mifP C 1?V tiX'Jl Cm Hi, hTA i a4 tl,t PrvsiiL "t l" ortec elccTTous in Itlio ttiree ticltiiled tftv, yHtfnUt"-Vumm'ypi awl tai iiti i mat icrs jmie 3tii ai d alely press. "Hht fL Buje caff m- vwivtry Ibmg boy j, .liveried us r-& pupose. yiu own dUhunu brought ripou it by us own It t HpTirrinuvpr twif ""ft-V TnJc States" ire ti 1 cum-,) propose uxlay U t 6n'TirriBopf "two jhmuU cnpmcted wljh Jin, twie.ui.lil trhsl kit e utsc, , We mm ihimk i.-climwl ta!Vit tho ' Pr s drot credit tor l.rH.'ti'yd' mil ;ili tn Hi tint gutter iium Id any rirrinj tie hit doW alvce be ii'k tint Mlvaa is-lt V office. Hm the, sage, the hint, tu C.mgi was tiie tuna) UBttwp'li liable pcl IlBi tilCS of hie life, aj e ..uhl twae- wT.-t- if teei'Jtf tuiuk that tX'Vvtf-itf;.. W' lVA-.f , ii r i t,,Ht uu ji.. Ik u aul t b. rviui'cil inti ilteut vicm um tt:flius ot kniiH.w l.mui.l thi- South in an iut-rvi rHui'v l.M wiU'. ccfK.it. I..T.,,!. Imin ... , , . , ,rsi-n. hi ., .ol ... n.ui in. (.ill ilui l. l u rcnili r uut.i I it .ir tbf tUltlH-, that ale , le ai'a, aod h,n we liud ur I ie-i.l.iii aliow iuj( a dispooii ion to be , J r, win eouuele and t he acaiated by tneiiti v ieioia. nu, let ua accord to Inui Hie nise iic loeriiN. Bm whiUi we can 0,us evprertB our can ,Ud , we are te the lu-a bound bv ' UUr fill Or('ll'"l I., wiy miui t, .1(1:1(1' d rt1. g l"u'(lU7li (Tr 'tti'e il true. We 6i.,lll lll!lltj s ol y to tru h and rigln lug tiM; that Ulay ' til. I i acious bv jr iTclTy TOniTu it ii uot lie ! '""', j ii "M- a.in ist ; Li .ua ( on ,rcs hai, a, t he good tli'ietitlona ol th. PresKli'Ml, aud i.y inju lit-ioua leimation j ua- op.-oe. i rt id!ia..ra i.ji mat . nncd i .nil a ! k li I of i'ilitual dltea.ie. " "i ii a very i;tral inisLike to Mlpp ae that lie Uil portal l) LUnufiL ia At .ciieroua aud ll en.i m th : ii:t (in. ma of tne I'regidenl at i-nliihiU'd in Ii a liist iiieasae. Ttiese Mates iie called :p u to perlortu aa uc ol ik'It i. itaiUiioa ihat ill t,e revolting to ereiy Inn lonwl ciusuu Hue tj the tv ulh mid lie, ilenpoiled and ylint en inonle. Bv t ie provi?iouii ol an ameti ltue.,,1 otfrtnl by N.tiiloi M 'Mia, oi ludiuna, ami winch waa Ju y LHrafted upon (Be bill that puwed Mti HoiMN, there w iuipoaeyl iipoii thetn : "Hie ineity ot deciding whether it will un b their dU(y to efua. compliance with tbe c Bdi ion preci'dea-," to ate the Ian goae ol the ttitonu, "whicii baa ben ' tit er-.tk-ytlj Wd wi .(flufiy i'ntaill.H--; 1'trn aide paper aay tartoer, an I it aeeiui " h U, mini judiclouaty, that "lo tenew tiieir r, latio .a lo tile o.ber Siatea, not only lipm uuui lal levin i, but upon the exprea Cuuditinn ol a v limitary abandonment ot lb. ir rights and dignity, in v. , vca not mere if tan. led but a real aiit praeiical aur irUei ,,f all thl . an reniler lanloratiou to f l fnioa important or beii. Bcial." '' " '-' Tli, X Vih Allien. Iiueut mint b. aubtnilKxl o ibe Mat.a iu tb. ir cpacity aa audi. It Don-eu-e to nippose or argK that Con- :utt haranj- coiistiiuliop.il pii wer tocoforca r iiiioe any an.e idnieuta upon sovereign ir HioVpeDdrnt S rei. But t!im ia the very iiing mat ('oiijre- propria, a to do. and Wiiiiikm the cocoanut" lieain the a'wo- uteei'g.iiciea ot tht, H irlical party, for it is now tumiuht pretty j. r:a.in that, unlea "Riiiia, Mmaiwippi and Texas shall vote it the XVib Am. udiii, nt, it cannot b, oome part pl the CoualitUiion, Therefofa, iraeihing oiust be done. It will not do to t ust t themlui. their unhitisid inrluincllt'or ahfratr.liia,I fiml,iai.l,k. ! mi.rl.l in I, f . " fwuerciw bf tbeir righta aVUreemeu, re t that abominable addendum to the im artl inatiuineut, the creation of the joint Wwbiui of the totnnioat men of the dy of -Waiiiui;ton and Hamilton. When, there fun;, tonjiieHa either Jnterfer, a with, or ,f tkmpia t abridge the rights of tiie pe iof Uw'StaUiiTTBeri " i"gtim antl ujj iiitited departurie from ita ul preriga 'a, a, an infrctiou oi the very iaalru Hit it nr.rfeaaf to ophol'd. Ia this coo un tl Stoimj, olmervea, and the satimenta are ao c,.rr.t that they must be eiTed at ucb bv everv r- flectioir and nom mind : ""The thiorr of the (lonatitntlon a n ' ttienraliaute liberty ot action and jutlg ,Jit; and no mora ridiral v(olati. ..I taapidt or lubveraioa of Its prtnoiplea can itBuieiyBd luB iSM!t (or,), i tgt pro. ... wuat ia ca iea ins " new reronatruC lit tct ." which m dprlalie In nnanu thru utea of the Uniop mto the adoptUm ot a, ?'pullve Coujititatlooal aWndmmt, aa a f uo.htifMi upon whhih their rtMtoration to lihtytil TtgT,uin the Unit ihall de Ti'T mu,t eot to dsbaaenunt M-toaantfrage, tbey inaat relitiquiah fh.ir P "lieiiabU! right to determine tb qualifica ? of their owb votera, tbej mut j-k-ld to atarpatioa of CotiKreaa pow rhi;h f oeg,oBi, to them, they tnuat reeogotae !, d,o b nnw daogcrona loim ol ltraeo0loljdltj,m)ln(j receWe Sn n r9 " alt th aht.'t auirnitvra nt wihar. ta alMibh. thrwiBiTBhi'.-aM- rnaaaescv ot avhlrh a.uua. ...i. ..