RALEIGH. N. C, WEDSESDAY MAY 20. 1860 NO, 94 ; THE SENTINEL, i i-dora Chesterfield worfe to bit . Vr.R . vr - .li.iioction.- sweeten cooversatioa Budutt erj one lo comply pleased with bhttwU. tt ittperlof, uutbi', w rqmi tgcwutbk, ud Ufcriat accept- ble. . -,-'., Good breeding U only be acquired by -gsMt taowtortg t the wortd tart twping th best company." Lord Chesterfield, in letters to hit son, nys,"! wnr W th worst bred man liv iuif, guilty ol lolling. whistling, scratching bit head and euch like iitdecontitea, ia eeut uaawtltaiberespieted. Ja mi xed companies, wuoever it admit- i.Tmaka 'nut Tot tbetnTl IW tile time at I ltt, tuppeeed bpon fuotVig of .quality with the it and, consequently, rveiyone Ww and v r o )uaily, e,wy mark ot civltlty'mlgood breeding. M allowed, but carlessoes Mid negli grace ere rtrlctly lorblddeo. It e into c costs you, end talk! to jott ever to dully or friveloutly, It It worse then rudeness, M is tMtt!l;ty, to show him by a manifest mat ifOtioD to what he fciyt, tbat you think him , (ool or a blockhead Mid Dot worth bear ing." A.ttr speaking of the first and sec ond be says ! "The third tort of good breed in j i local end Is variously modified, in not ooly different oountriee but iu differeut mens in the same c uatry. But it mint be rounded on the two former sort. Whoever baa tha two first aorta will eaai y acquire tin third tort of good breeding, which depends singly ujton atteutlon end observation. A welt bred person will take care to an with complaisance when he i spoken t.i; will place himself at the lower end ol Ilia table, unlets bid to go higher ; will tlrsl drink to the lady of the house and theu'j to the master. A man of good breeding, should be ac quainted with th'e forma and custom of ua men atwayt make eourteaiva, ipatead of bowl, to theJKmpeilJance ao bodj bwii to tbe King ot kiate hit hand ; but ia Spaio and Eogland bow are made and htndt kied. Thu werj Court (and Lunatic Aaylum,) bal aomi peculiariiy watch tboee who Titit tbem ought prt-fiout Ij to inform tbeiBaelrei of, to aoid blua dan and awkwardse." We have made thia rocurrenoe t good breeding and meaner, and quoted, from old book on tin auhjec. becauaa at itie wnctHt, aot to eay barbaru treatment of Pomey Howe. Of Wilmingtod, at a feaat given at the Lunatic yiuol, to tb Puoitentiary Committee, composed of the following geo tltma : "Hob. Pompey Howercolored, Hob. Alfred D-ekery, white, Joo. R. Har riaoe, Ktq , Kar. Geo. Walker, wbite, A L L'tngee. ' .j Whl. the Committee were angaged iu taw4Wr ewage -wteciiMJ3tifa lgtbtC iff dine with tlw-fiuperfartenf dent -ot hit r Lunatic Ayiuo .Dr.. Gnaaorn of thoTate CoftfederaU army, but low repentant aud loyal. Soma of the Cwmmittte declined aad weia about to take tber departure, wheu a lecond neaaaga wat raoelred itating that the Doctor expect el all tbe Committee to dine with kim, and he ahould be diaappolnted If the CoromlflSe "diC" ot " do ao.- Toeaecooa; loTitfttma iettled tb nauer, and the Committee, walked tnta tha jpoc. tBrVfarTofrTKe waa i aimettlty If tb rule laid dowa by Lrd Cbaaterdeld were to be followed." .. Jleia wae a nis4 opaoy f wboew S admitted Into It U eupp ue-I to be ,po) tooting of equality, e?ry gueat eialma aud JueUy too: tb aame markt of civility aad tooi breeding from mli . 'llne koat" by Cbeaterfield ia nquirttd to "amooth "TiatlMtt8tati;;; converaarion" ! abeeMia guit pleated with hirntetf."- . The gntat it reqiirrd lo driuk first U. tb auatraaa and then to tha matter ot tbe koaaa, aot to toll, yam, whittle of acralch ba) kit"v-w -tf , Here waa an Irreprenaibla ouflici be twaem Cbetterfitld and the "onward march of tbe new civilisation." - - CheatetBtiM ami Uowe, MU Utaa and brother' and tha new civilisation Itself, alt fell before, tha -uocunquorable pride end prejudlca of lb trtyal Doctor.; ' Howa, -dewot, well dreeaed, well b kavad, "maa and brother after being Invi ted waa lerved with aotioe that be oald 4 tit at tV table with the gcovbrnctt-tlf the Committee. Tbie waa a cruet blow ta Bow and, Chettei field. LTp' " tlly far making p Ur.w.'a tear more t bitter or bit heart more hfavy.' Tb tboaglit ef dining even with tha Governor bad. given lita ttrengib in the lata campaign.- , It wa that'bii whicb TJgbtined hi heart -.ehrihullu tte party by day aud ty'ninLC , T T- Xnnrlaa 'Kint;iy aaid oi Kidney BiaTiki The love-and admiration wbirh tht truly Tv o,l loving maa won from every oa, rick of poor, with whom be came in coblacf, erauoa t htWn Hea" roiir -thr "wa "'spt, Tfcat' tIUMll:"vifl(ai'!l,"' 714fHl2""aiJj ucli eonsciont iotenuorf, be treated rich, j aadpoorn, 0ia uaotnJ the, BobI na, bit gint, alike, and alike courteooaly, nxtaiderately, cheerfully, rT.cllooateIy,'e leaving a bleating and reaping a bleating wherever be want. tJe iWuuibrupal. mm) ,wlVraHw4 ?' atwaja atop at, tiieaoond wo. Tempera s ce. AloW beloved Governor." cbews.sniokes, at that be incites tbe dissolute and iguo J .f.! 5gue to riotous. tUlieotiWlj, conduct. We tic, hoeer, glad