--r THE SENTINEL. JOSIAH TDRNEE, Jr.. EDIXOR. . ,- jtmaE-mAqtt: " .Ilui.gCBlUiiuM, until fty rtf enlly, o -capied I low poaitioa in ttie estimntiuii o Coy. Ui)Mn. Ha WM a rein-i Juilgr ir l6i.'a!aa t relel fknator m tbc ltiubmnud CoognM. Oor beloved Hov.rriior blt. ii ..,-..1 I. ..t .,.., UCUWHUWU t IM UU W HIHI Up ! " IIH public gftM i u4 trick 81 tr, d. m t'ue uinl coward ,M Of course charm t cUr " wa io iltApicable that do one Iwlicved wbat . be aaid of Judge Rt-ade an; more than what be taid of Juilgu ISadgvr or Gun rm i stirahiinr Fur our!f, we did not I iitj liiui tlitnopr do we beliuve hiiu now. '"IVBetrto would make Jude Heade a di vil i incarnate, we did sot btiicve bun, now .J i lwi be Would canonize) bim tijs a nuint, m will not believe bloi. All tia btlivve ol -tbrjndge7nd t',, fluwlnl on hjs public career, in, that, aa a uohi jriun, be i- . ttoacruptiloat ; a a lawyer , anaotin ; am - Jwlgej-partiai In bit judgment, ami In In j deportment, uncourteoua. An evMrnn: ill ; "tbefrat proposition, we cite tiia poliiical j biatury; to prove (lie etcuml we t itc tin "turret and foundation tone," to ! lound in hi opinion declaring th bome4ud valid. To prove the thud, we cite hiscou duct wbea iwesring in the incnit.n? i In -- Oen'ral Aaaemblr ; and, aa auituinini; li e :' fourth, we would cite bis eflort to orri M the fete Judge Diek, hi CMligntion ol (be lite " "'JuflTga Saundea in the l!ulirMl lliiirin case, before the Supreme Court, and his re- ut deportment toward Mr. Job iiHton on hit Ural appearance before the buprcnu Coo t. Tb Judge aiema to leprrpitu!4lly ex-r cTsTDjrie effort toustin, not only hit, own dignity, lint th rtlgtiltf, rutin iiienre 1 and importance of the entire body of the Judlciarv. He tolerates no invasion of the Judicial claim to rtupect, a his pmrctd ings against the Bar, In the receiit "ron tempt" txse, dearly deminiitr.it e. He ' awois to ait a guardian to keep wiir. li orer the Judicial dignity and conKquenco 0! Jaybird Jones, We would respectfully in timate to the Judge, our firm eonvii tion, lliat the claim of Jaybird, Tourgee. Cloud and Company to npect, ia illegitimate; their auvmption of Judicial dignity cannot -gljrr thfin till to4t. In fact, men are aid to make tbemaelvea more ridieuloim by tbeir aumptloo of qualities which they do not pomteaa, than by the exbibitlun ol qualities which tbey do. The earnest and unremitting diligenoa will) which Judfte Read guards tbe Judicial dignity of Jay bird Jones i calculated to excite the nsi bles of any oBe Who knows Jaybird and tbo juatice ot bis claims to Judicial rcjuc tabiiity, and is only equaled by tbe rial ot Judge Cloud in defending his Brother Toargee, when presented by the Grand Jury ot Orange. Cloud is said to iiavo "cuaned" like the Governor, when be beard ol the preseutmeut, and sent Tourgee word to "put every d d rascal of Hie Grand Jury In-Jall . If Judge Ileade would abate somewhat ikia Mai in defending Judicial dignity where Done exists, and 'repeat some of bit old Temperance lectures to tbe Governor, the Court and "th baods," hi, time would be better and more profitably employed, and more gnod.acconjplUhed. - IatP&MTAirr tJuiTI01, The ea.-e of the University Railroad Company ei. the G.v -fiwnrciTr oome up before the Supreme Court, on Pat mdsy next, Attorney General Olds .lor the Gov ernorand Treasury, and Messrs, Fowle am II sy wood for tba Railroad Company. Tiii t a suit to compel the Governor and Treaa urer to'iaaus bonds to the amouut of $100, . 000, for tbe purpose ot I uilding a road n -Thf VstmSljlJS. st presume tbe sill settle some Important constitutional - queatiOBS. Considerable curiosity hat been incited .It Cllrlo iaOernanv by pamphlet entitled "The Earth to Receive a Becoud Moon, at a less distance trom It than the present one." A tbe pamphlet baa reached second edit ion we may give a short extract from it. Ch; p far V 1 la neaaaa s "rtuweai assertion, t ne Zxtiecal light is a ring o gaa furtouu.bnj; tbe earth, and but a lew thousand iniln distant from It," while tbe previoB ehap etere traat of general itios only,- The antuor asserts that the saiu Kueous nut; is no - longer burning, but slowly cooling off, invisible while tbe sua is below the horizon of ditterent tteity, Interrupted by the ebadow of the earth, and drpcndinir in . belght and duration upon tbe aim's distance r irom rt, jfust as tlifl ringi oi balum, an ad 7 mitted by all astronomers, bavbtr bocome frtd, are the prtaJureors of moons, be claims , the seise result lor theso-calleat - jSotUaC. . The new bioob being comparatively cluee to the, earth will caua many partial and total ectipaes. -Tbe author ttiiuns that the ' catastrophe of the bursting of the ring way . vousuwaiaMta in uur nuia w...afr--w. out cbildrea. He wind up wilb lbs aiertion - tb. n doubt Many tbeusandset yearn travr wlepsed to tfring alMut thlv spprpittnUoii ; "tin i, styi ht, expefieBH--ertlf -tH;'tbat, ftbe.duiatuin ot piegnacy Tai" tiuiuaand limit looy.tr than the act of parturuiuOr kad t bta tact 1 applies to the brrtbeommg et the nets; moon. - Xrfttle-uMmuie iV um wfrti bemrewlys Biarned :)huataud, ComaudQre7Tyui ;-efe pasaiiig the ganeymoon at tbe resideuce of lre. ustatton, ,ioiWi l JeBcnrt- 'foj Thumb, at WWt tfmsi,. CtmpL ii-. i A plegaie or Appletoddy, as the ' Ala hatuuas call their carpet-bag Lieuletiaot-' tiovernor, occupies bit tim duriua: tbe le candidate (or i"uiudcutes Senaioj-, oi the L -gisit,m.WWMVf.wwy Hi will taka anvthioir be can net aiKl ii a I dividends to ils For tb 8otin4. COXSOltDiTTOS-KOnm OA&QLU I have seen- and cr ntnwd' with num -tier ul ftlock bottler, wlio ret urn el some days since "Irniii ad. Il'htfill excursion to our maiiuiflcoot barbpr, t IVituJort, . which they visited di spiaiihe trouble and annoy im ityigti President Smith tor a pet over hia Road. All came bark rte- liu;h.c.l and surprised w see that we hail ut l a hittli r ii oiir oiu ciiul; H1 , i'. ' P01' """'! aArtv Kit r ii,r.