A t r.' at .. 'H llMI tk- RALEIGH, N. 'Crt vswertforthei Sfate St lirrfe: C. WMDXKSD.VY, MAKCIl 4, 18JJ8,. NO. 77. t i Till; HIiNTINKTj. WM K. PELL. Pbofbiktob. ,'' f tfMi .' AND A T THKM ? J'he C.neivaiive organization of ' well-nigh completed. the We hare a glorious rkate ticket in llie tield. li-is ru t t'onvcnti. urn wiil (toon re eatieu lor i'?lorlttar'Tlilifffl'atr'r crfirrw ,,l ,.-iiv. , risirg. enthusiastic young men' m been aimoinied in large majnriiy nl the C I"'' 'f.wttat or wi.l !' .. !'(" I n ill sunn 1"' di sienaled 1 1, ic-1 lor i-fi-f) I i.piain s Ili-Uil t Ill-Ill'' '"' fcverytiniiK, urn lar, I ..4tj whII mi-1 pi.iiiii-ii'ii What 10 I). .t"Ui- j .i i be firal pl.u .-. let tlio I mi vur-. r ; .,(,.!,, .-ri.'riti' ii-lly, and pr.iinp'ly. hIhiui .jj..,, iv.ik I.- t 'In Ml i-hivmk eer '"r ..I -lull l. hmi'IIi- Oilut l' ai'd, I ' iiF.-.neT nirrm;, Fntt tn untile tne ..... T-- , i,.. i., -n irt' mi' S nle I" . . i . h;rh iinix-iid "Vi Uo? )-i n-e "t tin r tin in I.. I .-unt i- ii i"H- "' (l, I. i y i u i rutnli'lii.i li. II hi .11,1 ! !.. ere-1, I. I, 1 llli 4 r in. lit ill-, -I'-' 1'" ,1-lv 'in1 " tivelv t - w.'ik nvll.t III-, tivi-lv t- Cillln I It-, i n'lvn.iiiH- v Him e i. iiii.-i " 1 1- t. run ' I in 1 an t ili. ii Ill-Id ! i-ery '-.l M'. vill'i, aii-l then h'-ld ! j,.,-t, men of tried integrit y, nf ability and ! weWf nWWrHipR " -f wnmattliHtrf Itwi'tai whattatti to talo j I.ernneoi ni"i' m mectinKH he n',r,1ainl illiistnite our piim'lpleii. Ifnw mhch j l.Jtv. ry ronnt.T, and ht en -ry iiidueemtet "s,)0ver thee genilemen hate l.een divided in i Ik, red a'H I utr-rd.-l to the people to turn III)' Let toe Suli (YiiiinntleeB proceed at onte i . . .1 e..nl. rvuriiin vulnri anil In tin- ( ii mi men i '" ""- ' ' ' - ' ,, while tin n. who, ashamed ol their enloi, liroi).io to ait with the enemies ol tiieir UtJitnllrJ! Thiiiiof fhe 1tT'fv'KT irttriOTtnTtet. We mit knnw Lel tvi iy t'onsei valive man, who ha thus tar tailed tn reaitter. In; earnestly exhorted J " Wo so, lij ; ivew tunaiileralion whieh al- ' i eei ; tiii g..ot ;vr hrmwr. -wr ertirnr'tir' laeeand his enlllittj. In one word, let every true white man in North t'litolina eonntittite liini-ell a ''" MITTKF- ok Osk, whose aim and purpose lili he work ! ' w hk! and vrt-.ote tUvn shall lie: NuuiH t;R.u.iNA mi st bk rmTRRTfrrrwv wite mm ! Our gallant standard hearers in the field will do their whole duty. I.'t ui do nun, mi. I all will l onie right in the end ! ArXi-risc&.uK ji:iqk rR. ftsos ASP RFAPK. TIm- following eorrtsp.mdeuci! speaks (or ,l.i.f. It will he seen that Chief Justice IVarsou and Judge Heath- aeerpt the nom m,,AMd bl.Vt,l?''':.' senrative Exeu. liv. I oinimttee, iii terms worthy .f the elevated position which they now liOlil. JttrVge4Mtte; bHK i tl wtj! Uaa not yetlwen beard from hut will lie, doulitK, in the eotirae ol a few da : Hi: --l he -Exeuulive Committee nf the ("ouseivative party, now assembled in this .1 itj hsvo nominated you for the otth-e of Chief Ju8tire.il the Supreme Court ol orth Ciirolina. ' HopitiK that you will am-pt the mme, w aie Very lespectfully, A'ourob't servants, , . , , ... ,. XX, Q. Ftw iu 4rt) :. - t. (J. BtMM!. Commttet. M. A. Bl K9oB. ) A aiuilUr letter was addreased to Judge Iteade) -i .1 v,'.h hl it iulorml me. Vou tie aware that I have atrcady accepted the nom- iiarl A a I'liiel JUatKO oi., Due oupirme .. . j - r i .ulna hi rna unnrumn Cn.urt.alioiild the people of tb State elect me to 811 that responsible station, I shall le. I iu.nore.1 Ky III frcOtlcTimnco of opinion in regard to my eflorta as a Judge for mora than half a lite- 'lll''"t vhr- enae to party affiliation, to which, a a Judge Hiave never yielded, I aliall, to tlie bet ot my ability, endeavor to discharge the duties ot the otlioe, without tear or favor. Your very respectfully, R. M. PBAHSON. MitaeBH. yowt.lt, iiLDo ar bsuuk, etrme.--I hv juat rocivd yonr i...... i.b.min.tL lb BOinalKM of .eiwftMiM.-tti . . V I.. tl. Eiocuttv Couimtttee of seat whkit now occupy upon the Buprenie C.Mirt Bench. I Donorea OJ xois awi of your eotiflflenc ia m Judge, ncl th nomination; without referenc to an n.rty ,iriliation. 