- aapriciout Prpoae ui-.mjitfiiy wtticb 'tl ..lMo wlacb it. baa itaeU j that tbew Bute, will be -''wry rjtkt lglitfMI frf i n .11 bi.j Alf C- T" ""' ba, many abarp al proUged triala to which they; have r liIy!elpoaeli tnady to try V Vf 5mt, iuat ia aa wffl cted. nd , -'ipanhj p,lent in, rndf ,w,ow Jt'rttihon, IiutaatheeeatugKC jJtUoa thing t endure a wrong which radatino. which might beeaeaued." Tho. HttMfcrrrtitmTirfe iffotur lo the Hue !Nn4(frrwriffjr,ftrtffa sti.Cf in the x tract tr,. tb-epiecb of J4r. Carrly, rteaalor 6.oiijyirhf.rrii, that it in an eter nal truth of Jniatiry, of u.an, 'ann Heaven. Corned nJ are not free to act r thl.M-lv,- Tiler aietdcouie info, tin. linUin I.. P!y"'(f vtUh oirinfft cni!U.iw, but " not utherwlne, ami thus romihiou are uut such m fmiHut piut cheerfully ui; honorably accept Ttb-y Are pm-wly sueh fcoeditlona that m-itbur Stw Yptk; oof I'juifjijanla nor OUii would. OLvpt, bay the Hut. SSuMt-i' ' St. ... -7 " ' " U.-"li 6 "lhi5 llir-Viacst and ,a jib. wkal, ii tlicnt- aiea n ill Ai.aHate 1 ,0 Pl tUe K'"'1 wliicli is tfiui l!o'if(i ) w-ti. m, or thai a-a who l.,k I. y .r.i-"itit j liiuita nf the pitman i n 1 tl,e li.nj;" ears (it ! ',,c U'llr'", ahallca!u:.cii,iuiy -hi ink lio n I Usl,''"in"' "I""1 V v.l w .i. U ! i lfP, 'n iiuurlaitli, n l a more, i-ou.ii i trt., eii.luran.e nn tln-ir patt lliigtit Je i vrtu,' Tlirrtr is amithcr view to which we en l.ut allu.lc u. day. It ihi' Site hm Id c..iuiiy m all r.pcria. Kith the rn'on-tiuc lion policy, ly imldiiig the inim and a.l pt ii the (Jtuiatiiu i .i) to I t; suhmitu-d to thmi, wiili the dm ranclitsm leaturf u id ail .hat m uuc-i-ary and atiil thev have no oit ,, g laianb e. that lb. ii Bviiatnra and Kcmtocu. ttttivua will baalluwaU to U-k.' tbvli aeitta in ( o' giena. They have no yja-au ee that they iil not In .tHpoiuted ati vnv tu n by t,'oii((retloi)a.: I. trdeuiai n. Here l-t'.c .liiii, U,y that meets tli.a, SlaHw. Aliei ,i(ii,ia eveiythiui; reoiiue I ol them tlx mat l l(ijj.ed at every p .int. K r aa t Ik- Chic ago wit truly i.yn : Tm? whole rr-tTiw ot tmipffM.. rr,,--!, ing Ki-conatrtic Mn, has lie.n one o eili lv, ll has, iu a aliametui aud delilrte mr.ni er. villi tlrd its pledge It is no n, o e . tit 1 1 i. ,1 to cr-'dit than a man who h-.t. I,e. n on vicft-d of peijury upon prool winch hit n. doubt ot hk gadt. A half dor., n lH, 'in:r rejiii'ilicHn senators denounced the rioLnv uieut making the raiitira ion of tl e liii. enili amendment a coi.linou ,r ... 1. 1, l to ad mission. Trumbull was among tnein, and he the tijp crile -introduced a lull to remand U.orgiato a military government."' A.167Y COURT. c.Tliia is the week ot Naan C'our', Jude. Watta presiding. Ninety three casea on the Utale docket, moat ot them indictments against ' Kadical jj-ntlemeu," tor Inrceny. Ten "fiadical gentlemen" were in jail. tin whiu? man waa indicted for larceny Wu beard the people apeak ot tiie Ju.lgu'n charge, which wat delivered Monday even ing. His Honor paid but little, compli mented the foreroau of the (Iran, I J oy, by telling his associates that be, the ton man. knew the Taw and could inform theni aa to their duty. The Judge said nothing about "detectable Crimea." We asw Bill Arrington, colored, on the jury, bill look-, mucli like Oadoway, the colored leader of the Penate, Irom New Hanover. We iaw Bill tbuke hands with our friends, Baldy D.ivia, ol Halifai, II. O Williams, and other gentlemen; wbi'e tin Judge was shaking hands with the negroes We did not see Bill shake hands with the Judge. We heatd that Bill reluaed o vote lor the Judge liecauae he uad to run ue gr.aaa wuU dogs. We heard much talk ot the mischief thoualit to be perpetruted by Uriveiuor Hold. u a secret sou. ties, the leagues. Alter attending Johnston Court, we stated that there were more evidences ol w.nk in Johnston than any one ol the twenty coun ties we had lately traveled through. We had not been in Naab or the intern por tion ol Wake, when we made this ohscrva' tion. Every farm, we passed bad comp nt hauled out for the crop. 'Nearly every plantation was s with young Iruit'treja, well trimmed and culti vated. Fruit trees, to pioduca well, must be cultivated aa Well as corn. Many think the work Is done Sajhen the tree is planted. The orchard of pur oi ' friend, Alsey Tay lor, was beaet with caterpillars. We did aot aee Aiacy to tell him ol it, anil, hence, we do so now. We should have urged our traveling campaninn, an ex memper. ot Congress, to pull down the caterpillar's nesu. but the tear was high and the old member lame. We saw but lour women at work in the field, tllrea white and one black. We never like to sea a woman plongiting. Many oT; the coIotwI women bavw no tktil in otbrr ' work on ba farm, and they ahould not hesitate to put tbeir ban Is to it, Tba farmer of the Ea-tern are a long way ahead of the farmers of ibe Weetara per tion of Wake coBBty., Judgiug from the compost beapa-w think tba faruy rs In tba Katero ,R'0 ;,h oqnA'Tn''1na jBstlMoi-X)vamUtJai must baye dona mortbi twk'tB awwk oitne farmer. in-tlw-Vaaiatn. p irtinn at tba.. county. We saw many of B P. WillUm ton 4 Cofftw plows not. We tearn that Mr. Williamsn sold 7Q0 plows, in 48 dye, to Wsks larmers alone. waaTn "tLa Waat and of itte' coUfi' arljoining; Orange, we aw the bad .plow, aee aa many new plows" and as masy