7" i t i gaffes r 4 .1. -WIIIMIWlBl Tit fbaetaa. published every Uj, nrH Bandar, n the fbliowuig rros : Thru Hinn'ba,. 8ioooth. Chi jroar...... Bnu-WeealySiUilat one yr, , mu-aiituUw.g Waafchr fUiiitneJ "ana'Twar : iM 4,i " six saotiths,, l. THE SENTINEL. VILLUM K- 1W 8KAT6.N OAlE, - -Ei?m,uia. BATL'KDAY, JUNE 6, 1CS ocn position. ami pecuniarily, is detiluraMs one. I'.j)i - ticaUy, we are poaitiv! unjurfcnt to relieve ourselves, nor are we nioch twtter prepared to Improve oar condition, speedily, in peenniarr sense. We have quiet submit ted to the "power that be," end compiitid with the rrrtniiuUoM ot tlie part; is author ity ,to the letter. ' Indeed, we have gone farther sod have borne, a well wecsould, the un just interfervm f tlione io power ith our time-hotiofe.l fusbnins tin) h1itii()et, MKi the- bi' luwakto -Uuritntiiitti,iiM against tbe hit rar, eal yet at relief bu com U our dutuxbed and (listnvctr M cnaa try. The Radical party haa drmanrictd eoo trol, with pledges to give jeace au l jir perity to Uiecooutry they have hudthiuga their own "way, mod tbe elood growa thk k-r and more threatening. The Southern people who iteni re peace and prosperity, and who are aoiiow for the reatoratoa t law and of tbe t'onatitulioii, are, titerefnre, abut op to the necesity of making tbelr appeal to the Democratic and Conservative manaea of Uie North, organ ized beneath tbe baaaen ot lbs Natiiwal Democratic party, mi'ler tlio.'idamt;af Providence, tor deliverance tnrtn oppress! ion and for rescue aad restoration. They are pledged to afford us relief, it aux.eaful in breaking the yoke of liu'lu-almm, and U lieetrfrttCUd," WWW 1ouTt11V& Jmfi.Tif, 'M rautiuun, and tiuiel, under (he lian1 .f iln oppressor, to co-operate, M Ur iu w c u, io aiding our iritmds of Ihc Niwtli W effi-ot their Hitriotic dtseigns. The Southern poopk kitve Msn Juvited. to voper,t with them. They hsv he"Q axaured that delegates from the Southern btatea would be -welcome in the! H 4tionl Dcmoeratio ConveotteB. TliU proffer tia beou made In good fuith, aad it ticcouios us to accept it in the proper spirit. We have been asked, "What should be the course ot the Southern detegntes in that Convention " It is nut awe pftVMits to .Hw&f ihi sm lion Tot the tnany able men who hare been elected ffoiu ttwmth, - Tber know, ins- better than w suggest, how tlicjr ought to act. Tet it tnav not bo unbeconiiiiij: in us to gi ve an opinion. Southern delegates, hate beca asked to co operate. They will be received cordially, but our people are modest in their demands, and will not forget their position tod cir cumstancet in that body. We believe that our Southern delegates will readily conre.de, that, to the Northern people, alone, repre sauted in tbai -CoBvawtioB, fieloog the riiit and tbe fesponsibllity of effeotinf nrh an organisation aa wilt suit tlwm.-iU laying down such 4 platform as tKty can stand upon, and tbe selection of such banner-bearers as tktff coo fight Wr mmI conquer teUkj li victory over Kadicalism comes, the" honor and the filory of the vielnry will be due W the Iemooratin aou Conservative mas -of I the Nortli, and not to us. It will, therefore, be our provinre to hffcw, nrt twt "'W" HP tempt to Imil, Kor shall we go into that Convention to be bovflU up by this -or that interest. W shall go pledged ' to no nun, or clique or faction, but io :pRr!H"r,ic, As to measdrtt and men, the North mhst, choose. Propriety, therefore, will demand, when we we asked by the North, " Who are yen fori11 to snyy 'm uimnV : ctto.ie, yau must make tbe selection, because on you rasta the burden of laeceM, and -when pow hart settled.. ikflititcly..jimtS.. xoursjlvea vhe it four thole, then we are ready to go with yon." - ..W,S n)"s$ Jiot hjtrejt, aidi after the de- cutoa lsver, as It was said at C uu-ago, by any man or his friends, "If it had not been for Um Southern delegates or if sneh and such men had not ploughed with IhenoUth era heif. r, siteh man would havrt Ix'ctr' nc lected." This mutt aot be said, nor will It be. N ATI OS AT. DEMOCRA TIC CONVEX From what we bear, there is a very gene ral desire, on tbe part ot the delegates eloct and other, in the Southern States, to at tend the National Democratic Convention, which meets in New Voik, on the 4tb. of July next. - The determination of some, pbitpitaUlwflui:ncc4.by, th ept;iiiic of the trip, and hence a desire has been felt, that arrangement would be made, with the . , Italic IUMad..ajuI Steamboat Companies,, fa allow perstifia, attending that Convention to do so at half faie, or one faro going and 1 returning. . '. 