1 a nolhiof but a Judge. If eleeten by Ums lwonlVlftlk.liJ'J " oecbire tb Iw to the best ol my atniiiy, and do eqowl justice to the'tich and the Hir, U the tle and to individual, with out fear and without partiality. ''Thanking joo lr l" 'l'a, t"1 your commnnkiatiow, . I win, very respeclfnlly, e., E. U HEAUE. ' Panic SrTBiCifiiW. Oor information leads u to believe, tht the Conservative ticket, "just omiDtei by the Executive Com mi t- Hadicala. Many of -trie mo, opo whom ttrey htrt teH4j.:eeM ls Um tklMv against it. Other, we learn, will tireiei, reuioving'tho nnmes ot atrveral ot their own "' nomTncSitfaWnf mmmW'mr-& SteaJ. We aWilil liot be stirprlse.1 it u Modi-rat IsepuWW . Dick, Pool, I lormery, '""j,-"" "''--r.' j rt,rtyte.weoriL win""-"! tiwf Conatitutioo, which is tensfoM worse than the RutfVirl tlvtrrt;-Vhm -tWwJf efc4, - '"rVrt'ffHee4T,"-fnkWtfeUk apfll5e,; "t! .n ridope.rTmsv'd o tTifd'upon n (ore -fH f Si S"' "gi-rjcratxra. .. rmUGWLBaXOT mm; The Radical, in their late nominations, act, wo presume, upon. this old politiotil dogma. Their principle are mean, grovel ling, despicable, and they therefore select the8ame elKsaof uutn to iUuslrat an ) mrrv them iut. This is, no doubt, np-sesssry and proper Men t character and respeelal.il. ity, whose interest are linked with the in tresis of society', Miil wfiiise. aspiration- rise abHii th ptA e4 leiuaptgiivuin. unu not support ni. n, despicable principles n i ilustratc Them in their conduct. itidtiutttliitig, iMud...Ui.ll, m." ..-sawn. (They will ih,r adulterate or uiutilali . ... ! w,n.. !,,, th(., Ut.nre we ,, i rineipli-H iiii-i men." We will irnt slipp-TI i nit-an, tiad i riiieioh-s, nor ti!l we siiiiium i nil an, had men. It the principles ol a pnrtv -aieioiind and worth nnythini;, they silmuM In- i nf mvcl and i I! ii -.r in t 1 - jrnod nu n j I In- I i--1 i li.i- i-.ui In- ol.lil'lli 'I tin i h- "i e I Sinn- 'I III- ,llle'a, IV in-ki i, w.- Ml If!!', lui lieen lniini-it wi'h - '.I- tw to - it- I'm pi im-ijil-a ln.-k t.i tin- . -hi. ! I ii ! !i- -- -pli , iln-u i neu,ir,iL;t in iii i - iu-lti''i ii I i n 1 lirjiri?! -, till- Ul-llltll'lliill'i- 'I I Ulfrl' Iltll I- II il ' liUert v. -iii'i I lie I" I'lnntinii nt' t tie in-m-i anil tiarnionv ot the natinn. t o sreure tlii-i'e oh , political sentiiueut in the past, they are be lieved to lie a unit upon the great principles whirh now agitate the country. They are devotedly attnelnil to the principles ol ov ernuiei), asset forth iu the Constitution ol the I nited States. They are lovers nf Con-, titutional liberty They are anxiously de sirous to promote the restoration ol peace, harmony and good will, between the people of the various si-citnns of the lnion am! of the Statu. They are Iriends of law and or .da ud..t.il..J.h.ir eul.irceituint the pem e 'alite'reineities ot the CiMistf'tif irirr, rh .--rbe-aupreinary (if the t-ixil over the military power. They are friends ol the nero race, but they are opposed tn clothing the herds ol ignorant and vicious negroes of the South with xilitical or K:ial positions. They are lor a white man's ovuruutU, to "ft- admrnTWererl fbr the fieneflt of afl races snd cooditioD. Ilenca, tby ari op posed to the new Constitution proposed for North Carolina; If there he one man on the Conservative tieket, opposed to these principles, he finht not to allow his name t remain on it, iNflRATlTUhit. The Kit-Provisional Gov ernor had leen twice defeated, horse, loot and dragoons, by the while peojtJe of this SUUv in - hia modest aapira! ions after the f4rtirrritiif, -H wm fmtitioaH v lw n at. the heel ( lean down. Not a man in, the Slate was so heartily despised In this low estate, he w as taken lej the hand jj II is Enceliency, the President ol thq rnited States,' and made, whit he most disiie-l, After hia time expired, the Presid.nt jjain attemptttd to honor him by a foreign appointment, nominating liim to the 1'. S. Seaate, as Minister to San Salvador, with a salary of $9,000 per aunum, and I,50fl ai an outfit. The Radical Senate rejectetl the nomination but were even then acquiring an acndaucj that baa, .since aaulj-AvuU ttmw-B'ifhvwwiiea shrewd. IU ascertained which way the. wind lay; and quietly acquiesced in the Radical SenaU'a decision. Humming home, the almost Minister Iwgan An give the cold shouliler tQ bit benefactor, and to coaleice witli tltoae wilil apirtt who liad sliown him t . j ........-, dent' visit to N. C.,the rjiwndnm OoVertior had completely veered around, and ws Whackinff way mt the vjf pulicj . ImJiad. himself established, and, in every iastie ol hia papcV, nceririg at the high official who had been to him tb fountain of honor all the official honor be ver knew. He had watched the signs of the times. Gratitude ? What are past favor U thoa that are to tome f The Ex Provisional Oovcrnor could not afford byjall vcu by a little cereme nioua visit- on the President while among of, and that htffb oiliet-tl had tt. mortifioa tiun uf goltli; back to Washinron Cf(j irtMl!v'Miio'ftty protcgiC" , ,b,re ,,'g SbUiuicIius. V'; Ts"uittt irreiiergett uy urging HI impeaonnieni, or vnuis s.i ,vjjce to se him punished tor "high crime ,nj misdemeanors." a this vune t.titarti. Livr there a man, io this bruaAlaad of oun w intensely ungmtotul, o lug-.niousiy suamereaa i '.'vANCS.AyD HALL. We ara beginning to. hear the echo ot the fttirte Conaei native pf t" theimroiniitlnns liy the Executive Committee. We present a number iif extracts, to-day, ud will con. tiaiwiW.. gift. vli w text 1 WFrtTs3t ;1t Wilt tse wn that the hspprevt anenrrj ex Mr We ertnionish th, motrey dans, vrlto are gaUiered UO'W lb black banner.tn edTiocf, that they, may ,'prepere for canvas, npw thrtraWTrf'T Norfh Cerolin, which; in point of eottxf soaoimbie or Uwfel effort t aav the Stale from the elntehe uf tlie destructive, who 1 Onr piHant sndard benr. ru wii' .In tl eir-doty.