V!5 TIIE SENTINEIj. . wives, :.i.u. ;--HWtlr'r----"W? - - - - ijr , . . ' i -JJ -L 1LJJ J'J. ' . . ' J JosiiH trrurxv. ir imiToa. p. Suebo uUl j "I ca Mf Cf myaetf thsf, -. V. Bf. 1 h t Knight llrrtnt, I m bcora bbwal, lUfll,' iliiiy'ti brtd, j;gttrBi, ortxra, rfurrpg: pHWdi "od "honert. MHig kgiUtor pf tb- band tkd, much tb ofl.et upon tbcoi , th( kalyht errftalr bd upon Stacho. WUo will qttniio tit liblity of th JuuhI, ftrteof brpppritod 1 00, 000 6 lUilresdt, ud wren dulku par daj for tbnneWe. ;jo , Who will uattiftB tbeir Tklsr, kltcr the 8por of lh Boom flgbfc b Attorney QBri (a tbs frog bnp.nd tb Enirrowi hr Clerk km tbr tir gbu with fM Door Who will doubt thlr bMMn7,'rW Iom- Tbeif dWIitjtxid-breeingaD coprtey, ball b tbowa bj what tby at; at ibtm- cnator WB ald, oa th oor of tb Ren(e."9titri w an callad t of buifcu-d," SwaatM Wlf, ot, Ouiltord, ' iaald thar wu oo wb bNld b pat oat 1 af tbtTpitol aadj tbtt wa on Demifobti. ha pok, Galloway, th c4ori . Senator, - aaW, wkt Pllgrt ithfoyAadltor Admi . and lb Buprem Ooort wer tit nggd (n f utttiwsoaiSfig, ot to ay ditgrautlul, c n. . : taU for room la tb Capitol, that Col , ', th Attorney 0ral," tolght gfvv ap "i roonijfor j wa ieldont tn ilt, ' j Wulo(U igbt, tl Sfd l atarcb, wa r"lpasSraTi'K aTgbt la UiaigliaJi'V bito- b? k .parolla.' Wjna, the- great taawiiSiaa, wat. ailiibitiug io la ottf and ,- tba bafidi war totaJJy dt aiorIIl. t(Kn ' Call w in Hon onijr to meiair . '"jn'iWi8redL,;,Tb Poorkrepar wa orilm'! to tlo tb door ad arrwl all abtaotae, ' -? ttt, Dixoa tnoTd ta adjonra.:1: ;- M. Mr. Po hoped' tb moijoii woold bo4 BtUIlt IB IBM ' - Wt tb Dowrfcewper tppwr at the bar ' ' of tb Hnu with clgbt wblt b,.dn d two orgrootbat be bad arretted, llerroaie dabal,; ; tba , Rcporur, tb priauocr wr diicbargod., . Tb Doorkpr w diraeted to pro to th gallery and bring In Mr. 8trot, he -s -""TTported Mr. . had 1tOf absence. Tin " " Hr.S. UUttieMd4 lod to!h6j 4 hoi 100 dollar aflat tirj ahort wqttfljj Wc Kichelesa cppaared npon th floor ' and w brought to th bar. Mr Ingram, (Had ai4 ffkliopwl that, gentlemen would remember tbey occupied Mat oao iwwm rrutotuuvr. cue are ivpreeetrrauvee ia the LegtaUtara ot Hortk Carolina, and . if tbej; would or coaldf not deport tbro- , ttlwe with dignity, tbey bouId at ltat b m k tbtmaelm wltb doai f.n , . ' - TbU a wIJ ald for logram. '-The ' ' Chair !d Sole better order pretorved . . - nt4i ippoint 'aeinberT to ."Wat tb doorkeeper ia aiolalning It," ., W. T. Hje, co'ored, ad 0., W. Pric, - aolored, were brought bor the dtk ol the Bprkr' t i ' Yt: Slnclilr (TUdler Preacher) -trx-k tb lloarjtBd Mid h wa heartily aihitaed ' of tch proceeding a wat erery on who. t j-Td the let reipfet Ibt tbi dtgntty of tb . Stat." Tb Chair interrupted bT b) ty. ; lug, twq tntmber wrjow before th bar of the fon. Mr. BmoJalr "to put fc atop. Jo the tlia- jimdulttKteil i,'4M,.:L.wa Hotwe adjourn." jc.Tba motloa wac wdthdraw attbe reaett " ? ' of Mr. ftjwmao wa nored to diacbargu 'f" U fcember. Bbder ureAT f , ' Mt. Biuclair wraBiuif eipmalog hi r " aatoaUbmeat tad tnortiBaatloa atiuob pro . V ceedlnir on part of tb Hon. ' B : . "( J. M J bklDg called tbcnoiee Md osli"SMirtt( ; f m fMr, TrstMjb, crpt bggrV ap pot&twd tii folWwtng genUeraeo ta kid th DoorkterWir ia aaaiatajntog order Measra. JS.inny,v jRlcnoIsoo,, flodgin, .Ahorth, Jiitoant, ,nd ..8ltr,"ji Messrs. tMoring, Gating, Eillogtosr aad Jlilliard wr broiigbt'bvth poorkepr tof'tir bar of 10 UOUM. ., '' - ill. Argo said,4lf tb Doofkeepr "would go 19 Tutlej 'Bsn, fc 'ou!d And, jood nuay mem her at tending tb t'hibitLjB, several w'ho bad beea brought from thare, aad just rtlessad from arrest, bad now gone tark. j ,-y. I'.;,. y-.'. .t ' t-i- .Tba Doorkeeper repcwl ibej ha bad raftfWWraI member at th rabibiticn and Iti- ieett tbea intetf tb door of th4 JLiOt, aod JMiw they -Wor pixwlwrrtTtT t found, tit was an laoik of . Lis, o Mr. ArgO Md tb Doorkeeper (htrnld lock . the ikior w km those ka In-m 1.1,:' - tt w tJ"a..t..:.A a.L ST... .tVa , .. mm )u, tuwsi wets soma iaern.. - ' Ui who desired, t 'dd ttui tBty-tier wer etiiers who aid noikiug but lont-g -:-br.ot batnreottfi; ent WOiM btdl. and . twcorUd the girl (erm$f.,?kJtf$ii , j vute wa ctiarcwii--txi iipvr tb uttsl a , tb m.t disgraoeftil body. rer aamU4 . lath Capitol; h lnaistsd tlltbdim . attaching itaelf t tbk body perly be- :::'...' :'. lrA -,t. '' -a. . k. . '. . 'T longrd to:t!iiw stutdtsxA nt tilM frtHllsMttAM iitf 1 I at., ' tXP' m the diagraoafoi jlisossdiniri,. 4 K -ri tb t . w. Morns, -ccwred. said, they hd bes r.t'ng Mkli!Mya," . set okw kerwat (Mt-r-v"-'',;;7;' to '.(,, . it' ,,: ,. v.'-i- ,.... I :'"tJf V e.ts ivi(,ff-.'Iii1:L. ir Ingram said, "a com prom IM be tween, lb o who waotad night sessions, and tbM who di,l;not, tit would Wove to -Mpt Tba4ax Fridjtl end Saturday nigrtt.jr if wa for rho wis twf'P -7K 'l " orttura ft pn tan body,', uood liar Ingram, aaio, . Q is motion twtuiM. "J' hauiU-ici'lii uish 9 txUnt, r msen'to an n lor tnree iyitfn.ii, dkiuw 1 Wyman, tb jailer, would exhibit those tfcittiffltfrt'it bit"- account tbs band fj41'fSJmS.