, .... - T -r -fft" -.-; ';fjrpiii as fj t . w 'f'lT'"f w "" ri ?" ; tl Tf :"!' rSJSrMayr. 'T nil " ! 1 1 j jiiiiwill wish m 11 Mngi.Mi.iiii muni segBBgM K I r r ,.rr m,',, i iii il ,. r rcjMagaii i.... '"'...,.. t i 1 -TJ mji TT i i..T - T li3iiilJStawajsaoaMla zllj'' ' Vv " '"1'mfim'' .-4tui, ' . " VOL. 3. RALEIGH, N. ., WFJIDATr-SOVE3fBER188. gra'r," -t KO.-45. I 1 i ".' 1',,', 'I '" It"? TIIE SENTINEL. Jl'MJEu .PSUPHs-PRI MOB. SWlfT CREEK MASS XEBTim. W remarked, on yeeterday, that the Mas Heeftfag' And Barbetn at atBrtiir frmxf ou Saturday, gotten up under 'tbe Auspices of tte earnest D(1 patriotic tueo of the Swilt Creek Seymour and Blair Club, was glo rieus ffir. It u to; in every ret-peel, and vrti&ha for the completeness of their arrangements and the spirit and efficiency with which the crowd present on the occasion at between eight and nine hundred ol wbich number over two hundred were Uriiet. At IB early hour, the Panther Branch Club arrived, and iu welcomed, in spir ited manner, by tbat gallant young Dcmo erat, Col. L. V. 8tepbenson, who was very handsomely replied to by Dr; A. E. Smith. S on after, tb Buckboru Club reached the ground, and were welcomed, firs chaste and well conceived address, by Capt. Wm. E. P'erce. On the part of the Club, Win. B. Jones, Esq., happily acknowledged the re ception. And yet again, the Middle Creek Club 0'ine dashing up, and were very fiici toualy received by N. J. Wbitaker, Esq wno was replied to, in a hearty, earnest manner, by 0. S. Alford, Esq. Eioh' dele gation was accompanied by a number of ladiea in carriages. Th M pe;h,r-nd it .bts,. mvci. boec ' our good fortune to bear a more powerful and masterly effort, was made by the Hon. Thorna Bragg. Far nearly two hours, b kept the attention of the audience fittd by a compact, forcible argument, a scathing exposition of Radicalism, in all its phases, Bute and National, and occasional thrilling bunts of eloquence. Msj Q. H. Wilder, In his practical, ear nest way, next addressed the peoplo. ilia remarks were forcible, pointed aud well received. ' s The dinner, which was now announced, n needless to say that it was fully apprecia ted. :, After rUnnei, M. A. Bled-e, B q , apoke in bit usual rigorous, trenchant and stirring style, dealing terrible blows trpon tbeurrra grele. His remarks Were received with great enthusiasm. Seatoa Gates, E q, followed, in to invoca tion to duly, active, unremitting exertion, on the part of the good nod true men who 'were present. , Stephen Band (c ilored) next madff a sen sible and felling speech to the men of his own color present Three hearty Cheers lor Seymour, Blair and Rogers eloacd the enjoyment w.n exerj. eises oi the day. The paper Which Wages war on the vir,-. tue of Southern women paraded a device, on yesterday, which heads the Radical tick t. tt It. a cut of a Cotton-screw, with ne groes (bafd-tiokihg cartcattirrs of Cuffee, at that "toting" up bankets of cotton, white a overseer looks on to see the w k w.ll dose, Fie, Woman nu&r; this is Sugges tive of the days of slavery, which you aie tn the habit of "thanking Ood" are gone forertr,' .. : n . a .' BiisxJJjciLka OranosE I-Th question lias been street, which in tbi atost ttociott, and dastardly : Beast Butler's infamous 0 ettcraJ Order "Ha, ?ff, tssued when It's t In Slw Orleans, t the libel of the liadical org ah on the ladies of North Csrohna and f the South I We answer unhesitatingly that Betst Butter was .beaten for once ; and thai tbBjiicsKwd in this Stte (cached, hi tbUmattedefthef'pravfty, wh&h would make evea the Beast blush ! r r , i ... 'Mi in an "Tens of thotitnods ot men in this State, who were true to the Cuion during the darkaet dy of thenar, bavesiocdelred that they nerer Will Tote for a PSpfafitoist. Woman Imulttr. Then those of tbtm, who toted for HoV den, dvwh9 ,wUlP tote tir.Uadbem skid V ?,'Pir' (wjtlectortave fair, ua will do, so, with ' a falsehood on their JipjHolilea WM the ; first man in North Carolina,, who. advocated the. docuiae of eeewion puMicly, as the Sufri'filtH ,bow, The ttatuaent that fiioa It Rogers vat a fecessionist, the people of Wake know tabes lie., i tr ' V r lfi it . Tn Yotb is Isdiasa. The Radicals is InJhm tbf f ttft Jicket have majority of on'y Bio hundred ' and iTy-one this boffleiaL - - On h i W to CoagrewWB, tb ftemo ernts hate i majority of one hundred' and thirty-three. . , ;. .Those, re Hi Majorities (jt flf, toUj rete if Vtm hndn4 fhrty.tw lhou and one hundred and eighty-nine. jsJHsIWPl"JllW To HOTt,- Willie, the negro soldier, vvbe Bordered Anderson Selby, In this City, tnat winter, is tosuffar the extreme penalty of 1;he law, on I'liday.i The execution, s sate;p EccaTloiiAWr-Ii fi reported that in the Sooth the schools and colleges for both sexes msC ttrasmt more numerously' attended eliaa ia sev wretiKus ar. At the, Uoiver-, trty ol ?trgini th sr otw SOO'studeotsji. At WasniogtOS vol lege, over wtmn wroraai Ism nremdi tberw are nearly 400, and lit. tb Tirglota Military Institui ovtr 250. Esaory and iltflfy, in WswfaintbS leoaoty, . opeiie te tall wio with nearfy 808 ni'pileW it'fm-wm0rtt JRjinrlpiph Mc, at the J wQWjjt, "Vi 'ibobrTS, aia 35STJ "atScSUious are tti5'j wade, ' lUtthaioiid Colhge bi largely over STAT K MATTERS. negroes arestiU cUUltng in the suburbs of Goldsboro two or three nights out of ever week. "Col." Kurtis Brogden is carrying