1 jsoriiijs comTEjtrr. Bct, tbey f roecedcd to put the bar in con iitftpt, foi baving,lA8t wmiti sTgneJ i-ptpcrtm')iitrl.icy-tnitMle,KiB? 1S:' " jg.ttefst fimi fcreutsa in poEff matted The Beit step, the Court fell tuio the pit they hid dug tor Hie bar. Korsw4-Uya fi.Uiof lie CourtlMleijl!rour!:2e,tii f-.c',-s'ie did not koow hersetl" Three- jirt,wtBt oB SV specist train to the Com BiEtCfmeut at tia .. Cuiverty of Koitii - Carolina, acera tu old Qurtermatir, tV.idman, etarnllitary- Judge of tha Cou fcdoraey, waa to eddreaa.- John- Pool, two Uitla iiaplwite and ex vilUgc chit drea, f'jling ihtm the two Literary 6o eic.ioe ot tbo Uaiversity. It was published in the BUndufi that Judge Rodmso would deliver the eddrees beiora tb two Literary Societies. This u blb falK-btwl arid fraud, intended to deceive tbpubiifis loth trot condition c things at the University. At tte lsst :4e vaa ippontsdj.coihipoaed of rtgular and tBBTary nvttulti, wbo-wfg-1 ukucbaje , of tbs paper, property, 4c., Ulungiag ! 3 tba Society, wd lutboriting tli Cotu-1 irittee to uiet wbea tbey dame 1 it proper j cd re-orgaoiwtke8jtity. Tbi Cotnrait tee bar new mtt Brewer, Pool, and the l.ttle cbildreo, tlare no . rijjbt to invito the old Q larterataaW in Ibe same ol tbe Dia lectic Society, Tbe departure cf tbree flftbi of tbe Court for Cbapal XXill not otiljr toattc.-cd, - btttdemorali4 tua Court. Oiifif!b oi Ibe Contt tangled o mucb "iptrl: a' witb ' Judirinl wifer a ft abakc tSS Court fwrn '.'turret to fouadatioa atoue." 0I'terday, Joiw Buleycorn aid one fifihof tba CourTwalketl tba rtrcrt bind iu banC . :zr:: Tois Court baa fi.6Ttb, and we bare an!r .kccouutid for four fifibi. 'i h aut ttig fi.tb wo did not heat of. Wu tupp'a: ; U aa aotwr, and Ud tetirtd to atdi.a o .. upon ajd bwed over 111 disappointed do firat for the Confederate Congrea, by Hob. ' 'fma. A.Ue. It may be, it wai thinking of tba iudesvttcy of ita bejtavtor in a tin? j : i in It up m a itxig tit tba election and qualification of the members ot tba lgi Klura, la rqultiog ctrUlu lueatberj to vtacd a aide," itiatead ol wrirj ia ul' airilii?7uJKl?""bfluidtodo. Oue fift j oftbo Court on tho trcit has - uutnilcd with lie i-CQ&muoica'od ra.m btra o' tbe Bat. Wa tbiok tiie Court ehoulu . 1 not itfuae trt t'armoniiB with t'in in the ----Wrt room, ia the trial of tbtir ttuati. " s It is bad toauoiKa, to Say tbo leant of i', tare'tiaa first to br the Ear iu Wart, and 'tbeo on tbe street to frs'erniii and bar tituvus with tisia j it is rather a'ter t'ue man ar ot Or, Cilaom, .who iuviu'd tbo Pcr.i taatiary Conimittoo to dine wi b liiiu attti thta rvfust to fit at the tubls with Ms own invited gmsU, becaure, as CbrsteidaM yAttld j.j&jM,'tWll.ai" -mWh leirg a oegrrt.V ' - - i 'Cbitf Justice Pcststw ii)ir.Uuid XIm. ,Zi. B. Gaitber to BH.jf Htn lrB a the ui.a charged with stealing Can's mule sad li;ii - ' KitirtU' law bookt. Thiiiaaonit evi lvnce -bt tbe Court dftt ''luteitiiHiytV la. Justice ulJiliywe (wu jt sy, the Judge ttxpatiafed upon thskngtu ti) a bleb par.y - - pujutlite would gj by tuidjing iudi falt ' "cbarges" agninst a gf' tlcn a-i. Ia fitrtbir ''VJuaticejP Ci'Jjfvo wdl i!d that tbe .t.j. irias be was tiiumpbautly u rjtii(Ua ol . mule stealing, by a jury i f bis c.UiOtiy. WencTwhtard-rtHbatoJufiW aiiuui - v ittnll's botksrjt Billy hontrt' few T!id " tbe Grind Jury to abkwer f it Welt M -., it-ill say a tbe C4eik asjt l4.tbrtiui 1 tal, ''God grant jon a safe .deliveraeoi'," a so-be4-M 4h-cw-eaer--fe--feHjtf-r tice to Billy as well M to Quveip fr Iloltleu, Ws fbocld say, tbat the gMnl has t:ud I that ae-tne Ub at twcJv good iu b, ii open Court, race iorellity ; wotiTtl 'mt believe V hSm a oath, Bill; failed at -Ibe tjMind office to any lust the ff vttf had rireprv ' eaontl tint, aad that Bo tea ortwvr meD hud 10 sworn. . We did nut lee HJiy.. on "-tbat Tiait, MtJiirQfllrS'. did, ani be wai v fully satisfied. : We make the correct I n, thrra m not ten or f we've- who impeached : Billy's cbaracter,; Uut orrly ''ahfTjnctt Wen; f la would act icHvfe him oa b, Cov. ilnldeo ntvor "miieif itcepx nm "ttiiijn; " thtw charges ag&iket BUljniay. isi;ua t lor the Govcrnort I6ve ar.d adinirai.m Of him.aysd Lis appoio'lg kiu , a9ii'toTf ' " tliii Xorth CartjHktiIwiavlr- The tatroa -duclioa ot Billy to Col. Galthtr, by the " Chief Jnstlcr, baa eal'ed us so lap frunt tbe Ciurt, that we shall not bo able to coins iup 1 tit the Oi art again until sAmtttuue ntxt witk; xv Inn ueibopu tb.it the Bihch ami the Bar, Jusiji'g one another and forgiving ono ar.th er, roiy ' prnce d to tbe buiititjs of tbc -- t nurt aitd the trial of eautwHf in pcuca aad , Lraiotiy together. " ' --f-- f-rr-ii , ... 1 j 1,1 1.-....-.. ....... Vteaaitb-p Win. r. Clyde jtal.lid.iy slier no, n, six Vankest aelitvtt ti.anua, who. have - hem tmxh tug the yming eo'.oreJ.i(ka. . bow . iiiiibut I 111 nnie.n U'l rr wmie jntuiiha ja-t, 10 kiissoe inr Kef York on tbor -sea y-Hi,,itAtp'Toy -wtiu aic'irri p-nir-d by a body juur 1 oLtmir coblrt d tuiQ" eJ-", a b ch n-ny it b tMr got d b rtt'iic to -ifiAJi4.tLitii.iLr tin. Amntigjthe tiowd bi l.at e tiieid ai'ieU e sue unable to t " 1 hi tibh uny but colored jjil'utna. . Il'ii. J.sp. J-11.". ' ' dottt'ior' floL'en vrili Tta.t Asbefillc f0-'nnx.v in Ju'y..'