j . - :' N, v . f-r: -- -- -- - . .rrtf .- ;im: ; i . K.iJi 4L...mx.JT. & .iji.j. --i-k - - - ......... 11 yuij.. if i - it i THE SESTINKL. HOt'SE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I: Wwi Maick- 14, tttng. PursoSnt to adjouruatoot, the Hous wss rtiu-d i ntitpmMlwH .t,"i '"- Osinottod Mr. B-wuuu, th mk wt .-..fcmiKi.f end III lilt) regard to " pro oeedieg before Metns. w taken up wd paed its second reading. ' 'lataf HtKf Mtendment the mi pad its.iUi4')WJ-f, y ''. nays 'rlTtowinM moved to r.eonide the vol j,l taken. Carried. .. - , Mr Bowman hen . ffered a amendment providing tbet the opcrabms or thi hill ctwll sot fiV-tnl to, proceeding by attsch--,n( or arrl and but. Carried. The toll khVe pASSti.t i' od ndiag. ' On nuii uf Mr,F.oi.b, U iuli-t w.re iiuuemlrd nd tl b'!l u l;'CrjorU the op. . ih-qii't'i'O nourred upon ci.ponrring in ll rtpurt i tli Cimiiiiitte vrbicb Urikw ut MClioa S . of tbe bill appnipri- mil H.5(K). Tl. J- nd luv wer tailed ',1 thHoii cncurrtdMi tb re- ..ww? '-' " ' - Mr. Freocb tb fl rred ubiitnt. Af.gui Uogthy delte th vholv iiitrr relmea To" tti Cnmmhtw mi AgticuUui!, M:hnic ol Mining, itli tn.iroeiH ti ffort oo Frid otxt Ob motion, tb H'n tb l)arnd. 8KKATE, I Wkdmbdai. Mrcb 17, 1849. Ut.'Bit ia"lr6itr'':i tt Comaiitte a Iiiutb! linpromeBts md repwt Um bill turnbt tit Chtlim Rwlrod OonipMiy to enttinlet tt R", fith tb fM,iBg amendment, to iin S : TUat belur tha aid Cbathim Railroad 'wMey ahail mR or Kit toy portion ot tM 4rt mt'jrg bod utboried by eo tij 1 and f ! tbii act, thy aball dtdta datb Public Trnrei atro- d mongag Bpoll titeif t, bth real an4 eraooal, wWcbthrytoay hav of may harati ac ilr, bet ween th e ty mf Kaluga aod tb lnmmu ! W U Uoad, at or near Cta 8, C, id round jBrtKK bond to is a I tKr WhpMjta, tb ' jartjitB now fceld by tbe fitt beartnft tlx intwt pibl in Jb Bi iaou,i,tjv..lij'.'.'l. .,.( .- ' Mr ttffr1AlMg;CT,lt5?' rtpoft.d back tb I tUw tu , tb Cut- YtiiiJ Ruilroitd. Mr. A J- JoWa, frfilH tb Commtttr on UlioiBK w Agricjaltorr, wprtd back th Mil to incorpomt tb New Hnnevcr ' La- bJi..' and Krowr' Ai.Iatl.. Favor , blj. ,., - 0 motipn of Mr, B.rrow, Wnv of b a raatdk.tnw Sanatur Iruni Bertl. , s ut ihKnait iwriod. tiaUt nod ntwtJ ' . Uondat nseKt. .... V .. i ' . Onuwtion t Mr. Hityr, kiTol beooe -wm gristed Hi. BlytbaT Mr, Moorr, of Ctft-ret, (rv noflo of a iill to provid 6r th icuon ol Commie- n of Navigation, Ae. - v Im m tkntiea of , bill' to lapower th county of Brunswick tohvjt 11 tX.i. , . n H in mi nhtir nf a bill In loror- III I I II I I II p III . ' torata tbi--rrmauiSLunilniBny of Vl.ib nm1ma. to be hCald t tJolTB Ur Rmbm nUdoc4 bill t imprwf . tli Btat Canal, fewling Irm Uk Land ip to Yeocki-g Crk. In Bydn mnty. Mr. innodooed resolution pr vidtng lor th iy f ib Conn f- : tointd to loeat tb Penitentiary. John Hyintuveobwed, Introduowl tmo hfioa, rMjtliring th President ol th 8i.-' Twfe1nrartWrenwtXiUe to iort oa etrtam biWUnvtbtlr pol. al o early day. The rtmlotl n paKi, and thePreMdeottorthwitbwad tin rnjurtt. Mr. Krpv iotrodooed a rraoluiion pru-i .l th affair of tb pldon tympany. " 4 On motion of Mr.'Gmbwn, it wderi d that th privet Calendar b prioted for J hM of tb rWoU',nr1 Friday night. ,; Bill m titled Proeoediog upon ImptMb. eittWugtd4qd !, fl Mr. Orabam moved it potpowmnt till UolDcntit. SiHgrtl In,, and tb bitt pnwed. . ; V 't -TTrr.n t. Cook IntltHluW n resolution Inatiroct . Ing th Adjutant General ot tb 8tt to auk a rroord M mob oOat-r nnd sol Jitf rU tvd w Ik into nrar, nd o furnish Mx!h omow- on soldi or wii priir te timisial oT parchnseftt of hi renord, with V.'K'acipf ltnattt thn C i. ; Amiy record txhil'tta, v , Bona bill in,rKard to halt enfuf road .' M IIsm ndjpnawd,' J " , i f Mft ivafld tb ittentloa of th Ben v titiw Urso wnonnt of., os-l fublto priattwr htett wjul ksing ex-utad,, nod rwd ibrt some eeuoa h taken to ntop ia eleaexpradiinrc of th pnblio B0ey. The school bill Uken op. , ' - ' Mr. Wolker offetexr - nbtitVTwhle) 4 j M10 ' , - w J- M-0 tt tdopiioB, Mr. Moor eall4 tho prwoiwitrmH nd liMs snbrtrtuto m -dttd. . Tew 41, ny t.f- " w a i h Kilt th nn , and won csltwi, tad resulted, v. ..Pending th ermsideralinn of lb bill, kn toiling scene took plsc In th Beoat. v J B) Wave, Mr. Love wan uplniniug why . ifriold not vrite M tbe bilk -- - . " Mr. Moot arne to a point of Wdr, r fl Mul Mr ivwiiAnotcofiulug,imeW,i K ' tbe subject before the Seuato. . .i"-; Mr. Lov niuid, the SeHinmr ftm CtrttM . knew nothing td tbr iutert Ol the psx-pl ., , , i sortn t,ar- una, niai u. was a sucjo "H"" i ttf her. - i 't ' i ,' 3 't ' '- Mr. M.hi, ttstug raid, Mr.Lov(Wn 1 t )ar t , . I ' v V ' 'i ' - Mr. Love wplie4, yon nmU4 lir,4 ' iiut. ab-hl , - ; ThPrMident cTled,tb gentlemen to td r, and dir-cel the Clerk to tak down Uw aixUsOi tbs feV 4Uirsv-nfi:b waed'flev , Mr. Forkner wed 1 t,st ,l,e Mtr to t Uasmntr td !bre,.l PrtyaUed. i ' ' Me.. Fo ktur. csliffm nnd Harrow win were apiialn4 aaid Cunstiit ; faiX JWawJAiia. mdApfcJiv.s.,i'!oMg, nriaVp ctioirrnc.' A m ig tiiet, B Hep rt n collect. Meser.' (MtKjrne, Unyen, F.vrw .itt--tirshsrn. f,iiter . nd mr'i uo4.