.- Till Ej 3 E NTI N-EL. CITY AMD STATE ITEMi. WEDNESDAY.. DECEMBER 15, 1868. r i M. iuatati, -. Bnnsts Clark, I - '!TeJ and inteptftiog light (ad totld reading matter under tha head ol now d vniuiioti, t)ii mornlog. Pleas lain to tod read, ' y Ala o .:- LM nlgbt about 7 o'clock M alarm of flri u eandd in t Wrd, founded oa la fact that Qarid Lwl's chimney had C4ugbt Arc, which ni (ous conquered withoat dtmtgtt, aa n in i in . Titicia Fm.-fTli1 TeittViti opened oa Kaadjrj night at Tucker Hll, lad we lera ther iu a large number of per tool pretest. Tbe Hlt wst filled with tuty -atuLhetnt fill arvrilfi. ami t ft nM in. alien. ,iauo eipresd tbmslT pleated and delighted with the entertainment The Firw opened again lut night tori wilt contioue open each evening du ring the week. There ere Urge number o( irtidoe, crumntl and useful, to be aitpoied of, and every evening refrt sa mrotv of Trioat kind will be aerved to tiioee who may dot! re them. j Any one wanting a good second band addle can get one, cheap, by applying at ibis office. ' A criBiom Pm We bare reoeirtd from Maura. J. & 8. Banton, of FbiladaN pule, a (ample of tbeir Magoealum Pane, mad from the metallic baaia of Magoesl. um and the point hardened by tome pro ctiea which prevent! corroaion. We bare given them a trial, and ao far, are ready, without heai'ation, to pronounce them the beet we b ever uud. They an very highly ncamnunded by a large number ol Back officer, Expret Companeiee, Intor anoa Companies, Merchanta and-ethera. . Mr. Alfred Wiriiamt, Buokwller, of this city, through whom e received the ttm pie alluded to, baa been appointed sole agent ktr t)ii Wale, and to btm order may be;aaftt lor Urge or imall supplies. JtJRT Dtst HAaH. Ill Honor, Judge Brook v diactiarged ibe Grand Jury ol his Court on Monday. . It ia tomewhat remarkable that there are hut two tit ef Jurors for this Court ; one in and one out, alternately. Tboeu just diacbarged will come in again term alter next, and thote of last term will be 00 band for tbe next At least thia bat been theeaae with lut few exceptions, ao far, and we presume it will continue. All icci dental and incidental, ot course. Sprkt.v A MieTA. In the Sena't, ye Ufday, when the resolution requiring tbe Public Auditor to nvivt against delinquent Sheriff at tbe special term of- Wake Su perior .Court, on the 4th Monday of the present month, Mr. R apace, (Republican) said he had been informed by tbe Treatur er that tbe Sherlflt of two counties. Wake and New Hxnover, were indebted to him at least f31,000 dollar tbe Sheriff of Wake, alone, about f35,000. Now, there must be some mistake hero. The people of Wake. sr not (53,000 behindhand .in pay. ing tbeir tales never. And we are enre onr Sheriff has not imperiled bimself and his turities by keeping back taxea collec ted. Ther must be some mistake, and we call on Mr. Reepsst to "rise to a question of privilege" to day and correct H. With regard to th "fin hone and sporting crriagea'rbat Mr. R. 1 throwing into the teeth of oilier Sheriffs, we know nothing; but about that 35,000 deficiency in Wake, ther must be a mistake. Brown' Bronchial Troche. From th lledioal Director or the General Hospital, In toe B tracks, near fit. Louts, liareh S, 81 " "Meaara. John I. Brown A Son, Boston, Mae. -Dae ef your far-lamed and most eerrieaabl " 7hcW is being made la the hospital ot which 1 bare ehar;e,and with very bene&ell and d eidad neolta Tn allaying hnoeSial btttitkm. for Coughs and Cold A 7rwA gire prompt rehat deelS-eodlw" ' D. 8. Cocht. JVaatrfey, Dec. lACoort nit', at 10 o'clock. The unfinished basi net of yestwday was reenmed- case ot Harvey Terry . tb Pthk f Wilmington--lov. Bragg opened the argument, and was followed by Mr. It. II. BattI-juror with drawn, plaintiff called ' and "non-eBit. Alter tliapotlrg of siveral unimportant case on tb docket, tb eM of Jcsiah H. Askew, vs. Cyru P. ilendenhatl wa wiled, Bryaa and Battle and Jmr for th Plain ti8, '3oLa and Mertimot tor tb Defender- Thm c i actioa of debt o a judgment taken ia oa ot the Coarta of AaUfmor. : P.Ddibg the discussion cf tlicweth Court took roocs until ?. II..'