- COXJfHfCSUStfTJ.r CSAPSZmilni This barWqt opoa literary fr-siivitisa, s-arnaoffoB Thursday last. It seems fro t?ffilL?Si??S3SwW''e a-fogl uMjatbw t tb freshman claas, m P(iler.t Toot re,.Nel that the Mmion er.H g Jn" ! ?.h, hsgaa March Btb, l$fi. During iLu period tUn bu beo in at- tccdaricatbe io'trwing students: Wher G'un.frJotn" OVerhifcn, ' Witlef PiloT, ranifrfaf frp1i0msm, BBd Q. W, Pareioy, Cti-ui. Sufg, 'John Ti; ay nd Samuel M. Worth, ranitffo Frtthme. From the re- jctt ibty are oeitbtt Uopbotnorea or Kreab- tn'T, !sty rat'k a aucb ; they are ao brt- I . A mkiuM mf ds Pk 9i Pbl ia.la lar iurut uie. Profeat-r Patru k Ijlir.t i p;n, of cauted it to be doe, tba do r;' (! t:m t'jft. Ual', anJ belped intavlf to tbc ,Krfira-.rt rug brtorgftig lother-Uo" Jc;tii!rr s.t t are o infuruitd. tt ihtft JS aaj t)it(ttik tb .at it, w ball be grad to coirccl it; it tbeio.ie 0" tLiataka, then Men- niLgu- iboulJ be a nt to give bim ipecac till he tarow np tb rrirrtruj. Tba turnt lure was a'Uo i akin from tba Dl. Hull to luroWi tba bouer U" tbe Fatuity. Tbii ctmt horn ttbe ilarria' bad t jautpte of Hiking p inscssi ;-n of tbc Ouverour'a jalace. The best &cc uct oi all, ia wbat ia aaid ot JuOge Dick ; loo.iDg at Pnaidmt Fool, tbeo "t Prob."aaor Brr,; botaogbt tbe tittle Bcgrotcbvol io thia city, aod tbeo at hi A-'ma Mattr, la Ut tack elotb and tabea ; iu btr aoliiude aod aboegxtioa, ba couitl cot tuppre bia em'jtioo, but gave Ttn: to Lit l ling iu a flood of teara. Well done for I? ib, tlifta la mora hope ut bim thn of II( Ulou. Vft) did Dot go, we are glad of it. We I ear tbt Pr-.ft aor Pal rit k i, public ty, il (ti tlredli come ha would whip na. tbo Uut vttaity ana rfce unurco, uc uaa uciitr aaj liia prayefa and leave that job for tbe Gov (ruors . L'kiMa in lb) Capitol, Joe, Cede, Karris, I5:?itr, and Dave'a fat aou. We wire uppt.aed to aubatitatta iu tbe late .-ttr aad t; will te a departure froui oui pftcciples now to employ a anbstitute, if, bowtvtr, Prof.-aaor Patrick is spoiling for, a li ;bt, will aund Tom Green, a Conserva tive nef;ro of Uilleboro', as our substitute, who will mret bim "neit Saturday waa a w.itk," in tbe hollow at tbe spring, where tie boj Pieaident, Audrew Johnson, rest ed and refreshed himstlf when making bia e-cape Irom'bis master, Mr. S'elby, to whom be w&s bound. If that locality d not suit, Turn s'istll meet bim at Wait's old mill, ball S mils' twin tba Chaptt, be"'ttie aurue more or lee. No w inder Cob Dick cried ; lor fl)in,c iuelf ia asbarued to sit on sucb t aaitle9 brows. I ram tba Courlrr-JoniDab OUdXT AS A L1TEBA TBUH. I prcent ibis saddle, not for any intrinsic value it cokseMes. but as a mark of friend silo audetem. after e lottnuod service with tou tlirotiro me (treat reiieinoo, eooi- uientir.g at Cauo, Illiuoia, in lttel. to the piiar-nl day. anJ, I Bopo, tw fa sai. Youra, tvu y, U. o. oa r, . Ltauteaint O'coereL TMa is a copy of a note addressed by Gen. Grant, belore bia eltCUon.to Mr. Mara land, ol tbe Post ofSoa Dopartoient. We have 00 idea ot crliicielng tbe General'i language,, although be waa educated at tat t iiui.sj ot tha country at Wist Point. But we must t tbat bis note is Oue of tbe mist taurr.able specimens ol writ I ng tbat Kwe rememner ert-r to have aeeo. il could mit have written it if there badn't been a thicker fog upon bis brain than ever bung over awamo or ten. What he mtant to ev eterr -- ler cat eueae for Liuisclf. Wl.at he uifi sy is "the crest rebellion cummance.i at Cairo, Imnni.," and that he "liotjea it is not vtt etaW." If any ol bia friend, i alous -tnt bia literary reputation are disposed to exear tbat be n-eaoa in good f dth elact'y tbis thing, we shall not ejnrri-tH thenroo tha-aeeotia. BTATE NEW! Old Ku Kl'ii Ingnm la goltig to dxllver a bciurc iu Va1eboro' ahortlj. Tbe autj- t t not vet announced, supposed to b . . A . ' t. ' - F! . 1 J - -aiey.tf hwhwi iwyiw. - ApfatHTMtsT. 0. 8. llorintr, Esq., ol :"al.H'ioiy, has been appointod Rou'e Agent on tbe Weatern rforth Carolina ltailrt at, fitim Salinoury ilorganton. JAti IitM!ORATins.