- - :"' ' .. . ., . . -or ' .-, -l " ' . VOL. 4. RALEIGH N. 0.t WEDNESDAY, 'jANUAlffiffff '.. .,;,, : ""T THB SENTINEL. 16 ugtslatmrc! of Jtortli caroliia. -SEJfATX. fkt Banal waa. called to order at 71 Jeclr. 7 r - - Bill to rotor tb credit ef th Stota ta4 beiliuu to cooalructlog oj onr loos- Md Kilroid, ptawd lu Mcoud ttnAioe, t ih bkI the iperial order to Mow jMittt 11 o'clock. VKMtlMBO Mtnia. QjMiileration of tbe bill to hrttcr pro. i tto cuniic of th Soaalt ia amaod Kidioa of Hr, Barma thit tha Scnala (t. Jonet ol Mecklenburg, moved, thtt ctdar next at 11 o'clock, wbkh eddown. far. Biosttaa anted Ute adoDtioe o( ta a .perch ot hours and 13 minutes lr. Liodaay, taid lie thought ol making w remarka oo the bill, but the Senator i WejBe bad coDaomed ao much time tMnfsign eptech, and had tried to Mai tin tteoata on a I moat areretbiag X lue aucijeci mailer neior them. 1 be had contaaad bi tboagbu so much, he eoaiki ot think of making ao effort light, and hoped the coauderelion o( bill would be poerpooed. in order that . . a " eealui than the Senator irom Wane. i (Mr. UB(Uy), WMv itfaWe, to. galber. r j;)nuttue iiu - . i motion oi Mr. Wetlttr its further con niioe was uottpotiea an lit Jlonday t at H o'clock. H. Galloway, enl , gare aotios that ha d introduce a bill to make the office ot rior Court Clerk ot New Uaaerer J salaried office. waamanication wss read from Mr. W. M, aooepting the appoiaimeat as one i in veatiuaiioa committee. tve of abeonce waa" granted Mtssars. sad Burnt, motion the Senate adjourned. SENATE. Sattbdat, Jan. S3, 1870. waa called to Older at 10 Senate ik. BILLS UTRODUCKU. Mr. Welter i To ameod an act to iu fate the Oulllord Covnty Co-pera ueineas Association, oo bis motion llet were suspended, and tb bill i itaMcVat readings "'Y Mr. WetkeiTTo Incorporate Ihe Cen roe Company : Referred. A. H.,Gailoaj, pol. To make the tbe ttaparier Oaart of Keel fiaa i salaried officer : Referred. Hr. rorkaariTo SMorpnrate Bock XHlg, Surry County : Referred. UTtfVt y:.T . i No. Sb;lWidr7 n Mr. Beall f To T-aotlwrns, th Coaa taenof Caldwell County to levy il tax : Referred. 7 Mr. ReapasaiTo change the County f Hyde and Tyrrell : Referred. THIBD BZADINO OF BIMJ. 1 to incorporate tua Randalmoa Man. iring Company, oa motion ot Mr. rr it waa amended by sinking out tha a authorizeing the Company to issue i, and paaaed. I to authorize the Commissioners ot i to lew a special tax : paused I to authorize the 'Commissioners of a Copnty to levy a special tax ; pass- mlutioa la favor oi J. R. Orsdy, Sheriff roett. eaaaed. t for ttie relief of the snnties of tb Iherifl of Jonei county, psserf. I iolavor of the late Sheriff oi Ale. reuauty, piseil. I in Uvor f N. R Jones and other ff, Wa leTd ost the table. I Ui amend an act 10 It.eorpbrat tba tiagtoo Life Ioaaraace Cwupany, pas- II to incorporate the Young Men In nt and Euterptiatag Association, waa ided sad passed It MCOA4 reading. i motion ih Senate adjourned until lay morning at lo oVlock.'- "" IOTJ8B QF RKPaUCSKNTATIVKaV . BATdBDAT. Jas. SS, 1870. ie,Hotl wa 'ealled to order at tb I Bout. '"'' r. Jarvia preeeoted petition from R. acker, wtiteh w terrl . .1 ".' ...... t Mr. Hodgio, a peUtloo from citiiena aikfurd, am the., subject ; A eduoauoa, fsgjt.WM.JVim.4 IMiaS1MAta4i .- w t 1 j B4S0.nrrQI AMD BILLS. . . f yir. Vhr, reaotutina la regsrj to ining land la Foray i. ..r : f the same, reaolatioa coc earning UO Mtt4 by a CuflvCXUattsstwavWhtcsT rted a ltd saepetrslon e the rule. ' , Mr. Peck, blft to' rncorporata th ievokiaBoM"olKdgaedmba, . f Mr. Canal W Itstor eoanty nia dMtruvad duria? th War. . t i r Mr. Ah worthy ImII itoLalloai toM , MagiMrate to take privy alaatio tamed woateu. ",''' , J he bill I levy stxcial tax In StanlV tekea ap, oa mou..B pf Mr, Oreea, aad ted the .oad readinff. ' ' 1 " ili tr tne sum pttrpnea for Duplin ed third wading lr, Dizoa from oomarttte o Tlatme- r ted against restolotloa y pay orlaia . m U.na. Annarinr. fjoort. -:, . iill to levy apeci HU tax ta. Lenoir pww H " in int'fji'WfaaslsJ 1 BGU' apany, p-Msed Uwrii reoin,ga.. Use MU w ipeorpnrat Bank iBl iiU tofevy speciat tea ta Cwpbevta. .1 1 . . .kinl miline'. ' ' ' ' !I.U itnriiriMratABuctjt anj xCons ia."N.a.hrfiii bill to issue beoda by n bTli iniWacedTbJ Mv tutllB W tborix tiaasler ot couuy euarter to rds of Commisdoner; bill to incorpoi e-U Freooonia Mannlaetariag Cos . - ay 5 Reaolutioo atWWinfrititer onuwft rmer fcherilf or Rockingham, aad W41X tke, lats Sheriff of JlendewoB j wer k l aaed tb ee'erei readings Mid ordered to Mr. Fraaklla lnlroduced a bifl to iaaort Iorat the Mechanic Building and Loan The bill to authorise Turnpike la nmonrata , id Dill to eaend ta act ie- tkbliihinK ipeeial Court in Wilmlnctoa Biiewelaaia Boas U Idgeeembe ; biH ivipuiir uu mat ot it fnr r.ni t wis pee j ;. biu Jo. roforporate Trnateea ol their eereral readings. Bill to 1tj special tax ia McDowell paW. ed the aacond reeding. The reaolatioa la tor of Hut Egypta de OUrera, was, mad' apeoial order for Monday 101 o'clock. Price, (ml iotrodTKd a bill (or tb relief of J. Fi Bimoeon. of New HanoTer. refur- iBl Smith, oi Mania a bill to ihcoroorate Stoaewall Ldg. A.. M. , u Fneler. a bill to amend eban. IM. Uwa of 1808. ,., -vr. . ... .JdorsLOf Cnowaa. i reaoIutloB eo&cem ing the inoorpo ratios of tb Belial tiecietr of the M. X. Church. South, connected wiih ?Sk- l vn'renoe. yes or. in out u laror ot i, v, uuoe. of lawba eouaty, allowiag him to onllect ar- rars ol tax lor lfl 7 and 1868, waa amended by substitution the committee's bill making the proTiaioo general, and fur ther amended m motioa ol Mr. M alone la quiring the Bberifis to givt security, and a tliu snada4 baxaed tb several readings. moioa ie iiqua aajoureeo. , SENATE. Moiioar, U, 1870. The Senate waa called to order at 101 o'clock. . i - ! i ':7at X-A iStiaiaVa ot Commiasioners of Warren oouatv. askiuir ' . . rHv-s eat - ItywtwWl .saWr'avyeBlal '..tani'-aotl or- nr. uroaaeB irum tne Committee oo Fiaance, reported favorably oa the lodow- ' Bifcl to i. authorize tua Commiaaiontn of MM joaety to levy a ipicW taz. BiU to authorize the ConiUiusioner ol Wsvaa aountv to eallnnt arrnara irf tin br 1UBT. FBM TAB HOtrSB. Bill te amend a' resolution authorizing tbe Secretary ol State to furnish the mem ber of the General Assembly with a copy t the laws ; referred. - Bill to authorize the board of Commis sioners oi Vyarren county to levy a special tax i referred. Bill to authorial tha Ownmiesionera of Camberlaad county to levy a special tax ; referred. towa oiMiltoa CaswallV rrfvrrwX . CtfmnoAicatioa from Geveroor Holden, oallieg the attention ot the General Assem Hy, to the SaspartanM of saitably . codew ins th Uaiverdty of tb State, with a prop, aiiloa to print the same, which wa con curred In. ' '. 'B'rui'.fjrrmoOOCBO. .' '!..; : By Mi. Wulkar i To provide tot draining wet lands t tftnwA,.wr.m k ' JdVbfadafrevenu; re tarred. Bf Mr. Respaas! TO create a see - aimpl titl to real eatate from the dare ot registration f referred. ' By Mr. Blyth: T requir th return by the Justices of tba peace of all criminal actions bad before them, to the Clerk of tbe Snperior Court ; referred. . By Mr. Jones, of Meck'enburg : To pro tect the owners of Irtight delivered by common carriers ; referred. By Mr. Harriagton : To aathorize the Commissioners of Harnett County to levy a Special tax ; referred. By Mr. Beall : Tbe tallowing resolution, to-wit: , , . Whsbba The records ol the Superior Oourt of Wak county furnish evidence of fraud and corruption on the part of Milton 8. Littleffeld, State printer; sad Wbibbas, His recent course dariag tbe tOTestigatioa of Railroad iraude, raises tb presumption tbst he- bat misapplied and speculated in th bonds of the Sut-o-Uaated to hi ear ; Bmai of ReprtMKVUxv saasariap, aw Milton K Llttlfcld S! t8t to' bold the office Of SUte printer, and the Governor is keteby ivaueeted to remove hha ;H over. . . . .... A S t. AallSlASHM By A. . waiwway, v" s p-w the Trraaurer to pay lb aeouasary ezpenaes el the saver witasaaa summoned betore the Inveatigstion Committee, (of whieh Mr. Sweat was Chairman,) lies over. By Mr. Stephen; T aatbdrtaef th Treasurer to traaater to th general loud ol th Btatr, f ordinary purposes, all moneys now in hand, which ba heretofore been appropriated to tb payment ot hirer at e speasi tax. bonds, issued by th OUtin liaM,, ,; -Si Mk Blrlli: To instruct tie commiu Ua oa Bnaac to sxamto the auditors re perl enrloeily aad torport a .. ,Mtt ti r ranch th Btal expeaditutea to the Wweat poaatbw ska preiiaM 1 f TjixBlytb. '.ifged taiwediat Mgpa. this resolution, he had miod th AaJl i unArt. ti waa mstiHuMT mt Vu Jm- aaaaaTmaUa of expeeditata apptoptiated ItT-tif iS ciVb. Stat. f-d i aino.uui sanr - wniva vu.. -i v .a . t.