If ..' - If . .. ..f-S-.-'t . H k, m am ., . . - . Frltl' eyi iaj iVJia au'i r ''KIUOIUJUX- r S VTTTRnA Y, MA.Y -aCl-lKtia. liil nil f V xV 4-" VJV- riii: si"ntini:l. t M T JFf T, IttormieiTih i'7 n(ii mi .m- rt--rcs. iii inr aim llllllg slate lt pi: of Onslow, 1 1 , K x 'kiiigham Male. V have a cnlintv III tllie, .... .'..- : h , Mill lillli i,..li. ,1 II IK lllll r, ic.'U ud i.. J.weflj aud sntierig! . lierwi after the heavy . , i , rso-i-.liutK .-lull i crops , ,,. i , ii .r...lii. i ,i in ilit r-tateaince ,, (In-. I i' I tlit- Urge number of aged, , imI belple chRdroa which ..mini adrift without (insider ail prtow who aru able to , nil i in- linWiiliog In iii oa . ,ii i iiinl r mh Ii nutraints kem- t iuii( til. m: tn t In Ih-d to uivo ud exact or (.'vi-, -n Inns as they can rli-tniv nt Hif 'em-era mini li ... .,1 i III i "I 'tli i.l destil-U . and adjo.U- A oh -iitl.-ii t. as in in Is wlinh d-tlly c llnsn t Bureau l-'i ii. h ti.tti 1'iHifl tli puhlie ..-. ,..1,. ;.u..jh,- it ..i.t-iii uitioiit, . ol -fii-nti tw inttiti'' ti!t'-tn -hr rail' , . .. . on oi Li tin M ij'itiia- n , ,,r. I v tin.!." .,1' t til ni-ti I Willi i.l dial tin- i-.'lilr l'll- llllt.l til- I,tll,'l l1 lit ttll .,1 il,. -o .innr rp'rtt tin , I ,. . ,i, 1, .,. ,iu Ii, I In- (.iililit- ami ,,. .-it .t -i,.ti-ioii; h4- l'tttt t tl,lJt4' i- I'. i 1 In '. I'l . i- I' ' li-l rilnil ion W t .v anv inraii- ilani up tli"' streams , v . I, i, , ,i, l ln il.ii it ioii, luit when utilir u.;iki' t-niitiiliiitinii' to ai! the ii- . Mu nLi-lit to have a..iue proper ii. : li.it tliev will I"' prop.-ily p ' jiti, ,f 1 Mil. .'- ' l . " V -t t, (,(, iti-tl lUtpHtillHHHt 1, tin s, fltiiiuiit oi the .iilhciillies oi the t-nnritry. HHore ttte war, lo- ai-Jetl- it 1,1 tii'ttii'.' on I'V l,i . milt!. I untl .'our-4!' ; du iii.C the war Ina .let-p'it'u' will, an.l hia t:.-itiii, nt ol ninny ot 1 In ofiWrs of the n un, ini'lf him Hit nljfi't ot hatred, ami -nee lli,' war Iii- eours-e lian t.eeu prompted l.y ini-i liiel mi. I itonlinate lialred to the nlthern people lie liaa l,een a clliel hin .i.jitH'i'to the l'rt'Mileiit untl the plotter of !r,,,,,! iii ilit- i on in- i la i,f the llitliilll- Ilia i, stnntion iiiim at least three jears too lite l',,r lite p-'acf ami funic well tieinn of lie emmtiv, v. it is hetti-r late trran never, ti.i- I'.llowtiiL' ts Tit? '"fpri'orTetTcrtii?rft;: i,u.nu,4.ui riwUte. )J?Bc ;-Wa DtPABTMBNT, ( WasiiisutosCiiy, May 28, 1808 'Mi, The reaolution of the Senate of the Uiitj.-d Stn. uf )li lat, of' February m.i ilielanti' that tlie Vreaident has no power in reiiiove the Secretary of War and I, sicnuie unv oilier ntlieer to perfofoi the .luii,, Unit otlhe ad inter in having lllll lav laiiett .. he Mipported by tWO-tblrda of tin Stin.tors pundit and voting on tbe arti; , les nt' iinp,-at.-liiiieiit preterrM-agatBrfr ytm i.v tlm IIoiim'oI It, (iifjaentatiTta, I hava ra tmqniliirl rntrpr ot riwiHtppaTtrntSBt, and have U tt the bum .8d the lxxk, .r-. lining pa", urn. ami properly in my custody a tfeenitarv -f War in a f &t itajrtr (ii nt rst 'I own-rntt, b wmtrtfaaatatatat!- Miuiit ".I ii, rat, -ii'iject tn your (lirtt'Uon. EllWltv 11. iMASTfiV, ' . "rliretarv "f War. Wirn a Kahicai. hAtrs, Uunug the da. bate withe UVma' of tie)tt'W'iiliitivi.sJ MtHi ,'Vyj Wtli'e 'Tftt'ir'ta'of Butler to jj. t itp'a.lili iioiiiit vitleiit tto cjuvict the PretMiaijjjt im. Mr. U..ker, (Itadical.) of Iilioois, re niatkud bl Ii ivasiiatnjdletl by doty to miv nun word. Ill his opinion it was a vio 1 tii n of uWiftCB wlK''l.olJi was to make ait '.inquest ol improper cub ilui-t or eorruption iu regard to a bigb 8ta tiial, to drposit the powep in the Fiand til "i, y em. party. 1 lie tleclarvd lit bis plat i i prolouiid conviction that it was a vio hitiou i f the im-tni.'ta of the Anglo-SaxoB Inait and of Aiifjlo Saxon liliorty. He w,ili:e, corruption txposcd and ferreted tMt, vfatittMiion, 9 long any inculpation , . med, i-l)uii)he cairid But bra U In pljce, rven il it hmuiiht liini in oppos Luii., to.. Ui .uiwAi .Xtk-AuX. h'i,p.tot,estei!j 'i7l?n',S''irF' !-w "Tiinot Br'Tn'rB a' great public triguwijiioB-, ,J Appjaitse ua tb Pet-.j 1 tain- l1e 1 'pteaaad an that fr. Raker I a .ht.wn recently, on several occasions, 1 ,at hi devotion to party docs noteniirtly l. ind hia jitiWiftit aixf iil lfierale bia at-n e t l mwid ftUig tljoi, ud- what i due (V tlioi.- who are opposed to bini in j,olitica. The fact that Mr. Bak' ! onlv Rali al iir the vlouae carshle ' of acting' tbu uttieit ..lew yiti4 iiadignallon againat tbe K idical party.'and ought to determine ererjf honest map in the country. M tiert hvaiseU to burl them from poweraaaoiii aapoaaiblf.' .--i-tegt-f-ft rt'ft'i, , , its'- - 1'iioKiTAHia FiiiMihOr-A guntleniaji job the touth aide of Jam. t River made test v .ar iintsl tonacrn, wtw t ow moor, tbtri Wai ld'! rryioi'edmsn and- attw' bore, buVwaa Si13 3ik,.lxViS"iSiei Jb li 1 niiimission meii;batit;' the Toliaaf E elianue. for tvtaotT 0;.lsdrJr -aViilar tieilnt quality.- JitisitilaW -kill iH itn-' n.tr smiU wtil' iM 'liar! i-tarvaiioo aiiil uiUir pecuniary ruin If 'Ibetr tr jutitFi wttt drivrtb tatbeTerci jet i-r"-rf-f ve W,Twpfre ttn trjatrttry s ilr H-"-1-? tt, fe, -Tv ic: rfJ.tV net' ff 5- f h. 1 ir s. a- . .M.WK hit-. rrtWty t'&t JA, I - "1 J10W 111 hi s.t.W rn.nt trlf ,..!,., s';, . lijf lllVMiiiitMil luhllnii,! ! 'Jf Id rt i. Won tWe ,l, 04r m f m-trtitl Ay Mnt W, iip.i If.l nun mVuu. ..Htln in voting A.r ! "P '' '' ll" r'-hl ! tlivn f:.m Inn t.uWicauiHUi in the pl WU In ttenJnr falling (') linn li ut a -kfnmmltm-i M lu,4 ,,. AmS iht mini i h p Vi,l. iii. j 8r' aLititf aii.i wi'li firing ,! , in ,iii,.n. li,.ul.l it Uiua,iU. lu Ui of iu prtXHiwIioj!, . ys touiul ,),,, j '' V ''f ; '' W, I -ftt.U .H . . U .l.m. il ll,, l: !,. i ... .r t,. bPufK-. Tliecl.-niii-ili.i..l ill,. I imi.ni .m m ,W,.hUi.i. intlw fntuK. (..Ikwing from tb IWralry '''' mi1 i ,.r.l''i,!UfK, r,m'H 1 J.hI?. linl V.-I.p ,)l I lit" 111-' preiDHlur Hit -.'iiuli it'jiliin bv (Uinli-nD I t T Ilit Sinn lu-ru ut, ,l!-uliilili, , a I j,,' U'in Tlir vi Wblitl ll UI'I.V tt .'tl l' - :i I'll itt inrif iraliniiil . trom their ttirniur Cd.iuii in-. r il t li v Cfe hio tHi4ri-:v lr.m'ynari - pit , lln i i ii'il not atU'i I nun'; Mi-uinfil I the ijin I'n.vliSiiiuiiiil si-id i Congrt-B in iia aiu u,,t- to iyiutbero State,: linuni ,! project just t lli0 jiiit ni :i 1'ilb, lit tlnll tif n ro'iatruet tin1 i ii.in.I.ii. ilie j -i n tli y j bait m ui ami i'H aiii 4iU intn viliivii ihc Iliifl fait , I in ImI i vi', tbty colli, I luvnr liif' i , n niiatjMi.l in a policy ho Ui aliU',tit lo aoiiiul ii'tiWii 'in iiini, nr ImM tli,' li'iivt- J,f,.ii h'tiipt Riiit a (apauU ant m iftlri,j. ic a J ilaitned f r them, .lln'y unul l liavd iim'B' sbotc th mtlTi: triUfltatK ill Ut fi44-: uua meet a. til ibu IIUtet, ,111,1 ha VI J,i rt ruiiiti i it. t u, i, j,, patty '1 " ; .. Ii--paljiidlif tin- nal I - SUJ'jHttl I- I i iif; a) list the pUiu of - I . I1,,- Hailifal , ll 111 1 no'llll-l. aa , ii I v ! 1 , 1 1 -1 - nii'ii In n ., - t ii.-i i i otil'iy to 'I ii, b ues 1U.Ij I I I ' t , I o liliU ti ill! -I.t At ..tl itili; -Wi-th iMfll,,) 1 ,- P'd n e l. i In, . iltU4i L.1 , I a M H ; ! . i t ' . . , . 1 , I; eem-. I . I.. t.-l li.F.ot that Hi in ol i !,, , . I . i ! 1-, , t t.n -et in K.tdl-eal-..l , l- ii : t , I . 1 - I - ' I n pt at 1 1 lilt III ,aa an min i-r an 1 nn - mion rnt-astire trtiin -lite lirtl Tin' ,i.ij,;i, -i .-I niipeaelmie.it and its mtl ,ieiu:e np ' I 'lv- pnhiit;' .luiud, only I ttervfi to f ..ii vi iv-, , ii, ,,i -i Ii i f ii Itn i n the more. that it would In, ,1,1111.111 in any eveiil to the Uadiciil pai iv e tin imtjinutit that the ao t-allt tl it , 11 -ant .tt naiot- w ho vol, tl for artjtii't'd, wm iiifl-.it n- e 1 in tlieir votia by that eon-iilel ttt"ii.and twillfc; auatttitH-d lV iMm$&malja 4.iktkt tut, WwtW fittm impeaeliera, ihei eonl I not have diin (Klier wise than lo v..t. lor the t'n ni dent V a, quit tal. The H'ld i-.i! parly ,11 douht leal 101110 to fhe i on.Tti-Ioii iu 1 sfiort lime il'iaf they were rii'lit. and v shall h'-ar of 110 mme ahu-e of Ket-a, nden, Truniriiill ami otheri. MeatP-L Tiuinlillll and fYtt-ellden liave til ready 1U It haalc In lestuie ihelllelve-. to the aruii ol Ridn -ali-in, ninl will dnulitleaa vote with the party, on the 1,. -I oral ion of the rioiilhein Statu, lio teu r Tild or linjn-t to the 8. nil In rn jieople their uevv Coum itu tiommay t. . ,. ... There ia al-o a hnne amount of huuibUK g. ry in "ri irnrd to ( hlet .lint jee Chasn and the formation of a new party. Mr. Chftae i too thoroui'lily i.ltutilic.d with the organi - ' Lmii 4.. 4-jBDdntB.B pnmdf f Radical party to- hope for nuch a chanve no gnrtrfen, and no rartical at his time nf life, as would inspire the Democracy or truly Cot, servative men ol any phate nt political opinion, with siitlici.iut eonflileaoe in htrn to place liim on the Democratic ticket even if Judne Chnae deiired it. That he is to ambitious and no bent upon the Presidency at to b Willing t, 1 run on the Democratic ticket and accept its platform, we do not bclievo; or that hi; would rnk utter ai.ni hilatinn by putting him-tell up ai the leader of iTTiTrfl "paffyTtutnpoi'ril of" inoilcrnte of Uonmrttilito Repuhlicana, la simply ridic- ttratrmtiihitj' W tr rlW'.i'n "tin1 the Dcmix-ratlc ticket mho hat the smell of Kadicalkmupoah.lt gainifiilH. and tliia dtupoisrf of tftHtgetimfe. '1 1 DHWwjraii onmince must hav a clear record upou the great disrtinjruisbji'ng principle., u hii h alone lully o'uaratiitiitet a Conservative -(tout- a ItaillcaJ, ithifiaT tW (Wt ri ne"ol oegrlTetui. ity ajiai unittu-Ml nejiro .aiitTi-atfe. We may at soon expect the leopard to change his spot SHsuilr fJ-laaa-Uiabamloit thi) poai- The House hid removing disabilities I'rotn persohi ti. fti1s iSfatt'4 ilfbe louudtn auiither cohimn. Th.j list lot names will surprise many. Aa a general lule 110 nauica were in setled except thone who were supHsed would vote the, Ksdica! tieketthougli bere Uriel, iuuuvu rat? f V anrt tttere, t -tewwiati 1-... . . -,i. 1 1 ntnk-s of gentlemen, such an Mr. B. If HWie ind V few others . t Uiyden's, who were oppotvd to tbe new ConBtituliou. A mora toiperretrt mtt we nave never aeen. rrv lutps Aa filty cases-tlie iiuaiiat r improp erly spelled ; iu .vtal caes heMfue culiiity-ancl theiaiiie a'uie''are" liieniloned b twice. .. Open and avowed secessionist!, and ardent war men, appear prominently, white the name of many ot tbe best Union men in