--M. J. McKcnoa, E-q , ol Niw V01 k, baa addrtauiil a letter to Hon. U. H. Uoekrry, stating that reapoonible p -jr. its in that city bate under consideration a pus 1 f Po ia'i co'oaiz ttion, and are ioiike iuur ai out for a prope.' place to eatablUb n"i b a eei'.leratnt. Tbey prefer Korlb Car nl its, and ara iWroui ot purcliaing 0, 000 at ris ul land. AaA. I'tenur. On Monday last, some 600 acres ef flrcJy tlmr-eved mountaio iaod iu thta oun tr, irerotttring to Mr. Jobndjlarrett, was told st S ieiiffs sale and bid ofl by Mr. . ciuri-T for f 205 easb. About 76 acree in ae ftdjoinitig tiact was bid off by Air. Frfgu arn, of Hjwotd, lor 1J. Atk, 'tra. . At 'IIeUiVistn Superior Court last week tbe ease ot tbe State as. W. p. Wbiited, JrM B pt itiC'p ai and Robert Pearson, as abator, chafed with the murder ot A.M. Hawkins, cuhh up before Jtdge Cauoon, -Tbey were put cpon trial separately aud both were actjuuitii, A ' ( i.kabb. The steamship Wm. P..plyda, Cttf tttia Morgan, loft this port yesterday afitracoa for flew York, with a full out waAd Ciiigo. Wit. Journal, Jims il, jFHoa Bittow. fjaplaia Ilarper, of the mg Olabi-m, re porta the steamship Fintvfr, sotrtjfthtrs Richard Vv and Uuiaa Flag, and another small schooner aud" one brig (naiiKti auknoy'tiA as having gone to sea Wfdrt;tay, Wit. aW. ,:' EemocaAcctDT.--A' young child of ibe late Jeaso G Drew, of Brnokwick, a boy about tea years of age, Ml into a well upon tlit pifii.lw s ol tht tarftity ifl- fimllbville on 'I ursslay last, and was quite badly injured. Porrttnarrty tbre) was Bk - ee tncieat - w etcr iii tbu will lilt tfrasr btiir, od yoanger brother giving I he alarm, tiie- ilttie letlow as r- a uwl, bsvirsir .boldly clung to the ri ti.TitV w hlch aa loWtffiir to"" tlBs.r ITit btuiiea are qttLe serious, be bjtvtnj had lull if about thirty ieetH'ii. Jir. T Since October -. f uttrtee a Vessels sblcb b-1 England torthe . yitdJJtateatay4 never Lean uiarj Irom, " Itf.itatioB -c-eailcoea, enmpond of paper, wbith are aunt to wear well, are made aud aVtd inrEBglBBd. puris paper announce the am'va of A "xitfra iMy in Chicago bav aued r,'h.i geiiueiuaH uf " breaeo. of proittise." Team t Jjmr , Tl- ,"ta WyHMgjM IftlM piare n:l?mrt (' tod. ted fti'iv i f A '.n ati t (iue UMWt.'0t "tit K'ur iiii. to BitllM, upon tba tt lliit ilur t-n i i "In- 'ifitrj ItiaPool." talUtkm" oi tbe maku h tt Futility wl oj TMfti tetiK m lo tba Chapel in baa)log to ,iti,MiCbdcipi-t3!t g'ip w our dear old Alun .M. Ki'b pitu' a.. .J"'' tb (State, anil te f n. n Ir1. aittd at on aucb iVr. c that .u J i OifO. aod 1, an i Id in"i.'i.! .u I iiitui t T-gT"e7, - "TT"'TTTJ'T" pruatiaiuioitaly, aud u .tu wa...t, oi.y ty .Lat 1 enjoytU Uic utc.-i-u -.u a vml t cour.tM: tUoub 1 curi ! a 4 to uu.u t urs u t- btdctao and uorrpimaed i I walk d 'Littl hue tfeiWMrrrf gr-trorbr. prt a mh- ty via roou) ia Ouu.gc, auu inaiivu ine lot a yS if 8raiJ ibairuciora asd flasa inaus, , urn. iue dr&tna ut niv v -utb, es. ar. on i tt.Hleiwr' The a'ubdMrtw "I cluituguiAel s:r m- j rL iaa.etltra tr, m.ro'Jtr.a atrcn -r iet-n. lt)e lrut:ec rre ten in tfiiotr, a- lollowi: pupi-nn-cii.I'Dt Aahtrj, o.r. rcar 1 . . 1.. i f .. ..I.... T.. ..... Koclman, Ju.tge i k, JIga Settle, Hi. J Byoum, Ju.lget Ibi mo, Judt: Wa". (!.: j utta tbi-Mjwt 1'rol. K.rr, 9. ate OV.i j Klt. Col. Wm.-A. H-nHv. i'l t.oa:i, am. tlU'' JH IWU uimie, i.hcj uij" t-. , In VtCrlfta" Tu Company aVrfve-X Tbtita.lay ! moiniaaT. lUm it s lt-tu Uu bam , aj (i re uin baring b.tu at then atrvtce tnnu lUluU. Cuiiudii,xuH.wt ti eicia. buwyer, uu.ced 'ii WcltH-ala, tne .b. br an 1 x ith.tion ot U.eisiumioB in tbo College C'bop-.L Kevd. lr. A-li . J', .-f U-ic!itnetta. in- , trvUlKXd by his b -.ei-l.i riv. It- vl. Mr.! Marilmg, oi 11 ,mi, i tt- r -, whu -.ti , Ut-UaccU iir. Aljii ..iu . --iet.ei utu- etl wlib piuyi i. II:. jIaimii linn 11. and wilh wueb u ti v , t ot n.a.iner i.iii.d-.ii : Ced that Lota Cuiii uu ' speeeb on win. drawal ol trooj'6 :r .ni li 'i.iu w.luid oo be beard, and Air. C'l.a-. II. Sogg.ol Cbapul iliil, w.mlil i,:i:ii. it Nu: Mi. Walt r il Outline, ol tUapi 1 iiill, K.e o toe "ills.! AlmiiS.M M.-. Ovi-itus.a (Mr. l'.u.'t D p-.ea) "iiietzi to Iuk U'.uaue,'' uu I Mr. tltr F. l'o.l (t iv i.tl.er i.i.p'jtwi "I'iii'i Spt.eh." O, t-.ei, utca.,uiig, I nl.ail a. uoluiug, S) 1 a s.ot. piK CCv. l.e au.il into numUio-.i Ci, e..il iiu 'tod al', by ac tual eouiit. TliuiB.liiy ut 13 M. tc t. Holed n Cm Cbapol.itMun ikvi.Ii j five while-, (ci.i.ijrin And all) and. perlmpH, na u.-u y i.tgr .ta in tbe gaibric-i. Kx-iciva op, ..en viilh prayor by li-v. i k p. Br- w.r, ot Conn., late Piolc-aor in thtr nigro ieb.iol at U.l el '11, no, l y ti c time ut revolutmu, I 10 fiMuutr ol tirtuk. at Cnapitl Hill. 'Ufc:sr to oiir hi-ttft? old Prob-M r, ,M. Pi iter. A uraver Iu abicb be oiav it aid.io'W lor mora atudente to c mo 10 Chapel lfi.l he.ub. Kelt lolloeil a site, eh l.y tbe lie'. Mr. Ashky, which was .u.aiuly au eaio.-a. support of their "hi l ived L tiiveiaiiy, all UatiruU. 1 hi u cair.a to, llui Ue. wuo snnounce-il that the L"t,lver1iy should b maitttaiuea, taat tne piopte must tie ttii..u lor its suup rt. Uu is teu..rta 1 to nave aaid in the "s x ial circle," tliatil' tlipoc peo pie who cm au.ird to Send tueir eons U- r. aor.'t du it, tin y shall be taxed for Hie sup port of those here h ctmnot off .r.1 it. However I no willing 10 bciteva that J?p fiovernor sai.l 110 aue.i thup ii 1 dnstjt some gooil things aud mld tomr gooit pointa He pan tbo o a JT..