V n si' ,i 4 ' r -"air y trrv-- v ! VSS. .HAT Si A, & ,JL 'W-e. bJT A M. , A Tfc-.' S J i . ; .A i 'VOL 3: Tin: SENTINEL. IcgiHlatttre of Sort! tirolliii. UOUSS OF RwYlimTATtVES. Miciht twwrfii Tvodat, Jan. It, 1869. s-tt received from llie Senate. Messrs. IrfMiu-r end Oaborne Bessl'S i" rffrM" to the manufacturing ,r from lorghum. The Chair, announced M"ser. iifiwfoan, H.Hljio and Jarvis, lbs House branch ut w,l O'wuroiitce. A -tlntr message was rece'lved trom that hsilf inlnrtning the House, of the rtaasage oi House bill No.. 77. with amenelmnt. Ot motion of Mr. Vest, the amendments etBWurrrd in, and the bill as ordered a I eeiollei- . .. . On " r. Ete, the ml wre nuicn1 ,10 1. nd we uoa- diu no. oi, iu - yiLl WW wTC up- i Swtis80 wm e4 ad (W Uing .tly m: , Wd' , SI, f l" ligl"l ended ,B(t vlopted. . Swucw- 23, .238. . s. . 28- 29 wa ft r sdoptud. Oa motion ( Mr. Etr, n tuMitionn! o(ii, t t known iectl(in 81 w iu mtoA tc.M 83, 83, 84, 35, 88, 37, 88 tod Si. On HK?'jt o' Mf. tiia 40, m 6mio 41 (m outnbored la the bill) itnptrd. ' , . to-Burro Tniii(f, tu 8 o'tloelc, OK tedc-tB Mt. femcriai', Beriftrci rolu-. tixf No. W- 01 ' Vf Brwi- -k cnaot; titkm up, md iictrrd ib CocuaiitiM an PnTU) BiU. 0 otto of Mr. SincUir, th tve r Mpflntorf; d tft f.tttoT 'tBqanjiig tlur Ut (jpropfluao ol $500, md to till Rwd. trow iliH AIIbd'ko tbcMop ul Ikt Qlae llil(e. ftt or nnr Knttrr't , in Sar?rniny. fTlje r.sotntioB xklujf lor juint Cmiuit!ro of fbct, c to ii.,D8iiaU tlit mitr, W fcM up orl uloptt. 0 notirat ot J. U. Hri, f Wkc eol owl, the). rale wem tiwpBnded, nd Hout bill JJ. ilf, lot 'bet beltw protoctioO of dcMun, tu takcm np. Kf. MmloD-, ni'ivchl toitrikeoat, all afWr (iMword "ml .deawsoor." Hwrii, f Wke, colorud, ccepred the MMDdtarllt. ' Mr. Mnlonct, mnTed to ftriko out ieclmn SO, otl proewtd'ed, t scm lougtb, tu give Vri(tut reiwop why it huuU tw &im Barrift, of Wake, colurud, accopted thu imeiidroent, alao. th bill tbeii paawd it third reading, wilbout lurther deR do. , Oa motion ol Mr. Vet, th House thou adinarned, a a til to-morrow morning at 10 e'clock. SENATK. Wausm-riAT, Jan. 20, I860. , TtwBoaais wan cUd to order at 11 o'clock. rUFTHWiniD BI'SINKdd. Bill all wing peruana to l)e repreacoted in llj(iratc'a t'ourt. Mr Fork oer mored itf roocilderation be potp .ned until the 2 1 ut V-bruary. A. H Galloway, (hed.T moTed to lay the mo ion on tlt'e taKe, wtiic-li was Jon. Mr. Forkner w n drew ilia motion and olimittetl a ciuWitatci lor the bill wbicli, i alter aoine dhwuntion, waa adopted aud the kill pailid neeonil redio. Senate branch ot the Committee, on "Sutcct'-ning" Sb swa. Lasaiterjui l Beall. ' Mr (Wionie as rxcimed froin AerTing on tin ComtnittMi cinumiitancses comi!lltiig kira to leave the citj. Leave of absence waa . granted Ueaara. Sweet and Heapacw. V Mr. Mxire, of Carteret, frnnithe Commit tee op Corporation, reported fajfomMy on I Mil tt incorpomw the Hirhlnt" Lodge, oTlC 09 BllXa. By Mr. Cook: Of a bill to incorporate --'fcmrrrte-MaTOfa -, By Mr. Sbofftier : Ot a bill t. protect Conthle trom nnjut liabilijet on their honda. ' 1 tut Eobucirioti r weaxr By Mr. Rich ; A Mil to autboriie U(e Comioiaticwer of Put county to "ley a peeial tax for certain purpose. Ualerreu By Mr. Blythe : A bill in relallflO to wit earn in iil action. Referred to tl OflntmitlM na IHa Juiriitrv By A. H. Oalbwy, (coWocl) : A ft1 w Wod the charter of the town of Li'nK' ton. in th nnuntl of New Hanover R6" terred to the Comnitie on Corporcion. R. Up U.all. AJ.ill .men.t tb 'aM ter of the town of Senior, GSV "aBty ...t... .a cwrporatlona. T'lT'T'r .bd the cWteTof th.J BuncTrr- ru.?Pik y. Referred W theB"'J,," By Mrv Beall :A WV Jncorpor.U the v-ii u ma 8nil!; Company. Be- -1. tum rnmrnitte oa CoTDorauoD. . dteaaaiie waa ihA1) from the Hoaae ""Hraittituf tha olloWing reeoluiious wkieh were ratiflef" ev Pierldcot bf the 7w4: ,'.A- ' ' - BeaoluticHi U "rtul t portion of joint "maticiB in fia'tot) to the dialnbaUoa ut thc raoma in he Capitol bbitdlnf . - Kwioti in laror ol Jeasre R. Wearer. Keauioti a in faror ot tbe Sharilfa ol Paa- Sti.iUoiind New Hanever. . i epariAi. okdbb. port of the Cnmmill nn T rlita adkotiona. riMhe HLh DUtri, banned by the 'titu.tm( anundment. , f. Mocwe, rt tautowt, Intr.wlnccVl ft mitoa. cVoiannjj-.tb eeat of Mr. Par die -lWt;-V- ' r nmjrd-n he d-sire! to luhmit oi the reawn Uii hjam palled hm "ni'port the rrouiM,e. Ou littKfte rrfrr,a fti.t .......u tik " ' "U- h 0,'"'3;,, hiryertoittilt - - uuiMIC O hta k I e w "w w-uiuea tnis -sMiy, Udett v.. . : i J . . , . hi0', "ienc and duty siaTsTlv bl ,wltioo. dwloff ti J the Semttot from tha 14th District H htf tow W hi haBBedfcy t.tut,on.l-AjWUiMWt, aitd rte judge,, tbe elikdhilitt jrf iu aaeinous tl at IS the nniatlna nn- 1 Tc?"''''otl.v(le qwved-tu4j nt ee-1 WV Way aliucieVt 't-j'Vi"exiiuU'f ""-t.tB 44t.t Anu-L. I. Ir .V If ,. fi 1. T.; -It . mint ft F : WTHnsl M.,ot au auJeouib.it. and pfens-e'-d ) I aaavtariwia i.. i - i r 1. , at j""vai viiit.iaT. tm hole) Omr's, inypose fitnn and penalties. Mid ioiH i tax- a on th peojjle. Xbnre csrindt IS'lfit : leiisf ti -uTow of (joulif to hi taring a juli'i) nlticLT. inl uunt4 und r W owifwiifl tt fhc 144 A'! 