Urn THE SENTINEL. LOCAL DEPAETMZHT. SATURDAY. ATGCST 8. 1868. nit: ir.i a a- coi krr foxvkxTiox. A Uu-iiiAiuJi .ul LUiUfrtttliia. japraatiJtin'i t'n districts nf Wiyke untv, for the d.. itl'I'jyMiil MtX ll'Jl jntt:fl lu ... lite. I" Stale Convention, ic, will lie. i :i (lii tril v, tu day , I Saturday.) I iit 'li l gates are reqi. Sited to meet at the c.i.rt HifeS.t 'tt'WWoek, A. M. '- V:tv A i v k it t f s p;mi: nth. - J no. Aniugton, .ikicl)ajt, 100 . . JJjr .. .,av,i; ii fJivi s fieraooal attention .., i in '-iili' of 'uttoii, 1'nbiKTo, A,-. Makea iitt-rtl- advHtHi-. Siiiilic I'lirtiiahetl lit iiKirKot latt-H lor cwnh. ..uji, liluevng, Miiulics, Ac.: Thonias II itriSHa. FayeltuvillivSlri'm. StCuril ol J. A. Jotim, liooktellcr and Stati"ii'T. Ku vol ti villi- Klrcut. IJiiiitv MntertaJa, Vouch und Haddlm ;iTi t nafrioM for sale . Tims. TI loi;'Uj 1 i 1. ;iin that Dr. I'i itiliunl , pastor ol rln 1 ; t j 1 1 1 r-1. i.iiurcli, will n peat, hy rnj m-st, ..ii .sirul ly iiiyht, tt sermon on Inhiletity, pi. 'ached in thif city four or live years ago. U i. kk r'iiii'steil to slate that the ("uin niiiti c on 'laimf hold their sessions daily, , v-, pt Sundiiy, in the Senate Chamher, at i ii i - n k I'. M., and lliut they desire all per .hi-- having i-hiiins against the Insane Asj i ;iu lu uppr ir lielore the ComniiUec and pH-nit llieui. Tin: I'i stkhh' lintel, as will he seen hy n I' jiMne to an advutiacment in to day'B is .in, lias Vitalised hands. having been '. i-.-il l.y lli-rs. .1. li. DelinamA Co , late I I.intwliurp. Travellers will find the I 'jjji a r.onliirial.le place at which to s i.p, ui:ii rharrs nut t xtravagantly high. l.iTKRARr f abtim. W o are indebted to Mi ;:ri Mrnninn it-.Tnnrs, Too'ksellers, of this Cii- .l"! the lir-t number of the new Lib rary 1'iii.iliial, branny the ab.ivc nanio, which hi- been linked for with so much interest. I; i published by A. T. Crulchttcld, I'roprie-IM-'i Main Btreet, Hichniond, and emhra-ri-i uu its Kditorial stall the finest writers of the South, in all the departments of Literatim-, anions the number MrB. Mary Itayard t I n ki-, of I his City. The nuaiber belore us is lieaiititul in typography, and is tilled with a rich freightage of the choicest inteK h'l'tuiil llowefs and Iruits. It confains an in iui nible eugravingol Gov. Vance, accoin- panted by eapitftl bb'tfisphieal akerrlt.H T I..- ti ii n t ii I pi h e of this pan I Is only f3 an I we cannot too warmly cnmnii-tid it U Ho- p'iti'oiiaoe ol our people. hlsllol' A T li I Nt UM'ti Al'J'OJXr .lA'.V7'.s'. I.iiicolnlnn, llih Shi.als,' CIlHllolte, S ilislmry, - -K-tWei'lf, hpmii, -l.ouisburh, 1 1 foFll, Villi!iiiiliiiroii(.;li, Ib-IMllTMIII, W arn nh nt, 10. 1 I, KI 1(1. ii4. J UK M-l'liOAVUISli CO.WKXTIO.V. .Vk.plc ai i liiiiicini'iits are being made for a erand diimFrtuaratiart a oceasioa -art tbe i nminir Convention. We hope to be able, I ', Tuinday nun nhij,', to announce the pro lamine. Mi nnwhile, we tell our friends, in every section of the .Stale, who may at li ml. that they may anticipate a glorion? union ol patriotic spirits, and a good time, ;;rueriilly. Come up, Democrats and Con si ivalivis, by the hundreds, with your ban ners, badges aud music ! Aiit. Moult hn Oi'imon.- Wo have been favored with a copy of Mr. Moore powerful and convincing ariument aitainsl the con stitutioualiiy of the Polite-Militia-War bill aapptaO-lyr k,:jtlamfm!. TJjaraday. .'Afe shall tnke pleasure in laying it before the publrr, on Monday. Hon. . II. DorKtritY. We aie requested to announce that the Hon."' j. H. Onckery will addrss the peopM if Itobeaon, at Lunilwrtoii, ou 'he MoDilay t)T Superior Conrl fur that Couuty," ax a caoiiidate fo r- election to Congress. Hoi.lv hi-Hisiia ano Swiri- Cunaa A larije and piritel Demwratic and ConaerT ative uiectinK' hclJ l Holly Sring, on Thursifay, when a Seymour and Blair Club mi formed, aud able and instructive p th. es made by CaptiJ. Q. DeCatleret and K n drick Johnaon, Esq., (he latter a jiuitlt niau viku hn. lunjlofon; to juierated with the iiadical pariyT" Delegatci Tot TToTiJ Sprinys were appointed to the County Con. vi titiou, which uioeta in this City to day. Thoso of the citizeus of Hwift Creek Dis Irict, who re preafent, ciniferred togetl cr .and j.p-jBli.4ljej,),lwipg. ,t)let. fcr that District, v : J. M. Jonea, . 