-,.l l.,.ii.wU,ra .troiurl l..r'!fl"nh l'r't'" K I . . . , I,n.t Vttk Ihrre w. M CiraM J Norfolk ; IWkm h.,th thnntjh ticittt, Autl tut ttHBi to mrue. u ll. f ..'.h- f ,w t- it It H.,,k , , , V '. ' ' ' ter port JU miy in Vi'iftms. It U only $0 minutes t r. i n tbe Radroa 1 wharf to lliw ortaii, loie Norl'ork ia ) milea Ifotn tbuai-ii. Uur liUroad iu. t ipW-ol ef rviiitf ad oui lr.ilit aa 'heply, ai ourektT, 1 aud at miuly y nj utbr route. Tli : P"'1"1 " " bil y tested in Hltl. when l.ir one ol s'.t-sineri, liMwti n " ' " ' " N. w '..r! ai.d Moreln-ad City. I know ol one ihlplm nl o H00 titles ol lotnm tfll Mori-hi al L'm tu pi tJtJi-tw') to 4N -fl k, or Chnrlifoii, or Wilmington, width eitiec were bid Imif forit. It wusarnt lliroub lo N w V -rk nil .tlie khiik' d:siii'.i:li, and cheaper, than I y eith r ot ihc. o ii-r mule. I huvii beanl ol Mr. Allen, a l:r' in reliant of Nenlxni. njing-tbal he liippid HtU. tHM) . rill i.f noods yearly by the New hern uteameJ. He lei Is SO ante that ll't le ver Insures, iiri't h.i'i lo ver lo-.t one eeht. Iloen that look hk. i tin re lili h danger on -air cobs', ii-i H. ine pieteml ' The iioiiuatiee Coiiipanies at New V..ik, IT r Io iiiMire eooiK ill liist c Ih-s steuihem to .Monhtad City, at t he tame ie they dn lo Norfolk Aa Noitli Ctfo'imaaa e -ImiiM piote-t ajisinii leiilifiiig up oilier H'ates in prel. r enet to our own. fan ioiv tine North Car liniaupo l i another Hile lo hii own t Then, in not thin the ol our pres. nt Kalll'oad III iliaga'tlM nt ( At one depot ol t fie N. C. li. II. I am inf. r ned tluit the Ireiglu received and aentiill' atnoiint to about I3.VJ.00J a year ; aod 1 nuppiav the mioint to hi; as lut'fl at many olhers L ndir the pien ut syaierti, aliout one-fouith nt this io. DUO ones into uoinia poekets Njw, why not pay tins lo North Carolina, mid to I he Railroads in wlde.li he is inter s:- ed i Abort; jiMl tMWl of ihi f ;ijil i 000 could bff hVed, and oiudil lobe kept within ihe Shte, and would, if the e In ighta wefe sent over our own Road. Ol this fssuoi) the State would ieciie, aeeordnio 1.,, her pro portion ol Mink, alaiut ifVi.lHiO, which would b paid "do the State '). aatiry to li;liieo utir tane, and the halaiua' be paid to the Htot'khohL rs. Now. ll Ibis ea.i he done Ir. in the Iri lohts ol on-ibp I, wlni! w. ul I (ii into the Htate Tir.uiiuy lioiu Hoi whole Road f 1 vi.r.ly believe that in two years llie atnouiit leceived by ilia State Irolll 1 !.. iri at wolk, when I olisolp'la'ed, r-titii p ty llie whole ixpiiieol the Sale ejovi rniio nl , uiol ihe S o kholders, ol courn.,"woiihl be beni filled in proporth u This 1 n ' lai cv hke'ell tins very thing U no done in tieoroi i. W. re there i iionii'.iis taxis am unit ny; to f L'j.wOiHhmi, at the last session ol ihe I. ojnUt me, and many millions bebire -imposed upon the people ol our Slate tu build road- lor, and enrich other Htales ( -ll so, ve had belter let railroad building alone,' where we receive niitt.iiio iu re'uru but sneers 1 It is limn Norih Carolinians wete awake to their mieieat. We cannot afl'ud i.i build up other Sta t and thereby iui(aivt null ourselves. How Ion can ami will North Carolina aland this system 1 It has bi en carried on too Ion; already ; and I hope the State Bto. kholdi rs will lo k to their interests and cuutolidula the two roads in winch tbe Stale is moot deeply iu tereated. If au individual stood lu the po sitiori of the Siate, he would consolidate immediately would have done so loug &o. Mien et ourniHte n urn v ,ro,u,a atone, have, the ben. fll ol her public woiks. There are nuuoieaia oi areaiueis at me wuana, in New Yo'k, ready and anxious to come to our .orts for our freights, if we will only send it there. The Mad will be at no el iiife hr learners they will come at any moment, and in any number required, to carrvofl' ailiur freights, if we wi only i;ive uitm an opp.rrtuuiiv. (reiilils are! now brought by way ol Wliimngioo, trvrrj the N. C li. R. theafier than any other j route, ihouol, coinniunieaiiim will) New J York ia not so freqii.nl. They cau he brouubl by Moil-head City cheaper than by j Wilniiiw'oit, if the roads are oentsoti.lHite.1, . , lll.ttl .1.1 and Norih t aro Una will iet three.tl t h , .. .. . ... . of all tin- profits of such froiubu. ' nose lii.e st. ntiieis whiidi ply to Nirlolk can lilrucdd as v " ; I our waters it th o, . . , i niOlKlloHlera tlley live on our commerce, our' v . .' ' ' " siesineiH in our o vn imrla, and we acan oompede with the world, the world. de Willi Why ia if, eveiy Road leading to South Carol nil and Virginia ia nppnaed to Con- solid .tiou f Why ia it that every Road, wtiiili touches the North Carolina Railroad, is opposed to it t. Well may fhiy be op- jUiijaediit ii. Jur JJiev. kojanr. tiiiif CautioL cuiu pete with tt. Well may the Jtatetgn and tJaston, aild tbe IHeaaoard and Ronnoke, Roads pi ve free pa 8 a to the 8 ockho!diT8 ol the North Carolina Railroad , wed may tbf Hoard of Trade ot Norfolk feast them and flittttr them ; for they know full wl the value ot our treights, and cannot afl ud to lose tliein, and will make any sacrifice to retain them. Now if they cau afford to give so much to keep them, tin li we cer tainly can face wlutl they give, anil make their profit oortiitves ! It ia absurd and rieTk'Uloiis to sav.l that o:e Rond cannot carry Ir. ibl cheaper ttmn three- or loin difl.teoH Huea -Uftder rtift-rrnt manageri", and ausurving diff.rent interest. Why is it that eeiy paiver we pick up tells of Roada consoltilatitig, sometime three Or rour tnt,o one, and lj every instance the itock of the Conwlidated lfod ad vain el largely Ijeyosd tho- pj H-e oi en her oi ihb it oads before con solblatioti. WitLiio tbn last month tbe Pennsylvania C.u'ral Road has been Con soitdute I to Clikaijo. Only a lew davs si ice, the l,egista'urs or .New York consoli dated the Hudson River, and New Yoik Central, Roads. They know the value nl a long line under one management I (VnN'hdat ion t the order ot the day. Can it be possible" that wbat Is right tbs wi rid ovir. is wrono IB iNottU Carolina ! f If smwewfol ei- where, tt win fee- here' alio M- TIaHdgff fiht 4t New York eia Waremna t4ty .