-' i. . . ,, . L. . -We forbear to (1J a word, Iwt tbeBv- , rsgE,JUtaugb.IMx Stbaj('a and CX'aral Utttefii-ld' paper, thai! ay we are actuated Uj malic mHfOEirrMAJfZUJs. Wbea tbi bjoct ol her Britannic tf jfy, wai tbongbt to ' be lost of aufleiing from cr.ld in the tromn ioea, th oiviliid word iii an Healed great eoneero for hit BiUrortUiie, aud fat. Our OoTeroromt pot torth ita (yoapatky and it atrng arm tabelp, Kiftees of Ooremor Ooldea' (objecta ar loaf ; ffer being murdered tbey are drtwned in a mill pood, by rehele. Judge Taar gee teengnKttit'of tb whole matter. Be tia pcrxinal acquaintance with the "re f)yjtable Quaker" who eaw the dead bod.ea a tbry came from their watery gravel Wilt the Qotrimor make no inquiry I Bball tbeie be bo inveatigstion I Shall aocb ciime (to uppuaiabedt Wlitrti it tbepiod aod who corn mil ted '8lt.B foul amnio" J finw that we bare a ew adiniaietratioo, aboold not oar Kvernaieat rerjueet of her JiriUjituc Mijtj, that a aoou aa Dr. UWnxtioa tbail bare completed hit n ploralioua of ,tbe urc ol' tbe Nil and utber Intireating problem! la Africa, he be, sent to ibi couutrj to at-artih put that mill pond from which Tourgees' Quaker aaw the bodita of fifteen negroes drawn out, who bad been murdered by their whit neighbor! t Yfa libra Inquired of white and black, and bo living mB girea U any Information of the ii. ill ' ptiad, or tb Informing Q aknr, If Qnen Victoria ii ungractnue and angratful a rtot fa re(6m tb look for qui lot and' Unfortunate, then we ay, let arirerunf Holden call on tbe Lgitlature to fit out an efpjoricg expedition, to be oon- lucl h Prafenor .Brewer and General fen, to find Th ( WW poBd'aad tbe hudiea. Juilgo Tourgoe, can act as guide. Hue? an ity kud suieaoe call tor tbe exuedi tuid aud investigation. . '"' XfRANm CAlB'MCT. " Orest dleappoltitrneot It mnif't among tbe pdlit!cin at ibe character of the Cah- lotitiipuoJnjjtd iiyjJje PrcsideoC Qrast it evuJi'iialy acting lor hiutselt. Us ouuaaela withnoooe; lie actt like on use to. com mand, and dwappmnta all. U ia "un nbtntmelled he says, and there ia no deny ing that be hat rhus acted to far. Oitmsy ba been crested tbroughoot the rsnks of tb tntire armyof office seekers and toad iea. ' .What doe Suiooar anil Company now tbitikt " , , Tb Preuyer, rYMbburne, it an old party hack with strong Radical proclivities. B.ir4e, the 8 cretary of tvyit a nsw Ban,, a vraaftby tnercbht ofPbtrsdelphia, bat do doubt a Radical, but ot what type we are uuinfortned. Erybod know A. T. Stew art as the great prioca msrehast of New York. He it ippolnted to tb Treasury e. .w, -..MMa.a"M-u' oi. but hifberto not politician. J, D. Cos, It from Ohio, wa a general in ths 1st war, it well known about Raleigh, and has been Governor of bit Ststa. H it a R' pulllcaii, butewwsidnre wffragt. A. J. Citswell, formerly Uulted . Statet Senator from iUrylauiL, is a thorough going Hadi oal. lis is tbooght to be th ablest man among tlie appointments. Before tbe wsr he wtr Brecklnrtdge DeaiocrsL. He win not thought of as one of tba officers by tbe political soothsayers shout Washington. E. B. Huar ia reputed to be able, of a mild f'irm of Ssdicalism, and ia a Judge ot the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. Buch la the Csbtnetes far as completed. We are willing to await their action before we ooademn or approve. Wa are truly glad that tb venerable fossils aod ths rabid partisan srv been-left war, md that Cfraut has chosen men not certainly pledged to a policy illiberal, extreme and oppressive. " 77r? XVTa AMENDMENT. e A this Amendment totb Ooostitutlon Is o fmfueatly referred to in tb dlscutaiont of the day, aod, as it has just passed our own Legislators .ad both Houses of Conines. no doabt, by tb Leg. Matures of three-fourtbi ot th Bute, we Copjit fof rcfereuoa : .,..,.,', Artiol XV Th riarht of tb oittaena of tb UDitedMatee to vote shall not be de atad wiabridgied by th Unitd Statea, or by any Btsu. on. acooaat ot race, color, or previous eotid it Ion of sorrlted. Beetto a. Tbe Conaras shall have tbe tawar to enforo this arcteK by sppropriat legislation, '-'.rv .,.', r W blitrtbrsnndmnt will b sdopt- itd.' Tf iniy pfor a blttsr draught to many Jfortbari) State, but a tbey bar mad th foHi partak of iu acrid ingredieats, so tbam thslite t bow oommeuded to their KHjpk, 8ditaivsn ,- rtt it mDti JMslrunk. v. '.ij-tTstairy toTeuipaBy, w of tb kVntth Stan only rjc4os th.t, th ' pIaS meutincd hi a r.t,titi..rT ..: A. rJone,' Prtirides lor Biiritt efions Hti m Clitegbratfbm Isanng th nistur ot negro luni-ag!) Mtri Korthern Statu btt proved deceptive, and thai b thliaot ot Congrcs, ou! orethifen oeVond th line PAfi ws, iviiii w oocpi trie lame conditions that hate b thut thrust uritiertmoBioasly J.ilt.l3M'iartfc.ba4 jjmW tt.U BiU 9t:a mtMA'kfLAn''kJ'':"T-l sak-'-i . .A - -'.r iiT,-r;,ir ar'T;? ""! ""s "ss wbu snatv . jt t .;-; -: ; - si t m , i a a.t. . . El Preaident Johnsem has 'tAforina .rt.. eoninutsre appointed by tbedrj Ooopcil of .!.; -i- . . . . . .. ..-a- ti. k l ...... A rrfdlet Of Gr4t "L nam ot Wi1ton,hoold . Mioi tmtr iB tu bhb, after ere yr of -mjW tttat;k' b It nk'rttW-"hla-f.-.i iith.f tt bad jtyttrntysd, and U new flkelr well.' -;" "' .? ,. -xj. R, rf".' " ,1 Ji.ift .W !. tt . UKUatflre of Sort & Carolina. EEJfATE. aionT bessiosl. Brit. tVs S. 1 ' J " Th rrmimption "I t..chotal bill in otiler thf Question. rftarre t on srrjluug nui ctWn 104, and uimn tuit rao'ioo thai yens and nays wi ro call. 1, whnh resulted yras 2. nm 1 -n-o qtwUn, mig. ea.t , i the House n wade, with UJ eloed. TbroMe;lIm1'-Tit-' noted. A quotum now 1.luk liiw ot, the vote - M . . . . ., , i . llm 1 waa Rifem taken and r.