- Son flAV AtAUlDaT ,nur " - U'i)MU, did IXh tofWng tfc ihtfcMerb. nwtel v rero t. . : " ... t- Bed theraotuow r SVusaMtw. taoaght it wapropa that tbroltloB ahia.WTSl TSHWkmwtwmea -m w-r --"-:-. -itii-M tnKSttm xr7rZm wasstBS? throagh th Catrital qiiartBTery" waTTV L rji,,. .aao'oved. removiai -d h -kr . ' II b-5a f ,h. h ? i-' fftaWd by thsf m"1! to do tb vry thiag l BinriilTiTiy , ii'TJ ztzx-izrzz. that the ; ghl aot .: j -j k. mtm Infarma sues a aens- era Bttema. who had greet xptriw ,;!ineAl.told tbem that ty were 7f V.A took- tb trouble to plaiB tne auoieci w - j -- -work gsoa, these me most be employed at th sane ot the Bute, to do an Injury, h hop the resojutioa would past, if it i ponn in rename Building tad Lout -would check this constant drstn on the DEATB OP ua: frhtiMA m atrrrtnl I ... nr. .-.?. tf..ji " " 1 ...... . na -A aaa aniHwn CBOTsSinsgEa: titui d nM " ta,,b. ?"?J:7Iz. WW mmj a as 'would check thia constant drain oo the TwaeBey,tbiu4i'aiaaadopWiiV'ji:;t' BrKr. Wbit: Resolution authorizing ihil Ttuiuui Ia nut 1 1 utln.l avtiMii. and mile.ge to tne wimntf oytwalVi.lUBit regara to ID Oeata of ia. Umii),at4 tha. affair u ol tiie A Hum aria. Twri!Biifff fpmfi'timbMfijt i u . u . - . I -t:a .i . . u Demi mu d o iu.iiucu, w hwi up. in f BeTT aulies as mt uj ber ufTBe in feall- gation committre SrHCIMr OKDKa. Bill to restore, the credit of the Bute and toiaoilitaie ihe eoaali action ot the uotio- talied Knilruad. ' Thia bill or motion oMfi. Lo wascon aidered by auctioiu, nuaKrau anaendmeuU wt-adiuted. . Pndiua it conaidera'.ion the Senate ad. jaoraad uuul tbuvTaUig at 7 ocUnk. noi"8S OF , RfiPBESESTATrVKi' - Buaw called to order at the aaasl boan , rtfjH laa J(V sjr .tkiMoa, of the tti t-atbrii - thaouuaty ComSTivl sioners Ot Montgomery, McDowell, Burke, Stanly' aad IVuusUu to levy a apecial tax paaatL i i The hoar for tl special order arrived and on motion of Mr. Powning was post poned for ten minute; Mr. 0. thin ceiled up a bill to cbang the manaer of levingitat oa the mining Interests nf tbe State, Which on motli-n qi Mr. Bwmen. waa referred to the Commit- tee on Finance. araxiAL ohdkb. Riaolutiou Inst roofing the Publio Treaa arer to pay a i(imoat pf ts (100 obtained aloat Uhs Uatversiiy, t'fectie beim auon the-tal.aaaf. .. L-tcf M. VrocUr.ftaUea,up,biU4kettaal tbe wUhiB paaaed. ve motioa of Mr. Robii s n. a resolution authorising tbe Public Treasurer to pay oertaia costs ia Macon Superior Court wa called up aad recommitted to th Commit tee on Claim. -On motion of M,r. Srajth, olAHhtny, a bill to lay out1 and couattuul a Head through tbe countice of Alleghany and Ashe, wa called up and pasted iu acoond and third reading. On motion ol Mr. -Moore, of Cbowea, tbe rales were suspended aad tbe private Calendar waa taken Uv . . Oa metma et M r. Robiirson the role were suspeailed and a bill to amend an act relative to tbe Wester Turnpike Road, paaaed it eeoood and third readings. On mo ion ot Mr. Moore, oi Chowan, the rules were suspended and the private Calendar was. taken up. , Tbe remaiader oi tbe eeeaioa wss con sumed in the cooniderstioB of private bills 1 Oo motioa tbe .House adjourned until to morruw at 10 o'clock. , - - ' ' ' Th tollowioar protest waa offered ia the Senate, ea iihe ISih inat., anJ ordered to b pread npoa th Journal : . . . - . Tb undersigned, by authority given by tb CoMtitatioa f tb Stat of North Carolina, ia Se. 19. Art. 9. to "anv mem. any act or resolution, weick it may thtuk Iniiirion to tbe uublic or anv individual. .abd have tba-rcMMi of hi i9nt nttred on th Journal of sucb Uousa, does bereny, while esteitainina a decaut respect lor 'be opinioa of a majority of the Senate, wbo difkr with him, set mniy pretest against th passage of sn act by this oody on yesterday, on its third reading) entitled "an act incor porating the Mono . Carolina uoiuesuiaa Association," for tbe following reeeons : let. A rule of the Stnate provides, that bills of this asture, aball be acted upon on Saturday