,fc jvmmtto ,m k-... mi -- . ' ' y - - "' ----; , j '"fir 5kfaW:$mu& xsu.:cr t : ri' w riaBaaCTi lupin si- iinnacac-.T.-i .- . .. , ' - , ..1r. ... .-' , f , mn m m .(r. ' (. ' " RALEIGH. N. C, SATURDAY.. .JUNE ?0, 18C8. NO. G. THE SENTINEL. sy, star 'fin i wm, e. rax, parwTo. At no pHl, lnc the organisation of th government of the SUM, has t General Assembly Biet, burdened with so great a responsibility, aor mm whose duties required so much ability, wimtotn aad virtue, is the one wbteh assemble st thecal! of "Governor etset" HuMea, o the 1st, ot July next. It it UM, itadatier bo l aew tin Dies rented is legislation, ud possessing the requisite " ' tntlligeiicct -bseaaac Cia"-'w mm&itm sod virtuous and iotelllgep't, have gone he lore there, but (be work belore the incoming Legislature is, nevertheless, onerous and of the highest responsibility. It ii no affectation, when we say, that we would rejoice ii tboM elected, and to whom seat will be allowed, Were eminently capa ble ol discharging their obligation, Hut wo remember that the ablest and most fit roes to perioral the work of legUlation, at this period, are among tbe disfranchised class, whom partixau malignity may not admit lo the seats tor which I hey hare been chosen. Tbe revision and proper modification ol the laws admitted to be in existence, lt which will require arrangement, Ac., will demand a very able committee, aiul oue every way industrious and capable, but which the material of tbe body will find it difficult to supply from tinier claimed to lie "truly loil." Tbe untoVtunate, ana, m wrbWUTC, the very unnecessary and vexatioua, cbstige ef fected in the rule and practice of tbe t'onrts, destroying at distinction between the Courts of Law and Equity, will require great lIr and cause much difficulty. So tar as we hav heard tbe opinion ol the ablest lawyers and jurists in the 8latt. there is on noaaliBOU' Vapprival of ttii (V ature nt tbe new Coostiiution. The attempts which tiava baeo nude, in other Stales, to iuror porstc this ayateui, we learn, have occasion ed vast complication, nod le i to Rrost i s penseand dissaiistsRtlon. One of ttiebrst ,i;dj;,JliiUtBe, id ,lbft. UU OonTenrion, to fratue a t5BatittHi, is fwr nltbed by tbe fuel, that this ebsngw waa et feeted by" one Tourree, a saddle-bagger, who nejer ilia totd any onv in the State, ao far a we carl leirn, where be was bom, mr where be csine trom, except that he was last from Ashtabula county, Ohio, and a oikb wU tj A lyw and l not knawn to have ere.' read law. Tourgee's persis tence and sttibbornnea carried his piint against tbe opposition of C. liodmatl, and all tba jlts ia ili Convention. Mr. Kodiuan will have tba ratiiatle satutfaclioa ol baiiig tbe chief igeut, iw, In Irswiog up the rules and regulations oeceasary M incorporate tbia new fraturt upon onr old sjstem,. s., . . The tabor ot providing, tor ut raorganit zttiou ol our Courts, lor taxation to; meet the expenses of tbe government, and tor the new school system, militia system, and the psymeotof the in I ere-, t on the public debt, will be Immense. Also for an entire teor- gaoiaation of mnnicipal matters in the Counties, townships, &e..; and these, to ! getber w ills what munt-wu .ufs-4sv-ordl--, sry legislation, will conwime irtiich lime and will call for a very heavy levy to meet accruing axpenscx. ,W can think of no dutj ol tl up proacbing Legislature, which will tall pUMssantlj upon the earsof our people, rx ,'i'ti''dwiy"'iMvSSinjibr' the" election ol turn members of Congress, during the ap proaching &1U. ..This. my be deferred, 4, pethapa, Wight with propriety be deferred, to tba t' spring at tammer, bat the tkatea, generally, will elect members of the Forty-first Congress, during the approach ug tnma, and It ( probable tb Legis lature may provide lor our election to occur at the time of the Presidential election. - f( f T"t J ? 'T" "'""' f ' " KaoiaJ. Lovs ton th Solbibb. The recent legislation of Congress, In the mat ter of the mnnicipal imbrefll at Washing ton, la full of idgnificaoee, as iilustratlng the sincerity of Radical proieeaiotie of love for the aoldierm, the rank and file ot tbe army. His known Oiat the botlr of tttoe havlag fkmflie fnd home ia the City,' anrj thereby ecairlBg a residence, voted the aoU-segni ticket, and tbe bill, which hss joatj pasaed tho Senate, v'ut!!y annuls their votes and d'.efitinrtiisea tLi-m from totlBg sWraeiUev.. X party ut'b. pr.tra.l Xeat eflectioa 8 the wl'lm, wunh Un'.mt their support f.r toe Gent ! id who gd.i S, 006 par StBtim, sviw ' k i bark" Ab il.e soldiera,ad, in order 10 c i e.-i lr.-il of a tew paltry offices lotbe ritt ot tt' 1. c-i.n , ejeete some ho'lr d unirt of WjX,!iiiJi the ballot-boxes, Ad this On tbe very out set o apoitica1 campaign, bopebaa lor 0 rant, vn lent a military enthusiasm caa ,1m. .eoksi;Suw,GiitrlQrrul U In Wssh lagtoe), ftrmuttg frnmt, directing the po litical campaign, in order to make himself , President. Hi first mandate is to tell tit soldbers to stand back, because , they vote tlis Conservative ticket; and to tell every - filthy vutgnvvhetbef be Hve there or sot, to oerpA eel'-j - OwaoK.Tb r Uy for tb cratic can did a U for Congress, ia this 8 tat, ki sacertalned ttmoetwee 1,600 nrj 1500. TW"lo''fi)Ui.M..fi,SUtt'wM!.iVie wiUjJUidi DMrsU 1! Radicals 10. Room.