th Slate, are omitted. Aa a sort ot onuil bus opertin lhany names ate"cmwded at the Ixittom ol the Iit Imin djfjrwt coiio tiet in the State, tut all JktjtjtiJioin "lite mmticii. IS ty'fW&0y!Jto. to make any prup.t inquiry Into tbe chaf acter a4 biatwy rt 4k4rtpplitjis for pardoB. li mni Watetfatlj iiiBgS lfis htaliiVea.'i Sin oaa -OoognMs tiatritatrV its' "Jcuniistt'ur'i,-.! all, if H resJ'j d.nire 10 crrv eat its own acts, by . reniig t .pruij tbe ditahtWe of some ol tbe ofli'trs -etect sjoVr r fatlvef inbuilt Im mi C tt Itoll ll1TTint'rnTin,aaf,1 1 mnvWtbe disahilitie? ttf ill 4lieJN' offiokrs leleetefT'rst? A U-ft f 'I v 1. . vr l . j aa.1. l:A it. l' -1! ' Ws ousrava that, at tlie Chicago Coi Trotibo, tk ptWtf ' iittrjrail rttft Wnglttg' "TVta Mttleftrht tnt fcat r-. t , V 1 "i ' f kits - rtwV.Sjts n? It" 3 tf UV, i fC tiik CAjfVAM i,v riBins i. I lie canvitaa tits I iif in-tv ( nnlilut trustv x1V1' 'li C,,nrvarv, t In- vmiiii tjr,Jili,l. VVr tiu-rf tlit l,i,.l nf Viiliiii'ini, Ji-fftTson, M,lisoii, M 'lirtw- ami MarnlnUI will nt-vt-r hv BUrr,'t,,l r,-,i I, I In- c"iiti,il of J 1(1 .wuliP.It lilAMir. tun ( .id -"- , in Uflii vi'tl tint I m n Si i, "tii-M i ii,,ii,i- naliou u rxirettirv '! nt will in) cni,l,nil i'il hy 1 lie Si null' It i- ,1, rstii.itl limi Ueiieral 4Jrnt Npiu- it liut Seiialur Mnu-ni-r iIiica iiui. in ibf iii, .iiu.'iiit' ill-' IV, A ilt-nt will make mi ai iKiigi-iwiitu to tl Iv tin i!hi-o until tlm St-uau; i wiiiirflis oi r' jecl nil. Ii i aU.i un.l, r-i.i I tl l, i, Si-wntl and RsnJal! iU-irr to n-'iif li'mn tlieir aitioaa in t tit- ',Ji'i,t lr. L'luoilt i. a ' TV'tii 'i r m ' 1 1' Inwtr Hotwe ol l'tmiir.-s., testing ilit Ka.lii aii. . ll, 't 1 rwMiliition. w In, li t- '-I i ' uiitlee on Mond.iv, ' il r t Hi, uil't r n( il e w ii h a view ,il Hit foil .an.)- , .1 lo i I ',,in .. fit ml ,.! If. "ScaKtW, That a.l iidiabituiita , I. a4) Slate or Ti'ri'itol y of "lie I lllletl St'ite- iittier than the people aduet nd, In. m n now or licreatti r eeici-f 1 he r"jhi nt - ,l tnigp.-do m on -snftmncf -, trnrlcr ilse t-aft chine -rrtrnml r.y the n tur.- m-f. wti r imry laa fully hereafter, lor t-iaitl call! -Iionu ,11. any tiiue, revoke Hn .r , n I. ye or prii .iijio so granted to Ilie un. ,i 1 lit - nt Altieai. n Asiatic ilftM-cni." fJov. VaMCK. The Had.! l,',l not 11. invited tn notice lit,' at n it- It, .in iln' il Uinghm..J&tl ,M'I the ll 11 elel I 'll letter iroin ti..v. V.o -, in uply In lie slundt-rotia imtinuatioiis umi t dcinenta .1 an auuonyiuotia lorrp-ipoudcut of the N w York eiulm. Th-fharireter of Got. .Vance with true Knrth Carolinians aud true in n everywhere, is a bulwaik against ibe tongue 'ft!hnmtfy:'-' A geutleniau w ho is coniM-cted wjih thv I Baukiotr aud ciuwiu'ir BUTCttr ramiieir here Saturday from a liuaiiitsa tup in the V't, and .f tool itt tU li puVtit-ati- h badly diviiieil. , In.f iiaiiiliaii he l iund nil the lea.lint; lit piiltli, alis ifn nriiiol at tin a aaulta whirhhad heeu mude upon t'lii. I .hit, , tice Chase, and many o, them ojn nly d.i Ur- ' tirl their parpoaetn su-t iin the t'nnn rvattve ticket regartlliKk. ut who might fa the uom I iriee in the New Vork I 'onvi n' inn. They aaid they agrteti fully with y,ei:iHil Jimtiee that tlit tune had etiine ltr all hn'eran at conatittitioual liberty hund toeilnr ' againat the Juroliiti". - lt'-' "e t Pull "UaiefU. "' RrcowtriaurTion. The jffu, ral ipu-ii in -ljtf.trwdlg ii the. btaie. h 1u the laat three or" tour d,iv-. ileneral (tt itit and Ut. Colfax txitli lamr the speedy a t " uiitisioil ol MOh aa have raiupln , I , Hi 1I1. reconatrui tinn acta, ami ran pre-ent iteicpt able Conittitultoii-i. Tliere are antne p, r nouii, bowever, who prolea to In lu-ve that the true iuterlmt ot the It pnhlie.au , .it will txal lie tulwerved by t kli liemt 1: iu-u-,n in this natter. The unanimity with whi, h "eatomiioii hills have been put through fV House m i; , it is believed, lie taken an a lietiend in,li, -tion of thefrehsg i the Henaie. li i-e-m-t pretty tain that the Senate will tiimjiv eprep with the Home in nrfiwt; n nt-w election in Alabama, but that the mlnr n conatiucted Btatea will be ndunilul l,t,l,,ie Till" NAI'toJIAt DbMOCHAI I. tloNVKM ION 7'iitt A'syre tt. A Washiii(f(on letter In the lrttttUs,KJ.llMih..!,12 Pi1' Deli"' cratic National Convention meets July 4 1 1 1 s resolution will be offere.1 by nome i.l ih N'jrthern delegates to the tlTict that the party pledge itatlf to rtai. t tbe counting of sny etectoTut wrltca' dtrrfhrncd liy' the ail mission of negro .States ; that the mteiupt hy the Radicals to secure p iwer in that manDer by defrauding the people of their inherent Ubertied in the selection ot a Pn ti dent will be eetcd if nece.st.nry, with armed (lire, an.l tbat the legally elected President ot tha tfbite race shall be inai yii rated if it require aven a million ol bayo nets to Install blm to the White House. A letter flas been received Irom Geiieral McClellao in reply to one fmui a friend asking permiasioo lo present his name for - - . .... , , .w T l"u"""" .