as. 'eyn-"" WWiM - - r4- ..9 Kfrtrr .hit ; i v Y0L.i4. RALEIGH N. C, 8ATU1JDAY NO VE MBEU 27, 1SGU. V" NO. 34 T II I' SENTINEL. A pir mul of she .SM-iW-i of We In. t lar muijuiijj Ji tl t . cvn vt n ce those who are lu tua ' habit ot renting that ulietst, nt lwi thiigs : .p cially . firt, tint there waa a oi-w .eu j employed in getting tip the dttruU ; and, , coed, that there is iititiiisttikable evidence ut a"wuv" in thf'" :pim. ; We mi , there is cttl'nf of the i races of nw p Us-Ht tt editor tils- they are But Ptkish it H : t I t 'he two, headed ie p, ciive!v "l'.ir j Ii- iplin-," and ' o gau uv,i'ioti eres.anry." We say they hre not P ke ; they l ick liia Ic s -ne s anil tor- ; vt.u style; ItiH they are d.pty parly- iih, a leaiuie which Pike professta to ig- i note, so tar a h.nhttig ti i- ( 'i c r ed. We .lou'l know w Im w r ,'e l m-so i .ii'iiiibw, but weir. c.-u ti hut P.l-.e .ihiu';. U(i iLe. itrne ol tiit'sc ertrtnriiili-, mp c td !v tlie "in- about 'pifrty di.-e pUne," is what . under tin in nv- r- r. in i k a 1 tlnit the style. The (iter liuotis.dif, ction in the Radical r'rlts ; hints that it n hie.uiiitg more and ni re appare nt evi i y day , thai ! d uinlcgr b n i going B in the patty tint caucus canum check, nnd t':. en t c writer lilts the waitin g Voi,e ami intimitis the ilii cltiiitic , tins lit(in- mill liia Hen ; ! the fiowi s and K!lla, bi'l li inl .u.lnirl 1ir)rik!;V.i-", of all !ar.- i ti'-n the purity, Iiiiim a'y, iil'in i,n 1 mui.h ri "I thtjHiity. Tl ail '! of th fit,tJ,iri tme!y lor the inteun- nt c, ri niu !cuh rs , ilnirpoiii ca' life "t ila li m thfalterim lie invnln-i! iu the ir nf n itin nieii-ur.:. il Huiii e il nn n.ln i6 nf i Ik- I!;i-lu H'e Dow, eertain ui 'ii U" I'V 1 t r . 1 - are ilivic lor furetwr. The "KinR'' i prt every loan tr, i!o Lit illlty ; it irt l:o lime tur 'lie ir.l il enreof coni-cicntlofn kciutiIik now ; tl ere is njiifrtr to lie g"vn tkefewl o ure e .niiieir. I n' u;;'ii inn pai-i o", they faliir win n il'c kre b tile i touht. What it 'i in n nun bnv ree ird to l,H own rt IHltil'.cn, ill I to be fotl'ii or ot ui S'nt , the welftre ol h,t ih'blnn and I he renpoct of W turn tv and tiien.l! 'ha'V i.olhing now. 111.' . r U ol ill llnif; nuii 1-e ii ne, ai.d eve y m oi i exp.c.led t.. lotne up to the si rule 1 1 ; ;iimI i' lie bill, !). n tne loiiolUii -HUhout (.h-'its. uiol the oolgn fottlf thrown hm,Ic. The B portOt th' L" ginUvive pr t eidings .,fthe ltfew dvi will fii'nirth a t liie to tWi'iilKf tli article if the StaiMrd. There are ''btrafuffe pettd nji Inline that body on which lb pi'U'l, not the wilhircol the S ale ami Kop'f, but the lib- mid me. ccta of the -King .'' Io cany thee net" nres nipiirca the parritlt nf politinij and lion In a Baer tice tint men ate n t toiliriuk from." The nieiisu fii ullinlnl t" are nnpopular, and lew in o who favor them wit! ever apain reonrtr hvnr 1mm the lutnnle Mitnv nit llibf 1H " I I he I ,ei; i -1 ill U re, ot the ltcptbliran party, kn. w itii- and i draw hack, herioe the u-duiling tlie laah j in tbe Attmlai-d. i UHr flnancea at in a ih ploraMe rondi tiolivur State tKti.ds are at thirty Ave cent ill the iMIar. and falling every day- j there is hot a cnpitUiat in the country that ! would iimke a peiiinmnt inv.a in -nt in; theni at Un cents en the dollar ytt the penpfe urn taxed lo p.-y inter, i-t ou tin m a it I tier were worth dotlsr f. rrtollat. T hin alatc of thing" j, eiw-w, In pf, toVrong uupieion Unit tin liuul l itve teen Iran. In tently until nnd mhapp'itxl Nothing hut a fair investigation can remove tl.ia au jii e.ioo, suit ytt, if Dontwt K ptibliCHiit show a ijiapoti ion to lavor audi ii vt (ligation, thiy are told to beware, and culled aori head and tbrfmtfm d with political osira ctsm. ! Certain purposes are to lie accomptmhod tor Ihe benefit 4 Uading "Bing" men; j which eanrfr.4 be1 arrf'nnpHst.e.t without a j violnnt aiul, rtvulutiunry probmgation of j tl)o UfUl of ttui Gem tal Aw.mbl.v a inovi ment which meets tie unconditional 6on demnation of all right thlnkirg men of iHj artiea; but it matt be done ai ail hnzinK and o be ht ftepuihc n ni.em.lnf f the Legilatttrt who le a eelMeepvct, honor, honeery 6r pattwttj'rt, 'at.d in the war ol the ordBr ' the "higher powcia." He is a recreant, whinW ami a-cionk. Allihiamiuitiiiknil tbreaituuig and coax in,J thf Mrtr i wall untteratooil it ia tt nndeitwd t J tboaa of itt own party aawatlai bv (t Dppooonta. AVhethertbe honeat Republican nicmlwta of the LegUla tura will attvreter their p mvictiona ot light, and tttfter ihnnlvea to be whipped into th traoawta lurthtr the tlraudultt aohemei of Intertateil leadtrs, rtmaina to h awa. ., W have ro in cret in the mat tar tha DcmowaHe party need eitretery littht wkat-ftf,nrii rli.-v ooriOe. lhjieriple will tibia tneir Hn k aiitfTriien "that lime comta, let ihwe whi" give aid ami eomtort to the tueo who areauheiaiog for the ruin cf Ilia 6lat tad th oppreanion ot the petite, at and frmn -under. Investigation msy be amotbered Ihe righla of the may be oqffgcd, Tbij(t woe be to ib. e t y ttewa iAence coma. " T ' " "v " ., , ... i ; Wa badT call yatUraay rm Cil W. V atAcoarecU4ttb the JEoiigratUm od Iaeg Department ol a number ofntrem p" and Railway lice In tbia couatry and Batnr.