'I' r (i"rl of (liti ( 'o'uinitlf' fcy that Mr. Pur die wm n Mtui-inu" ilurirm the wr, oii'i wi h niHtnli'-r llie Iji'iriaUirw lit fnre ihi wr A meiiilMtr f llie Leumhi'urf certain It runivi iiinlcr tlif ooi.niiicti i!i f tfiil li " -t He iaiuiwTMd li any one. TU- . quevi.m admin. f no doid.l ; (ha! man, i a UHlllLur ol ti t LiKiKUturi Le'nle ille ; wir, and who hetd office diirin tlie comet under the roofruetin i of the w -ir 14 h Articde ot the t'ougtitu'i n. And as t va eating the w ot a S natur, llie i-eU of inein'M-rn ot Purliamenl have Iteen vacated, w II a- diver pervonq h ld !tljli p-i-oitimis in the ( invernment ol the i tute 1 BtHt a. Win. llloutit, a eutletuao promi nently connected wt'h the earty hiiory it Hrrih Carolina, waa impeariipd and ejf nellad from the Henati! at Umj l!ie I ritatea. The eelebwted Jofrt' VTilkc was' expelled from tlte Honae of Cotuwiou-, and r eiecvd, owini; to his )(ral peraotinl populatiiy, a ttdrd aod tonrtli time, and yei lie not all we I lui lake hja a a at, and hi ii"nen!, lUii1! vote, vaM no- I ireii who only r t:e.v d elected. He reretied that tins ease had to he met, hut adit win a p rt ol tilo duly impoaed upon the S ome, it ahould le io-l accordiii to their uiulerta'idio, mid in ai-ctiT'lanee with the Crmrttltution of the Unilevl btatia. The cae w- tio pliin to even, ailtnil of arjrumuut oti the othr aide He regretted that it wan o ; he had Kr,'Kt poraoual reg ird for theSt:naiu hul cuuld, Utt Jtitila iwfmud WeUnga Pntrr4 tjw ac tion in thiit ca. Mr, Graham, aaid be helioved that the mittda of SeoUtM'a weru alrfady made up in retererice t thi subject, and iid -iKt know that auyttiintr he luim ay wiwl I citane lh in. 1 he Senate alter hav ing oni'e decided lh a ojiiatioo. aftr a thoionh exaiuinaUn imv ail the laela. deeid-d w o ino anoihtr itives" iatiun. A'hal waa the cau-ea o nt'tvea Ahicti prompted it he did n.l know, lie lelt it to l hi duty aa a S n-.tor to i ve his ri as iua why he thought the hciator it htnned : "Kour l the Committee have pieseuied a reooit aiU-nmj Lnat Mi. 1'urdie held the nllicn ol Miglai rate belore and dut'iug t!ie var, was a ueuder oi the Lei!alure in lo6H'5tf. and, aa ucll, took an a-li to sup port the ( o.ialuution ol the l.'ni c I Suu ; n ftT et vid in tbe army iluriiig ttie relad iion ; uevet tuvt-aied adoliar in (Joti le. lerate (onila.; was a private in the Home (tunnl, t'Ut never aerved unieaa compelled to do ao That portion of the tiuinittee lelieve him to tw bauned I jr the Howard Amendtuent, aod, th-r fore, uot entitled to bia eat. Not twinn aware ol any evi'lnue U tore the Ommittee of the above fact, hut taking them to he true, I lime question are pre sented to the Senate ; 1st. Han Mr. Purdie engaged in insurrec tion or rebellion agnmst the United Statea nr triven aid aud comlott to tbe eoetuiea thereol.t 2d. Has the Pen-to a right to epel him, tiao. v :t.udvud aim k. --.Vl aif. tit)! it tJurtff atpoo bin qnatifleatlons de cided that he wa not banned ? The word "en ;((" means to promi-e to pledge one-elf to embark to enter upon to enlist An iie-ur'-ection i the ruing up Ht''ii"t the atltli rity ot Hie jfovernm. nt ; fvt.ii oi Iji r a'.stance. atfatnat tbe autluirny ol the government with ait intent to over Ihri'W It a violent re.Hi.Ktnnce to lawful au thority. Aooorilina to the ixjiiiiion ot Attorney QeAi.ral Siantieiy, "au aAt tlx upon a per son the oHeni'e ot engaging in reliellion, mnat he an overt and voluntary act. done with the intent of ahiini; and hirtheriny the cmiiion unUwtul purpose. A person torced in to t he Kebel i rviie by conacripliou. or under a pram"nt authority, which he could n it Ml' ly dixdt v, and who would not have entered Mich service, it left to the tree exerciae ol hi own will cannot lie held to t edi-qtialift- d '' Attain : "But olficara who, (iuring the rehellton, discharged oili.'ial duties not iuci dint to ar. but only uch duties ai Itelonj ed to r ftafv peacr, and were necetnary to the preservation of ord r and th adtuin iatiaton ot lawf-are not to he comidered the' by engaging tu rebellion or as diaqual fi t" " " "; - Again : The wordu ' (iivlnarsaitl nndenm flft to tbe enntlllfB of the UtilTl StiUm" re the anie,Hid in theconatitutional tied nttlon of treaioo. and the c-nemie. there meant must be take.il u ! tofetn ewtitie.H , Can we nay that the acts ol Mr. Purdie . amount to an HOtUal participation ( And if wehave a reasonable doubt, mu not iwrdcioht be reaolved auainU the opera tioo. of the law and in tavor of Mr. Purdie Is not this tue a;tiioi rtc i obstruction in regatd to pena! and diaabiintr atutuu-a f In t)e opinion ol Jude Underwood, is the cate if Ca?nr Giifflu, bo says: "It. may he obaetred that no one is even temporarily excluded. Who had not nefivt'y eugnged in tbe war i)Jaint the Um'ed Slates, Ixit, in addition to thin, he mut hare held ao office pneviooily, which made him a leaditig and rrpreaentative man and which required him tn take a p -cial oatb to support tbe Constitution of the United States." Under tha Rccouatruct.o AcOL the party who do- tired to rote hart to I tXe an oat th and clear himw If hf l! TtrmbHttr-. - V; rd amendment Oonjrrese is required to en tore by apptopriat legislation this article. But admitting that the Sennto has tbe nifht to jodjf of the qualiticailon of iu memltcra, hat not that right neen cxerciaec) by the Seriate and wat uot its decision dual f In B.T ou n on aarxvltition .la tht fate u eqoiraleni to puliot wtihesit caae - AdmiUintt ttuu tie waa mtHBtssr o me Vmnit that it i a judicial olfic Bid he eiitffuWtp ritrit Itiim, afref tJnew dectrtmif that b w tint twuad t Have Jou the ritfht 4ctf f h mjir and wyrae-yiar-Jtfteiio . It rott dorou taAT nuna?nrHi your euwiBct owne-that yo hare iltllBUtb' a - ft nma . .., Arain. wa nar tie rmuv w una jM'ic the arbitrator ia tbl BiaMer Ca- CotieMBiatPl IMtl r rtiaret allow Morth Candta to punish tree- son. Botn say tne imfirammi noi a pne foment. '.Hi bold that it was; d tt was the opinio ot Juds Chase, tad wh a w Bttewpt to pnaia b BirB r treason ao scradevorpowerfc Tbeaecaae bare bees Tieci'ded v-repea ofly: So IJourt but W Courtol trie littliea otaies cau ranom a man for oouanrrtcitiotr money. 