:..V- i THE SENTINEL. ter ' gl JOSUH IPRHER. Jr.. EDITOR. SATURDAY. AUGUST 14. 1869 The Standard UtuloM iu wlrt, hilf dozen tlim-a.more or les,iin:e tlie Tt n giwi .... - "V ' ""'..,.. aara dlrea for Sealer." VVe coniriiu Ut lit ooliappy wamJerer in the ixl t i;al wilderwaa, upon It tor-tale AJ ,1. ..KM to Scoter ; 11 wua not in such t-oo.J tiiuv in regard Walker 0 Virginia. Tru, it rtjoice.l ni Iiiily when it loun.l ..111 U" i ker iwssHcec!, tmt when w.-kerl it tor a word nly tnniitlk wiirit -tl lia l-itp .k n in lav.ir ol Wa k- r,i'r ilis c!c"t o ,, .1 u unai le i ji.iint 111 iL I!ul loin .r -ip ria taug'it it al.aion, ami il letriilnnl ! mke limoliy tBe turelock aitil not be cousin In eucb another preilicimirtrt ; to, ixidK luily pi'rsuadtd of i lie drift eveota were taking, it, "declared for 8untw before the elec irm." Tlie ecly pretext tUt SiutuLirU could oiftr for it preteoded gtadrua at the reault in Virginia wi, that tHe Walker party ftiD uuiaon With the g n at Hi pubytau party, and the Utamlurd wm iu uutaou with the nmc, then lure the Walker triumph waa a Hrpuhtican triumph, and, by implication, a Standard triumph, hence, "it would re j iice and hrtiak fortlj fa mug, It would" atng with glailncae and about for joy." But now, that TenoeawliiirgotieTnncje "tame direction with Virginia, anl the Htnndtri wan Mi fortunate aa to"decUre for Kenti tie lore tlm election," it aeerui to Uel a gieal legre o( af It-witnplaccocy, and actually proltera the (f.wid jieoile ol Tennis aee aomr -ceIltnt advice 111 the ahaiie ot "jei" tluia and ao lie done. Itu', lfi' bfe how thin iiiiittir 9 MUiln, if 71 fwil.l Tor ui! intibT oiiTf: that we cannot reconcile the blandiiril'i claims ami pr.,lc iitioln with aoinu other facia clearly apparent in the currtnt bifltory ot polithal eYinls. The Walker party in Virginia claims to be caiholie anil liticral ; tlie reenter party In Tcnnewn-e ji pinrs to lie the name, anil t h Standard any, "them'a oar ftcntimenla." But, during the late eesaioni of our Iegi)atiire, nunicriu illiirtB were made to paaa joint r.nohi lions asking Congrcwa to rtmore the p.'lilifnl diaabililioi from the iroarnbed while mi ol 'this State that ia to grant "gem ml am nesty" in it ia auduralood iu Virginia, Ten msfce and by tTerybody, at this time; bin the Monc&irioppoatd il and the tu.lii uj gtStSfnfir TrtlSoT ofT.liicTreaoluriona one after anoiher. rV), it ia very ceriain that the i(in(irihaa hauged it views, or that it in now acting the hytiocri'e. Il will not do to aay, the k(rn "general anjuesly" (tin a not or did nut contemplate the removal of po litical diaabilitie. lor all the Southern eilatea enjoyed -gt-Heral amneaty in eveiy other sense, by virtue ol the Pieidi ni'a pfriclstjuttoji sml tbotcry fiurtolUic m uouuction 01 tne retiutioua ini toe i-f(. lalure ot tl.ia Btale, and the ineorpon.t:ou ol the aanie principle into the platform ol the parly that lia triuinphed inVirginii and Tenueaaee, alio wa that aom. thing morn un meant than what wai already given by the I'reaideat'a mnealy proctuuialion. The A'fiinefitlincr tli party whiwe orgnrrr. th, opposed thia policy up to the antioin,c nil nt of the result in Virginia. But llie Standard claims lo be in hc;. i . I with the admlniatration on tliia sul.j ci, n well aa with the Conservative ol V'ugiuiu and Teooeaae. Jt"ut 9 how ihat ia. We an nnderatanuing between tlie rieHiiiuiit and tire Committee of leading Virginians in regard to the policy to be adopted in that Stat ; but we have no reaion to rappoe, lor Standard endoised Ihfa policy the VMence ia rather the other wuy, uauiely timt the ajmpalhy of that 1 paper vaa with the WHlritn:tntti',M"-frtTjritfr -dekat ol --tb: policy, until ttflar t tltctfoit. Bat the contest in Teunetsve followa, and a portion of the uiote moderate ilepubli cuua coalesce with the Deiuorta's and Con. servatives of that -6Ute aud placet Keuter before the people on the same platform which iad carried WalKer. triumphantly 10 Vie Etecotive Cb r in Virginia. Now, why it wa that the aauce of the Virginia gowaa m not good for toe Tenneaaee gao- der, Weens sot able to tee ; but it ia evt. ' dehntVas ot" thoiight io be, tbe ad minUtratioa at Waahuigton. The StundarJ must bava felt little "streaked" aftyr havioK "tkulared in lavor of rkntcr' to ' ikiewbW.1.' Pttdii' 'Prcaidcnt'a Cabinet writing letters, committing the ad- minUtratiou In Uvor oi Sloki and dtilur log h(rt tb KadicwUt ia tlrat lalr npif wilted tlia iily triis republican party, and that the admiulatration at Waahingtou dt- -erred Iheir antf wld t mpkiy M influence and authority in their In half. The trStUMjii)Otle ilcoknttbat -th whole " wlghrtA1e tfJiuiitttt1ltod'at . lVaslilnst ton was cant in favor ol 4Moltr;(l, and the tiw''t'PW 'wt over the lladica'a of Tenneaace ami thfad muitriu(M,at WtuAwptoH,-, w jlie ta dardcih recoocile lh ilifSculty and show itself laaoconl with lxtbf Si jjutation orflbriited. so.m teatre a formal call, and in the Niat luelaphjsical natnrt that nona but the . I .1 j. 1 XI. 'n.!. J-jf-J- 'll..l..i tnoUle yetilj'j.i ot4ir can aotve. Jt U our privkla opinion thsVT "rttaflilardt a little lee tat la (browing tip tu hat foe. Virginia, it w rather haaf ia "declaring lor Senator btfore tht elec lion " units, injecd it Intends to follow It ministration or., no adniiairtraiioii. It ia T- aw'ioBlatj eouniJ the circle, d Will get into the. popul.. enrront,. il puwiulej. but, w , warn it in t'me thera S one thing it cannot I do , it canned lug in r.n its shnttl.lefs Oh j meu ol iU parly who havi , in this St tic, t letted -all tlieir influence to laa'.-n proc ip (ton and b. ap indignity upon mir beat sud mt hnnrt .1 citizen. M'ai.n t ' tote" in ) f f'.f 11x11 wbn hum obftrcase t otrr r IlllCe! lilt! If lUilliTV UU-. 11 ..