THE SENllNEL. Saturday, novkmiier as, uses. THAXK&Gt Y'lXG. Thanksgiving day was jf&neriTIy obser ved in this city, on Thursday 'ast. Most of the day. TSr'Ubwncew' the 1'nstura of the I'reebyteriau Methodist and liautiai Churches prevented service lu those Church es, The Episcopal Church was,.(tpenoil and Rector, Rev. Dr. Mason. Ho prea hcil all excellent sermon from Hab., cliap. 3 , 1 7i ii aod ISth verses. He elaborated, wilh force od clern,jt, the, temporal and siiiniual beoe fits enjoyed by- our people, which de manded their praise and tlmnk-tii e hilt to Almighty God. Iq the enumeration of tin- spiritual biecsinga, he dwelt with upop the jfreat he of tlod to men, in the $ jif'cif TOfloffTtWOT Cbrlrt, an riiir Redeem er, as always demanding our highest gniti- W Jiar tlN of the 40thJ U. S. ft' t.. Colon il Troops, preached in the ftonate Charnlicr. We learn that a member of the General Assembly re marked to aouie of hi Itadical triends, in reference to the services in the Capitol an I the discourse of Chaplaia l'c per, that In (the -aforqeeid metnlM'r) felt thanklnl for tin- gilt oi lire r,oru jeaua unrisi, as tue tsuvntr ..i .i.. i...t !... ti.:. i i been overlooked by the (.hup!. tin in hi ilia course, who did not even mention the name of the Savior, in alluding to the abundant riaaona for our thanksgiving, iucfuilnig the "blessinga" which Radicalism h is gx nred ta this country. The member thought that the mission if Je.m Christ was at least ol sufficient magnitude to secure some notice in a Thanksgiving sermon; un 1 ..It we. . ,...A TK XH U .S. We cojndcnse, from the telegraphic re part, wliiuh llmuld have appeared on Jc terday, (had We published a JjaperJ audi iwmwiw4itHSSf "'" u The iuipraun prevails that Ui u Ciant will be subjected to all the rest ic'ions which hwrc cramped Mr. .Inhnson. The admission of the Demianiic Con greaamen trom Louisiana, diosui at tin recent election, ia deemed "tiiyiily improb able." E. A. Pollard, brother ol 11. ltivea I'.d lard, publishes a Card, den .i-nei i the cowardice ot the murder, and shaming those wbo cheered the anaasin, when he ap peared on the streets att. r the deed. Grant ofllctal majority in cl'Mski a Tttft life tiatoxsu 1 11S..1.1' i , 1 he late tragical occurrence in Richmond, by which H. Rirea Pollard lost hia life, will not Ik without goodreaults, if it shall teach the le-soo that any immoderate Iiccihu. on the part of the Press, which wantonly attacks private character or invades the domestic sanctuary. cannot be indulgvd in wifh im pbiilty. It Uft g!t t , the wv.)ri aentiment, that no fate is unmet it ed, which befalls the man who assails woman, through the cotuinris ot a newspa per, or otherwise. The afejuard which a nr round tueaanctity and repututiou oi the ae ahmiid beof He mosfs jleinn aid im pregnabletrliaracler. And"7W,"wW'thWTth tase, ths im mediate Wliflg of JJr. J'.iiiai'l t diy-Jt'-cd ol all the extenuation tn'. intent havt at tended Tf ,in vicwoT Tiia 6Ti the man ner in which it was accomplished. To shout a man down from a place ol skulking con cealment without uffirdino hint a in nuent of premonition, ia nothing more nor loss than a cowardly assassination, which deserve thewerct penalty ol the law. A FATAL Tbaobkv. The Rutherford Vindicator) received on yesterday, learns, through private channels, that a deplorable affair occurred in Marshall, Madison count v, onlast Honda;' A its. - pprtcbed a young woman, who residua near the vil. age, and naked if her name was . Ho- lug aniwefed to the affirmative-, Mt.- plunged knife into the breast of the young woman. v It then transpired that the uifortttnata ereatura waa the sister of the intended victim, nd that, in a passion of The murdaresala now in jail at Marshall. Niw AWBHTiailMsUiTa. See Dotice . ol dissolution of copartnership between Mcawrs. Joseph and Costioe. Mr. Joseph will con tinua to kop op tha Usstaiiraut, as be lore the copartnership. WacilHatttiiiHottlo an error ia the ads vertiaeoutat of th BuckUwUury prttperty, (Ttio. Quo lo Tucker, B-wr Gaston. It contain : i.000 ncrea, instead of 800, aj erroneooIP,'iD,e,1 h'S" valu hie property, and offers fiao iaducements to man of business capacity and energy. See ahnonticemeqt of Wiii, It t'fley and Geo. W'"BougfeHy, Banker nd Brokers, a native oflfertB Caroline, arid" Wait, for ehteeti jrear, . werchant in Wilmington, thereby acquiring en intimate knowl dj of the value of Southern seeurii ic. We e eooadeotlj? commend thi Mouse tothepuollc couflJence, and ere euurod that their t&ciiitie are ait that could he . . ' .'';.l-..v-'r:-'T -s-,y-.-: ; desired. . The- eiereiaee of -the- Oxford FemaU "leSnlrllWbJMW January, tiodcf the Uplee of Mis.' Mar- gartt E. Mitchell, Mr. E. H. Grant, aod other competent Instructor. TI j:h dfttieffi ladle ere dkuhttr ol the late Prof. Mitch elf anil poijesi ' the mokt cniiuerit fiualili catiooe. i i v -n Horee etolea or strayed in Asheville, on ' theaigbtotlbe Slat, Liberal reward offor, ed. AddrwUE 6tokcAhevilie Jf. 3 .'..'' - '- " V v W . ttS-r't-i...Sl 't ....Jt .-I' .... . Agricultural Lime at mndre price i B P. Wiiliamaoo, Market Square. Torn 'I Jfrtli Car!ina Aimiiar- lor tm i'Ui- Il KnniM,PuWift5r acd ellh?r.