-Uited id a quorum not Tittlna, urument -' Mr. Live then moved an adj whtch a otilpotrd (.o. A call "f 'tic Home. a g" mie wben a qfforurrj ani rpdli" Mr. A. J. Jonri m .verl thut i r ry elwo tee, witbuut a lawful ncui . h.r"niicd 9 10. and that the preider.t ' l in'tructed to withhold that amoum fmtn hi r dim, and, on that nvitb-ti, ealV-1 the y at and Oal, wbii-'ti reiilVel vpi I. tiara IS. Mr. ttrpfina ei.errd, arraigned for beinif ebwnt, and pt.-ad. l 'iite iiiwr. A inoti n o fiiiif Mr rtn-itietia was fltalr, and the yeas nd uayt demanded, which reu!tt'd jeii 2, niys if. Mr Lindray niivel to excuiw all arisen teea, whiih wa lot. Mr. ftweet wns ni It arrignl and rt-n d'-red rami-excuse vtith Mr Strph.-oa. (Je was rxciincfi. 'Mr. OsLorne w n'-xt arraifjne.d an 1 cave aa hi) excuse bu-tinraa Connected with the Henate. lie waa rxnused. The vote tif ng again taken, section 1( waa not strii keu out Yeas 7, uayt 28. The remainder of ihe nljfit aesaion, ex l.ndtnh( to lO ('ch!ca, a cmiieil in tlie further coniderti wi ot the noiioul bill. -The hill, aa a who'e, in obj. c. ionurW -to-botb parties Mr. Welk r, alouv, Chairman of the Committee ol Kducatiop, etmiug l" be ita atrongtat friend. Mr A .1. Jones irave n.'t're lint on tlie third read. tig ul tlie bi.l he viould tf. r a tubal it ute. On motion, ILc Senate S'ljourne.1. DOUSE-OP KEI'UErENTATI VE3. Ml. H r SEKSI'l.N. Numhv, March 8, Pursuant tn adj 'iirnmetit, the H 189. uae waa called to order at halt paaj..? o'clock On motion of Mr. McMiU in, the rulei ! were tusprnded, and the bill f.,r the pp.- I lection ol Planters, wastakeu up and past, d ! its several readin!;. ! On motion of Mr Sfalnnp, ti e rules w eie ' tnspen. led, and the lull icimrinK Judi;.a' Icjjfltnr tfTtrtttndrttrtfiWfriiVil Tiiitru.lsv . f the seeoofl w. t k ot tlie t unit and tor other other purposes, wat tHk' n up. j Mr. Jutlice, of R'ltlnrfo d, I the bio on the re' le j J. 8. Le irv, colored, calif t and uaia upon that n.onon. ! The call tninit la-tsiTod, called and the Hoiii.e -us'aMi ! to table, by a vo'e or e4 moved to lay Ct the yeai. the r,, was d tbe niotiou tiayi :W O.i motion o Mr Krrnr the rulen were srfpended, and the bill to amend an act ia tabliahi'ig the rate ot interest In the 8 sie. snd to repeal chap. 1 If, of ihe Hens, J Coie property eeeiptieB tftsrether with the v entitled "Usury," w taken up. 1 rious pinpnttd amendments, submitted a The queaiion recurred Uin a tubstitut j report rhereon. offered by Mr French. Mr. Mootrtaid at the bill had been most Mr. Melons moved t lay it on the la' le, ! thoroughly fliscuased, be did oot think nen whicb motion being adopt.), carried with iltmen od witi to debate furtbsr, thure it the original bill. tore he calltd tbe previous question. The On moiioo of J. II. Harris, colored, of c ill wet tuttaioed. Wake, the iuls were snapended, and the The question recurring Opon fh motion bill for the better protection o! Mi clianict J to concur in the report of tb Committee and other laborers, was-taken up and made the yeas snd nays were estled snd tbs mo tbe specisl order lor Friday, ill o'c nek. ) tion preTtiled by a rote of yeas 84, nays Oa BtntloB of Mr Himlarr, TTie rules Wor sospended, and the bill for the organization of the county of Orant was ti.ken tip sod mad the tp ciifufifer for next VVetlntsday we. k, 1 1 o'clock. On motion ot Mr. feiminr, the ru'es were suspended, a-.rl ti.e lull to pmvi letlie prooedtrre iu special nr. na.linut gem rally P. ..... ... mn-tr t,. an,, p.. ed Its second and il.ird re ad intra. On motion, the 11. usa tl.eu v journed. SENATE. Traana, Vfseeh o racn i. quorum being present, a call of the Hi"! waa made, and absent Senators uo'f,d- , . 1 he Smator from Johnston, being absent at -ne opening, but entering It) minutes! alter ihe Pr-aidcst Called the Hon.- In o.-tler, s motion was made that ho Iwn cued. Mr. Cook gave st histxruse, fh.t! he was in tii capitol, and at the Suit'e th or fin liiig it locked, and c u d n. t . n er the Chamber. He, however, did. not r.$ to be excused, if he bad violated a rule ol the thr Senate. He was, however, excused Mr. Weiker moved t., re.cind th,- reaoln tlon, adopted last night, inio,,,,,,,, 10 for unlawful absence. sWiier vkerflHmrfoti drfbii moTfSr- jnr. isssitcr urreii prouipi aiteiitiou to bus- inets, snd a pr. Dip: attendsboii of member. nnr. wnlkert motion was rol-,1 ot oruer, me journals not baving been had. lr. L.nve moved that further croc-elm.,. IB regard to absent members be dispensed with. Carried. The journals were then read. Sebator from Anson, Irdtn the Committee on Ftfi'auce, reported Isvurnbly un ttie at surhnrizing ths Commissioners of Oolow eounfy to levy a spicial tax. Message ffom the Hoiise transmitting certain billt paesed by that botisifd ing tba coBcurrence of the ti. ii.te The bills were read and referred to appropriate Committees. r . -Also a meeaatre ooncorrini in the sVn.r. smeoitnietit bill Mr. Forkoereavs notice of a bill to .r. ganiM n oepartment nl afrncultutw of tb Bureau Agwultur, Immigration and I tUVMKl'(e Mr, Iaijrs-r notice of s bill to el,.-... M Railroad from Greensboro' to ths Viririn ia State lin, to b known aa tba Central Railroad of North Carolina. Mr, Hayes moved that when the 8enste adjourn it adjourn tomtst st gin the even ing. Lie oyer. Mrv Lindtsy ratted up his resolution, in nu-iuar. vr at-nestisy ana r ridav Biulfta if . J - txr 1 . . . . ..." meet daily at 0, aod adjourn at Si o'clock Mr, Hayes moved to amend, bv striki.,,. out 10 A. M, and iiHarttug 11 A. M. . Mr. Weiker .ft r.s ... . ..i....