-ba-Co!"trrf W !a tbtough moat ol the eooiiei of Europe and baa triple. Jl!2!bisltte tfitlied .Statea i4 oth Jtoa4 the AroevwaB fr-titiiienf jWblcb recdeis ilm tVty agreeable ami iotructive f tha State, eeptjcially cf tha .uU and WVWlittliawl immiirratUja.tii tLii country : on elin.'iil.e bal titra tacllitb for ittrunbing, luli tCM tia ' Hhi ttnit to tbia tttate ia r M l-. poec at aacertaiuli g th pticel "t laud; loeiiiforroation of paTiba in Eamtrm who dMlrt to'coBf V Uii V Mf P' rrlias kpawi'VVt.' ;.y t-A. J;it "'- ' .i.' The LcglslaJnr of North Carolina. , Wi i'inkbivvt, N.,v J I t lie Senate wss oIl(,l to or !er a' 10 I 111 I' Ills I K i MMI 1 II IC". j Mr. f'ouk, fruj tha (.'i.nm.ittie ,.ii the Ju'lkikry ie,Hr'el miIhii me lor the hill i io a'K'lish Uie Speeml t'oart il the ( ity of I V ilini. glon. I'.at i t on I 'tilmUr. ' Mr. Sweet, f.oin the Special ( o;mnittee ! to rtvine fii; luiettot onUr, r-ponr,l numer u aineiwIiiii'Dls, hen w orrler'it to he prmtei), "niil n.' ihe special onli f .r to i moriow t,i ' Io, k. ' . ' Ti'! 11 K I K H 1 1 l.s. j Mr. ti p!n i.i of a l.iii t i thar er a IUi:- ) r aii rmipsny. Saul roajt to tun fiom iii.ei yvilh- to I) mville, V . Mr. Shi ff ,er. i 1 hi'l io rai-e a sinkii.j; t ) nrel.U'-e Noith (aioima lunnr, ;n ol a lull to tin ii.aiu DiitkUriio ot w hii key Air It a I, i.f a l..h con emu g l'i I, it-, I!, t'lmia ion ol D-.Ih mTS m .ier mi i u me t( n:o of a toll n a'ii u t 1 un-o'.l luu it h,' a- it ot In r P.i1 le ptoir-v Mr Br (.'. I, n , , if : 1, I i , . pr. ir, ' t .e 'i- till- til e rialii l'..t n. e. INT IO.III I I ION , IIII.M. ' Hy 1. A. Ilyiiiaii, (, ol.; A bill lo amend an act torn! - r. venue, i.y riking out in ihe ."i . ill. n, .tl i i Ihe for la ".m,! hnll b.- p ml ..ii re, I ving the li.vme," th w.,rls ( "iid sioiil iii u.i iii-tan-'e l, le.s thiin t ll dollas" Kil.n.d to ti.e ( ..ii.u it.,e on e, . Ity Mr R.-ps A ! ill to p peal nu ar- -ill te H' 10. t.. tl.e Siijh nor ('. lilt Indues. lb In te.t to ll.e C. .noli. :l. e ,-n tut J.i.Uelary. liy Mr. J iui ,. it ake, A I i I tin Uie ro ll, et ot K II Hay, I , e m e. i IT , I k,. Ity Mr. I,' A bill to p.evei.t tl.e aa'.e I t! .pirilU'U- I .iiiora within ttire,. nub a id Mint III I. II. ,t ila. n county. I',tf.-rred lo too I ouitiil tee on l'r .p. l 1 1. .lis ai.d Ijllev ane a. i H S'.. -ft": er A bill from the C ..1 I Coinui'psio:, t , ini.e.oi au.l H.nnoti late tin: s v. isl :,i - i. g to the .neinuient of ti.,- I'liit.-; i. K K-tieit .li Committee on hJticti ii. Bj Mr. I. re : A raoution ir.B'ri.cilag l'u Sec: t ry . I S t '.i ply i he Sen t e i.loitiv m. hi d a , y ttiih . x c pi-w of ti e t . ile . I . .tl l'i i e -.::o. . A I pt. Hf ,1. II II, n.u... i I ii-i : A r. v.! ut i. oi r q 1. I-1 1 1 1 Jr III. He.!e,. M t iv w ot tliui St.ite l.i v t.nit'fis "' i Xi . t leu-elves toaeillrea 10 in i I ot .r. Hi, 'i'tt f on. :.) to relieve lb" p. or . .f . lo- . a! e i ". II i-aM-i lu-e l.oni s ,. ittn , l..i ii "V r. pur I ll 1 1111 IlKOUM, "F nil t K 1,1,1 '., I'Oii'llill1 tii'tit iloi I n' I I t!o- . il".. r io d in ii. 1 1- i -, "t t hi i ..ucial A' aemb y ibehnme aiihai allowed thtm the two pieceetling 9ei.i,ion rasaod. Ymn Jii-aia. Btliam". Burns, Ulytbc, t o .k, 1 tVI, Eppci, eoloreit, Foraner, Ual low ay, colored, ilau Han inutao, llyiuau, eob.r. d, J nes, r,I Culuinbna. J.mta, ot, Ml tin. le, M, ot t.'arieret, .Moor , ot Ya- c, y I I in 17 Nais ilia--ia. 11 all. It .e'.te'i, itraliani, J..D.S, ol Mei kteiitnog, l.iu iii.iv. Liiu, t ...v, t- ..... XI.. c'. ,. Mi.ipi.v, "n.,niinV, -t. W..I e, and W lie n l'i. lldi lo luirhi-i pioliet the tuttrttrrs fit" tlie S ate in t tie aever.d Ual roa-U. ( T I . i -bid priviibn that ihe ellieeia ot ihe several M-aem shall n-tekcfftll rap. rti (d their truns iti' 1 1 . . n "1 il . r ' 1 1 . IhiMtevl yea 27. tinya 7. "Ih..e totu g in the negative were Messrs. II, Hiiin.-, Un a, Eppe, co ored.O il I. tva ,, e eored, II an iug on and Moot"', Ot Y t . t. CAI.' Ml tit. Iti'l to ne.d auleti -Intl. file IB, ohnp tei 13 the Code ,.t I iv.l IVaediire. I'rt t d l'i" a i oi d r ioIIii:'. It I io aho Mi th. spi, i tl C...,rl of W:l nun,. ton, ai il a.-i.l. rue f..r ihe -ante bom I the C uitiiitl. e on the Judiciary. Thu . m i'u e pr.,po.e.4 io h ipiar'er rea- t rni.i ni.'iK. ni. ui tinny, ii" a I iticiinn to t ie till, titiili lue a.i!nry citt, Uvea lue a.i!nry ol u.r Judite nt fd.OnO ami j isliees tc s, in lieu cd fH.uhll ii creams ii jut is lic'ion S'i as to in iluue peliy larceny, Ihe Marshall ol the city t i lw Shirdf ol th- Court, ami the Clerk of ihe Cuit la to lie sppoinled by the Mnynr and Abh rmcn M -is . Mnrphv, It ibbiiis, Ora'nim, Lind say and J u- 8, i f euburg, .ipjaistd the antietiiate. and uiged the adop nm of lire orig nal bill s citizi mi of Wilmington nnd ot New Hiiiiover county (hsi ed that the C urt should be abolished, they w. re anxious to comply witti the wishes of the people who wire int" ri s'ed in the matter hnd who had ma le c .niplaint to the Oeu eral Aa-cmbly in a petition numerously signet. A. II Oallotvsy. si I snbmiliii g the ipies'i il, was in favor of to the e-iple ot Wilmiiigion. ; Mr. Broglen fivored the adoptldn rt tb sul stttute. Pending itt C:H)idc.raiion the hour for