: : ,i-':.;--..i I; , ' . ife!e'e3l'iWTl THE PEOPLE MOVING! safely for the Kattoa la iejinotir ALL BAIL KSXTVCKT Thl noble okl 8tte Hr the fir-t yun .f th campaign. The entire Di-raKr' if i irk et i carried by 70,000!! H.-r. v.te i H -Pi ideatil election will give a -majority lor Seymour end Blair of 7-1 0O0 ' ! The Conservatives s.i Democrats of the SEYMOUR AXb lll.AJti 11A71FHA TION MKKT1SQ IX ( AIAUIil'h According to previous notice, a large numtier of citizens from nil part of tlie count' assembled at tbe Court House in Concord, on Saturday, ttie Int. of August. On motion: Col. J. C. liarnhart was ap pointed Chairman of tha meeting, and John L. Hhion, Secretary. The objMtt ol tbe meeting Hat explained in a few appropriate remark, liy !il(ij. Mont gnmery. On motion, a Committee, ronsisting of Dr. T. M. lleo(lrrafn, Maj. Wm. J. Mont nomery, H. A. Grier, Maj I. (). If i iley and 1,0. Kitkpatrick, waa appointed by the Cbair to report matter lor tlie action of the meeting. During tbe absence of tbe Committee, Col. Long ni called for and be responded to the call in an able and eloquent address. Tha Committee, on their return, reported the following preamble and resolution, to Wit : Wheriuh, The delegates selected by the Conservative maaaea ol every State in the Union Ud, in CoDTt-ntioa assembled, in th city of New York, on'the 4th of July, nomi nat candidate &r President and Vice Preaident of the-i nited Ktwte and ad pted a platform 61 principle; and 'teAMws, we recognize, in the nominees, Horatio ticy tnour, of New York, aid Krank P. Hlair, ot MUaouri, statesmen and patriots eminently qualified for tbe high positions to which they bare been respectively nominated ; and ' lekirmt, wa hereby endorse every principle, every line and every word of tbe platform adopted; Therefore, Rttolmd, That believing with Horatio Seymour, as President, and Frank P. Jllalr, m Vice President, holding and executing tbe great principle announced in tbe Dem ocratic platform, aa their cardinal doctrine and a ttujir theory of administering- the government, tha whole country will be re- TVofeSH peace, and wnTrapWfy regain her former prosperity, we hereby pledge our .scire to ns (Very honorable t Hurt tor tbe aucceaa ol the ticket. Rttohtd, That our thank are due, and ere hereby tendered, to our delegate Ui the National Democratic Convention, for tbe satlslectory manner in which they discharg ed their dutiea. Ruohed, That we cordially approve of toe coura oi our members la the present Iislsjnre Of tjjis,! (oabnabU atatulf, ttiet l ave u.atn in tne cause oi constitution el tiborty, end against the unconstltution I and groaaly subversive legislation of the reckless end Irresponsible carpet baggers and acallawags, who constitute a majority of that body. Rttoleed, That tbe Chairman of this meet lag appoint fifteen delegate to represent f - - . .-tfcow!fr.4ilMte lu Raleigh, on the 18th of August, Hmhtd. That we recommend Statesville a k aultable place to bold a Convention to nominate a candidate for elector for this Congresaional District, and that tbe Chair man of this meeting appoint, twenty-five delegate front this county to attend raid Convention. --- . Rfohtd further, That highly approving tneeoane ot tne inaejwuUni I'reu, publisu ed in our towoi we respectfully recommeni It to tha patronage of our citizens generally , The meetring a then ahly- addieswd by " Msi, Montgomery, who exposed. In a proper manner, the corruption and villainy of the tUdical party. The foregoing preamble and resolutions ' ..were iMMhMifaidUfUdK-' The Chairmm jhe4s RobrMi of tbe follgwing gentlemen a delegate from this county to tbe' Crrnvention to be held in Raleigh, August Ulh; Oen. W. C Means, llaj.X 0. Hei ley, Augustus Barrier K. i. Ltntx, John Wixveceff, U, H. Ptmrr Col. T. H. Robinson, John II. Newell, Allen Boger, Dr. F. M. Henderson, Col. J. M Long; Christopher Mclchor, lit. J, P. Uib- mo, Jo. efuesBtmer uat iiiM t. Bkinn ' A Utymonr end Hlati C1U5 was flies or ganiiccL On motion, it wa ordered that a copy of to proceeding oe lorwaruea to tne iwiili nd and Iiulpndmt Vatifor publication. Rely upon it I Cabarru will do ber duty to toe coming election. - J. C. BARSnART, rre. ' Jom L. Bhixm, Beo'y. HA T1FI04 TION MKKTING .V JOBS- "'" ' At Urge end antbusimtio meet iug held et W. H. Arere'i Btore, on Saturday, 1st. day M August, tbe following proceeding ' vereoea: Oa motion, Jethre Tliain, Esq., was call ed Ut the Cbair, and J, B. Keneday, E., p ii39MAtiaMtt. : V -v. vm-. Tha Chairman ezplalued the object ol tbe jneetiog, in few very appropriate remark ; t ' after which. Wm. It Avwe, tut.; pTPWotdd . the fcllrjwinc pretmble and reaoiutioiu i , , : XWbbbs, the greet National Crrrrven- vmmii AiukAmiiTitrf in rn en m nvs Yorir. on the 4th. dey oi July last,.- rettre- aeatinst the Constltntional Union loving eletBent'Osf all foRjset political partita, Mtf toosdly impreeaed with th dancer, which new tuVeateQ to lap the foundation of Re publican government ana Constitutional ItbMl, hi ttMtihkiiWMTlwltctl 'u4, iincousutuuonal policy of the Radical Re- publieao Party, who aaeum to govern tbla country, jndepeadctit of and ia violation of the ComttitutioB of the country, by that higher law power know only to and prac tised by despot, did adopt a platform ot principles, eminently Rational and Repub rtc to their .