1 - if" ieiiHl 7f .; '..2...- . a--- J. . -v.AJ-- fcrs-,7," ' r- a. II ,;, VOL. llALtilttl!. N. U SATTTUDAY, MAY). I8C8. 6. 07. .1, )Pii ., niiii,) ji.,ijli.,.j, .i i...yii.ft- Wil. il i'LLU MUM-H., Vl H '- OFH'Klf Tin' if,-,. Cl! I V" nlllec at tllf Stall ( ,a aicUJIlj: l" 111 '""'I'1 rdcr I'M i In nenllli'Ut Ttii-lif-tt a.linnii'ra'inii. The ,,,ofcS rmeali '"''Jt l-rou-d-l llt ll tt and .1..- II llll'TS SO Ut d that tlit-ir success,,! , Hii,.rv eauiieiiv. can take hold at ,,. Simple dolt tco,iitre 'I'"1 we s!ii)ull -pin" Ew"iU' ati-tuv ul Oor. Worth has I,., n tn iy f'iU'il ""' 1 KliaoMinary cir- t i,ni.iiunar :'') -a anwitirpi t. ('!.' Nothing has escapi d bis n"tn- , a U' y, 1 t"11" u-ut'1 -- - iTM-nrritit pTf"rrorrt ,., i,,, .,wit head and bawls, I almost in , id.V, 11(1 intricate and difficult qe- ,, he has examined (mil settled, required t o"W g""'1 B1' t,n( knowledge 0' " law n.iofeic-itive ilnty.pt t superior ,-i,.irttT. I! I'"'1' b,olt wc,'e publish ,t it ou'1 mnstiiatB a nt ab, iiittr lung una important luitory ot (lie tun. . Tl e pul-lic iut.'re'li'l currfulljr RUra H,l fat HS he hto ilo tn in tllMe dt j.til utiiw, li iiB forl'l-ly nd tie frn.i. il rlvH lihrrijf nl cnnctilutiotnl gov --..rnmentoosllowxi"'"'- A f.'w of Gov. iv Kimiiintnv nts )mvc licfu roniulain- . I ,f uti'l t pirfMtly -i'h K"il re.is.ut, (ut ,1,,,.,. b ; li.f. 1'U , w,'l h h8VO i,,flui.i.ml Liin i MtlpK- t.iw lum. fll M.me, bp'tPTtn-i '""' wnl pnr.- lie ,)ui'it-y lureKUt.U'.l liim n hi cot r.- c- tin. .,...., 0..v. Worth li.is Itoi'ii sifiitly aimi'il tit UUtu-duou..!!'1""1' '? lli; t'l,in'nt 1,11,1 un Wig!il.ii, jjl' UUuvftiu S.rt-taot Msj. thltt officer. Hi- 'i"- h' ''Ci-n kept in fire c .nditinn MlJ til l.t- rlitui fully Mirrcn.l. r ,t to hi Mvi-T Oili.r y.mng men li()se'efem!t a 1 hve r,'u' dprtd ix?Uenl nervici: in tl.is dcpaitmeut, ui wh.unfM'r CU-nf II. Soow .Irm-ives lionornlilo tinntiiit)'. ' "ftf'ti6liTriir-' ' op time. The H'nlf hat m viT ha I 'ipiTior iitlicwr in thitt di'"lnnt, K.mp T. Buttlt", Eq. He 1m .h voted uureniitiin'.y hia time (tnd mlenis to th- dtflii ult ami rt p..Dsiht doti'1 "f '' The luliji i-M l ri'Vi nue l fiiitiflco llahas itiVLiiiigiiteil as i'uj iut it JiuwiHu f,url"K ,llt- period he hi lHfn in oiriiK-, wid h hiin-iN I .if .rated tlte philos-phy antliepr.io ,Uv i.f thedo dlffifiil' tiialtcru in the ad- niBitrat1W "1 Wo rc,lr,, il "8 Swat errArJiitiirji-tem that the PuMIc TrearfTr fi atV'aho'uld I lll'o to re u,ovl loruny th. t "iisi than f-r n.Vf. -is- n.-e in .iffl. e. The )"nriphia of reveiuii- in. I tinnmti ieUire li-ii conrne l ktudy 4(id ll.liee I" uUiiC ' "''i nil anproncu t ,(.,t.-n..'ii. 'MiouM In tn.i Hmf prP"t.' a v-tem whifli d.x- -not work well, lU" tieneral Assembly has the corrvfti.w m n ,in tiunda m c, l'Ul' 3"culty of fthfiK VfiiriWiT.rtT.orr.ilry'HualiBt-d men iswfyjfW r. Il.Ulotia "" - 4uc! Ui l.a'-". of W ' s,";" tern, tliat an lull l't''iit and competent m e,:S!Mr amy take h..M wiiereho leav.s it In ihe.ele.fal dutien id hia .ffi v, he has r,.ir ptflj-ttsirtw by his Omtt-Ocrkt Mr. I)..iiidd. Hni, th.iti whom no better etikw-f eHt tM- l.rtiiiJ iu h rottntryA- IU is perlwll) lujuiliar witli all til details of the othet a? wrf is of the (VntrptMr-r' Prpart- " rment, "aijdlna TnwntT'aTi.rru Juoliy "Iff not the It! .of hi qoalificBtions. Mr. I'njfc'also, thwuglia y -youn man haa tibilfcid.vj high quabtiis a I'lcik. The, officltrf tt.Wetary of Siat cannot? I tter (Med tbau it has been by K. W. Beat, Ksij His capful attention V. the minuti a tlwt!irirfhfof:asiakepitf 'P " supplies anA in Hteoding promptly to all ttsxdotiw, cannot lie excelled. If his suc cessor bWd make half as ood aa offictr, tlere will b but littla room for eoroplaint. Hehs bsd excellent assistant from hia , Clerk, Mr. Syme, who h alou himself tu lw very competent.. T!ie duties'of Comptroller have been ably pertormrd by Mr. tfurgia. fie ImnA the utlU iB bad cnndltioD. as . )crn. ,,,u ,,u constant appliostioa hal enabled him redueaWrffii; to system and it will I ready lor his scter.- He haa rade a moat obliging and competent rfflcer. We sr. not scnartiUs that any personal or psrtir in Wllngs have prnmpW tsay s word in the foregoimf remarks. Our per snnal oliservaiUiB atl Httilnt" i,h llie I enndoet of the vario'u office naWd us to speak AMWatj and what w have taid is no empty rouipliment, but eomea froto our uwu Mnvh tioiis uf what i ilus to the sertral offier "" " . ,,1,11,1 "jiiiy s mm '"''i' j".""" 11 CwRss.--This bo ly i making itself hcte.caBtrv.'"Th seenea- which hsW been pernutsd,. bath1 i the- Senate and House, af late, wauid disgrace the most or. diaery legislativeixidy in any country. " The cmtrat betweed th formrnd Ttra- er.t charcter of fonRrrs is so great tual jt ' ' Jh4rtn eeni li!Wlfit-thilt we art tM same pe.jt.- The ttiHraPeioI iMrtiduft of the Kuano inp.-chira, suul especially of Butlyr ia hia conduCf -pi Jh iuipachmeut triaL i ud tire more rrrent conUuft 01 uonncrj, Waahbuiiie, Brooks and others in th Iloue, "areioQHh"toielic Ssnaaitffl or Ins Au-aweitseBshipt (Out apace h been, inanffir.VnttoiiHMisb such scenes, snd we v are g'ad of it. . """St. WeirN'ttoV;tiBha" ben BUiuTua- Vd bv the Kvlii al Convention as tb ran "J I tjldatslot ivww iF?rfgt!& 4- 1'iS I.. I imim-diiitely alter I lie hiie awutitw. k I jwq.J 4'Xtatt-mir'a (renerai afiprt!- Ii-nj.rt tlint the Ciiisirialiv.a would be ' b'-ntfn hy .-su'iiwve Irmids. While we tuv linitMhe ttMuwin of ini'n of nil classes t.i .. y."i4.".a Mfl lAi.it ml.t.tm. JJiif, .buiii i n uamn. il awn it id tli KeHirura to allow uieti to tnU' trivalU Hw thw dy dw"iHklt j hy ti-n. fnl., i.i'.l. r t..r regntration, h II I open' a wide do .r lor fraud in the V'.tn.t; .it I iiiipioiu-r iKrj...iw. u-t w w.i mt. twtiiit f dt'h hi nn; the ndl.iiK ('..n-tltntlOH, .that t we, on .w-'i4i(nii pr .'f l uo npprelie Hion ot .IcI.