-;u iiiWaillili ,y 'i ii mill ij imiinii im wnwiiii jimflimtqmw jiwaiiiwfi m f i .IfMli fit,,, , A-l , ' " UALEIGIl N, Cm OTDNESDAT, 'JASVABX 12, VOL. 4. t - -4 HS tan A -''i 'l -; '. ' 1 "' -,. .. ,,..,... . Je-sfVi ., f . , . low. , , -; , ,-! . " ' . , n.i.y,, TOE SENTINEL. ' The Lrsteifttare of Korsfc (sroiioa M oft day. Jan. 10, 1870. Tb8ente wI "caBed ;rder "at s, tO . ' Mr. Sweet in tbe Chair. On motios, tbe roll was called and th following 8enBtorBtwred to tbeir names, 1, Xtttra. Bessley, BeHaray, Burnt, Blythe, Bthtnrig, Forkoer, Galloway, (coL) Mar Robbie. Smith and Sweet-It. - aooMto-ii".JpiW"'itf' A, H. Galloway, lent.) IM eaie aajourneu uatil to morrow at 10 o'clock. HOUSE OFPRESESTATIVKS. - " . i'Wr, Jen. 10, 1870, The Hum wb esSed ti order t 13 e'ekwk. ". ' : Tbt Jorl ol Monday, Die. 80th, 1809, ' was and approved, . ' 9 Thf T'SlTtrtt' caljurl awr tin ft; Wow tog rmtlciwa respond d tor lbjar"nioe; i . Ml. (, Metsrew Ahorth, Bar, BUir, Bowmen, Candler, Downing, Ragles, ' Pertser, Freak, Gahersa, Galling, Qr bam, Uerrie, ot Wake, Billiard,, Hiwiant, Hodgia, Jrtfu, Leery, Mayo, Moring, Morrilt, Painter, Proffiu, Raglaad, Ren frew, Robloson, Biegrist, Btmondt, Sweat, 6i kit, Vt and Wiiaoo. 'No quorum being present th Booae, on taotloo-ul- JiVaatdQUrtiA mitil .to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. W tak the following from tbe ooltotn of tb Uw York IltraH of the 8th ioat : " ' fnm Florence, -which Indicate tbat on the opening ol the Italian Chambers there will be ministerTi,phange in laror ot tbe ... kft.enue.Bft.3 '.,4 wit CAAL. London, Jan. 7. A correspondent of tbt London lint, writing from Ismsilia, savi that "anything drawing over filteen feet Ot water must be lightened la order to pass throngs th Sue Caaal. Dredges, Ac, as obtttact U that the passage it baa ardous. The company decUnoa to take any riak whatever. It require a mint of money to keep tbe work in order." lOwmrtmotAi. , platform of thb cabi NRV-fAUAMBMTART HOTICEI. Vit.VaB. 7. Count Daru, Mioitter- ol Foreign Affairs, baa addressed a circular t tbt diplomatic repreten ativet of France at foreign courts announcing tbat the policy of the French government miti fee absolute ly psciflc . Tbe Heoate waa in eMina to-day. M. Ollivier and Count Darn, tbe new Ministers wer present. ' Ounift Darn aaid tbe government would he ready to ripen dUeutsioo on ihe Ecu Bieoical Council and tbe relations of France with the Holy See on the1! lib, on eommet eial question on- the IS a and on the ! meaiio policy of the tinpire on tbe 15ib VMt .... w RStlr.AKl). .'.'- Ijondun,Jan.1. Hir ( urtie Larapeon baa wuttea a letter to tbe Loiulou Timet rMtculinp the anti. repudiation declaration in tbt annual mtage of tbe Governor of tbe State ol New Yurk. fie taket occasion to Ktniod Oovernor Huffman tbat it it owing to bit action that Flak baa control of tbe Erie Railroad, and tl erelure be it rwponitble for tbat traU'l. .i ATtOHAI. TIRKITORI U. OCR VET. Tendon, Jun. 7. -The triiionometrieal turvey th' United t Kiagdom, which waa commenced by,. Uenxral ftay in l loo, tbio wk wiMrtlie eomple jon ol tneawTtya in scotiana. 't f J? ePAilt. Malni, jn. J. On tbe occasion of tbe fcatt of a Kjiipbeay yrt'erdi J the Cortea proweOid to a body to tbe royal palac e and were received by Rgut Berrano. Seuor. Rivera, Provident ol t!io Cirte, made an addreaa to b Itrgeutia wiricb bedrcitd v bf Hit Da?H,oi tl dt putiea that through jwitv of jkii'B alone rould tb victorh.s revuftitW ! oxmplettd." La PolUica raya Ail Idea of a dietatonliip haa beea abandoned. ;Tbe Minuter Refut ed to withdraw tbetr' realgiiationt utiles a programme of policy definitely torad A' Of lum, Jan. 7. - Governor Warmoth ten erday tent a apocisl esge to the tegialatnre, beginning : It become my duty to comamnicate to Tour honorable body gntf e charge egaimt OeorgeM. Wyckliffe, Atvlitoi" rf Publto AyCoountay Hi offence against theConati tnlion an lawa tl tiisiw, have eriouIy cmbarraated.lha government and rendered It diffioBit to pay : the Inter t oa tbe State bonds. Ho Las been gniity f nomeroiw acta involving itt-Mlunaint individual aad igainai tbe Commonwealth and collu loa with vil diepoaed person to defraud .tfietAnuu aa xtoued auma of moony fraai tba enditora ot tbe Stat e a condition to tbt isenaace W tbem of tbe tor ti flea te of lndebtedne of warrantf-to rMclI they trert entitled by law. , . -5 , The Governor goaa oa to ila a. number efiws, io athiea he eharae the A editor wltb hain-ftaanoe, '- Th' mesuago-wa tfiired. - " -- ' . A bill baa bet introdnotd f-pvtlieg tbe Oaubling law and' ka paaeed so third teading.' The bill w:ll dc nbtle paw.; ' A ioint naolutioa waa introduced ap pointing a committee m otoeruia bat legitlatuMI at amiaiary for th HUef of tbo solder t properly Included in t n ciaima ot Myr C'larkaGaine. " " A ioint rwolutioa r ptssadto a aoond reading, nqoexting tb Metal Oongrevt to eecogsis tbe Di liferent ugbu ui t,ui'a. tm rirriEirra tMhttbunt aTina& bt lirjiaoi)iM."'"r','T-1rT1!'"T --oTmrltTUwurt tegia- Mareli rdf ratified - Me flftetnth " tmeDomeaX' TbirvWOr tali Homo. 8 to 8, Sm Ytrh. J.1s-QoA eloMd at 22 t U ; Temes-ooapon, 6i a 6 ; do., e,47i47f- ftv per oetit. 