-- , i ' (. .. The reventM bu wan then token np nna considered, by sMtioua, np U titO; bow of auonrBOteat ) w'closyk. . MQU8E QF REPRESENTATIVES, WnMi,A, 5ich 17, Prayer by tlie tier. Wk flicti.iisiiii of the Houn. Jnurnajof jttdy read ami ajipruved. Mf -Htentnt Will' IIib tS.miaifiee o En. raiment nporUid the lollowiB'g, a bfing correctly enrolled to-wit : Bill in relatiua to tb Western' Turukiue Road. .Bill in relmi.m to pmrMTty litloairinir to tij Board at fiduqaiLu. ' " Bitt to Incorporate lb S iiut IIaud Maiiu fartioriog C' nipaoy. Bill t atiJ an set to u.tkv bnnk bilb set off. Bill in favor of .lountban Mann late Sher iff (eHnly Courrty, Bill to ioctirpurate Tabasco Liwlge of A T M, Bill fo- (be reltif of the Sicuritee of (4. A Warren, late Slieriff r-1 Ni.r'hampt'on. Bill to tranaler to 'he cuyn'y of Mi nt (fomery that portion . i tl.c Kayrtteriilt! and Albrinarle Plank Koart, thi it ithiu the limits of tin. aturmui l county. Bill to incoip rate Ca.tl Havne Vine yard Company. Resolution in faror of K. Murr U Sliariff , of (main county. Bill in lavor ot tlie late Phcriff ot Yad kin. Bill to previ nl tli sal- o spirit u liquors aitl iu two mrl a or lens of "R.lig bam's Scb.iol.j f tieaar. Hqjtb,,of A.bphnoyand Smith, of Wayne, rtconird tuw in the nrga tive upon the flue, nib roustiiutioual Amendment, Meaars. Wbite, Gilbert and Ktillf y. recor ded their votes in the affirmative. Leaves of absence were grunted to Messrs. Buddie, Thoniptou and Id a. Mr. Dixon, Irom tlie Committee on Ctlm,"reportd orjfivoi at)l ; Upon Tjlll allowing pay to ptrou ami jutice lor laying off honieetetds. Bid placed upon the Calendar. Mr. French, from the Committee on Counties and Towi snip, rep ire I a nomlirr of C'uimtWi, from wiiicu uo rupi.rt had been rtestve I. ' By Mr TenUI : A bill to allow the om. aiiasioner of Yadkin counly 10 levj a ape cial tax. Lit over. By Mr. Vest : A hill to furninh County Commissioners with tbe Code of Civil Pie eedure. Referred. Mr. Estt-s Irom (he Commitlce on Fi nance, reported favorably upon tbe tot ow ing bifls and resolution, vis : Bill regulating tbe issue ol State bon is. Bill to levy s special tm kit Beulort county. Relation in favor of Jwyiiltf, ef Msoso oounty. Placed on calendar. On motion of Mr. Biilley, th rules were suspended snd ftteMII in rfnr.l to levying s sueetal tx tor Bvsulort couuiy was takeu up suit passed its mooud reading by a vote of yea 81, nay none. 1 On motion ot Mr. Moman( trie rules were ueded and the bill to allow ! tie OuwmiiSiuHSra ul Mi'io-ll roomy to levy a special tax, was taken up, Amended so as to inclnd Yancff ciMinij, snd passed its second rssvdiiisj by sT VOtaof yeas 88, Dajs none. By Mr. Whit : A bill to allow tb Com mlasloner of Petquiutan count J, to ivy a special tt. Rlrred. ' By MtY Nicholson : A bill to prevent tlie felling of tree in Big Bunting Creek in Iredell county. Reletml. Mr. Bsrtett from the Comthitte on Cor poration, reported opon several biils. wblon wer piacea npoo iu aisaunr. tliton Introduced a nsolutton tn- stroctiug th9eetri of SUU at once to furnish neb member ol thia tturpaumi ten copie ol lit bilVla regard to tbe collection ot taxes ioy tb rtat, snd by tbe ten rl counties ofth n property, polls and iaooasea. Mr. AJHson moved to suspend th rules, and adopt at buv. Carried.. Mr. Downing nwvea tw strise "ten anu Insert "twenty Carned. Mr. ttarnatt moved to amend inclu ding tb bill nipendiogthe Code of Civil Procedure in oerMtn ease. , . Carried, ..J&p i, HILaiU, &, wMu;i4-.toli tosmpoKer tU i;iumt-lonefr ol Wike Omn'T to hrry a spsvial tax. . lie over. On motion , ; H, , Harris, of Wk. onlorwd. tb rule w r su-pesded, suit tbe bill to lncprporat tb Raleigh Co'operHtive Lrsndaad Building. AssncUtuio, was tn Bp and parsed It several readings. On motion of Krt Frsklin, tbe rub were fupiirhdr.fiid.-ll ftlte relief 4l T:JT. L, 8wriff of Wk fBnty, was takn P and panned im selrsTr43iagS On motion of J W. Lewry,' e1ord, tb role wen snapended, sn l lb bill to amend the charter ol tb Fsvstlevilts sad Ftnreuce JlsilroadCo was taken tip, ordered to be printed add pustponad nuikl, Tuesday mxt i .- ' .nMn) IttlnVw i , Th bill orgtnixing tile) cpubtj .of Grant riot of POttttm of Mecklenburg Cnlmrros. Iredell and Rowan CoMntit..' Mr. flioetair pmanntmd a nsxanrul from esrtois bti king tor tbetlew CoUtity. ( Th Clerk rend lh aaemoiisL... v. 1 Ur Rinclair nrtrned In tsvur ot th M'L , . " tie WhiiieV)uoed tbe psatage Ql tbe4 bill, flellid Bint large msjjoniy- wi nr nnoplelivici In th puniora proponed to hTrnit of tr thoto niaiie did nu.dt sue H,AB0tttd to postpone thftltirllrer.coB idekiioo ol ton bill nnul tb 41 .Monday ' Mr otnet u in w w eppowd tb motio V F--" 1 -I1 tnntsydrntf, fnoril tb (nortoni Sm tsrtMrnnBB. He llliest 4isasj. ,1. ,.. l tlis House In tltkcttasinAT ... ... ..l.MUlt bill, lit t JtoVi hvth. ooor'hittldrb taxed 1 r.fc to maisaainnn Mmrieii reprittiop on inly a.wr7.' All Of l Represent. re. ot the eounttw propoasd h be tot op bp 0.xk ranr,nar he did oswvy SotU an reutcsenting an extreme etra t Cnn ik.la interest l-msell W e)o. w in nu'ter pnnlv . tocal- In tho wertwr 2 M