. .. . .. , ... 1 ' : : VOL, 2. TiOTKrnnr xrix WEfisfEsmr. February 19. isgs. no: 7.1 THE SENTINEL. fllSjii if COjisTJTVTIO.jf. Tli Courentiint nM pet";- tedlrot KKhrwf it fcoriiHw; 7eirftrgb: b lieen dune to enable tbe public to judge ot thereat character of tbe to -culled Constitit tion It Will draft. It is imponaut that tbe poople ahall fully understand it provisions iu order ti) an int)tticat foie upon St. Let it be brae in mind, that tin- Hecon Vnietioe AST of Cmgress, under wTTlcinliis Convention meets, and from which itik-rives n't Its power, only demand of the Conven tittl &r iGmt&ito&m ball admit n..gro i"jfiaga ami tlio adoption of tbe 11 iward amendment by the Legislature. Phe Congress, I'V its Aet8, demands for the I, luck ruoteivil rights anil suffrage, but it cer ainly docs ""I require all political frao . hhp l"r th(m and social poaiiinn Virli the wliiti AH them the new Conntittition will .lu fw the negro Tar. !.fit m nee what II. ha already dunu, looking to Una rmult : 1. Tlif new Hill of Itigbts wil altirm that nil mm, without ili.ttinrtion -of clor or . oiidili.in,' are rnliticl t.ieiiulity of light, lor tlif reason, ai it it altirmeil, that "all men ere rreated e(Ual." That aiich a m ition i fallacy, cuiiliadiuted by all t xpr rieiim-, i pilpable tin-very intelligdntlmiiid. 3. The new Constitution will plafe every negro aw! white man m the rtaw, l ymm of age, in perfect eijtialil) not only .as to the rinhl of volinjf. hut to every other Irnnchisw. a. It will totally UImwU Ut erlnl republican principle, that properly baa a claim to representation, or a rljjh't of pro lection or guarantee, in Ihe property bolrl ing qualification ot the repre -ntatirc or publie oflicer. t. Tt will create new oflicea ; leidc a ( nernor, a Secretary of Stale, a Public Treasurer, and a Comptroller or Auditor, -it will provide for tt Lieutenant Oovernor, a MipermUittdcuL of Public lualructiun aud a Siipwliilwiilenl ol I'ul'Uc Works, ell to be elected by I lie people..- t term uffvu jwws -and netjrK will be tligible te all of them of lirrn, no property or educational quatifica- 5. It will yaatly increase the espense of i.iir Judicial ytem. It will prftvide for three or five, Supreme Court Judgea, as the Lcgitilature 'may determine, ten Superior Couit Judges inatead of eight, a Judge for each County in the Stale, and perhapa Hr three Equity Judge, all to be elecnl by the people, .mtuitiatf nt.iUmr ualifitit, we preaume, than that the candidate for a .ludgtuhlp ahall have been liceuw'il to prac tice law. Negroea, thereloA!, will be aa eligible to Judgeahips n white men. Of poure, io a pumlwr. of Countie. . the ue-. groen CUB elect Judges of their own color, if tbeychoo. 6. Under the new Conatiluiioii nejjroei will be etfpUf lr both branches of the LegisUttirB snd t either branch of t'on- frreta. f- r 7. Negroes will a'.ao constitute a portion ot the SJtate militia and will be eligible to office in tbe militia, and the Legislature may allow the regitveuta to be composed alike of black and white men, and blacks to be officere over white men. '8. Negroee will be admitted to the jury l alike wiflnvhlleHSien; and' inteimar- whites, . - 9. The quealios of suffrage baa not been drtermtnerti Wcept atn arhnrfng' wrery we lro; SI years of aga, lo rote. - Bat the quea tuiiLnl dktraochWng white men baa not cbking cleuse.. will l inserted. ; ' 1df The 4wt!iW 'iif p'ft"''SacVuio'iiass not yet beeu publicly diaeuwied and settled, but it Is underaumd that the public schools and the University will 1 opened abfe lo negroes and white, llh as teacher and pupllf. 11. Finally, the Convention will require equal rights KOd privilcRu (or the negroes iatublic (viijancea, ft iiloada, Ae.- We ayeiprcii'eft, ;4b tbe foretroing, whet we believe will te the ((eeral feature ot tbe new ConstWutioB. Some of ite pro. vii ens wilt be e offensive, but iu offen. live feature will be eufflclently en, to de mand of every white man, and every colored man who desire the twtnre pence and wel fare of the State "nd people, to vote sfjain-t it, S,Vt-: The people wilt be told that its adopnoo wilt beesaentlal to f ulon. But it la anf Buenyihawe to claim, that tlve t o- itreaa bai not iriulf?d etwll. Cooetlttttian the Oweirthro wiH itr wn, fa order to f reatruratiori. Wefer the Union, tiader the Cemrttttltiofl ortm;(UnHert Btatee, bnt auch fUU Coostitui ua as JliXovtkii propnaes (4 give ua, will destroy all e ntcwrd and harmooy among ouraelvea, and ( course . alienate one nrty w the other from the National government, ;; TnOia.ii FkauK Wer read "That daige nuinbere of nearroe have bee frtndu kotly voted, thoujgtfnot on the registration ...;;tot4'-4;feMa polla alt ever the Btate are to be n opened. Soeh ( the tenor ot the dispatches front Montfronierr. It la abut ftatul that 'Mlbe -PrwMcpt ot The -Cpmrt tim-jKrip'w. to - issue eurtillcatea of the tattfieanon fthe neW Conslllntion an-T of tTi itei'T-ui of can didates runnmsj in.. r il , - ,i -.. - ' la short, all goe iir hc "reconitruc tion" ewiudla. There is power and villainy enotttth In the mnhaeers of tli ironlne a 'Alaffmatu put it tiirougt), no matter what the actual virte, and (here is no occasion Whattrref tlW nv -pretroe of ettf WCIW afrnrtlBn rent tn fnn , tet t-lils Ih re evvet fr tlw mutn f.fbcult ease of Virtriil- r - The " oiistltuHounl 4 orm-mlon," . fc-ralled.i KhidAT. Feb. 14, 1 ;.. The Convinlmri wai called In order at 7J o'cloeaij- - The 4;li , 5th. and 6'h. tecti.'iis ..! the Bill ot Hi'hls were aain Hken 1 1 j . Mr. Welker k;ih I t in- tith. mctiou m'ti i-.im teeing the public debt) wis out of plvr . it vfai an net ot' axsumpt Ion. i'lia! i-'. tie iw(wror people, Wlien e u t in txsroit) flieni: We iiart'ito rfnit 1 1 come here ytid :m-uun pusi d n' Mil. r i t i.i if i .jKiii.imii I' ilrtltc- , :ip:w t ti . it: I ' i ' r ' i I have li i il);rdo. ol t hi i . . e. iu ,e l e :ui' 1 1 . a busty ;naiuier iti--unie 11 lninlen-o'ii. .1 I. , that,, in nil .pt.jSj.UiU;y,iiL ittuto m .. 