-., .m... rather 'tt fi .mil il 1 and domestic p.r- ... I my Tiuc lU.uk liu; "iUiuijd tttim and i I it a'tr-mids to come in w i ill such a I'"'- . l-ti, il r. rii.in'y i-mh un'l r 11, if it renCh.'S "tif p..rul i.f tlm W.ft' lr wind, it 11. W mi-nir 6 riiglin t:OOKA i-. yhllSJO.SH. In timet wf rtvo'utimi, an-a lie l"t ; evtuu ol a cinluijr are 1 r witf.l into """', ,i'..i.i .T.;.- ii.,r.4.i- wr Mm br('lk,.n r ,urr,, ,. i. trje - 1 , . .,, . . ,, ,.;,.h OllCllllfl-. j Il,i. iii-pirfl ..nlv ...numpl an.t .Iwut. . , , n ii,,. 1 in short 1111 lwc -uif t,a.UiriiPile, ttiiu aft- ( t I(V(, ; tii.vurui.f U,u ul, a.iuaitd hi, , , ... . . ,, iy wi'h t'ie Kf.l'rui arm wli: uixupyim; die ( ajiitnl ol ilif SiHle. no 111 n w tt' so lis-aiwud asCanlaeil, It 'dirmi., Ham -igfi, Kiwiii. 1 1 .'ol. Mure.,) itadjiam and Ii 1'iiil. 11. Il.,wkit.a, They felt only loathing ttid clicgiiat foi1 Iilm. In Ft(K.a f time, 1 with the tid ol the rait . vuible) lloldce beeame etttlurahie; tbey B'.blded at the bait alitfleairifiH tractive and,' now, they isan't live without him. . ' ' -'Ciritw'BlT U'.taldJig bava criej"like a baby," when he learoed ot Uoldeo's apon ty aiiij (3igracer Cantmetl. PicK Settle, Btidman and Walts, had always pafa bhh1 uoua court to ioklen ; they regarded him as the ground work the very mudsill ot their political fottuaea, and sd they regard bi to thia dy and Botwithatandin the contempt ith which they were eontpelled tfgar4 Jioiv.he he sold hirae!f to the carpet bag and radical iullm nce against ti e wrjEfare of bi own Htale, yet they cliiif, to hfin like the vine In 'the l.iaU-d and .1. cayin Uflnk ol Ihe free, knowing that he i t'heWysiijip'irt liny fun hopei tor. Comparing mice wilh imn, it may not be uniiilen sling to tlo-; who have wilnewd the midden conversion ol l..dfn, Hodman nnif coiiiiiHi'iy t t I tHt tl ( tk l ii V J 4 l"'n)' historian, sayn of the iuiddeo conversions and disgrac -Inl Coiiiluel of 0 riain gnat lin n 111 tl c time ol ,l,une the Second. "Edward, Vixcoiint t onil.tiry, eldest von of Karl t lari nil .ii, vta young man of slender abilitiix I o.e pti'ieiples and ti" lent temper, lie commanded one ol tin riiinttiits of drafouni, which had bcn suit westward. Cornbuiy put himself at the head of three regiments and marched to wards Dorchrsti r. rupicion wm awak ened and searching questions were put and fW-ivfly ansiVered. lie replied that he had instructions to make a r.lht aitack upon Ihe Piince of Orange. Il l orders were ut last called lor, but he could not oJiTceThemT' TTIiuhiuSulf in 1 siTua li.in of peril, he ut lenglh stole away, with a tew followers, to the cnjnp of the enemy. The tidings of Cornbnry's defection reach ed James aa be was sifting down to dinner ; lie turned away from Ins 11 11 tan ted meal, swallowed a crut of bread and a glass of wine, and retired to his closet. While he nan if tiring from Ihe table several I. mU iu whom hc reposed the greatest confidence, wire shaking "hands and congratulating each other iu the adjoining gallery. When the news wns cairn d to the Queen's apurl mi nis, she anil her ladies broke out iu te ns and loud cilui of a irrow. The blow was a heavy one. Cornbury mis heir of a house e oimpiciiiuit for its attachments to monarchy. His (alher, Clarendon, his uncle, Kochcafer, were men whose loyalty win supposed to be proof against all temp tation." ' . Cornbury, like H.'hh n, was soon-Wpl countenance 1y a crowd of deserter, sapn- rior to him in rank aud capacity ; but for a kw. ilayv ht.alidiUcuwt iu -U trtiu, ami was bitterly reviled by many who afterwards imitated his, example and envied his Hs bojioralf)fl''"prrcedince. Among fjjese wss his own lather. The 8rt outhteak of Onr-endoq,'--ro;ati,d .jorniw. waa .highly .pa Khette. "rX Ood r is- exclaimed, "that a I WfSiif niine ahtjuld ThelT rebel 1" ,; A, fort night later, lie made up Ins uiintt to become a rebel himself. There is no tnan In Xorfh Carolina veho has Jirit been ov erwlie nied with astonish ment at Holdens vijlainy. Vet, many of them who Wire most sbutkid, at first, are . ....1.: mil' actually paying sn'rot court to him, and ar enpeclirjr honors, place ao l pay from the uiaa whoru lley 1o ked Upon as politu ally infamous slore all oibera. KDVCAT10NAL ANNOUXCBStRHTP. We are refpieafed to announce that the .National. Educational Association will oob- venelTitpnJJiyw Jgraey, on tb 16lh of the present mnnthvahd will tit several dayv pel. jjajes.frcin this State can go ami rturn fur one fare. They should pur chase a return ticke. Iroiu Haleigh to Haiti BMue, from Baltimore to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia to Treuton. 9tt EBnoATiowAt. AooiATn. The COiilOiktfH! ap)Mliite-tl at the last meeting ot the dial ham Jil ucatiuual - A ssoc iat ioit, to call a mee ting of the Teachers o the S ate, bare fixed ttpon Kaletgh aa the plai, d the 14ll( oi Octotier a Ithe ttrttt, fur this meeting. Wo hope Io siie a bill attendance Of tetichers awi frietultof nlftcatton , at that time., It is ot great importance that, thW-fct J ncalional intercstf of tllo .State should' be looked af.ers The couimitteu wilwe are In- mould 1 me .wftWiBtl"' t fp; ttiti pwers ot the far. alu 4.U ,s lt .-ij J , ijl'iiin inffcaa. I.-w.. it. ...... --.1. - .. . J71 ra cv' (ti'UBH 'Tiii'Tf "n", 11 m hi .it w'fitrri f'.AIUST subject tj Ctt.lisg timely ftt&mtioift to i Tmt Radicate are comuiittlng (political suicide in' , eyory iart of the r3outtt. The riot In Mobile, iu 'wBith aotne ituMmihurs commit outrages, is an example, buvti io-1 famouaacU will turn tu entire South, n. groea and all, againat tha Itatiical party I Tin Conservatives will bava a nlcan walk 1 over every where. Jf. X. ItltffNtm.- . -t I F -r the P ntii et. .1 I.H..K, Aug. . I- Mr. k'dit- r .-- Lcivii -g of O.iku" ii wporarily tl 6r beautiful "Vitf morning, after opiying i .j.d! U' ui nut me . (J. liailroiid itTreugti tte rctn.shn g. imtru- i' n j.:.7!.r.r-tir. a , - - - : ' ;;! m .note .,.... " ' T Off SI TO I'.. t .