only, and aa it Wa pa ed on Monday, without a "suspintion of tbe rules," snd in despit-trf that objection, raited by' this proiet ut, tbe act canies with it tbe embarrassment of tuis ntct. Snd. The Constilutloo ol North Carolina provides. Art. 8, Seo. 1. thut "corporations shall not be created by tptcial dot, except l municipal purposes, sod ia ces where, hi the judgment of the legis lature, the object ( tha eorporations can not be obuiaed under general laws." This Gaersl Assembly has enacted a gen eral law, under which, in tha opinioa of tb undersigned, tbe incorporators ia the sf ire. said act, could have orgauizM and e a ted. Tiiis act, iBcorporatmu u.a "aor.D Carolina Homestead Association," is, there fore, in viitlaiioo ol we aoove rccitea aec tioa ol tb Constitution, which rays, "urh bodies shsll aot be created by apecial act," and further it is a wrong ol vsst maguiiade, because the Senate, at us pnaent arauon, ha denied similar riglitaand prlvilegi, to other partiaa, :wbattujm.iem(euratx and, lurtner snn, a us wrong, upnw nnjustly discriminate betwten tbes Incors porator,ll of whom, save one, r non resideBts of tbe State, bob property-, bold- ars among US, aadt courae, aoa-tax pay era; and our ees 'enieilr-oy' reiioviag Kcwriair tbe termer, from, the rwtrictioBS, JbsiitstsoB and liabiii ttm, wrdch Bill be isa poaed oa tbe latter, who may be eompeiiea to Tneorperat moVt on $mr? .aot, ! V- 3rd I b. CousUiniLinJ?elt ri. nrnvidea that "tb tteaerai Assembly sbalt aot pass any prieaaa iasx, an h as it ba mad ,777i YJJ&iZ. , Mow mat ""a ninii - ia a private lew, ao one, not re it ' . . - .1... MMantoa amaned lodividualt, (ale I a very tew J tor a tnts ol Indivwaaiiiy w - v- vaU Uw. Nonouoeot tn mu wa. ,A he Lha ervania Uw of tb . l t. iii ha without, lore. Z. TZumU' taweesiif aotio bad bee yL. ,f jJLlnd data. atilL.it nt be v. ';,j,i.lllj,jr ntkarvMH SUCO lesnsuiiivn v (To liblWWBr.- Wrft wee ptoiad latiojatlgs ?lji"!g! dTTt amv1cBllorf tta ' - s Sntr-Uto'ta vioUtMraot the Coostitntloi Art. 1 See. 14, and, bene; the te.rpors- , Seerl. ' ; - ''JJA aiaaiie eelv txgo cone m, wl'BBt f gr ertat'cn. " JBctpstSfil snSmltted, ' ' . TTt-r-r -;- " w: u wv Vn , Tb Sw Mill at Was, K. C.obB tc, Creek, a tew mihm Weatnl .yettov.rie, ee baraad cm Bator day laatw Th ffr waa .purely accidental.: . . P Tirs wa. ao tosuraaoa, nd tb. om it k kJ", on to Mr. Crver.-,(Frswtu DEA.TB, QfHOX- THOMAS SUMS. H. Batil pn aealel to the Sujomne Coort, tin lata Tin On that ecceaina. h mod ta ullowiag remark t 4 i "Msy it fAeaa IW Coart, yob Ht ore win recoiled mat sooa alter to BMtetiag of tb Court, yesterday tl detltfth ate Hon. 1 nomas ruts a wa knnounced, and the Court s a mark of reef P0' 1 "wwji iinmeuiaiety , airjourptm. job, will recollect that notlt waa turn given that at 9 o'clock la tb afn a-m a publio Bieering or tb memnet 01 th Booco. tb oflicer aad member "of tha Bar; of this Owrt," and t)tt Jurig and member of the Superior C. rf of Wak County would b fcetd In tM!Sl.4i fu? tlf ifptiie bt tttrtm for)t rnrrhfr-ac;i.ia a the Accamon tntpUt teim t require. , It i known to yon tea. tnd rilu.lpns. prepii)y;C! Bimi.toa. sppoioten tor tne purpose, were erenti W tb meeting' sad unanimously adopted. Aaiaevnairman ol the committee was charged with the dutyol presenting them to tbe Coort at Us next meetiBS. aad ta request your Honors to order them to b spread apon the minute oftb Court.' Before proctedina to th Derlormane of thia dutf 1 1 btir leave to remark that this aad occasion carries our recollection bach to tb organization of the Buprem Court nButoied mh - th. t.-.t u ihb year lots, auit 10 lue uuti me a wno were taea eonnacted w Th Bench . waa illaatratcd by tb legal i ...... .1 i.. I- -...f. ifwiuuic hu uue UHrarj taei oi uiei aense ui rfuuire iiuu . lue? .re Jt"-f""rSifj4a.J- oi me greatest al)illt. At that time, for some years afterward, tha bust tli Court wss conducted by gentlemen who were called the Bar ol the Supreme Court, and tha practice was confined to them with almuet as much exclusiveoes. as wa I formerly that ol theCommoo Plea 4a Ebg- lauuio me Borgeania. at law. u wa a rare iual&nc thai any other member of the prok-aiiou ventured to appear before tbe Lourt, lor il required oo tittle moral