiuiidtVrf iiii iiny Tuiiiract raartepriurTo'The fiitd ot JUy, VHH, (except attion agaiuat public ollicers, execulots, adminis tiatora, uuartliuns, trustees, and others act- lor breaco ol their respective duties, by the ppteji,MiUuii,-Ui thek -uw u. use iif mitticy or projieny ofticfatty frcTvril iiy tta?Tfl;-'rhT' ith.r. fraudulent act,) or of any action or procese to revive or enforce any judgment rterctoforc recovered on ny wtcft eomraet; wlWthcr such action le now pending, or shall be commenced hereafter, and whether such process lias la-en already issued or shall be hereafter sued for ; and the sherifts, cor oners and constables of this Siaie, having, in their iiands any final process issued upon any judgment, lotmded on such cause of action, are hereby commanded to stay all proecet'rl8 uPon the amc, rmtl retttm t Ire same to the proper courts. Thi Of dwanoe shall Im; in fmce Iroiu tuul utter iU ratification by this Convention, and imli.torjtrnuc in totce until the first dav of Jtrtjf, TW8,' nV ntH thrfrftrtt,'-wMeli tint Convention has Diet lo adopt, shall go thsmlved, That a copy ol the foiegolug Ordinance be sent to Major General Cunby, Commanding, &c , and that he be irspcct fully requesteal tocauae fhe snino to tie en forced. -' Mr. McDoniiht. one oU the Committee, the exception oi the escepiioit in I lie firt' J section, wlueli lie tfiniks elioul.l e stricken out. WlLl.. B. RoomaS", t'tiiiirman. Jonw A. ikDoKALD; - . 4unr Rjtuv . . if w . BHAdt-ey, v ' -.rfrjf. fiWinRHfrW3 ' - Mr. R. niovt U alojit ion ilesaid that they1 i,c eiilieJH';ynsm4ifttH'S." awl d miltud tliat s . nuy law pa-sed, niripliug rtebts nnd contmete, wn in degree repudiation, that it was repinliation to some ipytenf Bttt h"ptejy hiiww;.swp inipuvorisheil and, Ugijared. sml. in justice to posterity, Some no astue ehould fw taken' to prevent the sacrifice or property, il was History knew ot no rase, w lu re a coimuv had passed through a itisastMoa and (U-ao-j i tmnut Hlitari,ttilit:ti..XL. 1'lJL "f'ty . li.tR'liefl itetllM, ite., fl. riliO--( pl-l-'. 1.1 May Uiw J K UI U 1. I u. J,. AJ,,IL1 rn.. ..,.1.1 l...l, 1K.1.... I .l . ....... 1 lion ours at priwiit li qimrl yttltHtt what Mieved their press ut distress. Xi4-u' p, llni to vote riga'in'iit It r'klthoiigft fio wa instiino.- where wpudiatu n iu m de n l Ir'.ll with them on this sid j n, 'J tu, j fa,or 0f nniversatmm'irly kw nil perwini, tree bsw len resorted lo end ai ill left the . nut la In ve that our people air iiitll meiW I i,.iiu.r ihn U,u..l u .iu m ik. ukv on thtr lt. JulytlStlli. it ttrnie meaaiiTe of J .Mft,s dowet Tthis lli'i.t i Tt lArff7 th.'e titilftftmct 'tifnf TrrTtfr,--- H Jirtdiw.Vi. .xouU Ml un.aiwi&ln'ajl!': a ;"U"':1V' L:i vx i''l'l.tu,rjji,4ittvtf)li.oroikui4. 