oTirirJetnitrucriiios contained in the ' Cir cular Letter"' fr m Washington. Hood, the negro preawber from Cumber, land, delivered a sing-song incendiary lLr,uKuei. jn Wilmngton, on Thursday Hons of implacable hatred to the whites, he proposed to "uVht tbem with the hallo t- bo, or the'cariridKeSoi".' or in an v" con- ceivable manner. The steamer Silver Watt, plying on the Roanoke betweep Weldon and Norlolk, continues to improve ia her transportation of freight both ways, and it is evident that the enterprise has already proved a success. J. O. Scott, of Robeson, haa been nomi nated as the Democratic candidate for the ftenalc in the Twelfih District, etc Wm. A. Allen, declared ineligible; and Cant. J. C. McMillan has been nominated as the Demo cratic candidate for the House of Represen tatives in Duplin, eiw Isaac B. Kelly, E q., also banned by the Howard Amendment. The Roanoke Jir says that an unusual number of deer are roamttrg the woods in llttlifax this Fall. A gentleman, a few days since, saw tight of them-in one gang. ,7i JLjetk, w.s mi Wty$&m ern.esw.ee.k. am'nng tbe'IX'moc'raU of Fayetteville." Bev erul meetings were held, which were ad-dr-sl by Ihtv. Worth, It. A. London, Jr., E q , of Chatham, Allen McCaskell, Emj.. Col. J. A. Gates, J. C. Blocker, Esq., and others. Col. Wm. J. Clarke has got "something." lie has been appointed, by the Radical B.'iard of Trustees of the Newbcrn Acad cmy Principal of that Institution. Mj. Exum Lewis, of Weldon, has ob tained the agency for the "Mad Stone" and ftpMstiMo be s remedy lor the bite of ven omous reptiles or insect s. " The ftjIloWing rich advertisement appears in- t he--Fyt4eviHe KayU. "Jooea"- has rather the worst of . this "coparsniiV we think "De dishotilllon of coparsnips hereto fo resting twixt me aud Moses Jones in de hatheC profession, am heretofore resolved. Puons who ose (1 Ann nius pay to de erriber. Dem what Ju firm ose mus call on Jones, as dc fii.m is iosolved." A great Democrntio Mass Meeting was held at Lilesvillc, Aoson Co., last Wednes day. Anmmonse concourse of people,--mcludirre a large number of ladies, w as present. Speeches were mane by Col. W. iTttlsTf i niibblnfEstiT Ciil. W. TT. SreeTc. Col. R. T. Bennett and Col! W. M. Piciett. The Newhern Journal of Commerce says : . ' Mr. Henry T. Fuscue, living ou Adam's Creek, ha had stolen )rom him. within the last few days, three cows, several hogs, aud alt the coitus be bis picked out this season, iu all several hundred pounds. Tbe thie7ea re uqknown. As Adam's Creek is s large Radical precinct, it is but fair to presume that the thieves were of that pany. It is fomewhat remarkable that no tliieving takes place expppt where the Radicals are in larg' numleraw ; Nebrrn hs targe jrod "urereaaing ripe tin'lc Not "less, than" 5,00d bUihels have whreatly bero brtrttglii titers, and I he amount will probably reach 10 Oofl before the sea son elos. -Jit ;lla -readily a( 1.10 per bushel, utiliu'icd. The following is tCeTesuH iif Indiaqi on Congressmen : Dwtriota. Eepnblicao. Tbird M yurttir . Mf M,U -Fifth:...........:.......-.IS 715 Democrat. "Am 15.6 14,fitii w,m :. IMH Sixth . Seveutb M EleyeoUi ..... "Deaocralie niajorijy. ; " ft wjll Ibe feeiiihit tlii Democrats hse majority tn Indiana oa the Congressional candidates, wbich is tbe true national test involved in the ereetloft. It is evident, therefore, that our Irieods can certainly car i j Indiana lot synip and Blair in No tember if they wilt only wort, as we pre sume they will, with energy and seal CuuionaU Inquirer I Neoro ToivVCTi, iwb earnnot read, writ or spell their names are now ther law maker of South Caroline, lnislaria:. FiofidS: XfSsEKst; Vbb mhrrfecnsUtcJfrtt StatesiAi Jo South -Carorina they -ote J mi Hion of takes npon "wtotta people; tea their totes to railroad corporations to get I bate done In FkuiJa in dejiyihg Oie peoi ( pleol theSteta tba right to tots for Electors ot rrwaens ana c-rewam n ,u. w.j of election. Most of tlie agror, being ig. Borant, are ooofrolled by tbe whit earpei hai5exi:ho.S'KWfcsw hatred agatost their tjienda, is oritur that, s tagraata, they may ride into olllce upon the l-acks of pegrma" Out opoa ait tuch Uverlbpers.--; t.Sxpnmf ' "'; j, aaaafsassW'aa'ssHStyV 4B0tf!lt4pl1pi4BGQB0G&fV' '- -"-i. 'n aVjOotalnor of 01110,' noted aa aa"acd weaw of lotsl-abstineafe. once had his sym pathies aroused by an onfort ttoste, who had buried three wives. '"Tile lord ha indeed Art-r wtflii-titd tow. aaid tba Governor. .iaial"iBgs haa." aad. dwusiue a moment and wiped nia B Wi il bbwI,"1 but l"'doB'-rbiwh b-i Lord got ariucn aneaa or me; iut aw last as h tawlt oBet wothat." .J Ji .,,.'. 15. JW ..,16 6H ' ,...r15,S3 -"-Yraset i' For the Sentinel. Oood Kewi from Chatliaro Enthosi- i . sstto Meeting ! I riTTsnoHo', Oet. 81, 108. Messrs. Editoks : One of the largest meetings ever I, cut in this C-unly took pWe Irrre to day. Jtotivrrrnnaudiiig tbe inclemeut - wnrtdtT. -;rtre p?opte' tame in crowd. Hon. S. II. R-iger., our gallaDt candiila'e tor Congrra, was firt lotioduced by Jan. Manning, Ksq. I would do injus tice to f'fel. linger.-, were I to attempt to re port his ffo'rt. Sulfice it t.i say, that it ;eft?