cour age to do so. Tne members wbo then composed tbe Supreme Coon Bur wer re garded a equal, if not superior, to tb meuibei of trig Bir of thrupremtnrt ot any other Stat in tb Vu Ion. Your Honor will at one acknowledge tbe jus tice of thit high enoonium, wbo I nscall to your rtoollection tb nne of Archi bald Henderson, William. Gaston,. TbeaM Rulfla, Ueary beawell, Uaria Hogg, Mosew Motdeoai, Joseph Wilson, and Jams Mar tin. All these great men except tbe on whose memory w are bow commemoiating have long sine passed 'away. I H wa tb furtun of the survivor to live, until full oi I ear a and honor, he ba been .called away, and on yesterday hi mortal remain were conttoueJ o tba tomb In hit Uxig life he bed, greater, oppertuuitles tba any of bit competr to connect bis b nine iudls W Vytbulk M'WrtMr-rtW iaowTer 1833 be became it Chief Justice. (In that Idghoffio b presided tor nearly tweary years, and during that time : h wa called upoa to djivet ifpMoti to many gfat eausus, lavplvlug important, difficult ques tion of constitutional, a well as ol tb common, nd ttatnto law, Tbe opinions have spread hi lame wyona tne nmiia, not Oily ol this State, but of th United State. W are Intoruied that the great Judges ol liogtana nave read bis judgments ana sposon higu term of admiration. It is ss a tribute ol reaptct to such amsu, that I beg leav to request that th report antV resolution be ordcre'l ty your uooors w un piM.x upon the records ol yeur Court." Having conciuqea, sir. dm i.i reointion alond to the court j sna i Chief Just las leplied in the remark whiob wer publisnd oy or iwo ago. Tbi closes tb chapter; and tbut ba dprfad from among , us, to great, i good, ti wise Judg nd patriot, Tboba Kor ; na wnoee name . i h,.w. and honored aUrosd hy aU who r- apeci tb vlnitou, lov tbe good, or admire . He died "in a np out age. fl life- waa brvly run, aad Wv ws f r . fame, nobly won. , 1 j An honest mas a patriotic and virtue itf ciiizen a wie, upright, sod tocorruptibl Judge; hi crowning glory was bi moral excellence, and niscoristiao pun-y. , ( f 14 bU declwlng yeara, tbbr good AOd u..W.hl. aaan haaatnad amonil U "a SU1- iriBg-Hgbl; tn the midst of -erd Md4 parvenu ganrauon r-a vwmwTiyut m rtark, degenerate and corruovege-a bright .H ruiKJ. .mm Die oi. isneziuie m wii, aosulliad virtne, jar iptegnty, ano feanu patrinttsnf; iw tmotry, tm . tma. wnea ptiu are w ,f """T virtue and integrity a ao rugr regarded t i Dnku .tlioa when ail srti? of decency and honesty i forgotten 'li'-tlia" Tne .'. Beaeatofciiat Bnls1i I Ti'sBstI' kuuiiu u-r.mhia lor ueu ana ciace-wnea and term U reproacn jatner , mbj s booiA mao is dead a groat spirit M ueached ia Math a noble aoul bee. wing it its tight lack to Us Maker, it miiwioa am nh aeomplisbedl Tboia1u ib. 8b. Iiw M iloBserl h,Jk creat aMi ha goaeto tbaailen and. tfarSpesa. of th grave It great UgM M eMingBlsrjea I and tb das portal of tha tomb, hav eled kwrvewpoa tb wortal remains of onaot North rolia' Bttblast, Bieet faith ful, aad mo distinguished . 1 Aae other Baas is oUsoaed high oa th bright x-tolt attentat Anotb nioriM star i a4ed M thatesphiBilat galway -e - Uln triuii' Bassea,thata at Kottb., Carclin'! cbiefrat fi'nd tajoeowaing. gawryoi aer lame i .: : c- j .us- n n il tay the rid Mmthkatoratv f TrS. sr.slmis "iitbin her VS& -eftiarmsT Wtwsrptrbtl. tk.t-tbeicked rale Mdtbo bow, ineai tha fouataius of j tree r retread, Wbsav i;fajHdttl fao;, aBdraeary, triomph oier tip. i. teulliattimBd pstHOUsm,, wttCB itq bevy .and eufltuioa pradomuiai in ."the eooDcil of Bailor, where isiparUal jtistioe, strict d.lity, snd , laoorruptiula itatcrgrUy wvailed .f, ., s i , ; ii r. m lii. f;,irtwt( ' David Boati brikeamsa, 'wa Crush ed beiwera IW aad AUIed, Willi ooup- . liM rm carat Wileua test week. 1 7 I Tv : ' - - v-f . -J j ur t ML M. IJ K. I , afr.pbi9ur, it t M party witw wnioa i atuiMUw s aetasaet tba bTiwify vuit Vbt nereeotl Bower- less an BewcoK IB B SMMteS 0BSmptiOt bf breath tor as to addveaatbi bonswf ir, oir,' -wwwiw i atiewipi irvew Mit' ft tb reason that th defeat of the Mil under cbn taerauoa l ot uch vttal 'tmportaao to thrteoDta4f Maesai (aaaatwsL jn r. !,'' !iad4reflng';ifs House i ptoboiaj to camiy oanvas uii Din wecuoB py auction, Aad tb first