'TbiSMiac man fAr n, mil Hrrteitln T 't will rwbilect that it create howl of m, f : . t. ... , hi-t I uuHi, atuct euvH ma msu--i- i HALEIGII, N. C, r-j)eitl ince. The people otoJ aay wljy lult h their rrpn 1-eritatjyt'a, , ' Mr. IVjiIib loiKiwod in up(jo ( tha rwiu'in. tlio n- ilminn. fWv regret that hin ol In puMiidi ttu ir rinrk in 14 Mr. M t(, ol ( nrtertt. cm I Ml the tfP viotia ijiKtin. wlihli win mmtiilued, den l!nrn ll.vtlio c'.il.-r,v,. c:cw.ic. Uavia. EnT.y Etheti F irkner, Uallowa.Tt ed o eikllnv II irru,u"n Hvmm nulorvd. nifon. Ioim-s, (d Wake, LasaiUr, M'i "e, of Carteret, M we, Sni.th, and tt phe .i 22 Mar 'loti lilf. ot Yauocry, Navs. - Meaar. Barw, Beall, Graham, I.indsav, I-ove. viaw'n, Nfelclior, stKrne, Uich. Kohbiiia, Welker, Wynne, Winsiead, ai.i Wilson 14. Mr. B all olt,vrel the follow eiplaoa, tin o bis vote: KirH, he did uot believe that the term "RTfV applied to a wi in the Legislature : hotjmi, be did notUelieva that Mr. Purdie had "en(f1 in insurrec tion er letieilion againat the United rHates": Third, it was doululu!, to say the Itasi, whetto r "Article Kouru-rutb" waa a part of the C"ii'-titulion cnusideriug th arbitrary maimer in wbicb it waa toned upon the country afn r several Western Statea had withdiawn their assent, aud several South ern B'atea had given their assent under com pulsion, and iaaily a lilmral i o SI ruction ot all laws iiniiosinif penaili. a and ili -abi iueu tor tHtUlivil opinions and actw n the wisest policy of au enlitfbtened oveiuu.eut For Iheae reasons he voted no. Mr. Ijnveoffb'ed the followine exuUna- This Hetiaie aita Ji re as a State Court. -r A Hiate I'ourt iia Do light to part upon a. purely Fuderal quit tion. , "This it a quit i-o ol liiatehartKUer, , t do Bot holer the Heiator fraat ft laden, irer '.voluntarily en 1 itfe.d in the rjcljlia. I do uot believe he ver was a "judicial r executive ufSc of the ..(.! " , . Mrsara. Welkfct anfT tindaay, ciuld not sie any addilioaad fact brought out in the r port ol the Committee; ib-y werii obliged to retain tli.ir f-r nwu opiiii-os, that th Sen ator it not banned, c-usi'quently they voted against, the r.luuvn. Mr. Moore, of Cartcnt, introduced a res lulion vai atiui; the seat of Jan. A? Oatct Scualor elect from the 13 ill &sua erial IHa triot. The President decided tbe resolution out ol order. On Di-tion, the Seua'e adjourned until to morrow at 1 1 o'clock. HOUSE OF UEPIIKSIJNTAT1YE3. WxUKKtillAY, J -to. 80. The crowded atate of o ir columns com pel ut to greatly e'lrvvlate the proceedings of the Hous to-day. Mr. French introduced a relution,wliich Wat adopted, requesting he 8iiirenie Court to (five their opinion as to the (3o(utitui:n alitv ol ihu H -oieaua I Exemption. Ou motion of Mr. E tea. the rulua were auaiiended, tnuV the. resolution autboriaing t he Trt asurer to pay witoeaam tummoued tu foiv tiw Fraud (Jixnuiiiuie, w.w taken op ami pa-aed. Mr. Muoia f t ret -luii m In tavor of the Sherifjol Urunawick, aaa passed uudor a suspension of the rules. Mr. Ualonet resolution ioviwb imira tion, w as taken up, debated, and .lit over to I prtliteil. The pev,al onler, to consolidate the A'-, laniui niitl ttie Norm Carolina laUroals, was t'iken up, ami aienathy debate insured, a upon ol which- we have, and wtlt pob llsli at another tlioo. the bill rjually p.isse 1 us st coo d itidiur, by a role el tio yeaa, uayea. 7 llouse thin ai'j.iuruel. SENATE. Ththsdav, Jan. 21, 1869. Tbe Senate waa called to order at elereB o'clock. OSKIKISHBO BUSlNKSa. Q uestion lieinir a motion ot Mr. Wioetead. to reconsider tlio vole by wnich ihehill, cioicerning the s- ttleiueiit of the eatatee ot deceased persona, was postponed, the rote was reconsidered and tlio bill taken up, pending its consideration, on motion of Mr. Xtarrew, it was poal pound until to morrow, at 11 o'clock. - . Mr. VIUer prvoenud a memorial ftatm the Trustees of the t'niveraity, asking an appropriation ol flZ.UUU. Mr. Welker oflored, with the memorial, a rcsnlu'ioii concerning the amount. Placed on valcndar. . HKPOKTS Ulf COUMITTBKa Mr. Osbtirne, Irntn the Committee on the Jinliciar v, reported fivorabiy on a rendu-tt-h in laror of Meaan. Caldwell, Bridgera and Arendell. ' Mr Kobbins, from the Committee en the Judiciary, retorrd back a bill to the Hen- ate, autnoriiing the Commissioners ot Pitt county to levy a erxcial tax. On motion of Mr Hicb, the nj'ea were suspended ann -o inn. paaeuu iia eerwai readings, and On motioa of Mr. Cook, it waa made the aiteriai order lor to-inorrow, at 11 o'clock, Mr. Smith, trom the Committee on Prop ositions aud Grievances, report! farnra bly oa a bill for the relief of F. M. Pit! men, aud fnvorahlyoo bill lor the H. Gentry. A message waa receired from tbe House, -transmjtting the ioi lowing m I la, to wit : Bill