-h; i..iii t tee-i-ivr j frands rUn.-e Ih el.cU.in Inn. f. lltli it ilnie w.ii Imi no.' real caus-i lor our deleat. i d U)t was-tiU. aari t))i-: were rm ft'w -rW&B&ttt toil) fn the Ml c to vole Willi ih. Iii preparing our Stittu iteim hr l.t Moudjy' w-ute, which socially d me trr.ni ourcorresp indeuce and Stve . liiMe.. we copied sn est'ri't Iron a btter from a respected corresp indent at I f'i.) .. in which he aMnded to elc.'tio.i tail- and at tti'iuttd i'lip-ojw c-m luet to a Mi Stahl and Mr. Bid, li ith reguiraru in tin; coun ty of Chatham. 'fh.luMer was mi busiiiesK, and after Hi.Ttimiinjf th tmtnH inatter the wri er puncede I I i bUle, what n cipied in Monday' Seittirwl na (.outing from a c..irrepiiitit!H in Cliaiiraiu. Un Tuesday Mr. Hill called on u. and expressed Ins Kur J pn-e at unr pni.i,ht , il, adi'diuir that he had been jsi.w.iy i.ari4ered. We rcpliwl thai wv-Mt j,(aiirie-i lu puUUriio.rf lietats- meat as -it enmo Iron a r.-pee.tnfrTc gentle man, but ll hi- hud h.eii avuiih'.l uelislly our columus were ..pen t.i mm. lie then d m.iiiile.l lie- iimne ..I ill.- a.nh. r. when we told lum we i: ..lid uol "Id- the Ute of hi.-. nMme without tiri -wriitn" to Tiir etifrs- j pondent, wl.tidi wi did til utiee. We have u-t r.e m d a reply fiiitu our friend in ( hiiihniii m winch he states that he made the siat -m.-iiH upon the authority ot respectable person, '"lit he did not intend them for jiithieat..ii atid that he regret the publication. From the whole tenor of the note we are satisfied that: dtir corre-poniieDt Hd rotdiiiB ri rrVot any f f he parties with injustice. It our com p .mien, had stated that, lui l.:(ur.:iiMl tti4. p4Ui-u tdai aluwd hy him, from coin in o.i riiiuo., ne should have paid no attention wUtileve; to thai portion of lii-t Hole, or if he had l lit, mule. I in his note that lie did not wish ilys stntemiiit made pul.l e, we certainly w. old not have notice! ',ir ,lr,der the eiietiiiHtances, we tclt at1 liberty to cxeretse an edit or' lieensc and custom to inul.e an i 1 . in. K htors are too arious to i;.. an "i.ein," to lie trusted with tun kind ot new good, h.id or iiidif fercni. As our Ftrrrespoiidetit ri-frrets the pulliciiton,feurinJ4 he limy have iiawittingly done u.Utiee to Mr. rtiahl or Mr. Ball, or orue on. i Ise.iu nientioiiiu) the matter to u, so do we hasten, afer reieivmy Ins note to 'YtKrfiiw rtttf 'rcilprx- Urtti t.i etprcS or reoret. lor a ptiliiieal lou w Inch may have done itiiii-Uiee to any ot the purlieu con Cemed, (aid we In ff pardon of our coitus pinidewf fwr.iirf rrr ti( h hut ha.-ftc 10 get an i em We make it a rule to believe no one Riiilty ol had conduct a it bout evtdeoce, and therefore we eKculpate Iroui blame Mr. Bull or Mr Stall I, or.tiny one else, until the contrary is made, palpuhle. Voi'ta on TUB Imi'k vi umi-m -The fol lowing tables of vote on the ndiinssiou of -testimtmy givtu by Set.ii-, m-y iuduak their final vote ou the guill or innocence ol i'reiiiiit-nf-Jttimsoitt' - ' SIOSA-rttH; Few ler, V. Winkle, tl rimes, Ftsw.ndctk..u Trumbull. Anthony,, lioas, Sheriuaa, Win.r, " AoainW. 0 .'. II . ." 7... iy t in - 13 17 1! 30 30 :'" 3(1 2- ..aa. m - m - - iw i, ' o.l -J t " 34' 11 ;S8 Kl Bprague:- H auv tinf these rlenaloia vote lor thc Presidetit, the inipeachmeiil la a failure ol Conviction. It thirty thine Senators vote tor expulsion and seventeen Senators against ebavicti ui, tl" y will luck mie ot canjing their poiat. Rich deposits of copper! ore have been discovered iu Polk county, oik of the most mountainous section uf East Teonessee. GeotKia, JSnrth Catulitia, and bouih Csro l.naap(.rotli oacu ofher Hnrrlbe Spiral hack rocks of several ranges of mountains and bigli rl(i.-s serra also to converge, and this vhftnity is raii.mally supiod to -comprise a trial un talic field, it which Hie cop. p. r mines or e.ied at l)titktowD are but the outeroppiriff. Tlie ntii,e, art fir its opened, are scattered ovir a plateau of Ave or sl nnlp extent, and elevated 1 500 feet alaive these One of these mines yielded over one million pound of refining copper last year. ' - WlI.ltKOTi., CBAHI.rrr SUB Rrrircs ForiD lUn.nol. W are glad to In aide M atate that I'reaident Cowan -hs jyt res turaed fro-u the Nor.fa, having uicide a must advnteoiiis le of (he Bonds ol the vVilmioton. C'harlottH- and Kuthcrhird ..jUihrw...yhs4H0'v'ti; r?b t wv live Cents. I ne amount pniw w ssaniwui lo pay the entire floating debt ol tlvfcCom paay. and build the road arrose tlie Pec- dee Uiver. ' 1 - --.-r 4 Speaking : for the rioathem'JcmiiiWy the Mucna (Qs.j Journal- Apiil 24, jaa it U knows Strht of thnr H-urpiT or Tctrp.n-r, they" 'wilt vo'eiirthe New Vork t nvettion for the msn.'be h civtliati or jfedtrsl Hen 1 . 1... m. -.It whnd el ri'Mirt 1. la-tore the CllHn(ry u tu h to iniure suecrsn and the coestfiuent ociivcrsiicc oi tnaninis !" 'tt, l.