-.Mva,., .t-t , no ba dons, and seppnt-ts the requeatt with patrhrtie reasons, creditable alike to bi In td and heart, tie urges the nomination of a mw maa-r-- sWttrsinti. Who will Mm the respect, adunrstion and enthusiastic support of the combined auti Radical elost' mentt of the whole cntintry. stnl p'ednt,, himself, at soon-a-theBotiTua! ion is nis.le, to conve ham n t eanvtst wherever neoleiP ia behalt of the ew Vork nomination.. , Tbe. Democratic Convention of Ohio fe solved that the investment ot "the planta tion" m-groe of th Houtrt witH the nio-tive trsncliiaev t an act tit jrsgmeeiary uon great, and the disfranchisement of iH),tKH) white mea by the tame power id !tvrn 6tatest",iBrfJtt-Htrt 1M irrn,t!ttid should eballenge tbe eondctHuation . ot IH I .4. 41 l..:n....l ...1. f .I...'.,1..:,.. L WOO rwp'tvt, tun Hiuwu IU.4 Jt tut willin rntani" 'The lAntNtseraiic Conventiou of tthto vwaMved thaV- tJswt- tittt had re jected VVJO suffrage for itself, tt wfnlld op- govt rumeet at moat butt usuroiiii i-itj Ta Uatvutsiirt' ov Viaot&iA It tp ptex from retttat aelatonue of the t'niver wty VtftfiitMr bauat irC1iTMrtvile, tbat this institution, loiindcd by "Jelfetton, and eheriebed with tuch p.out care1iy the ilinaii nt the,' jCommoa Wealth, tteailil tU t tit-fli l. Wi'"v t iii' nr.. Hen, iVinuskawB- fcoea Maryias.4 ; Uiamiiain 4e priaei pally Irom . tbe South. But tbe District fttoittWa,i!HW x(k JllJa.iisj JBineot,ad tvee Cli)nU.re, pr- KrHteer.- , i(- si. s ' 1 -1, ' a frtit. t ,&laf TS rfA w VttrVhV l r " - ! J Vt,t Ut. No WklWdrtd. Vium Ut. No tork'Wurta 7 UK' rtJKCAftVA w i iuro i;l,l w rili whilo truiliut ti -r. and I v .'ii trliiii; iuf Imvr iil'luiiiiil. ii i now li,,. nun ,. ilifi pariy In iiitix tiiult ninl iiiaintum. I,avin out of vit'W llipiirHii i iuiL'lit I atioa. ban nut I B unafHaili ,1, al I ni' tt-l lu ll lun liumliial canon ut ifiilft-in nital ilear l.i iliusc who 'peak tlio k)nj,'ll U inn.n.. .,.;,. .1 . Tl... A Iff... . oil u 1,1, ii 1 1, k a' lit lO IH- CtllllfMleiL are p'ot dilT ri-n'i',--, I,- nmitit. nl t.it .iii.iinliiMli' H nil I, at it I' I ull.H it It! nil, lllll aUIOtint analvi4 to a ctmit-at lor, ni iii, it t, i iiiiaLf ill., I ;l t olltt-Hl i12.iilii-t 'lilt- Illii, I ill I ; pjtt lliat Couklltlltitin. -n n, 'W, an it alwaa I,,-!.,,,,, ll,- p., i to tin CnnatituM' V U H i'lii an nillit-l tiKW I rucv hi Tin' ik. ii Sut.in mi'f lliul llioil , anil tlii. n.,t iKimai itietMB ami VVmbome. ot lttliut.m : !, t'n r. , linppi in In I t kimwii l,y that partli'ulnr tuiiitt ot was Irmuttl tiv imuiI uikhI uii'0. our 1 iti.i. r-, I .,! i i.-auK iu ii are ol vent ll I it t. . t i-, li-.n ill-rll-f i, he reau Itt 11 and the ol polio. I i -mil cnn. t, Ho lis mill p'laianl' I ir at-'t 1 4-1 i,tt. 'J lie central idea ol Magna ; 1 nai tn, .tout no mail he, ttie,! save hy hit p, 1 1 ,1 -1 d -, ii i y ' y t Ih-iii ttn the taw of the In, ,1 Ti'in the IVi sttmiiini. And an, also, , t .- 1 i , 1 1 tit, t it, John llaitipib ii'seaae, that 1, piCM'lUMi.m ttiill o,) h iu.1 111 hand wuh l vain 11: ai d ll..' pmn' nettled in the times ' ot.lHiiics 11 . that 1111 pnw.r, In u tree j-ov- 1 , rem, nt. i -iiuld i f rifjid ainH lid the Uwt ; 1 alnl the other I'iyliU, lilltidv wttnetlld ItnUl 1. nil , 1 ry. "I tr. e p,ecl. aud 11 free piesa. - 1 tiJ,ul:?. d tit.oi'.r t.'iiiiaijiui-..4uau tb tottg lis,ilt.A.lr"XllUi.,. . ll.MAltes.1 iu.- lwii4tai434iMViay4.-n4trit' 1 ,1. 1.1. ... 1 ., ...i ii. i "'',-" 'I " 1 tl- d bv the l.'iM'd ot tl 1 w 's. and the good in, I tl,, l.rive. IT' p.tteni ti.ev have lieea i tor t'n, tl we km w. t.-rweknnw il astnever mitt, id- -e p. in. ipit acre covertly sneered at ami Mn- 1-ial iuim nt containing llw-tn con- 1 .id, thai ui U-ttau lo r peal the laiuen- tahli t it -r 1 1 noes ofoiber people, and to feci ;uiil -I ,- with our own hulidn and eyea the miseittl-Te 1 eviKoT Hattnrl it "ifi-Tit' ariil civil w ar. i eebnif that thewi evils have Cunie ti.toti 11s, an I in flic rccollt-ctiou of the (Hie i a, nl die burden- ol the other are even now I w. in!, inn h, avily tlmn 11 bccaiHe we have j mm ,1 our l aeka upon the Cooatituiion, 1 ilu e is a p.-iriy in thin country, the f)rt.io- nilic piirt v, w Ii it'll iii'1, linns aia tn t-Mliutv tut ( tit., u., 1 lUUe pttseiil reaiilia ol the pt, I anil In piovide itU-rtllr ai-.VBslthc powtibili- .' .-. , j V',l".-tt.l 4-1 iniO )4,lj 1 t4l.lf.ttIUIt t' lilt- 1 I jniMiiui ion, and 111 all, me rank, if alive " T.rdiiy.amiiErcrt'i afnTT, TieTW'mTfrTit AM ' urns and all ini-ii w ho have loved iood ifox eriitueiit Hin I baletl aahifilnt tyranny would tin I 1 1 11 1 r place, there is arrayed aliOlber p un whirl, pnttesa. In be wi-er that. Uie wisttniij lit the last t-iht Satoii centtiriea, and ei, 1 1- 111 t' po.-ition to the hmd and known Ooimtnui iun a glitterim-ltaun nl itnpalpa tile phrased and hnzy idla-i. In the rauka,ul, ihia party, il alive totluj, llnbesphrre aud Pin (in. I Harebonea and all men who I, rn." I'.tiu known otity hit Hii i'l 1 ability to tear mid to reiitl and ilealiov, would be (oinid It in the party of restlessness, and ii 1- utll w r 1 1 ten, unstable aa water thou thatt 'not eet. Tfa oi principle seems to 1..