to inlorm the public that mmx mrr pnbHortioa of hi. vhnts to thegr.g shop they are U. li. quaot. -Foeew tie'trrnt'a ieriat reading W JWib-wbt .Hjdnry Jmith t tera(itratc : "Let me ataU wiuu f the giKiila ariaiilu it "fAiu.':::-. fvj-TTr-':. . . L-Firer, teet ateen : liavioB never k, ,w., what awept ale i v I like a baby it a JiUmgU-buju U I W, lb-a tcr ruia, no bluclc vi.ium tf file, but ulfasinjj hnuta and ileiu.ifj( 'fecollecdoua uaat and to come. II I dream, it in not of Hoim unil tigers, but of F. ksU r dnea ti(b. Heo Oodly, I rau lake loi.g.ir walki, and make M, re.ur ix riloin witiiuut tat ifur. My un- puMMuu-reontDiy. i tea letter m ittiout win aad-SfM WcU Hum wbea I ua b .i Pray leave ofl wio. The tioniath wib iw at tit ; no heart burn, u i pain, no dinion tbm." Such are tbe iwrrt ttuila which our "1j loved" would Kibrr lor bit own prraonal enjoyment, if be would only leave i.ff "cu-s ig" aud wbikkry. But fiir tlia um ot wbukev, otir belovi d Wnuld not b erubitienil by ihc recolleciion ot hi cowardly conduct on Hie street, to a minister of tlio gp-l, i-or nt big diagrace ful, behaviour Injure llie Myi.r Court in tbe trial of tbe Davie Street rioters, wbv'n and where it txcauie tiei ery I ecaune nl our biioveiiV Krerli md uudc-r tbe m fiueuoe ot wliiBkey, b,r ol.ief of jlif, to draw, cock and preaint his piatol in the pnaeme ol the Court, and threaten to aboot diiivn the Brat man who Waa guilty of a breacb ot the peace. We' forbear to apeak of tin public ad vantage to be d rived troin ti e Governor abauduument ot obtokey nd tbe grog ahopo, for we readily conbai tbat he it too iudifi rent to. public npiuion to be at ail moved by conaiderationi, of a general aud publibajracier. fleablea hit conduct and deSance ot the Coon met the approval ol tbnae present who elected him, including CetsrHaTrta and JenEina (be Treasurer ami excluding the Mayor and police, and 8en: tor Qwlioway tha leader ol the party. , tl(lJS7i ITUH WINDt Downing left New York on Friday aud reached thia ei l y on Saturday ; talked with tbe Governor, left tbe city on Monday and reached New York on Tueaday night. To day "our beloved' left for tbe North. Wber are the Peniienii iry bond. Uve tbey been returned to the Treasury t Wben will tba Hyde coumy public landt be in market gmn Where It that - fco ia man Bible, who once bought lbo lands for 30,000 and bargained to ecll lin n, iu New York for $90,000 Haa the Governor gone to make I he necewary deedt t TUB HAWKS WILL GUT MM Our Treaaarer Gird, David Jenkins, it ou a visit to Wall Street again. Wonder i( be haa any more North Carolina Railroad bond to tell at 6J cent. If North Caroli -pa Bonda depteclaTrB Mf " ptejetrt rlnti at tbey . tlul oahia fl a, our contemplated Railroad will not be completed toon. What hat become of the trutb of the Go roor'e teb-gram to Watf Street, that tbe January Interest wonld be paid i Wby hat It not been paid t TlOBT Rca Victor Barringer and L. P. Old areXaatd to b running for Coleman's old boa. Either will look well in tbe toiled robe of Coleman. Olds on account jjMSim - iiu.tn rltiiMMhP-t the Governor ha tbe Inside track. Victor ba no more chance to tieat than there waa lor Col. Quthiie to beat Jo Hnlden for Di rector oa tha;Cbapet Hill Rail road. Gufh rla wa double distanced. Jo waa appoint ad not only on tbe Cnapel Hill Road, but ea tba Bendenon and Mt Airy Road. VYbota ton eaa't leat when Dad has to Judge. We bet ou tbe Governor 'a son-in-law. " " T '." L' J RUMOR. ' Madame rumor had It on tbe street time week ago that out old friend Philemon li. JiawktM wnld bJheJtclc.ndidte to fill tha vacancy to the Senate created by tha dlaib ol jitr. Wynne. To old.jade baa it to day that Mr. Hawjtina la tbe choice of Oovernnr Holden. Holdeo! BUt be pre paring to change bit "bate g'ain, and to PhU for Phil cant go tn htm. D. P. Rameeur E sq , as the Attociate E 1 tor of tbat uprightly and atarling Journal, the Jteilf CiarWiM Tims; greet IU nrrmer on reader in tb following gracelul Saluta tury-; .:. XN , " ,lHaviog tieea announced an aaaiije ia tbe editorial department o( the riwws, I beg -to y to lU reader, that wbaUver of fititea I have tor tb pbic iball be culti. eatad with the end ia view ot making it an acceptable Journal. An ideal! it in poli tlot, I auppft tb lea said on tbat topic iu tbi practical fre, tue oewev.- sue pcrimrnr. n.i th imtnt nnmSer compatible Uh ttn-latLic)totncteJc, auib rAv.tuniaeti.L Jjauuld.bv adllt!llUwreL.bja,Uity nt suir.jilf-lX-anpBMt .an. tore Vote Ijt ' ' vaioN t t), P. EAMIUCtfR.' J.rndcrtUfraupenrioaof tba Kplacogat CburrJj huiiJay ecba. of jlI..town, . gran 1 i xcu.