-n.i r tue- oiti-esor. - iiiev-wtn tielCicr-ftSl Hot Care' ja Jtor "lint he 'iaid nor what be did unug the sr." t uw..t-.r ' tU-J1 ' J i , 0 ,.i. BB'" ' ST -St?.1 .'''tf't ..j:"4t't' 4 Hit. Dyiivie There i rttmor mention ed io a Ws.it;to1'(lt(rltMlnJ li dti'liore. ihe tt.rvt HjW 4f. la discharged by Mr, tbsse as'C(nun-( withm the tttt,a rf IIM! jfencrat ammaiy iiw lamty. . . . . , . ... , ,.v - ... wv.tii'i.ifctiW''," ,s Froiu )te eTattoiial iul.Tl g.,,-.c.r "lllfCJL IxiMKM' 1,0 LViU It will hi; r. uinnliered l.y eveiy ivmiet ihat in the latter pari ol the year IMIi-J n larfzn il n in I., t st liepiil.lleaii Senators h.id liecDuie ixi mill h di-siti. (led with !i Sew srrf rttntf'tfr(nr.n"'or-Tti ftistf TTl'.irr,'. incut, unit liny lo. k hte.p i4 a4ldr.4ii ci'inniurilcation, in v lum that Secretary In eaiieu, the exlrenie . l'Kl.it.Ot. lt-IMOlfl tt Inch they informed '.vnrd no ionyrer corn. man.led ihe confidence ol the Senate.1 'I his set t an rm-satiimV e-iiviiii did not as" siime the iravitv ol a formal demand lor Uut WHS 11,11 In- n- Mr. Li;-o.iii t'tt- (,ivi uniivi: tu mi:. in. r i einitv iti 1m4 utinnXlirTiiH N'Crtitai v, ;l til hirKnuijj; contiuuml supttrt of tht damuit.imyujii itt tl' finuiit. r AtM tots ftr "f Had leal viol in I he iluuial I.etfi. lai ure, by way ul i n tutional preroiiul i ve tfve. As such. It sh r'-a.-hiiietit on ( .insti ll tie- f. d. riil Kiecn .cki l Un- moral mid p.iliticial senseof -'ihe hole pimple. "without reirartf trt party divisions, nil I wnhmit regard to differences ol ..pitron in rep.-ct to the uterus of Mr. Sierciarv Reward. And Illough in view oTsu II an mloiriml demand, Mr. Seward ttK'tiuh' ir proper, at that time, to tender his resimiti. ,n to the i'resident. Mr. Lincoln did not have ti e slightest hesi tation in refusion i.. nn-rpt it. in order tlmt he miirlit rontemptiioualv reix-l this medita ted invasion nf ihe pisi ri'd.ls and iliirnilira perluininst ll.e Ptei.l. imiil ulhee. in tins decialon he wss Ujdn ld l.y tliv eonelir rent voice of the nation, winch had look..! wilh in.lioiwilf.n on such an nnesainpled aitempt to coerce iln- I'Msnlent in th choice ot his exeeU'ive iniii!,.. r- and coti atitultun&t advise!. Wha. ii inluun ut f the wple A w tnv remf in- t h.T rerlecijons of the cotunp rmv pr.-s-.. We need qiiote but a iiiiO.- ii riune.-, and e smect tor the purp.w i h. oiisefvai ion- . f that influential U'l-ubhi mi . initial, il.o IliMtt'in I-tUy AtlvrrliM ' . whl.li. in Us roHrt lur of IJecemher 21, lfrj. at, nna.lv. iied - n thU, p tormting . in.. Uw iiiHuwtmt .wtinkaA u tortus : "When Cromwell setii a tie ol soldi, r. into the House ol I ominous and drove out Ihe ntemoers, biddiiij. th. in in ike w a l .r belter men, it is p.rlectlv will iindeisti.o.1 that, he perpetrated an r.rt.il1 in v ustirpai I..S ol power the, Vewi'.i. r i Uw Intld StnttD wrrn to 'thnmixs th? fvintt"r tn tlv was o-.rfir-r" owr.wAAf t!i-Vaunt tiilioii ; and the country would not luli iate a it'll a t line; lor a m iiin-nt. et the S. na- t rs wlui eiiaued in line uiiaitiiiiul lik I I week to compel a eli.tnee in tlic f ul in, t i mi quilt-it f n (iVrie i.-fA lUt -p.i..- i ttne tt little jitttifri'i hy the ( rtntst.' nt wn wet. 1 thsaett ot tht I'reii'ltnt tf he , ttt'hrlil'4 to m'erfrre with tits .sc..oe a arbitrary itoy ithtrh ire hiirt: imntjihul. President tipp Hi's the l.tuds ot ih. ,. departments, and they are ivsM.nsible to lum. It doe not J'ttU witltin tht tuurt urn nf tlm Senate, much less ol an inf. tin. I meitine. of Scnttfors, U ith(fartilg to rc.fre him ih the rhoire of hit h.mkm. Had the r. .cm sttwrjt of this rwfore pnm-if sttcpcssfnt; 'a' moat dantrerous pr. ced.-.d would nave been established." When the wateis ol th. Nd.ioveitl w its j banks and spun! over the lace ol ihe I coutltiy, It H d.ltl tot lo no ilk the event to wiliest, tui; mtmrl.-o urn tt jireVHitcf, -n wide sprea.f"innl s.. mnv". r-nf i H.i .TTmi pearanceiot all ti ose aitiM. iai d.-uiiu'e. ti. ,its liy which the coiifioijtat i hi of the eoutnn and the irofin. toishi). ol the s, il ar- .1.- toril.uuwi. W-H-piifr'(! the pr .p . , I Kvpt use wind is called tin- ,,.',oi. t. r ,i stsmlaril-ol measureuii rU on w hn..- i :.,i d scale t ii V euu read at any ui(iuit.nl in. height to which the swelling mui.is i.a.c lisen, W e ue to day lit? t.u eoomti, ao.t, -elation ot the Host on kit) Atten-tinr in the year 1M63, as a Nil. tneiei !: wirh . v. tj -body may read thu i-'ijiu violence m thai ira.tifal itiunrtnton wfo.li n, thn i'. . lo sweip away the last vesiisf.s of !n. I'restdi'ntlsl titliee in tlie jielson ot lisjii... cut incumbent. If.jn tjie year. 1 w(i2 H n, held by trie ttrpidnieati sentiment I 1 h Crltllifry that -tit did n.t t dl w itli.it ih luncfions of the Seriate to unttrrfiilie to ru trot the President in his choice nl advis ers," what shall b'easfd in n pielu-ns in ol thai more monstrous pretension iiinni tin cover of wliieh the S .-uatu is now i hain, d with the tjiiesnou ol thtsii''i('i'fttil' or tlie I'rtfijltnt. because he has not wi.-h. d t.i be cierced in his cl.oi.-e. ot his exttcuttve -r-T.t mnA hft Wffde aoiflrf vfo rif-ic for policial (htteriiunatioH, a case by w hich It may be- declared whether the Preai-lent, under the Consututiou, omjht to be io eo freed by the annate t II in. wliol.- country was shocked by the meddling tnliusioii ol a Senatorial caucus. tlirenti iiiiiL'M'resiili nt Lincoln with partisan ilirfavoi in iHli'J, hat teim can fitly descrilie the exttemiiy of that partisan uiudnes which pro poses ia 1808 fs) depime Pro-idunt Johnson I nun his hloli oflica because he lias ouht to protect the rights and di";niUia ot that office n n i trips Toil t if ib 1 ntS3 the Senato rial t'abai Whteb Sought tocortWl Prvoiden't Ltocoln in his "choice of advisrrs," "wi fe polity," u. the lU.lgniftit ot the ll.mon join -nal, "nl aa intertereiioe with the K ve. in r.e ss llltlo Justitled by the , Cons itut mu as would be the acta ol tue.J.'r.idi ut-(' U shoiilJ undertake to inter !t ie with the Sen ate in the arbitrary way of Cromwell -.' that is, by their Ion idle expulsion -we readily measure the stupendous smit of those who in 18118 are prtssing oriie im peaehment of Pftsuliut Johnson bicavuse he bsa merely sought to f lercise the titfhr. ei J Joytd in litis respect btf 'nU hit ;irvawi la aflat And if it- tue year IWii, la lore party pastiua bad proueedud lo the d ex irenviuee. of the present day, tveiylnxly 'could perceive snd nbuke ihe meditated eucroa;umeri.ou . resiiieiu jiru JOjSlTest what will nol, the t illoouv which LHyB&-XMC'u7lU those who Shalt vote to impeach l'iiat.U-rit JohmsiO for no other fault than that he le fused to 'betrar the euontitutioiial ri(iit nd traditional privileycaot the i'restileu.f ....I t I - r 111 off) et ... The triwl ol- tka ..jmUh! lf .