(-.f . 't . I S ncnicd in a bcimtut grove ot i a ive oaks. ! iu,t one ni.il. I r .111 t Ii - nt .''. I lnt.k ug kLlll ol ui little lour iinl.t uol t tiii'ly iti-v.Hl ol iut-i.v t . .mc of ymir ria.lt. ii. I prMp.ist to ru.pl. y b-t"ir door 10 tins v. I mo" pr. iiiw I'V raying wot,! ,,l p.'ni-i- 111 I .11 "I 'lit- f..i Ii ul .1 I l,mw 1. .. ..in n v-r l lit" ov. r h&J '. Cup' Tim., rlukc ln tia npi.iii mny jfi,r ol 1 1 fli, i..t .rvl. .in rln kitI. j , ,ljtfj,y .cyu'fiut. ..I.f.. jkii.fi Uulm. Jl'it".'ft4,.'"!'.."X "'".""'J, ! tiim.lj f.r l- u-t trut . ..r m. ! I aupiMwt, l.l) -ni!.in.FrMl u ut on .i , ... , l,rHiWHll.lt f". 1 pr i 1 n.-nr 1 ( 11 " 'I" -.1 un lb l 'iiiif. 1 . .Ii. ,!.'.! i.l I II ,1. I' 1 111,-S h w wf. :! . M iii.iii '' ni l ! d :, a'.y I tl . l.urr, I Hi . per ll I :ll.- y. I'lll-il tl .,11 I .ll.linjTil I'll l-ljl III (r I I IO IU the !li;hl places 1,! I.- ;in..i fc, .1 II lr A tllll.f.' llll n l.v fi'.iif iirtki. I' V ia, durlll : ll -Hf - I ill I (il t I.l 11 V 1 ;. . i- ki.. . 1 , II I ll ' N I I" . Kond ; I i h n'l 1 71 y .t ; . f I . 1 ..n I s I ., , I p .!! ..... !'(. I! II 11 V I. l . ' ..p -., II.. rl .11 If- H e iri e :n:mn ICapt 1). I'.fV tt I 1111 VI iOi rt'l'lH.ctl,-.! Iv I IH'ljl. Mill. m!.'I! i the ill.' nlfd 11111111; 'I.f I'r. -iile if f ol ,11 I. (i II Hi O f li,l w.-re c 0 .'ii. 1. r- al i.a' '.in-, '' p' llori - .11 1 ; ,n:l .1.1 Hif Kil l. 1 a 1 ll.--iii.iii li-.vr j I mi voliin aiiiy ijiiu ll.f U al. a i.nn.l'.r .1 '.1 p y .tin In io f I in- int 'iii pn 11. f ol I 1-. Ii'.'n ' lieallh. M-i'.y in.' I aiifiii ..I. y aid and - e-i-ii pleaiing.are I lie m' den's all I r minnce n , di I ..;ir winch this in. im-ti'-. ' 'i' "v. r t.e Koad, lily I' ' suggisti-.l io nn 11. n l T m ion them '01 ' nil, W1.11..I in IK.- in 1 ' r' llir too I'.ng . '".I'll 1 will i-.1,! nt 111 , I .i'l. m! i-io-.: oi.ly i..:iin : few . hi;, p i --.il ' If f nil a'ikilif n' mil , I " ' " ' ' ' '' the p i;, i.n Ii.."- I l ok'Ii, ll"t I'll' front tlit- J el'y, I a- r. 1niTi.l1 I ..I a laiiriaolo U" 1 dflil wlilfli ore urn d inany veurs ao.Ho.wi :if If r Ilif ( .imp let iiiB.il In- Una. I Tlo If 11- ill -scent 1 if .'id 111 .11 .v II re no inli-ri-.l l.y main j ol . .Jtr en ;. 11 j ft If . llf 11 j h di mi ii. led tr. . 1 1 1 a lil-lily rc-jMl l t.111.1 . in verllifl. in if.l a wavwiinl nil I rickl- lile, and lm wa ve!) haul ol he hi 1. g Tins oid mull w act-n-t'iriiil dniin:; 'lie -(""no and M iinnifi sfaon-i t' li.l a I01 (. old I. iiiionid ooiird which he cairifd bi a nin nroiliid hie i.fi k. wiili plum- a i.l .- tin 1 fi Hi's uol 1 ury 44-m-Wt vnti- ' lliiid.li .iif 'fitc1,' I' Im. I jfivitt In m a Im :! I . II 1 To vv 11 I ;.i I , mi- iMiimi 'ii.e thing 1- than a hull I u"tii l nt the crown, and "eO'iAtnf; In inn i 'oily liaHand muailer by il.fre.-, low nidi Ilif l.liin. Wi II l.i log U U t r..w 11 ..n, and a t'"iird f plums around Inn neck. Mike wa aim d no In way In town N.'W I'"' H known that Mike had a Hi'iM 11 111 oti.p' - i'.I f lear .-f t'ie curs. Win n ui" nt iiiidvyav of tins embai.kinent Irud-ir.e; aloiif, he ....k...l vip. and honor of horrors! liier.' faine tiie'Mruy r?iitfhu aa he calltil it i-tewino and sniokino arotnid the eni ve jast l..-Ioie bun. Fright en.-d aliiio.t t.i di-ath and tliinkin it. im possil.lc to y.-t nut ol llie way other w ie, Mike, ln'il-i row 11, ..tnd and plmns, all went rolling over and nvi-i, it sc. min liaid to teli which wonl f r, ucii bottoin tirsr, down the eiil.anKiiieiit to Ilif ifrcat atniis ruont of tlifj) tHiiijLujiW trTTTr" Ttlc" curs wetu whtziiiij p.ast uic i 1 leiiow ; a.J, having rt-ariic.l ttic mv ot ihv (m Uhii k ment, ne roe tt hi-i tWt hrtishi :g ihe itl oiy Irom hit b.ltt pate, Uu exciHliieti, (of)kin afier tin car, ''lam litt stray romi !" J'aais in over tiadUe', iu whiwu ripplinu vvft r I hat! oh n anic.i w!n n a Imy ; we wic rMHtii ptts-ini; tin' lonm r rrwnW'nce ul Ihut prince T oitet lt'lion, tbt; late ,m Mor- doaiK4q . ttr tltu "Uv-uti(.nin fruiu Aim ah orctk, tt H m'd IiumorotJMiy 1 1 U;rui umii self'. 'nor (ctlow ; in ali!ttin to ilmpnis iu u-ttU-ti lulyr ttml tit r it IWpitfihty nt hom.i, which I tlinuii.t hr km-vv how to do with h.k muih ,ttna!o(rat'u:' rare itU'I c m 1 1 a ) i r v us h'iv ina'i I ever iw ; lie hiw i)Ml(l i.f us hiiMkl' tin; iH-ililinrhotxl ttn ntl li.s t'ifv IritMiflr. aiourul honk cool j jipitii wluti fun ami In lw lmi tx't'iH' mi'l wM.i" itronqtir it Ual with the crticr of tho-Niy. Well do I ri-tut-iii)er how lir iM.joyil iln-s: (H:ra-tnKiH. iiuin peihiip tvT tlul in Vak ( tumty 'vvlHwr; lealli woe limn- rejjreUfd, or wIioh iikmio ry i rauro foii'ily cherishfil than th.it of 4actib Mar dm i. I't-iue t him uImm. We ap nw at Mtlittro.ik, ami oh I lnw intlt'H crihahlv sail mi l tout-Inns;, rn the i mo !nitM ihut Kvvt 11 my nun I at thin point. Not I r lnrn li- re atiWitls the ohl homes) ettl ftftmilti W-hiaJet llHUayaOlki ul-dJtW,t. ilild. . ftJkCTCii. tnUai itt'X. iiimuriua . Hi lly Ami sweetly love to lii K' r, h around hut onti Npnf on earth. The hoiue of elnhlliood ; oir what maiic ai'nl (harm in the v ry oame hut I nibfit leave thin t fu limit'-d Vp t with jjs IibIIowuI a8 i .tijoj - pAnft on tu ar t he ol-l HcrKMil ihiu;- b 1 1-, wherts 1 Muditrd opwurtU tit thirty varH n. The anuiciattoi: nior-f uir.r'irl. perimp'A. n i, to tho4t wh'u'U c'ti-ttr around tuir child hood'- home, are th - t-wiiiial d uidi ur . ar1)- !!( i'tiy nay. Thty wi-n- (.cav.,- j tlntf the cut t It 1 011 Ii vv'ik'h wr are ,.hu t swittly :di!U', when we were a 1 y i.t Mrhooj on yonier site. wlmr ehunce what change's, have lntei vi-ned Ix lwct n j th.it ilav amt t bi. Iut I mont tini i.nucr r. amid these dear Sfvi e- ol t if p is-t, f r my tetter is bcmin; already oo We ate no pa.