(rartw, and pjacexl7 before th eott&tir CMdidfttM, for 0t cf&c oM Prideat and Vice Preaident, pledged to the owport of th eaid platlonu, and have au omitted their prooeediiig to the AmerrN eaa people and. iav (appealed tot a great ftatieq to reaca a&d praaerra heraebf ixom aa abeolato military dMpotiam : now therar Ssmltti. That we do cordiallr en dor the Dlatform of BrUirJlpU adopted bv aald msmmmmMmmmrmt-'fMgf'wmiitii t their OT'ttlpIIWC', B,U& Tb-Uinthc Ho. U-ratir R - t - Hon. Frank P. Blair, of Miaaoun, for Vice President, we have sttnicn every way w. rtl.y and well qualified to fill 'he high Doeitione to which their countrymen have called thein: and lielieviritf, aa we honestly do, that a drapoiimn tlie nioH grinning can nniv K,rt.t hv thoir f lei tiuii. w ult itu& i .ltt.ll auaa hi all tme friend' of reoublican liberty to lor all true friendi of republican lilierty to lor get party and party ties, and work and vote' once solely for tha good of their country' jiHnTng'roTTnoD whoae watchword is, "Our country shall be restored , our Federal L'nioo shall t preserved ; our glorious 1.1 flag shall wave all over this broad Ian I ol ao-eqnal States, as the proud ensign ol ion aillliiioaal liberty, ami not aa terms of wilt., f try oppreiloi over one State of our g!o hue constellation of stars V Remind That we believe a general ion :trt tit artton - n ewienrjal to 8uccw. We, tberetore, n!ve ourselves into an Associa tion of lnenda to lie known aa the A vera' Lilrici Hryinour and Hlair Presidential ( amsign Club. hiflmi, IJIiat we adviae the friends of Co-ntiiuiojal lilxtrlyj of every lliatrict in i inn counts,' and every ( and dwttict in ibe Klate to at pim adopt som- plan ol or ganization ilnit v i 1 ooiiiri-H iM.i-i.il coiiiert ot artiori, f.ir ihe promotion id the reat wcrrktieloie oa, that of thetnumphanteke tion of Seymour and Hlair in November next, and tbe rea r the conntry from abaoliite military defpotoon JirKoltitil , 'I'hat, an lover ol p M( . and ood' order, ( not w it lis! an. lin we ure tnunt ed as being dii.loyai j we adviw and 1"' that every metHber, not only o( ourt'lut., but friends ol Seymour and H!air throughout the State, ahsll vie with each other, as being the moat ipiietaud law-abiding cili.en, thtreby showing to the world that our political em -mies do falaely malign and a bine uv looking to God as the ib-lender of right, and ap( e ing to the people to peaceably i. t I' o i minedly riMi.irt to the ball"! '. I redreaa i.t wrongs and t-. r. - t - - r , - -n .1. and country to it I r 1 1 . r pn; r iu.i glory. Mr. A vmiu addrerti:d tlie im-etiu; in mij. port of his reaofut ion, and the pUl'nn and nomination o tli..ri at N'itin.il on ventioll ot New ork, r'n a ftpei-eh i, jeiit llina.1, o( two houra length. Mr. A. drew u moat graphic picture ol'the real contra! Iitdween the horde of hungry ollice aeeki-r vibo were readv lo sell their birthright lor ' a Uieas ol pottage, ami tbe real b.,.iy ol ; stflleameti, frolll al, theot.l pi.titlc.tl ptille, who met io-cuuutilt at. .Ness VMk b save their country. A Beymour and iliair bib .i-i (..i nie.l. ollii era elected and other tunes ol mcitum ajlpoillted lor the ( bib JKIdllto TWAIN, ( bin .Ino. It Kkskhav, S. incsn kiisus inn; a si. i ins ur t Xh.YMOtll AM) HI. Mil cllf .si 'Hi i rr.i mkk i i .v ii Plirsllaryt to notice, the oili. .f !lo. tod surrounding ciiiniuunii ics mi l tor the purpose of organizing a Skvmoi n and Hi.a.1 Cui , and to take such initiative step as may secure the greatest harniony and unity of action in the approaching i inn peilfB, ...' - .. - - Capt. fl. J. Parhani callcil the meeting lo ordeisby moving the ilcrtinu of Col. P. f" A. Jones as Chairman, which was done. On further motion ot ('apt. P., Mr. Hubert M. Knrman wn reiiiested to act u Sccie By reouest id tlie Chairman. Mr W. Jones explained the objects ol ihe lo'eiun; to be as alwve stated On motion of Mr. W. V. Jones, tha S. c rotary was requested to read a Constitution that had bseii adoptetl by similar organi zatioos throughout the HlatCj wb.icbjjtltij. trr gfnnni 1' anTeinTi amemiment. w.. u,t,,ntjd l.v the club It ia substantially the sulnii that appciis daily in the Hkmtink!. On motion of Mr. Cicero1 W. Hanis, the fUcretany read a series id Hy Laws, wlmh were,' in like manner, adopted ti further motion id Mr. Ilattithc t!ub prwesarfett to efrrt' 'rri-rrHKrienf lidflccr, w i.en Dr. W. W. Young plac--d in nonnn iiiou Mr. W. Hamilton Young, who, receiving no opposition, was u cj ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' . 1 1 I y elected lHtciiair ttteo appoili a commit tee ol : two, ennsisting ol Messrs. W. Y. , Ion. mu,.I c. it. Harris, io eswni uie i rcMiient . i.cl n me t. nair ; wnen, upon nssuming the jio. sttion, Mr. Young acknowledged In npprn ia tion of the compliment in uli able au.l . If. . t ive address- puluting out the evils which besot us, portraying, in an iiiimistukeable wanner, tbe must result direful ponserjuetwrs which! Wm, That e pledge our most en, ot our deluat, amdestrffMitsi.il h,.lu tl.u .. ..-.i iu caae tire twncn.'eni an. I lisppy results w Inch must Ivlllow our success. lie Cinlrasicd the! v.iwwivr. e.n.ll.latea l,,r lr... I.. , i ,. I !.... I " ' ' " 1 Irf 1. . I rfW.la.tlarM ulllui nutf r- i-...--..m-..