-aj- aomeasm ny -mm- la IMCgiHaflrt wWd B- twsi'-seonilflUed to IhCa "dav- tut "for tBe oonijiiual cbaniiaof nfraMVwhichhajL-.lakea-pbc.fiity-4 loth R.i(t. The North Canilin Rai.'road has had tour Presidents, and the Ailantic A Dtortb Carolina Railroad tbrea, Iti the last fdUf tt'afs ' kbd IU lliU kbiillaieiihUiaion ajad change SoirespiiTOardreffils While other States are le;neutt(t I 1 nws is. partial remedy lor this-ConsolidaUon 1 and let there be but one sctot o la tiers to change annually, fcuaiHid" of t wasmtz: The opponents of conaoUdation iprjsk of Ihc Atlantic & Nrtli Caoliua aa beiair a -. .i.i.. i.- ... in. u,.,k '..-..i;. ti!i , .riTSil aai;iii to mi. aipi vmumu abiiryavr'. But CaVintr I fcltckUuloUjrt It is ba. tamo alt the oihcr Boadr in the State r' striving to carry freight to Norfolk instead of sending over the Ailiin-ic A North Caro lina Kailroed, where it luifi.t to go. Give it lbe tfeight it nugiir, t,, n. and which no goet tr.'im Ibe .'..rib Ca.ul n Kaiiioad to I lie .R. & G. I. H su.l it will pay vastly l:tUr,Uia ilw Norm, Carolina lUit Dad , for it is jj" m deal cheaper Ib.ad io keep up ami run. A Inc vmotive, which wiil pull ymtj ten . h.a le 1 era over (lie heavy grallcsot fie -irtlr (,'r,, na R-.il Ir I . w, t", th! ttnttuiii. . ollJ,tL1n e(, m , , j( J , m - . , , ., , , ' . ' " Wll.t. tiV'il.t.t , N. i . K. H. is. in lip inpruuii.'1 flit JV - , - - v i'1 li it i... Is l . .. r . .:. Il 11 nnrtu ni fIIMH..U(MI mi.l the N. C. 11 It. ow e () ii. r rent (i-r rnji n in -i- dal om ti ihe debts I he ol j e.ri in t'.e sttole ot j ol t 4XK.-I i teuha. iti oiwht to . eoine Iroiu the A. Jt N t:. It. K . lor n will i be tiartbli ui 1 1 to ns-ii'iic part ol the , lilt Ille .!, t.U ot the1 N. C. H. K two eoinpauie' i an he ea-dv arrauied by the ti rms of eon -oiidat h -it. imt- a anv ! other trade is mad Another ot.j 'etioii uio.., bv some tot " qolldatioll, IHtillt Ihe act hUthofiUo It. , (..rl.lds dlsei llli.nat I ui a;; ii:l-,t shipper if' freight from one point to avitlu r. Tl-i is i illteii.led expleviv to pr. vent 'It. IllniliH tioil ao lins! our own ( lr i n, so as to al 1 low t It ill tiie bee. lit id Ihe ..w t be'j;!ita, j and to ei:e .ii4ji.'e .air oivn c.tien. a-; tliroiili l'reio;,.jfiBo mid I. a: a h.-ii'lii at a! a ery low rat. I ra' en, 1 1 ane units ! . to u doi':roniiiat iii-i i u l"i . an. I aaln t ui own t , . i 0' l .li l i u.iiial e a a. i: 1 . i ll we desirt lo . 1 1 si I IMOl aie .1 Mauo. r. ' W. l.oui.l owe en,. ' aiiir-t turoub , lieijrlits ll ran lu' .1 eXJiles ly "Provide appl) to tut- hue o to id nil ! v . and tot I ne ; lot t he act say - ; I till the I ales shall ! I he ald (follMilldali d ) . llo. n.; ll rat. s in i on inttiou si N'"W this I hill. i d road to l., li.'o a of ti aiirtu! ion." t he la si leal u r. a in the n cleanly r. si net the li'.JI -&) t. il the iu c are is ;ee to have the b. in ill I one ot i s no t w rat. . . a ti 1 1; 1.: r ol ).-. i. o,.,'.h,la! low, our ol th'i-m. A il i il in r n.'nts ot eo 4 he N. (' I e.l by fin is that the l mofc ihau The at t ol oppo -t..('k I'l that ct 1 C.'U-oi, it is i v. on II A: .v N. ( . I: ion e ur.'H-u 1 VI itioll e thill t othhi l' fee an in-;e the il if r I Weft' t'ofi.tt.ll Id .he! h. l. ..U' d t. i U ev i n. ft N. I. d lu.t t I ic u fi !i iii hii;hi-t J lie A. A N t It . p r feet i v ll ! my, I ; p trt lit theil hU ck 1 thv' bil-iintS-i of the hall hat o I! Slo, khold und. l,.l and, t life tu unci i lii 1 1 I art oi in order to i," Stale, a II ea fh to', but which lunations of t tit think t -' liuvt a Mgfo . wtti to th' vnrioiid e ,iii j other ion l-t H er it nt them. .luVllonl jret. 'llieeauital ol llie N at" t'. It. R. is H oiMi (Jan ;, t ,at of the ,V. A N. I. If 11. is iHXi noo, makfiio (.11,000,111 . Now if ill- Adauiie A Noitli Carolina liailioud siuckholih rs are williior. ttnd I il .iUr-l;mtl iiniMV cl tli-in urc; to luti',' ' ' ' , ' , r,, Tx j ' , '., .; a . .t',,,,. their road int.. th. em v tiled the N. C !. It. w tl'IO.IKU ol s ock, Hiukil capilul $.1,000.01111 , oil- is. ii lit ,ti il load, pro ill cove tin in 1, il' Ihe ''Muoilidaled ! ;hi not the N. ". li, i $1,0' 10,00 I ofs'oek. I It. tO he W I i ii.o I,, ; w.e til on! ! if ."I a v OiKI for a r (i.i llii tu t o t !,-'" 000 alld in ,k,n i n ly $'20il. wh: i't n. h ! , for ft iJtKJ.OliO ; W ii j-, there are any numb r ol iudividua in the Male, wi.o would itU ilv take the off r, il nisde io them T .e ir .n alone will sell for twice the amount. Then whj should not the S' 0. It. K. lake this great bir;sin,aud payd.T Itto stock worth only 20 pir share- worth 20 rents In the dol lar f Hie A. AN. C It. It. would not thrak of making such an otter to any other party iff corporation. They say, by consolidation f ie business will be so largely increased, that both coin . wi m,lk; n I fh(.,r rKau.lt)1H H than now, in panic organizations, and in a year oi so the si . ik they hme left will he word) more than the whole is n iW. Then let us consolidate a id advance the ictcioita of our own roads, and our own SdiU.'. flo we see p. ople id olher States adiK;atin other i oris in lire', u nee IO ' JiiV aVoHh '-irrerim Moio witnesses so sad a sight. It is time fnr lis to have some State pride. TI.e.e ru .da wire ehariircd n I buill to i nc.jiirao,. State pride iu her ituem, and wei'uii.-t not ain.w them to l.e div.rud Irmu the t . urp S" tor wh .-h tli 'y w ic intended, i lh...-e w i iitni l.y I iiisc f.or bv hi.s. oril. r, in K V.- I' V l . I " II o I . il I 1 1 I ' .r ilinu ' ...1. ... I 1 l.l.l I i.e. ... ..I l 1 T I....... 1. , J ........ to.o.o I I : u. , ,., ,,,,.,,,. r , ''i'rJii hei pt.mpi rily, lor we will, Oct , ,, i,, i,, ,,,,,,,, i, r ,,. ii, ':. - i ... .r ...... ....... ...... , no i a . ter, at id all V kbi'd t.i' n Ir ois.-i I.. I '.. . . ... ! 1 '" i-iouui sjurl, I,,; ( have l.ol. and mv. ihad ,i.ar , i,,.. , , A. .. .. y,' I i navi a lew in i ne. j .. .k .! .-, j -- "I'sideriii Ilia siibi iei' wtiLdied well ih ... I , ,.. ,n iw.i'i. ; I . .... i .... .. . i . j l1lsil,al that consolnla'i'Hi is the b, al thino j ihatnan happen lor the N C. U. R. and the State of Nor; b Carolina. I have no pieju . dee against Virginia , IhO I have a prciu uire in tavor oi niorth t ariiliua, wbtu 1 itie issue is mail,., as il soma now to he made, jou vtill always find me on the side ufjny native State. lt .air nwHa rver be "North Carolina again -t the world." IDT A. A BiiRNiNO Ska or Norm - The Pall Mall (iatnlte mentions the reeiu rente ot an citraorrlinnry phenoni -non reooided by Heroilitiu as having luan observed m re mote times by the tribes inhahidni? the shores nt Hie Caspian ,s..a. That hiijie salt lake Is dotted wph islands frjini which noriuou qualities ol naptha aXe yearly taken. Karly la t month, owmw tisuoter rauenn ilisiuibancin, the naptha wells on these islsoils ovetfl iwesl, an I the infl imma. bit-substau e spread over tile entire surfato ot the lake. It accidentally took lire, and tor fottj-eight flours burned furiously over a suiisce oi many thousands ol ipuirc miles, prvseiitipir a iingiiiticent and terrilytng specuicte to me luuaoitant ol the guiroiind ingcouutry, who imagined the end ol the world was at hand. Tue 11 -h iu the lake were1 entire'y destroyed, and' fur milts around .vegetation was parched and the country made like a desert. Jn iTrderto amusa the children on a Sab bath b, a lady was engaged in reading from the Bible' tbe story of David and Goliath. and coming to the passage ia' which' Poliaih so boaaiingly and iletiautiy ilartd tbe young stadpiin, a 4Utl ebapy afmet n ht ftrBt ww: r "Sster rtrp that, kfp thW b'lowin(i e l want to know wta lICKCll. -- " " ''""" I A clcrgyrosn and oue of the elderly par iehooers were walking hlnmatrora asteting I B il -Old. slipittaLand ltd on hi bac-kr-IJ'be mi on being assured that he wa not hurt, iid to bim. "My friend, sinner stand on slip pery plares.' The bid ecntlemab looked up, as if o assHre himself ol the fast, nd replied i "Ye, .1 see they do f but I ct. ' ' ' aii I - ' ' Tbe 0ocbe d Riario-Sforxa. bavins maiiiwa uepoaii m, tis ouy in excel - 1 ..1 . , a , n .. . . " at Anuel-Vdlo. f'rane wa. mlH arfll n.K. total price will then be 178,000. . . VXITEBTBHCOVRT. 0p'W JMturtd b?hif J'1 chu " lhtmMaf rj H '. JJm T. IkneeK.y.lm ry to lnvj-Jtnt cmtte'-tn-Mvtion in -0 iolie!,cn. wis lound waiust the dt4't4mit, cIi,,tiI ihnt he, a mcndier of I S'. 'ranted filers, c" wrul "J i-r1 h"Ukl ot',-,,y Cu,""""n SSlf, frt-.. of .) .lni" nihil ul ! i.rui)crl uhnrti'' with pt.ittae, , t ' II T P' 1 (It " M . ' ir" - - - r IliriL'vrt. I ,,. tl.a. ii.U:tliuu-t the -ittrv W - ..r - - -j r, - -if,-,; i.T-1 I "Tll'ni 1 o I'au1" o.o. i Utlm ... I- -a.Li.a v .nilRU ul Ah ; mtrf titm.-.T'uXr.:,.. nt t wri'ir frnnkmt any tetur u hk nil" t nrt -s . wcmi'!, ttjiii it tjir not (l,-,irr thf (-unc!uion, thul tl.t;lcivr wt-rc rrnttii ly otfier 'in UT llli (WliJl. Jtllil U t-tC- I'USSUfSij 'i Ui "Ywv , :n tlmi a j Jit.l in ulur Ifirr, ""sti'.ji it il j a srnlr. i v !( , m m,t UitU'i: witu tin "I tficru-tut '- That tni i-ii H 1 1 t ' , ''it uy im'i. u ha!l tr-in' my t nt t.r U-:U-r, "u r t h An 1I1 im" writ'u 'tv llMf";-' li Kit i.lr on tin- tiu ,iirw ut liM-'Micf, In Khuil, ifii ctm V'ltlifiii tlli oa p.y tt line "I f !U. ' Tiur fl'ft " ( ' I'-at-.iljt 1 li 11. s intiy ui 1 i.-uC 1 . Tlif jt unuii tu i ) n'iiii-t rT-r-4 m wh roiiiiiiii- tli o'- t li i l i ' I t , ! t H 1 tfr, I li it I . Wt '' Cum uilitiM t li-'-tl-nir wLii-Hit ;tl'-itu tint! lie h mwiisi r ! l'iit!f m-. ll tin- wvrv "thiiwi-t, tiiint ii.;it ihc iiulitimt-nt W Idi'h ( ti It s ! 1 1 ;it .nil ll I . J W (', (lit; (tl her I ' iij,vh', 1 1' I I! e ' H nee, in u ?tiltU -lent :ii'i;a' i"U t !ni'- ! ttii.tn incnih;! it i, iii;'i w h. i) t ll ' r iv w ;n n 'in mil tel. N'trUj wtthirU lint ririrc weight shflil.t i l! 1 V 11 tl'll'" rV.ntJll (.'111' ft HI). I'l till iihli'-iiiK nt tr ii .Sfi'trmy i-tl ric , it a mitf'n-it'iit lint v i hiilnHt.iUt ml: v t-d (urtli, ilnrinh hot ti ( u)ri-i'is( wurtif ol the act, i . r It 'c;iMr J all. l-'i, 1". S. a. ml, J 'ur.'.'ii ii In the jirritit 'ii-t t'.jc tm:t tli.it tlu' Ut tf.a wkiv not yi Icn iinlir u tin' lh lt't hint , mi I ii- Uiiwj i. t lii tli v, is ulli'ii.-ntly lie.! ivi.tl tU" lirttimittvtt tii ti; lltt- c i ' -t:s wiiu ti lit- Inn kt i wt-rr us 'd wirli lain o!.:ut, Uv (.'uiininiin htr Kit HirjtoH( i 1 1 r n'iHini 1 ti:,y IVi't- tlmmli Uu: iiit HMtlt- ftirtrmbtR with p sli'. I U- uiiiv nu- tj'H'it ion it tliut pr ii !r1 l y tli- t'iir-ntijc.t:ii.in, (:lmL thf tmnk uiif t-1 rnvt'Uytrt d't tin t nt!i;misfin v pin tc i ( ir- ifi'.i thriiLr!i tin- luitil, is not itir Ir tik" ; t I'tttr-j w i hi ii tin hi' un i I : u 1 ill t Jt' net 1 4t in ntk- ttiitt the (i!ikin til tliwn ; t'H V'-'lojn lnthc ,.,MHj1Sf Mitcmk-l, Wti ti ' vi'Miit'ii ut i i'liti tiituking piiviU'r ul' iiiemSt-r. t ' r i;r. -s ( n'i-r only txv Mi.tt nci' ti uu t tr.iiutUuui , piiritt-tl uiut j t-r iftMtit 1 Ij ttiitlinriiy oi I'tinjroa . a!i i anw.'.i.U Im.ra o ti , 1 u i ( ,tl It is vcv :!.-r thtit tin (.'irrnUir. Ininktn. Uy I he Ut f iitfint (li. not Ciini; wit Inn t-i t lier t tin: t; th- outi' us, 'I'lit! irnnkinif, tln-re tort, Uiit uniw Int. j Km n it iii.lt- !mi.i1 t-tfft-nt" by til k u i ol Ciii'- s ; '1 he i.nswt r to h jutj j ij'Mi ib-pcihit- iu the nuauin; ot tUt wurtl "It I 'el '" ivm t in li e iit:t. j 1' n Mtri-iitinirt'y insin'ci, on b half ul : tin; (b'tuiithifii, i lint lit. w.