the special order arrived. H'i CIAI. ORUKR Bill tola entitled an u to investigate Nbc sibilr of tl.tlUilfpa t OimpaiiJirn inafier n .Iih d. Hut '"'I in Governor to upiut a Commissi n oi five m, others tninakesald ii V ainratm. eneh inveitigation sha 1 inclu le the periol ot tin.esincu the I t day ol !J, 1W8. said r port lo lie made t.i the (t,trnor b. l.irc 1st dav ol August, 1870 and shall . submit the tanie to tlfea-if scifoa of Uentrul At I itiWy, id C. mmiion impowtted t empViy cnoncll, who Shall receive Compn salion not mewling Jos Arfri d-irs, ttid't3omminion ia to rj"S" ' 5 P" dJr together withiaH'icJuat expetaci DWitd for mlletge rrtir-ntre, going toot from mu'tngt of the tafi,id Commiiiii I, authoriz d to f''"t ,c'r " ' P?r. di,m not t efrf3 f. Ay,ni1 a1'1 Committion is u'li..r.xed to e..d for pr' 'aw aod jpr.u.l ta,ifJiBiuiu U Cl.rkdVt'rraifm.n. Thia bill waa diiinfd at It ngth. Mr. Etbtridge moved in further eontide ra'biD be pottpoutd until the 1st of Decem ber: l'in.liiigi lcvDs'niiration tb Senate tiliourntd arsUI UnVrra. morning at 10 . i-i -i, . nocet of hepkrstatiter. House met pursuant W ad'j --.uromen. Uaire of absence granted r. Sichiil-oa-and Grot, b, ,,, v, f u . c '" PiotA'tl"."! and frtiis. Statu: r .A . f ... IV ,.sr.iii,i,a I ... "'. . - .ot s'... .. ., tat ' Lie over, ' sr. it , W Umrit colored : A btii taWod tec. 19, ibP . d l'' t'T - , Lie I By Mr. Veat : A bill to tx'pml ttie time j inaiTt the wuij "halo; U en anile at any time lor rfg;terini; f)ie.U. - Helerrnl. j liiiif." By Mr moholioo : & hill to rqualue the , Mr Sinc'iiir Vlo ng'-it tbey hail U tter go rxppneof ke p;n;r op briogr tu the . v i bai-k to the ,!ayo! Ailmn. etal cvnnrinC "Helerrrd. Mr. Wi h-h J ,iH in niluirut. emiemnig the Wntem Turnpike ltoail. pi-a Winu.l, Vil..n, Walker, Urauani Lh.' ovnr. i anil Join i ot Minikleekiirg ol ihe H, na w Mr. Baroett intriHlmeit the following hill 1 ami Jl.i Ptea MenJ-nhtll. I'nrker, tj n in rrgarl to aelling the Utate'a int-ix-t in tori, Welrh, Jari ai i nnrhain ol ihe the N. ('. R. It and A. A N V. R H. j M ' ', a C munt to examine into the The licnaral Armtjy ol North Carolina ! ITnr I li l! l.' (The mit.a'i'uto do enact. I t'. lit: That ilm J'til)!ir Tieamr, r of ' North Carolina in hereby ambonied an., I di- noted to publish lor ! in ili W.mAwJ ' and ttntinel, the New Yoik World, anil i j 7nnntlie entile iniere-ti f the Htaie in I life Noith t'urol Da K. It., at d ihe AtUultc ) ard Ninth CarolniiiH U. I Sec. 2ot : That ai.t pub! c iona ahall I be lor aia!.t piiMt...U ptviitde in North Caiolma Uin.ta, U-adnif iIhv prior to lb Ut iUv ot May A. 1. lHtil, ii. piopoaaU I to 1 4 (Mti.t "ttiri eaaniii"'"! on the I t 1ht ! January A. D. InTo.i .Stt :inl : T hat tlie aaid Tirapur. it" be tie. in i: cx pettier. L, atwx cartaut.y smin ing sai.t propoal, thall hive lull power ai.d autlicritv to sell and etHtrey to ihe h'Klet bidder tha en ire i ieiet , .f the tttaie in the add Kadroai'tt, naiit coiivexun't' to Is- subject to the approval 1 l he Celletat ! A-sttnbly. 1 llietml was ordered to In pr rite, I ami ! mare the special .rtb-rfor n.xt We.-liuitdiy. t Ttio. Hykea, (c-.l") prewnte"! a peti ion in fsvor tit J. I. V .o l ol lat cj.toiank. - I lleterrisl. Br Mr. McCinletf : A bill to aloite one I .luttice . f the 1' ace lor Ihe town ol Itan- bu.y. Iteterud. By Mr. Jm-tul: A n lutii n corc rii .g ih Marion and Aaheviiie l unpdie H ad. : it i t.-.!. I By Cuf.-e Mato,.(ool.) A rcaolutiin in regartl lo public h.g iw.,v, .Mnla ai d Chttrchei, that wtre eloaett 4irring the wai. i Helwnd. ) inr-tMBHrr) nrst.HKS". ' The resolution n.ain'a i.irg the l oii..r aiul y.-o-l faith ot t' e S ale in r-t iid to 1 th. Public p b'. The ijoestion beiag upon Mr. S y in' ut' i call lor the pr.Vious quia ion, w ti . b ita I p. ndii g I In u the House a- j ti rin d y i ' "r 1 .lay. j The ridl wits tin aii d i " Mr. F.I is was ailowcd to . l'.hrl aw In- 1 Pfivisti. ' The rju. ?tton reeerr. d U on Mr Pur hani's ainen.linetit, ( nil..isi.e I yte- .i.) I Tl.etei.s antl uiv b, leg . a b tl, ti tl I in the toil wing bailo't. 1 Ykh -Mel s. A'go., Ash i o- Ii Burner, Harnett, Banes, IHair, Bod the, Cuyton, liitis, Davi iUoii, norlonn, Klli, Kartow, Ken-lip.', UttUm- tiilbeit, l eer.. Ori'-r, Hvriaof Krai.klin, Ilaaaina, llerdru ks. Hicks, High, Hodgiii, llodiieti, H ffman. Horney, Humphries, J irvi", Jus tu, of Henderson, Kelly, ot l)nvi. Kiumy, I Long, ot Chailiam. Malone, Matlieson, .We I Millan, MendfDlia'.l, Moore, ol A'amunie, ' Nichols m, Kaintir, Paiker, Uia, Kobinson, I Shiver, fiegtist, 8m th ot Allegh'tny, j Smith, ot Mar in, Smith, of Wayne. Snipe', i Sweat rffke.