" "w 1 ' i ' j -- . , . . --r--iin,rm,--l ' '" J ,-,riT'i.r..liiri.i Jiitnirtijftncu. Jlll-rrwrlr a :ttmemm mmmMtotm i-mr ! iiii.nrin r n ..n..,,,....... w,;u Miinnrvrrmrrmni- .iffUl.-mr , r Hmmti .- . .,- , i , ......x j.-y u.. VOL. 3. KALMGII, N. O., W1WNI2KIY. APRIL 28. 1 K(. NO. 04 THE SENTINEL. rrrRfovH vzarccB Ami sbcust ' urntx-o. Trttrsui Shandy once said to my uncle Toby, 'Hint mn was, of all" other vehicle, "' " iTie mint enrttrn and, "est tbe same time,, pi o alight frame ami ao totleriugiy ui together, tliat the wonder was, that the sud deu )t rka ami hard jostling it unavoida bly ttifrta" with - to 4W -gK4 putney ibriMiyli the world, dm-a uot ovuf-act and tear i t" pitscea, diixeu times a .lay, and il would be, lut for the st-i-rrt spriuir, which spring," aid uncle Toby, "I uke to berel igion." No, the most cut iou vehicle we wot of, i iu the sbaye ol 'gut bnduved . Governor." The rttx u lie "oversets ami tears'' to piece o often is, bticause he is one of the curious vehicles made without the tceret spring. -Tie Governor lias bteu upset in every un dertaking iu life. Now f will not, say it nil tor want of religion, lor the Governor ha been member ot two Churches ; be side, we re coiiunautUd to "judge i,ot," tut the GoYtrnor's (rem want was the "secret spriug" of conscience. He'n as void ot conscience as a cow. II he ba any con science he wean it in his shoes. n. I not in hi bosom. No nian of his iii.der.-tanding could ever have involved hinucllin such gtoaa iui.'i'iiitwt-'ucit-s, il he bad been possess ed ot a comcience. When rai n commit blunder mankind are sorry lor th. in.-- When they eciiiniit (time evtu and repent, we niy ie aorry and even lorgive thew. Tbe (loveruor, iu hii paper ..f June .r, 1M01, attvri tisetl, as-kiug, "who would plot lor the . hvad of A lie Lincoln ."' In (, be is ready to coujuhute hi tuAuey fur a mcurQtnent to the uiuuoryol the man, a hi ae bead be bad ai-ked lor and wboui be deui.UQCtd a a "dt-Hpot, tviaul andhol." .i The 0 eve. nor fttrtied the Mayor Court ioto a won, and by bi eich, apprmo g ail attempt made upon our lite by smiie Iozpb armed men, to stirred up the wiath of bi aeeiet leuueis that . the police, iu oped court, presented a pis-tol, tbreatenirig to iboot the man who was guilty of a hi each of the peace, la 1 few day thereafter, when ouly oira man attempt to easassinate by shootiog at us through the window, tbe Governor maniieat a desire to punish the lJiaioM.T!y j don to cover up the hame of having approved ol the tint at tempt upon our lite. Xxcept Judge Dick nd Judge Settle, anrl "Hoo." WMy Billy HMiilersii, b.4U:u4 fir mate Healing, tbere are do other eduea fid gentlemen of tbe Blate that tbe Ooverunr bu uot ealuminat.d the grave yard of every couutydowu in the K'ate, holds at leaU one anljictf his calumny. Till aroouut lor the Governor's pieler ace and fnnduea for cai pi t bagger He ft-eli that even tbe Lieuttnant Governor ho.J him in contempt. Tbe Governor oBce prayed 'in bi paper, tbe t-lmMrJ, Myiog, "God aave '.he people of the Weal from uch a man as Tmt'R. Caldwell ' The Lftutenant Ot.v.roor, fhinkitig tr bd lot character by Voting lor floldto, against Governor Wonh, found it neceaiaiy to apologize iu bi public apeeebea to tbe people, by laying be did art not from choice, but became he thoXtjjbt it the best policy Holrjeo baa quit bis pi ay era for tbe people ol th west, aud Caldwell now ri li-hes that which be once totik from policy or uecetaity. The great weapon i l tlx Goveroot' warfare have beeu falsehood and caluVny. . fH Reyer bad a f f i jfidM idUl ,J'f l-'l raj, j ' 0 niveruiahBj'wUlf did not dtert. Hi first great wut ii tbe ttcret pnttg"of conscieueo ; bi next great ht ia a friend whom be can trust, aud upon wheni be can rely. One would tbiak that tbe Governor bad euemiea euoughj and that he would now Ceaae to utter (ajsebootl aud caluiuBy actunst Uie vlrtaou ao urihTob37iTnbe 'caii't help it. He baa lived no lung by it, it ha become hit second naWl In the Standard ol lt week under the now deplumtvt J. B. Neathery A Co., the Governor asaail with fahelinod and calumny, Judge Battle, He ennju.aoda Mr. Motirt to go "to bi prayer." Why don't our f tuioua, crazy vehicle cultivate a good understanding with tbe virtoou good such a Judge Battle ud fr. Moore t - They are not in bil Way politically. Tbry never denounce bitu aa by hould do, and aa Judge Heade, Judge Cantwell and, Treasurer Jenltinaltave done. Ot Judge Battle and Mr. Moore, we eop Pe if uiigbt Uvo bees aaid, aa 0r, Jobn ,on aaid ut Sir Joshua Reynold : "be wa one ot thoe meo witfi whom If a maa had to nuarrel, be. would be t. Joaa hua io uuie," Tbe Governor at no loaa. He Iter falsubqod agalilst JuJji Battle d fall Mr. Moore to "gi to hi prayer, Id bao.1 The Governor tiiiuka he cao de- troy tbeee gen tb men and their influence with tbe people., Vou are nilatakea Got ' . f rnor.. The pawwtob and ijwrejttdioe ol SO,.1. leg roe, whom you lead, are sot ao blind w to furioui that 'you can sweep into India-. erhBinate tuiu all againat wboin it 1 your pleaaure lovJirect It. It ft tbe flattery and fawning of lleutier'ton, Btepbens and