th. Stated - lie n k tVpn fTr.n, nnd lwsy expeoterf to t Wltjtbe HeuMicaa patty, t at would ml jnderto ,ot g'lJ ' ntsi- poluicel aplrnts, AiJ, . t . Mr, Ostltog took sh Hoot to opport tlttoaoutoptpte. During his remark beswked Mr. Siwuir that in esse tb ne county wa estaUi.o j d.4oo4b ('iU. Siih-W JUiend o ov ' Mr! Sinclair refused to tpnwer' tb 'j0l Mr t3at'iing7 &o yoa not. Sir, own trp rty In tn ssvtiott'iiUi-b H proposed m estnW nntf . Mr. hioclair f"iued to answerfc Mr French esst 'cupiJ to WJ posiuoat to tbn nsouna) to fortjKn. RALEIGH. N. f.. Mx, I)iubskd him II he (French) 4td not tbJuk titer were name by dt'Sen sad wtl n th ucutian that wr written In tlie nsnie hand, ..t M,r, French rei)liei3 tliat the Committe na not exsmined the petitions, e Mr. Esiei moved to lay the bill on tb taw. Tbe yrss snd nys were called, and tbe llonw adopted the motion to tab! by a vote (ii yens an, nays 31 On motion at Mr. French, the rules wrr sospeoded, and tbe hilt to eiempt property ttetn ry i lie Masonic Iraternlty Irom lax lion, was tsken up. Alter some deba e Mr. Pou moved to in ; detiuliely postpoi, tbe matter. : Mr. Pou moved to amend by including : m me provisoes ol ine bill. Old Fallows, : &oo ot lemperaoee, Friends ol lemper I llnienrWisutn asstl K KlttsT oks. A lenntby dit.ste etlU0d, when, ifr. Frereb billed that previoua question.. The t .1 was ausUH.ed and the amend meitl was put to a vote and rejected. Tbe bill on its second reading was pal to a vote and tailed by a vote f yeas ii, Days Mr. Foster moved trf reconsidsr "the vote ju-l thken. Mr Painter moved to Iny that motion on th la'.le. I ame I. By U. W. Price, colored : A bill for tbe lietter protecllon ot Manual labor, Referred. J. H. lUrris, d Wnke, erlertd. moved (bat wtien the Ilouav adj um that it ad journ to meet at 10 o'clock to-morrow. L"St. I Bv Mr. G Ibert : A hill in f.vor of J. D. DoucsuSber ff of McDowall countj. Ke Itrred. Mr. French said that there wouM be s J lint Caucus ot tbe Kepulilicao party in this llsll this evening, tberelore ha would move that when this Houso-adjourn that it tftjnnrrr mrril f v-morrow (ivotning at a 'jiur er pait 10 o'clock. Mr. Ingram said be Was opposed to the motion. "He bad heard gentlemen frequently tulk nliout wishing toadjuuro I ru di and go hoDjc, but Irom the Irequeuoy ot ibe motioru dispensing witb evening session. hi whs fun I to tbe .conclusion thai $7 per day, was too mucb of an olijeot to a gr. at many gentlemen on ibis ft ior, to be ielinquibhed. Hefelt no besiiatmn lucbarg ing directly, rhal it wus tbe 7 per day that was kittpiug this Legislature uere so long &c. 11 tbe motinu was pressed be w'mid call the yeas and nays. Mr. Poo and Lesrj colored, slso opposed the motii n. A ter some further debate Mr. French -withdrew his muiioo. CAMCNDAB, Brfi to construot a railroad through the nmuiies ol (irsuville, Person, Rockingham, Cnswell and Slokes, was tsken up. This Created quite a lively dismission, du riug which, inuett Contusion prevailed. Pending any definite action, the House, oi. motiou, adjourned until 7T o'clock; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HIOHT SESSION. , Rai.xiou, March 17, 1849. House celled to order at 7 o'clock. srnei vti oBDKu. The following resolution introduced by Mr. Argo, to-wit : t, that th Mecator nod Represent Ti-i lives in the Cooynss of the United States Irmn this State, be and hereby requested to Isvor any measure that hss for its object the speedy removal of political disabilities from citizens el this Stat", and to restore nil their rights and privileges of citixenahip. 2nd. Tuattb Secretary -oi Stat b re quested to forward to acb ot said Senators and Representatives a copy of thess resolu tions. Mr. French moved to refer to a Special Committee of three. Mr. Argo said be hoped the motion would not prFvaih He thought th House s wet! prepsred to vote to-night a at any time. He wished to get an expression of opinion by the House in regard to tbit question of removing diswblieesv. . Mr. CarHtlff asid Uf opposed n pot ponem "ot. He thought th time had oome iiet ttiln TrSto nits Just ioca i'rofdt. ' tion and he thought it ' the duty; of tbe. House to pass it now. i Messrs. Leery, eolored, snd CsWthoft), colored, concurred with Mr. Candler. ' Hndgin. Colored, thought It dangerous to remove tbe disabilities from the mass 'of th people He thought Cimgres .srou'.d- movjs in in mHr av proper urn. . lie was sbre there wa wisdom, prudence end. economy enough in that body (Congress) to mnnag tli matter without ktbsrterence ol this trgislature. u x ' . Ciiffoe Kayo, colored snd Mr. Renfrow, both tipposed th retnlution and wUbsd it referred ' t Mr Hodgl moved (o lsy tb resolution on th tsbl. The- IIobh refased to tablet by the follow ing balbt.' ' " Yxa, Metsr. AsH-wortb, Banner, Blair, Carson, Carey, Dixon, , fetcar Forkoer, Frnnkbo, French , Uatiagaa, Xlrnhaas, 0 ha ter. Hoduin, Uoffrasn, Horn, Hodgiogs, I , e . n. I- j , . a . . . . . s jnatinA. of ivuLiierioru. saiiifi. asio. aic- Caale, Pai k. Pcnison, Pock, Raglnod,' nem; rvenimw, numna wns Nats. Messrs. AUlsoo,, . ArAS. Argo, Armstrong, ivndi, Cn4ler,v