- --v-... ' - ' r 1 - . I 1 T TIIE SENTINEL. nerer wee- wpcoplu fniuten(Umu4- la lb lc Of Self-praise and aelf-eialtaliou tb-i lUu tUniieiu tif the bailiwick" of IV. tun. - There nerer a rdty jn which ij inhabitants were so given up to huh k pbilanlhropy at tbat tity which claims to JigtU JSlotteo AtbeiiS." Nor iu lli ik worlJ Las there ever been a mote inl .1 ritni, presumptuous, arrogant and supercilious folk" rtym those wbWve at tin- prwi UeofHaasacbuseiU civilization. From immemorial time Ibafy have been abusiit" and vilipending the people ot the tk.uth. They have delighted ia magnifying an-1 pervertiug everything that was d.u.e in the South, liutil Uu.y poisoned ami cur j-uptedfUL who believed their nmiisl ikuk fabrications or gross distentions of tiulh. This thing has he.n going on lor icais, TbJ Bot only villilied u so eucoa-slully that the people of the Nolthe'n States regarded u as almost semi-civiliX' d, Imt Europe, adopting tbcjir iutotcrablcislundi rs aa truth, regarded us aa a act J ignorant, uneducated, tffit tyrant, who were a, dis grace to modern civili.tion. But dbiw MM hirrpist." Perrplo have grown rirr. The war showed what we wa re. It devcl oped the courage, endurance, grniim ami Mslf-abnegatlon of our beit and fuist. Time, whitb correct many wronga and re move many false impreiuiona, ban wit netu'd the vindication of ttre- cbaructir of our people, wad bai alio laid Iwre to puiilu' gaza aome of lhini(iuitie wlii frcur' m.il bligat MatMCbliietta aocitty. The crini the, murder, the fuiticUiea, the poverty, the aufleringaot UiatboMtful b Imve l' ii ' Soma deretopmenta have lattly lnkrn place to hicb w would direct attuntiuu. It baa reeoftijr been eataUlusbed that auion the femalet of Boatoa there are more suf ieriog aud wretchednen and extreme v 7i - L ,,JOSIAH TTIHNE& Jr., EDITOR. ib m toMOMd elaewhcre n thisl ' t. n , i - , , , , , -rHtiarrift on Forney T lSnft.ine on rToblen : 5ontiout, :-Tbnira9t"WBal Bouthun nu n wert, but it it what Northern editors ami Northern tpaattert bav Iterated and re i to Wed liuSe antt igatn. Tbe other diy tbern was hdd ia Boston a Convention ol work,-lng-wonsm. ThefaiU tben elated are not only alartiing but absolutely revolting. A a a Northern editor obaervta, they rend "more like annul bideotU Invention than like lae-U el the nineteenth century, having exiatence in tbe mode Athena of the new World " Wby onl litden to what Mrs. Warren auld : . I Mtve eaavMd fifteen cities of the 1,'nJuat Ht ates, and have not, in any of Kiera, found tbe condition of women so de plorable, a in tbe city of Boston." Mrs. n rah Eltii, a middle aged wmnrtri, tailorea by trade, being asked to i-peak, aid : I merely rise to state sorao facta. I am an American woman, wife and mother, yet I have worked from dawn to sundown, not stopping to get one mouthful of food, lor-twuuty-five eeuts, I have livid a n one cracker a iay, batcauae I couhr not &lX in ploymeut and could not get any mote, lood, tboug I have travelled itvm Um t- boase, and Irom place to place, seakinir tor work; Even women- bavev, aokeal ua to uakt ahbU for two shillings Jw u er. 'Mo garmente (exaiuuiiig two k iiml tu iiriit; are irotu one ot me eiiHrithOie in ktttutUMia of Itooton ; have Ufiimole an tirely, htinrued, felled, buttooboli d, air, I (rufaeeled, hit' forty Ave cents, ami all tire work done by baud. ' Mia Phelps spoke : ' "There are 3,000 needle women in Bos ton who get onlj 85 ctuts a day, at the uiod.1 " Another woman exhibited a trnck bag full ol abirta.11ieae were to be uiads put jjTfotior IS eeirle elttrnr " - ; r J)r. Dio Lewi gave fair tealiiuonj : ; "There are S0,000 women in Boston who eain jheirJiYlllg tJ Ihfl Htvdly,'' . Mia. Hotghtou ail : y . HUe knew of the caaek of wnuu fy who made ahtrta at SO oenle a ti zen." Mis. Wsrren again spoke : "Jiach costly dtess makis three prosti tutes. " . - . Now it not flu's revelatian perfectly sick ening I This is "uKKlern civilization " ; Ibli it life ia Boston fur thousands of its Bllaerablr, unhappy victims J tbia is llostos humtnily and love for tbe miu-es. Bosto : nianl go Into tiystertcul firs ot crying and eBtiutcnUlixinga over Cretans ia the Medi terranean, of ovtVtbe "Irund and brother;" tbe poor, unfortunate negro, but iorget that t tbeirown roor, all around them are tbooaanda ui immortals crying tor foot' fur a living. Why not arxpend some of tbeir philanthropyvcr tbe pour of Boston 1 Why not create societies of relief for, tbe 1(0,000 needle women of their own city, - ttelbn Tbr-y Indulge fa tack adataical Sum mery over the sorrows and trials ot people who are iar Utter off without tbeir profier- ' ed aatislaoce. Go people of Boston to your penniless and oppressed women, witb . tbe band -of open charity, read Hood "Son uf. tbe, fchirV 10 full of truth, tad ps! bos,' sod resolve with tba help of tbe "XorilTo do" am; .1" Verjf rarely art rapntslnTitb07ipgtiT . auyuiing lor tueir writings, sno evea wooo they lo the labor gratuitously tlwy eeneraf- ly nave to Dear expense and naa of public ation. Tbe French Bvv bow contains C3 armor.' i-.d 4!pa of war,' 841 screw propellers, CI at. I e'iV:T Steamers, wad 100 sailinc vcaaela. a.. .nuaLii$ iiitJWJ lugatt a, corvettes, ajtx. a There bas txen discovered In -France a u!dm.MjasaiS J5? of. which lar xcet'i "tlie terfl jwce"bTi ,,'o.v. , S,.mn l)l ll,u",.l .u . . l. f mu &iiim. - Monte- exi.4triiuetits .ars to.- be Vybit bl trifiSc' S ii .n.5 if roRAxr az rovitjtsn. Wadial sol k Cot John Forney nd hit fourteen Dnpniunt who were in tbe CIS; few ijfo, a tumor lv it, with fife rod, lions of dollars to invest in South ern. tWiJ . -"---'' - We Minpa-w the -rntrlv left pr. ion of the five millions in Itustj hands, to be laid tiul iu lands a .Id 1 j y our bhcriff Tim Lee. Saturday last, the Unit day of May, tu a pTSTTiT i. joi. iih; t aoinc people, but it was all mtrow an, I wee to many a pour man in Wake. Tin Sheriff of Wuke mold uuder the haua nur at the t'ourt House door on the lt ibiv ol Mitv. tweiitv-three plautationa. con- tniuing 7872 iure, which brought $7,7 1 8. The uili: it sill I hi aeeu did not average inw-tioiiaj pi,r .ame-,-.i.lni .tiittitf ,iii oiuc ol tlie laud Hani in up at $40 00 er acie iu gold. ,Vo, 1, l.Vl accea auld lor " 'J, !,-,! " a, HKS " 4, J-t'i " 5, loll $13 00 ia w 7 00 l'l 00 2 7 1)0 " , " 7, " H. " This I 1 lit) 170 -Vol " ;u4 la und r ibe cwtnid term in on '.'