'twm,itrf-tno h'esvy u hiad for t! pi-ople He lanuld vote H'.'Htni (lie s.viinii. mi i In (rrotind that there -wm autl.-.ii'i' d.-l-ft ted to t In-ill to burden tin- e i e I iln State1 avrtimiin Mich it debt, bu' i! t.n House would jpnr to lit it 1 1.. tin- e,i pie tor approval, upHrt Irnm the I'msiny tion, then lie wuuldtole I". r it. paiMie cheerfully. Section 4ih. idecluriu th.it 1 la .-i.d.' fchaft ryrr remain s ITteiiiti'T nl the I mi ii, tljfat there Is tin rilit I" o-ee.lc, tr- .i u -theu separately ren t, and the ve.'is ,v i nn . were culled and allowed The vnte sinu i -yeas 76, nays 4. The eei i m n.- il.eu de. etared adopted. r-eotion 5 (declariii;,- the p.-it nii.ouiil all,-- iauce (d'lhe citi.ens lo the tcm-iul govern nuMtt,) wn read, smiI the vei mid nn. In lug culled, rival ted : Vein "H, nay.- it Sfrtitill rt ; Mr, T'Hlte;'e lll"eil tlint this HcCtion be ielt 11 M .jU'Mlinll tu the leople, apart from Il?-n"lifi)tiiiii, arid hoped the House would (jive "him ffie'Aeaii'aiid nays. Mr. T. withdrew hia uiiiliou temporarily, to allow Mr. Watts In mini. lure 1'ie follow iuo min-rnlliieiil : tiiserl, nfier flie woidi ".-liiiil nei.r p.u." iu the .r)th liue, "or rei,i:.re iiny. coiini ,inu 11 or citizen tr pnT1' (any delit tnrnTred in nid of the ivhclliou, Ve I lie advocute l hi amendment at some little h notli. mid Mild that lnul it not been tor military orders, many counties were: on the hijjh road lo make its ciliuiis p'iv de' I-.com 1 neted lo aid the rebellion. Mr. Tourjec lav -n-.l Mr. H iiinciid ment. Mr. McCubbins thoiii;lit ihc amendment not : e4if j t 5t'nog-; It ebottlrt. state wbat'defits he meant were contracted to aid the rebellion. Mr. Pool hoped I he ejentlein 111 would with draw it, lis the Committee on Relief w ould report an ordinance covering that ground. Mr. WaUa retttwd tw lyithttrnw. Harris, ol Wake, (negro,) did not see the sens.- of the amendment, aa the section it self provided for that very thine;. (lalloway (nezro.l said that Ihe whole thing meant nothing else but repudiation. Ttieie was a certain class of men on this floor, ao much involved in debt, that they hugtced repudiation in every tiling. The gentleman Irom (luilford was continually speaking what Guilford county would do. He (tialloway ) did not think that Guilford county represented the whole State, or that the geuLleiuait represented tlteaootHHtnta ot the people of that county, lie had shown an evident disposition to destroy, w hen ho eoitltt nat mte.-tlt (Mk 'E. J cn'iitrl not the ireiit " I am," he would load the desk with protests If he was defeated, why could he not accept his defeat ILke an hon est man ? I "y hunfitt iwi, Mr. ( liuiriiniii, anil am fijjoimible for my vor-ty. Mr. Tnurgee said he heped ih gentkmnn Uliffht be allowed to (jo on, ai he had set theie and listened to his foul-irumthed a l'tle, and the chair lnyd not anlleiC hiui to order. , Onllowny finisheit his temarks liy hoping the amendment would be voted down. Mr. Hentun hoped the amendment would be voted down. Mr. French, of B'adcn, moved to amentf Mr. Watts' amenduient. by striking juut the woid " citizeiiSj" and inserting enrpora tions wfeiivldo -'' ' Mr. Watts accepted. The question re curred upon Mr. Walts' amendment, as auicndejl by Mr, Frtuch,.ot Bi&den. Jhs yeas and iay were called and the vote stood : yeas 20 ; nays 69. Mr. Tonree renewed his motion in re jrr4 t tlie.eo'ioilk whickka .withdrew iu favor of Mr. Vatts. The yeas and uays were vhTOawnmcHr,wiirtreiWtf nays 07. Jtr'. Ashley hoped the ction, as reported by tbe-Oommittee, would l adopted, as it waa phuJii.- to the new citiztms of the Slate, end to such as we can induce to cotne and live amongst lis, and to our creditor-, that the State would ever maintain its honor inviolate. Mr. Walls said that there had been a false a made he: t-niRhfc Ht! Was opposed to repudiation, aa much as any man on this floor. Ilia ame.udnuit4 waa only to give to the citwsMS h,aaiue ntrut as youvio in lle State, in n g-trsl to debts ma le 111 aid of the rebellion. ' Mr. McDonald, of Qhalhsm, tbonght that this asenmp: ion of 113,000,000 of debt, .by the Convention, without consulting the rlrvWa't'-'WatM to ri-pnditiin now, but, if he theoght it could lie done salely, he would go to wipe out every duller ot it. T.lis debt had been made upon the fait b- of propertr now swept away, but if it hwl to be pa.ul, the United Slate aboul.l helj) to pay it, a it bad taken away that -property. the cititsMS lh,aaiue ritrht ai youylo lo the After some remarks by Mr. Ht-at'in, in strong advocacy of tbe section, as it stood. Tw Howae -sifljiHiroiaty .; .,- -,- 7 "wKKHlN(rSES8ifJJf. ' . x , . . SATUBftAT, Feb. 1. 