- Tl,.,m j,-" in, "c-fal, Wt U'h. ' WhHey, Williams, of Hunittt, WiUoii.r- Ntvs Candler, Carton, Cicrry. Cswihoin, t'htriy, Crawford, Dixon, Eagles. I'orkner, Foster, tluloigan, Uraloun, (Juiitcr, liariia, of Wake, llihlisnt, Iludg ngs, Ing, Justice, ol Ilutheif'.rd, Kelly, ".I Moore, EHftin, I-cary, MeCanle -, Voriill, M. riis. Peaison, Vou, Price, Proctor, IUmi Irow, K .bbins, Seymour, Si rlair, Simomls, Sianion, Stevens, Ve-t, While, V i kio, Willo.iiia.ii. 40 The ipi-i ion r.eurricg upon Mr. Poll's sulmtituie, (publisl ed In fire) which was put to a vote and n j c'.ed. The ipiest.on w as then upon ihe p's- lu lion a ainenilcd, w hen, Mr. Ourlm'ii -.i"t thai be was as much opp s, d io icpud a tion aa any one, but l e deemed the intro ducii. n of ti.U ie lution as viTV uif.r innate. lie was ietf ctiy w illing to vote lor a well guarded bill Uiaiuiaiuii g 'he crnlit 1 1 the Mate. As I.e deenhd the direct rej ctioo ot this would be rather im prudent, he hop d Mr. Sejmiur, would uitbef withdraw it or postpone lor some time. Mr. Seymour said that the lb publican party had been whipped in a niiau light He would Tot against the rt s tul i n io it preteut shape. t Alter aoiuedclMte Mr. Seymour was al lowed to i withdraw the revolution. imiu the Oov erjtdr io r. gartt to ti c Western Div soul ol the Westiru H. C. Uailr.d. Ou motion tf Mr. Uol.iuson 20- pi -a lor each member was cr urt-'l to be d. By O. W. Pi ice, colon d; A bill tot ulorci labor upon highways. Btjlirred. By Crawb rd, colyied : A toil to prevent Ihe destruction ot gone. Uefrrp-d. By Kuhbin, colored : A bill to prevent levying en Hooieteatis. Referred. CAt.lSUAH. Resolution pavilioning (ongriB ognine the bedigercot rights ot lUl rred, I ' The resolution fixing the rfr members ol the Leuiala urc at tl i to re Cuta dum f Piesid- ing officers 7, clerks l-l, diKirkeer M. was, on motion of Mr. BteTfe.a, ludeflnite'j postponed. The !Milution sking Congrta to r auf tb apwial ta a brai dy, wa next taken no Bd discussed. Mr. Vest moved to indtflnite'y postpone Alter some dabate th moti.m was rejected by a vote of yeae 8, nays 77. The resolu tion waa adopted after bring amendrtl in torn particular. jfUaolutloa ina'nicting tb ludiciary c rn Dliuta to report a bill lor Jhe relief of the people, by taking exttutions on i ltl debts. wt take, tip, and on motion, ui r. s "' I i , . i ... .i i lnutnniMity (i"aivau , rteaolutum raising Cotntnttte to ex .amine eUffred fiamts In the minagcmin. of th rarjooa Kailroa boadie, iB'roduce.l by . , TB-' I,.. 1 .1 .1 A ImIan. air.;, nwoit. ieMW, . ,. Mr Welch advocated tha nlu ioi B ah.cb ofaoitt length, wbicb wawiii iub lisliaa'K'Ou as tra can make rm.ui lor it. ItlTroIUClair wotHtJ sgppon vue ra?ii-.i"u ii made genersl but ttmuglit the prsi,t rcso utiin was ri.niiB in it spirit, Mr Jortjee offens t an amendtnynt fh-n In tdditm to'th roa.hi trteBiloned, the laveetifralMtn shall exited tbianag.r a en ot a I Pailroads p roprifl ,os by tLo .-SltlttSI,S-tf Mr. Welch a.-- p'ti th a roemneient. I iuii nJuem.d by pitiu. .li-- ,f-J,.iw.k-ofUiioiB.isr si tsxst iis-iliyiis Kcoublicaa TreidoW ol Koxlxnd thet wt naioul fof th htvc tJrjatLm. - 'K -.-."'''-. . i f Mr. Ingram moved lo mol by 'rikioif OBt HJ Pf tb Wo-l,'ep;.'t tMi,s .sad l""K on.. ?ii! lir. pu!iiiliml at aoothe' - tune ) Mr, Welch accepted the uli'.iintef j Mr. hmclair moved to lay the w hole mat. j ter im the labia. The yew anil nay were ciii kiI ami reauHed tn the lollowinu Imilol ; j Ykas Miih. t'jta. it, Cfiwlonl, K ighn, ; Foatr, H,Ihi, Kinney, Iflin, M nue, ot j cboHaii, Mor'ri I, Worna. arn, fr-ict, r, 'E-ii'cUir, Maiol..t Si ipi l. ! Nay. Mrear Arj;o. Arn.ftror g, A-h witrtf, Oi ir.i r, tin, Ufti, Hina. Hiiii n ..I die, Cain I ", Cawtnurn, t'hcrTy, Cay o i, j l)ri, 1 v'n, I) irhan,, Kni, Kllinuton. i K-irrow, Keith e, F. rkner, tiatling. (iitMi.n, vi4w-it, j i lixiitinter, U;,rria, ot I Wake, Ha Kiii, lletntrii k, llii ku, 1 1 i l 1 1 . Hinnani, lloiliii, Hodnett, llump.inen, i ! 1'gr.ui. Jtrvia .) ' i.ot llenleioii. .I"8 . I tu-e, ol H itl erioto, Ki- lv, of Dnv.e, K lly. d Mi ce, l.eary, u, of t ha ham, I,'ing, of Richmond. Via one. Matin-aon, May, Mel a. I s, McMidnn, Mi n lenhali. Moring, Mo, r. ," t Ai .man. e, Nit-hole Paint r, Parker. Pick, P , K'igland, Kenlrow, Kob. H sou. K-yii'dils. Sliater, Siegnst, Smith, of Alleglanv, hln'th, ol Wayne, Slantmi, Swtat, T Ic nip.oi., Vest Wibh. White; Wbith v, Wi hie, Wiliama, ot Hart e t, Williams n, Wdvai-77. Pnnd.i g iurther del. ate a mesiag t was rec. ivi ft Ii on the Senate mint no the paaaatte ! a a ib-t: ute for llon-k i-solu ion ie. ucmu ih frr ditm The i.ib-li-iti efix.a th,- iter iii st iba san.e as the two Ih-i s.-isit ti as t I gabi s the issue nlf ftm-d tm hen tulo e j) il l ou by tl.e Trons ur r. Mr Ju lie.' moved to corn nr. A to . being taken the Houae, T'-fi a-l coi.curnnte bv a v.'t- ol vess Hi, n.V' tl3. Alter .me lu' mot i,n a. j -..i to ' iur di tia'e I h-j 11 I. use ou i ! i SEN' A "IE. I LTHSIIAT, X' WIS Call It lo v. ! 1oG!t i.rd-r a. H To Seti at. 