-t They will U't asesamph of e .r ..s en 'eaVi.y.. ww-n vuk.sl -i its n.n U$ wmmA irl h-m -'i --.- llnwareaa. 'of Illinoja, and Mi'D.Mial l, ot twlva, vh opposing Hdic(il Ct-iai'lsia.l4hu.tiKl,0at). ffirf CdngsHvieA JiU;ialvou.jirU1,.,a, bine" Thev arc lo eoeaa the 1 mesent weta. WennvUrstaoa; at 0ib"J aid -k Warrsnlon. in ttVr VR 'S t-iV The fullowiiig jjintlifiiiKii hv.' Ihhii ap pointed, by the !SlU! Conwryntin . l:cou tire t'nmmittee, Canvawef fin the ftate at lur-i-. It is to lie hoped that thi y ill nt ok make appointments to addreistht pto- pie : Jlon William A (Jrntiam JaiuiJi M Leach. Oeu M W Ransom.' Hou J li MiXmu. . ' Ji-s tJ Shephi-d-. Mai Man us Krutn. Hon F H S.itlertlmaile. . - Hi rl' ' J..W. UiUrftMl, " HV Mr Aden" tieore Ilavis, .bse It. S lllibi. I- .1 Person. N II Smith. W T K.irteli ( .-I H .l.i it htranite. i It. m N ti l-mniol lloyilen,. .1 in Ki rr. i i. hi ;n- Hon srd . CI f! il Cow hi W 1' Itvillllll. il. - I, I'.li. Ksq. ' - V II I',.. i.-:. M. U-,i. K . CI li l f r. Ii... li '. -rr.-li. I;-.,, t ol H s Mar. in. ( .'-I ,1 I Mnri head C It Sa-I.li'ls. Km W V Mi Kc-oo, Ksi. .1 .) eales, K-l Cnl S ft Sprnift Hi. ii Tlnnnas S Ashe. Cnl Walter I. Steele. a tp i rroxA :. s 7 i tk ca vr a sser. The original drsuoht having lieen mis laid, the tolluwing names were inadvertently omitted from the list of Conservative State Canvassers, published on yesterday, viz Hon. ft. S. tlaither, JosiaU Turuu, I). 0. Kow le, John II. Ilaughtoti, 1- q , Col. in. A. Jenkins, Win Katon. Jr., K-i , It I'. Armlield, E-q., Edward Cuniglanil, Esq., '.'' A.ltWar'Beof . "-.'-X-i ,:;,F::. I'. II Winston. E-q . W Mi I, McKay, K-q , Col. S. II: Wiilknp. Col. Will. Jllllllrl-'M. 77rV CO.aUh'.SSIo.AL AXD JlPl C1A1, DISTRICT. At a meeting of the Conservative Slate Executive Committee, held in this city, on Saturday, the following yCommitteca were appointed,-the Committees iu the Judicial Districts Co make all necessary arrange- iheliU as to, .luutrs -aud places of litildillg L District d'oiiveiiHoiis lor the nonif'iation of Solicitors, and those in the ('oiigiessiotml Ibntiicts to inuWtt all the ai raueuieiils tor Convent ions fir llie nomiiialioii of caiidid-Mt-sf tot CungiLs. Tlie vuriousCoiuuiiit-H are Harnestiy utfstl. Ut.aul pum.pui .. jt IMi iAi nisl'UH r 1st. Ihttrut.- Messrs. W N It Snnlli, ol Hirrfiirrt, M Kurv, of ttati s, and W A Moore, of Chowan. 2r.i. lHttriet. Oia.rge llovvanl, ol K.lg.- -'rmtniw, F B Hattert-llWatlx, f (teantWt , m4 J E M'Mire, of Martin. 3rd. Dutritt. C S Woolen, of Wayne, II It Hryau, of Craven, and John M f erry, ol Carteret. 4(A. lUttriitt.-A A McKoy, of Sampson, Thomas B Kenan, of Duplin, and J A En gelhard, of Jew Hanover. 5(A. Dittrict. Archibald McLean, of Cumberland, Thomas S Ashe, of Ausnn.and W h ttteete. of Richmond. :.(.- Jatlriefcw-M-iK'W MmtmiM&ii NMtlhri niiiplon, Jo J Davis, of Frahklfh, ""Wtllii IT. Jenkins, nt Grajivilh-. Ilh. DMriet. J T Morehead, Jr., of Guil ford, Livingston Brown, ot Caswell, II A London. Jr., Chatham. fit k. Dittrict.-i M Leach, of Davidson, W M HMitt, ot Hwa, Hufus L PaMtar- s m, of Forsyihe WA,jyistcK4riUfttft..0iuha land, J II Watson, of ecklenlrtirg, Jno F Ifokp r,f T.inei.ln . V 10A. lUttrirl.- A. C Averjy, of Burke, it rsrmtlftct, ot W-HkeV, R. rf -Stmwnton, of j Iredell. 1UA. IHttricl. Marcus Erwiu, of Bun combe, N Kelscy, of Madiaod, Kobt, Pen laud, ot Yancey. Yitk. District. Cassius Gudgsr, of Macon, W L Love, of Haywood, L 8 Gash, ot Hen derson. COSOHESalOHAI. DISTKICTS. 1J. lutrut.W F Martin, of Pasquo tank, H B Peebles, ot Northampton, P T Hedfv, of Bcrlle. JtiUi-ul VyB Bigg, o4 E.h.a.Ble! W A Alleri.of "Duplin, and MJ Juo niigiies, ot Craven. A J Jonea, of Coluuibua, HoTj McN'atr, ol Kobeson. i tth. District. II U WW', of Noin, T D Bnessl, of Johnston, V Green, ot War ren. 6tA. District Levi M Soot'.ol G.nllo.d, iMs-jiuM.a jtiao bins, ot J)avidon, 6t. JJiatrtrt.-rKobtl) Jobnst n. t Char lotte. H Walk up, of I ui.,- M L .Mclirt. kle, of Catawba. . 1th. District. Tbad D Bryson, of Jack son, Jae II Merrimon, of Biiriconilic, A. M Erwia,.ef .-ltcDoeU t - "-"'r--' '.is'" -;-.,'; "; Ckvbh. The Csjnservativra nf this County will meet in New hero, on the 101 It. inst,, for the pujrpoae of nominating rsrvdid- atet fin-the fceinstirtBTC'Cbrinty ofti.ters, ic. T TI-r-r,finjirfeaWK r.uui (U tba hAliU. " '--" I 'AWrTfifirr.1t b-r. lav's proceeding in the no called, that nl. .f tear thai a 'or j-liose power ateam engine crmld'nt Jrtiff the innnorcls away rTa" slrrady bt 1rr"wtoirt rTSji.