-ulty high and well merited coinpUiu, nts. Id one thing, however, he was ima.iken. Ua was argu ng agatoai tj,tpn 1 Jtuc , mumiesie.i amnios. toieiguerg as tew.hiia, acct alattii tint ut. Caldwell, Dr. Jtiictiill and Dr. Pbillipa, were all lure.gnrrs nct bad to live ilown a great deal of prejudice at tht prs: Fae- sifjr eaatiU a'tj i. A white ea.ri ma sitting by ras; vi li s, ced -I have lived in Cbapel Hill forty one ymrs anil tjls w the ftrat time I ever hejid of a.,y r"j ldi agaioat those old men.'' G. v. Hoiavti muit know that to be "rem tht fioitk" was aleS, in the old unic f n 1 down to the war, a sutbeent pa.aiort to, Southern t.vor for everyih. tg, t orn it-acb - era down 10 boenets. if Gov. Uoldeo no d fl rence lHt eeu the coming aud the altkuileiet euoh oteu ae ho named, aud the swaim ol carpei-buggers, wunno 'iuleit the liouth, nod force1 themselves uHoo a wwonii jmrptov -iravnr aesBBwijem ditfisrettce, he mui!','.". 1. ait know tliut the vast tnitjority ol nis (w! i ) le.l iw cit z its do. We wire next e itiitdoed Ly a long, aod very aobmn, an.l eicejtlingly do, I, and marly inaudible oration hy Air. ProudtDt lV.nl, the whfile gl-t "I which wasau heart felt appeal to rhu 'fruftees to support "utt aud my Faculij," in t Ui tr ievir.il chuiis. Mr. Pool's voice is fm h e ami Ins enuncia tion ituii-tiDct and e.ik, aithattveu tl His matter hid t0 ;U woitb ayendiug to, in manner woul.t titlve made 1, h int w ork To Ittteic 'KdfSC'iffT"ni'r'if!i'TmYf.''i!iaciti." lion at the Uuiverd y of -N'ordt c'ai.iuir is a fiuer Education by in , toihe, and iuy adjuncts is tbe bncat of all. Mr. Pool's address fo i tl t.aluni.t ju fiat as beia liitnselt, and H ha could h ive heard the whinperid coniuu-. -t.tr. et, i.uionj; some of the'irus'c s, aa lie prnceide.il, he witild have ceased lr.n trouol-i.g aooeer thsm he dnls ' - I looked oyer the aii'ttriRe, remembering Ibe ioroier days, say 17 jeia i0. l, 5 Comrades ot my yo ith, c H'atna .s ol that gol len nay, it you eiiui't nv aeen inn audlerice ! Mrs. Ashley ud her dugnt,r, and Mrfc Jatlaa liuxtrn, : ti e ladies froar khroad, t- xci iog tba Fatuity iadre;; There were but two or ihteis 01 toe Cbapei Hilt ladhs ptent. Jne jp liom tui .,, A jj conferred ou the following suirpuadiog country,-tl.-jda, Ptf'af.lit,Ik.UiiB : A. 3. Peactf, of VVakeiJ. 0. Cawa,witl the loretgne.-s ..d cbll Ireu, j h,ji ot Mownt Airv : aud Rev. R. L. Aber madeibi.ut 75 Cap T bull p'.ople, i was told, -Sired there was w bsn ' la.-Ui- Iwiir.a'1 of tba mm who have bcr-a pitting on top of fhem f ir t!fr pas livi mm hA (So they hid themaelM, closed their Winds, and held" their Leads-Xttiwu. Late ia tlie even tog, bearing what wits not done at the Ctiapel in OJo tnorviftg tliey entur-jtl out. I as hild there was uut nv-C..i el II U worn sn, pf ope r, out Ut hettr, Jaile lUxlumm, ia ym atuiioomi deliver tiia 4ilriS-.4 tatrly 'not ht lore tavo Ltteraty Se-cieiies, nor een hi Kite) s bs. It- tbey bad known wbart the Jui'vjo'- was fi'tiac to say, tbey would all have oonto, I ilaroaay. Judge Rodman jjave ttsa cairn; eiocitia tory aud ntioual sjn-ech, taking the only true and. strong ground, uaniely, that the rc-auecltati'ttt f tne L'nivtgtiily tlepentled1 on tbe Alumni. To litem shme, and to lliellf ii fluetfte'lt tirtlat liiBtWtottavir W audlctic7"emp appiiiutmeiita Were "(xm'fnirji d prosit tWsf" ..1 giant ed rotkaia at ibft wurdA ' VsW '-'rkoviaibti 2j""""" '' ; What a ptty now that Mr, Pool has to far mmniitirtl Li instil as to announce that be was bete tor lOa, and no power could nhec.it him tit BimaettKyi- Antt a-r.iyi-tai fctr Pruffs-'f llre.wet'. l).e, fcl. .oated IrfllB the '-Unifeisity ol ISortU i arollna, Chapel Hill." A ptljl A fltt! ' - - - Well, bir, Judge liodraae's peh-- dit much good, Uu ile.rvcaiiur thanks, aud Iihereby lender h ill oiibel Calm and em sildarata words, and he lokl the tru'h be ,sntt lie ton tuairu'noe tide' ' A ChA-ps as it I could bi Hjm s rt,t ftallTJS faev!ifcrt jastba barer atur bearing I aai the iisyisl there t hiult it wtmld U wtH that," Sever b il m life i 1""1' rta4 ! Pftai lenf 6loic Hey tfco r. K P" . 1 don't krfcos t -can hw-rnnie ittlaplic Itaf odiam asrt eoaup- Ou ot lU Troatrea all : "Why. i nicuKni, !BnrM H lha mtiB ot ieeilon up lute, Uut ; .!. mi tetwa mf u:g bef out " f Mf Turner . Ct,DiI HHt U lookbff bau uli, U'aatilullv A lOVtlV HfJW. OH Ye, "nt in 1 fcrad'iaM thera k biYeJU Ltft tin Tiuattea sits u ottu we nan aup !..r( il(;rr, and ao if wa d-u't tuab to ibe rvicue. 18j2. P. S,i I f..rg.'t l; mtn'ion that -Drgreea riirr.,l i' The honnrarv diKrce ot - ;! B' itr SMtt -f-arhT -Trmwf -, k .t Wimntiia A Havituni IJrutf Btore. anil on n - M.m wv p jot's l.r-ttbcr-ht I 4 1-, ... t.r Vt nt. Vill kfc - ftr - .r -srTf.'.'L't r-m' wfr.-.fr the . e i',,kUriIln j'gnt bU r.w ard, I wondi r J , f,.!,, j y A!