't v We regret to Warn,, fiom lieailiiuiittcra, that all efforts to proctire aiirh an arrange ment bare failed. We snake this atntement, - - for tbe-ifnrwt'ioi - W all- parties, Thiw who attend the Convention may, therefore, expect to pay full fre on the visual mates oi travrt. 1 -' - -I , . si" Tbe Bti-am packet lines front1 Norfolk, - Kewbern, Wilmington and t'haleslon are running with great dmpiiti-h and ptompt sess, their charge are ihikIi lower than those on Ut inland -sanina, and - trip at that season would U jtesiraUe and twee 'ia).w, nn.tT.1 nia I w -r- u-' ' We saw to day ButCbct ' Kuifv, made tfom the sword point of tbe gallant Colonel Forbes, wh wae killed as t ho battle .oi ; - Ooiitord C. H., March , 15th., 171. Home lover of relics should fcecure this.- Urerni ' v bur Tinttt. i ' , , h It I a reflectiott niton, the "lover f urn rww'V'Wsta-pTsewnt 44w-ytwetiisiiwiw-v-t 4he-word into "butcher knife. 1 , , , It t vosrioKmht predicted that tbe ... i m i. . . , . 1 uumwaaWiBPWlulia 1 , i lull jl 1, pilt lEC.l,, H J.Cip.; 1 1 - ecraUttarthw Imrtea ttafa (wnafe, w 7--ST .Vir COSSTITUTICS. We ff'ij thoroughly persusded that, ia sll that we tirtrn against the 6fcW CmatitedvB of North Carotins, during tee late Dsropaign, w did hot exaggerate the evils which will jcmuUie jmjtsj- laj?tr'p.All tlJn, tticatioiift point to thespeedy rvcogciitioa amS (; anise of the instrument by Cougrea. Wu nliarve that Jjr. (knelt Wilson fan sjjnkewTif rt in terms of high eoiogv, W dart- ay that it please kim. Ilia whole liejht ol a legislator fur Africa, ratbor tban, America. We dare say, too, that it is (.'onMitniion well enough adapted to the imfMMtim, yi 4uiaAji4t j, VV. A -U sijt. ; sue h an one m Um people of Nortu fcVo lina want ur would have, U they bail the power to refuse it, nor oam at all Salted to their coodit ion aoff reqUireiBeftW. ' "We say tlie people ttLptni&yXae yt)iQ the State km . inyWed mRi 6m right of ssffrage. - Aj for tl.e negroes, who voted Wider tbe encMnatitotloaal enactments of more wuat be was voting lor, wbee tie voieu , for the CofiKiitutioo, than be knew of e' Tilmud. We now make the predict si itoUnn akall bavs foas into operation, there will ki popolar clamor lot its aiaeod- meiit (n many important particulars,-- clamor wlii. li will not be confined to those bo oppowHl its adoption. , Tbe work ot or;vHUnr lipi a)ial fpv erement, under the provikns of this Con mimtlou, will be a tar more difficult' and complicated oue, than ii)H of orgaitiwiK an entirely new one out and oat, where none had eiinted before. Ia the- matter of onr Juilicial system, afone, the' abolition of the distinct ion between actions at law and suits in nity will involve aa amount of eompU- eatioa and liugAiMHi, tna cannot be rgu- tated or harmonised tn years, If ever. And then the division ul a tpirst-ljr Mttled coun try into towiiadiiptt, with spvuitlu bounds nen, turiKlK.ti'Hi, x, ., will bo sue li a rnuc- n'htf tmv e-rh Mm tfm. Iwmi. . ' .; .. ....LgeJ Cuft)jte And the. Iliuliu. vAiioii nion tun oieiti, euMtomn an.i assoei--atl.xis ol out people, th it rtriy expect i;n-at eiMi lusuiar and irregularity tltt; im mediate' and protracted rttaulta. Of the graver eyits likelto flow frotn this detest- Me Cormlilultou, we liave lieretofiire and (.(ten apokuu. It w unneeeeaary to pursue that Mbjent ftirtber. We must now deal with things as thef nhfortttnately exist. W might have some faint tope that the practical operation of the Constitution wi aid be tern per. I, modified and sobdued, if its manipulation And eeforeement . were entrusted to discruet, patriotic, Simstbie of fili'udly sge'nu, But, as matters stand, we have ne such expectation.. A or say veaaat to sail in is terrible enough, of Haelf, "but a rotien craft,' with a very bad and inexpert -eoced" crew lo tnaiiageIf,"S7 Tinder ntTcIr cBoiataneoa, to be trmted, not even lor a short voyage. But, as we have horetofora said, we will not prejudge matters. If thing turn out better than w aetieipat, we shall be free to admit that our apprehensions are agreen My