.' (Wi I (Jov ernair I Iotm. ii'ia ailminiKiratiou. ('ail. For ney ia m i M In 1 1 all of llolden'a aaluninii" ugniuat the people of North (,'arolina, that the livis ail Naarthelli hla-M were liait hivfe fltnorg u, Much pubiinatiauia At pt out ull 'ood ni'-ii who vttIiiaM lilV- more than ill jot len wiiill. r lit- raMlit rtssa, iioaul ina-n I'a--lll.illed III ! heir Nortlia rn holtia H, while the di i-pa i ado a auie down 1.4, e a woll on 'In fold. But m iiha r Forney nr Ifoblen nuant or lK-lieed what they puMishtl or said. Afu i Koruiy auil floldi ;l have by loul aud la!.--e pnldicatioua scared a,lf gml men with capital, Korncy, with fourteen others, comedown with their $1,000,000 tai invest. Forney may not have had this in view wha-n be Kits republishing Ib ldcn's alandeiK up on the whole people of the Stale But tai keep oil suspicion be ahould have ka-pt from among them wiih his millioiot. at thin part.a-nlar time, when hungry tun. holdn a whole pe-.ple io lha: wind anl u.ue out ol ten are to have the t belter w tiich- ploteetH the wile and the child, Hold liom overilnir bead. What ha happened to oinke Forney sale since lo- and llolden last year publrihed that the lite n g Nortlurn man w an not na'e among us 1 At that time them wen negro troopta here lai pranicct him. Now tin y are gone ; yet Forney eaim-s lo invert his $".,000,000, when land worth $10 iu rrolH ai..llu f,,r 1.-wh tl,Mn in r. p. . ., I.,., L a on foruey Our position with regard to Northern mi n coming among us is not to be iiiUiin ilerstood, The Northern man who comes like Judge ( illey add the (Ireensboro Man ufacturing Company (and otheia we could mum ; we are glad to sans and right rordi ally have we met (.lutii. I!ut the Northern uau wlio euiiii-i like tbe editor ol the Sl.m tlitnl and others lo corrupt and buy up the Legialiiluie, wo say begone. To the car pet Uuger and bull pusher who liaveMjiiHt teal in the counliea where Ihe negro pre dominates, fur the cultivation of Ihe polit. ical instead ol the t-otton Held, we say begone: "Stand not upon the older ol your going, tint gar at once. "OUIT VKNATOli. General Abbott is thus referred lo by the Concord (New Hampshire) Put riot : "This recalls to mind -vnr "little nll'jir' with this redoubtable carpet-bag Ueuerul. Sometime last summer wo had occasion to icier to his career in tliit Htate, anal spoke rjuite freely of certain incidents therein In duo lime oue of the proprietors ol Patriot receiveal a b-tta r Iron, him ilem ami. iiiK-a-TIWTiBti.7n7 imd closini- with these ominous onl,sr "You will readily under stand the import ol this note, fair, while I have never hail othar than kioally relations with you, I cannot permit my private allair to be dragged before the public without remonstrance, or a resort to some mode ol redress.' "In reply lo this bcliger.nt note, he was informed that, ns the f'nets reterreil to had long been matter ol public notoriety, ami had never been deniual, so far as we knew, we must docluie lot make- Hm ''mriM-tlon' di'mtmderi -Aad 'ilia, waa the end ui the matter. The galhmt carpet-bagger hug licen in this region since, but neither cow hide nor pistol has been employed to lore IB.,,., ... il. I .i.i- ...r.. u . i. ,i.u ,,,:siruu sal ts.aci loll. Ckk Kitrus Bahiiiniikii. -This gentle man who supported the lUdical ticket lust Novuuber, geUliig akk ot the.ico(py he hits been keeping, if wo may judge him by what be Bays. lie bus written a letter to Senator Bprague, of Rhode Island, in which be eudornes the Senator's nca-nt bold utterances, daeniing them "riuinenlly suited to the wants of the times." lie snys that the Senator's yiews ami. Ins owu "run somewhat iu lifc same direcliou," and concludes his leltt r with this sentence : 'As a citizen, eiirtrcnt. and a Christian. I reel uet p concern at the gmeral demorali r.iion ol the country, and I heartily rejoice when those in bitch ulaces have the rHinl,.r Upon theea-impletioa'ff the tweaty-lhon sabdlb s:e at Wefthhclnis great factory in VUnna, Mr. Wertblrctni gave to bis 700' laborers and their wives and children a,les tival, lor which Strauss composed a polka, with hammer accompaniment, Duiiug the feetlval the foltowin. among other articles, were consumed : 2, IKHI dishes of ice cream, 2,000 glasses of lemonade, 8,000 cakes, 8,000 bottles of wine, 100 kegs of beer, and 4,000 loaves ot bread, , In California there is made 'on .n .v-. jige, Trliifi 550" IS 530 galloha of wine to t he acre, j be lour moat productive of the wine growings diatrlCTs OT ' Europe sre: Italy, giving to the acre 441 J gallons; Aus tria aud 'her provinces, 2US S 8 gallons FtB0ttev 176 8 ? galloa NaaaaiL 2J71 Kll Ion's. , f ' s . vW Hyle of wedding caids luv44l4.uieiLnfi O'rn liable to the auspveioo names of the bride and gr ira , g ruonitmen bridesmaids, and Usdicj.aH ou oue card. -TTie immbc-f diunken peas in Russia bist Tesr wss 2 Tat st . seven a ilar,t ' . A naner in Texaa savs tl,i .t i... ... .1 ..u - IT-l m .- .1. itiiwi iaiaw jt- , j wmeiisf naji ASJ toaVIMUvtl fcajaUrjr lfjs lftat, AMbUpt -.- J"(,r the Sentinel. HIP VAN WIMTth-S VISDWAnOXS FHOM JitfAtiOA. I)AVH!f CulJ ltfc, April 83, iM9. Mr. ktlttvr -Vt: ah Hi h . I notice in the. StjJ-aul uf Apiil 10t It. a piv l-a' I "K4 iciilieui ao cftTTFrt." u Mil h 'I'iiis trr writ ten in reply to h i i n lc f K. ''Ua y 'JOth, and mailed ''Kip Vu Winkii." I I jiCt ot till. ftiiovt: 111 IttloUU'J allK'l'' ; ob . ntM to inn ill be to demoiuh Itfp, un-1 thro on liift taUUi.ut, r.hitryiiM invulv n.i ( Iiui ,n'ivt 1 tuM Uiivc tiilujt IinAtr i, tin r ci rmnnMl th t--i ti enter the field of '. ... r-y. w.ih . c ., .rr.yt.1 agun.t ..... .Nor w .uld 1 have! In-DaoprT-eiimptioua aa to . XT- thai t muld reulT to an article, whchmeuia W. have been the oflpi I"" . . - ,' ' tso protiiictetl an ii..n an coiijoiio.. wiM.om. Mv trtut. tiowevi r, i to point out ta. an rnidltitiliiiiiialing imt.ln'; nil ruiat imiUlu ma-nth differ. 