1. Utley', Mintyn I'thy, J. Monroe Jonei, James Sauls, Oeoi Jonep, .1. V. Langsion, Wellington Bradaliaw, Geo. Saula, W. J. 8eatavea Jaa. Brown, Hurk Urown, Eltat Lanwton, F. t. Kdwards, li irnabaa Jbnos, B. K. Ip Jonea, Yf, H. Pops, V. II, Stepbenwm, L. D. Stepheaaoit, M. McStephenwMi, J. I Goodwin. Thu.i. liitrns, IJ. Whitaker, Kichard K-..rW, . W. Atlyimm, Jeaae Wiuhnrn, J. H. Strain. Hugh Carnpbelt, Gray StBVeua, J. D. Shaw, anil W.l. fierce. v : :. I'nnotkkd. Haa the Kakigh fieatintl noticed the proceedioga of the CaaeU Kat ilication rucctinfl published in tbia paper three weeks ugn, and which tha w as reqneated to copy t It' nnn of out tTntrrm;-fTTrythat papef -may hare rr' The pressure npori' onr eolnmna fiiHiade the pul ilication, entire, ol the proceeding! in question, but we made a oopioua abstract. T7atso"p Hon. Bedford Browa. Keep a closer "look out," friend E rams. - uriring tha orsna "Benate," of whicn na r aemteost ss -a4 rfaaias-s-aalUAts.j l Mgroes ana recreant wuitea, lo b let Jooas nptiB.tue JJemocrsts ot tba Stat. THE rEOPtEMOVIXC! . . . . . (We qontinae to rwwivo the wanuscriDt proceeding al meetings is wrty wsrt.fj the Sttto, requiting publication Wilie tin! ghwumaraoiUjoKSslt.evidsieeiDir that which menace the Republic and the State, and justly HKlignaut at the Ilohlen Brown low policy ot war aud proscription whth.j has been inaugurated in North Carolina. that we are very MartaMty- cowpell.t to loego the )idiioiiuri of lUew ttrtrei-diiJ2 . .-1 ... v... nn7 i in, nr.M"nv it mi ii mirtrn us ut curtail them meeting Wo !re alistnicts (JCAMiK At the Itcuiotitttic and CilnserTutive j ucetiug in tins grand old rounty, ou the asth. ult., Nelson I'. Mall, Kp, presided, ud C)t. 14uirt. l, .Utitbam . stl Jwei)i Col. Ed. 1). Hall, of New Hanover, the late Conservative caudidale lor Lieutenant (ioverniirbeiug present, was introduced to the iuectrng by Henry li. Nash, Esq., when he addressed it in a speech of ;ri at elos quence and ability. i- Maj. J. W. Graham, on behalf of a Com niittee lor thai purpose, presented a series ; otadmifjde resolutions, which were uuaui- mously alopti)d. Amoug; thi ol were the ' lollowing : , Hetoltat, That the spirit olonnressiou ex" ; j - j ... ...v,iiH( islalure.and their subserviency to Executive dictation, meet our unqualified condemn a tion, and we solemnly protest against the excicise ol powers nut delegated by the Constitution, and will use all lawlul means to prevent encroachments ujKin our rights. lietulml, That the I lilliln adininistra tion ol Gov. Jouaihan Worth, under the ad. verse circumstances by which he was ur rounded, his zeal for the honor of North Carolina and untiring tt)'.rls to promote the best interests of her cili.eus, as well as. bis manly and dignitterjf pi o test on leaving the Elecuthe offioc, deserve our warmest thanks. ' Kilty delegates were appointed to the ap proaching Deniocralic Stale Convenliou. HASD01.nl. We alluded briilly, on esterday, to the immense and enthusiastic meeting in this County, at Asbhorn, and mentioned its officers. We learu that the Kadii.nl Couuty Com utissioners refused the meeting and Gov. Worth the use of the Court House, except for a very hunted lime, and the crowd adjourned to the Presbyterian Church jWbiel was tendi-rcd for the occssi.in. The audience was so ialL'i' thai tin- I liil.lin coald not contain halt the people and Guv. Worth addressed thiin from one of the win dows, lie spoke for two hours, in a very impressive and forcible manner, and was must enthusiastically received. Among the resolutions adopted ou the occasion, was the lollowing : Hftohfit, That our former Couiilyman, ea-ituv. tv olio, is i.