----. .iHe4Hi wnaitaa i B.ej tm ssti, """e imm ; me will oi i iinuresH. Mr. t oun s remarks i were receive. t Willi hearty ap!aus The Club then ptrtcemtnl to elect the other necessary otlicers, which lesultcit s follows : Vice Piiis.Uiknts -Col. S S U.ivs'er, Vlsj J F. Harris, Dr. W T. ( Mieathaio. . jixi;v.tV ti)MiirrTEii CaiL a. J. Pur rtirrr, fapc (J, Iiertbefter, A. W. fb.wland, Esq., VI. W. Jones, fcsip, Cicero W. Hums Esq. TaaaattRBB Dr. W. W. Young Beckktaky. Jtobt. M. Fiiriiia.1. CuKRBsroNOtNO SKrllETAHV W. CsasIus Lasstter Ksq. ) mottoaol Al r.l icero W. Harris. Com alitteeof five Wa appointed by the Chair, to draft reaulution expressive of the sense of the Club, which consiiied ot Geo. II. Row land tl-. Cicero W. llama, Kd. llr.xlic. JsjucaTUletl and. Jtubt, Ji. Furwau . Jlartrrfftherettrtiment of tbe Committee, Mr. W, W. Jones was introduced, and en tertained the meeting for nearly an hour in a forcible manner, .v1r. J. ventilated the infamous act and measures of Congress and the Radical party1., and concluded by urging the CKMtiilittWnionv of tion. and annited eu rt in the forthcoming campaign, to save our eounny and our liiwrtica. The Getwffiiltee on Kesolu lions taeusub- tiilUeI. their report through its Cbairiuaa', Mf. Rowland: Retofwd, That' the Reconstruct ion "Acts Of Coagreea ire extra Constitutional, on arranted by the civil law ot tlie State of Nurtb Carolina, utterly lubverslve ot free government, and dtructiv of tbu public quiet and hippiues ; that under tlnm we have no boiie of a return to tbe arftltd ways dDatUMJKXuuiuvW Uia cord between the white aud black race must continue under them, the social lab ile l endangered, industry i paralyied. good citizen are banned' and proscribed. aad bad me put in, control of tbe Htate and local governmenu. . Rtmlwd, That tbe, uiiirpatprj ..and. Jitm, cuUt wd LegUUturt o thu Bute it r aiMctfttilr and calmly referred to tb de elaioa ol tb voter of th Northern States in th approacUing .Congweaiooal and Pnaidatial 4cti, ia tbe earnest expec- taUoa- tha spirit oi liiaaaitt wilt eun- traip them to remember our deaolatioa and amicuon, niastWHi ww sown -woadea South that rauai Her critical cooaiuo aaij tho dictate nt generoaitj aq loudly tall far. T?MrJri. That thr harmimlon action cf tU RiWtm OpjaUGB, f Wk met oa ; In -ondetce rejoice every patriot ol awl eintir lut) pi.il.iim ol priucipl- euuh laied Oic'- in ltehd. That the Humiliation of H'irulio Seymour for Pre-ideney. and ttiat ot Frank I'. lilairf"r he Vn e-l'rl-nldenc v, liu our eri.lor-rnut an ! -.ipp-.rt, and yl ; . are reiaittd to teii-v lhaf iftifcff-atftnns aMM th-rrrinn nt thwb" mffnin!IiT"',TcT Trfee. 1 genth rueu l.v a baici-.ii.e. if not an .,er- i gen whelming, ruajorin jeXJwl .o. en t t.onwrvat i v l)e pany o, uie country the on'y or.ii.i a rrslorati'.ri ol t 1 1 m and, aa t lie par! v 1 lit Iree trovernineni. we i xi tion that promise, ..iial uoverniniMil, i Constitution ami q;UUtit4 aupiwrt, ....... ... iltwlttil. That the thank of tlr people sre due to Andrew .J,ljn-e.u able aod iw partial atlauntUtni ",:,', r(. for hia the rjnties ot Chief Sfngist rate ol i tin- country during ihretf years ot National peril md hazard. V'hich report was unarms .u!v ad'-pted. Kloquent and palriotiu hpeici.,. mh then made by Meaarw. Cirero Arix ,md James F, A. Iiamond. On motion of M. Jsmni H. iilhtt. tin prrceding of tl.is meetine; v.-ie or-bred to lie furnished the Hen teraon Imlrr, K.il eigb Sfutiru:l and S ilibury Old A rth blatt with the revues that thev please pnlilieh tin motion of Hi. VV v loun. a d gation of twfntv fivr- were npnornted repeeiMnt tlii i iu'. in llo oppi.Kt. i.u. Ma'e t onvetilioti. A lii t 111 UlOtloll Ot Kobi:rt .. KtltlllllU. :i d' le gation of ten wa uppointed t i iiH.'.il 'h. County I oiiVention, at ll .f.l. on tlie 4th itl.-t. f t;l ni'.tiou ot't' V. Ibirro tl'- me.tnij,' adjouitieil until Sattirdiiy, the loth. int W HAMILTON "VOl NO. (inn JtoiiT M Ft rmas, Sec. IIenoer(..n, N.C., Au. Ut., lfti. ii mi 7' ii v ,m:s aa.v' At a public llleetino, liel.l ,-tt ( ..ier.'lUle. of tin' I) ui'ea.(ic Conseivativc j'at!),ou S'.ruiday, 1st day ot August. i in motion ot .1. I, Mitc hell, C.,1 S. II Spruill was appointed Chairman. ri motion ui Jos. II. Ktberidge, John II. VN'liili! Whs uppointed Serretiirv. i be t.iiairman, in a few briii remar ks, explained the object ol the meeting to be to rut 1 1 y ihe nominations of Si ymour arid Hlair. and in appoiut'rififgates to the It. inocratic Convention, t, i b,: tieiil in Hal. igli on the loth, ol Auillst. On motion of John Wilson, tin? Cbair was 'I'H-sb I to atoioiut deleirale fr in . m Ii lilt deleirale tr llstliii I" attend said "in . nt llcrtie. i ratllied the iii'inliotl Hlair, and en,l.u"d bo I ii.- cunt y " The ( iiiycuti. ol Seyiiioui and .lattorui Dr. I'. T Henry, being called iiiou, dcliv ervd an able, eloipient and argumentative -pi-'t.i.. lulling upou the true men of the country b. rally around tin- ttuntlurd i I Seymour and Hlair. I. I.. Mm hell, f;,( , l.ein;; f all. .1 I n. re sponded m an eloquent and appiopiiute maiinor, urging ttie g.,.,d men ol tliecoiiii try to lorni Heymour and Hlair Clubs, and concentrate all their influence to a-co.nplikl, K. M. KPRTrIT.r,, V .1 II WniiK About the State 'i delegates were Democratic Coitv sii- reluctantly appointed to nt. on. whose compelled lo naiiu omit I 0 I'MOCKA III' Dill! AM .A710S At a iiieeiiiu; id ihe colored citiens ol It a kill'diion Co.. N. ('.. Iield at Wlllil worth nn tie- Sjiliii JiJfe jsiji.Uuaat lsU - ton was calledTTibe 'baiiTaii.l, upon mo ion, ii i;e Allen, M ir'i" ') ', Si.ii.lv Kiiiiii s ,-,-,. appumied i .'i.ouiiiee tii lilt a platlonu and r. -..bi'i'.n b r their guidance in ihe appioa. Imj; Pie-i.lcntml eh. lion ' " U herein I he Coum, , 1 1 , , lepoit.d th. loihiwiug preamble and ri thition Vmihka. ..e.tiieT ,ib riw hi"! Hlivifttb,--'ene rif white vn oi tl, whiU- aud colvied ikk nr.