(sffi!feHie"Wi equalled and never surpassed. m uiu uavs s happier manner of disruwiing the fjtWiJti.l.44hii,tiW in this campaign, than Coi. Rogers, while his well kuown bum ty ol purpose, kind ness ol heart and caat-ny of mind couvinc d every unc that Ileum rij(ht. And yet stter one ot the clearest, uounde-t, and mt elo quent argiiuiei.is I evei lisiened to, an ar gument linn c nviiiLnl evi ry one w ho heard it, and gave hope t i thme who r.eeiled no argument, how ahall I dt-acntie hi ixcor.ti tion ot Hadictilin and ol Dewets-, as IU chosen expi.-undei Keailirg Irom tbe Ulundard ami otl.rr "staiobird" liiiraturv o the pariy, no devnt man, whi ter black, could lliave trteneil to it and then voted tlie Radical ticket. Judge, Mtssrs. Editors, ol the plainuens oi hi atiK turea, w hen, readiu from licwem's sjw :h, tn many iuptauces, he USi d this S'-ftyrtgf langu.'ige : "He (Dewt ese) tied delibi rateiy.wjuu.e u:t; red it ; knew bewasl)ii.g. aud, in addition to bis lyiiifi, knew lie wai bboleni.g ibe ood pevipte tl North Cari-lioa." Many nn u ur.ght hae Used tin sc expr S'im s Hnd ihey would have pushed by a-i ( he ebidhi mo ot the nionient ; but wheu S'ou 11. Ri gets used t hem, tiny were dehhemtei , o tt i ri 1. and were iuteu -:4ti:ttt.mtm juat,- -wt,..uu. 4MstsaUf .ii-; toeon. Truly, he Iihh ihi breoiun worthy of his steel I know nut, taken all tugitlur, ibat I ever titurd s better i ll.irt,. No Nortli Carolinian Could have !u-tiui to it, witii out liein proud -it fueh a man. Mr. Hug era cl ted amid Lreal applause Irom the freemen ot-fhathalrt, and the waving ol kandken t'els Irom the fur ladies. I'oL IV. .1. (5r. i n, of Warren, our noble Candidate lor Kieclor, wub next inln (luce I to tbe vast aud eru u in a happy style by U. A. Ijonclon, Jr , Esq. Ol. Onen n one of those liailis-. indoiiiituble men, who never compromise or part' y with an unpriiicip ed ftie. He handled thegmat issuts involved with ania'tir!v hand. His vindication of tlw UuutMiaMVM JM03JtojitljjMit,. tuuia.ao d J 1UJ jioBes, wda ueti uriTKi craTtj n'n even themost stuMHirn conscience. Kull of fire, srdor, and that eloquence, which rouses the multitude, lew more effective speeches have been made in tins campaign. After the eloquent, iffirt of CoL Oreeu, the vast concourse r p ircd tn the ample feast, where all were fed. AfUrwards, oifcg to the inclement weather, ibe people were addressed in the Court House, by J J. Jacks n, Eiq., the old wheel-horse ot Deitnx r icy in (,'uatham. Being pn vented, I y pressing business, Irom hearing all f Mr. Jackson's cflort, your correspondent is unable to say much of it; hut this he may s y, that nothing come. Irom Mr. Jackson except such as is good, wholesome, wise antl a lie. At night, b mllres blazed in the streets, symbolic ot the great tin s of liberty in tbe learts of tbe peoplt, ft( liatluun. The crowd having a8t nilii il in the Court lt"Use LtfiEffBtsritanKFiKa by m-j. rrk,.whuKiuj followed by Cupt. t . II MeiiHon. 1 would do r's ii'juxiue to Mi. Deuson liy attempt o even sketch his cflort. Chaste, elegant, able, argumentative, it niaikid the ability and literary attaijiiiKuts of the man. I w ish that every man in North Carolina could have beard his hisloiical sketch ol tbe tail ol free goveriin ot The inuixn-e ma-s rn tinp; was pre sided over by John Manuiog, Jr , E-q. Noiliing nt-ed be saiil ot bis niauner, for it was that of a geinl man ol marked ability, one ready anil tit lor any position. Qreat credit is due to the uiaishaklor Uue gciod order maintained. Aoiid enthusiastic cheeit hr Um Msftuesa of ttnrti"1.Bt i frttf the prt bhh roeettnga 'jotiined. One thtrg mar I e fointti! on : fhsthdstt wi'l, iti Ibis leel ion, le worthy tbe naiae she Iwart. We slmll carry the county ; we shall give lingers. I think, at least tive bun dreit insjoriiy over the Dcweese Indiana carpet-bagger. He stands no chance at all. Tbe colored men, cveo, cannot be prevailed on t wk .Ai.letdfrw-.41 be mail right. She will stand on the 8d "redeem ed'geuerated aud clisentbralled" from Rid icalism. PUT. TBS VOTJtW TUB DO V TO. In S few days the long sa-peose will be over. Tbe general reilt will be known, arulia surveying the field we are led to ficpe that tbo bouth wilt show a power ample eooegn to protect itseii irom tne degrading government of ignorant negroes and baas wtiite men. The butt e oi Alabama. Georgia and Lou isiana ire claimed "bf our friends a certain to poll conclusive Demovr.tie majorities ; and wt bi g our couBtrymefl. In the Ohi Norib State when tbe cotomn moves not to be found struggling in its rear with uuhap py Tennessee. There fs this grand opportunity for North Carolina to regain in part the control of li.r own fortunea, and we trust that the will not negloct.A!wyV4 fcriji- - r- Tbasks to Pbes pexT Jobkson. The PTOuileol 6ai ' recetted aumtrous letters thanking hltn for hi telegram of tbe !3d Jnstant lq ,Qti. 81 Jtnoor; The following; ia a oopy of one of these, dated at Puiladel fhU. Qcloher 24; b : . ' Andrew Johnson, resident of the Cubed Staffs of America : Honored and ret meted "air : Tour disratctl 'jjjljitlaitiS'H ia aniveraally spoken of among tha uaasea ot the people, and I sincerely and firmly VlieTs it wilt do more towards tha elecfioa' of Seymour aad BUir than all, that baa txen aaid or written ilurwir Um cant. - Fip tiaiaWri Sitoao CoMrKifTioB. Dr. Brows, fcat. iu a tow ot nouses to bnild ttie paataeaeon, brought from Virginia a party ' of negro wofkmen-Hjarpentifr. bricklayera, and Btoneassena whom ha amployed to artt tie houses. Tkeae mtn, oonimg from tha old slate etaseta of th Soath, he hired at winch lest wegee than tha current rates of crl the regular Workfna uiechauu a'ii 'xfti'eissiwsrjrciiisi wfii.M (Would that all tha North could this tees jtR.jsiif mocks rosiTgys. . SKVMOXR OH ANDKKW .IOHNSOS. 