-niiiieii 10 our lasting gratiffide tor his continued and partially sufveusliil eflorts' in shielding ns from the machinations of tyranny ; and that our grat itude is heightened b contrasting Ins pro tecting care with the military and other tvrannical nveasurit? fabricated against tho peace and quiet aud prosperity ol North Carolina, by one of hrrowQ sons, since Gov. .WoUk.(Mi.iciia.iAiaw - Twenty delegates were appointed to the Democratic State Convention. The lollowing gentlemen were appointed an Executive Committee for the County, viz M. 8. Uobiua, Jesse Walker, Z. P. Rush, J. C. Harris-land A. S. Hornev. A Central Seymour and Blair Club was organized, with Sanwtl Walker, for Presi dent, S. 8. Jack-on, lor Vice President, J. M. Hancock for .Secretary, aud Benj. Moflitt, for Tretsnrer. Eighty two mem be n snb crilie.i U th CuustimUua- and liy-Laws. CLKVAXJJr A large number of tho citizens of Clave land aaaemMed at gfetelbSl, 0' 4fca JsW, and were organized by calling D. I). Latimore to the Chair,aml appointioJEI..Schenck and J. II. Gouger, Secrttaries. i 10 meoting was ably aid;sasvd by Capt. J. W. Oidney, A. K. Holrasley, Esq., and Maj. H. D. Lee. Uatifjcatioa rw-olatWn ww aibipted.aod delegates ippolnud ti the "Sratc Conven tion. A Seymour and HiairClub was organized, and a large number of citiwjua, including many negroes, enrolled their names as meniliers. FORSYTH. Tbe citizens of Forsyth met at the Court House, in Winston, oil the 1st. Joshua Uoikt, h-q , presided and Dr. h. Ivleruer sud A. B. Gorretl were SccreUfiea. The meeting was addressed by lb v. T. II. Pe giam, Thos. J. W'ilson, Esq., and Colonel Jos. Masten. .A Seymour and Hlair Club was oigapizcd and twenty five delegates appointed 4 th D!(a;r.aU!,.tte eBn tiun. The toHowing excellent reinliilion.amono Oltve'rs, wa adopted, Yin; ' lifulctd. That all we ask is a free, lair arid Impartial elcclieiif snil it a majority should be against tls, we Vhall 1'tfel' It our Uiiiy lo i-nliiutt aad jiwld obedience to the Will M Bajiriiy Ui ukHeaaeu. SiakmgT)t' this meeting, the Winston tlmtfntl sayt t ' - - ' -T' It was trull trratrfvfn't' to witness the ;dcp fceWg arrtfestetf and respectable anuienca on tne occasion, espe cially so as to ffie Brjtneron representative of that grand om party, 110, in lormer tjsys, had iaimtsd'l)pur'its banners the r.1 lh. ui,-.,,ll4I.CJ.. i Wilhatfir namrs of tb unairtai! C4ayf . Wabster, Badm-r. Xottbcad. MiBer, sxnit -aasy others of our hub - trrtatwm -tt)i38te. auma rf wttofttaHtt ViiUt tMMK&i " hipctrsi ruin, we bad almoelaaiil, ot coustitutional taw 1 aad' liberty -is this our country ; and akn-iiaaii tu atafiri mi Lh tiia Cooaer- w- 1 1 11 1 1 1 ti- - tns ioveraauni o(w nam ,piuH:ipis uu otsr which wi-oaw w.jj. jvj 1 . , ,,. , ffajajv .fiftt" JiniTTJolilen, tfa AuWaC iMfi wArtiiy force-'- er'-e njj.ijf!o.ki-ip,tdic,aU.mtflj,i X. C. JLegislatttre, from , akepinifunastlf to QRlSfiltl?. i A Iatk Bum bw of tlia ciiiiciw ul Gran-: try the nominations of Seymour aud Blair, ! Dr- dq- lIick ireid.a. n Me", i Wt T P-fengins fcfld. .Caryl,.. EIUsiylyon.f appoiutwl StCTrtaHw. tTIttj30Sl i A series of excellent rcsoluiioiia ere .edopted. The h. bowing, was awoug the ; Dumber : ! . rotW, That we ngaul with wou ' , alarm " I,lr" " nttn'ly influeow! j , he Southern againat it, . pun, . s, ' i and that o coihU mil. as utu:..iihtuu..iml ' l tlifa State to nranie a P.il..-!- i , ,i ...... , - ... . . . . 11 I vicuonn that aui-h a poliei, persisti d in, will j Inul i.ievilal.ly to lln-ynai,-! oul.lic caUm , jtjj.j, 1 One hundred deleuatea were appointed to! the Mate Democratic Convention, and seven 1 to attend such District Convention as may hereafter meet lo nominate a cautlidnle for Presidential Elector . - - 1 -Ailr..lbifao.kitioa. wro read. Judge Gilliam was called for, and resjioudi d in all , earnest speech, setting forth the importance ( to the cause of couatitutioual hla-ity ot the ! pending cleclinn lor President, aud urging 1 united and persistent effort, coupled with a , firm purpose not to sutler ourselves to be provoked to rashncts. Mr. Amis, Col. V ,ei Major Lillhjohu, Col. Hargrove