4i,J.e.wa siiftertnir "a indanrt. ' Ke did ynt rare where the purchaaer was born, but he wanted til in to live and labor among na. ils would ay to the debtor, "y nmst pny," and to the rrerlttor, "jou must give time." ' v Mr Jones, ol Waiditirulon, had gmal re-uriHnre-to dt-e,-t an orilinsnee licit bora tV trl'HSni nf th gi-nibhiH fWw ft.s- tort'a pen. Tte people warXed relief and j ubstantiul relief. Ho thought the fdi. ; naiice calculated to tnisleail ; its language i was suscepiible ot gieat misconstruction. -j lie tlot;hl the .IteU-.JJiaaiO, j drawn by the gentleman beten the lar , Imriiin i-tiiiiu.iii6aujgitflrBtrilgl..di'J. i tibt upp'y ioa Kepublic. Thu ordinance , (iave f dishonest debtors too great a scope. He thought .tlie. picture of absentee Inud lorus was ooiv orawu 10 iiiuuencexne iihthst' the N. rtli. Mr Mooie, of Granville, asked If the gen tleman was winking "t eonli-catimi. .'I. Jones; Hy no iiuans. That wss s d a I d.ji k a bug bear to Iriglilen (coble iiiii.ds, but ii liiigliT. ciiuieV TT thti ""pHSEelfl! ui,l,:w,i.-m to Hie govern saMOt III l.il ijl in . I He jiad made an argument, in oi.-di-cnc. in a ifuggis.ion of the Judge on his ciiinii, in i,ir,l u. tlie constitutfonality of the stay law , pncd by thp .fgislatniT, and on beii.g askl i) the Judge it' he thought tin s'iiy bnv of ihe C'-ni, iition wan also uiiciiMitutioinil. he npliid that lie would not dis. iim that ; he and other gentlemen of the bar had agrn.d thai the ikicsHics ol the people were so great til (it tliff' woutrt t..,,WMui ,,,,,sJi. .quiUa., . .XUjrj(Unuu' wuuia eprre, m. ttitl 1st. of JuiyriSSS. Why did not Gen. Cuuby's order cover the same ground Hi idea of relief wis to n-i the State ot! hs )cg- . He w lis for k.-cpii.g tliir honor ., I 'North Car,, lina inviolate, the mo in. nt sin h a d. chitatioi. w as ni:',de. the pelipre Of !tl' ?fiiftli -Wilttlil" tairritt to tvH confidence in the bond? of tbc State. Then the swum of prosperity wonld ser trr rind the snuggle lor supremacy would Ix-jriii That was his idea of a substantial relief. Wrttts- Sirlrt tn ntmd hrrr it HermrHin f tor, li'oni the circumstances that surrounded them. Cries for relict were heard from every quarter. It was not diahouorabJc He would say, publicly, that they were not Stales, and not being Slatitwt we (M-iiih! grunt tiw itM (, otigrtiw had tUUuiaii dial we 1id no Iigal i Kinnu lit Thin vi had no law. He agreed with i had Slci. i. in his .h clarnllon that the ( onstllulioii bad no application to conquered provinces, or territories. Hueh was the nettled policy ol Congress with regard lo ns, and such wus our condition; therefore,- We -can grant broad and "sweeping relief. Wc may be Sal'ed repndiatore; wc may-- be charged wilh uctuig db.lionoi.tly, but the day wuuUl Come w hen such cries would be hustled for ever. ' Mr. W. closed his reniaj ksLby ojlering Ihe, folio winy amendment; "Strike nut all in eluded in the exceptions, ami insert: 'con tract" r nijmiwwitiiit' n(fyt -iwro-oy purchase of real estate, when one-half ot the purchase money has not. been paid.'" Mr. Graham, of Orange, said, substan tially : Mr. .VrekideuS.iA. rise. to,, 'juggest sotne objiiiUwu,., vtUie4i..it the vutfttt..of.J ; f Di.. incus. ire will remove, 1 will chceilully sup port it. Can we, under uur oaths, pais this law? is mil ihe exception in section 1, in Wsj4U.siw; aslJ .Tiustu'iii... tuyjuiitt Is iror thu reiki prouofnit illusory nnilrT deception t Citnno we uccoiuplinh the ul jec.i proposed, more surely, by referring the mttHer t- tint, Ciwio.aJid by uuiliug with the Virginia Convention in their ietition to Congress to extend the linio in the first clause ot the ltiuikriipt law nod lo reduce tbeixpeiwes! I an He not so unictid the Stay daw of I&83 im to give jmlgineiit for tbe.iHsialnicnl due, if not paid at, the times mentioned, iBstrnd of fortb" w linluamonrrt, or give juiiginVnls for oue-tetith ol the old ueuis, joaj y cm, mm i Jf r. ( J,,M.nut:iWtiit:.lt Um, U"i I nnlln st Ih.nl. :.....,. 