1808. , The Convention was tailed to (r.ler aj 10 o'clock. n : - " Mi. Forkaer, a resolution raising a Com qiittee o (adjournment, to state I heir opih lim a to when tl is brdf can adjouro ' -l,-''w-:i'-'"-'fflKL ;"Atoi'-'.'lls.V-....l--.-;i'-l-: Mr, f. moved to eu spend the rules and edopr. The motion wa not aitstameil, end i'ltr'VlL JL , CfcfcsH. " x " Mr. We-Tker nnttirau"Ce. "primlmTing "iTif dtauUalioa (4 , g rini-n. a sa-wehuL. . Xue qtjeiitioB reenrred tnotion, ot yrMerdav, to postpone lide8nH-ely, tnade by nt. Me DonaUf. af ChathiHrf. The voteja-as tiilt- Upon tjte motion ti poatpone, winch re sulted : ye0, nayaai-notn qtioruiitiro tinir Mr. Kit ti movt d for 1I of tl House. The Secretary cS!led tha reH, tirl. ninety-fT-roaVebvw tsrxnii fn'rhtw runnea, - ' j -.Sbf. Jftutb tbf"iwov.l,v the former vof lileost, I lav i'i' matter 'n 1 Ill- tnl.l - - TBt tfi'v"'''wVii ei 'I'o'e alettitfr icif 'IU. Hr fin Mr Ciriiv-- m .veil niiiend bv iriL' "November, 1 IH," in-te id nt "!i ! ltfflB.V Cr ie ! Mr. V,-K.-r in -v.. I 1 on-, t; , U:on i-i-e-aii'i to mil 1 i-'i 11.1-r f ' " ' 'r - ri . I 1 li 0 11- 11 o: m " 1 t i 11; 11 1 1; I ;. io. ( li' t e i-r-l. n llli ' , , :ill'.- ! d ii. Ml '1 i w - r.a4uURi.- - ' :" -"-'-v' i- euMiH'ot Me 1 ovi((ee n-o-utau . a a , .o t from 1 l.e I ! 1 I'.-n 1. ' -Hill II.- A ' . :. 1 . . ... .. -.- -,-r, ..r.li - ! V-' "I. r fi t -re pa - ui n 1 ottieit der 1 f - .menta to -the ordiiinnci iakiii: the i'i. I ri,e cm- -h.,H M S'v.-. 1 , ( 111 i:-l,.C .1 k ti o- . I III- ( .hi.i I I o- ik'lien II 'I 1lll .1.I1.;. I .II linn lit II-1,0,1 .1 l Si.li.l Mi. II. The aim iciiio-i nrdl w a. a in sen I 11 hl'R'i ' 1.11 The nuesll. pledino ,; !lldlatic!i Ml. Tolll.;. , IliSflO-.illOtl I tltl. ai; oust 1 li an evident nii a' 1 11; 1. ii.ii, oi i-oirrse,) lo bo I a'iv one i!es uned to tin in on lln matter, he 111 1 -in j .differ . -t 1 l .t Willi w as called a lejiu li.-r He had not taken ;roun4 Uu.nui u 3 iiu .t--.uie. IU .uuly.vott- tended that thr u In ,.l an old State, that had completely io-i i . i J d -uvai i.i'ioli, should not b.- ai-iiin. -l b, ih, n. w State niiw coming into . v.c i'-e 11: argument was subntmUaJlv the. awu a- y.t-tlMy, Mr. Jones, ol Washington, said the gen tleman intendtil to make lhi Cuiivejitioti a marked era in his ln-'orv. lie" (Tuiugec) seemed deterniined to iinpress upon this body hi code ot nior ds and di nn Jiecu liar philosophy. Mr. ,i mes thin drew a parallel between that "i titleiuen and the famous Knight ol Wind null notoriety.- -Mr. Jones ndvcrti-1 . 'tii.-en-i. tosses Ihe State had inclined rim ino. ' ie- w ar. sa.iing that though s-114- had l -st In r wealrh and her former high laak amonu. oihir States ol the .UMiiT.yrt h ettH- cUtrtK ty, enrl in tended !" k. 1 i. lo-' 'noio' in-poMcd-and im.iHiov I. Mr. Ajy witrrt to-- -ffhow ot "' the gentleman. 11 fei: :u-.s recooni.ed thi as a Stale, wiih n ii.on boundaries, flow did he gel the id a t int tins was not a fitate l tjkil ihi folate (--te a part id a de faHo goveiniiienl ; and her political re lations to the K.-di-r.il (f-'Vei-niiH-iit were merely sijiendi d diuiitg the existence, of lhatf.' hir'u eov- inuii nt Win n the rtoutb felt nil li.le to earn on tbe s'ruogii; and the war end-d, uur t no .s Mtatr and a j part and parol ol the t eminent were re sumed.. Every hue of tlie 1 uconsti uctiu 1 ae-t-, nil the lanuie "I t'oiiirn-Kii, ifeai taicli 1 rme 'iit -'Ttrrief T -rafltrntv -!rnfWaS Sfat i f with iisi-ivil 1 11 . i- '!!. J l-o.-nle 1. Hence, I those n-i iniiti'iu ti. n i- ' .,.1-- 1 uovidt' a I g.ivetliinelil lor 111.. ijtL.. riulii ciiMle j a Constilnliiiri mid r r v i , t - - a eivd ifoven ; .incut for the. State Mi. Jntua.. haidthe meas-uiua -ol i.i,-ut j -ut Usuu it. wM:e. .trtolhtoif i morr-or less" ttino i ii.k i'e.intitiinii, anil nolw iilistaiidino ihe ini-uuitv of thrur ar-oi lileliN, ill! Ilie.. i-. nt.-l I ol-.ea.u could lltlt wash out ih.- d i-nniii.; I 1 -.( Mi-. McDonald end. u ni.d I . speak, .bin was rulei'. ui ol old..! ii. Die Chair, and be took his seat, saying he w is always ruled out of or ler. Alter some litti. Ialkiii'. Mr. Mil) was allo-wetl o o.xup$ tli4 tliHity.aatI 4iv gist of his reuiaiks was Ih iX.Mr. Tourgep had con. vinei d hiui that sietiim li had no business in the Constitution. Mr. Rodman stid he wish.. I to say only aTew winds in ritfatd to Mi-. Totirgi e's al lusion to our instituiious in regar.t to slave ry. That inn ituUou liiattd in. thu Xjrth Wn Wares' 'ffire' tt " ifffT here,"atid, '' wheii abolished there, it was en account of the unprofitableness of the institution not on acxuuut oi luiualuy. ., Ami Um -!aes- that should hare hoen emancipated by tbe law of those States, were brought down South and sold. Mr. R. characterized Mr. Tour gee's theory aa ftebk-nnd second ham! im- itationot thatot certain men in the French lt.eihtt "Ht mtHMrm foHW' - - - i4T wake of those revolutionary steps. He wniil I never turn his back n;nn the exam ple and teachings of thuae auceator whom he revered, as he wished his posterity to rescct him. Tbi waa a new era, a con flict between capital and labor, and he trus ted in Ood that tbe laborer would fare well in this conflict as ha did in the) old. Mr. Heaton, closed the (iebate io favor of .the section,. anil cocciudail hie reaiatke by catting the previous queatioa. Tbe call was sustained, tbe section put on its pasviye, and the vote stood i Yeas Tl, Nays . The Chair read communication from the Young Men' Christian Associa tion, asking the see of the Hall, tbi even ing, for Lecture. ,-.:T.hk .