. s . . a. AfTUIIOOV SE1UHOS. Court tt puranant I adjournment, th nefiuitbftd butincs of tb morning wa ta ken np anA dins4 anttl a 'lata hoar of tb ersomg opinion reserved. Th dock et wa thwregnrartyealted and miaycasrt disposed of twitit th e of Sta'a of a h C.liowarwl other. wiilABaBwb? h4B?'4,l"I?5 iwchdwb.Ur.V coatiouwt: anta.to. awrrovr. Tbe Court then adjonrned. atoiaTktoVaA About 9 o'cktck laat atght, Vu .at oogtutjon. wer. tftrowa into nttar eo. 1 ruujn oy th lona an; oowierous. aam wi fu prajlng. In tb direction of. th rear od of ineuoun uousa. ni ww what ti matter , aad fcmnd It ta t a conetryman In tha bands of two ooliea n. on hi wv to tht tekjitList. i.; . . .1.;- ..J wis wot luoQing again rw'wj kmtiilUuH It. ),.,! mini fa toWn. finished hi trading and tent hi fo ka oa home, "whlls be. remained to lookattlia iight through tu bottom of a bin f laa UmVler, M iad loKked avVefal timeaaad . aa.V t4tm ,.1-B xntnm1 nrnfv UK prediramiet. ,,11,1., 1 awl.'''1wyywygwe' 0 yrmr-mmt tak ea tlrap and then tak or, wMvanuti o ceo sue leinut, u crowd Ubvit in tco mi all a ermoa, JXOSTB CAROLINA SPKCIAr. TAX V.' ' BOSDS., ' w clip tbe following from tbe New Tor: JitrtU of the via 1114 t 'y Tb carpet-bagger apnur to bava got pottassion of tbe aenriii far m. h..r of them la averj mit of thr-way nwrtratid i A. larit auantitv. it ia uid. hu lea earn bled bVbV at fMmirif thai ri I Ptetidenttof the unfortunate State of Kortb Carolina. The bonds were iaaneil in t, of exiatlng road and to txritd new one. j hot, tnttcart ol being delivered as wat re quired by the exlsencie of tbe work. were banded by tbe uaahel bekrt to otticurs ol tb oompaniea, who aeem to be having good time with them. They have aold tbem down to twenty seven, and where they will iop remain to b earn. -Uwi not the wat beUer '-aiop" bvfuie it ia too late t Where i the o mnxittee of iuvetjj4tioii which Wat coming North to inijiiire aimui them t " In regard to the Committee tbe UeraU inqum about, it ia well known here why It waa not aeui, it would have found out too much, bad it gone on to New York, and conacqueatly.bving a matter of life and death with certain lUdlcali), it wat choki-d offand the resolution raising it reRCrtjded under the caucua latb. W are on tbe track of that gambling operation with fair prospect ol "treeing the coon." Tbe facta already in our poiesion are eufflcient to eaUbliah the trqih ot tbe rumor, in our own mind, but we deire to tat it beyond tbe poaaibllity of a cavil, and then the people aball hear from it. Had tbe enbOouimiUee been allowed to go to NewYark. it would here facilitated tbv Ipour of thia affair, among other . But we'll have it yet What a pitiable ttate of affuri ii depict ed la the above paragraph : Our Siatfl bonde a aubject of common ridicule, and our cblif State officers a by-word lor stu pidity and mitmanagemeM '. Transparent and flimeey tricks retorted to, to cover up tbe rottennrsi and fraud which. hower they cannot bide ! A private tetter aja. "Governor Holden was a perfect Bull 00 '9p-cials' while h-re talked Very strong for them," and iira. CJtngman wat itduutd, by m wjm, u tfy-jo Wntttbetn np, while ! hu world waa UuirbinK or huunnir at the 1 S ina to out life in'tbe dea l carcaeee, becn evry body knew all that ia bin ted at in the above paragraph from the 1tralJ. TBS ASBBVllLS PrOHBRR. -This little ripple of hebdominal journal lam, up In the mountains, gives us the nut cropping -scintillation of its pltosrrhores ceot brain, in an article of a qnartrr column leng h, in its this week's itsue. It wehave ever o far lost tight of our toll respect and ohet was due our reader as to notice ihs dir y litt'e 'forerunner,' we sin cerely retrret it. If our apparent ohliiou--neaa of the ex i'toce of tbe Utile ibing list angered it, we teg lis inferusl pardon, .and offer the present notice, ab rh will prolj bly be tbe last and only one we ahull ever take of it, aa a tlight reparation ot our tormer nrg'ect. By the way, bow much were you phi Mr. Pioneer, for deieiingfrom that Investi gation and exposition you threatened ip regard to tb Hailroad "ring" rascality in your neighbor I Yoti B ed not name the turn if you don't like, aa it'a entirely im material, being a waste of money at any sum. No one has appliedjor that key yet ' ia ttr"lil tellve. A fra and regular etrculation of tb blood in essential to health. It places th whole svetetn in a state of sotiv defence agatntt all unwhole some inflasnoe, and la an eapeelal aafegaard afratnet tn inlarleal effeet of sudden changes of teetpentiira, and of damp and eold. If proper attention were paid to thia Important fast, there woo Id not only be a great decreaee tn the namber ( eases of stomach, bowel and renal eomplalnte. but also In ths number of deadis by ecneomptlon and other pnlmouary dtssasaa. . At thts prkd of the rear, when tbe dividing ttns which separstes genial from an Inclement sMeoa has att been psad, a oourss of H06 TETTKB BTOMAOH BITTKB3 will be found of iavalaabl atrvte In Improving th condition of th vital fluid and gently ttimnlatln IU flow. Violent ooaghe and