to amend the charter of th Union Maaufacttiring Company id th tawa of fsystterille. Bel erred to tbe Committee on CtfruoTHtioot, v iiill la (elatii plank - road 4ea iof trom Hitrh- Potnt to- Balvaa. taserttxt to to CowmitUM jam. Towoaliipa . . Bill to In better urotaottoti ot certain dentwfat Kelerret -to- ba .'oinmiMs-f en tl Juitici. Ksoiuiloa sulhrialn th arreat trt- W. ai Matin, lata .of Cumberland. Platatd on ttelMtJatv. ' i. a. ' Ut-aidutio lntir noting the Pttbiie Treas on to wit; v ' -s TBtj - fabfie- Treasurer bar tar Jlii.J?aajo. biori Jheloroini. to .atfycfaj, Kiiberin t the 'Htavt and lor which ho t 1 pMrsrwallj ptinill),- -..e l lumtan m at rowetetv, irnB Beoat coo eairing.) TUattn Public Treasurer be) and Is hereby rauowxwd to eae faj h pay eneat of the member td fhi isttalatase nod other cipeoeaa of th btavtu, atrib land a wis be hi batsd to tbe eredu at Mh-r.ff'a and that Ibe ht are shall plrantee lb aid Treaasrer ircMi Bit hNa lit mar rwe- hiss- ffoir- -oiitktt&at, .tnaj. 1 TA. vwuiia si 'wuiwan fnsjsia wisi w, mm no lawfully paid tHrt-Bttt-nVBry,sJ.T;lTJ'-'::"':: Mr, Ixrre mcrrott tArameM tjif)tiis Its nrtihibitiiiir tLss TmaauratF iraua. Darlna m m i m n BATIJUDAY, .UNITARY out of aaid monies aaythinir on the Slock ado or L'tn itaruiary uMh)Il Pending ita consideration, the R-ivite adjurBd until to morr-w, at Hi oVI-ek, " HOUKE OP WEPREESTATIVKS. Thcksuat, an 21, W!) According to adionnirnent, the lloise was ea'led to arrta.r at Iti nWk. House. Leave of absence was irraii ted to Ksr "ioddie and 8mtth. of Wayue, Mr. P-oi moved t suspend the rules, and t"") up Senate bill, repealiog the purchase of t Penitentiary site. A.'. Mf Oownins; said that tbe hill would lie ncga'o. jf passed, therelore, he hoped, the orde.f limine. would net be intei fer'd wi'haty a suspension of tbe rules. J H. Hart of yke colored, argm d Hi l...rl. all .. .. . .... t h " "K -'-ar a siisijer.sion oi me run-a. s lie wi-ocu in ai whr the tjrotmaitiorL1. luBdinj? thetlWl.ioo to iWriuUliaTl not been aereptetlr' Mr. Pou siid that wheniT th's matter waa mentioned, tnernvra of tha' Commit tee, seemed t- think fieywer- ftidiridualiy aimed at TT had lot, aid would not. impnte motives to any 'Be. oiless he had 1 pro of at hH command. He kitendi d to go lor ward in this mattery and discharne bis du'y, as a Representntre of the peopte. r gardleas of the teelingrof any body. He beloved that part ol tie bill issulnt; bonds to the amount of 100)00 as uncousiiiu. tional, as uo special III bad lieeu levied to provide for their paywat, && 1C wished tbe hill repealed in orer thai thev might LaolMadM' Mr llowuuig aXkBeilorsoineiime auainst the motiun, aud in collusion luuved tu lay it on the ablc. j. 8. Lary, colored arose to a point of ord. r,-anui( that it ll hirutufore lieeu the rulinn ol the Chair, tat a motion to lav a mot tai tu suapoud th rules, ou the table, could not lie eotet Uird. .. The Chair auslainctthe point. J. Tl Harris, of "Ake, tailored, ajjaih took the floor, lit at! he stood preure.l lo vote lor the repeahf th bill, bat la-tore that waa doue. he am other m tubers ot thu 1'unitontiary Cenni! tee, asked thai the matter might be laborer unill the propo sition of Mr. Downiq, milIll be ace pie. I or refused, and that tjiropotition i es-nt1o th Benare trt ilow ilAlIoilae to raie a Com oiittee to ioveatigalthe whole matter, and publish the (acta tohe w..rid. .Mr. Dowtdug cha.cti nr. d the report of the benale Commit-, as la-ir,g uiitmr and one aided, and not ( any means making a full statement of J the (acts, &c. The question rer-ring upon the motion to sUKpeud the rule the yeas and nays w eie called, and reaultedn a Vote of yeaa til nays 33. The motion w Uwt, two-thirds not ro'ing in tavor ol i O i motion of Mi Welch, the rules we re suspended aud llieoill amendatory to the bill incorporating t! Weatern North Caro lina iUilroad, was Ueu from the Calendar, aud recoiumit'ed ttjlit Committee ou In terna! Improveioeni By conaeut sir. i)rham : A resolution! in it r.oJ li MerreU,Siiiti jl ihturow Cuuaiy K. icried. By uuuseut, Sir. L'g, of Rich'nond : A bill iu relation, to llmssuing ol 2.'H)0 in bonds, to W. L. Steeled It chtuoud Louuty. iieler.eil. B Mi. Bowman : Aill concern inj; public r-a s in WstauTl Coity Ketened By. Mr. ln-ram:- reo.uiioii having night stssinna. Mr. Yugraiu moved suspend the rules, and kutupu lentl. The ri!. lutloil sin fAced o i the Calendar. Mr. French Iroiu thu Cumuiiti.c on Counties aud Townsips, reperted fnvor al.ly, upon tbe bill, atboriz ng ihe Com missioners of AuaonCouni, to levy a special lax. By Thus. Sjkes, olored : A bill au thoriaiug, tbo Count) Commiesioiiera ol Paequotauk, to levy a jiecial tax, lor cer tain purposes. Heferre On muuoa of Mr. Lain, tbe rules were st sp nded and the bilhstshlisbing a Turn pike R-ad, truro Marini, McDowell County, to Aaherill in Boncmbe Connfy, w taken up. The InIIi was reail, wen, Mr. Pou'm oved to pstponc the bill until to-day two wecka, Mr, Lafliii aid tu huped the motion would be voted down, is this was merely a dodge of tbe nii-im,rnal improvement men. . Mr. Ingram aaid. thatthi finance of tbe State wi re suftcriiig on account ot the dis arranged system of taxitin. He regaroVd thy lax aud revenue bills more imporiaut than these, internal 1mpromcnt bills, and should have the immediaU attention of the House; therefore he bopec that the motion