- DeovocraU 18, Eadical 1. Or JMminse. TBS FKDKtlAL COtRT-THK RASK The Bank case, -Tlionisd Him U A Sons ions j., s oi reteraourg, Va.,s. Win. Griini-s. K 1 -."to which we alluded, several d af;o, was not concluded until Tueadnv The case was ably srguil for the (dnt ilU l.v Messrs. J). M,. Carter and Ed. tir.itmiu Hay wood, and by Gov Hragj; and W. Mawui, Esq , lor the defendant, from Friday until Ttteadsy. Our engagements pree,,!.,l us fVom hearing the srgtimeiit, but learn, on all sides llmt it wnu ..I i...u..ul ..I. LI. oj ins rionor, .lunge tJrooK in n rc-ncie i. Ei:.. ti , ... and perspicuous charge on the bin und the 'evidence, ODTtiesilay. Thejiuy n-tired, and in a short time returned with s verdict in favor of the defem Isiit, Tlic couin-i I for the plaintitfs prewnted exceptions to the ruling of the Judge, and the i'Hi' will pro bably go up to the Supreme Court t the United States. It is a case involving con sequences in which a large number of per sons in tbe Sta'e are deeply interested, . as there are understood to be several (.thers of a simitar character pending. Whatever may be tile law, the equity ot the case will strike everv nelson us beino on tbe bb. nl the defendants. Pending a period ot sttong f this State excitement years ago, a against the It.uikh clause was inserted eral of them, by tl in the charters of suv- i.cgisiaiiire, Dinatng the stockholders personally for the debts of the Ivmks, which, althoiigh understood not . to be merited by any mianiaiiageiiieiil of the ' Batiks, but pt..uiiled by th? I til-it prevail i Ing hostility to all ltauks. va iicc-ptcd by tbe slock h'lldeis id' ssid (tanks. Our . Usuks were, lot s.. nnmv veitr-, cunductcd with such skill and propriety, aiul bad be- 1 ccmie so essent oil :c, ,-iv cr,-Ticraih believed to the business H -tni v, thu' nuich of the opposition to lieing generally e. clausos in t licit el Ci I il s I abated Ib.ii mil,, " spls i , an I those i it-rs csiin 1 1 otrib d le-lt. was ss a nullity, slid kept up in the clou" Banks. Itui ,u tb which, en u to this admit is at mi end probably have ever neb the rs ot m union HIM ii r till lie iii i ar, ill not ' would day K.idicsls no lifli'idtv (Cllfled lielw iin the Bk aw4 tbetr btll hotden. aatrous war destroy i.-d every Stale, not because llo-v wi r. Hie tale (IIS- ' Bank in the . m o m mat-ed by the sfo, khvli. rs . If not chii Hy, bcesu -i Utateitaelf. Iiecaiise , n otiicei Inn p irt I v , of the d, mauds of the ( 1 tto i !i lien s (il its yenertd pecnniary ca our int ir. people, it' I belli (Vl- pi i sume. onndlt'toii. and the lamilics which beb-l Though ev to v one o at the elnae t th means in State ii war, hel I ample individual .bauds to meet their entire indehteduew, yet, when the Stale, in obedience to the President ami the party in power, abolished slavery and re pnduvtel ttrr debt incurred (turrit? the war tTlU! ili'Slroying f leaar trtrci-'fnWlh n of the resources ot flit Banks upon which they re lied for the redemption ol their notes, everv Bank oceanic insolvent. The not aliove alluded lo is designed to test b, lore the Courts the liability of the S'oekholders in Said Banks, MS to tlo-ir pel-onal responsi bility to redeem the outstanding notes of the Banks, or pay whatevei liabilities exist "againsTlTie Uatik No class of persona in this Sta'e have suf : fered more, from the cUiniii-.s ..I the war. ! than the stockholders ol tlicllink- (Sen erall):. they weft: adavibtd.deta mu.4 a Wfe portion -I them aged men, widows and or pliaui-, W were suddeuly reduced to pov erty, their ninny nf them by the toss nf I staves, int: Kimir hiss ii men lo ' nicir , State and bank stocks, mul the-iieptecisliiua and loss ot individaal bonds and other , . . . ..... property. Their profits from their Hank Stock bd never beeu so large as to oppreaa tb people. The Banks have stirtendered, o will sarreotler, tbeir entire asset for the nse ot their creditor. Under such circum stances, it will be found difficult, we judge, to obtain any jury ii the country, who will be willing to force tbe few remaining stock holders, who have anything left, to pay tbe outstanding debts of the Hanks over end above th exhaustion ot the entire asset of the Bank themselves. "' We have not a cent' Interest, pro or ten, -tit ttio determination of this question, fur ther than tbe comnjon sympathies of human ity tor ur ptople, and tbe anxiety we hve o te all bar pcaftle, who nave been common sutTcrtrt lit th remarkable and oppressive criiam itles' which have belallcn tbelkrath- pe,rple. feci &.JMMfaAmmt3., pa.io.a towards" each other, and to exercise' tbtt mnlual fin-hesrsnce, jnsttc and ittetcy, which a suffering and doam-lrodden people ofle'ij alanys fti feel. ' ' ltDm Cashlika Ei ecTWH.