1 J. .IIl.u j ...I l.. l.i'l.ni i u... ii-i. tit. 'm ii res, hut to view tne whole matter trom a "toyaf bstris. Ant 1ieri3 t vruuid" reminrt -tins Convention that ue; mvu I aim selected as men who have never violated an oath to suptiTTit the (kinsiituiion of the United Hiatus, All whons ofticers; took an eth to supporf'triat Gohstitutiori, and afler- J3qar4, ..yrben . tke tliue to, try ;, men's aotrl fwmc rtpotr tnr, ywwtew-W"- rrm r iwntrg ol kindred and lloed, ao far a not to remain neutral in the late terrible contest, have twenr-xelieb - bitW -no pauao uaul consider that clause whie-li says: "No tale shall pass any law impairing the obliga tiotisot contracts IT jlui Jt jii jaiij that clause does not apply Unit we ate not a Statu. Iiut only a Territory. Vasnot North Carolina askej, at a Mutt, to ratify the amendment abolishing slavery 1 As I said w ould argue this quel ion on a loyal ba sis, i quote Thai), -t itnais. ,-Wat nol the origin ot the whole reconstruction u lieine f 4 Hngrm ''to4jH4 n4 the cilndu ion o) I be IStoU. which lornietl the so-clli Con In ierate Slates of America f Was not tnVl. Nnfrfe "! shall Iw apTiortioncd among the several K.'t vena sav, in his ,i.rf'iho: Spl tiiiii f.v isiuttn nave the right, sBiiulway had it, to fit the Clwtive franchise within their iw S(trt " Did not Chief Justice Chase rc.,ogiiie Siiftii" ('aro boa (is a ttl ate, in fiia addresa to the liar in our circuit, last June f . Uui di this uica-siire give leal ref ? toaTcSiTT ti uf, 1ik tt "liot'Jjttc a'storit't Is thiii Ilie tiir.n in which the people ask reliei ( Mr. i'resident, as our power , ques- liable, had we not t est refer the matter fcjyitf. n. Canl y, who ran have hi orilere ceWucfcrfIlliio.iliaJOMX&rcB r.ni tnr nrrrrrt tt it tinrto. Tintt tbP mpowww nsM4 wvifc,flnVeti.liiilmir, ,W(W h.m,,,! t-)W)n. 4W tt in llirikriiptey, W'i,y nifrw-ttiirt'ooresli to t motge-toe tawf ao a - u M.-tur..:tetiii- l.ptt-U-tltt.pttriaA.tJiiliCkiOra It.igii-i t J it lias hIljiII V iiuiiiI .... it '1 ..,.- n I et? W hy sihrtil.i Exeeuvoa amt Truatueti lie Miljiictril to suit, when tin y cannot col- tu nfii ieA nt tin. l.itu that pill Hismi old ii.-l.ts should be compromised and sutttSed.' 1 la Jirvc i he people Wtmtil prefer to imw. how milled, lint elecultrm should lie slaved, un til Hieir property would coimtiand tetter J H" dishoneslr T lii-ta a iii.ihyifi 1 1. -i me BTVuuuv vsfMws-s.4.fsiisi. wjs.t ai U-ppiy bnna vA valtntnd trnij nfnt.Jnt fa em this u mr,i! inlition CtnigrMH.1 11 U) l)ipomt a ce.iiiniittee for that purpose, 'i I ?o alter nur pienent Slay Law, as 1 have above proposed, ami we will have 1u.c0111plh.l1ui more limit we tan dy by adopting the nuarurf now tx toie u. ' ' Mr Alt Ibinahl, r-f-t liatji on, in xt upon the floor. cla.iiK','1 tlmt 1)10 Mutt' was in a ttJr!;.J .). ,j- Re iswt