'ci. k, r or Mr. liraioiin, trum CUMtTI KES. : he t", ill mil -i t tin I lo. win I on ' he idlis. J .I'll" ai y i I rti.l H II to r p al sec-ion 11 ul an act to lav Oil -lie Hi -"Cad Slid pelaollal prop ry ex. nipii.n.a, ra'itie l on H e "tlx olAptil, lttii, iwmin, h4s ts pa- Hil) to anic-i.l an act to regulate prcc. edj intfs in ihe paitmo'i and sale of nal and personal property, net -oniiuencls :t pagu. Bid to ie eal section ObO, li le 41, of the Coileot ( iti Pr'eilnre. Bill to rep. al the fi st sec'Uni of an act tor. quire the reg i ration o I tlcid", rant! ed Apiil 12, 1SGU Bill to repeat ihe 0. of " "' ' ...sp. n, U,,, C - is ol " r.oiftlure iu c.r. t,iwivcs, raiified a.'nd .ol Match. The ihree iiuejjuiHg, -iiN are n por'fd -with n il" lldm nts, iiiul ihe loiloaitig .wiib l I-ver-e ri pons, v . : 'Bill to repeal an act in tela :ioii to the SiiN rlor Ci un Juiig- s. Bill to auihiri7..i township tnitei fo lake tl.u privy examination ot miriinl wo men. Mr. I.assilir, fioin the C uomittee on the Jiulici try, reported advers. ly on the billow ing Ii lis. viz : A bid in relation to the payment of ofB cers !e., and , A i" II to in- entitle"! an act to repeal cr Is n acis, passed at the session ol ai.d 'fl. m iking apprnpriatioi a to Railroad Companies. (The latter introtluc-d by Mr. (1 .ii.m .) aa follow : The (ientril Assembly of North Carolina do t nuct. Bee. 1. That all :; as e 1 at the last sesaiiih ot this Legislature making appro pi ia'ions to Rntlroii'l Compauie, trt and ihe mine, are hereby repetileil. See. U. That all r.nd ol the Slate, which b ive b-jen la-Hietl o-il -r ihe said not, imi-w m the hai.dsol any pusid-nl or other otllcei ot the Corporations be immediately returned to tl e Tiensurer. 8. c 3. That this Legislature will not re cooni.e. as valid iht tale of any of the iliem! issued as aforesaid, after this date. 8,-c. 4 That innocent purchaser of Iwmda issued under authority f said acta, aliall la enutb-tt to the actual cash value paid for the same, upoBprovirg theirclatmi. against i he rtate betore th Hupreme Comt, ss re quired by Section 11, Article IV ot the Con itutu n, and opon'the eurrcmlt-r of t nd bond. Si. 5. That all monitw Md at special irxsi, under tlie act mentioned io lection 1, be fid the same at beihy a)-proprited iur the payment ol said claim wn.o no ed by the Supreme Coort. Be.;. C That' this Ml ballr tifin force from aid ter it rt.e.ia i m, c HftMontcrioit or bii.ix By Mr. Bvall : A lull oonoerulng the Pjo ba'te Regis eraii. n of I. ed, and atiitr tn- tl ulileus. By Mr, Br. gdc, : A bill lo protect tbe lite Vf Wtld town kta. aoii oOkM Ettblifi pronrty i Hefeir d t tj Commilta on rlt Judiciary. uarmwnao BUniMte. Bid introduced by Mr. L ai r from tb Code Comniisaion to iurettigaia Ih affair of the eeveial lUilroSkt Companie, '" tkao op and aroerd.d, b dlrrinff iba Superintend, ht of Pu'niie Works to maka tan) Investigation, and ' fiaased ttt atcenid reading. ' On m i'ioo of i!r. Dj!, ia T inhee eatii IsMerattoB n , a1 p-ned at pr.sent, tb i.ill as ainemled wi i rd. rtd to ba jwlntsrd usi maite-thw srseciai r4r tat t morrow s.tta 0'cl.k. - "V ' .' " ; ', "', Bill t aboliab tbvf?t' c 1 CWoft ia the. city of Wilmiug-fcn cb ,.ob .motiwi of A. H. tJ'owny (col ) I lurtBer cittWlt;i;a til m m pt-t, l'l ! i"'T I wo wtf4. - On nt t.oj of Mr. fW" tk" "wt ' sn-piJBrtttl andhr liNtu Kl t Hi she, ilia of cu,tln ticuyu. was take -aji. " Thi tail suspends tbe c-ftU-stitloa of " tar ob tbe VaJtiivs, -aM 7 TJ K. 4 0B It R. t;mpa7 . which, tb Mil w. r. td. i ' He ' 1 Aimiwi&SUI'li jft'-IM-. .v - .''".- ' 4 thia 8'ate io f"ongre to ttw thir ln Auetir la teeure the Lo. n ot jl.lKIO (mR), to bo apprnprUwtl in tUe purcliaM f lamb, to l "lit i. led lino (rn, , I I'D r. ,t l,, lur tbuM ho u uua .le to lurol.u bouma 4&f imi'ttW '" " I" A. H. Galloway tel.) un veil to ameu.l by' insetting' affeii M acu ul land," "AU Mlll.B," hi4l ! oi. bir. La.t, r. aiVvwit t- ttiii'-nd by. inRi-tt in 'ajftttf ' ' 1 IXiO'uiNl, ' oi i.m iiiia ent in Put. 'le ln " alni-li )m v U.l, au.l the rwtelatttnj w.m ar'oj t d. R. nlitton pn uu.g id .1 a J.'int t o-MO'ttti io take luui ct.iiti.i, rH"ii the I'teiticne ol iaiil)oii, an,i to r pott ai int.. Ul, a u.'e tut li e nlof i f tuo pci.ple. Adopted. - M ( 1 11. OKHKH It. p r: of tlie Spit lal Coinuii ; ti e to n vie j I the M na e rule ot w is ii k u up, j j amend, "1 aud adoi.-!.'''1- I rf O i n tiiTitn of Mr. Swiet IliO copns was ! I' or, lr el in ! pun el f r tint ol the j ! Sen-ht). I t),t npiti, n the vt'!...le a- j,.ii:ne,l u,,ti to I mmr .iii HI -Mo. k. i Hi'V K.rtK RKWiESE.NTATIVES. i l iu;ii)4i. Nov. S3 Ii, lpHU. j House met p usuaiil toa! .tiinulent .L its ol an e ce granted Meara. White, ' Po.iier, MiH-lair anl Ilatet. KH'iimS I'K Ct M vt I TKR. J II Wake, tor Committee on Piopo.i' i'.i.sai.d fliievau e", teporied lavor ably on Ii 1 to ie,wai tsti on tobacco. Ml D xon for ' otuiniltee on Salaries and F. , favoMblv, wi h nt, on bill compens ,t :r.ii m'IiuoI C-'(iiiuiUi e uien gites il em f 1, iiHitad of f 2, a (lay, w hds on duly, letiind to 1 1 muiltee on E luca t.on. K K.S .LOTIONS AKD lit 1.1.8. Mr. Farrow : Kesohaion In tsvor of the tax e l ector ol Hyde, and the 8 lenfl ol Chatham. I,ii ovi r. H W. Morns, colored: Bcsidu'iun t" re duce pgr tltem. Lies over. Mr Mooiejof Alamance:'wi in strtic mg Jud '.tlary Ci mm t'ee to Impure ,nst legislation is B"Cetarv for trausler i t .op itt on s i rk sold undtr ncutiin. Lies ,-v.-r. Mr H nf'aud : He-o'uti 'n to ra'se a Com mittee lo report a hid lor relief o: the m-o pie. bie- over. Vir. Piiiri er , Ueaoiut on red i.