Tin; AT til Vtit 1 Hi van. Tire H rrtn-x pri.nii.iil lu lollS, aitcf prwidiint John m made bim I'rovisioiial jvr mor, 10 -.-II out ViT ia 1" son iu ii:m ! canutMsf the paper. The (jovcr iir' contribution to the standard cul'i b.i '!' uiaiked out by those who kw the Governor's peculiar tyle of writing. I'.'iUf the name of bis son be luraed hi artillery. He culled our brft citucoa liars, traitors, Scoundrel, &c. lit eves called Dr. Haw kins and Mr. George Jlordecral 1 rti and l4if' ,U"T u'' Su LKr pardons by la tehood-i to the President. He ihree.tei.ed to seize their property, if 11117 did no behave. V1 the good people eiltdtigu (u; riliil f r ii p .p r aiitl ,1(,,ri -d il by a Itcriisiiii; lu it. He .nr, aiene 1 1" 1 1 1 v j the Milion Chronicle mppr. s-ed. lie drove men out of the tiold uciidid e. tor t In- Iiala'Ure. Vie scut ! iu "I'1 t'J the ui.:u. tthoctune to diatrib we-his paper among the people to whom we were speakiug, thai, il tho (Joveruor m,il, mine lo Oiaoge ami arize any man's p,, ri , with ito more authority than tie ..r aeinug the property ot Dr. Ilw hint and Mr. Moid tni, the people ot ,i,age. would hang him, tor they wauid as , 1 h-UjX a Ui'Veri or an a, negro when tlll. (.,v. riior deacrve.1 "tt, and tiny hud nee burnt man, for sei. iig three dol .,r, a niz t and a hynu tumid Hav iu really "ld, or priiteiidii I to aell. his I ,,, -j ( t.Vtll;trt, Horde and Watt Street hr.'k-1. aa r. p rt has it, and tstalilahc.i .1 .uii Ni a'li'-ry atthe nominal Editor, (at l,n-t we. eir lot J im's saying he as in .It-!, id io tiie governor for hU place,) tb tiuvLinuJ ulill write for ;..i.L Wncn the legislative adwess, tinned by (if 111 inbeis ot the Legislature came oui, mi I lor wi.ieli John Upland, of Granville, ssul they shiUl.fali be hung with a grnc v ,ne unirimroc-d, we sajtl Judge Keade wmte it, and so ho did. A member of the ,ar a ml he e'luld iwoar to hi style with an imeli t namty as he could to his band anting, lime w neb proves the truth ol all things, prov (1 the truth ol the author h,pui .iittUi-w address. Sum Bainett, tin' Commoner from Pa-sun," eays Judge Keide f the au h, .r. And 80 with the name certainty -can we point out artioles written by lbs Governor lor Littlefield'a psper, the Mnwlard. We might ometime9 be mistaken, but ao rarely that it would be au Injustice tu the Governor We said in the Sentinel of the 7lb, that the pre-euee ol carpetdiaiteis who had matched with 8!iet man, was an insult to tlie .-State. 80 il is, and we repeal it. Men who laid waste our homes with lire auil sword, and now rely alone upon the vut of the gn . .ran t. and base to give them political position, are not only a disgrace lai a nuiaance to all right minded, high tuned, honorable mru. In the htiuuliird ol tlie S.h, the Governor replied by saying : 'Ws tall you who fought agninat the Uniou vleft ua l.y Mir faibers, t)ia( yo(i, banned aaa - -treiW,- ntlH tbwnk tlio tnemy-al th ernuient that spared your misirable neck. These men weie luithful to beir Vm itry ; tlity stood by the fl ig and ovRrthtew- the iriulaM WHW-wwrb htrre Tttmmeii'ils gKiry, ic." This is jnrt the way-the Governor laiked when he w as calling on the people in ilit bolter (lays of the Confederacy lo trust in "God and Jeff. Davis." )fe was con itautiy Hiking about "dimming the glory" ullhe Confederals . government. How be cm d nut in the Standard "beat the drum, blew the file, unfurl the flag, drill them until their lega re liinber. If they wont vulutituw, draft them ; il they dou't dralt, onscijpl them. The hireliings of the North must be drivBtl back. God and the whole ."io wonder l&e uovernor nas quit tue Church, taken to the grog shopa, and gone to "eusin(j(." Io every political contest he elairat d that the Lord war on his aid, yet thing, except hi call for the bead of old Abe, Whipped in secession ; whipped in the war; whipped with President Johnson ie reeoostractl.m ; whipped with Pilgrim Abkj out ot the Court room; whipped ""k .jJSTssr xaitaf um iHtindi.; hrtjped" in bit apprvnl of the purcliane ol ,0h0 acres lor the Peuitentlsry. No won (let his laith in tfc ehoreh if oaken. We think he should pray give na faith, lead Nit ' not into temptation aud deliver bj from the gfog shops. -- W woarr cat! icpceial attention to the notice of the meUng of be KdaeatKtaal eBventlod,'trT held at thn PiVaborof I.iiii4i AowOemy. on the (Hh inat. The asMmbliiig ot the CimMtion U in x ponw anca of a call made by the Trustees nf Buffiu Bddger,fltltttU. There ia nothinf o '! imptartani ''"'iwwTff "5I??Be"il'B ".T,w ahenld b a genera waking tip ot the peo- o better means than the formation of Coun - ty dweatiiiai Aavotiatlonav Wo ji4 thttt'.t)rai - fiiw'Jvari (nflev th , they and the AgrteoltnrtI Poctctie nearly ... a dl wttlhfCimr;; not ha. ui Wa htm alt the ffood people o? ... . . , o - t ' tl. .1. - W wtee- the manUJal tejtrtj siipportand,' especialty, the teach- We lea,n, tbM nlilreei vTlJ delivered bsfnnt tbe Convention by I&v. A. J. Bmw on,ifkt VvroonHigh Seborrf,' Kv. B. 