MMMMMMM -SSSu ' -h raw t"-'-;.:;ssr .asr-.HT VOL. 2. UALEKill, X. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1808. r- i . . . MAI TTi- H ft ft L. T M , M -H ft - M-"- M f M M M ft VS M W N " "Ur fr v - icyvw iV u; , y , . "v'7" . - - - NO. 02 TiirrEXTiivEL: W VI. K. 1'KLIi, Pltol'lllKTOH. - Often Hi, sils-l,. til., t . .us.. by ll.i- mi mi t'l" 1iMIUUmi ;.l I..- s. eu'i-'l Ml Vteeli Hiolis.-tlttl """'""'l.A W l.lll- lll'li . , , w is II ! -iillii'ieut, t J 1 1 V thousand ,, i I ; . 1 ! r lit,- Iiim il. ami I Hat ilisiian , ,,,, ..I ,,,,, ! iiT.i'i ii .1. Kiiotigli nii-o w;i h4 diliaochima to wjiitl risr" HI AU-. IniNttl Mi it are a trendy disfiati .Itli tiu Ui-c .'tO.tMMI more take .i.'lr'V t '? rtofiU nf icht'.r turn th. u'litH 1. 1 "." Of what , ! ... V A I, i I .m in I oh ri I'i.oI nix ( thu nero.. i lit, triiiimsttt wtm j witting i,,.(''.il llll! HlltHll ('oiHlltU f ni l . I! V, (He Whitfo of if, to l.iihiiitj-. perpi trtel a hull, ih. I:. Ill, Hit ,' I, t j,f;;!v sanl of you, r t;,,' .rights o ,,r. il yon hail any, ..till Pool -to the t hal' all ' lie same may hot lv John. You would all, even your own to M-nire the rights Senate ami the lie fins will IM- Let,, re thi ",mll! ution llrll k'. hat hist i not k, le (lay of rati ' tair l.,iv, it tin-Tin- "tat, i f she Wl !)!! it she Tin , i'niii'-TllUK VT, John, It in a in 1 1 :i i i 1 1 ii ' voters, hones', eil- iin-. ,,,, iiir.nt; white voter not a whole - , i mi I Ii ink t It n order was not nunnt for -.i, ii men as .m, John ' Hut think of it, ,i "I" have said it,"hy f'lir mentis if ,i:t will l.y ti'iil int,an.s il she must." Sj- ii !y. lhi i i itullioi el it la-il.-riiirat'i'ti -tun .1. e. lit p." plir But, after all, John I'ool. He itt'i.n'i'li, John, and, il the tiol aliendy infamous, this lid render him no among H we iiuty niisiiiiileistarid Mr. niiiv mean only to emlxir- r.i... the Ka lie ils. Did he not hold o(Hf iiinh rthi' t'onl. deracy, and di'l he not take hii iMth, iJnin oath to support the Con uuitW of. t.he,itijfltttc t!tat t, J JiJ he not authorise Mr. Ujolittte to say that In held office to finbarm'tt the rebellion ! -li hi -roiHd take a solemn oath to mijport the ( onfedeiy.- povemmen', for th pur pose of Inviting it up, may tie not, with ..(iiiil propriety, join the'. lUdicals for the purpoae ol eniliiirraaain them ? O! ooiir!e In iiiav, and we ask that no mail will rni 1. inn Mr. Kenotur John l'ool, until Ilia mo .' are known, and that Iheae may not he in iL'ed, either lv his .terlarationa or his ...if'i.,, lor, rr?ffr t lit- election, it may appear thai he wa a,-luled Ly tiiu i., v-W-. rniei I he. Kail", anil that he cont ributed much, iiniler coiiftiih'tl motiveiJ, to their defeat in North Carolina ! Then hia virtue and hia woitli will he mule apparent, and we may want u nt.tid liiui ta, tiie:l!. S .Senate. 0 ! thly 1,0111111)011 ! iik Uauk ai. Pow-Wow, Yestkrday. t he jjreat Itadi. iit Maas-Meeting, which has In en h, raided tor weeks to come off on yea rrnbty, was a mo rieUe'illww failtti. K inoeessioii paraded the streets in the nrtfrn-nuiuU-i intf prlally two btradret hk" Kioei u 1 ,i trhtie win hi'ing aen inthe iiiiv l Tht is a litlU- atrange. Weretltey a li:itu.-.l of yieir neirro brethren I Orwcre' th ir n.-ftro bretlii-tin so ashamud of them, that they would not permit them a place in the layed riiojiiH'it The barteetiB tui.k lo at I he Baptist tiiovc:. Wc arc uuuMc Jtn tell, what was siid oi done ilicrt!. A large number of ne trro women and children, wn nBtirtanfI, were there added to the crowd. They Came to yet ration Litlle field, and Hftod (tht ni'm-o (YmvbtishuiirT and preacher,. wh 1 '1'fsU t!Ktil lor trailing 120 mtleii v Vn h shoiiliT only Iihto charged 24.) iiiihH epiei hni poibly aome otUera. Bad tiniie, worw apeetihes and wror tempi r prevailed, ami ho ped off the great jn hilee, which cost the Union Ci)ngreaional Hepulilican Committee w' to mud. A lew uiorcjiuch exhibition would be of in cah ulahle m-rvice to the Ooiiservativea. We onderstand that In three minutes after i he provision!! were cut up, there was hardly );r spot lefti Such scrambling and c'Hwinjj; as were accn begfra all deserip 'ton. and many of the darkeys ilid'nt jjrt ' crumb, to their (real rtirjiii,t and disup pointineut. They aweur lliey won't Wfcs that don't 'iierwidc" iH-lter than "Mat " ' lh y (colored voti) are counsel led to i icise the right ot voting in a quiet and or hrly u, tinner, giving offends to no one ; mid mter cattmg Oku voin, JSOT To UNlJKIt about the polling piact,, but to MUrjt ipuvfty AtftEtf.-hoiiici' and -4i, Htr4 nistoiiiary avotalioim. . Comiimiiiii)g Ortlcers will give m wide circuiatibn u pdaiWe to thi order with in the limits of their comruandn. f mlylt Jf. 81. "We nain adviitc Uie colored men, and d loyal white men, to"JVl to the poll in rrouii,.'' )Thi is the very tiling wre want. Alti-r ttuiyi jf iW we wiT.t tttn-M to tnC, "d lilKN'TO HEnAt.V aa long aa they fan spaie ffo? lime, an.l M,i id getting ot he, to M-,4i. fc'uUaujsa.atrJutC-ifciUta'. IXs 't SM.JU.H.U ih Tjlku I ' VnU even for the men w hom you uiay not like, pro i4t4-wy-itiT 1o2ma7ry-'iiiiiIlI5ateJ.,' Tft'ii i no time to aJ!ow; perAonal couaideratnia While s. .un- ill' the Army rifticer. stationed in i hi- Smith. i..i)e or two of hnm we have in our n i-Iicuot J bi V"' h 111 t In in si -It ei . .lln-i I : .. ....-..,... I, . t.. mliv and p. ti l n a- f . . . ... . I Radical rirvim ir s , wtrfi iiw to set. , .i.' i i, . . . ...... .... uiiiii. Mir IM-i'i lltlllU 'IlslillMnl I . . . r , . . . , , I liine mil hapiMiit-m have oimv more with lint ttti.H-i.Kt. fvMH m It w.iulirtili(,r pM.trkhMi ,,, rtronfJ Vk.h Hm- n)i'r. tiio, ihnt, the violent. Umlicitl leiiilcr 1 effii t upun the 'ilimtJTivtfJ," 1 1 1 h t tljint's, nr.