-- Hie com sitete reinrns bom the thirty one District ot South Carotins (how that the mongrels hare rarrird only fifteen of that1 Dumber, while the Democrat have carried sixteen, la the ato Cottnty elections. Tlijs sliows what may be accomptlsbed hy proper effort Ipy tbe wy,'Torey prilnti in hi Ckrohi eb t Mt iwploring Sppealtn tbe "South ern Republicans" to be active and indu trious, which exhibits the slrm in th Rad ical csmp irearly. Their fripht i not itfsMtt is-iaaoa, .. W tt-II (tJjajaijt that every weapon of legitimate warfare, wbieh ean possibly be employed, will lie twid to wrest these State from tb band of th Destructive and to placehem In the Kctkntl Jeaiefti( cetann InShe Presl :j(tertil;e!rthf.S . i ' I" I. as e-i , .-I i., . DooUttl was st tbe tit meeting lately T.t Tf: I TK.VS I A citieu vl Northampton has Ih-i-ii nmle ' to fee! the 'power ol tin milit-trr We h. called "reconstrurtioii." llmt -uch in;m i i would cease. Tbe Hosnokc ,V'w sv "It upenr- "tint Mr W H l'i'ptir. an es teemed ( Iti," li ..I t!mt CmiiiiH . Ili((l ou-.asion, h s-hoit tmiir -inci . tt whip n nvro Ihh lor I H provoked iliMir. ,,ad, ninli- fjoini; tu, I lie : Imy'w motjit-r iniertrryMl. '1 lu-w liu-u. r-v .alrdto w -hut extetir' we kii.ov n il, Here re ' porteil to the military; .ind an order ni cut to thj bliinlVoi Northiuaulun Mi iiui rucincu. i:r.Hcijiii'nu :i hi on :iii-or,icr was vut to the Sherill ! tins .miiv, but Mr. 1'epper being bi y "id hi- control. Sheritl j Iteid sent a notice of the order be held to Mr. P., w ho at once runic to this County and j surrenferl bimsell. He asint on to tbe military authorities, since which time we have heard nothing concerning the affair. I Not being sufficiently acquainted with the facts in the cast, we tul:n l'nrtlier com-! tinnl lor the present." ! The New Voik W, rl,l is the billowing : "At a lute Carolina, there ut down to ex Governors, an ex -Just ne responsible lot lijmer in JS ortli the table three nl the Supreme j Court, two ex meriil-er-. of Congress, and some other men .1 honoi.ihle distinction iu tl"-ir Mtate. sn I the oni persoii in the room who could Vote i who waiti d on ll structiou." II,,. h, M ,,tVi, e as t lie negro tab!,-. Such is rccoti- H:jl,;, U, Mil Tl e iM'oh lit a'.llls H ' I 1 1 i! ,le t II. ., VI is first Mistake, b i. nd ded lo, w llicli is u related in I'm.- cwnu, h, an v. uii li it was pleased to U:aru copied int i tl,- '.,.? The Itoatioke A. . that the corn aivl r-o section, ftM a yeni tai .Maud "In sum - ii,. wet weatlii r ei" d t by a spent sot w , i m .... 1 mm t iiToitgn Timr have a splendid . . i s " it sn s, "the iirn to be injured it bun d lliiniigh it i asioned In avy re staiidi.no I he ex In' .prii;. should Ilie t'lolllld, w 1 i b platlt llli tri Ilia b the .., turc, tin turn tin b most i nl U'i I""1 farilui , their hi I ii.. , i oil, in the ftl an uliiindsnt le a result would I et- tl i, : i 1 i i el V one. imilieticeiaei.l exercises of (iolds boro i l-'iinale v,.; ,.i- will take place oji Ihesday (ind Tliunday, the 1st. and ind. de- olMulv The an mi i iddress will be nvvre.t by W.O. Morii The ilmiiiiou .V. hort t'lirttl o il low , Ks all anxiety to see islators rni, aud I.. how ruanv tnll, tid.e tlicls that some id 1 1 tb, iron clad. It pre--in m ill take it, "if it j vomits them." ' Six more nei'io s ! u n confined in Halifax Jail, tlos tun- lor breaking into t he store of Mr HricKhou-e, at (iaaton. Dr. Theodore Martin, mar Kayrtleville, ' flee 'Kbit BWy acre?'"',l'ie1 out" iu grape vines, -about li,00t) vines of the russet and lnck Ruuppernung, and two or three other 'good kinds, which he ttrmuihl Irotii bevolid the-tinsiVa-nf the frtate: ' - i. The County Cotirt of Kecklenburg (Spe I'cial'Ienn) baa been in session" the present , wnk The Cbatlotte T.mtl lints i-iai c (ully bid it Jimmll: "With this term this old and venern'ule - insiitutitm, banded down from onr Knclish janctstry as a part ot the cottuiniti law, ceaaes to exist. Kadicalbtui has done it j work, Tbis l)Ulvyarkgl.tlobpep!eJs rights. and Wieir sab ifiiartl nj'ainst excessive county inil local taxes, lias to give way to a new system, from the practical operation of ;"mc,,"u nave no rung to ,o,,e. , , ,s ' ourr nas peiKiaiiy oeen presnii-fi over iy gentlemen-tost iee srf known prtdiity end intelligence, and who, beim; property holders aud tax pju i all aided a guaiauiee that no btrrden w-ottfd lw laid uo t he county . tl, at wras not aostiiuieiv nectssirv i-ir all inrtA - Bw,.! ,.,-..ti'; :. I .,. - - .... ..... .Psrt i,b ,,',i8 C,""(" Ttft Chairman, Associate Justices, Clerk, HolteJ- wd , ii, H,taelie, .., A purer ot a more 1 efficient set ot' oflkeis (i,lil.l not .tind in the State.'' Thefidlowing rieli advertis' ment afipesr's in the Charlotte 7'iit : "Cyrus Johnston, the son of Samuel Johnston, has connected himself with The opbilus Johnston, the sou of Thomas John ston, under the administration of Andrew Johnston, to carry on the Grocery businejw," &c. rm RTm.fi(iKiiT rmsa oh jir. vouo. A "Governor eleet ,1 who b t Oover nor, nor, a yet, eligible to the office of Governor, convening a Legislature, which i not a Legislature! under s law, which i not a law, to ratify an atnendment to the Constitution of a Oovernment, of w hich the ratifying ,Stt is-practically declared to le not a part ! FotJHTIt or Jl t,T. It is lVMtere.t(tod ihai the reason why the Omnibus bill bus been Manned to be law, when it ia, n yetfto law, and tbe Legislature convened, without proper authority, a tlis 1st. pnix ia- tbal