40 a 1 j Viraiaia, -coupon, 60 a 51; do., new, 5t 68;do-Tegitared itotk," 4 a 48;' di., tegitierea, tti M O do.,- t.gitcnd, ,M7, (ft 61 1 Georgia, tixaa, 7 a 81 , do, vn,90a92; do aevens.90 02 interest pya ol la Uaorgta; BO a or, nonn i aroiina, ex oumn.414a2: do aw, W4 pecieJ tax 89 ( Hiwnrt wies, fft a 871 ; Leoixiana aisea, 89 a 70 J do- - J ret iaea, &4 a ; da do. eight, 80 88 I AiabatH eight, Mi S ; W , a . 88 ; do tiara, rerlrng, 79 a 88 : Sooth Var .obo tit, 77 a 78 ; do. Mr, 72 i a 74 d. . Jawtu iuva y a I". .j ' Cotton, nplaada 25 1. Orleana 6 ; qua titlea offering moderate. Flour, itaW 449 to 4,79 ifapKiMtxtre. is. eboice iM to 6.50 ; Soatbern ohoice and, laoiiir 8 to wittier red wettern 1.40, white oitam 1.43 to 1 SO ; Spirit turpentine H: R" . onimoa intineA .1SJ tuoa etruned 3.S0 ; '. Carolina doll tt 0 to 7t. for the Sentinel. BTABTUSa IXTBLLlGStiCJL iV. Editor ; I bear tbak it ha been aid'by legislator, in Raleigh, that tbo civil autborKiet oaanot aloTc the Jaw in llifcomtrttJlmibt Judge Tourgee waa aspetd w hpM Court here two week during tbe laek OMMitb H eame add 4iptebed the boalo in fottrorflva day, and though living tot man? mile trot tb Court Boo, I bars not beard tbat a aamv wiih tba aiurkiaat opposition ia ' prenemeing hi Jodgient or in oaring tut m txeeau-d ny ui offlcer of th taw, J baveteard too tbat a apaaial commission (fain ft thiconty to iusai d partua, onuUal tbt auaadaa' ot n oases, wfted lb lartimoo taretoIlT. acted according to their judgment and re turned without th lightet oppoaltion, Jutticec o thtFtsao ,hav likewiae, ar prompt to listen to com plain ta made to tbem, aad. by so mean turn a desf ear to tbose tbat ar party-coloreJ they eztmin witnetae with tbe lmot rigor, arrrst tot-' peetad proos. bind thm ovr to Court, or otherwise dispose of tbem toeording to tbeir judgment, and not th ligbtwt oppo sitton ba ver yet been ajad to their au thority or ' to ibote bd atectattd their ofdtri ' ' flhiirt mrataialii tfi iiTIf trm t titt that it im maa gated lattebood. I onderstaod tbat the object was to pave th way tor tbe passage et biU. It must, 4ndet. . b a terrible bill, i( it 'fiftjre, - for 'pretest- jitteb on BltablBg falsehood aa the iibove. Accordingly, it seems tbat the bill, tbat is tbe proposed remedy tor the silt g.;d evil. It a extraordinary, a despotic, aa vge, aa tbe allegafloa ilaslf it tela aad nofonod. d. , Dks it empower fjdjjga Tougee to pts sotenotwr-Krtllt9i of th restrictions of oivil law I D't it sot even go lurtber ard empower tboau who have not even tbe title ot Judge, to fine, imprium sod put lo death, ithout tucb rcitraint, tbose whom they or their prty suspect or dlalike, even though innocent t lf . V , ? To whom are. tba iBBoeeat tn look for protection t We have txwa wont to look to our Legislators and to the lawt eoacted by tnera, It they do sot protect us by bolrtotne lows, what una havo .iv for It gialatorK t Are tbo- whom elected for onr protection nd whom we r taxed to rapport, so Ineapab' f civil legislation, tbat i bey mutt put the word into tbabajbd ot aome on) tvaa or aaetoi aiilitar. officer to dtsirtiv of We want sentinel, to guard, not wolve to oaatume- It w, lik TBSTlP0p1Tit5leiiWdTd TnreTf i we. like tbam, have Hydras to devour as t r ut Bureiy ture an. BBuuig uui )' iorsaoroewisrv,ostitwho-ea turn to good arcotitit even latii Pit whieb ktldec ueritb tbotts ev beaded cuttotliaut of jiberty, bo, in djs of yore, made great pretension as t alous defender of civil rights, who were wont to display their chivalry in de'ending the bqlwarkof lib arty even against -fancied dangor.. Where do tbey atatid now 1 Do they waV thw life blood of Litw rt j to be drawn without Cppoaingiti What influence are theyex ertiag over the y uiger member ot tb body t ' Do the puffer th itfety ot the In nocent to be jHpardiaed without flying tb tbeir relict t Jt.msb bill psaw ont. pf iwo pm outmrkt must . inevitably, ensue. Either looaeWh Vot for itf will be overwhelmed ia-the general ruin brooglit about ny tna sacritiL of libertyor els resotioa will tak place; aad tb peopbj wtltt aria ia their might and consign tbose who voted for it to tb infamy that thsy dceerv. Aha VaniTA. t AitrtBr,"jit; etth m n r,5 ; iHr "For the fcnfiof!. w . rUSLpMtBKIlNO. aKsttioaj aAtjt meeting of th chi asm ot Fleaaant Urov Township on tb tb lost, and krespectiv of party, tb fol lowing 'pre inbl nd resolution wer re ported by Mwsr.: A Cu, Z. Lony, Sno, R. Ctta, VT. B. Yng nd A Clifton, and adopted unanimously ; tb objsct of tbe meeting having first been explained in a few appropriate remark' by tb chairman, Dr. J..T. Leach. . " Cts-iV WutRlaa, Ja Bepuldiaa, fvrrn ofgov-. crfiment all political power it vteted in and derived from tb people only U lt founded opon their will and enacted for tba good pf th wbol, tubjuct at ,H time to their alteration or repeal; smsf wAwooa, there ar cdrtain M iUy gi anteed to tbe ptoi.le of ; North Carolina,- among wbich u tbe protection t itte, rttwrty-nd-tTie pursuit wt-wappiaa wast wlunuM, th tight of tbe people to asaembla and -CQ0fo.lt. for heir cum toon gvwd, tb. irttjom of ibe'preev tb privilegit of , tb writ ot lUisnt etrtitisv Inqticat raetuterac ta tb fundamental principle et th gnvwis. ment itb fn.iuent election ar absolutely cictssai j for 't H4 prccrvation and ierpet uttioa ui the bleasinga. of eivii -tmd rt ligioo liberty f tbrior " : fanhti, I bar any attempt out tfb pah of tbe member of tba LegUUtur ot Sorth Carolina, aow ia eeioo, t parpvtaata thsir tcrat )t aervin twiree than tbo first Thursday In Angatt, '1870, or