- hiT.iniin,' iliitriirtilul nl anil uisoh-nr tii ' "I""1 whl', have annmne.l the itH'ar Nuel, milit.iv ,.Hi,,.r . .Iw-har. their.'"". r'y"""'. .-"I tl.e m,t .lis,, . , .; - le untile nh iNHiliilfnttal tn, . Iuti nnp.rt..Hy fairly, an.l tall upon the .leleat of the ilr. a.l monK-er, pry-titute tlK-'ir auiuurity UiiBttlf lw. u4 ineret of tin- Hit.litnl firtv vt'v twj-i-- in tii Vu'.Jima ""ttemrMT tlon m one eae iti poinf. eoiteern. it H well lm.wn. hn-. ri'imirwl ihn it.irt el,l . oalh lor r S .ite nml 'xmiy "ttii't-r (In c I .nut r imiriMt rn) I u 1 1 li litem (iin ill tin: infmm fxitrttrfft, rMft rtitw fT-nr it w.miM Jili'lv rau.i- tile (KJieiit 6t tutli Uumd-nuiiou, ami thai, as the. experience i t-fiUum. tlier. wvru lint, two i f his adiniiiis- ap il,! ; men in any one county in the State, who could lake that oalh. This wholesome and prudent advice from the Military Commander wan intirely thrown away, probably received w it h dtri-ioti K.-ery mgro thought that he w as fully capable ol beiuc; Governor or anything else, and the iieroloid scallawsgs thought so too, and so the inoh, called hy eourtesv a Convention, refused to undo their iniipiitoiis iiftion Who will l-e surprised that (leu. Sc.hohVId as utterly diagultvd with SiMllhern H ulirallsm ' In this conii' iiioii, we are pleased to learn linn Imt f.-w, if any. Aimy ellireiH in tlifa dry, laiuTJ be" Iti n.tiice to ihe lul'tfiioiis Cohover-Asliley, ol suliornai ion oj joi j u i notoriety, on the. occasion of lii vii. .Hi live and ineendiary hatanyii. at To. ker II til. on Friday night. And, by the vi.iv, flu re is very general indiiriiatioti -ii aumtig them at the Stunihi-nr mi wan ant able and viohut at tacks upon C..I Bomlotd's ftirnews, etfici eticy and iuitarttahtv as Post (aimmander. We doubt, exceedingly, whether the X., P. 0 could tet i-s ntany Army signatures, to day, to ids piteous application lor a re moval nl lii "diaabililii-a," (poor fellow !) ....a. tiiu- wiitis,t.t(jhi .4M.,.Uii...liW-, wui which we published ,irh w rmhlKlrerl (10 TO TIIK rol.f.S A Ht) VOTK! We hope that no white mun will allow any circumstance to prevent hi voting. The negroes will crowd the polio to prevent the white men from voting, hut such ai rangementa will be made as will enable all, both white anil colou-d, to vote without hindrance If colon d men are dispoM-J to vote the Cunin'rvativc ticket, let them do an tear te)ymt boardr tt -any rrrnat are- made to INTIMIDATE then), rert th ef emlinff partial ul atu. 11 Cuiiaerv alive, men be quiet, avoid all disorder, HUT LET THEM UK DKTKHMINEI) TO MAIN- .tain THKiamaum TIIK SiKETINd A T lIllLHROH't'. We learn that the Conservative Man Mietin, at Hillsboro", on Saturday, was at tended by a largn concourse nl people,, many iadiea gracing the iMxaaion with their presence. The -pntliiisianni wa up to fever bf. "AWe anil Stirring address were made by P. C. Cameron, Esq., F. K. Strud wick, Esq , and Hon. I), 0. Fowle. The latter gentleman spoke upwards of two liours in powerful effort, which produced a fine impression and ws receiveil with great favor by the large crowd. . tub am&z;w Kxthact from lei ter, dated " AsllBVlf l.K, April, lHHS. "There4 no miataking the indications op here. A tnniimtku re-actiou it sweep iog the eosatry,- IN. neray ha. d " . , .. ., tryinj tu wke converts and them. wives to trying to Tteep" the Te.HgUts from falling to piece. Oreaf, enrtitement i get- ting up u.... ..!..... u;.. ...... i ."-7 1 -- .r i- c? J all dsy, Vance (God blciS him !) is stopped at night to speak to 50 or 75 persons st some school Itouse on tiie road-Side. Mark . Er. win Is doing noble service. ' Putk en tli evl .wiasvwi4.vsv.wiU WHIP.THRM HAIi,jt "Can't Stand 'Em Amy LoHKH."Tlie Concoid Vim is informed that Daniel Corle, a Uadical Ied String nominfte in tl e County of Cabairus, emphatically refmm to 'llow his iuuiu to bu run 041 that ticket. - lnr. Corle at oaf time was a lueiriiicr ot l'te iMiftu, but sin::n its enormities hate been 1 e'jiia-,'''rii.TTfi: Vmf'fFW haw, $wx its purposes are for the degradation of the respectable w him, and the social equality of niggers in all things, Mr. Iktrle "can't slaud 'em auv long, r."' Te has done just a, many humliuils arc doing all over the Slale " '" Tn whoi.s leaor ot Conover Ashley's spc-ccU was to excibe a war ol races, the horrors of prhich ht may witness from dis tance. W lean that, in this J4ect, it was .imply iiifauious. His appeals to the negro dupes were highly incendiary, and have .own hitter seed, which have cropped out in the t-xrited' language ol negroet on the .tree. . Kisolitliirro".- We- leSrn Mtat nit only were attempts made to r.gtsttr here, hj at least one army illier, which waa very prop erly reluse.rtf the lijrtrarirv-tlrt that kit -rTi,"wa'i ma.TtfT.fgft the'ttrtrfr) sol J'er "itf MIW la twtsUsr, iuk ahicb was-abie rlelated by the Reit-trarsstjhst fisce. We are glad to rtrord Hies instance, ot fidelity AuLs Ww awi t iiKit oai, oa tlss pari of iia Iigiiars.' ' " ' r Correspondency of the Sentinel. Klzabkth City, April l., IHGN. Mkiwhi. Editoks : The Inwerilur cloud , ut future de-gratiiuion uiil anticipated mi.- rv. in this section of the good old North 1 rv in this f.,eti,t nf see i ion 01 I ne if O' Ml 0 li I orl 11 mmn 1 Mist ,r t maie, are , ( H MM- WJ4it( cinntv. tin- iron naltMM rrnsli n. vdppt a ; Cnnnl- iiitlon. We will not have it, Iwaiim; it ... f ilfnth ifdt nmf i Hon. (f) l.itne nt-Jrl, (first (wo tylhtNr rr 1 deen here ; Frem-h has l.ea herp ; Mr. here, aii'l anoiher of Washing-toil City, .N'iyt-er llnoil has he.