the Howard amendment may lie adopt; d in time for the inauguration ol the "Oovrrnor eloct" and s grand Radical sjid m fro jubi lee on tbe4lli. " It the fJafilof1 of ro, wTiii signed, on that day, tbe greajt Oiclaratiun, eodtd liMtk epoja the mutilation ot their nolile work involved in tbe Radical aliorni. nation, tolled "Reconstruction," tb. y would turn in their very grtvea, aod forbid tin ( ken .''' i i: " 6a Monday tb "Mayor of " 'Iteratiurg announced to crowd of ldle oegroe in the court room, bst he could procure ten of then employment at ' fifty cent per day wUk board, and told t'h, to lb number fatt; f wished w-iremfcrrerof ' Hr oppsrtanity to get work, to remain iu tbe WUTrnww sal" su wwww and he' would tell them iftlKmTmailSTW'Wif Fw'the iteniinei. I 1'AliKONAI K, "Cltt HCHOf TlUt STBAJtMlltlUiJ" M4-''--' WW, rm.lew fork. '" ; KlHI'olts SK.NTINSM, OxHTLKMCH : In the wiuiei j mi were good enough to pub-, i b.-h s call which I made for autograph let ; tirs of the North Caroline signers ol the Anieiican IK-clsration of Independence. Mv call brought a "Hooper" and a Hi Mes" Jrtt, Vonr reader may take i some tntcrcHT in the frtstter of tbeae early ; hiteis, copies of which are herewith sent I you. I'.ij ilii to I am indebted to Jobn Mc l,.H!)'JaJwniWi MtehiBdiQi,ifyigy j- wuo prvounrd -tnem oS a iady who baa -Umft-: lai n an invalid. Can I now obtain a "Penn" letter? Did thai "signet" return to Vir ginia after leaving Congress 1 Perhaps your paH-r may reni n some one who knows. A proer remuneration wilt be give lor an authentic Penn letter. Pirhaps I should say that I make these calls for another gentleman, who has more lime and means to devote te such interest ing cola. iiniis than are at my disposal, and because ujjalways give me pleasure to do anything tor North Carolina and North l arolililaiis. Very ltespeclfullv Yours, CHARLES F. lipVIH. ".Nkwhekn, Nov. 27, 177 7. My hear Mutton .-Whether thhv will i each you before tbe question la decided which induces ml! lo trouble you with it I know not. i aui too much interested to pro mote your answering in the affirmative to spare any pains to pjitaio a seasonable in formation upon the subject. Will you ac cept a Judgeship at 1500 per snuiim ? For less I would not make nse of yonr napies tor more I should not have an opportunity. Would Mr. Iredell act tor 800 in case a .ItlduMido I, l ia IIih iMtiutMwMrT ni,- 4aen: r r, ! ,,r, r . ' uty; suouoi lie set up at mat, as tile lilgfiest price) t ne Assemoiy are unanimous with respect to youraell and you know top well my senUniciits "of Iredell to imagfheTihat I can lie silent fii itoing Justice to -his law abilities and geucral Jejurning. Wbtui I talk ol 800 for Mr. Iredell, I beg I may lie understood ; if 1500 cannot be obtained for each and every of the Judges, perhaps it may for a Chief Justice aud 800 lor each ot ilit associate. We .mist give way to tbe rage ol political phrensiy and If we cannot do all the good we wish must be satisfied to do nil the good we can. Dii idt tf im yerti -substitute 'J'trmpera tt Jmpera as the creed n a modern politician. I. am, skk, deadly . sick -of publick pJiti wt WfeVand if T Tia Vie' s spark of vivacity left It results troiu a confidence that tb day la near at I in iid when I shall greet you in the cliaractet ol a mail truly abstracted from the sffaiis oj" State, and litel myself as I do now and ever shall, Your friend, WM. HOOPEE." "KBamtiN, 4th, Dec 1777. uJfear ,s,v t I Intended to hare wrote tou a long letter, but am 'prevented by a bad hcadacu ulucb 1 got last night at Mr. Ire dell's. V ill you believe it 1 sat up till twelve and data i d down (iod know how many dances'; I send you three letter from Hoopui and .-aiut'Uy wish you would Ac cept the oIUim of Chief Justice. I will sire you only two rrasona out ol sn hundred why I wish it, first It will save our country from perdition, secondly it will add twenty years to your Life, yon will then be obliged to' RMe" wLicli wtlh etianga of-iiir will lieep you fit health, f wish Hooper bad pointed out the duty that a Chief Justice must per form ; Is he to keep a day Book and Ledger to mark dotn' the number of Court he may attend and discount in proportion for those he doe not attend. In the long letter that he says be gava to Camming ho may have been particular ; neither Gumming" or the letter are yet arrived here and unless you have ntceivcd some information on tb sn trjert t fhrve- my doubts -ant fasrr -nfjontj your acccptanue.aot on acoonnt ol tbe saury only for i imagine yon would wish to know a number of other partiouUtrs. I wish Hooper had given some reason against opening the Land Otlioa, I cannot help thinking ii it i put nnder proper regnlatloo If wouldring.la much money to the Treaa. tiry , however t do riot altogether like It, why deprive Lord Granville of his estale any mure tbsa me of mine, will it not add jrreatiy to the beck; country influence, what other evil tendency wiit havel "I wish yon were at ham that we might talk the matter over, hat I see yon soon, my best compliment to Mis. Johnston and Mis Peggv. ::,,..-!rfi:a.-w4An:resee..