1 HUMS nn pp!fviin pTrcjodicts ttf fstof of 3tr. ,1' In; si 'ii. e is not one . I helped to n. a -e in oince ; nor have I ever advised uira or bu n ooiuMiilctl bv hini as to tils poljcv. 1 know he has b.efl ihcated and letrf vet by those about him,, who plotted his tiei struciion trout the ouisit. But, while he has been in t unhappy in bis friends, no msn ha been ?o fortunate in hit enemies. They have given him a high place in his. lory, as one who fullered lor the rights of "tte iiTssirlsjinsi 'pjtjjthij Wto'mri:itiiiiMt' g toins final aiTcmiot, and hie fnentts seek in clear, tcis., and lasting tetms to tell that liw.a maa wto tovvd iiia cu.iry at was hutpil by ihr corrupt and trraaouable, they have to chisel upon his tornlv-stoue thai he was iiu pi ached by thi House o Hepreheuiaiivis aud coudetuntd by th CHiiate. TUf. COXOKEcS IVtrEACIlRO BV TBS FKOfLa. fiut there is nnullu r impi achment to be trod tie t..re a more august tribunal than the r u ate. We arraiirn the Congress letore the people of these United .st.tes for its crimes against lilwrt) ; against the I'nion ; against the rights of ur citix-us. We impeach it in the woids ol our fathers against Ihe British Ciown in the Dyclaraiion of Iadc penitence -lecuuse it ''lias render id the I nuliiaiy ind. pendent ot, and superior to, tbe civil power ; " because it has "erected a rnultmide ot new ollices, and sent sxarms i ol otli i rs lo harraa- our pinple and eat out j tin ir snb-t mi e " We impeach it "lords . priving u. In man) caws of Ihji benefits of I trinl j iry "lot taking away ciur char j teis, aboiil 1,1 our ntoht valuatite laws, snd altering tundnnieutally the powers ol our U verimeui lor upendto Legislatures, aad .dctUtiug.. MviuMjta uuvatttd. .wJth pcWer To" Teg'ftTSfelii atf ' ras'ci ttfiieef'' Beyond the crimes chaiged by our fathers acainst the llriush Crow n, wu also impeach Congress lor iis cross anil continued viola, tion "I the sob inn deelara-tion made to tbe. American people, and lo lhe world, that it waned war upoo the South for the aole pur pose ot restoring our Union, wbich Union it now keeps sundered lor selfish, party, and corrupt purposts. We also impeach it as an enemy to the liberties ol the American people, w hen it seeks to take away tbe pro tection of the judiciary aud rob us of the freedom of speech. Albany, H. P., YureA II, Itjlio. ' DEMOCRAT Y Al.ONE CAPABLE OF OOOD 0Ot- tef'us then sppial to the virtue of our people. I believe that -now they ponder by theii ti resides upon that time when, nsder Dim a ratic rule, we had honest officiate, economy in ati urs, and a currency of sterl ing coin. I believe their hearts are Stirred with indignation nt the outragiS uow per petrated at Washington. Let us, then, write in letters ol gold the words "honor, honesty au I. teonomy" upon one Melon! the folds ol our flags, and, up m the other, "freedom of speecu and an independent ju diciary." Then lilt our standard high and mutch on. The path of honor is the path to Victory. Ibid. OUR ITRRKNCV POIt ALU It is clear to every thoughtful Dian that public safety and honor will not admit of our having two kinds of currency for any liii gth ot tune. We must have a uniform lurremy lor all classes. There is but one .Ueslioii lo lie auUlcil Shall our currency Jw.uailijt-u('ttiinIy.ba4 1 Aie we to force tile bondholders to take bed money, or a'r'e we b give to labor anH basi nes good money ? Are we to hate aa honest standard of value fur all, or .ia indue try, enterprise, and morality to be per ph xed ami disordered by a shitting and disordered standard t Cooper Intitutet X. Y.,June 25, 1363. MaKS P IPER AS OOOD AS OOLD. There ia another way of lifting op our greenbacks to par wliicti will not harm any, but will lielps.ll whioli wilt bring back confidence ; will revive business and enter pit-e ; w ill lighten "IaxatiiiriT will '"give" to lalxir honest money and will da justice to the public crwlttor. . And that; - way ia to -gita; is the worid fulf faith in The honor and whilom, oi the. AawMjM-.Siaxjuatittutt-T-. Bid. . WITH TIIK. rl'ni.tC Monk PAT TBS PUBLIC Tjsbt. The whole question is brought down to this clear point: shall we use our money to na (Hi- Hulita nliv- Oi- (. n.w. ,iu L a I - " . f - J ' ' i our rnooey gjod intae .haad.of the ! borer or pensioner, ana help the booduolder or sliall we use it to keep up military despotism, teed bile negroes, break down tbe juflioia. I troy ; allM ry. shackle tlia executive, nod destroy constitutional rights I --f6W. tub BsoiCAM rtrrao to b'ti with ' " row KB. " i It has been the misfortune of the Repub H.cq party that the events of too past few years have gives it so much power that bes It-enable to shackle the exeeutiva, to trammel the judiciary, and to carry oat tbe views of the most unwise and violeut ot its membiirsv ' Wttm taiststlf things exists in any party it has eve beeaouud that theaolH-'r judgniens'o its shiest lead ersdo jnot control' There ia Willy an sble man who helped to build Up the Re publican organization, who has nH Within ttispast thrteyeere. waned iti against Its excesses, who baa not been borne down snd forced to give up bis convictions of what thiuwret p.f tk.cou.ntry. ej.)