to posiiKisa would prevail. . Mr. Welch said it was uscelistry te pas these ltailroat billav it) orler to ascertaio tbe amount o' money to U raise L th motion to postpone was then put to a rot, and reacted. Xv Th queeti-n tbi a recurred nfton tbe pas sage ot tha billon its second reading, when, Mr Bowman (the introducer oi th bill) took tlie flor aid advocated tbe passage el tbe meat ii at otfno h ngih. - Mr, Uodnet a,,d be waa a filcnd to a judicious tyt n n( intsrnal iniproremen', at the proper tine, but at th pa-nt junc ture ol cart If art, the people were in nu Way able to bear tb-se large appropriation! Pass all thete tills, and you increase the Suttedtbt to nine thirty seven millions. Th oxpenae f carrying on ihe Statu government atuiunta, annually, to some 4W,000 Add tbi to tome 1 400 000 for school pttrpoaes. and yon bare fHW) 000. Now tbi $80000, added to tlie 2,J2u, 000 intereat opoi th debt of Ibiriy seven mdbonay.-wili,. lev the tyUtrftiig mm'"hf $ i 0?0,0O0 to be raised, to meet the earwat st pKt)tie:i'i:'tfi itttrjfl. ttpaa Jtet. , ,dbt..ai:2i w. the people ar in no Condition to bear this euormont taxation, and hes, new, kt r tbe Iwginuing of 'tbesw netware, vonld enter 'hia protest sgsinst thetn all. flere was the youth of our eoontry, growing upln total ignorajjee, aad (his Lecrislatare, by their recklee ex swa;iiea in thus Itailniait mutmriJ war' iricjipaciutinf joar, front pwi'HntrntHrough tad ample temM educatiim. ' Ite, th.miHdtitsntron irrtnofb ntor importaoce than the IUilroad, and they shettrld rraatnhd tht retoorp of 5, 8 lata, In order to -aoeomplhib thttr end. Here were gentlemeu, freira dlfluretit ae. tiems, hanng, each, rat irsi,rjw.(J j0 flee ta,h ittw,TlWe..re, cemi bioaeievesfW farm- d, and svatem ing anything be had ever ,en nt or teB in,qi life, to b Biter-diarreard ot th Urmvvitid KditUin uf car d.Iicni, to sbnt twnint; a OuU Bar te thteef uie tsf 41. 3, IHIIILh ...H ii i i .in iiifi ih, n ittvv- " tr : He, ia the nisi fl ; thai fa. fair and prttwi.Bitti!t.ij.. pml&m of the ititercwt of be whoi.' peapl to . this com bin loo til certain sasMhsn. . He ivtp'' d theie ' ujtvsnres .. ttpnit WtV ground, (hat he wshed .to preseiv th" honor ot thefttate inlact$ ,J3 bail alwava abhorred the doctrine t4 jopudialion, ami But he wouhi warn tht Hons, that, bv their un-onsniutiorab oppressive and r lr les appropriaiions. that they wctre rapidly ' educating tbe mind of (he petiole to the d-ctnoe ot repudiation. ' lis would warn, now, ttie bloated bondholder, that the peo pie d.d not intend to pay tncsw bonds, not la-Crtii-e they were dfchoneat, but btNau-o heir Li gui iture has dec.'laieti nar upon in diislry, and has, and it. uaaligurating fliea oiiresto oppress pn)rrry ttoid rs in snvh a manner as will even' nally lemll in wOat may to. U called a complete coiillaratKp ot their lands, ami throw it up for a gueia allk.. . . -...1 1, e-.,- .-.....I'.T aofailalwa . ' How do gentlemn propose to raise all this money asked tor. The whoW laiahle property in the Htate amounts uniy lo a -out (25 000 tH'0, which will give a tax ol about $124,000, ana adding to this the tax uno, poils, incomes, dtJ., Uie whole possible lev aline that tbe 8tatt can comiiiniid, will amount to alH.ut $1.72.'). 000. VVh.ru tin u is ail tbe money coining trom t Was it to ! wrung Iroul the bard earning- aud labor of ourpiai people., by a system of uiiorou and oppressive taxation I Mwar. Sinclair, Maloue, Can'dlfi and Lull i n urgei) the paaj-ae of the Inji, iJUlJUltXJjiawV)mH reading, the yias And nays being callid, re- siilUd in a vole ot y yeas to 1C. On motion ol Mr, Laflth, the rulisi n susudi,'il, and the bill se parating and divi ding the Essie ru anil Western division! of tbo Wilmington, Charlotte ei Itiitlieif-rd liailronel, w at taken up. Mr. Juaiice, ol Uutheilord, advocated tlie hill in a spreftlid some lun h. Mr Krnneh arjftied te(r aoiue time agtinsi the measure. klr. Ingram gave rarieiis reaieous wfiy he opposed the coniemplaleil ilivisiou ol' tin road. Mr. Sinclair mored Hint when ill's llnnut aelj..uin, that it aeijouru ualil J' pal 7 o'ehssk, this evening, Mr. Jar vis moved to amend, by saying 10 o'clock, to morrow morning. Lost. The qiie--tu.il then r curred upon Mr. Sim lair's in, .linn, and it wa 1"'. The House', then, en motion, of Mr. Sin c sir, adjourned. Phi"Nomesoj. Thenight Kanj.;s ot nn'n ruiploveil in tho snvuf mine s ne ur Viigi'.'B ( iiy, Nevada, witaesaeil a beautilul oelea 'ial phenomenon, at lour o'clock on thu in-ruing ol ihe 27th Novt mlitr The sky wat pi rlectly clear in ev. t elinctiou, iind the Kiistern boii,ou was pe u Marly h ue and bright, not Ihe slightest sign UI tn.al about the ridge of the distaut Eastern rauges ; yet the m-ruiu; star rose ill a bleeod-ied color, and with bright while halo, apparently Bve or six feet in diaiiie-e. Ut, surrounding it From the lower part of this bajo ejikndetd downward a jail BP , parently right Teei long and two in tin breadth at tlse ui per purl. This tall was slightly curved, ot a sabre shape, blunt y rounded at tLe lower einl, and Imih it a el tbe halo appeared to be tilled with t eoiia amis of smdl and exceeeliiijLje bi illiaut siars.' ThTs sttange "fight" I .ste l sT.me fll leen or twenty minuies, or oin'il the a ar had risen to high that the tall of the tu.o aiepe-treKl to lee two or three Icet above the e;re-! o ibe distant