-o O. I). opcm amtlO ot arUie lei. ia Battimore. (tue' au Aoadtmica body c.irpi'iate for 1 or the iuUdL 77. vyj- COLLEGE VOMitKSCIi , s. Tje CoiumtiiictUiut ol tb.a ll Utislltl g iff 00 the til popular lUftnuiU'U ciue "Ni. 0 Ihei nrcvi ma rlabbath. Rev.' ft. D. Adaik, oi ibt Jiurth Carolina Conference, preat ii,t n able aud instructive aeimOB ' r thalneoiagxtM Claa. We !r.r Jit.H;li. at 11 o'clock, Bishop Wyi'tiuiri pn ached thu Commencement iiiooii biiois a large and appreciative u.i.ict.ee, Ir itn Provertis 1, 10 ; "ily sod, il - eu'.i e line, cone'-.t IIKU not." He ..iiuiicV,, in tlie lirst place, to the various ui. !;,.;.! 1 t ut iiputts; secoudly, the adroit 111 i..in r ia u n thimi. ettt c m.-uU are b otilii to l.ur tipou the young; and, ihiruly, dwelt iji.in too many anil utrotig feu; r - why tint yfiUTg ahnnM not cpfttrtjt. I oe uroiou eliatiuuiahcd lor close i" iibi .i'. b Id n.itp:jor auil stroi.'ir ar- j)eal to tiio h art a ni judgment, and 's il'iade the Uioie.mpfe S.Ve h miuy pttaBtl,a ol siio'iujc '-L'uoce. At H o'cUickot iue sama dty, tbe Liter ary Andrea vai rlciivered by C I. Walter !i ri:etli-, ef ltuclciiglmm. Hutliimii iw, Fidr'ity to t ie iitcrests of the Old N'irtli S'uti ," which lie ri aled iu an aMo and plvrts'iifr iltiniifr, le alluded to the great i.h'uim tetouir.'s d! the SftaU', and btioml .vh.it wi re the q,;u!iltCriti u)i ncceseary in uur you.'iK men to lit tbt-iii for the great i.k of d-vch'pirg these rt aoarcjt'a, and lor rtbni.oii liie jrnstrate fortunes of the e 'tiiilry. The :J lri was reulele with vi:o.r.ti th 1 ' 1 1, anient patriotism aud i v.duaHie ti.stiuc.in to the ou.g. ; TNt'io I) , TE.tt It 01MMBM EMEST-DAt. j The H"-rc:es eiied iib vocal muaic, at a l.-.tir, ri-.,l., Kttl,,l'nrv - by Th..s Richard P1011- , ol Wilmington, 4 CM Poihi are Dangerous Richard Ok 1. Friiiikiin, ol Mississippi. . 'lha W. rl of Mind is op-n to All J din Alti iiKh r Simpson, of It tie git. Ii l'niiueii Literature Kugene luomas J mej, KittrcUY 7. I.te ij li ght Joseph L- wis K -enc, Wrmitigtoa. 8. I iiare d.iall th-it insy IteCome a mm. Who dates d in irn is none'' William A1Kr Wei r, Madison. : v. Tbe nobbtt ko iwj d Nationality i CN.Hinihui Fmiicilo Sidr. Fnnkllnsville. ia, fua i,fwV1&v, Aciiev GtW.4 o3V.e Cauuty j i I. H.-pMit ui the President and Digress Coulerreil. j ;2. Kemlnlaeaacea and Arllona- John ! Kichard WebsK-r, Maduoo. I m. pres nrnrioa oti'B bles. 14 Representative1 tmm the LUerary H icntii a It. t. Swann. Caswell Couaiy, ' A'. A. Fly m, Foray the County. ; i8- jala fr. med. by Bishop Wight ;ukn j,j Ucnt d C;:nn. 1 Tiie ui'MVab)' between the oratioas was 1 (Sia, wjm lnuic hy tie band, j T.'C speeches ot tho graduatiog class j WJtt mar(elj hy orijjitialty ot tuouht and , evU!Ced ieiWr,lt ot investlgailon. "and af I ,, I(ii:iS cvi,le,ncs of fl to uie jtal training and a" t'iR, iflt br.Tjireatieis Ui enter success- litt'y into the ttera coi fl cts ot proe Uai j ;ii. Mr .7. A. biuipsm, of Rtleiflh, one of the gr4,lutts, wlif is totally bliud. was rduca e l in ,hc Deil and Di.nb and B iud Init -lu.lou in Rileigh. tlis apeecU was viry jo id and tiiue:ie I the heuru of the -Ui e, even to teani. t the Aild-eas licfote tlie AlatOLl was Miv. reil oj Thursday a terjioon, by Kevt Iiireus L. Wood, which, our repnrior asy he b id cot the pleasure ol healing, but hc'l'djt b'!!jP.i'keB of. - ! -.The 3y' tXeVcites Was closed by a con ee aazmue pirtj it night, at which younj o.d middle aged, cilit ns and 'viaitora, yi ung meq aud maidens, enjoyed themselves in jorial and rational eoavcFe, tu a proper nour lor retirittg. - ' The pr..aiMtia of Ttiulty College are hr'rghteniug. The catahgue v shows ao aveiage attendance, during the ecbolast'.O yeaf; of LOT aiQdenlS. ititt a larger otltubef a expected next susion. I he Facu.ty, lreadtd by tbe indomitable sud hiKbly gi'ttd President, assisted by the ripe, icuclr.rehip ol Professors Daut, Ganna war and Carr, is a itstidiug guarantee of OeuduuiKl end increased prosperity of this alU4tlU iaslku ion of learning. 1 I m .4 ih.ltan nt , Trii'.i.i lha ..roj. .1 iu..r Burke . x Tbu Board of TttHtees attthnrlx.d the tl itecutivo Cotnj!iitio to fill the chair of Math emetics. "".'"?' ResiAKKABLSi AltAoaAJtA An anagram is a w rdor seattnee ot apt aigiflcance, lotuied by transposing the letters ot another tertl fMHitence. Taaatila lettera u tue WTWd Artrrmotrter'' transposed make bim a Jio'tn S'.arer." ." fvleKPspb'' Great Help." A great puny such anagrams are oa re cord. . ! EometirofS several sasgrams may be made fnwn a einirle word, thua ''Lite. YiU and ttil have tbe self same let) era Tbey Lt4 bat tilt whom svil holds in fetteie. ,. I),r..Muhhinbig has aisde th. following !tm Vul SfssgramoJ toa wotg rri'teatarit n..w i t .... ...o ,,,..:....:,;:: Ptpte i' ant I (eso ) '8(tvalor"r SIfBdi.) This Latin aoaMence jt.anslateil reaits They (the princpies !f Pr ile-daqtism) staBd tor Thee, deeds, Saviourd tbnworbl, Aoain -swdsaye "Quid est Varitea" "Est r-ertn -swlert." v -s This is the, most -ttriwdiniByvaBsgTBTBT the Bivioiir-MV rirt - istru h P'.or ia Latin, ' Q lid tat vefitsa ln ibese lettecbaauei aooBL--rtrw the an swer ahorei Bieai-Iaia', tls the mab baiore - t A'l'-wifl kctawa thlKea -afw to W ar tto