- . li t t v-hut'-icr is, ia wronf(, and it sole H,l -"!... llr .ttPXkS jau&Im."'B-Uv 1- I,, tear up Ihe Undiiiaiks ol soctotv. in,, I In, ak down every 0111 id tloate dislino tinns Divine wiifhim has iilstilutei) and bu- rit ui w i-doiri approved I here is not a in, k wit, or :i ,u.'k -I train, or crazy eulhuai -u-l in tin- doll ridden emintiy, of any age or hue ot either !, tut is toil lid with this p niv. I' is a grand a i my ot wretched ac tiiitiia aud leapleudeut impossibilities wln.'h cnines belt-ru the great mass of the American people, who are conscious that tin re ia sninctfiinf- wrong, hut have not as v t inn 'e up their minds lniw to right it, and li tiii'iu io cimtnil the guidance 01 1. n ma u r into its hands. On the -otbsr tic iihUi tu party -ol fined end writ tea law, ih Democratic party, which io UJta liiny 1 mil glorious adiiitntalration never bad itny niortt scrioua troubles than a squabble iibi, ut 1 lie ttirilt or a Kansas raid, and lie tuiin tlu's.t tWn it it ft,r the great bulk to t TintTe. rr wiTiT FiTttf ffonsretir'tdeaa ' of pilllV, ll tXtlaVafjaiit frauds in public inniny, 11 grumiug ui'i, nasnpiineiJure 01 44 "tC4-tM.4 r-wbiAA..w:,deL tJetlyahur be the things U4..I n.rt. ,.. H.4. .IT. lue v.,,utuuttyn.ior trom jAi.uiirtou to lietlyaburi be the things wiahed lor. the Radical nsnv hat them all: -but if the tiinttct niiist of all to be draircd it a letmn lu snutut ih-bi efulueas by a rot urn to ancient principles, the. lKmocratto party Iwids the vra. -' TIIK On sefi OF A.STUAV FOliTVfS i'OUXlt-A NtSW TORK KXQBA VRU IMIERITH tI4,(HK),lH0, Knr vral wuek past' tbe folio wing dmtiftiutfht hat appeared lo the ,Uial ing dally new spa pel a ot the United State - I tt" it. on. Twft millions poond sterling for th tjaiiirulMil to A esngraied t' Auienoa, about Ufto. . Anldresa ltd. rlunnnl, No. 4, Lincoln's Inp, London.' ""TUe New YorkTwtw avt that ibe lrtia .W'-ad:.-MsaA-M4 tiae-) lias oeen frionil h trie person ot Mr. David R, Hniriion, wq hat been till many jews" employed as sit engraver by tbe American BauJt Xi.ite Coeipeoy. Mr, Har risnn it abont seventy yean of age,' end bat a largu liituuv. .'. 11- tne VKuvwr at tub uxiccutiyk A'W the v. r dit t of atquittai wsa render ed by tlie hieb court of wtpew-rbmewt y. lerdsv. the Kit-ttiit Maeaiim was crowded with clilrjiaU and citix-nt to preaiint tMr """i'.'-f !?!Efc,!'rk'j iNbttertv tVMhaeioopratt!d Willi the "troty' "J.'.ir r nel lliiiisfer", aii.1 citizens" oi every dl-tfrvi Siver rtiene. The pciwiilent rtvcefvetl iillt&et eoagrat ahtt iirot as a mattoi ef ttod'ft. Not a mtiacle nl, hj .fe.ai tires was changnd. . i Iregsnled the ictfty tint? fcrr the rtjiiiiry ml the Ci.ii-tl1iilbav t.ot tor himself. lie f met the rwtorr a o wtwf ks.v hrf a de- feat, with thw em'slllO,, "We lava dVntf all we r:oiitd for the cntmtry, and God's be dune. talpuil JuUlUmt . aa, The QaXhilU WurU say quitaa aarty ka 1 aatiia iaaiUbty iWtv n On itwrrt" e KpiwiopalChjtfi favor auricular taf I! arkfor tia mailt eitaiieaiaiWsiltAl.'?- the Ep!c fession,! tbat lU ministers-are aofioits tat set on,eontet(Mi1 ; that Dr. Di.. of Triaitv 4 a... ;.,. ..--4 . r -v-ltta444SjsS4jaSUtajtAksSi IsftsWttftJttki' -3Kttt. 1 tuM en sat at. nuiiHsimt1 aUtl nigh clstsee ; that bis pnsttioa a spiritual nrecior at ts ater fstTMstj1? U tjotortrtos, ; ;Th tvct4oa in MitMrfsittpt-ie'to Wgin ,4 44L44'V4,i- 1444 'ijH 4 4 '.Itt'tW. 444.4a,a ,l ,i . J4.t.4 .,P-,I , a uijv ., wuia vuuiiuue utlllf COuulets-UV ' - y 1 1 li jf ' K--JJW&rt.r f , ri'iVss--i? tXh V son rn ca twux.x v a vie i f&XIWX. Dr. 8 8 8aU:hell, of Nmw liaiitn.-, in tUr Chair. Prayer l.j Kuv i B. SoIouioh. i Ir (Jen A Foott- thi'n ilolivrro.l uia.,. Inir ail.ln-aa lo tlit ,t.., tiii. It., anil ..ffureti lUtni tl.o linapiialiiic. at the ! village. j AUoiuiiiitU ob fr.tli-iitMU Wnk ! tWIin ll'. I r. tllfi ! ill , i if 1 Ira II . VJ... Tl. ,,,.. ' .,,.., ...... . i u loiuiaiiijj uck'j'alt' aiif nt it I to llfH ( pauioa: i. u u L .i n . in- i ii. . ii : t . . ' n' ',. . ' ", ! a. triMI. W.I.lnKU.n; ltra K ll U.x ...... j tt a:an ami r nat. wo.fi, jr , ,-i i,; aigb; Ir. rUiaftutf , ot )rii,iii ; lira N and ( 11 Mncn, lialilat ; i)r Hi, k.s and t'tieai bam, ol lit anville ; Mrs II Kelly and Potter, ol Ktalesville ; lr Humnieiel', . ol Salisbury; Ur Ureita, of Haleui ; Ilea lnrMii, baker and Jones, ol K tuiuiln ; IWl'uoh, Mar lu count T l lr Haan. PiW ctmn y ; lf KaiaoB, Dupllu county j Itra Jervtty 11 11 I StjUire. olAla.too; alao. DraKiank i'aiter on, Heanet AhttuO, U and J K William-, Hidlcy. Un.wne ami A Pliiiiiiiimv-tlie tei liencm. ol the latter we were .unable 1.1 barn Ucaiili a the delegates there were also preaeulI Prof W T lloward, ut 111 l mvcis aitV of Medicine ol Maryland. lr Otis K tHansoii, ret-fatly elected toonv of the Chan, in the Kichiuond, V a , Me li- al4Jtdle).e '-'t --V'li. r- ffllrI'irnoT ntt of a t enlral t'lHiiniittee on Husinta, Altr remarka by lr. r-umiin ivll ami O'Hagnn, motion waa bait. Ir. K. Burke Haywood moved the up p.Sotneo of a Couimittee 011 finance It waa appointed by the -Chair : Dei K It, Havwood, t) Hagan and 8nttltnervH Verbal report of Pitt county ,Vt, dtral So tbkij h$MtM'Ugu, - - . On motion ol lr. F.iote', a ctiniiilt ..f Ave was appointed to Invcsti-fire cases'. I certain physicians who ii.id viobdul tl.. Ctale of Medical thlra. Motion rai'i if '. Chair appointed Dm. Poote, Wiiiborin , I . B. HaywiMxl, 8umiieiell and O llat'iin. inruiti ifiitiri 17 l-r. .Hi rvee V na i Ml-WU. t L . :.. iu t ,. ' . through Dr. Fotitethat tin' Aiinu,l Ad lr, ! would 1as delivered op'Thnrmtav, at I V M "r i th . B. ew4t, by Df A. K. Notenart, OtBlnitnii: ' r t Tbe aecoud dav'a aexioii w ., t '. l. riTrriTii7" iimiT - Tiwti -: -f vltatioll. 