-sioa to Beaufort, N. C.f wtlt apeol train ha beta charxre 1 for tba ee casloa, wMicttWlH feafa .Goldabotw- it J o'clock A. M. Keiurninjr, will Jeav ktor htwt City at P. M. Paruet desirout f aaeing tb occaa. Fort Macon and other puiuia ot interest, aa well a ) enjoy about tix boon of purt ta tb way ' ot ttthtng, awi ing, 4c, will find thu a. aplendid o lMtu)t., j rajr,k.rj'ti,vt WMLf1. lotikuy. s " vuw on at Tucker' Halt, on Saturdax.taat. W. have received jettew tnquirfn, if ft.Ia w , YaPke trick to'ebcat gullAble SuulhunKrf - We hve amrweittj tbat all tbe penmna we Ifttow.ur have beard ol. at conuueted with the bneinca, are 3ot b-dtralea., Tboaa wb Anw prhsra were aure tbat tbe drawing waa bbuWly dune, and even those who daw bUuk bail no atupicton of Cut pli'yoThT drawing! It ia tbe only way we aet to diapow ot prop erty at fair price, and tbercby'Aorp Koruev aud lourteen from buying pur land, worth $10 in gold, at 5 in greenbacks. There ha boon ia North Carolina a proper moril arntiment and prejudice againat Lot fjuriea We are not able n w to deieud tbem but old liiciuiliary Jobnton, it he were here, could, tor in converaati.m villi tioldrmith, as ttoaaull tclla, tbe great moral it wit up a defence lor card playing, and likeued it to the gaij,p!iiig in dry goods aud grnceiiea, aaying tbe niHu.wbo buys ool top cloth at 10 cenlt per yard aimply bet tbat be c n aell it lor 15 eeota, anil to he put all mercantile and trading n tbe basia ol KamldiuR, but this is t,hd morality, if John son did teach it. Tbe last Lottery drawing in North Caro lina waa in 1S22 '23, tbe proceeds of which w r applied to tbe building ol the Masonic Hail, iu llillsboro. Tbe late Chief Justice Nah, ami otbtr good ini n, gave it tbeir em ouraeinent, because of tl.e oecesaitiea of tlw L'tile. It neeeasilv can justify tbe-lit- people can purely nke tbat plea. Urni'K N. C. It. i P. K Aokscv, I A'. 28. F.turltiKillt. sirttt Kaleigh, N. C, May 22, 1809. ) Tbe lucky nunil era that drew prise in Tucker Hail, Sntuiday 22d inst., are aa fol lows: Ko . 4M0, Piano, J. M. Blair, lull, Hewing Machine. W, Door Kug. ft4. Hearth Hug, Mil. Pepper. B ue tiiik Dreas. !, Bugyy. 2l, t yanls Checked Matting. 1M2 4 yards Carpeting. Wit. Clri-T ete: : - - -?2a. Wine Colored Silk Drega. . The fullowijus numbnra priata, worth (I each NumlieM . 1 108 4)4 875 274 081 mt 005 8W drew the- small Nutulrr. 1000 1019 6W 88 880 819 843 308 811 m8 iiH . iyj z 1247 14 810 aos 7U4 ,1 1 1 28 679 1172 105 Uuo 713 nys . 971 Tbe unzea will be delivered ou present tiou of tbe above numlcrA to tin office J. C. HESTER., Stcretaty. RtamhirU please copy. Tik EetW'opAL IViSViMTion,. Dtvtua Skhvice Tbe services In Cbriat Church, (Episcopal.) on yesterday, writ of. a highly interesting and impretaive character, and were attended by one ol the largest and most attentive congregation ever assem bled ia any House of Worship in this City. In tbe morning, beside the ordinary aer vices, which were read by the Rev. Mur phy, and an able and eloquent disco urae Irom tbe Rev, Mr. Patteraon on tbe Ministry jCAbsClutjsh God, and tio beteech you, ta Chriat't ttead. that ye he reconciled to God,") tbe Holy Rite of Confirmation waa administered, and Re. Majara. Jiburo, Gordon and , Deacons, were ordaineif to the Priettttftod. Nine Clergyman, robed in tbeir appropriate vestments, notted with the Bishop in the imposition of band in the tetter' ceremony. In afternoon, at St. Mr ay 'a Chapel, (Rev. Dr. Smtrrrns, Rectrrra Ttrrer "tmrmiwiTB diecourte 2rom Rev. Mr. Patteiaon, ("Tl a faahiotr of thti worH pasaetS wiy,J rh Bishbp administered Confirmation to eleven young lad ice connected with tb School. At lb conclusion of the ceremony, the Biaboji aJJreeaed ae"lsir TnTteettog tnanher. The music on thia occalpn wa very fin, and all the aer vices wore beauti ful and touching. .' x At night there we "aa appropriata Mia sionary Berraon by tbe Rev. Mr. Murphy, and Miaaiooary addressee by tl.V Bishop, Rev. Mr. Porbe and G. J. . Mrttia. A eol lection,' reaHlt ing la bathlitarae receipt, waa taken up in furibeianee -of Dioeeaaa Miaaona. ' . ( Upon both oeeiea, tbe bor rendered tacel lent muaia n ;j i.'.' J.J Mr. 3. Lorillard I engaged In baring two additional eettelt built eipnnaly br thia port, - Tb will heft bVatv completed on or before the 1st ot October next, and wilt then, unka . change ot be made, be claced oa the Llikidscd LiBi,laU etllJSinftl"nu Aew !.'.- wiaoy ttcamsbip tines, U a- tnie Indicatitm ttf t-Lf'J-'cri'jL "1 trttst timejtdytw' our mean aid mcreaao.Afi. , t Not Daa-a. Jere Bt-.Jcmaa, tba colored 1 man w'ne ileft'n w veieriay suuouuveu u s telMlk SM wyuo uu m.. e"'- bty recover. Irom tba dnerotw wound tbat at prveent anted hi life. w Ltt.T.WTOir. At renuert, Wa announce the, Kt Re. Bnhop tiibbona, will preach ia Lilliugton, tbhtctuuty, oa Wednesday, Sad J,tH,Wfcaveoinir. 