$3 could be continued until 8 o'clock tbia af ternoon, and the Hall granted to them. Galloway (negro,) said that when the Flail was granted before, it was distinctly stated in the poster that- colored people were only admitted to the gallery. , He would'yote for it. eau tm th ai4 iKat m 1 4 Mufti, btmtd bttme ' ruei'i. -.-v Mr. AadreW moved that the rerjneal be granted. 1 iaIUiway (eegro) ealled for tjtejrea and ' naya T "' 1 ' '" Mr. Ashley wanted thl matter of color ettled, as all respectable people, of no mat ler w hat color, altoul J be admitted. , ' Harris (negro.) wanted to know j tin alm-of that society weiwrnf iC61fipinrinal character. If they Were, b would not rote lor the resolution, t , i- -,- Mr. Andrew then aaitl that lie wa r qneated, by the Association, to withdraw th application. ; . The Kill of Right wm then resumed, and ;it.iien -f tf,vW, Bndr'W WWEsttrrpacttj 7 the Bill ol Itiirhta will be Dii bit shed in t lffK 0 hen aTtnnTH .1 " - ..ial''ic wu tl. Air- Tu.tig c wuihe.l to amend, by lilinj that -no mm ah all te madoto pay cost and fees, unlee found giity.s i,., Sir. Rottuian otjec.U-il, as tins wa mat tt for the Legislature. ho aluo did Mr. Jon,i, WwdnrtEtnir. ' The amendtnent w adi jittdaoi tbi set- tion, as tmrnden. ptwd. -SrtftJOB tv, It. tSa.r-tfi, w4 shIs.h- ted wa Mr. Kenton moved to insert a new we mi. to Hi.' 1 M r' lllnl 'I I mi should Ibj - 'fdNjaiiuinB Carrual. ' Si r lions 1-1, 17, IH, 19, and' 20 Were Mr. Abbott nroverr'io InsiTt, la-tween the ! 20th and Start notion-, the following, as a ' n sectiij0 : "A- political rights and nrivi-li-..i aie a,it d.-uiMi.letit ujMin, or modified i In. property. 1I1 rel'ore no property qualin I e.ition oiioi.t loBilv'ct the rlglrt to vole or j'hrd'ffic:"'(Wc';f: '" " ?, " ' r..-.rwett;Si.-lW,' 'anrt t -wen- aiJotT. Mr. Ashlev 111 veil 10 insert an addition il i sec-tinn a sec; ion V1.I1 ; " rhe peooU- have a niht to llie prieili-ures ol educa'tti -in-1 ' it is the iln:v oi the Stntf to tuar.l n I : maintain that r (jht." Cariiml. i Sei'tioi's 8,1 in :t:t, incliiaivr, were adouted. Mr. 0urdarn moved to $ik an additional ' 1 etinn, lo coine ln-lween set li-nw Ho and 34. j to n a I as lotlows : - ii,,ot the "THE CAUCASIAN A.M AFRICAN e uiiuiediate RACKS AUK 1MSHMT HV N ATI' HE .11 .in. He AND COLOR; therelore, ALL INTKK 1 I' 1 1 ed by MAHltlAMKS lietwin-n the Caucasian, or ' - i " : I "' whit nu". and the African, or black, A UK FOHKVkR I'KOIIIBITKI)." I Mr. lurhaui called the yea and nays, and 'e l nod thrjtjB RecietHi y had 1 ouimem e.l to call I lie j roll, win n ,., ,. .Mr Swn-t ar. a and van! that as he, at the 1 tune tile amend mei t Was olti-rml, wss-nli lied to the floor, 011 a iimilcgctl iiiestiin, he would now move lo lay the uiiieiiiliiient on ihe table. Mr. Durham called the yeas ami nays on (hat motion THi: HOl'SE HKl'l'SLD TO OKA NT TI1KM. Mr. Diirliani raid his w as an amendment to tha lull h--lt, amd nt toativ aectton, tt that if it was laid on tbe tatrtr, it would carry the ii'mL- bill with it. lie was uot surpris -d to see the Radicals resort lo every dodge lo itiirk !!-.ino oa ncord in this inat--ter. It'll it they itt hiik it. he would show to Ihe eod'' that tiny did so iu the face ofail pai lianictiiaiy law and Justice. Various Radicals di tiered wiih Mi. 1). upon bis point, that lo table (he propose, new section would cany th Uill. Th Chair dtcidii! tin- point oyiriai Mt Ihrhnm. Mr. Sweet's motion to lable was Ih and carried, rr.i eoe. . 11 put On motion, the Convention then adjoiuiH-d until Monday morning next at 111 o'clock. After the Convention, adjourned, i-!u-Trciiiilerit utatwl lii-ioi-.-irtion t-tetef fhe use of the Halt 10 tin- Vimng Mi ll's C'lu'ia tisn ' A-Mi-iai ion, tn-rugtit. if no objection wa- made. - Objection was rai-ed ar first, but al mir ls withdrawn, and the ll.dl was aceord injly tendered. It is a Hiince of gratilh-atioH to know tha! the AsMM-ialion proprrly iefii-e.l to iisethe Hail, and that' the Senate lainln-r was ir.. cuie.l for its benevolent purposes, I Monday, Feb. 17. 1808. The Convention w as called to order at10 o'clock. - Trstrer trr thr- TJi ci iv the .1 ..irnal ..f apptoVfMl. A I the S'lj. si ion r lTu Isou, of the -alurdav wa' read and t .Mr. Able. 11, (lie niiines 4n-reMtte5r, ol absentees, at lb' time of vol in' . W-.ie oidure.t U,. lm tft .old d; KKSol.t' Hons, Oltllln AMii.s. ii . By f. Abbott : An ordiuaii.-. m reler-c-icti to lieight on ih- VVilni n.-ton and Weldoii, and North Carolina, itiiiioada. Keli rred. t'tf.EtftiAH. Sir Kichenlhul up his ordinance, report" ed by the Committee, establishing ao Immi gration Agency in. Xear York. .. Mr Rich moved to amend, by inserting, in line 7, after " vnars,'' the words "under the direction of the Bureau of Statistic and Immigration." Mr. McDonald, of Chatham, moved to atrike out "f'500" (salary) and insert "JOOO." s ...Jtlft. Rich objected to itv-i.-" v, i:-:.