'B4tKU!l-Bi58r.4'ttta'vel ,Mr, T'HnliBMo,- "ol toe rurnd' Normal Sihoot near Snow Camrk T nj J the wJViMp.tJ.iiy ivf thaood pei.ipl,l Cbatham; ' H aJiOUld rite o attend ovaelt. ' '' - It Is quite upptreot ft the. r'.;wmt mvmbi-TI ot the Legistaltiie, aS a ca., a-e inucUinur(fnaKiu..uly initio, d tuwr i iae wuite uiio ol in Blale than lire c.ri.et- baggers, or, indeed, than uioiit ot the Scaiia oeeoiag will revenl t,11( t,t that, w,.Ht the Kadlcal whites wwe. b.r the most (ant, eitremely In ter, arroHut and pr- str4'iv on the other band, manv of tlie c nvmliere were courteous and c iii'iltaturv, whilH auiue lew air - lilx rul ami in. im i inous. ISykes, of fViiuoians. and Hie rol or-d riiirml)er in the IIouki- from New Man "ver, gv vliloliis of a rational an! pu- erous spirit towarditbo wluiet, striking e.ontriiat whIi the iMte dlt-tive animus ol nearly J wbe her imp 11 led or rnitiv It is to l.e hope I : h 1' w member, shall h.ne I- ir Iliaehiiiatlori ai.d h- l o, j carpet liat. ra. 11, a 111 r louud V101T14 w. li l in- a-ur. s that 10 1:, 1 u 1 Ii N rth Caiolmi'ii. than 1 11 ound. S li V s'.oill I ! Ii. 1 11. i, yankees to oppr. s ami nti.!i.:i, people i Wliy ilijid they III. lie lopers aud ae ly a.lveir nr. i,w!h 1 lni( really tor .he Slut e, 1, 11; t, leathering the.r own ne , to :nf! detriment ujioii n i eia-.s. an i ol aocie y ( VW l.o,.,- , r .1 .ix.a,.- . ing and act ion Uh. I i'nS Senator Spraoiie ot K'.oih- 1 - t i 1 j;r.ai y in mii.u.t, , ine 14 h 1 maUe a loinb -.peu li ;in-t .nt- i tlons of the dominant pa'U.ol w-.u not an msixt iiieiiu 111 lulu r. 1, 11,, I. fperctuS T.p n ttle sain.- lop r-, he w t1 uet to wi h marked at'ni i -n, the ries bein oeiis. 1 , 1 1 . w , le. i . n ' n.- ... He exposed the tin ueinl IiIufhU-i r rons Corruptions ol ih. yr. na lo w..n beio- ys, an I " Mllowe.l U'' tin -, ard ol 11, tell, elual ami niuii won,, , 1 present metnlxra ol the h, 1 ate In CoutSe ol Ida Ii In ilk lo- I. I. n . feat of the Fed rals at Mana.',i. cd thai G a. Amhro-e Y.. IUin,.nl addlrir uiioiIki liis ani:. 1 , tin on ncord, ' That lie who ti'1 a ,! rtin May live l. fixlii aii-.'ti. r ia." which he did when Oenl. I. e aave bim I i V terrible defeat at Fieilerickahur. NVV hope Senator Sfjrsgue will eon,tinu. in his ho or of lure " until ra-K-ality ami veBiilty an. thor ouglily routed aud driven Ir mi our puMic ofhees. A t-l'Lll l. illK I'Alil V "Our belove l" (rov rnor wi nt t . r h 'I'... Hall, anil, haranguing the in end avor -d to incite them to violence acaitiat u-. lb j said, that he e'ioorae.1 all thai hia s..n .1 i. . the Speaker ol the Ib u-e, had ai.iJl and., d.mr, although J.e bad g.'hered li n I ot j con-piralors at the depnt, lor the purro.-e,a i we believe, of killing us. Galloway, the liader of the paiti'.a id Xirani'a-aiuiliir, eaitr -tMti t-W 'r-npf to ' assassinate us waa nie.u'am! iohhhI y. 1 KOli Til KUS FKELISU, Kew York is cuitrtl the local point and bow does Now York f i-l tow-ind-. t it' friend and brother f" Kea I the f llowiig One Powell, "donn E .star" and lUdietl wants lodgings for a "color, d" lady and son both "rich ami intelligent." He ap plies to the leading hotels and leceivus llie subjoined answers: "St. Nichols. "N'ever had such mi ap plication belore. The patties bad belicr makes personal appiics i ui ' Metropolitan. "Very sorr;, but could not possibly do so. Would lose all oui got eta, most likely, it w.u.diU. - -JOKfUnSSa: "Iiniawaihle .'-.JUfoa. AvcJi.ue, "Will give an answer another lime." Hoffman H. use.-"Wili acid an a iw r." Everett House.-"Pu p'Letor in Mama cbuaelts. Will send an answer when he 10- Inati ,-tn Ratl.rilKV " Brevoort'Houae,-Beut k-tt. f dtc, ti ng. ,.i-ai. jz.-f-. n Weatminsler. "Not possible. "Wo dd i have every guest fesve if we did." j Clarendon. "Impjsible to- malie an; I promises, aawarvery lull atiout tins time j Biiudes, our gui sts -r gi nerally such i.- , stay with us si me time every year, and not j llkewt1 hot 4 "pine and go inrgularlyv" I Tbiis ia "heavy, s no doubt Mi. Powell I thought. What a shame to thus treat our i "cttlmi" cililena. Greeley otiht to rt rolt and Sumner oght to "introduce a res olution' ti4(.iifr. t CA,rno. Our paper is almost entirely giien, np Wtha publkattoo oj the Captfont. After few days we wid have ga--t.j through With speeche and other matter that have cconioSted, and wkich ctwicern the havda and their doings, wlmn we will feel atlT relieved. We will then be able to jflve moire variety and blereet to our coi -i uinna. readers will be pleased? wtlh , the, tictllent tieteh vrhieb w. publish to day. Mr Poo ia a moderaU BtpubtUaii, and i master d j31ctlon that ii fr sn)ri,T tt that o any u.A.A in fiithi r Jt-ns . We tl i k a'f will ngree that Ih atyl ot the .tti is 1 a :,, t l gnrotHyrietl, every UI pijij wilL " jlad to know that there M at least m Ko- Dublicanwrro doei wrt appfove of theenor - J . ' o',ll .. ir. I Wua ealarie voied le tlie twartn ol otucei BOwUHheBUte.1 ' ; ' , t - ; m 'aawia '.'aw. i .' I, "' 4 CbwrA. On Sab'ia h. las 8vt o--l!aM were paid.fof wort'ttat bugfit tOliStW beee done by the Enrolling Clerk nt tome Hue feh v itrocJiit.t aa U Iti-x Jl." f The Duke ol Arjia, fcuwieiaiy ul' the B it ! Wi Iti'ltan D.-pariuirnt, baa toterii a i ) , widi r. -teittuo lo oue ol..W aima Vbich , wouid con.iu 11 I to ihe aiii ntinn . f A , caoa. anij u.ia4ly i the fiBitTiTneh o.' ' pride. Tin. n.-bb Duke knowing 1I1..1 there j was no vi i ll iiuru, ohUii:j,' iu the L ivil IWHI": f :.(.lihliS l.ouK OCT. Y it ii'e dooinid irretrii val ly dooliud I'll.' . 11' , n. ll .a )' .lie oil 1 11' . il al I'll, o sii'l I i, I ,-m, inn- in ,,ur oili.'o. He said l.oid,, r that the Aj .! 