-n man naini il ino. I' o' ,1M , , . w . r,r.,l,lv , Hionei Hrtt, H r Trrf rrrTrr Hull ! I"1'" accomplished more good in this countv, bv one speech, than the combined efforts of Hltw tio hare priredert him - Col. Hull wan listened toby all colors, rates and pal ties, with more marked attention, than is usually seen at public political 'u"-linoji,.--and hap py are we to say, that Id's lift'ii-bit .(Tut made here, to the ignor.n.t liti'ln, has wrought a misrhty change. Friend Ila'l is anxious to get, Imld of (he "milliivmirj" I, ltd, field, but in passing ovi r the field, he is n .( able to rind 1,tl,: The (ieneral, from the reiyrd against htm, tnr nialied by Col. Half, iy evidently s poor concern, and an enemy to the whole human race, nave little Held We think, had he have been here, he would have felt much nmitlUr. Hy tens, by scores, aye, hundieds. lots VU UaJl.iuMUMHi. ptfO'dw H,MV!i their lutur,, (irsgracii, by leaving the ranks of Radical - ism. At night he w as comp'iuieiited ty1-. serenade from our llrass Hand, and after wwd presented wifh a hmtqrtertiy Klistwli City's laireat. daughteis. Appropriate and eloquent replies, will limed, being made to each compliment bestowed. The people need have no teats as to the final result. If times in the West are stir-h ais we have had represented to us, Ihe mis erable machine, made fur our destruction, will Ite dead forev. r on Thursday nei'. Let us all take courage at the idea of "n belli r day coining," go to the polls, and, in un united mass, declare that the oll.pring ot the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaianon of Independence, and Ihe native bom and WwM-V u ' 'h 't"J m Mate, in I wr siiomu m w mrm or men win r;' - aliens, by a set ol lit.v, thieving, rascabv creatures, whom we know not, and who have no inter, at in the affairs of our people. Cxtme up, ye Western Conservatives, and do your duty, and your sister Counties of the F.ast will guarantee for us all . splendid victory ! Yours A'.c. Correspondence of the Sentinel. Kinstom, N. (!., April 17. Mfuri. Pell t Unlet; Superior Courtis in session this week, presided over by Judge Warren, who is an honor to the Judiciaiy of North "rafftTTtiii. TiYtehW eicftiWeiii prcV.iim here uji in me ie of ratUer tin issue of the day, and riearlv all f the white men will vote against the "Ktiss, ,1 Koiiftitution." A mass ineetiug wan held by the. Censer I v alive. oi thia couhI.v, tWiyesterdaVi wtien our gnllnnt and gified ciuididute for Con j gr.-ss addressed the immense crowd, who i were literally f edged together in the Court j House, willi telling iffict a1;iht the H -; destruction Constitntioii, fi cuih.d. In short, be made an able speech and a good impression npon all pte-nt,andl can as sure the its' Ian t Colonel of the cheerful and hearty support of avery jjfU4.t tUnjtrvtive, The oldest citi?.na nay that there never has been a much eicitement. "politically, within their remembrance, and the (.'oner vativet are jubilant A thorough yuiv.iss has been matli , anil all have done their duty I predict Kiat on electioo day Lenoir will show herself right. You shall hear from us daily as to the i process of th trot, ao tlwt-. y may 4 intoiru tht"ttfopte "f Hie tM'f 'fif f he WPira, tioo sn.m.T than it will be poasifde to ,b- tain official information. I Very truly, I M. t ' i m K' ,Klxt J . ".?OAri I Terrible W as Ine phantom scene in the alb y Vj u. A gkeleton, with a winding sheet drawn aliont. i hia dry hones, sealed upon a snow-white sleeil. wttnae noatnis emi.twi aiienuis oi tlninr with a at-nmg mior of brimstone, was aet;n juat betora the heavy ram burst upon the city. Lelaching his skull from ils nat ural position on his shoulders, th skeleton, phantom, Ku Klux, or whatever it might he, rpJrrl.poti.he,wJindttW.. ot ...the lualUilligB litttf m "desperate haute tnqtiifed for the mail tor Fort Fisher. A considerable, erowsi boiog attracted by this unusual sight, the itu Klux exhibited evident signs ot um-asi -neat, and with an explodon like the report ol a pittol vanished. It ts ose'ess to say that the frightened darkies who clinnevd so tie near the spot took to their heels, Wit, Journal. ' ' , 1 At-AWrttv The 'Rarlicai' tHstBr.i I.u-me.1 ft their persecutuisl yeie-dy of Sergeant Bates, have, aa k-arn, g'tl to gether a string of cekiBoatea to the effect toat that brav. soldier might. Wirbap,have haiK aoom to roe dose ot the Capitol it he bad only waited and watted and waited toi the tnrrring -trp of ine Hergeant-at-A rm of the Hoae, lio was, f,couii!,c.invuiile.ntly away. As' jl was hintn.T all alswt'the streets' on the n.iiroing of thd arrival ul Sergeant Bates that be Would not be allowed to-car-ry out his design oi waring the American Sag from the dome of the Capitol, and aa ait accounts agree, except that of- a prulesreJ ueutral paper here, which ia reality w loll ot Radical news or venmu, that the (tag a a repelled by t lie jinitor ol the Capitol adder inspiring) ol Haiiical fanatic?, it 1. rat ht lata 10 patch up any tale to Coun teract the actual fact frt ?rr(nl Bates' lud tfattniut at tfie hands trt tne HM RadWt iltn:ials, Ifm t . Intel. ' A Portluud school hoote eanahl tire t IJVt Of Iter tlsr, nt' aa tin" iswry wairttrtfv - "rttirr hi nMereejateaHiVmwuMaMtatsty ami feoBAWlly, to hiaojiapauioui.' UJ) ' J Iinuy, do1 you wish Ua our wrj.K'l Itoitser' mK reported taut wmk. iu ihntouu'y-. TJ firthr t'or'.r Uuthtrfwi Vmiteuter. J , in z fit. m rt.m. , lit. Ml.'