-niii rr . f i o mieis and a:-d l,c, if. nien v i 111 rs Lies ovi r. li bu, colored; Ke-ectitl m id p gsrd to woiki.g nal Lies ovet J II. ol Wake, col. red, moved to rtfonmlir the Vo'e by whiih Hie House re in ed to concur Yi sterdsy in the t-riiaie resolution fixing trdum aid mileage, aid lega'iz'ng ih i payn.o .t ol thu same by the Tn a ur, r. Messrs. l!o Igln, Vest, Kaglaml and Ron frow favored the motion. Hair sot Wake called the previous ques tion, which was sustained, and his motion to reconsider was carried. The quest ion then being in coucureoce, Vir foil demand J the '")i wh en was r (..!, when the motion lo Concur was athipted by aci b.lniilloii. Mr. Justice otTcfidn resolution in' Isvor , f ihn Sh. iifTs of Riithcrfoid and counties Llea over. Mr. Morrill, dicluring the 'lace of En grossing Clctk held by S iine O'Haia, (cui) vtcaut. Ilairis of Wake moved itt rtference to the committee on Propositions tnd Urjfiu ces, uit ag recti to. He then tuoved to suspend therults in order that the resolution be diacti sed He remarked that he did not a e why O'Haia wut ting'td out because be held an ofllce under the general government, when tl ere were several members of th Ueneral As sembly in the tame predicament. The motiofl to suspend wtt agreed to, and after considerable debate, t iu resolu tion was laid on Ihe fable. K Mr. Harris of Franklin introduced a bill bi amend chap. I, acc. 4. title 19, C. C. 1'. Referred. By Mr. Malone : A bill to amend the law in regard to Bastardy. IM. rred, By Ur. Barnett : A bill to Incorporate the Valley Railroad. Ife'erred. By Mr. Moore of Chowan : A bill to ena ble married women to become tree trader. Referred. i By Cuflee Mayo, a b.ll lo dlvotc Jordan Trevan Iroin bis wile, Saliie Trevau. ferrd. By Mr. Smith of Alleghany: A r.j!u lion In rgtrd to Justices of the Peace llelerred. x tNFIMHIIRD BCatMBta, wit th a taken up. The resolution forth ioTittlgatlon irf alleged . fraad in the nasnagcnieiit of certai il railroad, bonds In troduced by Mr. Welch. The question Was on lb tnbstitut of Mr. Ellis, which bad been accepted by Mr Wntcli. x Hairis 61 Wak, ffere J ts a suletUute of the whole, th bill intrnduo-'d iuo the bcoste ye-taidsj by Mr, Laiter, a the Hot llil j Ct. I - Mr. Uurhatn said be waa In favor of Mr. EJli' tabstiiate, bees ate it samed a com mute, a majority ot wh.m could not I bsittghi. If ibe tarn coarse was pursued ss in ttie teat iuvcaligatwg ciminnue, it .;arOAd4 amipsy aoiaa'4 to a white washing tffiil, aud ba would move to lay the whole maih r oa tua labia. Th ptopl beliiv tbtt corruption ia itt vilest lorin x ait ia tb maatgstment of tha bonds, aod demand that this Legislatat shall app.uBt a com mi U of irraiHroaehabla cbaractor to b.vis-, tigat tBajatr tborbughly. ile favored the ubiitat of Mr, Edit, becassae It hxJted toward aa bofiest loves Igai ion, ibeotlurdid not. HwoppvaKdtuali b 4he white-washhgcominniecs.itc . -4 Ut pdHtty ibewibatUurj amuuuttd to ' siraply notbli g. H w ia favor.ol tb Uouae investiga log the matter In Couirjiit taa(ltbebtte ht ihoiigul ihe idea ul na aIuk Ui sHiUe la tit reaoiuiioo w , an insult lo tb ptvaidiog ..ftlf. ta.- was n ("licu-oiM at ibe rul.a specialty allowed ti e IKS Hit tuSUlhllitit II It . piopll. I Mr. Muoso t Uhowta lavored thesubati- iut bta It av eh (iovrnor pow.-r to af tsu nt Ilia o.wiuitt'1, snd. itsVe'eatioa would ia an itautl to tb Cbiel E euttve iJllsJSaaBidbev aausoed tat '.'1.,., .V .......;.... u- t ioarkioini- the tomout' 'J'Jv1b4r3i00 or iMtavaoaVl ta'ta to .... --li...- i tomaut''. He thought Hoof who would to itrevtBt the la eitij',.iiisf wl the illegej. Irsulx If Mr. I j' piopont.ou b ;. ueit !a ant com iirtlue Ilia! may be rniseck would simply amount ,, anoibi r white wsshiitg tflair. I J. H IVins. t f W ake, colored, atf"04 tn p'ba ''Mils sulislitute ill a long I tt(.tc f ' Mr P u next took the tl ,,r "anil while -arguing f g.iiti'sl the suiistuute, uKaaAffa i was reieivtid irom the Senate informing lb j House ot ihepaasaga it a bill tunber pnrt. ,-t ihe it,.fst of the Stale in Certain I U.tilroada to r.;i e acuounUlrtllty uo I the part ol iheir . tliccrs ' j Mf I'oii re.uinl hi tea.atks aud lavor- ul ti.e i ha of an ci luiinailtm by ibe Iinuae I i i the Commit ce ol the wjude. ! Mr. Malm a said ; 1 Call atlenimn in this siibsiiui' the tirsi s. cut). i ireut.s a i-amiuwa yr s a j Gi.m im avion an ijhm. thi is in ktxpiog j with th.!p.t roouuet of tfiji E'gisttiw, j that is Crea a cff;c: Amthr tecliou ujw I Uirui iht; !u,s sij iut. Vv ol 'his nitssi the aM out deuiaml ol a dia roasts! ta.. ,-, tailing tor invealigatlou nun tl.e com Iu -i ot our agent t Those who in (.: Mil, ask fur an investigation, ih it done i.i we Waul no iMi)-fl want to know hfhfe we ctt5 this st-s ton, Aa-f otl.tlr aet'tioe give the Commtthe clerk at live dollars p. r da; . Tin r are olio r ol j. ctions to this tubsll tut anil 1 lo not Ih, uk that live men ran be loun.l in ih's !,.u-e to votu lor thu crea n ui . 