-. meet t lib, A. Mr and- adTOtrrw at i ' '" n - v.i.r. . t . meet si, o, sou sui iurn at 10. P. Af V. Mr. 8 ephent mover! to amen I Mr. Haves M.A.tMA l. -..:k:. . . . . . IBI w ItrlKka.. f, ..-j . ...iri.uiurut was t new rejectee!, air. Barrow moved to ttrik oat to hoar for atlJoutBoieut-leating that to oircunv- tUDoes, , ' ..:.... ..... ., .; ( f. tl . . ... 1 . . ,, . . Xr. WiBstradtriiBdrto;ji. sorows uy " 'aoieT-wqjcajfuita, J It Bay .f'''., Mf, fiarruw' amendment was than ..). lu) Mm, A .V.. ..'...? . . . . C7 to, aw sua lesviuwtl WB adopted a t mended. .. j- ;.'-. : lBMtlo lttUwf o-dty vrs than lwtA-.-;.Bspaa..atHM.-ltt Biu postpoc ment. ,Prrild, .,' Bill anUtoiUisg tha Hoard ot Education ' to etl certain stocks, was read second tims n4 passed. ' . .fe" v The bill to probot 6oBStb!ea against ti'abiUty for failnr to , ooUect stale dbw, wa read Second tlais and lo definitely poat- - Mn tm askiid thtthTote btsmrpend ed and bit rewdutioa dVSoiDg what print ing ah al l b donej b taken o p. He waa opposed to priBtiattrfrsataeMi fft- oeBi wa enormou. and tbe extravagance i.ii(M;ld iis abated. There were over TO.OtW pag t of Bfelasa matter printed. TUe rule i f" ! 'ri ; ert not tutipended. Bill to orevDt tb itjoriBcs of State boada. r(Jd and referred to tbe Judiciary Commit- u. , i Blil to 'eod aection 68, of Code of Civil f Procedure, taktn bp, read second time', af lal " to tattle. nm wriejieai i ( n secuon, cuapiei Civil PrecedUre, retd tecond time sod tabled. , . r.cciai. oKDia, A Mil to amend Qde of Civil Proeeilure, ia regard to frer. wat taken op Pmvidi for the payment ot fees, of public offlccra, their dutiea, wbo to say costs in prosecu tion, Ac, Ac. Mr. Vbspas gse Dftic of a bill to coo struct a Kailroad from Plymouth to Wil tuington. ' ; The subject of eMtt in prosecotioot, rlii ited a ruuning derate, which was engaged in by M tars. - Ontorns, Graham, Davit, Weiker, Itenpasa, Barrow, HobbiDt, Sweet, tiiu.ffner, B ytbe, Brogden, and others, up to tbe hour of adj iursmenl, with mtitiont to amend rection and tirik out other. Jin a bill ot such vital importance t tb I pntiiic, without s knowledge of the bill, tb j render will not underspend tbe smeodmenta r to paragraphs, without having the whole j (Atttgrnph bl.ir him, therefore,' the ttt- j porter 11 .'ema it aariaanie noi lomyauiy 111c bill by albauipiiog tu give tbe amend- in' nta. IltiCSE OF HEPrlESENTATIVEa Tuav.DAT, March t, 1!69. H ue ca led to orcerat the usual hour. Prayer by the Rt:T. Mr. Long, of the ben Journal of yesterJar read snd approved. Leave'ot absence Was, granted to Mvaeii. ! II rnev and B W. Mo-ris, colored. ! 11 Mr L'laytou : A bill to authorize the ; Comiuiaaion.'rs ot iTrtntylvsnia County M , 'evy a p.cial tax. Lie! over. Hv Mr. French: A bill estabtisblng a rate of in'ef t . ltefeired. by Mr. Kelt), ol Davie : A bill laying off a pu'i ie road in the Counties of Davie and Duvida locoualiet, aid tocttablish a Ferry I!' frred. ijv Mr. Sinclair : A bill fo tutborin; tlie .uiisua.nmieri f Itubeson county to levy tpfiiul 'ax. Litsovr. n Mr M 1'oiie moved to recohsidir tbe vote l y lnch the bill lequiring Judget to hold th' ir t'ourtt jntll Tliuraday ol the second we. k of the Court, mil lor other purp :, n at. "1 01. the table. Alter tons! terable dibate the motion t reoon-idi-r was, oil motion ol Mr. Estes, laid up 11 the table. the 3jiet:ial lr. Moore, of Ohowtn, from C' inmiuue. to whom was re laired tin; bib lavn.a off the homestead snd personal The bill then passed Its third resding at sroeoded. Mr. Biwman, from tbeSpccial Committee raited fo report a hH twr the relief ot tbe jieople. submitted three bill whiob were or deled to be printed and made special order y, I for to siorrow, st 1 1 o'clock.. . j ...AWVkin. rectly enrolled. evenae bill as being cor- On motion of Mr. Gstling, the rules were. ! suspended and his resolution raising Joint' J Committee of teven to inquire into and exf-;- min9 " th Albem.rte and m, ueaspeette v snsi,, was, taken up. ! Mr Jarvia moved to amend by miking I the Committee two on the part of the House and one on the part ot the Senate. Car- ' ried. The resolution second reaitino amended passed Mr. Robinson movedfn amend by tsyinir that members ot the proposed Committee should not be allowed mm than $4 per day while actually engaged io such duties. CarriefL The resolution a amended then patted its t hint reading. The Chair announced Messrs. Qatlingsod Humphries aa .aid Committee. CALENDAR, "rfTh,lOTlTloD'"tliV Commissioners of Ricbmond county to levy s tpecial tax,'waa t"80 UP ttd passed it third reading by s vote i yeas io, nays none. On motion of Mr. Robinson, the rules were suspended, snd the bill authorizing the Commissioners of Macon county, to levy a special tax, was taken op and passed its several readings by a rot of , yeas e, nayt t. . Oa motion at J. 8. 4earyv colored, tb rutea were iu pen aed, and tb bill to char ter the Express Steamboat Co., was taken up and passed its second resding, and on moiioo postponed until Saturday next Oo motion ol J. H. Harris, uf Wake, ool ored, the rules were suspended, aod tb bill regulating the drawing of jurors, was taken uf . ... Mr. Procter moved to lay it on the table. Csriied. v J. H. Hrri, of Wak, col6rtl. moved to ""'lor th ToU by which tb bill tabled. Mr Downing moved to lay that OB table. Lost. the Tb motion to od. reconsider then prevail- On motion of Mr. Pou, th bill was re committed to tb Committee on Jodioiary, with iiittrtmtiont to report i at aa early a day at possible. On mbtam the Hsraa adjourned until to mo-row morning at 10 o'oiock. . ' '.l .