disappointed. Jiut'weegaJb make the . pfttOieUaa4iM, ..hat. .. tiiensanUatiaia- ioi nhattge Will be speedy noil ion1. It is ob liged to be so. Jo people, in onr judgment, can llvo contentedly or sa'letv under such s funi.lametiul law, wiiich disfegsrds avery preeetit of pruilem,Tr att(Urd tf so clety, and avery lesson of vim experience. Tttsi AattmU j' ( '.nawsfos tauuuJajit mitk rctmiifi, that the repeated and emphatic pro testation by Oenetal (ifant of 'defereucs for "thu will of the oJe," arouse apprehen sl'in, "aot merely that th candidate (bu not Ulead what he says, hot thatlie means something precisely fh'e npitoslte. The two JVaiKileoss are (.lis most striking of modern instance iif man who ptufoaseUly worshipped the popular will, nntil they found the opportunity to dethrone it and put them-telves upas Mdec'N'oi national kloUtry, tia. tirant's remark is iiuiU) in the stylo of Napoleon the First or Third before thwy bad got ttrmty sesttfd tu the Saddle of France. Lot laviu.B Coiitmit. This is one of ou ablest" cxclinliigcs and lis 'cotutlitif are well filled. Oen. Iluckuer has removed to Lou iaviile, Keaturky, and has lieooine it &d- itur. ... . Cot.. Sr. IiBUKJt (iHti'FKb. Ii will be re- meiulierud (bat this irallant Kmriish ulliej. effocted hia ecaie- from the Dry Tortuas svme time since, at the risk of his lite, in an opuu boat uUmg sail from the Florida reefs to the coast of Cuba. Ureat uneasiness was feJt in regard to Ids fate, and bis escape iiuin tne penis oi (lie sea was inotigut to be almost impossible. We are glad to learn, however, from the Mobil Mtyuttr, that a letter lias Been received irom bun, dated Havana, announcing his safe arrival there, and seudinii his thank and aekuowledir- uicftJi4Mtikinii-,trcUwsiU. luauuui oX .liut oincers at u lortugas, and stating that he was just auoui to sau, jlor Janglaiid. Thu intelligence will be joylullv received bv Ctilentil Ufentera.mftBy rieada thrbsghont tue country, FORHET AKO 8tKVKK8--A PuoPIIBf T. , otitis to one of his "twf paoers. both daily,'" on the close of the impeachment mat, 1,01. forney, tderit of tbe "blird court," made this prophecy "Miouttl tbe Heiiato of tlie United Ktatei fail to convict ApUrqw Johnson on the ac- citaatlunsiltbe UotuH,aot an electoral vdte, vtiui uie exception oi me vote oi TV eat Vir ginia, Missouri, and Tenuesaeo. will be Kivoo to (Uh. firant in the , tioutheastcrn state next NuVcmbef. Bo Steven lironhesieJ :" That "if tl.s Pivsitlent was not convicted, tbe iRsdical camttdate would carry bat two Northern DUtlJAr-jusmaciiuaciu and yernvoat. ' ' Florida 1 fo come into the "Thiori witli a ffovermir frorAWteonsTa " ThoerBaanuin from Pennsylvania,!;. S. Senator from the t-aftem ana western Btatct, and a local Legislature made up of nrgroe and csrpet- gien, seieeieo -miB an toe woria ana the rest of mankind."' Creat Is the reitrn ot carpet, bags, and brilliant the Congreaa ional system ol llcconntrtKtton, They who leave their country for taeir country's good, tmmnhf 4 and exiielled weih ' tura- . th awiitfWTK--....h,-,,Ua,. 1 ..ii,-. btale,""aiitl SwiTiuirsanii "JlepreeiiCaUiiii In', nhA formulae fiAtiaa. In tl.a SttulA1 i-, " r . , . u.ni,'W a .i-. eUIHJ.l AAU.IliOja lubJUU 11 itk laVUC all 111 1 r9dtlotT, - ; " ' -' i' Hkkatokial CoL'HTEtr in FoiimkhTimu.. ' Gen. liiair, in bis w,t:h at the unvuhng ol f UN nentoa sraiue laat week, said "D,icSoni l hmjjed to the, g m-ration (A stt-,-.sfl which lollowid the founders ol thu govern mailt. When he entered Ooo ftreis, Monro was still Preid.-nK and some tcw-Ct' the Iramw at tU o.j Uottm wtw memlersol Uie rKnate and A i- it mi derstood and admired tin- f ment which these' men 1m uiaking," and rinKd slo tound veneration Whii '. etei embraced those who M3:tr. led m : i- no' xU"y,'i beloiigetf to the Tleriioe .tin ll H. W Will. I ha wm Mim.I .,. ,1 ,i v ,1 better etewphfy his respjcifiil devr.:,- to iiDsvenxciu man uie iMimint ioi u.ve in 11 ne naa mn.ie a siieecti in reply to some member, snd had spoken with force and Sni- i atatiop. "When it was ov.t (he says in his ! tetter) Mr. King, of New ,.k, cm..- um) ill a ....... ojf mr uji.i ohjiv (1 ; ',1 oi my band atitl said that, he would si,u,k t. me aaa father that I had uri-at .own. 0J that tie 't'lt a slnceri' !n(i-u o nuinii laive tun n..ei! oi wnnirt.; in; against the etttta-t of my heated itf o'i,rt. lion : i y leniH'ranu-nl v Io n J llitit midi-r thoM. -ir- i etlituec 1 took an utithoritaiivu runniii r, 1 upon the older tii'-mbiTj!, and ndvi-i- I mi to tnodi rate my ni inn r. ,l li!