-Mr. McDonald then proceeded to advocate bis amendment. Mr. Oongleton objected to, the, wbeU Biatfer."" ------ - - M. Ashley favored the t4inanc, as amended by Mr. Rich, and asslirvVof $2500 per anum for the airent. The qucation recurrlna upon Mr. M bon- - i,M : - - The call was eusuined and the rote Mood : yen 84, nays 29. Mr. McDonald moved to further amend, by striking nut, in tboithbw, alter tbe word "State," and inserting "the people hall ehct." Mr. Korkner moved to postpone the mat ter indt finitely. Mr. Abbott thought the matter, too wit. . wished it to be postponed to a day certain. Mr. Jones, or WashlBgton. was speaking upon tbe aubjes-t, when the Chair announced that tbe hour had arrived to consider the y rKCIAL ORDER, viz .The report of the Comiiil' tft on Cor poration, other than Municipal. .TO,TJw.o,itiotL..jrecttrTM ge' ttbttate, offered ai-vcrei days !fo, when this report was con-idered, tor aeetions 4. S, , 7, 8, 9 and 10. to coitie in as .section 4, to wit : "That no Bank of iu hall be e'blished under tbe authority ot this State Mr. Jonea, of Washington spoke in ip petition tt the pwp.ii axuatittttav - Mf. Welker siipiiorted Mr. Ttrget'a ajib stilute, and gave fli reaaon at some length for n efcAagT." : "--'-X Uj, request of Mr Itodiaan, the Ut was divided, and tbe Convention decided to strike oat; when -Mr. Uoriman ld If the unenibneut of .MftTourge HwUMi, and ' ntt.vn!l jn.uTre0l.jrHwltbil.rwaiiljr.-lh Banlt note of other State Would circulate h re. Therefore, he was opposed to the aniend- mcnt. -, ! 1 ,' Watiiriitsrli MmtmrwA lost ' -- - - Mr. Welker mi)Ved to strike out section 11, and refer it to the Committee Ou Mnnl- ixrntt CorTWiretiow. fiowt, Measr. Jone. of Washington, and Hetv Ibn, thought XIiesecfTon In it prsper placed , The K-ct ton, reported by the wnt tee, wm then adopted. . i)y consent, Mr. Abbott introduced bill to p rr? ehtrfj pj Jtb. Ileej Ulirat nft, Coalfields Railroad, with amendment.- lVfirre 1. - Abo, Mr. Wett. tittered - t ttrfhnaiKi tit prohibit IheeoiWtton r( tMrt, cnntraled for ptirrhwMt of iHvm or hire nt slaVra, or n aid eif th resViHio, ,ffler. fi i?9 Tbe minority report of the Coanmittee on 1 HoBweteads wm catle I up, by m vj in "f its ' fm' 18K-Jm;'ol''Cild ai dared fur ihe aeenad. tint. j Mr. Jones sanl that the t'oniiiiillee hi! concluded to reKt a bill proajw-tive iu i-a ! Character, as a Wi- taper tU'. l l.l.ji,i.l. amount to repudiation and t in. I to .lir.-ol- lab (ood faith between man and man. Ac. Mr. Morton was oppnarH to the r - or', and moved lo )iitii..iie the consid ritom ! of it, until to-morr-iw weeV swii-wofMis smwiwwi n mnrmrr it run jPllMlioH .C aMi.WinWii?w aW postpone until Thm-d.iy nut. . Cariinl Mr McUonald, of Chatham, called up I11 ordinance tn 1avor nf tt ft. tJfittifte, Sheriff ot Orsage c untv, as he wiilodit n-terred to a select Committee, appointed by the Chair. Agreul to. ... .Ma . Wtt-nfld'y bU dff , Ti':f "lliat no Iruatee or ..MorlUaeee, m ne mortgage or died in tmst ma ie to s,i itr debts contracted prior to May 1m, lxii., shall sell the properly conveve I to l.iin In such djbed, liefore the 1st of ,lulv, 1SHS, or the adoption of the Constitution., which thia Convention has nu t to form, wlii.heier may tlrst h-ippeti, except by Vons 111 of dm grauio.r ,1, unci, . een, ,.r unless (lie pr..,!iy cufveynd by aaid .IwhI, 4h Wliial.l shitH riHK 1.1 1 ue saic u. sum ai a .111-11 11 as a.-es.-e I 101 I a a 1 lull til 1 lie 1 ill 1 .-I..II. Mr. .lone", ot Washing! in, said that this amounted 10 nothing m -re or le s ih in ie pudiation. Hi' charai ti lied tl n in- monstrous, and entered intiiipi.ie a h 11 thy argifmeut. in opposition to the ordm 1 c Harris, of Wake, (.n. gr .1,1 made aspn . h in favor of it, and, as far as repudia' io i was concerned, scouted the yeiy idea ot il. II , contended that the ordinance did not e n tttitt, M. Uit. it il ia U ptvi.u..., I.-.-.., Mr. May eaWI tWt they werrraftcd j tv n atitutional Convention, but, up-ill ix-viewing the woik accomplished, it would seem 1l1.1t It was an mip-oper term. Weeks had rolled antrnd. atll n.'ithi'hg done, slid almost n-niiiit r -n-i iL red I n! i -i ... o! purely a .legKaiiir Uit.-ur.-4-.r-- ivtTi- to l-u on in this ,s ai . the s --!. hi h ,,eld be pn.'ra- t.-d I ail e.v'ent uni.e-ii- 1 m lle Ihouolil tliis snl.ject toieiuii lo lii-;,a;iii mate business ol the Conventi m. ;.n I he favored the voting down of all su li propo sitions, until the proper luisiness ui ihis Convention has been accomplisiied. SI r. Jones, of Caldwell, moved to amvinl as follows: "Hut the Trustee idiajl la',i: liieasine. to prevent the wt-gtc nf the piop ertj(iiit. -if m btSBM autLfd,'ifl tlw rents of the same, so 11s 10 apply to (In. pay mrnt of thf mrerest on tlie ilcti'f sccfiri rt'l'y the trust. " Mr. Watts advocated tin- mi-asm,- at si me length. . Mi'. Jones wilhdrew hi ametufm-m. Mr. r"orknr moved to po.ipo.ii- 10 ' I the adoption ot the Constitution I Mr. Morton r ill .1 tin-ye;,, hi I 11 ii .. .