rane, wlicu it sud'h-bly faded out. . MO hUVUT OF IT. In the last 'yncastonal" letter, Forney has the fesllowiug : . "I. hope I elei not oiwTe dit Congress when I say tlmt I think the Colored Men's Con vention, now in session iwre, contains ua average intelligence that makes it 110 oreli narycomp. tiior w iih the men who deliber ate between the marble , walls, of yornier Capitol." , - ; We haven't Ihe least eleiubt that "For Wf 1 rtghtiB itln.nBi 1iTdKpr- ative intelligence of the members ol the negro ce nvenimn and the menlN)r-,,of the present radical Congress. Indeed, w eloubt veery much wbeillier thee tn-foe, wid e..H siiler thein selves cotnplimcnted by tue com parison. The Watantun Courier, in speaking of ithtv county ot Warren, yeVy trulhtttity says : N.i county In any Slate boasts) o! a bet lei society or a more intelligent, itieliisliioua (wople than old Oetneecrat ic Warren, and while, aa ery'otuer community disss, we have certain turbulent, ill-disiosiil colored men, we feel a pride iu saying, that like their former matters, tho colored, populaiiun hare takes, and preserve a high foi-idon in point ol mora's and general giMiel conduct, lor ahicb s just credit is due ti em. Our county and teews government is in the bands of Conserratirc, high lom-el while men, against whom there is uo shadow e f reproach or Complaint. With1 these reeetmio?ndai.iomi, to whieh are added, a good soil, s healthy climiit.., good waietr and convenient 10 Itai roid cotnmunicatiotii, w can cons, ie d ioo-ly iqvite strarrger from every qoaner to locate among as, being atisfied that there will never be a' regret for hibqwing our advice. Mori TkDTH TUAH PfiSTBt. The V.il ril f .ir,es gets olf tne following ; Bue fcle, iu bit ''History ut Civil'iuion," tay that marriage doc nut el. pend upuu love, but up iu the price of corn. It la ev PL" ... I Tht ttatnj'teal lover doe not now tty, s ha ueeel tot "Amanda,. I lure thee out. Arijallda, nrovh-ions are cheap" Ihirtf isl no telling if hst Brio B'nresi saet plys s man thoroughly (ibIhwiI irfMij)t..fetai. ni'K' t produtB, and 'pari icu.arly. Woald hegivu us gilWi atiBtj. HUB) limtglBsiUre, wOuTeTTSI' vo tike this' : --5 The beart iwireel inw with priest ot betf " - - Tawewkcste tope wilt ewig.- t-i,".-.'- 1 With the melancholy rrfrioj(!r : ,1 yw baersteafc is ttis earty frlmd f' f Jliat grief eaa teail tUow-ywu. . i v Th following" lext.lMw. heew sijctoel j, Bdtrer's tnTrtTal, wttlf ha d.os ! - ' rm Jersemish Hi ; tAn-tMh btslner Aldfriw, aa4-sitB tctuicswicib.-tna th : puuBd ihecupt ; tbst which ;. of wn1 4i wbsetts -ttM-of - uWvi, witf0gid toufc Bwar.w V ilieui iua cuimiiu uave ,og s.ioati una, I far rt)fcn,iditioi, cmild Bot supp rt BffdllViitrtmetwtr.t ttt a re me-.-t 4tl K'rioe'h't iae,idmi"ii. butftaj no old.- i .1 . .1 . .1.11 .1 e. .. .. . . e : 1. - e l V."' M PJMW ,r"m "VL c'm"1" 0 ! turn to acceptina DartamV Mtau expression : "I love yu twi buslT. U aud t a mi.rom.e. ko. , "Sysj DEB4T8 -'N 0VS0UDtTI0?fi - - - - t' Ii(HF. OF RKP!tK'KN"TATiVE4 t Til spcdsT order. Wat ADounOeti, id fHx The Mil to c..n.Jidte. th AtUetle atifl Nx-th Car haa Uailrat Campany Bt)tt tbe rnrf ii.3eiToo recui isT upoii lite ioii.u of. W. T. H.rt, colorwl. ta'trnl-'fl Mtorr poal imhms, thtvl.ill. Afef stn rttctusiuori tbe vea and nan, w.ir tcalhrtt 1 BMB; (he motion, au.l reaulieel to a vwt 0( 19 Jess to til i ays. , . j TAi. Sinclair ranr rl tn amend, Inserts. W In tve ion td. line t'.b atter the fieurwa "4 " twiBarrtii-if ' and the WeMcrn Worth Cew-ediri.Kilr.B I, Clotrtereii in th year Mr, . san ii teotif nun would have aedidati' o.why not carry oit the progamiBa, and evinaeetMate ill the way tLrottoh to Jy, M, OueHr tbe eoawaa of 'tit ... .. remarks, in nppossitioa to tlv principle ot oaIi.latiiin. said that he had uo free pa''", he had n-t Iwen i-ivitnl to excursion! tod tesste ( njie n flsh and oytteT. Mr It wiiiso. said, he was on ef the party, that recently hnd the ileasir of visiiing the ce it uf his native H'aK and partaken ol t,.ufl h and oysters, that sUionir iu such i.lenty, in that locality. But ltyhe. 'gvnticnnan, (Mr. Niesplair ) meant to insinu ate that be (Mr. Bowman) would be bought from the path ol r.tilude, t-y tui h btitie. thai he (Mr Sinclair) judge d him (Uowta-a) by ttoiion-e derived ; rotti his (Stti:laiiJs) Oft c-xper ceo. Mj-Hu.cdair,-ith d-to-ltus if ih-t-l-iiiai) uttjBUttJ''rnJalt Mil ''llfef WtV bought by ''rings. ' Mr. llonni ui said ho wonlrl reply by ak injf ttt-ewluia notber qeieien.- Iht he (Si.iio.ttir; mean to charge nun (B .wiaui) with being bougiit up. Mr. Si ielair: Mo, Sir, I del not mean to sav anyibiiig of thekimft "':' Mr. BoABian theti disclaim-d any inten tion nf rlircrhli upon M r Hiriclair, ,Wr, Weich saiel- ihee- attack id-M -iin cl r, upon the g. ntie'ra.iu who lately witlted MoielK ad Cby, wat extremely oujuit. MoatTif -ttnt grmtlemeo Winters, jaen, and had never visited the rotsi ia their lives, anel fe-ehni that they were (ruajrdtant ot the intevest if th's pfnple in th. BrW, thoujjtit thny sh-euld acquaint themseilvea, by persona) oleseirt at 1-n of th general fea tore tf that- ascilon. Jf ' he bad ce.cne bck with ' sbslltnrasBtli brin,"and ''eaml up if) bis coat -tail,t he could say that hi nerves wen- in a better condition than smtit one's who had visited that locality shic iie n a tine-, for that petson ktt in tuch a hurry that the sand