'he pirty Iniil all ,ea y .il a I, nt, and ihaL yuu would ta i.ni .i...i,:li in. v ,i,il,iy, y n.,i,a.. l. .,i, ,..,1,' f . 1,. d rl, o, !.,." lniv. A:- .Vlr. Aj.x hat a r ick the eai i. 1 'oaeiri ra a luU'ldy I,Ioa, w-no wil. l.e tin niaii to atnk" in liirn. tiniTs.' aniis poliiu d ,t ll tit or a' one, . e i h.i k .,- thtj Col 1. 1 in it I.I ., m ? II ,1 h. St tie w In- lieu- li led 'rii'ciily" 4' amtrtr rrnn Trd piicn into li i iu u la Aj jr. atyle, and flrike S' .n, i'rike hard, and strike open. Wl.o , ia lr A j ,x f la he any relation to ib nie 's t tiero 1' ao, wi.ut i . t j Tiii.k.s. A new teat. ire of the "advanced I cividz tiion" it t'ie atiiufdant titles that have I la i ii b,t,nveij. Tbe lianda, wide-awake to j thi ir own interests and importance some 1 times refer to each other ss "Honoiabic"' so aud o. Hy way ot toiirtei-y, the (ajM akets . of the Hoiie and Senate have oeen reternd In sa "HonornblcB," btiLW-B, , iiav -Bee "ThiTwii 'beli.ie pluu It pie.enatives to he i Lux iluhlied. lint .t i r all, it noum's . ltgtj.y. .. Why nut aay. ViiunJ' Cuflue. lUyu, or "llou." Hid Cawthorn, as well as "If ,n " Wind v H I y - or iiide 'd other "llouoiables" 1 that might lie, mentioned ? t ... Pttt tlw t'nntrrel:" Tod ft. Calllfirll, I'nudml uf (A ,Srae .- The Coi-stiiuiioe. Article II, Bcction 18. uro .ides, I bat "Bo law .h ill lc l .a- d to ra -e ini uey on the cr, d.'t ot the State U cute tie l oi ii ot i ne matp,nr tint pay- meni vj iu (Ufii. unless ti.e lull shall lu read three soV'ta! limes in me i House ol tip CJ. neral Aaaeuit.'y, and paated three 8 vi ra! rea linga ou three d . I h rent days. Agai'i, in tlie same article. -ei li.iu 2 i, it ia provided that "all b its and reaolu'tons, ol a legislative nature, shall he read thieo times iaeneh H .His tsoTore liny p into raws," . Tim bill theTif ire, providing lor the pay ment f the buYial .ieiisnol t ie ia Hon. D J. Rb h having (ailed to pass the t nate on the 21 day of April, and having tieen paased but twice by lua hotly, -i Bt law, and the endoiaciiie.iit ou the .back ol the Vjil, thut it di 1 pa-s its 21 reading Apr. I J.Ms erroneous and false, as tiie'jourd ls show. ' I therefore enter. this my voleiun protest: 1st, Against the aad bill 'being Matt Ard. . 2 id. Against tbe Treasurer paying any ,m..rnV-y Vnr-TfvmiFt-f- ----'- K'etittt(yb'SStUt4. '' , y ' - W. ft J.0VE. VnfiltTABr.Ki The autht mfe r,f ti e W tin.ngt. it and Weldon Railroail Will trTnrif Tnrtsit ri'tgnriTun" twim i.i is un miHiuav attcriMwii. i ueir vuv'ii.ri te J.1 iJr, , rprm. We 1.1 hu MiMiUi.y !UTn.n. I lieir tap rpn visited the truck Hum vi a , f (cud io ye - terday. d he wili h prepared tw - Ir,ta al... Hunt nt ntrllahfal KS a very large thi ment ol radiahea by the fir trs'n, Kdd wi I It-llow l y daily, ship nij.ttsduKog the w.ek. Thit crop i Very fl ie and ready for fuaosportation, lut re era thit or lo-ir at res ot tn lishee an t (I jltltl sriiff efaof-bcUS, ftil -Hj q'lall Jnf the v gtUoie such a to command the very bights! ynce. K iL Aw, - J -' seireeol his c. unit) In voiihk men. ba- 1 emt'.o: il v h p . .. I . , ,,y .;j: -r. . m u.e li :'.. OjSL. i i , piac.,1 ho, yoiintesi s. n iu a coiu.uerv'ai ':' "" '' ' I'1 ; 1 ' ' !l:,tl '" V, ' ' !l i":'l j ti owe . ni;a: d in Ih. tea tra.te. ,. j.,,livi.in ' r- w , u I '".- ' I In re I- in ,i -ei l,r a ioilK leadur ill- tins ..' A ilia! !".' r ol -lli ., I, .- 4 lo L i I h- 1 ,, :,, . sennl. It- ami p.. i-r w..rtl.j anion ol t In ' p-i . i . 11 r- ... . v , u.ii ti , i w .i , n , j.,, i , , ,,r , , .ieotn..ti iinki , or ui.it rial toi a uru-tii'ii t ," ' ' '' '-rvi-r . .. v n p..u 1 1 u il U.,1 ,Llv . " , m... .. . .. . 1 ol a cm.,. .. .,. ' I t -a, Il t a i e il . ... ! A i " in'' in (urn a text, nut e h iv not time , . , , , ....... , ,11 111 ,12 -.1: ,lii ol '... e'a . I , V .' . . , !.,!!. ... ...,. r,.l ,, , .at was 111 to.l.) I.. wr.le .li-jlr.ail-ir. the ,li c oui. j . ill II.. .M ..I f. ' ,, . Ii , ., a . i ... . ,. v;,:, ,.,. ,.f i i an t v,n tVr Hi iij.'i.t ni. h a rw.a, ol e .n.bn-t n.u I. u ..; , . ... . . , t. ,, . . -k- .. i..r m . I ,,,t ,, .,h it salarii-r I I ll.e Ita.lK air,, Hi e , a p laoil tiler. t.,-.t j. I :t i, ,i nun "'' ' -o lo I ;.o-n. ; . .. ..i-.t. n . i . i n i ) , , o p .'i n ,- , ueiliu f ' ti.... I. ,.. ..I .1,. kJ, ,iii ,.. n,T- , , ; V " 11 ';''ir',' f "",V' tne'-.v,., b ' " ' r.,1 . Ik : i;a.oo;..... t4 iirrr.n-v ot m rnntri I i, 1 1 . v ... . i l ... , , . . , . ' . I no.', oi r,., .. ii,, . .. i, ,.i M, nin.v Am. in ..na l.o - I- .' 'i -e , .-. - i., . . ... . , , ' ! i . I. , o, : . . ... ... . I ' - ,v.,p - "! " - pi oiid'.. I m,...li;e ami , ,H; lul ol j;o , c u u' '" ; " -1 n i; i - :..i v ; i- i-o i . n, , f, ,, L,.t , , ( ., ul tl K I V !'.' : I. not li-.w.:M r.-l.. r I,- no a.p li-l "' "" ' " ' ; ' - ,' !' ih v..u..ir.. j, l' '" "' ' " ... ' ' ! P -;.'. oi I ,. ,.l.rr -'eoei,.!. ! ' tot : i .1 i - ! ' o ,i i, .,;,.,,..,,(,,,,,,,, (;v ,..,,,, ,, , , , , . i ,, . ,, , , ... I i, , ", i .,' ii .iv ..I ... ; !.,-.... in ,.;:.. . . p ...i, ,. i. ly a-. I. . I. . . , v .1, VjXM I, o i ., i. , , . li mi, ,1 , i , , ,, I ik i i ... I i v.,'..! , . , i I. : , j .. ,,'i s, , , t ... in f ,- i I , 'n- !!'