(. the roll lu-iufi 1 a'h-d. r.'stibei: y--nays 3C, Mr J .lie, of Washiiiutcii, that tins Convention will not 111 n, ilmii i it. mi mi v proposition of merely a legislative chaiac ter, alter the hour of 1 1 o'clock, each day, nrrttt'tftr Tt'p.Wrs- rf ITie "'rotnmTl1fe5r'ap-"' pi ii 11 led to reoit mattei looking to the formation of a Cnnstttn on t ml) lie ron-sidci-od, and a CsMistitution formed: Mr. J.uiea moved to suspend the rules and adopt at once. T nk,IWtrmsiipiiiiiMlt i.sb'i - Mr. SVelker moved lo lay it on the. table. Mr. Jone demanded tha yea and nays. The call wa sustained and resulted ': yeas Ru, nays 53. Mr. Watts offered an amendment to the resolution, that "no member shall pk more than 10 minute upon any qtteatior, eieept upon report of standing Cumtnit tees." Mr, Abbott moved to la.y the aiuauJutuut on the table. Carried. Mr. Jone then moved to adopt the reso lution. Mr. Rodman moved to amend, by sying "except when there U no other business be fore the Conventhm." The yeas and nay were called upon' this amendment and tit votar tood jj ,: ja-W, -nay 48 j The resolution, as amended, waa adopted. By eooaent, Mr. Abbott Iptrjducealj.h!, fotlowfrig; 'oItttrdiTr '"" "Tbt the contingent expense of this. Convention, including those tor labor, N not paid until audited by the Committee on contingent expense and Vouched for by the President aud BeCfetwy." .... " The rote were uspcu Jed, and th reso lution adopted. iMr. King, ol Lenoir, kin by permission, n ordinance concerning the quatfifeallon ol widow in administering on tautca. Lie over. "- - - -(i The Chair announced th following Com mitteo on the case ot H. B. Outhrie', Sheriff of Orange, vis : Mesam. Ucl)mld, of Oharham, King, of L-noir, M Cubbins, WrtlBliiwl Mil iMtbi':'x'y?:l!;i:ig;Sjii Oa motion, th II mss adjotiriwil until ?i o'clock this evening; Kitubme Cocnt. Oiuion delivered as follows: i . BtPuahsoii, C. X In St" e .e. I-tI wie, from Ito, n. error LaC'.tos Cooke, Irbm Wke, no errinr la rHiu-es. Bi-trs-:!e,brt tones, tl into n, fum Wake, pidumeiit ic verse.J. In Tflrley n, N'W.ttl. .IB ntuilv, from Cleaveland, decree for nlat'ntiff Iu Cobb. Lackey, in equity, from Cleave land, directing a aeferenca. . Bt BaT7L, J, in Link IlriMika, fro n Penton, judgment . reversed. In Siaie m Lbtwy, trtmrthiwprtrjtii1grfi.-6( ftvifseil, rair a bm, In Osirtiet e. (iibson, p-nm CaldWelljJiidgment , reveraml an-) eenirv rf e."lBlJSver K'eiih," from Ma'bson,' writ b ba errtasbedv- ht Mixwelt H UfiVef, from Hen.UrrB, affirmed, Writ to be quash ed. In Butler , Itel.ling, iu equity Irom Beaufort, decro plaint ills. " It Runt J "-'tn Ststtf Ta.k fr,n, HIchTHMt. '' awmrJ-la-, St'ta ' w. f;o..k. from McDowell, no error. In flt'e . Buckaer, Irom Huncomt. ne err s-. In Stat . Putney, (from W-ke error. Iu WaW'iir rtt. Ho(t m iregii!friJ, finmXin -coin, In equity, retired to the Master to correct report. In Kranci v. Hardin, ft rq,uit3.l'ijUt,i;lcaxr.liiil.iUL.iiiiiiii se.l-w-.t4- w i 1W...SJ; ' - - Pmr Curiam - lit State en Sl.ienV fmm Macm, judgiu -nt reversed nnd sei,(r th nm, la Hlat ve. tSwyen, trom FrankUtt, tta vr mr. -a - - - - 1 -. - Fleto purham, of Cluavelaud ,Couiity, 4 Salvia Ur Kawnet d-j-Vimw ftrHrtrv;' were Uoened to. practice lew ia all lit Cjortve '....',r.'ta.w;,,. " CiVt'sit etTittf ar L't mi p 8,5 by th at. (zen of Ht. Lorn t' tt-vurv Di! , holding. tt IV H4ioai inr sa-at a- tN ii. V U , i tn ttiat f. .. ' For the Sentinel - - -Na n,-:- - - ' I i h.s, d the lat e tracts w.th the que- t'on a fecit by the author, "Why was the nejoo tiiw tntmirncerl t our (the f.rig lull) ml !), an to Ami rua f , I suppose-thia quesiioa bus ur-d ite!f n il,j atteiiti-a ot th ottxandu ivf inte'li-nt ii-.tuir.-rn ailmr truth, and I further .irpnoM) il,,i nrli 1.....U1.. .... o. . -'.i Ki.-i'iu'-ii. uc-iauu. ja Ea. i ii'irirnnr n wtiis'irf ir 114 s.mi i i, -alaWilinVM Br frfwt ar bow tM f hard, uploiei - aftif living five '.ears in 1 ! I fie bea t of A lrjca,' uiL Afie extiauisa- travels Into many portions of the world her a African slavery ex lata answers the quiSttion. 1 ' Whv v the uegro lti(.4iia,4 tutnt-W 1 vbw, and trr Am. ric f "The jSi.-a is tii great arbrilralor l-t weea the white ul Ihe black man. There ere productions necea-ary to civilized count ilea. 'nut can atone be cultivated in tnpiril eliniai.-s, where the white man cannot live n exposed lo the mm. Thus, uch 6,rtlle countries as the West Indies and portion! of Aniinca b. big without natlie popula ; ,,. ,,e negM wa, originall imported n iUve io $m ,je t0iMa ,,,, orr. , ,ja own COUillrV he wi. a wild savage. and enslaved bis brother man ; he thus be j came a victim to his own system ; to the irv j (dilution of slavery which Is Indigenous lo I the si of Africa and that ha aof bum j MijfAr t Ihf A.frimn by tkt nhitt etna, as is : enrrenllv reported, but that hai ever been : lie- peculiar characteristic of African tribe. In his state ol slavery the n?gro was ont i psfio.i to worn, ami, through hi labor, ! every countrv prospered where he hfl beA 1nrrrt4tHWI; mid, (i,,i moment he refused tu work, and i istcsd of being a nscful member of society, he not only became useless burden to tli rmmm".'i,J ,",t fdo'tt r Sud llltrlgmav lut-l oue.i wiiti a ueaiiiy narrerl lotlie will t men who had generously declared him 10 lie free. N-w-, -w the negTO Was originally im. p -ii ted ;.s a lalmrer.biit now refiisia to l.ilmr, it is s,-lf videiit that he la lamentable Iniiiiie. Kiiher he must lw compelled to -..ik. by some stringent law against v. i.r.in , or lliose beautiful countries, that ji-ri.p. under the condition of negro foieed industry, must yield to ruin, tinder Aiegut tiisrdoin snd Idle independence. For mi exump'o of the results, look toi 8t li .mil- . " .An, whUslttawgwhtu vfitn.;fe u iji" must teiHile port musty) .the Hstthem Slate t Hut liiTti r viM writing for English reader, i n I -r .t4. n'l he 1ias said on this suhjeet to ui bi-fo rv lie coiil I have known that slav- iy i' i i tu i i shollsheil in tbi country.) ; TmTer piitliar guidance, and subject to it .