-sijtg through niiDtiffi euu iro-s which the 4 .lelireys' lHy' h licd tr e Xo j ohftroec the nam uot 1 g aft it the complu- tion ot the How.i. .onic diiliculty aroeii- nr. j tointiemoity tor the HetA ot w.v. Tut; Jrtlrrya re'ained the tlon. W. U. 11. 1 a. their eou.el.-a.,d he. ..ll.j)edjJtttJJair tiwajurfijV Inch they ad .p-ed. Hieat enciletiieiil prevatltsfl in the tiertrttborh d in regard to the matter, but the in insure cucotuiue-Kled oy their diBtmguised c iuasel. j resulted in a scitienHint of vthe diflicultv. -1 llU(tulii.r 1.0 Il.ltlluillti. 4l.w.l. .1. i... n Passing by iluulsville Which used to he a const. leiablohtrr, but which has been su pmcd d by l.uitusvil'e. We now have rescin d I'.iw.H t Auademy, which Was once lUesiatola n.Miriehliifr lemale jcliool. ln cuigo;JU .Martha K.'hardon, an emt nent irmtfaetre iitttn KW Hampshire. attemled a poblie examination there many years ago, when the scene ol Itonauurt's di- voreeroent of Hie npreasi, Jotwpiiine,- Waa spuniiiuiy enacini. itausom Hants, son ol Juhu W. Harris, Esij., rrpreaenled Unaa pait ai'i.1 Mist Ikl lie Dunn represented Jnse- plljne, Miaa Ann Kt'u I'Hilen, a beautiful and wH' silmimi ynrg lady, long since paastN )ntd the Spirit land,-npieseniid iioriense, me nauef-ner ot joseu.ue. The iad sciua aa Wtll enaLte.l and elicited much le ling. iiitK being hut !ew tearless eyea ia the large aasenibly, during its touch- in-; lierlorntance. 1'asaini! aw it br on. w liajirjituMi. 'rTaeliwiLAfiitliit. iitw- rtiiH-T-'T niu ot ynn thing or a turn in tic - incident in my oait tfeutful hit I At a Came meeting at Hank's i h.iiid, in QraaTiUecountT.manv years agiA, I met m ttetelfwart and learned thai, on a certain hattinhiv, she would lie H) th Uui row ,lyr xitKv Thm araia . """" was ai ioo uowi, ao it "ten. mined aa u on being ia time tor the rain., The hour vt tetr, etcveut to, to .Hrve' o'clwck P. ,M, wearil wore ou and uu uo Jraia wttb tia sWserf trra$urt a.b ..urd appeared F'uaiit.g f 1 li:'- mflol I wo tint he able 10 sn-tui mil . ' trin. 1 , Co... U-led toiSliA. l i .1 1 . '1 3' t 1 1 ie about tWl i miles distant, in tin- one. 1. 011 ot the 'x- pcclt-l I Lin. lh.d ,,t I..I t,,r be- "" t'"l"''l llienm-l,ea urn-, ..... I i.ii.-1' wi.,.. !,, uli.u t.K. ia r",1' 'u'"'"""i "'' "" l,'ll,",or IhuI bua 4 " .l it e.ttrphitmic "'' U'L-'1- " """"7" rN-Kt ttre it?ne. .a.:T Mi'tf-rs trfft' T'. n.lt- li-'M in ilif ..f wyt'i- hii I iinpiTl. 1 i.ist itc.l ftiiu int.. . il.. .1 (ii. .'... I; ni. I int .lOM ti.i the luisj 1 II urn . 1 n ni. rt - jpii'icl tra:n i hue n ith 1 In. j fu. 1 ' Mir 1. 1-I1 . imd ur. " Vu uu t in an ,a n . 1. I". "J. Ml K..rt.,tvi . , l:'lJ "I t 11 mi . 1, , H-K pon'. '! ax ..tr tl.. !..).'! 'I" lll-UI : ulol il..r.j. .S... . All. r .( i iiil. 1 ;i loipl'.y ... .Ml im ..I If w;l Ilk .Ii. i V .1 i I ; "i'c" " '"r i v 1: l f ;" ul I. i I' li'Vir u d dining 1 !i-c!l- I . ' U 'I'D t.i, ,1... t.-htlul in tu-.T tti-r.' 'M1V Hil l llf i. i 1 .'.It M I 111. ll.f ln ih nlxiTf I till 1 ' r I rn v I ... I0111 r y. 1111. O !i. r uu i.i. ul - I 111; 1. ! ). ! !, 1 1 u ' . 1 . ... I.. A'.ikf K..rr--t ( II ill it rrit . u. u.-iul In (ituu..n .... k' -.i.bi;i.i i'i.i- nj.i iii .l .1,11 ! f. Il .A H ,, .in . lh f 11 1.. . 1 I . I. i -,!. ! ,1..-. ' . I- Hi ii. vv .- . ; .1- 1, . pi. ... Iii-i- i-.l. iu..- I -. i 1- I ! S'".i'o: ' -. I I! J T ul .1 i' l' 1 '-I ,11 .,- J.i'.l . .! 1 ,.. , I : .'ii.- 'i.i 1 l.ll'.'l '"mi 1 "i"'1 lilt' I ii .11 I I in a1. II I 1 ."I..D In,: ..: . ' ill ll I Hi ...11: li I 'I Ul.il. e e .,'.. lilt I:' A f " ;.. .v.. ..11 ..1 ii ' '., 1 1,, I hf I- .1 I "t .1 N..i; I ,r 1. '.In- - I., I I.elipw,..,! I tnrc t'.a" , p: ,d I I ' ..I,! 1 witui vv 1 1 In li I fu un- HlllHhl' ll t. Oil' I 1 j tttuth. r w.... t toi l I. ill ll. j the :.!,. I- i..ih-. av v. ! iva:. L.!' ".ilu: iiliJ I I In- 1 iji t 1 itiim- 11 t ; ! t inn; w tit-fi ( nii-tihii inns - I' W. I' il 1, r i' i uu to i- ) 1 1 U iI iiti pt.i.it, j o'elot k 1 jtmi iroi'c.i'-cil i.n . ! Ill Mill " - ,-tii'l lS m-i nni-t ;il mil im: il II j w lit-t 1 1 hc I ) I'fht ciiMf il on j In- upjicr p:tr t o Ihe --u 1 tl K win; li Iiii. I b ( iiii-- very (illl.ti!, ll- 1 p If. Hi tl IM:,llil 11,. . 1 1 i - t V , it. ul ' 1 ) ' mm wn riiurt. Iy IJ irurc-l. I'l-c! ttl ! M'tiri'i ui I in ij yft,i iiHiufi ?t m t f'Vt rti i'M atc iiitln, uu,! rCkn, u 1 1 1 li ; 1 us a ilt-ili lilTtniii, i lie so,r liuh'. i'lti;.! npcri ut from the JuvYtT part, ut tlie .hsi: v itu -iin .wplciiditr. This sitt!tl ii fmi.titiin ol lilt- it is doutilh h uw in t.i the lat t ihi.t the tu ion hiiK.n 1 utni if.heie like ours, ll she hitd in-It tut alioospht re, tlie lar lay-, in t!ji.i tict aiiioti, wuiit Imvc tii.-apjjL'urcl and reappi(t d.ijttdua'ly, like llo; eM'iun muii auuiiilihi. , 1 rii the pcrm-l rounTn'J i I totHl uhr HIHltoH, tilt' rMil Wit's hy a Irroud, well tletinftl ri'i ot p tio h'i, known an the c -rifutt, which nd-U d re.til to the graudfur til the scene ihe planet Venui JiiU-ne out hnlitly, and a lew n'ars were viHilde. The etlip.', witilt; ,toljtl, tiul not prtKliie-e such jrcai di km ti- ns we ex n-et'd, hut it east over the whle lat'e ol iiittiire, a tar ft' the t yt! (oiild -(, a irmji tliHinai whtdo. It Has DrtUcr day, nor iiih nfit viiiiit. Nvthii;' like it, we ruppiHi', is jlut se."h, cxept during a lot d ectip.- oi jh uuu. Tuc azure ir( the r-ky w;i changed to a fomhrr nni livid line. Kv iy tlm nt tlie lund sieiiu-d r-nhled tu iionui ; uu-l the orein, under thr shadowy paMt lo ked a- h'wdell find tin try a (lie i)i !tl Seaol' I'ultM- iioi. VY e cotili! not- lau perceive that the ail' Ihciiiu si nihly i -tKcr. Tliia (.iTd ol a total e 1 ipse ot llo Min hn I e. n It.t lelo."e. Iiirmif suVh a pliem iik nou ut t'-!K t&, Mav li, l iiVj an nlwrrrr kits muh he etr;d'ie- took p .it e. a j 1 1 lie t chp-e, w lnle km ul, u a a uiniolu-ent -pe.ethC!et a no It uiii ami Mililimp phencrrifiion worth tmv -j.l ii',' a th' iutu.1 indts to er, Ivv't-ry tjM'y ii i'-i'path, wl iou!l me, we MilJptt li'.tKeO l.p -tl il. ti li.e Imy-i ou I LJUc.att, i i lloi p.itoi', llsjel. . tln-ir u)iin! xnoriH, r-ivi' ex-retM-n to t tior tu 1- lnt?rtrt'tet'UMaiiiiiia-issu4iej.ai.jJttt4.i us scene ami liaiii d tin n-iiiinii.g nm.iwht T Wldl Simula f f i'.. . A t siiriH, t a email dill ec ips- .1. p..rti., nc fun wa- OL.