-'. i li -n- ton. 'wins real frlcndfliip, et,etn-ed t. kind nes of manner, and hail it i IT.-et ' 'fm-ntv yearn atVerwtirds !i nt-.n m. t t vi o -. w ..I ftllltlS King in ('oriole. Iind hi- i t-l t' i m 'that be wa Kind to h-t them both . I ho inrere lei" n hi had toi the ni. tii .rv ol their falher.' " - Tn Ciinsiwct.i l v Kji day, when reliL'io m Si-cls In t'r on i iT I IMJilllid t - ttmis dlvitleit and einhiitered t Eiwlanil, that policy which, -is i,('"llU- ' ihe ii f went, aiionin "teuu natvn"i- tin- iey that rational minds fnvored. Th were Cavaliers even who. when th. v li.i md l iit ' it impnssiblp tn restore' rtiSfteil, were w ing to submit to Cromwell a a Diein'.ii Tiiey were tired of anarchy and ,-,!n.-;i wanted pence and order r anything im'! than what erlstrd. H'leh aa-ntim.nit i - f urowiiijr up in this comuoini' v. T Hi. t tW-IMS'I'ttf W lUtd Any .laiit tu thclUdi-. ai lit -..utiot.li..ii ' programme. 'The N.-ri lot they are l'Mt l.i-.i..t pnXnVKHr1- "' I'-'" ''"" under 'it. It the liailiea .'Hi -;.!.' h j t it '!'!. v s i- no i,d . f j.r. .--. i i 1 v poiilii ian ill i io- cago were willing to take'Ueii,-.. under tlie feeble., wiahy-washy piutluim aduptid, it waB because they kn. vv tlmt thu iuim,.i ol their own party were ile'. rin ji.,1 to have him as their Candiifa'c, aio-tlier with e wiltiiwil a-platform:- 4e:- Hrtm nn-h-r-stands thin fully ; hence he treat the p in form aa a tiling of ahie.ls im I .ateiie What a rebuke to the Noitheni l.inaii.-i.l and incendiary tulken, rrities and nhnf: whangers that the man ot war ahonld b looker! to as the one best tilted "to nrtlh: th, Hiftutn." The st4 ol tlu: AmiiriMJUrwiw well may yet ti rwiiiirt'd to hih the elant ors of an American "Kump," UicJiuumd WMg, RjKJBrTioN of JJon, 1 1 K N n y S;ONtiKiiVJ.r ; Tbe Senate yesterday jiTe,eii,it. .i ,m out rage which, in malignity and iniu-iiee, is BOt" ? Jt'gel fiHT 1 h ti J' brtficrii..tis!r..lis Btiifsea of numerical powir which have signa!i..'d the rule of tyranny and utitrajre on "the part of the Radical majoiitV in that ehaniber. Mr. S anbery ia ktiown, throuLdiont the!''' whole Union as a most eminent and diwlin !. gotaiied jurist, whose profeKsinnnl ability! aad high personal character hnvc shed Im"-. ! tTwnyww'tWe rwr-rf ttw f'nftftt (Wste." "'Ft' emptary tn private life, and ad. .tiling the Social sphere with rare virtues he l.clont:- to that old and exceptional school of public men wno are deservedly regarded in mod els, and whose wrib and 'fume from a i irt of the national liistim-liini. i ne (iremoeiu nominated nun lor the it position which' lie recently honored, andlli fi'OUl .wlliclL.ha VtlluilLaxilv.. .wiliulruut in or- Her to take part in the impeachment trial ; and now be has l-en shamefully rejected nod for no nther reiunn than became ' In dischargtsd that duty with fidelity and .. a!, and with an ability which dnarlnl and -h-feated the iinpeaehera. A diaappointe.l and partisan majority has nvcitfred itselt np..a a pure and honolable man, the Inn-ht-i ot whose shoes they are not worthy to lo .se. flaf. laid, ThkLaik Ex-riiKxini-M IIuiiimv tue papers ui an puiitM, uuu le e-.vot .a-- udus, pay approptiaio ttioutCH to the niciu i .trirrvf Ilia tall. T.Pi-.itit.,nF Tnel,,..,.,.. Tl ., 1 Philadelphia fatlger, in giving an interest ' teg sketch ot his life, remarks r j "He was regular and methodical in all lii.-' habits, rising at six o'clock in the morning, j and having every part of the day reirnlurfy allotted to its pnrticiiliir work, duty or I U'istire, nntil his hour for retiriii!;. wdiii'Ti' Was invariably ten o'clock. In hn li.,n,e lifn at Wheatland hi manner wen kind and 1 genial,1 and his habits eentiillv d m.a'ic l allhohgh thoroughly hospitable. He ma le I it ajiractice to visit all hi neihl or of'j every station ot It 10 m the auiroundinjf ; country iri his regular evenim; walk, 'chat- ! tingwitn them about tiieirihotne attatra, and was personally much beloved by tlu-m all And lattt, though most Inipnnant to Imn DOW, it is due to bis meinory to say, that Under a!1. the craft of stntennieti there as n vein of