and ,r. v,Hy, in response to calls, al-o bri. llv addressed the meeting, After the ailyonruuuiil o the uiesiing, a i v-iiiml a.n,.nr .,! uuir ii,,k ,. ir.ed, with the follow ing officers, vii : Prcst- I iiana a ere eonsidereil. liesulu not yet traua deut, Win A Pbilpott ; Vice Presidmls, Dr j I"1""1 v vf i i. ii n; i .i, It i-i-ileil lliat liif S. , ii lio uf VX'si, hv or- L M Paschall, Wm Htrews and Jus S , , , ; ili-l i-t the I ri snlelit will lwioie a i-llelllar olilt-r Amis; Uecording Seerelary, .1 A Williams : I ,.,Ht.,mi. ti. ,.,irc gl,.m,(1 of . si.ie u..eri. Treasurer, Dr 1, C Tavlur . Directors. T ft Liuuul reouinnu UoMj-niuei.t tr.iis, aiul tin will I Venable, Dr 1' W Young. .Ino W lUye. II C Herndon aud .las T Litth jolin, K-q. Over one hundred gnoil men aiul lrue rolleil their bairn s. ceo wax. and karuionious A large mi i-lui;; Ktttuton, on the 3d itit. Di. li H. Win lorne .rchi(led, aud V apoiutcd i$ecritary. Urne i.rei tied, ami Will. Hrrn. Eit. wa U..; II A 11. 111. unlurl .. '. .... 1 ,1 i . -v. v... ...... ou.La.ut.i .... i ing w 1th one of those able and well directed : speeches characteristic ol that .eaioiis advo - cates Constitutional IiIm riy. j Katiticaliou resolutions were adiqiled , aj Seymour and Hlair t'lub iini.ed ; mid liltv deh-L'ates siioointe I I.. lh- Si ate ion- I vention. AnExcciitne ComniiiH ol lloi-e genile men .. I toiu each .diairn.1 in the uiumty nw appointed. j I'KliyLIMAA. We have herelolore brii-lly botk-ed -the enthusiastic meeting in this county, at Hertford, on the 1st insi. . A iSeymour aud Blair t'lub was organizeil with the following ollicers, viz : President, T 11 Gilliam ; Vice Presidents, J C Skinner, Samuel Sutton and Nat New by; Jauiea M -Mlh!;-4-rriHitj- rrerry -' rlatnlr ifynr row, Corresponding Secretary ; Henry W Barber, Treasurer; J C Skinner, Dr I) Cox, It B Cox, Jno L New by and Moses Jackson, Directors. For the .Sentinel. CRGAN1ZAT10X VF A 8 BY M0 UK if HLA TR GL VB FOB PAXTIWlt 1IKAXC11 DISTRICT, WAKK C0V.X- rr, n. c. Pursuant to pluvious police, tho Conser vatives of Panther Branch District met at Mrs. Hanks', on Saturday, Aug. 1st., 1868, lor me purpose 01 organizing a ocymimr , and Ulair Club. There being a full turn out of people af semhled, tho meeting wss called to order by Dr. A. E. Smith, who addressed the Club with bis usual ability and explained the object of the meeting. On motion, J. J. L. McCullem xrs re quested to take the Chair, and H. B. Jordan and W. II. Hand to set as leuipoary Sec re Uries. On motion of C. E. McCullcrs, a Commit Us of 11 v wen appointed to draft a Consti tution and by-laws for the Club,' anil " the lollowing gentlemen were appointed tor that purpose : Dr. A. K. Smith, B. II. Jewell, i M. Mc';. Stephenson, W. A. Myatt and Simon Smith. , - On motion ot L. Banks, Esq., a Commit tee of fire were appointed to select perm a- nent oracers ior me uiun, ana me louowing . were appointed aa a Committee, viz : W. V). Crowder, 8. 8. Termer, i- W. Jones, Lyman Banks and A. T. Stevens. The Committee on permanent officers re ported as follows : For President, J. J. L. McCullers; Vice Presidents, J. J. Young, Jonathan Smith, Dr. J. II Jones; Itoiord ing Secretary, W. II. Hand ; Corresponding Secretary, Henry II. Jordan; Treasurer,' Henry Stevens ; Din c'i rs, James r. Icacti, Jr., Dr. A. K.Miih. C. K. McCullers, B F. Walton and II. B. JonUn. x Which sppoiiiiiueiiti. or motion, were uiiauiuiiiualy adopleAl by the C lull. The 'Committer ou Cinsti(ution and Reao luiii ni r pi Tied' that for Seymour and Blair Clubs published in the MM, iwl submitted the lollowing resolutions; lU'ilutl, Thai we declare our unallering devotion to lliegieat principl.r,s of civil lit.rtjr cootaiueit in Us Mawttt utiue f tha roi-wi States, and our stinial titl'tility' fo the many usurpations ol Congraas, hy which that Cwiatitttttiftl has '-rets disnarihrd an liullipbd nuder fool.. Uti-o 'tW, Tliat we fully endorse the p!t -fbrtn Of pftfieipfes rwcutly tdnptAl bjf the great National Daruoeratio Couveutioa as eeuiblwi in tlie City ol Mew Y'ork. aud that wo pledge to the nominees of that Conven tion, tloraiio Seymour, of New York, and Francis P. Blair, ot Missouri, W? United and undivided support. 