. ...a.k. an . w t,r,oe. that m, Ii- o'.. ai . "' '- -' ..,'..,., " d- u.a-. m. x . v, ,. u. - i ,.lu,t. , I... . .' H-.tt I o i- I . ! i : i j ' 1 ' ' - "ll. In. .1 1 . II f n ,',-., r. 1 l,ir i w iii-.i..!.. ,, ...,r , wn. wi e ih in . . . . , , . i , , 1 . ' ' v 1 ' . ' ' '! it k five laigr ' wt." Hi i" in.. Mi. ni . nr In'l , i. I.. ,-i mei :. h ,.,.) - n t.. ... .,, m i ,, . .... ... ., , -., ., i-, .1 ,,m ,., ! f oe U ''lo "-"Hi, o! our .,, ,,, s , , , , !n 1 1 '' "o ' )' 1 I ,, : ,.i'- ,i ul li in o f ,! . - , i . (. ,, i I o 1 I. I It 1 1 t 1 hi -lir r V I - i i - a -oil , ,t ' I I . - :t in 1 n , ' 1 1 ' 1 ! : ' ' ' . ' i , . H K , 1 1 1 - W ., i V iv V H-,0' 1 t , ; , , , . i j :.: .ws'.'mi I I .1 i I..-. l! ' " ' - " ' " I" '-" 'I ' 'I' Ul 'e - HI lllc I ;. I ,li r i. .l . iid .1. i. T.l, .i . " I- I ".-' ,i. l ! - . . . t .. . , , " I .., i,.l .1 :..t , o, i tin u, ian.e : l ' ' " ' " ll Mill l.,ll I' ... I - I' " ' ' - ' . , i ' ' ' . . j nt'-. . ' v '. : I i.' l a n- a 1 , , j I" " : ! ( ' ' i " ' ' ' - ' 1 l' v .... - !h . n, i 1 " 11 i'. m. -y . 11 - , .1.. rfionii n. i..i In, .. -t... a.-I pro ' t '" I ' ' , " i .1 " lb ) ,-.n. H rd 'o. h. .lit . trie.- ' o - . n 1. '! V, I, , .' I , Ml,'. .'. I'l I i , ,1 1 , 1 1 I y nil ' 11 1 1 I J " I - 1 1 . l' 1 i , :. , , , , . t ti ' ra ; . !;, ( , h ,L . il 11 I tp y f ' . I -nl i I, an, I ll M...J I ) I UII ...hl' 111 i'l' I'll'l "t , I ,'i-n ' . I' I'll ' i "i 1 , , , A.li a.,ll r l"l wau, oil ami' ' t't" ' 'Went -iTif-,' Mn-r a o-w, rnrto- t ( a "T .wt.a.,i. ii.,i.-, i.t'S.),tA,..xJaOite. i -'.Ul .iJ,iUi.J ..i.i -.,iMI,:,n,r l,M L,, lo . !V I,, ' 'H ' I-':'" ' - ..I . I I ' lo ot u la , lo n.l of; ' ' "' til,-..:, I I, le I, a kl...l ol l.o- hi no 1..1..0. .1. ..1 1, u..'- II ..' 1.: h . . 1, ' .1. ii A il eiio., e to n-,;;,., J ) 'j ' '";,' .oi. 1. J'OM.'H ll.. . In' 1. o- . Io.,L l " . - ' ' '' ' " "' -' ' '' ...-.....' v. i; la,,), i. 1,,. i r ; li 1 1 1 to i r i i.i- ' ;l!i I i. . I -1 ,o .- a ol l in ., 111.'. - 'v, , '. ; ,., , i -o I ,,. i .ii Mn H.. m ; j1( - Ill , 1 1 . 1,1 ,,l , lt,,.W lit, I.- , . , III' ll i I o . r ; ; !, . , ' I ' , - - I '. ol l ' ' 1,. I t , In f li l.U , .',i,,, r , I, Hi 1 1 will ins in- i ni iii a lieTn n i S . v t ;i. i'. - ', n : " o 'i ,i - ! I ' .,i k uv i! bh.iI ii. bet . i.,.p., iv U o-r " ' tn.ee iii a. y part o me world. I . pi- n i.... ..u.'.. .. I.... u ' :. , i, y ; it ?iT; -hriThi rn ri -vr-l.-p TrriT nr mr rrr . " loll -tall, d ' or- if - i I'l j ... j,1- v.' )' o:!l. a ol tin- Cnion ,,w. all 11. ( ,, , . I " I o I : ll I... i.L I .. , Le il . Ill I .''.er , ol I,,.- A 111 : ll all 'irillo a. J K a 'il 1 n ' -ka . II' . l.ann, , li , ve e in am- d , -, ., . , , i i i , " I h lie -.,-. i.i,:.,lar . I i.Mieul.ii. ii'n ,.l t ..- iii '..,.,., ,. ,. ,. ,i i ,!.; i,,,, ' i .h, ii., n ii i.i tin ...,. I ;. t... . , , . i ' I- I'll ol. nt . 11, whiih ll-t or, to lie tollnd a I ! ' I- o1 ' ' f t in , I ' ll I, .-I ,,11 1 I n.'.'u a In,- ."oale'a anc-lm, Winn m,ti M" -l,, I il u,y of lei mi and r. nme io .,s o ' collll .' ' i'l I' . -. K .X - :',,,,,, , : ,, ohM-uif Ul.tl can hi. i ,, , , .,,.. i i W e n: lit o" " nil,.,' Inn. - I : I i 1 .! u ii i .i in i. ni oy a,, upt ai.,1 woitnil,' ' ".in W In In lalnil e- In w l,..-n fi- ,, ,, ,,, , ., , ' 1 t otf i i a .. .n, id l.e . . , i, o.' .'M. ; Jit. .... , il il . ni .-a.'- a. '''''' '' '. - I i" Ihe , aud tin :;-y le, ai d the, ,.' v,k I '.. . . n . at t r -.11...,' a t', ,,,1 ;n .. , . . , , k '. I have dou. I . ! .."ill i !,, . ' (i a , ' 1 1 w ,,t d, I a' -o 1, a t hi.. ' . 0 eMr'i I 14 ii v o i.'ii i , ii i, ,',1,1 ! ii, .i ii'ie 1 li i i. iid. i ,i vn -l IIU), I.,. L. r ., t ' . r- H,..,il Ih iiniu. i.nd Hi -i ' h "' v' '"' " i i, I ,i n I i,.., i ; a ,- n n, Ha. Laula." It la -i m itter oi ( . . . , in p. .. a i- .hen nr. ir, I , r no ,i, ii i -in, I no.' n io in,, mii'hi ,,,iy ,i,,n, a,v rt . - - " ', ','" " o o ale l i. II 11 I ',i i o i 'i- i . i e a re in. -1 iv. ! I.-- , 1 1 ol - I line y l ol i.rail' liil.i'iiiy ,I,!oils hnoelv. WhHIl! I. allot I. I I' tilt: dSi pi.. -id in .-ool a i, . : o.ii dm Wia.ll.iv. Sad, lll ,,. j. C ill t,iH j : ,e Iii1 ,j -ar.er la . udd, we ho,., aom.' in ! "lo,nii(i i-.i. , , .. .1,- ,, i . I' iiio,.a- ni' akr lo n- ivii ii,,ii r. ' I U -.1 1 1 ii I - 1 1 . oi w nl eolia e r,ll Oie in-tan, ' .. , . Ia--l iix nth i ni. 'iv . n i 1 e-'l I.' P land puoll-.ll Hum HI eol j ,,tliv(,v f mpll.ii tnin ,. a in! .Hlall 1 tini'ti. hiveri body will then tee what an ' u,d i ink ; :,e jti iu- a ,vi",-. d.i,- iti.n evlensive relai ionahiii la-lofers lo our I'n ai. i ieie.-.t.-il " , I t;d sjfJi.,ii,StSiS' K. y.'iried foi 11. 1 i I. Si.ii.AIUti 1T rifi t,rl, -.! - a -.' .. if (. 1 . Or 1 1 '''K'tHS. , ,1 t,' i-r u.o riolloill ol M I la. I , the H 'iiooi jfite-.i v i g li d ,il i iin i 'iiut. .s auV 2Mo -,(.,, - -a-i Knoiiah llall.J, IJ'. Ill o au Al... li W :,st i o - n, all, ui In nil .u oi Voiu,u,;cla dca-t In n. ., niii-1. 'r 1,,.. - al . loot 11, a.:;. , i ludid t.M'. wnii lo i;.' en iir.s. ivl jr . i 1 1 in h , n ' ! , a d i. i i n, 1 v ni no ,, 1 . vi r , land ami '. d a n li ai rvi . a i ti , t to lie in. I, i 1 1 IttL" llll-l lei I a'.in a.t , will i-rr to I I-,' did , I . in 1-id, I, jf It I" .11 lll.tl I .111.1 A way, tin ti. w r h t In- idv I tint in this) 4i a4 .ta - .,4 -io--Ttt -rli-tti"s. I .N l 111 I nroitii i l ie tin I In, li i m- i ll I t-frTi t -Dul p. ii,. rill, Tioil li ent i v . - o ia !!. I- "TTrt-Tre7TJ.