-ttrn el Dense lo the pt ooleof the tjiaieof1 more .x-'i ' -s -.r' - i fioTti "iSet'jflvrwrrfvwioY tbhjfmiri t"f J "dr mi ef iX alis'l,ury, on SituTJay tesT Jt grand'torikoBt t (fatjraeteA:"' .7'- t ft, hjA srte -'Hlt Friii v. K. i lsfit. 'lUVt'iiVioii nil'- cilU i ti ofti.-r it! i j , j XP O'ciovk; j The ('hair anri.iiine.il th.- ollow nik' ten -j tleuie.i as I he Comuill tee i-'l ihe A-lii. v i llurhani utlinr . M--srs. Il.niiil. Xit bolsoo , (JtraMiiiMiMMf ftBr:-s; . .., "n luoliiui of lr: Sweft, the r.xirt ol the, j t'om-mittec oit ihe fn-.'nultvw lUiflH : was taken uj. - ' .-si-ciitiiH l, ? unit ,f wi'c ailopu-.l. VVliMU-iMMi.kMM.-4. wwa- eaeiK.,-ili. ftrwwjv ' 111. veil thai tlie Sllnoli on mal I, li.nt ( t lne Comruitie hm abiiiiutwt tor sriiiwi 4. - s : 1 lie qui sttoli ' . taken, Hist, HI ,t!ie C-iq.- listrlliil - tion mid cat 1 0 d. The qui stinli reelii rintf on tlU- i linn nt llie ilitti r.-ni ili-.tn.-t rep. I in llie silpjllellieiunl -le. Itou. j Mr. rwci t moved t' e app. -ri mnnn-iii I Ihe l-l llis'nct In- a. lop nl, ( .inn .1 ; Mr. swi i i iih.n . t (.. 1 1 i. li id .ii ell be tun i irie't. Tlie 2 ' I siuetiilerl .1 I :l I t Mii't .'I i msti i- . pi .1 The "I'l 1 1 intiii el. -ih -IM-in - loriril Jli iririi. troin No elusive, vva aiiopted III the 1st Dlstrnt, Mr. i Ii No -'O Mernti moved a division thai each rouniv ilVisnn lid (iranvilli ) have its own Senator v r. Haith.iiil ..lo. -. I. I j Mr. Xlerii : I 's aiiieii.liii. in was nu inn vote an t Inst. I bw pwrKniTii. iit-, s. rftrrMrt adopter!, lor the remsioiiir Dimmer, 'the entire section wis thin di i adopted. Sections 5, ", 7 and S were ad-p'tt.1. j In section Mr. Ilav on v.-d to a nenil, i I by adding a properly qualitii-.l ion of .itlu. J Mr. Holt, called for llie ye. is and nays I which were refused him. j The amendment was put to a vole and j lost. i . TUe staOinit, a rsporlal, was tlugn atbqiv f ed. j In section 1(1, Mr. Abbott movedMe strike j out the words 'lloiiSeol Commons" and j insert the words "House ol Hepnsenta j lives." Carried. j Mr. Colgmve iilVend the following sub- ltifijfi.it th w tiole Mmfamtz--;,?,-.. , "Each lU'prtsentative shall be a quslilh-d i elector, and reside m the county I J mon hs i before the election. " i The Cluiiiniau o tlie I'liiiimilte. , Mr. Sweet, aeeepted the substitute ami it was i adopted. -j Sections ll, li and IJ were adopted. I Sections li to -21, JniOuaiv. Uuui. -ed. Kor section 2H, Mr. Swe.-t otf. r. d the f.l- i towing stibslitniV, which was adopted : i "The terms of ofliee ot Senator and mem ' hers of the House of Kepresentativea shall commence at the time of their election, and I the term nt office ol flume elected in the Brsl efer fion Tiehl uiTiTer tfiis Cntistitiitiiiii shall t. riiinmte at the same time as if thev had la-en i led. d at llie first ensuing regular election." Si .'tinn -'.1 w as ii.lopted. rVelbiw HO-wits-aiw-tt'teel, bv tlie- inwn-tiwi- pit provfaor " V'fwrmwi vftx Hitwral Aa- f semlily lo ii -n 1 1 de in .l days alter the nitilicaiioii of Hit- Constitution In the peo- I'i" The aeefion, as amended, wa adopted. The lull, having been read three timck, was pill rut its tiuul passatju s-a w4dr, and it-wi-rtmitrd, - tin niotiou of Mr, Fienrh, of Bhulcu, lire House a'ljnuriu-.l. Ml RN I Nl) SESSION. SirKiiAV,Keb. -Jtf, lHtSi. Hie i iiiiiriili.nl was called to order at 10 o'clock. Player by the lb.-v. Mr. Ashley, of the Coto.voU4o.c. ytj CfiBveiitiorf, dcrTsHtrg if, as.th'f'aciiso of t lint body, that "rebels" should lie dis franchised, was r. ad. Mr. McDonald, of Chatham, moved to lay It on the table. Mr. Graham, of Orange, called for thu yeas and rtsjs on the motion, Alier some colloquy ana pureoinil , xpi l tr duim in iwtea upon uie yxtas anu. iib ralle.l, but tbey were refuse. I, and die i. solution was tabled bv acclamation TWJmmk.. fur the apntiiel .w-W Wvm, arnvea, Mr. Ellis moved to pitp.ni iln. tunc, tc act upon bis resolution in! i .... d c .c-n n t inn lh mkil mallvr nt Id.. I .. ,. i . The motion was lost, and the HoiiV re. fusid to pos'poae. , The Judiciary report vw taken up Mr. Rod 11, an moved to reconsider the vote oh the 2Sth section. Carried. lie then moved to strikeout that portion allowing the Clerk of the iierior Court to appoint u Coroner, arid insert ; ' la ce of ttie ..ftkiis Created by this section, the Clerk of tire Superior Court may 811 the same tor tl... III.. vi.i...l ' jlr WaUn moved tn amend l-y sinking out "'h ik of the Huperior Court,'' a. d say that the County Commissioners shall sp p.. ill' Ihe otlivera" Mr. Ti-urg.e movi-d that the report be prl.itid, with the amendment. Adopted. Tit 4.iMiad-HMj4rie awd mnvnty rs )v"s vycr- now taken up ind read. Mr. Hieh moved to strike out, in the 1st. se.MToi.rrhdtiiert,'5 . Mr. He lnstt objeeted. if said that the first' proposition wa cidliidy iii-.ral and he opp'ed the ameiidnv nt. Three bUudarxljiulUrs-WorA 4 perms) pniHTii erne thonsemt iWrf anr wtirrh oT Teal e.iisteq and property ifor the wifs, sepnrale tiom tire ho-baiid, lie deemed aufricieat. Tlie Binpndiaenl put to a Wte-rtd4 adopteij. Trw inmrfrtrt of the sectioif troulif "tend sVuhT.