-r-l uu nut only ft ; HMiiiiiscriit Ustt-r. In t-upj,) rt ol tUit vi.'W, It w nr;f.l tint tin ad itir iu aiuini a ' jH-tmity t, f (rsiikni U -ttt-ih oilier Uai th-w j imttfti by th,, Irunkor, implied that thf letter, of whivlt tUe Itniikii. in - uialu an ; ofliNttv, niinitj wiittru Icttt-rH, ami tbia H-ur se.iu. tin uiiri'i-rmb!c. It is fir t fur iuMeitftl that thi-t vonstrtic ; lion in Miujor.pt I by tlu provisitms ot the ' mt of IHtii, rterribTiit' ni;u!ab!e mut i r, a j O'.iiM-tii.g.fir!, of l.iuT-. tk't-oiul, ot. rt'gu- neons mallei In ItieKe classes ol mailable miiitei, the tiret abne eiuliraj, s corresptmd et.ee, whol y in J i ti v in wruing. 'Ihe oilier dais, a . iii'.iace printed mailer, with an addition in 'e ttiir i ciasj, of book meciisoript, au4 proof nliects, corrtcted or uuijorreeled ThS'di flni i ui ol letter's as coirespind enc , wholly .u parT'y in w iitier. necessarily eiclii'i, li.uii 'di ih tiuitmn pruned circu lars, wliVher in th' h rmot ht era or othcfJ, vvi.-e. li it t Wives ils ut liberty to say i ilint Ihe wr.l leiiw or l.tte-a. other than l III' tj O i V t ?H ID II I lit ill ' U 1 T I, I lit II I lt'8 , , , anv 1 tie's noiaui'tU. id had in urrtitlir ,' :.. , . . T .. Cx . .... . r ne iui tic iio-iu i; i ia.1 s ease noes mil charge . e . . 1. . 1 ... . . I :.. ; ! inn ne- inil n .is iciiii in ii sue ni men, I, .iiher wl v ,ii, i ,rl an.l Ihe oro.,1' b. ........ ,,' ... ' ., , :vAe'i;if':'Katr;rwriiti:.ff' li follows thtt the iuilietincnt does not destribe an idbni'e w ilhin the nil ami!" of the pi nal pri.viuon of llie act of 1S2.1. It describes un uuliwbil act to w hich (,'ongri ss luia not seen lit to anni'v, a penally. No I juil!inent, Ihetcior.', i art be entered upon the verdict. The motion arnsl of piikiment must begrauU'd. I.ahob (jRANt-cr Lamis to Amkkk ans is Ct ateMvi.a. The Knul'ish lllue 11 sik stabs thai I grant of land in British linn dtiras, knovn ss ihe Icacos grant, was made in lofiT to Mr. Putnam and lour other A ineiicaus who hud lieen naturuli.ed there. It iucludesti tract ot laud from the aeacoast oti'the iast to tbe Iroutiers of Guatemala n the west, b'tween the Monkey river and t tie Deep rivr,the area of which is hIkhh 300. 009 acios.Tlie purc hase money is i'2(),K00, payable is (en i i md annual inatalbneuts. beginning lu 1873. The i;rantee9 are bound to locate an! settle on the granted land filtj families within two jests, and two, hundred families witrin five years. TI e-iSreriulient undertaken exend three fourths ot the purchase nuney in making public improve mente-witllia the district. H sfoi llera'd, A HKVsATtl'.N IN IloItSRIIBADa, H. Y. Horselieatls, Cbeinung county, ha a lively sensation. Livery stable keeper wrote to a respectably a'Wtried lady dueiring an inter view. Waj'tiitil to call at tnu o'cloitk in tbe eveninc. Did so, and invited lady out to ride. Uv it at loo declined, and, turoinir upon him, lady delivered severe punishment with a stra winch had a buckle on it. Than dtwi was opened and husband; of lady enturrd with several male friends, allj of whpm fell tipon. livery stable keeper and lieat him mercihwly. During th meleew sin tit t.e lady ett down, ml, I plsbil In ids pocket gorrnrofTho wrrrHeTerjJty Woufitf. ed in the leg. Perhaps lady and husband, son and male Iriends are almost as much to be condemned u livery stable mam 1 An uiiunuul flow uf eUiltlfHllbn Ifdm Noi- "Way" and Sweden 1) a passed' tbrdugb vari- ous tsrtuso. ports atiringitis year, mostly ta ruf fir the United gtea. Tbe Bum" ber that ha pasted via IieitTa and Olawtow since the middle of March average 850 per week. The cause is a partial failure of I 1. . n... I. . V. . .1 1 - - .U . I vivin in viitim i-v buuiium uuriuir tuc last two ecasnns. i account ok the JIcCool-AHen pme fight, end to thinking that Mr. Allen wi shame fully abused, - ' ntRItlED, In d'hmt'p ThJiroh, In this city, ou Tnesdhv, 'Jind inat., by Wr. H. jt. (Mason, I). t , Mr. JtMM IVHirtt-u.. of 01eni, ' Ala., to Mtu hnosc caH liv1 ..furatwr.jof CTiepel IJili. 1 ,c.r.i. In Nes.sory, S. 0 , on Juno tilth by the It. v, Dra. J. A. bioaduu. ami K Kul-aian, lite Ivev basil. Si ani. v, Jr , ( f lireeimlle, H. C. Ui ftiii- if I nit 8. Haik, tiaujhuir t-f tVLer flan, Km , (1 Nfitrrry. 1h Nf-wtMyo oh MttU)Tt -JUth Jrrtie, lHtli. in.thn Al htf r sidiu' in rt f nviil", on liiM at'l'it iit-m "r ilif ((i jf Jane, Hun. Iis?t. H 11 ur. At tb-f tffi'.U-iii-f tX lim UruilitT Join J lilft. k- nt Htvv;rv N tf. mi 'ft Hf. rn-htMt .UllR vi t.-i N Hi uk wiwii - ft'rnnrlv ut (h .in;c t'ointi , It .tljtt SAt.K. First rate N Co'lKilllbfl'l. June 23 Ll C. ('(Ml Wl.inkf W. 11 .iriM'S A I U. Au. 14.01 A l ..im Mw t.HlU s i ttit i.i:. V el.V KINK I M.I lilt e A .' d.ll WA I. II littlfls.-IUrO eh- su.l eil.aoi, .loiioi.- ehe W. 11 J NLS A t U. i Mr.:l,ael's. .ftrtii- ia tf .nc V I' Jl s; 1U'( Kl Kli A I.Ol' Of .: an.l hielutu.ii.l ' A anil t. ('.' leL.tl. lat leuui'. il piers tt I'. KfilONACH A I'll. I'.alli all lino htlKara w tueh .lue i:i il i-4 vlilll.H . OS1 SdfMI KASITliN 111 IdllNe li f . I'ol 0lL Jane .1 it ' MK.'N H A 1" (.1 It III' Abb i it uii;h kins i an l id sn;nsrll A i u s. I UU. M I.s-I t'ldiK M' dlM.li Id I I . ;f lliilNAl 11 A HI'S. S lilll.H CASi ul lliUaL (aUUJ.) Ill-Lit S I KdN ACH . C('v V x. myi:k8, ( HlliMlini.S Ml' sM. M:l'lt k. r I No , V (1 M M V. K V 1 A L It 0 W W HOI.K'i'M V 1'KAI.Ktt IN I't I i K 1 i N AM i (KlMKHl lAij tiliS, Wi NKM Ac. Takes. .l,.ur.- :n .'H it -al.- luil.-is I" Lis laia;e si fa.w.ir.- i .11 Pa l- rsl urg a ot IbV lw si.,i,afc.o ia slid atf'iiti'ii n' )i1p ek ! l.ti'iioir KiAiiU j , i M A K. MVLI-S. ; . t't n.r f illf. Al.WAys (iN IUNH A I I 1,1. STOCK Or iSli'uUTKIi liKAMill.s, uls, ItfJtS WINKS. At. At; ill for the Janus Kivei SUnin Hiewtrv Al. . lei Ills ..ad. ol t il V u.'fe'l alii e st JO .lain, la ret a.hle.l. Hen. I direel t .r.l. is to . ur eolionlsl.tii Slerehant ur nvints I'lliuieleia! H. June '2.1-11 N.: A l KSI' Sl'Vl.K MI,K II VIS Km s.l, bv rUIMIti'SK. I'L I'd V .V NKWSO.VI. pine 22 If 0 HIiF.RM Wild. HIv'l lVK I'KOM I I ATI ENTIOS. riiiMitiisi:, ct n v a nkwshii. pine .'J tt N'.t;,i I' HKItlUSH 2-i oarial. Ia.fc;i' .!.'