religious devotion in his toivate llte,roncaled tram ad but thoe h ) knew htmirtTrt, oTWhrt lived lit hi- ltoue,' and this may stand him iu stead, now tilt lu has passed away from the at rites well as (he honors of thin world " rHlUTIlKltN 1HAI1K WITH Ual.l IMOIt., The i6n irivcs the followinir statement oi the receipts of produce from the Soutli ' at that port lor the month ol May : T'OI cotton ttiere Was received 2,107 bales, : PWtf bales irom c hark tcoifv 71 balii from Norfolk, 431 bales from Svitnuah, 45 bales Irom Kieltmond, in bales drOm W il mington, n. and 2.1 oaiet troin other North Carolina porta, Of nayalstores there wr received 8,66S bt:rel ritain, S58 bands sufr.it turientine and 051 barrels pitch from Wilmington N. C. ; 1,578 barrels roaiii, 14.) barrels turpentime, 2SJ1 barrels tar and 20? barrels Ditch frotu other North Carolina ports; 733 barrels rosin, 701 barrels spirits turnenfltte and 2U barrel' tar from Norlolk . ad 92 barrels mem ana 0 barrels spirits ttupentinc from Bichmynd. Fri'tn. iiteb mond 1,827 hoesheads And 841 packaitt k tobacco- were rtttciveit, and from Norfolk 313 packages. Itesidet thn- above, Inroc (jrisatities of lumber, shingle , al(j..k( heading, ftlt, early vegetablm, i'nilu, ilui,,. hare been tVeceired from Southern iioru. giving fair employment to tho fb.-et of little steamer and sailing vessels pit ing to those waters.". - v""- , ' "- V" A Lcsma toft Vs. Mr. Janice Bmatl. ot Washtnatoa City,- voted the Conservative ticket Monday. , It ts stated that on Mr. Stnall apiMaxuiR tth?,Post-oilioe Tuesday was oidered to leave luiuietlialc 1 . - e , a ..-,-,;..n, -1 , umw, n was uituueu w leave luiuietiia ly. Hut u Boutbern man discbarircs a negro far voting to dtafranchfafe him, some arbitrary military satrap declare tlmt the fuLliaiiU La taiijjUi auoiiL ih. ai.,-yi,. ! his n a free eotmfry. - - - NEW ADVIHTISEimrTS, HCtsr, Sugar, e)sur. A(KU)J COMBO " 8Ca AR, very fWp. For sale by ..ne 1 DuVOLAS BK1X. j. JrrUnr, Ilt-rriiis llerrlui. i)r1lll ( I'f tfKHI.ISaS still band, liHii iil lie tl(i atlioveat nirkot prao. . 6 ir UuUOLAii BELL, !' Genuine Peruvian I -Tm--etrirfTt1l'ltlrit t. r Tl tTAT lr(.gt Vl5 - , . ... iki i .. .mull n ua HO)- Ci-oU tier Xi Ft i i ,; ,, skwula ukU .. SSOI aat, (I tth 3 i Itlootlwortli i e "' . - i W. II JOKKM k CO.. if Au't'rn and Vmst. McretiRfiU. KOfhlUtV AT 41 f'IO. Msi I m-l(j .1 li no Of li. IHOH, 'n:; .M at TOWI.K1 At CTION, one '"I IhihI ItlKIKAWAY in ruuiitni- n,.. s,.(i ij I. ilAKNF.-v. kh.l .Vi,. r i JAi. M. 'I'OWl.EH, Auiiouei-r Y OUNG'S IK) A Hi) ING HOUHE, .1H IIIK VMHKOl'ol HOIhH, I M I I l.i II.I.E KTREiiT, BALFylGH. H. C. It. mill, j,,,- Ih-, (X,4(. 1 i , - In to.i.. ina.l. on li.,r.t by tlie Month. ini'i ,. .,(., i,, i ul, j,. ,,1 W(,J f,H nilo-d. MK. II. W. MILLER'S ISOAUJHNG MOUSE. DAY, ", WKKK AND MONTH. 4 ru, 4 or n, 4 orn. ) n(l HI'.hMKI.I I'HIMR f Corn, iul arrived at W U I T K " f i t ItUki'H A Dolilrs. .XI.H Mlllll: AUAMAS'I lNKCANlll.tS .Jul artlve.l at ll 1 IVIH'HCII A IH tl s 2( , smiir, finiiir. i.isl.s. MOUI-. l.tikllToN J..M I V. Jut le Itami At " "i I'i't HI'IC II ,V IM lltll'S. S' ': koai : "' If t'l't;Ht'K('ll A DOIll) s I or Sale. fllVtO HltsP li.M'K COTTON tllNS, 4.i and ill i .Saw u -1.,. tun. W. II JO.NKS A CO., .bo.' -lf Audi 'a and tN.iii Meiehanta. T Fur Sale. NIC liuii-n NICK I STI I K Plan within two ..f tbe City. Comfortable liwulliug, (lin and Cotton I'rcea and ueceoaarv lb. ...u-l.uil.hiiH, and a mee voting Orchard of uideel iauiC. . .... . . . ! W. II. JON I'M A CO , : Jiiu. .". If Ancl 'l and Coin. Merchant!. M - Olt'H OFFICE, nAi.EiGll, Jt ne 3, ima. AN OIIIH.NANCE of the City of lUli-ixh re- e all citizens to thoroughly eloaDae their inw, dnriuir the lirst am Uy of MY. Juno. ily, August and WeiiUanhcr, in eih and avery anil tu deuat frum the practice ol tlirowiu iolio.li f biiv kind in the Btreet of Uie City. XUii I'ukat -wilt iuia. the priuuiae of ail jmr- ,..(. aim r..ioi-i iiiiaw wno tall to eomly with j Viet Or. liijatiec ai.il aiibject theoipelves 10 a lin ! .it tin, which will be strictly utorcwl. j I i.Nii.f. etaut nhiitil.l he frelv tiaed toon-nerve I 111. h, nltli i,f the C,lv. . WM. II IIAVWtMJI), Inn. :it Mayor. A 11 ! " North C l-olina r.ftl-.l. 