CawtUorn, Claton. Darl- Darldson. fjttrlianl, FsfTo Ferebt. Oibscn, Gilbert, Green, Harris, of Franklin, Maddmkey High, Hiaoant, Uod nett, Hompnrten, -Ingram, Jarvia, Justus, of Henderson, Kaltey, of Davir, . Lesry, Loo;, LsstChatham, Iiong, oLRiclimnnd, itcMillaa, HUrtn at a.uunasce,i tn ictHsuion Painter, Pen, - JMcn, Proffiit. R ibitMOB. Shaver, Smith, Of AHi grtanv.e Bmlth,- of ,Wsit.s, Bwsetlhompvm, Vestal, Wbitlwy, wil 'fisnv, ot Uueti,'WlUim, of Ssmpaon, Wtdinosaoo. a id Wila- . "n A I Mr. Pon ofTesed th following atneodmntit ft) the shape ot n preamble t tt s. ' . Wnssnss, In lb optnioti of thin 0ar i Aeawsubiy, tb lime- ha Bow iffi-vwd wbeneqewMty befern th taw y, -WitB-Sitlety. Mr wslabiuhed atnnng all -taut) ia HoeWi Csltaa, Utsilaav u. . i s?i . Uu Q. W. Citoss e"mL'- teak. h nd i argued lor sow tiuic ia lamr of tb reac lutMSttt I J J , fc- A.-.k: ' Mr. Ingram ' id thr "Were gvntlemcn who Wr now cad-.d L)em t-ts who wer a vaodliatom na n any mast oa th is Soor,' yet wtir noWi'oooorrtmg to oome fotl men, , tob considered ne OwWhweit od encrAt Ac He would rJi-noance twt, a whJj ut p r.t, ttvt"1 iJ.f wt tt h me r,c,!fre-fr.'?,rtty. J(ii;ti!nft. tr. that the great portion of tbtvpctalitU Lu-y ) u,it.- du t C .'t.r;-. vat-ive ano mnum aiuric iu tv.j u'iii- wn.: IU would wu-foe- Jtit tasolutiuti hiii and sciut ., i , . . fcs, fRlDAY, JIAHCH Mf. Justice, rt Butnertor l, said there were men in N.inh Csrolit.n who sbould was willing to relieve tho who "aeoepted nevet bav iheirdtbiotii-s removed until the situation " If it mnol that a msn' had lie "clod telt Upon thejr corni,' todi.card his own eons, u ntious convictions There were men who tuK enter'ained ami sccepi Hdn al rloctrinu as gospet,b.or IreastinaWe seHtimpanr couhl be reniuvwl. then he tnent, ill public Journals and the public would snv he would scorn, and hold iu speech, proved it ." - utter rati tempt tbose who in that sens ''ac, n hoped the resnrtttlon would be re-i tepted the sttua i.." If that was tbs test fcrted, aud be rjonnljiid to that mentettj of luyahy then, be was in truth and spirit oblivion wliieh tKinyrrrtFT mu.u. ot a , disUiyai. He thought it bis duty to say In he similsrAphsracter hsve tnet. : Mi lf ,, ,,,1, f,f (heciii tis of Cleave- Mr. TEtllngtot uppiteH tlie reo'tilrn laudmnnty wboberrviitel no thtlUr, and was opposed to kn.p nlenm-e. d ti' that il there was one among theia so base a l men Mn this ft t were nn a qualuj i degraded ud lost w all k-ouoraiii iutinoti Nfort the law and er.joTed all tbw r ent, ol &, twds rueaoly and arik-lf barter away citrnenahip, the d natation mat this was a ' his rights and li tt Hf, e did not desire to Bono Hit Reuliric ts fels. lie wlieil tin ! rinive his vote: Wi wowlrfst-orti to riceiv Kepoblican party if Cfferl nu L h-i Hir tgfru, t mxt beuld thus play erty" 'Lirierty," 'to' rto it t'i ; ibe part ! a orouebmg, erawjiug spsuiel. sonbnr tkuA song. He. did , Mr. Argo ueit lock thr floor m opfu'Sl nflt Wish tree men to fail on their knee '. tion to i mli the motion to p vstp one an.) belore him, clothe thru-Hive in sack-ohdl. ,eief Mr. A. contlnu. d for som time In and ahes and lick the dat oo which he I d,-t. (ice of bn res iluiioa and gar i length stood,- belore lie wonW lend his It flu n -e I his rens-.ns why he ibtroducKt it. (Mr Ar towalrdt removing tbtir disabilities. He I go', remarks w'ill bpul4:bd in full Lerv did bht blame thoe mn tor not so bnmili-1 sfler ) ' aiiog tbem1ves, be would not do It Ac AltBrwlni, furlber d,V4t, Mr. AigocalU Mr Firber was Biv nrensrv.l t..i v,iLu 4 . V, ---- . ,.. r to resolution, now. Mr. Frenchjsaid he had made the mo ttoo to refer In order to mske a di c-imma tion. He was in tavor of relieving those, wbo, "accepted the situation." "Mr Proctor opptaed to the resolu tion lu toto. He wouri arver vote for an indiscriminate r. m val of diailuliiiea, so help him Ood. He js surprised ftist col nred men on the fl mr should vote for th a measure He would wsrn them that ii il.c Democrats got into pover, tbey Would en act the scene that to. k place in Georgia fec MR. SINCLAIR OPPOSED THE RES OIUTIOtf. J. W. Leary, Solored, ssid he could ap preciate toe pnocrpres st this lesoltitiou -He, by tha-antgnaiiimuy of the Conutes nd the people, hud ieen retieverl from n heavy burden inoatjil, and tnerelore hecciuld appreciat the spirit f tbe resolu Ion and w prepared to vote tor it. TBey might call him "weak kneel" but he could cIhiiii consistency, a he di t not onai day iniro duce bere s reaoltit'un ami the next ddv Vote Sgsinst rmo of the same (4iic ef. as did some gentlemen m tins & or .I'U-iim to Mr Slntlair.) He was iorry to we tha the gentleman from Sutherford (Mr. Jus tice) had grown m ex:itedover tbe matter That gentlemsn had not rtisoised the theo ry sntl pnociuUs of giver meat, hut bad simply indulged in a tirade ol alius - of in (Jivlduali tnr their pilitical thinking, c. Unltee Myo, colornl, mnvetl to p..stpore th resolution until the -third Monday in Ncvemrifricxt, Mr. Jarvis said that It wss stated that this was no time to pass this resolution. Tlat might be. Bat it was