-vJi,':- "Dear Sir" "Your mo. Obed 8ert "JOSEPH HI WES." "P. 8. ii yon hav so oppr. directly to Newborn will you write to Hooper in sa swer to hia letter V i Special to th Biehmoaa OifpaUih, the BEcoNsTBucTiojc oomrrTTits Vait TO XOBItB OK THS DIVISIOR Of TX.XXS. Washwoton, June 17. At meeting of . t . T, , .1. I. . - . L I T- an aaMuwsiaiHS: iasnmisi msia awwrnMig, it wm found that too members con Id not sgree upon la report to be presented to the House on tbe division, etc.. ot Texas, and farther consideration of that matter waa thereupon postponed tor two weeks. : , Tilt VMUINJA DKLKOATIOg AMD THf RB ,. . COHSTB-UCTtOn 0OWMITTK raa .mcmi TEK KIU REPOHT rW AVOl OF K iM- Mm at Kugrriow. The Virgiuia delegation nieutioued in yesterday's dispatches wm before the com mittee, and reepjested" aa Set of Congress requiring an immediate election in Virginia, and an appropriation 1 fjinrla to pay the expenses thereof, and that this ejection be held upon tlte registration already made. ' The-Ormiliittee agreed fo report a bill id accordance with these inggestions, to-enor- 10 ' , ' " f -v;: :.e-'S'- t TH. AKCaXSA AUD OTBtt Bit.L. Th Arkaaaa bill wm delivered to ta Freeiileeton Tuesday tbe 8th instant, and conseoiwntly tbe Constitutions! tea dy, xnluding itw1y, expire ' Saturday, th SOIh tostenr. - .... , It. is notbtitMnied tbe President wilt veto by the expiration of ten day. -1 - Buck will probably Im the result at to! tbe omnibus bill m to other Slates, though it lit possible' the President my derm it pnipet to send a tin-wage to Congress on the. sub ject, r M 'evjl! jt . . n-s-isBa!wwwf 4. , .f ..... 1 Sf!ilppf 1 b!e". Her orator ttrU the fiytd doing ftUe gallantly agsisst Iter SI ww "io-'lev, i .-...-v.tuv.,, aw t-.w-w ,.,v,,yi cwiie w n raepet-iiarrrsTS were trrn- -t -e-t..T.a a n i . I where to Ko. The out thS Sfste wit . it U preditd, turn out out, and that whit. folk, were eon .Vnk "ZZ ZTlTt r "TS1 U boo. l ea.-swai" . .-.- I1A1 ' . .-.s .- --- - ---.- -.---- .J.;.' a. . ... , .. - . . , . . ....!., r I. ' J - va ww auaj iibtb uni tJ Jn.BUtll BYlHrl . till i UrXkTd yet,- For tWSeeuine. ' . ,vv .'Miumirm v . , The ( cliuithu, S. ( ., coirc.-poudeut of the Mntrt. EditiTt.--Knowing your Interest t , . ' ,A inthepropityofurlitef;ryintit.i.i..e., j Ntw rk vaiu a rywul letter .- let me ask brief space in your papr lor , "In the distrU-t ia which Columbia is sit-, some observations concerning the Wnke nalid Richland there is a small setrle Fortat Commencement, vieWlug tbe :hool ' ment nf tli rmsn fartri-lahorers'. It is railed from my stand-point, I terniam.iwn, and is M,ied m miles east ol The Impreaeion made upon m bv the r- , tb city, upon tbe W stems rlrer. The te ertises of tbe graduates w a very favornbie ( guinmg was in adu the tlrst of last X uvem -Indeed, rating scholarship upon the basn .1 l et. under the nntisgi meut of Mr. Ilermao s nigh moral snd practical standing. The i U-idint. rs-.;fti4et srji.JW?ijj., wtti" e44e.tolt start was made tfilf ltuca-uin,'and to provide good' in.irala i w ith loUr ianiillra. ami negro labor waa rejc'fl)raawr.f 4sa)iaeiji-thwdi hM'i-m1iifart'tiiwAmtoi'!Wiaii-President in conferring degrees w a point 1 twelve hdioiers they have put la for the edly to the tfect that the .voting men lea v prcecnt veer's crop, wdth abundant pmmlte ing College would lie cuptciid lo I'mldl the t.' o.i i t. Ids, over WO acre, a fnllowe : mission ol Vlprigh; , eneryei lr men, adsil mi; tlwinsolve to tbe work ofthedav and time which required unusual industry, sell de nial, and practical turu of cliaiuctei. Tin natiou must be aided in the wink ol proi; res, and the young men sesuniing rcspon ibilltle had this labor to perform. And from my association with 'the Ui dents generally, (and I saw nearly all,! their sober, stesdy and uenteel bearitiir impressed me very favorably, leading me to predict for them a high state ol proper culture lor lu ture life. Mot a word ol coarse or nine tfoed meaning was heard ; no: an act ton trary to perfect manners , net a circumstance indicating anything but hiirhest regard for instruction, fir the prosperity of the school, for generous rivalry in whatever makes most uselul aud happy, wm exhibited to my re. The Professors threw open their doors to visitors with abounding Im pnality, all vieing in effort to render the occasion agreeable, and the vast number ol ptople honoring Commencement day, (lucludiiig numbers ot beautiful en.) wel Fam& ldli from- adjofrri tig localitTesJ properly ' valn4d the kindness and ever present wtten' iuiia of tbe Faculty, and other composing the re uresentatlves of Wake Forest. The Shtttr r fa -"" pitrtditinnr Librarieslarge, (numbering 4000 each,) ami with Die undoubted design on the part of teachers to render tbe school sicond to uonu for solid learning and useful men, 1 see' n reason why this institution, backed aa It is by intelligent and wealthy Baptists, should not, even after such a war, flourish rapidly and permanently. I esteem it a most worthy seat of learning, nd know no plane w here youth could be more aately trusted in re spent to learning or morals. L. P. OLUft. ... . .. ... .i'or tJii!.tei-i!oJ 8 WSSTSKRf BOOK Of SUVXE8 UK SORTS. PAHSOMAOK, "CHtttCIMir THKSTKANdlcltS," De l'orl,Junt 18, It OH. Editor