-,-'!4 i'f ''1 -'" v Ten AtwoCRserj Immigration Convention aasetnhle ia, to day. WT hope . to bear Ihat it 1 well tttcrtdfil. as IweTook ! DiaTRKiMi.o Dbath.-W learn that the horses attached to the atagt uutaeea War saw and Kayettevillc, cn Monday nit;ht last, when in tha neihb nil jod uf Owen, lilkyjaft away. A iianoo Hj-yf, Hettev- M-- Gilce, of Baltim .re, who was liding on the seatwiih the ilriv.r, was tht.iwn ,.11". ami. was install killed. Thti a paMen ,i . , .. ,, , , get in tl a friend uf Mr. o who:,,,.,,, ,..., ,.. .'i ,i, . ,..,., was .Uihiut..atul who nauwi4 with..- th a nalerr-nf ihi Statu,. . ami passed rt.uh...i tind the miller port it his iiiHiihuod in ihjs City, lie was the step-son ol the 1 ite lamented l-ol. IaIw. Varborouiih. lie was a yoiiny Keiitleuian of winnino pnni-nee and of ni.inv populir and exc, II, nt trait, (,l , h Ir u vr. It !, lu-, a w ile arid st vi.ral t l.iidreuto moufn hia untimely death. I A II.H Firm itf Is vKsriSii ThF li't'-is-Imrj; Imlrt mentmns the farm owned i wi tJCiliptwl iwJiMt. T n'-rWrHv' loway im-r, containing 1,. cfrarrtl.Vwioooi.l al audi Hi l e. on Moii'I last, and piirehaed tor genlSe:uau rt-tol in? in this Ci'y. Hi'.ni- not t".,OI. riven, i f..r l-'lNt: - I l ,t. We are ii. del. ted it. I.V'on AC.. I l a nre-ent nl ill m j (haters. Tney k.ep them cmtaullv hand, ol the -ry tin- si ,,-iity, and at prices. We eoinmi-itl M s,r-. l.yon A ( ... and then insters to the , inunity. Tin ir plan; of bu-iues i. Market S juar.-, ( I 'utm j'n old Stand I A Cahu The Htteniion of nil mrs-ins intenated m the all'tirs uf the ot ' North Carolina is e.ille.l to the ri j .in. I. i nl Mr. Mor lre ti, late 1'resi.ielit o! ln- Bank, i to the advertisement i.l Mr. MeAilen. pul. Ilhed a t. w days an m the ei(',i((. Illvvlu-s ( lur t,M-,-l!ellt t T if int. 1( IC Ken-Pel, 1t-ir,;e!t Street, hi sen' in a al sattij.-le o! the line oystirs wllhm he is tcWMntr. '"very eTfiiifl". TfiVy arc ttisririit? and ivi.fv Mr l-'eirell wil1 accoinmotlatt the public with bis until liberality. Call on him TllK 7 .M'.'A7'i'.V I'llll .1 7i7. 1 j FcnTiiKi: iwnTirvr.Ar. , 1 It llti le-en state I that il respectable wo I man named Mai v K dereil in I'lnhi.l.'li.h Hill had b en nun- in Siiiidnv evi nn.i'. The lutjHirfr giv tin- loitow i ii -r add. partieu ar- : "About half-past nine o'cloek on Sunday nie;lit. as Polteeman llios-ird was pat rolling Ins beat on I'tt.e St reel, above filth,!,! was hailc I by a citi-u wdn resides ou Pm HtNwtr. UoirttrittoTWft1t ' the house whetethe niiird.-f w as commit ted, who intoiiiie.r him ihat. soinetliieg must be wroin at Mrs. Hill's residence, ami asked him to make an investigation. Howard rant; al Cits bel-, nod it was an swered by a man named Giore S. Tw itchcll, a s nt in law of the inuider.- l woman, and who, in company with, his wife, (Mrs. Hilt's daughter) resided with ihe deceased, the three beinr the only oc cupants ol th.- large and very hantUiunel j tuiBithisl . .Uouic Tha oll'icatr , akd Twitchcll whit wis the matter in the house, when Twitched replied that a woman had fallen out o the windo and killed herseit. The ollicer then entered' and waa con ducted by Twitched to the dining room, mi the lower tloor, w here, stretched out on a seMee, was the murdered body of Mia. 11:11. Covered w I: Ii Mootl add bearing Ihe Gyirh'itt itrkt t?t- -v ixlantt. about luu: I head, , as tlBtutjh ah hwl Iteen struck two or thieetjt,!,,,,, j, t)M1 f wek and times with some iron un.-ile. ' llul)ls jn var;,1, Uniroads and Navi- Twrtell. ll and Ins wife were then 'secured 1 j,flt lon Companies of tile State, to the anil assistance called in. when an exainina I "mmmt , 241,01111 : Ami U aiipwtra that lion ol ti e preuiises was made, an. I but -,,, ,t)is Hllltl 4 7(, :,m HT,. ,,. j Umtla of little room w as lett lor doubt that Mr. 1 sn,,t. .,1,,, ,ir,. , u,i,.r,.st.. which Ifill had been lontly dealt with. and her 1 body thrown Irom the second story silting window into the gtadeu that adjoins the house on Pine strei t, for the officers, on ji,,.n) ,,,lti ,, these liomls thWt is now entering lint situng room mentioned, louud ! dm, ,im f ft7i.-"ino, as inter, at. which a 8. fa clotted with blood, and pools ol aiuj be paid to the State .And vhrrvu, blood on the tl nr in ( lose proximity to j ari,P m..unta ol interest continne to ac it. , erne to (lie stale Ir un these corporal. on ; A cushion on the sofa, also, contained ! ,n,j jt )(.jn reeoinnu m I-. I I.y Ins Kxcellen mo id, anil ll w as lorn, as inmign ""ie t blows aimed at the deceasetl had missed and struck the cushion. The blood was thi n traced through ttiitBug room to the window nf a ainasH- rami that-ii)om it. on the east. The sill ol tins window waa cov eted wilh blood, acid it waa. evident that it had been opened arid ItrffWcTy tfirowTi Thtrf' the yard. An examination ot the ground disclosed j a large pool of blood directly under the winnrrw mpnttnneri, and the congealed con dition of this blood, when-discovered indi cated that ihe bewff h 'laid tliete: mmi- time before the olhcer entered the