-rivr nVe sf He4-iH-t'f ( the late Legislature for.) He favored the r?6S? t rcirnapeetive yiortlff ead ltr liriit'ffMttifvri tw'Tort-iiii ft find, n-a ling, but thought that. final afitlnn J should 1m; j.ip-n.1 tmtit the fuaii.-r rottlrt eaure twre'wt' ibh"wf ' " '' Msisr.iie'Bt'wty Hf.bbfr wsiiTaftvnl1e" fo a Ti!eri hem.-stead M.iby States have $.1 000 ; otflr ll.OttO. Hu had vrotsd (Jy Mr. Kiclr oeslaset, , . 4Md s- tUt!ht- bsisamateait atHnliW a- bvaat lt aAbotk-, , rjoroesieau in $suwi 4fr AMttr I am no(hw- &trn'Mkf issri't- srae.."l ...v ju,.. WWW Mr. Joues, of Wlnnnt4.u, tvw . t hint- sell as in favor of niitwi liberal -.UoiiKuivad, i ol ptosiecti8 nature, but Hn tliouu,! ou j ol a retr.isjHs.tive nature could m t lw h esllj, pajwtd by lli Uut-. Ua wished a j liberal homestead, ami. at tl.r sm-- i un , a ! nnil.om .me, neither loo eXiesive h..i t o j 'illiberal. ilr. Mi D iiiahl, of Chalhaiu, nl-o M r. d a iioiuest'-ail law ol a retroactive i. iin I 11 would. 4 un.uaaa tutiui wuuia utc Int. u'.iui..,. I stea l thai woliitl protect-the widow Mint til , oiphtto. The colmed man did not c. t toe I t .fasaMrfU-s.UMMiirjaMiti-iaaaij,-'' iiir - i "'ill would pli.te, t 'all ,ird did nut t. mi lo , f wartl tbi repudiauua ot iunot ckij, qui, i alter ilicus.imi tlie ninti.r at come Iriijjtu, tir wouml up I iv saying, in icpiy m I Mr. veil maid s ulliii.iii., that, wti.it. ver he had said or done, lie h-.d .ii .un lus miltnge to liiilrujh by tic rujht r-.u!. Mr. Millut.aul was shout to nhuw h s jni puis in regard to t.ic jiialter, when lisiris, nl ake, iingrn) nu n t -s point ; nl "ider iu the matter, which ;hn( h i r ii-. talned. and Mr. McDonald took Iii- -.at. j Af.er s.-iue debase, purticipvt-d io b ,( H .vea of II ,li(ax, (negro,) and Mr Jm s, i "f Cid.U I, I Mr. Hi alii uf. m and Said that the alln.n.1 tin at had a retrospective effect, and il was tuicluied with repudiation. That nai 'le i-sile. The sentit:;ents n! t hi if ..Jr.., Cicll ,r,l t.Ti T be I, piullat. rj , 'lire.A Weie Well k.l -W II to ai.d ail w lot vole i t -r his a.neiiilnii nt would voiefor repu.tiai i.-u He was ni favor uf a literal hnuiestea l, bur I"' . . j.ft"A'jl'iiiWUtt. 2-.Culi il ' - u'.ju of , the Lnlt-rd Stub s, and adv.H ale ti.e a tilge. f this iiieasiire, which meant notion linn ; nor les than fepnditition: ' ' Hood (negro) did not agree ailli Mr. He.itoii as to this amendment iiieriiiiii re lUiliation He was a much oio.i,.-d in ri jiudiation us it ii v man on ihe ilont, but would vote lor the amendment, a it did not cvi-n approach anything like rupudia Mr. Al lioti n.ii.l that it vie m il known j that he strenuously opposed iinjlhing like j r. ( i u. i l n 1 1. ni , hut lie was rath, i nn lmcd 1. favor Mr. l'ourg.-e's antcndnicitl, h i luoiiijiil the lieccsulties ol ti.e ptnple vvere S ) en-iit thai some rcliel should he nil. ii. I. .1, Lla Kiia,.iu, taitut-Mt, aui at g u in s .ih qileslioil, wtiefliera retrospLCtivv hnnusiead laiv was utic.uistilulioiial or not, Imt jnt mi that we exempt so much and let the .matter 'be with the courts, and, tl t'o y .If rided that it was unroiislilutioii.il, why, thin, tl e matter would he M-ltb d. Mr. Tourgee siiid that Mr. Abbott had jrt nttl! thr .matter tairiy. The question recurred itp.m Mr. Tour gtc's amendment, the Via, mid-nay a wire culled lor and had, and the vnle si I, v. us 50, nnys 111). (WIm ii the Vide Was aiiiniuticcd, it , lie ited great applause.) The sis-lion, as amended, v ud.-pte I lu s,Ufct Hd,ltoitr (ueri uiovv.t lo., strika out1 all after the word 'drlil, in Dili, linn. Mr. Jones, of Cuhlucll, objnlid; he hoped the amendment would noi prevail. Mr. Tourgee then iimved U strike out all lifter "i.fcbfj' in 9t!l. fitic, dow n til (lie nt , of the lOfh. line.' ' The question bciiig .livi.le.l, I In motion to strike out prevailed. - Therpettfon'rwnrrr'olt" of Hood, (.negro,) to strike out all after '!!!!! J ttJiiiUi!! in -the JOtlt Unit hih1 -tt-wm-ttvlnpled. ., Mr Tourgee moved to tnaeit, afli.r Ihe word "ilebt,"1u the 10i ll lint-, the billowing clause : "I'roculfd, That no sale or mortgage ol the homestead shall U- of tiny 1, gal lone, in caw the owner of the hoiuesicad ts In debt to the amount of one third the value of the llolilestc.nl, llllhss by the rmuuiit nf the creditor, and the consent ol his. wile, siKi.iliesl. on her private" eiramiiiafion before a Clerk ot the Supertoi Court of the M't1'aii-fc Mr. Graham, ol Orange, was opposed to th's tying up a man's