Toun ,fcfttjit eewluf-yewi Bcvraurwt -4 Yirtuea of Battle and Moore that afflict Jon- . . " . . - Wretched, indeed, most b tb' lot 'of 9" who deaert the plain higb wa j of .Matndiw aad rra'tjb(?fWtiMiiiir ad crooked xnaxea of intrigne, cunning,, .trickery, ttieprcaeiitt!ob and falaebood. wiutry ft o,, assailing Juilge isattle and Ur, Mo re, Biay, a the1 wis eon ot Birach barf said '; ''Woik hia Hay f..r a ii.ne, a moletnidnr grrnntil, tnit l.y and vy, blunUm tela light, mid t,U with U Uin dtrt upon tilH liea.1 And thai is the "euiimm vehi. !r" mr M ol the sirnt spring glow bdt ulcaiular akd uutb, ii H t fh 77 .1 kAOlr.U.. Tile lollim nu' l a utati lm lit ctal coudiiiou ul a Uitlieul wraili I Ueor(i(ia Lfginlanire tii in "Votiujf for Kullork'a eid. Anuier, io tii.Miit.ax, 37 enough : a.ij i.n.ni. ni. in Ui Iiim with '(!," wan j;.h1 foi Nr' On one i if the mreoi iendi i , .. . 1 1 ... , . ii n. oi. iauuac IU 1 II I I I ' V ... r I 1 In I I . mrmircv core re I nieruorandiiiu h.it. ubieh contain amonn other tlnt,Ka n. fnUi. ileum ol aeeount in lead m-neil, tin- iiul.lir. tioa ol which may lea l to the r.e .veiy ot thepropeity l.y i lie I. Kiljiimt.. omnr. " ., riqutaieit in "imive. propjlly. .,iy w:i ," limn tin M.K., rharj,'., and t.ike the rf.uue findir. ,, w bit m. 'ol i'.-.ki- A! !:l t "l revived Wn.;e l..i -i.i i milede paiper ellvelupps j-.. n., p worth at lct Vo ini tor l.!!i( k in t h.- A ' lliiiMS in ( iri eii'm Voting the 1,1th iin.i iiclln.M 'ill (iu "1:1 esperi Week hl'll ii'., in liord 4 7 apple IVe iu All lit M. use I'. ,ii I each krackera and Cltees H Kaik.s 1 ;'.0 aples I I ban Cut '.'ii oth. I 1 paiper ei hiri I lu, l,l,.ii) 40 , aider 00"i Canada 11) tiil.ai e.i 1 :,r, ,, a .mh no W anliin eliine 4 puslaiie s amp, l ., , U'lini: tu neifki i m l Imll " j Vayiettea Sun Iry and A; - ;i .'.I 1 : I 4 til maid Cb-i r $ n I I I Toi imlienln a healiliy linain ul .-. n.li tion, though we sin ul I ilnnk ti.nt '4i apple Pie, ' ai d ' 2J4 pinpei K a'ka " in. .1 ia with "4i) bolnny unssae. s. 14 m Tfe. hair Cut anil rithr r viials," wou'd force tin grammatical mi inher to as-uute the position of the Grecian Bend Il recall to mind "our hands" who loive all quTF their work and p,ot "to bum." souie to New Toik, sumo to New England, aome to New Jersey, and some to old North Carolina. The (iiiziu of n'ur city feel much relieved. foijeecT; ffil'y no dohrt et quite us uiuch relieved, its a deceaaed home mu feel, wheu towards nighr, the rlurk of inipudant buzzards ihat have Uen lekiiiiji and iosullii g his tltlapidatcd .n . ,i'.fl all daylong, betake theiHMlvis, lt.1! j.ouid, off to roost, and to dige-t ilnii "pii-knu- and stealings." Lei Uisi t: into the accounts ot miii- of ''our liauds " Take a sptciuten l-ru k ;i carpet linger fresh from ( ape Cud, or N Yoi k , or Jiing Hing, and let us suppose the bold adventurer, aud hopeful aspirant tor Senatorial honors, to have landed at some seaport town Kewberu lor instaiue We imagine a n tttit? ienumtidi n ot- his ciptuai, Jtc, would run ahout tbu "tioughl 1 carpel I. at-, in 1! .stoli, 1 til) 3 calico fbirts nd 1 i-pellin' bo. k, I (id 1 spike tail eoat and a flue tooth1 cinli. I 00 1 l)o paper collars and ! handker chief, 1 t) t bair tpectaeles and a honji skirt, '(toeell,) ' 1 00 Speaker." 1 00 10 bran ting, (to cell,) 100 4 cod HA ud (H)logncy, quart of wbitkey, l.uueli, 1 00 1 tlox. doujt nuts, amount of expenses, soljl 1 ring to ev-joli red person, " 1 hoop skirl I o a colored lady, " 1 calico shut. " 1 cod flab, " 1 fine tootb comb, . " 1 paper collar, loan of tooth brush 1 uiort ing, profit on tbe way, tn oo 4 (0 i no I 00 ""' r.o ,'il) OS o:i f) 08 "matte clear,' Tbu armed end equipped tor active ser vice, with one carpet-bag and eight cent cab, our adventurer seta bi lotig foot on the shore of tbe Old North Btat. After aneakiog. about' among bis negto brethren, making, sundry sermons and speecl.es, un dergoing many hardsb's for tbe "cause of tbe Union,!' and subsisting on whatever he could pick up, we find him, after tbe lupd of few months, stated in the Legislature of North Caiolin, rigged out in broad cloth, a gold fob dangling at his ' waist, his hair gtejatdNsnd perfumed, rating " pea nut,n lookingas wise and knowing a t flop tared Jackass t an opera, and talking orhtcWtitiieuU,Vid gtiardiug tbe con litution of bis country cad hietitate. I If wa Would look Into bis account, we touia fiud ia tiUiUoa U I,S0O(jfe..'feer. diem, mileage, ttailonary,&., about 1,200 made la tbe Cbathadt K. K. bualnesa and for otinn; for Tarioue d sundry private and publie bills, rail road scheme, lucre taglie, Jhv, aevwai hundred dollars - And aa to bi expense acceunf, tt atvttp"?yb jen(Trijili'iirf. ana tin aimilartsibitor our Georgia member, bn with a few alteration and addition. A nor member ii carrwrt baerer. strike out snd about 470 quart of pea tutf (which re at) mdispentable Ingredient in Soulbera Gift Exhibition, . Dan Cater, .tircaa, f Hbbiuoo't Circoa, Murray1! Ctreui, Negro 1 liU he (k t Miwtteb, Nejfro. Tal.feaux's, Sarent'v Tnmiw, 'fempletrn s tr.mj e, and i ar room. luHimd (.aloon and siiudiy other fXiie!i. ' '! liaHlWl ttHClWi'M ol. the inside life ut a Ka,iu;Sj hg.ilittor. ' Iom n Sui h." When there in in. tliini; , it (, he piliciwl, and the lar-nin run dry, nud llie ' M-a Milt" i rot) irivea met u' liavn htiut I bat. I Uldfcaliiutt . tt.iU.4W Ur th-4-f . "UhauteufK. 