time to cease to apeak of the war and those engsced In it. It had been lour years since tha Con Merit looked Upon V flg, Coniederote srid Federal steep side hr side, their ashes en-mlngie, and the grssi grows over - their graves, on a thouasrsl fields. Can't forget thnscj past dttlvfeiices aod go lor ward band in band to build np a great country.' Wbd were tie majority of ih nien laboring Under uolitcal dl-nhilities 1 Why they are the very mei who in 1HD0 snd '61 stood firmly by and battled bravely for the Union Until hurried into the r fcy a blrthoiil ol.excitemmt. They bad held sum petty office of nsghi'rstje, constable, 4ft, rend hwlnpfroTjaldf given .comfort to oat way to the wnr. The men who longht he war out bad never t 0 uuder di.wt ill tie and hnff-nerer held any kind of ottloe previous to it breaking out, therefore, sot affehted by law) imposing disahilitios, . Do you gsntleraen wiw established this govern ment, wisn tnn people ot tn state to love hotn tbe governments ot tHe.9'ateaud Unit ed Htates.or do yr.u.by a prosertptive policy, seek to alienate them. Must tlie men. wbu Nor to Csrorins in isys jr.oe by delighted to DOBor.iat senterto-a torever to be debarred oi tbe rights and privileges ot Ireeuien and citix:-n. .Tb true and cornet polity of s wis government is to have Ka beat, purest and wisest men in pUeea ol known trust aod pmfityet, tb nai it hooowbl men, p sesslng the highest order ol talent are in- ISirMnfiiWTfiiMlB- ligniflcent omc. Can yon reason ibly ex. pent men thus stigoutiud and., degraded I 10 iov apu oonor ine government wnoai lawsplso in that position, 11 North Car olina was called tumn to Doint out ba jewels, like jhe mother of lb Qxatchi, she wvuttl point to her childreu. i He did not tbtuk. tb rewlution would icquaupiish nuytbing, butdt had to U voted upm oos sray l tUswtberx By refuaiDg to L adbpt it jm. aliaw the ledsrauo to go out mat a large portion oi our best'tatixen are worthy ad unlit tJ trusted - twrsa-sfie prtvilegi of stiVswbip. Pan it nd you tak step ia-tbe- right dinfetioa towsrds consigning to a autitd oUtVion all recol laoUousef th pMt (inference, and to henT lb dsscord aod i ttisssnwou that kva tut our ennaury.. t in passsgn i iUi,w,,iation wilt not put nny ost i M.fflc. It wilt r. main for tb istopl to do Uiat. and- u a man is so popular and deenrtnajt- ubw- tbe ptiie will wict mm w oiaw, is k ngut to leglslnt to Keep nim out tw t,v tl MsJat si turget rue past, claar away ttt lst vtWe el th war, od naitJa -epsinng v waiplaca. Mr. Drtrbam std, fast smutsasr the gn- tlesatnfrom .SipesofkiVlr- Sinejatrj had out-lirodd ilurud,'ki hiteffirts to get the Hobs to rlop-- sv atmilar-. ft sols ion.' He 8icltrj was far a of actlv Ifi sucu mess re tiito be :M. Irtiamwa. tor bt(il DJ did ttoLsnt that tlto. il.iok it would awtompiob nny good. , jn ft,'tB gwrls-ir- aaaa naitwtrpuuuaii rrtaoiuMoii Similar to this ons, at tb early part, 4 a,), eiioo,' one, now, he ha trwn somersaolt and 1 atiMinon tn his. opptaution tu Uiu uas r, Hf (J!JDurbmV woa.d feel mi ex pm sos surprise, nt sotrfc bwrs-lw d ridiculous lueonsltWncy, U Be fitst tiot know tb' gentleman's cnametef an well. The awitlemsn from Robenoa is, ' doubt, Shrewd, at timet, m bi taittrw, but 'this tliiie the ' nio-ivet that iriflacr,i . him are too appar 'nt AiiiJ tilib to be coocrnied. lit (Mr, Duebarn)' would .advise tti B6i)Ue- TRiw,-Tr-riTlrrB tlie tmutit nt ditm ing Bp rfs-ilijiji'tis lA-doryrrf- President Ui.O-, sod ee-iesvonng to ba Conttues r.''.e,j (j'aot, &r, to cstc- lh Houa t c ur si.d plain'y, th pass reolu.ioa r coiiiniend,) j Imu fUr, -hrmdrut-rtoSe'n p'toiej To i l frfu be w b. gn-g ,fr i nas is me reason wny me getiueiiiwiajaa ed so ni'-.t a tit bare' th laotlatory - resolu "t p nc I wby te s 'vuvtuisd- aA. oi;n y, .. -e-r-rt'n -"tNtit wtiut. A blind mo might e if."" ,: . ,, lly t,ihtlun tiid isnt WCWrtotatot tis t.iouvi.-.n La.-eU offjol. but ha liked to sea a man dreeutfy conaisteut on wy or ihifarrat hjiswd by to lata Couuiyrjgmnrtax outer, n dm out tn gentleman iroot Jhew 10, Jnpver (Mr. French) mean by saying he e( tie unf Ttl,u ouestion. Tor c.nll Iwing sustained th question re- curjtid up. n ibe uiotion to. posipoue uuui jim uoru -nouiiay in xioveiniwi ocsl. ids yeas and nays wire called and the motion was bMt tiy a vote ot yeaa 89 nays 44 I Mr. French 'a motion to refer to a Special I Committee ill three, was put to a vote son j sdopte.t y.-ss 44. nays 43 On rot Uorj the H.mss then -adouraed. the third VI i l VT i . 1-1. . PES ATE. Tucssdat, March 14,-1804. Mr. Smith, front the Committee, o rrop, ositmna ami Grievances, reported back sev eral bills, which weis pUoed on tbe caleu- dsr. The Committee to whom waa referred i he diaord-rty conduct ot yssteiday, made the fiili.jWuiK report : 1. Preamble, setting forth the fscls ss '.hey nconrred. i. Re,oluti, n censuring lioth Messrs. !t'om aud.Aiove. 