1'nlertaliied Ihe K.M-1...I . u.iba.n,. I " views of the new anulianics iu .I.Ui ii e ,r and BiirKery, and a succinct at-cmml ol t e doctrinal views held by Urn ientl.ii pli -geons add Fhysiciaus nl llalliinoio. lit style waa jieculinrly iuiprtssive and do luetic-far altove that ol inott ol MIX plofcs- i In the alt. rnottu the n Hhir oration dclivxred by If. Wm. A. ii. JSiyotdm, ol tjienton, iu the Methodist. Cburt h, to a large audience. His subject waa xtrn tlv ineilictl sad Uoaled ol "Internal luHautina tion fcnU. iwiBtoi delivered in a clear and earnest manner, engaging tbe attention of Inn audience, and AttliiUliia .tiilaaa.nii. ., . Dr. U. A Foute enlortaiued the rkaiicty with bis repnrtjupun the dineaaea and topo graphy of Warren county. I tie whole ot tlie neat day wat etioHiim- ed in the reAibiig of medioat eaasya, many ol a ll leu were of a very supurior cliur,;ier - Among them may ha men tinned the tolbi. log : Post Mortem ttainlliutlfm of ceretiro- spisal intuningitis," by Dr. U. S. IN.11 emu, TarlHMrvugh. "Buruual tJaaet, "by Dr K. liiuke. lluv wood. Raleigh. . Healing 01 gun-sitoi irauture ol tiugli t'V first intention," by Di. h. l'i. ittrr.44iJktHi. title. . - -J - - ' "tiurgiual Csutaa,1' by t-r, J-, , Mirer4t Salem. There were man; other papers renal tf in terest to all, niuiij ft ports friu ( Miuiiiiilie". and vary much business til sn iuip..rtini character transacted. The following aeulicincn wn tb nie.l utll titH S .US IVIVUU OT 1 1IC tHUm UJl VfMT I ' 9u,, , . rL. ...!.,' ... rs. mi..'. V :'... offlcertof the Society tor the ensuing, Vice FresidcuU Dr. Tbo. E. Wd.. Warren ; Dr. C. T. Murphy. Duplin ; Dii P P. Pearce, ftallfaX ; Dr. I.ocke ol H'.wat.. Urator Dr. R. tt. Wlnborue, Chovt -a. - raxrvUry-Dr, Tboe. F. W.ml, Wilu-ing too- i . n 1 Treaurnr Dr. J. W. Jime. -Tat born'. Tbe meeting ad)oraud to meet )h ri,itba bury, ft t Wetlucsiiay iu AtAy, 1U. The Hew Vork fViAtrni kttirgei-ts thai the "reteiniing pMdigal's," meaning the ttoaili era Btatea, laj tnet and ' rvcVdveit. " fiy ths "tvoii v nur" raiiH's s Tn iimm M . ,1 h iiv i r;a--'itJS4''fl-isj. auwiioii. 1 'ic B-iii niiriii .0 110. tie inn. Mi? qttite Worthy of the ilitt.ini-iikltrd fHrilia man, Mr. Joeeptt BnrliM". Thf 'ViMtMa it remark able lor a happy eooibina ion ivl Hu , isl indieltfverirttt and nisitifiiit tiyiiH'.M4 sywJiiidi.itj nutatJeala with a io.nl (teal mot of reckb aaneas Mum dicicUnt. Just bow it j pouring out a tort -it id ubjurga honron the reeui-aiit H. nators who b,iye TOT d aconrdihg to tlieir judgment, and iuv.,k ing what it call genesosity and magi,nl mity towards the Southern BUUa But in what does this Tribumtian gtuerosily oon sitt f Tbe tugget(oa of the, poacajile twll -Prf Ot tbe1 7Ktt.t la that tliu procriptiv' feafutetot tbe Black VrmM i pBtitutie should be mitigated by rl..ring. t.i, toe right ot so ffrag and bolihiig oitl. tl win peteliagKer In enlorcing lite rc.iniu.u..eio.i tbemas of, the rsslicnls ; wbifl. . luitus, simply, tbat eveiy body shall )e penuicc l to vole, whose polith-e indie.? that h irf" ote the radical tkkei This It', but! tl, Tr& inteetl bijw ;.t.t4 jMsf-sstj4'T which It Oouplcd 111 will. ''uuiveiMal tl, -fragtV a il a-aMrata (or U ,ui i 1 t.' 1 eiiia,. Tkiska lb. ga.r.ii and aag-itrd- aivNit spirit Wbiok liat pap?r diapU ,16. wwd l Vtimiirig prils.''--,Tftfl' is 4 44JS-W444Jt44. t 4 4V4tM, 4 V4. Ill 41 14" , and at one time more zealously ,tltu, win n It pretends to lie virtuous and gi neroul . Tly iiJtha fxaUe at Teiasia alnMt coaiptsrety immis be Mejtieaa haatlit. anil most of vba lauruVis attributed la tVt.n 4lwl.'f4tlts l4..t444l4,4.'4.4 4l 4,...lt I.H 4.i-4l4.444.44,i 4t..,in4.4 41. WI4H tltiaka 444 4 a.lV4 W VV MlVff ami. i ..'.l, 'l 7" lit t ft vk crRi.i cir !"' "! ' -nttwrol tlrtwa, , ) ' 1 i "ll 'v-'"il, i(.ita lu'ii'lifil anil mj i vi-n, i nntltd "An Act " I'mvut. tor tlie innr,- tflii il lit tniTf rn '"ut "'" '. nw aint-u.MB.ut ol ti t t.'ni"t itn'ti .4 iIk Litikil fJiatuihliBifiift 'icVrii, I. K iurtttn. itaiiitly . " 1 " ' ""'.' ' ' nit , T ill IT. 'r W aWe i nauljr-VV in II llacriami, Wiley " J" A i'trl J.'Iiiimii, .lat-oli Horrt-ll '"'1'' "'"h. '" r- Harri,, ....I W R (,ilt,K1.(,s,n ) l'it.i aUtmit t lit ih Staler, Ijewia 1 1 i I j litod, I'hiiii. I ttHawan, Calvin Ctix, J.ts C I-11 g'ey and Chan Kouiulticu. ! Italilax Comiiy Charles N Webb, John ) fi'Hrien, ,lno T rtietjirfl't. Deofge W Owens, j Jno A lieeil. and .1 T lhn. ' ) linaulort Couiiiy - hamiurl T Carui- ! laui L Sullei, W in It Itntlniau, Ueorne L N ind'i v, llnnurd Wtnwsll, Kdutund Hmlg- 0. I irthir i. iff, .tease (1 Bryan, Kdwatd i Wart en, K.I aid K H-.y, Sami.el Windltty, Jno 11 lictojis, Ikinry llod(jea, JeM Rob csnii, Whi A lliouul. .Vcw Il iiioyiir County-- David Bunting. Sfnntey Ci'mity Joseph Marshall, Jane K Maiden, I Intiis' Cousins, IHniel Hiehcy, 1. ai iioiih Urw B, Allen Uurria, Franklin A I.11IUU1, and John A Mutton. i iilai ui -.CuuttU EYiUiilnr JUavi, Ema. David I. . m, Witha Cecil and Hmderkoo A.l imt, -. 