'rl;l. I. H-WeforsottoMa-etlmt ..ur a.lven. .i"ier bought 3 piio!H, 1 clu.l", 'J I i I the li,u ' aiidip.i.n,l ,. r,l u(l po .v.h r. to tbe : !15,,sl ln "if nnir.i r. j r j KtTR.K.tNiiv. A Nortli- j'"' MetWulist paier 'iSlibnl iu Atlanta, I (iil . M) & : ' "Win u this ..eji.-n liiilU occuned i there weie churches " .d .uii..iiiiL'e all L. i ... ..r i c I. .1... i. . . . w .. , ' "i" ,"ii,ii iieeueu m uie .ii ;i llU I 'Vjxtl Church. All ;U. Il iirolienv lie i. h to I.UILX i law HH.I tUHHV to lh WrfWuif f Arft.ti Weft.'.- it th terta, ui.-ul, and aula re taken in Ibrwai. l!oii) to Hie I nil.'.l Stale lliivi-nilui III. thrne rhnrelie- '""''l! jlt'-llCc to the MMMUt ''iVeM 'Ittlrrk. " I i. it In to l,y, tile Dame tiling t'hlll.i;' d the ea.e ulVn .l. No t liro.1 ntn eollld ey. ii ibuk oftealin nm.ih.r man pm eiij, mueh le.s do it. These Northern .M' iImiiIii pr.;ieh, ch iit(-i th inipudenee of Ii t lis in enable' tin in tu pieaih to lione t lU' ii ," tlm.ead ltijntek. ' l.. I. ..... i I. i V' .... . m. .1 l ' . . l mi : ii iimi ii iriin'i n .Tieunui hi pri lit. li- in in !, in tin' N.inli 'litliliini; re 1M1. Inn ilia (' nr. In ; In, ill ImI'i ilnpildi lit. not only an I il e, etieral ( 1 In l-ll the iitili lenee Inhl in inn u gU.ttllttli. II ii ul the Chuiih, I iHHileil 1'i.iilei ' I.. i"..,.l : 'I'lt divisi m I It! lit I' II I r ,i -, ,M . in-' e. - unit .,. , ,i lr mi .lei lium noes ai tl enfiditioin rti il In- ;:ai.i.- ilniii ol llie Southern branch. into a par.'itr ( htm-h, making, ot the -anie lime, i ipiitat'h - ilivisi.m ot tl.e entire Church iipfitt, eliii.i.itHii; t lilirt In s, ial si iiiS'-i s, V i I ' lii i s i.n.t I, Inn ihe hook concern and 1 hlili led llii.it. In I it ei II tin' t l. ( I. unties. ' I in'el ll.ls uulleliU ol l hii Il.-i.eral Ci.li-jjeieiic.-, I be "lily l.i'V Hoik l.o puei iu the j church, ,( Southern 'e, hoiluta sepura'ed Hint ni(.ini? I th .Melhoili.t Kp.seopal Cliuuli. Si.iilll. T'ulr eij in ntlv, tin- No; tin ru I'.i.nk Ai;i ills ..1, iiiniii l I,, i Ii. el inu ol the South, rn Cl.ur. Ii i.i n f.rv ri p)jar tin- bock n. i rn and charti red litrrd. L'pnn this the Commissi. .tu rs of the M. E. Chuit-h, Smith, sued the N. ill. i ru B, ok Agents in the U. S DiMrii't t'oiiin. Theias.- was takuin up io "tl'.C Supieiiic Court ol the l'i.ite.1 States, I.ii h dei.'iiJed in lavur of the claim of the Son t hero Church, anil the Northern Book Ageuts cotupliell, when forced Io do it, will) th ihriaioii ot the Coon aid the plan f HipiiiuMoi! 'I In-C'oiirl liilly unstained the le aliiv ui the plau t.l ru iiiiration, ly which the Ivn. I linii hrs huvu la-en bound and are slitl I, i, un, I Ui-i.eaii'd efforts hne he, n made tliron.'h the v irions Courl- at ditler oil iiui.r- Min e, hy ilt-ieiiipi it d iit.liv i iieils, lotlike the Southern Chun In s Ir-lli- tilt Soiiihirn .Methoiist-i, hut vtehain in all asis, th,' Couit l.'ivt- sustained the rights . f'tl M K. ( I. null. South, under the plan" .it si je.nti ion I'lnii-r Mieh t'irenmslaiiCCH, the atfetnpts ot iNuith. tu ili tliodisls to ir.fl fioiithem Chureiies, is stipi r aiive y mean tind thtiv in;'. It is niideisloi d llial Mr. Victor ltarrin Kit will sin cm U IS. i 1 y Coleiii in as AU uney (oiiiialiii the event ot Hilly: aeceiitam e ol the lorejon nppointun ut iciidereip him. I tie moteiuent lor to-tliiig rut ol i.oieuian, ou account of ins total tlibiiiiuliticatioti lor the AtUuiic y-Geut ralship, Imn been mana ietl w iil the (Jovernor's iisiiid adroilmss. Hut don't. In e,the this iu Billy's prezveuee s u. not fo the world. 11 ii. 1-tar. f. uL?1ul ""riit in i . atjifii m it I aasBti aa a , ljsi shipping him off to Europe, we are told, bi likely to I'm I. We have seen him on the afreets recently in rather a fatiyutd condi tion, and it is said that he swears lie will not accept a 1 000 Consulship. It would lie a dear liarg tiu il the ;i'"j' r ninent weie to noploy nun, at any price, yet be is not a whit -4ee ttuaHtl-l for -toe p.itkMi of A tH"tiey (eucrul, than any otln-t ocj iOfWutU; of the State Exeriv ire department, from the Gov ernor down, batiug, perhapt, tint l,ie )(il futigved tnH often. A - N for the Sentinel. UAH. 110ADMKKT1SO IN WA TA HI A. According to previous liolice a very larje number of the citizens of Watauga tsmnty aasemhled at the Court House lit Itoone, on the 'JOtli ol April, 1809, (it heing Ttiesdny of court w ei k ) When on motion, Capt. G. W. Bradley wa called to (be chair, and II. ltiuliain requested to act as Secretary. Capt. Bradley, on taking the' chair, in a few very appropriate remark explained Uie object ol the u.eetinjr, to be to tike into consideration tbe importance of coiincciicn the Seaboard of North Carolina with the thorough-late of the Great West. Maj. Malooe, of Caklwe'l ciVunty, being prwent, and called 00, delivered art able and interesting addess, iu which, he urgid tbe very great