-'-sWssS.ll.; ... . mmi, ' , Ther is in NasrjTilt. Tekli.. Wflrnan aif'd 114, who ha outlived three bust.sn.lt,' si inm ssryea .lBJjqft.rBVJOilUJ. y.nU for Vf Uos erriiwt'drwt penttons. Her nam 1 Dltab PM atiu.. flaaceadast and -hcr'-ttaltibfer a ... ji rv it ..a. . , , ,. ... a I u e-, tiTes witn nwr ,i.-.,i.,i pb:iof araoMi bail at Sew Albtny Auaiana, was rooaniaa a , woauio who sjTitanwMTWi ty sveegtng nt,.. ctret rnw wsssaixkB tvimj ngfnpum, . 'Vt TtrTijWGtVli Ljrartbwv Jffjijjjf yeerday ytT aiAif Oxford eholir nsmcd Wonlet Sssrecenfte iStihHJa. mA . .t ' if. .',.. s. r a saunausu tit ixoqter m opeOoariaQ starjxa, sad dedicated tb ottirn r-trr iom. Robert B. tee, tb motuin!j of Uvfo efmrn.nt..M . . A . atUlaU - t r . T ThRr. Jsme McCbaln'Ws v.ew.ul minittar of th Pftrtrin 'church at f AbiegdoD, dld tew day riDOs, ' ,.'.-,,-i'eTi ..W.-tn-,s:VV-74.J. m.'la S-ateavJlK Feb 34 h, by tbe Bev Walter W. 1'tt, Hr. l.b. JiMki to an. bu.i Huxaa la Wilmuuitou.oB ito Sh ett, Mr W- t. fcTr Tea to Mm fi 'toitijex D. Jht . daniinUf uf Wis. A. Wr.Khi, t.'! I j ; la Biitlirfor4 Oonmy, in the 2Ht utt, Mlaa 1. Utioi.t, ciaiiafer at Jainoa sod tlry 0ik.. 1 iw fuuMl aeeeaooa of the late To P. I)EViHi.ti 14., will tase p f at tile fcpiscoyfcl Ghutcii. ttiiM ujniuii; at 11 u'eioek. KEW ADVESTISEMENTS. a 7..i. a ..I. - f (1ST. beti the tJovenior'i fili'S. Sail. 1 J Eliilmille n.itel, a l.Ii. aiuall K'Uil w.'oti cliaiu aii't enaruia attebtl. 'J'ba tinder Villi be uit-abi)' rewarded by leaving tbe rue with the J'l.ipriet r i.f Ibe KiebanH. atireh 10, IHiS) 3 . 1WM liAtHliil BACOM d ',oi'Uiba. oacou anti M...k Miia, Arriving st Marih l-tf Ui-ClIl'Kl H A POnO'B. JAKIi: l.Altll! HUD! It) 000 Iba. Leaf Lard, 111 on, kega. bait bbla .n.l Heroes at riving Rt March lU-tf Uf'i'lirKCH A DOWS. c JFFKK! CoTPEK ! OOKFKK ! J.0,'-'' iiiu, Ijtgjirt hud Java Coffee, 1 1 ivmjf at March iC-tf V IVHUBCH .t DOPb'S. Ru,si KM-1N' HAISfSihi t it j W .10 hnxoa I.HVer Ha SI Jell iO-lf ... SM-U-lliK 1 . t lit Hi, rt .t tXidlD'S. :t.rivi 11 Fraee I Ik. 1 (Urd. i. 11 .en an.) IUI. e, . t'":i. i. i',.i ifl, (inn ( ap... ' riiieil Hameea lA'arlirti. (' im.r.. Sl,.,w Urn tiefc A e. I 11 i 1'ap.T X in Mi rob 1(1 tf I I Ml'I.F, 'i 'f I, U. . . .-ii HoNAl ll A CO. tii i.i; t S.llLi.S In ill h.i kl ot M -reb. "'I. .i: ri. iti. w a uirfi ui 'i.v K-iir n 1 iitleH!ioo!.'rfefe, ! uiKl.: ir ' I MAKK Ml I I Ne.ln.ni e.z. !l le 1. 1 1., i,in 111 11 --iheiiiiir mark s.-ow r- .eiiii.lihx th.. i-lli of a whlji h. wa(. , in 1, , ii. tbe dlrec- j lir ' tiuii at . Ub U 1- 1 1 ill of llil-t V i,;i!.i. win 1- oi'l fnrher r.. '"Very. rim, 11 haw ki s. lji.iarbi.rk. , I A reward of 1: Mar.-b in l j s hi: n r. i Tlie t Mb.-.. Ill r. 1 U..IIM- he '. I l'..S'i.-e T 1,0 ; Hi l l. K. I . I' Ihe N C Vliiliul t.l nl' e.H.r Hoi.lt' "I -ht rerr-' for tti' iu ihe I' t-('U ',.CE 111 aril'-1 - red. i ki. i: ri n.l t rio ; .,1 vlr, , In etilioi Horn U o! I, ee of h 1 lllll- -l.ill. ill . 1 I. 1! tb. I'' qilhhtt. n, .' el o I llfl II. ' 1- 11'tl eOf I.O r-M. Ol; 111, g.i. , -.f fl .ae. in 'lit litv iler-. of tbe lity or di-aiiiirovai of lite I pnl, !"l'l. we-rein tb' ill I ! .plead' n wli.jtl.M- tie. ..u of llaii.iitl. h;.b to.r nw Kinv i'll C a ami I'. Ll..ab ii, lli iiva..,,ar, slid for tbt ourc'ii-' e uie'it on- I iite olioirig act of the Oeileral Ai'nitil. of .North I'srolms. '. H li'Alilildu.N, ili.yor. AW ACT To BNABl.E T1IS ITY or HaI.IIOR TO BOR- aow Mobv r ia CtrarAis Peaj- siut. Tf' tinmal Air-, y . .'... r Oiro-'laa ea oet : .aoTl'iN'i liiai tot lb- piir)aen of payout priuient iiidebtedii. r, of lUe t.'ity i t tlalelKb, and aUo for meeting ib .'i)'o se of imurov.:.ucots to be made for th earn Ihr Tlty is hereby stltbor ized and euipowered to i ue boi.-.s severally of sueb pmuat ae.i.imii.atioit, ytile at aa.Ui time or Uaies teepet'tl., iy, urawiuK uilerest at a'ucb rs'e, not exeee.lu.K eilu p-r cent, per annum, iisrvsble lialf yeiifi)'. of Mtcu frm and twnor, snd 'ralisterable in s'.ieh aa- as ihe Board of Com -nn-slimers ul said I ll l.ali defcln uio.1 judicious The td bumla so lu be Ir.nued umll be disposed of upon the test lei ins piafi.' bio. Peoewjed Thai said bonds be ol the deie ttnnAtmn of ns b'lmlred. aud hre hiilnireil and one thousand. dkr, ri.'e."iive'y si.d in su.-li proportion a ri..t 1.W.I1 soH-it ti r ioe. n iffrv r It oilan'iid itul- Isrs and ihe b 'n. livi,it tueiitv vears 10 run. Hio. i I be I tbe Bonn! ot Donitnisaiiners uf the l it. of Kiti.u,, re herety HUlbtinis-Hl snd empowered, an i it anal! In- tb. tr duty, ui provide f i9S,)'""-": aa wen "I I lie prliH'ipal luouev as sis.1 in we acei.t-iiK m-rrest r :h-- boons to w laaued under ino puwer ki M.to.i in tha preitlm , aeeiiuD, by annuH.ly iaiiiR pi uvular ui..s for these special purposes ,. a the arsons snd subjects of -station on abicii ,si,l llosr.l uf Com mi.ioi'i- now are or heie..ftir may be author lied to lly taies, lor ant pnrpoee whn.