weia'd not stick. Mr. Welch thj) entVlitid h somn time upon ihe merit cef the.' bill,' He tald that there -weie hfuls of prey from Virginia, hb. eringariiund tl.isCspital.ernb-avOrinirto litiy up an liiflneni e against this crjnsoridattitB measure, 'tl wna turprltad that me had so liftlc Stkte'.prity. ' ' He mutt NMtl, Cr iilliriiiu and wop d go for bbildrng up th citi iid rowui of hi own Btat. He mirtcrstond that there w is a pripew tinn, shotily to come h for this House, to di pie of "the S ate interest, tn the rartoht Tjilfireiiirlt Tf iunb moaareis " Miii1f1-' . red. be would venture to prlir.t Ihttth heaviest bids would coise from nn ri tu Neir. l-!k, t?. Hej was u tcrly oppowtJ to auy mai , or set o1 men, who would legialate tor, or advocate any nieasure 1n which tliBtn-re-re-iT.of our pw'r7B: aia' aarrinW! Mi that ol any other Ha tiie.u iht this conseili ta li in niitie.itly pre.p -r. and one which wml 1 redound greatly to the interest oflh Statu, Mr. Riuc!r-re to qi4tiem of regu. lie said his remarks upon the gcnile mi 11. r. ec it'y vid ing ibe coast, w is enly m -ant as a little rail. ry, but be tup)eoel r We lch's aHuai iii in legard 10 the aerr : ous and huriied manner that scune, on-,' ren a leirmer occasion, reft the coast, waa in tended for him. ... In r. g ird to th bi'havinr of both him self and rVginiHnt, at the battle of New burn ill that be would sav that his reinnien' was! uta.lei thu reuif-giyod inilw rtuaa4, efcc.J As lar as his record, during th war, was A.iu.aeje- eeeeaea niee.,e weLeeeent a .'eeisei. Alter a long diseutslon, Mr. Peench iu ve.i b' im-ert insHlion St,, line 2, alter ih woni 'stock," "belonging to the private S.o.k!ixJ..kr.".sv.id in t.icuou 4, insert aher I4e -worel-' veetee," tbe word "uf the private BbicklioUht." ' - j ' Mr. Welch argued (of aomn'time BgwInBt the amendment. He said that this would W the mat ereomrdeevlr in tHo hand of a lew rtu-3 win i also ioUrett d In the U deigh anel (laston, to such a dgr4 that mtile a e-emti nuance oj the" present system highly elcsitable tn thero, etc , Mr. French gave sevbral reason why be off .red (be omi.ndiiMBt . If j wished to al low tht: privuU- ' Stockholdert to express their jnpiuioo la the- matter. " &.v He thou-ht that if a private StoekuoUUr ia cither It ad should rdij. ct ti th cnusediela- tion be could sue out an' injut cttoa a id pre vent a ceiiisomationof th injeusure, &o Mr. Pou next liKek tht floor sud arjjued at length In support of the amendm BU . , The t hsir ritled Mr. French's amendment out eif order ;n there wat an amendment to the bill pending t the tiui the aun n.l txiptt was ollred. , Mr. hkicl.eir, by general codhk), with drew hi amendrount. Mr Freetch'4fd hi ani-ndim-r.t. , Mr. Dtjrhsm ofJi'Ted the ftilloWing tib ititut lor ihe aiBeewdineiit. to-wit : In rte ler'tiitiing and Uociding for or agaiust 00 n ..lidaii .11 by the respiutire couipautea, th ti ate shall have a nghl to cast number of rote; equal to the whole number ol vote ttnat -oy private Mtwkhlta.-'-. Mr, B ymour said tha' thoa who were in Mr. fWymnur eoutmued (or som time Tn adveK-a ion of thet bill During kit remai k. he said that this was fl'ate nirasut. Lftu Hab'igb & G istoo Kadr.eed tt taken out, tleemea ure would not have sine,! omx- n cast 1 ifc.'-. , x A .iJ...a.:i ,..L... .jjffigBfl Mr, j JHiwBiiig, who asK.-it uun, it ton bill were in uita. what wauid,-biiits-f3imout'at "opinion In regard t J elher Railroad. Mr, tseymoor : ar. ispctaKr, 1 tuppoat tbe (rmtlmnan i& Ateftet to sajjfsr to : uuf mw -.r iire-ra other reilla - ''- - ' , . Mr. Downing : Sit "r; my ; cjni-stJoB. hl imply 10 get etir enidnloi opm thef b4!,I , st. o , v -rr-,1 : ,i . ... . I --sen e "i. r mwews set eeetser ,eie JHfrjMir) Arte trrar qaetuon, wai, that if I ,ptcnte niytW TTt vn-e W ltnnee;; r.nicaox.a., Se,HAHilt.i-a-ter WlBp-tJinfoeo - f. 'Mr;.D"rBUtgT f desnytat .r ;tb4 o,ut -of my ii.::tin !riip!y ko. jour , n". "lou" oa ilio) wfltar hi lit, . ' t i i ,f--t Mj, Scrnioujtr Jlr fejiTaioft r.,9lJka aumwu'iii'ijiiiiU'miii'i ii'iin . mi i t ajstai - htH, U not til til rr evant to the BtaMef (WW fl4tr'CtwttSMitir,':'--fi-- Mr. Lama oated th prrlsiB 4nwt'1- ItltrttAll fyit" aut'aaauL: .Uat.CiOB, .rwMSH npt Mfi flirrnntnw tmbatnat ra si r. t ft Jit t amctmiinea. on t lopiMHt the yes and nar hemff etttwd, neuluai in w vts ur yen, ni ways t. - , r'fo ni trie too, s aufwiiael sm iu, seouca railing.--Tin ye-ntaiid ntyt ,Wer ;cJmk1 tadnjealted tn th following holiest tr Yk Mi-sars, Allison, Am.-," .Argn,. AfnittrnugrRonQer, Birnaa,' Boeldie, "Beiw man, Cand.ar, Car son, :arv,-rilsrd, tjber. ry.teeslorsK, CUvtoe.of 'trACeaylraur, -.Rant, OHrldson, Dixon, Xltirh win, Kllitigton, Kstee, Farrow, FenriV, Yiahaifaa," Gafling, Ol'HVfth, G ilbert, tjreen,' GrUtr, Hswknw, Hlckti, -fliirb Hodoetr, Uudgltrt, . Ingram, Juatp) el Usavtrcstoct, Ksely,saf Darke, Kfh iy, uf. Moore. Leary, Oe.hHSKl, Malooe, . Mc X'aolesa, iVftjJfjlj ko'rt. colerel, NicboJ son, 'jtititer, Parker, Peck, Protflt, Rag- land, Hddws,- coinmi. B-yutour, tsharer, reisT5Jiass-Baiit,-- . Smith o Wayaa, tenipoa, tftanioo, ubti!wna, ' 8'illcir, Sweat, TheHnpaew, Vetl, Vst, Wlch. White, Whitley, Wilkte, Wiillamt, of fharaett, and Wilton 88, i- '" Saks Mesart. Ashwnrlb, Bla'r. Caws thora. vuiured,. Downing, Ellis JT.srknor, vstlBnclOralisin, 0i4ntr, tlarritt, ot Frank lin, Harris, of Wake, Hayea, colored, Hen drlckt, Hhtnant HiMigin, 'HoWi fj iarvia, RiiHiey, L,.eeg, ot Chatham, leonir. wf Intt- mond, Mnye.