1 ,.i..lait.Tbft.w-wil use vTy Uarfal effort in our power Ut re-eataljMsri a truly republican Slate government, in the place of the one now forced npom ns by Congress. Which, on motion, were nusnimnaaly adopted. - -On dm) tion, those desiring to beoilma ineinlwrs of th Club proceeded to aq;n the ;fhUtprti;.a4;. -awfr eiirollcii. ""' '-a' "' JS" Inlormatioa being -risen that there weie auma colored CooaerraUvea present, who lumicv w 1-wi.i- "- m' dim red tu become members, on motion t&t-y I'nns auUios tlie Clnh aulionmed. with -4jttreecners ior Deiynsoar ssa oiair. - 1 . . r uiri r eua -j . : I . w-J4. IMct'CUKBtt. Prwideirt I tfwwuv R Jonuas. ) . ' . ... w it RiKB. -re ' (ot wtut tad moUatton. TlLlEGtAPlflc: Our Afternoon DIiaU-he. GI.ORIOVS OtI KEN'TCOKY ! ' LovisriujE, Auk. M. m ttna trite vrtti reach KIiittTY Hu'M NK "la I AN;- Kkw t at.fc.AKs, .km.-. . M Ait miau-nno crowd natltere.l at l.ata)etti H.i.iii. Il ltiirlit to I.e.- Hilli- M..'lti.M II,.. cos-ircd litm-s-rst. who has'laMy hmnV t mM.. aytwy 'ln! i ill' mi n th.vnMNt-':aal4 u,, "(,e 1 fltMt UHMllttl :1 f.lT til. lIUU.' pUIlf-. .... ....... . . """""" "T'lw amin. i -T11'1 A" ' M l(ll' 1 UllttUI nil VCHllI llftV, JlftHM .1 nvor till' ti lYiTuor' nt), a !i!I In y iin'mU.iB uni' yi" ,, t.w .,-, ..,, i "i i,.iv,...l,. i Ii ,i i.airneJ at VI ,r,i. at nicht, till N..v.-inlii'i tto- tbtr 1, wtii ii tih Will rll-mse ln-sl'!i litla! eli-.-U'rs MAUKf IS- A . ,w , '"'': A-"K'-?- Vmpntttnt) ann wt,,. Hnwi. uiu'luioo-.l . ('imiiiii.hi a,ii.'i. Hold I .is,. Virims-. ex-i-mipiuis. 5:1. 'IVim.- ""' et--i.niwns, tu ; u.w .'(. Norih ('sr.. In,, "'' n' w Our nidllliillt IHIapalt-hoa. ('HUM WASIllMi'l'DN W isuiMiTos, Ani,- I- M. lliowniiiK, Mi-Cliltwh, Si'hoHelil, Mr Hunter, a- Si-ward i pruxy, wen iiiet inii'tin' lo-ilav. A priiliiiifii-.l KlSllS. Mil ft in lln .'l l-MNIi Ml . flu- i Iti-vi-inii ('tinmiiBioiii'i-sliip ati'l triMipnlfnr I,m t iueiil requiring tis-jnmeiit tre )t"?ispo'?tf at ili ho.i(i-.ls as l that ,j l hi XYartUi.lll Ii. ilie eee.,ie.l Tr aatiiy M.-i iier, teiiiit-.raiily lit ihalf.H nt tl.i f .luMlce (.'base Imus. ui-vt.ij;lt-,l a r.-lnriMl Ktr' tin- In.iiHe Btiil etit- IXi-.l In r. II IS liel.l I, from w srrrnT0N mti. kvartn. i VV4HINiiT'N. AllU. 7, IV M. ! Ui' I,!'Pv. amountum u a wr- j isoill. i l-is, inai air. r.viiiijt buhijiiiiii uic irw- j ..lent m lli., n mitiiin Hi .t tlin ltHVi'imti I-iiiIiiik I .a.nel-.liip Is va.'alll. FHOM AI.AltXVH THK LKi.lSLATt'ltK TO i lluutjK LI.ECTtlRS. Xbisr-iuMKuY. Annual 7, I'. M. Tie - limine. In day, l.i a vote of 7J In 1.1, pasi il '' nsie lull removisn ilisslulilies from all per- -huh lint liUnltei In Tilt.! by the State Clltisllt II- In tt.. Nimu- ,n luil a paomxl, hy ft o fnui, tli ('Mj)!f thu rff.-t.t io vat fVr Prtidt-ntiaJ 1 1 1-r.-. auJ civin il Id tlx jguUtnr. jt M.-nt in dm UotiHti mimciluWly, where ii, w )jiaU- ilu- .npn.ii. wrder. tut Urmtttav al 10. u clock. 'I ho bili Hill nndoubitVily liriat'!ie fLuni thtj reooiitly elcwtad Konat)rt tt-.I . IVCAjVi'tl lO-.Uy, Atlinlllg title) (MJUI'HO. Till riecmoa the vott of Albtma for Grant. I (M NEW OKLEAXN. ISicw Ohlkaka, Aug. 7, P. M. platfly ruiiive1 iho xo.id WIidk oq the part of the Conw-srvativct. which ht p'tch tu lb crowd on I'aiittl K(r ct rrnatnU. In th Ht natw, tii-day Koi.&tfir Jewell i.!T.km1 a rfwtJutiiMi that a Com-, ttiittco f three h - ftppMiittut k wt thtt Gov ernor apil tn-u'erUih fnmi htm ( ht timM and placa of tho ono hunflrt d mul lifty iinirhia, which, be nay m, hftvi- IirtMi coinuittiid iji tf.n Unt mix wttek , hUmo to (i-liisvm tlm luitiar rf Dwiru'i AUornj natR mni itf-r of rhrn woirir-n nittl rhiMreu in the eighth Jiiftinial Iintriet. Jwcl folJowtMl this rtiv" intion with an m tensely hittfr pt'h hmhi i ha action iif tho Oovcriinr JcwcII'h rcHoIution was leTfiicd lo a Jmiil ("mi - n,i(,,,P 0 Ul cn,itj., T en 1 1 atlAira, wIktm it ' ill jirt.hbly f ti--. I ! l-'UDJI liUiiTUN- Till'; YK1.I.OW FEVEIt. I'-osTi'S, Auk. 7, V. M. Tlil I.itm-a, fiorn O'.llnes, is at sin li u ut quaranliaV. wiih ll.e yillow fyver on Losiil. Tin1 eaptain, hiSv wih- ami twu arauien died on the pas-age , ml lite mate is slill'sVk. FltOM KKIBAttKA---pKXCKATIC C'DNX tX- . ijuni, Aug. 7, 1'. M. Th I), luocrirfio Cou.euliim baa uouiiuals.l jMt. u. Porter, for tloveruur. The Keaolutiom diifiHHee CongrsM (or nuposiaf- nKru saflraHH on Nt,braska. MAUXETH V - - .