1 tuua liinrt'f C' U'xi't Ire's, Tbari-ta ? f TTm rlJuf tt' tixkftr'-' -"f'' Tb Biaoop WttI, also, prawn as asr n ic tor the flARUual. We have all great Naano to ba thankful to Gov. Holden for o thing at least, Bnine ly, -that -ha trW.artttnf tafe Qaoingiaf out id iillica. I have rcurt prof. Kef report with very great iiitereal m1 j.tattUe,Mtd base bn waitiitg (ur a furutiUt aat in -hmxnil aee ing soun inielliguul notsa ot it irotn tome appreciative eouice. I,jaop-'d to ate aome Editor oall atteolioi to Ike results ot a thorough Geologital aitrvey of aome mm f tfriT Tit rjtrr Wratrra cwtlilllew, 'CorrrtrrnTng" blew tavaluable to tt taming and agncul turaf iotoreata ef our ttate, li it Ix eeu tial that we tliould draw onpitBaml Imuii grauta ol Ibe better clvat, 1 kaow ot no atatcmeota nuire alwdutAv reliable or wore attractive than are to twAun t in tins I), c ument. For instance- 4 "The forest of tbia ui)jtlu plateau are vary heavy d cot.f m iC4lcu!vr amount.ot valuable limla. Tbe-e are huo dreds ol equuis uil'es ol aliite oak iTinsts which muat become iniuutt ly valuab!e lor export at no distant day. e black Loeuat oovers arge tracts. This il tbe moat duia ble timber in our fori a a wid is to much esteemed tor ship uildiut! tint il is culti vated In the Northern Siaea ou a large scale, one a. ie on Long Islaid tor instance being valued attao to lou.' bind red dollars. Chestnut aud p'ar are tierywbrre, aud meaattre sometime ten or twelve feet In diameter. White pine abounds, aud often reaches a height ol 150 feet. Among valu able cabinet tind'ers, inouuUui bircb, bitil's eye majilc, black walnut aid cherry are found in threat ipiautitiea and of larnesite. hirge JUUt art xmuliintt f'eiseJ with blade walnut. There a e txtensir torefta of sugar maple. There are buuileds ot scree ot native cran'etries in the itigbcr valley. Four tons per acre of tuy'is m ui. common crop, Oa s griiwn in ibis agton weigh fony-iwo potinils per bushel, Ac , ic, Ac "Hut li tacts at tlit'e, takct in connection with the rxceeilin'j' chenrn-a of land, ftwenty five cents to nut dillar per acte.) and tbe proximo? to tbe grmt markets ot the country, jnsii'y the opnion that the continent dot a not afford mrc favorable condition bo- ea0te, turtnirg, wont grow ing and cbeeae milking. Thi President ol tbe Cliecfe Maker Asocii ion of New York (Gov. Seviiionr) utatrd in an address tbe other day tbat the reas m if tbeir ability to compete aarreHHhiliy wilt the Kngttah Chirac makers is to be. iuundta tha temfur atit ektapntM ef hind in Nr York. 7 print uf one ae.it of Get Niymwur't yrnst imut aittimy-tvii w ttrrr liviwsi TlKrwtn thu rtjion." I tin ol tb. opinion that tip North Caro lina Pret would do well to swtter sucb in Inforinatioii aa this far and w He lor the 10 i tit ot Companies now tormingat the North, and of immigrants already k nicking at our dor, Tbe no'ea on our mineral and mining lot te4 are of ql value abd at; tractiveU'a. . ' Mr. Kerr ia an accomplished nd energetic and firit rate State officer. Ht i "the right man ta the right place" for coco. But be haa one fault at a North Carolina (Hat Geologist, amd that I am viy sorry to say, i" f.rioi! fau!. ,H tmjtetH far alrl i4 his gi'i mruiiois. I !tHenar?T)t, and we ahall m-ver eatch up win him. He MliaofnriJy U-tctiuragea gold ;uinct! tie rleiioufid's that most venerabfc ot all our North Carolina institutions, tip Old Field, and cast the an in r In oar teeth. One of the incid ntal benefit of having a Htate Geologist ia that hi makes tbe Btnte arquaimed with itaef introduce wa shore to mHititaiti, aud , tola tbem a tliinkiug aliout each other. I cotifeaa, for myat-lf, a representative of tin bill coun try, that I bad uot tbt htcgt notion till I rcailibrtrfiroTt f lb tuiisng propiHts! liet and deluoiotn of our brtfhren ot tbe Blue Ridge and Kittatiuuy Itang-ea Gold, ailver, copper, lead, htog trema to come ami-a to tbem. No, story that promisee aucceaa, too pXdM, of too stale for tliein to wallow. 1'iot. Kerr'a intrihluctiouof the old hun ter, (now dead, or moved art-air , or "won't tell,) wbo bottle Ihe aeeref of some nch mine ia a certain creek. It aiaiplc delicinua. lin pages on visionary mining are a eerie uggcstive pieturrs. Wbnk neighborhood et a digging and . the country literally , !ttufAupiJ diaa tpviaMiltMo ijt torn gob! or tllver myih. But I think he reterrr bis atntteth for H rt,. ..nbt fl-.fd " and irfttaaA fr ihMil of aa that we can jtret hi ar th; noise he ia mak ing in the diatanrc, fciveo : ' "Our people have eawled tbeir method ol farming (which cooabM cbi fly in the mannfactnre ot "old ficHs,") beyond tbe Blue Ridge, and already those glorious mountain larrTla capit bare Iwen extensive lv marrod andecarred by these favorite me fmCTrtwtrfW Carolina farmer, bit msrk. Some of the LJlnelUand on the wntiuwt utterl drBuJed of forest and ot soil it) naif doaon yeart.anr reduced to bare mckV cfift, and atone tiffa and iecp glaring guinea, monument and a escon. and a frowning curse. No won f aeTfhwtftat.rti'ctllfioi, tfiu plundered and outraged, send dtwn tlieir rleatroying floodi to ravage the pUina. N a tore will be avenged on man torus ?ay. I am tor laying a rpecNaJ tax on all old "fielda a tie vy a the Conatitutioo wilt per salt. Indeed they ooght to. revert and ba declared if fait forfeit to lh Stat. R wbo take auacreof virgin .iF whkh the Almighty ha employed alt tba force of "Bit Bntverwe im -therorad of ytarr to trnbelllsb od enrich, Hn tun and rain, and rH,nJirlccifirftt Of oimat