. I appropii-itei I t itr .let ittin.- ' III. Il.ll ..'lilt ii. - I !i. ru nl Xnw Orleans, Ii" I on,., thiiura ta-i,leSthe Imiii- , i- ..I Firraut, rriiNt t. in r - j to all wne of ili-iiev, iia'! 1 I 1 . . . . , ' Sv. t!oS to j. ner,.' WTtTatilT ftw hja r(- ilesene.l juiithmwit tt otl n ivei niperiiiieii. e 111 inn nnntia ui i,en. rvn riinti , II II. Ilevelil v ,tw)i!i,r, Holt. U. Itetl, WHJ Mr. Siani.i rv. Whdi these iliiioirii.i cow. d Ii i nt . and coinpelh iful .1.. p ii frtw (ft tor a tune. Ins itinafe: Hii'.'.gaiM-i'- .iiud. i.iiao.Uut...v.ui",i.I:-aww4 Xbe .itin,a.tttttid itiemau-1 : ? y.vt.-rday utorniiig, arid ma.le it nec-ai) , are dealing death blows, to Ilitdiral tor Mr. hvattsto a.llllllilster to this low .Ln, in the in. iiiiil ,iiis. 1 If thev eoiiliniie to tu .stWrcfr-tlliw.' 1 - 111 (HHf to xmie. W.ttlt Ins, umi;I l!u ';r '' mill"", J:', V the Tr. .(.I."b.V'...i's. biod-ti'v s .llii- tiiti hibU post ton w hteh tie ICi.l snii.eit inol.i.ftiiw to l sfitofe jt', 'picting t.v iiis MnleiiesK and as-tiiuiice i,. ,wvar t but Mold, n Hsiiris ,V Co. rau'i carrj hw iHiiat. Mr Etai't.i, ia hib,Ul4iUHt(.diJi,ranaSt nwm.1t ts-i t4d them I..i,!i..r and .iohsh)(l t yle, .(tmlttslinl h.Ml Moit th. these midnight plo'titio eomlivis I te r.Ttinset or rhr PreTftiteTir VvePe Bor ricTTt-irift. f rhr PreTit.-TirYvePe rTrtrr.cTTt.'.-lf.. ed to thin ni't . f riillianistn. and thai th. c.tme here tor another purpose. All e. iinlii it low sMa Ittuler, attd every IthI-, with on I ri gai d t i poll t ieal sv input h , s i uted to feel that In- llti riled lllls stein allil S( tli, g rebuke. Tin- Seriate, evident i v. w asot thai opinion, b. e.tuse ill Ills subs. ip. lit oi ).v lions to lest iinonv were mot with se, re srorii. T" a spe.-t.ttoi lioni t lie rial h-rv , nothing can be moie flisgiiNttrtg than hM vthoie bearing, or more contemptuous than his treatment of ihe other iimuagi r-. Mr, Itilighain is tin ehiiiillian byiln uon on the pall ol the lbiuse( iilel, Iheri hue, by pil lion, the leading ioiuager. Hill Duller hits Ihn st hiiu-cll t-r'nafd, aiid arr -a ed o inaiiage lln- who e eaV, without i itlu i con sult mg or ilelei ring to the o ilers. Il was (itiUstitUy tetttaakt J jistc.ilai, that wl..ii tlty documental v evnleiice if lle defence was handed ovi r, that he as.ilnied to exa iniiie and decide upon n, as if no other 1 p' isioit hud I Th- least right to an opinion, and although Mr Hingham made M-vieral etf ils to -i ihe papers, no mo.e atteiitioii : ius pan! to him than to the page who ' goes oti i rnitids tor the iiiniiao. rs. In fact, ! tin re is no n-e for the presence ot these six j cipii, i, unless it he by the force of nunibi rs ) i" oivi a mock solemnity to somet.hiuv hat l: las bei nine itlluost. a llfoad furcc. It 18 Will ri'd lilting, how ever, that one so well known .oi'i ,o propei ly itppri'ciitted, should repre . ' ul nil the dignity ot thtl liiulical House of . ItoLU-sBitlaiives. but it is a little hard upon I.)- Ski .v ho Mill value the mutie mid .hitrwe. iM M u Vntwtuia J?ual loftc ittouujt , ,1 nrr,, n Wttliii tfir tfip rttsfttfiT tit il for the rtisptrnr tit a Trrmhs .itlorccy like liutlcr, whose ignonince in the Ian which he audaciously rants about, and whose gross la-ariitg, are the bye words of Ins ow n associates, A'nt. Inttj. A sC.'.l' (IF JI.HTOin: Mam.ger liutlcr could not let rani from manifesting some of the ifisoinOB of his nature at the, close of the examination ol Mr, Meriick before the Senate yesterday. He was eaieful, liowevur, lo do so fit the (-,., and w hen Mr. Merrick could not re ply without violating llic rules of the Court. , Jjo.'.e id liisti.i -j- may , to soiiie -xlent, ; accoiini tor is imci s spicen, which tie lacks the '' !."f 111 ""''"S in iustsklHlel I whii li'ii Ollfif li'e't pi'flllli li to he IVStmttid. liutlcr was a ineuibei of Hie Charl.atun I and Hall iniol'e (.'onvelllloiis in ItOW. ut which i ..'r-stttn att r.iit-bittt wf - l.tru ,-Wat-d.-i ft owfe - w :at. a H-r-,.-tht j C 'tin ntion, repii s, tiling 1 1,, ate of ill! nois as one ol t he ih li-j.iat, - ai huge, j Soul, ol Ihe ileiig. ites fiom iheSuitliern I iiiaiwA itr4tt Iftuti tliAt- C-tv. 4 I Chati. s. n, and oilt. rs ee,l .1 irotu it afits si ij mceiing in Itiliunore. AlllOUg llm-i-sli'i seceded at Haihitioic. win s uian, lie, j .iniii F. Hull- r , and t.wo ot ins Cirri Hgni h fom MaVs ichusetls. Iininetll. iitt I) ulie. ibiller aiiiiouit.M'd his secession, Mr. Menu k rose and addressed the (irixen tion, nn behalf ol the delegation I loin Illi nois, denouncing rltttter ml his n-ewx-iate. html Ma-aardiusetts as a liaml ol consjtulit, I 'tr- mid traitors, without even the i truM pi, t, nihil Ity Suuttierii men lor their ono i , uni, and who were, fruin the basest and i:mMt mrugjiiit Mt j silling tiiose SouliiRrn uieit in ill n 'scheme ioi brtatking up the party autl disrupling the Union. It was under this spe.elt thai Builer left the hall in which the Convention was assembled. Some years have passed,, but he no doubt mill rrtni'mlH-ra that manly i asiig ilion Nittkmiil ttifeiliiieurfr. lit 11 1 11 V Inspirit f- kkk. A Wash 11 gton corret p. indent writ.