- the ami i coiiei an. I iliat one will birth, r I. whatever injures or l.cmfij the injure or lienelit the other, and lleving. tlint the iiib'ieats iinil tr,H.riiv ol I, depend upon their living t,.K,,.n , harniouiousiy ; ,rl,,r,.,n, we ,uv anxious to sprure liberty and Ihe full .protection ol the lawn lo nil men, in life, liberty and property , and irliere.m, we be heve tbu! tin- orcnt National Dcmcci.it. c parly is ll nlv p'uty, in opinion. Iut eakMiiaieil to secure tin s-c in, u ; iiu I hen- tore, cenduo. y ol i in- Demn. ratu: p-irty. fatal ml 'Th We llloMl I.e. ll 1 ll V el. i lo. -e ... .... . . .. . . ' . . ' fntuuuntfU tm Mf .'rehleut; and -Vicir, . ST . .1.... 1 II . . l . . .. .... .. . .. - triiirrpriv, maae rry xnc natUuial Ueiuociut Ic Convention, assembled at New Y. ik ihe Ath ot .Ink- I sim n.l pl--.b'e oui 'in s lo exert our best efforts in l..h.ilt.d incir election. Httolvtd fwrthtf; That w.rure ii'tii-iU ..p. posed to all oiith-boiin.l poliiieal n... and that this .ugani. tti.ui sliali W k:...u X the Went worth NaMoi al iKunw rat i. j Club, with a Prisi.. l, ",ee President Secretary, as its otlirers .MoSKS l.l.l.lVi. loN', p, it .t p.va: The citizens ol Win m. county held il . n grand ratiticau. n meeiino, ,i-' Siuni.' .i It waa a spontaneous uin.ui ing ot lie masses, tilled with enthusiasm ami buoyunl with hope. Many cilored pera .ns weie in attendance and all denn unc i themselves iu j a becoming, orderly mauncr, and, throiiuh- i out tdio entire day. lisUiul lo all that was ( '1 here was an immense masa moet4ng io said with the most respectlul attention. ! Wilktflboro, on Friday last, winch was ad Tbe meeting was ably and eloquently ad- j dressed with fine effect by Gov. Vance and dressed by Hon. Wm. T. Dortch. Hev. C. others. The indication u this count v at J. flelson, i ;d Mesjrs. () .Oloway, Morrisey j nd Wm 1J,,l,ina.,n ' 1 -V a rMoiotmxGiTA3r; RtrTkeh FORD. Web avo receive. I tb proceedingiKJl largu and enthusiastio meetings in tb abuYc oamed countlesall o which wo are com pelted to "M&ti untU ooUiar id. Tber were attended by tinmen InssW of the people, and adilreitaed bj the alilest men In those s.t i mm of the State ROW AX. 1 There was a large mas; meeting in Salia burj, j) Saturday last, Jaiaea.Ji. CiiUuu, tsq. reiiiui.ii, iai. a. t . 1.11 ana Jolin tiraham were Vice Presidents, and Dr. J. It. Frfclej, Becretarr. Fifty delegates were appointed, to the Btata ConTeiiliou, nd twenty-tire to a District Conveution, to be held at Statesville, for the purpose "f nominating an Eleptijr, ....ealtun, ajTg others, ewmmendsttirr ot the course of tbe HVm. Nat. Woyden, Wa alnpted. Th meeting wa ably addressed by W.' H. Bailey, Luke Black mer, J. M, WcCorkle, Ijwjra. aad Dr. T. W. Kcene. ' On WMly nifbr, there wat a terion meeting of the Seymour aad Blair Club. Tbe Diatrict Cojirt being In aeion, a large number of peopl tram tie country wm ia attendance. The meeting was addreeaed, aniid Intans iithuiasm, by Gar. Vance MW Uo. Tbo. S.'- Dtrtrfff the Coiretpomieace of the Sentinel 01 D CARTERET FOREVER Bkai tobt, N. C, Aug. 1, 1888. Mntrt. KiLilort : The dlogan of Deoioc- j racy i founding from the Seaboard to the! Mountain, and tbe names ol ourgallant T, Voi-ih r.1. liK.tW irnn. Kaat to V,.t.,re heard the booming of can lion ami tinging of bells,-rej jiciog over LUm-i- Uui...iJimUyJ) iocrtlr party oi the 1 resident aud ice-1 'resltlent ot these Liu - " - ted States. OW ( arfwet ia aliye. Stie did her duty Bol'ly ill the last election, and is prepared 'eeteU.-dUr Conrr.aito U-Ut Mire, and e Ii-ivk entered on this canvass with a dclr.r- ka toeo, Yi e Save orgamxeci tsey - mour and Hlair Club, No. 1, ol Carteret t iount v, i, trh r,mnt,t A - f-"uft men who have loirie through the (i ry turnacc, and who (thank God j will not sell their birthright lor a mess ol pottage. tin Thursday, July 30th., 1H0M, the while eiliiis ol Newport, in this county, held a ntilieation meeting, and also organized ui.nir and ICair Club, No. a, with a membership ot siity oi uiort. It i. oen parpoaetoorpanie these Clubs all over the cunlv .1.. not intend to b ,.id.t r t napping; we intend to Work arty and lute, .,. tbroin;h u-isl.ine and slorm, heat and cold, We liuve selected uieu of en. rc-v. Wlio are IK V I weury ol well dnitiK, and wiy lieu ol . . '- ' u to un the formation of (ubs all over .ur Stale, lor. without organijition, we are I' writes, file mean party schemes of the r Hadii al earpet-liaiicrs, s::rtiiawais n 1.1 et rroes must be met, aud we must use all honorable, means to detest them, and save ' old North Carolina from uttrr rum. In our ijuiet little county, the man who I "writes biuuclf Governor" lias appointed tef negro magistrates, vt. Hteven Turner, Churle Hell. Geo. Perkins, Frank , j, and F'arker Wblttingtoii, Fntm. our rutilii lition meeting, winch waa held on the 'jsth. ol July, was ihe day nurCoiiu- ty i omiuissioncrs (jualuleil, (all ( oimerv.. tives.) AUo tlie mainatrati s nil came t time except Holdtn's negro magistrate-, w ho rrfii.ir l to oualilv, and win ( Siunilv because they were advised tuA to da to in I their loyal League. But 'lis useless, carpel i bags, s(.als and nigs, you cannot sneak out ' in that way. The thing has been ''did'' and cannot be recalled, ltemember the og magistrates, and "nary crumb to I Conservati vea, white men ol North Caroli na . and do your duty in November. Il we go in riijhl, we arewuieio win, and ice, iri'd go iu with that dctctuiiuiition and come out with victory perched upon our banners. Melon; closing this article, I would ask you. unit, in iui.iu.