3. lie olti 10,1 imposing addiuoual oeo .uie on Vlr. L -ve. Mr. Il.ih1 ins stated, that the well known rclatioa exU'iiig rwiween tbe two gentle men. ma te ibe calling to oid I, ua the part o, Mr. Moore, offensive, He wa no I wi'litig m 'Incriminate between the gentle roh. He moved, therefore, to strike out tk $ id. resoluiion. Mr. t.lnleiruc, said, ss- an individual he concurred with Mr. Robbiu, lbnt the Sena tor from t'arierejt wav provoking,. Id calling Mr. bote to oYittrfVandW- tbw trv-wmstonocs stated liy Mr, Rotiio; but, ao'ttiig .upon this matter as a Court, be was ctin-Hlll to ske a different view ol the cuse. Tbe language ot MtXove, wa Intuiting the remnrk of MrrTB-vor impmper, th re tuinder at Mr. Lov equally improper Mr Love was the Aggressor, 4c, aud therefore more censurable. Mr. Love asked to Ee heard, and said be had no slavish or servile acknowledge tnents tn mske. He would however offer any apology to tbe Senate, that on gentle man should make to, another. H oVired merely to say, that on yesterday, when be took the floor that he had no thought of alluding to the Senator from Carteret, Senators war present, whom be (Mr, Love) bad told recently, that be would not, In lu'urv notic the Senator named. That whan ou the floor, he bad been called to order by , th gentleman, . ss he lelt in rt)er- gruff way, and that this drew the fir to point, not Intended, and thus he had been .unduly provoked aod thrown off bi guard. If he had trausgress ed. ft was wit by intention, or with design to oflend tbe Senate, or Violate It rules. The Qjietikia then recurring oo tb mo tion to strike out the second resolution, re- sulietT, yea 1 1, nsyt 41. ' The restitution wrthn adopted, yeas 80, nsvt li. i .- , Several hilis war received from tb House, which were read tbe first tiro and placed oo th Calendar. "Bdl in regard to proceeding rteior mag rut, read a second tin and paased. Tbe bill was then read a ihfrd ttm by set loot, ' 1 . ' And, on each aectio. nxeept tho 1st, tb previous quuttion was asbed, which cut off all debet or awduins and so, tb bill waa paased tta ihird reaxiing, . Mr. IvU then moved that ten, eopia b prin 1 for eacb Boaatut, . i x Mi?rav Linilsay and- W bite-cbarsysterl ted the bill as a cheat and a swtndi. and was tderefore oppoeod , to priming t and send ing it to the people. The motion to print prrvaljed. r Mr. Cook introduced a toll to Ineorpo st a Bureau ol immigration! Al. Ab.1 on bis motion was niexl tb special order for Monday next. Is o'cl- ck. Mr. Whit gsvs notic uf bill for the re let of creditor.; ' ---a V Mr. O-boro :-" bill, for tb relief of executors, Acs , ' .Jir. Sweet inUoduoed Wit to alter tb time for hoi libg tt. ewm uf the (kmft in . . a.. I Im.iUi.I I)ilruf J Luav of abaenca was, granted Mr. Mur- Jl'r, Martlndal inffodocod"- Mil ,q"n corporate ta NssrUt Ce-minai. immigration aLav-idCBiBv. - ...ilr. Walker Jta notic of bill to repeal aBCllOD V, OlimjI.W I"IW1 VAiUO. if f ' Bill to tne lrporat-' ut -otta Vartinji t'toiral Rdlrowd, read first time. ; . , , ..Mtl, JiA-itad md t bJiJ t Jncorpo- raiw lustissn Must, vai iwaiii,. pwn tuaaj. - -,-t Si I?'- li -ee tf , - t Ut. uoaii miroaaena n ..viimo,.- prevent tht sale of liquor witbt jvatilro Ruth rford tMnlusjry. , f - 1 TDc revenue bill was taken np and con aidwed tut tn nnsr ot xcli,nmuicuu BOX'S qF BEPBEfiENTATiVES, . . ,..te, Tomwh, March t, iil, , H"te csliid to order at th, nul fionr. Pr.y:.i r by ti, Revv Mr. Loojtofhat .hara.of tb1 House. a J r.v. Journal bf 'ytierdsy' read and approve d. h tf" ' r' m .nnd gt l' , Ma Hodgtn presented s petition front th ci isa if iiiitri( in regard to a locution of Penitentiary. Rilenvd. " Bv lir, Frsneb r A reiintfn ict'-tnTor of It. aV Wostd Jr. Jrtred.vr pm " ( iiy 0 W, I-rjce, colored, 4 rolntion di sensing wTi Q ervniij iaUu-ud hsvipg L'etovtr- ' v-" ' 'J : L Ry Mr. rrswchl A bill to rure a bosrd i itaiisvavvl. tyBiimtiMiBsttwrred By Mf. Gilbert:, A biUto legibto knd Kc.arreo. . Be Mr. Melon : A bii: to amend Pectlon 8t) Cod 01 Civil Pncdute. Hetirrod. fn motion of Mr. Vest th rules were sus pen. hd and the lull directing the Secret, rr uf ritsia. to.Cunuah CtHiuty Connn-iasUvw eis wiih the t odu ol Civil Procedure, wss wken up, o quorum voting the bill resumed It place iip n the calendar. On motion ot Mr. Vestal, th rtle were (usoen-ied and ibe bill to iUw tb Coup'ty Comniissioneniif Yitdkiu t levy a xit tsi wa. taken up su.l paswd Ilk sutmd resdlng. Ye t 70, nays noi.e. Ob motion of Mr. Stiltey, th rule were suspend, d and the bill levying special tai fi.r lioaiifort county wsa" tsken up snd psowd iialhird rewiiing, yeas 71, usis none The bill author!