7 A f . unaliaguiae.1 br moila-rii nhilaiilhiuov or la'sa- aa-ullnien- t.liie F,,r ni.-h ,1 il( no i oi, 1 11- i IT -iftif aie iie-eded ; lor a well iouuded fiill,i i- clirihcd, in tin- iIm e ol tlie ciuae. 1 am eliargi-t ly Moiroon at i'o., with lonr ofT-nrea lt. Tliat I have not, i.oiiiailv 10 OOl qU'ite-l the re.siiliitionK introdueed into tlu j 'JO oonieetin'. 2 1. That I u-orta-d "llo y wait . alaleate.l by a lu'e n,a)"rny, wh-utliey! Were not even Votetl IIJ oil.'' old. 't ;a ' "hri Sa il ot taitli ami, 4th, i f not tetllno lha- tin'h." lha- wli.-l' tlutn, aixl lioihili but the truth." i lit low ale iippe-lided the I o let of la-o j luiio.is, liom a ei'un pai ion of simii i tui.j tor call alraw its own a i-nt !uiorM. Sat pill. I ia !' Ii-hmt that a llill O' lied by Mri-im That the studi Mitver tin ir liiililul nd ol t he dot i - II A. nl.i do tendi r I" l'ro h, m i l.ll. tlniiikx, l"i a-.niM-ia-ntiolifi Ik I l,i -a . dice, Ilia it li i. won lor boil H' h.gb '. u.- th.-. I , i'ti- ileiice and eile. in -Jml. That wtill ra-r.-t, y t th. ii - I h. y put Irom him w i: h l. t Vaihas aeiomp oi i ph. le ol Uildwlut:-., aloi It I til lO 1.1.4 .1 Ihev htal him (I,..! -I d in tin. ni'ivtarrgiil.la- till- ClHti-e tit educa elida a V'.i h t o ait V ant a: ti. n. ord. Thut a copy hati'led I" Prol. M ol thene n-Mol ut ions he i Iv.-r. and that they b ih ijih Seidintl, and Wi plddlMM'tl til till- Ilia tein JJiwi-' at, with ra ijucist that Si ale pa per. c. , j i v . Hip an Wmkl. .s 1..WH li. Tbat w. i va I'rol. Ma Iv. r I .r tin his duties. nd. That we s in i nut' ol I. tin who li e hilnyt rawpict nn 1 reolui ions are lol- a v-'te of thank to lalllllu! alischatge ol r.-lv inret the di-par-woii I'u hiniaelf .ur adioirii ion as nn in- at i ua-' t r. :Jral. that we wish ttmi Uotl-pi;ed in tin loriiiil-a work ol edneation, and ani-eenf in ihe new lield which he is about ta enter. 4th. That LUesa- ra-aa.ltit:ons be- publiKheil in the Halei.di .Va-t,'if and ( h trl.,'te 'ei.o cr.if. Theie resolnti.ni-i were written by me, Irom iinpri-i.-ions lelt on my niind Klier heaiino them rend over ow, on an in- RaUil ot Ibe two (lets a" rafeolajtioo1, -H ba clear that they are iJenttaU in mcttninir, i' not iu language ami arrangement. Ami thin charge ot miHiepieaentatiou is evialently "a tiiiieh ado about not him.'," lis they diJler from eaa h other in meaning, about an much as "Twa-i dle I de from Tweedle Diim." 1 he sacond chnrna- in, that I sab! "the resolution--, wa rat da-leata-ai l.y a larte majority," when, in nalily, they were ' nol ru n vaiieal upon.'' Hip has made no vch cxptc.-aion. hai. ha di'l say whs: "Virtue finally triumphed, and it was de itb-d by a large iimj uity (hat no sua h resolHtionn slnitiltl be o.iiVaa." not "volt il" upon iut il l.-jje:. I. TheijuestioD is, how was it so decided ? Simply by a substitute oll'i-re.l iu their place, anil adopt ed with a dislim-t undemanding that it should be liunilcil lo l'rol. Mcher, without eveu the honor ol u puliiicaUou. On an intp c-ioii of my arlii h s il will lit- seen that' I made no allusion to the accepted aubsti-niti-, and that nry remaiks applied wholly to the iiiiudiipti al i r. ei e.dini;- ol the meet ing about wbkth there was no undes and lux, as lo their in n publu ..tion. But this aiiopti d siilMtilule An been pul.lidied by A .1. M"i tisoii A. Co., and tliu-t i.ioisoi themselves the a barge ol "hicneh ol I'u lib." Now, is it not somewhat stiiprisiug and siisjiicioua that th.se )oung gnitlemen rli.'iild coinplaiti ot tbe pujiti. ati.ui ot these risoluiioni wl.icli weru iutroalua:a-al la.r th,. xprass pTTTTrnsr-, ami tti'e.l by tbeiu .' II they "duly believe that the original resolutions could huve In- n carried ; il they hail been insiiateal on, and put to a vela- why ditl they accept such a "hiibaliiuie !' TIils virtually losing one ol the main pui poses intended, the supposili vn.is absurd ami ruin uloiis. l tin n. r henrtl of thai re cAptioii of such a " t-uhstiiute " when Che originators of the resolution were 'certain of success? The oljscttou urged against the resolutions (and especially the lind ) arastrn ltre-tw-m-r trrnr it "wwrlfT'be " Sri imloriMitmnl l Ivulit-ulmHi twisnse ti wished J'rol l.er " ti ul sp.-eil" in the work of budding up a Mongrel college. For it being a State Institution, supported by llatliial l.i'pis'ai lire, grevi mud by a lti.lt al Heard ol trustees, and ollicereal by a sat ol I (il. lieal I'ridessois, tiny ate hound aieoi.l ing Ui their principles to make in. .limine tion, on account t.f color, race, or pre vinm crinrliltiiu. Naiw suppose a set of nrgn ci or mubittoi s should piescnt IhtiiHa lves iut miiiricula tion, Ihe Faculty would be bound to re ceivo litem atconlliig lo Ihur eiiui.eiated principles, which wa.ul.l catiile lha m to Ih.. privilege ol reciting- in the sauia-classes. e.t. mg at Ihe same labia , nu t r.yming in the same illuming its ll.e wnnes. I tins soelai eqU tTlly vi oiild be establislftal - and satiience - umalgamation and di generiicv ol the white race wou'lal ensue. Now I wif h the black luce protected by wto and jihi taws, ootn in person and prone wish them improved 'and christianized and ha I Prol. Ma lver resigilvd his chair i to a t'olleire. londed n. preasiy lor the black race, 1 too, and I doubt not, all the students at Davidson. coulit nave wished him "Owl speed." Um ilully bel'ivc that the Almighty himself Has rue. 1 such lodellibie maiks ot distinc tion on tb two raia, thai all ll.e efforts of iittaiarruariana, socialists, and lib lanthro pi its (under the garb ol religion) aided by iiaaneai rejmmiMin, can never ellace, ortime itaell wh out : neither can. I laeheve thaV "Christian I'bilanthrtip istH ought to wish any man ''Uod speed In such an undertakiug. For what God has separated by his act t iciKmh-t not man seek to bkmd tuu ether. A aiurnaon and tubers, make a iUou-tintnia appeal to the "good people of North Caio mm," not to consider tiitm as UadicaK 1 have pever charged tba ra with being- Kadi cals, neither do I believe them U b jc, Bat I believe thefr seal, in idvocaling tlie passage ot the second r soluiioVy has placed .mm m a a. position oeiore town or their I . .1.. .