-, the following good account oj n si-ene w hich was kttely emtcied at Wdlard's: " there is 11 loose ihtrk.y about W lllan's Hotel n. nii' d 1 out. You can bribe Tom lo do anything. Tim .other .lay there was a dinner party given fw a New ork rnn tatttor, a-W ltii-i,.5W-..mIbi1'"-4- tort Ben. Builir would he a jjueut. borne din loyal wag, williooi the Car of ( ongress be fore him, got h ild of Tout, feed hioi liber ally, ami put him up to a piet e ol utra geous anil trcHsoiniiilti touiiooieiy. Afier the platen were, tiiu host said, "That will tin, Tom; yon can llut Tom did hot go. Observing th ,t lua orders were not ibeyed, the rontrw-Uif 1 pealed, "I told y. u to go, Tom ; if I want j.ia, I tl ring tor you." ., T , hull Tom hni.g the door and did not retire. At last, very much worried ai bis contumacy, New York turned upon Ethiopia and said, , truly, attracting tl.e attention of the whole comtMuiy, "I have told yon twice to have the Mum. and by Us oliKyKdjox 4x114 ifta.j.MliV.iiijf Alf." Tom approacheit the table humbly, and Spt4,te a to tie heard by all present,' "It yu pleie sir with .ubmiasion "I can't go; I'm obliged to stay." "t he d I you are! What fort" 1 "Wilt, sah, if I must tell, I mill.,. I axes Mar ilutWf's par. Um, but. I'm 'apouatb. tor de spoons. Irrn spooffs 1 .ttrcr, an' fva 'specially l to watch, 'rm. I can't go, .at). It's as much as my pUte ts vrut, sail."' The, sequel can belt, r la-' bnignn-d titan do sciitieiti." , . Ai.f. tviiKf. ti siliioU u, ti-sure in making the slattfusuH that llirougtviut the western section ,of North Carolina, rspteial tjt MckhjibuXiiiUtoTlJ.jicoti) and CU;ve land counties, pei leci. oi iter anil the kiii.b-st fiTfn,;"s" ar- tllt.rti iflu tweefl""lfiu" Uu tarn. intiviHiiiy-ia k-w-teWtlbtMifttts kss muu 04 !j itu i. h. ho, upon the slight pytjrornttrm,' wtntftt fiTKttsK-i; JfrrTttJf abuui i t.ou ilisojil.!!, but Uie pionaiuu Correspondence of the Scut in -I. TIIK WKST Alii It' I OUT.' riim, MITOfiKll, VADIW, 11V M V.f nrilh'K ISH k If ii WOlIf) VMM , A '' JIWimil.. npni 14 Srtrtitft : W- re liavinti a ul..n ous time here in the V pt. Vnee i aiuotiir U4. leittli,,,. nolilv fur the ill feat of lite nil. i K, r .,, (,,. Mntituti.m. Major Man-u Krnin. one of the eniiva-ii is tor the Hiato t iarrfe. is"I))lh" In the irre'at "'rk i ar-j. t'-ti. ftHvtr,- J fww-' wf4 t,.rn!v n Ka.lical let! in all this- reci ni to till b tde ot their rum. Alruidv .the ...,,..,i s and li. i S-Vio. "re' i re "i Tt? to petes. Illludreib in fvii e.mnli have conic, and aiecolhill". ouf ( thrill, 'lhei f neat, m-nf fehten ' TTTK' WORK" O OF. H iBltAVF.I.Y ON! Wherever tin- speak i-is g", I h- ptople turn out r.i Weooe to hear tro iii. Kveii in those f'onuties, tv-hr-r Itad, eallsm is most powerful and rninpin!, they have not lailed to "have large r. . ul'olsi i ast ie lllli I iecces. In Vlitelull rouiity, lor ill, lane j the people were almost a uni lit for the Roll HI, (he speakers ieal party at. the last election, j were met by sevi rnl hundred persons . This i will be the, mora- stiipiising, when 1 tell you, t hat some of our best cilutiis thought (t j extremely hazardous lor Vance evut to ii( .through the cotinly. Hut il will no! be j itirt-rous after this to gn to Mitchell. In j stead of going out with his "hide lull d j bullets," as was anticipated in Vance's case, an hojiest irAire man would now cairv out h pockets lull of votes! - In YnncH- rrtr;'t11SHpftfliri t f rn gn atei. Last tdeciioii gave the Hadicals a majority; ueM election will put the w lute men tn tile TCad by huinfre'tt!' Even flu-: proiiunenl leaders of the U, 1. A. have cmie over to the White. Mali's party, and arc now doing all they can lo dcleat the Constitu tion. This ia due, in a great incitaure, to the luiw'eiTu! xpaking of Vance and Krwiu, at Hurnsville, a Jet days ago. it is said that, while both speeches were most excel, hut, that ot the last named gentleman wits one ot unusual ability. And this is saying a great deal for the Major, because lie was never known to make a poor speech. Hut u h.i etoihl'i.I l,.,v,. ,l,..,, ullhon. thousand w hile men before linn f How sinking tho contrast between this audience awlthul of ,"Jft 'J,.twi4 ai.. 3m, IT-i'A Ifudlcal candidates, at the same place, n feu1 flays beloie ! One tlttiu'inil white men by the side ot tn men, eight women, sis negroes and two dogs - ill all twenty, six 1 ! Mo winder Jimniic complained of head ache and went to U-d. Inn't- you guess it was bem l ache that " ailetl liim ( ' Hut a friend on my right says the niggers got his In-art t welve" month ago, and suggests that he, must have tteen suffering with nunther ache a terrible disease for Juthjet to be afflicted with. Wei1, 1 must tell you how things stand in Madison, the home ot Hahiiiinn, one of Paddy ,Kow.les.f!ne a iffmd rni Ponnfy. Weft, to Mti fn4.Hr' -'. rJtihfc (loV.. YvH'e ana Eiw-itl ddr.s.iil' -nuvrlt "t eight hlmiirnil of tin. cttiwiw kt Ify.on the 7lh lust. But ' t, r the tiif-tcinency of ihe weatlnT, j there woo'd bA'e teetl presen rm ihr .mot" ..WfK..-..:.!.it4HiHtHf4 -pf'Twm Snlllceit to say ul thesA speeches, t'hey were rery ga&f. As an cvidnce of it, many "Leaguers" deolnn-d theniselves "out " U4- tW apAnaJ.uf a tuuk suata. Hv the way, Vi)it. A. h't:ley Is the white man's standard bearer in Madison, agiinm the alorcsaid Hincllfuiiki y. itight nohlv will he carry it. too. I now conic to Htmcombe dow n trodden, but g-lorions old Huncornbe. Here, tis else where, the priispecrs nr.- very ft tUering. CauVHssira are rhilrrg tbeir whole iliitt. Poitttrttl rlmtnments are- Irt-inr eir.'lilmetl and sp, iadiea made III every nook an.) corner of the county1. Not w iihstandiug Un people are liHv with preparations I'M tlo-n crops. Iti v turn otit tyiieitever an,! w iieiever (Tops. 1 111 v Hint 0,11 oeiiever ami w nt-i eve, i wfliU iWt tft't ait !,-(', tKeni. On ttHi m.. in ' ihe 7th tnsi V,.ime and Krani I Bight fil Ihe 7th tnst., V mice and Krv sfioke to Inrge Hiidience at Hceut'ti Creek It is mud lliey did much K'nnl, But the meeting here on the 10! II. was iitiquc stton - I al.lj the largi st we have liad 111 Hiuuonilie; Ioi yeais. Not less than tw ive jliopdicd persons were present., tilting to overflowing. lc hn'g..