and pt wts, and chemmtry ot tb stars, to make tt " a thing at branty d joy forever" for ttt ef aad (' ef Hit children ; in who take tkut, and teowrert it lata a Might awl a' devastation lo tin atiape ot aa oti Mi," sw bat to he bat a- criminal M No m o gwtatretlaa t wtn, be ea,ab mlute tittrlo tbtr aut h anyrnrsrtnttulMr tbat be may lonoeeotly ffeatmy it. It b tNtg to- mawkinrt, a4' tlie rrers4oriary riifbt of poarertty "tor .Jf ta tBrtafatafBIa tlslil in er an Kqun inroitiir tbtn a J-naWwaratrf-jrrrrrwrtylTr 1rrr,"lTa "tit Lamataa "an old field.' tbereture. and .aa 4-iwaitejt. tteawtattoa no..wni. than - war aa etfoct, pwrpatrajit a robbery npon man kind, ontoiita a craled lerceoy airaintt: bi en bdravw tstywWf to pncittlied ay tat aiign - NiNw ihere are many wto will eoMldvr the llove.a ie'liuea uf nnnsaally tigori.lit and tf(rot wnting. Tot my part, though I .... nit.l nf . nfil fiat.l" :i , I U .1-' . J,u.r.J V. WW VI. ..V.S. Ui J C. 1 1 , ft I feel f'r my neighbor. Here ia on of Utcm who bat eln-arij 1,210 acre under fence. ! vet 'l this tirtlng' ftcca busv itf at groeiKl.-- tsifrig th,rorat- j Irnl rerttdn Hot) rmrnd is.. f ttt ewpeesrr trt'o' rfirct by. Bill and valley and bubbling spring, all bow tym bar aud deteaoelei. lilts May tffoTrjtBff! r-faiTiloT " aTTnfiT t ifc e'Trof " Kmri Report baa ouisimsi, fe noieli "old j ibtl4" tw baa a'ruasty ttamtt, - i aui-strxirl ot hrtlii(r hit tmg irttiuially, ami wtheiic'iriy. nrrr it!"' atractly, and from loot; u I am at act eO til lb "old ttetd." Wiiether Clothed w ilj Ha native br.Kim-afraw waving nnid'en lrtn or yellow in sunlight ur hi cloud tune I think ot ibe 8c.ot:i-ih M wba.t sa.1 deem I heir puipte lua'hir no Win mire ; bfni.fitt - or wltethiT waslie l.ialtt gUjnuua. great gullies, reil ga-lo s In tb'-ir aidi-t, i r wbether ciwiieil wi'b tuoiiioir ifiiuiii-i ot praiminou, and saaatras, nod ir'ii.ite lautl d r, and grape vine, tit haunt ..r tbe Mtiblt and. tli tit k-anake, - in nj view t.'n- "o. HI I" is dear to uiy heart. N utn t'ainlii a would uot lie what she is without it. Prol. kcir caiiuol lake thai idea fiotn rue. O.t.VNOE. Chsi-ki. IIh.i. Mv 18 1-HJD For the Sei tinel. ORKKSSBOIW. Mil. KlilToK.- Not long since 1 bad the pleasure ot visiting Greensboro , aud I propose reiviiirt'Ti tt l, w of my ub.rrva lions, thinking, that, erbap., they might lie of iterel to some ot your readeis. ! 1 tbiok Gr.finstxiro is de tuicd to the chiif town, I mav aay ciiy, in western or c. ntral North Carolina : It is nutur.illy a Kail road centre, end it tbe citirens tuccml, as they aliould, and I hope wdl, in getting the Ksyclteville & 8aim K 'aila to tornn tale there, then ibey will have tbe leruti ni ot three roads and this, with the cen tre road pouring ill tide through it, will make Greenahorn. The people for the moat part aic In favor of conaolidating the N. V. A Atlantic Itoada. I bis t a grand pnijoi t, and will, I doubt not, "add much to lb wealth and prnaperity ot both mads, while, at tbe same tune, it will build up a harbor ot our own. Gov. M.orehttud never allowed forth bis great torveight more (Hear ly than be did wi on be reootn mended this plan ; and no scheme of that great friend and father of internal itnorovi nu tits in North Carolina will be a ureatur success than this wilt it Can led oul according to bis direct ions. Greeuabom haa adtled one tbousnhd or more to it population since tbe sutrender Biitking it in all over tour thousand Lite and energy abound : a distillery is in till .blast turning out jiiany bsrrelt of whiskey per day : i's proprintoia have bought up numbers of cowl and hogs, anil wmt are taitening tbem at little expense. Concerning the hpeke and ilamiie Factory, eon have bad ao many cnimnnicatinrji. I broDoae to adit nothing. auHlce if to sat ; fejt is a arreat success. jar. fiMiiwiue naa cavauiisueu a iwciory for grinding up black and red oak bark tor dyeing purpose. He. needs bark, and wdl pay our tanner fira dollaia aud upwards per cold for bark of tbat description. A plough factory it to turcea-ful opera tion. What town iu the State ran bos at a like number! A luTKe mercantile business it carried on fltjeea ttons. This you can judge from (lie UkI tbatthr art) fsn l.rnLef fstali, I 4Somri, anrr faEft,Jiz2n I ' Mreeustmror-aoiy mwiaget) by . Jstesart Lindsay, Gray aud JUoreuea... . , But little immigration has, at yet, flowed luto our State ;" but Greensboro bat got quite her share of that. This It not at all surprising, when you coosi ier tbe getiia'i'y, trrdmrtry, totelrlgcnce, ehergy, and bopi tality of her citixena. And another tbinit: men are uiea'U.ed there, not by ttoir worldly wealth, or what and how great their aacealors were, but by their industry and bonesty. Mechanics' families form a coiuncnent part of tbe beat eoeiety iah place, and no better, mora retfuej, iociefy eiittt anywhere. Oa (satordav, May 15tb, the Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday Schools had pic nic. I accompanied the Prrtrtryterian to South