importance of Die measure under consideration. The meeting Saaa further aifdretSeil by Win. t tibell, Esq , and Col. Wia. H.'i, twd on 0RiJtdini.slitjra1ft; tbe bjttrr .4rd Ibe'ioUowidg retulutiott wbub wft BMfiiiowale xhiptwlty. lirjolvMl, That we eontf mplotc witb pride the early completion of the. Atlaurtc, Tm nesaee nd Oluo Kail Koinl, sud itmt we pledge wir (Stilted; t S if( to as-lst in the conipletiotl of thi roail, Oil motion, it wajamtolvrd'that a convof tbeee proweflintnt lie sent to each, UieB4 rZZlT' . The' mettinjt iIkb aoionrned. - ' O. tV.'BHVDLEV. Secretary; Mrs. FaSmT PowmAtj, of Cbsrlottej ba ' " ' .... . . Insaraoc Company of irgion. We are n..t tiispusrd to (timate the i!tttk-am;e ot these entpf'H C.fiaiuly, t beie -rim, nntl tlii omri than a det:tUt Sf-o, when .. maa wouhl havii undertaken them. lie tiniea are out of joint, The rai.k hi ot public corruption o bich UoW exiy well en gend.r slfatige atjiT utiiiit; grow i.Tis. the true ptiuciples of tliefument, tie original cbaructrr of our inal iustitu lions, have Ut n, of lale i pet verted, luwtrcd aud cbiufjed. I department l'the public svivice beaimiuaik nl tiiiicrt-shive degeuerai y. lid Ui the higliit prices iu the iniliiifcgislature is paie.l with gold, A goldty is relied uimiu to uul ivk aluioi-t obsiaclc to s hi'iuu. for flllints 'be pticliiil (tie tr as the expend of the inttuei the many, financial aud political pluJr are iii Ics.inji H Liu, LiHl,.,,ol' j;c lil'i. l ia taltmatetl tliat the anoutyt of the .Jftderal poverrtme ,t la $34ti, aad of Stale giverntmnts ;tW,oti tuaklng a ti tul of ;jo,oti0 01M) anttl. This ia 1611.000,000 more ihan the irnmeut -penses in- (irest Britain. Cheae enor mous reveniiiH, whisky, mad, land, sl.-hi.nlnp nil a'l other snttsfreedy and gorging rin-js are at wmk t.Hisfer the public treasure to their eutaty-ketn. It wi.iild seem a if Ciuitva hJi'tne to la looked upon as only a maehto legislate tor the ditribiiti.,n of puhlinu.it r. The whole tendency of legialatiou'i build up privileged claans.to create arial wa1tu, to make the rich richer, until Jnea which were once considered large aow looked upon mere hag.iulha. At same time it i.i makinrr the poor poorer. is conelii aivvly alio u in .Mr, Ciuntiniier Well's report, until iii'iiij- ol llnni sr poor that hopiiUiao-jii iie.j ihseonti latptdly in crease. Kven in the choice of the'iiniKeiit ol lb.' i xe lit t v . - -I. part lliot.t limn been I., I itmny years stn uii.r li.iluie reali.i. the l..i es ol tito tin ..I. is ot thoveiniiii-iit, and the 1 'ie-iil, in xt Im i, i-,-c, t-r merely the suliorilii.ate instrument the ptrtv ttie prix ib e;i .1 class, us it xxettx bo plaeeil him nt aul bori'y. Inn, Mono all this, tlnTe lias fit-, n since the war 8icentratnin ol miiliorlty in Vt s liuin.oileh as was llevi-r tllcalnt.l ol ' t tine, nntliu appre heusiou has om. d oromnl tt tbe Slates have no rii his which the fral eovelll incut is lioun.t to r s eet, am e most snn guine can assign no iiinils in Ire aasump turns ol It .I. rjl am hoi ity Inc, the war itself was coii.lii. t. tl ou such traud and royal ica!e, with such an enooua outlay of treaauie aud blood, whictbe people found themselves no more t! to avoid than they would have been unT Napoleon or Aleianib r, that they herri to doubt th'-re own sovereignty, and igue ldfa w hether autocracy in form ild be ny more intolerable than amocraiio fact may fnVve lieen infused into aome mdk Dunot allXhese facts show that wit drifting from the old order ol thirig?nd that the exiiting tendency, tinleei cb-iW.la toward a complete tubveraion of o etructupe of government I la thi poio ' liew It may feu in. i .1.. KpjM-aTance of i Joumat a the Imperialist lias some sitticarice. May it not la- the I ud. tint larr than a man's hand, Inch imliealea the rectum of the wiud and jirtstgi leiueul strife ? There nre it leasi some p. raoiia io are willing to iiixist iiiotiey in a uewiper advocating inipertan-ni. Nor is it tt journal alone which wants to put the ns of tbe repub lic beneath the heel of a niter. From the number of extracts it tttes from other p ipers, ami fioti) itsconi-ablecorrcpon- lener. inhibiting the sat iirit, there would seem to be an Iinpul King added to out other tings. Kv-enn (!ougtt a leading member, Mr. iianksn a late debate, a.ke ol the ai ipiisiiiun onew torrrtory as neci-ssary to llie " unity ' the empire." There was a lime when sin phrase, used io a speech by a member 0 !ongresa, would have created ainnveuicut i 'huae who heard it. - -Batlimott fiuh. An Impoktast (Ji itnrK in lUNKHCi-rev -DflMON oK Jt-iHiR Sitt. Ve-tir.lay, in the city court, Judf Scott tiled an opinion iu the e:tr. ot l. iis t'assar.l sad others rtrrut Conn.. I limer, xvliicli in volves an important iMiin in bankruptcy. The auit waa brought onbu i 1st of Janua ry,' -rmrvsritmftm? tnouu t atar "vr K'due,by the dcfendaittio the plaitittll on open account. The deliduut was sum moiied and appealed, an pleaded that ho w as discharged by tbe emit court of Bal timore county, upon the 8th ol May,, 18B9, from all debt due by hii at the time ot tbe Insolvent laws ot lliiil iml, which was on the 