- - - Kw Koaa, Aag. 7, P. M, t'otum dull and dccUning. Halea of N5n lialea l-t WfgWf. Turpentine 4t;J to 7J. llusln H,i Oold is aijtive eloasd 1,47 4 I'.Ai.naour. Aiir. 7, 1'. ..I Cotton quiet. Flour active at a quarter to a half higher. Wheat weak- to grades lower. To frathera. rpHE TKUITIiE- OF OXFOBD FKM VI.K 1 ikeadaiuty U alect aFruwiptJ. Xut .tUai WU-1 tuiinn. on tk larof Bente-nher next. Thjuj1 deairs to awuie tha nervietis of a T-suher, wliil- character and acquirements Will air.ir.l a RusrSoti-e of th heM kind of Mclns.1 J n siieli an one they wilt offer Hberal terms. For iafiNrl&atiou, adilreas eittivr the Preid-bt or Heeretarv of the Itoaril. ). H. AUIM, President. :-'.' Jlv'LaBm, ttae'r,- '. July 31-dlwAwlS.ptl tlioroasiiUIe Ft-male Collw, IHOMArsVIU.n jn, ,. rilHE FALL SES-UOiJ uf On. iualiiuU. will X eoniluenoa on 'loesitsy. the 'lilt of August, and eoutmne twenty weeks. 1 1-UiABn: . per month, uMn) oilier ehamioa prt porliouaby tow. tdXI Y ISiCI.Alaeininai b. pre paid hy each y iun) lady on enteriu, aiid the nalswe at the eloa of the term. l a. Fee-stir is full and euwimaed of attts and eifwrienrod Teach!, 'lias eiMirae is estenaive snrtrrwimr afl the- solid anit nrhansntal tmnnettes laiixhi in other Femalls' Colleges. Tb religious sdvaiitaigea are unnnrpawaed. , Tb' 'Us at Uted between Salisbury and (Irer-nsooro', in ouu of th. teioat beautiful sad healthy t-won th N.'C Central Haltmad. and is in iwo no es ot tti imb hraied 'Mulli.n t Lslv oestn Miiriiiss." And at the niiliiinual eieiise of Vti i-eiiis r .1-y aiiv of Itie "l aIle( Kills l is Wx.th--i.ttWii-itlWAtiiir'-r-irT. - Fi r l'u-eli-r-( PMHsiSH if fl i'-n'aw un it i:.r. lr. it. liitl TUN, June 184-d2aW.swl snUMb aug. FrsaHlitat. IKbIMi M1LITAKY I.MhTlTlTK, Himn mlira Hiliy g' j "Tj' - T" jft "It la APPUAl tOhwiUsV. s-aauved as this tins fur tha fctauasion ef Hal aJ'IiITUjNAL OA.- iitTfXAsierttim liintTIii(i-TI.i .hioflng la tlie Hummer niontha .irloy p en liar sdvatnairea In tbe special cowrw-r sr db-aiphaas aad Uwtrao sksa. tss-wbisa awaraprwi.a bar. Has ngvuar studpas trbkh eonuuMtea Supt. 1st; ' -'-CTetttars-wtH wweaS'Wrr''s"i"ai-- FHANCUl M. SMITH, may lS-wlwsXwvWtasptl. sapt. ...j. ft.-.-- ---e . am-.Mi 7 Greensboro' Honey Market. BUYINO RATES OF BANK NOTEM, BV WIUtON HlloBKlt, HANK KHS AND F-xcvaxok Un-iaxs, iviia Ki MTeaatT, Ueasas- Sua N. I'. Bank i.t K. 1 i V l:p li - ... -. - - 4aH-wa- - ( ........ i..h XAaik-abi i" m.i jt-.i- ht..n ',;.? TfV.'JA ' I I.!.!, is If! :;."" . t ,.,,,,!,,, , ,.., Oil. I'. 1 i i iiim 'i iip(tini n i Wih Viijiinia Hawk NkOw v'i rtm' fcUiul N-tilli ritoihim t)l-01l S. '. lUllroail W. k 1,1 i3 15 tiliv allil m ij nt ItUiiU pi'l, . until anil rtil vir. Nurtli t'aiuliin U--iiK I litwil SlU- Hon.! Ain1 stl iiltw-r lufti lit'tilfi flut-ks Hi. Ins r.-r Tsank nil. In- ili din m l-il Slia-k-tii.l.tiTw if flanks wall F'-'0.- lifit t!enlt..ti. tUilunis f'.r exprn. tKirkse's ut tlnk imtt's .V.- . will luinU- "il llu Oiii ivbi-.l, ! cki-i'li Mk,. mi,' f rmlmMtmtmfntmim t-anwtiinr j (-uitiinilieM, tit (( isl Del. 'ili-'iWI-.aiM r : -arrr".XB UAI.DIt.ll ITHItli nUk OF N0HT CAKOLIN.V. i:u.vi;i) Of niiviKToiis : I t' 1,1. 1 A VI, FinMnl w ii xvii i Aim A is M t.ldil NlO.N OKI). XV. SWEPS(li, W.J. HAWKINS. C. DEWEY. Cashier J I". 1II.AKK, Teller Deal, in Hills uf Kieli!ie Kixht Urafts. U..1.I ; sii.l Hili.-r '.ii -lu! tl.iv.-rnini nt anil other w-j l-lllltleri. I'lii-urreut Hank Nutws laiuntit at hljiheat pn.'es. i I'arkaura -.nil l.y hipress wi 1 reniitvetl tnr I prxt.plly, 11 i-iitii'iu vor in Ni-jYurk lunils at j Itauk ol Cape K-sr, t l hsrliitu-i S3 " I'larrliil'Hi, 4 r.nnniere., 17 Kavtl.