cobsi' Itr rtvrr week a Jubilee week.' M.BH1EI, Tin A. NWi. U.uiiwr a Mr. Jrt4 On th ltH utt., at tba reJooa of Ika tirida a It. G Aiwttnr Mr. J. A W hit Utoti Mi U. K IiiiT), all uf Bunoomij county- .V laliaVkT(M' K: if! VlM CokitlUA lUMFloKT, i T ' Ercnt'y Dr Bliie Hwl Bbon connty, JuB j H. Mtt. iu ifce 5nt year ot bia MW ADVEKTI8EMENT8. a .,rg 0 lot j-itt raceid, will be tiA -i Ie f iCAflrt . b-. ii.jw:m CO. rjffEtr FBE'H MOtSTAlS UlTTtU, Jut ! o btit ami x at julM u tf. w. a. jo es to 1 'ittUiSlA A MjaTH CAltuLIS t B.VCD! V a iar(i lot tor 1b JOBfl 12-it. f! J0NE CO. c. htlEETlNO A U YARN. 1 F.r p,elS.:r. W. Hj JOXL JU.NLri 4 CO. -v - ,0t &AX.E. A good Cook Kijta, iwj t'tbvi B.d. ens j beauufol lit Uck .ud ouo dim Ut siauil. : June ltl-U. W. H. J IMS! -Ck I F OB SALE. A very Supr.or C. SirinK I l.m:oag(Ma no" Alao Uurae and HJr..rM. A l-aig-ii" c.n "u bv early ca.liunt ou tlja aubenoo.-, as no s turtner tue Mr 11. ,.0:.iv' I V. H. CKOW. fOPl'LAlt 8l'MMtla IiKSUST FOa IlLALni AND JLEVSUUE BEEKRKS MACON HOTEL. lilSSALL DL VSil ll lroiricitor, MOEEUEAD C1T.', 1809. A CO. X. c. li-iean -Tu: u jo 12-lw, J. J. Over'..)- V'intri VV.,k -4.1 1X1 i .in I'.lf. Jainea M Itanra, Plfl. I. . Harld l.ie-ft. IN I! I N llwanl, Deft. I. N. Harvard, Et t-'I'ako ...' that a war rant ol allaclt.-ieut waa WM,.,e-l h In" '"e ,la ol June, lW.J in tne abovo' neitlod cuse, In Ilia e-au Ml Uv.ihr a.li.at M'U for B1.0..11 diViaia. an I in Ilia ei of 11-rri- IJimal itl I..I tinny ilol ara anJ reliir.iahn n. I' .-e u-t. at t' otft eol u. ilay .r ut tt,,- ety '' l'-eiU lb Hai.iKh. on ti.e 5tn eay u Ju:. Uo aim wiptre ou ii'llr.l Id ) f ir dnil auaabr Iue coinuUinn or in.- U1J J ami ha c-rtlu plaioiol the aaid JamrS .VI U.mi ol Judbuien. Sua! w. 1 ho iMiivl. J a6ainat you aerU.ng to Wa. 11. UAhUIiOS. Mai.. ) iu li-wtw. ii TTilW" HIL'U CANS, lj n t. IA i .s-n as.iiieo QCA1.T Jane 11 tf. 1 QC.aT and 2 J LKOWN. itu HiKi A Liu'la. II tttunsat. dra HInees. -ortet 10 -io Lxks, Vii'HjiiB k mis. tS.iod buplcs a'.a Wmdv" oh1'1 f- . J. BBawa. Jana 10-tf w.tb IUar A Lawia. Trial of Peeping Michtnes ! THERB W.Lh UK ii.lAi, UF BKAriSG Hli:hiVI. under l Uo anViaoa of Uic Norih Carolina ARrku iurat .-kiriety. on tha plan tauo: ol Juo-ea A liiodnw, Eiq , adjjtuinf th uayof Rata jh on uelt W4.!a.lay iue lh in aiant, aill o'dn k. A. M. praeiaaly. tteaars Jiilcboli, Allan A C o., of Sm Boina, will elhib :t oue of tbe Wl er A. W, ifa self Baas keap na, anti B P. W Ibanir9:i, ol Ka'elRh, ona ol thr 6uot.-y Keaiiara. P;ner. aod ail others, are m-jst reairettully invited to aiifid. If tba wunth.r ia nntaorh! on Wedm-aday, tba trial mil lake t lace ua 100 neit fair day. liv order ol Committee : J UBINTON SMITn. jnoe 1 "t-t I Cor, Uwetary. VENI, VIDI. VICI, Wait Ever)bdj .-ays Unst Ee So, Tha Conciasror of all gnnHs. G. W. G. G 0 G G G'& AX'S G. W. G. A A AAA A AX'S G. W. G. I I I I I & AX'S G. VT. 0. LLLLL4 AX'S CELEBRATED CELEBRATED CELEBRATED SCOTCH SNUFF SCOTCH SNUFF SCOTCH SNUFF TT. hooo r.if toafaA anil arononnited bVr. all amateur dippra to ba the be8lSill.'rf now inase lia aum-rtor taste ai.ir paren-eaa rooi an uiui and li ) irtons iunredwn's.couimoid used la tba prapaiatsoD of oibar snuff, baa gatuad it a wide world imputation. Do not fail to try tt for Too will Ilka IL Aa. (or It and taka no ulLar Foa sals si a I. Btroaach, W. A, Mehsgan. W. 0, Slrbttach, L. H. Adams, W. H. Jones A Co., Laaeiter A Boytte JF. Cheatham A It., Pdo e A Uxsla, . Henry FntW, - ' Rowland Bros , Wholesale Otocers Agut tar Sorrolk.Va. L J Bosaieai Wkolessde Canfactioner, Agst for lUediiiiiidv Va. i-t Nonca tbs high repuUtloo that onK SauS haa aHained baa miiuced eertaia manulacilureta to imitate our Taane mil the superior quality 01 our aoua daa not lay ia the 'trade mark but the aopsrrior quality of tobacco tt ks tnsmifacWirwd of. , Q. W. OAlla A AX. hd 118tn. GREAT ItEUUCTIO.M l. UltESS XTrS WOULD CALL ATrKSTIOS TO OUBl '-f V. - ihsx t'toxytnd 'Him vstr vrri iSr pbat. i H-ik ? A . .. , " 'S Jane f tt - " i------- T-,- y lj' .. - .-.1. A- V r if, . M it 1 ... li t. M. is,ta., jk a -tl-- J . . Tajir..;.i,,r-.T-,n!W-.v.ii,-,,,,..-........j1 a,,, ,.sssis.,il m-m- m N1IIL LEXOES ' 5,000 .V. TABDs h UL lesoes tbo SOW S esa to SD eta, worth 40 eta and ao ttt.a. IV. Si. A ii, i UtA-ttt A UU. - 'J - eTTTliLliBTeH tBKEItoanrfw.- ll Laca'Coliu-s, Le aod . Husiln Potapaaausia, Aa. - l..A..hCA l4Si3WrCr4fcSAOt. A rAjtaaTrtta t . OF - i . '" riUSTB. - - -S-'J I a.ii!ihw.-,ixs.f "; : JaeaT-U w. B. B I, XV UavaB ACQ KISCZLLAHEOHS. N 100 kejit 031 Bominwn a Janet tf i) tutu It tB & ii" Jtincl-tt fnr al bT I a..1-tt lit-UUUBCHAPODD DfaAKI firORI 40 tih'a. 5jr, Ujfl rwit grmlon ror oj crvtrc m?tr iwuu. iO hhiia. 3foliic Nf Cmr). 6 Juorttf crtitCKCU4pODD'S. 175 Bi Flour. 