- n-i sa. Io j lne2lf - In il iil.AS HI l b. ritOLLKr MOV IU, luehlv kchiiIi.,1, Cheiini'al 01 1 iva soap. Koani Soap, pisl i'Hi'..ivd I. v jnne'2'2 tf Dot'llLAS t'lEbb. s TAN'L)AHl Cltl'SlIKD SUllAlt, Heaullflll A. Me Lbia lli.od Veltow Sugar. I.I. nee p I.. SiiKar WuMai' a lowaat market puce ul tu-vinv. J ine 22 It Dnl.llI.AM BKI.I.. JJOUSEKEEPF.lt WANTKH. A l.adv, well recommended, ea ftud a perma nent altn item For further paitunlara addre-s S O. M-q. lai, Tlsle iKri,Ji. t2. j ine :tt l I lug lit's' Academy. Tt'IK Nf.XT NP.MSION' or mv Krlu,l i .i'ln.lert J. ii miles North of Hillstior .' sill commence in the seeond .Vtondav of Julv nel, Teruis, ja.r eetsiouoi liv m ii.tlis Tuition ll't. Board, iii. hidiiiK ad lice ssai v evi.enses, except ludlta, IT.i. I'a' nieiit ri .pure.! ImT iii advan.-ti, Ihe romain di l at Ihe eliwu of llie term JHiO 23 .H s. IITliHKS. y !iov-.,.f,l0., H.-,4j;,l.! i "wTTX give fhe ahe A. HOU thai i.rilinili.r 1 I-n n o ll ft ,,-IIOW j sl was sul I hv J uiIku Walla U on., IV ' L raiikllirCom't, for (hire years. cL I hoy is IX veara old, aeiKlia about al the last The salil L'2l) lbs , has a very Lmshy bead, hail on bis.tsaiul very good clothes. He haa aune lo another (State, L eirii et. His name is I bury Huflin ; he puaka iiuiek, and is sure to i.av' "yes air." He 'eft we on the 27th of May, Is.;;). A. TAYLOR, ' jnlm '22 l( Ransom's Brnitfe, N. C. X 1HOCXAHITIO, By Hii Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina bir.CI'TIVK Ilci1 A HT M PNT OF N. V. , ) Vr V V ' eeived llaleigb, June 21, lsil'l. j att. (KM 'ial informall.ili haa been re. d al this Department that a vacancy lisla in the P.tth Senatorial lhsiru't, colli nose J a iiih isiuiiiies oi vraaeanu rrariKun, eaus.d l,y the death of It chard 1. Wynne, Esq., lUi 8na Uir from said District, Now, thertfore. 1, '. W. HnuiKit, Oovernor of the Hiate of North Carolina, j virtue of an- uiurny e vnierreu i,y law. llo issue this procla mation. orilerniK an eleetion tu be Field at live several plataia of Mifiiiv! In the Counties afore said, mi the llrst Thursday iu August nexij for tha pvirpiaie of-ttlltitg sat.l vaeanev. Dune al uur city iU AU'aiah. this 21st Jnne. (L. 1 Jaiy, and iu the H.bd year of our inde pendence. W '. I10LDEN, V tioveeiior. It y Ihe Oovemor : W. B. Ku'HiliLiBos, L'rivale.seeretarv. Juuoa2-td l RALEIQII & 0AST0N RAiuROAD, lui.Kiuu, Jui,e J, l8tsj. The next annual weeliDK of i he Utixikbolderv of the HaleiKU A Gaat.m hailroaa Compaur wih be held at the ofliua of iba Comesny, ir the City of Kalelgli, on Thursday, July IStli, leus, oom Bienolng a 11 o'clock, A. M. Tbs tiansler books will be elbaed from the 1st to th 15th July, uiclueite. r v w. w. yams I jam Hl-d 'Treasurer and DBc'y." - Chathsm Edaoattonsit JUstMavlloa. - Tt rxiM'tfttVS Comraittee htrs deamwl "'"ft" necessary to ohanjre th time of meeting, aurtiiorehy gtT notie that the Chatham Educa tional Association will neei at the Pittauoro' Dei entitie Acadentv; tn the town of lattaboro' Chat hsm Ceiutty, nn July asd. 1809. MILIIM WAl'iHUItK V. BalJfcNttON. J Piper- ft wuUly are rjtieate4 to ciodt. ' June at tf r' KfTIHK TWENTIETH AffSCAL MFKTTXn r.P Ihe tnuih li tw.k ar olod from tbe Hjt djof Jauo tuiva U(r ihe -BMftiny. MISCELLAHEOUS," Brilliaat iW&e for July 10th, 1809 TniRD SHALL DKlWIXli, TO TAK I'l H K A T TUCK Kit II A LL. RALEIoII, N. C, I Jill) lOlli, !". - . LUAltU. OF .SL:i.'Kl!.VISlUH. III.-. II II.HHKH4. Ralrlnu. K.'tt. I h.l - I', "i I M ' i-'. M I (., I iri-t'Mtit' T'i', N . C ' I.. C. l.MUKM tTTUT llth, S T - .lr. II l't, M" -1 a I . N: C. Hli ,1. II Mii'i ii.-k, fcalothW, N'. ('. J. W. II inKim, " ' Tn-r rTKri-Tii'viaW" -.WiWiir iT'tits'ir f. I .i -- ,.k,,i i. --MtT-v iH . iiHih rift mi 1 HI Ul! . , niiiiii i n "i iihumi uiir, ' lit- M, ljt ' H w.-f't i'JJ HtihrMti) t'lti iia.U!ft- t2.750 TiCKEfs'AT Jl'OQ EACH1 nd r. r 1 1. lu uiiiu.-'lia-'el' slliit. lo .ipa-l letter. tlHS 1 l-l III'' I'lll. I'rrr 1 h I , , I I on, . , New ... l:n Ju.ao l)o . Xa) ll - no on ZiAMJ l:ti no la w - ; u un IS ti - i i I II I o on . (SI - i. I arpet, I seet. I .1 1'iiUliK. JUelPie . u a Xi'H, 'a. I., Ii(t l"l Siarv"", ...i.i' Wal.h i. ;snt I li. k Spo..,,, lie nt it tsj 2l to . i l ie ... I. . i i i. in, - I l a! e 1 1 1 Mult iii , ,1 K. . Hal. 1 it,, I'ai. 1 Sov. r- I o;a- m.iot, l'2,i. SI U I .'l-.'IS Will please Sst- : ti, ni rriisiiNAi. ' K.M.I lull, N. C. -o.lhk'ii . tclo-ed. lane lt-.itw.tsd'. nr. i':. v IM A I t. l'li I.., ,e Ayer's Cathartic Pills, f-'r ttll ! pnrMtsna of Laiatltv Jf ? c ln. I'rrhnm un one infill-s-lm- i- 'i nun tTaltv rr tjmri'il li everlniv ;m A l.'llJlJUllf, Dill IIH CVtT HV l'l'.ili. fcil UUlVtTIUtl- 1 atlfplcnl iut' UfH', m n tTy I'lMlMLry nml ailnnir ItU Clilff?-, 114 UllH llllltl hut t'tiic.rtit I'HiyftlKe I'Ut. The? oliviouf it- woii in, thai it ! h luitrt' rc I hi I ill urui far mtiiv .'rt"--luttl rineily llum uny itur. Thtmi wliu liuvrt trlf-1 it, Vnw tht U ctirl tlh-m: tini' w'Tio h;io mu, a:n.. Itim it i-uif Itifit nv-liflihiM-H .tuft liletnl, Jltl'i rtil klK-W l hut Wltrtt It 1H;a ,.1- It itHIMn fil :t iiai il un ii lMl-Ujt'c'Ufili nj li'-ult or iiuk'rtnl' its iMiniHi-tlHHi. We hrt'. mi-t t an -linw, iIkmi-4'ii- tinu ftniu-ftnil'..f enrtlrtralp! ui rvmtttka Iti"1 nt fit ol' Hit lollop uiir cc-ntplanttH, ltut mk h ciiim- are known in every neiK'ilH.rtiooi,, und w hy lAhnutd wp rmbtiph thrm t Athiitltl t nil hk'1 n' eoti'tilMitiA Hi nil climaU'M ; ctmLaiuuiK u,'ltlei c;il iuel or any ilelelei luus tirtijc, liiry iit.i I".- IhIu'ii with i.ifety hy nn li.i'l . Their Riifrar ro:tilut; 'i"e i rvtri llwiii t r fitsh hihI make tliein ple;i.