com post beaprt-rturWert iiariB. the Kast, and than we shall bare peaee aa well at' plenty. Tb V A. Diitru t Court will mH io 1 i if n i uniitTto d that Chief Joa ic Chase will preside with,, JitJeroc, t)ret,lbuf hundred cases' arte elrevry docM4,6,Trif; lUivjfKXkssoruuiirKnpLK. j WatPf'anat lb)a bwding. In mieitri K-aattafM pp. . Wran.mK.it is true, Aritia'iSmciiriqiai'ui M)t:k'w in not all . ' H.rnHHit. or Irish, nr ISilliah, or what not. t Wu arafl.rt allot Saxyji li,H.e : but we are ' "1 oiHcCirriili me mean, thoac ol us, cba JUaOiiA.rWtiiH9nt. We iv at Itaat attsct lo. tte auius ukv ajU ulij.at too to the aauie riilern, wheib.r it bt (jriini or .or Mad." lint wa atamo not , , tliia artirit to refer to aea!iKa w ran i that at a t)B., ur though u an: tur j the (aumi-nl diractatl to higiirr ihnne 4 ara tbti.kiag ol country, ol houi.-, ol our I IjiMv A ( not , pdpe 1 1 Afl OltUtJ gdKh par,ljiH.;b.. ate j not for bi r aU'liiW brat ta'tareata ( Wlii-ri- f l the vjci(4i wko cares no, lung lo. uativr or adopted home, "and all that t ' Wlnre illde, .1 is his hoot. I Has he a place he can call home 1 Ia be some lorn ly ntoat - s, uie I'anali-- some Islnnacl t Then lie love-, not lioiue or c.,uutry. lie lias no sweet piac ,,1 ni no culm and li.ppy home. I'oor. ii'ior follow. He (an mm ten i vtilii tru deliglu the iimii otal "Col- trr's Sat'irday night" ol immortal li bert H .rca. Hut to r ei urn. Yh..t aconntr) ! How vitit ! How i.ijai.l. ! Ib-w grml '. V u mil) travel lour t!ii.umi,l inll. V tu one di rection and never st ; ike ill, li.-ini i f tlili vast country In ail il.U gn at ,ii-t..m e the un Wlilsel bllol'diio hills Ihat do 'nut lie li.ilg to our Hulled jSiatea When the Mln tjtt I Mollis in tne l)i lent, it is to cast his tmt-TTrrr-htrhT trpriTi "the Tbiiittc ItiiiT ' loll er mil KinUiu ell, ,lc, when he goc dov,nl,ehln, Uie Wcf I em , nut .ins It Is (,. shed lii- parting my , iti in the l'uclttc. j II is inn t ns ,o . tircHt bed upon the peuctful; I Willing- ot III ol I o. eali-b, uod State, ' bis ve.- . r are .cleln.ilc,l iiinid tin- .pne ! tud, ol ' In- dwellers on the lai O. cidin a, ! clopi.i. -ft rii it rr vnrt ttml aii.t tnrge. j , nt a u uie ill m betofe us ll our peo i pie nrc r:irn..nn and ti ll" lotiud and conn- ' tiy U in'ii bet, ue did one gnat nation! sweep over 8" in .ie.li li -cut a d main and! cliiui it as usov.ii f N. vcr. Koine, in her J ptoieba' , iiv, when h' r ea.Jes were born- , ill Ir uaiph ,,v.T UliliV loitions and peoliie-. ' t. v i p..s.tsae 1 so Wide spr.a so rrund n Ii ri aS(, Here ib a great people- no' alloocth. r homogeneous noi bound bg th-cr with ciog,s! "bo, ks ol steel" but s'ill one pej rile; he) ate united under one syauin ot lawr, or ncght to be. Hnt thiti in nrtt - ttlt poii t. Uowevei diverse, our views ; how ever ilieuateJ by cuuaua it ia uuin ica&iy no to p.iriicularir-, we are atill, at lest V,r the pit-sent, one pettplc. Tl.e vast em p re-ol sirioinly were coiup.iaed ol ninny p oples, who had dttl'- rent his'ories, anil varied inatitui iocs and arts, and sciences whose culture was distinct, win, h id man) aud cui.tlicliuK iiUercala , but ire ate held t. etliei, i ot b) the cotinid. raie acts ot a ti n.gu li.iv.Tiiin. n', but by a cominou h oti,er hood, h) cuiunion nvpirti.ms, by common intetets, by k iudre.1 j vs and aor row,ty th-rtmnrs tiprm rm nf a iintjtc ar. ce-ttry. and by the tu al interests ol those woo are to come alter lis. The Kingdom ol AlcJnn.hr c, nld not say this The KiotMom ot ( irsar we mean Julius, the "i rt most man ol all the world"- cui d not say this. Tiie Kingdom of the Sata eu, or ol K.ipolion, or ol Ehz ilieth could not say this NeV. r since llil wor'd waa taxhiomd 6 st, has there bdeu sucii a dominion, each a p opie. They speak alnnsst one language, ojad hare one tuler,v A; " e li' w long will we be vne people t Who is the -eer to lor-css the horo-iwipe ol our tuturef The whole tiiirig,under Uod, res s upon ti.e virtue, the intelligence, the devo tion of lir people. Ii our ptopie aienol blind to the past, or utterly car. less of the lutureour career maty yet .beat bright and -gforbrtis, its rmr past ni t y biere btrro u-nr-it-ainpltd. JMPOJt TAMT fO 0 H A7f x OF LASI GOOD AKWH TO- JlhUlHJhlC OF vie Kim. It is not generally known, st it ought to be, that the Oin, ral Aast oiby has paused a law requiring all deeds ot lands to be reg is'erod,. 00 or jllbre the 1st of October, ISfiU. It a eetBin tails to register h a deed before that time, atul..s. qticiit purchaser of the same bind, Irom the lormet owner," for VttlU'.ble conaiderstions without notioe, wilt have title, notwithstanding the p.or deed. We think our people have been t.xi tr g ligent in the matter of registering their valuable instruments sod hope this iaw will prompt them to imtnedie'e scion. Ws have known lately tbe case of a man, who occupied bis land thirty ytart' undei an unregistered deed. . Tbe law, hereto hire, has enabled numerous frauds to ' be t committed. For example. Suppose L-iha D sella kil lami tgJtejaiBi(u' $l,Q00, on the lsbf January, Richard does irottrtghrtw bra- deed. iriB-ytls -agal'r-rin, the tltriTFebniary, fiT t.000. The see-ood- -pill ' b saur - litara- hnr -iriney, although BS is guilty ei no negiigeasa, By tbebj, whj .does not aooie legal gen- tlemso eand, aa so obituary notice nf four old Irtemla John Dt and Richard- Ibwe t It will be rSmembered that at tbe riiie age ot tWas r Jiltt . kin&rtd tr, tbey - were wflrterwd; wirfuify -wnd ot Batice prf - penae by Juttg J'turg, who brpughti , his deadly weapons for the par pose, - all the way irara New York, li the slayer U not to be pusisbeit. at least Hhe Irieuti of the Ovtvased siioulil turmtti us an "obituary ' OUT ITWB intRV 'VI IHQII WKMKW' . VT BJ lytk t Of RfrlBV WDW ItwJTI, tiWa ffla. kwVUVI, to du wtaltw .