-'IinVKd. ,"TT Ti. ttEXTTohr,'?." '""Aii; St N 111 1 MIN.l ON 111 1 ll I. tlf IS, or ll'.ll. Fin 1 1 .lei-,. Mo, ogr ilii im bo print ', VI I'BIl Ii.-. .1 ..t. s uii tru I IIS ll ipnl i.t rti. . ll c. VITldll of file" VUVi, liTTTi )' PMtvi c, ol . itner a I glit or ,'aik color. T. d tins, diuw lie- i-.i.i)oc'iini. If't.-r. or Ki 14 P'' "I writ ng pii er, and p ,ste It rt llll li.licibtge oi gll.: tij.i ll t'.'e side of llie IIM. pored to Ilif Hlf. Jus: b-.-lole .he bu.l iu-gi to c.-lor, aiid when thaftud s ripe, an. I ihe p-i.T is reni.....l, I he de -i ;.i Will i.pii. ;u u a lii l.i.r .'illfi.-nl col r to th. res! ..f the ln.it , as, b,r iu s .me if Ih rnievrit is trod on a jel-l-W flesh. I pem li will fed ch ek, the di gu will appear iu gw-M, siiirnunib d with r .1 , iue nop, site . It c-i is di-sir. d t cni out or pieici. llie Ict.er r di-iug't ui t and paste it im Ihe Irtiit, will. Ii, win n up.- w in nave tuc .design in High odor ou a, lye low or light gr.en ground, ol ihe .Inn,, of the piece of piper, and this agiiin w'ill la; surrotinil.d by the, brighter color ol tin fruit. The srguiui nt on the p titntn of Verger for writ of balsas corpus to lake h m out ot the hands of tlm uiiUry. iommiiMotf, ; Jackson, Miaa, wlibredW is on trial tor- Ihe murder ol Colonel Ciaue, of fi-e Ui.i'ut Htutie Army.WM made lieloret h cl Jus, ice Cbas.i, in the (supreme Court eiinnibrr, at Washington, yc.lr.lay. The c Hinsol lor Verier rhnied the jiirisdici-.ri(iTthi; TSitT try cominission uud deuiairtild a irial by jucy- AttoaiMJj 6imt-ttl tiWvia bw Tirply, denied the right ol Dhief Justice Chase to hear the argtimenf, exca pt at a sitting! ol the Stipri nte Court, and coo'ended that the petition must go h lore the I'uitcd SiaUs Court in Mississippi, The argument lusted lour ho us, mid at the coudu-l .n tlie Chief i'ui-t.ce said that he would notify ' niunsel when he would be r. uily to, render his i!er cTsio'li7 " . f,vervwl.eie in Kentucky the Jla.tVal ivervwhi bare lost ground instead" of havitiu t-airksi it at they. expi cted. W have best them on their rwn itnrchill. carryinir tha lumu,. iLU)ttit!e WiietrTtr "fbt r Was a o i. ,i ' 4winTWWfi iT"lX c" 1 Sp ru sentatives, from dla'rifts wh'ci were ihou-Ut to d bnpJJeas'y Ti.uirca'. Th.i, iBsHintain Iwyscnuhlul iiand negro suf iraae. taai s wnat s tne nialter f inuv. rfiiaraati - r A lew I'ansian gourmand' lately dined ; ii hi 111 j.-.. I j" Milieu. .If ainv. ilu prov'.'tJ Itit 1.1" mill' . :n.. I I IliTi I .If V. ill .II I fl ll.'.l. fully tri.-l lor l.-i'-onf I.I liw w ivi-i 1 11. il Iiih Milt, timl In l!r.liih Kast Indies llie railway .n'-itltN.' iiit.lv bfi'Ull to liruidi'l i... .' j.:.Mfiitrn il.fV kill, or U du .m li.t Ii:.::; . Tin.' .-. i!i ; an M-pl al ll.f la li.rt- ai..- tin line- ft the ev. rll ma If niilv I.i o-f at a lli'ini. llt' 11. .11..- Tl.i nrc .iiii -ii Inn licfii reudfreil neff-atv l-v iii.. rf,,l, '1'" nt. n In-. it I Ilif cl 1 111 tit 0, VI theTre- '' ... , . i ..iiil- i! h'-i. .1. - !.. p'i.liii.il, ami I'V i cide ntn. 11. 1 I ilal I'l I'f M i...'.iar pll ' !'- if 1 i 'l A inn .1 'A. I.: r " fc m ! in :-i. ol Si.'iil.eu C. K . I..,,.., "iijd l'tk at home." two Mind ih 1 I'M, Ili' llSiilld iiipits Wt-re ini.l, ill I uu .ilrti'i't ( rj'TTi; nTTmt.r.it "N.IIv wa- 1 1.'i.iv, 1 ' Hi a'lli .'il llifiinifr." and "( '.in' wlicru in y l.ow l-fr lir. iiiiiiiil." An I.1.1 -1, ,1 a I lfl-.lt ha-1 ll. lni-1. mil . ar . 111; hfi. .....j, In ,..1 'In; ill'. mi '-"I'l" 1 1 .. w i liueU 'Uiti'i c wttiu'd 1 i'l ilif fine b, ...1 her 1ms '1 V.irfinisj fall eolor-in- el. 1 'ion. That's 11 1 i.e 1 olorcd gi ntlc- tier ilnii Iiii the Kadt- A I I 11 .Ml . , ,pl I; .1.. I :tv. a lew d ivs sue.', ill cut- ... n atti nipt on the 1 art ot about . iiii . ! ,0.1 1. 1 Ti-d mull tiiiiiifd Wiflniin rrii.f, who, . . ,i 1 .111., ill .WM.d 1 Itetterill Still ill': , . . - ... ! , mid a. Im body servant dm It':.; the 1 ii.l I',,,,',' l.nll.fiil a. rem irinsnl fa:n-li. d. i.n I the nllair w as liinlly I ii li li.e 1 1 1 1 1 ' I V I'll 1 1 "I I ol till- loiMI 111 win. in. .11 in .1 1 he 1 lily If ad..' 1 ill If.! M Vflill ia' 111 irh if p. ,,-f MM. I. P. t h i- I a w o i k t i t v 1 1 H ui I t Im.11. I ti. k. f-lliee the p. ll up. MhI ut. il New 'Ji t M.f'l o if. I.: Ver. .FltVf I, il I- te wit. i.ne'eil hv the pi !n v , .'t.'.T'to) w t it- .,1. 1 'Jo w. 'Uie.i r IT. i i i nrtrned, and t J I . "i Kllll wviv ?i )tf;!e iti i d mtikini; a tula) tu nut .'l (iS ni ii i u tl, it ;t in ,'. sih'if pelt":.. t ii. r Hoi, r M. H.itniUou. 8..'lc rcLDA, i tin iliui-i ll.illl FJo'loa. is IU arlilllelon r the p nil .Se of uiging Ihe H. crctaiy ol i In Navy to i lei apt tale all cm ploy. c in I he I', lisic.il.i navy ar.l wlio do not fiitcrtain the v. ii s held l.y ihe "s!rai.di! mi a" ' . ii.l -c ils) in Fio'ida. There are several hnn.'r. il fnipii'ied -i and about the vaid. 1 hf high' st price ever known to liavi I.-. -n given tor a tMjok was at an iiin tion 'i.alf in I, mdon .lime, 11 l,whfii a cony ir. n snleii-.l to be li.e only one enliin')ol dd iiilafs lust eiiiiioit (i-s'.ieii 11,11 ol lii.ec-.i - fio's I .-i iineroiu: w as wold to the Mai.pii- lilandl ird lor two I hull-iii'l two hnniiied and si sty pounds. Ii. is unilc'st lod that, in the. c.vuit I the this ICmptess Kugfiii. 's making a tour coin tiy. the Navv I), pailineiit wi'l lie ad- vise I l.yjjji cummamlrrTr- tirHcrr" iif "file ft Tfi Iol M iles sipia.lron in Kuropc in linii to iiim ke pieoaitt lor I he i-'n n. h ll et to lor her r ceipl mti.' convey the riuipres-s acioss the Aliunde will.in (list event, ijr.,1 il I 1 y (! esciiit-d by Hesr Admiral Kadfu-.l in his ling ship, the Franklin. l'ostl-rM.AHi.K.