-e to ohl t arterel, you cor reel an error ol your Reporter lor I tic Son ate, in writing , .Wijur M,,rf, formerly of I'liitisyivaiiin, and late ol n nigger J i-1! i -nn ill, us bulletin- Senator troni fitrtertt. This is a inl-iuke. V.ui liou1d write him as oeing from Pennsylvania, or (iavcu, a he was elected by a large ingto majority in that county ll do not claim him and ricrer trill. j Our Club is diily rm-mting from the continue as it has commenced, when the Miuar returns h will have to give a history ot liis doings and sayings in the Senate to negroes and empty lienches. And in conclusion, we wnnld sov : f.et the Sentinel keep a sliiup lookout tor Hadical i election scheme- mid carpef-I'mg meannes.'. Moicauon. AMKRICl'S. AM A large dinner was (.iven at, Whitaker'a Mills, on the 1st i list . A Sevmourand Hlair aUteltUifl.lfii,'liBC JteikltL -AJlWZ Bild 1 enthusiastic crowd was in attendance, and 1 tlK' l'c,t '"'linr! prevailed.-. The meeting Klul presided over by N. VV. Cooper. Strong I'a'riotic resolutions were adopted, and "'-le addresaea were made by (ill. Thomas s- Kenan, ol Duplin, and Capt. Samuel T. w Hliaiiis, ol tlranvillu. Stepslwero taken lor the foruiation of two lei. ami one ot colored, and to have the , county fully represented in the State and District Couventio is. Old Nash is lully alive in this contest aud her citiZ'iis are becoming thoroughly aroused. A grand Democratic dinner la to be given by them at Col. W. 1). Harrison's store, in the county, tin the 30th. ot August. Distinguished speakers have been invited to address the meeting. 1'hHQi'I.VASS. An enihusiaKtic 8-ymorjr nd Blair ratifl cation meeting was held at Hertford, in tbis county, on ITie 1st instant. Ilenrv W. Bar in r, Kso , (iron clad I'nionl iuau,) was called ! ... ,r.,u..tu a ,1 1 1' fiLl..nA. TV. 1 V 1.1 I" : "s ws. Gr, James M. Mullen, and Samne-f Sutton, ., , . ... . . ' Ks.js., were appointed Vice Presidents. Hi solutions were adopted, ratifying tbe Democintie nominations at New York, and stirring speeches were made by Willis Bag h y, Thos. ILUilliam, ami Thoa. tf Skinner, Ive,. Messrs (Jilliam, Bagley and Skinner were ipponite.i delegates to the approacbiiig Uunventtoa in tlHseity, With Dr. Davl.l Cox, ooi , nr. J..I. Shiuinonliousc, and Jos. W. Wbilc, I'lnq., alternates. A Seymour and Blair Club was organized, l w hich Thos. 11. Uilliam, Esq., was chosen President, and .1. C. Skinner, Nathan New b. ami Samuel Sutton, Vice Presidents, .nth .). M. Mullen, Recording, and Francis Harrow, I oriesp.unling, Secretary. One liiui.lnd and fourteen memliers Were en rolled in n half hour. WII.h'KS. the developments oi the new Radical-negro r.,, ,1m., ; .1, Ui.X, 1 i.. I. Wilkes will be all rhk bv a Ur' aaaioisai ' ftr, in Nhv. uiIki. ' T Coi.t Mill " Col' SlT - SberiH JtieUardaoa mlorms us that Culuiiibus county -vill secrfl a lnta dclumtiuu u tlie Slate Coo Vou lion. Prnui utlier counties, we also" have eotour fcgiu)? repiirt. From present indication we judge ilicie will be But lea than one ttiousaod dtlegaUa in attendance. We put New Hauover down for cue hundred ; aud we advise our mead ot the (Smtinetxo look t out tor tbe biggest demonstration that ever took place in Italeigh. Can our '.'Oak City lnenda guaranty ration for all f waning ftyi irtar. We will do our "jcvel best." W thick that we may safely promise tbtt every latch string sball be on the outside. So com on, lrinds. Mr. Vallaudigbaia denuesa loyalist a a man who ataudawuh on band stealing, aad the other bidding op the hag. A luug as one band hold vp tbe tag tti other may steal an tteal, M ifc4aisU tight. Tbe Cincinnati Kqxirr buadrtcas from Eaotaa which lead it to believe that th electoral vote of that State wyi be cut for Seymour and Blair. flor w ar iiaureToTutw THE PEOPLE MOTISG ! I SAFETY FOIl TUK KATI6H W SKY 1 MOVRASD BLAIR !! ' I Wr continue te nx-eive the manuacriijt j ,. . 1 the State, reel nesting piitilicallun in tne net- tirul-glorious meetings ail, evidencing that tne people are fully aroused to the dr.ngers . ,, ,,., j :,, i.i: , H.,I,U. Rrnwn ! j j ' I low policy of war aud proscription which I has been inaugurated in North Carolina. ht we are very reluctantly compelled to j lorego the putjlicaliun uf these proceedings ' entfre, artd we frn.t tbiit our friends will appreciate tbe nerexiily which torcen us to tcunaii uielll. v e iji re aoiracis oi i;a. u nitH-tmg Immense out pom iat; td the irth, intel countv, at ligence an . I rcpertability of tins H,.therl,,r,. ,, 1 1 ... T . 1, ol I ii Dr. O a. ,...,,.. r ' ' '" "" ,.-,m,-3. I ant. ' iiddrcM.'S ' otic resolutions were adopted i were made liv Uev l)r Muv. I) ,.,,.., , , ,' for each ' 1 rtim ii. ..ixiiiiiei . mi mil rite. n 101 em n .lib comrliltt : . ... i ' l'"i'" 'o,,,,,, . pointed . aSeynioiirand Hbiir Club was or i gnnied, it Ii a lare niinibet r.l enrolled ; menil.crs ; and del. .era W'ClC hp! oitfted to Ihe approachiuy Slate Cj.nv i.li.iii s J liW'lisu.S ! j A large i.iimt-r of Democrat, and t',,n I ! . , , -rvat,ves ol . In e.n, v , t at l.evngtmi. I mi the lt. I)r V C Johnston was called . to the Chair, and n A. Mock. K-.j request ,.,( , B,.t ,lH s.- ret;,rv I lie Chairman, on ! assuming tns dutie, maie Its f ami ex i eel lent s cch Capt. F. C K'.bbiM. M. 11 Pinnix, Krj. ami Dr. W. H Mean s adiltessed the nieeltti in l..... nbb- and interesting id tOrt, Which Wi le !'''