!fdpr4oivlf too patriotic, to do tbia, who has not beea driven lom Its ranks. Lellir eteeeptll PnuJmtuU Mnlnatum, AufvetUA. i(9. aotrTBKKa raoacpRiTtow a k acts noarB- Now, admitting all tWy (the Republt-" cans) claim, ailuvittlng that the people of the South deserts puni.hmikit, that il (a Jtigiit, .JitatJs&d tair ta hold thass, in rigid why tbe-fynme f Conaeeticah who hat wlwsts baww Utst: aboold be pubithed f Ytt tha punishment which the Republicans pretend to allot la the South falls equally upo tba Nurth. Indeed, tha North seems to g'-t tha worst t ItWiepWt, ut, ja.. ,. ias&i V" BUDICAL WOMB THAB BKITISB TYBAftat. The day wm when tha man within' the sound of my voice tad aot seen a . OeneraX Government officer except a posttoaater.' He did not know tha General Government axwptfurtba benefita which It confer red apoa him j but to-day yon know nothing else." It hsnats job at every point, at every IOT.' It afihetsus in evrey fwrtioo of our laod,aAd now, fix tba firat timav)wba you ttwaMeeweeayowaAB'! shrinking sway-a It ttiere Was soma Bade 'fH'ft i'r 4fF ('iVfe An ' ' ? - ST- Ul V daager of soma spy lurking about to dis- vrtwmtauka toeir. soooaeU, .s-rf,tb were dread of soma 1 1 lictita fiSicial alio, with tlrtnoaa. laaiiguatiua, enforces the penaltvor eompromiws tbe matter for his abara of I tte epudsv f say tbt which wvarv , busineaa man knows, 1 lion t care what tin politics may be, when I assert that the whole busiuets intervals of the country sre placed at the' mercy ol corrupt officials ; we are iii the rondiUoin that our fathers "etVot plained of wliea tbey impeached George HIM because he had aeut swarms of officials o eat out tbe substance of the people. JlUrf. BATIONAL HOT SttCTIONAt. I.MTSHTTOJI. millioruv ot tha people of the North f Are1 we lo legislate alone, with regard tit.s effect '"'p!-tt" wta'W Houth, holding up that only before the Doo lie gate, and disregarding how it affects" the people oi the North t - Ibid. THE LEIT10.. What tha People of tha Several States Will Vote foitTo-daj. Bolides voting for Prenidemial Electors, to-dsy, the people ot several (nf ftte States will chonae their State officers, Leirislalora. Congressmen, Ac . and in a lew btstes the quistionof amending the State Const itutlyn ia submitted to the popular vote. Tbe tollowing States will vote for Govern or snd other State officers, and tor members oi one or both Houses of their Btata Legis lature: New Tork, Kew Jersey, MsasarhaselU, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Kansas and Nevada. lowa wjH eleft its LeguJuture and also its BtaJe officers, with the exception ol Governor. Wisconsin and Mmiesota will elect their Legislaiun-s, but will not vote for State otheers. Of the Le iala' Ores thus -'J.ajUtttadjtja win earn cnooee a uniten niBtes oenanif New York, Massacbusetia, A'ew Jersey, Michigan, Wiseonsto, Miuue-oia, Missouri snd NeVada. The present Hi o tors whose terms expire are: Edwin D Morgan, ( ha . Bumner, Freiienck T. Fr. linghtivsen, Zaclo sriab Chandler, Janus -It. Uoolitile, Ahx Ramsey, Jno. B. Henderson and Wm. U, Stewart The following Stftes will elect Congress men : New York, California, Delaware, Illi nois, Iowa, Kansia, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, li. sotiri, New Jersty, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Jjoulsiana, Worth (Jar nlina and South Carolina. These Slabs til elect onahun.dred aud thirii-uirjuman The peoplo of New Hampahire s re to de cide whether a coutention shall be held to propose amendments to tbe State Con-tit u l ion. At present the two House of its Leg. islstore are strangely disproportionate In members; tha Senate having only twelve members, while the House has 830. It is proposed to reduce the number of lb pn si n tativea and Increase tbe number of Senators. It ia also proposed to aluiliah all religious tests tor holding office, aad make provision ior future amendments of tbe Constitution. Tbe people ol Illinois, will also tote oo the question whether a Convention shall be called to revise the State Constitution. In Minnesota, three proposed smend meets to the State Constitution am submit ted to the tote oi the fx ople. Tbe fir-t pro tidea lor extending the suftiage to the col ored matt, and also to peieone ot mixed white and Indiaa blood, who have adopted the language, enstonas and habits of emhjJ aaHOBr-aaa ftate-t-iam aeetaeea, iHtrnwt amination by a District Court, coinpettnt to exercise tbe rights of ciitssnsbspt th second relates to the disposal ol the "iater nat improvement lsVls ;" and the third abel ishes the Grand Jury system. i Theoltliens ot Iuwa will vote finoa the question whether the word White shall bs Stricken from tbe clauae relating to the tub frage in the Constitution. Th question is submitted to the people or Xb-aoort Washington K.amug Ei press, B)th. TBE 0VT LOOK. r- T There haa beea a msnltest reaction tn the public mind since tbe recent elections, and men now . see and aumprebi nd oelnadv lenettgh that thera Wats realty butUian tbe results at all warranting natural r inltatt.op on the" bri fisfid. rior tlie diVotj'ra'ornierit oa the pari of cert aid faTuWScartecf' tTerhocfats ootueotber. Oa tba eoatrary, it Is buw plainly appa rent the effect haa been to induce the ' rshk and file of tba & mocraet to wm k harder than ever, aot only to regain lost grounV not to pavw. m:aio';a agwttfflrwt iilair beyond question. ' --- --- All ever tha land, there Is a Brest awak. aning indicative ot this rtetemtnatioo.