to snapend, or cause to b .aupendty . tb privilege of tb Wirt of fcsevs -esvps, Would b a pal pbl violailm of the Uunst lint-ion, and an Insult to th lutelliueuce. and an iniriuue- Hncn vob- tbt right tr-tfaa pcojtl of Honb. Carsjtlnat v rsx JtmtA, Tbat any eosecnlratfoa or per . f petoatlun orpowsr not guantea py me ftunairSTO&"tff Ttirnotlrirrthar--IIrr' 1 Leeiaiatttr. SaacuUva or Jfadimid.tfeTallChL-. el "tif "IB yjvrnwas- fw wt""H camttanc, 1 wouia o oaugeswu w to llberti of he pt. pl. staycf,"Tbat tbe people re rntitltd to th privilege and bentttt of an'doubt that may ret at to th right of th present L. g itla art holding ovtr long tbttv tb flrst Thursday ia Angust, 1870 : w would than fur ntpecUnlly ask tba RepraMuUtives ot Jybaatok County to ri U tbeir neat and abaittbtiittaim aw, t tt elector ol Johivtmi Couotf, aruf the let TbursUsy JOtutmuL, lust tua , BrocatigB w wis hasew trier bwaent to t'taawtM -aad tna, Nrm Carmmit Hmdr4, with tbe, nlKt Uiat they b pa bi tailed, y ' r . ; ' V it, W V- Far the Bentine!. " ' 'RiLtlsit. Jan. 10. 1870. . JEditok 'Sa'tfTmau That different Leg islalurva tbould ditfer o from "-asolfier in talsisal iihaisiaia atiA ai!bra itj t thbi awrTnTawwTKHaTWajWwwir'iaa wjs wpl country, arid lor especially at tmt time, much a matter of court at t bat individual should differ in " bi.a rtswctsT election baring become great dmjraet, fwteping Iron tbo imrtaa to tb-4o - jbotaom ol th papular tea, it it to- expetfcif tbat material or all ort( wilt b brought ap.4 It .ws bat frunMe lboweWi'to;hav soppoat d tbat tb angBe, at not tb naV- oral pride ol avn.-elevticd to tbe tiiuh po sition oi legitlstpr tn o old nl retpecta bl ttstv Nohw Camlin, wukl ia th-if eofporat eapaity,liav at least claim ed, wlietbar righttully or otbnirtao, a men tat espneity arltqare ' t a diacbargc, to tbeir wn aatisisi.tttw at', Uat; - f 4beir fuocUon., l4 not bar stultified Qwof elves fy an optaaud public admission o( tneir mcoatpuieney a.bt tata as atpee ially in Kotb Carolina, vtbei tbebgtsl tiris,aarlrr tjtoHtMitloa,uptettf and tot ntiji Matilr. or ttn'y iti i.li.t-' V. Wi teu.te any suuvIeUu bill Tbttt BjTthirpew plr and wliure tb prerogative v( tbe J dioisrj,' art f tecondaiy enrsraetei.' ' Tbe power U oak ).' ttfbject opiab)y Mthai, bljghvat power lab Tk foregoing nrmwkt have rx wiled forth, by recant J(4ot rasorattotj of tbej g islsture.reterjinR the qmstiOo 1 1 tb tenure (if their olfloe. whether for two ore for tout year, to tit dtciaioR eftbeHuprerhe CborL A queatHM in ta first. pUie , so p'sjltt, to palpable, so transparent, that even a who mU Mi Mmt'-kMrl MM.vKA ' n.tunt.n. so plpble indeed im to hsr inrttjreted those who hold baralfijmtn'e iif jtua giv t th foieiiotrir romariirHiie Kiutte'r lorce) of which th .Supreme Qnurtcsa take no cogoirtnee. ' Tbeir dtcision of which would be extra-judicial and f n f iron, n t tb ooaidfraiioa,! f whvh that Court, will unqaestionabiy refuse which tuey ban indeed alft-ady - vh tuatly refused stitbia tbe last f.w nomb,nd to tbt very Legttlstnre, m Isnguag, onu wuu4 think, not Uk be mitinderti,QU.. "Xha." Inaction of tb Com't" says lb Chief Justtcet "era rtxtneted to cases couttituted bebir iw w are not at liberty to prtjudge quettiom ot law." ,.)Vj ,, , But, a abov iwnarkotl, tb qnt stiott 1 too plain. Rights and p wer it it c earlv trraoted by tbe tXMintitutiu ar withheld. ,Titt it tb only safe rl of conat ruction nndff onr govetmmenf, ' State, t well at nationaU and here in the CuDsUtution it tUetW- franUi ptrwr to Ui I gxlsiam ta bold tivr, t.b find t Wner. w asv "trmphkttealfjTuVpoV ,,.B clalnvd;"' It' can l Do tbown U dou't exist. Rut an in idiii tspransioii t tcrb I tut th purpot of t attaining tb c!la ta infer no 1 drawn in support of tt, a though o Important a matter cui4 ave Ua lelt to mr iufraei lm t-. . Let M lor mncntnt 9xaibiD ft nrt f tu 'fffK? iuiniryfra Bsardiir-Tr4 ,rt Bot swrlbt:U W beea doMw wers not nratcntat aer of lhadMbaut noun it ia either ittuis. u( tjjm4umm Tb bill of Yight xlelrt in tu. many words tbat "election should b olt held" Slid Is once In four j ears "olten f ' sn It b fairly to read and Interpreted f If so, why doe tb constitution go on immedi ately alter ard to require election to be helii biennially f Wr uld our tn four yer bar bee o fte ti'r under tiieald constitution, WLat kas beta tb ion; and ancient prr Ttc of th Pttrr 'IV'bat it th prtteot practise of revet; State in the Union in thi respect t' Let the atoifW aad asyftat member of the Legiela'ar arttwer. : Tht iheconilitutioo clearly in& tiqrie tionably call f r bienqiul eiociionv 'll certainly not be di-puted bf any tana man. But, say thes claimants,' ibt cons' it u ioa make on txceptiop, and only one: Th ottice of : Senator ud Representative, now sitting,'' Who wer elected at tbe Aral election belt! under this constitution "shall Vtrminata at t) same time at if we had beea elected at tbe .f rt iw-uiog (tlectiet." 1 1 rtow wis woru -). eta aii tmpor- tant nuT source ot tbe difficulty re tlit Case, though bot all of. it, eerttiuly, may . .rise from tb improper use of that word. What it meant and iuUnd rf however by itt Use ta mad dearly apparent from tb 80 sec, ot the smeru;l ol tb coottitution a fol low: . 