-l.t' ralgameuf, joi ai ptotjchiorf Ji iru4"d.-cia-Ion, will t.M)ncomn u. an end, hm when il ends, tht btliffhi j'tttgt null just Imgtu, ft tht.hght tfhutory flhdof if tJitilUtttiiiuiwi. of'nviuiifU in all ihe jrnertittvm to rume.--Tn.v mil Wild, MiivrH r.No. and in tiro- jiortion to the asatd of aur', jrmvii,Volt wilt lie lite aoieuiu v. ro.w o. 11.0 un a.. a aiae lo ahirh each- S-nator utu-t be sum moned brfore the American ticoptc- I, fore the world and before the 0-iat, White Throne in the IIuavcB. ( . . ijfjjfis-iiKiiu;1 lMf f ' 1 ..l.TT. ;V 'r.i'-.j The twdy or Oeneral l'aul J. r1erlnet who h II at Oettysburjr, ws. re-intil-rctt ,! -'. tl -..In.,, l.ttnlinili,., ni.i.ii n.,,JreiH'-.Js, -rial ...'iiwi'."- --t To re.'i ivi(ftt(-w of ttit New Vork Heralit. , . , . , i,n.iHaj , lijfiii,.. , (A.su.V.s .K'y77'7'4, CKHTAIX - s t ron rcssKsnEy riis. l-AKhS AS AlitiCVKST AVIAlXftT ( ii tain Iiicis have corne to lixht to ilav vr locfi 1 1 f , tie mi. nrf ntdit, the- iTrtrlt of tire ihi eaelmc in trial, and which show that the I'n anli nl, will surely he acquitted. i'ii..aL. c n,iHt bs sli nut tneik leetid hi (lie ijijuula iw iloiil.ittr, lm. IO Usi tit) 1 11 r 1 1 M ' ' i f ra.li i pu At nuf.tr nr, iiwrtil un 4..ilMr..I etr oit'i.iioit. envt r- ClitV IlV tlMllw'HU ptttJ, "ill lltf tiriu-U'M ot j.iiH'a,,hiu-!H. 1 think' the eiilemf prod'nivd ImB-e , h'e S. naie bv un? Mmiairers siitheieut toesinb. Iish tin- chart(,s h I hired atramsl the Presi dent In tin se in tides, and he will theretore la. eonili. lied lo vole tor I114 mi-oiiiiIhI on th.in Siui.ti Momil, the 1 oil. .iie ol , Mr. Ktf MrmL itt hl-unnir it t(iin, pr p,ift'i hfi npiiMtMi fti t!w otlx-r l'U, Uu"U lie look ITi 1 Mr. Kt'fP(f:i'H it's iooiih un l mini U him, wilh (i.vtfw at itM't.uitLC Ijih ol'jufiioiiH. Mr. Htnii4n. i4-r It .inns Mr. Mtrtill ttru- ! iiU'iif, s'jiK! hi? tvun not "4)nvii'rot, hih hhw i IK) If Ji'Hi 10 ( liUllf'ft li)H lt W - HH (ct foflll ; in (lit! n)iiiifi hi IhkI prnpsn . Hp ftirlh- : 4T HKMIl.Jtttl trt Ml Mom 1 1 Hlftf l6 4.14. not think tisc I'm-nl. lit emihl Im iiihIIv ninvieleil ui auv ot ihe ariuiles broiii'ia lo tin; bur ol Ihe Senate hy t ie Manaefers Several oilier iepiil.lt -nil Sviiati.r- here have prepared sim ilar opiiiioo to that of Mr. l.'.s-nilo.i- -Senaidi- (..irinies slated openly .tmdHV that he loid licit Iter sc(n imr heard auttitnt.so ttr itwf miiH ottVftim in rf .ri fnt en viciion. and at ihe . f. a.t of Mr. ninithsm's ()( i ll lo (lay tie expressed his opinion that it w ,.s as ei.i)..! as an argument as he had li. a'.l for the I'm ideut.. Il is conceded by tiiemosl r id.eal an iiiIh'Is of the Senate and House that Mr. Kessemlen will cany with him eiiotiirli ItepnblicMn tteimtors To acrput tni i'iu..a-l i- w uwi.UMit ttinlos-tlv. it view tins new development there is I ailm, .1-i.e. ralini ion in the ranks of lte iiihlie ins i.!-ni-lit. They virtually jive up tin- ease. .V'nny ot thein openly accuse Mr l-'esM-ndeii, and those who it is known will a. i will. loin, wilh having born bouukl. In ti.l iii ion tn ,11r. Morrill, several of the Maine (l.tlec.ii ton in the House have been to seo Kes.. 'mien, but i In v report lum to be Inex fHHWe - d hwe- finally- elverr Mm trp. annua i nns, s aiensloin-d by the ltadicaia t"i K. M-nden's cotirac. tine alory is to ihe cil' 1 1 in n a pew party is lu be toimed, oi n i.u h I liase W ill lie the head, and in which l-tnjau, ttriuiea, Ue.ider.oi,, Trumbull, Anthoiiv. and others, will lie the ahininir oWlliyti'a I Ins party will, It is satu. nominate tht j ha-e lor the l'tesideiicy on what will lie I he I caned ihe "peoph 's ticket," and run him leal 1 ay.. nisi ( 1 rout. 1 have itjcerveU the.e tacts a a l ite iiotir, and have no chance lo verify tltetti to a lerlainty, but they seem tu come li 0111 a r. liable source , I'UlSUiVAL, YKULTAliUl Li Fit. Ihe iWinf iA- hut lloiidnH un lain a curious nt 1 idle by M. O. tie Siiona on vej( e al.'e lite ilutiiig the earliest ajjes inf Ihe woit.l. 'I he s!rancc loini- ot antediluvian annuals have been rcveule.it ton in various u- ... .. I ..... 11 1 I... j. j. .,1 ,. ... wn i.o. .It-sj. rf,ii-fl-- 4 Ui.' .piulol paw iu Wdiu.ai-tiay, have I at 11111 s In en Mitliuient lo n construct the ttiulli, us stibse.jiiet't discov ries have i pi. iied. '1 he same method ..I in. v. aiiiition - 11 w In lie; uUikJ .4 iho w ho ate . a .deavoiin) 10 revive lite flora which ex- i-ii.l nl a tune when hiipOaiid, lor instance, w . p. oiiic.l w ith kauyanios. A leaf, or i t .. un ! iiupr sston nl one, l.uiiid either in 1 1. i.u.ij. ot cat, or on a liantiiit of feme I hat lined sedlloenl, will ill once tell the 1 oiaiii -t lo what (. i;k nl piauia it is to be , I' b-r d : and as otitervai;on diseuvers new .1 .' . ' v 111 lh u-Ue. generally dtf I le 1 ,. 