( impiT of tin K.ttUti! tiitttp'it r tlV pt,f).. . - At, , il w'ttAk W At Uwif Villi e ami M il'ir Krbi .iib-lvit, uiol'tsl , the fleiilcnicg iipiibitm' ol the aiulit ii. .! 1 The (ov. led .'It 111 a povfili ol tlliee hours' length. And isuch a speecti as it was! Though I took t-opii.iw imt. I will inn lari! attijnpt a repoit of it, Thai lu ir KUimttila weiu overwhelming, and III. style iiiiiitll.i'iie, Miaroely n-eil be sia'ed His tuuuixml. u' t-iuji.4ul. UaUlcjil iriiUiUiia.t a exeltt d unconir illaJihi iiitiIi iiiixnl up. I (tare any, with s grout dual 'it itoniempt tin Ihe limn who 01 lie handled. M tjof r.rwiii n.xt ud".s-.. d the audi l-ncc; but a. M nan aireaii) iio.n ui long d.- Bined, he cut Ilia "pen-.h down to a little over sn hour's Itingth Hut even in t in. .slioet spare his tniiw-enilent puaeis aa a p akt were fully diwuvV.d I really thotight no tfii man could tall to be c.oii- i truirtuL.. I kwi...-'t-.tiias-' color . 1 wJni were pre, ot were convinced by these great speeches! but saline, trom motives ol per sonal aggrsndixement, will no actntttt their convictions. Among thi. claw are such men Ss Jim Henry, and others, Hy tu way, Major Krwiu pnt-nnsii and read 1 x Ltincta. Iruta an. orijfinsl lelttr - vnrit:a4.. ju tHIt.-J ity thias.nio niit.1 Iteotr, win. is, you Rarltf-id enndiriatis tor jliHsrci r 1 lull ot pa riottsm and devotion to the South. Among otlief tjliings, it Say., " he bad itxesi an utiiinstuiu beyoa I w..i.-l toe V. H. gorentnt'int ouldu't go and he continue his allegiance ; and .tht,i. tiie aunt govern meat trartnjf tmreAgrmSvd tuat tttirt, he COBsiitemd tt tnst came r.r aarr sKtou sod war." Hie whole bitter snpraMt lit biuathe blofxl and thund.-r. Ihe "Major's sarcasm was so wifheriag thai nn-1 ol the itad ieal party preaetil actually d nop. d their feeaa.xaiutsas.j. -1 . xtarx. Jtads, baJta ! heatd this ti lend ot wi'isslon sill nai' I pray for a tew momenta comrot ot tin, that he might send ul) the!iidirjijL Jju.ivuiii Jiit.XaJ know that lirtirv has also ili-elar.d th it he 1 would head a negro' n giiin, id to exfermf- sate. Jttie w UiU xuca- a4-,.aV of4i- iimitju. . . 'A ho ce blame tln-ai fur ln-mg sdiuoedt r srnnn iCute scy parrj' EcuttTu v Sf Und JafttKr owuv I wooid la any - party Uitirlv,,ji,-isi5bjiuiwiiv lb'tt. ;.- 1 It. iM hi ly Hitenijii. tl I ;iti'ji.. . The vt il. I ( luifsis ill eiitlius"iaiii iliitt ii. w auX- lhei rent the m rcmindul one ol those n ils that i were i nee the pi. curs. ,i ot certain victorv ! I! y u could tUj ui. t. ft-uia 1 tlitiik wtih tn tiynf itui to., t rr pmtir t sols .Ttieteri. ii over a eidlint met p'iw I ir ul foe. us ot i'iti i.i la iffiie, but a r- I'll "I riiioi;,', a Win,.- .llai's VI. tory over iittgrm, and ni;jy-ie. it will be e n t iMA t 1 .live thus l:r cnlt- I Iin. il inv -remarks to I,,. ,.w eoiiuties. It o-t not int. rreit rr"nt Ttyfs flint thrai art;: thu tuilx .Mi;iu.,i.u ..wtuiili.. mwMou Jtm going on. In 5f. iowc '. liurke, Catawba ataugi and A i.(.; .Jut hi fiord,,-lien ..l.:-i.l..t-A.atttJKli. Cherokee. it, :s 1 I t - f. ninths, we have J prointneiti spenki rs ft.ii th in Aid, come t ,4te tfht-rtn . efn-ef.T. - ntrt ---rtrct.r-tiimnii- a:rt' j buisiiig - white ui ii ai. rillyitu;," ami lli'lll- r. I,, ot In I tl .... -i... ;.;oo. to IIH-li- I Hi' ' i: HA SITS. spen, h nre of ttie New York He lln n't-FlflUKST ld. W tmriNdTuN, April ltl. Iinjieaehnteut seems to he like a game of Si e saw- - it is constantly up and down and down ami tip with the Pn si, tent ami his op ponents. People, i. vi n the few who generally have ihe oppt n t tin 1 1 y lor laiiig well posted, are in a puz.k- over the knowing for twenty tour hotim what to think, aud rairhitig at every little straw that is blown about in their i agcrn.-ss to reach mmte ati lactorv (MHtelMoinn. Tli.ire never IteloiT was qui at ion before the national legii.lturebout which there i xi-ied so much uiicertainty and uixstrry. One day the e.tate seemtj ail one way, and the next in a direction iiuite the opposite. Hut in all this strtthgn dubiety one tiling may be softly betaken aa a guide, and that is the plotting ami plan ning tor thij Presidential sutxAtsslou, Jbc ir'-itt-tlf-trfisfsccrns to fmiig uioru upon this tlourupoii any conviction that-tnay i itril.ed tit ai- to thm Emit of liititHuuCti Aft inc. iict'Hsed. " A 'wi'efe'ugo it w ern'ml tci be all live I that tiie i'residcut should be re moved us a political necHssity ; but. since Monday a hitch in tbo progratntne has oc curred, and this hitcii may lie the saving of tie off, 11 ling ami radical obstacle. General Hutler, who has thrown his uiwiageriai colleague into the simile since the hard woik yf the trial coin tiieiteed, and who has m ule Ilmghaiu, lioiitweil, WiIsj'U. Wil liams, and old Thud himself, so ninny mere I oi s to his high soarit g kite, seems to have ' becuietiic oii Asiou of llje hitch lieniumin j of Lowt h 'has his ofve'Cve keenly alter the i 1 1 eiisor v Ihtpni-tincni. and ts known Ux bt!l-is'rlt,W rT-rf-t-T Mi-fnllnrb I 1 case Mr Johnson should be doomed to an early retirement o the shades of private lite in 1 '. nil' sis Hemitor Wade in this cveiif will owe liistltytttiou to tbe Chief Masf? istiat j pun, ipally lo the audacily and in genuity of Hut letj w ho fully underslands iris w ortli. unit w ill not acnlple to 1 sai l his I11N remuneration t-1 the last jKMiny, It ia believed that Hut Ifr sett led tills point with Wade a lew weeks ago, and that the latter, in patting on the back both Houtwell, ot Maaaat-huaetts, mid Senator .VI organ, of Nc York, has only been playing a smart little game ol his own to keep I hem qllit liiis ,!kte,ia, .Btwtw.rnBa.Jiati.l in both yearn for MeCulloebV boots quit,' Kn as mil' U as liudcr, lie it known ; tint tiutkr. Ioi liis sup,. nor siKic.