. V I Wl'll OT.'Kt fllVol and applsuc. Appropriate resolutions were adopted, and one hundred sod t .n u t -Ii vc d.ieoittes appointed to ttu- jr n: Sbite Convention, w hioh meets i o t hi 1 1 v next w .-. k . A Seymour and !:.;iir Cbib vv;i organ ized, and all who w.-ie in (he meeliri, . x- t ; "''I'1 tw .r l hree .i r-on-. e.nn.- t .' w-rird and stencil their nsme. n. memb, r nil ex- ptcssln t he i r b t' till : n 'it ion (,. Davi loi Wake Up rlli.l .lo I.e. . vclnbei 'I.I A'"' A7. ill A 1 ry large number ..I tne 1 UckiuUiMu usutat Wtrtwwtta, UuiuMWty I seat, on the I oriEiuiixed bv 0'h. ni. uiec'iii w as MfOy, Ks.j , to :all ny J.. 11. the Chair, and ape.i'nl iug Dr .1 Carter and Win. N. Mel.ane, 'is SiaTet-aries. Dr. 'f hos. W. Keeue addressed the meeting with eainesltirss unit ability. fcii. A. M. Scales made a forcible nn,l impressive speech. C..I. David Settle entertained the meeting with a happy combination of argu ment au.l humor. Col. .Ino. H. Dillard and Mr. P. T: Dully, of lircensltnro, also spoke TfWiTan.l elTrquTntTv. - - About forty delegates were appointed to the approaching Convention. Another meeting of Democrats a uxl Con servatives In old Itoekiiiguam w as held at Thompson v ille, in ilmt ( ouuly, on Ihe 1st., at which lt. i. SU. Suii.tU prei"Usvl and J. W. Thompson, Ksq , was Secretary. A Seymour and Blair Club waa organized by the election ol the following officers, viz President, Dr. Robert II. Scales; Vice Pres idents, Geo. VV. Garrett, Samuel S. B. Smill and Jesse Mayneck, Ksqrs, ; Secretary, J. W Thompson ; Treasurer, J. W. McDowell Directors, Uen. i . I.. Simpson, E. 1). Pas chall, J. W. Smith, W. H. lirannock and P. M. Winchester. The Club was eloquently addressed by Capt. K. p. Scales S. S. B. Smith and Dr. Winchester. A free dinner is to be given on tho 14tb inst., and a Committee was appointed to tolicU pehe from :Oeh.. A.. lt4 Bcalea, UoD. JohuKerr. U. P. II ill, Capt. Ii)lard and Mr. Duffy. liANDOLPH. A grt'ttt mhn inptrting of the Conserva tivesof Handolph was held at Ashboro, on the 4 th iust to organize (or th caaip&in, tlfbetke Htwti presided And J) Odell was rk'tiretacy. M. S. Kobins, Esq explained the pi jeets of the meeting. uo. Worth, happening to beun s viisil to his old homo, waa invited to aiddieasthe meeting, and did so, in a logical. Joroible and patriotic speech, of two hours length. He was received with great euthuiaeui hy Ins friends aud former neighbor. The proceeding of this meeting shall ap jear to morrow. I'll V. The 1st. i'pstant was a "big day" (ireen ville. A large and enthusiastic meeting of tbe Conservative and Democrats ol Pitt WSM-W A..WM,.Ht MI respectability, it was tlie must influential political meeting beld in the county for many years. Whig and Democrat came together wilh the determination (n cast to the winds old party . prejudices and aoi- mowtie, and to unite ia the effort to hurl from power tbe destructive and revolution ht. Henry S)!pjrJ, ...Eajk.aa appoiuUd Chairman, and Captaia R W Joyuer and Joel Moye, taq, SecreUrtes. A series of highly patriotic and forcible resolutions were presented and adopted. Able and flecUv speeches, eliciting much applause, were ueltverea by Messrs Sparrow, of Wash ington, JE C Yellowley, Q W Johnson and R lb Slate Convention. After tb business of tbe meeting was ir ansae ted, a Seymour and Blair Club was organized; 'nilth the following perroabent Offlom," ti(t TfesIdCBt, UfC J O'flagai ; Vice Preaident, C Ydlowlej, GXW John. on, J 8 South, T R Cherry and G Bernard ; Secretary, Lewi Lawrence ; Treasurer, a B CbeiTT. A latrmt mitTirWP nf rtlta -..U V - q -v. w. v.nsa,ua,lau.. .SfetiSl.M1ifM!'l tlwClub. ALAMAJtCS. A very )4rge number of thecitiri;ns ol Al amanco met at Graham on tbe 1st. Tbos. C. Ft()Ut, Ksii. presided, and J. E. Boyd, F.si. wasSecretsrv. Among the appropri ate resolutions adopted on the occasion was tbe following : ', "7 Rgtolttd, That the action of our Legisla ture in passing oi attempting to pass such iniquitous measures as tbe armed Police il5UlidilutliWhieh-a flaiJji -iv to evTrrthe e cWutution', , .;i.,. .,i ,;;iJ, subversive nt the rights and privileges of treemjen and merits our most hearty disai -provAl and detestation. Seventy five delegate! were appointed Ui the great State Convention on tue 13th. Tbe meeting was addressed by W. M. Robbins, )., Senator from Rowan, in an improsiive and powerful speech, of two hours length, showing up acallawags and . ..!. 1 "..ll I caipci-uaggera in nieir hoc coioi b aun iuhj pourtrsytug the infamous policy ol tha Had teals. j Hon. It Y. McAden alan addressed the I uiivtitig in an able and forcible manner. - liis remarks were principally directed to the 1 J ) o0"l vtev many ot wnom ; were preaent. ! He waa followed by pr. J. A. Moore, tbe . . . ,, texrellent.iwrreiientative froni Atamaltcc in 1 1 I timely and effective remark. HRUNSW1VK. A meeting of tho Democratic and Con j aervative citlz.ens ol Brnntwick was held in Smithville on the 1st. The inocting wns organized by calling Owen I). Holmes to the Chair, and requesting Jacob A S. Price and Thos. D. Grissom to Act as Secretaries. -Filty delegates were appointed to the State Convention. TELEGRAPHIC. FHOM NKW YORK HON. HORATIO SKY MOl'ft'8 LETTER F ACCEITANCli. New Yomk, Aug. 5, M. Hon. Horatio Seymour his writtou a letter fuuisliy accepting the nomiuaf ion by thu IV mo- ntti f'otivciid'in. H nay that ft waa ttnaou'ht ain! uii-xh -i-h'd, but he wat caught u) hy ihc -m'rwhplmiug title which is bearmg (he conn try on I" a great politic, cliangf, and he Unas lain nvt ucitj to retstnt it prettHtirti. Tin? reaolutiun atl ijtteJ b the Omreiitiun ax'urd with his vu-wi Up le!apf! a formal acceptance on'il the ailjnij.ru rnont of Congrftas, ffirthe purpfpfif Dyeing whfet ii''1 Ibt actum nf C'onjfn n woul) throw upon ' ii? nilf ret! of the cmintry. Thf t.'oiiKrenHWual party int only alheii itself with tlie uniiiary penter which in to be brought tu lcar directly upon tha t-ltrt imtN in many of t he Siftit-t. hui ht.