eolds like Intermittent fever, sr tb frequent effect of chilly atmosphere a poo a debilitated organization. Dlaoesee of the kidney often rooed from th Isms tonrc. How e ehtlsl it fat, therefore, for pron of tMbl eoastltaUon, to lnvigontt th vital orga nlaatioa at'ths eommesosment of Winter. For tified by warm olotMng without, end HOSTIT TUt'S B1TTSB8 within, tb frail and delicate uy brave 1h tmpmiity an amount of aipoture ad hardship whieh under other cirenrattanoet, would prostrate them on a bed at tfcikneae. Let Uwa consider this aad be wis In tune, deell-eodlw . Tan Basca amd tub Prm. W Iern from th Tarboro' AortA eoreKatait that Oaptaia ttigg antwertd the rule tor a e jo tempt " of Court growing : oot , of an art 10 i ia th local eoluun of th Tarboro' fiefJieViMf, ef wrhich paper Car taia Bigea I ditor- in-chief. " fin wer W that h icbllabtd tha Vttc'a referred to a aa editor, and hot in th cbiraeter of aa attorney ; that he aad elwayt repetnd th Bench, aad paid Hi Honor on the RaerH that reDeot due hit position a a judicial et&oef. and that Iff penning th ob Wtonabw rtiolh Intended no contempt I tJOUTt, na A an attorney usa nn vKM-j, etiv that aa eonminao a tamewipb JudirwJooe ruld otbarwi, aad the rut debarriag Captain B gfrt froni prac- inng ia hi Doart wat mad oerMtuaL gucb & th record of on ol th a high itandetfe tntt autiagonti mnacUn ever perpetrated la th m o4 twder itatbotitv at btW-UHorth Caroliaa, rtgenut tranai m and id North Ca ght coutemp1 pi ialUoa pun ! paper of atay ftan h I blm:f M) omcm pv"" f- lawyer for aa artiele ia Which tempt h hma tit etlttor. te th violent vUa!ctti of tb (rnityof tka Ttcnrh to win Out tha recolUcUoa Of u npoa-i',. irtrm of tb I sayttli Doe- )artioaf RigbWi m uK1 "" wtiki tMHty, ed tbwetor oaght B r to ba Vr.faltted." - WOmUftm -Vara .,. men " ''". . ',-,-'-G00& Aovics.-At tha ifwWla'ioe wf a BaaTliiBen tn tower faad. fjtrfta ..Intiv- tb followinir aJvfct o ThTcooiTrtaatTdb. . TB e're'veteodTpv.;f?r id s "Dar brethren, I ugt:tf that yon or for jourBiir daily j ifuard hi wptftattoa wVufulty v, hear him pich weehty i lia.eo. to th WtfLwllfllyj Ja bor with bim p4bially,both 1 inajviUnO. ly ud tsaiectively; wpport b f""" gsUoel heartily ; smberribel for hun hbemriy; Aut mfw.rotfttt nd a tjail af U tr ociuiloirny ; eel! on Oud of kii grac Wet yu buJfiUr.n dd Bt yon 4aiiy rtt. a 'haltN vd tal!v. , . ' ; ' "0;. ''-" . : j. jfaniauu-tbar IW ADYIUTISEJfMTS. r neat W. TrtE -I. 0s. lal., iASCART KuMl wt 1 b bflrbd tar Mam if a. it Hmlari aal to tU.kiithMt Mutter. ttotal atiwitou eaUad to Una Drutwttv aa boiuv ihm unlv Hotel ftvfvttj la the tow. of ftltbboro. lii-NUV h.DHOWK. dee U-Ul A CARD. U A VIN O bees eousuHed bi nameroae eitl aeot of JUtili oa the enauui; eteouoa for Hyr of the I'lly, tail ttmUNf ih thrra does estat a rnat iHwatwraetioa nh regard to ths prestnt loonmboat, and altar being etrunetf so iletwd, 1 kavs eouwaMd and do throaub tLta laediuat tBOoaiiee msoif aa an iatdcewwteai Iteaiakifiraa caadtaaie lor the kUTuralit of th Car of Maleirh for ttt 1 ear 1170. 1 will no mor- at proMut, h piu; that a ravoisbl op portuiirtv iBsj b preseott ibr ale to addrw aij Mio citueni wf thia lubjjvt. . Very respectfully, dee 14 Id r J. P. ADAMS. li IM ASS &'DAVtT; ' Commlaxton Mei-clmutt, 47 WIDE WATER STREET NOR F OLKt V A . r SHELL LILIE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH PLAN TERS WITH OYSTER SHELL LIME IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ORDERS SOLICITED. 1111 AMI A ntcv, laorfolk, b. ba 15-1 oa SIECT B0ASDIO AND DAY BCH00L, I! ILL HO MO1 N C. Ml.xa Wash aad Kallork, lrlaclpals fllUK HpringTerm oflR70 whl oohii 4ih Ftbru 1. ary. and oontinn iweri'y week. Circular, f -rwarded on application, deu 14-awam I'luntatloa , For hale. I OF Ft K MV fl.ANT I'lON, WIt'Hi.N OvE uileol th CU. et haieigh on (he l attioro iMjad, fee-aHie. li cootaina twenty tore ef laud, good dwelling, barns and o her ont-biu ing-. an4 1 wind.niiil for raulog waitr tor pntiONt'Sot jrllttlmn ; Heranrn ilnmnog fa;urba. are in vited to inspect the pri-wi, aod aave adver tised dt at:ription. ff the property is not void privately hefor th 23rd re. mher met , it will be ajl I pnbiicly on that day, an the pnmiara, and at the asm lime, a number of oeelul paitialiou Uiol, ao. Term aooomnichkuug. dee 14 td P, JJABCOCK Fresti Arrival of 6ood8, FOU TUB IIOLIOAY8. n. ROSEXBAl.TI, hit Just re- velvdd hill aupply of ' CLOAKS SHAWLS, ItUBIAiJ, HOOPS. AND DRESS nOODB, which will b so il at tha lowest CAM! prices. SI. UASEXI!AUJn, No. 16 Fsyettevill Street, dec 14 dSm . ABT.ADTIFTTt.LOT OT LADIES, MIHaEB, andohildren'a