-ti, was to carry the prixe. Such aaatUfl writing in tho lamd ; Imt now it appears Ueneral Ursnl's Iricnds are beginning to ttgnre out how the f rnfrjr w-Ht Df- riTtrtgrrf'Tn ' Mlts " Tai1 gels in, it Wade h is itiitler in, the hitter wi'l so uiatiipiilaU' as to aectire a puwerfut ii liiicuce lor linns, If, and Crinfa ihieiida too, w, truiU'L" aUiud tbtuugh lUu arianu. : meni. ! tt is being debated, therefore, i whether 'It I lit woitli whin.' tort-move 1'rc.aidi.nt Johusot', 1 iirou.h ' t u f 1 r 11,1,1 s aid, only to projuotu Hi let's nn, nests ut tho risk ol ttie chanci a oi 'In-fleni nil in Chi. t. This new (eatr.rr ol th, pl-i l.ehiu.l Ihe c.'ties is decidedly i 111 htvoi ot a, quillal, istl II hstillldllig the j sound arid iu-iy be. orti ti(t.. f ttttltglfts. 1-h I liitioitsles o rival laeflons liolv r,-H 11 1 1 ill 1 bo ak tug down the wto.h radical plot, and the true poiV'V ol the President Is lloW tJM" hkiiiiiiiiii otrnit n imfirro. riv iouiwri'r thu, poll. ho mm wit ii up ItWilup huti uian I u i in 1 111 ui i ,li, latins1, it nn.l jterii. i I loiiiitedit -.itrute t imieni. tiy follow ruff I plan tor a litiliiary ilietaltnsinp and perpet iianoii of ra liciif rule fiir.-shadowcir 111 yes tetilay s dtspa ches. j, 1 umiii.k, fin .ua mouM is off lf) ,v, ,, t ,111 I10111 dpt. vV oou n, Con lin i.,i on tire Wiliilagloii. rhnioi". -ti 1 n ,,f ,r ,. i.,iu,Md, "111.11" a traM-frrtii"' thsleT' w-ffut is.pp tftt a ,limllH,lt!n , ,u, mo I the lllth Inst , ins. aiiei th uatil itoui VV iiiniii ri.tii urnveil itt tint! at dun .p, , Ullll whil, tin p ts. ng 1 ei,. Hcv. .1 .In' ii Mi IVlhl , H prontisntif vonui'j Pre-iOyieriau minl-ter, und Mr. l.nuiitliu Mel.ail, 10, son fit John VIi Laiiriti, Iv.) . ml ol L.vmiihuru, Kvll ui, 'lid coin ti. weie in-taFiciy killed; tliua Hibltftj- a.ober awrist wirr-rrn, that "n ihe iniiisl nl hie we urn in deaiii." Tip m Voting gelltl, alien were staildiltg ill liltt stole alia lied 10 tht: hotel, waiting lor tin li mail m i'Ii r tiie posiiiftlce being kept in the suiiie store when one nl those vivid mid .liHtrUctive iImIi.'K of lightning, that ways "pieud teiror, ent-ied aevertl part, ol the building, pas-nig by ctrrents ius the still s, port 1011 of the roof and Motnc-paiis ol lh house, and w-tecltug ttone iiMiHriiblais at VMstlin . pl-riiius at' thu limner table had their kuives aud tork. kO iA'k.d out ol their hands aiifl nliVers Hero 'hie what at it urn, I, but no one. severely injured cx fept lltese young men whose lit timely death h.n sptcnl gloom ami grot over that oomiuutiitv. VI tt-arn ttut-auitui agd waitv wiiW- atong theinr; of the' ntnd,"- Wiimingtun "Jmnrflfy1i(SiHK- 1 '- - . ."Ts; tiooo Nkws-CoI. K, ., the tab t'littd Hint inileUtigaitia candidate ot the touserv itive party lor Ln u tenant (iovernor ut. Ndtfthliiriilinav 4rriui.t iii Aior ilr- yea tTtbiy, a.tcr fftnnrmjgcirrv"tiTrTrif Ttn- firr prn r tnntlrs (if thit .turf - - - 1 ' " 1 Hi. bniig. ttie moat chcr-.nig nemrwitft hnn, and lnv.loa t now exists, that ihr Old N nli S-ste will bury tie ,,ro couititiition., itol Ii nit'- and rarnct bigger, fx yond the jatnJt -ul WsMtrrWitioiit - KVp -tttr 1r tn ' iiiwi m A-rjnHt .ournK, ISfS. It is n p irtjal in the n. wspapcrs that tin r Yrtrk gamliliiij !sattiofts..f.tij; l.iliabitl Failles. The E irl 1 f Cardigan. hu die 1 iu Engs 1anJ a H tl tys ago. Was the Icadet Ot the light JiAi4l M iWwtitfc !.., tiefwai fiyoper A.ijotam taneial. of the Jioudsy Ust. , ' t. 1 i 1 lie spe tki ri ii ei I by Urns, and ... tin i I- t't.,1 si fi irtsp.",'', 11 -e i.f tl-r Jtuhil tv?i islut. li 1 r is FxrKrrnn " wTnir .-orjvev DKU-'n tr.;. i.J 77 llKfu It I TIC SATlOWl f'f'.V- i k I (os I'hAiij.nrn v. ash tin: Y.VHI..loM, Apl t. The imittisai w all ell I expffs tali n n( flu- l nwiiicviit the l'n t. d S 1 es is t, ,1 he u hit- a of tl e Untrll shall I" 11 pn swiii d oj d. h gales tn the National , .0 vi ji 1 it oi. 1 have taken a good tieeif ol' p tin. In le till what H-e (bit llMmefliS 'it lemliiig I em r its as to t II tieifnn of the ftnr'v -Ti.wrbt Tt iVr-i tWafn.inUrration in th N ' iv. in b. t i on l, . iu ret,-!, nee to Ft it- .t'a: p' ucy Jim gd tlm .itit,tu.. it tsa-s 'q te.lion .'f ih lavisr joartt, it int., wln-thir -leu I I the iJeiu-K-mcv e.utte into p'.mi-i.Jt- wuUi --1.I.1- wh, ot - thi- S mill t 1 sliugoh- as I, si 11 q eoilitl out oi the mire ,f Hiilic.l rA'eonalriieitott, r wh, ih, 1 11 w.i.thl ,11 oil 1 e ItU il, m ,,ui ill tins uK,uiE fsat t lVVdiiis.i j.u., .es bin itiie HUswi 1 to the 111 -n ifti I tihai m . tl Ih tll-M rut.;; u 11 jar., a.w'L.Ui awm p Jrnm the statute book the w loh--vlmi ot fiulita rv wn,l Abicait recfii:.tnirno: as utteilv null and void, and 01 nn ftt-'t and at once to tenonitis) lte ailll.lJ, (tllss llt,iill.. . lions ol the r-oittln rn Sta'ft, and fe-adluit Ihe latter to tlmV full '.l ,llty iriK the t nion. I must cotttcs. t'lat did not per sonally med such assm, in, e tor a Inn poli cy and good filth both p drit t'rrrfe-cinrse, the result is si Idoni (binbtfiil, somw Soullurn friind, did deem tliem necesviry. I think thAt, h. tiyre COiigiew adjourns, the femocra' 111 that, bo.1v t 1 make luriher declaration aiidplnlgc tu tuisyii-'t It, linen, i.tlly, the h inthi;rn dilegjts, will have to play a v.iy tuipof taut part tu the July National (.'oaveation, lata sure tun,, feeling ot tb" m.n ot the Houih lata bfar ihiinst lyes with m di rate retieence tn that Imiy. upon ,!me amoa,Hnuclii pen. Is. Hut a position 1 1 gitsL iuliueiie.1 will he lon'ed upon theia, aa to aihic upon, if not absolute determination ot, a very importaiit and d T:Vfe quevtioii.' ' This " relates, mil to thu plsi(nrn)ir happily there will m t I e iiiiiiitniaeeable riiveinity ol Opinion ' hme -but to tli Choi. c of the available ranitidine Getter! firaut doing the opposing candid ite, the su.