-The great body -or j ruth -r li.e b. !! r porti in of the colored j p. I, pie oi t.imricsMO'i.M.t, ,nave s t their race i in ine noniii a gootj example ny melting and ; publicly liiudiat ing and i indciiiiiing I lit conduct ol certain InV Ii ss jieijuitij-uf iitcu race w lio made criminal of themselves and brought disgrace up iu tln-ir city by ii ilous proceedings on Ihe rec. nt visit of the .Savannah Base II ill Club. The Macon (bis. ) Tetgriiih ivs : ''Thoae weis- regular Coiigresaioual niggeis at tlie Omi t House, in Baldwin couui v, A'aleuna, yflo-re thfy look popscsdou ol the polls. bditthe wlii'cs, drove every ltemocralic nigger' awv, liiickley. l , and polled 220 majority I hey knew exactly wnat I 'nn. iff In. I ot litem, ami what, was un I I In si by ri c instruction ufcortlinir to the r l.'n.lif.l !!...,! " I' is u p Ttid thn'. S n-.tor Sawyer uu I , l ongics man Ito .veii, ol S-.ulh liurolina. i stand plr.lg d to tucir cousiituenls Io eel j appropriation in. m wongress ot 1,000,-, '-"i"!"'-"' triw- -awwwiiiioii-w in j t liarlc-lon, uiul (hat Alderman l ottcr t lo i ; have i he contract to do Ihe work, on enndi i lo..g whi'c beaks ibtougb which they chat I lion tint n.-ne but out and-out It tdicals I tt red, and when ever tiie gTingin.ivcd there si,a: be employed. I was a cackling ainong them of'Ter Klrjck," ' ' . , , , ". " ". . , r"KnrKm X-c.' One of oiir'ciiixeiis ran , M e' O''t''n'';koi is S'ngTg tnj.0,ls,,jrtti,,lalilllttl,ulilJWHaord(,r. , London. I he I ..Iy la ot .Moscow, and c. r- ed back. A....il.r Wss or.lete.l i m I - -'-- -..u. I. M. I'l-ehleis, editor ot the Vnirtme njn; his" fi. ei' aiipoinleil Consiil Trei.i.oii I, in Tuikcy iu Asia. F.lV rts will be made in Ohio Ibis tear 1.. . raise n fund to build a monument to I'resi- bid. Vi ,'liam dlenry Harrison, over the re main at ri-irluleud. lams at N'UtfXlle Macon, (., niiky claim to be the city of siocamg iiirus. j uey atiouiid In sl'tn'1, bin..- and afley iu Ihe town. every A negro man in Atlanta, Georgia, has been liiiid ti fry dollars, or tlx months' ser. 'T. e in Ihe chsin gang, ijor marryihg a white woman. mwg"iw tiwiwrr-af t&e ' late Philip !airt t( New HaTcn, is one auiouuling to 1.1 lujl his property, being about fUfi,- lo ihe l.miiecucat fjtale Hospital, the ing iree beds for the ludigent patieots, givT i ng preference to those incurably atleeted il such arc admissible. Twfl Irishmen, stopping at the Islant Hou-e, Toledo, last week, ht their gas and, with windows open, sat down, to enjriy a' chat. The hungriest of Ti lmlo mowjttitoci soon fl u ked in u.nd drove them desperate. The cl. rk, who was gumtuonfd to devise some delenee sgainsl them, trhl them Io diiac the windoaa and put out the gaa I'hcy acled on the ang'gestion and (flaced themselves lK'tween the abeeta. Jtlst m they licgiiD to lioie a lighliiiug bug, whici had strayed into Ihe room, cauclit the eve .... ... . v..VU IU IUI1U .of fime w4 the travelers, He rmised his ciinanibn wilh a punch: "Jamie, Jamip l!s no use I Here a one of the crsturs sarchin tor us wid k lantern W AT Ooaw-It is estimatl th.i IT. there are nni hiimtri .1......... ZiJTTr mn iw New lurk who reccivo wages for either manual or mental labor. If they lake lach one drink a day at ten cents each, the total expenditure is (10,000. and for cigars an'd tobacco any ten ornmench, 10,000snuHi., Inn MsV 14 wtfrf rirtcf iiiiiii.iiiiii a. Ttnrr.TiTriTik'iTi'g' slid sucking and chewing, ail of which is probably not indisiwnsnti.e. Mr. J. lb-ram Diyia ia nw ni iking a lour 1. L5-...I 1 . . V turoiiiio rwi'uia.iH,! a-co.npauh.l t.y l)f a M iekue I n 21. 11X OVfcKV OK A WO.MJKHril. THKAM'NK Hill,. C4TE IN (V The largtit, or father the longest derpeit, an.t in.iHl i.riiii inl, ( avei;u yut struck in Treasure hill si opened by tl;o south ore brewt, lorty 1."t level, aouhetutt of the Ileliiioiit slialtpl t)e Consnlidtttctt 1'hloride l'lut foiniyi'Miv, iliv bfloriL yesterday. The 1 cave i abmit lour I'V "Wide, three feet ' high, di to Ihe mrnth at an a 111; In of 4.1 iie- t'riv, and mftv U dtwended to a drith of 100 lent. At this point the cavern is conk er or partially olniirui led by Jpose rock and detached ulalacti.s ami masae of ori ent. tl alabaster. To wrfittdep!h it deH'ends Udow this p.dit i tm'aiiown, but it will lie I ..pun nd uti Uiyt-a lew 'v---lifl elph.rt-il j tl.orouyhly. The l u ol the ore breast iroiiiid the cn'rain-i.- to thn. cave is similar 1 in iippcaiHim t ' o t"cr portioiiH ol the mine .'i 'lu ii.-iui.- vii iiiiiy ore exteiidinir down ' the trails for i-i .fiiil Ject. JSevt comes 10 1 ' or Ii." led, top, bottom uiid side, of com 1 pact liiyd 1 lipid:. ry alabaster, purtlully alter ' ed to qnariz , then a vein cr.'S-ing to- tlie -out-iiwest at fll alible ol 5U dcxe-s, ul sir rulM.ide or Mi-tilde stiver or. iiiiplanU'd in ( ivsla.s, f ruling t.-iti like aity relations, 'iiiiiii. 11 loi.M-i ..r.-s oi tin character.- -flits tiike.T. u.-. 20 :i.:L down Irotii Ihe ore and Ho Ice tmili Hie si)TI'.ce. Here llie com - J pn.-t opn.-iie nlilfisU'r jiivcs way on all -.ut . Io i.-..iallii..iin stiilac lilts, uiid the sul plial-: locarLi. n i-.e ol 1 1 in-. pas-sit o rapidly from the milk while wlcuiie to the golden hucd mns-cs l capWWy ihmilritc, which oliatm by candle light like the pendi.les ol a ctianilelief lliifc, loo, "Small and great I 10.. I, and reappear in Hie mam 4 avcru Inr I . . 1 , i 'ul 'W- the root proper maintaining its I . a .1 . . . In ioht fiota the floor with grral regularity. N-me of these arched vaviika wouid p.r . , ,.. . in 1 1 tne pawage ol a man Ih or la leet to . . '..i. , , , the top ot the arch and down to ihe iniiin .' , .. ., . I ' ni'Ki:".o""ei r ... i ue sutri ponii, w oile otht rit are Ao .short one t ould h.inily hull) a cutuHa at arm h length aud see tlit li.dit o( il ttir.oiU the Mich Much ol the e.onjiiiei uhihaMter, w Im re hrnktii, iH thud rt.cnudheiiUiif.il as a Hunts agate. The cavern in uvrirly uivilium iu size down to t he depth ot 1UU leet. hut in placet where (he M-Mr is covered with d. hri-t one is com p''ls' d to crawl thr.