-. The Radicals see It and feel it. v Thev keen f op a show of Confidence by empy aiifi noisy Doaating, ny persisttBt otian pntsuntattiins til osefe and measures, antf 'ibf tin Wiosl scaodarout lmpntstlouS apod persooaT char, acter. These are ever tba detices hf de." perata, if not 'despairing dernageiguei; and so far from disheartening -lhe frisnds tul Coastirutiawal liberty aad fresy Girtt-rnruent, tbey ought to- animate ' them wrt'i- frh eon rage snd etrentbenthijf determination to wio, ' ' '" i;'- ' ' ' 'f' " There ra signs throogholit ths sojrslhd asilitarw neooairoetai b'a'aa Ahnt Radieal aaleaiaiioiMl tbeiw ata ta be l4s,i:y.uip poiatad aa wa think bty auii!!y will oa im itlha'orlo. Jha.-j?afpt-b(..Tifloii holders, and tha antiaaariet irom N ig land, are finding W a much..Nhardet j ib to "ring l" the aegra thaa ttbeW aniioipatad, Tua-aagiw, ia , la- taavhUy Hsfiirrg , ciut that these tatradera are uot their Irieada, but their eBemtee no matkr what their professiena assy be and aa a result nf that cooviutiua,Hwha aliectiuattay euiass atosg, wa auaptee a goed many-' tuie 'Ihst were anLiiipatad M Grant and Cuius, (rua-tfaat class of popplaUua will ba loand iia.the etbarsitiw. T '-jr -v-pe- tr n Courage, then, friends, on and all, ami evrrywhera. But ram to ScV-Olint Th fit flays ttiat fnteftinia;" bctwwtr -Rnw - inrl Tuesday ae(t( and wa feel certain we (halt bars tba unspeakable graiithjaUon, this day week, of aiMuneing not only that .all is well, cut tbat the victory wa bate all bean looking for so long la ti (hwrouh snd cnn ptet tliat-Raifeegiiam, wf'b its cttferffiihant sbouinationsjis buried so dep out ot sight aa to make Its recunatrncttoa at any future time imposelh'e. -"'.' Good Loo DkMvct V'sJ G- o, Dow:ur(J has just sent iu his annual report. , Uo ask a coutinoaoce of the Bureau, which sinns Dt sfter bearing from him soipa little time Sf0 that it.would wind up ia Januaiy, Why this nng t Aretha negroes mora tBWtp-Mrreof tokttig tsret'l tlir-erra !vc !ric( tb fclmliOf L lir IA tllrf A itvUvt fhatt.'a WmM-fi&wnllittnto&9i,toMt tovrmt"rrrv'tti'r 1 C ' ' Sor(.-.H,i Sj. J if k M I ii J J I Store ao.l Giorert with a profit lo tb., ljJrer JVj'wi ,t , - r "Vlctjaa TyinJinf." i "The ffems charaes Oen Blatr with "tio lutirg -cth" arh u he apeak ot ,th South tu victims oi tyranny. Let us sea. Is it not tyrannical to keep tba ballot from aa unuoreo tttousand white men In Tennessee fifty thoTWabi! whttes Trt Missouri," an J from it8,0M voters ta 'YiTgllSTa.TTO.tlOO tbrers Tb Mississippi and OS OOOia Texas t All these htatesv but for tliia tyranny, would cast meir oaituts tor tmymour and Blsir, nod hence th tyranny Itself, Again : Is It Bet tvrannv tor Gnnuraaa tv runl.t. anlt-..-. In tha, SoutWa Buiuul aad tu diino uk baw HKil-i m'.'.MU ...'.-Id, -V I'.V. .i JH, .. twwn suuisgvr in wv xsrwratm xoq rvotiTa arn ptaiesyas openly adtneatsd In tba Re pu'ilScaa ('tiicago platform And If It not tlte In Congress under a CenstbutloB ra. jested by a majoritt ol tba people of Ata baui a, wbeB tbat people were told they should have no repn acetatioa Bulea tbey adopted tbe Constitution which had beea submitted to tbem I Mississippi did just whst Alabama did, and Mississippi s not allowed Senators or Representative la Con. great. Are not the Constitutions forced oa tha people by C. ngreas, which Constitutions int. ptse inlsmous test oaths, requiring tha equality of all propla Booth, tyranny I In Arkansas and other States Bo rneo who can not tks th test .a h,-which extends also fo an oath that no part was taken by tba cilia -a la lbs rebellion, i allowed to prac tice lak, of me lii iiw, pruach th Gospel, hold any nffiee, rr do aoy inteltectual ser vice, lie may grow cotton sad corn, and raise bogs fir Radicals to eat, hut all else is unlawful. Tbe test oath of Missouri, until upset by tbe foiled tjmte Supreme Cturi, arntied ministers of th Gostiel. a in tha can of father Curamlngt, and bo- cause Uen. Blair Would uot subacrllM to tt, alter hauling for his State and tha Union, vote. Heart the acts ar the -Virginia coa vintlon, where 4u,000 whtta peftpla Bra ma'to I lie lis.ters ot wood ot 020,000 n ghves. Behold negro Polioemen aad Jus tices ol the Panes ia North Carolina. Read the orders of Gens. Sickles and Canby ia South Carolina, aad ot Gun. Reynolds, in Texas. I ust" received. Ia &o eiviliaed coun try has mora tyranny been practiced, or more degradation Imposed upon a helpless people tuaa tuts, and tne editor at the Times has too much intelligence Bot to know it JvVw Tori Etpm. Tac Latx KptroopAL GkhkbaI Cotrrait. TtO th KpiscOnal Contention of tba aoora in new t or narmonious y, in vexi-u subject of ritualism bating bean disposed ot by th adnptbia of resolutions offered by Ur. Llttlijolin. reqaeattng tba Honae of Bishops to set forth for consideration, ivy the next- general eoateBttoa, such addi tional rubrics In tha book of eommoa prayer as in their judgment nay be deemed necassajy, and that In the meanwhile, la all matters doubtful, reference should be mails to th ordinary; (tha parson hating ordin ary jurisdiction in causa ecclesiastical, generally the bishop,) and that no ahaau should be made against th counsel aad judgment ot bishops. The inttrttt which