-lter vote ot the lute great tnmba, now i;.,lertd in every State, will lie a large cleliHiit la set-,, tllng (he reanlt. And the, question is, taa that he counted on tor a Jlcrrnvrniic can didite, taken iron) the witijjf of the 'Trace iJeiuorracy i" To lake e wxtr.di case, hardly any will be found to deny that it. would Ite evtremely hntttrdoti to make Mr, VaiUndircghiim the standar ) tieareiforjint.., tmly wtht hit) 'pesf? pltilcipies siic? i-j'' coppcrheadUm ia- vocaii.i-d Irotn every stump, but bis uctiml hmtilify M the war. Tt won't do to andi-rtske a millifu) of men who were in arms in that tsar, rven hy iui -plication, that they (ought and risked life and limb on the wrong sidtn, 'Nn one knows this better than Mr. VaUaudiugliain.. him-1 sell. He felt and patriotically actulnpon tt st the (August, 1S6C) rhiladelphirt (m felillon, when, to afold a eoiiliict id fopin-' ion, he relniined trom pref,tn'; hitniuilimbl ed claims to a seat on it lions. llawf hi done so, no eonx-lentlous KtmtherB. rttan. gretetal for saistcsa to hi-peopla, t-iniht - MI"' ttA writ! J4- iiia to tit, mA - "e politic! eMu tuf sojuiei- tt trot .sifiifhl" Itsvr bwu iii)4j,it,uualu,ftl Jiift tu;Mt,.Vs jMdud r.jjSif iio the cause, vi, hsiu.imy. Mr. I'l-ndleloti. ( Ohio.will go into tuo New York futi ven rinn with' una'fir oum " brtr ol, and more rntrtrnmt e triend-, than hny fnhcr; tnifv,) njryfitJ.ri-, sdipUii his hih ;u tlill'Ht'oii. fo( , t'Jti, rti'si'lijittul nllice. finlerit'iideril In ' J rivac toriuno, he ! lias lofot-d lits'l.isnis fo. yeirs psit tii at',."' count ia.iAakuiu.tlif-ia'itsi tt iit-isilitieaiaad I government, und hcstiind. bUore Uw coOj . .11 y a npn st'A'i'nutao, f iiilltl lo lite nunc. Ul the hig'icst office id auiesio instnp r Add ed fo thin, his oh'iracti-r as a nun und a .' g.-iitleiiiau is loby, iiiiimpeacliulile , and -siHitlea. If ho could bu tif'twi, say veu il,, exp. lie iity of bi ii'iiiinialioii, he is all that the party oonld want and the r-o.tutry drntO'fl irt '-ifrii ih nl ol the I tilled Siali. &!( Il" it)trtf V ngnlitsl Yallatidii.tfliaiu. it Is sii'uwl. ftoulil I be raisi-d in a town key ugninat Peiiillvlon, Phi- idci it this 1 as of lieinoirit Is thi.t "" "- - " - ".-. .-. .,,. ,it,w to i to, , .. w ,- IWnioi rt 0 Cst.dHlat.. itriirt go. If) tiie . sol inr votf with itu till stameii war reread. sol inr votr with nil tiu war rrreiil, nr (Siaiif wtll'wtii tn ti1I Miliar " intauaaa', llliunts and others in the W. s", -hichwe raniiof iifTor f lh lose. Ai.datfatfs a tittle ' eunt'u'ar, fhrs class td I Hnocrnt look to (he Moulin in iisflm-iife in the Convention to s -tile 'In iiiiisttou id i Xpedieitcv and policx- ) f he Moifth.rii'M'iltc-lirtlli' re-iifi is so u"n- " " apeakattly rit that utwi. trrsvtkntea. farv- iieve the Sitmh in the C011VI ntioa witl rte ride the q Best ion WHti thu lust urest , eon-, 1 leiaii.Hi, and under thu ftriivvAt rtrfsjioinis , riltttirsof a itt't jttrlcfuieyt, Ysnnuut the, , rase lor l.fl ci'mti to .mr piopte tit liouif.' My f.wit twltntf about 11 tired, 110 tso)!-" t'Oiitiii-iit. ' While I ticti. ve featlieton I. ttS traiitul .tnte-iu 111 wim WouitJ best 1111 tl , fdUlialH( Mliti., .Unit. Ul ,ii'l.t,.S-4Hj( , ttHV , fuel that the imyi, who lots !iely made his' ma- k'sn frWtlv t'i fre.dimi, as enmmttird' r ' of the Filth Milttfjrl),ntr,ct4 a the twrcs1 lighting cm ps contutsiidtit in st-f edeful , aimy, wMiid itol, cause nit, Ui hiwtatii ..k iii.tmit in (jivil'4 hint my h'O-t r..fl;al an pi port. (Jp, tot, nl I'mident Johnson, it -V ra,pmt bnpeaehuieiif, and he stjoolrt rwil 1 thh', ami by ',hat,i tint ytsW.M'j-ilt tUiA nominate bun. This is, a great q!Utinv, in-vnUtr.) twrtiiiati;, tVita ' Uian t-Sns .iaimnfV- - -. ani and ii'ierly"'or ten' S.als, n 1 i, most carut'tlly pottitt-fnt. . - -.'"i-i' . ft '' .n.i.Si.fft-rt".i SSWI.S-i.iil.filiiMsit..i. ItfiMUfy , Tll, H.)V08T0B.H VV Uitethrf -,-.' ure on Ian Fruity eteiimg A bsijuimj ,tiv a lictiif iioin Mr 3 wphns Cheney, the yimng K-ntrrclry ftrarnr, -who ht jiiM lna.le" hi. ad vault iroii. JjaietiAiiAts.rtiiAa.A. miatu atjsitiatiasol 't'vp-iraBfj.ltitiV'.lKiy.f a young man ol Hue ability ami sj.:eni.liii. orator ial powers, -and rooifts u( iol.y to fbe ritia'iiw with-it he ha. wort in inhfl fteid Hi dirtOHiiifi . th vn-itss o? tsrtnpefa. i. mad sr'eiy isfxw the g fiie, tl" proving 1 lien from that T -nipeisijc! t a gTi-stCtirlstlin-xtiliig, -Tris .ir.;,.,innt, otind snd r-or.r-tui.iiir, at f w'c i'.iu' l 1, t bpt Utsttaiaettnrts witi tewati. 11 ; n.w iii, ' tjrsVi in thuraum ihrougbotj. iltiN-it as Jie tofvnda vi-ning; '!( pj,ts,,L p., XlW--trom tilsi oratoiii ,t ptiius, Jfr. Chifitiji ii ." a pdssant, idtihlc g.-n't 'einin, and wu xe apeak hnn the gofrfl wij ot the people of North Carolina and ttie r--or..i,t on ul o.r , j Mr. O.tkms is sm t .,tnVVe V'iv ho (14, w'hty thotiaapji At.til't- iit goiiY.jpart trf .tt-IS.iMMiti$f)Jil A eotemporsry ssys fh tf a tttfje'e Stty. acenteti ail over the Stauv, - i 1 f '

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