-...i..i. " ; Ot bowing io the risiriij sun. I am not resoon si I ire lorbe exciUinei.t caused by the in trwluctiam 4titw--rfiiliiliiuf t.a ,1 written i(v srteio KTiTTe iSaw'ri rtflectioe . ,1.. t...l, J .1.. T itan . . . wm tuc t-ivuiaj, vi t-Muim ' xiuswee or tbe stmlevt, calculalpal to iufhuna' ita.l arouse thein. and I wrote mv loim..j- 'lh"Jt-tKriHiraF ... -4... .,..A. ' ' ' of the emtierttf, bud btea n,ippttUcnd-, ed, I have, trow, reriewed the article of Morn an and otheni. and ksve it to an en lightened public to jodge whether I bave not roll; vindicated uiyMslf fnira rhe cbre of BiisreriKiiitatioii, wnd viohilftfl laitlt -' Now, Mr. Editor, my t-hrihtian name would be givtli t't5.e public, bad I the vanity to Itipiiow that thrvhad any ilis'rc to know Lwholtipia. lisp, Ii'Wvit, is knowu in I College, a :cup) in;; room io. 31, SoutU ! wirp ol tl.e College luiMinir. So let by- jonn V lj-jiui and " 'iJ have STATE NEWS., t Tl.e Scot, h Krir iTntfl on 2d Tueada, in luv ttbe 1 Ith,) mar Lnurel Hill, iu Hlch- mond couiitv. N. t .. and contiuuee tbe , balance ot the week. Ail CMaae ol rrw.n i 7 " ' V . ..".T ... ;eigiKaiB mere on iu.-tu I mrtie nanibci (torn tbat d (tbe . i4tieAHwaw,- ivrtiwe--.. aeitu;- j praainix-noli tta.le in u..im-s mul. , Wag- J TOi,i)M, 0 he cool, a.lent, 8ure.l..ot, .1 an- I aura tobacco, liuuora. ! r v eo-d. leatlur.i. . 1. .1 ...1 1 fl uir- tirceon n.fit.ns .fr Traili m tor-mei tlen lor the wee boadls, tents, aic. pealdia-ls, wagi.nerfa mid traveling ttiob us' her at tin' K i '-';ibll'fbi-al panne 7 Si oteh let t ler, in I intnre. and foinihr in fI.ih.iUs made ol I i liir-y pot tion of Ihi: to uli'-'I rovers, gambler!, s ot two or three tstata, i Th, institution wa-i i ar .i:;o by the a ar!y !i.-fer.'l l-v tie.' La-ii a ! he era-lit Kl.ropi an r'.ilts. Kririny nn-t Ktl rt y e t4a uuulL a row. led d ty,- hrjlr. The inaMi leu,ts mo I riilriud im-n ot t hnrlt--io;i iiti.l -.Ileal the eilu.,e with 1 1 1 c-1 1 1 at tin i ; IT the laapanie 1 a ' ill. Sill l.llry t '..tii.v bn rat Silllsl'lllv t m, M.-i) rj ii.",,, , i.f t-ntliiinij a r in- no 1 1 . eotl.-l.t railroaal ( '!,.,, !,.!. lo ( hen Sai. ( I llla-liti', I ..Iv. to twelve l b.v la-' Itood, w it wa- I' oi tl l Y " H .,k ..!-...- A HO. 'I lain. 11' IU M r ,1. at.i. ,, ... .1... ung Ill (l-.l'l-'.om, ol. (Ve'llie-ln- that a . tlt, i t I, .1, lilt '. w it h a oiiu. not know im.' i d bile p ckm:; the lut'i- .ua- Ii. It tr,t! i id, ti. the gun accident!) taking a tlea t in tl.i1 flooti, sister to llo a, l.sallalg. .1. the load I '..II, ; lor btesht ol Mi-a oin man, kill ie ; llistni.tly. llo beware ct fin -a 3r We notice tin If. la to te a Fair at iv 11111 s Station, mi the Favt-tti-vdle an I Westim Hailroad. in Mooic County, to 1 .mliieni-i, the first Wtdiieadav in Mar In t. (the otlu and aoiitiiiue lha- balana'a' a.f lb.- wea k li will I..- an H-n.l.'--- ol ihe w,-, k. Il wilt be. u a-5eui'.l;a; "M ann.-.,. F,, tffi "lie d F.f,tat.i iu Fava-ttev die has , changing hiin.ljl'at high piu-ea. Tlie Wa.ll- known Mi reliant' Mills w. re sold a ,.- days ago l.y Mr. M-I).,,,iel to Mr. W. C. Tr.'V lor 7 000.-,y''. An Immknss M .r:.. 'Ihe .pimtily ol rork ti-li l.a-mg a-ani'lit in tin- Konnoke at tins piaee usi now H nnm. nre. one slide ... uie uvir, on uinu.s iny mailt , captoreai sixiy rnckswitl, an avera,;,- weiglu f u,rty ioi..i. A r. ti.ly ..al is found lor them all as Ihey are .shipped 111 a Vl i y ililea-i i. .11. - 11 rt'tull rtnrz. Tim BovT. 'Ihe Silver Wave, plying l-twi-ru this plaei: and Hill's Ferry,, on tne Ht'illli'kt;, Iiiatle lis last (rip down on. yes terday. The steamer Klla Smith will take her phia-e until next .Inly, when ,he will ra Miitiu: her place- ., Mrs. Harriet Bex lin Slow, wa- in li,, Ids boro on lust Friday Then- wen.- 41 mawiaa-t- m V'llmit.i.'loli during Api il - 10 whiles ami blacks. Then) were Ixit five deaths among Hi. whites in Wilmington during I he mouth of April. Of these two were still bom. The Mills of Mr. Alex Oldham in Wil mington rcipiirc (100 bushels id grain daily. . Bcntly, alias lleniy V. Clinton, tlt fair, iier, who raca utly exhibited his .sharp p.ac lice upon a Wiliuiugtun Bank, turns oui to be an old scamp. I be J mrnul jays : "lleisoneol the most accomplished for gers in Ihe t'nitid Slutes, has carried ou his switulling . operations in Massachusetts, New York, llhiiriif and other States, has ba-a-n in jail iu .South Ameiica, hung aiu tu (he streets of Havana and traveled general ly. Through South America aud Cuba arid the United Stat, s he has been lo'doweil for about eio htccu iiioul lis oast bv Mr. John F Uitteuhoiisi-, a ah l.a-tive, iM ining a regular caammissiam Irom llovrrn'or I'alnicr, ot Illi nois. Beully vnisjiileil iu New- tiraoada, but i Heeled his cm ape, a id the chase of Mr. Uittcnhoii-e w is cuiiiiue.l ever Binee. He has a wile and child who reside ill Bar kctsburg, Va. bv. IloVdcn issued a war rant to the ShenH ol New Ham ycr to de liver Cliutou to 1). tectivc BittetlUousO who liiul ft rtrjnisition froni the (Juvcjnor of Il linois, lie is itnw on his way to Illinois. Bittkn iu a Don. -Mr. Josiah French -ww rmrirfwrry totmrrtcy Mr. tl. fti. liiuiner, vriui resnms ya Um tan ner of Front aud Uock rftrcets. WU. f-fcir. ('apt. N. K. Brickliouiiat, who lawt his leg at Northrop ,V Cuiiiminy's imll sotne wteks since, died yesterday liom sa condaly hem orrage of the -wound. He had tliia most coiiipeUnt tiligic.il alCend.iiice. Wit. Jour mil. . , Mciiiiku' or a yotiNo "North ('ah UI.ISHH in A i. a bam a. -On Wed nesday, tbe 8th instant, Mr. Thorna9 J. Oalta, a )uung North Carolinian, and native ol Duplin Count vy was mnnjered at a lit tle place called LoO tlaud, (Alp. ) by a man named I'uhi hall, ihe ktejier ol ibe railroad eating house at point. Mr. Oates was the s ui it Mr. . J. Uitiass, ol Uronswickwhai is well Known t,o our citizen's, Hud resided in this city for several vears. The murder ed man was a conductor on the Memphis .is c uanesron "auroaij at tne time tie lost bis life, nd was held iu high lavor by the managers nt ttie company. The dillicttlly oeiwHa-u nimseit aun rascaail was a d a putever tb I fair boar J preaenied tiy 4be latter mr a uiscnargea oraKesruan ol tlie company. ' At Baseball house conductor Oateaa'opped to get .tjct aklast wheu this dispute, previously commenced, was re Bewed. Fascfiall snapped a pistol in Oatua' laee wnea the tatter in lorn drew a wenvoe and fired, the ball passintr throuirh Bas eball's hat as he doalged insidtf (he bouse. 1'aischatl then jerketl up allot gun, loadtAl wiui uuck suoi ana gaining a window fired ihrouoli It hittinL' OjU-s in the rirrht arm arm tireasi and iiisaljliag Iwm. Tbo. onlor- tunatu youogt mannus warned lo (cava by some f rieqds wh W! .bitn . Paschull Was cowardly enough loaboOt hun again while coniliUon. lJaaea.liiamtbt ha ccui'd uoa ob quire saucniai ami remained and was shot again and instantly killed, thd shot filtering uts Heart.-- WM Journal. At a recanit sale ol auWranhslin I.onrh n a letter writtleu by tnit tKim, the author of - Itoblnsonr . &- LrotW J.V w duCed one hundred and Hftv .InlUn I : : ... ..i ii y oen uro nrv.li.n - - - , . i, Itiaeomnuted ilnd. ii li .J.. T 000 elwrwht fr. :.,,.A.r. -..,-;' r - ' , ' f . .....V, Sl " '- '-;..l-.i.l-V'Mifrt. v.JvS :i"jiAi-:'itf1il(Sl:-i'l"."i ':'' frum Hie Chicago Tribune, t tUdici.) OSS. GRANTS AbiflMSfHATWS-' .UMNO IN T.UK WW INN ISO - WtSAK NOW-ITS MMTAKKS HS Cited-a cuitjcism uf run CAUINST, AND VUANUKS VIS MA A D 5i VIS WS OF TUG LKJiDr INU UAlJlCAL JOVUSAf. Of TI1V WEST. . ' Whin General (imnt waa inducted fi l.fW . nl t (lM 1K ll !U III fill 111) V Ittlli-r III III I U er.ee m ,o peo e ,.,a any mner ,u.u wh.t hits ft kfi that blifh ollice rliiriii&f t i : ..t generation, Tbe only pre.ir Sparable to him in tbi rerd was Mr. !,:',.. ,ut Mr Lincoln never saw ,,,, Lincoln; out, 3ir. l.incoiu never saw ., i.'. i fr, !,, ,,. itUUl Wlieu JiE taa ILKfr iiyin sue aajave 'Q- v , , . : . c i . i .- teim.neu nu...y o. a powcriui. pom,, a. !,,, This party, when tici,trl liri.ut t mwrA 1.4 .',!, .- t--.tJL.r-V.ni mr,.,.i i h . ...... u , , llll,UI.l.ll,.iva.,,.o. m.aa. o, .' Tbo Beiiuhltcan party, so atelv torn aauuii- , 3 . . , ' : r bv the uiipeachiiient trial, win iiiiiu unl ted anil iireaisliblo in its lnal.v to it e'.ccta d .duel. On Ihat da) it may I e salely BHIil that I're-iidi 111 tjallllll was Ilia- Hllolica -t man in I'hristendoui ; lor his power was r ,.ited 111 the ullt etions ol a tree p. ople. 1 'PI, ere has been cbaila-. Two iie.nll.i-," lia-.a- pa.e.i aB-ay, ntid it cannot In- allinit : ol tbat we have a strono Adminr-traiion I lis moral power 'bus bull Iriltela.l away bv j s in al I absurditie--, wliu h, lorttiiuitely. l.uve no baiiiitiK upon the idiiitriiv, the mifli j luliia si, or the high pui po.-e ol Hie 1'ivbi ' deut iiml his aalvi.-ers. We doubt it tin r. J .cr wiis an Admmistiiili.iii witl mt.ra-i good i ii t. ti t i. lli, at heait or h s ipltiiidi-l-u . alivmi: ttieln illla. i II, i t And -.iota-the a-v I who h a V'-l-a i- Hot abb- t" enie II ; mII, lis reltn-'ty mn-at I, a-- sought and t'.mid; , --a w lia r.-. a .a-na-raMarallt I.i "lir I'raiodenl. ' lla ii a mull ot hlll ll.oll ii h and j'toe pur , p ,-c-a. II dory d..a'-i i.ol r.aa.i'1 a iieoa- il-i Itwi i a.uis cari'cr iu artii than ln. wa- r. aid ihe muKiiiiii'h- ot l,i mint or Ins yinila-iiens ot ,ii,'t,..,. we .-"liti ii, plate I he at our toy ol Ii. th.-r a. hit vi va. In thel is J.l. 111 til.' r I l.e tit lullct-s ot hi. r. so, v. or the . , I li- liness ol I. at be Mantis aiu ait- ui.l-l a, Inn ,it tin 11 ot an i t.-o Lr. .,l I., (il nllg I lu 1 lent and lll-oli ril tun. ll. . aiol too 101. d a man t I., j into popll'ar I n 11. Is e..iiraoi .ta riMon ,lis ,'(11,11. I., I ll.e i.t l.iin wnb his errots. j Uen. ittl liianfs first ml-tak.- , .1 (0lH.iM (iat 1. l" v, 11,11,, 11' 1 ,1 in . ti.. I sal.la- llling .s an l.rmv, ai,.i that an admin j i'tratiou jfs to be earned on as a battle 1.. ' foutfht, with infantry, civaliy un.l artilla ry ! cornniaml an army Min t s In y oili. , i are lieeiled to i ji-cule Hie unlets .. tl (lener il in Chief. To cuiiv on a t'ovi ru ninii s ata-mcn nre in i .1. it u ho ui,-b rst unl ' tin- ideas, the wan's, and lb.- 1.-tt, j rsma-nt i of the people, and whose a oi.i.i.Hi ,,v.,i ri ' ' llf ,iic ,,.,, N, en,.e Hmt winni mnT ,,)r. , , , ... ,,, wi,l,'the niti. tdy ot a .pin i , a.r at n asi ! with the party in porter ll t In ra- be h sla44iii4au in laameral iiraolVlaal.tnt-l h ba yet to make -himself known as si.ch in ttn pnldie. To begin at the lueitiuitia, il, tva-i-retny 01 mate ma s .not Know tlie men, or. the it it a, or the country ol (he pnjsa-nl j day; imr do tiny know him. He is i, o.