(ijis the ComnilAsioneis of Mitchell and Yaneey eOuatiss to levy a spseiaf tax Twnd psawi it third riKRfr under a aunpensiuu ot tbe rules by a vote M yea 74. nays none. A similar bill in regard to Porqtilinans eoonfy p iseed us s c -od leadtsg by a vote uf yeas S3, nays none. , , - srkciAt. OHDitn. The varloos bills submitted by tha Code Commission. j. The bill to provide Jrms in civil pro Ceediugs bkre Justices of tbe Peace was lakes up aud pasted Its third res-ring. Ctber huls submitted bv the asms were taken up and dlscuteed until adjournment Far th Sent lock -. jaesicvLTung LrriusxLiir. Lovisnuno, N. C, March 12, 1844. Editor of $ Smtinel Dxm ti at : Seeing that yon are slivs to the sgiiouliural lirterests oi tb State, I send you the following infurmatlon from Frank lin. " -------- Half a century ago, tha farmers, of this Ht.'e cultivated principally virgin soil ; or such, at least, as ws but little estimated. At that uuie it required but little knowl edge, experience or scientific research, to cuiiivaie tlie-e lands, snd to nap rich hsr-ve-ts every" jesr. ilsd our hands teesa;uJ tiva'ed irom that liuie until biw, as I hey ar tieglutnng to be now, and will In hens, alter, there vrmihl be no flthls grown Up in bremm-aw'gn. no gullies iu our liel Is, look ing ilki! ball completed Riilioada, ui-r any red clay yards upon our lull sidi s ma-nng the beauty of God's creation. Heretofore th rrractfee has been to exhaust, to con sume,' Now we must replenish, restore. W owe the earth a great debt ol interest ss well as principal, for our fathers unwisely borrowed large sums Irom her, without aver paying the sunual Ustotctt. .lAlsvuyv ot us inherit noira that wou.d have been specie, paying hot for this reckb policy, We ratMi begin to pay tb interest, or our drafts will never b honored, Th earth Is a lenient creditor, and if w hw a willing. net to refund our Indebtedness, she will i ff r n every assistance. We cannot now -ilT-ird to be such farmers as bav g ven the chatacu-r ol Rip Van Wlnkl. to our State.-' - There are mines of wraith, not only of mineral, but of cereals, bidden in Our soil, Enlightened cultivation must transfer them to our barns and gius. But I have digressed On tbe 9.h Instant, (lis- Franklin Connty Agricultural Society met in Lrroishurg, Msj ir D. 9, Hill, Cb"iimn of a Committe previouely apixuated, reported a Cooatltu- tioQ aud Bi'Laws, which were UnSutiooBtly adopted, aud the jolluwiug genilemeo elect ed officer lor twelve months Dr. E, A. CtB lup, President ' Maj. U 8. 'Hill, ltt. VirFreaident,(;ol. W. V. Uraea, ud Vice Pisaideot; "Jr. W. C. Lankford, Recording S'-cretary, and M. B. Davis. Esq.. Treasurer, 1h fnllnwiiig ware appointed an Execu tin commiliee! Maj. L. S. Hill, Jos. J, Davis, Esq, C. 11 Thomas, ,, W. H Mlb-hill, Esq , Dr. W. 0. Laukiord, M. S. Davl-, Esq , sud Cot. WrF, Green. The Society mtt'l on the 1st. Satnrdar m each m.'Bih. lis friends are erv sanuuins ol succeaa, . Thrtr Httm is agrtcuhnrsl im prov mentj and they desire thalvry Uian who eugae in lining tlie anil should do so iu tbe most profitable, a well a pitaa. is)ti-.-toss)ss iiiasstoti -trrsew it very arm iuob nee a vaue man a lann, - Msy th Bodri bs) the meant ofstelng oweb gd. ' ; ; ,r . 1 w,c.lm WATi--jrxwfc3rr;.:7- Xr. Wlt, C. Tat -' worthy- etttiea) of Motgsnion, rtted on Thursday tiut,1 .i t Th dweHlng nd WtoheeTof Mr, W ason, nsM - Joneslmni', i ia - Moor county, wer burned lot rrtday, utU r was caaWd by oat woo bed taken fli ruii nmgnurler a pile of cotton. n; " -t ' -Jl t. ' (fa ' tr. v') . -"- The gellant Col. Lee. W. McAfee, of Pbcl. bv eoutits, wa oiamed at Ymkulle, 8. C, Thidale,ito a daughter Ml the Jate Hoa.Uso. VT. vVllllaaa,r ; : . Tats Hahlox VuocirD,-Tpo hurried ly snkes was or aotkU tt HanlrrBstn yeavvrday's umie, thai w. Bgtu!d to pay th-ptoutif Uiasto) toM ouarH)l veloo 4-ips4m, ih eight, wonder oLtrun.-w , Tld, 'I aevwere isiimia on ui svrwess vester - dsvand WrgeNenvewts . todowad lhsm a tbydosirieir sfeilLfutilderS with rapidity 10 all part ol the city.; .r simplicity of "the mstloftss, svlciea to: ttieinirenuity, 1 'TBetly striking and to Hanlon VeldCTpedB al reputed AtipMsg tb bsbm thai a tnad 2vt w. -iwVr;-riiii-iBe';i GovMstncitT 8wic oj a, t5rAiB.J. Tb itwoiuXj Uuictou was prevaaiaxl ftvm mskirg her regular trip (rijj . tb -city to FavekeTdle J day sufrnotin, navmg ueen swiivd byvtba Collator 'f ,th port tor violation of .c'ioi S of tlie actf Cnnifr, Pm,4 itiy 7'ht Bi8 i This AC' pMVldea that-stesmh"x esTryiFg pas rgere auy Iretstbt knit stisiit Utwos trout Ive got rvmi nt, niter sui mitting ia due inspection which it s"tems the Usloyun had not. Tbe penalty fur the v.intaaon of Hie prOvlstoBH (li UU BCl 1 ue m iswww, uw-bsvii. oi wrbluh Is to go ta tbe into, mar and ih Otfcot' . .. .... Ml.-, . . .. -f Bait, to it giVmamifc- n u. wisrv . ' ' The various noogHiratkin in Wllming to fsava tb Eoiatouall with their Dastors heid s -meeting on ttauuy -vnvnust last, i th Prcabytef tan Cboft b, -frmf prrjrprotHm ot the American Ilible' Society. Revsnd Messrs. Stngleton Dally, Bit aud W yclr poke, and Collection wastskse-np. I. Mt Iwuben JC rg who w ly ruffl. ana. diud ou fi'iuduy last, .. A - ball oatsed ikv. vh &i , Inn,. H -van -of Uto I oldest and best esteeOiSd Chumi of Rityb. sononty, B leaves t lormor of liSOO, 000. lit Buxdeita an at iarjn, : r; NEW STAY LA ANAOTtl V8PSSD1X Q IMS O . .: OF ci rn. pjsocmkd VAS IX i l ; j :y Skd-tow t, TU ViP eral A Ssemf 'y oJ$rth Cnrofiw tf osmsI, That alt civil actwiia shall Iw commenced by th bwumsr ol summons, ; , . ..... Skuv i. fhe summons sjialt rust ttt tbn nam of the Stare, lie signed by th ' Clerk of tbe Superior Court of to county baving jtirilieo to fry tb action, and under th seal ' I the Contt, nnd shall N diree'rd to the Slier iff of th county in which th de fendant