7.) Hnks N C. Fl'Jr, at Jnret-lf ! It, TEitr- keal: vDA knl.o! flna n iicta Moal. at i-ymiWABi viMuiiit; I & hid. Geaoiua ApaV Vmfftw. ' j Junel tt UVbUnCli 4 U' Dl'8. SECOND STOCK! I v TE TSKK l't HA CUE IS AXSOC.CINr. to onrrneaiia ana ii.e p'iDiic. i:iv w. air nuw reCelvas a new anJ oiKlraUlo tin. a ul SPfilKO AND 6UMHE GOODS, of tha LATK-TBTVLty 0., eouMaiing, lu p&rt, 0I1E.VADIKES, BERA0KS, LAWS 4 I KC!ANT)IE.S, ! MUSLIN PEllpALLES AND LINEN LAWNS, j j CLACK. 8 4 IRON GBEXADINE, I LA VAKTIXES, CHAI.L'8 AND I PINE APPLE DERAfiES. ! An euUre new . lock of I PH1STS, TUREA Ii CAalBMC'a. AND i I.I X EN LAWNS. I TL-VIN, STKIPFD A rilE.rKra j XAINOi'hS AND OnOAXIdE?, ' SWISS, JUT'. A JAI'ONET MCSI.1XR, ; HUSH LIN'EV, PLAIN A COLOP.EI', I BHILLUKTH & 1'IQHES, 1, INDIA TWILLED Ll IN'! 1 LOTH A PKR'IALES, I bLK.toiu.D a r.iunvs OOTTUNa, I hoop skiiits, liuMEny, a coiiseiu, LACE A LINEN Ci'LLMIS 1 CUFFS, I EMUItuIDERiES AND I.ACSS. j l'AHA.'l.b AND LMUHHXA8. lire k?.h 1 on, lit 11' l.n.i.t!..,' Gi-iu'a a'ld Ml. 1 11 ai.lenuj iianuti- Dress T. imminna a. I 11 -,u !.,u. 'a, n.L!oh 1 Ladies' and Misses' Hits Oat Go .t's sad y.in fc s II . Oi tit's l.t..,u.la, ; 1 . .-11,1, h and s h(,ittr i 1 ' t S':d hliO'. , ' till l. ruth's c kwlUltltS, j Linens and Co' 'uua.iii. A good aas rtiii-M i f Besl Hair Brut 8. Curls, , Ae. il.ih'iir Braidv i oiis. bus. v.-. - j HainiB b mebt -ur n'l'i'a oarfor tsa'i, wa tci j s-aurd that w call i flvr ludncenioit'a ti our Mends tui tba puh tc, i) hiv0 ao hbaiaUy j tsironis.iJ na. Ine a'trntion of Couutiy M e'ebar-ta is insltrd 'O our 810 :k. 1 Juu.l-tf rit MItO F. PETIY A SEWn'OM DISOLllTIO.. erDSjrisjejal.h --a.ir,t ,s. ay- - ttH-i fllBVE 1 LUMa A taAatvLta was dissulted oa tiie j All who are lml btati to ihein ata rcn.ata 'die call as a settle their a juttuia . j Acriif u -sin. : shj, Uaucn, jut:s ISCO. ' ' i ALFRID WILLIAMS Will twttcae be Book :-'' -tatio'i- rv W-ies-ea . on bia oou'aec tunt, ajd w..l keep eouata.iy ou j band a large sLickjuf j School, Si-iudai d aud i MLccllAiicous Cock, nusle, Accuutil uiitl KlaukUooks, line Pulpit Iliblcs, rmlly I'butogriipli lilbtci, 1rt it in cn ta, fr a j cr K o ok, Hyrau Book, Albunis, l5UotorapIi8, plendid ibrotno I'iclurcs, Btatloncry ia great Tttritty, Perfumer)', Soaps and Fancy Articles, f rorrothor with osery srtiole usutlly kent in lha Book and Stationery li.tu. Ufa atix'a ia all new aci .diauahfe (having no old attuck) and suited to tbs pavaest sr.iuis of the Trade, all of which will bis sold at prices as Ww He will furnish any hook at oubliaher'a pries, and will proeura any book not tn hand, on the shortest notice. Orders are solicited, and wtU meet with prompt attention ALFRED WILLI tats, Hucoee'or to ViThlaais A Lata hath. Agent for Wi cox A Oibb's baaing Ittaehiuea. - Ttaitrtgb; Joua ? Jar " , , . JC.UE 8Ui, IS09. 7 ANDREWS, TIIE '. is CLOTHIER r., ofors-rarn LAUolZs PULiatt t,li'iAO,AJiu ,. LOW PKICKS. Ogers the LAEGE8 r AS-sORTHSxT uf BOYS' OLOfHp " isr THSOTtr ;;" ' SI YLISIi CUT. jlll.1 V M :attri.'itt"t ::. .tvi;,.,!ci .-s, mOIMi COSQCEbT MILLS 1 WOODLAWS III CO ;J0 W AlJUlt-o.t. . - .- C .1 le it" 1 0aliC!l attsniiifirl of.clti?or,s mibfae sugct. tior braSKSaof uuaadd taouui ilka laaT liiBJl-to call and tximiu tselvre pntche in. - is r----.-'''i-hSeffr - - Jatse Jfl-tf, - aiiHttT roi?iS. - JLCC "a Urtfe em.a-irsment M beaatiful r.oar, wbici -v- " ., -a.i.Misasaya, .-S , EVa U attf?.' ti'-Btwrirs. liH re!elh line Ml O. I.tJliWJiaWiL ai a..""; .r..lj.-- or REAL ESTATE 1 TEllaOSAL PttOPEUTI, KOETH CAEOLIKA J&JAt A3rDPR Ai 9IAT2 AOntCY. ititLLiuii, h. c, ' . CAPITAL trrotK 1 130,00a, D I Ilia. vac.atBi.BTai at aiatwueu, ni.. ttoaia oa JOSEPH 0 TCSiTui, ruitW J). t'U WJtf, t'w. 'rwi.im!. . 3,000 Vitr'itBlH PlNCM Or PBOPEIHI BrUftlTttl Wotrttu(ttvt ::- ; 73.3 IT Tteirct w KfolTiriJ KETT I UCAt,t!TATB. jSEVUN Us UfcrtlbKiCKtl, oea la ta. j tm Kimna I ")."..v Oua KiiHK In Haletgh, tt. C., id " liiwa " ' - Oue ' . 1 " "tJrs ,' Wfre'Bti.u " "' Oua Cu,.pci tun wue Ueu l In Taloravule, M. 0 , " till. ,IW) ...iwuli . a,ww . !I,MU 1 iyuv l laX UF aiul ll. PHOratTI datiiuiea on eaUiOllinll M.r MCal'f.lt ItnnM a,...' itie rciiuia.- uaah arniata. 10 Fine I.aoua. f'Ml SMtli. luaila by H, i tviniiMit. uaituoota lit,..j..; t Ljue l'J Ftu. 'lop linjiitiea, bo aacti, made ny ll I) t.,n ut, Oaillinnra, UL, bO lao I l amium 7 outavu Puuiea, made n li n.ain.- liijs., at, V., Wjo eanh, 6 l'i.or or 1 nu. ett tirgana. 6 atopalio iua.i hy 'trettiiitvTtia, Y,' - - ttO" SOU tKKiuK 4ti.ct.iuoa, wiloua A euubit ii ' Un.,-r.ii B.ker's WtOJaeh, ajggaj 1 GiiO hnk JJrea-na neat ariu le, li yards tri (1 V,oyjjl,.t,,i t75, 21 110 la nraaa'da Uar;iet,46 jdaeah l.Ils, la a rata -ai.at-r anstrih W4tilar paiaat, - "r bui to ti.e aruril SifiO. - ' 1 1 v.aan 1 r.i, tl UuO g ad, . jj le uatit, I'i.tua, iLuu ujuii lima' 2" -io dj in du g'ajg - u a 4u - - ' Saaa - ojoj do iW i x dj w MI ; IjooirrU. s V.Ju of the total am't, llMI,ut iu., a..,;, n.e iia i I ba t;atliu SHdl kau'aa '' t anu iiouo ler n'.ni'siy and lauigriiy, srue will tut 00 a tow. a to I'-urenaao ueket or'owa any etsea , .a ti- C wiauf. lua niiuibeia aud piiate ,u ! 