tKf.C ,fMSfiff ! aoce. ar-knoaled the fu.t, wru8 time , as na'M'-i'U C'l irifeU. I K, when on lue train. Hu spoke ot loin. lUt Sickles as the great s--ldii r und patriot, who had saved this Slate fimn all - ru .) evf wwV i. iht ewj tii iwuii, al luded to the fact that )ulgtmnu, to toe amount of 000, had j akeii In bis County. I'ri'pcriywa liiti sscriuWd fr a mere song, and our mtn ciiiwiis are the j Wneipiil parties, and creating alt the .ti UesU TanliiW re bur friends": tie wotlM ofahyt a million ol dollars. Mrv All IKinald, as a reply, said he hoa d lite g. ntlcman woui'l not tiiteirtipt hii--(jtt.tiMt were letug always asked, to drive one away from the main question. " Hood, (negro,) moved to ru-coiMnit the nlort to the Committee. Mr. Tourgee ojiposed the reconmiMuieot, but favored the stay ot all debts until a homestead clause could be inserted in (he Constitution of rt'trcsMCt5ve nature; he was witling however, that it should lie recom mitted, with iiwructiiio to the. Commit tee to petition (i. ii.Cftiiby to stay all debts, A tnol ioa was herA made to adjourn, but w ithdrawn, in order to allow Mr. Heaton to submit a re)ort from Uie lilt! of Right CauiluiUoi,.., Kla.VtaAjHiJ.prinh-tl, Mi. Frerieli, ol Chowan, by oonsint, in liodueed the following resolution; Itesotml, That the Committee on Finance, (iiloi in ihe name of this whole Conven tion oi in ihe liatue of a sub -Committee, .I..- ii'itlior.c.d to negotiate a loan, not to pv-r-eil f nKorm, tn order nr'pav the -rtre age ot HiendHTs, Sir. F. said Jifl upuhl move to suspend t!ie rules, lueaiise ininiediiitv action should lit taken upon n : as there were soiim mem tiem -tn flrrTirmwy The rules were suspended and the reso lution aili, , ted. On iuuuuu .i.f Uidluvviiy, 4iiegtoJ tlie Comeiitiou then adjourned until to-lnor- 1 t .i,ni., IntHTiAt, Jan. ?0, I lie ( mi vi litem wits called to order at 1 1 O'clock. 1'iuy. r by the llev. Mr. I.cnnon, of the Convention... ' A communication wag read from Dr. K. C Fisher, Superintendent of tile insane As ylum, inviting the member of the Conven tion to the liislil-iilaoii. '" OallotttiT fTicgrre) -ntfrTert"BTesnintioB, leipiisiiug Ihe 1 oiiimiitie on Cities and Towns to inijurre by what authority the Iowa t WiliHingioii etaime to-be ciry, ilr. Ashley, a resolution in regard to la borers and mechanics. Referred. ttrtiwrwwtmf. 'iiuuirt")'wwti itiNt Hwnl labor K;rformed shall have precedence. Hefumd. Mr. Uunb r, a resolution that the Con vuntiiui shall assemble at 10 o'clock, in stead of it, A.1L, as hcictolbr.cl Lie oyer, -.toinUistita. trwiUifion ffiliBiig.j!iu terms of the Court of Pleaa and Quarter Session in Rutherlofd county. Referred. Mr. McDonald, of Chatham, an ordinance levy-ins t itf J.ffw , ttw-oW -4tbt. -Mr. Teigne, a resoltftlon tiistruclliig the Coniinitti df three, appointed to confer with. Gen. Catiby, to awertuin how fur be would rvt-ognise. legUlatiun on the part ot J tins l onvculion. So relerred. Mr. Abbott, fiy consent, a rcHirt from lti Committee on I'ririlcgca and Elect ions, to whom was referred the uii'inorial of one Mall, ol Sampson county, contesting the sin!, of Mr. Williams, of that connty, re commending fliat Mr. ITalT