-illk., 10 " tje mm tun, (oW, , ... ,., , I ' iw-.V..-.. ..... . .1 ' I'xlngton. payable at Graham, . 21 North Camllna, . . - M " Itoiboru', . 60 'i'liinnasvltie, 0 XXailesberu' , ... .,i7 ' Wai-huiKlon, . . . . . ;l ' Ytkni'eVYils- -- XX'tlnungliiii, .... 3:1 i:onimerciai bank, XVilinuiiituu, .. .3-1 Fanner's .lank of North Carolina -(uJT,) .-- t ta.-w.) . ..l'l ( I rei-iists.ro' Ddutjual lusnraiiee Q-o., . l Mei-clianl's' Itauk, NiiwUem,. . . tH' 'Miner's Planter's Hank .Inly J7-l:ei-tf I Aaleigh Money Market I I lllx riM , I t-V i a svii.s - a i.u4mn v v., .i.ii'Ht.r. l.V NiUWT IX UTT'l 111 Usl tt i HknKVKH K&I.EHH N. C. n.,.k of If. C. rijh.Id 25) (Silver 36; 0. I). 8.1 " ' Cape" Tear ' Charlotte , l Lenugton, at Itaaham, new 10, old 1(1 " RstH.ni. -1 Wadesbarrmarb 27 TbonuwvUls SO ' Wilmiugton 30 l.'oniiueree I' " ashtngtou It FayattaviUs W ' Claraiulon Yaneeyvihe d Mine' aiuUJlanter's Bank 40 turners! Jif' l& MtfpgmmiiuaLiAMi -J& I omiu.irram intua, nuiuiugiuu Merchant's Dank, Newborn Oreensboroiigh Mutual Virginia Bank Notes, about Hmtth CaroUna " n 60 A 35 n 138 l.HD J 5 Oeorgta Oolrt Silver Old Coupons North Carolina Railroad Coupons Old (Sixes , Exchange on Haw lurk ... . K. U. Kulmsd Stock;; ......... PR0VI8I0H MARKET. (XlKBlArrED BY JOHDAN WOMBLE, OlMlCKlt AM) COMMISSION' MKHCHANT. BACON I7JA BAL T. WEMTEUN . 17J 1. KEF ON HMOs' Taj N ETT ItlTTKIt - COTTON, nominal : . StJ CHKJKfcNS, K.rin, Wt " Orowu V&W t-ons 1 i o IKr''Kfi . dt5t4tt- - 1 1 ills UjitflS VIiiCK : Il4a . FubDKlt I 40 IIUHlllNOS W IKXtttlU HIUl--- ren So pr lb. Dry ..... lalt -1 ; "IsAl.wwUW.'-'. :MSH LAUD a. MfcAL 1 0 Mlll.ASMFJl &iVjf64 NAIIX TiiW PtAti-Htock 0 ai 00 While " h'Ktfd POTATOES-Irish, Ke T.vai 00 Sweet u laKaii.iiu RAOK. BAtT- Fine .. Utound 1 4 MM I J5 8 tsxulit 60 . IMH3H-. lotiti'ij a-f.476 7-X'it I (KI it..,7S ' ( So HMOJttt 'I'M. LOW VIMOIAK Osioss HllXAF I !TS 1ISIWAX - KF.MAKKS. ('ottoo- Nona ffi riUK. Mouiiusl prwe 2M(t'J(i THIEM ft MILLER'S " E X ( II A N (J k; fjmit FlNF'r -S.aa.atU .:. AJ.1J IS !.- X I I HIS S1I.SSS 111 inn c ai.ii, jo-i opelicsi opposite In, , ) ' TU KEIl I1M.L The lie WINKS. blijO utd, ., slao, w,be had at the LOW Kf FHlCfcH. Come nn, eofne all and jadire fir yooi selves. KveryOENlLFMAN wiH tm waned on wub po Istwssvaa -and. prt;iJ(,. . a ns. Iaurui.l 1 an aw a sea. -..I.. ..i.Ai aiti 1 a, ilksr--fl BROWISJS, ! WA8BI50T0V, p. C. PSTTS lM.I-StV, rrwf.rlrl.iii JulylVilw ' ' ' ' f W, K. OlC liH, BOOK " BISDER AND BLaH BOOK MANU . FACTCKli,! Natlelfjh, H C. MANCFACTTJHES BLANK BOOKS OF ALL 1 kiuds. out ef tha btt saatwriat, sod ss ( titiap as oaa 1 d.ne auywbers lu tlie lulled HlatAtf. , 1 . htiaa-arrav Woo,T.' f Kidiealsv Xsw Tiia i and hfvk of afl smite booiid In snv Mir ..ie anad, VaJtY CUKAt'.aialat slue' mam. lio-ly-ttfe per cent, saved by all sending ilieir lx. lo me. ' hlhlityt AT JBHA-'SO JON' ooKftroirr. -,- A It work in awwek-aanba. sssnssss, n 1 . Frtufla paidvben sent by ) aa a I) wotk la ttia aaaauut tJ-ts), aad wpwards .-snglkti - ..... w. a. xncp- V aoiTlKA ASO Liu rtOFFEILe, ij Wsrrautwd to suit lii aavor' arid fine. j -ThriMa bsi. nf Uia tsaaA. O. T. W. C. 8TB0KACH. - -.1. '. . ' ..-:-.aiv.... ..,,A..i ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF1 HAHTFOltl), COMM. . -' ' . i Ahi:T. $10,000,000 1iH(.a,Jte),51. ItKAU T1IK F")LL()VIS(i KXTU.VrTS: .Kixa I.is-t. ln sin. ii ili. H.iRTni inistw.l It Is setin.l. iir.iiiqii.'sii.l insiuressitu ftt,.ant (rw oft Its war rrni.uitt r liuaimSKtlian any viilliiii tin' Isnt yi-ai . a lai'tie I , f, i ,. f,,un.t Ij.iuoXlU his oB I'OUIlliy I Aaii ilW Jnilll .V. 1. 'lUMi'.iai-e yllli'l, l'e(. IS68.) No lafs lnauiaui l uuipau) evi achieved s eomplela a su.-ci-ss as lliis paipnlar histitntlon.