1 u . .,11 t!i.e ot our days, ara 'gradually .1 .."usiied and classified. It is thus we ; ti ,v. at tpauth reached a point Irotn which ,.i ' put!)' n. arly e;iicaa what a piiuiu I i.i:.i ( looked iikw. .Instead of th1 I . mi . iiueiy of form which lends sucli I beauty lo our plants and S'ately forest frees, we inai picture to ourselves a uniform and j ul 1. in 1 jirosprct of dicary land, Itele and I loci.. ... einueiwul wth oitwera f rerds, I I. p dmiendrons, arborescent terns, and sim I ion strate-hi and formal prowths; but no -0I1 (jra-s, iio-datHCS, or other wild flowers. Ucmiafli; sp-'aliiutJ,' fojgy, hesivy, Weallie must h ive lain Hie rule, and r.dnu exceed -lii-h UiquetiL This. was dining llie IVr 1111 .11 period; the .liirussic one was chaiac t 1 .ed b) the prevalence ol cycadeie a tam. ilv oi phni N iiiucii ruaembliiiK the palm, and peculiarly remarkable for their very slow jrowih, l hey tire now (hi. fly to be foil ml iimlcr the triple. Our present VC.J i tuiioo s. tuts iu have, made its first appear ance doruie the sunseipieiiL, oi cretaceous pcuud. Ttie 'lcvefiitn..ii (if the animal kingdom W is vld.-nliy subordiitale to that, ol the ie.;e nine ..lie ; lor lieasla ol prey uikU ui.-lsM.iiiiut UtbH.uut.atH th-a- could not uiflfce .heir apprurauce until there wis tri.s lor tlteiu. Tint Plii'siuiivr K CriKoaBss Tile $wi.tMA, flat VVintteif1 Itt-rhV ..rwito tu Ni w 1 ork, 1 ven l-e a woman s privu.-fe i letjn 0111 upon every1 questiou that t ..in, sl7(i tot c.ll.i.b-ratlou.' Hero IS sOme thu f; it says 01 Mr Jul 'isun and Confines : flu re is a sioiy .( a tfir or trap invented to eaicli lions. It was a strong cage, to be spruno over the beast ; but if he was not sicur.d, the hunter 1.111I1I throw it over himself as protection if (he lion turned ou him. t iiluckily, one. day it was so thrown as to catch both hunter and lion, and then it was Ul s.ieed the strongest 1 The II or. oui.d t tit huutur, but waa a cajred lion now shite the verdict of posterity." Su.k. Ala.,' My 4 -On the 141hof March, tajuie younif men f Kutaw, Ureefle Couutj., Uwi pan ia difficu'ty bit ecu a man untried Hill, uf an infamous character. (laiioos by htm upon the r.erty ot petti fn,w, tn whit h iiill ww roWhly handled but not serious y hurt. Tto-aer younif men wvrtf amwtwt frvtni mtlttanrr atttri rntt in and tried t-y s commission in tuts aiy. The finding of the Cmrt and the action ol Ouu. M-wt knrwm- iiMt I aim ttwwlf wwHH-- lVttfr - of the scwisud, who have lie.eo in close cos liiKMtfcSi atucx tbariaJ hug, Mn lotmd not uilty and released, V. Pcttigrew, Thon, lii.bem, and 'James S'eel, were a ntuiced 10 hard U'air at lry Turttis f. r tl jyal,. JJWli,..,.WlWl& lolm Callcry, ant Samuel fcifavhorn. lo hic,IiiiKr at Iry Ttirtuii'Mt lor out yrar.M, J -e jvs. hJauaett-j-tCT. tors pyftitng; jiv-.wn. rfti f.Aiiiu .AAft.t t.f .Hx..lte. JPuBtatisw taiird ssmum this theme, at New tlrlentis, on tlWTth ult. From the report in the 'imtrnt ike tyiJi we'w-lcel a fe raraphs : ,, , ; ' ,, , The ltan-r tivMHl lypdy f I "' 'rtm- mabtc -aa ahult haa -hu'if been knuv-u W es ape ln.nl tile laud biniw at the mouths ..I the Mtaalsstpp, and -w del. has rete,,ll, luuin iT aixiwi ri il t.,tT-u 1 1 tl.it, ixti-.- 'I'l... ; ; . . ,", '"nai. . one who knows Henry tun- art.a.anaUKt-rahH-1 eird the earth ,, Hul, ,.,,.,,,, ,,;,, , Bn't);, n-iith Cans' street, lo 1 ., to Hie depth ot n-jMtKni ot n,.ti i,, ,,f ,.,r.,.w she.-, TyrJ. rr.r al, thecharacieroltl.e rl. tts. M'd, clay. ,hp tltil)n , )e mr(.a aaud v-ttcmltl. docampoUou aud. ..liUl , i,wv-w tl t Krthmsn. -nra- are louml in leular lay ra till the .Vl'li 1 ,,,,",,. , m,,nl, .,.., all suhlef .train.., - U,e last one r, ached -w'Seh r. Ul,,v ,, lMnnA .H.,.Blra Btsled ..I sand and r la) m small .piani.tie. ns; iIlt(.!Vct htTt.Llh,ni.l ,T Urs of I ' I III ItttfLliV KltVIIV It AT i I lll'UK If 14a Mdf ! .7! , . TjhX '' J "f th.iwi.r f I . . 1 . ' I and M.aa..e,i, known ... I.e ln.,11 le. t thick, and sans d.p.n all tlw H-h larj ibcUultid Mei.ca.it.,iip,ms. d tl-Kt !.. ... ' 1,1 ' ,' il paaseii ra?ni-aiu llie (icra. in litis enntiee tion the interest ini1 tact is notieiit that Hu o.i ri..r,.,,.srsi, ii).i,.K, , , ' mat of leisr.ftlK. la.uis.ai a. t ,,. f ,,. twee,, is rcfrurded a. stationary. Hud II e borinii been continued on Canal s'fr-. r. it ia estimated that pure water would hav. been obtained at a rtei.th .11 from 1,11011 to l.yiiy t.e; fur the Mississippi, in ils ike- scent troll. Us source, has cut us wav through sit its mountain chains cunt, mid west of it, and bit tilled with ils waters all the ou. cropping layers ol the faith's citist, from the granite to the most recent, Milne; the whole artesian basin with peiim'stini streams. I wool the strata passed bv th artesian auger aro of tough clay, the upper mieot which ia thirty ssn fet-t iu tliickueas. At a f4HS t tt l-tM tiH -eut-cff- -a mmeial water, similar to that of Iflsdon Spriaifa, was obtained ; it flowed from the top ot the well at the rate l six ullor.a per minute. I Ins water poasesseil niedu-at ipialities of the most important clmracu-r. The gus leariii stratum, which has re cently lven lapped at many points, is tiUuil TortfW toVlotrthll SUrtw'e' of ttio city lis product is carburated hydrogen, and Is attrilntled to the decomposition ot vur-eta-bld matter deposited by the Mississipni river, and the chemical action ot various ingredients brocjht down by the rtvir floods, and deiHisited in the sen-water (d the gull, ill which the sheila, now found be neaih the city, were produced. The ouaii. lity oi jta will. Iu, all Can., lb. pond ua-lim tnirKncss aim qnaiity or tne vej-ijiatiie Htratum in which it orijfinalea. but the im pression is warranted that there ! emmirh natural pas ticHcatb the" ciry 70 fttumliO. e every liuihlinf iu it tor y art to count, and at an expense compaia'ivi'ly f riflini' A MAOMCmO KHi- Mf'AXN-s I'A' All iinpreastve Maliiv ccreinoriy occur red in Trinity church; New Yolk, on Sun day, 1 3 1 ti. viz : the baptism ol the adopted daughter of the Masonic fraternity. Till; oriffin of this incident, according lo the Sun, is as follows: About, a year since a very rcspei (utile in all and wife came to this counfly ft out Kui'laud. Shortly sttef the arrival the hushnnil waa taken sick and being unknown, till into great dial reus, so mut:h so that, wlun he died, hia remains were buried in the I'nt -- Ttf4ti-' Mhortly ftr, thw wife ptv -trrrth-ttr a rtseSrrhtnr, wmt tttr fart wss arrcr tairied that the unfortunate man had been a Freemason, a secret re kept entirely to himselt and wile. The body was at once disinterred, snd subsequently buried in (Greenwood with proper Masuuic lioiiois. .