1; n 11. awn rui a sew wiwsa by two Idled buys as . I a (uu iti,..;!', 01 alt numbers diamug itnzas wtU j m 1 uht see-i :.'t ime pn uilneui ns'()acr Iu. j uieU ft'.eij ni.ci iiiu drawing. . it. i. .jiiuot.it.f iiLkou ankeli frequsnth who i t ot sttr. Pi-raiaent or me Monk Ci.w Xieid amj. Perannal Italate Agaeo, as tar imtnwii.K :teriH,.a : i I in ir;na 13 s-.nsifiie4 with Capi Jea. 0.' ' ' I Hc-le-i" itn,! b. t. eV tib.ul kO las a setlr, bldUt If Mise. -l- -Io..! i foihi, ci trhct iiiftU. j A. l . LA IS L,.0E, UXSKILAI. Auasv . 1 ih'boSlyu 1' iiia, tuMunaiis, j KMzK K. C, fi. an, lessi. I I am. si.-o, l ersonallv arqiiaiU'ed'wit.h Cant. I, ' . i O i4-att, 4uiiuiif-.itiiii!ijc kisis ta aiaittsaaiis ! utuc at?'.v ny ;ur, Lawrviii-w i A. JONM, I li .toJvaclM-r and sliatiunr. faiatak, It. C . I 1 tut ixisotisuy aquauiwu wiiJs list Jos G. tJa.r.cr, a .d it..y i.u.raa Ina alova tsanliatiuiala, . JAM. .1 tl, IONS-IS biM-lUMUlI, Ao., La.aian, .U, Svbb. -it, lalisl. - h . i jau Lc-. L iumJ with Capt. J. 0. Boa ;r lur ruvviui j.i, Attd ouuisar la tba abuse T ' .ULeineuia JjUNO PALiSatt, VV .tchrca'c.-r A .tewcier, Kakwu, k. C. I I n w .:,.(. J. i. II star lo bo a gasnlsaasa af ' ' mv. v ol' ad mrrgrity. , THO. ?. MOSS, Watdhiuakur A Jsiwoikr. -! Ltligh, 2id FaU, IW. , . . tty ir,tfnai aiqiiai-itauoe wlib Caps. Jos, tt. Uim ar s ; !! . ai) uiw rvac:)i cl ais busaHi. Tu"iBoi?SIsTT-wiIUw luy "liiwrty nwrftisut im ta, caruil.atas, and xhaU niaril ban .tttau.l y, i.tr asiy n no 1 isMstiiMnuai , "s vit", "tt a fia, .ua Life lastira'ie Co. tt, vtw. (jtau l Ags, HiiT;r K.w re .. -en Csat 1. Q. Ueatasr tor aasrsssl ...(a. 1 n.,..j smuvirae tba atora tasrtainmsls ut u.a ttuito as a awuttauiau attist busioaaa wstn o C. w. i.AAtlll,lU. iauuaaailw. aa. ' lUlelgh. Kwe. , Uu .. I I clioci.u:v' tbJotaa tus fsragobtg. sstvAiUA vrAbUs. IWy ti. g. U. il iua. Co. I.s.cigh, fob. 13. la SI. , lh.,u5lt I bars kauwu Mr HesUr, but fee a -iK.it. i it., 1 take (j.ae.u.wm aayieyUiaii liar tor .11 d a InijU onuufij ol hla iula.liauoa, astt.r-- aud enact 1 1 t besttiea. auu that 1 aae ' bu.u oiu.rvriuiavvi'otiiy tulreaaid by hna. i)A..Uj. . OWIDIXJIS, - ll. ti. Jdaralnd. I entirely eor-enr with Mr V. B. Ousdlus, ia tbo abov iacwk'cUl, r.- ' - - -, - K J.fJOWCH. --; ,- Cierk U. 6. Ctrcini t.uurt. LiMN' Akilta or KoaiB Caw Ida. Ssa atgU, seu. D4. loc f- , ! bavu k .00 Cats'. J. t. Uoafcir, I.Vai ats- . tancy ka is a getie uau si h.tvgrity. baaauas aaaiitieaiaiaaa and u,ai twraoaal awaraassar. . ... thUtN Ol-ii.-SOSf, Peaioiall A bupertiitaudeat. 1 tntiroiy concur with Dr. Orfcso ta tbs , W. W, UuLDKk. I have knowa CsW. Bcslsr tor Q years sad ,. coueor iu the ab K. W. IffctiT, , LateBae'yvf Btata. tha nnderaiitnad, baring beaa aprwlafad eni-enUora ot the aw Company, do rur) iJEftrWtStmtrVlto 'liyrIWeH'r tatkssa.aar ae, aud we will beraatate lhat tbe drawing iU t bt, eotidoeted turiy tor all who IWd twtsta, wbs lia-r oraaeut iw Bus a lbs diawina. wa wis nu .Hsu a tull uai ol al. nomlwla drawing pruas, e wuiuu will be scut to any ona dettnog st, - - - T . Craua P. Hrbftiu.. ; bioa Is. riooaaa, . '"" Jats'iaU. tours, ' io Ci lATBAH, . y - gupcrrtsnrt "TSiTTIe aTFifiasea"" We puhllsh today, lh8rt acbam ta Iks as s of tlaai aod Pereuoal lssia a-a Company ciar terwt by the las ieaUlMiirs, wiih a ftalot one hundred aod thirty thooaatid dollara, as jrith Buwar to increase thai amount to ve . . dred ibousAud dollaraN Au txaioiuatioa of uw uhartersatteflvTxa WWkeUompaiiTai V" ' a htgiuuUta bueiucaa ; try ars einiMwawli at . ui.. of ileal aud re?aonai fV , .1 . - ,n o,aw ii.m hsat ." ana an tawa.es- i lauautiaa.tlifjiiligu V -ihar. r are M'h.s at ( SUJ oumiaiaaausa a...h... - , " M. 3 , a., iian.se , . I.. . 'mFcS. l IP o- .vininis ! air. A. OWDS S pM as ueiai ' - . - . . ,. . ri,7,.:h 7;awiabatd..i-aaof itsH.wwanapia ., - i- - v . ... the .. ai ket, and talis to (tat bid tbs. w. w.wani l.mi 1j making a aeniJ. He jbea Jdaaas Pe a bi r a A ae '. a a t'r"',l" 1 ibe uropi rtv sold by obatifiS-the f bT. p.ieUths Comnatiy a fair -o-mf eo Idu for aalung-aBsl , aue if iiti' liao dutifu l kt,nil wnmh e load winch U!idf art-touiar f WflrHfftlflt tnvts sawi W BOti, . : . - , 1 ts 1B weft w do aea ew na 'A' ey for tne ai. t projriy, for na Jor Ita true n as, - theapteitdidTeal ' rX : nea pnaras, amoaam g '"u0"'" by th aau oast-and tue reader w.U P r0" u ; npta JuTeof dlvUoa.'th,t there as una prs eesuy twainy-lsMir tkketa ' ,h cnu , -iiislAin-isd Aisetit u rjte eibi-a'. w f'f'l.tKT lr.-W- waiiaa-lhrisaalllt-tfemRJ' J .Tii leaajaiiir - 7s4icuta ilia m h"" tSZ bropeity in iJS!X!4 aato. H., trvrBntoStrd)i, k W" ...J or.wnm ha tcaeti ptc. appheau i t yi iv, it! ui tr V.:.. .t o.,.c.a.-wV aftatrt. . . 50 rrwT - ... a ii a BuiilMa GOi Jail iy iu im '-j - - , Ai.viiA fiat tri cits -.t :.., d.-asri.'-a- thBSsta w.w.V " ., ft',oo it-l.Mb. on wiaw- fa' .,,,1-tT-ee-a-awaw aeeWeU aatfefcei m , u sts Put. ' ef Ki,!itIe- ''itAtfliats. a . v tatfjm w f . . : i;.V...f.ww, -' ' 4" 'aBjy ; I'-. iie'i t ' - : 'e-t-1