reuoh that I propose) to buef why the flrt section, of thfs M If sNorrtd aot pass, I that tber m no necessity 1or it I taad her and assert ntoet positlvwrr wilh- owt the tear of twsnaasful ; eeatradUJttoe. from all (bat I hate been ble to tear from tht f!rrs of the State' and other aam of llilDiuinttim. that' there ta not county in the Stat Whure there is the least f exposition to the erifurcement of the civil lsw by th civil authorities : notwithstan ding tb great array that has bem made betore tbi house dnribg the rjiacnsaioa sf this bill ol Dertured luror aad rio. out rs ires tnai sre atiesea so nave Deen com. rnitted )s nm oi tte cdonttcl bt th Bttta. Ifaa the been: thl '' allirbieat. vtt.hL dene pftiiduced bare', 8i",tht any Sheriff f any county na own success oitiy resisted in lb i.ntion of any writ Ihsf hat been f J11 ' b,i dto' serve on any accused J"FW!T - H brr been.nyr7 I jiaiile "testimonr brought befor thit Rous of a tingle instance, where t grand jury has failed to lad true- bill ageioat violator 4&XeaaH4 tber besa eay eyMteacn paraded here Hut, w .uuw nv imi. .ke ooiuy ib lue State where the Courts cannot be kept open to hear alt tb evtsseiaee and redress sll the ssreoos l No smh proof ba been effered Ad yea, Sir, lae Iriende af taia bilk tell that it must pass or the country it niud. 1 Be next vtasa taat l Bruixne te oflbr wb this Motioa ea thia Lust ImwU bI psss, I that it i impolitic and obeafe. it salaries tbe power of UiaQeveiBot V extent un precedeuted in toy tree government. Let us sxaaiin Mi-wordiag l tb SectHHi, does it say, Sii, tbst whenever the civil authorities in any county in tne State, sbsll find that they art unabl to txecuta tb law in their respactiv cooaty, ,hey tball notify the uovemar ot the exutenc ot tuoh a stst ol tbiiMfs, and lie shall call into sofiv sertics jlufttcmnt amount nf th militia p(, the guts to aid the civil authoritine to . i I A W . I . I . ) . . I.H An... ii mim mwm" wv u. .UL.14 viuuij or oountjest j-Mej Six, But , what doat it a it av that tha , Oeeerner. whenever is &lijmdgtitni, the civil amhoritics Iq y couaty axs Jjnabl to protect, its citizen in lit and, property b . i ,to deoiare suchl eoBoty in ut pt ttisrrectioa audctli into tctit aerric tba tnaliti of tl Stat JT.'I' itl.' n.'tiTuTa tha t5overuor cf the Butto ot North Carolina a military jWeteaw to U inteuU aad purpose 1 sna pir j m1 to tb feprcsestaUvea, oftb ptoplsof ourbaove4)Idett on Oil' floor lltsem bled, r JPft titsd of a fre and republican form ol Govern men where th law sre ad miniterd,bj! tfit joivil , uji0title sndsli mn bar righ to trial by. a 't,JfJ that you ars going to pass this bill and place yourselves undvif a military Dictator ship to rula vr you by military power I 1 ask gentlemen to weigh wall tbe lore ot this section ot the bill. Tb Governor by th exercise of this unprecedented stretch of power may when h see fit .declare any county in a state of ." Insurrection and send the military power tber ,to tak the rul of tb ounty, no'msttor bow wall tbe civil authorities may be administering tb law. (It Sir will be matter pf ditcressiou with bam) and thus bring .about, a co-Jict be tween tb mUitail end civil 'u bnriile of ib But a4 protluos tUCtJ 4 condition ol things to Jiorwj, Carolina, tucu ap 1 Pii God we may , Witness, . Oenllemen well know rthas when tbe conOiCtdoa oOMrtb eitU pow wlil D over noiiea uy the military,, and, all, know tl..Mb re suit will b disMWon tsoMli,. And Sit I stand her lor on 6ppot oV to Clothing tha Governor pt tb $tt of North Caroli bb with any 'such unprocedeo e l power, I ..m xt tn m,mt nartv be mav btlootf. . ' I proeead bow Sir to advert to tbe second KMitin oftJMlNik. Iti uae Sir that this Mouse I iu wisdom baa vUioku oat this ml lb i. aot, OcaUMI kt tB fvt thi1rlcrtB-i. patatd that I Botienit at l,HiMirI no Moeitbeoaues f sh great claims tba lr. ends at thsbUI pat ptC Bitot oattHawg m mt tha aectieni -Wr allew.toalwv! f tbm obinetiwsaaU 1 . nyickmuab. m4. Ii.ii t - . k. - I III f.Lln hahIhiIM Bear. mi tt.la UiMie. Mom jur-cveas. :a4iMt-JtlikjHtB-tv.V tbJtBKttoe alter lb fore of tb bill hn wery iitll, olWa -11 .'