--. Boon lift, r, ihe mother db il, leaving the infant, but rune days old, to tlie chnruy of the wot I.I. Two lodjicsinlbiscity. "Ameii cus" and "Crescent,'? loifclher with the "Masonic Knerd of Jtelief," took clisiff'' "f the chil I, and placed it in the hands of 11 nurse. The sister of Alph Chapter of the fea-ttftn Si bavm-r tisin vwy rerertiy irt fornind of the above taets, some of tht in ile-j tcruiined 10 visit the child, and found that tue ntirsE trad not properly a tended to the duty tor which she had hren paid, suifT they resolved to remove the child snd to liijt atte. it-- fut-wt aellarm -KiwWe tin gers and skillful hands soon funiishtd a wardrolie, and yesterday the little orphan girl, now nine piomh. old .win pit sented at the tmpiisnial font in altlt fitted for the child of the wealthiest in the land. The sests nearest the altar wit. .tt aptut lot the ftateruity, their- only dta tmctt-m Mitj; the eiltbb irl whfi-h fircy wore ' Alpha Chapter N. of H of K S., via w.l! r'iirociiti"l, aS acre also Creffent, Anierl cut and Putnam Lodcrcs. K and A M. W Bro. .1 c'rriam, ol Crescent L.idjre, hat I charge "f the airaiijjrements, nnd Ihe f il'ow lnR lad. acted as sponsors on the nccilsioti : Mr O.-o. W Dilks, wife.d W Bio. Ihlk P. M, ot 'JCureka;" Mrs. Heed, wile, ot B o. I)t. lteid. of "Washiniirton Mrs A ten, wife of Urn." Asten, of "Kun ka and Mr. Wm. Johnson wife ot Uro Jubtiaon, of "Americus," the two first named Indie beinit th Prerid. ul and View-President of tit Chapter tlr raloM.- Ttw- ifw mooy took place shortly it'cr the trading ot he seiood lesson, the Ib-v li. (Iilve offi ritttint!, and the bapiissoul -oaiue rivm lo the child S 'June .I'eiriaiu Ann liens, ' thuseuablUur her to In a. uiNLht-urave a nut " riu nto of the means in wtikai she ha.) hts n iV d Irom destruction and pi-rh ip-ilea Ji l.r. Ogdve sot-s. (ptently picuchid rm..n, Maik x 18: "lluy liiotibf yuiiK chil dren to Jesus," (lunrff whrcb be liupresaed on tlt spuusor the duty which, he Said, so cording t the manner in which they car ried ."ml the obligations," wou'rl VtlbW tie ubim and elerns.1, or prove a vti and tearful mockery,'. 1Vmsbskii. Po (Irplo.sble is Ihe state of thing i Tetuiessce that even Ihat h-ad-inii republican journal, llie New Ymk Vtmr. - iMrvtlrd t hmiat..tbtt 'BM,'W,hH) of 1 cnuetaee u lur worse than tint, of any other Southern SUU)," The 7' mei adds : "The vioiehce ol political puiius, tl nperai ions ot set ret M:ietie, the frilda ot f awUi-a. od favLuuis. aattu. tut y U-ttvetu. ihe .white !id,..!l',i(. rwicstbe J'iunrtJi.; ejjn,t the Browhlow Boveui."nVu.iiI th-' Brownlow.po'ii-y have brmiitt alciu stale of affairs ia which life i u.iaale.Vial ty isineoostaDtdisturbni.ee' and ludii-liy is acriously priwitalcd," Wij lavtlVu'tuty Ttil.1 ax-iuuU bout jjKBileiiua vnoversaHi wtiu natters la the middle sod western rt!iir "eirtiia - Tit. - saihtHi hai-.-fci'.'n 'ft." . '"ft.'.ti J ormeTfrate;Tiirnrnj nave g:vi a Us uime vivid blea of ansrchy than ant thmir th.it 1 wt bare ever before tit'irrt efln tlifi' t'uit. .1 States.'! The 6bio Benste. la-,t- Fi idav. a.'reed to t.Jsi.'V witje-.Ayl-. mixture biTl, and it is now a Titwv If ririi Ui-Us pwrsutu. witls any ii;.tuie of, iuort) i A ilKMiill.Ull K JKh"fCSCK mf Thspii-faMe pntKHfI a't i tmp'. .-!. mrr.t trial on Saturday was rxtraorthnary T he taw olfieer t,f the government, who I f111. iff"ti -a oHic 4n wfrr drrtinrt- I hi fiieud and form. thiefiatn, aMinmd m ,.s pl a the full iMpoitail.iliiv of in. i '. M Uw !y1lt (hr,.w . w, j,,, of it). nwn ,, Khuwtvr AnA , lfl,ulu a u,,.,,, J . .. It." . . , I ami aitaliinii lit, at llie Ili ad ol Itm pro. ,, H ,,.,, , ,, ,, .,,, u,,, .., m' ... . , ,r,u,.n,w Wtrfti fitic' e.t ntt tu IN, ' and 1 vvitli aiu.-itiii wotds whn h ii.usl jo down Id p .sloriiy, vouch, a lur Ibu 1 llicial sets ol the Pusid. nt of the L'tnt.ii Siu, ami hears ,, tllllll ,,,,,, jlt rr,.y .,.,,., .v .,.- ,PV ,.,, 1.1,,, . . . 7 - - . - on' to awnkn a pr.it.UHid ronviciion both 111 the count and in the couutiy. lint stheu it istj-eiueuibeied Ihwt he has. impel ill. d his tile to liesr 'e-tiniont : that in the midst uf a deadly tni.-lti with the KitiRiU Terrors, watched anxiously by his friends and tue.il. e d attendants, he has dictated tbtse word ; and that, against the reiuonst lances of the litter, he tins linen trout a sickbed to put thlm on lecord, we have an assurance of the sun. ("ity uf the man which no art can siuirtl.tte, even were the advocate not in-Mftshist-u-li tMikpry fl.-rtrr Stsntrery COiiiilenace ttT nil axMiou oil the part ol hull whom he pledged lo advise honestly ! Heiuy rttaiilatry (ive coitntenance to in aplracy and violems. I The tbniK luitly itupoesible, ami so the country w ill atliriu, i. UMt-ter what ty tie 4h erdMt -et- titer Cs.tH-t l lmprchmtitt Wankinytvn A'ven i.v.vw n.i riox a avjt va pi ta l Several of the South hatuij; Uadical jour nals aie busily .eiiftajicd iu trying to prevent uiiniixriiuta troiu ioi.iin- Souib. 