-T7T rr,r, d'- me l ..r a d i i ..Hi i - oiio.ii t. ,1 e pe p!.. It tli i l a, w e ;. v. piv-. T.'e..!li,i, rep nj.p mo- i h m' inl, leC I ol lion. ,1 ll. li nr, ,l.t .1.,,, t to revel iu luiU'l .iiit. .iu. ' tux j-a',iTi ca . a. ,,ie f p vM loud an I coiuii ri tli., , i. 1. , , ,, llles, llligbl iVaktj a fejri. 'rtt .I.,). I 1.111.. , .a in t f Fetrsfi nt -a.CTatT'(wr. ptrni."i ,"-lVT ulaim linn un ni re r, w,- ,i ti,ve ol till ptopie ol jNoi.Ii I un. I,, i,. I have a. i ii. w i. n p .in. tlie orow i liriou.- Iiabi.a am n- In A n l . ,i. I tLUlulliiaivii; .U..S4 t-tt.ymnrIt,vi-?"-ot ' U Uli.'.wi re onU til: III efal .t",'ij r. Lie lull (,l'.rii s llepnliiK:. I, , n thai We InUir li lt I ,1 -in li a , ol V' v -t-tt I Iii nki ,'t, .ni. I I, o' ' -r nt'.. f Aaia.ri.it l.biX.j- . M . pi, p , llie iiuinni ra aiol i..t!n of t . el tV. l-ft tra Vote Olll oditlat' a,-,- a.id ri.iolir im' th iii t, a t to di Mt-tll 'tt 1 p. .,p el ' J'l a j tin, example ot s. ii. pie ami iingm ' j i a L--t ua remind t.o in 'hat ih ,, -irrtr RTjrtimtees a niy-ti - .Srr.i.n iji4i-trrir-; Clafl. L t us led t'wa b-et I It--v wll l-a-- I Hit. I s ,- l a-ol J.il c ion I tn.' ..... V , I'tty itti'i uty mm t,. -t. Ta.-it...,v i ll.sir ,h.,',rt j.liion I, .1, r ,'.,,, -io lLL-il.4etf i iTnt'frr't i i afire. Ia-t ua a.iy in thein Ur. .' y Hi .uniptiious ii, aii- ions kc. p ) t,,i at j . iptlpati' a t;l vt y our o. ,,,, ,,,)- a ' lias - l.iaal lo ',e f t if , -a (V iiri-i - a , apaikl.'til wi.e-o.' iy f". r'e.. 1 po ( ll 'jr ti ttilh yum attn murij - ii-.h w t tt.u 1 earning-, ol Hi a wn in 'iml it ia t .tUala -"-and ivot.tti y-tf rail on ti ...A, r .,,.. t .... o, . v i.,a 'I i. JijjTe Utit lot iwiy W7e-i ' i4, ,i:ic-t-t ; is c. iniuiitel to r.Hi'd t.-u n.v n,i r, - trenchinent. 1, lie 1. - a t" at...:. ,,-' iv : Ins piolesiU'.n-, he v, il i,r i ivi I. :u. o,-y tempt ol- uuu in.. wnisj-er-d ' hril.o of itU1('U0 ,"r a?,...,ii., a! c i tns i to buy hill into atient .(...ii.,eufe aid plunder of thenati -nal tre,u.y; t Dr. fiaiiKliu aa.s ,h,,e are .itriyt sulll li j pallicj Witillig lo'oire ln ruleiv lti,.H p-v, , lU.Wlkt Ikauce ,u er. .iuke,lii. jo get more payrpiioifili'i. A,.d , ffie (be msfcuig -f&Lmf it.il'7, Tt .ak'tiiLiit its! watt:hoids, let the r;tie it-uuolir-tn ad i uilww.rtif'ital-o citr.ii,ilw lu-ji.taiiou, aJ S.a.1 isni.il ii, tiil i ill-Alt l .l.llt ,-t: r.s isi.l 9- iVwUtaiU wtartby ibe coi,d.,u th.! Ve..: pl ' , . TharalaUwniV nn tt.w.i ia N.artbC.r Ua, - ThsHtt-SWAtlaj lllf .. j.iJt-a.lta J ' . ' - - . t -r intm ;s''' '' ' " ariat. cat i ol lr-tUi.. .w it la. I (.at. . i.i.T bohtera H ve v, th. m ,ai aalaib-s, if we uf u v ttiU.u no" tliUU)"l i Mt 11 i-fc. Mo I u . . I. H -1 ;.t. Mr a -..tM- ., .. . I , oi uuvlll -.u,.,, salarn r i.. n ul- ..e v , $.7 '"-, n h" i v i t u-'u ,i j.' I . ) 1 1 -' -1 i,o f.', t t, lf m i I. v i,tir" ,ne en.-n - vji'v1 I iv;i I'm el- . 1:1 - ... .. . i rut r :i-e. 11. a .v li pit , ,. . , . t'lMIn . n ii .,'.- lion.'. ..in r (,-.!.; .otl-nl I li.otni. "i Fn ,) incenat. of pa no lagu, it , wt, giv,., uniu to , Thk Ja Vl'i vrio Of fits. iioASiofctt. 'We ai.jltrftjity to pt epttuaw 4j. tr jaiu.r. iuijm. Matnmt -ti tbe v'Siivir I A'ave,, tue baifciHtrjT on t rn l.rfj'ltn oi irgv Sje- au.tnbas l4nttf all l.xu'n plmg lie propriait. nt (uoiuinal y u.ud Itir Hi nt ptel ie.a this point and lif it's. Furry, ti! fau tin led' fihbiic iH-mbt, we then wiii have ! wu'hdtawn lor teparra leuy -tiw, Arsx ,iit dout, ail itt.tur j)orftiji . guti.jjrto tar May and will i, .uttttM tf "u viuoe bC uutt U.e..lltiiK lat au a. iv umif t.l . tills Istaie est. p -opoBe to iiacit tn cmirapy. - rite id lb s blstu small, and wt ae li tuonr arNfuer r to fff.-rf rnp of ,he rrr Btnat f.r.r- - f .1) 'r.r, 0 yo.T. p,o' 1 ,7 ,o- .JtwHry 'llVUL.ll H.I,A ul Bll h uaUl- I ' Lli;i;itiJi-ltll Or-,1 U -(OIH Uu ui,,iiU!' J,U1. y '?""" Iff C!V ' I . 1 ol Ci : V, l In.. 1, ol art, 1 1 1 . . k . i ii. 1, mi ibis S i , - wid 1 1. iv. sa d, in. ,,. i. c lit t,ia i kt-jx iliai: law,rn WtU uave t.,-.t.u aix. ut ,, ito-d, I dottot not .1. vieaa 1 have pre no d s t m ua-io w to wine n.e. i. IS .c,i ;' .i t? , invrl '.' p . tti.ui v itUi In an. ..I aem, ; ol uiuii ,y. U no, 1 .-.a l . ei.i w.r J. w.aii ti it - win. ve,e ti ing 'laled wi;ii iho tlfle , ml, dudieh. o ine i.-'liieau. waeu . Uls -T U.iutt it.,!r aied and hi,-uoiitllieutiijuioi. laid. I v tin- tar !il t; w iinli l;,e l. o- j wulov. cm ml I ,e trK .su.y. For the Senlin.-I. ; I'liT li m i', N. f., April 5, 18ti9. 111 j itr' n in.-e ot tt call iiam-tl by theTms- l.C-.l 1- ll 111 It litdiT lll.oi'lite, Morii.vrs v.de. ( ..a'h.iii t .tniaio, , u J ,d leaih.nai , i ' .mi i, to. i will ajr. t at the I 'i tt -lo -rt.' i S tn 'in A - ie I. in , tin iliiih Aw. il -rid lai ll . in "i'be coi.v. ntbui will inelnile ; T ac'ier. enei-s w-af ai-, n-n Kittii-vr--Bi-t-tMsrfWie ! at'el 'itot 11 It- . ol the goaofl, Ill ol. Villi: Th. I . I l I in i. a rue. n. ul A s i . i.i i on toi . he lu in oof i oiilt.y-. A ii no u !. proin i I, it.it- Hit--.. di, l. ,-ji laidy enleri I'.. -I. .r '' li i. V .1 s. n r, ,i , , v .1, ,1. .1 v. k-ot. ai i, e. ' .1 .1 inta in It W a of nil, rea, wiii g l-t.'l-UM IV do l w-,v.-ni ittit wi l In . .1 l.y ihe t tliz u i ul .1 M. Volt, Ml. .1 M ,15?. iMi. dr, , IV I I'avi. .u., , If J).