-.'iii! U lake, wlnie liein iurely vi-vfehtlilti no lutnu can ante IVitin Utr hs ia hiiv tUHittity. Tht'y nj?rU lv iheir .lowert'iil lulliilire on Ihe i D lent m I virteern t-i iirtlv the hhKMl antl tiiiillhiee it into healthy anmn rmiive (he oi.-rwtiij 4' lttt .t uiiaeJ), hitti-N, liter, niel o(hr oifaiiii of ttm hs-dy, n"tirii(K their irr?)nljir action i hiuHh, ami by rnrrtrcttnH'v whcrt'vpr (ttey exit, tmvii tiiriHig inent us are Hie llrt Mrtfrtii if itHi,iii. J4wft -s-Hrr ewniTw nrr pm m trhe rrmpprr on Uit: bux. I'ur ttt .iT.tHii eiHtiilaint, ivtiicfa these Pitt i;i)i.lly . un- - l or liy.tii or I nd Ion, ,lnlIeM n, IsHNfiHor iiikI . of ApetU, they elmukl lie Uikeit iflniUuTitely to nliuitlhllF' Um ttuill a h ami ii-tfii-t1 It heftlihy tone imd itetioii. f or Uvrr 4 twNltAint util Ud vhmouh fymp torn. Ht I ! lliMliwcU.-Jwlrk H eiidHrhv, JekaMdU t ne UrrrH Mi ItntHM, H.ltttMM i llr runt Rilioui ftVwrra. they slinilhl ht? ;iir fliciotifly UikeH I'm' eteh , tocrriHti thwtiUiiABt'il action or remow the wlBti im tiiiii uhieh chuni It. Or lyiMtrr r lllrr.uii, hut oti mihl U-i-i-i-nvrifif.il, niilrf(t. Kur Hhf umuliin, CJent, Unirrl, lMlpl ftMlora of llar(. 1hIh in the tlr. Htack aifl Litnss, Ihi'v .-houlil ht 'tniliriuously tilt hvslrin. VVllii mall .iHHtf UtuiU) eomiilnittlft lliappeni-. Kor Bffnpky TTft lVrolt-iftl AwUln they tliouM he UikfU lu tiki'-ars- nul tVe!!!. is4Mi to in dtirtheVfftH-t oftt tltwi-tH' ouruv- tor MiprrMiutiu large iIum Nhnithl be takec f it pnxliHU'ra Itie ileTsirVl rfi'erl hy syriipriltty. A iiinnrr I'lit, titk one t.r "two I'iltg o pro mnte fHirpstinn ntul relieve Ihe Mt'ttmch. An ('caioual itiwe ntimuluteH the, .tomnch hii1 bowel info hefllthyTi-fii.ia, rtore the appetite, arwl inviKurslns tiie yfU?iH," Hetiee it in olteii al v.'UiUiK'iOitri whert; no fern mi h iteriihirenvent exi!, )ie who firxibt trtit-Vrthlv trvrH. tvltrm Mrtrtit thutitrtnfm" of-ttrpfp tttT liiiilkt htm f't.TIeeine.n;v belter,' fi-iin"J ....-tu . irinmK ipm t'-..o.nii,iS ' "v. t oat i.ic )(iw live nparatu. Thcr are mimormia cune where a mr)f!ilivif Is rvitiirrfl, which we ran not enuuier lifT here, lint thev-fiiifei-t lhem!esV to everylHHiv, ami m here the virtue, of this fill are known, Die public no Ioniser thiuht nhat to ennrjoy, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, far IM.eti.M-a of ihr Tavtsaat aaul Hla mm S'Mtt-lu, 'oll, 'laaosljaa; CowarH, tsrnairaillla, A.lhiHi, aiait C'avaHHBisl. Probablv never lafore In tbe vahole history of misiii'ine.aas anvtliinK won so wktely and soiteeptf ,.- .Ws -mll.le.ou aX n.unV-iu.l, a tills rxe,-Lli-iit remevls nir-pl.tlnmarj' tsomplainls. Tni-wvufn Itmrf si'i-ies ufyeaen. and among wiost of the races nf men it has rteH hicher ami hiarlier in their estima tion, as U has become I letter kaowas- ll uauorw i lia ae tr ami iMiwe. lv euce tiie tarte ol' Ote llinas and throat, have made it known as a re liahle proleitlor airainsl them. While adapted to milder tiirins of disease and lo younr children, u ia at the Kftme lime Uie must enVs'Uial renvev.iy that can Imi Ivea for hieipient eotisiimirioti, and the ilaa KerOns aiTei'Uona of tlve taroafaad luua;a. Aa a pro vis4iq aKiviust autltlea atlae.keor f 'riwra. It aftunhl be kept, un hand 111 eterf BiOV, al lllileed aa all are snmetimes suliJis-4 to ool.bi and eouiflia,' 21 should he provlilcl with Oils antiihie for them, -s-- AllhiuiKh settled t'owwaiatlial l Ih.uoSlit incurable-, still irreat nnmtiers of oases where the rtia ease aemned selllert, hare been eanipjetelT etirest, unit the patient restored to sound health by ilia CA-err. fselwearf. MV r.ovvsiU) is lis aaasterf over the disorder of the Luna's and Throat, that ttw most obstinate of them yield to it. M hen noth iln else could reaeh Uicro, unite,r the C4iHf 'JPai" srsi they snhaide and dtssvpeaT. : r. - aMaver tnut Jttbll 1.,' l'S ttA frt M farstion nsiiB il. i Athmm is wrtvajrt relieTed and often wngnyt SiSaa or K.- - - ; r Wrf Allts br iM!iHT eared trrtsktnlg tl.S 8o -xeueraLly are lu virtues kaowlu that it is tta aewewivflrv la ri lilish live eersieeatiss of vheia ta-ra, or On mare than as-ure the puhtwi that ga vjuajiluja ar lully inalulajned. ' ' "" """ Ttrpfirt ej, -e-,J - - i bh'jt, c. a rr.B co., lowell. ar ..... ATtUAJIS A BAYWOOIl, and P. T. tgXCVD , Raleigh, and U Dratgute and Dealers avery. vhow. ' dee U-eodwAe. -t ' i i -V'--.T:.,.u-.ft,- .,; -j ij SnCClAI.NKW4rAl'EB ADVESTISISO AND , Ueneral tiiileetion Agency fur . florin tiaruitna. wir. A.iiE.viiNcr tt ro. r L ' 'war - tiiiiV'insT?i4'ehe',eTi doTuia Tres.. add (ienenil Agents for thetaubtctioaof (haun of svery iiia.irnl!oa tltr.iuR'hoiit ttva ' I - S..l. IJHiee, tblLlstlKMSiy, h. 0. Ai anlliorii.al Agi-uts-far lb Aprii kKU BENTISKl, I I , I Ms. 1 1 I il MI3C.EL1AKX0U3. , 7 KANiSAXE or AND CAPITAL mocK '-Mwsi, - sriwcaiBUi xiTiasH at ' J'tpJUiUtML.fT UoiU fjLtHitl. JVbLu, St ar,i,.. 3,000 Vai.uablm Pftei'KSt or pn,r 1IK O'lAWS.Jloit. WdlrTB IUn-,1,,,, j1 1 ' - 73,347 Tickets tU Sold atti,., wi:i. i;rTi: JiiXtt lt'.oliit:Nrti,-ftW--K -' , Cm ov K.VI.UUU i J t)na Kfcl. li, Raleiith, Ot ' N. c, Uojiiai Oufl o e Oim f o One - Vtarreutun lti " . tpni Mitt " One Hotel iu TavlcviW, U. U " iir psvaiai. pMartiTt .saiiii.l. a un exkihiium at HiMTglt Bitot, a m K.i. M Kayeitevllld , IUU Igh;!, c H ' me teautar uaati aiiuei. n lo lone Phsrtmm stitjO eaeh, made b H II. S. Innult, Uallunnre. M.t. . tM. Ill l ine I..,, tUmm, tm H. iisafc1" l.y 11 Ii Heiiiindt, lialliunwe, Ua tm 60 Int. I ieimuui 7 iwtavu Piania,; aaati. I.) Tretuaim, llrijg , s. Tf., HiaQ ,. minT"' 5 I'aiior or ( 'hunlti Orirsha . stou. 3jA ' made hj Trinualne Brua, N. V. i v. .aOO .S. o.e VIh. I - W., oa-t i Ur... r A Baker'a siIObsiI. ..... ...... f ,, v4 m vjiuua or riK Mia l)rea s best arude, 12 yards to each dress till ' (i Vi'loeiiaalea, 75, 21 itoda Onisatls t;aret,tS til. each 1 K ti .salaiuainh r twr.a,, VAliiinr'a uattfti'1 best lu llie wurl.l Iaui. ' 1 l asli I'nzo, (l.lKsl (oi.i, pi t'aali 1'iwtw, 11.10 uach, do do ID J,, lo'i do ,lo 0 ' ,u : lllri uu do i J,, . i,onu - 4S - l.im . l.UWI ... a. in" SUSS US'! I'm., I lu. Sli 1 Value of Uu. total am't, tli.WK i rvirt.ira aid n ffatitla iiM.il ai-lt ami noie.l tor imiieoly and lutegnly, who sill do! lie allowed to purchase tickets or own atttafawa- in ill, Company. Tue uuuiboia jMul p.., w t no .1-aau hoe. each wueel Uy la,, blind banaaa a r.ul re pun ol ah niiBihtirs draaiug priia, IU tie pi; til, sued ui soiuo iirt uiiualiL it..a-iu-iU.r i.u. I, i'l Ihe .bawiliii. -r-T- w . uei -leui l.aslaan kld frequently una ,'ei, I'lealdeul HI live S.iflh t!m is .lo llestei. Ural 'aiel 1 erautval K-late A I7AJMIW h. Si. ill-li.