14th of January, biH. To ibis plea t hern was a demurrer, ui tbe deleuiluiit jiitiVeiT 'TbcleTn T" The opinion, after reiting tbe alaive facts, says : "The deuu-n-r raiae tbi question,: Does tbe net oCongresa parsed Jd of ll.ircb, lttGT, know as the l.ankriipt law, absolutely stiperstKlalie State insol vent taw in this cae t It was admitted that the plaintiffs and shtemlaut were all citizens of Maryland. Tie Supreme Court of tbe I n i ted States haseatab.labed these points: "As between ci tik-as ol tlte same , State, a discharge of a larsipt by tbe taw el mat mate is v.iiiu t It an -ci kis terior contract ; aa against end I tors, citi zen of other Stales, it is invalid as to all contracts." "That the power given tbe United 8'atea to pass bankrupt law it not ciclu ivu- Ogden . Saumler, U Wheaton, 309 ; Boyle v: Zatbariu & 'turner, ii I'etera, 3-1 H ; Boyle r. fume, 0 I'eten, Wj. In the rei ent cuae ot Vn Noatrand v: .Carr nd otbcis, dvleiniiiiod by tbe Cturt of Appeal of Mary ami at October tern, 188, tb at 'outfit ty that when tbe le(latnjn of Cou- (4,res ttpou this taliVet has burn exercised, it is parjinottnt and ecluivr, aod mspend tbe opewtinn of tb iuevlvtint law of a State ami tbe jitrisiliotiot) of , be State court mar imetJMiiawMiM ittrjiwt'wt andojMf- 'In the ease now before tar. Inaaniuch a all the part ii are r.-lf ir. -na of tbe same State, must cansnlcr that Uis case- doe not fall within tbe purview tnt) uporalion of the bankrupt law, anil tlftu the fltscbarge of lhei:cleiibinturiitertb instlveot laws of .Mais land Ualiatt'o tbi aiti.m, and I will ihncl the ek'lko enter jt.lgment on tnr rli'innTrwr tnr Tft il..tn.litrr i . yieal to the Court ol Appta.ls w taken by tbe Counsel for the Diajqliffs. lBoZ. Ban. U4fA. I1 Stn il w e R ritm -re "t1lrrf;- n Mobile it one d.uTar per' quart, o-umlhah rfjtu. tw ticaasi u arrtvea ia 4r- x-..i. i.... rt . . s ..... . . .. - t -r ... t?. - - a . .. t thark our friend at e Reek fof club oi subscribers to the ikoiiuwt. sinRKVKcornr ST ATlToF NiHtlll CAUol'IA SiirKtuMK CotmT t i.kkk's tff ti k, Vnriift, .tfirn, a;i., lt!ti. The Supreme t'otiri will i.s-scmlj!i- til st Monday in .lunetu vt 1'lit- cases, limit llm e-n ml .Indicia tl llie , I ll s- lrief, i B'nHu.'d u-iitVr Che new Ww'.' xs itf t lie calTciTajtiTiTIirixr: " f first .n.l See. ui. I DUiiicW ou the first I W.'i k. Koiirih and Kmh Di.iini Oil tli s, we.k ( Sixth Mul Seventh Ifi'atiict. am k. Kilit-h and Ninth Disiiii.isi Wis: k. Tenth aud Kltvciilh l)..-lr . l we. k. Taelub and Third liim.ci. the bird i, I I, j the tilth ! on the w-i-ek. A tio applicants lor lie- use law will b'- examlneil, the docki-t Kirsl (, irciilt will I e called ou tin 1 piHt'tll I lol lb. first ibix ot the term. T he aigiiuirnts will close with the sixth week. By order d the C- nit. WVI. It H.VGl.K V, C.V-.. I'ont Cak'Himi - tin tlie ''l:xllks, wbTch skijl our Atlaiit c co-ist, then- si-e suit itiai sln.-s attaclteil.lyiii oiilhet Sounds lusult . Un aome psolion of tbeae B..oiks, l.vrge numbers ul smsll ponies are raised. '1 In y arc a finall, harily und en.luiable horses, riiised vvithiiut leedii. slot only lirotioht up .inc.! oi t v, ice a yesr to be imo keit l,y tln owuet, ami lukcn II, or mid, ot BtiU'cied to remain to pr ipagate. The lOih ol May i the favorite liiuu lor the rporl ol "puny itvnniiig " It is tan! to lie tiichly lillilidiif; iimi larc;e nmuiicrs ol persons go there to enjoy the j-port and Io piireha-e polili s. Gnu. Graut has nominal. .1, in the last lol ly days, Irom 1-00 to l ")i) m vv ..flii-i rs in the si-vetal tlepat tinents, turning out some good men, but putting in somi' ol tl e uiany Ilc iinpttenl and worihl.ss iv.i up pointed to titlit e, since the lotiiidul n ,ii ot the government. Coi.. ItoHT. JoHSBiiN, arm of the ex Prcs ident,.d.ed on Ihe 20 h, at Greenville, Term. Ilia lather received the ni w w hile on his way tu aildrtss the people at I'ula.ki ancl Columbia, and iuime.li.tely hastened home Tm FbTrM) or TF.vrsHxNtnt, pubHrhed i.0 this City by Rev. It. Ii. Whilaker, bh been enlarged, four columns of reading matter have been added to its lormer si.: Tbe Editor say, be commenced uesily two year ago without a aiogle subscriber, wiih out an office, or aiugle type, has battled successfully through all tbe difficulties, and to-dy presents to the order of friend of TmpciaMM -trftriwg an ia a new and band some (Ires. We wish it succci. Yi'l I.BATUf, ssys tbe Charlotte Dewr.rat that an old lady, Mrs. Reedy, died iu the lower part of Iredell county last week, and f a short time belore her death, she cut three new teeth. Her ge was 9:l yeat. Judge Brooks I holding hi iHslrict Court for tbe District of I'amlico, at New born. ' Tbe docket i raid to be very lull. From an edlterial in the Baltimore Fiisr.t jial UethodM of tbe 3d tnsUht we take tbe following, only wishing we could give the whole editorial : "Errors are never made sublime by tbe nature of their doctrine nor tbe quality of the men who adopt tbetn ; but are always logically ridiculou. At tbe present time tbere i no being so utterly absurd Sa tan." "Recently a Urge metrrfpnlitau church wa dedicated, really to Gen. Grant, thottxlt ostensibly to God. Bishop Simpson, in the dedicatory sermon, we are credibly , told, spoke of tbe purification of tin- soul by the aafliitseea of war.". u.,... ,,,...,.. ., "Whatever buy be llie condition in the creed, a military univcrsalistu, with politi cal applications, is the religion nl the masses iu the North preachers and the people. To Mail Cothctob.