the ritualistic ques tion excites msy.be estimated by tha fact that one Ot the New York journals, fit eight columns to conversations with clar Bjmen ef the Episcopal and Roman Cat ho. lie chtirt hes apon that subh-ct, and to a do Icriptlon'M St, Albans, la New York, which tt rmr rth ehorchea -ra-tbatr tilt t whteh ,. i..l-....a It-A uaa-i'i-coinv wivuiamu hi mn ar caovu ritnalistio obsertaneea. The auuVber of Episcopal churches ia tbia country which hat' adopted 'the customs is terjr small, not an or thsa half a. doaea. Tha change which ritualism, to called, ha Introduced relate tfl th moda of pMofming thr Tt. vice, and not itl substance, and, as a gen eral thing, may be said to ooaslat In monot oning or singing it to appropriate) ttusio. in adorning ine borers tame wits ' sym bolic lights, la aorpliaad choristers, and priest vestid Ja. aona dtsUpetivt way to mark tbetr respective order. Its advocate, claiih that ia regard to tba mode of pe&. forming the precrlted aertire -wf ttistr chttrcrt, a well as to thowa dodiriaaa wbn b art. m cwwWW-riHl caaeMtwt t saitattiasr, th ifaHtl lhun-k JMt ttvada- bo tegai lvsu- vlstotl in compel uniformity ; fliey atmeal to th minute dirsotions gitea by God for th tabernscla, and "tba wa of tsatBient, light aad- latente, dorlved froat Ih tewpla vrtiee r y tn urasa. unastai, jtotasa, and other charcbs t and farther allege that with the td.vst.re of civil Itatioa. htor plexanre I Ult:Mnir and tbst 1t Is right to appeal, to et try lacul tt which God ha given to mea to draw tbem to His sertie. i Tb rltuallaile move ment, however, lo this ex antry seems to oa- Cap roon more space ta tua newspaper, )nt at this moment, than ia tba church. Wa hste said thus much siasply to explain what is airant by ritualism, si defigetl by Ita advocate. , ' What is of much mora genera) Interest to the 'American public ia that tbia Episcopal General Ctmvoutina, CO prising a fair a b preaentstlo of intellect, maikl and aocial .WW Uf ai.4 Ir.tjuerree aa ever baa been aseern bled ia any ecaXesiasUoal organiiatioa ia this country, aas composed ef delegate from all the State oi aba fJaioa, aad that their iotereoani ara ae fratarwe) aas) har uiontous a belor tha war.; This reunioa rs a 'Cbearing sig of tt. time, and it i ba hoped aia be foliowa't i-y tbat of all lb religious bod s io th oouulry, till tb ecoleaiastieal str.nds, tba ruptar of wiilch precwM political fliiaoIOflua, Bay U aU bid t togeihef again, aad taart thai eom blaad isiflseBe to bring bay k tb ship of buta ta Mold mooriags. ij. ... 1 u n 1 1 "Dr n't fog 'Nikbkb wa Now r An ia. dittduat, posseiwltig onwHstaiiahie etidebc of Ahicao rxtraction, waa dignifltd, but with severs pnsetaa, "Are you 1 guilty or 1 "Satf ' ' "" - .'t'ftul a iUal-Xtiia-dotliairii reooat- ad. . - Y'Oolly, boaa, War fcatat ane It, . .Thi msa says yon did," . v ' : '11 tBtBotl)ia but whita trash." ..-And what artoar. - ' - fl- Way, dw" ya anoriBtf I rid wid J" iu da twrcossioa. , I helped to tot yoa Lome abeo yoa got tired dat Bligbl. Don yoa 'member ni aow t" ' There wst tha "uddcnet" aot proa, ia that daket's rasa that judiiia) ahnal af- fitrd an example of. ho aiuch for tha ad tantangea ot good BiKitty ,- Met (hltant j rtnwtj'fittiiapoUitj 6i.y4.,o to 4 p.irivt W.tttl next large! tola ever given ibat of It reveals thess festilM Js." . -- . . - J rw.nii Vnenaa 'ToU. ,..7e eaaf. I.3U5,, 10 T-10 iir'w)) iparaaw,' " Hiijrohsl. Pnwa To i'tiKvicus a,uxu.-,K. tan. &nMai l oiiintrssfruer. loreioio-e aj'poliitw t open .bonks for saiaioriiiuon to tli tSMierB biviuoasf Um WmiwM) NibUi ( .tohua R.ilmarf set at the town nf MoriranKai, m t lie 4 'ourt itiwise us assa iuwa, on in ts e dv ( October, then. . ' 0 bwuosi uf Oen. M. Is, I.tttlt iiM H,0, .T. IHvideou i rlkd to the Chair, end R. K. 8t naonlim apjKiond Kreatv '" v 'TIstW'-asnKMauisnsis v;otuUl,'. wliee-it was asassriauxMiHi uuta tswjoriiiy el sauii LvnniUMmcra war prvMiiii, On motma f Con M 8. LuliAV-f sCi-mmit- irasaiaajstswawaaiwavist sssvna ai tfa V ai.Nsaerv. U W. Smu Mt inr. a. t.. lose, to in.jj.et ih bisika ol ni-ri(t- ttn retumwd bv tha C'omoilssuauwa. tn aarur. taun what anianJil ( stock hail Wn suUilibrd. On bioihxi of .. R. a. tlsnrv it was re- " aolved (has Mid CeasmtMe be otMrnewd too, eier all stock alwunoed oa ahicb S pr cent bad aot Imhni paid barvlofur, or. at tin tuna. Void. r(,," , . , Haul Committee ivtlred, and after a slinrt lint warssd that S.0NO atiamav, at IHsl rk, hat Keen swbaarkbea, astmuautiB to kiw.uta). oa winch tbe per eettt. had tieea pant, lo ml t S1& too. H thnirtrwi that ths hooka nl snhaerin- tioa reiHtrtoTd bv the i'oiUDiiasimiers be iiu-nnd vet lo tha Htuekhoiosrm. tin netion, the tanotisajWra' aaeetiDg then edjoofiwi. i A. T. UAVILlSlIN, CUrnH. BTOCKOOLDERS1 DF.ETIXO.'5 Ftrat snMlibX of ths Hinrkhalilenof tha Went- era Ihvmosi as the wawtora horth Cwmhna Hall roMi, was td m iha Caxuv Rous at JUoj'Ktuiua B IM 1IHII iiet, ISWI 'tin bsuuub. Jim A. a Hetrlmna waa called tn ' tb Lb.tr. ami U M lioWru actsant et Nueretat y. A Owamiueaot ibr waa then si pnininl iu vsnij prwHBt aua 1(HS to euutunr Ml aoarea repreaxiti d to tu tueetina, to wit : Uov 11 Vane U W Liw-ksy attdutan T I. (.'ImKniaii, who lwlaj. rt.il(rf-t!nHb()a.i , eiliUntn rtpr ih niing S ; Oa BUMiou Hie htookhulvirr prwitJ tt th leeliua (4 fonr thrwnir, to vil : Hon. A 1' J vitht, Oen 1 1. 