.li, imnimL i lk ia truebir ibvbe ia,iiia rivWw ptu.l"t .writ that eesusse to every sn tha right oi trial by loryi i.Jiii t)ir s. tbe auepeuwoa ot tuwri had ween wbsaiusd at all ihick : ts a masts of givet dooba with ase) ia t be obtained through 'Preasdeat ot toe Halted BtBtp taw voaWt Ol Coagraas, sbkaTwni4 placeM under uarciai law aad miMeinvitd staav ta faitad Stats tree pa. , Tu Mil Sir ss it now tnd mikes tb (loveraor a military rltotator t aU intewt aad parposea, aad eubj ax us to j niiad by tiltw bmb ftaaa a Bkob.1, If Sir w are to b snder military rule, ; give na Cr4aJ states traopa tkat are Wclldiciplia. td wild BBde empetent avuimleM but I tb naaa of elf that ia Umr to a Niirtb lareiieiaa.ie t awns ot alt tfaat, at bu- manr, dobit plae na adt a - mob 1)1 ig ., nate y ta Htwt. tmiw ':':'"' A 1 lilHyi-'.li" iiraVWTsamB'.MnrtiaTc Ba, m Hilts tuat wtlf gttyro wvTVli?ff and user. wain ali-wlsw alula -with tlMriu tn petiUcatopieioa, a: mania that will be. gatlteiBt tW iteLulH" da tba tawp are ia aetivw evvK. Tbe third ssctinn of 1 hit bill, aa TJim that motion e the Solicitor a a dieiricL it shall ,rj b to doty of tb Jadiia tbetwof to remove th trial ol Mparts kadi tod km , murder, Ao., frnm the oejatpu.whate auob offcao sbsv havabert aximmtsted,; o each other eoanty a the Solicits may deeignatv-. Now Mr. BpBiker, Un Beettoa eoaptl a Judge to remote tb trial of a prisoner. msi,a tnj y . "..V.T.L. Z,.. . j .t TnirrTiir ttt urn j wntr xux me Coubty 1 , and T V . rrara ermr, or trfeTiimire trrtntf aese of f?6" no"l " ' '."" Now sir. this l anoairaxe upoB anv it Ifhmmm bHMt, otto il 'jtW rlbfi 'citr, without oatlL, without i'etH.. LUiablilaaxahs trfid,tb .4sialK - itCi : -I :." ff'""lli f "wis were rirrwo;tiv dlaboliral . affldavik, aad set him down (or trial tmfi hi iuterest j nd i perhaps a peor wH u. uo weaos or Euuinir witneme sway inere irom nts aatlv oouoty, from whence be was brought ; Sod be, tried oa wiooi nan san among men who ui uader the iurlueno el such iuverato prejudice that that tie; are inc ahle of doing laim jutac. 1 SaKflrtia tber an hope that a Brisuaer oa haves a wir uial 'ander such cimim- stauoe t O.mltsiuen may sneer at Hm i,l. ' the iiiBuenc ot ttrelurtioei. ili Cow you Irom the iiltorf l t Stales lHiiri t ,i .) . has bM:ii iLiiti.;.f .:.M j ..: .uhw mu oate ib. tne punieiimuut off iu aoewt pertoo. dTh forth sectioaofthU Dill providee that tbe Ooreraor of tb Stat QU draw apoa-tn Treasurer, for the pan meat of all tb , expense of th, wiiiti qrmw; saa mat u uommiasium r of tn county where tbe militia are soot id operate waas reMHonma in Dial j raarr wMbin yaar.. Here sir, the Governor ls impo wer d to aead i nj ounty In 'tha Stat ny number ol militia be may choose, pay the Bir any wagt he mat think fit. Dav tbe privatis as larg a pric a be ma be dis. posed, keep the mea in the county just aa long as ha in III. tn. .rmiMi .nil ,kiHA. , j nv...u . rnuijfn i uader a fras and repablioaa tors of govern assiii tutj 4 ax, is any people gresnd down by taxation as th people of Nerih Caiolina now Br ia bear it I Sir, ih peo ple are ' already taxed to tb utmorf of tfaatr ability 10 pay, and many countio in Hi Stat, heavily iu debt, and theit repr senutivea ar applying to, this Legislature, for ipeeial tax bill to levy still further tare tin their eountie. - And theei ftme th bill amis All tint absolutuiy unnannsssry biirdoa ol xpoae that must fail upon tha qn(onuusn) coutlttet ttit my tOiue limlef tne bann ol tnit netanou bill, lint air, it goes further ; It proposes to onntloal to property ot every onlixtunst priaooer that is epnvietsd BO matter whether, be is gviUy or not. Hi. wita and chililrxn nm.l 1. strlt pid of th last cent of their bard avnv nnrAeTtiti.ni rfivriiifrf tti.r Wiutr iai- i..,mrlb.i tre: -" j- j? , .t"-?,wv admrB-fcbsrltlit of th world, without place to . .... ... ... . - mgt, turned -out r aoor apoo tb oold lay their beads, but upoa tlie' eold .damp I III. HU flU. NF) WUII HI Ml SBir oedrnwd st reach of power,' alt this injoatic ia th removal of the trial of prisoners, ail tbi lavtail of Ueaow t tor - simply to gtv on sevrnsi iwtn oouna political ooi8ty tb strong arm of th military power' to put dOWn Mother, tmuinsad., jiiawii, i-ah. Tb idea that U political - sreret organUa- trotitwretfangerottt leesvii iieer.y, awq ra aottpatlbi with a (re aad reuttbUcaa