- General Hmith, tbe second assistant l'ostmsater General, baa issued an order to tbe clerk ol tbe in pecTJbB"aivTSttS of hi officrdireming'ttret in tbe future they adhere sir icily to the letter of the contract, in which iti stipti lated that ia all case where failure ik mis the amount that wojld buvc been paid bad t lie trip bees performed iu carrying jbf mail shall beupducte I from the amount payable t i tbe contractor, no matter wliii the cause of tbe lailure may have been. -Thi order is intended to euIorc. niie thoroughly and strictly tb ooaUaota fcr carrying tbe mail. la the case of Pepin n. fachenmeyer, jut decided in tbe Supreme Court ol New York, general term, before Judge Clerke, Ingrabain and Sutherland, it baa been sub. tautially decreed that, jiidineiits ol court in the late t'onlederate States, in matters no(t tT.-ctiog'politiel essentiali ties are lo stand. JnUrttl TiipuHmr jlni lit litluM.-World. We learn front the Newbcrn Tinf that on the 29tb nits Mr. Jaine It. Steward, ol Bachti' Creek, discovered swarm "I bee ia aa old tree, and be, together with bis brother, eut it down lor the purpose of aavinir the swarm. In the tree they found a K little hot), bk they iwared, tm leking M hotnarttio Whole family prtoh ! ffeety ot tt?d tht etTect we ttwv tVrtihlr to describe; Tbt trbole otnbef ( fer.ms that t sated tht boney waa . Oi tliese two wees svot tffected, tbiew were niwiU nearly or totally blind for the lime ling, in'iVivro, child two yeswtand one younger, died within tt minute. The mothy wee blind that be emld not see the Infant iu ' Iter wuM,fcW'vouWetT "tfW'ttltnkti'w' H water, aod wa better. Other wereNaimb iarly atfeotad, but ail, witb the exception of the one already dead art again, restored to - WhTeotasT tw affected to WinVlrteM, while other died, and yet two who. also partook were not evea made sicV, remains a . .wisiinr3 ' The tre 757,000 people of torauga birth liring in toetily of New. York." I KXf'KHIMh'.SrS Willi SALT AS A j V.4 A If, K -- Ttiisrn hat lii-nii riiiicb wiilten as to the value of ttt aa a iiiayuris, ..'auJ fl';''.y e!"''. imeiita lji n. Is-V tt tu I yet. we are veiy inueh in iti. il.ik. tiine experiment! rs say Iff ol" j;ri ut value, oibert bine not I'.itii tie to srie"0BTrtVn t inttn Hs.- wtn4- wt mtjrT ctata iraTec ttttftireTr' gmtt- inimy Intia its m- f x eusive invest ii:aiioiis bine t'oil- xine.s.1 Us (bat theSe diverse and ll Cliules opponiHt n'snl: s are due AO vaiiations in the .ooiii'iirinKt-.l am! the manner of ntni', ami lbs. duLre4tt iu tbe Cntupo-diioiis ol die s. i's oii which it hsd.beeti nse.l. Milt in latc qiisniitii s eiiiiiely destroys Ihe brtibty ot ii soil Tin- ancients tinder .stood this, nod liny sowed Salt oil tbe site of destroyed cities to insure theiT.hetiig tltt-tieeb.rih lisiiin. Virjil reprobated a l soil, ami I'ltuy affirmed thftt Vt'lit'ii "diM r id" err bind-it raunetl it to l-e tn.tivii. It takes but tittle salt-preatl on the mrfsee, to kill vi getatiou, and this U especially tiue of sour, rushy land, afur drainiiiR In'Kngfairi) ah experiment made In the "application in autumn ol 'sixteen j tuiiin l nl suit to the ace on such : i.i j showed it to lie sufficient to kill the aquatic i plsets, and IhIc iu the lollowing summer a f must mihrMMrri; crirpof ti--nRra.prettf.-d-i . I' b.t h the cattle xxi re rcmattrality load ; and l.,r many years Ihe I ad 4 retained aitd t xliibiled a supi riot vetilure to tbe nrtgh hsiriiig grounds." . Very elalairate testa w ere made in It04 of the value ot suit as a i liitttj 111 e for potatots. The wiili wiia app'bul at b' rate ot .seveu and a bait Imli Is per acre, iu beds a yard wide and forty feci bing, asinUi tow being planted alout; the ceiilie id Ihe bed. One ol these lieds hud no uiiinure ; onxt liud t bet s.'dt alone; tbe olbeis were treated with Ya rio is well known irisnuies. Great care was taken to have lb'- whole trial conducted Willi accuracy. .The only potut, ol impor taui t; tbaf isiiclt out ol the accouut given is ihe umrmer i f applying the miimire. -Wbeiher it was put on the xurface or du into the ground vee aie not told. Ion the re .ult are given. Ttie pi'oduct of the tail iiisiiur.'.l toxx xx us to the ui.tuaiiiired row aa lies is In 1.17. Salt unuliiiud Willi otlur s,i!.