'f . . , , . , ( ! "JTb ckotion Jot acmbeti'ot sis general. Aawmblv sball.be held Ac c, on tj- 8,rst Tbnnday In August In eh j ear oneihous- nd elglit bnntlrtd and seventy, end every t,W )Hfipeti JTlait in tleieral enibtjr may Changs' flit 'time "unfolding election. T fine -b.etloit tbaH am th held wbeTth vote tbH t rtksn on tbtj ratification of thtconstiraflfvo fj the'-vornt: of the State and the Geasrsi ?eembly thee eitetod sbaii asset ea th IS h dav alter tb appro 1 01x01 tiy in Jonrremr of tb J United fttatc,' if tt fall not oa a Sunday, 1 tbetwafter. ad..tb Mtnan thaw trail bold tbeir tears tiartil their ucoessr)rt "at elected hi VrtguTar elecfion?" ." ' Th "lime" then for tb firt regular tlo it not fixed by tb conttitutu or by tb convention hut m left, undetermined left to be fixed by the General Assembly.- The tim forlit tr4 ttocdo - wt fixed. It wa to b held when the vote elionld be taktn on tb ratification, ot the epaatituuon. And when 1 the regular election Ui ti hold t Why o tb ly that th General Assembly shall designate I , . Ur thwra wa atattar ia th -fter- day for election "to- tie fixed by . tbe Oea ertl Attembly a day which Would fit and terminate tb Vrm ol ctllcs of the member elected at tbt first election at' well a at very tuhaeqacat onew Th-CsHie ot) sot kw, at ltfttwvAaAlJk imct l Attembly might daW tfafrefMtfwaa they 3ama tBerehnwtd tpk wrtfcr termlw ktM ut tb tsKse ui .ntot ! alrat thetrd member, there beior' o dty ret Jj t.ed. ftr.tB.-Kir lwHont tfeej a)d- Tot teres at vuiki aftan : twrniaat at tb same tWMr'WD)r1r -tb meftr ri th yrLtbe aoi (jv of The, yr, lue -ptrii - tn tne year, at trie Miott t I. ternit of ttiOM nirmbcr tba tutit be thxtcd at tb first tiag jrtgtiar ltuoa will Le aside to tcrmiaata. ii,,., The th Mitiw U Mtt Mil tt right ed every ptwvieioa . b ititti.. opus IUSWUJWI vy ww UIU M BsruHinir.3 aad have tu lull force, wfaertatxht xun atract)oelimed would gtaaitly art at ougb foe ot il cUatWt, most tuequivocal aad wit peovitmtie , 1 e . ..v'A ' Th Re. Albert Barne. of Puiladelpbla, eoter aa earnest pnitaat against' ah da. oraliaattoa of tbeCbrttian yoirsg mee of that city by lectors from ' Slews. C ree.'ey aodBeeeiwr; f " ' fTLtTtCaTlwJl." $C8( LS AND, TAXATION I , Slow whilltbe hard earoinir ot ourpeo plearaaaUosdiiiby th t oliecio I - j switfcjaraaawpH SI iM i i It II lawlalala'lal i8aX" jyUaWUmV :!BW.lHWfBHriW!.fflB:, aji asi itiuiai tbat twsrm I tb (aad.we lavit tb atten tioa t.f the laorat labonag mew if tb IStat bt fcvlplis truth. Tba conttiitlo which caaoiag aad ra aality ba fat4 oe f-t Stat providaa ; . Pint, that at a dollar fit tb poll ux hail go tato ti TrctAury. M ail ba to g fur school b1 charity. , ,;ttir t.'. ' eVaoad, tbahnoagn nioacy bll b rata d by taxttioB Wt keep twry child, black and whlie.at adiool until taenty owe yn j ' , . wt g.- What fte poll tax duvsaot-ftuaiaa tor this pvtdosc the Droirtv tac auust, i- Tbird, Xa m-i Ucomptllalile to pay hi poll us unlet bt htt iirotwrtv. , wUib tb sheriff ean ic4 He rot. ' o tbs Jtiry and aav all th tight twbttlMr ba. jPay b pU tax or HPU i "t x ? t T i r triurtis, tr loilv Mint uift propenp u tn taut ba to par th eaoruou-i sesof the srw H.i " Unve aruent, tbii'vieg .xi mi, a i iiic AjU Aniaa ud otuvr i proptrtions, wh"- tbe-- Kig chary frotttag tbm tbsongh. ail tba- tnistMMt jtbe public debt, all menu of trpaeuiitur and tuta bat to pf, ikwis, snortuou un to ask up tb amount that : th poll ax lacks In teauii) tb negro to ecteoot autil twenty 6o years old. - ..its lit ftirrgoing, at vrr aa will ae wb will read it. 1 a eoirvtt txpoaiuonof th fJIonfliutiotw ,,,."5 JLet ualook liitlt at tbt utoatioa. ' .Thar ar about ightj tbnosaad negro vntt In th 8:ts. They own aa property. Tby psy poll tat or aotattbay plea. Certain Bira ot Intrxior talt at sod a priucipti bad tna cunning tp bid tor tbi tb blai.k prouie : "oti us into poster and w will Si it ao thai ibe property of tb Statt shall in sabatanc. b turn ad evur to yon lor the ducatioa of fonr children.- You neort But pay a rent f Ut tjahl yo cooom t uo ao. we wilt compel tt Owner of tb property to pay a rent oat ol that property and that rest . ahall be your. You shall b in better aitnatio Iba thalaiid owner, for wbilt vonr cbii - drn art at ubooUt bit eapaos h eaoaoV oora to 0d mt coitdrea to aenooit oat be and hi wile tnd children araaU obligad to work to rais th Kbool tax." Baob waa th b d for the vol. - It wa la fiiCt aa explained ia tbt Saatetir oounrjrt wber the negroes wtr thick. Th itrgra U ell uaoVrttoed it. . Ia bw tpoecae tbey ' 0 raplatnetl thi aubjwt ' tata aelva. Ia tb Cttuwa, - Romsik, Kas and Cap " Fir rrg oc,- -tb ate'gros mad it. their .-Milviaa; rr that: tb new Conatituiioa ceoielled thj -prop 1 MKT owner to dttoate Metr ekildrea Ualloway ka7 wut be we atxtat. when b aaid th antro did ot want tot iaad J what tbaa 1 th pttaa cngtish vf tnatcai tart . It ia tbat a parcel of artta.aipu iator at Raleigh ised a pea the property of Athar to bur a euro wot to wet tbemeeiva loto offio g abiob the wet 8B'J Jt to : i- i " '.ii'-wir.. ' 1 Tb devil once attempted, witbent iic tgt iioaevt. tb tme sthum xactlf. lit took, tb Saviour tnto a high aiouottin nd allowing bint tbt kingdomt ptwad oat ! bint aaid it tubttaoca, "All tbetawilt I give tba U tbou wilt go for me,'! . Tb iivil did not owa th thing tbtth offered t giv, H owned tbem howcvarqttit aiuob t Bolden and bit art u d tbe iaeotn of th property that tbey seised poa M buy tagre votut with. ..j .! What th devil tUled to do," HolHen, Rodman, Fool, Nam Watt aad Tod Cald woil, &mnd t be tb ait ort tt job. Pttopl of North Oarolisa, how ta wilt voa atand th degradation par vpn-n y f The jBonqiiarl ot tb fhttt by ' tbt Pdit army wa nothing compared to th mi rabl few ot beti'g tba aaalavad toy mean unprincipled, wbiu avn, who hav' ld tbeir -very aoult ' tot ' rv ptret I of afflee. . Xook at thtt taxttio mat or. -1 II Holdtn 1 and hit ore bad pasatd law that a nxro bad th right to go into your field and tak wy tan barrel of your cor you ' Would 'get your- gu and go to shotting. Hut the -have don wots than ttiar. Tbey bav tb la to that tuft sbblt ' gather' tb4 cwrn, alt tt, and pay th taotwy "for tb Bg'titaitnei. sK .. u wi .'