-n th man ot a nobie and pine type. It is! probable that he was as mm 1. tautprtsa .1 i vv io-ii he w as called lo fid ihe f-rt ni' St! p iu a: in the ( abinet as his count r v m, n ' wele. lie has come down to u. liomai l'uriner L'cin r it ion, and, in all that cousti , tutes eetl!ei,cc ol qhai actcr, he is a worthy i rejireientative ol '.fie Huia-s in whiefi he ac'cd his palrt. But be is not ihe man to conduct our diplomacy. Nor is he the mun to take a leading position in a great and proore-sive Gov, rnmeiit. The Seeretaty of the 1 n-asnry is likewise n man of pure and elevated character, who has ri.n Irom an humble station i.y ins own p. rscvi ranee arid nctiiii'le. Bui his anilines are not above mediocrity, ami il he should remain al the hand of the Ticasury Department duiiug his natural lilc he could do no moie than drill witb the title and avoial the breukers from hour to hour i,s Iu st he might Tbe Secrectary of War is the etroogtrst aud most positive (nun in the Cabinet a hero in every molal tlspoit, yet an invalid in health ami unqualified by training and experience to take the leading position wbia-h circumstances have loicetl upon hint in the na'unial admiuislraiion. Kven he in UJiknown to the couiiliy save m a stall' ufli cer pt the Commanding Ueiieral iluriuir the war. Few nun know the worth, ami lew have lelt the native powers of mind, which bcloug to John A. Kaw lins. In view ol bis close relations to the President and his sterling ipmlitics, his oppointment was certainly tit to be made, ami we hope he may be retained. As the administrative officer of the War Department be has no su perior, feeble as he is iu physical health and aud sir ngih;yet no one will admit more rend- tty-ttmu liiiusetf-tjiirt-tm-haw trot had the ..- ad education which fits a man lo leaal a Cabinet council. Ami we fear that eveu his advice basin I'll thus Iar ol little avail. The Kxietary of the Navy it by com me consent unfitted either for administration . r council a worthy anil well meauiug mer chant, whose UHlamiiiarity with political alLiirs is exceeded only by his iguui-uucc of uaval affairs. The Hecreiary ol the Inte rior, the Postmaster Ucneral, and the Attor ney Central are probably competent to abs cbatgi; the cleruitl tluties of their office ; but prior to tbeir elevtition they were not in any way distinguished as statesmen, or held by their acquaintances as Letter ipiahUed to assume the reins of Uovrrumcut than the (jverag ot ibuir ueigUbora iu the same, plane Of Society. Oen. Grant, w hose dis tinguished excellence during ihe war con sisted in his ability to select tbe right men for the right places, has apparently not per ceived that statesmen ate riquirod to Oil tbe pi nee. ot statesmen. Tbe second mistake of lha President ami theobe "wttctt IriaViVpeThSpsV" weakened him most io tbe public estimation ia. bis eagerness to appoint personal liienda aad rebitives to oftice. In this ichalf he has filrnisbsd a target to the enemy, where all tbeir shots take effect, not upou hiiu alone. I oat upon tne pari whtcti elected him. Id appointing Mr. Washhiirr.e Secretary of State, as a mere matter of compliment, he triflod with the dignity of the highest office within bis gift A compliment of ibis na ture ought not to have been either con lee red or accepted. 1 ue ollice was too high to be made an instrument ef politeness. More than b&Jf the totes agawst the n neal of tba office tenure law were made by this -rtiHi-- in demanding the repeal of that law. H stood npoa solid ground when be refused to move until tbe obnoxious statue .lion Id , be repealed i and i! be bad not errtid in tb exeicom oi uie .puuiaunir power in liu ore. emtMutkat heelidtfT, he would have over. eom al oottosltioo within a wcHk .fier bi. -ia--rs(.0vs'Twj'lV-.eaw inau'aursli-Mi. But by first desrmilinir thed ..rineiru.! ofTlif in hi. aif( .n,l ,1.. Tl , m t.1 - - 1 -r ."- a"l B''' minT ""Po""l an Tltua- .iMjf.MM., au a. swmmw,- raajaUfjaH i i: l : a . llie teauft-of olfice law tbrj bad aft tlie a.l tTamsgr, - - 'axitiovTimr ntrIie'pl' would "be quick to owfve lust the appoioung power w-aasjajiiivirtHHriy -aiijiivarnf,--:t ,-Wiuitl liMJ . . 1,-1. i 1 .1... : .. . . ' r ... naitlav l.ainj t;uiliia,euuu Vila. , vlVUlieneJ4 I of the principle underlying the obnoxious itatute. HinWtbelaw wa uot repealed. Wby, it may be asked, do we gay tbt-aa thingeJ ? The anawer ia two-fold. In the first place they are, already known every, body w tklnff afituf them In the ltreeta, on hrrrtc ran, to tbe reflroad tratna, in the club rooms, around tucltre tabM, and tvt ry wbeie gVefpt in the Kutive Man. sMHi. Tlie fsrs earmot le more public, than they are. In tbe second place. It ia niscc Miry, as we !& ive, that there ahould lie n cuaoge. f l re ijiust oe a Cuuluel wiui and tiuu unit tio an the 5overuuieiit, be- , j lka pub. .. . 1 . . llc l n !antl . W "'"I " ,nR, ''" 1 ''B r,t" hVlthout the rrset .d CUBiUMH ot tbe ! puouc, no A.tmiui.irauon cn nave auy vi , . jj u l. i ,i .TiaiTlJ. I II!!, BB .TIT. LJllia.1111, BTII'I Trr ,111' j (. ;..;., ..,,,, eommon 1 " ,, ' , , ,. 7,, ' . VT i uot,T- t'Ciur il tirant ia our LUicl Hig: iWrat... Uiw:rifa bavc ten ti pi eat. M I'r'',l,l w ties are I.... vaV, to I hib, hi rospouaibili ihvurled anil jeaap- I ardizcd tur Uie want ol a llitle pimti, 110 , , , , . UJlo.rV k reullir . ,. . ,-. ' . ,' . , ed Irami iih, wa. have, uolhiur belter to olkr ! than this . thai w yia-im a-iely allttched to iour l'li .-sklent, and to the iirniaioles upon w Im b 1i. T.l, and we callllft pcr- i'l the olie ol lha- MICCC S j'lit Mi -al'i il by a -ei it a ol Utlt t 111- II ,i luifii ot tin- "lli. r to petty have i llll-t.lke.-i, o p'Wel t 1 I l I I t llll i panel, it wa c.it.i-tropbe. il lill.l li l.liMl . lit f. ItS 1 I. Imm t.U aiiyiliing In U t IJ - IV-Ht fH Hi Ill- in.-t if Vi"r. tU.'! tl.trk. d 1, M'ta illutii btiril, a e pi a. a- an I ui b.'t w e-eil a uuly Mipi T ol tl He -is a Mill I, iir-I, and sit- up an stitl nii an ealain it iroi punt. II. i a In li room bur. I, and beds on j l,,tiliL! .1,1- kel.s. j lie is a l...o;-li v i d hurt I, ale I In vt-r was k fit. vv n I" la kc . It at h Hal in ,d 1 1 . : I Ie 1 - I hard bind, all'l 141 l.tli i 1 in-. 1 11 IT by II anhotiist bur l, and alwavs show h 1 nillit, nal.ee 11,- l- a ,1, Hi p: bill .Is oil 1 si an lin bibs I Ie Is a i unil. rral I. and '-a'-isli, at once Iniril, and always 'll',' le.lh.-r-. ti at t I at 1 1 v.- bull Iun,.:. tbe da V ia, I. aw i v s I ,, I,, in. I i.i il,- ,s a i, s iv. , ii. . an I ,1 houle HUM ! Ill' "1 11 III;:. lb ii- tin- o a I. a on-! h kr i embl nub- ini'l s.-idua s-, it r-.li, into i elos. l v , l- i ll.pl, a I, .ll v .,o ol Hi. belonos lo tin- eluli. ;, .vfru-'.-- a d "'.- I ol soil lottltie ) s, and A I, tt.rlt, in Kane si a't - tlpd Ihe pies t-lit, l'i lliall 1 -iut I" ill- I1 ,pe. Irillf' li s own SI i es ivtet a load, in !.,iitr ol ll.e late f.