- .1 Aniu.hr.- j . Ta erh, out! o Uram'a reeeut ap- i WW", a "itt num r a party." - j --nal and uuairuj.luV "vny y. j Ue "tanit th f .r.- In.- c...iu ry m.mi d l p'intdi;r, :u ,,. , rtn piijury j "" " toW-ta'.lt h th K'tili AudicM' J..I um aa 4 a...-u,, l,;, 1,1 aa.jma ftaim i uj Alwiihiiui l.mrom 11 ,II4H tlt.-ialij coi.n:;is.l ! ai- '.m..I, ....Ik.. ,,!,. U-nli I iir ji; . j llul' '' at ian U.-i. It-ii .. k -.w ..t j hl" 'l'"ti had b.ua.-ur h, l.,,nj Buuui"UuJ t,"v '"' Moniana cu.jihi ' b'a couti im.d by tin n, i "' Of mra trnwt.'unl ir... in,, j " MJ.: M l,ipp ul IjXrU iy! ihu, w,.u j kv ' grrat riapfct fir 'bis c,y..ai;y j, j an an alnini A -htv's -tdi-torv, Inn h, ni. : a hitter Hadic .1 and ii. I, and Ihat ol luu.sc o, .u:!;, tol . 1 1 'I'1 lion Is Hev.f ankt't jointed tunes. "I-. Wiry, ill a m ux A-. I now, in t '-.. ol! v ,1 tie (o.p.'it,le. Is he lie i, s: t! . as I) ins, .-. Kudu ,1 ' c l'r'ij,ti.,ii mi 1 V, n t; 11- 11 -. guilty o it .' uLtl !. Sb.ll, N oldleg to I, vol. u I 'ary cud. lieaf, aya tlbjnl'. s-l.,11. 1'iisuic was bioujtii to 1) uia, upon the 'r S'.dent b. I 1 ', (!,'( .(Hit ot), f j H, i I I l( !,,'; , a id I c i, T . o'";T77l; nftr. .ir. tt.nr rii.lrttfp" A nil) pit lab e s'ol, i to uold . T.c ' hi II il!ed in, A , ,1 celt rei oint s. 1,1 1 M( t ntMo . be- olhc t41 loi. "I1 , a .ot,. i c , d j , r ;or , t ; lie et. i inel. . Uai it ..i i o., N. (', A;-re. t-n. l-ni Iti.s. Thr rn tit tt wuri! Vii r.ilH iHVt' i' Ii! :!i f.ijtt.i ..tt u r -iT r. hi.-. K.u'f'ioni y t In- ( i fit -ii- h ir-Tt-. thiijs it ttie f-fr i4,t ntrp- n-l J l) 111 J) h r. W'c A Kw. Win rt h .In tint t f. t-k licl'cr u tnr- ii'.K, ii ins nrv, v- n.i.t ,,l i 1 : t 11 :id ' , rif h tl. ll'' in c 1 1 o , t .id ol lb, pp '..! ', 11 V.i. b, ,1 lo Upi.p llul t uJul i( i'cfiiillf Mini at-ll n U- I.Ur-, rtt ti'-w vie s-l ! In linyiTi or l't 1 r 1 ' In 'he liililf. " Ki uiiUi o In i-f. TUf p pit- nt 'hi- ci'iinti' ',1 ' vtrii:,! u 1 lej .:..' i"li o! i'S ) ' 11 Won ,1 ( -iinlv have f .U-t: ttl ht niaitn .1, tin- lHiirul ii fhu-uo .l purtj- Unn u ur,' .1 ,ili 'f .d iu.i s ut ..(.yj, h.- Ifjfi,A'nr-. lit. .-htiu -1 ht unul n ,h , i llit' (jlujjIv'h rtafriH, nn-t fri-U CTrrsT' T-vrri hihtr unt it.c I i tu "I tin.' S tiic, i'ivi beowiw oruiirnz -I iii'o" ruiH Id ti n.ottfin nt h- I; tmtiot:H ilc-sic-n-i cf tu . pro uninifitlli.1 "t 'li ir uiiiiii;iu::s :i tinjr i'-n r i' iic.it i. A'H- ! It ur r.ui..r., tn it ilicc is ii -- ,iy :t lurn tn 1 ti v j.- ..i,e iuMiwitij l-vr to i tir iJihit'.cin nibich nt u-Ur(.-ttIS,Miitl Jni' i. gi?tftti(i A hit j W'.clti-it iuCli rw,iiri,, y ..n Uidifc. A' m-.v sinif a rinnitm to 1 . i trt v. j-J M Um vu;l tu tbottc Jft'e uithuUauij our adit 8 stili .rtil o lunch to (.l!i e. Tbt- mH-t n- tht; print I am ft tht- jmrty iu tov't.r : i Ll i l.B VU yvfii,"1 iW HtTw th .B lliofk ! fly, tiitai- utu:liT lia;li 8 1 thi jmily tti o ' him 1 if irijt' lii - Ht-i.t mi n i in j ii it r. y t 1 y : t-v.iy ;it'i tht 3 ytow Hit far'-it.t r tlu-.f ! ue M i i in us ii iu. to., u i ai li v li'ii ' t x ii t ! tur rin.tiiv pi-tux' cvui a r tunny vmhi tt : b if ."'en niti c U'-Oiti o hy h wnr rHUMt'tl In tiitiir 'Mil , tii .ijlf-Cltic- 1) t V UIKHi'n tin v ci imIlt pi )iiiut'M, stir tip ftr-if .fnuj' cin ! lu-iitin Hiitl u Ji Hvnr ti, uli the myenui'y (i I the. r ihp e .d u ti-ffrt'lrntc ns cm J iI ii.tirU't. M'tie thml: tin InUrs; nt tin- opie, Ktid thr mra mition it n;jj cuuny than tUt: Itticlitl ' ti h imp-?-" uninirtl i xi-ti nrp. No Mt 'i n it tu. ii t t-. No iikhi!8 too li'i-e lor tin-in. IS ycr d tiu i out rufftii b.rr-zoii (i ,t. tiny imtci I t.k . Vt it .lH l rttllhu loli will or -i.e. ll mubt cotut:. ii. V M. i.KAO VaI.K. J I-:! 1 I'.IOmiN Col M V. 'l. fiJilHl rtilMMff. AfiTll Zth, IHOIl Ktlttor of tlit SiUiiirl - iVlctitt'iH: Ihirtng to- hoar fiom th, land ol my birth and nativity ... ca-ioiodiv, yon will please nend in ;li- Hcai; .Vi, t ,',... , to tliea'tove oarui d (.llice. East TeiuicsS'-e is oiie ol the tn .at'l eioi tiful sictiona ol coiiitrv I everasw. audio long will be, wi ll H.slern 'North Car , itm, the Switi "rlao.t i f Ann r ci, or," in otiit-r words, tin- gurdeu sp- t ol the "LVued Hrat s.""'!"!