furwench ssttueelan Sqiilrral, andohihlren's fu eb Ponev Black rreoen roney Biacir roney ana ntating rurs, whic . will b sdTd ubeavp. M. BOMESflACH. declitf NOTIOKS A IX KIMM. LADIES, fISES AND CHILDltEN'S BAL moral and fioolevard bhin. all patterns and price. ii. Koi-LNBaUH. . ; 1 , AKCLL L1NBGP()AKSIKRE8, BAT1NBT, Kentucky Jeaua sod Keroeys. deofMf M KOBENBATJM. LADIES. MIShEa AKD CHILDREN'S OAI tera, iih e and Bootees. UeuW, Youths aud Bovs, bjoU and Mhoea. dec 14 tf V. ROSEJiBAUM. BLEACHED AND BROWN COTTONS AT all prices ; Htriped and Pltidv Bomeepnns ; Hickory Shirtuigs and Tickings all grades dec H-tf . K hfVN BAD at. DEADY MADE CLOTH tNO FOB OKSTH IV and Bove. at Very low flirorm. Uec 14-tf ' 1L HO.-EfSBAUaf mBCNKS 1 bags dee 14-tf VALISES AND ENA HELLED M. BOhpNBAtlH. - f RVIBItBttllK Jfo. Id, Fyetvili fetvil ear gain It 1 a Kt set ia Iw plain to t ekaaci bar, ate 14 tf , A MAGNIFICENT NOHTII CAEOLINA PUBTATIOjr FOX SALE. TDK PLANTATION KNOW TfrKii "OAKLAKD, (formerly ueproff "ot Dr. (iamuel Kerr,) attested i - Itnwaa tMaaty-f H 4 fl. , ttrt lnwm toa Koad, 11 eiliee from Baliabary, and about 6 mile from hma Urovw atauiAa ett th Notts Carolina Hailroad Ihr Plantation la on of th atoet dearrabl I the Wat, aad ia it Improvwrnaets aaearpaseed. I.w.ntur.a 1hi Aorsa. onwbaJ ciiiarad; iara doantity cf Meadow and Buttoas Laud, over IS acre under oorer of a Mill Fond fur 'ty yasr Xn rta naaviiy tuaoerao wiu apuaoia Oak and "Bickory. Th iamilv Mansion eotrteia f vea Rooms ; tb Ont'Bulduig ewwi na of Kitctieit, Dairy, Ice-Bout. MaWka-Iioaa. LaUirei s' JJoaae. p..tiiif; from L5 0fO liu aijUl bnnLr Is of tataj-i iaadiiuAdi, aswut tan su ua isv aw, i th MjM' it And l"ur witu thraa 4f.e of atcte;andU9 it near vaBity. Milkir'a aoera, tiia aou blaelumtth Aro. aid ilorteo eerew. U lehv4Cal angatea deg franr-tae Creek, wpplyirg ta ead,M run the M'li, sad tb Laed beoewih, ef ettra .n ioarv fenBwy, etven i tBHvaala f lrtr"oii of e aatofy ut rv-.a f.u,eduoo, tv two .sone ted half ol Wiclt siova, witu w4oa th brut at rv two feet thi4,ud wmld a e:)DV(rte4 lout a fa arv. h AwaiejMe ia wad imnwJ, aii4 aoramaudaa Sua Waive vlawK-V: .'-.v .-tr faUy iwa-teu-d. rf not asore, of th aopatlsitiea of avoaa county a Wlut. '.Li a I- .t ,-. H..IU. itJirittr to mm tb nenoertr eaa am It 1 .. 11. !. n. Ci . to Mr. I. W. V-nnl. St he S rl Meaa lo.. it. 11. Miuk t, , ua K.U 11 ai Kinrr Offleel t Corhttev e rluTtaT eittOTaaip ... ... tiEoact-f.Btsrs, . Bf-0i lUorning Edition. TELEGRAPHIC. Ttnwitttjr Krcntng I1pnirhr. WA8H1SOTON. Tuiuiiii.ik. !. It Another b II has been introduced for Ihs adnusat n oi Vti attxiia. ue cer tain eondLtiona : referred to tbe rVcouetrnetiou eomraitieo. 1 ur are orosi pi.rtoi sinrii( in tbe vjiiiinitU'e, and thewboi muter baa born KMtioaad tuiui balutday, ostwasiblv btioau. the ruiuut bil tr not printed. Tb csooimitws bta taken no eottoo yat in reitard to Oeoryia. laoMuaie ia autogKirvg r aeuau. ft)BKltllf. howuon, Dec-. U China has rttiflwi the BnrliDKune ireatT with England. Liuo, Dve. It Tha bretch between the King utd th Duke vt Oektahana it widen uaiiji, Mui a rwtigiMtlKv oi the-mm mrV l bnart;t eibeeted. A military tnovomaut, biuult-d b toe Dak of OaUiahuia, u saaonuiir threatening proporuoB X)iordrt are reported at lporto. Turaday-midntght IMjiulcti.-a. WASHIXOTOS. WAtaixoTu, Uee. 14 Revenue to-day ffSX), 9D0. I ' Admiral Poor, on the Powhatan, hta arrived frtm KeylWeet with Stlof the Lilin' Crew. H'r deoidea that tdditlonat lexwiaityu it nee asary to enable tbe federal Hovnrimioyit to hol1 oertain eameierira tn tha t-ouin ; tbe owners or the land must iuv copt(enaatioo. bcniTS I hurman i.'ieoleJ the retolntibnt of Ohio, wiirdrawiii- her uaut to the niteuutb ameutiment. Oole preaented a railnllon directing- tha FJJ" nance Committee to Inquire tuto tne etpeutency of taxing whiskey one uoilar 4 Keltugg tntrtxluoed t bill fr imprortug Bayos Toih sua rej)..lruoj the New Urleant Cuaiuui Booae. Adjoorned tn honor of Fateeoden. Hooaa Tbe V7ayt and Ueaot Cunimittee were dtraoted taihiuire into the eipedieuoy of aboi iehiftg the revenue ratehinery and apoorttontug the taiet among the Biatea . ., 1 Oox intro I used a resolution. thl the people laara wtth honor and ludiguatiouibe lriuu ot of AoMrieaa cttUaas ba.d a Kriuan priaouer by mint-land. Tbe secretary of War wa uked for informs ttoti in regard to deepeuiug the mouth of the MisaicaippL Tbe conditions of Ward's bill fur the admia. ion of Virginia are, tli.l lb ootialituuoo aball never be amended to an to deprive any oiuaeo or claaa of oinaens of the right to vote iu that (Hate, who are eutiUed to vote by th Constitu tion now to be reeognlaed, or ot right to sit on juri, or w equal parliepatlou in th acbwl mud or tobool privilege, a uow recognised by uoh ( ouatuniton , provded tnat a y alwratKia of tuch t'ouatitation mV b made with regard to time and place ot reanhmo of voura. KENTUCKY. Faamtixiev, iee 14 - Tn voie for flnlnr tteveuiuli il, M reery 48 Turner 17, Kjilej 10, B.oi.e a, iocv 6, litek li King i. MA8ACHUE1T. ft. It,. 