-i.ui.ei u'ive nisiked iniprovetiu nt, snd ul, u.e H pioveil nsi It mpi rier to every thing Inn Chandler's gravi a," used at the r ile ol 1 W9 pounds to llie icre , and tbe s.tlt, iiirtil.iuei! xvi'h thirty' btlsheis ot ro.X tothn aoiw, lieat the Chandler 'a grav... a 810 is to JJ0. f all the twt'iiij five" rows, only those treated with liuiu at the rate of 121 t.tislnls to tbe acre, and sawdust at tbe rate ot iitlS bushels to the acre, fell below Ihe nnmaiiered row. '1 bis trial of salt brought out ibis singu lar loci, that il is of value when cnjiibini'd witb other lUbslstices, so lar aa they were nxed in thtseexperituent, except ('handler's graves. Tbe salt prnfabty entered into apd "picked" the graves so that they did uot decay. The soil oo which this trial wasimado is described as a fen ugincms sand, brought lo due texture and consistence by a liberal covering of poud mud, and had been pre vtuusly vmik n a tiurseiy for raising Infest tn-e. jr..wr husattruel graiof eotl gave ol sand of different degree ol flneuea abotn 2ND grains; of finely divided matter, which appeared iu the lotto oi clay, 104 grains!; loss in water, 16 grain. There was about in pur ecu u of carboiuite ot lima aod about 7 per cent, of iron in tbe soil. There wvre no indication or gypsum or phosphate of lime. It wa obWveti during tbe, trial "that, thou bed autre. tbaaalL. bad been Used wi-rn vis,bly and palpably moisur than ihe rent, even Io' week after the aalt bail beeu applied." 1 bit word "applied" iii.iv.iu.licale thai the manures weie so.vu on the surface. This eimdilion of superior moi urlicuntiuuid until rain ftJL Other experiment have been mailt that gave no beni -til Iroiu the us of aalt, iu l alter wading through Unt-reiwrt if-B,grcaL many ol tiii-oi we to come this : Some soil have enough salt in them, and more nd lcd doe if ury. Such lands may be louu.l long tbe aca waat, and whera salt apriugs appear, tlttier lauds are gn ally benefitted by lielit iliiiss-ingsol (alt. English funnel "scatter salt overtbair field at the rate of two bushei -per icre, with good surceaa,'' and Ibis quantity stay be enougb. fkitue men huvi -greatly puaiei llieiiisclvea over tbfs lin t, that bghl rljesitt; are lienefleial. TiWTieT bate liuallv onid, "A isalt iu small qitaml ties ia known lo aicufcrate tbe ptltri-btelioiv of aiiiiMalaubauilliiis, and wheu io (urger to r. tatd it. and thus is Manful in kisiiitin,i (be organs of dijjia'ioit In tuen ami ' otllCr cat- J. livou animal." Ho it may SiT iili jrettucing vegetable Inaltei in the soil into bidid tor plauls, if applied iu siue.il quantis. ti.. f 1t;wii 'aVJ' Mil"all Ut MiQcled qnaniiiies tt kill wim woilti, grub, Ata.f mat prey upon crops, may I w to B on laud wtibout inpjry loiropi. ThUiaa.wtld Hr take. Men may have town, pi baps, fire i-u-hcis ot alt ou au acre ol com land, and buai uo gtubi ami good d-ru. Such coinci d. n.-ciuiay I appro. FiVe bUihebl ol aaltx spread over an u n mak a very thin cover., ig. -fjanyi Wm, m HW.y Irttwrte. Gk.vkhai. Lsr seem to have badjite an nvalioo in B iliimore. Indeed, be seems to have alaxord attention, leaving tbe grand object. of file pilgflniiige of the one hun dred. ud fitryorso almost forgotten. Col. ICarman overiji tiling. . Th CoTXolf 1 o.-s-It i aialed thtt the toUl rtfleipt of ooltuM at all the United iiMesjirafor the week ending tbe 10th itiataut were ;7Bn7batm winch t a tailing tr ot some 6.0O0 Ub a . ir om- the -pievioua wea k. The tggregatn feeeipW- atnc 'idjA Septemlter butt reach 1075,401 bale against 143,7I8 bale lor tbe yams time in 18B7, anexeewoj 7 UleaV 'ibe export frf tbe week resell .47,M0! bales, siM 8,000 bales more titan (hjnexpon of tbe provinu week, aud giving a total ut l,atl4,ftl bale iu ooirespnnding time last year, showing a detrrierrf-flil,IIl tub -Th toek-i oo baud VI Caj,01l bah ainat 2C0.au bale i tlniiaiii ua e lt year, an iiicrcm of '77 ti.lu bin-, I . ii-s 1 - At hn Mkmf 4tb? ill K II, Citnnlou- Ki.i' eMatw tin TueaflaT Hat.sai a tbe Asbe. -:.i- '... f ii'.U' .,... lift rniiUBt lying in on bmly in Macon county, wer hid off at 88 cents per tew, cash, by Mr, U. It. TVnneot, Who, we nre informed; acted in iha matter a auent fur a Itew-xorK com. Tffir, . A mtven rai;jr, M.t WMJug' Up iy str. n. r. r raissa - tio -wu. v. svetex "'''XflJ'7JWlfftmat't t Indianapolis Decern inutrom tht exce&siv um ol tobacco." V "T-" - - a mi nrx&s sr BV nWSM MKKEDITB -W tMsanwk utu taaji Wtw. ireitavt spent our Ari.l pntir heie til prulest the )at 4repe eT: bf. A 1.1 lutte inoa's Iimi.! rigut -we have lost, lhay l,av l',?l IJI1W, . - - - - - ---' "' AKt tMiiits th trlnniiti whar saiwwaa the i itn. the blisi,) on the bfan : our (oeaian the !tij tt.t.i-i- :s ttie insult. ; ' 1 ' ' ' And ur brsvr dead ant dumb -wlitl Uittlr nor- tTerefi brtr tnere- -; (f annual praiwl oa eaMli aweeawnxl ra- - ' - j , -V ; B it ol tbutiijh riisht trmpk4 taeoaated for xsiroiiK, Anl that pass for right which hi evil Victori ous, - ' - r -i : . .i ft. re wtiere vsruie I ff l.; su.l vlllaluy 0ft -lit, l is eaiiso, not the ' late" ot a causa, that xloriou. - ,Cii . ttcrc where hroo are VEmmtahesl, Where rob - tr are victors, , ... .,- Where lbs iui;t-if Ui Jiido U-trnea Cmt tn I.mI ' Bcoruett instioo. pneetled nernete br fan hetue. Apfaia tot aeata tmni tha X .U4 th rott. be it mi 1 A'sate aavetl lliu from atu' Wif- lioim, forntaa' ajwr mittiae to the mma wfateh tlrsliiel - .. . .. . .' I rom nn-e tralk biat ao niui4i a W owed ttt yte tationa --:,'-' ,. . . VV it h,. li.ixott, for wl. at ebane it- ilii world' usufruct, f r llsiiti's sueeea l the pu'etit with etam at the itnhv, lv. a the while worth of truth where It . lunches il leas ; .,.,',!' but what worth baa sine.