lie declared elected bies over. . ji. lluUuiu.U-aubiiut.tul tt txptuttiailft the I iiinkimlLii tiu flli-l. ljlthil.i,il t.iju' lil-uituii l --- -"--'- I Mr. Tool presenter majority report from Ihe ( oiiimittce on Suit i age. ITw nor three minority report aScoiiipi"-" ninl the nnij.Tily -rp-ul, one ot wlnet-by-i- Messra. Urahum and Duiliam, will be pub lished, to lie. I low j They .weir j.raivicd lo be printed "ant made tlie sjniial or-ler fir I liurs.liiy next. . . Mr. ttitH. rnnyert that the rnlr-. lie -trn- ! TierjrtetF, ahT tits- rw4wm,'' -evert-iw-t'4. lute yesterday, calling on Sherilla to urn Mil a statement of the number of execf.tiOns in Hbeiieii' isif-t4 li M4Hiit4it lUuuty Ui be coll, ci.ed tin reon. be taken op. i The rules were aoi willingly suspended and the tt.o.UlioU wlopted, , Hood (uriiro's) resolution, raising a Com. niitb vol live, to i. i ,rt naiiies ot peisms entitled Ui Is! relieved trom polilii al hs-bilttic- was, on Ids nioii .n, taken up ; and on il he Culled the pivyioua Uistio0, but w ttlf.lr.-w -it, lo H.low Mr. I'taii bi auitud it as Xiillows ' -Mnku out 6 and insert 8," inukti the (Tonimiitie i-ousial of one mem ber Iroin each Juoieial Dislriul. flood, fin oro.l -ice, itted ami reneweti tlie J'slt of thi pw-vion it$oi, Mr. ronruei.' wished to amend and fM,i,tlttiliiUU Jlu:d to a.mnd ty making Uiti reaotutiou cuimaci; uu pciiim inai m lair under political di abilities. Here call for the previous question came fast aud thick Mr. Durham sail! be knew that the gag law would be enlo' mil in tins, SB in a great many otlu r Instance's, iiii Calk d upon the Reporters to state how all debate upon tl.is sui joil WT Im n till rdT 1tr wished the people lo know how the minority were )i)'tl, and not allowed sm tht prtleynf a fntduieuuwn, M. V.ll.a ui,l(l thiit. Im flfwi.-n.l to in, u, the reniilptiori, that those VatiUg for the to llifAlllff Ttrtt'lriacie.itwrrwwM the Howarct Htitikm. 4 He 4eui4 ti ftct, u ttiere .... . .'a Arrrcnrtmcnt, wb tt tnt trtne part tne- were trills I tofh Uousca ot Congress, -now, in relation tn it. which had not tetbein cat ion -ot ,attt Amendment by the requisite number W Smtos, that tbo Secretary rf Siiile stioubt, bf proclamation ot otherwise, a this nan not rieen uiHie, it eoum not lie yet a part of the Conxiintioa for practical fi!.!l!,.'."?lj.,?'','' "l ti't'eved, however, strrsTt - j ' y " j esvouiiog to iuo piinisions in me VTrrmrr1 Ktoi&Jky.mkmm, Mat sfaiiiBMi.W pardoo wr ttwodt, id be wroild like' to at it, testixt in llw jWt rrmrtir-ot-ttW'Wvijtry V Hhti ftft waeagsafl aiuasd by clam. preveiited iroin piocui ding lurlhur.l 1 he call t..r the previous question tniing thtM minunarii SuMsted upon, a efeil tifcw Vote was tsi ken upon (he reMilution, wliit h rtsutced, yeasui, ijajd It). Dm following g ut It m n voder in the n(iottvc, vix Mis,rs Duthun, Cilia, Eth C.j 1. 