11 ilt-in im liaif mllllnn An. I f.t,fiii tn ih. hi.w. ra N&iKiiiml ilank. FORKION. Hatah. Dre. 4 - I ns ppsuleh nun of-wtr, ltftt.Oel,ltb creei, fur'ae.k gun beats aillt.d t-tu lor .Sew V r The siesmahip Tvutoma, nailed lo-da for Nsw Orl. ans- Lrvssr ioL leo )4.--I'he "city r BriiMel." arritetl in a.l dn luu c 'l k, ihi quicke.1 trip on reouru Lou.jk li.o. 14 The "Monarch" wnb tbe remain ui P'-aly uu u.r.l 14 oeialu'ii uy 111 gle. 1 atiton aiai in na t Iisiki oried by toe ap pearance of he "ritiotreai" m tn grtat cattle anow ul I. ia cuy. MARKETS. Naw Imii, Deo. 14. -t oitvu .teady sa'cs 2,700 bale., t 26$ ; fiou dull auil heavy, ettpeiuue tate 4 5i.i to 4 55, oonimuu to fair tl'll aou h ru 6 4OIO&0, wheat 1 to a lower. Winter he.i M eateru lo 1,M , C 111 I shadr Bruicr at 1 11 lo 1,18 ; 1'urk loaer al 31 to Hi; Lrd heavy t llt to ); Mhiaa l.O.f to 1.(184; Urpceriu quit, Siiirli Tarpautin VSh to 44f ; Rmiu 1,08. Aiooey stnugut,7 gola ; tiold oiumid quiet at it ; trotftrnuieuu tdy, oouth'rn irieguiar, bUMtkaweas, activs.nd nuattiied. Bat-TiMoa Do. 14 Colt u ies firm at te ; V oar Unlet and stealy ; Wheat "nil red i 2ft o 1 40; Ooiu Ilrui. white Hn yellow 0j , Oat. Arm at .itl , 1 iovuious uouuaugeii ; w hibkiy l,!ut lo : 1,3 i Wn-MistiTos, Pe 14 Mpirits TiirpenllneduUi, hoiu utenoy at t.oo lo truon t urprnTiiiu auo Tar uncbai ged j iotton sieaoy at u at The steamer oluhtuer srrl ud IrouiNew Y'ork. and the Gary from iialliuiore. . , J, EA1EI3H FEOVI8I0N MAKKET. IXlKhMtOlED UY Ul'CHCHCU A DoDD, OBOCEB8 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MARKE1' rgUABE. BACON. N.O.. HOtt HALT. WESTERN. liJ4 BPTTER. : OMitta corroN Kii CORN 1 sl COEKFJS - M4t4u FLOUR 7iMlJ.C0 FODDER, 1 WKtl 16 LARD .- 1(0.16 MEAL -x 1 fc ai MOIJtBMES mtlii HAOS i?t4 SALT Fine I 2ffS W HiutavOai ml M REMARKS Cotton In Nea; York to clay 14th, quoted steady at ut cetiu. CA5DIDAT 3 FOE C0MM IS3I0NEB3 riYUK UNDEHr-iaiiED RENPECPFULLY AN I .. . . .ii . . i . iiumitn i uciiinii vj. u'j . hi . i .i v . in uii toaejrs in th Eaatern Ward. J s OVERBY, Eq. N. V.DENTOlJ. de.J6.tf W. O. OPCHUUCH. atandard copy. WALTER CLARK, Attorney and ounsellor at Law, SCOTLAND NECK. N. 0. PracUoes la tbe Conrt ef HslHm, Martii fat. ilartln. Bartte and Northamptoa. Also Ja. the Federal and Innre and Supreme Court. cotlaotum made Is any part of Nortti ( ar. aUna, eptJUAtewtha t. . Kounia, of n. c , tin II 1 h o i av 11 n it ts It , ' OB0CIM AHD - General Commlsslcn Merchants 108 Bream or Btiwt, iPeteriburp, Va,, Keep eonataniiy on hand 8DOAR, COFFEB,MOLASE8 FLOUR. BACOX, Lam arm avery article nsnany sept is tb Oroeery fine, end for ale alwaya AT , lowest rates. Win give oat - personal attention to tb sal ofOOrJON. TORAOOO, ORAIN and all Country Produea, ad . prompt rsimns nt d. aw Liberal advao aud eat eonslansteBU of Prod aos in bend. . ' CAR f F.R R BlsUoP, V, J. BSAN0U. aev its -swam 1:....4 ASTRAL" OIL. ' riLlJ:e MAX!f8tIil44rMiji, ttiim pufmiij r,''ahii fre Fi oat ail adulter, tiuaaar mistare of say kmd. It esniie no effuu mm smU la banuoa. give a suit aad bnntsM ghi, and can ba Baial with Ui aams aasaraa af aatety aa. t-bemtrta proaoanee it th (vf ami tajm tiinaimating mi ever arrttxa w the toueiw men ran a ;vmpwa umtws aim irrt to t rWtffiyf-JsnV m"Ul4ir'tStlS' v tltuoaaodtof famille and m eHKtae a any seideat . jarred f am tie ; lamp nil. 4 with t, ll an d breaeo. will nnt ex, tod. Tnurtm atuawarHst. u "whi'vii is petted imty in lb Uaaranly l a nt Can, ol 1 gaiioc i a MliiAaiiet and aaeh as tm a&iil it a. matiuer that sisal eonirfettd. vij i -iu. inik auat i a "Warrant Be atir f ul ret am Vn to, geoltiu ar ,o. Fia t' at WUv e ai- i letsli U; li. lrt l..iu-n . f L . OlA toVJtor inxitud r 1 I ,) Ui-io sr jm.w.iai , i,,ir, i-e. ih twificaia and ud lltii ajtcpwe ('"l "H " 4 iitva . . ... ......... , i Hftdcial jISToticos. ""iWAt WITH ' t'.ti, Old eyna mad new, eamiy without doetor or ruedieitte Meat (KMt-tvtid vu rei4 of H rt Addre, 1)11. E. H. KOOTB, dec ts-deoasia 7 1 Lexuigttin Ate , . Y; AWAY WITH TJBCOMFOETABLS TilUhSK touift rt and cure fur the Kuptur I. Kent poet-paid an receipt of III cej.t. Alre., I ( K B. rOOTK, dec I.