property. He w as not in favor of a vety'lare homestead, as a large one wXitild tend to the injiiiy of the poor man. t wuul.l . m-ctiiai'ly kill his rredit. '-- J I ""' ' t'omnJ'oif.'nrt ihe fi'lloaliig tub sttiute, which was adopted : 'Wrj'TJli!;! ch mged for other property of the same lia in e, hj the owner thertuf,i with the, vol .ilUiil yuai'ti t.,"t "IS w.lfej flgai.ed, Q.u JJejt private examuistion, before a Judge of soins Court of this Htate. Mr. Candler said that a' retrospective' hrmii .t, ,1 law ot this nature was notliing more nor les than fep'tdiation, and, if such a thing waa fnrofp.ir.tted in this Cm stiiu tion, he would lake the stump in hit section against tbie ratification ef the Constitution. Mr. Abbott said that ho hetd-x man in eantnajit, that, allowed such words to f ill from his lips, lu Older to' intimidate the Convention. Mr. Candh-rwtd rr rlid nor ttdnk tin a yWt1ftM!rr tifWi.and he bej I any msu th favor of repuid atin m i ni't' h eoittemj't as ili een I ni.-n XrUal.rSrsTMMWajB Harris, t WJtet (uegro) next spoke .in defence of te action of the Convention. So did MrMcUuald, of Cbat'iara, and he preceded to euiogiie th.- ttirtp ttt the Cenvontion, wht-a he was culled t-o u der by Hood, (tt.-ro) who fref tS4t the temper smt q.ltsUnU W.SS IMU oler diwosston. -. Mr, Candler said that ft seemed to be the idea ul this body, that, frame what kind rjf Comttitnilon they choee, the Rrpublican of the (State would ratify it. That was a mis take ; titfjf wmild hsiect a bad Constitution . fia'ilifilf 'toragjia'.i6ua jfi,tb;iil.f r." -jatt nrni wmt Hg-tmiri I hi Vnnu-tvii Keg, and Tie did not blame Wro. He reoresented a whits tioiutit Knejr one holding piperty and one largely In debt, but still thesw.iuld. irlTt,tmlttandn, com ing imio wnai source ii mtgrit, trial con tained !ny clause looking towards rcpniiia. tlorf."5w"'w'u ldr4ti8tw tiereittrtjw lrrrat1nn, Yiilenliig Oeii. Canby to Issue ordm enlo.rdng the.otdiiitiiJM it relation tu.. were oisregaming -n. The.rutee sre tasoen'led, ami the reso- fW" 'pw 1 he diseuasitHt of the 3d section was re- enaied, and, after some little debate, a ins AwwrfWvw ,!"'-'''''-' tte M'RMIN" SESSlOrf. ; Moxdat, March 4, 186H, Th-CiMivit.titt-w edited to -order wt JrwI-r-T-hi fht?rrr''''iift ,f -t ft rr1". TTr L .-.fv " jCVuiuiVu tout Oca. tuh 'y ' - cases, w i to th (wmmittce on Privtb-g' and E'e I turns. I Mr. AblKitt moved lo suspend ihe rulea j ami tttkw Ihwfwt ol tli cjiminittee ..li Iminigr .lion ll ' hmr il.-ridei! lie im.tiim to beat i this lien- ..in i. or-'ei- Alr Ablaut aopeale I fruiu the d'.Tisioii of I Hn I hail, ami iie amrwl was Ii. it t-us- Mr. Andrews presented Uelilion tor a U.VJirtiu4.WhAii i .''ni fM-r11ei, Itiihui a I. Mr liliiua.. u (leiitiirti ol the same eliai.ic. V'r. Uet. led, ' IIKSiVl l TtONS, OKntNANCIta, c. "Bj Mr, Jtir-1 A rr dBtio jwiaiaK a eiw mil t.-e ol two Imin ea.ll Congreasiovial Uls tr .-I.-, to suggest what bills siioulij be acini mi hi this Convention. Lies over. Mr. lb aton offi ted a resolution, that the. Convi ii' iou shall adjourn on the ,12th mat. Mr. II moved to suspend llie! rules and, adopt, but was ruled out of order by tlie Cliait . ll4riu,t Wak-e-, tej;-rn-,t r rnr. .tdtion; prot iduig iluil the rolTaliall be palled each uioiiiing ; and another resolution, that no iueuibtr receive piyt, alter the litb Juat. li.fb lie over. Itj 'r Uodiuitu: A r. s-.luii.iD iuoiuaaiug tlie committee o( three on divoreea, Ac .!(;. uviu. Itji Mr Candler : 'A resolution approviog the tsqsacl nient of I'lesjiient JohnsoD ; aid giving d anks tn Congress lor so doing. Liouvcr. Hy Mr. Janes, of Caldwell; A resolution v 1 IS, lilt OTCT. v--,. itNtmrHitn BinrxkR. Mr: Abtmtl moved to make the report of the commltu on Immigration the special order for to mnrT iw. Jost. He then moved to take it up now. Car ried. Mr. Abbott proceeded, af length, to sd voeate the provisions of the reoort. nsrtio- u Isrly Urn feature ol aatablUluug an Ajrertey in ,-vcw lorn. He argued the matter some time, to show the benefits thil would ac . rue to the State, If such a measure was 1 ' cneo me example or various ,-cii. s uiai nan iiirsue.i me same plan wnn the most benetlnal results, J. t'lh H$mi-..9m- wdilMtaoB,.