-i.0-,. liol.i. . N , J.V I ll K MX i' I rt li Uf' Ml'U'O .i.v...i a. iMn -.; ii.tyhyjri'j. 'r?virnff,r?r r." 7" ry "ir.Ti' ""tv.,i,,v. ,'-.''? I U tn. l-,v.ki.pl '11 1 ii .l -J ail lilt-li' 11 I"' l";iU'H i.it'-lii i- l-i. . "m pi ":'J: .'U)w.we,ka- p. vii'.iii h.. ' ..it ti -, ' Nollll (. a... iii:-., .H II' h X. AC i .ll 1 HUo - . - w I). His t. 1 1-:; X't r i.yt r t I.' .4.1, AL lot lt..i.j'. i.1 ...utVj, X'U- lit.. -' - . '. . ., . , . . . Hi (-..una i f 'r the b ...klup Ui.uleu.lt in ' i ff ol, iiiu iheaieip ittci, hy ii.e C.n,-rs ot ih. t' It d - at oi n. . .i .. .it, ui ii. N . li ' ,.i. ii.a. w.. iii II t an ,111 n .m o .,1 t o '',-a-..i tiie oaiaiup a, I in Maio t aii-l iha' tin- mil' i.'.iwi, fhtreov nil. ll I llie eitec -1 ' a - 1 1 1 In x ml .,, ih. .-C. a us ,r 'o a'lt 14 h sa le eiiil.r, It II ni.rup , y :.C- t .1 I'l.'l" 1 I li lo. ,il-.v.ed I ..mi (on, i -ma ft .It-; In i, .,.) i HOI. lltn ll I . trui $jUJ ,i. d li) saitl I SB WtK UJ.toi.1 no alum ,ni-T.t y,I 1 ' ' i"1 ' ' C .u!.uj.i.d 1 1 ".ie-a it, the- a to! nc'i'p-aij i.'i.rrt.i Au . I ,m will e.i i-Ded 'liiat tb. t m: u ' "o; ti... .fin;. c.ii'e.id. d tor. t hav. de,o.i,d tuia ipi.att.m ,u tbe on t lh..v,C i) d.j.i. isei titiiid )roanrc 5 tt I r ' '" w-''" ' an op.'p -n whtc.i 4 puoiUlted in Jtnd gf f7faer, "f ?f fbalitt, d lifl U Ol! our, II 1. Isei the TtlJ e)tttii.-J lT"" "l'ti( "r'- ' . ' ' - " V P "" i Ali . fMld V', URf i'l". Er,:l'f'"' 1 hI ' f a"'"". '" "!t"V rot rnHr I've ch ,icier til the pi.n0'i in .he it C, Um -urn, na liaiiUk .At.Je 4,iL ' TOst the Bankrupt, ,a Ut. eut tit-.l in . jn,y vv ol tun cat-e to the. (mute tu til. or ti. Uerotial uio.,r y cUi.iii.h1 by ! il l. fiutluiii. -i t ,,,,, ,,',,, n -,( ... .j,-. . ,A( i ii- v.e,.,, to 'A K . t --ae tttw.tu., A aiua . r te , However, iif t- rtsuie its p,i4rtJiia"-f; iiue .itiriu suonu.a. .wdMnUVr9. t. I' TT i ' et t; a e 1 " -' ''-i.ol cl. iv. . aim 1. A thn m ih Wiliiunj.'tnn Jtitnai r -ai .aj, j.u,:i..tiiuaiiju. wiimierfc.-. ill - t r U a tJ l that Ctlv WtJff r-td K 1 " ' " '' 'K ev .'ry k ftttT ttla Mllei. i j'"-s',i ,. ,(!.,:(" Wj,b jrnint L.XJfeCWUtiVainit, 'I.Wtajilst.iWtlWtffiMsa l H-) tt. The iiiimvUb-J'WHvl "Ihe atricturra . in. loii'it n(! -et i lb nf ft tHrB por -n of tirtf ' ' ".at, r Sinagne's latriUy, ai d iiaa.. .Uuntrf ol l.tel Joslicf j ' 1 uae, w.r, iiiuau ol iiu. PiHik.ll House l-'n.Uy !!'g!it,,.Ti,ej were tu Jovt U en. .,i,ili Car, li. . Wil. Jour v Th- WiliMtrnir.., Jumit.tk!i)mm to dl appou ti.Bi.t at the Ifiguoll fijera ta in ar,l iwtirr, ir,a....eni'il.nv Ul jal i fljtn-'-SUIll - W uppo i llie TifT win "caiiTihuiTlo TricfeaVii in I i the i.. t up rloi Curt. - Witmuiflok r 'rue l.'lla of mdiitm nt have ro far 1,-un I l.y ibr Grind Jury '.anil learn IBai llltle, !?n..Jiia-a p.U;d lo be doue by the Jury. .1' . .V i.'. . i no h n Kiiiht. - We learn that a Li .i, t. i. ligM ia m ei.titi mpl ition, to come tf.it !,! place i me tipie iu My, in which i.. ih V iL'it i i and North i aroiiua will fljf. Il'iiti-, t'ie eoloretl wnmait who a a I made tic murdemua ataiuit n - na.i S k-y c . ileal, has li.ta released on i.ail I'll i.,,n I required wa $.10, and the s,curi:y wii iVJjy. l'tuuitey. the n'hfht.l j-,u,i..,r at t i-y Tun.-- Wit ,ir. I Goino into ins Fltt'iT VraiKKsa --We jXU I " d io ',lia..lh.aLJti)ij.jjt.. oood i-eoldt ...1 his 'ecfroil have cooiiiieiiertl aipneiating the ad,unia(.es winili th.s ihe and and l.lloid. U Hull gruw !lll. We v. ta.u a-ui,.t i In .t, ;li ate. udinii ably pt. .1 to III,' pU!'p,.ae, and ll.c laellllli j 'di. iHhl uiaikels are Ull.iuniaes syii Ts tn ui loKsm -Yei'eitlav af t. i r mi Shci IT Howe'l, ol Ho'giin enmity, itirivi'.i in (tir city witi four c mvicta iu . I, arirr tor roiirlm uii-nt and- talmr in cu' I Coun y WuikhoiMe. Th y ate to tie. re celled ami ,rk,-d U'lili r the new atrafiiie mein , flectil ln-t w en Hie ci until b, wberuhy nooeson pays -hi eents per (lav li llie ketp ing ntrsch co-ivict anifdwsre all exrumar oi irsu-p in ,tmn. nil yue. A Fen. ai, us LiuuiM lino A larsre j Uuuct&ia ;.. iig she tto, a crorl hetwei ri j t ie iiiuodlmuH I Mid the wolf, was brought to our city l..r Mr. C Uauler, tr.iui New York on ihe Ke .ec.-a C'lydt. late yesterday aii..rnooii. I'liia -log i originolly irom Alaska d is -acl, and has Ion puipy. ' t it e llr.t ii ter. ttie stands fu ly tnrre I el Inn-, anil is a dangerous looking biub. iSe woi l 1 ata es, how.Vtr, for tun iubiruia tioH ot ' weiik-kimd hipMbliosus" that the .omid rs mteiideil tor no Ku KTu purpoaes Wit Jtnir. Tiit S,iring Term of llie Superior Court' lor n.rouii y rominencert last eef-v Imtgr' H iiroii " fireairfiiig. We learn that two iisi oes were e.inviniMf.1 of af emplttl i.pu iiu widte.iiiiji, jx years, and -mm . u iimI tn l"h Penitentiary tor' ton yca a, ' I heniMrro, J tih (ihent, who waylaid aud beat Mr, Mni'on OaVHs some (imi. ag, wa l onvicied ami amie.fre I to the Ptniientiary l l I wn yenla and aix uiuii lis I t Wo lew u Hint Judge H .X'on does nol peniui ti e iv ay law to oti-lruci trial in XkS a jf ill iv Uebui. ClUfci-W lllire. old rll.n j aee a -issue are p po imh U'stirt Dem- Mr. T Mi Vlillan, of Elir.alietlitown, well kno ,v n iii ,:,ia seil i,ni, lias purchased a si t o. lunrjuteiiia aud pfceuteil t). ul to the yoluisi men ol' Ehiiabelh.owii, who have torm:'.n- a t'Taas t-aiol. W bear that the tynit an, use them--e iea I'i bc wnig tw . uxy Luiti and one hail li.'Ui. iVti o l.