Buffalo, two mile South of the D pot. The Greensboro Bras Brand Waa present and discoursed sweet music. A nice time it was, and greatly enjoyed by the large crowd that parucipattd.b,.Kpuntc out table were apresd. Croquet wSs the order of the day ; aad truly it wat rendered pleasant to tbe young meu by ieaai u of tbe pretty gtal,.whsi jtrssv wiilu. jsbA agatatt , them for croquet laurel. The wooda were reiouanl with merry laughter, tor all hearts there were Joyful, ven old men, 1 learn ed, tb teaebera aad father ot tbe hitdia-. lived their youth over again in a pama ot luarulea. A pteaaaut uay it wat to ait, ex- cut one little follow, who tell iu the branch, aad I bvlieva ba enjoyed tbat too. Sir, Greenalairo ia a live place; a pleasant nlaca, and I srediot a brilliant tuiera tor f. nra V. V A A. wba ttmitftT msmwr -at- thk Tbe New Yoik city papers publish, the tucomareturot ol the eiubiu colleiuun tin triet of thai city, ebow a marked increase ia tbe income of real, tatai owtwt, with toma failing oil in tbo&e of meMbam for tb past year. Th district u tb mot0M warMtbaemaM, and ber weaitoy in toe couoiry. t ut mi nouipns i oeamtngsmHea win many It lend among a only those whose incomes are abora ttaNJtb aaole tiruddcfs," who appreciated bar thousand dollar, being eight hundred and firtv-teveo in number, their atrrn-cata aa. nual incomes amounting to lit.OiO.OoO. FortyHwo ol tuetw nave aacts atsnra f 100 000 petr annum -the tatty-two aggrctii!g 7,844,000, or an averaga of $172,000 each per annum. Br. A. T. Stewart, th great dry good man.) alone haa theeno. moi annual income oi a.wio.uuv or nearly usii aaucaatha toriy-two, richest men all put wqjaTBf;"":TtW 'liHiiliif "light dretl aud fourtmn peraoul, each uf wboni bat haw tbaa f 100.000 per annum, bava in toe aggregate f 14,280,000, or an aviirage ct BDwardsol 117,500 each. It It tbut abawo jjurf rt th iiS40,00lVliJm 4wien4 hv among them between jbne-tiint and one "fourth of the whole, aad .thai Mr. A I t Kiewatt hta Hi iff'ttn sJf tba whole f Aaron Arnold return f jafS,40t-, JL .Petw . tsMrgtUsVtlti&i S3 ; A. & Ilateh 2T3,Sai ; Klist 8. Uig gin 43l,838? i Pran elevens ftoaar'TajlW m,Wf-rVnrWTeay 203,587.. Tba 'lil v to . tbr eoluun.. J'bere tre "plenty of Jimaii fry fttlowt iwho return from JiSfiST to "153,000." A .'ca' temporary tbinka thi ia diilile aoouult at the present price ot. butter. But what a contiast do those few agurcgaLlou ot wealth prewnt with the n.a of at'j-vt p iv arty ia the tame great city, ;'bre w.akli aocntovilatet and me tl'y.t? JhtU, tu. J " TJtiloi. Judg . tTauiwelt,' Jits, we 1 learai tlecidad that If one man call tnolber I 1 ir, i ,ii rec.lVt a I'o tor tsum, f tth ar guilt ot a .tj.lb. BRISF XgWS NOTES. nTrld V last Civ! Hsrdin Rncker, of Lrncbtitrw.- Va.. an I it avjacnwnr; va aotd a tot ol vn..w leat tot ot veUor'..leat tar i-- - -. Oigat'pVicacrftfcaeW ' 1 Tt U reiKrte.i ,lbt ttw-cs.'aie. toimerK- twd try m ttJin: t;-mVt&i' iVi'is mn tW.rwTVli'a'rur"' MirV, la leaded by a .hl netrro st f 10 000 a year. ; f he Kin;,! Council, for the I) "f Virginia, win meet at Fredn wkst.urg ai so on .xtjuHumaut, Uw-IMstb tnnvr- - The Commencement axernise of Kmorv, and ileniy College, will lake place ou tb Mih and v b ol Jun -. The Hon. W, R S-apleawili addretmbe two Literary' tncie- tiea. - The ex imiiiatipn of Thomas Dobbins, of Itlt biu Hid, V, . rbargedwith having de traudulthe government out of- revt nue to bacco, wnt concluded onPriday last li Utry. Umud S-atit Ci'mmisaumsr, C'balioou. Me wa- seul to the lited Btatet Court tor llolu till, Ut. Wmt PtxiRitia Aaaaxarioa To Ala ama It i titled that tbe commissioned apipiiiutid ty the Legialalurea of the States ot Florida aud Alabama to treat Concerning tlie aneetwtionof West F lord i a to Alabama, have agreed upon terma. Tba contract wtlt be submitted to the two Legislatures for raiia.-ation, and then to Cungreat for ap proval ot rtjection. PaorKtao Goldw.h on tbe lth V instant, iteltveied repl to Benator Sum u. r' apeecb on the Alal.ema Claima qnea tion, before tbe Cornell Unlfertlty.at Ithaca. N. Y. ' Anxcxi. Annuss. Ex-Governor X. Louis Lowe wilt deljver tbe annual adlres Inifbte IheTVasblngton and Jefferson cis- tin ot tue i Diversity ot Vtrgmlt, at Char. lottesville, at tbe commencement of that Institution on the 30th. nl June next. SBnoitit Datb. Dr. B. Mills, formerly a member of, tbe Maryland blata (Senate Irom Carroll .county, died suddenly on n cunts lay, in w ittminater. ' The Baptist General Association of Ken. ttti-ky commenced It si anion tt Loulavill Ibursday, with an unutally large attea. uaucv. Citi.Tii All tb New York papen mention me appearance ot a nrateor ot x- tiamiliuarj trrttrtMcy ra Ttl hrtrihefa Itav. tut on Tbore-lay nigbt,. shortly after II o'clock. It wat vinbla tor Ava or tlx seconds, ancTtlieo exploded in ra blax of bnght bgbt, which teniWed object clearly 4nwe, -roe eame sintant wa aBTTceg In Boatmi, wa are iulormed by telegraph, w nere it .ppt aaa at t ItgUt crlit .flab