7 Hit - on MctubhiB3, ilern', llholslfn, Uar- j It ail, rttuigvc, and William, of rtarup My Toiiritfe ae. as til. reason why he Mftt.Utaiiii! ii4UKsviMiii4Uji hii kue.w ot a j...eil, many men w h t v.eir not in aci-or.t ' Willi the U''mgniftl.Ni Acts, but who Were'soiiniFanel urtpiri'l.liig t 'iiun men dii" ling ih war. Titev elMMibi have never be ii ilisfiaocliisiil, and the reeolutioit did not do thi m 'j;i-tt B i,lr fic tc rrp. jtoeU-jrsfef4 Uie siflvpe-vj fVi-'iifp- V!oll qilcslioll." " " - " T' elmitr of IJ having arrivni, Ihe tHitiii isIiih! bueimv nf tNt y, ( the Relief measure, in xt sa i.idu, wheit Air. Hculi.n mi i bnt tins matter Was of tooJiuut h imp .nai.ee to lx- liuia-ied throusjli, and lie moved to posipnne it efimidewtion until Saturday next, and that it be made the siM-eial order, aud that the report t the Committee oa "(Juvernar and Kxecutive Oltioers" be next considered Agreed to. "Sir. Sweet moved that the House resolve itself into Committee (t the Whole, lor its consideration. Agreeil to; wliercupoa Mr. Jones, of W ashington. w!ia called tn the Chair. Section 3d. of tlie Repott was, on rihtion ot Mr. Abbott, adopted. After aoise bate, (he 4th. sectioo was adot.ud.wiih the following ttmdifiintiun: "Sti ike out all af ter the word "that," tn th- fourth lim mitt insert "lu- wilt support the Constitution of the"" flirted: " rkafeii mt of t!tc tatc ol iSortti t-arolina, mid iKHicstly and faitli fully pcrfifim the (lulies ol tfie ollico to which he has been elected." Section 5th, wan adopted w itliout debate Section Bth. was modified as follows, and - adopUsd i -' vfetrike -uu.the -wot4a "tia.itt. and," in the third line, and insert the word "in"; atriketititiift nfterthc wont "pardon." in the si-vcntli line, tlown to the word "re prieve," inclusive. .5' ' -t'Vectiwwe- 7fwyVO - werw -wdwry). out debate. Mr. tirabaiii, of Orange,- moved lo strike out the whole f section 10th., giving the Qovernor powef to dominate, Smt, Wtth the conenrrence of the Srtmte, apjioint imrtitin officers. - Mf tI-Klctt eonfHrmJ with r (1 , aitdT said that the suction rouiphti ly uvu tinned the time honorrd and established customs of North Carolina, lie wa ojiposed fo allowing to o mll a borfy euch complete way. The people would not be represent ed, only the Governor and his party. The whole 4bing would just amount to a party mwrshine, nd be wHt ojttrwsw such beiair incorporated-jjUo aCutolilLuliuu Uiailie hail anything to do with. Mr. Urahain' motion to strike out was Jtlmn put tsi a yuifl ami JiiaL I The section, a reported by tlio Cumiult tee, was then adopted. ;. mi8M .WX Aiis vis. a4!i'tcJ. without objection, Mr. tiraham oppoeeil (lie change made by tcKttion 14 in thu tiovcrnor Council, tie thought the preterit eyalem Uie best. Tlie member of the Council weru electoti bv the 'teigistBtnTe," itnff- tn iomr meivBTrnr ruTnc mrm mm t tic- jwytr.-- ti a hot ttn ntc that a act of men, who were continually under the nmo roof and nrouud the tiov erno, should. enkftthta his sole a.Jvi rs. lie movwt tliilui Wt tLe "EJsifive 'tinea. Mr. McDouaut, el' CUaUiam, agreed with Mr. U., na he was in favor of liaving all of ficers tlccted by the people, " MtC X3faJi", Timtmrrfflt'-wiii--fnrt -tt n VQt and lost. Tlie aectiou, as intood.was adopted, Koctiou 13 and 10 wcrtj adopted' Station 17 was, on niolioiinf Mr.HoUuian. ker Sill. trkkea on; Section W w rrrotliflcd ns f iollown, and thcn'tidotiti'd t ' Btrike out in C the ttirfrtmr, the word 'mny; and inw rt Hie " word Vliall, slid, in