-uh I . ke a snake. The ur i-i pute, ami C iii.lh s t-uni Irtcty to th liiea-e t tieptfel -Xj ioia.tJ Sfttpt.i luJ ; in- in-nt ne.tr ihe Imrt'im In r ' on the wtuidto'u henuly iiritund us, a ticking like h it ol a dca Ji watch uttraeled our utten iifii, ami we nopiirtd ot fwin Kef git -ion the - lime. lie aiil it a 'die striking I'f tlri. In, .)''; 10 ol w hu h nt-ic 1 -it within Kt T" T t-r im, anrt i i ; r 'ii ne "1 un "tlirti they can i.c io-.i,l J00I, et ilipm.,'h hi tul liuioMne. I. I'll i-aniliit f,. , in pity-iiL,'f, iVf io r;ii le. all I ill .-unit mil I Ii is w.,lntr,us sulf we are sorry to say, lor I ii r. most on bands aud pi i.-fB ciiiutish fashion. III. I. K 11 , Ni.' Iisms tu s im,; llii.i.smmo Hk iii'Kii. A I. ah Mi t One day lant '-week o ns ui .lames K. Ho e. ol t h u,el Hill. i ere out liti-iling. Line of th lads tupiios- "g ins giin mii'.i.iicii i .a working ou the I. i k wh.nil weiil oil' and wnumhd his br.-ther in the f-iot. j ( 11 a ii 1 1. 1 1 1 i.i. The smoke house ol T. . M. Kirklund was broken into lust, Wedlies- ; day night. .N'.-thiiig was utolcn beiau-e i n thti.g was there. Mr. Kitkistil waaoa '"Marrr! and fi.l twuLut- at tlie sCitntdfcrlM- The llicanter giv.s a lull account j the raid uu llie j ,il at Hi Inborn on Hun day I morning las'. In addition to ti e particu j lars we gave yesterday, h.ch were about j cornet, so lar us tin y w.-nt. we mid the " K "R- & They look the liv.i negroes out and rode on wi n in, m out or town in good order. i nc negines weie Toiin.t the next morning. line had all eh wnuuil made bv a ulsinl thrmiU his tUith.twi otbw was -tttihui t. Tlicsc n. groes ay ih.t tins.! mcii took ihem on top of a hill outside ol town and wilh loaded pistols at tin ir heads dcmnndcd they shoN'il tell all about ihe barn burning Tuat nn Ih. ir pr.it. sung their ijjm ranee ihe t'aptniu of these men urdered them no'l'ltt be hint thai he did not bilieve . theui guiity. The.-,C .plain and a majority ol ti e men noTt oll . - Inn a I, nt th. in atill ling ered behind anil pulling out the lights (liey cii. il "Ieis shoots llied d acoundrela any how"--and tired some two or three shots and mite nit Tins is the account that 'tlie gro prisoner give AI'I'KAKAM K OK TilK MK. 1 heir ttiire was a long gown as white as a blly. A sliroii.tJnifWttaTM.'rfiTt-ir lace il h just two hob b,r tln-ir eyes Funeral crape ww M.cJ , ,iou,,4 . lhi -wstst. - They cucann u.e guiiiciis anil Kept up a chafer- n g like So many swallows Soma had line sir-ci Kyti 1 Ii -r than this t a word .id r-t'Hsi ir. . nt e-iii n ii wiiu a n.n ot citizens while aiiia black -sc. nred the country for track i f these lawless men, but to n'o avsil. It is certainly a bad slate of affairs we have fallen into. We need strongiand intelligent .... u s ni.uniiis.1 l (Uf IttWT. i wo To unk. joe Ihoiuas a negro ol this coumj has been muchly married. Joseph had sKiited with a colored miss and married Inr not but still they lived tuui loved together. And alb r awhile Joseph, he loved another gal and this time he got out, license and whs just fixiuir to cet out ot tiiwrn to hiarr bis second rove when lo t his .first love rose up as a spectre before nun anu hiini -you Joe I and Joaeph wilif.1. She threatened to indite. And Jo, he prouiUed to marry her right there and then. (?o he got out a second license ana tney wero married on Wednesday at 11 o'clock. But-ehadeof B. Yonmr 1 at 3 o'clock on the sane day Joseph bla nyst license in ma second Ureecbei pocket was married to his aeenndldve. And now Jost'ph 5 lawfully married unto two wives onirmore in bur opfuron thaio any one man can couvenieolly bur baud iu "tltese time, - i , A Hbalt rut. Sbntiuknt. Borrow n Ik.ts us and make the mind "genial. And ta rnirrow we loTp'an Itniat torfdedtatw icmuiriy, anil the dead, b. corns dearer to us. Ana Just as the stars shine out in the: nlgbls ao there are blessed face that looks at us in onr grif, thongh before tbeir fea tures were tadinir Irom our recull.vil.m -Sulfejtog J Let do man druad li too much, .'."r-". "ZJ!lTL"" 'l"iUBP, . . . . -'"K UJ&M nut, in' tto ttriiflrt UayaOBlfTiilljS'ata"; tmn nignt, that oilier wonia are to be aeea ahjujng in the king, lung diaUorev Audit is sorrow the niht ol tha soul - that we see the fjrdiustaud know ohraelvea native of. ,iafln,tt iaiid -a ivf . jMaai-iAHjii A Ne w York corresiordent aayi that in a rfcetit sermon, Henry Ward, Beeoher, ia making the exhyitatton to his audience, said. "MdnB you are in Kome, you must hi ar the ltuiuaoa do; and when von are ia ,n iri.ii .n.., -i.. M li .Li-iL...:.-..M..' I'-ioin th.Trt.Miri City (N'ev.i New., July, T11K- HINTS JHJNi CA VS. FltOM VyA8HI.NQI0 VVisiiiMiSToa Aaa. tj u . ' I ixien lusiruuted to la, ,rrv ""at fsotaw strietly tu t.w, , uljyt W t, . &ai relsiioiij.iii, J?- h M au!? fcntlst iipoli ihe ,TTtlani2 The MpaniaH stecqtioua a R.1. . are uot tirUaiiy e,1),nnU;w CW TtieHpauial. gunUV n"!.1" Oswl? are as I thnexi Cabinet me. m.'JKi '"nrasilm llu !-... ... .. Se.it.' ii ia UUwt nn anfhorli, of w ""' UIOBllairot t-Vlllr... I, P. eonveyHatiuu ahuwu.K u,Ml 'm,,"r'wa eat ruJpnblteaM t flt-.ST C r'KOM Wahhp, - - u- . """"" ""i "i' Tbv ruff Ol0 a.i. b. sit interriaiw ita uu WS-n..BT7 Ol IBfr Himnl. n. .. ... . . u.' ... --. .. nuiautin (w. - W of Misippi, i tUe r, I,,,:. ti'W he..,- fK..t m tt N.ue.,,.1 Wn2.B'b' . H..y Ti.e.ie that tt.jr".ai. ."t,1" '""'- v "Pp..sili..ii Tlu. IWJ?" - d s r w , n ti f. ,y tu'a i , ... l..iiili-aii narlv i.i ihi. ... ?' sol tu l ff re.il, ii, e.r:.. tl' I " . t. iltts I"US huul ll,eu h ,i. ' ."" snj sine, -re men it e'lujii not be iiOimrftaluti'Jl The 1'r.i.i.ie l alao .ute.1, U,l Iu hta r ,r ;:'h.a lln ma 1,1 l. (uliv i totm-i Jeu. All.' wtnumn, mwl ibm that 1 .iihusriwuulil Uavsts sW . ti.iii,.! it... i. . . . w .i near. l,i, eh.rKe,J wlW,, ,wu,e he (7-Jl ""il.l auhjeel. Inu.aell loZ..l Knveuiin l.')7',l,iKSi. wl .i ll Cllbv ci,l,il,,.,,, , : Pre-i.l,int In.. I . inn)! inurii.