- llie (ollow ilii. n-lvrvaiei-a : I sin p.-rsoiia ly acquainted "wiUi'Cept. Jiav fl, " He iter, and he I eve Imu to be a Bubei , ladlMtriDHa. ciiterpi isiiiK enrreet man. . . A. W. 1,A kli.M,!;, (iKsatui Ausit Itt.-miya, lair inf. 1 i;.i;. Vn. .. i; , i-eu. uu lan'.l. I sai. also, pi -isoually k ijiiainted witli Cast, I, ll ll.ster. and Oil ) coni'iii s.lli itie alltsiuaol ' uu.ile aliove t.y Mr lawiauice J A, JONES, -I., okelitr and Statiouiir iUieigit, N. C, I um p. is .nadv a.'ipi.iuU'.l Willi v.aiit Jos. G, ll. aiei , and inily en.iois'e ineanwv uvtinnniiaw. JA-WhH 11. 1..MMMV, b.s.kear,e.. IUI. ugh, N. I'., I'chli. 22, l.Stiil. ' " 1 have laaia atiuinte. with Oapt. J u, Ki -u-r lor rev. ial vcaia, a id e-atuur ii, ina aliovw stat. ui.. is J'.dlNO I'Al.MKK, I Ualehaiak.-r A Ji-.at-tr, haletgti, h.ik I hnioi i iipi. .1. K. Hester to ba a genHsaH f moral ivoitli and inte-r alj Til .IS. V M0O1, tValoLimakliM' X Jewailel. : I.ah.ic.!i, 2.M I'. '.., M.i pcrrai'iii! . tpnontaiita- with t'apt. Jos. (I, H.-sler a. sell as my ohii-rvalioii tit lna btteiltsss ui-ve i.eiiis, juaiities iu hwarty eiidoraeateut uf the p. i-. ei.' ee-rttii ales, and stidl reyatd iiiia as sei; pisiiii.-.l r.n ii n j' I itiu'ii nr i .lavnnini aaaf pursu.l (A. H. ClluW. UauHA'gt. F.tnti Lite tiisnratvi.Ca, llsvoi).: l.iiown (iaj.it J. 0. Heater for asverst' yeaiii, L heiltdy eiidoias the alsive teaumeiuals ut Lis wea tli - a gul Ionian aitd hnslilaas iaa... ('. W. I.vlltil. 111. Bookseller, Ao. Raleigh. leO. IMI 1 cheerfulli fu.h.iae. IUe foreguilig. IsKAIOM UALIM, he.-')' ,N. V. M. H In U Kalrlj.U, fell. .'11, lS.,tf. Although 1 have known Mr Hueier, lait ftsr s shvii t time, 1 laJu, iiuvmiic. iu saying thai I bavs . forrm d ahiL;h "ptniuu f Uis luieliganos, eot r- priae, arid capacity fur buauaeaa. ana that 1 been nil, t H'ii4av'i.t.tv nupreaaed bv hua. PAS1EL E. OOijDLOE; D. 8. Marabat. " I eiituelv concur silh Mr li. S. Ouodkat, ia the aho.ve stati uieut. , N J KIllDK'K, i k rk U. tt. Circuit t.imrt. 1 ssa x I-: As i. tat ok Noma CaaeUSA. ) . Ka elgh, I'el). 24, IM) ( I time kuiwii Cap'. J ll Hunter, frota kis in fanov. He m a genlbonan 01 n.legrity, Basinew uualilicaiitiiis and biRIi p'eraoijal ehatiatttar.: WUtlffSIL! lllil-sHOJIt, I'iiy eieiau A Maparintandsat, 1 enihelv concur with Dr. firisso a is the I have known Cap! Heeler for two yr tail doueur in the ahuvii. K W. HfcWi', ! bale nVe'y of ntai. We. the ninlersigned, having been appoint!! snoiTvieors of the atvove Cunipany, do eerufy that we neither own any stock ur llekets, nor ssa.i we, aud we will here state thai the drawing "ill be conducted fairly roe all who bold brturt. whether present or not at the drawia- w-wik ini illsb a lull list of al. nnmhsra drawing pruts, widen will be sent to any sue desiring il - Cvaisf1 MiM'ii-aui, Wviin if Kofi Jams H. tossfp -n-V ' BuiverrWor. L It Utsaw, (tupervN The I srw(reM We publish to day, the 8rat scberas 16 llie M of Heal and Personal Eh la e.-a Company etiae lered by the last i aglslature, -with a ranital ef -one hundred and tlu ty ihousaud ilullsi. u.d Willi power to increase irist amount to ev Inw dred thoorand diiliara. An etaaimsUga ef tin charier aialialles u that t amipauy ia nnraoing a legitimaw tmsitieas ttiey am- awpuwisniil U . . ibapawe uf Kewl and Personal tlale w t rsvaie or fm-m tbey nay deem best " and au laws, or clause ot law, eomtng in et" dirt eiiti aajo ehar b r am tsrebs rwi -safal " -Uu Ja pla x anl nnmurtsbablu English ami we Uveimiluuiil , tbe traactbin of Mm Ouiiiiaiiy wnl -ror law- v eBeUI to the plaivpeiTiy tugilersof orlll i-a nr sur eaampia a sir a.si-mi a ytm.. aw ,, - v. ...a" ilinu fif Ma fjMiwa tt asrav ' V tbe market, am) fajl to get a btd that W1"14 ; warrant hint in nilsiug a deed. He tlwiw piece tit in the hand ol tile North Carolina Bl Petssinal del at Ag.ncy. at a fair valaat, s lb property ia sold hy ehauce-wth r 8" his prieaiho AJoioVany a Utt and wscfia-i corupeiisation for st lliii? aud sB P """v v -for Imi dori' eoHiee iu peei of a iw atuail wUieh under any other uiruuuiatiinct, would not have owned. ..j, ":; In faot, we tie not new th Company as S w ten il is what it pusrpott to t, a . A oy forth sale of property. Met u ft a . hicB,lherwlwoaidlw-eev ' ' - - eiTOtwvaaimw'-. ,-,.,ih. the erdendnl real estate utfered, and . turn pnM, amoiiuui m ad w russr , Bwa-andth read. w.U Prosira bf ' . ample rnTe of aivKoB: that vier is on P"a" , . every Iweiity-toivr m kel. r , . i .v.a.rninnanr has ftl I,-...: Bmn,fodX.ulre'M t-i n"?1"!" tMU)aiaiy woo a-rag. - -c-j ta eouiaS through whir h. ba. I'",t,i5, ; ' rwpreawit tft people h ; "."jr 'i-. fror rt iw bot h a. to mvtsitwg, aod t V""? . . . 1 i ..V . -.uaaiJ.l4il- Silt, amountiog to half s mote Sonar,- wr i learn from Ihe Kaiet-gk psriws, !,". ... plknaiorr drawin e wlueh - pit" , of Kalmgh, on .aiatr-bvy laat l-T - des.ld.-d eatn-iivcnon ol a laree atd.e f b)4 in Tucker Uail lu witness lj-J ' ' w, : Onrjhrce W i--''. TihC' A' ..!,.,. " ai!ti.-l,BUmililiavetbes.loI limv"", ' .rfV ili-s-SlW 4 fl V JlaT M e. '. '.' i. or pentleniaii ol s.au.nni' in i. Forfiirtlit lcKt-r'Ht , " t"r'rn"0 - Tit 1 JuneSt if i i e; 1 T '.-'- : f-r- TV

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