iMConit lice, ma kt it' nad A lloj-i an of Mati.tu-s, Agru tilluie rind Tliuin, I 'it toll" ' Mf.'Kii'i!i)sii u.rjvictfio jwasHsfti'f the'! ", vote ol vestirdnv i n the and sicuom . .MIL Ltbca .ofleied thti..llit.iwinii eui'Mi L - tutc, w hich was adopted ; 1 "No perBui.liaIl ts eligilde --i(4veiiHir h-t- nr t.t. Oovermay, Untiisti bo ahatf have in 5 7 taowfcAftjttSa-nl aitw, slmil Uv. W ..t,. VHutm ot the I'nikal tttau-s lor 3 yciirs. and fears nvn n-w..t s,f t,t)s riie )oi S! jrrv - next before the dav il eh ctioii, uor shad the " lMirsm elected to i itiVr ot these two offices tie eligible to the mine niliee nmrei han lour jeata, in any Is-rui nf Vtx vi ; s, "uuKaa (lie"" o It ice shall have been cast ttnou him us t.t. (Aivernor or TreaiiU in ol the Henatc.'' Mr. Itodmau moved to nTonstdi rthc vole tiion the Srat acctioti. Caritid. ; Mr. K. oft. real an ninuiiiuii nt. but with drew tt, as Mr. Toui'e's a.ib ndiueiit iff yesterday covered toe wunu ground. ) Mr. -l crnrgce moved to amend his amend- I nieut, or"ycfcrday, "1iv" siiitiiViij iui tu. I" -wfdh-MHtieatMmjattd-tnst-rt tbe- word approval," and to nuke otil the figure t ao," and insert 19. " , . . 1 he menihueB(r vrw agrrvd to- tutti Uio-. auction, as amendutl, was il..n iidonied. i ue import oi lire vxiliilnllliv ou t m-Mi - was 'Oea taiu fs tste-wmsKkiratHHr, and, alter tome tuna epent. in itiiifii.lmeiils and discus-iions, atc-toys 1 and 2 w. re adop ted, in form following : , Ukc. 1, Ail able bo.ll(,, iiiu'c citm, ns of the Bla'e ol MitU (. aiolma, bUwiin ll.e ag. of 31 and 4a yearn, wh aio ntiyem o U UmtuU Ma..ui, dull lw lulik,iujluis iit the militia: WkAkZ, Hint nil persons, who may tie adverse fci bwum"; arms, (rom relix : gioua acrupleg, shali I hi exempt, . 2. Ibe Oetiund Assemoly shall pnK tide tor (be oritaiirxinir.. artniai'. roiifnuintr -and lc!pHue ot The tD'Tirm-j-nntl-tir pay - A'-UtJUH T 'l'iiywitivv tain ii 0 nctirn tcr- I'emliny lmt i'i'iiidrrt'r''rr"TirttlTi" '3itT ri. i . ..i . , 1 aeetiun, the (.uuiiuiuiiu- H,.i,v f ial- - - low ay, ,tij j,rnj riw.-, vtic L h 111 iw reported progriti and a-keit h ave to hit ejaiu. Ou tm,u, ft .,fv Vi-iiw,Ar iuiX tU., , House iiiljouiimd 1,011, ,ii-.iu..ii.iwl l oVha k. A Corn MtK..ry Vtil-t'ifa lib n,?s Tioif 0 the OTft. f fti f ."Hf-otiT in0ro K.in ciiine to tne roor on some erriind. nul l making known III Wil'iK, lie sp'it.1 lOptCtUJO of ftinfidcrarr ftrMi rn1-, 'x,Jri--if pft " Jtie " wall. II called our Hlteution, to. one, by ' asking: Mt, ain't that tien'i. Leonidsa TolklC Wo pointed toeeveial.sskins which - 'Wiiatit,aiii4 ltiiu.,uukd..utli nvwaarigiiiiinsi, tuepic.uto was Ueuetai ; i. ilim.Mn Ufc J. aSl JAjiU-. t!4a ImA iuie I ami li)uk ml, V u Jt-'raiii,.!. 1; yodyj Is.', U i rt'oi'tci, jt qu i tu iiu 1 Joliu ll. ilaausiiu, slii) wan- likiij ami'' ' neighbor to my old Mas, end l-lwd abuut, J3 mtlnt trmn i.mit.sl urif. View u all Kpte ropjlioua and wt iik to Ii sr (Jimrd Pollt prtutti. fii i de nS.fl tintu I'm seed lnm (inse. but I'd knode hun eiiy when.,'" 1 lita old m gr wa,l if.t T4 iai n,H nno said lie n asniH-e tiirs siaee .,1 is , 1 ' 1 JlsMj.a, f iV.'w'' tfait.ttitiK, Cnv5Wrr, -''Sfiieaii f t .'ftiM8wawwwnripiM ssatsss