-lr, ar. e-'ll ,1. d at '. IKHI O KI Illlli. H, IU inn; th . eptl'.n s veil inililary bull Is e i t bet . ui" I, r ll.e w in, I,, s id t In- e. lit! .1 l..o. Ili. l. at ll ill, a ll V Inn by M. Is-onro-l. Tin- X. a i ik j. I l,.r ll..- oeca-iit.n . '. i e -ai - Is b as a re . iai 1 o t t . . ii-n : 1 1 . rs have i-aiiiei s 1 1 1 a ii ill i Hie prom iii nk a 1 . 1 e. no .in- e teiMl'ltt 1 1 lit s ol -le llient polls on ll la 'It. tin. 1 lo I, a:v. cans b.iv i .seal . i I v e All on ie c vet ; In un t- n vviiile t hi- A lliel i i 1 1 1 e b line lha' a a on man.lM nmiiii.-ri t it pat r. .n ao.-. A ill 01 -a-a- 11 I vy. . er, 1 w - tl y ill-; by si, , e, -1 .1 1 111.- I, '- 1 k.'.i is lietn -! 1' te ll any llniio 1 , :, i 1 1 a in, it i-, 10 -,i it- er 1 ,v over ale -t hi t ." A r,a-h and pools ..I.I iili.el ..l (atlcva, Swit.ellelid, leais ill mil iml li,? begun the CttllMtrua tiotl ol lift ink in which It lliinscll imd hi - house. A New Yolk a an it spotulelit lacl Ihal in an,,,-- ail; biioinin in ibnt i il. I Lev hoav eiiet.l 1. lint a- the iilu.- Irioiis l.l-a'l;',llll- ami cry lo.th p vv-h r. Slilokttio pipes-, to tin a-.'oreate value fifty two mi a. ,11 bare-, were iii.uiulai:! ureal in Fr aliee last year. The (-".lie K cltoti.r C, pl. t. d 1 , ,01111 tons ,,t , 1,. not ti bieki p. r 1 il sine mp.tny Have com - i rail on tin-ir mud -i . Aft'J'J- lattje nattir il i-iive have been tiuic.it surveyors found i ,1 parly ol liov iitur i.axier .'splines, nanss, Tbe vui'S in I'tiincean iliseasitl, many p'af's iTTiTie wine ili-fri.-ts ti e said to be toial'y .1, str. j- al. and in crnji is La-t q aal let 1 l.'.I.U'.l.i.ll'.lo J, valllaal ill $.;,2U,.i,0'jlJ, WI ra Post Olli. a i, par: ma ilt. laoe stamps, is .ited by the The St. l'i urabiirg journals stale lliat disturbaiices c .ntniiio niitoQg the .students in KuMtia, so tbnt the tnilveluitit-s nf the cupilnl ol K man end of Kiew have bean closed. The rnb'yWff.ftTfirtgWttloll nt ttftftt.- boeowlll gtTt! a aftinival on to-day ihe 4th. Mr. Flank Joua's, of Wayne, died on last Thuraday ol a dineasa- a ooliected whde ill a Vutikee "llliK-k Hole ' fit Khnira, New V01 k. AnntiKsH lien M. Arnoial, col., lust tvi uiiix di divert d an uftiltlr, ss lo the mem bers nt tin? ' labor -tluiim -AsromTtiMr." Ilia subject was "Labor and the LatKiring man," a theme will suited lo the occasitin, ami w hich, we. hi ar, wns very wi ll discussed by the Spc.ikcis. - H'li. Majr. Sknt to tub WoHKHiii'si:.-Only fillecn convicts were sent to the Wnrk house yes- lerduy, to tc.ve oul tbeir respeeiive terms ot imprisonment I my were St! ennvtctrd or p'e,id guilty of iarceny nfnf were senten ced to teinis ranging from 6 lo !4 -months. WU. Jvurnal. Vfi.ocii'khk IJiiiik." Mt. Benj.' iVurfee, the City Clerk au.l proprietor of the veloc ipede ridiug actiool, pro pawn efflabTishing s rinK.iar tue accommodation 01 lover - ot litis Mirt4a the Walker lot OB f'nnoss street. It is to be GO I eel wide and 125 feet iong.t WU. JettrwiL . - - T)isc-hakoe3 is BAKKRCprcf. "We are indebted toCltarles U. Hibbard, Etq., Clerk of tba L'uited Slates District Coort. tor tlm following liat of BafikrUpts dischsrged me rspnng l eru ot uie tioitea Btalcs Dig. trict Court, tor the Pamlico District, which closed Us sessiou y enter Jay : T Craves County. J amass $ I,ft,B Wealb ersbte, John L fjartljier; VTJU ,Brjr,:R T Berry, O Marks, IL 1. Jdenninger Jolin F Hanff, John V Jordan Allen afcIiiltlretbj Franklin HoeleL .' . T7iZ o. Juenuir VaX.U ftbitt,. JaJK -,1 - Bearufort Co. J It - H Carmer, ttamuel Carson. r--.,- A movement ia oa foot Iar the aeiiara tion of tlw States of JvtarABtiiufivTolima Cauca and Panama frow tba Ijaioav wiUia view to tbe - formation t tcparat rc- pinitm The bcavy rain eontinue in" Alabama, aad ja some ectionwit'h sUaWded with freshctg- atnd- destfiKtiou Of tnuch cotton and corn, Tbe tower of the ' First Tresbvterian Cliarch in ltochester, New York, "was dea- dmrfiTaTi: Th cotton factory of Harkios Brotbera, - r Trov, Jic 5,'otk has bfieft jMtrwed a-v ...A -" - uaiat. V ' la-'V'ty., . iraok WAsiiiKfiTos will be aliweiit ti! Ta;lv. TiHrrTT'' w w. rl ill a..'.' " w w,.- ..... .....1,. .1 - .. .L mm , - wa-a mm a a ontracl taytrntrt trenriihVwi animaU, from uWK2 teZpf - tmllioo fratui ll4l avelioa U buhata il to au fraiidae,, au.t llieuce VyZuJ The debt .tafeuiom st.a.w. th totri diu aipal anal miermi lo tie 12 tta iw. ail I- t-lloaiea uf depoait IlliJim.auUi BBal'il' ISl'-A. 364 : total 1 iZwAwFiSSTul i,it).uw . m,m,m fa miThiZ SJf"' - bnrsc.il l..r Interest, tl.e larger 1 rowUi!ri Lt " me, that ttranrt JJnt.in has harl uulr!?.4 ua.n Uio .lUMiiui of ibn i:,., . ....i.r. . :. ..... . . .. .".irrp,u uver tleaiuuvaj lo r,o.,er.wn iu . - bvlliLr-t-n-iiiH, an I avM el )S Ihe Biitiah (i,J!Z. .,t ,.r IM .l,.r Hlw"lli aflll lli " v. a. , . , idv ruinUima of IS i Mil hut Hi (j..veri,iueiit to be l.sl,l, UKn& v, and nmfiZi re pi' rt lion lv eomttulii ua m iuwu,itd l.. ..iT;." I'uitew Stilt, 2J'.:: Urt-at tii'iintii." Ido itittu vJ . Intw -view butmon .Usneral !Muii. d.-ut this i.e, tsK 'wis nt.-,k4 b, JZ i iiy. vv Ben i o n Ushaarcal Tttb. it,K rriid o,u. . unci .u-n. mtoihl Th.. Uit. r, h.mtiwtr, (fcftr tv uuhucul" LT tJiiitkiriL- I'l iluin Uiu HiLi i i U;w 1. i.V ;a... I... had n r-r.-i.e lo Uonl u,.Urt. f. ; I...I ...... bowa-v.-r. I., tog e.,,,1,,,,,1 ui iw-rtiurno i UH L,lllW I.-. Hon Ihe l,i. Ueu. I i, ' "" '"" ". -l k-i eubrelv lleor ! 1 "'' crvstlon. His vtMt to tli. ti ll.l- i.i..fiiiiiK- Mis w,e iK-a-anlofl tif p. ,N',,.l!.i int. rvia-na wen-but alii, .1.. ..(. at to ie- aft. -I- Uie retired. riinM Itlt'llMOSl). Tl.e ;.,,, lo. M.. . Itn hat in!il.'ll..n tiiia ranrntllt'. Tt, r -si iiml be tin-. ..r (...nuittma. il11.h. itial lite ll.i'S'"!. ,1 tl.e ,.,y,-i, (,B,,. tuttllliat, anal aatata t "that Uie aUSUW .'ill,. in. 11 t, ... t.poi. wbii-ti tbu LiiLr I...li.ll..l aic .lea.l In ll.e It. drt of iu pMuj,!. aii.'llii-r lael wi.teb we eftlin.it but reuogmxa Hi ' a-a-IBi-, lla.wri'Va I JU-I ..l K.IXJ cln loujojllj .ltfKnt.' KNtll.ANI). I.t't-t'oaa, Api-ii ;si, ,-Memncr's i.iech erfcSUw 111'. 