-ver. ami snob tales shall bo cileel. d and specially- snd elolusively applied to the lieluiiou ajiti dis ctiartfllitf of the iuU-r..ot, and also ..f tbe prlncb j-al money of su. h bo.,.!., ami somacb thereof wnJ mn oe similarly r. quired to pay. such in ten at aad cannot be appliedm dlsctlarse of ti. pru.oliml uiouuv of said bonds, shall be so in. eu as pi .i.u. .oy upiii maturuv ot said bonds. For lbs ptlrpese of sseiiriiie the due inestuietn. m ti... amount to tie collected from yoaj- to year and an pbcable to Ilia payuielil of tba prill lpal mortev of said bonds, 'be lloare of Coiuansaioners afore, said shall appoint some suitable person lo be styled ''(,'ouimisBiouerot the Knikiur Fund of the 0 ty of liaeigh," whose duty shaft be, und.r such, ,sueraUs. yiditliti.san.ae eattt flasrtf of CouiuiiHHiou.ra shall trotu uaie to time pre scribe, to make inves trn nts of bo much of the taies oollecied aa afi.rea.id as shall be applicable " w ijiueut os me prin.apsl money ot said bouda, and to do aud pet form all auch other aarvioee in oonnectien with the debt of the Oityof RaleTKh aa aaid Board of ComuJ,.' siooersmay presoribe, and auch Otjiseioner' alia 1 give bond, aud reueiva auch eoiupeiiaation furiiissarviueaasaiud Board of Oommiasioners may determine. , Heo 8. That uooe of the bonds authorised to be Issued by the first section ol this Aot afisH bsi rttaposedof ettner bf kale, eiohaugs or other wise, for any. purpose whatever, other than that declared in said section ; nor thai) any of eaid bonds be applied either by sale, exchange orotn-erwl-e, In satisfaction, diacharge or renewal qf any ons of tha class of deuis rrfu red to ia aaid eeciiou. nnttl suoh debt shall have been ttrat duly audited and approved by tbs Board of Coiutuia auiners of the t:ity of Kaleigh. bKo 4. The provisions ol this Ant .hall h..t,. aUtted tos vme of the qo.lnied voters of the ,WJ v ".leisjir, atau eiecuqn W to be Held at the t.ouit Uousti in said City, st S day to be deauiux noi be less than thin. dTrauw ibe ratitoauou of tbia AoL Those approving ths provisions of thiaAat shall Oepoau. in tlw. ballot-box s'sUu folded containing the printed Or written word "Approved Tboee disappro.vng ths saute ,hij deposit a Uka ballot with tha words "Hot An. qnaJihed voters are In ikvor of vivmi tai' AJ unsshater authority to Issue the bonds of tba Oily M msmuoued in thks Act, aad Ukswiaa-to levy aud collect tlieneaiesaary taies to pay Ihu ,n. iTt?'ZfSi..T, bve m n-K - . : - -"-I j .iu voters thall-.'vose "MS Approved then tbi. Act ah.il k. 1 fcea. ihoee qu.hned te veto tor aVsyoraad Cont nuaaioaers said tils ana nooT tbers, shatl be allowed to vote, and the !." iru. .i..n JIT un ........ a.,i.'iLa:".-rr.r -'.- " umier sucn ruies aod. ree-uW- . . T. . " eiee'lBO W CIVB Otfloer. p r twentTrtrjr osaistsnwaMii pouiiaa m iik sssnnsr a notiee- fat UlaaVAsaWaWUBk. aAahaii . k. .. . MO a. The Comaoaanmeisi of iv. ir-i S .vet.rS, sSd t. take all niewaraa tmuTJa sua.gviiiajj w. sweisisa as OUUtSaa ia this Act. Itaudtal Ibis M daj of Uavrb, A. 0 3. b..i... )... HA A.m -a. . , . -TTL .. . 'i " fH'II Sf4,h- krV" f- r -ri ut qous, '.'.u. - ftTiTEKt.RTBCABOLrV.t,, , a- ,Cwsaios4iT, urntrt. t 1 V w .''AAfarx-AJ lftk, -1 I . I. HMlTf J. MnNlilIitr.tr M..e-4.. -.'..,.' mtt . ; .. 1 - , . ... . , , ... - -. . , , . , m. iw. nnund mm . OOPF " in .mm " mawvm bio sa tn a outoa). - u. 1 ' ..' H A K.'t L . M .r 'Jl-.i we- .sailusiL .... i I ll ahli h..Sk. 1I10. o .K. u " -" owy-Ur xn ant m &jLfc ZrTl ( l.MMmLWWU)W, t- - - Vital ' lb. !, dally f r weotTd,r.,7-,,.,,-lr ft- OO: - MISCELLA320I7S. N J. w Bai tnJ. m a4tras trie etiis-nt or ftrivllle county, on KsturHay, kUrch litita, at Ueuiiwaun. - Ml fiuuida aud.iiiuimuia are lu.vited.ut ha pint moL. ' march 8-tt 'JJ U irt -tw - rfmtivm,. I lb" North Carnbna tnuw i tfajir o!f. t" 1 I. .ud tVminnv hit TUChttt U.U.I.. lu cijjh, .n.ri n -tr : rrHE hum of it. u. Co was a co. w'thia I da Uia'UeJ bv uiu Uai couiulit. l.r. kumeroii aud llin will elooc 'be bimii or Hie j(i w cAti:u).v. t dibltf H.ttlU,. -Tk. ieiiiiBH fte-n HuTiSIw' HI 1. 1., ami wi-i . unir llin name ol l.A nr. jto.-v s n LiiMimaa at Ibe ui.1 etami. No. It! N..rih V"tel j:Mt:n U HILL. WdiutnKtuu, N. C, Ma-reh Uulel.-li VhiUmibI Hank of North lHrl!nur ffB IBE WUEtrrOKB v r..e.leJ V liiereaae l.k( ll I lltll ai.MI DOLLAHrt. l'lm Wmlj I.H 1 ki.na. 1-l.M.a .if lU c is ii.g in iii-enb to ibe same will please eninmu uifslewiih C. UKWhY, Ji.DW.rf freai.ient sa .-.landai d and Ei'isropal Melliiiainl, liai eiigi. ; J.nirnaJ, Wliiiiln Ion; fcurnaj i Com me.ee and Times Nmluirn; lJinia-rat, iir ...I'i , l'li-eb l-rimi au'l tiff, Wsett,,i.lo ;tinl Nort.'Htate. halisbtirv : .News arirl tv.nef r A-lo- v.lle, ami li.dLS, lu-iid' iwiii, (Liraimlle Intel B. iieei . ViVliMiKtou S ('.; and e'ulid X irl 10'. e..v "uce week lur bw aud awid t lu ll..ua. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, F02 PIBIFVLNG TIIE "BLOOD. tl'lie repulab.'k jl ex. eeUeul kwii. tile eutoys, k. U.-10.-.1 1.(1. II- . 'ir..H, m.ui) ol' lil Ii are ol a UHI.V liiarM'll.'ili. ' Imr tt. li'r. tiiveleni'e . !... if Serortiia. alieri. tbe rfulem rtsline! ulle. ly ' iveu up to coriiii'lioii, mvc vleliled ti rlii- eoni- j pouibi Qi anll...li-HlHma I vntiie. IilitiiUer.- or a I serer,ul"!ii tyt.-, and. af. ft., lifli! wbieb are inerelv 1 arsravated lr Om presema of sirululuu.. matter, h.ve been xdi"lb' owed in ;eh iHi"i-ro- m- aan.-M, m evert' M'ttleoient In Ihe emintr..