- eod&m ll Leto gton Ave,, N . W0KD3 OF CHE2IL Oath actraraaf ia m.l tle rllle ( Ae, in nlatloo to MAKUIAIIK and SOIAL F.V1LS, with a helping hand for th erring and aiifortimat. Kent in apalcd letter envelope, tree of eharge. A.l.lroM. HOWltl ANPOSA7 TIOS, Hoi P., Philadelphia, I't. s"pi ar-dAwsui BATCHILOR'3 HAIR DYE. This splendid llstr De la the lw-l in the world i Uie only wife and perfect I've , harmltM, reliaW. matiitjw u , ff iluupixilnimvtit ; no niticiilo.i lint ;ri ie the ill enVei of bad ejea , inVigora'ea ann w ires ti n Huf ru't tnd lH-aiitiful. '.lei in- 'utrn. Hold by all liiutrgisoj au4 IVrruniat, and piiit?r!y applied at Hathe lor't Wg rac-lory. No le ihmd etreel, Ne York oov Jtl-dly A Jslstl. A Clergyman, while revidiog tn tkmth America a miMUouary, dieoi'vereit a safe aud simple retufdy for th cure of Nerroun Weakness, Earl) Decay, Dienanes of the l-noary an J Ktmilnal Or gsus. and the wtiol tram of dtordt-rt bronghl onhyhan.hil aid virion asbits. tireat nttm bers have been cored by this noble remedy. tromll hy s desire to botieflt the adiicted and unfortunate, I will aend the recipe for . preparing and using this medicine in a tested envelope, to any on wrtu need It, Vce of tlOH? Addtie. JOStftl T. IV1I, btatlou D., Ktble Hons, oot 6-dSui" New York City. 1.1 4iOOU AH iOM. -if JJV THE ONLY QEHD1NE JMrROf EI) OK III lit GOLD WiTCIIES, MAM'FaCTL'REI) by THS OROIDE WATCH; C0M.PASY. They are all the beat make. Uniting fuse a, fine ly ciisved ; loot od tiir itkt Jin yoit, t.nd aie equal lu appearance to the lieal nl.l watotie n.ualiy ootiing fu. Vtl JrwirM iWre. Oeni'e and Ladies' iu s. at UK KCU (KIK DOUBLE EXtitA REFINED Solid Oroide fluid Uuuncg Canea, Poll Jnwm. d levers, nrr rivof fo I'jdu (lot H .KcA.,- Rrirnialed and til iilmid kp cu i U tntu awd trv.tr ana ant lurniaA, teah itlra ftuf ( uwi .1 l.tti escn NO MONfcY 18 MKQUIRKD IN ALVvNi & W .end by Etpreas auyxti. re nlmi to United iHtatea pa able to sgeot tm delivery, with the piivi ege tj open ana iuiine beNx's paid for, ani Vnot aaUatawtory rimntl hv pnyitig the KiiiMchnrges Oot-As & be ni 6y mail a Heslateretl Packags je-ettui. by sending cash iu advam . , AN AOENt.SRNDINO FOR SIX WATCHES OKI AN KXiK WA1CH FeKK MAKlNU EVEN f 15 t Alt HE.i EOK IIKI oU fjtVEN tM WAlt'HEti fOR ia. l ll.tVtNT ukin fliil D t H t INS. ul latest aud Oloai u.ti.v tj es nr Lavhee and Oentiemen. from 10 to 4t I he. lor.g at ti, 14 $6. snd 8 earU, clit with w.icln. at omt. wb.ik aele i rurs tale kod mid else if watch required, and to avoid bogus couc-ri) order ohiy ironi THE OUOIDE WATCH CO, 149 'Slls Miriwl, ftefv Talk oov IS-dA 3ui THE L .A. R O K S T . FINEST AND UEST SELECTED STOCK OF FANCY GOODS TOYS, NOT10H8, Ct'TIiERY, Af. IN THE STATE, BE CLOSED OUT ' THE Flftut OF ' JANUARY ISW- 0 .IHPBIO ANI PHI'K (kg. VIM BOX KB, LESS THAN FACTOItV Pit ICE, SAVE TIME SAVE I"tm MONEY AND BUY Your Good at PHIL THUM B, neit door to th EtpreasOfhc. - dee 10-Sm S031ETIIING NEW ANDDELICIOVR, XII Id fflUSHROOM QYSTEl A.T TUIElvl'fl ElcnAKCIE Oppotife " TUCKER HALL, TTT-HEEK AIJK) THR BEST OF W1NFJI, y V Liquors and Segara ar sold and tb' polii and obliging Win liackalao will do all he can to aceonimodt tboe wue iu gtv nun a oau. TKYOUB MUSHROO OYSTERS," dee I1 -3m Mull, ftllll, " 1 rr "At K1 OF tHK BMT LIVERPOOL HJll halt, Faetory Blled.feil weight, which we of), r lo Merchant and Faro.rs at low figure. ALNO, a prjie IM of Upper and Sol La titer t the loweet figure oov i!7 U i F. CHEATHAM BHO. : : ; ATbcc, Tobacco. PRIME lot of Old Lear Tobsooir on hand. Alx, Manufaotuiatt looaooo of a superior uueilty for sal try nov W A T. CHEATHAM a BRO. ' , - , CLOTH IXOl CLOrillXOIl WE ARK SELLlNd OCR STOCK OF Clchiig at Coot ; freight added ; thow wishing to p'che will miea a Haaaug by sot eajling o a before porchai.lng eleewliere. , niv irt-lr " -If . CHAlTllXM A BBO Bailor I Ilutlcr I J Bauer 111 QQQLBS.. Elkin Datryl Kutwr, 15 eent yxtib., Chtinsm Dairy Buttar W orott per pound. ' . atjolU Ooshea Dry Butter 46 eenu'l er PM,,a.., . . ...-I-. en ireea ho . Just rcir4 t Dee If - : - , , LEACH BBOS'. .'. i hfr h htcoej I Chcjttri ft' tMlKY CHEESE it le eents. tJ Also Prime Factor LEACH BBW. Kallrand Mlfl aoiifr! 1 ( 0BiWM 1 MLXi S CaS, IU OrnesS ; jJv.V sr . .um; orjausf..