-. icin restraint, the negro may be an I io-dm! and most useful being.; but it treat. . d a an Englishman, he will ffect lb vice biV) mule of the virtue oi civiliattioa, and bis natural good quatltie will be hut la his at tern pis to beoom a "white man,' .'iissmoiis a not moufen aolra, U wa aouiething amusing to watch the change "Hvat ton Tthtwlrt B'tIavW''tta'r"ltlf "'been civiliz-d (?) by the slave trader. Among tnerr pariiea, mere were many mack wlio had been captured, and who, enjoyed Ul life ol wave hunting nothing appeared M 1 A-tVSJ. -a, to btatSflBio. professional . b eat tie , r,t,B!,HJ,,)MMl.WillBppJiBa tlttflrat net a dtn n$ to proewt m stare fur hijnmlfl All th b St day hunters, and the Imhli-st ami moat energetic sooundrels, were the nearoe who hd, fc.retime, them selves b.--n kldimp'H-d. Thisse fellows aped a ftreat awt ridieillou lmpfrtartca, Olj th inarch they would seldom condescend to carry their own gnof Uulajslav boy i- varianiy aiieimeii to nia master, keeping close to hl beela jnr) trntlnjr)jg,.os) fiiot if tiring bng uiartb; carrying a mW ket much larger than tiirtia-lf ; a Woman generally carried basket with a conkingM pot, ana a gourd ot water ana provisions, while t hired native ca'ried the soldh r's clint'of clothing end ox hide upon which he slept. Thus tbe mm who bad bean kjd fv necame tlie m aster, iti only llit-nai tH-tween lint) ana the Aran iwlng an absurd notlnn of his own dignltv." TTiis will do for the. p'easnt paper. And what doe H this prove I om on may a-k. ft prove that the o euro-is an inferior apwiies of the rset, who T-an thrive only under the rttr-'Ct Inlbie icwol the white m '0, his ii;.Mor in Ki-n.it' a-t industry. Ifhrin.anit "years have revolved, and yet we n-m tne negro as tgnoran as n ever wa In hi priini'ive, native A'rW; altbough. thruiss'ids of fliem h. a fin liroinrlil un in the Cinrta ol Asis t hundreds have tssen S -ertnt lo the W-mlnariV f Christian jir nees ik Europe j and In tin? United State iVb bwn fostered, an l instructed, until tlu-y reached a high poeitbftf a they ever ltd orevi-r will rtsch, fnm which tbisy re : uijfrw4rnf Twt1ryfH'ii-fm) Wnit did r.db' tstenf ignoraoee and hrhrlsm. And all histoiy, from the earliest up to the piset inonieut, exhibit them a only iml taiive heiim. nd afford ) tew examples, even when high In rank nd power, ot tlieif ieuinevev rninjj atoveinci3Wejt cunning j atuT doo'ici. v . , Pi T. I - -.-r .- , . -i fJi'tTR a CntrriifTit - during the read ill f licken, on I'n's-lay o'uhr, at Car roll Halt, a coincidence u cntr.st (bare that tnrne I quite a titter, if nut a laugh, on Oen. ttntler. ft occurred dining the reading or d.-si-ription ot MB Sswier's I'arty at hi Lodgings, from Pickwick, in the rjiia ri.! aceee b WH'a yofl''n tuul (1 Ktfr, JX (w UUt lowing in the reading: I reqnci-t t if yoM II lavor me wiih Votir card ." said Mfcjfoddy ... "I'll do ninbing of thekla.sli,' .f- n.....M. replied - Why mAytit V ttwpilr d Mr Noddy. .. . "U -cause you'll stick it no ..er vimr chin t ti-f pit, and dcttide j..t 'f ptfre, and delude your vldtofs into the - UbtrsV eM- bt flema)jyiktt0 -I ... ,, i; t . .... . see you, air," replied Mf. Unntcr, "Sir, a friend. of inineshail wajt on you ia tbe iiK'Toing,'' said Mr, Noddy, V ' ,r the caution, and I'll leave particular direc tion with tbe snrv inl lo Uak ttf tkt tssjoas," -t4'nil, Mr tiiuiiin......-. .. i I.. t i. .i lTrrtemi s-ffimVfm TrrW rofVifr TTstier I W all UeOttlt, With otitstretched neck.1 as ttiouoii learitil ot losing a atngi word tn wbeo be nc to tha tits' hed bobljtd down, like terrapin' being jeiked into lis shell, and an unmistakable utter 4sv4s)r-av.sb aodiciii e na-trrmrgb rafereoce Wo very, aprop,!. (Im l'ntm. mifl'TT A'rTfoffiritisiif W. CIv. in K resignation l4 uinisier to Knssia, jttuju botug by th tat of ilay. ami will - .ForthB-a'tn,JL f -T-hatr.-ta atmrrmat injmo wrteli 1i s, " wn m cnae oown and eat her'nwa off M rinif. y t a h g - ; .TtH-nt are Indian. -tiv .). War- -wb(Hip soon la tu bait) -, aomettoies espoae lluir atff-d riamiH t. the wiM wttnel. to , pi rndi and be faun bv hour and wol. in... " 1.'" " 9" e-uiw fo th re r. I "evitiif the bands m vrarrfona f.onr a m, .1 1 : .... - - - itt-pwinJwrfMpau.f .'-.ilKW iei(ro'WtriJvyrttttmf seen " am yr,.r (,r.,vf ing a ,mt the hack street pnt ripely km. 1 jianifinij its l.t tf 1 ihaine, ThfH rant e anomalT tikkaa . - ge delight in tho ui,tr:i of hi bretbrt-a, distress which it, mnr than any other, asem y, li,o,i,.