auio-a tbeaky, , -.v.. John Jeter Phillips, who waa to have been hanged: fr wifWmorder at Richmond, on Saturday1, bat been again respited "by Governor Wella until July 6th. A call ba I ? issued in Maryland tor a 9 sie t onreDt ou of colored men to tmeaible tafia)tjuore on the flist of Jane, Tbe ob- psJfiia. srMn fiMwit oo the rntlficatiooyof the tlfte. utb kmeud ment t ) the PediVat Constltuflou, rSEUNOS BURT. A'tihtr Mon't t'tlmft Hurt in litiroit, Michigan J kt " Ai if ore f V.tilu Uion" VheektdSabt Ram Mabl l.utx and yeit l Marry a WkitJbiiy. A Detroit paper give the lollowing ac count of the cjiiiirtlihlp .' , ..' . i1 Ihejtsiy-tif ii-ftegta aqitality" liy.Jaca bin ehuslaatt it beard la every nook and corner of the founiry, aud what wonder the simple-minded African, who ia- hnnmt nousb to believe tb professed friendship ot bis white wonhiptersjihonld be ted eoar traiy and setk to elevate blwtelf to their standing in society, and seek a place at our ftreaidea. Repeatedly tbey crott our patht and seek to worm tbrmaelvea into families and friendship, and nothing but a'forolbl application ot boot leather will agal place them upon tbeir urober IcveL Dottss faib- art who peimtt tliair dauuhtert to aaaooiata ,MaHt.aaJUi;bUiiUbft ba4 beinga must live to witaea tbetr awn folly. On bun lay last, a case setting loKb tbia spirit was developed at a negro 8sh bsHiHu bool on Orotrhaa atreet.- when a re. spvctable young lady wa woftifltd to find herself ins atioreu oi a oorty otacx Atrtoan, whose Imtinctt ovireame tbe ttnall ptrtlc of oomma sense anally allotted to bnman lieittif, whether- with white-hide or black. - Tbe yoarig Tdy tn qtreatioit hsi taught a'ottaa tnMXtu asWsattr l)fu tor 'four or sum1uI in winnina the depraved etaat from their wlt ways, and instilling Into ..tbuDiafjXllJiexA teachings ot tb tonpiuree. . voder her rtai4iitrtMittoafati-grwa tad bad da veloped Into maoboorl, and yet tbey re wiaiuaid s-W a.iel bound by tha Wisdom aud Uacbinjt ot tb fulr pn ceptreea. ' Her kindness ia setting a g4o4 exampla to " da Uttr piccaotnnHt." " - On tt Sunday alterenofl, whl!e the craat wa going through their reeltttiioe, a Brat Vy-foi-trd not wst banded to the' teacher by her oldeet pupil, a young man oi twa-ty-lour or twenty av yeirs of age, and flotbleg waa thought uf It until tha school closed. Burroondad by friend of both e-iet and raw t, the recalled to mind the note, and sopootiog it lo be regarding tbe Sunday " Behind b sioO, ah opened it, and iintMlu bet surprisM. and lndiimation oa beholding a acryaltiuueLbiiif liketil-' moat Lubiy ana sn wstunstn ., .. i want tojsMtrry yon, i not yu aragude a-utliiko urn. i wdl make jou liitppy and beTc.miiJd tba aj'd.!v.i !a4. -m&l yjtt lielore ta-l now It-U LB ireabl awl i e.n'i aiaa i It .., l.,.,,.f ,. ..Oat ia.ly frltsnd eon Id atanj it no longer, 61thy-)HiH wfe wthonsamt pi.ee., sua bunt into a flood of tear, aud edJjjttf:.ln ar.lj tiu.miutated ud"liiii at tlie intuit. v , , , Wuethtr the young lady wtH pttrsUl ,, in bEtjB)Msui.ci1fttKrceJ jwcxaknut say, ibat M-wiiave tbe aaviruig young tbade of any Uncertainly in the. matter; we mav iulorm hint that the youn ltdy Utbs,ly b(rothr e I, aim win suou oe tea to tiytutiO' altar, happy Uulu, Wlna u la hoped the may be lorever curru ui rescuing mgra it(;l,jtH T Messrs, Worth A Daniel, in ao adrtrtlKB- bii-i I In I . S .ltr.irtitoftr,Clit)tl to" tt.w ie ejlalf,:;ob.ui. of the old, lint b tWn tbu cite ana Aevr lork. L .. ......JLit JWSiRSSBsiteBa BHSAKSM AllBAn. J...-aa,,.t. i .a i nr iirnitinnl nv m it l m n i li - . ...r- i inwunrct I ji we nwT is m oimcnrt : - tV 1 tH '! l tli8 wdi'' - y aaHw ppmisrar-sswOTowmff, , ua i'cfP1. Iftf b1'rwln.;bM.yeft:...diigttual na-tttJIie aetnaive tajtacy lUat u axpottisc bonk to Ktirof tomM teueairMit debta, we batsUeo i x p.otiuu . M value porting .property, But it i loo . obviowa lor argument that a have txen merely ex lipifft 4sww-fn m vt ' ' ttttretrtrAiBt'ai' ' 'fiir1 - anothtr. I he iionda haw got o be paid, just a muoh as the heavy ttt&l tor buporv- st gotxl w.ialdhavatoba,paii 044t.iJ-. boutta bail not liieu sent out ol lue couutry toafljtiet the ba'acrr. 'The only difiereaoa is, tbat, by mears oi tlie boeda, the lime of payment ia pirpima.l. lie idea paying for onr tottire i t -MU'imsie, we .have got to pay to furtigw r !u semi ai hiial Inlereat oa tliaexptirti'J bonds, tof'nef or later, the priwelpa1-V tastg. aasha - peediglftH glut ol the bond tuatavt tasted, w teemed Jo OlLIBi.BminitlyBoiitit havw beam exported to meet tn balances of our foreign trad bonds'have osea exfo t4 to pay tba inter oa tba hud already is tba hand of (onignerK We have thu betm aceoa lating debt upon debt ; paying old debt by tl easy method of locurriug new one. It ought to bar been avident throughout tbi pleasant praeeea, that it could not last. A W bd ceitad to manufactttnt bonds, aa the supply, enorBioin as It was, wa limited. '"'J ,oU , f1 Vi1 pilllllg ibihh immill lv, . HI ;.liaClDSia watdeatinad to