- rnos" desiiabl. c'.uia e d anv of the StBtes, good water, Feinle vaTlcy?, uiakliillcet,t si em ry, nu t. buvirg ltailroad coioiiiiin.Catiou Willi the Nortii, rtoutii and West, it is a section which w leiiig rapi tly settled by piigi anta tr m aiiiioat every qusrier. Anil it la hoped a ill, be :(.. oner her year r)b arounil, be in iliroct coiu niiiiiiuati. n with th 'old No.Ui tat.,,lii lit. ib oud tin Paint Ho k, Ashivibe, Morgan ton, diiisbury, thence to your city. I hc uatulal conn'iiil nee "II this liadroad con t.ecuon will be that thouaaiMs ol car loads ol icorn, hscon and wheat, will be shipped to yout midst aui.ually, therby putting ih necesaaeies ol life wnliiu the ieoii 61 every tiini.ly and household, rtliould your peop.e not nte.1 and r.quiie it. then its irans.ioria tion to the tt' ai.oid, to Noitolk, woo d yield a large rev. nue lo your It iroit is. Urge the completion and operrfiio i td lliis V uTe,' llirougli youT viTIable'c.iiuiiiu C The people ol Eist Xeuueasie liav. passed through the past fUry ordeal with e,,ur;ig unequaled by any race or any people. Thny were murdered and bur., id for loin h ng yeaia, and f.r the pa-t three years have been opprersed, tyranuizitd ovei and ground down -by tne, vilest poli'ival bails aud jwrctebst that the sun ever shone upon. let tn y have atoi. ti JuiiJUmxtSU mml l siiil pHtiuutly waiting to t.e ,ne star th JSftSLWiitlS U'j.y. IU Ufiiteeuieu ana'citutuia' again, 1. fit Solent Andrew Jtumaim --w-bow wltplu our bordeis. He has already delivered two or three nt the abbst lOEecfits eVBjbsjened to since his r. turn, and al ready, his 'thrilling ijiittnenfM W'titfBjrnjtt'ri Ula iitowulow tins gouts 10 yongrefs, wlieref I' ia to be hoped, he w id drag out tbe rc- ai under "fMjj;fi. ) 'u,,ifrt!itl't, Xl. le ciTaiiTTue'r!ii.er tbe better, sod when hia d.atQ bell shall (oil a about will go up I see wnicn win surpiuM any enumerate yell pass any Coo.ed. rale yell ever beard wiihiri fitly miles ol hiohmmid, vitgirua. Hio woo wire tne ttauot lost Lnioa men during the war io Eait Tehnea ate, are now the best Demncrr in a I the t. .... u . .1 , '.. a . . . land, auucj me lime . abu'c j .iiiai,n awimiw arrmnit rhK' F.i"eW"!r.lff4f.a"h"lr"t'rft T - ; o . ....... .j ...j..tf six niuollis, you will bear t-f scailawags iSTATB KEWS. Old TiMVa IN Ctt tt.oTTB -- We are in del ( I lo r T'. S Wbv.alit. lor a p of the .tyiffn' K'rmrr JfH1lull, plltilnoi- .at i'l,,,rloii. ..i, ill. ill ii o! Mn, 1 k:;. It .iDtitis a loni. iid iiile'.-S'li account of ;! ii lebration in tt.ia p ace on tin. SO h Mav, IHtr. e-iniinetiJOiaiiT-e ol the MtMk li'li'iurn Dei Imai .on ot Ir (t""p( rlden.v of 17, .t Fi the 'ii.iti, i. nl tile ai k'inl Xuii'h K-iii . t niui U n. ai d .1 tlm-s YV ( ae rne, r,M , ltck e- tiurfi l f ataltoil. 'I tie ti..rrnor l ill- !ite. Swain, and senator t Vtii'tetitn, untl other prominent gendemen, wee pres.Mil. tion. JejH ttiuitam paft C r',tc, I i i t he entinci ,f t n. tt' th l-clara t on 'Jl'177.. oe. upird a stuiou ihewrstoi's btnttd ' A big dimicr and ball wound up the 4a'.' "s pioi ceding aioouui states that tin re ww-fa e w 4 tuutornt. d regimuia nt voIuiik ef aoldurs present ecvairv, iutattt- ry ..n.l ujrl; lei y. IllO jO those who deii.ertii toasts OB oi.aoon we tin I the lotto,, ing names: Wt.i l vnlson, w ,1 Abxatid, r. () n T (.) f "k, Wm L". liiviibnn. tjen I'hiiI Uai titit.l, I'lunk'iu Siiiilh. ,1 'V t..horne, N W Auui.It, III I' I.' t'al.lw id!, III (. i. ll'o ;ci, Auorcw liner. J IV Hiake. M W A xatlitei, Kaac I'alll.ibe't, n FV l..vis son, Joei p.h It V lisio,, lr h X Jiibystoti, ,1 A .1 .bust, n. A It ir'.vidioii. W W Klins, A A -ti't'.- I. lev oninr. Ir U It Uun- .! y. av M..i..i xk-.t'.jj.-it , iingh- 1 -no, W .S -nn -nt, Btiitrm l.iute. r-i.i i-f Atrsud, t. Robert Wala oil, Mliea nil', J II ISis el', Ay. I homss J Vlooiv, X , . ic po. t, d i... ne- loai', coiiipliui.-nting Nill ll t HI. liol.. I.:'t.- W'.efe r. id Irolll J ( . ( alhollfl, He , M. I tli . .1 ,l,n I'voer, Hugh 1. 1. White, in, ltiert lb .1 (i 1'. R.'illlS.V Will lisIOi s. no-ge Ib dlord Blovtll, and olllel Cllu:. iJJi. . v.un u'N t '.i j- him i "iini Ilt'y . HI C t -j.. ..Ti ) i ihiy , ho iw brntallv tiuwih r-'-ti ' tiie iM li uiiicr lii Hi ViU- j Ht.t, W s ii i (p itied Ui K'h'fi- ii-', il IOlu wt.1, '1 tu jtii v Hii'.-h j M Vl'll 111 1 .y A ii et !itiu UfMi cumjjH ii.tt ot MH'I tlVt s hit lilt II. , , n . n t i lie If nt h, uinii rtcli i ijft'il ) thr ct-l.ci ti,- et 1 1 iyi m . t. t'i I In nu , Hint kl"u in-it; I lie S:i'4' ei ml t .il 1' Ml 111 till- i 1 !'!- d by the sp. c, iilofs. t rda-d that V e-i.l nt S.uith, of -li in It ' l '. li d to id.has ismi. d nil older 'tor bt Ii, l oihU-U'il 1 1 tvill i ibUlit.lo It. i gli I v,p i-8 ne;r irttns on hiich days us I C g!ii ti d ,s do noi i un This will tin- I e g!il tl ii ,s do llol i un Til en-ur th pi,niit tr'inspot tm ion of treiohts to i;n- V'i -t via V'i niingt.-n and (ioitlsbo rouh. f'i.r Vw I' it H Id Ki s M J,iiiai in Kail W. t lost It.- that this gBn tit' milli llbtl at the rcideiice of Dr. V . J. Hay. a, in liii ct) on Tu . lay night Ust M . J din so,. w..s Biicntl.'m'in ..I hith sanding, puboc spun and eulei pris.