(.t ,, ir jm, - wtiiU liadt lawsrh a? rhert rTthnr calainitle'1'"and," liking hi ehopa, howl fur rrtore; hcb wa the first vmcein North Cridina to urge Ihe claims of J.lfersou Davi tolh Trewt" ucocy ot the I ontedernte Btates, .) called, : ' and now tinga ballelnjiha over Ida hanoj. ciiffa and tvuvjft ; hi h wa ifhs first tc Call Zebn,on Vaaoe away from th army, to atn ke him Oovenior, nd, having n niad him, Within two or three years then-alter urged tfcwk area aid of fVS,XKm be lW-IaImcrur hi bead; which, tn experimenting at a blush, whin rebuked for Its horrid atioeity., mittouk (heeolor and felt una a hop). Wack t which then, as the beatTt ronld do, d to make the most of a bad state of af fairs, foreswore im original eofor, by a Bible oatb, assumed theovsraeeMp ol the United League ol Congo. (U. L. iO. ?. Heat! Centre and Oraiitl Whipper-iu of the fnao phlaticated Heriw of Africa, (Lr. If, t, A J th Magnificent Keener of Mmsn. Wi, iaVJta. Aa-Atf-M r-iitew(t1 -ttrtrw- ""W naev. (t. r: v. X. M t w.': errr- 1T 1 a wonderful rbaugeling and mlscel laneoata brute, (W. C. A. M, 15 ) and rtefle all claasificatlon. n t Vm the StyitineJ. Luitum or-TiiK Kkntkbski, :A(1ow ma to brak allnue, for it i nluh onln onossil.;o tor any man, hvln oiwt diap of patriotic blud ia hi vane, to keep aiitiut when he sees his holQviil country going irita mntishea -at the rail ot f. rtv mile a in in it and our country is a gnttlif hed r that apedo fait tur than the wheel of time ran turn. Nigh about S eai agow. nwolved to rite no moarfor th paper, bnt trv ltvoti my holu talont to ri!tn:im ao'd Ium,, Lut-tnefror-. rent of event ln.s well about washed the1 ttfiderpttiinx fntWifiy tempur," and TIT be" " dinned if I stint jnat tut ready now fur puhlick sarvia, a I was, when 11)11 Hohliu slapped ' me on inv rejimeiiluls and nid. "eallunt j old Cteurgeon Jiib ahed ! the lv will tmV tow whar you teadaf fight the Yankees; wbaryoa Bud thtmanil the LorU 1 with you." i - - But I don't mean that I am willin or aprovo tnuther flirht no sirs) I do mean. ' too', that tbi hi a whits man'igtimment - ei w nave sit u a tning pri my mud bile clean over every tune I read about what Jim Harris and them uiher nli'.'rr are stiyin hi IftesTatrtmM In Karelgh. Tg" t'ao aw dired" mad alt n read "the pereixdins In your Htnttrntt, that I tumtiuie cua rite 'out, which rUi lit y . au-t Uie.chaxln3n, and I'm ttuiupellcil to hold family pruversto kv4 ' titat tbe Komel trint inw btsr wtfh(Xu ny-tbtny thstloT)vit,pfs;rin-"'t--'"' '- tn tH'B letler ilia will is good, tmt dad blast me I tt my children ahull live am ler a kon ' steratushuo made by Bigger and low Id white foulks I intend t ksnvasa my koun- -ty, and tell the people how th "ao-kslled"' " KoWvf Bthnn- ha wald "T!tirspT fVl t White foulkt give 'em the privilege of " "" hein Governs) ri Judges, birtos, Ir gislirterx, '' " and so four'h, and" even slow "etn to marry ' whit girls 1,. J t .my .Sallj An-wa tatiu foot and marry a Digger,. I'd liurn her, or -. destroy my hole plantation in Ke'tin litflit Wi to make the file. I do hope. Mister Rditura, that nur white foil Ik will arouse j and when Votin day eums. si aali that nig- , gar Konstortushun and Bill iLjIdin, th daddy of awl missitmr; -with it. ..Wk.? I thittjc of..rtirgi . vWlntH,. ' Dmuel Wnbt;r, Wm. Uastoo. Htdger iid tn old velt,reen who no sleep lather I r"'AtJ.i-'t i?. y,';Il Hi-lhj&T.jaOr-l,.. old patriot: were not spared M witness tb.it degeneracr Nif ttesj deginvrate tmiea, am pursiiadcl In my own niin.l ' that wa ' will.hsva no mwiwisiiin--tbre .kit two N many n a t wttitt f.xtlk uinapmnnd tb i k IU t of m uk-uiy lvi,,tt fjp tha : pnre in ininVJidll r-'inir.j a 'ntmy, at leaet. Hit,t lot us do one dii'y and firat" otac the i-urerm tit tn tl baa Is nf white mrm tnvfprttxtnrTh "trreiwiinu . iet ibwT' ' ,Bf uvbin, l tlmn. w may liw'ft tor the piiMii-t d gmnl llrtitv rrrae' t my resputs lo I'laNii) Pmliam and til konservn'ive" mai'j.'tors, Tell old Zub he's a triiniii, and (hm't f ft to let Dl know ii ynitrnt. pap -r w-o tiara for tt, wiikd. Out t i tiie-warr jtonva fof thif"-' nbjlirera ed mea.i whiles fn roast theer hin by. ,,'. t - -r- ; And oblige, t . - - Ji6tI.H'ist7vX, - s - y hk McAatK.n Caiib. Sortie t,t tWeew. paper err In atJn that tb R tf.rei.ie four' ol tba AiHilwl iaberaas alfmaai; taw Me-. - - Ardle case. Toe 0i.iii.iii w'.i'c.ii r,i dibv--red yeetyr.lav wi in mi p t ot the or ler i beret.dote, .dt.-.mtVing, t.ir ' tif pohi it-id lurliMictHm,th tlciwiri and Mississippi bill Bled at hf D raiulier Urin i.t JHutt, praying the iitvrie m i ol fbe court to rn. at'rairi ttitif'bra'y..'f, th-- t in vintw -lijaaeciiuowt-tain parts- trr-tne If f trp trwiton k.-ti. I tie i-eri U-uf not v ma stounoed an opimorn.n t io .p Hv.ii.nu.in .yeturiiij4.ti.r ihiM i.yiui l.Miifc4i4. ease had been ldipned nf, Jndire li'aek tilted a new bill in la-lull of tiu- rt'ate ,.( O orgii a odnsf Of ii-ralsj !riui, ili.ul and Kngnr, ),- It is ndei-f,o that tf-!s tijil ' seeks to avoid all the diliientii -a .-onntpr-ed in the former -strrrmi-riT it'td -fr.f d;.;" tl-ictly a qiiesfnn nt property;, to wji, i.a , Treaaurf.ofth Ntirleol hmtii. An in nw nnnr.iiiiuui I. 11. ...... . , ,.. wWrnn toi Tt' rt thi s mil nifr, " ti'u't."'' Vvf, X...YI HW' J VkV J'HOfKR h(JI't:T.. i'H.'ii.s. -mji -w. a - j . . ..-:--:"r.T?an- tkisust sm.- ,V-s- -V"a,- ,TUJ'i.lU trt-yror-- towiMg peruri.'iil Inouirv : " ""If ft 1 l. di ml.- 1. b '.buoti, . A'.ib.anV" by spuv-isl eii..cuiiiHttn, nfi.'.',? -,s v;miw th. ' nine other hu-es tind t'tipciin-t it rm .liol to bring them ba,-k into the IV-.n, nt'h r 'aw thataliall tinisli the. vttioie bn.-m 'at iiuee V " fUxm&f, I Wm Id livv per nrrd ln-"-!, I ' . iTiod'M 1iVe ! ii;e t i ( ftft tm pi, i ' -'r Im: U.s ;-t i-.'.r 'i-r.-'t i-uuiitry wou'd 1 Vroutues uy tliittinie, a-jJthe ... Ueek rapidly unprovtisg. ' ,-