-. that tbe iliiie do not n.wl to 1m bilornie l heiv Uua it la la j laort eno a speoiltc ami ah-ioluUj ri!iu.l . Heii.mluiiji polmni I "' of mlwl destnietlve j enmniea "fotir wr .)ltn. till" nn-eeii and irnfett tei.ni.tof thatjivnulsni u.i. terminer llie o.,nslu.itl.m. l:iniieiSe.ituie.)reniei;iiin!"i ...1..1 With ttt cxcitlim A ftl!rtilfH-n m If - prrr-M". It itv'iit- ti brit'il ifiiurUuii Uiro ilidlO'ltill'' b' . ..m,H '.vim i i' in CH'l,"l. I !' tun. -mi i nther "f Wa liliieous fOraaa. fit tier on tha 'irff !. or san iia si-' -'iwu. m ""--. few .nrtftfttte rtimnirtr-n rn Tne rnnffi. I...n t. ...... Ibrm'pil hi tlie liver. These facts nmkti die teauiaiil use ut the Har'aparillm n a preteAUye, ailvl.alile- H i.- a ml-take to sitjiposc that -n Inn as nnertin ti..in ..r liumors arawar. there tun t lieiiostauluious tsiat. Thsxe loi-ios sf turaniwmeut may never oc to , and vet the vital l'ot-ee ,.f tb tely I"' ra dii '..t 'o nil -ntdb. aireiiev. as in-it.-iinlly tolmpnir tb l.rtiilth and shorten Us- ii-ii-:ite.n of lit... lit- a omin rnir, al-, U.Hl ,' loHila is lr 'tlj beie. Il ls .. Ii doe-., hideod, leseend tVotil paeesit to ehlht, but is al-o pna-eii'Uired tn iKirsona biiru of puie bl'ssi. Lo hvmit. iii'be'e-tlou, foul air, Il.'.iuUoua bairil., mi k-anliness, and the denn-sstnit vt-es av-if er.ll V, lewltiro . Vl'esltri- cnnstHllttnnS, 'Dcrc Hot formled bv tlio ni'i -t eoii(ani mid jmlieintis eJtre, aiv pe uh'.iily linble to n. V.-t Hie rolwit, aNo, t-l.rjc tiii-l.t'l tilo'wt swelts the veins wttb an appftis enttv eantterJilt viuktv, am oiteA twnta initiate 1, Sil'l on die road to Us conseuuen - e. Iiid-vl, ni elu-,s "r ' 'iiKinlon ran depend on itnnitnitty from ll, nor feel inseUKibls to the importance of na eaeo luat re'tiedv. In Sr. A 'nthnnm'n Fir, Rose r Fru'lplma, fhr t,8r, ir IHiiini, Sesrf.l ITimd. Rinf ae.e, Sarr Kan and Ki-es. and other sruptive or visible farms of the dlseaees eaused primal lly by tile BCrofulons Infeelion, the HtmamarHttt Is so er AeieaS aa Ik indttperutaula. And In tlie more concealed fount, a. ui Dt?Bpep0im,Droptf Heart Xit-fMe, e'ifs, Kll.ps, SrumlQla, and other aJtaatlon of Om museular and nervous systmna, the HanupariUn, thnnnrh its purifviiiu powtM", ra mores the oause ot tlw ibaorder aoa peoduoea aatdn lalltnf cures." Tba sni'jaiarlUa met of tbe tropins does not by stselfaelunts these loatilts. Jt Is aided by tlie ex tracts eomhlned with it, of still sreater power. Uo potent is this unton ef ImsIIuk virtues, StthifU or Vmtreai a id .lfeeceetMi llla-wi are cnce.1 ny It, ttieutrb a Ion a; time Is re'tutred for subduing tit'so oestlnatenitiia'liesuyanyiiie'Utnua. tawrriiaw or Whites, t'rerins tvlces-isl-ie-. Sod Femaia Dlth ia irencral, aro ooimnouly soon relieved and ultlmarelv '-t..ed by the invlgornttiw and puri rVlnu etTe-I otour 4esflHweii. HAeMmfsrissm and (ioHt, otUtiideia-ndttuto-itlte aocumuljitjostsof ai-.. - il -eo n In the blond, have their remedy torpallty, tanamin.-ttion, "abeess, etc., caused bS" rai.kliuit poims m the btood, we uuhesltsilngl rs.''itnnntel tlie .StsesvrsHtf, 1 hi. iiie li. mo restores health and vigor where no siic'irt'' disuse can lie disrinirtiiilmd. tts restnra tfvc power Is soon feu by those who are tnq,,il, lAtlmn, UammoiulnU, tttmrplrs; sod Blletl mirJt Aeerutss Avprmhemaiont or Fesrs, or silo are tr.i ibl.-d Willi any oilier of those sfiex-uone symp tomatic of weakness. Many, sfler taking- it lor ral u- hUilu, have wrltttm us of ilia youth nil viiriir impar'.-il tn thnir nervous svstem, whioli seemed hm. runt with that proline life tliey thou.Oit had d'-psrpsl cm the advatu-si of as-. Others, whose fountains of life were iHwaya sterile, a.-kmitvledin their obligation Ui it tor an eurious ctasnge. kstlnate Binia-Ues by any medicine. Xeaeorrw j Ayer's Ague Cure, War S'evee trss. TlU.i sultte-nt tav, wmr, sun s ever, ssemirteat isnir, wianan Mn. S-ediMlll al or Hllaaii v.r, , isatl taaia-ral aall ttao aT-. saw a atrtM rroaas a. -altar . awaraa, sr aMasastlc psiaeas. As Its asms Implies, It dues C'wrs, and does not ..... vu...ii.iui( neiiiier Arsenu , tiiinoie, illsmuth, to....,. afii uuiiiir.jinittia'tM wpotsasawsa sssni win an er, it in noWIW uiliuua any tiKtteni. ane Bumoer and ImiKirtance ol its cures la the afue dis tTi.:t, sre literally beyond anootint, and wehebovs wiuioiu . paratuH in me nistory or mMthvine. Our prklels punned by the auknowledatewnts we re ve.veoi uierauiuai cures eirncu-d In obstlnste and where other remedies h1 whottr failed. Lnacolimiiserl persons.' either reskleait In travelling Uir.iuni. iDiasniatic kicalltiea, will be pro w.i a.... in. - . v f'nr. oiuiT. ror Mese CotisrtsitNfs, arlatiif frosa aiirpldlty oi tne liver, It as an ejua-oei t rstnedjr, suinulsllnjf ue ,. vu. i.lo oci. nj ttcMYilv, Prepared by Ih. J. & A'vsra A Co.,-Practical u ahuvw iu uwavsjuMiia, aUaa-aaU-att round the world. viuce, $i.o6 rxm Boirtk, . . . SOU) BX - 1 WILLIAMS ft HATWIOD, and P. F. PKSCTJD, Ka'eigh, and ail Llruggists and D.siers everj. oaa an-eouwAs A "OTHER CO.VSlftNjftUT OF MtHH, CA V. Uwba, BoupperBong and Clinton Orspe vrota; , ,v , r 5 OB BALE. ns MOTl'fTAT?? TTVfRS-B "msTtrl oint ro no. n iuw Heat, ana wnite frrrs ' " V . ' ' W. H. JOKBSAOO . . ... . . , . i , A1C4.C9 atarch tVtf ,. Aaotina A) Com, jtsrokanls. POB BAUD, Rr.?? 5 cnP Crockerjr. Samples now OB 4Xlll htf!li tn n nn afnma T . 1 " lak. twl - -WrH. tonwt ro.. Aitetton aad Uotn. Herabapt. 's'. '-I 'IP ,.. ,,,, ,V, ft lBW;''0rTOflwthr best sristyV 1 risks! sVW.I.-. -..A ... . J --w . vvuvw. jmu mum twrn mtmsmt mm 'J t4 ' f :TITBlOKACH A rVl'n. .i I 11 ill 1' k. 1 V " v. oia"nst,ii si sjiy, TTOWABB'i.' C; FA M ILK acat lwr irrads ATLat Boavf ts Alaruh o-if - as sua carrels sold by . "..