'ttTr ir."er: irmwjtfflir mfft if I'II4T4M.K tl'IIS! rpitK Sl'nsCKlDKH haa litat returned from .1 Ntiw York, widi a aplemtid colleetioii of riroTtiouAi'iiic matkkials. The tioeeHt atnl flncBt ftsaortltictlt of FKAMF.S In iieht to tlua place, in which pieUircx ,11 be 1 0 AL lace.l at in icet. to aitlt lite timcH, J''.HV---tvt eond diaa from Tileknr Hall J.uuu.4 3ut J W. WATSON, (entlciiun,s Furnishing Store. t 1 AVl-.lik AUilt.latHMnMtarv Ul a linuUumaui .t.latHMMMtary w a 14. 1 Hit can lie obtained of IJ coiiij.ii CLO 1 1 1 I KRS itl'I'OSlTK TUCKE11 HALL, JII'taT KK4T:iVKIIt! IMNK HI. AC K UUKSH Hlil TS, i FiNK It LACK ALPACA HACKS ANI ALPACA FliiK KS, icw lut of wry rttipormr Will I 1-7 MAKSK1LLK8 VESTS, Vi., tWwrllo m waiui -..! her. At R. B. ANDREWS A CD'S.. upuuiiiie Tuckr 1111. June i It Kaleih. H C. J If V U KtKt V ft l: NKW tyOT or FINE DSK8S SHIRTS, A Alt mi-ra. A perfect rtt Ritarsnteett tn every tn-MtarH-e. All p.-.Hni.N in want of auch a luxniy eh.aihf call anil -ninply th. maelveaat once. At It. B. ANDREWS A CCVB., Uknt's OifTriTTino Ksta uLisny kmt, , Opposde Tucker Hall. Jnoe 4 11 1 . -I BaJeisbN. C. "1!"al 'i'Asf.il pi pi. tisi; -" ' ' V-1' ' kahkb RKMJ8. im. i. jsioau. KFlt Blf.ftS A CO., COTTON FACTORS dcnrral Commlssloa MfrrhaBts. SrK4'll."AKry itrfril.sx ATTESTTIOir to sates of Cotton and ail other kind of pre tlaoo aad irua4 XHiaras BMtila. -t Oar long eipwieaee i business fives as saris rlitr i4vntj,-ei in making safe at Um kiKhoat market (ftieea, .... ,u cm ion lorwaroeo to uvarpoot m ot peamaf rlOY..iW,rt'ilvll.ii n a. .. .. ..naw .m a.n - '" "rr TtTTS'. JZZZZJTriZr uZTETl. Ursft, sate rtoa. JB,,- f. Moon, &leik : A. T. Matt, immw w at : caa. Auam 4. tleatli, Bauut. lelil,; ata, ti. n. tint, taaison j urn. aoacas ti W, WIWw : Von. At liif (, Tarbtiro, an3 B ' wtlaiat i Htm. As HieS, ThHkwo. Norfolk, Vs.?Juue 4 -tr . inscixxASEoiJs. IiYfos the BirsnuwiiK COL. C. T.AMES' NJEWORLEAXS . mmi m -circus. THI ONt.V JOI V-IS ksi. AND l.UiliKjtl' XSDI.tMI 11. m iiivipk -.,n tedrtlm in tli itiv,-rM., in rMtr for Knl eurti. sntt writ itTtirr ironnr the Ttirti mirt. r e.- atare a ! il.'em. n , manoui.tl. t'Oattf.rw, Ao. , Ae. ne a bt TO HI 1 1.1) i: it. f r a 11 1 K niiih ruiKiH-.i vMil rooi-tre pi.jjnH for tin SUt-iairvuu. lat -tlir. 4klA. HiMn.ttti J ail la lk town of WKtfo.buro, nntil 'be anih'or Jiim. - The C'minty mute irnniiin, t April Term, fur kvinK the taxeii neef-hnary for sitiil i.?iirn. lY.iMal Io be un.le hi wriliujj or by jerni:i!il interview with . W. i (,,, chairman of ide Itoard it Coniniim.iotn r K. W. COt.fc 1 . HAW1HAVE, i. w. i i rii h, I' Kb H4KbHON, Jiuh) a-4 s. a aukoma. FOR SALE! ; I H t I.TITIOItl'.. VN OI.Il Ei'r.tbt.tHi:il WIIOI.KHAl.E Bai l) 1 eelitrallv l.-atei1, lilteit up in V ry v , 1 1 . . ' 1 1 " l U , mi. I a Mount hn- unoMi, ui t wuij . ai.if nii'sw.4Jrkwtt'-WBit MU. litf int. rent to a il. wiral !e j a r I iV, r . itltli a esah eapital .rf Slil.uno, Thin ti m . n."i I n mi y iar.li iui itT-ie.l, an lher is already a Ri.. hnain. .-tablulie. siul canaity t.e fciilaiefwt t:, mimIm very i.r.'titabh For nartieulaiH, addreM iin ;il7 llaltimiirr Post Office je ,1 71 Htllslsoro' foul .Til ii In u anil Truna- portallon 4 imuiy. rTUE ANNUAL MKKTINOnf the stoekhohlen. X of Ito) HiHiiU.ro' Coal MlMttjr and "1 i atiwf.or tauon Cooipaiiy will be held at 'their offlne, No. 112 l-arl trt-t. in tlie City of New V..ilt. on th. tirat Tueaday in Jalv nesi, at 1 o'.-l.K-k I' M W. H. WKK1INS, Jiuiot 'iawt.l he, reUrv. North Carolina Military and Polytech nic Academy, HIM.ll4KO', . 4. 1 SECOND TKHW 1 begun f laia truia July tat. Ca.teU Will la. received . il Ul 11 Die l.'wr eTmibtrw .'fvorai-fo- p fwi Tf'rmat.m. twV Uia ttt.s 1, L. 1 Il'v, June 1 lliaalm .in-. . imetuleut. Kiltrt'irH Srlnif Kcinile t'ollegf, a in it v 1 1 ! on n i t , is . '. tOMMKNCKMKNT IKlvM t.U Ul anv A.hb-ea bv lii -v I . I). M Ki-nl. il 1 1. Concert ai loeht, ny.i. i ill.- in aiai-ln.-i.t ,, Prof. Jlin. KoerlM-r. (lls.ilMlte nf lite Uln.i.-Bl Cote acrvatot v, Muui. a. . ;,. . A I'he Siiljt.utli previeu.-. S. in. ai by (l. v, H. T. HiuImou Tlie next KeKwii.n will ., . i. I In- M.Jt.ilav f,,!low intc .Inly title Ibirin llie (reaei4 Nch,.latle pear, IMll .ir..l have utatrl.'il.ated. 