-. LEACH DBtffl. .'Asfs. Dee -t. tj t; at is a m isatKo mil eelbrat4 . PRO BOS0 FUBLf odM 1 "HrTAND." De fH4 " ' ;-i UU' ll 8808. CVOLBANP CPFEK LEATHER, . I .i aief.im a.a aut r mi'? irm . ewo oof wmiiwi Ito3itrwmmw an i ; .U KfeO rj.; .ilM'wii i t. (: 0. !., ) , V' H '.J KfeO E. F. RIFLE PflWi'EB. lb , Highly F)otabd Irop Stot, .. W ater I roof and Muskt. tD '.f LtACH CBO'A DSY O00B8. HOLIDAY PRESENTS, W. II. ' A R. S. TUCKER St CO. . are now oflering, , HOMIKRV. MUAni.t, NL'HUHi, CLOAK. AHA BO ao4 SKIRTS, AN ID DHESS GOODS, AT VKKV LOW I'KU KK. dee 4-dtC.: , W. H. A R H. TPOSER k CO. trtdtiirt, )r.AA VAHDtlttUPER MADDER TBINTS e-r.' V at very I at very kw price w. II .. life) TUt KEB at CO, lints ! .tw illo Unit! DON0AML()!tllA14 AT Hinbad Hat . ... ' . ... tt.M Sloicakiu or Faahiojahl Htlk Hats at 6,IA) J"c -uti w it n. TUCKKH acti 6ENTS ciiTiliiBUili Jl.'sT rici'lve.l few the Cliriatnias Uolidays sll j the late noveltie. in Cravat, Heart and Low oTCH AH THE AU1F.UT. YaLE AND HOWARD, NtWPOlt T, A I LANTIO, liAl EKINK AND MjL'AHE CRAVATS, dec-dtf WHIR. S. TVCKRaCO. I VtflHIII I.AB AND OVKIlaUaBa. N OTHER upply of thor splen J.V I'mbiellaa, , I . and U Ribbed. .leo 4 utf w. a. tt.a, TUCKl i splendid Beoteh H bed. TUCKER CO. . JlT M TIMKI A NOTHKrt NEW LOT OF POPLIMS, 41 1. psoa,. Mrlpes and solid Drs Goods, at PRIMROSE, PETTI A XtgK-aOaf'a. , i - o PER A FLANXEU, Wblt aud Bed Flan nel, cheap. ' PKlMnOS", 1'ETTT a NEWSOM. IJMNIHI PRINTS I PhlNTSI " Itlrauhho and Ilrown Cottons. l ltlMltyoE PhTTY A NEWSOM. CAKHIMEHES, SATINETS Twilled and Plain Cloths lor Men aud Roy' wear. PRIMROSE, PETTY k NEWSOM. JI1, CLOTH, Horliuaiid all kinds of Olovee. J7Ml!R0IDEniEh, LACKS, Collars and Cuffs. PRIMROSE, PETTY A NF.W80M. II OOP SKDi'l S. CoraetU. Merino Vasts and IX. 1 liuorl rtktrts. rRUnOR, rETTY kewsok. g VL!t, I I.uAK-i .ud FUR PltlMfcOHE, PETTY REWSOM. f tT" KKf ElVhD, ANOTHER" LOT Ot tj tireakiani noa la an i Wor.ted tluxni. PitlMUOME. PKliY a NEWSOM. Oct 117-if Japanee-e fjWiTcutis all Colors an!) hoaito., lUtlM ROSE, f E ITY it NEWSOM. Oct 37 If Sfl.K HATS, riurti li u .-oft Ha tiau lor Men, II v and Childre U and Woo Idren j PRIMROSE, PETTY NIWsoM. HEAVY Dul'liLhSoLhlJ ROOTS. 1 K1M11(),E, PEil'Y 4 NEWSOM. uot 7-tj ftTORTll CAROI.IMA CASSIMKRES, JEANS 1.1 .ml FUntiela Oct 7-tf PHIMH03R. PETTY A NEWStlM MI8CELLAgEQPS. .41TKK! NOTICE)! VTTHK snliriiatlno of many large property hol.t rs we etiuomivo ouraeivew ss eartdl- UiMtS'rConiinieeioner In the Middle Ward. A. L LOUUKK, - H. F CIIKAT1UM. d cii i i Douglas bell. "The Sto.'kiiiKu auie hung by the chimney with osre. , ' , In hiestiiat HI. Nifhda noon would betlisre." SANTA CIAUS HAS COX t AND HAS LOCATED, FOB THE REA8WI, With A. D. ROYSTER i BRO. - jr.trrjrjtmt srffjrfrr, ltALEIQH, N. C. JUST RECEIVED, enemallv for th Chrh.tw.at and iSsw Year's tloittlnv. THE FINES! ASSOttTnEN r evi r bronght to this City of TOYS SIMPLE AMlttl 1KNTIFI0, in EMiiiEs variety, jHILiiU. DOLM, ImUA. 'J AM) EVERY 1HIN0 TUB ' CHILDREN WANT, TOGETHER WirUfANDIES 1 LAIN AM V kNCY ; v NUIS, FRUITS HAISINS, '. AND ood:eb" OKXK RALLY. .i, ALSO, CHIXEHK FlflK CRACfCEHS, TOR fEDOKS, AND OTUKR JL'VK MLK "AHT1LLERY." The moat Hitwrior brand ot Otal AH, T B t'O. Ac, V. We feel assnroa 'hat onr pre sent Stock em- braces tbenio.V ATI I1ACT1VB and I'LEAHIMU varieties, slid tuvti tun pnb:ie lo call on iw. dee II U r TUST RECEIVED, s At : . A S. ROYS 1KB k BBC'S. New Citron, Carranta aad leedlers Balsfn, Aiao, Fresh Malaga Orapea, - . v deell-tf KKWB00K8. , N Vatutl, or, Until Death ni do Fart, APW.MVjitOF SDlipS-IN. WTEI!HT, BY AT0U8TA 3. ZVAK9. Author of' those popnlar niSVete7r'frr-,-fM0,,r Wsulah" and "Meoeria. J.. F.legtnily prluted and bjuod. Ale IE.. Hod, Ala ' THS PSIlfCE Of DdSHM t ROM A.N C'E of THE ULIK Ripaji, --J- v- Br Mrs B. U.U.H. albwrlb. -ttrtjiilyjtirlVf J ai6oui.iJJ- rilWJ: Just rcoetved, and for sal, at lue Boot Siort - 'M - ei? A LIHTD WIIXIAXS. Nev Se lf 1 .i." IOK V 5(4 15a;l SAltftfO, WVIIX AKD vmtWK J a teo, oite leio-i tvagoai. d fiarn, wit a s hr.t r.L u-jrftt of onr .wuitm. vuumf tnne too. JT- ir-,r.T :aw rT'T-:i"' I iu . piw wher it now 'sJo. iu lb heart el good Tar- Bantu eeuutry. lot nirtker particular td 5f f-J' " "-J1 OklWitfi;'. OecMI i Baltirk.h.C. MOSEY STAEKIT. Oroemboro' Kaney Majket, rasa jaatfjj of v Ktrrrs, , r wrtrios v saoiiER, bankers ,no Cuoiavoa Bkocam, Sours Kin hVraur, Oaana . au, Jn.w -e-- , "f -Bank of t t3... ..,. ..,''. .J.'... 40a 1 - vaptar,, " Chariot.. ",AadeboirO,. -f Wtliniuguin. , Rtiaboro...., Thoautsriil. Oraliam , M Laauurtua 7 4 as 7 eo HA ita : M a IJ - t .' t 411 - e . " CnatlBierei.... " Dlaraotkn..,., " lavwtevill.,,- .. nMtoa.' " Yaoeevvtil.. , MarehauM' Hank ef Nrwbern y., .......... farmer' Hank of tirwaeuon', , Minm'and Planters' Htitk. .iUa.;,JL Commercial Back of Vi'iiuitiiiiiiV,, ........ Ureenabore Mtttnal In. Co., (na ......., Virginia bank Note average about..;...... Sontb Canauit t ......... Oworgta ............ NtC. Rallrcad Block, ..... ... . ,, N. 0 K. R. Diviilrud Serif................. Vi s bur nd sell st liberal rncea . tiold slid at -ii. ' - 40 W 8ft wf,JJoryh Carolina Tloutla, Cnued State Boud ami ail jitbar Btarkatahl stock. Order for BanA But, by jkabaota and ataaa holders of Bank will rov prompt attention. Rsturne tv xurea naotace of bank aaae-.. 0., will be mad oa tb day nearvad, by ehatsk ' M new lor or BaUunor. ot in enrreucj, as da trad. ' If aad Fir Insurabo Polloit lasosd la good OMnneui, at beet rate. . aPtMoi.. ; tiiVy'Kf.-::,'- naua 8iosE., Joas 8. rcv, ' ' ' ' " A A ttt, tut with wniiwa . x Haywood-J .n Lt f tb Srwi ef P, F, . avaoa j k:, :,- IUOKNE OfitttBOM, at. D. PESCUf), LEE & CO., S. I . .f ''!-,, ' lueouaors te th old tnd popular Drsa ft tor a . a in. , . w . w i . vavutt, - ' Ann F. T Patwi'ti Bos,- .;' WHOtESAtS AS0 MTAIl UatlG-. RALE I OH, N. C i -k S tqt( . i! rr (, THEY JTRPOHB K0T ONLY TO BET AIM their tafuaiariiy, btu ta graatlv inorea tb patron bantowed on then, bTtfliuisgiedne msnts to Ooontry Physicians. VfMetiauM, Far. mers, and tit Citlsauaof Ualeigh, Buth.rvMor enjoyed ; and all wtie will make aa a H, or eta ua tur B!tUt wilt that v prontsarw at -sin sll, and tb quality oAoat gid aa-pwr atid--r)iWr, tnat nooue will ge korta, arte any mb rmaikeiler LMttg, MtalicJti .-vl'st t, Oi , Dy Stuff,, w inuow Qlua, iV.ttlM aud Field Mit;ar any a tlel io th wag Una, Week y Addition wit! Us auut troet tbs lut ponr and Maiiufa turer, of Sbon article as oar trad deneaBrta. tr.ir t w K.uiiu ent, SuigMni, and t'hytlolans, Oiufiis. and an bio s of Cbeuilcal ami Anaiyusal Aofiatatu fninuilid to Bobnida,! CtSlega and ether in n d, at Ui abc tealaitica. . W keep lsrg slot k of Lamp and Krosn Oil at very low r a, an ao oi eaa awlsracii a in Wlnnow-li.sas Faint lMtOllf - - - W h-v ua mOt iraetiv. sod rsr nrt neut or For gu aud ponwetM p. rfuo.y, t own. Brvaoee Map, .on aim otti.r lot ktt ArueU to which .a aiwutioa uf tbe Ladwa u e.eciaily tnvtiMt, ; -, - " lnv.lnt wtd Bud every variety f Dleikiie. Mineral ater. sn.lT'tiKm, ti the SHMilmict Wlu Whukey tail llrnntiie Hnnsekveper will find sto. k df n kind of Hpice, F.avfwwg Ekti toi, Ueial aa Mutard. luatcb, Cookinir Win . naiaa t'U and auo. i n. livera ul the Ward will aekvoalsdare tbsk th tavor and qaaiitt el oar Owt and bkwuk. ing 1 otueoo aiui lara la ttni.urpa.iHel. Anil all our frieiHl and the puhli gtnurally will find a uiot hearty wuleonw, polll anil auautlveCleik, and h.v tntr praasriptiou sad erdere steon utd altb ih Btoiost dtopetch at all ber of th day or night. ,; . . . , , tg.aiui, j.r.c a co, ds lst-tf. Hk Saliraai.VTsK. Cfc, SIV tcl-ntsr v t rrewneaeed hy wWb . v" Mnkw. RellroaAuit k. ' fceM sn, hmt al Dm, . be th meat eernHl tiawEwaeraaua, ... Aveld nartlnl kft sd. eertl to eend Wnirknt ' "fAH,' ptKIN)lillil l.l.tt....l, u - !r,i,ZtS f.rUb .. tr Ut.t -eff V Parana. - 'k.re sr Inl- TCHttl """ "rbet. I Ei a II BHijff iiavi:!.' tun WtTCHfci, Ipeli taamlm I year lrlllf l-wkir, wkui yu kw t s aeaarseie. ! Ha and .Mm bewa tn A 11 Laa -ttravt. CbfcM, lit ' i Nov. B, dfiw. ( ; M M U-M TO THE WORKINO GLAS'.-W ar now prepared to furnish sll olasam wltuoowrteot ia . p'oiment at horue, tbe.ahoia.of tn tun er for the spare momenta, Buaineaa new, hgbt and Srofltalile. Perartn of enber , tily eaia frona lo. to 6 par srveuing, and proportional suot ly devolln their Wlioi time to tbe bnalnen. Itoys aud girl earn nearly mncha men. Toat. sll wi.o see thu nolle way send tbeir auilre , and leat th buaine, we stake this npwalldvd . offer i Tu uc a are net vU aatiafhiu w will end II to pay Sir ihs ttoRO of wrinng. FU -nartieulara, eainable sampis which will da M oomaaenas work en, and )( of 31 A Ptuphft . hum-Ary f.tnrtuo-on f the largest and beat family newspaper pabnulied all sent tra by mail. Readur, f jotl want psrutaneul, pro. . uiauie wma, auur. . t. i,riit a tl,.Bi; iH III, Mil -I , - Oot au-d4Sta, v . (. . ... .. .. i.vo.nEa iEEivitor nvi and rAtlllOMABLG CiOODft AT E. BESSON'S;; - I t u HBRCIIAHT TA I LO R, " f,kl 'n . 1 Wert Eld rayttteYiliV.St.. fyppotH tlt 1jw Wlti-UH lfou. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON BAND A aeortuient of FCLlj -CLOTm, cAssimcRm, UEATLB 4 LOIif, - K I)OEajIY, Ac, Ac, OonUeniMi't full tuif, or any garuteat nefdi.ii. M.U fn4erld Ml the -Very-tm fyi; S'-l Ill "oooidaiic wil't tbe lateM Ptnalsa ra.hio. MTIFACT0 VI AItA,Trr. ft" A Bw and fresh stock daily sKitecteii' V I tat; . 14Y itni, a - r. AL-eJ. oo erd Hood ' Me. oak ami ufn on tnd hif jtrum the Cuy. " Arr'r" - mm '

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