end. While it bat lasted. w navaueea twrrowiog or jstitopa at a high rat of interest pin exorbitant,, rule out "tAaeet ." We must jiay not only" rtb regular alx par cent., bat muat pay a tail hundred dollar tor every feombra4 dollar bond which wa have told to , toretgnera tor seventy eighty doHar. And the correal internal I at a much higher rata than tlie nominal til par Cent, When w receive only tixty-si i dollars for t hundred dollar tix per cent, bond, tb rstaofiotereat wbh-k w reullj pay it. nut tix per cent, but nlae, beside tbi bonds of thirty tour dollars at the final trtement-Jorttie last four jeart " have been tncarrlng ' heavy debit to Europe oa these ruinous tartn t eoattaaiag to export bonds to meet otir carreot debt and to pty tbe accruing iatenst on tba hetvy tmiiunlt of bosda alrsady. exported. ' We are aearty at the and f our toher ha I thia uaieef pf ueuvamt exiratagatrca, NdwV" wnentue uppry ot poout avanaote for Xiortatiou to getting exhausted, M.-. Bouts Well ciimc Into tb market at a ' purchaaer of boads. at th rat of Bltyw milliost a yesr. lis thus atiwts the tbbittg typorta. " tioa, sends up tbe price oi gold.aud spreads anxietr and alarm thr.nicli business circlt by raising the tnquirV how we are htieaflar to meat tb elaims of ohr tuft lga aredltora, Wbea the ecporuttoa ot bonds at opt, hat are we to aend abroad I Tb sctui-SBnoal luten tt ran then be ao longer paid be the exportation of other bond. -Tbe balance againat a in Oof intematlonal trad eta then be no longer met by - th exportatio ot bonds. ...Then tr'bav rom tba gloomy tiswmog ot pay uh - ua iiivcieat ua til omwWnffr-fR.r1,1' il--iVS - gnocti wilt have to tie puid tn aouielhiug. Whewth bond, hsvtug ntva to aar.ara- raturned upon our market aud toJJ, w muat tend buck their value in miuinn, Whatlhall that tiimething be Gold,wbii o r toiall stock.ol gold taatt ; bat that will be soon xhauitnl. ... , v , Whst then t What then r i 1 We submit the question to thoughtful rann who have euflieieat ftlactrBmest of tba aigaa in the kyi tfl; iorecattb coming atorm. W a tuBintt u to tne ctaxy tartn; Ajhjl It.at ,tt..i.iartal afctli- It at Mai f aUi ( UfPaVH'l LaV ooaslbls tbat we should maoutsc urtt any thing ir.Wtiif i: th, revaogelul hadical destructive who hsv tfepLAhtWWm Jlitojjtojj-ai.i.u(0ejour years, and prevented tbe flow of capital into that tic Ion to revltv tbe rtiltlvation of it great Maple, which are our chief article ot export. ' Wlt®ntd to thu procest of pa j lug lomigooeoia oy iu eiporiauon ut ItoatU, Wt are manifeatly near "tba begia ulns of the end.' What theaf What tbn T-aTet rrt World . i t -"4 WHAT HOllACB (JhkKLST HATS OK v K0RTB VAHOLIXA. Mr. Illntoa Rowan tf!w fillt spaa entire pa of th New York 7Viian with a very able communication on the. aubject of inimigrattoa to North Carolina. It la entirely too ton" lor our coiuoin ; tiut Hr. Greeley "nu'tbellt". tha who! thing at lOllnWfl ' ' ' ' Wt pnblttb herewith tba fnllost account yef-nFaytenMcl'nf :ttw rititf Of Nortir Croliu-it .it, climate, topo graphy, tHnlW; pridocltoo, Ao,, 4c, tor tie itiloroiatton of all wbo may be asked Kr. Wel itar't ij mntloo W hr TtTH"r KT" g f North Carolina to a thoroughly r onastriMrted ttat, m right id np to stay, i peaceable, ioyaL unambUJotts, and truly aowatrvsttva, to ow (we believe, the larg ett ia area tf tt Original 'Thtrtcan,' hat a, delightf ul mild and genial climate, ttna oavigaVIa river and spacious sounds, with a vary tsir allotmsot ol railrotdt la pro- . grea. Sm protttr Very cheap land f her I lack are docile aad glad to work tor fair wage, and eo!o ill of twenty to ; one hue d d futniltetcaa ba 'cheaply I vested ol good UmK good eavlgaftt.n -fur rsilrrtadi -traaeportation, With an absndanca of good . timber, where tti grap', tha peach, th ap ple, and the cherrr, with all the arata. n he produced with t;r.'ster rerUlnty and ,' ia higbur perfectloa than almoar anywhere ' to a earta. Bead Mr Helper' exhibit lor it fact, and form your own conelu- on." - V ' ;'i '-'!' ' y . W a glaa to see thai Jlr. Greeley ctfe tometitnet say a jroott tbtntf of oa, particu larly at tbia time when we have sued oeed of immfgraata and capital. ' 1 t ner? tfau nttno (toutit rrnr, tit tliuik ct(leclL'tirn t'atoliiia pren-iitt gruu. er inducement! to the uti er rr cspttaland energy than aayof her staler Htu t the - uoib.t-' Wim a peweauie, tteitly and relia- ble populiition, and nvtry1 natural advantago that ttt mm I-atTrfl tOu'd ites-ir, we cau ouly attribute nor fwi ur in b foieimxtm ' the vf,i.rk of reenperat'on to.tiie apath ut ' - wantiLti1 rlidJlhI.JL.pniplii,-,H'ii'. 'btar, ( 1 'Cul. L. 11. Norvil', vt Vtta Cbrtsiftn, Mta , ba anenttacvd bitnMira -eamttdata -lot Governor of tbat 8'ate. It it aatd hi ' ' veoovd s a Sntitlrfr.i "-1 ijraTii" 'during tha war ia undoubted. Jud.v Lfwit Dent Will . ' iocompany Nurrall ia tauvajiiinjj !lu htale. Wh teaw'.o!i-A:Mi'ia cause It it filit CIS lie.!, tl t thrashed, .t tuea taevnt thefi ur vt th fujuly. n - . - - - -