( 1 ' Mr.Davld Smith with hit wtlcarxf llttl clildrin toil .through the wlotrr't coid antl th tuuimer's hpat ; tt eV live hard 2 f the elriMrentitvt not time to go tocbol ; th tat an theltttl booi must 'tt paid or 'rtt sheriff win t-l tt. The ' school hdtwe fler ty Is DIKJ by r)c(jro children ' who wnta efJ doubt, t why the Whit rfiitrirtfi trenotat srhotrl.' Holdcn "could i1ain tothi.H eoold aayi' .Jt -ix-oa ver warn euiet wn; -- r irtm r leGoernor. Rodm.lt 'tortld . tbed 1 light to ;ad to oa down. And yei there wer White met enough ir North Crt))ioato follow to tbt teed of' nch ' orenturt ' and thoam.lave tbeir bwnftert ' ",. "linking ieto Hswfct't history of Kortb (?rnliea, we find tharl -Vn cCiWojiJjthe "T"nrahTf6ee"tptiitlF white" iil.TT ncirly" exterminated them, antfvhtt a white man hsmd t)rvy belotd the faditusa. 'bat Caiey th progenitor of aome utlthet vermin of tb present day t ".Every ma who rn oa tbatimment omnibut ticket with Bolden, mrig.-d in tber. a a rlderi it reaj onsilile for th villainy to which have referred. ' Each one of tbem Wa Anly looking ' out for ' hitttelf and thinking, "devil take tht Cotmtry.sn I get into ofllca.' Wiilthert not tndty torn a rttribwtioa Ala, tr poor oldNonh Carolina I Klghiy thousand blaak attttert tollowet by forty tboaad white tad Bfgroot 'aft fed by mea, who would rather tea tb State th ball than thtnwtt net of vfrloet ' 'Will or tb ft Id wt of rut lice t V hwtB tbe qu-t ioB, "what sort of a Ttigftvht - GtH I . imtifikey I rVw Bsk,'whtt sort ot 8f tt ititwhUh hat ktl tta two tegicd thlcgf, rn hUiluA thaf-STontrolting rUdtiay t Nj wonder ttr6sH wi iwiiyffw tbt 'Ht-'tsr lir.- ft WuBoar, ia atiert, tries it 1 tne '""is'fg t;.k w ttrrwhiflweivtw wojld. ; ; , . ., , ( Am imtpifatio company, of which Ct itb tu.-hw.'g i pn-aideot, twi parcbatad an inimcoi twdy ol land it Amuwst, Hedtord LbbulJIm Jelb colony, Vs., and ailjoiq iig Coutitit. wber ,Us -i Te PcacWAt ot CcOar Watliiog toa cwrrsaposcsst ott area a pivie lfit. Irom Madrid, ehicb aayt that I'rim od rJ-rrano are nott ncliocd to latrcr salt of Cuba to tbLVnU -n;ta, bat . fiarfui of th t fleet on tb rip.uuii. jj plx, wbr bitterly opposed 'o it. rV.ii fuwo uttey and tiiat fiict Val'J no (ujui. faeitustee-, TUB ISOISLATVRS A& STA 'ATJto,.D rHO-SPiS.' At Us Last f sfoiv 'he jUgtslatttr ko- nha.fi.r flVe'fiSeHf' 88fr fetIWtr' f5T"fl ton itf purpi.., Fim th resolution whiqh bar been ibtrwluoed aiuce that body. r-wmbi,ed,, It loika' at tuoagh om'of the mi'tnbars tt least, r diaoed to sl wlih mora prudeuc .and csurfoa than bar ttntqiemed, tbvlr, procwding ptjnctio. , , , tfted eontiary V )at tbat tle ue may be etuct'lHn: mil incur owcnai wire mkuwj j in conformity wib, tlie yiaittn of th rtTont-ftirtipB, trnt"wbf A f4 T beyond tU conwol of the 8tte aulhorln' that they. may pe witnunti mi mir Dutil they wiil command t biglicr price, are meaauri wblrbj'ntf. doulit, would tend to enhance the credit of tbo State, sad mot certainly would jtteet'wlth the approval of th tax payr,, " " , " ' , ',, , ', ' ' In tbit connection.!. )eg to call ID at- 1 t-"va i't tb .LvuialAtor to a matte, which, t it ttf ct tbe'crcdlt of the Stat taur tbap mau) might t first tuppoMX ; Ititthlt; tKtJrttoe war, tu But wat mrgety ' intr.ted tt Riiroflj tbea In euura ot cent ruction, aud aided tb com vanie bv laaultia bonds to it tb State's tuck. '1 think ft wal it the last testlon of the Legislatar ntfor tb war, tbat author fty was give to tre pubfttj Treasurer to latu acjirtsirt amount of Stat bond tor tht 6vi,eflt of tbtt Western North Ctrolina Railroad Ct mpady, wbkh bond wer to psy tn State' Subscription to tbat com pany. Owing to torn delay, the bonds were not Issue I until October 1st, 1861, Dent to the ratification ,!N'-'i(trm'M'ia. this far that thfowa tbiTo entirely oat ot th tuarkcl,'tpeci4y, since a! bid to vtli dtta thein failed to pat last Spring. Tbi tardiness ot th part of the eitate, to a unii aj" lstiia aeW.Boodt ff tbi amount (wolch conot be evaded witbont onet re - pudiation) bat don a great drat to depre tb credit of tit State, I have bee aa euredot thi fact, bf Mldent ot KeW York, wb I IntftresUKi iu Itim w fr( 01 hit native State, and who occupies a poai- tlon which nble htm to speak under atandlngly. ' ' 1 ' , v ' " Would it not be much better for th Legislator to pros a bill at ena), authort fug tb i-tne of bonds (or thi aitionut and thutehy, girt etpitallst tome Utngibli -'dime of tit 6tM't ittntk U way ail W juu tiibttitM, tbap to diy ep ton' no til cited iJ the opinion of Cmrt Ju.tifVChaf, tn rbe est of potdt l.taed by th ciry et Richmond f - - " "" ? JCSTtCB. I , , ,( " 1" ", aTe;i. t -, , ., , . . ' . . .- - 1 For tit feVatintt, A CARPST BA0 8BHAT08 QBT8 A .t .fl..'.ji-JK J , il j . 1, ltat KlUToa:-tiastor John U. Dtvia. ol dtwtbifat a4ivli)vtttlUloiiting M tb eitiunt o( :MiMtgaaety.eqaty,ii Troy, n lariatatas day, e r tbt ptrpwte of gttta g an etpitssion on tue question tu prolonging thetkrm of the prMLt: Lugwlattir to tow yar,a., fl, vut , . Whilst tttit dvntuiwr wa lit lb grog bop UnaJiag : to orowd and. making a grogshop 4peech, Allen Jordan, Rq, a torawr rvpreacntativa in the legislature Iron) Mootifoaiery, and. a rpeotM taw ,yer, aad also a attemper of tbe Radiaal par. ty. ,tkea ta , aad aka to jreoewned H aator U b had madath rmrk that bt (Jordani. wa JotuTuroar'a ,"ee4Xsr," (be aaatt he earned pxeseat t a respectable lady of tottgoaiary who bad U groaaly bntuited Jbf th jrpet. bag -flenator,) to .which tbe VBfoatorV replied, that h had aaul so, qpadtUonally. ,. M4 Jordan imme .tiiauity too tp a ebair. aad xild Jii.n g0teelly.., Ht, Jurdaathen walked down f th Court, tfout for 4b ptrposo e t teoding the piqpoud. Binatuug, , -Mutt Mr. J. left the "&nti" reuiniod but harangn. and boiutud of tb number ol friends ka bad around him. II tbe ,alto weai jtlown to' the Court House and proposed to,, tbo around Lim to tak another "tuciabie" drluk, and go up ttalr and bold tbt taieut liig. ' On golDgep tfalrt tie spjiroscbrd tttar At, Jorrlau, v. bo on pitrreiving hln), tell in mmn hinu and save him aniitber sound 1 thrashing. During tbt tim! the fetloubtable grogshop hero W trying: to "get further," but Mr, Jordan held bun tit on hand tod puruoiulud him soundly with tht pther,, wile t'lt . Crowd . gsv "three 'hearty cheerier Jittdatl. The. Vftenttor very toon k trk with, bit comb vary conside rably trut, ;;, (0 " ., Tbit ia the second time that the "Beta tor" bat tk-en ehalrtut (cbeerrt rj on turmef oeoestvo by pMct, iiarria, forealling her a "dam aed liar,'' tad, bow by Mr. Jordan for railing him Jo -Turew's J-." yenly tbit - bad better ratur Kortb and attend to. the milking , of hi cows, wber b tay own forty bead, that give 'a bushel ol. milk pet. day .tadL'. Jl, ha eeiiiaiiiij his s-biohh in iiww t 1 i.r. ii i .1 ... eiaur her tuppoaa blia te bay he form ly . ii uMbere prgao, gri ndor. . ; - i. A. .., iff1'!""' " '"' ' -. OtmueaoDt AssAtn.r, A tfaamtfal atv salt Wa comaiittetl by three aegroe upon Ma Alsx.-Otrlbam, at bt ow rvsidei.es yttrdy. The prtnotpal wsatlatt, Whoa ate la Alien Joaea, haa a witi tt veem; 1 th employ t Mr.- Oldham and ' liviag epoa hi pnimif. It i wt- ther ion earn ytetwrday in a intoxlotted ooaditioa s ueketf ep nf raw that MA Oid kam'wii baasai triguteeed aad lent for bet htabatMh Tna geeUeats amviug he proceeded t order Juoe and tw aegroe, who wert with i( e f tbett kuowa as Jtoob, off hi ptemi, at th seat time catobbg eet by the ana. It wa the that ti tnrnssl n poa bias furiowaly, atul Mr. Oldnam wa prevettett from tnkiog hint by oe of th ether Degree who held hit era. . That titled Jobs succeeded ia t-tJkuaing M 0ds--qH hattlyv aH a4 getutema tueeuedea ta reieaaiug- mraaeu sued - only Jonas, itit co-jaaitT s t rate arreti - aad ' placed la . the guard botiMf. i -Tbt other pertit btvt not yet bee tak. tr'tf afaartaof, Ju. f. 'W-' . ' " ' fr : , Coavawno a faAttrt 0aowa. The prapoaod CoeVeattoa ot the feaaet aad luat piwdacwr at tbit atcuoa le arrange) tote place 1 thHttl th Chamber ef tttarimiet It tbit wy 0 ftatartlay 4 teraoo best, tn lath uutsot, at 8 e'eiuca. 1'rodue.r aWas art expiated te uke pan ia tb prvtstadiBgtV- - ' , ' i-,- i , Th o ' th iCouvMiioa, a ba beta prsviuua-y stated is trat, t to petittci ANigr fur tb 4pet of protects v liA-r WU. JmtnmL . ; . wuiuu, st 11 m cia in rreuit oi suv dish lour protptMiit urt bsppy people. In BoancmT ciinret, U ol mncli miifetiBp-OTrT'-a if, KSV, JtJvid, " That' wOh Pottb Sentinel. ioi &4MSQATX XAmcAr 'Atrrm At a Jil;, ftf br rftfvau- fetls- ftflitA tt K "A chair, and C K a . wbs Kttxi it.. MuCnllsm,. Miwtted to act as Serralaiv " Oft baoTiou ol Cof L7 It fii,.,d.;" '..: chair tJp iuited.N. fJ.-Wuitakw.ii w 1, kipatvn sad L I). Stepiiion. a C resolutions. After brief, withdrawal, tbe louowyig preamble -and retoiatloa prewnttd ud outnimeiitlv adopted: Whxbeai. Tna dijuiuaot nartr of tht Igi(atora, havtnc tot the (otereat of thr citiz 'ba of the rjtato in giew, only ht of Jin .fiaaawta a rrauiuiiuB uws.. teg tb perpmtiool tbat bodylteyend. in tna tor wntck'tbrv rwera eketd: i wtflwit,, .,id - party ; ba x intro duced a bill aow pending before th Lgt l.f..t fc.. - ....... .. 7L ..r- .1.. 1 .'... -t Ainastr Mcrxra, tt t p-lnge 0t Which placet .1.- ...f-i - 1 .? '., '.... ...'VZL'-.Si p."i IM til. . lUMHHIIIUIl Ml IU. WIll'WK un wifuiv powvr iu tue uantit 01 one man whose bonis has ti only been lor i:lf'sf- graeaiiKwel but; to lusuit and Uvradt citizen of Swift Creek Township, do. with out regard to party or color, heartily con cur la the proposition to hold general mast iuaetingl tbe citi at of Wake ta tbe city of Raleigh, oa Monday,' th 10th Inat., ty f Xirytj, pHr.,Jnd,ignatiuB, f idi .t'j t U ( nr ' (v ' I 2Uk1J, That the mernbera of tb Lear- itlatur from Wak war toted tor by th voter ol riwilt Oiefek ti r aw year only, and tht propxaiiiiiia t , bold over fin. , four yrit is not only unoonaliti(:tooi,but con trary to tbe wib of. th ueopht who elect- eq inem, I ' .... t I R III not only ' pr.oduo distond aad stril among our ttowatroddea aad nha;ppy people, but i a lest and desperate tftirt to prolong the til of aadsM ed yril rtsWie.' iu wager parauit T gsl t tht t( psose ol our peoplt at larg : . .: Bt'tJr Tbat th dhairmaa of thi meet log Bip.iint filter detrgatvt to rejireaeot tbi twh4p-ri. th - tfoteaald meeting, aad "tbat- py f the pmceedrngt Of ti U meetlog be tent tu the ga-TlBl tor puOli etioe -' '"' '.' 'V ' ' Oa metie of G. W. Atkinson th meet ing artjaaroed. - ALLEN ADAMS, Ot'et. ' 0. S McCwLi.ttt, tmy Taa Mati.aiib LiMTDit. Tht rtte etuate wa fully organised yteiday by tbt !tou( t tht ilim. . Comp ipiHOl Cbarle tOinjjf...pretiarji..ABttu tus 0awy, aetretary j W. H, Hit, taad liig clerk; Jamea T., iiUckistoa, sergeant attma R. V., Pag, journal clerk b. I. Ootf tgan, postmaster ; jobs Williams, door" keeper, aodih W, Belby aa hi Utaut, and Clinton Lyle, , Tbomat . Towntend, AUx. Robisso aad K. Carmarktommitit. clei ka. with tb usual lumber et aubordl- ..tiat ofUci t., Mr. Xim ptoo, akiu the cuait aa ptetldeat or tb Benate, lemmed bit ibatiks lor th honor eosnaried po htm la briol addns, and atad torn tx- (Mlltot nd prtctioal remark, urgtug tbe prompt diflpatch of businem and the. eh acrvsuc of strict economy ja tbt disposal eftha public money. , , . TU lluut elected At several nominee at ill caucu ' to fill , tariout oifloet of the body, wboae nutt wert publitbed yettar day. Leave were obtained to report bill1 of various k(ads, and eommltt were tp poineed, at usual, to siamlne tobacco ware houte and th State penitentiary, la Baltt. mor :, Tht governor' mesttge' , wa re eivd and paibslly read. Th Senate d journed uptti to day, and tht Hout until lutauay next, at aaj itrqrait 01 tne latter ' body . without tbe content of the Beast led to torn dispute, and the ter guaai at arm waa directed to go, out aad bring Pack all th delejrttes who war aboat to leart lor llu-ir homes, but it it doubtflit if quorum wilt he present to day. Tht e;ge.nliarui,wln tb city last vo lug booking up mmbrsvrJVai. (Sun, Jan. ?. aVt Bill ' " Wl liiliMitui liilnfr-yj , Fotrtaa tn Q .Tm tto. Lord Jtutlce Clrh '-Itrsxfivit mt t iw word and strung tiuattte batiitt, ' In sending hi wife, fait proecdar waa entirety Miua trttlv of tbe peeuHarittei ot faitebarauter. Calling for the tody, he eaid to her without prelloitsukry romerk ; "Llai, i at looking out for Wife, nd 1 I theugM jywt Jtsst th perso that would alt atev Lt ta v ywur aWr, yet or ao, the morn, and any aa mali about it." Tbe lady the t day eplid ta the f firavttive. '' . ; - Pcrhap he repented, hi p'reclpltaeoyVfor wata Rotlr gv. warning, oa account ni Mr. lirtsflell' aoobling proptnsltW, tht JadgeruplhMl'r"-" r 'inrrdf nnmi y e'v e IHtl to- eempteHi e'i Smar he thaukiu' ye're ae mmd t ,' 4tf M L'4. -4lS f i Tht4 Prsfetaw ft . era, prW hie tpp-dattaa-jt- ( bi ehslf, - reetoretf -elf trvrrry ta lirfBriibtwr-Mtwaatrtlrt terly rwHirved in bit iatereourte with tb fats sex 1 but, i prupat -of enta icing protesaortblp, he teutwwd to make prop salt to a tady They wet walking tgta V. tndt the tmporlaht wjiMatie . wea pat witbosst pretimibaryswnrluMator-tvitee of warning. Ot toa re ik lady replied ! a gtatl "nd." .-The ulrj't war iedRiedisi. iy dropped but the pert omtgsia. Do ye latalbr,, l Uegib teid tb ' htdy, qhettioe wbieb yen wet to m wiita weatett f tmm,i i-Mtw t i-t - Th Pfefottor Mid theft, k did remtnt bet. t i -i i'tv t 1 jj.4 str , :t, "And doa't yot i- tvihetsi eef aty 'tatwtXy Mr. t a . 4 ii-f Jm 1 94 "OU yea," aaid the ProfeMur, ' ' ' - 1 1 1 ., Wall, Mr, ft. prooreded tb" lady," ! bar b-a kd, on conat durst too, to astg my miod' - fe-. 'Ho b.vt I dryly rupoodud th- Pro-. tor. - i' 1 it- "t-t " ,- k s 't j' lis eWuid hi AaehelefheeeV-t th- etott of bit lit. k,-i . ,tu -v -t n , Th election In H JiU towa on Monday resulted, lo M. McMtboa beihg elected Mayor, and la Oco. W. Oettw, U. . Ueo vey, B. W. Brown, t. B. Prinot and John Bryant being alerted . Commlttionert alt whit and lb moetatt except one, XeamU tta. PbsbWt'8 XstUotai-Tha Mavor 'o PurtleaoV ta order oti th city ball 10 be obed ior all pat. he a'aitscmeat totil a''r wo receptto or tu tematne 01 air, ft ' oody, ; Letter from Georire -Psabodv Rua- aattL, who it oa board th M'ttJch, t.u tbtt h nay bt expected t portltad about th14th ol Juryv. . j y " , lt. - Froca th Botto Joornal. UXOftQM FBABQBT-PRtlPAtlAI ION : -1,'; rVSSKAl tliAIXT- . Tbeftipfral fetiw.tHt1rhT" tn Cftnvt' y "llij j-1 remains ot the tut Jc-irgc IVsInxIv from Pottlsnd to rVeMy, ta ortw. Uing prepar. d at th car shop 91 the i :,-oe iUiiroatt, in Salem. It win constat of three ot the nest can f tb r- aJ a'.d a bsgirage ear tebxu j,; b- been riuiuftul. siui .4... .... . . tk..i,... . """iwanw is ZV n "ht la ti.. . i . ,l" "if k tulvot, bordered tilver In.,, (1rt,r tV md taeselM. i- si,;. ::' r,He wcnrelyfttnd.N ThjiiZZtZSL. I L 7 "i wvh and whit nuic. pendant from Hi unim r ,h. .T.T.T m lfut. iu.J., .fit" I 1 . --'WTtaTT roof and lootieoT baclr lo the Br,.a sj0M " window: lAttacliAnd' the C. a. Gaorgnd the bum- jtpargltt Bujoer rJ hung and lii'.4 back in the tme iu hihoi, Covered with hc k cr ije tut t lt; c, , ,' ar diiiilr ieeti t!ir.'.i..'.i tt, .!,..-.s tiio 4,11, , wui tm ledolent wtlh th twiium ol cftoicd fiower. A . haadaom rpt,- In which black end green ar apprupriaielv b.'aaded. " eoter tb tl 'Ot, Tb wbole api earsac of tb car tt test and rrcb(eomp'rtviiy Is keep. Inrf wHh th par pose to b ctl tt it 10 le davotad. t Tb tbf tw otsr. Sfo. T4 and 73, are to b tmsUAHied.wttk m serai as, and tb outside of the cars, it tbe wehr i tultable, trill t " hung with white tad -black. A policeman wilt guard tht' ea traaeaof tht tan to Bimvebt iatrattoev The splendid Ipootmetiveioat bear lb nam ot th hooorad dead will be n-ed to convey the trait to and from Portsmouth. N. JI the junction pf the E wtera ' and l'ort.uiouth. eawa viitwwii MWja)Ui''t7 8TJfB TwTV' 1 oaco and fort laud llallroect, Krom fMrts-' onitentwUh tatety, t the danger from in spar tu eoaslderabU Tbtt-1 uiploreH f th (rata will bedasssd hi hpig with tbeir tad dUtyTjtJt trirt.lIArlav-t-st.. Bevwly by th eommittttt. of. th.,twlem City government, n I escorted through th citj limits to feabodr. Tbe belli of the eity are lob tolled iroat the time t s train Jtave Bevwty uotjl it arrive in , 1'bixitr, Th Mouareu, tn vessel which it bringnix"" Mr. Ptabody! rtmaiut,' sill stpoolya day or two ta Pur. Iaad, and wilt rata a t ooj tti.der tail tliHia. 6h carrier a ontw of 900 mea. What th m finite arrange, uteata will be ia Portland uoe be asovr tBiuad ntitil the arrival id Our Frabvdy Kiittvlt, K.qh b aepiie ot' tn UtCsswl, wuo ba etiarge of tt,, nmalut. tl- who i u board olih 11 inarch. ' - ' ! -"Vv H.l Vi.iwi. mm A.'inS'iil.g QOVUBUVRhtjiffMAl. OAft-DSSAr. AFFAlBl AHD ON TUB UQIIQIA '! .,. BILL. , la hit recent mesua ,to th Jf YjiJc t'-gwlaturv, Governor Uoffamo ssj.sj . , , . l b peopl of tbit bU i d.-rply aoacernsid ia a wist dministratta o Fed-, tral aflalrt, , At , teprtttqting them, I ut" lier tt to be ay duty,., before closing tbi message, ta CaU ttteutiqa tn, ; tmf ptottft - tgtlnst, wbttevet la the pq icy ol the Geu eral Gortrnment itrike , at ijicjr com mor eial and tgricuUurai lukrtMts, or ia in any way prejudicial to limit welinre,;, I protett 1. agaiiiit tut royolutioosryyOturt tt Con gittt with rtierence to amVhdoicoll ol tho Coottlmtion of th United tHatcs; by'wbieh, among! their otliur tilurM aj' ceuuliYiion, tbey sutk the tbaolttt control pf election ' In the Btatet. , roeltsa, jliifuUKlyttt to amend H by rllruct ctv ami unable to piocure tb yoluqrty cuntint (f . three fourth of tht Btaiet, tbey Juice. the con tent of th southern Amies ,'a a condition .to rrprrwoUtion, tud fUit .override and auliiy the allUil otl.ei jt how. j roper ru tatiootto tut Fe hrm 4.0v.w imiiiut have never beea inte-'rnpted, -and ' whom tht-y tanaot constrain., i ,. . " , "1 protest agsiiift, the' trlloa of both Cor.gii tud the rrulicot ,of. tbe Upiuwt Stat to ubj.-ciinr,tft pewph' pf flaorgia anw to nulitaiy p.isff.tucif t.u Cl.jvtrn- BH-nt pel'lg llllull tlpsimi 'D,'lii4 fJll:,reto ratioa of tbetf t-e.iititutioual rJt too with tb Ft dotal Coti'tnnn ut, bavin iwca roc -ogulxed by tbe Federal autbotubt a com plvte. I prolett tytitut tit longot exclu sion frotH f'-prvseiiUiioa "at my et tbe Stale; if any oUf be exqlndetj tim rlghte of all are unsettlt, f amt, th liiiruiony of ur fldveroment. bdaltoyxl."'- 7))- " Tak BAiift ri.p-u-,,iT DotMic'VA very ttageuiou trfir-k, by which a gab of -wiudUirt are making huoftiry by mutilating aational bank anbraot the titaominatkm t five dollars, b,s recently tome to oty aottsr. The dodgti cirisitt in rtinkit.g ten pi Ut out W ' tine, and Is so mansgna that titers ia bat one patting to eUt ot Miaiactsr ed Bote. Tb otat whsht trtlU er taken.- aud from th rigbt of th Hist pua teeth fat deed eft, from tba right 01 tb lecoad tw teethe, tram th rtgfet ot the third threw- - -teatee, and s.1 e to tttrnrr .ioe, from wbtcn anae tenth are taken trom the rLht v.e-esMinatth waiti thing, on, tenth from tne left. Numl o U nesd "'" a tttVliB ileuWi gi.ne Irofa lh right ; tht o tenth-' take Wm 'nunvor on nt twetea to tu rtiiaet auuiijcr two, front hi oat two tenths had bta taken ; tbe - - - ' two-Lett tht are mart te ao.vrer tit piece of the three teatb takiefrom ehmle thrve, - nd a ea through. Ifam riin tve dollar atotet are comp eteil, kviug tbonAiual anrahet alue, with ten tfi gou irom th left, a tentii pot, i It win tx a tbat hot a tent it gont item eacn bill, d i a ' Oilf irtjBt place ou every one, aad a lit 1 ta- aonlou paatisg make tbe iu iiopereptt hie to or din a y observer; It orteia that Urge aumoer tit tb mVutiUied but bare bea put to eirooltiboi, sod ear. rvedurs will Oo Well to look exit lor tbem. .Tu rigUft who have rarilael u tht fraud .1. wer cunning ta tekcliig the donemfnstioa they di 1 ' Larger bill would bav pee tuore otosety sotatiaiat d, and smlirob would sot use tree to reuinneraitt'. ,e'Tia . rr-miw z- -' TVJ, -"' a)llllltl III III liaillllll department aiit not redtem a blllwtinh. harldw e its fkre-teat -ft- ha bees tempered with, and w dvj.- tmi- rrieada 4).cruaie thw- five (! billt-etoaefrr' W'stert' Brrt, f""4"-s - "T . A BtwaigmfBtart, t Ctrl. , cunUiuis ' evl per.,., ahiie prs. edlng d.iwa t le r.tar. wet, -mile tItrtr. town, ru dowwby pt,i g thtweea tbi pkv ae Raw Btime:- A t Uadnatt . browned -ie acbooner ueareded- ia taviivg. tb ivi.-t'rrt - JJS-IB ,it S... ..i . - I SI isst . 1 raw Towa lutcrtota l i,e if,rtioif held in thi place d M..artay, th 8rd, resn.ted t followet F. Majr-Dr Wn.t.,ta Boinard k for Coi.tcwr-T It Ib-rnani, J ibn RPuroea, Joba Moor ML V M..rn. .oha P. Boyd. Omwii.t Ffmittr, ' jt -7 f if." 1' 4

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