-. aud li Ic'l nev-eia- tiiie,rtanT posittnTig in Houth Carohlis, w h. ro be n sided bnl.iro tile war. For 11111111 v-ars he was lYi-aidi-tit ot tb.4tauk ol VUlimt,,, . .1 .. Maw- - L.fc'w tun'. h ir. I uitiv. WAKK F011KST VOl.lMoK. COM M KM KM K.I' KX till. If K. .Iti ie 10 Ii and lllh. ISbll 1 ,e Addre-s belore the l.iteraiy ft, weties wjl be delivered bv Itev. J. U. Hideii, A M . ,,f Wibniugt in. N. C. - The address betoie the Alumni Ass. c-a-ciiiiion will be delivered by H. W. Justice, A M , ol Kaleigh, N. C. The S, nn, in l-lore the Senior t'Usa will be r itched by Kev J. U .Inter. I J., el iiicuuioud, Va AWti Hfmlrr. The T'ntitn Hiieting pinil "'"RuiuTay School j t onveirnoii 1 I t-tic v 1 ntrai Association win Hos t with the Koie-ville Baptist church .ni Ku.iay belore the 5 h J-un b.y ill M iy r 11' Tin Tnion M ing ol the Knleigh "Ai--oi d ion will U' held with the tin.i 1 lifi. Id cliitreh coirtnieiiuiiig id 7 1' M , on Kriday In loic the 5t.li buuihiy rti ilay. Ih. I't in.ic AnoHKaaaa Ti e Senior t 'lass ol YV .k. f' .ie-t 1 'oljs-g", w ill oeuver original (ilatiotiB in the (Jolh'L'e Chap. I on -Wifbiea ,l) the s h inst , 71 0 c cs, I. M ',, '' Ur a. KiiVKl i" .' ' 'rt'o "XTit) Tli ' V id' March, at Wniie-boro. le'saji, Capt. K. W. I.ole, to i. ias Ma y IS t boioM. Ci.t'ole ia a Ba li. e ol tjie iislM.ro, He w. an . OLer 111 the Sinil N t.'. T., nod taa s upon h s body iioeorahle scars ol die g'diant s ivtcohe went through. The thipl.iui has uiasle a rA .irr s. ledum, and wV have ho b-ais that ue w li lvit live io regret it lltlltturu AV coffei. " ty- 1 ItliSKI NATION tiP A FAITHHtl, OPK-KK. - tr. J, tn , who tor ihel.r-t thue y. ais In.s letu npveia! aoeut ol the Post OlHce De partment lor the two Car dices with his hcat'q laitws at Rslt-igh, lias risigncd og. UiColl.il ol sicsnea. H bis broom- well known tt mufy ofottt c,iti us iw an til. -i r who bus Worked h rd ll. have th lo,t Oltic ' and mail routes r. , 'pTtsd lor the wcc n,uiodiio i ot the pub I.e. AWiwi lime. T,.e r tporied ittwesa of Judgu Thomas ia an error. H 1 ick, however. Aapitrwtii mw mi sum rt at Kin stuu. Nul polllSJL Strwirries io1 Wilming'oo st oni do lur a quart. ' Co-opera'tve. Asa,iitfjHis for btiijding purposes have bee-a formed at Newbern l-'ajrit. vdlV, llaleigh and elaew here. WU. St-ir. ,' ' There will b- a B JI at W.-ldoa at Pr. iilacknall's hotel not long heic;. This HTA.MianD. That journal aeee Bt tf call u- a " Virginia renegad.-.r We ho. I Vhe ii. 'eiiiutioii back with tea-told meahiBg. V h rve-nrver jwovi-ee' ronejfad' far Vir. giuia. her c use,4.r mat 01 any tuner p am acll1,v(i,in; VmnTttgli-f waehMKl "r pHT wire wnmrwrli z aniwc KlwmOiiiirJpm rZ?oZ5 Mm Oeneht 8ttne ol tbe Wing patty, then b-"'Itu yMrd, Ih. ir commands willttillow , Htf tW'i"' """H KniaWUewrOhw! of Webster's-dellMtiiotis ol rebegsde l, th biUowing ; "Outi iairlderf to nnoiple or party. - f "Tilt feU'iil'WfS answtis ay. fiiia wciiiimow ItbJ'vVa IehW to Vrtll priflipe and party, laltl.iese tosra Hure aKivrv &WlIl. HW tslWff'lit to ite owe ,,,,, .0(i lustic- .d wa a to olojts m trtftu a jusiice-. nu we wj sm , atJvX - 1 mTT- . - ' ' . . . v 6aI. or CotJVTT Bonne. Tba bneda reuei.t'J Usuul by tiie C'ututy weie yestur- dar ao'd hj public iVc , and ! '-fy,a were lullf as gooo sswe aoii'pan- f. iras th tint asiwwttrot ilirrt1i tiimiawa4 were aotd at pttces ranctng tnim Tfll.to 7St 4ute on tbUoUare-' Hi. tSUr. LATK KKWA. TIja I'ri suh-nt it ia atattul haa tiy fiwf tatu id !. iiia.i, nhii-c naiue cannot be iHvu i (I i jiri tut. lo t'nlia , ni a ret micron, hii ol jjc.t ljiiK to olitaio lull and important rtpuj-u ot the ability mid KlreiiKlb of the contending torci a, audlliu cliancea for and ngniiwi the" ucci ot the relie'lmu. tie will tbake a r nort aoard- i ii ?ii to the prenident . and on bia atatemunt ii pn.bab , depend the action to be ta ,e.u by our (iovLinuiiut. -An(. Intel. A dispatch to the Philadelphia I'm s'litca that the iustructiona Tut MinUttJ; Motley are now in course of pr paratioe. Tliev will, iu iff ct, make tjie demand, on the Hi it-ali tl veiunieut lor.nlindowedt in cieiatot Sumner's siecnt pei;b on 'hi Ala titins iiitott". Kl Attorvjry Hernial Kvarta ami Cnshlnx, wlitt r thoroughly p"ite,t r.garirmg the litstoryot the bet;.iiia tiona, w hich havatt.us far resulted in l.o thing. are rendcriag valB,) .ajd 40,. their preparation."' ' ''! Nbw Yohk, April SO.-The iif(Bji4t sax a. 11 ia uud.iiratoo.l that the Krench At" (antic cable will ... landetl at Cape May, N. 3 , under authority gtanted by the Legitd tine a' ua la.l scs-ion. A company was oigsnited at t amdeB un Saturday laat to co. operate wnli tin- Krencli company. Uvan, April 20-, Kv. niiig L "tters TIP"' t rilldad tnlniJi'lianU of lbla (alt pttt tin.' .n4i.ua Ut4t bnnrrrrrt fffty v.iluitttn r at i:njl n ; tmulirftble kui ui it.iitir-ii4t"i,rii bvHi Tritiutml. i hey state ibi the ii'ht tnuk p'u ( within bait k leUf ot the lu n( rt'-iiKe the ntimhtT in Vuirmu to eibi buitdrt'!, nnd that eight oi tiie iMlU;r wr kiiitti. DuiU'eK, IttWA, April 20 - A oinado panw(ji oft-rUn uopr oitioo ul thin city Wt-t v ft. t iti w4v4k- -4y4 l'try Miiinuntot properly, Cstrrying wuy bini-Mi, taking otf rooln, St' A itnii otiined Kumau? w in kilh it. Hint ii iiumtwr oi pcii 'im mre inpin tt. Tbe Iowa brewery miuI the Fliili V.