-.. In the ean that' tinSWHftllV V ' ''I ..:-".-'":-.'''-.i.-V.I-'i'. '..'!: We hat failed I He it J We r ansra of an.-etm. Attil .a msn pats efn hs ne t44ai; U fbmfnuh. our lislrn nnn tlosj whieri ia p.srfeiiti-d thus , .Here our hast train begins bre tlietr (rwHMit mast Qtiish ; Hi. y-Ui.MltlHms lo Karlhi. tat vbat Eakvea owes usl ,. '' , . , , tl raves are better tbaa' crown thus. OH ever ami ever ' ' I bis bartartiiK F.lwnil j' birthright to Time I ' tfoij ru Kive thee, uebteiHisbaii our fritstrai endeavor; kartii aw lean tbtss, nnt-asUcnged, tkf ahan iu man' crime I The following bumorous . article - was handed us for publicauoe by a ft lend. M'e do not know io what paper it first appear ed, but it was copied;, we understand Very extensively. It is good thing tod w think H worth republiahiog. It happened belore tbe war : . i - - w Seen at Chatham duriag Uie session, of tbe Circuit Court, in ihe Commonwealth Caasady, on charge -ot tnaHciott ttV bing. ' f j sv- - "' -"i'iac.,U. Tbe venire being empanneled, and' the ' jury solemnly charged by the clerk, the Commonwealth'!. Attorney having called, bi wprwtrt of the hidictmeut, be wifseea. Buck BryHtit, who being aohsmntf iworn, the truth to tell, testified a follows.' , u tjui'siion by. Comioonwia'th' Attorney Tell all vou know about the cutting of tht pio-ccntor, by Camdjr the pmonci tt that bar. . ,, , , I,', , . , , ANSWEn.Well, gentleuierj, it Wa elec tion dar 'twit t dark, cloudy, wet tort 'of drizily day, and ay J to my old woman, I believe I'll go down to Ringgold and 'posit my vote. And say my old woman to me, well, i BtitdStUjtAwrtof dark, cloutiy, wet tort ol a drixxily dy, jt slia, hadn't you better take your uml. rill. Say I to tbe old woman, I rp I bad better take ibevira brill. So I took ..he VBitirttt awt litTatioeil down towards Uinggoldi tnd wbej i.got down tbar, Mr. Cole coined, and y be, uncle Buck, have JOU seed any thing ot Old neighbor Tiarris t r tAay 1 to Mr. Cole, tor u1 -JSaya ksvhe'a got my trilb -i (The -wrtiiitss. wo here ilef f upU tt 1jy itWF CoOTt and told to online himself to tbe actual fray between the prisoner and Cole, tiiepro. "eclitor la mtswer lo-iabieh-tba-KitMa jra.--. marked, in a ton f mdignaut rmaon sUancn. atll now, Mr. Judge you bold on, tor I am sworn to tell the iruU aml I am a gwine to tell it niy own way o 'taint lor while lor you to lay nothing more about it. Whereupon tbe court and eomntaowealtb' attoKwy. lieing oion 'o met ud t th vritni-s on ar -rw-, told biw-to goon and fell the ta'e bi own way.) : Wel, as I waa troitiL' on to v, iwss on irciion uy,- Waatiaiian aikA'-vl4XM.t.JuiuaVig JUK.J.I legtitr,nd any i io my old wwina say 1. 1 b'leve, I'll no duwp to KHigirold ma 'tiotit vaf vote. Say my oM woman lo me, say !), Bulf;' it ia ot dnrk, eloioi. i-jtnv itnmit. driwilv sort of tlsv. badn't vottbvlti'f tub W MOibiil1 vaya be Savlttb 4ld o,n, saya 1, 1 . -)., I bad belter take my umbrill; so I tuck the umbrill end advanced on toward -.. -HHe4rtV-ti4H-s Well. W lra tlttotj t ' -www got . -Hwr wa lo takis a ditnk ol Lucbanaa wbiskey, wbiuwa inoii'trou good, and yi lio myseif, says I old bo, you feel ' better cow, don't yoa And while I wai advancing around, Mr. Cola he Cooie to me ; says be.uueU Jiuck, says be, hsveyou aetw anything of old neighbor -Harriet. Hay : . I for why 1 ays be, thf old cock' giit my . nmbrill. Arter a while, I 'posited myvtwe, and thtr MrrCde-and iii nil yaoced back tiwsrd tiome, aud Mr. Cuiav wa titlbter then level-seed b". And so a id vanned along.titt we got M wbsr th rosd snd path forked and Mr. Cole lud .m tuck lb Pith. a any otbef gentlemen would,; snd irte adVSUCIHg 1 WU1W W arnv w uiu tauxuma Harris sitting on a log with the umbrill on bis arm, and 1ut tbal time Kltjab Ca aady (tb prisoner) corned np; and - w d vanced on till Wa arriv at Jtilijth't hou. Elijah it my neffew nd Itkewia my sonn. T -bn7irTiCTTrrT ilaiicr-Jaue w btebr-b next to mv darter bully. Artcr we bad ad- r.r. Vanced W15liab'-ht'sj w lo4 in th -yard while Jawing, and presently two someliodies rid 8Jf oh boa, which , Wa Jnbmto-n IwioFo, and Wbittit-ld Caaaady bw. bind-sWhltlield and Kiab Ctwesaly being tbiutame. 'KliittTMnd Kiah is hrotbfr, bmU born In the aat'rul way like tnyjbody ! brotbera nil gals i-tt ween 1an.l bxilh of 'i-m M abotit tb shma aire, epe. cial'y Kiah, width ar y.itidgeat. ' iiiuh war diunk, and Mfi' Cle gut to rnStug..one another alioul poiitix, snd i advanced in fc Hi house whar wa tUyah wile, which i , ' fiij' d4er Jamvwhtcbji next to njy tlarler Saly. Well, ailera-wii awhile my little 4-go home. : riay I. g-l pop, o we ppgirea , on togetner, ana itearu stiiiiewvsy- itnamii m, bui never leolioued 'cm nor dvned. Well. I Rt'tliome and w a:ttig my up : -rsral bb. Which... bi a,s sou in-Uwt .ml mai'nud air tiaonhter Jane, w bivl) I ptillouit darter Sail)', arr t mlaaiil to' nlf, jtrifne fs ,, Ksr-1 1 V ki:M a man.""- bt.t.yxii-"J)V. 'w- j aUX know about Uie stabbug, bx.x.u i , wiat tbaf. ,. ,x " 1

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