-1 itM'iriti prrpetual 5c8t5iou, with !i hv i.wt-tl jnu poeef tf niakili Uch laws an it -hill hcc lii 1 1) Ttcw -il (hn tt-lectiou sot in to take pine" Nevr bftro haa Tongreitii takfn a mcn acnijj attitudp towardu clcctn. I'odwr tho m- tb in co of ('uigreH, eoine of the 8tate ar m Prenideiiiial dc ct'ira , thcieuy the lirut bi!d Hlep I. an bo n tak tu dtuatruy th fight of uf fiage. lib refer Ui thu demands of tax gatherers. Ii savK that men are axlmitted km rpreseDtativen of 1 some of tbe Southern HUtes, with declaration upou'their lipa that they cannot live in the Htatcs they cLann to ropreaeut, without milita'ry protec tion. They owu their aeata to the disorder at the South, and that very fat prompts thoin to keep it in anarchy. v lu- vaiu the wiset Hupabhcaua pKitesU'd .gainMt this policy. There is hajdly iu tl mm, wlin ban not, within the put three yearn, wanted it against exoessos, hile mfciiy have been driveu from the rauks. l'ersoually, m the PrtudentuU olluw tJiwr an no attftchiaenta for him. During Ihe war. It had given sixteen thousand commissums U ut- eer of the army, and iknos tltfiy dfWMUl. tW.!IH 4..mmS. rnfnh they fought" For. The largest meeting ..t thlHT gallant sulJiers ever held u.We.l Iti.' at- ti.m of the Convention He U.M.S not doubt a triumph, ''which will brinK bsck peaee and prosperitv to our lanil and give once more the Maasinffs of s wise and ecouomt.'ul and honest government." KltOM WASHINGTONr- -CAItlNKT SCENE. Washikotoh, Aiig 5, M. Thsd. Stevens' condition is not critical. The President will not leave the citr undnr ten Its. Manf important eternttve matter iu atieyaace for Evart'a return. A Cemncratto conference at New Y.rk eily in dicates that Hoffman will be the Democratic can dtdaw tor Qontmet. H. I Tawimsny's frvortte. Ths Oenersl of Uie Armies hail recommended the remiaaioa of th remainder of the sentences, aud the release from imprisonment, of all persons now in confinement under sentences of military couimiseions, organised nndsr Uia veeonstmHion acts of Congress, in tb lUsses in which said arts have eeaaed to b operative. Tho Treasury department give no intimation uf what the debt statement will show,- It is stated that its promulgation is delayed on account of serious errors in its computations. The following is a well authenticated cabinet seeue : "Browning led off, 'declaring himself for Sey mour and Blair, following hia remarks by the as sertion that there should be harmony in the Cab inet. Welles and ItcCulloch followed in the same strain, not, however, so forcibly- arging change in the Cabinet, unless Seward, Evarts, lUmlall aud Scholield, who are absen t, will set in accord w ith the President." FROM SOUTH CABOLINA TURS. -THE LECISLA- CotxriuuA, Aug. 5, V. M. A hill was psased in th Legislature snthoriz- iitaj tha GovsTwer Wsrrew ?. aw ; IraBdw ard twenty-five thousand dollaia. Also regulating municipal election in Charles ton. . Also declaring all ofBoea vacant hold under th Froyisional Oevernment. 1 FROM FLORIDA THE LEGISLATURE. t Tsi I , Aug. 5, P. M. Tbe Legislature, to-day, passed a bill author ising the Oovernor to appoint a, secret police throughout the Stat the I1 a ambers sad pay at the discretion of Uts Oovernor. Tb Legutator win probably adjourn io-mor row night. . EXIT CANBV, CaaaxiTT.., Aug. JL P Ji. Oen. Can by tawoed aa order, to-dsy, officially seunnaiasmH mill biswswswih aijajk fcss;aj ry rh strict. BKNtUTlOXAI. t ; . WaawnrsTuti, Aug as (, BT. Tb Oevenwr of Los isisa has wri tten a lose I"- M rwetdeat, !1ofDSr " plTUon fnsa a aagabssr of ska bmm promioeut aad bffo sttislsiiisaBaaf Harsfc Uitusisas," wttiiig forth th -hssnbts awtragwa " that ar dally being petyatratsd ta that portioo of th Stat, together witk alettar from th Boa. 0. W. Hufl jneth. At. tasi'iisA;KjdteW; in (tats of afCsu that exist taara. Also, oth er letter sod pspsr, abewiny Uut mscy of the ,cn.ft. .Bare iiu no protMo,, . oiiutij lu the otmrta, and thsm . , doiri, o, u,, road,in a,eu. flm"i"A without a, question being aaked, or , , Ukcn to bring the offenders to justice The Governor goes on to say that on haaa, and fifty men have boon murdered in LoinTI. ht tbe tan month, sad, as siarUiini as meni i, letters of the "imwtireuabu, eharaeu have been received fully camirmuig it, r (The letter prureeds to charge that there .pUut.oa.fuoJ.tu, iiinrioiUu.