house. Twitchell stated that when Mrs. Hill tell or threw hersell fiom. the window, he, in company with a aervant who came home about that time, went irUo the yard and carried Iter !Pt'! the dining room and laid her on the settee, but did not attempt to explain how the blood eauie on the sofa ami floor ot ttio sitting room np stairs. Blood ws also traced .from the sitting room to fhe slairw ay leading down to the first r, slio wing conclfisi VSTJ" That Jfrer prrpe tratioq of the murder the murderer went down staira. A poker wa afterwards found in the yard that contained blood on it, add wa undoubtedly used to commit the murder. Twitchcll w taken to the eighth ward station house:. He bad blood on his ahirt when taken there Mr. Twitchell waa re- Llsiiieil at the house where the murder - V T I ' IT ill : T - imw IWf B amt - Jtu.-uita.iuim titii iuiti.eiJit was committed, which was held in (iitL practice laW in the County Km: of Berm ant Pennington and a posae of pO- ,' ,,.. ' r, uf Sergeant Pennington and a poeae of po lice during the night. There does not appear to have been any straggle in the room (11 neatly furnished one) where the murdrwas committed, as every thing was in owler , and the theory i that Mrs. Hill was lying down On iheeofa asleep, whes she w approached and stack on the head wiU' thi poker mentioned, aod her ... . . . Wtr. . ... 1- mn orm rnordit Krwt r vem dl-cor-! ered, end it is noMuwtwn en what kind ol terms Mr. Hill and her tlaugliter.and sob- Mr. Hill was very wealthy, and it ia tip- posed tlttt themurtfereeor intirdeKsr hoped by thi unholy lueaai to oblftin pioo of her nioo7. Ta aociaj atstBiiiug ea! the parties gi es an eipecial interest to the case which, in the horrid distinctneea u( its de Uils, ha hardly, if eve had e peralWl in this city. A young German of MlLwauke shot him- kIijd MtaM.iV, ttecaose an txperu-n re t f. , , ,., , . , The rem 1 tunc came on Mon.i.y, Id tinieW meet the exptrnscs ol his burisJ. troll Mountain Boiler KM ALL LOT un eonsiftiiiheiit. and for aJa I'.","' 'y. ..v-. n " . Cvuuiiiaai. Jiwiuit. Lt"Kllature of North Carolina, SENATE. Friday, Not. 27, IMS. The ' Seoaio a cabled IS orttt-r at il 1 o'clock, r i f ', ''m' I the Hi in iul Aaacinblv to enact tuoie slnn tutu ct i "es-n-t rttii-rrtre!itnhnin iturnnnnttjl rh, i " wcrsr" fmmf?rfhiV- rA T.r'Bp w amend flje act fit 'relation Kork Welkc Mr Lih.rid many lin.-'u Hyde Coun! i. pr.ifnted a p-tition if Currituek Tvrill and prayinii I the li.r.cral Asaein- lily l loriu a new County, couiposi d ol porn-Tis tli- a'love n un d. to be kn-iwii I) . re County. K.-l.-rred to the Commit. l'r.,M,iriin ,,i, I i:,,,.,,,,.,., 1NTKODI I'TIoN or. Jil l.l.H. livMr. Winstemb: A bill to amend the r of lb, tliifofit brunch rrf Hrr Hal- -.,.1, A Canton llallro;i I C mi ptny. wrueretr $ P"f-ti-6j6(t to HCJBritt Tn 1 1 r t nl Initirovement liy Mjtlitlwudi;ei-..A bdi-ito tHuviuKJItiMit. V s I , It'l I- ed C nil-. i trdfled to lie printed, . , an. I rrli ried io u special t out in i Her ot direc. M,, Kill. rid-. . .Mooio and liar r ,, , ., , , i '"" 'notion In mi; a.pted, the rtfercme mi,riUee of ninlorinc Jeruaalem and tbe peru 11 Mr. I. A bid relator; to laying ; w. ,.. p-a. In.rrtr, , -.n.i.. .1. . . 1. r j - ..... ..... .-. ... v....ino. - teeon the .liiilieiary. Ui Mr L ive A bill I" iCpplj the H.jis- ier- o ) U with blank books. It. hired to the C . tin in 1 1 Ift- on Kinain -. A'i' w is le.eiv -d from the House, tran-min i i-a lull to auihoii? - the Con,- nt;s-i-in. -.-i ol e.-tt, tin i m - :ins not lei than ' unilie if I on, i-.-ncl.on-b to te.ed! ! K"d hc in'i-est pel annum not to Lexctcd S 4cj ccuL IkitaiiJ tu Uic . Cuitt mitt, e on Finance. ! i u.KMivii. I The !..wi..- lulls passed their third! 1 1; ; lu ;ui,.-. 1 S (Mi. Ml C'tlftr. MIS ,,f !h IC-vis- I ( ' I Hill to t l'jti.1 the tiuiewillen win I 'III! WI.1.IW III I v lIlNVul li!.:-aini's vv il ti ii to toi id.- for the i in i 'arteri t eo,m! , lor tin -.1 : j .,, j . ,,. ,1;,tt,M-, ISitt to annmit titte-1, wcnrnT Code o CuJ Procedure : Mr. U .I. hins moved a reeorni f"'f the leration o! d. not In- ote l.v w hu h this lK e he ilu.ired to h li at th. . bent ..I the leil, hut he .lei i, oi like the;;uai;c. lie was clearly uf J lie opinion that Nipt-rior ( 'onrt. Ck-ika sitoul.l Hot itavu judicial po ers. Mr. Iianow held that the bill wasc'in- ! .lo.iti,,.,,! ,.,! ., i , n,wl,l..,..u, - i c, 1 , , ',,i.,r ltd! to iiieorjiorate tin Mutual Il'-me 1 Usui atiee N-'ith Carolina Cuipany came up on its second readier. i n mot ion ol Mr. Ko h, the was stricken out and the bill :b. seetion paased its T.eavc of ii-bvciire wat "rante.J to fessrs Sweet, liuil.s nnd I'mdit'. (In motion, the Senate u.l) -uine.l until ttiiiorro.w- at !1 o'ehick. HOl'e-E (F HKPHlsKNTATlVK-l. KntiiAv, Nov. 27, The House was called to order at the usual ; hour. l'raycr by the Itev. Mr. Pepper. In aci-ordanee with Mr. H.ilhy's motion in mniumuMf ' . - uumuiiiuui jjic following gentlemen as a special Com- mittee on Salaries and Fees, v iz. : Messrs. Stilley, ltowiu-iu, Ilixcn, ti 1 if r and Justice, ol Heuiltrsou. ., t . I .. 1 . .. 1 .. . 