1" uiHgoitl, e t i. Ilice w ith pet iet ual t.xiste ce i qii ti at least In t he Code Com mission. Mr t?H-aker, we w ai.t no more ul tices - ' ul we want, nootl li b in the e-itrduci ol thoc with the iltt.i ny of N iih Caro iim. Alter "som- timber d'biiie, Ishatii Sweat (. id ) arose and said, ihat fl,5m),b00 hud i.i-n spo. iott-d lo a H ail in hit section w h ch he believe,! would never I built, jirfe was , pi "I to llariii'subsmillesnd sSenewTkt oj.p. sed to Mr. Ellis', Ucause ht tho light thai when millers pertaining to the S ale's involving millions of dollars, was In ing i x uu u. d that the entire I. pies nl ition s. o il.l a hsnd iu ii. He had ai fiist 1 1 v. r d M r E ii ' p opo si ion. but now I ft.hi t . id. a of Mr. l'ou a be t r i m , II. with .Vir. Iiuihain ill.i afar ii Vi s ignip li u:d' iioi b. ha 1 by a c-oib-mi ti- pooiuied u del the ni l urn. ic Mr Lull. n iiioci1 o posi p un) no t m ike the ma I, r sjm c al iur Tuctday n- X . J r. WiU'u is ii i t- In.l i ftuitil his resolu lion iu the le-tspirii u I not iiifl! by sin pa' u an Hoc tt u at d .he, cy "ilPaityt I' ity ! I us a s fl msey pr text to de li a- il.Ve-l e , i ,. It- pnlili a. H w ti tua k ti if the ma ter a pa'ty m sure, lor lli.y wonl l hate a in j rlv lit Ihi it t-ranclit a id th- propositi ooiiiini ten. TlTpy had a no P nly in both I r.itichil of this L- gisla tuic nod i hey wiire n spous-blc lor these appropsbt.n.t-Ha. - al e Governor was charged with com p i, i y llh the "Rii.g," he fMr. Wee ) did not believe the chareeyi t it. Was Openly chsig" d, nt il I hi rehire he (ihe Ooverno.) C 'ul.l not wiih deli, acy appoint fie com mit tie. Mi. Wtlth then ptoceedid to give a sketch of the matters pertaining lo 'he con stiuotiou of tar " rn flivitionof the W" stern N. C. It. R. Notwithttsndlng the millions appropriated, mouey could not be bud to pay the Inbnrcre and that' unless money was forthcoming, w.ojji must ttop. Mr. Poti wished to know it the President of thi R ad l.s.l not visited the Road during iimuier mouths ? ! ll e siimuii Mr Welch, 1 n. ver heard of him West ol Asl.cYllle. Mr. l'ou, finely he visited bis Road at tome toil'' ' Mr. Welch, I never heard of bitn. The newly elicte.l i'residunt wast Ashtvitle w hi be w elect. il. ,V'r. Pou, what salary tine bo get t Mr. We'ch, J,500. Mr. Welch then concluded hit remark by saying that this mailer wa rsising iJiwL. lomebody wai getting scared and hurt ami that every man who wYhrt to In i vestlgate these Iraudt wtrrrtd iilpirt Mr. Ellin', proposition. Mi. Hodnett lavor, ri Mr, Nllls' proposi tion and opposed the motion to postpone in t pe ch ot some leng'h. Mr. Veat m ,ved to ij inrn. T.ot. The question recurred upon Mr. Loflio't Biotion to pi-a'pone tinill Tuesday. The yes and nsy being called tn lun tion waa n j -ct.d by a rote of yaas 1, nattVO, Mr Durnatn sud it had twin signed that if this substitute wat refected and Mr Kills' ptopesition was ad pte.l, it onld B an insult to the Oovernor, 8up. rto,teitdeut til Public Work, end tlw presidiog offlcuitoi the two Huttst s. Why it yon allow th Oovernor to appoint, will if not bffiJrtd the Superiidend. nt of Kuhlie Work. If " aopoint ,t. . r!ti.erli.tendent ol Public Work, will it ant idfeod tbe sad so oo with s i of ilit m. Mr. Sinclair favored the aubsttat tnd opp t d Mr. Kllit memure. ' 'l Afer tome lurtlikr debate Mr. Po mtiva to ly ib whole matter-on the t.bis m order that b might bv an of Introdocing a resolu'ioa t i make th. iBve'intloii, in comniitiee of ti a whole. Tbe notion was rejtcud by a vote of yaaa 41, nays oo. (Hereinnumerablu potriu ot older were discassed, and host i( mntioi,t to aoj.mrn maile and nj oted Mr. Welch called t'W previou qumfon. The tfsll Wiiosbiintd and thetqiuaiioo r. --eriertd upoii theiuttetiiuteofl'- rotl by Hsrna m-aks;. (colored r 'Th ft a an'T i. belr.g cl.d Multcd ia the 10 towing ibid bt . ' ' ' '" ' ' ' ' '" ' " ' TkA. M.ssrs. Atbwo'rth, Bafmett, B;iir, Ctro.n, Carey, Caatli -rB, Cherrv;- Critus.-, lord, D-a'-a, Eagles, Kllingt'on. FofKii-r, P'o-ter, Galiagii, Orab i, Outiter, M.irn. of Wi k, Milliard, rt. ff uan, Worney, Ho i Hogs, Juaia,ot H nttt-r-ort. K' lly.or M urt; Kufbey, tHi ., L'B, oi RicBmo d, Key.., MoCsnt 's, Moffoi t bowaa.Morril.Moirw, Peaiaon, l'eck,Pr.cbV, IfagJand, lb a, Renl row, Renol4, iti'ir. biioonda, Sevens Vest, WaMreip;BdJI'i1ii.iBi.B.f 44. Nava-Mer Ati. AruMlrt nBannar, Bii-nee-Boddi, Oaudler, 't'laytou, liit, OaVlliMHr, Durham, Ellis, farrow, Ftnlht, tsatiwitf, tt'bsiWf, Oiltu rt, Oitef, Hawkins, ., . ...J tTll. III,. It ,"UlSS.St II. ........ . riC'lliri'-es, s:ii. "IS ". :;'. ' K"f,1 Hu-niptiri,, Jdvik, Reli, id ivi Lesty. Long; of Chstharo. M 4 ou', MathiiSMi, .tlcMiiliB, Meiidetibad, Mm re, ot Aia ekiK), Paint f. Parker, l'ou, Pr ce. Koninsif, S mrvr. Sriik Sti.f'.b, ti A.t ghacy, Hrnitb,'"'! Wsyt;, 8'dM-s, (fi anion, tm. eyk Tbmp", ; Vaii l, Welch, Wlil'H. WHllsm', or llarbett, sail W ilaun. akyaWB7iMSM 1 ' Tre" fa li'lB fuSuifetl rn tli4rlr-inn of Tg7$it&& io the .ilowln0' Tuttr ti aLt:-t.s.'s'''a''t-ei.t ct:a ..ajau. uv Veicfc- f f i j -trs.- Ar-;.i, Arms roi.g, B-u,. ner, Br,, Bitosiic, ' uanaief, City, ton, Iravl, DavidVn, lJurlisui, Em, Farrow, rt!w, Osfhrg, O.bnon, Q.ib!, iimr, Uaekins, likt, Uiliiajd, High, n.nJnelt, Ifomey, tl umpimea, Jairia, Kl ly, ol Dtvt-i, M.iuoe,' naihiuoB, VeMillaa, " Mi'flditoiiaO.MosVw, Ali-s ...... Rubin-ton, Shavwr,, Smiib, ol. Alleghany, Me-utl, liflittley, Wiffikui, orrtarneiW 41. Nava -sMratr. Aabwortb, BUdCaiaoa, Carry, C tb"a,ChrryUrartVrd Dil-Ma, Ellington, Fork oer, Kt ter, Ushsgan, Ora ham, Guatar, Il.rria, ol Wake, lieodrlck, Hinriant, Hndgln, Umlglimir, Jattic Of Ru'ki.rt'ord. Kitty, Jt'', Klty, Laf i.n, .Uary, lmg, of 4,attiass: Lekf, of lUehmotid, Xaitv McCaale, isUsata, of Chowan, Morrill, Morris, Pearson, Pk, Po, Price, Proctor, ltagtsnd. Re, Re, frow, Reynolds. 8'iegiitt. Mucliir, Simoad, ftuipea, o'atMBa, . oyk, Veata Vat, Wilaie, Wiilitiaaoq,. Wtiwa.'