Bkhtiuki. Okhti.kmkn : My friend, Mr. Bweetser, the Kdltof of the "Kttning Mail," has just published alUi- fitber the bet book lor, fputhscn tourists hav yet stain. It tells you where to go, how to go, aud bow much the going will cost yon. Person coming Worth snd wish ing to nwke trips, out ot New York, "should first of all procure tbi hook. But my chief object In writing is tn take npon myself, in advance, any blame that belong to tb North Carolina portion ol the book. At a time when a great pressure WM ttpea at M4 mf-'kMUU w ftaat, Mt, Swaetser nrged me to prepare something; about my own State. It wa done hastily and could not be mad so full m 1 desire, but it may induce some Northern tourist lo go over the line indicated, and I am sure that it require only a few Intelligent trav eler to create n Interest in North Carotin to render it a great resort. Bo msiiy changes bsve been wrought by the war, that much which I should have written has been omit ted, bscause I tied no certs! iL.knowlediL For Instance, I knew nothing id tthoccn Spring sad Kittrclla,whther mey ar open, or Beaufort and Hmitliville, near the sua, whether they bave accommodation, a, (Sic. I Wish yoa would induce your booksellers to order tew copies, (published effire Iteming if oil, 223 Brotulwav,) and, perhaps, friend along the tine will be good enough te furwisk - the - ta- -for ersystematte and eomplet tour ol the most interecting por tion of North Carolina. To Judge Merrl mott rid Mr. TbcO. H. Hill, I return thanks for valuable suggestion. Very Respectfully Yours, C11ARLK.S V. DEEMS. . CO ASK A dispatob from Richmond to the New York litmU My that report hu been cur tent her that Chief Jestioe Chase wohld positivuly decline notnlnstlon by tbe Uemocratie Oonvention. 1 am authorized to atat that such ia not th case. If th Democracy adopt pisiform in accordaflc with tb well kuoau piinciple of Mr. Chase, he will serve, with the purjios of general amoeaty, resionng leao. armustiiug mllitarv rule, , aha tb fishing th flosje e tail he d.-uotry oe tlrm basis, Mr. CUsse is in receipt of conimuoi catlons trom promintut Republicans,, t and Wmx, sasuring him that if he receives the Democratic nomination oa a platform embodying universsj, suffrge,that they will heartily bo -operate ln hi lection. The people here are thiteriutned to soppert tlui New York nominee at any snd all hatards. Chief Jiostice trhaae, In company with Gen. Henry A. Wise, vieited tic Alriose Church yesteidsy, during diyin servioe. In auotbef column the lUroid My : ,. . f Ourciiresp iodenl in Richmond, Vs., com municate wudcr dale oi Jtin Uth. aa fob lows: "Judg Cb during hi official Hay lutoKtnry um wot. gul dsn opinions trom all partie. Ilia character Man upright apd fear lees statesmsu. so Justly tblslied in his splendid record in the impeaciiuicnt trisl, I fully confirmed by hi conduct here, H may tic proper to say here tbt pii' be rumor Myi IhMoaeot Mm (ibief 4u4 ee iladk ten hM essptured one of ,. Vugini' mtwt brilliant soos one whose p.u-iti iu and a al. nt, if linked with sikIi iV ,ttlin a-otitt. nujiiHV timoi mmummwn (mtm em-ct. It a aatly mtc.tii. giM the MMM ; Keatlemaa with A--.!f VTi ri TT " T . e. - vrNiamiuM. au Vlrgbila politics ot htcra'u.e ah. U cap-. sJS - - ' 'I . a-.-',. A aesfrc aaa - wm moMd A- miita at t aKT"-me.iriiif'"itCrMw u. Mi., few day ago, for declaring , -thai, Wom the Mow Orleans Or (ascent. Ml acre- m mu ill urains, (wheal, oats and i ve.j iti iicies im (om,v.,3 aorr in cow peas, I a vre ia ot mu, 1 1 acres In jiotstoea, (Irish and sweet ) Tins items go to inform the t'orel)iier s to what cur upland coil usually mows it is tbe inientioa of Mr. Leiding to make Ibis a lindens, to which be hopes, 1.) ils sui-cesa, in a few years, to attract to it as many laborer as can possibly be accom modated. Similar movement are afoot one in Pickens' District, and one In iia in cipiency in wbrrry. luimigraUoa i tb weapon with w hich the Caucasian propose to contest the rulership with tb African. Tbe contest ranitot last many year ; and the darker and inferior race must go the wall. This point has already bad ll influ iticu uin the negroes In some parts ol the State, eM-cil!y within twenty miles ot tbla Oermautown. In thoM localltie, negroes are joining political leagues with the white, seeing that co-operation with tb white is the only chance lor the existence o the black; LegUlation need not WtreTDpt to ioterKWWTtbthlrta " I The radical sclieme of subjecting the Southern States to the control ot black tote ha the double iniquity ol heaping instant wrong on one race and prepaying , ultimate ruin lor the other. This is seen and admit ted by every Intelligent snd esndid North ere te who rtlmrrree t he exeesMre tength to which the negroes, under radical Incite mint, are doposed to earry tbe exercise of political righta. and it begins to be seen by every well mlvrnicd colored man who re flects on tile numerical relation, present end prospective, Iwtween the whit end black populations. Tbe average preponderance, in the aliol South, of white over blacks, is nt this time hardly lea than the broouf tM.ofJmri'4jift at large the number of negroes doe not ex ccsjd tour