1. .. - K . : .....11.. KKSIIl 1 IloSS Mr. Mnlone olb red the lo reaolu tion, which lies ov.-r ' W'HKiikts It. anoear front the renort ot ulv T-reiHMtf- i-htt la. that tlw Sutwot i,i.i l... r....irlv t.ol itiili' th . .V.ihlie j.Tr,.lrr . ,,frf herein, H -a hi-1 il f ttra. (h .i.e ln,ls.,u, his Kiee!feiirAitl iv ey t l):lt Some m. tile lie il to Insure the iiayinent ol both the accrued an I' ac- cruuig interest due Irom lliiau corpora Mah TheretJont', . - - . fttrhnir That-tftoOtwmwItte v Utrmrme be instructed to report what legislation is B'0 -ry to (snaJ.U tl.le. Slate to obtain the prompt payment or ail (lie interest upon bonds due Irom the various corporation to state ; and, if necessary, they are in structed to report a bill for thi purpose, and tor the purpoaa of directing the best. application ot the dividends arising from stocks owned bjr the 8tate in thcuo t'ompav nies and i Vtrporation. By Mr. Vest : A resolution to give the poor man the same chance to distil brandy and whiskey a, the rich piau. Lice over, ' lllt.I.S. By Mfi Jwtios, of Riubrnrd-: A bill In mend the charter ot the Judstin Keinahr College at llendersonviile. Lies over. ' By Mr. Vest: A bill triXincorpoiate the Saleud Fine Co. Passed siyVeral leadings, under a nuspensmi) of the rui. a. By Mr'. Harnett : blil to consolfdaic the several acts in idatiun to the town of Salisbury. Lie over. By Mr. Bowman : A bill to repeal sictiofl 558, chapter 1, Cotle of Civil Procedure. Rclernd. By Mr. Mabme : A bill in regard to ob taining license to praclist! law. iThiabiil provide that all aiiplicants, who havo hul . iiceiiacairom the Supnjiie they heretofore existed, shall now be al lowed to practice law In all the Conn of the Btato. The rulca were ttspcrdcd, on motion of Mr. Malone, and the bill passed it sever al reading end wa ordered to be eiigio ed. ' A communication was receiveal from the .t.. mi -...... ...i..;tti.. - i.tti t. ltaW .tUKlHUaaitlW,. HUZ-'UlttMIIK .tt.I-. f?", ........ ..v?. . ;.,. .... ...ZL f soaal estate, and ty provide tor it coltec tion. n motion of Mr. Edt, the bill waa .ordered" to be printed and KiffrdT' to the ilotniiiittoe on Finance. CALENDAR. provide ror the appointment ot Kulry Takers, wa. taken tip, when, Mr. (Dayton, of Tranxylvini, moved u amend by inwrting ection to provide the appointment ol County Haturer. lor- The amendment waa adopted, and the bill, as amended, passed its third reading ft.. .... ...lsi...l 1. tut n I ttiil w M f - " '-t,' ---s.v. .1 , . t r.xetuMlKe tnt iA.,. unf if?rj ft.f -,..t next reached aod passed it third reading.. "' '"JIT f tW Wrt Twwtbw,i:'inivByriwr'4t)r SriuirstWai,. Jodiciary Cnn mittee to-exaimee the saffH- nau tl tlt. late Coiventlon, tu aacertaia h-il r lot anv ol' tU.-in twiuifa le.-iala. I . . , :,.!, 0 Z St, acllun; Ml a iav-lt ttiaiue-i; wficu Mr. Sinclair moved to amend, to if to In elude tlie resolutions, also, of that body. He, for example, read some ordinaucoa and resolution!, to which the attention of the General Aswrnhlj hadbecn .CUvsJ. - Tire amendment tn dapterl, and the reaolutioa, a amended, was adopted Mr. Kstes' resolution, instructing theame ( nminittec to enquire lotothv constitution r Company. u taken ut and adopted. I '- U -W aottotmeed that tbesC-il- Mi. riivet gave notice that he would in ro ine lees ot tteis;eer oi Ie1. Mr. uratiam Rave nonce inst tic woum 1 8'",r"y inimduce a lull in reterem e to the "rrenuenua; i.y me mare n cnaner or tne r ayetleVUlo arm Ainemaite I'lariK Hoad Co. - lt, a bi4l to meoriKirato the i w"1 l-'an-l Manuiaetunnjf o. I Hv consent, J. S. I.eary, colored, tiered a reiRilutian, inslruetm the Uepresenta- Uvea ol litis Slate in the neii f onuri as to . endeavor to "el the disabilities lemoved ' frrrm ttte eittuuaul the M tte, wln are , banned h lite H;ti arm Ii Inso.r j;mtfimif A bill tor the vtt wHt, at wfllrl. wreral rruZian E!nr,7!'VarT debtors. 7lHtlkU iKttiqt laui Uft R. bmvvU.iu tlst encc to a siiei lal Conunitteeot three, with msi ruei i ins to reior nv me seenna llondav ; in DeeeUlber next. . , : sir r reiien pare nonee inai tie woiihi in- jtrodncea bill renu'iring foreign Insurance Cumpaniea to tlepufit a certain per rentaca j Uion Uie amount of their riska with ttie ll'til.hc Treasurer. v Mr. ArKo A reaolution instruct in the Judiciary Cdiumittee to investigate the c,e ..) Civil procedure. Adopted, !v Mr. Whitley: ,A rtaolution insiructinc ; the Judiciary Committee to report, as toon ..a.ui,atilili- minn tin- hill, laiiiLkd "A n ad I I tl... I.. ... i',, ,,t n... ,.rli,... ,! V .. t ,-. , . which was adopted By Mr. Nicholson: A bill to amen 1 an i TO f tTOtHH' t On 1 1 P UM HM 1 1 H 11 8. Ht'llTTCtl, ! u tn.-rinn ot Mr. M"t the Houi tlu-n NoTit R. W.- Mfirris, enrttred. crrire to .iiselaiiii any attention ol saviner. (as niiht I t-.cinfmo.1 frmn rtie r.