-w -. ms Ispiinmr .I reet. tile A..u.t.nt T,tmr ta i (..Ira. leal louder lu. tn.ra oiroui",' ta J In- .peeclup m tlrant and Hie M-uom MuiU. ' ter M.risual, k tbeir mt,,,,,.,, , r v.r" e sa iont1 ewaiiiMiiarr , not I'he Msiinaa Claims ('oinnilninn hav enrilt iwd trot f jet oun-ed on ruli ot urrtor att Ui.iB prf.-et. ,1, tl,y ..I. U!, . rc..M r ' darn i lie T n ItltilM&ttld fliiiihcpin .... Tetati..i. ..... by Mler, . ,...lr. that udira Dent should will..lr.w from the MlMiip,,,3 ,""' view of the present l.iui,,!!. Hhm Jvkl IJeni ro-ass, rls that he will ,-i.iivu. the KuisiV : Vliim,,pi in fnvnl. t,e Ounservativa HsBahl hi'.li e.li.h.lalea, wheil.er l, r motliar the lleket. -vw. -, AI.AIUM I. Moan a. Auk. 11.- P. -R.l. s pn.ruin.nt dt.. eru of! Ins plae.. who u aecns.il, hy th Hull .ials. of nrinij the lirst .hot .1 the Ukliol asst. . itiK on last Hiuivlay night, K.v liunwlr up lor irul jr.terilav, and wm li..iiorMy aeqiuttsil bt tnss siayor this moruiiiK. ' b..in eighteen whites nil n..l,rH ettiima of uiiiiiipoaclifil lm.Kriiv til. for raeenbos sad .lef uco miroexaiuiu.it and or lwaitivslv UiU Kent .ltd uot lire . ,ht, Th,. , h,, m witnesa who swnre that Itei.l ttreit Ul imi negro, usnieil Ahrahaui Pruwn, aud has evWmillf perjured himself. i" " FUOM WlLMlNdTOS. .' Wii.vin.Toa Ail. 11. East. I h. -nn. met.. r HU. Weilhor clear. Waal The .laomur "W. P. Clyde' York. sailed lor Mew FKOM NKff JCfiJljr:.... tTiS. Auk. 11. -The Hecrotsrr of Slit, instructs Hsrsh.l Harlow In dehmr Hpuilrf Kunboata to the etwlodr of the OommatMluf of ihe Navr Yard at BriKiklyn. ' Judite MetTinn orders the discharge of Iks rexan. Piatt, but aa I'r.tt is .t c.rt Lf.i. il iL.ii't .ppi ar he the deeismn is to beenfurnd'. ine iwnsar. who n sailed "milt." n. is. -.- hsrge of usiti v, ers fined IM, etoeut two wha 7 ruro committed for 5 and 10 dan. ':-'.?- -- Al.HA-V Auk. 11 (JuillendlllKnutif.. hnM (ML .,, f.-raui ends or the titmiel isa the K.iKiuehuu Kailroa.1, several neht. have ukim ntaea 'Link ": semral wmu w,iuu4eil. Mililn hu gone to Uw " apnl. i - ftareavt"" " 1 1 ('.em. i. parlies have yuil.lad ti.a-ttilsd U " ' ' Gov. Hulfiuhu. FUOM PHILAUKLPUIA Pun AiiEi-ruiA, Aug. 11.-43,0110 eigr hsw becui muzed for non-pa riiieut of revenue tax. FKOM OHIO, roi.cwai-s, Anit, 11 -The Demneralie Ontral (Jounuitteu n. .iiiin.lod o. 11 t'eudiiuun (or uot ernor ; PemUuton aoee.U. WA8HIN0T0S. - Washinoton, Aug. M. Cabana here havssd- ' vli'fs ot the commencement uf eiteiirtrs opurs- I. lious. Cuban, have pu.su.ai. hi of two sesporta, -nsn.es otwhiclt they withhold, en.hl nt thorn Io ' eommtiiiiesie safely with the oo at uf the Uattat ' Htattm ui twenty hours time by mU. . Gen. ttortrm AiUms, I lis, net AttorjirT tut lis. . -,uaiuini)i,),f-MiiM'tIppf, h lieea sss- ' nodd lUwliu is the only membr f tha CaUast " that rsinains here. j Judge blent will eontinae a esndidata for lis MiiMissippi SovernorshiD. suhlecl tu the sstms ' ' of the coming Conservative llcpuhUoso Coana- --, firm - KiilDiiiit hs 'tr.u.pired retrudiDs; Oanby'i Bt i temew nh oouserratlvs Jxecublicsua lar Iks . ' ele. lion of Oi.veruor and Lt. (iovornor of ftxss, He eouoi lnre.l lioth tickets good. '- FROM PHILADELPHIA. . ' PHir .irm.PHU, Au-'. 12 - Unieu Leajrae Ixss . ntivetCon.unUee met and aduuHod OMatsarea si4- " mg partisan, in e lei lion, in I'Lllsdsipbia, Teiss and Mi.slH.ippi, Charter of StsU) Council it viikedn.il Mygott, of Miasissuipi, was appoiat i f srl UrnnHiisKioner to re-organise th order ia thai Stat. .... ,. I - ' . POBE1UN. , -,.' b-.ik Uaorid, Aug 12 Five hundred Oarluaa an ' oh the frontier ot Catalonia. Oeneral Prim, before leaning fur Paris, ordsrsd .11 armed rebels to be shot, , ..--,-! sa . 'I I.,.-,. t'i JIOltRlBIS CASS OF MVSDSR. ' For eevural days past a lady from Kta? - Tork has been YisiftHia 'our, city tor U baa-' efit of her health, who has lately iott .- ( child under tne Inllowiug cireumsiaocss:. For some time before the diath ol the bt it was principilly entrusted ta tha cart of i ' a nurse, a girl of fifteen years, who appear-' ed to be -very foud ot it, Tha sjother wk " deed, however, that nearly every tim -tin " nnrsa had tha child in care It became i-'"0 ject to apa-iraa, which gradually tBeresasc. The broihet of the parent, wnia praou. cfas; xihyiiciaa, aersrai ttmea aaamiaevt inlant, anj could ee ao reason wty H "P should be trawell, and one tlaw charged the t--- Ijirt-with gtrntf dt poiana ia soe stps- The nurse at tlist denied ta eaarge, nni st. laat acknowledued that aha had oeaaio ' ady ijiieft..a.aMwtJiitig. aytup el av.kiDii wit knowifcc-- After'.thia.a y.ai wattbed more closely, but could not he delecttd i.ij dolntr ar-T barm- But the child eoiltinofil . to gat worse, sod ibanaraw wsaal lsaitl-i.' clia-gecL Medicine, however, costld -J- gad.tt;the babe, ana if siwauieo, ! i . then it baslwea discovered that tha oursa . wawtlt the barjitTBflTrtcktirsltretTSW SB-- nin-lai.k nf one uf its ears: i that - - - ttuitjr it festered m tha bead, and -thv tt, caused TU etcattu. Tba autbnrlllei of Sew York city are endeavoriaa; ta discover IM whereabiMUa of tha yoaag lady, wbrt "W', , iU fa tKMtd (ut awsjtasrrwt Died.' In tkia rjttyre Tt ealar atcliL lfk Inst '. , H. Bassrrr, assd yearsr was Warrwo CVatntv, ia tliia Hta, bat bat Mwe a ( f nhn.l..!. (f ti- in italslirh. tie lsw a Kl!iS!Sfl.9WlaSt. iirtny t'.i sj.l.a(UI i1t ' .tll!7iilfe!'i!HSKH

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