0 ctj. ttai t luo lulluwiiUj. puiuijiapl. Iroiu unu ol tin in - the Ciiiciiiaali (hisit: "Why ia it. says the UvteU, capital sliuu Uwi'tiuoUi 'luaJi Ihw-Miifijit.. iatitttjatsua, neuiect itsuaiurai touiac towaidsa waruier clime, and it.tl xibly ti(s us I'.ic.u upoit Ha iiwl H is tor no itt lu-r regain tuau Iw Ctiisc1 plop. Hi and persons ma iuH'iura in the South j l.eiauso the tbp's.ilmn of tl.e ptople ol that R'toM noes uot piotutse the p.ibtlc tri.tiiplilliy alii) Ihe ptoticlloll of law wlinli ure met saury to at tract iniiit.l oritf- V lli(.'ent tniicfratiia, nor (tms It afford the hope that the settlement of the country will hr.Uij tht e iunilntious hu h laloiij to civili., d mutely, t long a the prcseut gen eraiion reinniii." It ia no such flutijj, and the Qattltf knows it as well as we do. The current of immiyatiiw was rtirsorf d ' w-rvrirt tr)ir-T thu wui, and Western capital and trnerpy nave corsoitdate 1 tlientseives in the most i.npo-infr and rtllcirut orejnnUations to re tain il in its present channels. They know that the H iuth has the adruntaiM ol the U usLtu .iil.,ulutt-Uit. mafuu.. Uh. Uiiiikel. tjiltllilunliid tustuHis. jutdacMtlUKd- -aaijtk. and tht y are falsely eiideiivoting, sud1 the tiiieetf Is tielplni; tlu-ui, to onset these na rivalled advantages by a clamor about the Ht-a.c4mty trf ttbr m the Booth, the dtshrftclty ot the people ami the prevalence of Ku Miivism ,te., ft.0. hen the Uomtt at.K why capital snd immigration "shrtn the smith," this Is our answer : -Heenusc eonset- encelesa newsiiaireis like Itself suck to Iriulit 11 imiiuursiifs Irom the South by false representation,. Hut we are haj py to say teal tin y do nut impose, upon ail. Much c pdal and man) immigrant bavec.iiuiv.ai d i.uiitic t.'j 1 ome S iuihwartl Hardy ami c mi. genus iiiimtrnnts like those who at t id ihe West when It Was filled Willi Im tl aas un,! wild hi ajts, winu it hud uu kmiU d m, ik rtmrts, nn tits! n-- ritmiWH-, tto railroads, no schools, no markets and tin civiltaiHiloii. will liariHyb tet erred froiii CiVmiiiK t till! tloutu vw hem all these advaii laiAs an-ei ,.ii.l and whem they will find snd trnrt r) r?!tmTr HflrpaMScd innftcfe"1oii (tilth. We would rather have such men, than those who may tie frioliiem d by the false at Mlfiiientt of Iladr. id new -paper. Iwviiob viion. I'hrie is nothmtr to lui- pori.ui- t. the people of Norih Carolina, mill in taut ot the hoxti n-iuttt 1 at cue od Vallt" intuit nl iilillitifiatioil. Tile tutme ptils peilty ol iNorth t aioiiua dipeiuls upon an 'iit'iease id Us white population, mid tt should be our fi.ft resolve lit spal'o no effort and rt(Uo mi su rifhe meesanry to attrarl while wMh rs and cupiiol. Th stiie-t nay to aci trtiipbsli this and .he n. v t prop, r bj to suiwi'mt, i t.i s,( k iheoi a'lirt.nl. Indus, tuims aWtl cilui sled lalmit'eie, aiid .Tod.n tton ta- ah that Wf-vss'd"-hrt -lostitu tf.11 it il North ts'ate the abndcof WesiUb nll plenty. There, ia alum lame n( wealth flow slnuiocr Itijsr In the soil 01 tht ar d othr Soutl.uiti Stolen, and only i iilusnimis !boti-r ami iiajiHul ane Mijuuad. r..-.U Mie toutubJiun 1 ot pro4iiy , y . Nii.e out of every l.-'u of our larnufra hatv in'ue land than they on 11 cultivate, and I lie) ahould.be wddnif tu St II of leas the surplus toimluairioti', wlli'e iuiiilifjrat.ts. Itev ry hind owner leituaiher thai every white tin migrant he s-itW his sin plus land ia not only mii twnrwHiin to the l. aiocatic parly, but ali adds the value t the land he nay retui' . - . He, who has five hundred More of land can spare two hundred and fitly of it, and tbaflUjnantlty divided into five, lift jr acre tacit aold'iive butt live new sell lets, and' tn procw kH Hnwhite'Ot cery kmkh ty in the Sife, would not only be doubled, liwl--quadrupled aiid evert tts'-lliff nt man wttt sj-rett wilu,.lis that if our pnwnt while populatioa waa aa large attaia a it IS, 01D itn-e- wld--finrr,--irtamt--wtiul(Hri' tUHM iti ui ililtJittUM woilWi- oi course l ooiioteii. I'ltdotibledly, littniifiration as uunhj Ihe Wesl.rrn and Northern Siuics rub. weatthe JW'l fcii!;fJi,lL,',!. S ' h Jii.t4..i.j.f . tl.'vJ country a aie oteillowed by Nmdi.-'li ions iiuiuie-i'itiitB sever fad to enriclu u tin to Mr. A't-itsf Ti liti-oit li i wfittin tn the rtoir.M.i..J'l t.ii ratic tket uiiy'C ctuirv,', t.oiinKi notice aiuioutu uia that it would be limiosw Mvtu (it the S,:'U1 cutive Cotiu.itl (1 e U'H the r intiilie to chanL'C the d for :tttrar-tmtjBi ..oiiveiiiioM.: .110 uuj sun ,ita.,e ontjtnairy d.-sianatmt the tth ot Jufv af. New i otk. r witt wen lute btrre to trwetimw. r- -- ' HlKl? KI 1, hh ho ps U.oii nr inut tin ttrat to win Hi" . ( 8he who .tr anis up..n my lireant - -Jw wm tw-i ........ 4. tliM vl.i) kiiMea fif my tilts vt atca thr whiim. at, hnsl, ; hfa wl.o re-Tn wiitnu ,, r.t fcriB 'h.lr (Ibsi'lt ll.Mer, " , Qt'irr ! than the' abail couit . I'sja .list u t cl'enrj, , . ... Otfir hoinea .lull jrrm t ua .v't, ' H-nif that lnav l wear-y ; , jbiii Ud. hMun, ttttut W.tjjv -ishh. -H.ii! ll.is tir-ftl H.y ti'i.ow, , hi ill ttiew hit meat iWutt , Jsle -p, tlien. n" taiy .-fnT Waal, ' hiiii. ih. I.vh halt, unit j In am. then. io my .Wal Ineaat' ' "!! bm Uwu, hal,Wui tt.;. . .., - A-t trhen sun Birr Wsi shUil ebt;i; ""' 11 Wi h 11 wintry weaiucr, SUy we in the1 wsif same ni-uve An' i'P slid .b.ai.i lot tl 1 r. PltOTERBM 0 JIWtr.