-p itt ot Wdii cad ay's ' proceediji .s.) that any entletiian. who waa j,IRtf - iaii iMXHiag (iiiaBrainiwi j bililies. sliould be deprived ol his pay. What he said was that I host- who knew themselves lit be banned hail ho right to expect to receive pav.j sriHHixo XKWS. The I tte 1 ruptions ol Mount Ve-uvius, in Italy, Miurrl Ilecla, in Iceland; 'the tern blc earl bipiakea iu St. Thomas, etc., are perhaps only the preliminaries to grander catastrophes. They seem to have already coninieneed, in a remote region, on a 1111 jeinic scale. The latest news Irotn the Sandwii h Islands irives the details of the 1 most terrific earthquakes ant) volcanic erup tions ever experienced there - putting into the ahaiUi Uiu moat terrible tetnutda iamd Wt"hef fn ntsf riry ' r 'tftidfririn. ' EyeiT; the proverbially cool philosophers are petting alarmed. Prof. leu. mis, of New Have", begins to consider the earth a very unaale place to stay on longer, from the fact that the late volcanic manifestations have been so general in their character, that there ia 11.1 ionirt r anv tloiibt about Ihe theory Ihat .0 volciinoealisivc not a local, but a ireneral and common origin iu tire central liquid pans ot our gloito, where the most intense heat nr. vails. In comparison to thitinterior nitilrl mesa' the emst on wtiica we live amut iK, excessively thin. Prof I.oomll thinks js )r,,vt,,l now that these eruptions are 'c!lUM., l,y water getting iute that central j jre herc, alter having been converted in. . . " ... ,- to steam hv the heat, 11 exerts a most enoi umus presture on the earth's crust, upheav ing, shaking, bursting it open, ejecting the interior liquid mass whic we call lava, etc. He thinks there is now ijreat danger of the watiur iii thu tauten gettiug tUfotigh ttie crust into that, central lire, and, Having been ehntigetl into M-em, at any inomcut blowing the whole; ball to piece. In fact, be compaies our earth toaliuge ateauiboilcr, under extra high pressure. The lute in store, for ua poor mortals ia, in accordance with our learned Professor, flic same a thai, which befell the inhabi tants til the plaiikt once existing between Mars anil Jupiter. This planet, about fifty times largei than the earth, waa Irom such a cause, it is thought, blown into suvcral huntlred pieces; of these ninety seven have bcosn discovered by astronomers ; they are called asteroids. Mininy Juurnal. I Nevertheless, it is the general belief, that the earth wUtkati long time yet. Ttrie B-fciiRKW . frtte -wite nw- aniiouiiees the death of I) iron James lloth auttisWl atad JaooUia Itotitiai at 1'acis eafih the foremost man of his age in hia depart meut Koih&child the greatest financier. and Rossini the unrivaled musical compo ser. They were liotliof Hebrew blood which sho-ws that that racn, though ana- thetuatistodt, di4ereil, , villipemied aad trampled under foot for nearly two thou sand years, still poastssca wonderful vigor. Nor are these two the only names tlial if- their race. Nearly every depart meut ol art and letters in modern lime boast of Israelites a among lu noble Orna menta. The Prime Minister of Kngland is a llebr'ew ol pure blood. The great actfes, Haihel, belonged to the ame alock. tier man art and literature are covered with ttieir natlifs -Mendelssohn and Jacolti aiuoog tbo rest. In war alone the race1 ia lexs conapicuoem, Utttugh ,11 has 1h-u that Masciia and Moult-very respi-ctaltlti military Miaracter were of that race. Both for genius and lucoss in the world il is a blood that compares favorably with anv other extant,-7cA,. Whig. 'KA'fW. AT10,VAL 1IANK, ltAXtlCKJII. IV. C.' Jno. G. Wii.i.iAkis, I'mlJeril, Wa. E. Asi)KKiP, Catltur. S AMticr. C. Whith, '1 tiler. rsn-iw or BAira wraa Uank orK.C, fd.B,, " Oat Fftar t . " ,. Cliarlott ....... . .... . " Lexington, (old)... " .lu Uralitai, " Roxlsirtmgh . . . . .' ' W atifstlKinmifTt .. .. 8S . . t .. 10 .. SS-l .. 'm -trrrrtininrTsHl! r: -.rei-.-:-.-.- M Ominwrea. . . . . tuiuitts4 ' VareMriIie 1 1. 11 . ' C lAsfead' tu f ' yaifeeyviile 8 Ht' aw I'amWv'a Bank , 0 FariiM r" Hank, Mreenalaironirh, new V, old t astiKiwiai iiastk, mmtm. Orot!roiiK'1 Mutual Vira-iiu tluttt N'Hmi, aiami sm jta truiiu " ......,'.r Ti Otsorgia its (hM....r ....ISO Httrttr . . .1 .......... ,.;,, . , , ... , .tfl I4 C'tnpmui M North ( anantaltailriiatl CoBpmM . (Wdrtiica.. V tit $xeiiMiKe ti New- York. 1 IS 'So" KT,-,fi1HL , 110 1U 1 J'XTH 4KB BUOEII. ! .. , . .' T7. . . ' asnvy twpaasau r ioe. -sl mt i. . . MAM TELEGRAPHIC. Oar JlftcrnoB DUpatrhe. IticaaoKs, Sot. J7, H Jam Grant, who abot II. R. Pollaril, waa ex- atniued Uiia mitruini;, and baiU-A iu the arsm of Court. ; AKitKt oir5p.'?BKBS8f. TraMraia.lriiv ST, H. ' IhoMtfrg I PsHeeman m t jw atrh ie emirw, HHiwiTINO AFFAIR IN ARKANSAS. FiwoUkp, Maisk, Nor. S7, M. A itisimteh from Itutavttle, Arkansas, atatew rhal Ct)tin R.1wmnl . Thnnmaiin Aetnia T)1m- i tnei Ait.irneT, ? alio! and mortallv wiMuleil In j a xiltttci iliHu!tj. Ila waa the auo at tha Hon. , A-H. Thoiujisim, of Brunswick. - ! FttRRMN. I llrni n Nor 7 M iu. , ji ....... .i .. l. . 1 . . Kiiiideuteu auJ othwr diittjiiatahed pAiatunt were reaetit. f 1IlHiKl,,S'nr. 57 M. i linn j,-ff.,,,n rv.,. i, i. .m, ,,.. t ... i ma-tou. dehvarad a .lianue. Uat niaLl. m tlu CorVK&a?(. Not. 7, M. (Viiicrfcl H.Hia'orfTfl, Munwtor of War fttitl furnj crly Punish Mmiater W Uie Uuitfi,l ItaU b, goc tu Amcrio to rucruit hie hoaltU. 