1', luit, County -John D Wilkurnnn. Cal dwell Count' l.,,l T Jones. William M Birbct; A V Austin, Samuel McCall, Wusimifjtou Muflre, Jams M Bale, Rtb f eft B eeiytti-aird iitwea Bnintnprt. W iU iu t ouiily Uiio W Hlouut, Newell D ll,., ns, Willimn I) ,1'Viner, John Wtl k iits"-n. and F.aiit ia V Tavlor. Kn-mih ronntv- .1 e.cph H I'hlpps, John 1. M i s ,l,,ha M Stolia, b-niel Iomk, Wil li mi ('fin 11, 1, ll A Vol' ar, William U Stipe, t, I All, 11 ,-p(nk 1 , 1 1 . - I ,1 1 1 , '. 1 1 . . t , 1 1 it-mi ah 1 tsborne', .1 t D,i, kworih Saini.-I liwil, K d-ert Hate .1... 1 11 ., n.,i. ... 11 .-.ii..., O. ""v f J-1 3 tv tjiti, vat,a-Mi-.4Malwa- ' Icilfferson i umt j ' li t. f t m n Williams, .t'thi'- M .lii'frce; Willijirij D Whilted, J,nnta ttt, U A Hew. M 0enby, '-J,- v-fl - t'rrT t It tj-rnrr, ptitTiitti trr, t-MtidiT t Hit, le lfi.r.l litoiin, 8 H-tw..-, w """ K f"'n H tn r. ' Bedf. 4ti,wUi-i. l Miii-t. TboUm 4li.Mti 14 Mel alt and D:ivi, Stra tti e '""""m n'V - William IW Meiiaw, J,,-,i IU-lii,, t yall. Ka.p.lale, Hotieit T Hn k, I'll il. iii k Ftiiirots, Calviu Causey, ibsirt, W IJowiuaii, Newton 1- Woody, ii mnibaa I'unii, John Hyatt, John. W Kirk man, Andrew C. furrow, Abram Cltpp, 11... i.l ll.., d,.t, ....1 1',. I,.,., u u...a..i l .t - , 1 ,,ll, 1' n ijhia ,.l., W aMkXAVfyA: Ahiiiiance Coiinly -Joseph V Tliompano, Niiihniiiel HtoHl,W illiiira P Mi Diliiiul.lSiliipr tti esth, .iiiioea Aliir?f!hi ii ift'tity lum'. I.iiu ulii I otiHty -oKiilu Clarke, W H ll, 11..111 nni iltniy Wllkinsi.il. ' lliiidiiii Couulj --DiijiiU Blue and Calvin .nitre: Wtlkea Coiinly -It- M rhnilh, -J.1I1M M llniwa, James F Tutrmaii, Andrew lirter, i 'I Strrtttt-J-rfw V nrtt i.t '.1 1 ij...i.i ti..- -.i... Vii- f M. Call, HaiiiiUl llsya, Aaibrone Wiles, TtniVH' rtbonmute, William K Itiynolds, tnuaiiliul J iriol.l, Jmnes U Hava. I'ii ni laml ( niinta . .I.iuica O Bridget, A m,!'' w iVrkor, David Uall, tlenty Wrt ma,. A VV Uowiui, JilliH Ck, Isttwi I l.in OHn and J C liyers. liiuiiitrh.n l Cotiuty 'Robert (1trell,! A li Ttiiiintoii, Dun. mi tl M.t onuck and, Unhurt Mnoh, ll. ' ' r-aiupson Couulv Cattnn CetsHimt, Rob ert l ain, Hilton Ward, Am.ia N Hall, Wll- tlntB t "MtKlwuifl HttltfTisffli W nl; Car i rt t t nuntj Mulviu J DaviW J J) Tll-y Ut( ifol.tti; ifa,isti( ' " , f , T ' 1 i-.T 1 1 1 (iinniy il,.aiu !; Hill snd 1 uiiilu. It l o n. j l v m.ilbtrt, Mir I.in 1: t.y und W D Cbiflilick. ' '" Al, tn. V r t iiitnly , liiibtil Caranii i ii B.iiii.y W W htniioitl. Williait H TeiigW,' i. iii.'in, it iv i it riii" t, n iinin n ctauir , rrn.a n fir.-(TT.,lIJ ll.rsh.lt, WUImm 1 . 1. . ,J. Ttn i tii ia J Dula, Daniel Wool. 1. 'M 14 4 .. 1 I'V. 1. IT ' ''' ""'t F A, t-aiupjitni and tT N t aiaon. .. I M-cMenb'uet CoiKiiy- H W fritcHanrr WiliiiNo li Uyei, liflierl Mi Kweu, Jereeilith S fiend. Hul us B-iriji i?er. W iiliatir M MaK lb, ttiifl t'U t1,tti.,r " '--, - ' irt aaHten fnunty- itaae M'ffriaetV !Jdhn M Fila( A t Cheiry, iern'g W Hpnr arid James W CJiatuberlaUt. , i K lg coiulie Coiinly Win 8 Battle, Red dm B Pet way, John J Killebrew. Win ' H Kuijfhf, Jesse Mwer, Kkniii I, Moore, llio pioinurt, LbwaMyrj llarrnlit, W H Johnson, Jusiph l.u,( K w Prmdor. Wm W Patker, J .o Xs.'tlti, lit nrv l1. U.lonv Jub W .It i.n-oii. .tin ajah P K Iwartls. and l,sw'i.t-e iiilUlliig Allegnauy Cvtuily - Wta A Bnwfct, Mor gan il.yiin. A M i ton rilnlsii, Wus Andrews, .SttAietutv, Vyewvtl,',Aiisiiila.an'. Hiiswia. , 4. ' lS,i,iL.IHiiii, "H-uIhu U-pttrka, Uugli H inka, John famous, John A J mea, tjolmrton Slaiiipcr, and AU' tllisi'k , --; ,,,'; ; Ashe Ctujutjf - ioba WiDiama. , : "Ttyde." ICotantyV i5lVcatir llc-Goitau, Jas J Carrowao, Grurg. V' C'redW, W R I.Kib y ant Joscpli r. rinwers. Iiedelj County Tliouias llotcinuh tad K It Wiuipstin. , . , 'N '.. , ,, Wayne County Cuftis H BrogdchJ ' '," H'iAb fotinty l- Jno J Shaffer. A If Joice, At(qilla Mnom, Wnt V Bh'lte,'-! R Jewett, Auiinnse .kp, Ira t,mrf, Jame HrJ4 i B eiogf, J J Martitt, Eaton Tevrtj, W ..U..Vlaughtt,.aud Wot. M. .Umtitjwii-.'at ; l Pi roilim.ns Cfllllltv. Nalhsirl, It ft, ft I Wlliut. SB I JrtaftjltaB W Artwarta.. 1 ' Va(ikdu-4Wrtyj-4-Misiai Gruaar Mr( tins rastaa-eii, Tiiomas ilaiies, Uvorge tamgi, li V lSrvwn, Aii iiiUAitwre, JlwiBas F. Mar. itn, mntuttt&i wJH,,. l uwtoa. VjntH: il yit,. kl ) i,uiitis.ai,i. J iN ila, ; Jeas R. ivm, Bi tvii imicji, ,hlim-4- Cliappet, 8 Spiere, .r,iiia('uart Wugglinsr, GeoigtJNit, (Javii lliitchiu.,J.Ji ,iuIiiav..Vjaijwa W l'albrnfi, G-jotgrt D- Williau., Iiitrootf C i:i r-,' Wf.Jiaiu U RinUUl, T h Talbert, Jo..U h Huiyoiuli! H lWaVttk- sBreXli-SOT' T-'k'- , .. i M "": ' tlarniilt Coonly Jaiui.'t 3 Harjfrigtnn; John F Shaa; Nil! Mi Lcod, Hobert A Nor- M Turner end A J TOillngtoplI . ' .-- ; fiitlianor.litl CAiinfrt'l. W I1ll.4 ! Xt ...444.' t -Jot B O lnttf toah Rodorn, D A, Bsrne n I J W Grant, Jess Ply I be- faitf Calvert Sf Ma.li-oa Ciiunly-F M Lawaosi, J & Deter, D B Freeman, James tiano ay, James Tro- , W arresi t.ni-- Vl'tlfiant 4 White, Joh W Pal tile. John n Bullock.. Joha f! M. Oraw, James T Ruaaell. Nnlhauu.1 H JeweS, - Witli.M :W Willi. -K IVI I'BMto t'ouaiiy. Wllliw.. M Aastfo, i r. thiir rStijrallJtidnsrt Ikaiaasia W Wncher, James lcjjeily, Itiloa A Xieaaotia, Jsckwn Orefne, tbooia W Orimo,Rkbs, ard TaWtwi and Asa Brtrttrblaw.' ' ! itowan t.tiuatv-. J t Uiak tu vit... WfrlUm V ArWell and Peier WiUismaot-, . WaOii)iCoukty-iBieA 'Neils yhiitWitl!sliltri(a-ilW itiunimm&mW'.rwxxv Ward. m j-"-...'"