-a twrutjoour, anil the other it ii y ivf..utea uie'il. Voted ui "iealinj tSt i ir'i, iiini urn', i.ts. 11 ,ve peis, veraiicii, boya, for our beat otanse 'Slw wttli'iysi. Wafi'lswir''f - t'KltfiiiSAL. M-ttitnT'ltiti'hel Uajta1iit prTson. Natalia pa r .men lortnni-tlli!rs twice a lav. The V'nreiilones', ol Hatiingt i to aeak nm1 lafron in lino br marriage. A Mormon Listiop ae'Is liquor af riigdrn k nya, onl i.reatiuet "reliubto to the li .-am.n-ll-reott rHltttiays; sVlsv Uurtingatn- 's Chinese JJniba-ity It.to thans Tij-fitiist-teif-t. ttV,tB aii, aaftaaafijlaiin M tkU tliu, hpa u, au.f J)ily.. . , A ma ji ilio ut ailv.jr crown haabeen pur c'u . tl liy titiftriplion lu Kugland and P a. i i on itie tbtub of llie laie Emperor M mniili oi I. IV f! ha juat given a dowry of $10, ooo ii. one ol ibe daiighteia Mrs. Howard bom biiav- ': M Thiers'1. 60 years oh) has commeoce.1 the aiudy ol Uaay,Jteijtttltg ir lallliplnl his . ra on osruial phil.i,phy, A yeir eiiiot le; ltiiiabe.1 fiis psJxmotii;a4.nttlUAei. A oTuTtirPsSliT.t w ritet ju the ITeielU tint .iii..bodyi has eooimifcd lUlcliR, preferring "the ccftaintlct ol an eve.itlul rainre tor tha nnftM-f th4 We.- Tio ddi.hier ot Midame J noy Llnd Goldschm tdt, a girt ol Umn yea,ra, i aaid -io po a-s miii.h uf the great tab nt ot her uiother and to hay au ciCclteni noiee. One of the fiiaraat'Convmnt - Pre-T burg, Hungary, wasncently poisoned while partaking of the aac fatnynl Of the ll nuLZZT5Z! Iia.lig poured suihunc acid fnto hit cui. Ae'Olprorht .Pbile'h'IpW yropose fct m ike a siaime of Mtaut inounted on J)ex ; ter. (lraiH' idj.n tl is Ulievcd tn 1 that Bpener bat'laibaJ to give him tbe b..!. , . a . - - -- - Edmund About jj'H t IKK) fromS the 1 it. rial t ireinmcnt fir wri.imr a namrihlrt yyrHaiarrnrv tnl a "'.l?," ' In K besides, , , s ' II". KllVSRDT "II5')K ru.CAUM. T"i ("n-s' leni, it it reported by somu ol th New York psp t. haidirecledrCue rct ol etinisD-r Kavei dy Johnsou Irons tlie Coon i uf tJt..Jc, - teawLary i latter ha already I -nf. ib'ttrifi.i.ial notice io Mr. Johns m tt Ut.uton. Ml cot rn il the atituiuent ia KiaoMir-bSeic i3ki3JH)Utt'! t 1H.Weiv4Ar- sf -;a)sia. ' comphslleli geoiluian, will pioo pily eud la hi resignation,. P , , hawa4SMti' ssn.ff- y 'wttiiW' .,ul expr.k,o, win ooonanioa ok m Cat, i o i(ieau,i actum iu i. .! aseiwly ut ay It matmm v.fvve f,.,.a ..i.,.. mm .,, ii..n,imrihftri. ! io. oes who m..Kh: t f,a,- Ui. .,uip,,i,. vxiiX r rf-aiT , i. ! ti.,-i it ' iat f Via.it u Jtai, art. .-. i -- i i Ai'M)' ' al. j,, ! r I .is &.'; lm(a-el,...eai Aatile.i .aiateonii Uwvmw-"' of Hvutaua, ai;i.a sttari llt tt$ a saajnriiy., SwW Tnek ooeabiatbyha were defeaf u9 "6v atroosi iton uu tu 'n ul Uu kliu. ; , -. ' l'lw i rnauieut. ai.lt 11 i, iu anil othera, ' wer a4 iiw Uapttot to day onaUieriuf auil ajif iUW Mils. . , ' '., ,., (.'. J,"' Vifry-tliM mwlustlftfia- jwere muxJufiriiipd at' ' am xM,.lMswisuaC.-wiiiisw4 snwtairww C$Z fmrnatu f.j-a.u.j'fm ytyn miinMif .s-.; ; '- stvaeiti evei-at' a. ' .''' ' Tu loUo-uiitfu. tits biU test at lbs ot tathor- ' lam ib suhBiaW irfiV? jwaibiiMia.ui Vir u.nu. al.aaawiM and fi lms to a vow ol the twav plo aud aaiuurisuu au niewiua of ittat vateera . o djiiufidmi bj s.d w.hm,sii .wit and taeuiti m tnefpic at tWiir.ua, tut approved etui autm d by iU ., it any, more I i,iut u-aaf j ; T .--yf-f :( uf. ..' . rreal. Ue it enarteai, e. That the P-w-idwit nf tlia Uitii.'d Malt a, at sneli tnno.aa he n.av tca t ii.riiia puiiiicutwritsOuajr sitUuiu lit tj,'Bitnu. , uou which was frsl.n. a hy ihe iiouveiitioa which' ' m i ti. kvK-i.BMod, Vt., oa 1 ae dy the tvl day , f iuinUr, lu7 ,lu it. n,gta,re4 Vobtra a muu. atate, ntatoreii at ilia tUM at said sul.uiua.u.., lor taitS'itkoi ur rejueijon ; and may atao utbuttt io a separais vol suel. Brovijti,ii o" mui! Uai stitultoi. as he may tUmta besi, suuh o.W fo be ' taaeu eiti.or U)Km aat k oi tiw atita irriViaioua sloae, or in rajutitailiuti Willi the other purttuuti it aani Cousutnuoo ss ll. I rnMiUul aauy direct. ; at,e. a 1'nai; at Uh aaiat. k.t.ou.ai Lhn init ai . sid !! my ftnerm and saw niemlwsLtjfjie uciMirsl Aauiiubly at aa.a Htait,, attU all tkeT-n- ;: are ot said Bt! pr.,t.lc4 fo by tueawid t'oilti tuuuii and utviulwi a of uoinmx, ma utu unl& rs ' ooiBioarnlm tue Uisui. t ot Viruuw ahull uaaaa ' tn rovitswieu TOwa ca aaiu 8t.aU. W be eieouou aeeoniiiid tu i, and tor that uurcw tj .,aaiit aoeu reaisirata.ua a may deaoi euaaary, and said sleeuona ahalt be aettt and re turns Uieraot lusde m m maouvr pruvitital by , t la at la of CouijtriUM eotumoulv Oallctl Ua Ham. uirutitinu are tH. S. ifialthsPrrai lautuftbaCnitedialatea marrm BaiOTeTTstcfim iVita to toe irs of aairt S'sw aiaueb tiawtaiiu lu sueu maiu.er a us may.iiirtaitt Uitutir1 tVJta, tin tire i.ut.autuuoii or seiatrata provisuiaia oi tlia sacs u prt.viutMl mtlaam awHinn ef t hu s,4 tu a separata vole, and at mo saoie aleetiuu ita. voters may vols f.,r aud alec) tu Biau.ot.ia f the bvaU'iuuxa aue atl ia avuta taaM ra arvnoed ' tort aattl CoakMiUtitataiiti aiamtwrauf Curnxnaut, 'ttni4 a-au, thl le. elmuuu attal: ha uolU ui .. saai t trxas for auy buruoaa nuut ttt rraaiih.ul au directs. ay 1 uat tite I'rasMaut of the United lala ' mv, in ilka lustnior, reautunu ui Uouslaiittioa ul Mtaaiaaii.ix k tttn vutsis oTaaitt Htata aTsueh umo uul ui auea ianar sa h tosy (timet aitht ' iita aitUw vawsura hn oraiparaier proviaiutia ui " the aiii-'as tirovkltal in the ttsat a- btaa irf ik a , atii lo anparais vow anil ai the aame eltaitwu .lis viHara uisy ?0 h-usl timet ui meuilaita uf Ibe legislature and U liio ouiur oiniatia lu'o vi.io.1 toe ui said; iawatuwtwa aitd eaemoars of ' tJongreas,-- . - - sen a. rnai ir eltnat' of aaict Conatitati.aia shall be ratittoU at saca ataetHiua Iks LKU.tatre of I ha b ate ao iailO.OR. eiotttii as piuvttUd ir in tltis set, slistl asaeiuole at tbe eapital ot a id Btsie on Its. iaawjay after lira omoiai tt" ttiMisaittai ot.auah laftiMsMm y tttt wllliary , Mot eowmuiding la aattl Mate : -...