-' . (ll '..v , - "tS . I ( ruatBai.t amour, BOuasvI cllAiirjrvrTi. rsr'-W 1 ' Hation of Ilea ,trareUnf pi,Uo t v tr lfVm' Mrs. KW S lor1aorly3f Cs.mpsj.1y JSbtipa Hel.- -M jerms-inrsrerilB.' 'Ji rsement eri.lw. ...i...i. - As -vrws Kaowsssn" 4 nndac the direction of the sstu aan esanrpviswd ex-nrinio-. . .1 u TT'. J!" "w to be- footxt the Sootb , it is riVAeom.h'e to ak for it a stare It. MMh .. . AM. ..a 1 ' . I , . , . ' f.a-v vau aua teat frj. Uecla- S5H'P1S TATrAlTrr----- .. .-iUMAmTOJt' Ineome frets RminiBnu. J 'L, --'', -liiisitti fioui IuUiriit ' "MIAb jP4 Inttaa tartfc year '" '''"' a - laaeapabl, ' K' ,it5 liivuleodt paid, , IW,; Total Lnv;deol. paid uo data, . ..l'"in h will.be seen from the aha...?.I,'A aud that Om rV. S? tl.au tb it-ia u.a. r.m iS tw, St..isk, nrujoat or vJTj? w immh .at iMjua oflsra .e..T". mZ oflsgttTiSZ2( .rf vremtama vol diTkleiuU .rzrr'?W IPnaE Premium, ih Ima"- lllliinM. h em be plamle aeo ik. . ,c.fc Hooe. not deem it bee.!- rr'r't promiaea of wbat tbey laraep dJo.Tlf P sure iienama o auv jj.0 Ill a n SWt, aU its poflcleVnot,. St., amount alter two or ihru ''. w ut meiutier, ttua Oompanv has tlfrt kmL ' has tiM aaL r w e"ry tiou u ilaiulilii,t March 8 tf General tvt, Fall and M inter ImtMMS I800. sea ntlXIVERT GOOD,!, IIU.BOSS, 1EXMM.K8 BtBBCJMV J5? 8ILK8, 8ATI53, TEL VST ! FANCY BONNET MAT! it,u iHAm tirti .:M( H VlltUFL'Ull ... w,. 1 ""ft"' MiJSJIcH FUJWEKH, l'LCMKa '4g8 Mum. ' --:-y7T B0NSET8 and' lADIW SlTg i oin, wi.t, VELVET aaj .v. it . ..." ""NIHMUi.h """ largeei ana neat tasorUi ml u a laiwt tm-Z L..licauut?ee. "" variiM ARMSTRONG, CATOft A fjtf nan and -i si-i.. . Feb, ilS-lt - mwmtxw frrttt, i axd veoicuct, ft y HOLE SALE DBTJa TBABjpj JORDAN 4 au, UltUGQlslfa, f reatMre, . Wesktaai.;! PETBR8BUBe,f A 1 1 me pit asnre In offerins to the Herrt.u.4. at. """, fiaauira and the pnUUsMtaaltoit ifc K linn-, isortii t-aroona auu i taiissass. sos of isa uie-t extensive and completa stoeasof . J lUHt l.il. ME&ICISi E. FAOtl, I "sr.uanes, uyejtr.Wntotsi Was nruaiies, uotuns, rsuoy and ZuUst Spioes, Herfumery, Kosps, As.asu svw oftered in ths tMaOtera KM, s Dealers and the pt-hoe are eoniiatfy ttntMii call and exanuns their stock lad srms. Dec 1 JOHhUJ CAtit .. . 'j-li e CUT THte BET AUjAJAt, TTJBNJiltU NORTH CAJtOUKA AIJfMM for tsVH has tne Mtatat CtoveniastBt is till; a.i tiia Oosrta ; the Militia tUatsia i fustssi Kates: Scale of Cefedsirate btrrm-r' H,. st -ad Ijw ; Lium ui btats Ooosutuiirsi j hm . " wmm wo uavrHt ana vmeert 1 t aWst l coipts Auavuotes, a,Ae , mttlitrif ft tbs a m oomplete aud valuable Almanao svsr ntblUbsi Prioe in cents per copy. One doaea 8 staiai Hs f groaa M,(W. Gross tTOO. ii J mngle o, piss sent by mall oa reselnt of sias. JAWEttH INNfe,r Pubuahsr and BoeksrSst, Y.x-tt 'UI WtwA hi Ha HENRY W. MUrjCB't, BOARDING H01JSE, OOBSKB NSW UK Bit ASn rlRSO tTtllva, BALEICiU, N, Ca ' V,-, Jan 1-tf 1" I'M ' tTv. moss; WATCII-MAKLB AND, JIWELLES, i t -v' "Jx!iU xttlrunc-sa aa las J. A. Piore lormerlF ooettuied h ft a. Ko"t, Kau. bON, aoduowbylai; ft l.tjUf. No. 9, Iat Jida PAytttrili 8L 5 dmirs 6..1UI1 uf the State Uotue, witsr. as st b pieaaed to serve his bieoa SBT tat pitiui "SZZ, ' Vsiur f o . e...l.... s. a Naw vssixr V l 11 cutis m UlUSkCB t OMKXTLY. K X PE CT S n "DIKECT FROM CARDEHA8, -' '. . G 'HOOSEB "T. 8. ateOLISIXAB" srith'4 kj i.iunos., ueroea, WbWay 5,, CHOICE MUSCOVADO KOUS?!, In 1'IUMB KEW PACKACES. ', ,' V Attention of dealers Is called ttfths quality sf this cars-o.at betu. HUPEUOB toatiy la panel .this season. .... , , : F w sale io lots to sntt, ky 1 - - tr ' . (Roocessors ta B. H. Cow a Cm.) 4 General CommlAsion and Shipping ! ohtvnts. , V ,v, . ' ' '""- - -mi s.irt-ti AGENTS T01 ly M Davis A Son'. fl.ihrt Ta t aalakratsl .Cbfiwiug Uibaeea, - 1 Lister Bros. Super Phosphtt of Lime sat aWt ' are. . - Vulcan Iron Works, Riohnood, Vs. -i ', Ci'iS'i lea Super I'oosphste, , . , tSO. VT. fATEi3" j-. - -., .- - JaSi h. hjll. ' '' jjSo ki N. Water ISsrestV March f-tf. !,.f '.rWiiauBgtM, h ft J . .;' V ;' THE iiVLBlilCAm -' A TBItrMP fJF MEcaASICsX' dEJnCf ,' wassiiiTSDrosTHats rtaas, . mHIJ MACHINE will rns sillier backward T X f-'rwsrtf with equal faciliiy ' makes tfesautt stish as bv baa. 4, bat far so perws- is evsry n spset. WiU knit ww.oe atsjtjH t . ssrttBia aoFEItt't.Cl' KUIUL, Jsas. . J err in4 on the instue of tbs Work. , t I It will knit a wur of fluwUhtwIa test fflnislf. aa bear ix will knit CLOttlt 0 OtS.fi. rLAis OR KlHBKO WOkK .Oh ui. feud si l Au aaiileB ..er.. am ..lit. nr ItlMSL .'' On receipt oflat.OO ws wui ,'ur wsr (J s ordered, - 'r- -: ": Oi d rt left with W. H. CTOW, vast Afts m tha Aiuas iiMtirauoe Ctk. will OS aSvsesis r : Wren t-tf , , M , j. . . , t gt0ABAJIDM0LA8S,jt .. .-c -.1.1 Mils. lnsi nfaiTrraAaa. si tOrTISt. MtRKaf FBiOH - -s t Unas. Clubs Molasses LOwVj .' :i' " . '" ,,;,loasJe bj......r , Ifareh 9-tf Fvottvui a as -KtAl POTATOES. ? Hairiton Potatoes, v , tVhite Meroar, j, J. ' Dykeissu, . '. sr . & '4 ! t'saoh bJiv rr i. miaji v,fn ,ru esve reir"...'-" ' ' : .".' For sl v '..., Mrroh f-tf i -" DOUULAS Bis ...... " L .: aflvtt )T-t,M t-A" - - 1 "f t t( ksOFT II AT..'.v h'F Alpfnt. Tourist, Osb. FrlB n tsteefp - ,;uatrlv(lpr EsprswJ. . .. . '.Mi.'''5:4-3:c. - s ec - --rs tit i- i Je- a.- "a.n-b'C- f ' ' " I M " 'A VsSrM V Z tTA,$- W-B- T - - f ' ' 4. m '..A W l,litf! iS..lSw 4fl i" t 1. ;". 'j t " ' I It t r.

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