1hd n, Not. 27, M. Tb miSilftry qiuUl the oloction rioU at Long town aul JlruupltiQ, CumUirUiiii county. It ia uuJemXHl that ttu Alalwraa Claim Com ntisBion will not entertain claims bawn! on e atljmlicatotl iu the AtuuricAU Admiral ty ."ri"-TTWI ta; Dvai.iM, Nov. 27, M. Immense numbers in Cork ami Queenstown attended lha requittni uiaastftir ihe ruttose of F- niaua exttcuted at MaucheaUtr. No. uiterfenmee frtau thu aathorittea. Ouotl order was main turned. rtaw, Nov. 27, M. The .Vimlleiir, in an editorial believea tbat JrmnV pohey will tie to teal the woiiBiti of the latv war by measures of . - ' - - -MK1, Kn!r, f Ttio Conttitaenclea, eleetiona occur on the I si h of December. It is pnoitirely denied that the Spanish squad ron m the Pacific refuaed to give in its adherence to the Utivoruineut of ravolatiini. MARKETS. Nw Toaa, Nov. 27, M Money easy at 66. Gold 1,851 . North Oaro- linas Hri) ; new 64) aakod. Cotton quiet ami tteatiy at SSI. Turpentine 48, Boain Strained oonnnon 3.M. Our nidulftht Olepltrbee, FROM WAHlllNQTOM. The state Department 1 notified that Ameri eaiia, enieriiiK ltuaaia, will avoid delay at the frontiers, by hariri(f passport abiiied by tha Itussitn Minister or consnl. The Slat DtpsrtHMtnt lutaonioial iktaila of tha recent II snl in Hwitawrland and Caatona of tirt son, and Terrin. Fifty lives wera lost. Ueans of eommtiulca tiou ham been awept away. Tha valleys are cov ered with atones washed from tha mountains.' ' A full CabiLt to-day. Hiiltlns roc Iforth ami mnma oa ilimday. A dispaleb from Hf . Johns report that a storm Nortbward delay Cable dispatches. MARKETS; New Voas, Nov. 27, P. M. Cotton olnsed dull and drooping, galea 1,50(1 Indus at 2U$m, - Oovornmeuts elosed . dull. North Car 'tioas, 0W,tiv fttt'li6 . at A, '. 3M iwtire,, Witahn.ti aUady at 1,35. . . WiLiiiKOToa, Nov. 87, V. M. "Ktjtirila Tarpenflne steady at 13 lo U. BiMttll 1,70 to n,5r). Turpentiue unobanged. Tar un- ohwged. Cottnu weakar. No sale. Nkwuks, N, 0., Nov. SW. Mitchell, Alien A Co. sell all kiuda of Pump, Hnao, Pipe, lot. Wpeoitkl NotitxiH. GUIDE TO MARRIAGE. Taa Ufa's aiwUato Happy Marriage and Cniijngal Felicity. The hmnane view of btuter olent I'liyaieiaua, on the Kfrnra and Abuaea luci dtiut Ui Yi'tub and Early Uauhooi, sent in st aled Mlac)aallksVa ttfllWig Altn AHROClA WN, BOX 1 , Philadelphia, T. IIiiiiI lnManm ;::-. ...,-..;-.,.,..-... rklcs. Wehtera Lands and fiecarl TN ADDITION to Government, Htate and llail road Bonds sod Hlif-ka, w Iter and sell Lands in Illinoia, 'Wisconsin, Minnetota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and He , . ; . bratka, ' Tow ht(r-art 'li KI W AlMiiTS antl titna to LAN' n m)10 fcih iaxish tte ala.v narehaaa, at beatraut. all DISCRKDITKU WK8TEHN, (X)UNTY, CITY AND TOWN, BONDS. Correspondenea solicited, and any inhtrinatioa ruttireU, furtuahed wltbtait eharae. Addreaa At'HfiX COltlllN 4 CO., Hanker, Jtew l'ork t.ity. Bepl. I4awlm Greensboro' Money Market BOTINO EATBH Of BANK NOTKSv . K1 WIXiiON A SfiOliEB, BASKEIW AND L Exeeaaoa Bauanaa, Heeve Eui Braaet, & . aoao, n. 0. - Bank of W. C ' Cape Fear . " t'hykttt " Wadaaboro " Wilmington. " (loiboro Thomaavilla :...... (Invbam......... j.,., ...... ...... Lexington (old ) " - " tnttW) tr.trt.t.t.t, Commaroa , " t:lru4........ " rayetteville. , ..t-,.. ' Wstthingtoa.-.. " Yaneeytille.. , Mereliaiita' Bank oTNewtiem famtora' Bank of Or-wOaboro", (out) . . . . . - Ji- - - - (uttw.) ... HlnCTa'snrt Plantera Bank. . --. , ... Cumuareiai Bank of Wtiminirttio . , . . , flrwinalwaw Mntsaal Ida. IX, (uiD- .sh,. Vu-io ma van Kot sxoraga atioat '""!'.,"- ' - H. (tsitrti.! on. .. N. 0 K. B. DivfclMid Berij..,. ti I. -I- t 01. . w We bttv and aH at liberal tirMwal . fluid and Wit-1 VWiTtitclli Carolina B-nl,'Uiiin MMtwt Butula and all otbttr markstabla aUteka. ' Order for Batik notaat by ttnblm and Htnek lioldera of Batdta will reeetve prompt atumUnn, win na waita oa tint nay nawtTia;.aa..waMwm; ew Hark ot Baittaaar. tar tn annener, ae ! atred.' - -. ,. - Ltl and Fire InawatiM PoUeae laaead ia fool Ctwipatuoa, at beat rate. ' Ot. ae-it9-a ' - t - ImptertaMt IkHlet I)CBrJANT TO pow eotitanied la eontraet anured tatto Inttweae the nduraiguad aid J. (j. Collhtr. E. A. lUin and IK ii. Uaia, Ui nn iiemi 'tutd will anw to txiblie aals, mi a er'btt itaSlit4i prorad awnnlt tit!' to "'t rrimh ' fr. mimtir b putti, tha fVJlowiuK Li to Ui City of luiwigm mmia satu mi sMtatvW, -ammaii. Th aala wnTbta iplae on the pnSiiVy pTKn vember. lKiS, a the Court II dor, at 1J a iwek, M. , DRY QOOPS. HEW GOODS! KEW GOODS I AT, HOME AQAlNlf i4 n T WITH noi-BX bahmcd amo fackkb rcu. Of 1 CfC A. CltEECirS! For ladica Goods! For Geatlemen,i QwhU For Htitcft' GeotUi For Boys' Goods ! Ditto for Chil dren ! MV Ki'OOK W liAHiK ANI VR 4M pltMK. Altiw nit t aair that k'U mnme vt-ry rttriMiRP milvt rtiM mf nt,. Sumo av iit iKMiaht ctHMU Uft.rt (lie nw -.-tumi afte'r tbt- ttfrimr wmre tit tn rtfno" tufttt tt 1itol fwTri Atiuio hm Miriu-ifvrtH at uhjirreoltTUl y tow vri tvm WEinitt ouiimttiuiti )iv trfctlo Ac Ao., inl a.11 unci wiutT YdUaI a hn-kf set of tudivitluHlh 1 V MR w$ tm thiw it tew uunibuK Xnntx ink-It in fell ihuk. itu t iry mu, oiUavn atitl chtitl kaow (hat it w bunilUK htrtvnoiixii lu LHtu-t-u evcu Willi out eye tiut T W-t Uirm tlk, iuffniHl Mow, but rtTnf. t.