-disred, . M.uieicmihaii, Jtf.'iitg, Pmt, fiiH-tor, Ite-a, lie n row, Mobisson, Uutiiol'.la, eol.iw-l, rfiwtii.1Tkii. WlBtwI.-- wmririirrt and Wiswalt. Oa mwioa. ths TJrrn bdlmrtiec until tri-merrow moiniajr au 10 'ctisiiB. i We have been visited tiy pnr old friend and Into com ra 1 m -arena, Col. Wot F. Beatify, late r( North Carolina, hut Bow of Lbaindtlet' Ktmrntf" It lavt' ' plehsuro to ueain unisn oiir - rrtrwd"' feaad. ud to Hod that bis W!m tntn has tervssl him set well, in physiqueVB well at in rood things of this lij'i. Col. B ..riai'ts out citiea , . 0 e - . . ft;- -.-ei . e. . in me micrete. 01 111s lyeuisrnie cuirKnef fMmpany, lortnt porpote of Belling' o onr meroiisnta ttit pannl ng'it tot M rii Car- oliaa, earths msaiifMiw.' or yrup, and tugats from tbe torgliiitn can 1 be eom uanv. ijr'whirb he U the igenf, ha succeeds ' e1 to a highly flitteri"tr tlegrns, in solving the probleiin nt vraaalatlna; th orgbum tyfup. at ol- s. uaa place t tu oor .ouice sample ol the u;(sr, and ,;veral grade ol the sy rap. Bnlca w unhesitatingly pro nounce equal to any1 "trust untile "ia the iwtfciiit otiont oountry. Tbo 'tgar eomp.afi fayoralily with lbs prime grlo ut . Ke Otfeaai inakn. Ol'oours theo-uimon gnide nth sftn b BTiulB, ' Ttic ' augar aaa syr up- is i w-turtljt ;flpBj. rtitB- 4MB naror peculiar to the "I t sergtiuaa (Mafsf baci aoimich hfft during: jltft.wttt Atid juAt 1 morii nurpticung, So tho, cftrapifie with which b mad. W bare an entimatbaioiotio tir thirty, acres ol E'ittcky laad-e-Wub'h 1 tnucu i lifer than otrr ytrgiw or ijorttt varoiio bwiis, whii-h. in.iludiliff rent of. land, at 17 per 'S "airtng of (niudii, BofSfltVUtilh'Bood, aBJtfaf :-Lnfnfkawiti ttarrw-oayt ory twne neaceasary, only amouaum to A our farmer already bar th land, WOud, hoMCt-efcli, .uife'lATIItt B-gtffBl pOXliun.- of th eipenaes will be tared. TuB -millt, pats, o., wiU be tue only expense necessa ry to iucur, wbjob, at the Uighcal estimate, prM-fjnuj,, j,,; fWO gIt'iu.T Kach gai- will not ex eeu fiiow. 1 ne yieiu 01 ayrup, loa c tell us croiw o tu J Its, or uar, say 4, makintc list, AI1.1 9 U , ol syrup, lr gallon, beiet th snar, which make 8,045 gallons. The sugar 'sella"' readily at 18i.Wk!ng 3i3,Ot ; Syrup tell f.r 7tk. mtkintf $l,4Sl W ; -Total rtniapia, $4,346,- 0. Exoenses. a w hv. - sbowa, aiaere xpetises. a w nav. anowo aiaeve , it everything has tit be purchased, $2,000 -leavina; olcar pruAr of 5f). Tht bn thirty anret 01 laud. caoiuiL 1 ex.wd $-i,R $2 8.1fl,5f).- Of eure V '! ihu eptusAi k Bot th proDt will do greater. 1 . a Carii'liaa, It la erldeut that 11 rtwt deal of memey i In Miam for the party who enters upon Its caltivathMi - anil roanutaolur it Into stisfsr and syrtiu. . The suga- nan be made tew ffoiw t'w f'M pw In. " td tho -synlpi' from 23 to gg gom per gallon, leaves a Vejy haudtom margin to tbe mau-nfvotircir- We hope tliat wut Cities will take hold nt t bit "matter. -To buy and to sub-srllj ooitnty rtghta, - witi pa wslL ltrttmuth, V't., Cimrur. Im1' .", W , M'-' -' . -i; 'l V-.'-.l. IIU" . i... 1 . ' ' iSSCStSm 11 -i ii i .11 van uvea a truno Btr Tb FroediBen't Bureau was establidied a sort of recruiting station lor tu fUdt cal prty. : It agents bav geoetally re. p irteo tne oss"i or ihi.-w iso'is pgaruiog the Snuthera white people. Iteem, how even, that the colored people of the, North have taken to holding C'lanrealioB, Oa this subject th Jackson . ( f,! iilorvt av: '"" :'" ' .. W r enMrely rrem by orn t'rt- . ling dcvelopat: nta in tbe pnscessxtmg of a Cemventioo ol cororoi pgople st lb Capitol of Indians, St we fii'l thetn pir dished in th Cincinnati Conmritol o'uil I other ortbo tio BepublicaB jourtala. -': ' ,? - 'Ti-olbrl joirt' : met tk eWrthlr ' their wiBganJjutfiriiiirjihicJtAreully set forth ici petiuon that they - addressed to rtie Xcgiatatare of their 8tet4.iTbor rvb ese-Bt thai "tlwre ar - ibuucnuid of poor eolored cttitn(o' lit ' that Btut who ai . growing Hji in Iffnoratc-o becsata of the) want of fariluies," and they ask th Legi tatur to afford in'sns by which the eolaxed olnhlren can ob'Bin pro tat share of Ihe reoiftinnn fund, t.i 1'ioporiv a) -prtrnttt chut)i( n from those Bliw lerei led iter I lias eeilinaiina " . uiu.iiilia,wJi.ite clliUlreiu ut; thw Btaia f tbt jmu- to cnangM me common se, nooi luw .ui coo . Htate as to tat the property ot th cotoj-ud people, ol th tStatu ai be pf'prty of th ' whit ptsopl it taxed.'' Mv-amng . that no . proviatsm 1 now retail Mad lor the du- . cation wf thii'thouinila"t nero clilldre" thst are growing ttp in fgneram:o iifiritfi- - aaa, and. the lest tarect w etoesa un tbu Hist rtroaor - 4tOBJO ptd:tUCAtloJl. Str ollVa, 4t WIU be tea that tlw-ae tutTerui odored people In tbe-coimuuiiUy m whicn ther lira do he.t prasntmeSttr avk tor turfne n-r tj 0 right to (t un ju lei oor tire wileg nakia ls.?''li'?Se. 'W.nitK'tiiiktttnit tbT ssTm(r tht ttjo-rafm- a itli.tit, (tip lb, ',f" fiiiicis tn the rJoui of knowledge knd them-- - with cool the r pajthe t toiuues. And a I' Initiaua; tmte ineie.svi'iA -cwigi Aupre.n. , an.sviieoe.'e ihe gi'4 y iCailsiiitelt; and otm r tlteeeis BAlJilM(':cBinrt t rth Ul. It'telt i'herh wlditsi'ousy ther tllUat de,J wOa liMI lbt1Js''ilAi tsttdBtt'-j - -n- .A.

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