millions, while there I a total population o! about forty millions. Assum ing tliu uxtrcinely doutftiul prepoei tion that the natural Increase of the two race will be cijual, the ratio nl blaokt to white must re latively decrease from year to year under the etlcct of immigration which will bring accession to the white and none to tbe blacks. And alter no great lapee of time, thia relative decrees must reduce the negro element from one-tenth ia the entire country to about one-twentieth, and from ooc tbird iu the entire South to Uout on fifth or sixth. Now, ll tt Southern negroe ahould an tiereaftet 1 afieordahcl wltfi the politi cal tuition which they hav already received lioin the radical, they will toaiat on offaot ting the larger lucre ot th white by disfranchising a corresponding number of the Utter population. Dislranchisemect for tbe purpot putting the tdaefcs ia po tifloal ascendency, is precisely what radical legislation has done st tbe outset, end It I need not be surprising If th American pu pil of radicalism extend' that example Into a ttled policy which they will" purs at all hazards to the bitter sequel The fart is, they cannot accept the radical theory of negro suffrage without declaring a political wai against race, snd that to the utterance. For this theory aasuuiks that there 1 aa uncompromising antagonism on tb part of the white to the rights ami tntcreete nf tb blacks, and that these can never be secured in lcgitation and dmiulstrstiWwnleM the whites aie politically jamt tvery? otberwutt disabled from ailing or nbsU ucting them, lie-see, tha-iUjioua tuadmicy!' thus ne groes kW m -deeply Imbued witk trsclr radical mltlon le, not to be satistted with m'-re civil and political equality, but to hoike a ilea llv atrugule lor exclustv auii unu-.is.l powei ; far supremacy vry where ('!. in "J!.!i:ie!i'Mi..loc.,,prj;dminttv.M susi,it Nl lime snil ID suaiis ui iiuunws , for hiaslery fii religion; in ' education, la a niisemfiriis and recrestmos, ia aeeial Inserts eourssssnd in the furthest nd mot Mured weesees snd retreis of privst cad domes tic l ie. Of course, Una i mdn( yet ft Is nothing more than tbe ipplled logic of radical preeept aed example. If the mM ol the ttoatbee nrgrot hould commit themselves to. o extreat and deeperst ni ovnnent, ttiV partial and temporary ' cmwis which tby might Obtain would tie purchased th prltw of dooming tlteir ran to perditimt la tliistontry. For tnch a movKBieoe look to tW accomplishment of aodul imposaibllltie Cod the subversion of nature. It opens a war la which time aud numbers, social instincts and natural laws, are against ft ':!'Nd:'"intt"Ugnt''egro" VrhO wishM well to hi people, will parllci pate ia it; fo every Intelligent aegto must knew that a eotablnatloa of black whlcb take advantage of Intestine strife cod dl viioM in tar morej'.uiari raaa, toorssti dawa tbst vacw end ' erosb out it clvilix tion, would be certain at length te ex cite a reactionary onmbinstfloe fatal to the g grctcniw and oppressor. .' '-'" .. ,r,i St an 0 Ft a ai.-r Tiwre can-be aotblnsr important than SI he preserving intact the organliation of the Conaorvailve party ..ia this State, which wm effwled lastslirlnir. k Of course,' o.ur only hope m redMml eg oar ttsie t tnrotigi) tit ubiuh bog, an ol instead of abandoning our party organisatton U should lw str. i.gthi ned snd compacted by ery mews in uc puwvf Now lalbe tisac to work. DoVt let tb iron! get cold. W have tivery a;tiiiicje-of victory next fat, Thousand- n timid men, it is hoped, will then ba eiwv ih.-Bitii.TsblefrightwLich induced then leet April to degrade themaelve ad their iv.inrr by Twtieif the Radical ticket. fit :MAWf;fmKttt Iteret'ofotu dutfran. of Mtgtf rdnaleed ; and la, but sot te in tiw-if votera win o aiuiea to trie registrar o vote cma be lean, wc will h4v Ms e(e eswaU! to fuilie, and th baU ,(.t,))t RwdwJ bj meB m iium - " " ' B - w-v. w uvuiill ii wc will but tnak th effort ' IM a do U - - t,rhiir.W Tkrm... t' i rtooaiivau.a ujiir ureameii mi auiM I I .1 Wt.-, 1 i .. . .. 1 - & A JUST JOty. XttMtlUUXUTM Th following important protest i'int Ihestsctioaol "ffen. ffntot w snd in the St Loui Jttpublmm t ' To th KJitor f tf Nt. Imi$Abeutiui: A the editor of M indepecent paper, you will allow a to wake a tew remarks in regard to tb nomination of th Republican party for tbeM?tidenry, not from a panv point of view, but entirely independent d it. ( 11 v 'I t . Ill While wc, m Israelite, claim la thia he .l,galdf Jefigieu- beety cq al rigki s eiUxeua," we ask lot no" more thaa what th Federal Conslitutba in plain words :.gMfaAtM..JttMMW.