re-st It s of -may heTiond.' Tr shall he returnable ri the r.igtlar torn olthe Su peiior ConMuf tuOoityW lb plalrs. tiffs, or ot iji more ol ibe m, or , I he defend snts isUeand sl.aTcoiqmaitd tLeBhtrlU, orortMrr'pnuitr otttw-, to suniniins th de lendant to ppwr at the M sosuing term t the Huporius Court and answer the oum. plaint d tbe plaintiff, and shall bo dated on the day ol lis bsus, , Sice. 4. The officer to whntu tht summon is artdreserd, hU no on it the day oi Its delivery to bin, aodshsllaxecuteit al least U ds before the brgini irg ol th term 10 which it shall b returnable, "sn-l aball ro sn it on tbe Srst dy 1 th twtn, rno. 4. Tbs plaintiff shall 41 hi com plsiuvintb Clerk soIBm B or belpr tb third dy ol th-erm to which the action 1 tironghf, other win th suit alisd, on a0 -tion, te dismissed by th Court at lb ot of th plarrififf; ' -t. v-'"s"!7' '-wv- - (DE0,.fi. Thdof-B.laat shall appear nd demur, plead or answer nt thaaaui toTJt to which th tuminor.s shall be returAabla, otherwise th yltintiff may have judmwit by defsalt, a is now allowed bp law. - Bno, 4, T plaimitf shall J.oig JB.tlin . biUitef or rep.y t the answer at tha nam term st w Inch such demurrer or answer may be filed, the issues whether of law or of last shall 'at and for. trial at 'Ji next term succeeding to term, tt which lbs pleading a con Dieted. Sao. 7. ' Tuat alt writs of lummon In civil actions now to th bands of t Sheriff or Clerk shall b returned by said efficert to the orxt tqrm-ul the Stiptrkr Court, and suun writ, together wuii all writs of sum mousin civil actions liervtuiore returned in which no final judgment ba been rendered, shall be placed by-tb iCfcrK on thetiocke -ot the Superior Court at the Dtxt snsumg Terui; and tin pleadujin tucS soiioiiS shall bcotdii-tie.i(lii,g' -to the rule prescribed la ebm sou ' JMi4d, That all civil action in which issues have been jnii ad toad snd for'inal st Spring term,' 186'). Fhivilid Jurti ibal lssut of law or faci wVtwjg bar bvett Jniae.1 in purao, SOS of iw"4iriia"t)rdinanceai heretoior pasaed.and known a "Dtay laws" shall be , considered having Iweo ill.gally Jjoined, and all lunb aUuins shall b pmed upon ttie sppesrsnce rtockn t Spring term, 1888, by ike Clerk of Sapei ior Cuuits, nnd ib pleadings thutetn shall be made up aud issues joined at such .term as provided la -this lit, tinVs fii any county the time ot asid term shall bavu passed, In w )it li cam such action shall tin plated upon tip ira! docket at Fait term, 1880. 4 Sxa 8. No ate oi toy pwpry, real or persrmal, under txucuuons -iud trout any Court In this state, shall 1m valid to psaa title,, unless Ibe property, wbe.ber real or personal, shall .buLg .tur.n louitlu ML th value th.rreyvf, and on ia urn f such exec tu.ni the shunt! or other officer shall mat return of lb amount bid. tor the same, and - whether tb amount, waa eoual to . thresv tonrtbs if such vtuo. Skr. 9. In order to sscertain th valo of the proper! J exposed to safe, under titer pre ceding sectnaj, it aball b the duly oi tlie arediiot and dubtor each to choose one ap- piaisfr, who-sliall ) it lieu ot the cpdaif o wiiicu tun property 1 situated, to rx amine and kiprie the property to l x- ' pfteed to sale ooder XK u;io sod sbalt certify such appraisemsut to th tbsrilf or other oitiurr ; and is ess sxich. appraisers ahsll it Jm.,I'1J0 agree upon thej valuatloc :- of any proptty,thi-y aball eiiooa thitd - - prte, and tli appraise ruet of th three Or a maj -rity 01 tn. m su.11 m token a ttio 1tfnWoatr-1reretI fall to ni tn ciiiuch, in snenn siisu make tW leolio fo kins or tbenti - iWk ; appraisewt, eertifled , before directed, shall b tetursed, by lh stierifT with tb ex eCuHon to the Court fmm which. It bulled r - Pitt hied. TbsOW tiroceedtng under thin Motion shall prijudi-tt; Hen ot a ty credt. btr. or nisntiariosine Sheria irrHaauV Uabu ity fiirb.nre keepitin jal ucb .propjty, Bsc 10. Thaf "itiuperlj. "si'iaiLnsi tofj under any deed uf timt or uiortgnge, nnul th debts" secured In said dead uf Uuitor marigtir. nwr ieduce'lto jiogaentl at cord wa tu tbn provisioua ot tBiji.cr Skc 11. AH etei'utlons shall be tested as , of the term m it Ii.lore the duy on whi'- tbey lsn-.f, aod-shall fiwreturiiahle tof terns Ot tb onun e it Alter that irom f tin y bear trH, Twed,- I bat do pKqiettv; nttU' r esecutloQ JUliiaim teitn, Ihtn, atbavi'tsm .staj nntil tv JUefof spang term, lh 70. r O40,14. be pioviiioii of p notappiy topnicee tmg f-vr pre" WJ- 'xsewnirig m in f to repeal tit provision ! Procedure which alloy ar rested trrr-hi l' ? -SBC. 14." 1 1 tawss:' eeosubmc with to 1 sauspsiidjjitliuul 1 Aono iKimmi, igtit.'i ly-on ; and this a' snd sfttr It ratim j in tore until the" t-ghteea hundred u'raa aiarcrjt ' ItooMl" Jobn I dress hur the prri -son. Hi text, ts1, tor im.uK.ui d say at once, "He The lf0 tons ! toniaut t)y nuj,ur JWt4. -"', I ... Mr; Darnef R"- ' nstr ucKsJ'tj Sight !.', and ri , book. it L Tm J v. dmgu aed'. lie thli ( jprjn ltJi.il X. J nt th balsnee (if ti wrh I rooti,. fl.e-r'i.'' tirsreh 1.1-If - -J ::' . y I 7- . I . r

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