-iii) ftctiool ho ust' weiti unro 'iud. tt Wft tin' niort (I tfUiic'.Yti auifiu that bttd trcr VrHI'tnl Lttlw S'Otlon. L' KooN, April IU. - Aecotir.ts which po to prove flic siitety ol the l v Dr. fctviiigai. tone, tne c. ii liriUed Alrican tiaveller, re . apcctiiig whoa, fate so much uncertainiY prevailed recently, haveju-t ben r.cuived in this city. 1 N reported to-day that Or. Livingstone lelt Zittrttnr. in Eirateril Afrl cu,(in Jai.uaty last f,u Knglnml, ami that be woiilil-gn oveiisml to Cairo, Egypt, . ... . lMiiAjtAini.ts, April 20. -Last night a ternbie hailstorm, acrntiipan.ijd withllglit. mug, paa-t'.t ov. f Um v Uy. Tiie li.diuus Cential r.iiiriiail freight dnpnt wss blown down, with a uumbui of other huildiiigs. The Mulligan Central depot was unrooled, and Alh n McCulclian killed anil o ber eiiip oyees setousiy injur ed. It v liiiii .l bub,, ui, a L'oivrsalist hmsttr, m IJtten, aim was pasmr g the do poi al 1 ho nine ot ihe storm and took shebet there, waa sri..uly' .1 wit atally JZ. tirS 'i- il.. ' ' WHIM WI1AMH. I .lovKssioKAi. psrifi aiAsm. An enlhiiai astn piohsatir olerttoinology, not clchrattid tor his ex. rcise ol ho-.pit.ahly, was so tie lighted st the arrival ol aa eminent pursuer ot rntceie that' hei -y tta! Imu to 1hm.I asi.t te d in climilwoj N. x' 111 ruing Dr. Man tly gret-ti .l Ina uu.-st "And how did yipi Bieep the nigut, Mester IkelieinoutU J'' I "Xi t v-T) w II ; strange tied, maps. Hut " "Ah." quoted the doctor, eaetly, . "ye were just bnten by s. melhing, Bb I'' "Well, tn Tclt tbe- -wt'ti, iTmrbir, I j. wis." - "Just iiiink 01 thai 1" "liiilen, War ye) N iw 'n ye say H. wita any thi g no'eworlhy that lift y. f I'.c ..iar.Wn ( ' Kl, aa. I think. But such bigiiavtierer t It in my life." "I s.i.iul.l think so, indeed," (wi h great glee,) "they're Hicilian fleto ; I iiupoited thia my self " S; 1 its on Won t,v At a dirtier in N-.w Yoik, nt whi.ii no Na.li.a wire prcscio, a .mm ui response to the toast on ' Woman," dwelt -almost solely on ine titttlty ol the ni-l claiming that the IwSt among tto iu "wt'W o'tTlr BHtW'tHiirtl''rt difl' rcucc being III the siirrouudings. Al I lie con. i',-ioii ot the spei cb, a gentle men piesent rose to Ida lent sad eaid 1 ' I nut. lb.- gentleman, in I lie application of Ins remarks, r, !' r- to hit men mother and rist.rs and not wra," A Wis ern ednor is pleased lo bt face tious or. r the niiiites of Maine lakes. He ' says : ' They ay the fish in Lake Hoi ley 1illntTfflitm1CaiiHTriirriinid to te iitp"tint to those ot tii bir Lake Wecle.vojiMtco.ik or Moosniockmegait'uc. Those of ttliaoiiBn gogiinamatrug wcrrTfry line, but they all go- choked to dcsili, in Hying to Tell wlieie they lived !" WnAr is fsMB t-A boy.fiiund holding s liotse by the I, a 'side, near liblca, N. V , recently, wat ank- il whose animal lie bad iu charge, and replied that it b longed to "s t iasy Dnti hmnn looking-for birds' 1 est over t under in the woods." Tbe "oraxy Dut. Iltnan" Was Agssnc TK1 KOHAI-H 8l1Ul4AKr A bi loided Willi sail ha- been sent bauk lo cWn ..'ran riac 1 Irom Hitka, nod there is some anxieiy an' to the aeuou Al the collector ol tbe latter prut in regard to s niiililar of other vessels thai have been eehTouT wttti aaaofUid car- aoesio rade with the Indians. The Crown Point and K. nluck mines in Nevada hsve bees opened,,' and although the water it up to the five hundrod, feet level, lbs damage has law n liight. ll'rultsor Mitchell, of Vesaar College, N. died on Mou lsv frofn general debility, aged 78 Jearav 1 A row of forty four dwelllnita, occapieit by railroad rtperative, at th lalla ol 4Be W daye." "A band ol lortlinscafitoreTrhehoraea of s wsttuB train near F..rt Lirauiie on Fri- fhe track of tb UvtutraJ Kscttlc roatl will reach MoBUiueut Point to-day. A Msak Towx.-Mf. ' Amoi 8 wan. of ,7" ' ..... 1 n- bit. . l'lMi l't desk ttf the rirsr-Baptttt tiiurt hst. Kottbl; MninrB, Coun., tbe ji Ciiurth st eiitoihg yrer ir a Mi&Utlt.. fxw; fwnifuy. bxl t uli this tctf a-a nt a emill sa a-y, JM 'tl i to i'ioAj'tiiJir'rsNt "nmuu rf-oeifaij t la tUat towp a isu,WiktHkt jgijt lwmj("T tjy going tutn loe chatcoat t.us iness than he Cub by Vyldit to Ue Bspiatt imjdtr, - 1 - A RKAT. HmiA&CSmATBKA. wo wwSa'igo, oil lar.j ' ao i ''feigllali'" l'f.auierr-,a. ..little. rfHWi ,yf asd alee years, waa discovered oe the fourth day o the outward v..yge friiia Liverpool ttt New York, and carried beiors lha first Biate, wlnee duty it was to deal with such caaea. When questioned as to tbe obj rt hf bis be i, g stowed awayw.MM..yii KwiSghl liiei board, the Iwv. who had a bcHUutlll attipy li,i , an. I tyea that I.Kiked li'ke the very in rrors of truth, icp'ied that his stepf uher did it, larsuse IWn.nil.1 not aff,d tu keep htm. nor to pay lv passage out to Kalifas, wiura lw had as aunt who waa well uCtan.l to wtiosr brmi he waa going. The mate did not la lieve the s ory, in spite, et the w inning tare and truthful acctrnta of tba hot He had seen toonttieb of ausw-aways l be easily (Imwiyect by IUaia, be i(i j at d it was his flrin cxvictivn ihat the boy bad brtt brought oi board ' ettd provl'iwl"' with foot! Ny l he sailors. The little fi tlbw w as very r-'tigbty handled in consequence. lay by