-'k'" wo tanswiW Rockiniihara Cotinlv--TlMmaa Red I. ..t Tlimtiaa A Ragiand. .' " : ' Burke. aty.iM "g mft? tom,k p.tan.Ai Mu,.lewiHiak. liain Bailey and 4a Mildstrtirsjij. . ata County C A Jenkiaa. . Montfroraery CointjMm't fcfflin, Jswea- Ratten, Jsibm Wa,Reir;1 tHtM WrlKhl, John C Nicbol and iunn : Bl- 'fTjJr , 1 r-'1.'' i!yitiaii ( howan Ckiimty Cbarlet K Robintoa. Panjuorank Ci-unty - t.dm aol, Oeorvc OF.10I, Frank Vatrh;' f Godfrey, C W Unaaiflf, W FtONiarg. W Charles and f W Hlmy s ,4m Buucoml, Count,-Jh.ines jte,,! J.nw-s PlEllar, Iievi FetnlanV 1 i Israel sod Amasa Robetfs. ' ! i w katu Moor County Thomas W RtMr. 'Wit liam 4 iM,MMJmim,lW--&mt, Mclionald, Mt ..aAWm- Xtcorpt Tlllo0,34 T I-ong. . , , -j, .K.-a, wit i Hsywood Ca.uatyA, ) Mumy.' Iaaae Clsrka, DM Fwd, Hewry Fraaklia, Bambel Fitwerahi J Ml aWJtl M P-u. W X J.Tua, liI. Medfoiand R Owml , - J ack .m:o.inty- 8 0 JTflsdla, It; B.hP- t w. Murdectl Zackty Witsf, Enaliy, J J tltmpf Mist A.-Cdp.'-4 f' JUavMa .IIJNWtUcidi..-l3i..M,g..,-- ' -Wiltiaiutt pk WMltaw B llrcb. n Greene Cointy-J,h Harvey. Rkbard J William,, J.h"J Oswan, William R lrkby, losepb H Wiosi, Williaw T Dix on sad OA Bptvryv-'tisM 'H,isfd r ' ,- McPoweH COBtyWaitmll -IhitMaB C 1 S Cone'aad. Joha KltlniJ: A ui'.u M,.iK.n, 11110 4 irregory ao.t t liales H Wetlhv. F! '.ii ft'1 i.f.rt.,'rWVi,!.i .. - CaWrM Cauntyw-Victor O-Barririger. ClwbrrCtiiiWill1n ayr,T MetVnitw, Hrrli T Ahly,Chr;oiitjait ntry, Ger. W Fttgfitoo, J R Dicksy, and - Oatttita - W HaiU ii;-1"'-"'' ?' wintt . Rortse Ccieatyt-Jtsaalbaa Taylon Gaorga H Greenaj Frt.t4kk .Jtfal? Granville. CftuBtyrr-fciriert tjaraer, - Eo geae Grlsoirl, ftulpmoB ft Wir, and X D ItyeBa. - itt (Mf A Martia Ctnty--JolB Watte. WitH.m it , , JlwJjf-KJI s ims. aad,s1s-kss Vtslvr.'- , folk toualy-., Mania ila.nh.ett-, Wesbid pi.is.lale, James Jarkeoa, R 3 Ahr'ante, and J W Hampton, 1 ' ' ! 1 RiifWiord f'o.tnl!,-,0 W tiVsn. Rufua Williaeae, Israel F Horrels, It Mi Farlsail, MHMAltm"m Mmestii skaikanami,s.AV-. H- 1" rceman, tLdwar.l Usakins, R 1 MeCra VliWliiac44.il. kllrlls U-..II. tl.. 1 t,,v w ,1 jW ., , - t ' " ,, pettter, JaaMst Mcrariauil, John a (,'arpeo- tAAler1n,Bsaitli McC'arrt,' W a Wilton, R F Crpntr, 0 i 8parka L L Deck, A Holleifbld, I( R HnppelT B W Bartwr, W O Wallace, A C Martin, i W Ottsasa, arii) J'ev Jack; ' lnotr (Jotinty--Walter A Duni, a L Cansday, Aotboay Dri, JiiefrqaRiiu-a nd Jas M Parrot , 1 , ' Rohetwa- Cnuritjls. Siutilaj? tnS Reui A Howfl.c4- V'--1 v- , Cvw:CtantyaBtwRi)ienrey,Cbi R Thomas arid Free) I lime; 'f t t JolinetnftytJminty-Tho D Boaed. P P i u rtrnmntr,- vt rtuttntt JtiB u -( oat, danmc! Wootlt y, Rny Phillips, J 1 FK 'Rrrbirt WMaettKrev. "SFut JA Stuitb, Jas li lwbtav. Franklla PhUlips, i W D Holt, Tbo fcdtft. n4 Brvaa WHIiaroa. 1 Hueilolplt totiarvJotiil Poui. Hear Fieaat-lt,) Wat Met, Ja Latbsa, Alton 1 , . . . M iWP"' 'K".toin' Altrti I; J teat ilk. J at as 'I asil V I r - a. ' A k. r. - JiitiitK. J.. T ff..a 4i.4it li'lii.a7 U)L-.- - 4 w t .,w.4 ..4' t. t. t.rr , . , L, W. -. 4 4444t.tll4, aHai-ll! I 1 il . , UTWIS U 1 1 lowav. It. K. BenOMtt n I. lliuoit a... u fli'iialS' u i-u' fi '.4 ' '. "CbtiW 4in'y R R 5 Rrowtt; W O Cbarawl; Rear f H.Nigv lf(m R 0 llm. H.toktah treudefnon. It t -ifiA' tt 1J is.,4 tl. M aV. 'A ,3. aatr l).MjBty--f)rBry Mcit Ttoe Her tin, F J Willt.ma,t It Kepp, J'.vel Herl Mavtirt FayiN-, ffed A rvis, ) Petiigre, Jas Katttass, itake' ArrnfltilJ, Gideon Bryant7 John If VcbMe, A H Knsnp, Jno 0 Tbonipl son, V. C. Mt RM kle, Witiiam ttodgaa, B F tVost, Jaa V enable, Martia Alan., Jno Mo-- J Cloud, and Jeremiah Oa. Maffttf TOitnty-- R V irt-nr,',' V tt "Rig- .ton -ft" 1 tl.l,. A t 4. v , ...... .jv..., a, s t4 f ar.OB snt. A Vsiiifha.'" 1 ', . ' -' '-s " " r ihtwtsi to-tH B Otrtb-ie. jv-VKaAM- G.aill4'wmty-K W LassiUir v Person Cftntity- Jnlin Barnett, .-r. Br nett, Georga WJtoroei, Jueeph Mease? Ctieab-y lUmlLnJSintea-JJe-ges o ji insirsii. 1 Korthanipfori Counfv Edimin.ls Jika v aud Jataa VtKewirn. '" '-- , lkdgetnbe Criuaty-Robeit V- Atfatio .Cbti wajt Conaty - William R- fck inner, Joha U 'HIJ,iliert U Mitch. U tiid J,ut. A Wmnlard. ' ' i 'iHaywoed Coohty A I, Iferreii.1'1'' - ! ,i tiSlw CoontvWllliaia "Dinr. I Isaac Hauissy and Tkomat Duiicsni ' ' outHYnarttlo,M,w, F Moore, -- R W Wynae and "Willisut A Jenka ' I " VTtwTo.anu vnunry-ts-jiiiia w Iaitjaa -vnavaaea voonty-jona A Wi Il.inaht "' Cravee Oovinty--tli. hard T B rrv WM, Ilea W Holrtea, Tod R Ca'dwell t'emi,.,. awn AdaajB,iebssTi i, HwtV TCiti..i.-t ifr Pearwia,' Robert P Dkk, Thomas Settle !Rtlwia tteecW, Charles R Tboliia,. Daiiul I. Uus. II, V j Karhanli't Bovdee, Ouer u Dtickary. Gorg W tttijaaiad Andewn- !' H,,,",, OM' O'-Cve May II-- iglUt-- l-'-'t---5 ,-r- r - - Attrrt r- Etiwtni) McPhhkii Ctrl mtlAmHtm ha ' hm s,ta ?.'.'"4iL 4lW!:Wl.. 4A-i?ar fVffJ-H W.'-,. l-WsSv L Turk to tbe eft that a bauk ia liable. If ita ' ' PM'ug a m pronounce a c bet k r eertifi. eat (rood, even all linn eh it ts a .. iJ;lAjdr)X,divtJJjaBbaWkUs. aata aa MsemI --"j v wie a.-iier atu suuer ion Uieieby, .......... .v.- ..:.-..,-,..'., V