'TUin to I ci,t,h Iui iln. It C. It llllllilt K, 1'l.e'l June 1 tin Killlell'rt Hj nntra. IN. C 100 tAKKTH'--'--Tsrio,ir aim' '"-"' 0.!t A W. C Ml ItONACII tuav 'il tf knulT. I'OCNDS I ;a.'d. Try 11 Nt'UONAtTI. !. T A W C Hortli Carolina Hinihg Property for Sal in Baltimore, VERY VALUABLE GOLD MINE AT AICT10N. r WILL BE 80I.r. BY VTKTt'K OK AUTHDIi ITY vested In Uie nnderalyned, at. the Ki ettannre Bales-Bowm.-'fn-'rhwrtffrflfyiattfmW "Htf Tueaday the l day of Jnue, IHH, at on oiel.ick. P. M ,, all dip propr't.y of the Haltimoro A Mont gomery Muting Company, hutWr known a the 8TEELE GOLD MIRE, on tlio Tfthftrie rfrer, in MontKrunprr rmintT, North CaroHa, containing alat 1W ACKKS T;ANI, with all ft fiqrdfrtnvxit, Mmminfc ttfiwb Kipam KiigtiifH, oitf t.r 10 hi u-11 ami llicnttuT (.1 25 horix) power, rnmpn, two rotintf .im1f.1e, Hi ftttt diatnftttT, 3 Wahrst wih IWkirii aid IMtrii.Uitdnnt, a large Jiiwnliii-hunso". lUmi. HtablPB, IfSAfriflm.th Hhop, a?.(! arum I 2 Miiall huiirwa for i.i'r, A a. Thin inineui known otiti uf iha mit vlnij)i intljia country, aut.l Bufliciciitij dvclofUM, tt a dtipth of upwards rf IM) tVff fO Hm to justify rx tfimiVH opcration ; thvpjn in cotitposttl ifr ffitlawvu Hlate , and fnnn an annfitfoim ld of from 10 to li h'vt Iu lhirku6, carrying vuty rusU Btronji vein of frt-e ead in its etfutrfc. lhorougti ana ronaoie Gxanunation and Dor'iH haro befn ramie by Prof Chat. T. Jackson of Bttftton, Irof. (l-ertth, of Phiiwiipphfa, and tin lato irtij. Huter, wno au agree and rtprfeiu this miuintf nropertv of grunt mti iiimo value. , Tfci Lt Ui u4fe)awu a ofaalt).. Kor further mjonnation aa refc;ardt! rp rln Ae., A o, apiiv to No 153, liultinjory 8t., Ilalnuiurt). urar 2 dAnWiaw4vT A- MANt'KACTUHEH 4r? GOLD AND SILVER WARE. KKEF9 CJiNTANT1,T ON 11 A NTi Gold and Silver Wan-hea, (lck. ne Cntlerr, Table Wttre, - a-Bts Jewelry, wptwltst-les, ' and all articles usually found in a flnt-.laa ea- abllaluueiit. Hall and see. Jane I flm JIMP! JtllP" 1JKBT KillHT V ' at o'ejock Jane s-oadjw. IrHIED FRIIT. ATfE WANT Af-riVK. relttnle Aeenfs at ev. T V rylpot (m Krnit aetiti to aoli.it nm- aisnmouta ami aanbaaa an aiuda U JfltllAll ritUlT. i , , liberal advancement will lis msde on al) eon- stiiitnente, npowreeemS-of Brfhr-of linny-,-"reotf qtuea met sua prompt rMwrMruHi(l . -Oally li uie L'atrebl Mat to Uioae sWrinj thtm. , . . j. n. ntNTER ro . Oeneral Prod ace Commission Moftn&,"T"3T ane sw . mrtiHttoaui, . - Wtlminirbio ioamasi talent Prm, rhae loti Tiaxia, aad Mamuw Hw 4,',; hen, copy two weeks and rwrd biila. .. , ,. , . (M iTsall . Tirnf HAT.r nUIA It Uerrlniis.' A w dsji dois Biiad. fMertait At rVajthr Ba. W. at. JON U A D4. . ta.v wtviisflssaitn 2i. . . ' ! try ffsa Juse a-U . W. USrROHACil, j i 8 K K T M. 'Awes 4ete- Janet tf (l,T,iff BTKON ACH. ETaA LIFE INSUHA.KCE COMPANY or iiAifTFOiii conm: I 4-iiMRrei. snW "i1"1 .i'i....i.. ..... ... , .!.' I.. ..jJit,-1! 3- r ' I! nmM fci.it ai urLi-.jat--... ; . . -,1 mvtimxm t '. wvi. " i i .1$ e kv -i .litnWM1; ,v V i4kv' '--t- a , " -s, .Ma. la-JH - -f I r ," 01. '' . 4 tke.4j'. rf.iwtih.fcs)tsn.Ijtf iBsnraisre VruWllaH)llLla-' tn,aaii , ment of any I ouiiiany, or liv alno.le aai-uu-.ti, ai.thlll(; I, )! fo, the Jt'.TliL heioi h ' ... t L... ...... A ...! ... ,i.',J k... i,. .. . . I ........... ...... . 111 Mm Ooiu.suis in Aniwu a, made to ihe show tbe talio of en.i'iie Io each tlot) rereivoi by itarv L IMK it, tll he bb that th t-Jl.etii:a of tile &tt llialli ai ( i; t (.Ullliiai wrar t in tmte. tl 17, arid m 107, HUH The rrrei ... tl.c iCm at ra, in tttoa i sMsi latin, .i,iaiM76, and in lee7, ', '211,447, ConaianienMi. its sanii in Hit! Ihr. e years -walfaTm JL1- W, to which add 7 r cent inierr-Ht to July t, 1MC IW,17 M, najkti.K a-nsvawi tosat al awa. avd over lh averi;eof all .after ColuimiucH. ft,xw;, una in the nieiianri 01 bh...b, a apiilied t.v tlie l..u l-.UKnr Wtllit, tha gresteat of l-.' aclual l. 8. In all Conicaltie. i'd aoillilv meatia that th CofiMnno v.1.m. w.-t.. aei'lea vmai.'Wi.aos(iEa'WHe wawul I OUlOhUV, tin Me ciiIiipt.rli.oiJH .,t ettl. lal 1 lii.sttraittv i wii i- a.-M NFW Yktt 1 Kva-tiRis I WiA. Cotineclieut Mutual Charter Oak. Equitable . 41 lobe Mutual. tJertnania (Jnardian Mutual. Home Knickerbocker . . . Mutual Li to. Mutual Bciuflt Manhattan Maas, Mitt uul New Kiiojand Mutiia New Vork Lite .. JNotiU. Aniaucau.. l't-ixmix Mutual Securil y l nion Mutual Waahimrton :t7 ll! :i:t I 111 3:1 4 0 0; :t.i us 4S OA M , ;)i . :il wi 1-1 ' 411 ill 117 (Hi Z 0(i , "7 11 ;r-' tw Av. Tin lllfic ol It) (', ".Kina" . . . ,lianl H 1 1 711 i!t! lllllel Ti.e .t:tta "f.'