-8 byecial eaactment. ladeed, the ipirit nervading the Declaration of Independence i aa irrefutable proof, that eves at that time, when a good deal of religion into I. ranee end prejudice were yet remaining, it wm believed that aa republic could pros per, or evea exist any length of time, if the doctrine ot pert not equality of all cit izen wm act acknowledged by ail, and provided for by teni suactnjeDt, With tbi doctriw the Republic will aUotl ot fall, ooncernicg which there can be no difference of opinio, and few there will be, at least In this country, who will ba bold enough to eU U ia question. JW, wc My, there will be, a if As, van an UoM iadinat that they arc no special ad mirer of tbi doctrine, or that tbey witl ac cept it any further than tbey1 can coavea ieatly nceacil it with tbeir abstract ideas and theories ct, th acuta! compact. It would be hardly orth whU to My a word ia confute tion of such sntt-republksa senti ment if they arc entertained merely b few queer abstractJoulaw or simpletons ; but should tbey be paeilely eepeused, or mdmi Bfflcisil prorjlaWd m-t1hmr: d hign jwsitlone-Hiuch m are looked apon 'icadetw of politirat pai tica-tfactrit be-" come aa imperative duty of every ood citisM to raiM bi volocagaiavt ft, ne reapwMma dfriavtt mfiaK Ta these few preliminary remark, Mr, Editor, yoa will allow as to add a m words coocertring tbe present Bepulillcaa candidate lor Ui Chief Wigtitriicy, miiv;Ktmm.r -"' It will be cbvioas that w kieaot rak lg from party point of view, becsua mm of u belong tc th lWlical, som to the Coanratlf, and agaiV to the Dmaccratic part j bat wc all agree that the doctrine ot cqoal rightl for all citizens, and srenaral, perfect, and aalimitcMi freedom ol ooaecieacc abouid ba kept aacreii by all, .tbwtwrtw,';t'tju -fo th Chief Magistracy of the United Htate should be tar, far above sueplcioa regarding It, Hut general Ortnt- m tniraauderi the 13tb. army corps, by Usuing tb follow Inf prdef , not 6hly tgn'orctl of tlirgardet this cardinal Republican dortrhte," but In deed pronounced officially bis .uuqualifWl coadentaMimt ttpoo lt ilere la the order In full; ,f t ' m HHAiqtlAiTSiia 18th. A km v Coiin, Dai-ABTUSST OF THE TttKN , Oxford, Mis,, tW. 17, im. Ot. OraVr, JVC Hi - - Tba Jew, a a eUvts, violating every rrg alatioa of trade mtahlUhed by the Treas ury Depart ment, aim 'department," orders, ar hereby expelled from the department within twcoty-Rio bnur front the, receipt of tbi order by tit post cmtnsnder. , They wtll e that tbi rlamof people at furnished with passes and required to leave aad ear- MrNls. arteri eH-h notthVt tioa will ba aneatud aad sVeU.- ineNwe meat aatii aa ceportuaitf exirnr .f aeaa. tng tbeett cat M prisoner, antes furntrhed wm i permit from thee bcadciuartera. No passe will be itlvaa this enU Visit headqusrtertert tor tba purpose of making personal apptlcatioci (or trad par. aaita, h i'i.. i, , .y , By arder of Major Ctneral Grant. Jon A. Rawi,inc. A, A. a. OfBotsl : J. Lovau., Captain t, a.. A, U." Jit,'Wl,Ct TJUJdif4,m rinclnnail, Very appropriately a aed tb following Un gnag ia cacdetnBlng this order "Wotm fhaa Oeneral Urant none la tbe nineteenth century la civilised ooimtrwe ha abused the Jews, officially, In brumi dav ttght, WW moat battiawusly. 1 ,Uem J, -among u who lick the frrt that kick them bout, and, like doga, m alter biro who hat WMpptrOB-'tf'tliiW'liri person, imatl enough "tet raeelve Indecencies ami miliar-without mentmen. and et t about tiieir iotmeniorsfor selilsh 'purposes. " msajsi IW.I - BSHUW.. mamair, entl we know it Is loo small to be counted ia com- . ptriaott tit" tluiM wlm wtll not votar for a matt tsdcppotB bim wboHULgd tb Jewe la amtnmw m General Uraat did. . Now, Mr. KUitor, ,w do not wish to lie understood M Calling In question that Is raelites, like many other, transgreeaed tba fegulstiou aad arder above- referred to, av that tbey rewdvred tbecuelvM subject to puBbbment, ur, ladeed, the propriety of punishing them ; but to officially brand with rtiagreca end infamy a whole xtatiua caaeoouat e4 tb tniisgreMioae of fw -ewgie paraaaa.. .ejawagTeMtoa Ut bad ah. Btuat oceead to ba ouuaidered a tin, because : practiced on th largest scale by both civil aad tmtttary ttleem.-iMwdtd deufgaate the "" ItraelitM m a class," to tic arrested ttmwve. atotiHNMily wberaver kmad, vttctaer viola tor of law or aut-thl will appear to a m H tb eemi-barbariaa middle age wen abovt to be Inaugurated again undef tit amenkta. -of Qeturral Orant. Khali wc u Israelite vote for sucb a maa 1 W ai tw ttkoat. ad tltras hundred votes trom Israelite to this city kelp mk a Preaident with the asm iC, a Urant, who, attaining power bv accident. Issued aj,W .,ii..... .o . brMlitca, wbatba guilty r tuf ima hi deptrtmewt inertly because tlMiy were larac- ii usb I jaariuy caa w eetiev that, lu view ot thi insult, and Unrevoked as the .hi- wg td, ttorwil1 ts vatotiw cnoKli " muaxt sa owr mmiss a xuuusc tot H. With out being popheta, w batard the ftredics tioa thjt tnere wilt ba a tew Isriudiiu, mua casIuG Ut xt N.erembcrw, be bd eocsstoa to make arrest under hi tofcno).fttvwj-'.'e'. Bol. MarU 1C HaltUkvH. tingI.l, , v t, H. Cam. Joseph Davia, J. Mey berg, ,. Wm. Ktlli-r, A.. RtmM-i, M. j. Mt,. , 1 lierg, M. V.ecrotr, and ta buwb ' . . Otbera. i a ' " " , i, ii ' i- - misiuwsini iinii Mi i j,,, , i . rWnelor Anliuitty wriir to bis paper, the " Provideee Ji urmtl, that "every aatisliea US more and more thai the Itrpuhltoaa pariy f would bare been mjuirtd by the result, bV IU PreaicWnt beaa convicted on such evi- . dense aa wm prtwenteil" M'i yet the buuftwiiiia fut,w r convtctkm,t " .-..v...wi-.fci,..Vj.i.,.;.. .;.a- . ' .. . . ...... fs 1 vmu9 hu " eltaion at CliarUaton w wt -the a -rr - fiS'Si4j:.'; it proceedittgsc " - ...-v.., Si: