II ------------ --- ... - .... , - - . ,;:,Y:y ;., ,r ;- - VOL. 4. UALEIG1T N. C., WEDNESDAY- DECFMDEU 22, IHCA). NO, 41 THE -SENTINEL. TUK tiWBgT-TOCJtatM AFFAIR. We have do dispositon to do ii'JtHlice to an; one, and hence, when the extract ap peared in the Winston Sentinel, and 1 was espied into other paior, statiny tba eon versatioo ot Judge Tourgee on the Ball road eara, in regard to the ronufpulatlon of the feoiiiutj&ioii;:' miwdSt 14 iui.iaj aod irotatt tbefMMe of aba State, wj refrained from copying the article or allu ding to the matter, tor over two weeks, to gira Senator gwwt full opportunity to act himself rlgbf 1u regard" to tlie charge against him. f . : - We admit that we are not usually ai for bearing In auch ctw, but we had conceiv ed a favorable opinion ot the character of Mr. Sweetfioth from bU course during for--:. nier.aaaatona ot the prci.Bt Jirgitlatara, and liia remarks In the Senate during the pres ent session on thia suljcct of the tenure of the Legislature, end we were anxious to Ke him act bimselt righjt In thia Batter. Over two weeks having elapeed and tbe gentleman remaining entirely eilent, we republished the article, (or tbe purpose ot showing tbe people the method pursued by their so-called repreeentatives to hood wink and delraud then) of their civil right. Ou tbe appearance of the article alluded to, in the Skktiskl, Mr. Sweet arose in his place In the Senate to a question of privil ege, and denied, in toto, the truth ol tbe stebtmente reported, and elated that ha did not believe judge Tourgee had ever made tlie statement attributed to him. Now, this is a verf grave matter ; not a more newspaper rumor, but a declaration of a fact, with the rime; place, and dretnn staaees, as we'd an the name of the party maajiBg tt, ll igtwn, ettcept the names of ths gentlemen to wlttta the. at atom en l wee made. -Thia omission wa ara. prepared to supply. Tile statement was made on the train of lie NartbX'eroluia Railroad, going tmra RaUugh t! flraensbpro', on Thursday November the M'.h", and oneof the two gentlemen to whom tbe sta'eiuent wan nisde, was VicToh C. HARFtnsoKR one of the Code Commissioners, .lodge Tourgee,, at another time, w ara iu.orruod, nia.la substantially the asms ststemi Bt in tho presence of Mr. Ball, Doorkeeper of the Henste, mail agent on the R. A 0. Railroad. fcc.., Ac Wa have not approached Mr. Barringer : on tills SUI'jeci, nor lisa nc in any wnj u- tliori,.d us to use hia name in the matter, but he has said to different gentlemen that the report of the conversation alluded to by the Winatea eirf, and copied by tie, is true. There the matter rests at present. Judge Touigee. on the train ftotn Raleigh to (lreensbi.ro, oa the 25tli ol November last' said, publicly to several gentlemen, of whom Victor C. Barringer wart ouo, that Sweet, in saying lie thought the Convention committee in framing, the article in the t.'oustittitioa used as an excuse lot holding over, only ineaut to hold over from April to August 1888,had "knowingly misrepresent ed the ahole aflair before the Legislature," Tbat he (Tourgee) "bad a section drawn up expressly stating that the Legielettire should ho'd over four years and tour mntitha mil that he showed U to Hsatoo .,1,M who wme eftrin.. oil t-fiWh f ..,... 1 ,.,. t i.iiti anil mat iif.tuii it iif ti u0 i timid man. ol ic(ed, saying that if it was put in that way it would defeat the Consti tution, and that Sweet agreed with him, and that they Whind the Speaker's desk and consulted, and that he drew up the present section, to worded as to mislead the people aa 'toVlta meaning and intent. l He ttid ltat4l (MutteaW Vf I'ottij deliglitedat tfe "manner in which he had succeeded in their 'ol.)ta-t, nA Swect was not only knowing to it, hut . party to it." :' We repeat, there the matter rsta f the present Mr. Sweet says the statement, as reported ia nttrtte, and that It?, does 'iot he lieva Judge Tourgus made it. Mr. . Barrin ger say 3tidgTrge did make it,an4 w believe he rlki. ' ' .. "i " ; Ht. Sweet and Judge Tvnrgve can aettK tfcemaAtef betwaa-tttlwuv STAND TO YuVR UCK-LOa. Jimmy Ijong, collragtre ot chiclten Oan ter, from Pullet station in the county ot Chatham, while eiij .yinjf tn dinBir at hi loardiig house,- on fliursday tast, said he was oppoted ' (dj-Mmidg tool at Karris tod well as lie did and the Treasury held out .We hope Jianray labia devQtKitaa, remember the wcl far of Joel nl fiiane mill. T ' f f fipeaHi J1V,t ,h' "HI to nia eo! f tintettaaioi8tr;iiiinda ut tbift fS4yj riot yet leariitd lfieiiiatlmi. h it on l4e cat (Jrejik, ot ikjn, Qtialtet t ., :V, H rW'wrily teUfc'.w ahnwld -ijnliimflMf.. to try the efltctj;tt M;'ijW-f pflj bull under the wiietimaiamf ' tbfa 'W posed o h, good while, before we oootd C0Mt tft km tit tell dish tripped Into vsu grist tbe-e. the oI BpanUlt proverb aaja, a iITrViW!li cTotb tt; tbe boWfat, thing In naiure ; It aelzea'e rogue tj tt tbroat evtv morning." Pot we dorilia ... '. fa tff.f "'rt m'- e-rrt. y , T'lljdA i orotoog the av4ie to help tiuia hu null ; id he, like Brtjttui of oW, i "atfbonowWe , man," nd tfeiwn'loo Mp, atrM too, and we tlbn't want to anger him. Btj to the mmm pi. the atmaw o wfcjcjt the aatl ia leall.. Wa temernUf, ruftoT years ago, trnea Anjo Kendall waa Putt Vaoter tlrwrnl, a petiUoa waest tot him cjumra-.tbe route Mianlioned being lioio -r- , f rolecat to Stinking Quarter, the Pi at OfSce to be Wled Ojil Anma agreed to allow them all they eslsed for, ci cept I lie name ot the office ; haul he, , "When the mail carrier ride from P atent1 to Stinking Quarter, be writ need a little I hartshorn;" an 'Randolph" w aa stricken out ana "IJUrtuhoru" inserted, and continues I to thii dajr, ud. we suppose somewhere tuors Joel's mjj is located.- T , Afijoi'RKKi) 0 lt;TB tti'liouMS of tbe General Assemf ly a.lj.iurned, at six o'clock, yesterday, M -nday, mornmg, u, lit lOib of fanriary. - In the Stuav, Mars Tod, Chicken Steven t and tile Jjoor keeper, wound-up the larn ness by ratifying a uumtier ol bills, 'Sji open seasion," and then formally adjourned, wlietbtr on a motion made and jmt Uj tbe bonss, our reporter dim't siat. In lbs Houe thirewere some twelve or fourteen mem I era. Ratitiration of enmll eil bills was all the I iMin as trataa ted. The Speaker good-oatnr diy promised to devote the recess to putting the iliegib'v arUtee bills, now jn)dti, lu prpei bhajie to te acted on, by the tim of the re smm m hiinjr. We suppo that aevenfy Bre to a hun dred mcuilwrs ol bolh li mates, who left during tho three lait days of lust week, drew their per diem up to Monday morn ing, thus charging the State- bit ween one and two thousand dullais fr strvic.s not rendered. Tbe "hands" Were nil pnl up to date, but we underatand the TienMir r had to boriow motey Iroui lie L V rry IumI to euable him to do it. Home lorty Bhcntl , have setttetl np their taxes in full, and tbe Boat of tbe others have settled ia pa: t- tbe Israel: part due by them, totwitbstandlug which thaTre .n urybmruftdry, even before Christmas!. W hf re is the money to couie foon to run the ' mrcbine" through na: yiar ( Wc ear they will not have ei ouo.li U fi to Inrn th ice lov the U)iol w xjauiomer. Uow nit II!im M.we Money. -Thel people are tned to pay the hands twenty cents per mile for the distance traveled to and from home. ,1.1 A-diworth (letter knows aa the great iibvh-1i. .1,1 had a tree 1 pasa on tbe North Caiolina I to id to High : Point, but drew bis twenty cetit per mile, j lie lives about twenty-eight miles from liigtt I'oiut. Oa Saturday lat hu gnve a tobacco wagoner, two dollars to let bii.i ride aixteen miles, and on Htiuday morning he walked the other twelve miles to his home He should now bo culled "walking Joel." (t coat him two dollirt to get huine, the people aid him twtwly rlw dollars to iro. This will help some tn pushing tbat mill to completion. The Wadesboro Argiu says : that a ne gro mm Living on tho plantat on ol Mr Becj Harris, near I.ilcsville, by the naino of Jsck Ilinsou, was rocently burned to dca'h hy acclJcntly falling into the fire. Vr the SeMmel. "Buy it, bay it ; Try It, Trt ii , Coma an4 buy, i, bur rat Lavender." OUt Mm. Me. Editor :-Hiries tbe Joveraor's Clerk, Chrby Horner, "in theex-rcise ol a sound disoretion." pardoned, by telegraph, one of the Wade i)iiclier inurdereia, Hali fax JiMberdly heen naoied in your pap-r. IllvV yu1orgiltcn ns I u so, we uti; io remind voii that the Constitution was . fiamrd here; nrtt the neV one, but the M , U-aidea, we have Ijtrtndrr here, and w. have "trie-1 il" sufficiently. Now, we lire williny anybody elae aliould "buy it," sn I "try it." Brn Livemler, one oj your twenty-dollar, mcrtal-cltarjcter lawyers, is thair limn of our 11 M of Coimnioaiooera Charles Webb, wh.te man, George Howard, Jilack man, JackeoB.Barnif, ohred man, id Tom,rledgi Wtman. re fcif asso e fates. lien Lavender's genius was not developed nntil tbe gre.it strupg'c between tbe North and the Ijwulh. Jen tuilerj at merchandi Btng', then t lew mapplofr; be tsiled in rutiuing a saw mill nb..m Whington, lie did notnro oer in Kdneciiile, he could not make in-ney, until the gvoat rebellion j developed bis kuius, and inspired his en- erg us. 1 homes Lowe wa our old Superior Court Clerk; JoUi I. Oregofy to oer pre ewtclerk; be weee (ood Confederate ttol- diet; he refused riv tbe pepera from tbe old clerk unites they Wert la proper j otdf r, She old clerk died bef .we h could ( arrange the pepera of his oflice. - j Our sweet scented- Ben was dn'y com-rai-sioned to artange the old C crk' ipcrs, ooar gnwee wtisl bis ohaw. was and it you tooootd I,'B 6d you two bottles ol ' "Lavetder wattr." n fcive u up, I see. HU chargs was only 1500 dollar, and a lit tle the risek Ottr sweet jctoterl Ben has control ol $10. 000 of THfflda iianed by the Cytinty, can't, you apeak to Uanetal Little!!- Id to aid Ben n W tot djr1o t '"; r ue im in tkfl report"! the Cominiaslwierej which "eliow tfcT irf Hone' -Href w.k-ll Twihty dofler U cliarged iorli!Biig snd lalslti!:ci:..i el. The s. al k S twUie chaik iB ,lie 11 fu 01 n test lbt in Wake, kt nm know It thrrnrt, trre flaMi'tti'Kt or tend me wod by opr' mem -Jwt,..Builrpw.JP ia l?o. (fttil eand. ' i 8ome the advantsgea to be gained by toe eonaaeotKrti onae t li. artrntiuat fust iOWT M4 thee itafld : . ei t ... ,i.. Mntral alnuline tk the Mtero flao of oof owe continent I the tssttrn fl pi Aaia. J win wryeiop m. rtiito:iiiitii(ri,rf'0,,n" 'mi t,1 n.i,-te.Nof Alaeko. It ill sembliah our occnpeUoo or tbe Wrst mate isianoa, rvnml Amerk. and develop a jajv? - . . - - trade hi tboee flegione tewrpeesira; tb of liiodeoataw e :lJi Ocean. U will, absorbing el) IB fBtT md1etde m trt iiideW the cwitirawit, bneg tbe- eralficot th ugtey Amaeoa a round to so inter obange atuit tbe Mi.sisH.rpi Valley.ll will buUd. up .itlee iHW tutiie itHMBpel sftxai hn t,-, , frM who mrcbanteWrve i-ilSC ,rr-wiflls'eisii. wayswwswt- Tbe Liiiiatnre of Nortli Carolina. senate. AH-Riur. Dec 18, 1M9. The .Senate n called to order at 10 On inotirn of Mr. i.'ook, the Ukeir ap-! polnttd Mtar. Scott aud Martndale to serve temporality on the. (JoibmiHee OO Eurulled'hiiia. IKTHUUm-lOW or BU.MI. By Mr. Jones, ot Mwrklenburj;, a bill to incorporate the Urfrewn and t'heWae Railroad 4'onipariy ; reterred. n rnrntmo of Mr. Korkn-r, tbe Secretary of the ftene'e, was iiutrocted to traonntt tbe Huprvmc Ororrt, a copy oi tbe reeo littion relating tr the teAnns of office, ol tbe preavat ttiumuef s of the n. a- ral Assembly. C.t.l!!fIlA. The lollowii g bill pastil th .ir second resdings, ix - Bil! to ii.cuipuiatt tlw Eliibeth City an. Nurto'k Railroail Cuiirpany. Bill t . iuco.porate the ftouthern Copper (on.ny. Bill to repeal an act to aullo.r the Cornuiiumers .,f Clia'bain County to levy a Hp. e i a ! tax. lliil to lincoijK-rati- the R. k Spring t ump (irohn l, ,u the county ut Hutber iw-1. I! It to amend an a t relating to (he matcrn Jirrnpiae l .ad. Hill to in. urpurate the li m la;ui iu Mao ul. luring Company. Bill 1. 1 :ii 'oii.oratc the Wi!s-u Collegiate S.'miuary lor yiing hid ice. Bill m relation to clearing out j.:ruc tiots in L under R ver puss ng ilir.mgh tbe counij .0 K -b. ,i.h. It'll to amend an act concerning the pow ers nd du i n ..I Sta'e otlueis a.. Ur aa r.. lates to the Hiiperiiiten.lent .1 Public W orki-. I Ins I. ill authorizes eid otliier to uiv. 14414U5 a l. j;ed bond fiauda. Lli 1 :. iuc -rpoiaie the Mechanics' Saving, I. .1111 .. ! Bilddiiit Association. Hil t. 1. . col 1. oral.- the Bojdtoii and R duea'ay Turnpike t'nuip-tny. Bid to iinkelhe V.u.kio Itirer, in the county of Wi-kif, a law!ui I. nee. Bill t.- auou I sn act to prohibit the sale ol lutox.caiiug luo.ois on the Western Ridroad. Th lolb.wii g htilh nt -f p-nTponeu until -alle: the r. ccae, v.. Itill in luv-r ot It. u -c 1 K ,ng, tat c 1 lec tor ol Robt-,011 count . Bill to repel au act author .i-k th- Sec reuari ol hiate to lurn.Hh ctuimv . Iliceis with l.iank b lokiA lull to amend -ei" -ci V cliRp. 'i.'I. of the pn'.tic lawa of Ts 'tl'.i. Bill tsincoriora e t'ie V .111. g Meu'a In tell gent and ETerpning Associa-i.m. R solution in I iV.,i ul J R. liridy, hher ill ol Il.irnc.t c.ii.n'j. On motion, the rvnute a. 1 1 -urned until Monday inoruiug at o'clock. PEN ATE. Monday, Dec. ?0, IHOfl The Senate was culled to order at 5 o'clock. The, journal vaa read and approved. Tlie following inn's wire rntiTU.1, vir. : Bill to alio entc-rers ot lsnd furiber time to . b'ein gruii s f . 111 the st.iie. Bill making an appropriation lor the sup p.-rt ..t the Viaane Avhitn. Bill making an ar propria'ii n tor the support if the Deal, D. nib ami Bllrd Asy lum. U.olut on in lclati.-n to p. n-i ins to -i(5) idieii ..ft lie war o) 1H i'l ' Hill to 1 xt nd the corporate limits of the town of (jouiaUir..'. On motion ol Mr. fVephens, the Senate a 'journed nut 1 Mon lay the 10th ot Jan uary, 1)570. v IIOrSE OF REl'Rl.sENTAn VE8. Mokiiat, IK-c. 0, iMfl'.l. l'urtunit 'o a.'j urume.tt the ll-.u-ie was ca Ud to order at 5 o'cl... k Mr. White, for Committee on Enrolment, j rr port, d upon various bills and leaoliitiona, a .ii.o c.irrect'y inr-illed. to which the k. 1 alRxed hit-i;nauire and seut to tl. St n ue lor ratification. The speaker announced that he would have ihe Calendar properly arrnnged and ciigpvecd, aa it cos auied many bills illegi blv wriiti.n, with reports ot committees Aa. At the icassemhiini; he should ask of tbe House such lather appointment as may Jie nccrsaarey lor the purpuric "I maintaining ' i', and th- dttier all, lira ot the det-k in the la st condition for coir.ct and thorougli legUU'iou. A meeaigo wiiareciived Irom the Seuate iinoiincing that that body whm ready to execute the julut resolution taking a roceaa until the 10: li ol -Ian. H?l). On mon in the pry,ioiii.Vn ws concur red iu and the Speaker accordingly ad joorntd il Hon to the time specified. (oKllI.N ANTKH AOAIN AT W ASHIMOTON. - Ti.t ( oiniuittee 011 Banking and Curren cy ol the lower house of Congrees bare I een instrncted "to investigate tbe causes that led to the unusual and f xtraordinary lluctuitii ns in the .gold market of the ity ol New Ynrfc-from the 21st to the!Ttb .f .September leaf, with power to send for .icrsous and papers." Eisk, tiould. Corbie and others ot the bull ring may therefore expect shortly to l s cal ed upon lor a pleamre trip to Washington at tho exfat-nae of the Becictary of the Treasury. N. Y. Jltr.il,!. , . Tl e rapid detffehininent of Minnesota ia one of the ni.irveis of " ihe present ago, end to nothing ebe is tbat deveiopmeot due is much es to her wonderful progress in the prnduction of whet. Tbe ittrplui wheat crop ol tbat Slate is eatimated this year at 19,000,000 busbele, and yet only a email pnpnitiiTi of ilie grain plateau, hflt beta. brought jnder cultivation. It is stated that tlbgle ftiiraier baa harvested1 the pest casoa one tbt.utaud ecret ot m heady with wa average yield Of forty btiibt tov L,'., Ecg'lsti report! ' bV tbr Atleatic table ritie suas t,....nsj. - "u trawspoes 1 ye eeeibrra of Chteeae eeoiise Itrrongs tbe tsue (Janet ror new wvieeet. Tbe Bouth Caiolina Legislature adjourn ed the o her yjay to )Me John Botnoswe'e Circns. A molioa to that effect Waa inatia by I)a Large, tbe colored leader of tho House, is these words : "Mr. Speaker, de eircus bsb errore, nddsrefijre 1 moves dat we allure ".'whuv.h wa riotie. v ; , The Repnbllcans aow propose to redeem ureenbeake mi ihar reioe la gold, ..e t e d'SCWjat trf.lVfr4liiiet,tJji rrosa the CuirljUs Otwervfir J AN A LA II A MAX LOOKS FOR M CL fS AND FINDS A WttK-A ST0UY OF JJT COTSTASCr AND H'OJf.lA'W vxrorjoK A few days ago, a tail, fine looking speci men ot tbe Alabama yeomanry got off the train at this place and repaired to a boul. Mia "pen, togortirnaa ae.l honest fare f- r- so arnest he. iravo cot that tie visited this section for the pnrsxife nf pmchasing muh s and securing farm beads to end 10 his plantatioa In Alabama, no one aospocied bet what this waa nally the object ot bis visit, bevarat pnrtiva ottered A" sew hitu mules, but be kt. rrevl puicliastng, and iu liia cue ven-atioa wnh the. slock tratcr and hia boarltlny hixtse pe.de ha g it a clue to the real objact ui hssaeatch, and aa, tlid we,and we giro it ,0r tbe buneiil t the readers ot tbe (jAaareer. tWivernl yeara ago, ami belore 'ins "cruel our Alabama: friend t.ioe.l and won 1 he heart " a fare one ot liia own annoy etiaue. Bbe Waa ee beuaa bsutilul and au:oiu -piiahid, and her pe- pie sought for her a more distinguished connection thau the simple farmer who lied woo lu r sllecuuns. The youthlul lovers pb ad tl.e.r caiiae. brlt the old lolka remained iu. xoiaole, ai d 0111 hero waa forbid tbe pr. s-nce. ol the youiio lady. But they 1 Ifecti J a meeting, may be in an orange grove wh re the "tlraiige diapela ita perlumea,'' wh re they vowed eternal coustaiKiy, and ileteiiuiued t- patiei t'.y wait l.-r the consummation of their happ n.es until he bad aciuircd wealth, the lack ol which ou hispni was now the ohlv obaiaclA. The war came on and our hero enlisted I under the burner ut the L si Caut-e, and remain. d in that service until the atbiir un der the Appoiuatox apple tree. He then leturnud to his r.atira South, aeui into btk-ifieas, praiK-red -in a word st aci: . lie iookfd round alH.ut him ami Ins fields were while with ibe s'-ple, and hisca tle I led upon sn hundred lulls. But in Ins I heart there was an aching vtd. Wlic-re I washe who had pliglued her tiolh to him I tin years ago f Had she b en cooataii', or Was sue now ati.tli r r-t lie war ba i swept awav b-.r pic-p. iiy and thai of h. r frieu.is, and abe with them Had refugee I 10 '.irrh l'i.,li..u ..-1. .1.. l.il ..ii.i. i.. i... ,.. ' ' V , , amcv bite war uvt 1 g wi Il t-ne d illlie - I 111a lives, but ice "bitter Inead ol IV- "I" " e itiug t he e winl to t v 1'llt 11.. I u,iu. .-.I.e l-e. ante a work w 11 li a null in. r - I i a c allowing any apituiii lor I'lou b loat b. r fitua.ioo. bue lliei member ol ihe Innuly of S u rnl While, ol this place, who .lid everythu.g :u then p to make Iter happy, but bur thought 111 vo timarilY turned to her Alat.uini lover, ot whom sue bait heard Dottnng, and h 1 Woman's modesty preven'ed b. r wriLin to luquito. He, iu his return, knew notion ot bur except that during Ibe war she had gone to North Carolina, and inv r reti.i ued, but whether she waa mair.ed, rich or poor, dead or alive, be didn't know, but he waa determined to Snd out, and lor licit pm p -s he arrived b.re a I'm dajs ago, and be found tbe object of n a sosicli, au. ri ii- j J c, tu . -:. -. .... .. . . The real of the s:orj is told by I be billow ing announcement ; Mahiukd In this utly. on llttirwilay the li. h Inat. , at Ihe rtafc.el.SV ot Kb.-r.lt Willie. I o- V Ur. Millar, Wr S 0 MoIjuikIoii-, 1 M Jtwwena t'anuon of CLa. toil'- ,N . . lwo souls with hut a aU-t;.- ih.-llKl.' Two lieartaUiat go pit-a-j BULLOCK'S BLA A liKli 11.1 nHJ.f. woiijrrxG. The following ia a cpy ot a .lisp- toll taken from the New York 3 ribunt ol the Ht'j. The ti.sae of falsehoods at the boi tom prove very ci Delusively the ipiart. r from wbeueo it emauited. 'Ibis ia a sam ple of th.- ineaua r. sorted to by Bullo.'k t.'o. to it fluenice the minds ot Cougrts--iiit 11 and have the rAtste turned over to a negro militia : By telegraph iu Trilkht. Ati.ant, Dec. 13 0. n. Morgan, a lead ing Demociatic memla-r of the Woorgra Legislature, has pHldislied a rejoinder to Coogree man Tiit'e letter, in winch he aaye : "Neither tie Senate or House intended to submit the, oucstion of the tligibilii y ol colored membeis to seats in the Legislature to the Supreme Court. The piesent I.. git luture never will reaeat negi ues, nor wid u psee the Fit teen 111 Ameiidnieiit. I nine ara settled facts. Frr myself, 1 have b. en a subuiis-iouist aa long aa 1 intend to be, and bave gone aa far as I iniend to jto to Kratily the uuhnlUiwed will and domineer n; spun ot a corrupt Uongress." Tbe Democratic papers nuote the al.ove as a mauly aenuuieni, ami having the ring ol true Metal. General Morgan uccupu a tbe a. at of an (X pel led urgro uicmlter The Ku Klux press denounce Uen. T-erry us ao iniamout liar, an advocate making the State too hot to hold the liieuda ot the Ad ministration. An attempt waa4(iade to a-aisiunie tlm Hon 8. A. Dari cll and the Hon. Peter O'Neill, Hepubiican mi niUrs of the 1. gis latuja, ai Milledgi ville a few djys since. AugvM CkrtnieU d- ieUuui. Tragical Result or, Nkohj StiriiitKTi Tioa On Thursday lakt six negro men weie committed to jail in' this place, char ged witb having been engaged in ao at tack, ob the Saturday night previous upon a nigro named Frank Embrey, who was ahot in the arm aad aide, and at the same time bis wile shot dead, turoe shots hav ing been fired, it appeals front ibe evi dence gives in oa tbe preliminary -trial that Frank had become oliobxlous lo 1 euolr of thea. gross iu tbeacigbborhosid, frooa supcratittoua belief thnt he wee a attttdf Bicromancer, aiul. could, at will, fill them with . paii., lii irds, etc,; ihsl he onkl make mark, snd If any woman arMsAJLaliexMsilel a flQiW. KKlart, bJMs4-heea toUoats -to be pre,! orseiuue to toe wttraer me eitacaeu 11 is hooee) with roiks, and Us bisa sevcfaly with sticks, orderiog him 10 kave tbe coun try. Hexliaving (ailed to do so, they re turned u atetdaj eight and raoewiM ttia attack, io wtitch the three shots were Bred. Lwtm tbe reanit etaled. No wnit maa was ia aa way esweeiMa ia nit ditbuulty. Jmttmntilk Rtjritb'mm, JjiftdjiijpurlA way rtcpot oa his ioad acb M they bave - Several Boted Kngtish price Hght re h.v jorf arrived a New York. Rice in the rough Is being received in large qaaatitie in aavaoosb, Oa. ' Advices by the octaa cable elates that the iWssnliao Jiioistry bad reautswd isa prjrtlitsc..ftii4 g,fie)irty'1tr-'tyfMo8'flw TUtHKCErrwxorMii pea hodvs R&JlAJNto ON bUirilQAHlK The rerrption of the r.mss of the Ut Oeorge i'eabodi l,..rd tbe iron clad Monarch, took d-vc, 01, Semrdav. D c-,- berllth.' Altl,, ,b it wa. iuten.M that Ihephicedimr, should t.r priva-rlv con- ,1,..,. ,1.... .1..1 1 . ... ..- .". ducied. ih mg dt iirni t ral 1-401 re-ptwl . ' ' The nrum C'.liiiwiiil' 11 I ' MOT it.-iee .a I iiiimi'lia Mit: MotUoi. I A M rlf fti and II ttuin- eeby, f'bij wire recel-ied .it the duck by th municipal nutHornici ot P Btaniotnii, ai.l tl. i-fiv9 atoi mtrir.e of AVr MaJ-sty's ship Mo-hsnMi e)4 t tbr I nt'nl r;ae ship rlysautb. Hr M 'J-sty'a ship Duke o I -ili.n!toh find tuTuiite guni ilurii tlm . mtiarks'ion. The ship, in t lie Imthor dia j I'1"?"1 !? hail maM, and dipped eosign- g irie sionarcii sic une t out. ,1 i-u me air vai . r rrre c..mn on I r I trie M.iiia cji, Mr. Motley addicted theCnptain t "n.mwretl, c ,flilue.iHtt ol the alii,,. i',.- I.. 1. Kir Th.. ai.l. .. ..f II... I-..1...1 U1.1.. hsvi-.g la- il.,rm.d ot the death ol,l,e!?,'T,' T P J' 'l""1" "' ureal 1 b l-.n broi.iat, the lam-nt.d Mr. B"".4"',k'J" ' end nc,atrUcted I'eiiSdy, at once ordered a Irom the E o.,pVii i-cjita-lron ot the I' int. d Slates io p-oi-i-ii in tli-s counirv i'i ord r 10 cuo- i n n m tno to America. Mniupane uliane 1 " ouly II, r M 1 s' v, 1I1 y r M I S'V, III- Un ell, lasll.g all .rt-e.l ..( Ill aart event, g .Ve i.r b ra ttiat inn. --I Hi il..)--aiy a ahipa should heap-1 p.. line I to i rlo iu the nine ctlico This; d.-iii-e honor hum the hcvls. of two gieat ' uai len-t.. a Hiinnte Airi' ticin citi.. n. wa. I h. Ins bounty t.. tbe j o or ot IkiiIi nations. ' . uiiijicc-ib ui. d. Ihe rresubnt bus vield,. 1 i,,o-.t cordially I tl.u wish .1 the Qiccti, and tLe remains ol Air. Pcibody are j lo-w to be Gonveyeil aeio-.a tbe Atnt-c in j the British vesatsl to hie native touuiry to : bo bulled with bis kindle I, wlnlo the. American cstioual vt 1 wi.l accomj.auy j licrjai consort 'on the r.-ysge. ATI that was mortal, ii. rdmc, r ( our In- 1 m.-ate.l Iriend was taken this moin ng l-om Wi-stminater Abbey, where very rarelj be toie in bisierj did a f ireign-.r .1 ai.y ii.ition 1 find sipiiltuie, whether titnporurily it per j inaneiHly. aud has beeo brought to this ; port. As Miuiater ol tbe R. puiil.r al tbe ! t-- u t ol Her Mi.je.tly, I lime b eh-ie-iues- 'ed l-v the telative ai.d . -. t u'ors 01 Mr. t, 'o confide or keeping, or of ludlli- I f ab. ty, S'tin arc i.nw 1 ih- se, Ina ievere.1 r.-niani-., I Ins 1I11 y I hive 1 oiv Ih. 11 i's' on in- ri 11 rcpii. .1 Mi M.il.i I S'-Cept this f:il 1. d 1 1 int. i', 11 till-"Hille sjiiiil in b e:i i -u bate co tele 1 it 'm iu. c ira; 11 ml 1 a-un- ou ihat Hits,- n il ah. 1 ! cii.d b r and guar- d"d I y nic and tlc-e ui un I me wi ll j.al - ns in;, res' asi-aci-d rches of cue w hose 111. ti.. iv will ever tu- In I I di '-rby the pen p.c ol my in. 11 v. Tki Ins hk. Adv.ivs fn.ni Sljui 7 11 glial -lute that the exports ol i tt trym tbe hundred, lor the vileat purpoeos, should Shanghai and Japan dining ihe period J lie arrested at once by stringent measuna." which rlnpsed between June In and O to- In continuation of thia Itlbject tbeOovcr .t llib, Hi;ti aiiioiitited lolimia.-Wl to I nor calls Chinese Immigration ' stream of the Atlantic pi.iti.ot the I'nitid altaiea, and J filth and prostitution from Asia," but.doee tin- s.iiue p: riod lu Ism the tp..r;a to the t' lii.d S litis were .'i.uU'i, I 1 1 (lusts, snd to t.r. :it Britain ri:j,2'.'t).'.aa tin at. t the ex- I . r s i f I,., In. in .lune Is', isii'i, tn the 1'i.iied St ,i.s, l'.".'.'i,n ehei- were of black tci. ' .'i:i 'jr.' turn mid dUil tl'.i .lapauesc. 1' is also inn o uice.l that 'i bales ol raw "ib had been slnpp d f-iom ' .kohama to New- 'otk, by way of H iu I'runcisCo and I I e Pacific rai'T.ad. j llerrL-.ins lntur, aiti-t and special (. coumpondelit tor a Ix ipnic journal ( (Jar- ItHtuu'v j w as surprised, while akuichlng H e ruins ot a Dalmatian village, burned by tlie Austrians, by surgi ni B chesi. numerous lnd ol in- I noiwl'hstaiiitiiig the protests 01 the Uemo Not content with rob-1 cratic members, Horatio Seymour, when lung their victim, they cut off his ears, and, accord in g lo the 'I'ur.kn-ti 1 usiom in such c ises, tin trtt them into his pockets, lion ilanttir has returned to Vienna, and in tends 10 claim an indemuity from the Aus tii.ui government. Bui what a ill. .out of money can indemnity a man tor the loss of bis auricular appendagca t Aud what bad 1 the apob Austrian government to do with the atom of the coi ret-p. indent's ears! IiNOKVITV IM KOrt(iI.l. A correspon dent writing to ns from Blscksheur, Hi, -a s the Savannah News, under dale ot November :)0 :b, says: "Mrs. E'txabeth Heiiringlon wsa born in Birnwell District. S C, A. D. 174.7, the .l'irh of January of said year, and departed tlifti life 011 the 20th i f Nov niber, 1R6B, at the residence of her son .n-lnw, Win. (). Riggins, ol Tierce conn y (la. She enjoyed good health, and waiked without auy hlp to within a few days ot her death. She lived 12? years, 10 months and 6 days, according to my calcu lations." Xlenersl Ord reports to General Sherman, thru-u General Thomas, commanding the l'acihc Coast region, that wanton niurdirs and robberies of harmloaa Indians by the whites are very frequent in the Indian country, aad suggests that such actions are a fruitful cause ot our Indian wars, aud that stricter legislation giving tbe Indian a right ts testify or putting ibe matter in the hnyida ol the military is necessary. Gcneisl Thomas, Ueneral Sherman and Secretary Belknap all endorse the suggestion. rill) is Slid to be largely supplied with American heir.stcs Who are iu search ol titled husbands of sweet sieech and email uieaxu.. We are s'solnUl tbst . several gn at Genera's of the late war in this country art sporting rather noticeable d citations un dor tbe lappets of their cost", in public places in Peris, Three mighty men arc re corded to bave beet sick When a lasttle waa about lo take plane. Htranate euouijb ihe Uudirs, ,4 .. hmlmw Chinese treaties with ,b,.; . rartoM nations are being quiokly r,tilli. obi titer ana;, I trie Veiestlst Ampin. The missioe of the Embassy eeems, a'ter nredlctione to the coatrarv. 10 j,. ' j::.. .7i:o; '. ri ,l...il tH-en inosi atKanramaity wixwinpiaaMiTw . . The rnlani dT IS? TipM llTrsouri are ld to be prepaiintr fnr a jroitcdNpn' break ir a aliort iiroe." M s, or tiilpiV, surerinieo- fteot at the rsnt river agency, cnea .No v-vnUrf? bi'arrd there are sesplcion tltt Auner CJ. Matt,-Kn, a RopuUkaa l.tula Senatot oi tbe b;att of,Nw Yoiss, has lust been com h,fd fa open ct-eit oi lurLishn g tbe irdorsueuo wbacb he obtaioed as a HwoJiei.Ht, a touiuiiwta U.imt V M. affaifi W -Ut JEtie failroaj t a FpccitaUrf i4tssa tis lkgim.atlrk to bs rocout j Oil ULLLIED. ..J'lwl ""'i',"" " .W!,iD?,rtn ! ' ' "T 'e, 3 ! !'f.to ,,ut U' 1 T't 1 ,bh" " "W'rW""y d ret- ! '" "'f ,"ri- l-wmg u.a 1-, teentb 1 Aiueudoiem. fteiegr.t to aay there i :l.otbll:ir in ilia rnikt. biao.i-a 1U1 lui.ls which could possibly lead to the hopa that : j, 1. i ; u hail iury oe o-trsife stK jtrnt tn penoi iu Ita plain duty lo the fl pielntliia eui jigeucy. LulmtMit i- I. t our Iriend ot the ul on-wle him it'U. We bve lia'eijea that Irov. Bfl lock i'sgoiug to per out any actios f Ahe existing. Lgialalura lo i,vat lira Urtru nwuiil-uu Aalhe doiuuoratic tote ou that tji-csti.Hi will In, divided, majority pniba bly snudluHiip -u th- mIu,LcU, it will tiecnsy to dr .w oil the radical vol ao aa to deluat tvtuj aitempt at accomiaoilaiioo. Toils, Ik. 1 wi eu IU A'ljudicala and t!ov- loiuot x, Congreas, il tbat bouy walls at all ! T"' ,. " MruIw ' 1 uv, wiu itasi na. ii impaieit uo the pin- 1100k 01 a lalai; p. nut ot honor, latum the , mouei. 01 --rrpumt caniam in the boutb. 1 10 ..llfl 11m. lint ul.atar in I k. . .. nf .-l,,,lln,, ... 1 ... 1 i 11. 1 i- i " ' "'"' "" "J, iu aoy . vi ut, be ad .0 iou and i ot iu lavor of re- atialliiir ll... .....- I..i...i e- '" "'ft' - " --J v.iiyu wi 111c ieo-giK l.- gi i .tm,.. 1 b,. 4bing to be won by 1 he ret .,;Wic.iM nnu. U sides the point ol law .111 I h nor tiiey laise, ia to shut out Hie i.c n liu die lianiuce ol tbeset-ston" 11 bcii. cohieded on all bsnda that he must .oiueiueiir ulteiwaida if cl.cied. The thin' to He wyii by Bullock is entire and ine.tjioasible t.l3.iou ol the HUte tor an in.i. tmiie pcn id. "1 lie atakos are jaot Uy any humus eiju il, but ihe 10 opcratitm will bepeilect. In-: p.,rii.- will lie actuated l) until, ly dill rent m diy.s, but the con- ditiou aud 01 leu uatauco must ilievlUbly sliai'C llitiractiou to tbe ticconiplishment ol one and Ihe aaiueretult. Geonjm Rutngrr ('Ai.iroiiMa Immiosati.in. Governor Ha:gbt, ot t 'aid iruia, in hia recent message 10 the State Legislature, advocated Immi gration Irom th Eastern States and Europe, aud rco.iiiuit 11 d. d the appropriation oi money to estiil-'idi agencies in Baltimore, New York ul Eiiioie. H exproased tiirnsell in tav .r ol illllliieralinn from kin dred r.t e.s bouiogouious people, w ho would a. ttlc permanently upon tile soil. ' 'lie great need, he sa s. is a farming popu bit ion Iron llerin.iiv and other European mates. Ol the t lllne.-e l.e says . "The cop e i f the State have so oltcn mid ao e nphu.j. nby expressed their bos lility to ihe ini.oiiat;.u of Chincae labur. eis thai iheir rej-resentativea will doubtless b ase no legitiiiwte inenns untiled to exe- ute the uooular will in thia rtai..ct. It is j of vital importance alio thai Ihe infamons busine.-s ol lot porting Chinese females bv excluded from the courts. lie gives a uutli lx r of good riasoiiB why tbe Chinese should be allowed to testily, aud urgee the matter forcibly on the Legislature. That there is a large end valuable element, however, among tu Chi nose laborers there can be no doubt. Run 01 tnoN W hile tbe Republicans are taking .. u.uch credit to tin mselyes for being opposed 10 repudiation, it must not I e I. rgotleii that in several of the Stalea Republican Legislatures insisted Upon I14 lidating, in legal-teuder depreciated notes, debts Which were Incurred in irold. I (Joveinor ot the State of New Tork, urged , upon a Republican Legislature to maintain ! the faith ot the Slate by paying tbe inter ' . si on the S Bte debt. in gold ; but he was menu i t. fl ' thin endeavored to raise the im.iii-yt . in ake good the difference in ' value bom p-iv.ite sources; but was op j posed and It e Iv r. riled by tbe entire R publican ( ess for his praiseworthy I I tfoite. I'n Icr mcli circumstauccs is it be ! coming m ti e n ajonty in Congress to ac 1 cute the mire ri ry ol h.'iog rcpudiators ? I.NTKKitsTiNH to me Hovtb. The New V. ik RuUeim ol a late date, says: "'I'm, English Cotton Supply Association have soil an agent to inquire into end re iort lull particulars regarding tbe produc tion and manufacture ol attoa in the Soufheru SUiea. Tbe gentleniac filling this position bas arrived bare, has -f isiud tbe Njutb, and is probably, ere thia, on bia way back to report his ex perk nor, waich, we are rather an xiuus to know, as peuding this action of the association number ot English capitalists stand ready to pour their wealth into tbe Mouth, which must largely contribute to ita prosperity and ad vaoccru nt. Tbat Mie bensbte to accrue from such iaves mcnts are immense, is be yond question, snd we regret exceedingly n.ai this should be made by loreigncrs, while large amounts ot unemployed capital at Ibe North sl.ould be allowed to remain idle." I MDHK SKkTklSCa BY IltSV DOCTOR. There is a concurrence ol opioioa among the leidiug physicians of Earope, who have examine I I lie probable patbol.igtcal co. .Jiitvii i,i Na.o!..n (IL, that bie days oa earib aieveiysln.it.. Tbe aummieg up is 1 hat possibly sfilhiW a teiyitb, .probably with in three uioptue, coruin.y within six nmn lis at best, tlie lu,MHal iaeip Will go out lor w.inf ol oil, tvm it it be not at.oner eattwatuieiiod- Haseiy by -b of ,4 boss unexpoiiteU s. e ie.iis wbsca way at any lima occur tu ii.tcrtupi ibe p'erid toiirao ol chronic maladjf. A Nw tuisiKT. It is aouijuiiced, has been dlteo,rn at Ma.lb-s, r'rtiH to ! V" . " " " 'ilJ,T. Iril i - ' 7 .'ZzlZj .i., i t,tTlin crM!' J1'': T!' 1 gre e, miBuUs, and decllnallottl e'e- acMfflTBaiaev .v Tbe oootet bas ao nuct. ns, tnvl appf r lilte I ne'm'a, mrasrir tr.g 13 luinwtes ie diameter h advatc, t Hum, ttt.isvit.Jiir H'Cat; As8iasia.'it j fhe rate of 'one d.-eree evert twenty fonr lirturs, and tri tbr Sam time chaogeai's Qe- 1 ct,nlon at the ttt of flit five julDirtre, . The Ute Ear ol Derby has left a fortune of i I irO.OOO jest. W he hie lordship suc ceadt to bis estatea thel -were said te be worth 4140,000 a leu. but the great Increase ta svtttt1ett'f me wonderful extension. t, factories jo Leacathlre, sod ttt'ftitMattM4. t ' . s t e'i i: RB30PRCRS AND "L0TAL" FIX AN .'. CI MR J Ml. The capacity ot a c untry to carry aa eaorojons toSjortJSiiftli.n D4a' nothiag to do with thjj jris-ke or llijustuce ot a Seen cial sysatrut which rliacruntaatee betweea clasaee, . It nt-? i Umt that the poor n.a and workiognita ol tbe I nitod Bi-stee bave lieftat weuce and ohtaia oxiraof tbe ee- totte of life than tbe workin elaetre ia othit cOttBtfle'K, Bit IK .dosaoriDBga Ifje tket that our tariff stirl toternal revenne laws are so framed as to tar, niuatly en the t)Hr sod najpj(.rf Jaor of the rich. , t In a r.ew country of grtut natural wealth, wttb a rapidty incroaainf poputaibax, and oil. -ring thousand uw -fieJsti tor industry and enU-'ipiiae, kuavy txatioa against thu intcrciU.,of those deptndipdont eiatlrely upou their labor for aubslsteaoe will aot si. cue tbe discontent thai a like eysuiia would in eae lavoted ooaaues. , That people have. consented lo tlie tiuan. ial putwtra ot. tbe republican party, toot because tbey approv ed them, but boceuso the rromeritv of the conntry and its growth i weal tat have tteea each as to enable it to meet the taxation laid ttpon it without serious sufJarisg. The resources 01 the country ana tn pluck and enterprise ul the p opto bare ted to as in crease ia national wealth, ie spite of a tax ation which baa exacted four - and soma times tire buudred rh.il I ions oi dollars a year since the close ot the war. Tbe revenue of the government now is considerably more tbaa a so ill ioa of dollars a day, aud republican newspapers are boast ing ot the aiaU-sruausbip ulucb collects such an immense sum of money, Tbey at tribute to tlie legislation of a corrupt sod I. n becile congress, and to a revenue service tilled with rogues and incotnpotrnU, results which are wholly. 4 to a eetissBal pros perity thst lias been retarded Instead of promoted by the Hnancial mcasrerea of the rui ng party. AU of those measures are corrupt, and the most important ul lire 111 ajtt at. plainly dialn.11.9t aud vicious that il ia hard lo un derstand liuw an intelligent and honest 111 in can say a word in their behalf. If we admit the doctrine of "protection" to be true, it must bo conceded that our tariff laws, in many instances, favor monopolies which are abundantly able to stand alone. Between art .rdiiig legislative protection to a manufacturing inured, orae industry or bbaiueas of any kind, ia auch a manner aa to permit itj meet competition and make a fair poQt, and tin owing mound it such guards 11a give it ao absolute monoK!y, and place the people at Its cent round in tbe diKpoa il of iia prodiieia, titers) ie a wide diiU.iei.ee, and tnc latter policy is the pie vailing oue in our tariff laws. The policy of the ruling party in relation to sll questions affecting the currency snd the redemption ol livn twenty bojuds ia l.k ed, aud is iutiuded p meet liu de mands aud f-.rward lli.tiuici-es.te of jiiimey lenders, and ol bondholders, at the cxpi nae ot alt other classes. Many of tlie most prominent and lull Ban Uai republican news papers denounced our tariff laws as aa ini quity, in as esvere terms sa can be employ ed, but those lan-a are not so plainly at war SWlJ"?!1" fd common w.s as tbe polity wbicn maauS mu govermuiut. pay a pre mium on its bonds whn it is under no moral or Icgnl obligation to do ao. All oi the prrjins brottght foiwsrd by the ruling paity lor binding the pnbiir debt and establiahiug new national banks are nearly aa bad as they can bo. There ia noihiny width cm bo considered, .ipi an ap primch to houcaty about one of them. The leading idiaa of all are the same, and will receive rhelgius ot law this wlu er, and tim people will submit, because they think tho nation is si Mug enough lo bear any burden wbbh may be laid upon it. Chicai Timet. Thb JiaoHo Ki'.m s raoat Vihoikm -The negroes apcr tu Im leaving Virgin ia in aboals fur lue cotton plantatioos ot Georgia, Ala hath an I Mississippi, Where tbey are sure ol belter Wugte and a warmer climate than tbey have ia the "Old Domin ion," Iu Richmond, lor instance, a 1-bor agent advertiaea lor tH-grora by thousatida to go 9 mill at tioin lllteeu dollars to twenty two dollars and fifty cents per niunih. Bjfore the war' the sales of "Vir ginny niggers" for I lie oo-toa HlaUS amoun ted in Richmond to about twenty, millions ot dollars a year. Tae pn sent dsmaad irom thecottou plautera for these Virginian field bands is but the rev real ol the old one in a bow shape. lioOer tiieold Slavery de mand tbe Virginia' master sul4 Hi the tra iler "a few uigguis'' Bom year to year to make both ends meet. TJodt the new voluntary frevrimnn and tree labor svsreat whole iarBifiee and ooiusHsaor three Vir ginia plantation blacks are moving Itoiith. j bs end wiil ptobably bo I he diaa jipearsnee ol tbe black population Irom tba Dtate aad Its replacement bywbit labor. This will involve the cutting Bp of the large planta tions into small tatws f.r (iertuan, Danish, Norwegian, Kiiglialt, Welsh, Iriatt, and Yankee settlers, a traoslormatioa which will double the value of every sere of lead ia tbe State within the next ten or tflieen year. .-. .f;. r ) . Failchi ur Mia' Buruism-CotrTTs's Chxbitahi.! Projsct.- -Hiss Burdett Coutta's Columbia market, opened some time since in Bethnal Gteen, Loadon, at great coat, aad ooder the bappiea aaaplces, has proved an almost hopeless tail ore, Miss Comma's uofortunate vooture says the Ixln doa Telegraph) 1 Certainly Dot the first of tba kind. Many t market with, spacious aoc uns mod at ion baa bee planned and built, first stones hav -issva 4aidT aad silver trowels wieliM by. lily hsuds; solemn (frunu of cltartet. live bu 'obtsloed ; grand banquets sud inatignral 'processions sve proclaimee to the World that the great market was opened, etnl there m tod. Vorioos reasons ar ansigned lor the failure, tbe Hrfst ettrlottl being the aueenc r the eiletft uinrigera," who,, tlndtrd" $Vtm f rtttm hiysr -m'trltet -anW; wo -'-rcfttsa -kr -avail Ihemselvee even grttoitnotty -of its nagnificeot eocnmmodsiioa. The Wbole wls3jtrrprintitit of rba; nerket la aiteady abaad-iBiui, and it appears certain tbat t dealing of the place or lis eoevertion to some other ase cannot be far off. : " -r V.;!.....!,.,.....- --- f UK Pt U C!t- Th Coji-iA press ri fill thai 1 mi ni tin thui tin. o.La t tW tsa i (wmT ty yattliaHt aUjie Uashad 1 In. til.ct of ioweiion .KujeuW Ireiirbts to Chiuaeiiaiha Kt Inna Ny fhe ? ol the Cic oi Oood TI'I- , Outward boied Wiling shis by the . UUcr gmm find it ditlicull tof optain . rarKite. winlu tcrew: steaiBer'ViaTlii' S l tuUue:ao Ml.aayt lir..l landing. . The Xrt. rurrckent vc4 tbat ' wiBt ihiough the cai.al ; arts-.ked iu 0,'e Btd Bet,, This fee; jin,., turn freight ijgisik'tertiuf fl-romei'iB.uV''iVWA"a -m Du bco fully twtfd. :1

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