-Bil 1 UVflTXtUMlii a inai.'s philosophy the wit kid s huigh w lieu he git best. .. , All of us coniplaiu of the shmtness of life, yei we awl fe inonr time than we USM. ' r Don't mistake aironrite lor wisdom, uiany piopie huvw thouhii they acre wise wlieu thoy were only v. indy. The man who- kaut frit nhead wiihout pulling other back is a vety limited cu. The principal dir!'eriioeW.iren a luxury and necessary it the pi it e, f -M'heiievcr the soul is tu rief it Is tskiug root. - ive the di-vil his dHe," Imt be ran fill Ihat there ain't much due hit;:. After a man ha rtd It n ftt ut-aLhc utivu , Wsfrts tr m vfruv S' nut. . .? ,, e -.(ewWSi..lfil. AStottgCW- 1 luise laiiitlys wluiutu rs-ally fust class never are aitaid that they shall jit t heated out (d their respectability, wnife l8 ctxl fish families are always nervou list ibty mile. It won't do fn stir tp a roirt when he is -tbiakirrf, arty more than it. will a pan ' otr. It i ea-y emit! to-rasm-lbe -deviL but he V a hard crop to reap. The nnht sure r.siptntew govern iiiar kind with, is the tod ; yoo mav b'stooii it with lloweis sud case If with velvet it you please, but il U the rod alter ail Uiat dtM.. , Ihe huaincss, I We are told that a conb "tted man Is h tp py, awl we inijjht hate Iteeii told at the. 'JCtrm; ifrre-that tuud dir rt. TeM, tiy jf it only hail winpts. Who Wn oTt-tiirinj- the ttite" war, a soldier of one id the New York Hi-.,. imeoiSi whn was hmrtetwr c 'hirlorii, '"visi ted Xew York city fur the flrat tints in hie life. The !my in "blue" were hy no means riv.nto the blue when away from the tented Acid, tsor ft modi given to avarice aa Ihe eelohraled Daniel liaucer, who wore hay on hi feel to save feather, Our oldi.r was no ex.i ption to the g-nersl rule, end was making the must ot his limited sojourn in the'Metitipolts ' fJoinjr nn one 1 f the t streets one Mht, !ti:r yxtfu.it , humane tu.., , Uttcrtius tiuriuj- the day, l.e lull tu with a crowd of cjilunid peitple p tlmir way lo chnreh. In his state nt im lri,,;ton he voi v naturally went with the rtowd inn) 'he church, thinking It a thealri, snd conj-mr. U'BlitiK litmtill in. bin jf.-iut).; iitui th,t tH ! rfWrw'ttvy- (I.,. rt staj t &ZZ "tind Hnv.lnu"-ry"irw'i"ittrrir IV fr'fl.iu to 'tiio, " The ottistetiitK fhrftymtui ar.we snd .aid ; "My brtiddernni, "ia dal las frr.-nt-'di.y w ph da ;,mjiu p ol- 4-U'lrtd aumlJ, btutr, o4 .... -. -tie sheep shall go lu the lyht.aud de jtot tu do left, who warns tu be yoat " After a short pause be said at-ain, raiaii.'it bis voice: , "l tuiy, who'll be tie K"t I' A lonjj pan e followid when he said iu a louder tone : -Who'll ti dejmat .'" , ' The soldier supposing the periortqance delayer! ftir-tt 7rrirn To n j(rcWBt a'poai Ttt""-" ' some plV, ex. laimed s " IM.k here, old bPow, ratbtr liiaii to have this thrui- play not. I II be ut 1 ' L"NO Tai'SS Wlinf a sad mistake it is In stippose thuF Mutti' should tut loomy la-ue he ta devout j as if misery .rs -ci ptatile to (h.il 00 nn nwti anrounr, ami ttapjiinrna StO off. nCe" rvmIim h!su'jtuiy. A ' mod. rn writerol mm It wisdunt and pith of rititi, eyf "l hi re i a secret i nnbcli. f anmnK-t joiHfc H.ui tlui!. fiuiiiilisp!t,iM-.i wult in. a huppiiii-as, and so th. y slum hbutii citation, attianted and afraid to enjoy anyihtn J" - These ere the people ot whom'H.odsays: --"I'luy think IhityVtj pinna whin lliey'le only bilious','' , A good tiwn is nlto.wt always a clieo-1'id one. It is fit thai bad men si owl, .a,k btte and melancholy, l-ut he who h' 0Mi' smile ct apprirfiart; 11 npou him siiiuilil show its radiance 111 bis cot.uieuaiit.-e. Dr. John. ui said ho "in itr knew a villain in bis life that Was nor, on the wfiole, an unhappy docj." And well he may l. Au.Uit honest -uv thw.uiaM. iiiiM- a (5-ai wmseterH-r- let hllll enjoy his sleep, and his dinner, and the love ul his wife, and the prattle ol hi Jul. (lid), and show a la undue, face toliisn-ioi,. bor Surely theie is no worse theology than that which lenelies that Its -lio le.j lltetMVtl'lntitMWMrf Jny tntifsHf and b,"r Is, d. Iijih's in the misery of 114 or, Unit Jiavinjj taeu filled with (.ladnesa,, we t.tij!b( to jive the tk lo His pottdncss by aettniij late lief InuiUal with woe, and tumiwid f y prute.iidt-d utihsppities. . '---iM.a.-a.wii..i.i. ii w lAtVK POll fllg UkvUi. Tfrtr lev ih'at r: ' " " vivi the loUih,ii) Iiviitir, is 01,0 ot a,,,)i.t ailiibute of llie will.'- II tt has its woes, il hits likewiac its dftl-rhia; and whin the overwhi lioiflf. biirot of piief is ci,,'m., ,iio thtt (.niih: tea,i ol iicj4lH.!tnt, the. 'tin, df enKUtahed and' convulsed 111 v (,vi.e -J.be 1 WIH. Hi lH,iu.,wl 4il, Wtl. Il, t.effl. Ji.,,m.-- ... sin tsillesul y nuo pensive mediudimt ' I and all that In the day nf ils 1. v eluH-w -Who would rtiut rrow trorrt il,eear' thnue.il it may sometime throw a pai.-iox mbiud .irtttt --ihwlifii-'ttt hour- ft (HVeli sin ini a deeper, .viliti.,. e..i..iW't wt tfontlft V"yt t who wi(ld 1 xdiai.oe il i 1,, ) tut) moon of jdi-asireeWthe btiis. ofreveiri tj .. 1., .. .,..!..... .I.,.,.. 1 .'I. .. ..... .' :' i - ii. .. mini tn- lottH. sat-eier i'.at). :"''; tlw-re is a r.. iiihrane 0. thtj jJ-jO- lo njiifb. elutn li.mi the idiariu oj id-. liviiiir. fcja(Y.'l,-T-''"V-l.'"Jfl'',1''-"",lr.'" . ..... t,an,ia j,,i. uie p inji u'i srs Ut tv.iml.,..it viith j;,a, Utw-et. iwi--youna 11 en, lum.ui V ldro end Jorvis, lit 1 Ovu-ton county, a few day etnee. Jtrvi 1 had indu'-'fd tu a sneer at'the other'scouiv' ase and was tiiatleiHK-.f At the firs' f e wwwniBi-fj ji itaaLaitii-ixr drop lifinandtd another sltot, and i t it fl nn-;h,'.t.ll ,.t J..., h..Lf. Crr -eowmry. ' " s ' ' fwissflnir.5i HS-va.r. MM Jsrajr..VMJiWs-lsiavit ViLCitkWMiaa !iaa- t-.-if)avtn-iuwr 4 -itt'--aiv.r.o tVlJl 8w4ail,si;ii,B),li.i-j,,w wt, sw.i.w Mflrisrij XT