day -be waa .lestlomd and jw " .isMHiMrtj. .put always with l)(e ,tm m sult, lie did nut kno w .a andor on boeMl, a d his father alone bad' v-cnr(.! hint and giv.a him the food which h me " A.I last i he mate, wearied by th boy's " pmntence in thu same Morj4and perbau a little anxious to inculpate tba sailors, a avd hiut" one day by. tl a collar and diugulng him to tbe fore, "told bin) that u ihfas lw confitssed the truth in ten roinutea Hiilh IliatrtiiMo he wuTT?dTaTfg'iiiiriii the J yxrd arm. Us thttu made him s,t down un der it on the deck. All around him were tba passengers aud sailors ol the midday watch, aud ia bout ol bun stood the ittrio ra l-mate, with hi clir-HiiuiiBter in hia b .nil, iind the oth.r i dicers ol tbe ship by his able, it Was the ttmrct sight, said "Our iiilortnant, that we had ever he held to See the pale, proud, sorrow ul toceof that ouhle thiough the tears liial auffused ttiem. Wuen eight minu es had B ;d, the mate told him he had bin tan minutes to live, and advise-1 bun Ui speak the ttuth and tav hie lile ; out lie rip i.ii, wHii tne utmost simplicity and alnoeiity, by atktng the mite if be U.i;ht ptay. - , ,'j he mace said nothiflg, but nodded his heiid, ami u ueil as paie aa e shoat, and s iook with treuibliug like a reed with the wind. And thete. all eyes turned on him, this brave aud noble little fellow, thi. p.Hir w sif whom s ciciy owned not, and whoie s. opiatlier culd aot care tor him-, there he knelt with cissoed bandit and ej ee upraised to braren, while he r. pcute.l u lltily the Lord's Prayer, and prayed the dear Lord Jesus to take hira to heaven. Our iulormaui adds that there then 00 cnirtd a sci ue aa of I'vuiiioust. Sobs broke -from strong, hard hear s, as the mate, sprung lot ward to the boy and clasped hits to Ins bosooi, and kissed him ami blessed hiiu, and fold him hw sine. rely be bow believe.! lit story, and how glad be wri thi.t he ha lioeip btave enough to late dcntti and be willing to sacritlce hi tile lor the trutl of bis own word. , ' ' rixna. v ' . Mkhtuib, April u -Bx Presldent John, sou ai itv.d in the otty to-day on the 8 40 uaiu, Memphis & Louisville RoatL ikil aloi g the route U was red ivtd by the peo pie mtt. I'eojtt of ttfry age and i s; tur ed oiiitodohm minor.' AtSIcKB4io lie, made a short spee!,. At Humb,rilt ft a met by an up trUn hom M.oiphi,,. crowd. d with lailio. aut. g,euMln 'hJ went to-uiwt huu. The t,, fc(, Chm ') von.,. u..i... "e Time. Nn -i-s than tWt tt at that point, whcV be also deltvered a Jnii -,-eK, Ufess at ih,. eo ksiiatioo 0.1 cilnK-n Long bctor. the Hum was due here out ,truela wtru thronged with every kind ul vSm-ts. ami a living crowd ul pedestrians m k,g their way te the depot, Not le-s inn iSpiOtitf pi?ipls ttirneil out the occasiou.and Memphis out did herselt in striving 10 dij honor to TetifiesW most celebrau d soil.'' lie was suff nug tnim faa ague, sod spoke im a wy la- Wuu. tie flpeuks at thu Ciijtria Houau to unnrow at- ..i,UtiojA)ittAaiJ,.Ms.l"tlias biifliVSMli pt... rtrr era oat quel u-iidereil una at ttiti Over Ion Ho rt. ' from the New V'urk Lsailer, AT1W HALT. , Good summer resort loriulaiit Itot-k-a- ' r. : .-V'l, lllark tape -the pstititiuenl of two negro . consuls. The dance moat suitable for military ball quwitoitVe." ' ',' -. i.1yo,.-io:Msr.' ;.".' Apprtipriaie Siimebu.ly-a4verti--real -estate dirt cheap. 1.-, r.- ' I - - Very high ptieee are tikelttttea stars ihey ere exorbix snu When are tailor and bouee-sgenia ia Hie same business I VVUeu tbey are gat bei ing the rents. 1 ' - : Cork tree are lieing raised iu Florida, but llioy are so light they luvt ) be ttttd dow b w hUe growing. ftmibody a-ks thr conmnlruin "Who can fur.i'tu the best check Air paupnrl-m f Either Stewart or Astur. , Tbe new full drees tor gentlemen d.iiiaiiila TTglct tse Hespredj tf He-- bnquent lv venue llictals, whose guilt W maitifesi, ... ... ( PreB'iee wtshee that Grant cotild bepil euaded W think theoountry is some relative at his, . He might tlien t el isoliued lo do- something for it, '.Jiai he ts just now Inter ested with phi foreign rctailous. ': '"" The Kr'Yrr-:i6ii'ai aya f "The WgU astntrs rent paid ill Broadway is that of! &&Wnkpp&fmmw st. ,r. ,f 01 a, ror 'r 1olt1ar(r sTreeTi" ilichTiIfiKS ftliJ.OUU. 'IV AtjtiHtft jdiBtb iliiei oi ihefitih sstew.. . -BUe, which rates at llOOOvK) iwr lauuum; tj the Bio.t prontabte ot all its eeeir.see- te v- rTfiiilty fiuildint' This is occupied by lit- ficea. It cost about libO.UUtl, am) mts lor nearly t oe-nail titat turn. Muglu othiysi ' j bring Jnrai et.ttinf u. es.hdii, Jsi'l' sli w 'uewl trade la almosfr ttoiire y done there.- In addition to the present naval force ta the Oil if, it is understood that the Uviena, tkmioole, Wcsholu, Sabine and the monitor iSalfBTRTBOWTlltlng oiiTat tbe" griverumeuf Navy Yspda, will ordVed Ui join that aUadnB. 'Tnt-se wilt tiisVe muke euitt:. a... fnrmirinbte force of el "i-en'vi. 'J, tfril.g an-Bpgrogaie of 1 1 ftn' 1 '" 1 The fvonok Aswssays a rtv-i welghg fifty pounds was caught in the Roanoke' tf, W'eUon on l-t Momlsy i.lalit. A.tlUUVaSAtl. . .luuisiruy, - - ' Cfia : ;, . -vy.. . ::.;y':