- a.ssnM Toleirs"'" and even intiinatea a couapiraey to au nilT ,h 1 Governor, Ac, - all of )ucl, u,, of course dlMUJ: a. a K..nsati..n" campaign auraent," ua cannot euiuber ouroolnains wnL it rt r.r s 'l..yii, wlnrli e are uct will.n we uem-ve use mo rattieiti teeord it, ,, ustisl piir.o. s, in such eaaua, of so ealled So'iith IU0M WA11!N(JT0N. VVasujsuios, Auk. 6 U XL, Preaident has accepted Rollins' reiigoa. tiun, nitlfout ai y remark on the conditions.which Htill hold The acceptance is s mere fwrtnaiitv it is nsi.l, ami does not cfisuge the sltuatlim. -Oen. Iliirl.riilRe u pressing for lue ' . ,, , ' , , ., eeuator, iilukt th-ey will piuuu 'ha I'fwuiliiat... f tn.rmlptiT withR..ttlns, mBurbridKe', s favor. (im. Kilpatrick, Minister to Chili. Chili, has.lrt,,,,. .u. i, .i -i.: ' sh'enee and tstnrrrs home nn the flrTf SepuHi, i, . r Flio.M WAHHIXOTON. Wahin(!ton, Aug. 6, P ( (iruni ill al'Mi nt lilt tho middle of 4ett.n. 1 r, fuel will probably acconipauy the Indihxt INiicc CoiiiniiHHiuii, which Kinsman Iim muhi moiirtd t'K'th''r, woHt.watd. Mr. KvarlM Una nturm-d ucxM'ctwliy. He hal a pnihii(,'(id interview with the Iredeut t(i Uv Tin n withSffrn-tary McCuHoch. It i umhrMtood that Kvurtrt .H,k tnniK wruuinta Kitnt lit ilhiiM rotnovtil, exeifpt on Uie tiiuif ..f Iiih ivMtKi(ttttn or by Btn.pougiijt, fr can iind-r ih.-1 iinn -uf t.ni.-o bill, thrt-atenin, n!i,. ri. , t" withili'AH fnmi the Cabinet. Mfa t an . Koiluic ir" titlt iiy ol.nus.ioim to the Preai i nt and MeCull'K'h. It (m Haiti, htwcvr, thai lt.illiii" bas iiii.tlitbil tho ts rtiirt of his retgua ii'in, ami, on the name authority, IduubtfuLj that (1. imal .1 tint Hill Micri tM. Tho ) mocratic umjoiity hi Kentucky oxoed .s rCff ii ti 'f' nil n t. TIIK I'UKSll'KVr AMI THE "WUXSlA, XA RKNHATrON, WHiNoro.v, August f p M, iht. rvu w betwet-ii tho Prtuidrul aud Col. Tii. It an. "t li'v. Warinoiitli'it J, waa ploaaaut ainl cunciaat't. luriug the uitcivitw, the I'rtjuidt nt j.';ivc id indications of tjUiHttioniiig tho legitimacy tf I , .uiHtaua H proftont ROTernmAnt--llemhcd it i be uiidemlooCl, that the a&m t'ouiTfe would bo tWiowfd by th Jwrttary of Waj tii n. S.'hoih.ld) toward Louiiaj)a aud Flor Ma, thaflprcviil m Tot!iieBee--that ia, iu eftoct, (hat there are Hiithct'tit troops ih those (States to HUppreHH dinordei , a nd that thy would he nw-il for that purp m.) npim proper application from tho State, u i id i i ilie direct ion, how er, of United St,ater, t.Jbc. i. Vi;lt tliin uiiofli.'ial eiprestuou of opinion, Uy .uiiLtci wis teK'tte.d M. th -War. Mi id h retui li. 'H Sattiiday. FlltiM ST. Lol ls tiKM'-liAli SHAN'T 4,A sPUKt'H !" Iri8f Aug. ti, I'. M. (ii-Ti m r i ti ( icftpoiided toa nsrenade, laitt ntght, Ht t'oll'iWM . ;,.,.''-. ,! and WV.tr-i iiu-n ; I cau svrcely timl itU enough b thank you for thu very hearty and WMrni reception. It is peculiarly grat ifying lonif t Hi t- ho many friends in Ht. Louis, a p!n w hbch ban afini n riim'fj I have been a man al i-niiic future tliiv '1 iiit- km;; yon again, i you (.I'"-. I lii(.;bt. UMiK YKI.LOW KEVEB: Ni-tt Yohk, Aug. f, P M. ml ciihcvi H yellow fever in t lie , I 'apUin Ii. . .1, h in t'i. 11 Ftieg.w.siid one of bis . Umliueii, .! '1 l irt. lt v.'liiit, ..I y.'itertlty. AltlllVU. F Ml!. MAVIS IN UTEHIDOL I.ivkiiI'ooi., Aug. C, I'. M. Mr. lJUM iU ; 1l J litsL Ul'llt. Senator Morion says every robel in tlie j Smith is iiniii.l, ami this bo states author! : tativcly, nouvithstiinding Grant anil Sber ' man disarmed evrry captured Confederate williin the line tf their desolating msreh. Morton, tuerclure, lavors tbe moiiexa metuW of keeping the peace by arming tbe negroesV Tbu carpet baggers tbemaulvca need no amis, for during thu whole war they had no prec tfcc with deadly, weapoua. Tbcy..., kept in : tk haeirannd. . They wc 4otbleiii war," and ar now "invincible to pece."- They hate the smell of villainous saltpetre, and arc altogether w illing that Cnllee should he put in the lure (ront. Th dog that wake up Irom a sound slumber, looks all aliout bim for a better position, turns round and round a dozen times or more, and finally lie dowa In " the saine place, is a perfect type of thousands of person whom we meet in the daily walks ol lite. In view if tlie limited enthuaieauM tlie Radical ticket has awakened, the party may exclaim with tlie uulortunate negro who, when a possum seized his forefinger and closed both eyes, as possums always do, cried put, "Fo' goodness, that daglfen' P'i sum gwine to sleep on my tingah 1" A Radical sheet'say : "Revolution is Ihe thing, aud. Uia Democracy, have opened the campaign with a war whoop." We cn stand anything the Democracy can ; bat iu view ol the season, our prejudice re in lavor ol the peace whoop (pea aoup.; HAVINO BEEN APPOINTED, BY' THl. AMERICAN AOHICCLTURAL AD MLN EUAL LAND COMPANl-, Agent for all Hist psr' of Wtb Carohna bring east of and hirtedrng CaUwba Ciiity, 1 am authorised to say. to soy person dr persons having ,H0O acre iu body, partially cleared and near a Bail Boau, that if they will agre to nbdivid their iandl at tbe expense of the Company. theCompa nv will Durchase alternat hiU at their asesf value for taxatiooNor aa aaoertaioed by two un interested partiesusying for the same in the Company's atoek fhe, Company oWigating -U to pisoe a white settler ou every SM) sores, so acquired, within throe rears, or, failing to do so, . ....I. Iun.l nnulu,1 .n inlka ftriffilial'OWO- it i thaewaa to retain possession aiml the huid w setucd, . The object ot this system is W bring inlothe State an industrious and thrifty populsoo" an" to enhaoce the value ofonr lands, ft has neeo adopted ia other Htalee and is satd to bs wort iDf naeiy. This Company was chartered by our L"1' turn of IKKtL Init otnm will nlcass a-hlret May W, lati-wAswtf X W. COC ti riiTii ( ant bhittm i f trf tWrt-TtiftTrtttfr SfWntsftl tWT- - Ta.it, nd tkixvs ot CHftJisK, an !. , . m. ivsw.", ug7-lw CommisaioO Merchant N c, ii NtiD Ltaa, jomatewrssHi nowrj aim ., -- - V B. SL FEKKELL 8, ang74w Barfett IKrV v - Hi i I

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