-, ... mf.st1ffr;''rTOpH5vreHag' tllif Legislature to' . rente the nttice and authorizing the Qov i-riior lo iipniiiit, and the legislature to eon- ftriH, the Com.miasHinc. Mr, Hi aton favored the original or di ns tire, tie thought the3 Legitlatnre could nHidily or change it whn proper. He bad -mi the liesit! Irenefrtt from imilgrllonriB: the North west. On motion of Mr. Abbott, the ordinance ws made the special order tor to-morrow, at Iht o,Vlock. " du (notion of Mr, lleaton, th rule were suspended to take up hi reaolutiou, setting ap.iii ilia 1'jtb inst, tor adjournment, - - Me. -Eorknftr, a ehwinnan f the commit tee on sdjournineiit, accepted. Mr. Itddman moved an amendment that, after the 1 Uth inst., no member shall receive a . Mr, lleatou areepttd it. ..... Mi, Junes.. oi W4hiugtoh. jdt atMu Ms- marks oonrereing the matter, said that ha did oi. think they could possibly adjourn Mi . Emru-h, of Chowau, favored Mr. Iied man's amend men t. Mr. Nie.Uols.n was iii favor oj adjourning oiiThe T31U inat . tiUt 'fcoped'Mr. Rodman would withdraw his amendment, as he eons siderud it a discourteous one. At for him self, when his pay wasstopped, he intended to go home. Mr. Candler offered a substitute, "that it in the snse of this Corfvention that we sd j mm on the 13th Inst ; but if the work is ineotiiplete, that this Convention have the power tu reuclua iu. action m this tar i led. Tl quest ina recurred on the 2nd. seel ton, a-- aiiieu-ted. (lon't. (negro) moved it adoption. VI r. Kieh moved to strike out, in hues 1 ."d ?, fejt'.tfteitaArjtwtling.isVt Aiutn- lil er)-t laud" Carried, -- " Mr. Jofles, of (Ll Iwpfl, bffeTVi1it fnend; nient, n come in line 0. after "debt," as fob. fcSA'tr'utrioiia tVoiti i n i s, or for payment of obligations roHlrao'ed 'or thu purchasu of said pretn iseM.,.'...tuf ioL .., .,, .,.,..-...,-..,, h Mi. Uruhiiiit, of tbauge, orTurcd s subsli into i,it iln whole, leasing the matter with il.e Legislatute, He thought th Convention was going too fw ; sticking every small mat ter 1 the Coiisriiunon. It would beNa cumbrous i.8ui, dtd not see why the lloniesu'sil should be regulated her. TU yea and nays nun called on Mr, Gra ham's substitute, ami had, resulting Is yea 82,nyMa. Mr. Tourgee moved to postpone the fur tlret diauuoaion ofthhi matter tuit makt. il Hood, (negro.) wished to liar tiir fejprt recomnnttetl. ' Not agreed in.' : r, Mr. Touti-e's nioiior then prevailed. t I';nnaee-,K-Tw(t'iaratt a" ri: port from the cimmitte on Towns, Ottlea, Ac; which was ordered to bo printed and made the special order lor Thursday nex. , at 1 o'clock. i ., . ' A ,, Oo motion of Mr. Ashley, tin report of th committee on Education was made the peetai -order for Prfetay w, Mr. Welker moved lo make tlie report nt the fommttbe oti "PlihtTimeiiUlhd Penaf Lis; i i u' ions the special order for tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Curritd, v ... Mr. Ihtilinsn fh'ii'vXid'ihal Ids or.ltuamie for Rr rtf be ntade t-vVil ir-der fof temrtrrv row evening. Jo bjWtliuv -.- i f-- Tlie report of tte committee on Corpora tions, other than Municipal waa taken up, Whltt ' - , Mr. Bryan renewed his motion to recon aider the vote by which tectum 4 was Stricken out, ' , .- .. 1 ?Tf. Touiji n Miiijimi. f fuJi iuoliun 'i!"" J , M r. . rir ai. s ifiu wjtt rtu rwtNtma. vlir wae pwt- to a vote and lo. 1 f flare it waa astu-rtalned that tha bill had liVjf 'fa'JB e'ngrro cord o that day1 l. iug misplaced, and tire lurther Consideration was rtotponel nntU hff'tfTenhTgT CALKRDAR. r-rr.' Mortwi'e vwrf fnanr: rerteaTrt s "fh.; n.- T i tliBiifioe passed in lu Convention o. 65, l-ohitlting the sate ol pirituous liquors at 1 j. Z n .nt Kliftiut wvi ... 1. 1... u . .. . .-. .. - ;--,..T-.T..-.... t m w." f ..n.i Mr; .-. Helket opposed th passage nf the ordlnBHeti; 'Tbo act rirritiildt fncf the .'. of rr ' P" iVtonym fftf rn.Aot tit tllS Itil lb-Oi.il I OI.,llflIlM Itr Oraham', of Of-ange cnn ttrri.l yrjili oiiiii.inicci), and referred, without reading -''rotitWisWdjn ffie'" table. Mr. WalTs'ln'di.iAiic.-ptrtdifl ilUtiTfie col Wtion il nil dehJiii :.U upouUK- iiurhae w or Inreot sl.iv: s, and ad i!el;is oiilticiid - to 'ud'iin the r.'b--liirn, iii'i;iiit,tfj,- Mr. Warts said (t'is subject ij .AjtuLaatiT into repn-liati.vo, rs.v pt n far m inresarv. He win Mil eiifing to u i!diale anv debt' ecpt tiir the juirch.i. or Idle , s avew ' Mr. .Candler off ie.1 an iiiMidineiu : "'to. 1fil ll.H , I..I ..u ...... '..,... ... . . "( tore nt thu-., ;i:..r io January b.i, shall fs- 111 l.-ele ,i " I ' Mr. ti al.a ii. i Oiar.jX moved to lav the to (fiSi-ttsi (lie n.oiaiiij ,. owning ptrperty bf thi kind, but ran see no reason whV footing liom other'.. The legal title t.o.thi. sp.ri.-s ..rpioper'ty was iniinitti'd not only bv our own Cotiiu, hut by those of the Cniied Slates, a I the reja.rn of fugitives is provided l-r iu lb. Cor.' itution. Such fM'ing liie cas-', ho did (he Pror.lainittion ' of President Lincr'ii ff.