- ' lta popularity u altogether ih j-i e. I. nn In the annals of eotnnnreial enterprise in -this eonntry. "A go.nl man l.avelh an tnberltamw ." HMr. Is Nobth Cutnusi the JF.tna Life Company baa aoltled policies promptly to date, 17th July, lsiW. MH.snn (Hi. aiul another to.WIO is riady for the legal reprsenUtiT of our doeeaavd hliow-eitlJ, A. K.L1NE, . weU known aa a prudent snJ thrifty man of hsuueaa. " Those who insure in the J.tna way b aura njT a certainly' for their friends, and that upon terms as favorable as any flrat-claaa Company can afford. Thl.inais-aHdfmpan;r.- iJy.. i.-.tMs &4HS. Z i .11 ui. W. 11. Mi-Krb, Examiner. July 1! I 1 111 . PHCENIX MUTtTAL LIFE INSUKANCE COMPANY. i:i0 rjESSKXOEX, Irealdnt. IS FttEMESTINO THE CLAIMS OF THK rHHI' MUTCAI. 1.1 PE tWAASiK CenrAKV, t lh panels of Noma Carolina, the Agent invites their attention to the fnUow- BisataisiaBlat . ' """ ""' :- - -"'"' I. It is a Mutual Company, the profits beinj divided a-nM ,ths nsnre,!. seaaous of lbs year. , . , . Its dividends have swaged 60 per sent yearly, and are payslaanha auiovtnt of preniiom paid by Ui. insurad. ' t Its policies are an sus-ium . s. Its Ioaaaa havs bwn mat bv the annual intersai tns a ilontri over to swell the g.nral fund tietoniiiiu 10 ins 6. It baa paid over MHf.OOO 01 losses, ana 7'. It. rates of aasuranoe are as ehekp as any Company aoing a sara buauaaas y I. 1 i-.iiar ilvaonss Lira. ft. One half tbs premium will be received In the is byb dedtusMd Irnm tbe taea aUbAMii$y. Belativt charackr of the Companie operativg t Korth Carolina, aa tAflr June! and Liabilities, taken from the New York Insurance Rrpyri Jcr the year 18ft7, which it the last refort showing )tow mveh ef Aasttir-i -ewh C(rmpany has to meet each dollar of Liability : FS'XMX MtJTOiL Km a Baijosrirw CoKSbOTlcl-T Mil KgriTASL kUATTa Th. FHiF.Nnc sftJTFAt. otters rwrnHarrndiH-siiieiiis tn ettisews of tbe rsjth-ir titattistts rgn. latwua with r-gsrd to niaaileuee artaHravel baing aimoat aareatricUsl. , . , ... .1 TlrtiMi statement, sr. maile from impartial reports lu ths baud, of the Agents of tbs Company. rViaaj-af Of, HARTFORD, 4. - , . . Ka. fuellM.r iuformaiiiui, appTy to tbaTravsIUng Agauia, et tu . . w WruiAK H, BAGISY, , General Agent for North Cnroiitm, t Jam. 1 -. :..: r- :..V.--i.:.;-:.iL.Bj--;. BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. as 2 jr. a ..." I' asf a:. 0. ' a- W -J. 4! 1 1 'at V ".:-v . v . ABSOLUTELY NO IU:TKICTI0K t'l'ON TIUVEl, OH RtfJIDtNc-r-' aliJ, POLICIXS PCSITIVK.Y XOS-TOMZUX&IJL , ' Sfflr Part of tlie pnnoinm lfMW)(lf ni n6 totin tnr premium note & Ifa or ."--Wl.'i'si ?,,--J-tf.,-.,;(:',yL,sV;.t T-Wr-lKWliwi.teif claim oil tbe policy in caw of death aftr tlie necornl rent, jpf- ' 1 1 i .. 1 t - -t$ - . t fTMllM COMPANY 0FFI.RB PLCIVLUB ADYAKTAOEH TO TtiK UOUTHLWi FUU'IJ',''. 1 Itt X tha swast 1'' -' ;.. - e- - - . Its ratiss bsing lows than tUuss of other CsitupaidsV I..- '-1- " - : ." -1 s ii rf ' lli 1 - 1 - i - , - -0-AJa 3SfJgtp.teIawa-a-aa4leW WM. M. COLE, 'secretary. ," 7 f ClIItlSTI.lST W. Bqi.-fK. IVea. V lafirrfBstlawglssllr'f-tr -, T , . - 4 swierttU'lgwaii ffiwii bta'to'oif JToraroGuiC' Rgb.K. 0 March JV"r- - " . " ' J - -j. .i.i.iw'i..-v.-'-afe.----- JJ'- 1 J--.--. mmmm, . t' 57,000. j - ' 1 I ti I ";Jf per lint. tui 1 W .Ktna is a Company thst can ba lonuKll.v It.ii - su on a tirm basis, pays Ms claims with alae- H has )nv'ofifB tb hfitnf itiat tmtrM-wlimtt M Btstfonl, ntntf fi'fc 'fiftnpsnv "wtileh rntlivntis thut itfihet ,Ve fork Ituurawr AfiMOti'r. W. H. CtOW, General .Jijrnt for the State, Office, Raleigh, N. C. MA MES P. Ilin.f, aerrelHry reenvea aion, aim a surplus ot tuisrewt h-lt inaurea. ssvaa roiT.D cuis, note of the insured-which note, la vase el death, .... .- . -t 11 1 ,.'.... nit ....... I At .-"..I 1 I . . , - -tst 1 41 1 if .. M t H fit ' -m ill's r aw i . , - . - -i - . I tt a 1 sj t ' fOi,"iS , -!l X , Hlala . V , . ; -. ! ai. 4 11. M Hi . . I U 1 v - . a, mat ' r . tfix , ( , k . 1 t, i t - t., . . a 1, .4 -a( alt s-J. 4 iw.V.i,- ! ! I - Ve-J-Al'v.--(-;li,'.r..rf- rvV,-.-! fI,--'S-e-l-',..--aa-;f . . i-n ri sir nn imisliiitf iYiiiiiiiijejiiigMniri,r.T .

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