(HK OlTl HAItDI VVri mnd wbow your Kihm) juiliiiuout bf COMING TO CRKECH'9 to bny y(ur tVU. I mU-tid t run tbronitb iJtit campAiii wttb my motto, tu Kivtiuwoh na vtuy milivi-lu! vikhus riH,'ivtd fur UiMr niiitrt! A tliut opjMH't utut v fnr the Uilum lu tjeri,l inwir iiivih'iiaMtv riaiiu,ii wu a ine gMitn-mnn Ikw't mup utilil you tMK Ti) CM-AA U K- Kim wilt lind ute t ti. Muilli'tf tH.nia. aiU titiiiiK to my biifliiteMf rady it) give yuu U wurtb tn ynur ui'tty. a. citi:jccif. r'ajrettertli Htmet. ..-t4- IsVt- 1H3Rtt,W-. MISCELLANEOUS J. u. n i'iiKi:Ti:m a t o., COTTON FACTORS, AND . COMMISSION MEUaisiXTS, No. 4 S.H tu iloujitAi h. r, Mai.TinoHit. jh. Tiber! Casb atltaiuuta-tuatla on Coltsttt and other cntisiirtinietita. OiUtusvxy mvd ' tho taw i at caah uik"t TtT-W. - - " We arn rapreHrnted lit N. Itf J.ihiiU. t ihlHlna A i:n., 1'u.lil.iTS ItsleUjIi. ale. M. llertteelera, hal. tfjll. Jno. C. Watthlugtoii, Kimi , kiaststn. Wm 8. tiattlB, K., UiK k.v Mount. Meaartfc Wat. liiitKtiai liwWK. ftttdaltorof. Messrs DeUiisaeit A Co., Wilmiugtmi. Our corrosiiimdenta in ljoiidtm and Liverotvil aru the well-known Baiikem an) t'otiuu Uuuae, aieasrs. tirttwH, nuipiej a co. Bepl. -i.Hiu k- fall xxn i vrcu Hardware. I'latod Sitoona and Forks Taltte and JVHikcl Cut- llattid Casters, Ierv. iaitUt Mats, II. ml and Tea Trava. Ixs-ka aiitl nitiRea, Nails and liraits. florae, and MnleHhoas OroeSerj and Ulaaa ware. Window tTIawi and Tntlv. II.ire Shoo hails. atweada and Ui lltu-d l'mnieil Tnilnt Beta. iron, 'lln Waro. Caat Hu-td, assorted. J. BlIOWN, Hlelgli, Nov !-tf WiUi 11 art Ihsvli. TIts - IvTNA LI PK INS. CO. IMID $5,078.00 I'Olt t3l9. " LiS lusuranoa PracttBally Ulaatoattd in tnt Old A.tna Company, in Hortfc Carolina, 'leoelred of lha .rltna Life Insnrattcsa Coropa. nr, bv the hand of W, Jj Crow, rnera! Agent avo tnitunttii.i tun! etii-i-t.titi in being in full for my deocswed tiitsltand'a pulley, No. H'.. 1W, of ftrn tbonsand dollara. and tit ITS. bfling a eaali diridoiid of 90 per entt. mi tlt aatue. HOl'11114 attlNE." italeigh, Oct. Ml, lHUB. Th anhleet of the above loaa. A. Klina. Kaor.. Merehant in tint City of luit ieh. iiaid for hut puHej oi .11, as I. ill.. a. : ' Jan. n iwi, eaau pain, si.-at. " " IttHT, - - inn. - " lHUM, " 7a. At this miWrth Cttmnanv t el urn a Caah div- itltttnl tif lid pttr cent, (Its ilicy ia aid, a b.iva, Kt,n, reei-nttt ilTur. 1'ho utivi emit irtwentttl ! kba. CofiiBanr waa 'HBBt' '-4!ail'-tbiiin atayaatwel ida Wtvtng BeAkf' at ti pur rent. iotnrL hia aurvivlita wiftt anil jBinfrofrWIlBW-lta- '-'--- :...-- - l'rtnoiDal. 1.119 TwttTttirX 9 ftrmilli. iniTW tlsjs Ttil.f 6i 9ITj Total fcMTIM OttutleaiiiR of Itiiaitteaa lnUtllitfnarttiiiirM nn arittinuitt tit diMtotvr Ilia auixtnor ,aiKauta of Urvinaarauc4i.atrnpiy t.s an lnreaiineiit, lo aay o Bjtire, lBfi waitaotjibitiitg tliM nxttv lit tnt. msenrent will llmt tt o their; itttwevt 1st -call tt rti (irh.flti.r, or a mm omt ot bw kh-tJ gv.nta, iHifonl btamtng cincwiterc.. w.ii. tiio'w, itenttrat ff T. Oct- ni tin , Ofllee, Kak lgh, N. C. otD Hul.aM-.Knl V.T & bais. lie Aliilkaaaa at low priea." ItytiH-U - jJOUULAo BELL. SODA 1-HACKHH r IV bbi i iswla Cratikan, at low prt- cat Nov 21-1 IfR'UUItCH I)0DU' Notice. sA l'l'lJCATIDS vlU.htliwd!i di?. fjjft .ri,ent . Ifi'u'i ','r'"4"mb,vM iurtmu,. j, iglit-ii- Wioti.te.d ram the Hah tgh Catastwv Aaniatiim.' nttv. at tawtiv y A. Till: LATKST 0UT!J KALLIt.lI, Mvi ili, thtiH. jtht ju:ckivi:i), , ,. . rAmm?Eit BrT.ENinTJ kelkcttds or" KlilXiAJs'T CIATIIS. . UOKSKINS AND PEAVEIIS, VJTIN'(JS, AO. And .at latteat and Miwf VaahMuwlila -WINTER STYLES pa.rii, t.endon and JTew York Flate. t'.-r y., JV'I ; HK1.III V WEIHIII Ttnr. 35 -Si7-' MKurnAMT TaVitoHav ' i lt Suaiiiwui cofttf. ' 411 For aalabv T ISuv ar-tf a T fsTli'ArTT, -. ! , -il . j svmunMatoe. Mrsinititi XT AHA IX 70 keg Nail .-aaaorM stjiea, at KvSi-tr tHciiiiKcu a iKimra. 1 .ml ' ii. il I n. n QOTTON 81XU.MEA!. m' . 'i-vi nosniii as una mm tf nil rravt Par ( nw. Tr It. li.V. WILLIAMMOM. N-r fcl-tf rnTABfi iturir wsar sj5 itFtpYi poirroK. r7TTf'-fTmr'rt' wiurriNO twisk, v..,sn , r ritRIAnR,fto. RALEIGH SATIO.XAL BtXK jff KOBIU CAKQLlXi." BOAKD 0P DIM m.w. rcLitiaa Pr OP DIRECTOES:' alatvati. - , W. B. WILT-ART), A a sUdituMo.s. OEO. W. WF!tOS, H.J. HAVViXSS. C. DEWEY, Cashier. 1,SU BAtETtllti rie.l. In Btll. nt irrelttt Bl.tht TW.W. I an.I Silver Cuiu.aiu) Ooventiueut atul wtlier att- cuntitsi. TTnimrreut Bank Nttttia buiiitltt at hitiettt ftrietu l'aekat;e sent by Lxpnnta ill be reautted tur . promptly, w enrraney, a m Jle Hk- mod at , . -par. - " Bank of Cape Fear,...., . ....... S " Cliarlotta, . 11 " Clareudmi S t.ommaroe,....,.,. ...,.17 M Fvettri)l,. . . 1 " Lexington, (old,).. ...t...... .10 I - - (new.) , LeiiiiKlon. p;hl atl Orahan,.t.lla ' North Cartduia,. .... .4U . .. .". BoXi,VTuV.... ,-rrr,;; ,WI r-, Thomasville.. . , . . .i . t JW ' v- ' " Vi aaiiuiguiu,. . , , " Yaneeyvilla, 9 fmerrnirinteS - tartuer' Bank ofNorth C-amltna, (old, )...., MS " " " V tew.) W flnwuiabtwo' Mnhtu! Insurance Co.,. 