.r Itk'", wan ' (i ,TjK"."TK)S', Tiii'tilu'rh ' ln,i; :i 5' :i7, ' ltw.7 " tali'.), Hi . vi, t. .umpouiid inteiewl b. July 1, ,d. 7 per 1 -UI havt'ti 1.-V (lit , tlie oflu iiil (cpori. J ii no I tf PHCENIX MUTUAL LIFE INSUIiANCE COMPANY. i;iM rEMKMie,, I'rc.idcni. j M itfArVV, la the laxajle of Morih (larohna, 1. It l Mutual l . nntpany, the profita beinH ilituled 2. Itaittaiired ai ailowaU to travel and rcaiu Hide 1 in aeaaona of the ye 0. Io. divi.temU have aversgad SO per cent yearly by.UiciitMiirf.il. '4,vTlioncte'rf';!l'Wfftrl!ffi lia loanoa have been met by the annual interest over to awell tbe KPlteral ftilKl llelonfi-inK to th Insured. II. It has paM over tM),4MN of lnes, ami T.'-fta rtmf TOtie-ares-en) asaoy 8. It will hoc isscak an esaoeND litk. tl One hslf Ihe nreminm will be reclet in the is kkvkb liediictoa frem tlw fa.) of tbe nolicv: 111. It has no ooMKKtrriow with Fiat- Imhcrancr. Rrhitior (hitriu lf.r if (he CoiiijMiiilrs (qurttlitiy i' KoHh C'ariJimt. WI to their tm-k mul LiulnlitieH, taken from tlie. jVf inrk Jnmranc Jitpori for the. year 18457, whit L Ia the, hist, ti-puri-r-ahmvivti how much nf Atttta m (hmpiny hm- to mivt rarh dnllnr nf TAnlnJify? ' - . fTrtpvrx Mrrnr .1",TNA ONNKITICOT MOTI'AJ. Kyi ITtei If Manhattan TV ITHKN'IX atDTDAL offcra peculiar inctu x latuaa uith i Kaxd to residence and iran 1 htinu 1 licmt ntatt'inontaare made from lmpattial n-)jrts ri;.'...w hi;.. n i . ,kr: m sRvvsn.MiaMa, f.nTrr i-rnyT-frtni-iimi .aii.7aiia.a..i. ai4 For ftirther fnformsfiori, apply to the Trm'eHtnff Areitts, or tn Jan. I--124-3B UKOOKLYN LIFE IXSUIUNCi; COxWaTy. ! , It! ! ' e isi Ll s 9 A i' id 0 s. M U a. J U ABSOLUTELY NO RESTIUC-TION V 'all policies PosmvEiY '' ' fi t "Jr" ri 'i,l',V.M af " ' w. " - ' 0 .. ' ." '" ' ' "" ' ' fl'oi 1 ' ( 9 m ' , F 1 J V " -ii' il a J: ; f ; Ve i i.'tljl--J. fmi ,, . - - ,JJx..a.rfi. a...i .iii,. ."' jfi -Ui, i ... 'j Q . J j otMt, BesiT'.rsrt of tlie premiTirri loaneti, ami no fotm'of premium ntft UaUe 4r--' ai ou the polipy in case cf dtati after the fseconjearV ""'? ' ' ' Willi IH 1 ' ' ' ' 1 iV SM ! .at C ft:, mK TliU COMPAN. OFFKB8 PIUIULIAR ADVAKfAOKS TO- THS BOfJTHXKH VeOFtJL-tfft & ' Us most .",,,. - . V' LIBERAL COMPANY IN TUiUXITED BTATEjC Ilaratawlj.iiiciaWis.lAM.akeri ' '""" '" )r moH Jfo: ,-At , DtAoatlwny. New, TTbtVXnty. WB. Mi CO LB. srre4Fr, ' tamaKmweiwaiiiisaiaawn Inriinnatiu) gWTy famld Si sSail, f, m k,. a- ...... ... j, t, j'Asij .Si vjj-'"'' -4- KJmh, N C, atarek 33 -litf 3m 'J!Jl.icir. f the Hist of htwXo aba U,..l :-h I i.ti.i.i,v, for the taros .r.L. i w "f1 mm Tn-L i... 'ai are a. I. lewei lhati any otha. romnati. . :.i 3 11 mil of ...eh S10 riw.4-aJr7. . y mean, that the Caiawau; wh.(. am t BlaJVTT i-laitej.m', 1 stau ment plainly fhow -T-SltiaX ivitiu'it in .liiievHtl. ITJilXrKSII.Nli aee. iter and ( hnniH mri out of lach 100 of income. I . j, 8 Yer Avertg.. I 2S HO 89 18 W l 81 4t 83 n 45 1 as w 38 00 40 1 80 54 SO 44 88 18 M Hi 5s ai SI at).;. Jtu 44 as 71 i t) e s 44 4.'t 83 0 f 8 U 7 04 BATEt;'" ' SliXI7 M JM.HV) 8 I'll. Mi IM iM,m 4 'J ft ! :ui N i :U ti? 17 sa , ;: 1 '.'ii in t,H :io tut . (;; :;i .'.n :i:t U :;o h.'i Urt fcti .-&.M,T. :;o 9? :! :in j SIH -in -10 2ti 81 II 41 12 no on H4 M HA 87 22 70 jj 27 :ttt ., :t: ! :tn fn J 4-4 a 4s j, Jt ...U.4, 2Q 30 t, 70 ii Hi M 4 1 i7i, 111 Jt! .12 fit) HKl, 4 !Sl 11 an I i, hy till ,.ho t!?,Bat the J W. H, C&OW, Maiafr JAflllN F. Ul Kit, fiettretsir)'. Urn AKnt invitaa their athntuin to aha l,u. anioriR tho ngured any pa, t i t tba Uniwd Btstes and Enroll, at aU and are ptyahln on tbe tmnnnt of Dreirilnm uaid """ ' ' '""'' -''''''-.-',.. received alow and a surplns of toterssl left v ilntm sd i rt mm boU of tlj jt. d ableli nota, ia ease of daath, . ll 74 ... 1 T .. i n - 1 116 4 4 . 1 4 U!IMJ,t uieiiis to eiluens ot Um Soulhoru HtalasK. aJuiuat uiiiuuirt.i.1 in the hands of tha AKMiuof ths Cdmiwnv iitl.ooi r. , ' WILIIAM . BAOIIY, . . CitneruJ AjTtvtitiur Koahiwokii,,-- RaJeigb, N. C. , POX TBAVW OR BESIDENCB woi-toumiUt! -im.; 1 rvr 3, 4,tw5 SKW I IIRfSTTAlV W, not'CH. Prtss. , j, . . , w ' W ' iat ,(' ft UWM.TSCX, w?e.?ii'-v&ffl.tt'ftr ,'Ji, -

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