11 i- ' v.al. im lit in I". Iitl.il etreles iwra.- it sl.l an. 1 iiie..iitii llo, aul.ii'tit was inri.ria.llv si.,. i lllMsfil, 11iikI.Ii tlielaruil tlie enitiw-ii-tiiBwit 1 hI.1,1. ils f.iil'li.-iitton oro'liK-ed serveal Kuluut ; vi-ry property, tmi he aitree not to enosoilt at ; ei.n uau. tlie U luis ul set tleilleiil ImtlsliwltlWftd i l,v Niiiiiui r'ii Hjn-eeli. U.ral t-areiitoi stprsaiatsd- ; lilta ba ll-'t ItiSI the M-llNlt Ueflilttii,ll Ay Ul SOl). : M-el in proajreos t.til.eeu tbaj l.o eottatriea SSat j aert eal Isr less a tl-emu eh&rsela-r tbsa UM s,a t t li.-s ol At.tei li' ill fat llSturs Ulal tba .rtWlal. (. i Ihe ,esn rtt'llt.l n.-aun til inatli-attl. tibullitajti. ' prof, a.-. ,1 b ba.e v;iH..t assiirniiaiea froat nlistil. t qunrl. rs It. .A tbe receut r'jJC.lh!U of Uio Alftbua. ; in ,.!i- tty n.- Ati.t.ru-.i,Stii.te ... . purely po litu-t movement, and that lha prroent aalnmibi. , llStiult ivilt ,ll,1far.H- ... u. OU di-at A'sl'Slai Hltt.. tin ti on llti.-rsl se.t boliorstilstttro). tiUatialths I tot..- of the tainst! fiaalla Ml ataU-AtUaaflumu. -ai I lien.) mo iii .a.i,.sei(ii!H..:n ol bsvmijr ia(l tiii I pai lull pail, liciilo.t i.t Hilliinei's .rlimt,al. Xh. ' l.niiilori voi- ansa tlia Hmt fatintrrer's ileinsiiils ir " n. vv ami Nlartliui, and immlba rta.r.ls.1 aiairf; a . lioi lie , llc, suit ll tliey aniU' Mliadow dial IfttKratl. , I .ins givmi nt Mr. Moiia-y, itast geuik-aisa will j sian-1 iis very ali.rT.. ra-nt s.itiou from Hut Sti- ; . ti, tt-.l by Mr. Jot.lis.ili. j i he l'ifialon 7o.u brestlaa. forth the ihliof ' war in il.-i.-nee ..f tba .jessi.iyef&inilo ttutbaia I n.-i's money .'utiman. aal dtiiiisgea lis pur umlou. '1 be ,Vio et.n l, s Tory ,.i,;n, i ibll'lU i ttjlia ar Tir-narrre toaaoantw tiw Atu.erlusn lisnpie-i - wttl r--jt to the last any eApittilttHtja- bj 'Kas-- l-'ltOM WASHINGTON. W a-iiiM. r, .v. llsy :!. "at'eri'tsry llmilwsll ha lasii.- t tw. lv-- -till. k-snt 'lll'-s, ftlllonia Ilium pt liil.oiiM V1-.UIHK, itriukiii); aad siiiitltiui; dunur bllai," -s 1.,-iO.s. It, It. vt'ai-hbiinias tuuleal'lnc FratKN) ttetnnlir. II. 'I' II..., nf M. Loins, leaa been rexuUri a-.,iii'ii-eioua-, as Mniisla-r toajlrazil. I t.ii.TiM.l..-- llelmm has beeu untitled that i.is ,t..-i".t.ion. Ktintsm.iii" w .-lmtr'8 amaa.iasroonl, will h'-eanta.tai,J ill Ibt, t'onrts by baiihers Uld brok, rn. 'lie- llv. . a'OHit uiart at is now In 8fvr-ret sesSRia, preiniriiiK a venliet from eviiienee eimuael bsr mjj wava-d aiguitliiut. Mr. N.-laoii, Hie new Minister to Mavsityi, wtB .soon pr.rf-oetl to llsvalaa .here a Feilersl War v. ms. j, W ill aa.11 v- y lorn tai Via. I'ruiL i ll. -1.. isnottulli tu the nevvapspcr itAteoulats leu ll.e Mi-vieau Uoverniiiel.t pn.we lo SUM .1101 a 1. 1 ll.e tinted Slabs t K.sa. ersiis" liispatelies will receive no atuwtar i j from die M.la, L, partnient, as Nelson's ssrlj pr.-s.-iiia.' wo. 11-.11., a ,n luinu ..imnnHw,. Ttie wild ataiet.ienU rVusrtling IK-iairif Lao's I vti.it ra-apiue the re asm nam that the visli tm i vei l brief not ten m inuias anal thai eamVtHBS. 1 .mtUtiu.-d 10 imttuirsaif personal courtMj. 1,'luel juettvu Vluue ul li'ifl court araeiftr- ly in liiehmoii.l. Ral-ieta and llhsrlestoa. ' l onsiil to'i.evai plumb sails fur Usttuii tn tlnits'lay His iiuitraetxim incloda 'oattVt attain.! precipilaung a quarrel with the saiak aoihorilies. - I r. K. lvrrv ba bem itiiiila4 eit(rvlaiir -iiilei-iiul raivo'mie for North ami 801116 Garolitia, vice lk-miaft. .ml S. J t'nkliii lor Missuapi, Iaiiusi tiia'aud Arkansas, vice Creeey, n;oM r.icifM'isn - cninF jpstick chase. Hi. uvi'isis May S.-r-Chief Jnaties Chase rivad this aflerii.sm ami opened tli Pn niaU-s tu-enlt Court, assinteil by Jndga t)a .wiaai. Jutlite Uuuao brielly cliMged lh 0" Jury. Ihe jury w e.)nisM:illeiiirailyof wliiwa and' die irou cliol oath lieinij iliieiMft with, many old nilmans piiail in the jury BOX B din lirst timii since Uie close af Um waft--' Tin eatw trf'BOofUB,iavviBt4lajW of Jmliie i;tnla.oU'a Ueetsiun, Katun! asi ... . . .. ... s. .. M. l..d ..ft.rm a tn- IB Ut Bft'H iUlunutHl W VfHI "",ril HJ4 .J i . - - ailiailily uudex the ttth, .mailidnient, was C1W j iflal ilt he aramaBd tai-wmrtaiw.--!--- - - The lath. Infantry arrived here lp night, LOYAL TENKESSEE. ' '-r- Mimi'um.-Blai 9. -It l espiwiaaal a DlwN proirriinir last nielli at llrow tiwi Ue. 1 eoaa. Two Henri, and oue while kUlwl at hut swuama. H,UM M.W YOEK- fa-fW taiBH MsV I TiaVftX Blltlcr fiH-t - Jn ilusitnU Young and Oskifty llu lair va" Uaua iu Ibe apprtiaehinij l.bel suit FOliEItlS. . Rt, rrrKKsncRU, May .l.-Tlie recall of flll American Minister, l oiiK'iauy nwnw"" Cork, May S.- a hvaaB mpi title SS laatanhj - .M.t.. t ,1,. U..r 1 raotanl KLM-ea ft Ina jteas .xpreaaeai eoulidcwsJuaM y. fair ums ih a 1 m . ....... i'ROM DMA DA. , Vf.J A .TV.- runt..il I'.ClUe lW" reaebeil ll. lenmuus at ITmnawilory l"ul M Th. Umon Pacille was Maveai bv b'-T" cutting and bridjd'.lf. I bM -aieet beiWe lha Jiuu. of May- ' - FBOX W'sni.Qios. . Waskii.ot .1., May 4, M-Gen, aied by bwdiKhter. arrived at . ; nuriimR, .mi roc.ded te the ridsw -kuismau. Xuere wers no da-moiii '"'", v waa: uudenrtooft tbry-"' WkM' Hw ' " FRIM RrOHHOr. iewn-. Ma 4, M.-ThsTohfr' Pnkmton A U., was huriit th n"1 ' La. aMJ.pui). Lwurijil fur IJU.1"- ' . ' w-rfs. a fti ti B flrt. ' i -. . ouulry,r.-i-eive.l at HbenJaai "rfJTLaB way evwryUiioc Ilia has isn ""mjaW"- Willi tncMioai an a - tuJujaa The Intminw MPm a laa from raa-c- Tfhey were two jrearaaga r ' " 'U(iSr HAVANA. - - - porapowd Ihtr.y .tel. s 1 1 ,r, -. . . Wand, hsrve-assemi-W aibairiioiv, , aj , "iv-t-s'r-",T, it.- iiiii'itiHioi that lla have appaaieti at Ciaeo Villi - . - baf M.uv lit k plwitaoo" and tl" " 1 seiat'aiKltirtlireaitiiimiaUaiiijIet- I A heavy gale onli.Wjjtll " keepers dwoll.tii!, at t Ire o n New Uricaua, innuoa.. .. . there, dstxoy-d the lW , the Viir-iiusz of V- 1' w e V L sen i JU iEi All Jul 4tJ Hi 4 u t itAi; 1 JLVV5A..,'-t tr