4 aterohanr Bank, Naw1irii,..t. ....'... I., ...60 H:ur' A i'kuitcr' Bank M S. C. Conna ,..,i , . 64 July 'J7-13s-tf .- : .. . . " liiiscELLAyEOira ' iww. .ovf:mu.K 83. ANDREWS.- CLOTIIIEK! special orrMxot EAVJili -OYEliitOATS,- ENOLIfHI WALKING; St'lTrl, : '. .. . . Elegant Drts Built, Latest fitylea alho, Another ek of tboM ITNK BILK BATS, for young man, th bandaomesit DKKtiS HAT In the Mark.--" - - A hill' Un of EnoijsH mn Aauanu TJKDER WA1 of the best ijtiahty we bv evr had th pleasur of ofTurlng U oar pttruca. - ' The prioa tpoak for theniaelv. 8TE1 IN, next door la Mcaer. W. H. A R. 8. Tucker A Co., and xatuina fur yourelva, . , Boy JB-tf 4- i i. AvtBtiiric; Oi eoaiT Mjmaar Wytuaa, (W'aaf t-in.) IHATB IS 8T0BB, AND IN TEND TO KEEP, a well aalttcted ktrk taT ; GHOCKUIES. Bt Ragar Bacon Hams, and Clinic ' Iteaf Lard, Hi, Lagnlra and -UkMtl li 1 JAVA' COFKKK, Omin and Bla k tea. fiend am..r. ' mnut of Hngara, from IH So ta, iwr In. I tA4UUUSt A UUJlV kUtUs sttd. XUigUL fiuun. . rrettn otiiter ami isoua t.rteaara, and a siinerinr -LKatON CKAsUKKtt.- fUML Am.fc-klJtluMU-No. 1 Chawuia Tobaeoo and Laerton Bootck eantr. - -s- v-1 Boat qualltr Sol Laathet and a an lot of c . FHENCII CALF 6KIN8, LINING BlvWa, (awortnj colors.) 1 will also keen tha weH known 1 ens kotxt lPlXJVy,ell.dBKlNUOK 1 ITE 8lil"l U It has" th rejiiitaUno, from manv of nnr bent Fanuora, of twUig tltf. beat ene-liorao Dow tu usit. ' " It' (-aa eaaW st-aaa AUkAUt Al' AUiUK. . '2- w usv natvwi W'm wtaywt7'wi,-w..ia--s tisaxi niurttt (;aiUi.-.L that Ba bow (iruught ui Una Nov. U lm State r North Carolina. - A. i HOCIjAMATION By Hii Excellency Oo-. HOLDESf. WHanttan, Thrlnrn of the election of the Klaetora tr Brsanlent and w I'real. dent of the Ueustd HtaUta, bald oa Tuewlay aea aftor tats Brat Monday ta JNoveiuiwr utatant, (. ntg ti M day of ttie month, hare been rHccivetT""-" by tlia (Secretary of Mtata, and by hua wit tilled In -tin Departnift-nt, and tb asm having betin vat aiuuetl and aauiuwd ap, tits ntattlt of tba b-. uoti t luaua to o att luiiti. ii . j,, Byron lin mMt4 uuatv.aix thousand, two . - onituffKi aau.iuiit-t -tuttsv, i Vtilt l'er rweixid iiitteiv-MX iu..iisno.l tttu - tt..-.--. .nvl-f.-iitt-f .tv tt-stit.-'"stjrt-.wt t ...-...ilMi ioae.h vV. H.ilrtiia rtws.irt-d uiwtiy-m thonaaad : two hiiudrstf and twtmy-su ndt-a (Iki iifi.) " , ltA; J!dliaiarivisrl mncrj-tr BioM!n,l At'tit"" - nuTtr-rtiar vote. ('Jti.oot . - Hiraat K Bttitoy mwvsd titnatyia ituiaaaud and thirty vow, t ue.ww I , . ., ' Ourtia 11. Brogitao receivwl uiaeljt-aix Uiooaaad - eno Mr vms, iwu mn - ----- Buhia lrriti((' reveil uuh-Av Ihintttand niit Bndradd tehtsMina waa ibA btl.ia. A. H. Oailowayfwwived i1)(y-ttv thousuid six bontlrrd and Utty-aavea .aa, t6,h,'i1 , Joseph 1 'a a reotnuid iiiiii-tiiur MtuuMud will iWty vot, (Hl.aiw.) Y Jamas W. AJahurn.recrr4 aiabVy-foBr thonaaad alto tntriyiaa votes, ina.iiJl f Lmy, MirAnW iwwniHlaigbiy-foar jaoad i ' and twnt-iht vatea. lat m. i - V, Jantoa CiluhUu ruHlveiJ eh;h,ljt-llii-e thausaiid nr linmirtHt sjhi atanqsaiit M, (a MSI ) - -Win M. Bot. but nxNantdl atKhly-threa thooaand ' " Bv buiiilietl and tiiutaj-liue vote, a;i,j3 " Wbarton J. rMtfirtvu eighty tbntetiwuwaud Hi hdtulrad aud niii-t.i vote, Un tiitaiiaa raeaivtd ighty.tirea lli.tu.and nv Buuorea ao auMity-twv vetaa, laiweil.- - nv nuwiroa ana msety-two roius, tM,'.rj.) John Uagtita rttoairsd pglrtty-Mirn thtmaaud tore, uunurai ana lonv-nr vote, (ki n W. tl..-.... 1 IV UI LI... e.. tt.OT, ., ,t tt ttuivtn, VJTltrilur ftf th HtaM of Nta-th Cae.ain, do itercby piKsiai and wake known dial W l'o.t..i., luiim L.lhn, Jo W HoMen, Hehry A Baditaiu, Hiram Nuliev, John A McUonetit, Cnrtt 11 BcogdeOt iiiilu iisriiitgsr auo a ii uaiioway am tn eu a. hu-a-ba-e lor I'realdixit -aad'. Vie x i'rosulant ni tlut linited nuies .lu toiu yniu s . liout Jh (oarlii day of Mreb next. And I do liere- i,y a.ttin snain, ana waua of I hem. to ak Uind al tit CtLiilol In tha city uf li.wipi, un u. Hint wediieaday lu fjeennlx-r littt it beilii Ilia 3d day of tb month, tn lur at ait Kimaorat U- . lege and to vM fur 1'rvaiueui aud Vice 1 of ttio Ualied fttaitt. - . la tiwtiiutHiy wheranr I have buronnto act - B'V baud Hiluitil lln. trrest .1 ,,t tt,.. L. 8. bfat. iliMilttn day ot' owtubat, A . v 'W.'w"iiOrjH!f ....... , JDxthOi"ftor"i.: , , i ...-.itttatattxia,-..,..,. ..,,..3. , s 'frifare oeererarv, -.J - - For. SHMt. Xkv rr Batla r nrwarctat Kvotrtwlvarw. 1 Sent. -ilwawly. 91A0.1C. , ,. Otro,-0GsmttT4i;KTr, Okh 1.omib, ' ' ' Hti-iaou, N. CsV-v,.;X), i.stHj. ' ' , fTHIF r It AND LODOK. F. A. M , of SI nil It (S,. . . -1 ';0tuiWlhl4k.aa-.te , u..a In Una Uiv, on Mimiiav, In ;i, ,4 l,Tin. - ' i: "' tat'i, aniHisatniiMig e"'tiitjf .Jrtttot.ft,w,M.1,i wltloh the Oihottrs atd lu.priisertiaiiv.seaii uaicl l.t.O. .1... J kill A... .1 1... ... .......... J . . ut; tu. vtvtt tuturuaua iu ui me for ,-. :t tttette ..'...-,..., . ...... .... . i . . ut buti . f V-s, yi.-ti--vr!,-.-ttjti.c. . , , , -..-...i . , , - ; , U.i..L'.-'Vl-,. ' 1 ' ' !3 i IVfcfl:

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