-ct the q uestion f I consider that it was J"jj;-lv,..:;.umljtl' war ,).., an.i noThfiiiltiiv'' iirj'i.ii this Stat. ttiit.il ear- ried out by force ol mini All writers hold that a blocks. te ni;;. -nuts to nothing until rendered elfeei ua', - that a paper blockade is no l.l.s ksde at all. As I am unwilling to i repudiaU- an) honest ilehl, I cannot votn tor this resolution. I th. rehire move that it He on the table. Mr. Graham's motion to tal ly was put to a vote and prevailed. The President announced ascomiotitee on final arrangement of the Constitution ; Messrs, Healg.it, flicliuhmu luid lioduisii. .,v...v., tL.l.lta.iu 1,'ll.lllRI,. a, . rraoluln in relation I ovwcr-1 hi morning, which he desired to see adopfed, He wished tost the wlnda matter of di Tore referred to a committee of five. Alter some dtbate, the, motion tosusjx nd the rules and takeupths resolution was put and carried. Mr, Candler moved to lay the resolution on fbe table. Lost. The resolution Wd as f'low RMlMit; TfiSttfie of 8 be ituxed to S, and that all applica tion for divorce lie referred to that com mittee, and that this Con vein io,i will iu each case adopt and conu.riu the report ol aid committee, without further examina tion.. ; . Mr, Hudttt.i; ib liimsclfto the Icgislarion of a coiuiiiittee in'' so Important matter. Mr. Welkcr was also opposed. After some further debate the matter wait Indefinitely postponed, on motion of Mr. lag, Mr. Fork oer moved to adjourn. Lest. .- Mr, Graham, of Orange ynnvvd m . Alter some little debate upon unimpor tant matters, the Couventiun' adjourned un til this eveuiug. , JCX-PSBSWENT JPJICRCS OA' TIIK SIT1JATIQS.- Ex-President Pierce, who is manifesting a deep interest In the progrc of p.'litii nl affairs at Washington, expresses it as his opinion that tha Democratic party in New Hampshire U greatly trBfiMl be the- -twnattors have taken ttverebstcv, iii-. reading tha President' message this fore noon, be stated that hit reasons are lorribiv nsRT-oviettwTeryprpr:rTrid ffiaf thev apt viaw filnri M t if .... I . j . I . tw jvuttljjr tnrCIHIIlUU UfWHt K"'" "t fi W 8i)(t luprjortad ll tllB, igwa. whieh-tWlrtwI.tArlr -quote to sustain hi position, . He VBi'fci'tt.-. witB Mr. Jobnou that hejs "Justified upon the constitutional question ot his hsv.ii;; power to remove officer appointed by Ins predaoeasor, and thinks die tnet the'. Ins entire Cabinet he one designated th Tenure-ol Ofllue iawt- nneomrtiinttoTt'tt-wfft operate prreatiy In lavor of- Mr. Jnhtnpw - Uxin his 4nI." Concerning the polnie.tl aspect, be says, fron letters which he U in recaipt of frstm .litb.wrt ntrte l te N a well aslroui conctiisioiwdir.ved (rum the eejj,uiiii, tewjirds t thJJetrtinur iiitfr.. rn ttoe, he ia ustilled ui ui mg lliat tin: proepet'ts r more glorious and promising than during any other period ot the pn-seiH esmjMiign. MA V BK f 'Siilhmaf hiltiltijtneer oFti-abrr .'."' Ultra closes slender tjit lhdtt4tmiv.-i.i. ..- "The insuUit imptitftrrofH ma le by R j,V "; ' " ical lea.lert upon the tiourire-aitd niaihood . ot the Democratic niassms, ihi-lr biVlJ avow- i"t purpose- to u vtttler,!-, himifrrndy- lad to counter miltlary tt'inuisrtiai.a on -the part of the pis. pto'. Till; iu'Ikms of the ' land would gn-atly prefer a decision bv l he -highest j.idiehd triliunaU, by the b'llot b. X, but Uloie they are chemed or biillb-d but of bsith, they will make n solute stand -for the Cnuatiiution. Itevolnlioiiarj vioi louce will be met by armed pr. p.iratifm on th part of the people, who Intended to ' bst subjugkieda people eminent ly p.;. : toying and sickot publiu disorders, hot-t V i' -manly and intelligent to yield their libtr. 4ltf;trtMStltr mand ot 8tnton ami Uranism! alinodiniti iy able, at tr proper time, to prove tu thu '? Cowardly . h gi shu ive deltinjew. fit IheJixuJl.--.;.-... g tfrat'thtTT b-iivt lKrf&'tfte''tf itT' aervs to be ." ; " v ' ; aorrant o jn PnnaiDKnT.- T.lon tervauvn Army and Navy Cnion of ar . ingteo held a meeting ott Tlitirsib.y ijj.t . - jeaq pjica iji. niiiouK,ritfeuuituiiii, "taaWeete, That it thu worst must ctut t-lii wist t that il t'wi"'fe;ipr11,t, ... war npon th eouulry by lia rotitumesl t . eroachiuuots apnu the iiretona iv.a of t o Ma)Mi vH- WrM WjXBtTO'r L trumxnt aiulKst i.w i n m m a?esisaiaa we uereu; pieoge "Hur; jj tsKv uur. Umujh. ana nr. sacred nun))ta,'iuiiphig i b -v: Chief Magiatrate of the nut'ou in detec.c.; ot '": constitutional liberty-.--!------ rr - ' ' "" Thn Cincinnati - wrismfnrrril-Tt lea.l.;Vtg T " " H riubH; an J 'mjm,JmMfi jtf i a; it ispi tn thtf'su jl vrt tw t rBiitjii.'S.'M.'Tt''"''" " -MevJohnsmn In wtriv.tr it ViTtnTSi' " '.''" "' t o M. , t t.i, um l.j'it.... ,.1 i' . . ... ..v ni-ini, nor inMi ti,iiii..,rt lotlves, nM.rmUjithi tfe.' Ra-lW .ji-j:. .ii T sniuK ii.iii. r mail m in tn Il.in ovio party by any ill d mti movement : U t, rf rienate will SKW ..the.: ..tuUUjt.i,. 4.....-,. iMfM-aBrf .iiefi-taf . , aaamfeeted by the Oimm rrf.,t. it wit! .;- ' tiia iTrnininT. ------- w.-. - 4 tftx. EsKiaT' Tmmi.H.'ras, tu,r Februarv 2-l 31 P. M.- Ct , r. u n. A '. tonishe.l Radicals to-ilnv bv I i-. ii .". tff f-rrrf'-fesN- -flt 'XJH iLlIX.JJI'. '((tt"!s WEii U ; : , BllllKllnn It 111. Ml, ,IS4 ifl ', Mill Vt Sj,. rlepnt-tic had Ka', ti.. - s! . . - rs;-S." ' 4 Jr. ie.-.'.'llgLosjsi