1'luiBUiAit, 0 Ji Botiert aud Ja U WtwriBioa, Ksq, 'hfidtri, i h.i tli by-law. of th Faatnta IH vwitin ol the Wwtern ivorili Carolina Uaiiroai) rxv a4ottwl a th !-!. a at the Wtxtera Livitrat of to Wauvn Noeth Llarofcn liailroad, so ttf a tbay ar lorlly a'ileslue. aud that I'nninottse b pauiied to diaJl ki-iwa aud ruuort at tha next vwrtms;, , Ih I hairuimstipolnt.it Gen M S Llttleftclit, Oea T L chuiimau and O W awopeun u aul ilomauttee. Do mottoa, , Tlisli-yof At fra.1 lent rs Died al J 1 ooo. . Th salary ot slwUhiuf Hivtuwr, ),!'. Tb aal.iv oflhe Sacrt'lao an.) Iii'Dnurnr 10. ' hr a aliurt roo, aud a ft aiuibnnguf tid sHoekbialdMra, th bumhuiv .i;'miisit. A. H IU1.IIK1.UI1M. rim'K. pihJSCToiw arrrTWrt.- Tint meHie of tha Ik-awl of IHrretnst tif 4) Vektara JDlMuoa of lit WsUrtii orth tiarnhna sbulrosd wm held in tb l our Uuua aiilor- gaiitoa. oa th 1'ith Oot., ISoii ' rrit, hnn, I. (- Abbott, tt. W. SWepson, " O. W (laliagan, Q W. Jhrknr, Usn M. M. lien-' ryandj. k. Ammona, iMreetors on th psrt l " the autt) and Hun. A 1. lritiw, Uin. 1'. 1 t-liagotan, aua tt. luitmri, on th lau t ol tho tttiKtltlinldcra. Oa Motion, Rob. 3. C. Abbott was on'ted to tb Chair, and 11. xt. llniiert aiitiriiil rti-mmrr. il(l tnotion, theltoartt proi nniih.1 to tliioetloa of PlMlih lit for said M Mltim livlfioi. s 0w. T Ij.Cuiiitmsit nominal ad u. tf. Kwep. . who waa deeuuiKt duly njd, ? Hon. J. U Abbott then aic4 ii Chair, and tb fmudeut Mini" L Chw dimes lit- tio same. . Ob motion, U Mi ltotrt ss at buiiited to ant a Heeretwy and Xreanrrot th t.onirianr, Msj t. V Jwrner waa elected fl.let fciuilneer. It ws oadcvail tbat th Chief huinfr i-nxwul fori h wub to ui) aud locsie tha maiu liuuk of. tb tt iad 6'oai tho fruinh itroad to iii-otac- Ikm, at or .nae lucluuv wul im,-w . A .. - .. I- . . A i A 11 . .Xaak 1 ' 1 ... li . . L. a . .a bWWbvTO D bbsmtt liuiauv xx uwr t bit a ami W flWK'al PtT tTaaTT' Btaln n.orna-asill - - im BiiHwii of Uwv. i'. m thiigman, it s v , U' KiCrni, 1 hat tim I'l eM-H i4 aiul t in. f I'licl--Beer h, amd they ar fartvuvttifanrirnt to lit Out hr miiinust, (lie hbol of Dm tu.nd loithwith, upon Uie euodiUiHt, htivi ri tu h as, that llm iiIj ia rrv(l to t-l Ui htl, at anv rlof ui aaid work, at :auy tbu tiiiefi.t that Hiej: Bur . Hill. - ' ' Ua atottno ttf 3t. K.rH, Ilaart. It wae-rdfd by tb Huard ot Inttnum ul 1 vic-urn l.ui-. i'iD of tb Woln H. C. K. H. Comiwnv. Tha k be eoeuftd sloe Ui tlisMiilpUori to aud fir th t.mtl Mtaik of said (,omnai7, on nit' tcrma . hrtoftir obihi-vd dar th vonvivuiHwu of tit Wwsura l)ivtoB of aud lmad. at th lo lnvoi t asiaetl plarea, voir tinrtnr ttic snpeTViauin at thtt " Man toarii : At UayasuJe, in Ui euunty ef t'lhv. m4. r th - uivrviaoh nf flufh ltnaiolsnil .il.'n f-ti"rcr. , . At.sta'Vetn he f y -.fir.i.--.'1 "wtajr ", ! , tbat of a. w tvtttrn nd frmmiiv tf - rr " At iimiltku Ht tvMmttr ti HHmiv, trmtivp- ' tbat or 4. 1 Bobinaim anil .lnoailiau Fold. . . - At 0-liUt.t.l.UM VUMlHiV Of JiMkwSt, im'Wp that of J. Vf. rreh and 1. .aitiiaiy At Webatcr, la ihn eouniy u! .n kson, ailP that of jhauiph Ktuuier An4 E. ti. Joi.l , At Wavnwivili, la U. couuiv uf Mvitwoo4, Badr that of A- 1" llarwu ami br, f. i. Ln,o, i At Aahevil!, ih th eonuiyof Soheoui, inula ' that of (s M Itthertt and Hon. S W W..KliU... A! Slrlnli ui btxKJUfi. of Vj ii,.,,AM,ur .- thar rif Mf. WWTiu lliisarni 1 i fi,i 'i t. 4 S " ' ' x" At Horgan.tnB. tt tti cwiuty ol l. iiie, ader lhatot 8 lol Tsitaud f It C.il.iill. , . ": ' At tallnh,u tha aoity of Wsk. andfrtaak af Oea Mi swssm aud ja it 8 bin Wn A - , felaid liook t,i Ihi on. tod ou the Villi ) ,i,ianf, Akll it Is rt soiveil by Hi ioard, that rentninn. ,bi aeriHitMi ahosliaU ulaeriii foe u b ( ,),iusl 'iSUx'k shall have ili hcporiiu ilj to pi, foi ,.t, tt SncA ks work, ai,4 t thai 4 shah hf maso- abl eontraa to at i wora ou said ivoad. And .(iiwil, farther, 'lost it at th settled par- po ti tlit tsoarO uf Uirawms, ciMler ia due tioaof tlia oioekhohlvrs, to expennfl, in ev.ry prooer way. tb e'npltinn a ta vVira 4- 1 viwuia ef aaid tuisd, aud heyi virotltv iavit ttt oo-opira -hat tii I foil Jor tU'S ji'irumc v-Ur Oa axulutA, lit 41-sMd u )oi4.Hiiyetla th.-sA-;ai-i. t b-us iha oaiiwf tha iwiuni. . . . a. at UOItRltTW," ' - Oat tf-dlw ' t. t Awrwfucn And imimutr. ' MlbCELLAIilOUS fot SalitwIacisEgu for City Trope, t.. AVAi-i,' vtit.i. tAHHiil aiiiamv, ia tlisiham tnsU-to the nuitat ol the oal and Vrni-r.' at re King iMitu it of ihtrr tlul Iron tVuih.. (d bormkK- Himaw and- we4raittnfta,'iiitt' Hdow. ati vouiia t.irehaid. f he W i-st. rniia.t- riavt, Cbalhaw Kailraad od OWaw Utiiiosil d ran near th (.reuntaw-, yr M Dt M vi ithin a sail. - - :i , : ? .- ' i" w, K. J0XE1 CO., ; Ocllt-tf .. Acct rft tmt, M er.-hn trt- AL!. HINDU uf Cbtiotry Pns1tKw-t Uaiket' ltee..4 w st-u tr. u m :.i.. At ii 1 1 n. T retro) rrrrrjr,' v T t ""ni'lTiirtrsW iwf- - tt itl-ME . it t bflKIA, W'tf'S. SfjalETtllrSa M?W. (-'-' . ' (hrpiiu)(t !Aive J. t;l'.'.i"VX, , Outfit- v, Itlttt ii if A ItocUy ytotint rttsti Miil.; TMT'B lill L-ar now tn hill e-wrabau, ia4 " iu an onJtf.tli-i ae tawing oar ' . YARJiS SD i EXTRA HEAVTSiTIRT- .r n e, , tt ' of tb bt nua'dv, 4 , Caah ia il. i I uesard t" th nnlsrsijned wtU b pKminily fiiiod on th loomt tertna. . 'Vsj -Hwiukmtirt) oiJV CUAClli-A..S. in wt u B..A rJ.,MM .b " - ..'...-' K-s.-V -; . 3.-; i:Xi jV

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