-ttsSi. l Mr. Pou cfl. fed a toimbjBt. thai tb House, dn and after Tuday oet a t .aka.i,-i rmvnwm l into the Committa oi the whole, acb day, t tcaatottia tba alleged Irauda, -t ,y Ponding tb consideration ot in ro! tiou, the Houao i1joui lied. XOtr4xC5otiirtr , tf otr. Jptb, c III!. J MIAB Toums Jg, , 4 , , Imr Htr:-F-l tak it front tabat foo y In the SkntikkL tuat-yoa are aot a war that Treasurer Jerkin ba dot answered tb la junction died against stb Umebed Kail Road, bis answer it that ba wiU abide the decision of th Court. . i Tbe Treasurer- ol the Road! bs not a- wered and will not do'art until Belt Spring Terra. They have ead t work n-u th Road aod many sr deter sained the shall nut begin, unit, tit Suprena CsMtrt wll oviVul ii owe dtH-8H. , K p np yonr blow; but ftir fukim tod tbe Skstimki. should hava been ur tricvabiy gt-ne. Yourk ; n-n THE t-LEZ rANALTHE 0PJfIJI0 cEflEMosiEi . All our latest ne t I. to the effect that ib-tu. t.sual ie a gttBt ta'aeaaa. In spj-e oi alt that has b. t o aa.4 t lb e..n tiafif, the wu-'.i H i,(i fi a-ijiicud ibst lbs asters of the Mediterrai-eau and (he water olthe Red Sea hate b.o l.foHgiit, and lew are riiwijed to ik abf that uavi. ; g ttiun, even ou the part i f ships ol heavy i..iiuae, i now ib.ii (haft i,iibt t Tbe Euipnas Eugenia and tbe mugim-"": af aH ia di ib. c. uld tat crowdeti into forty vessels have iu e g it and a bait hour p e'i salvly aad aucwtsfuily thtotigli tb 3 rat hall i t tbe canal sil racl,il tho grand ct ntral d. poi. which la'la U Ima t pom 10 bear t ie A ii t roy's name, Isisalli bsl toiiiuiaud.d ai eatitHt aulte voaal to P ..rt Saii.aiid-t. r bu bsnggr perusitted to tliui tne tor:y etels, and utbir liesitbs, will witbnhi much difficulty mk tin lr way to the Gulf ol But. Meanwhile tb lestivitit continue. ls msiba baa been grander than Ptwt Said. Sttix will be grander than JUmai'ua, At Suet the sTmngements are such tint tbe Arabian Nighl' nirtJBWlwill be not ..uiy eclipsed, but made tot ever liencusi.w. waul uuiueutioiiaoie, an lew hour mora we limit to learn that the vovaaraha f been sin c s.fuMy s"comp'lUheJ, , auu that hlmdrmtiiof tht Pharaoh, ibd PUiihhu, ihe Alcxamjirs, tlu) ltata,bs lurcomc a fact. Vv evwajt with hop aud CimtideBoe. c York Hwmt&'w n - '-r S!ti)Wicn I.i.amd Htinan American planters are larg. ly engaged in ttut t'lll tnr iu the Sandwich 1 lauds, sad ihn pro line yield thus lar give cnemtrngitig pros pect. I'pto-rxrpwmtasr fS; tti sTig" ta. ported smoe J in uary 1st sratMintMi it seven tt t usii U Bcven hundred inl eigbty tuna, and lor ut'ihiwa stytB;.tUI,dfi and. ihllty one ion, making a tek:y ttirt.-e export of pHltl ii m Ihe il..uati n , .f two hundred and fen Ion crtugae and twenty tuns pi intoaMna,, pr, a tvai payjj-a fnr tltiiiyevtn W'-t:k,t'l ,lwil sjiiini'rvd, sa.l il lrty tons, l-IHiip"Bit'!jioii (iVeburidrad inT six Jr-of;e I hour .nd vmir.'s' W'iugar stul tan bhiidotit tniuautgalbiti4esImo- ihsmsi to ihs piM B'i-wu-j is ts trifling . busiue-ui, ami imat l lkeo iuto account in calt-UlMtiog the tuppW I jdod for COB .mnp'fioii i thu' wii' VOHsr and' to Utah Ui upwanai wii CW.Oia pouodo bar t"B ttut wiibi a few wk. m Aeeording to the li. i.oliilu "i, .;ti", ibe crop u( gar fur I8H0 nt 'ric1' ' futlr S'l.OOO.OOO poo mi ami thntfof 1879 wilt uto iuut to 3,(MW.Uuu pouhil-i, T in iwlta (vi-irB maui sat eUJigt: "Ogtiet la YlaUlsaat, liQ-e busiuo-ai it i io asMAir,Jwpa la bor. r t,r;tbi" 'Uni plantations, a4 ,oon l,irai,l nurtilier hv ln ert out, bat ' ' tliua lar tbe auppty i taalvrjtvte oa o- , ejuut of WQtaur4ii (epurt ri -atlM --pevt;ag lb .raliijT-!,, t1ifyn - A f PaAwtith Micf:Wo Ws at ted that Piottsao fib, of Ham bora, baa .convru4)td nsiwMiBg te.bin;iijoQ nt ici various wOidr", auer,juviiionL fad evta rnttocUta single seWnuee. Wepop rt will be tnimhvd to pteai if the inventor ? nuitvrtake ttshviiigrt t "thi ettuutry. r i tow muvh UlkiuaTher ,.' ! ,J Ctl.lllKaI IHIMOBi -" tI4.T AZVJCbtlSJM M&CXIX2, ' ltMmun Witt .if i ' - ."y . GODfRErd .A jaOffUEniQi" FjiORjpocn.Kn . f,. -if, -S-J! "-'A I jr.kj.i- v, - ' -. ,.-s: 1 fflf ,y. t--S- ilj '$3 Va i )l 11 ."l 1 . t H -'" . ainf (.UitfXT(yp.tL.r a ps king I' ud aiibvail S li u:i it ebm s feaie-1 I Hia-ke my h-nrty snn.oa.eai,. BMiuU)tO lit t, ,.tf v !.. . -o. :a,irw "18111 -Owitt n - who btwr.fnenx'4 awtnsbe tMmhu tr ar -ii.l'T tl. It'll.!' i., ,K... l. I. MJJ "J 1 . , ft iS'iwt .... " -si. syr a Isw store oi "tlis a.oia aori it d auiei, a ' 1 vf"Ulll. 0l tl'SVutisK. : 'U liuelej tl.a Airt.osplierie. t.tKs'ir f a t s,, su-l s.uui jla-. eivntllia wun.aiS id .a.r cat-it oo 'or mm - lo xxsabiMix. , t"wic for oW nxtmn,-. . siir"ris oss, fmusAis, test qat.'irv .iftiiiunff t touui fiarrasl saw-.ilHt Miui-Uouss, .-,',,11 l,i.. Aisyl siiKus atui -tli.iwrlifbta. Aii fhwatrfiw, wiaw 1 IttK liilt Sd'tK-U, tifia dr ss-,fl anil pin in iu vti'-f ' 1 laMt ttriosiiBiruiunr, wn Mi.p..rtutiniiM,i, -.rtfijt A)liijiitila- , AOf Itiwl.e.-lj .a,;f"- HAYKiti U-T C'tairI.'A.TE N- TV f . ttiKk in (he Hit 1 K'l. o-ru. IHu,y, attneeiai 0 Wstsj i w.nltir ir Vv t: u,. ' - iibiatienl ssij iei.iJi a e, ' a tv'lBt ' . iao)lA8 U. ICIEA, ,.,,.4..";: .iDOJoat'ti:

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