- oee 6 I nst blura tiie blattvs of V,riiiia, Mta. atsatwrt ,rttl 'PrtM snatt Da aUotun.,1 to na,.-.. saatauee us Ouuijriaw MtsiF asv-fral lejt,Uta,ta," aiUiiib. tmjr ba herealiac Uwlnlis autuu..? .... 1 rauijtn lftta. aiTOs whlub iawu urou ' bf CaMiSM i ilia tttaUM wa an ami,U tuaiii w ihe tJoiiautiiuon of ma tdtiisd ktaiaa. Bed. 1. that tll trt'oaeirii lias i anv or H. .1 ' 1'vm shall not be dtwrnsd nital or ogveratv it uuutista rwetorshoa th rw uetil U.at aetata?., t uuvely shall o appro-! by CuuirreM." . - . v'.Ja,-?,,... i,,v4tiO-- rfioM 'w-AsjintoTdsr hil:-- WtamaaToii, April H, Th fbltowme anmU5 uatitma wore sttnt iu to-day i, j, ,., a..,, 4. ttt.tiinip tuitiey, MinMer lo EnHn(l Mark" Hi jt, til lihlo, iiitniattj- ta -ttHlini aiaijrianu u.uusier atuaraua. fila, sti. , tn heteinm i lahn H. OarBale nf Wra irrlma, r ' r - ' to Hltiekholul ; J. B, ionty'TeiloreCAattuj U,V ral k Itiberiat Kirk ofohit, niinlaisr tu the Arewme rtepuuuei uuruativ. ( lihiuds , , llognta j Hu1.ai ul biwa, ni ttiiaurtMaU : .. 4 llsmetf, i.ailoreit) IB Havri) Kmov. i'hi' ' '..'-.. '.-a, tiu of I'aitostivsula, to Ktuji.4.J.iti.Kw.,Xtiav. ''''q r'''-- ' , to Austria : Kvaua, Harahall of at T irrajniii j , s ! Allans. j tt-naain ntMiaaiiira -j w (ilo.,16 - j AHsmer ear fcast MiactaeiitMi It'hiielitAtL A. "'" i -- sessur-fisr st-cniid distiitH of (ietirgia ; Hparitng, '' ' : fttll, dialtittt nf 'l,ti.,t,Mimt MorrilL t,t.n,. cmntdMtrfet of tteorgia : Feaoudj, fttt diatett ' ' ' " of Ttmawtaee. , . :l. '.s,-. ..-.-t.i ,- -w..-- ,r t'ualu.aai is A -sr. reterslmrff. Vat Ytmtitf. ; -- JtoioltejW.taniem''m'liit Ultshaaaeo: . A. Be. Ray.Westj tmJ 3 '.-: ' -:-v -.'; llie w.-wstbir, tneu of the diairiflt (enoaded -tatnatur HiHfaane a a luauifestatioa. of laau ap- ; 'TiViTT'.Virati annr,. .nation bill rmvidoa that ! none of the frstis Begutittt.it ainea June, lt,7, .:' -S-' Vi1- ym , imihu, ait ,iM.nw tu c,.,h.h ui fas UHlitOU iollara ra tli hands of tit 1'rr-J'leM to U aaad , , s b . fit iu aettliiw lt .1 itl.ailti euauiut ',. 9 iMiweee Uw ijovriiBtut aud Ih. e.ye ai-i... Ten tnutttea of Various kui.is, iuein,lu.(f tie Alabama treaty wiiai Aytoitaud. are tasudiu betia-a . tUtf" Beuaw.-- 7r - K - 1--0--. In eteanter Betlvabure ia orluixd to take Una ' stnuiilutys mi th auaat ut.Xailaa atid BhlrTmtr- - -. lsiall.s. .. ' , ''.., ,--,-.' ; tu tue Boprera Ccmrt Cbaaa lhaA(ised th Sfw. ,;-'i-e: pMlfllr..lbai Mrdinrdle ie fee uY jtfaeu.-. 'lY - - i"-'-i4 r Alio ease of the steauiiuaA .-SvUh-iht-dmaa ffum tu SupreuK tonrt of Aial.aait tlecMi u tnuret witu eosta, wrtn- dlrt.,.'ii,..ia to uiaiiuaa ' the l.bei jt n t'otirt la tnl ease cia.uuj fialuruA juiltilurtloa in Bwm ai.d siiulira.ly trout the aaa to Uis head of nvigtiw f rlvar Ih.- ease ol 11. it. -Jlitl Vs.- r.wh tJopoeit, (re) IxHti-iaua, ju iisrueut ruvretl wntu etajta, Tue Courrutaa ttd a lormtt'so,..il imsii ia tr.de dm tiK tx ar hu na More rigl.ta tu Uttaiuwi tltau sonu bl th UmttKi Ktatuai ' ' V lo Attania nateKStlou . I(hiv biinevtrd tea Ifun preeeut have kit aradu hwnt. ut tiefaauug bat.r'a tseoiKi hill. -.-tawwwr'Mv-jB-flid HJapMiiiie tleentu tbv tmxa'bmif sa, WMr-f ua .' V ' .-tat, n-ia-.. u a ItlaW ot tti 1ukw, tut no ao uf tu vitrnxtm and tl.'i -auvtjftuuw.,.1 u Tua aiixw ha or could rtuwolv , utat- uiai ton, Amt saiitrTfe ot stc. aa. u aud ah Wtatva aeia in aid ot Ut Beotiiiiua ac von j-tltat the U-Kialatore wa aa tii. ai biaivl r '". UmI Mi Uttited Mates bonds tn eoutrttvett r"ro l -prtljaMrtjl of- Asia a, that Uh of stswca.uH, t4 (tat tip o(jreM wntea) irwiumMt - ttiE- trauafer, wa ille.,!. i htianora, l. state of l.tas baa a vifjbt to reeovur tu bond and pvt. ' p lit injunction, aud i (ietttd trtt -u.iy. tbe Court tead that UoiJUjre had a. it n te a-Mit nawynMio bmnmh,,o. ' -ltve Wrier cliseut d aa to tiu, n..,rl.. ....I t jurisdiction ol tlia eaat., uol.tir. itt ,t x l4 WM u,Jt ... .at-fc , ate nt ...te VIW -Tt. JiiiTl. tt.M'Aa' ' ue ' aud atiiief diasiailvd s to ii'r.a.Tu....a ut.ty. FUOM HlCilMOSD. 1 k Ri.teiitrirn, i addresesid h.rgs ttetalidteatl nHitiit, givinit tfy hutory of tti (wnr or tl.t v., h ,ti. t,e. n n Itlil, by t.igrBsa, att aur.hiiwnK nineti uf ti,, ltat to ,.s,w.. t terttt iiM iu .. ia-.,stf - ,1. -, '.' ' ' '" "t 'O'T,' Tlo T ildaj lor Aiaiumure, euT.u.tH.a-1 attl i,t. .v: ' """"liiox ha van' a. ,t. tfAVAirj,- Afinm, - Vt-.t'fwM -TirpjiHs--fitVrif,'?"" Tea at L ). llie wumIs around iv-i to rine.ue t r uo drd. 'Ane hlsargaut cr' eouut i-1 u-sttng at vm-vmas. - ... - , , - oi--. i FlU'lt iNliMNAt' ". '! laUiur ba eouinariwital h.v a-ai ,vuu AvihiauMravUaitttt and u.tjijd fwr ttuafiuta. I. 7" i'hx t: ---f