fbrnt of govarnmeal t Tbey ought to be bsldia n ttcr ciiotcuint byevery iuver ol hi coun try. ' But sir, what is th taxpayer of North CaroHnttopaia by thisaesrwerJMary ItfkMio t Th bill telU n that : it 1 lor tha better protectum of iiff and property, but tli friinds ol the bill, in their discus sibh of It, Irilefpret it; to mean to hunt K Klutf ' .Yes, to bunt Ku Abut 1 I Mr. Spesker, who are the leader of tbi bill ia thit House, who are urglogita pas sage, sir, with to much teal and energy I It, Is a set at wen, air, from other State thtt hav com down her, au venturer ner power with UtU igiiMt to peopie 01 tbe S iuth a biHer aa old tuclfor himself, and a prejudice s black as th loWet ra giont of Uw bottomless pit, tor th ex p rent purpoe 61 preying upon th peopl of the Mate. Sir. can any man with an unprel 1 diced niiiid tit ber and te th Batureof th LegltUtTon' lh.t it "done here In tb way ot tb increaatot offioes and filling them at bigh'alariet od lutuslng their old pttrltauiflalideas ol Troe and bign taxatldo in urn ooaibla war. but What Can Bee . -'"i r. 7:-v,J .. .j. .' . that ID tov niiou 01 , mm uieu is to eeaw fiscatath property Of th people of th Stt by tatai io, if no other way, and drive aur pople to lu Wu1l7 In th name of all Mat ia ut-ar .10 p urn inuoic. nuiree oi North varolih. whos ife tougbl aad bled and died, and whoa Dopes lleaek4 P' th soil of. onr one Bodi ulil Btata ia tua revolutiootrj trB(lof 'lT7o,foi' tbe liimrtiee lor WhicH I stand here ia this halt ana niot"earn.tffio of par deprted tieaa, wnos poaiet ow sleep till ally peneata toe sou 01 oar oe lovtd old But. ar wrto irlv nt all th.i ibertie nd b ruled by military dldjtm la gttUji tb enbounded bsts of JbeeaaaU venture sltisr pQWirf,;llled,.'lTi. altjlwlf IA ..1nbii.I SotililU. ' ' ' ' ' ulu W- tl lrt, TMIpealtBT, fcavw .Mtr aeivewtewea whf r In levor of so much wild m4 nnwar that, tbey hav com down her to bunt bobgoublinatin tb ahap nf supposed ku hlnx I And now Sly, in order to barm torn idea of tbeir.ka kiuxiog uader thia bill, now Wilt they accuse t . toon what kind of t dene will tbey ceotiot, onndema aad ear at iMosent ptrtoos I IM swe how their poswHthrr oistod,ia their, hunt, alter hobimbbliBa i in. tha s all sua it annnoMul wheacrait. ;-. And, Sir, JLtbiak t am tnUri yuatisaine ua rawia wraparsewn, WBau w reooiieci taat mere can u no doubt but paritaoioM hat aad ptejudio ma a high In tbtw adveolurera uiuost onr peopl as it ever did ia tbuc lofidaiaera airainst tbosa tAethajspaned to thfler d,ta tbtws-iej epity. im. mr. m.i 11 r . ti,- . and they teekundei ibi-rbiil to yeot thaij; llte uuou IB tietenceles himtla of North fc'aririiaiaimv wa dt)r-w4tb lhe4ptfltV rpn4itjjejt-jttft hunt 'pryiBntt !M"'i!r "'j ""'f ."f.j'X -nikTfiiuM'a nui'iin" u.ViV,"' inLiL,,IJ'l beiwtolol'e1 itw-Bovwrtoovt d lathwipw CBJ OlIUM"! vt, Oiis a tAwKj ot U. BrVutf , Big'nS6,Tb sew tWt tbu rgaBtzed, prdiHTTii L tUbmu al eommenced sperauows by th fV - ' - t an ohi eima phu tA tong eVjtty4 il ib reputation 01 - being a tie iw-. sine ..n.a-inrai .iiiiano. ' mtl 11 ibslslss ui tne aiuioteu. A Jury, of, women were appointed to make an nxaminatiosv 'who Wuad upoa hot, a wart o axcrtaune ad jmlged to be a iHvil teat, As sooa as tbi was aaaoaaaed, a nam bet of bid stories wsi raked ap. Tha hen ot ome of th bid .women' nsigbbor had died ; other had caul lottndrd; sjsotharlellow'i cart oribed to.tlHiiicaBtationtDf she old wo. man,' On tbi tviilv'or aha waa bmuirht im tntUf and As "fflP we bavs ber aa mmyamm. m -wMsa-wae. Mim urwa nailer Bjtfjaaf M pwjtu1iatB1 bate' vrhi i ; that aar Rttd pty tti teasf STBrltTdiTor" And Bif, tha Wuleoenf!erer! here fur th V - . , . . : . "' - ... . . vdvw. nv WJ. "D they bsvwB, .y to b t jr Sir,w.hv rtwrf do exist fnj some carh,w(.i.i .tI rfrllMttui., th, nrcesary evUtf d ttn, cTucosTict tb parties, and orrect th wrw. I jt,r thir tr numbers of othee v. ,i.:j history rfinally ss jHrtinvnt tn the , ,nt I do u,t f ni and tlmf ! ould nut help to puu :1 ' . Aud L, brother f kid . xfter. V bewitchisg dog. bJ.' wtn obliged "r,,"" vueir iivee -snq itirlr prop. -ettf wia otifltcaawfc" -Her Sir ti T an. othef ease "What rrreiudicw 'tnd hat. Jean do.. 'And Sir,, the Coiiff van ve party are Chtrgen here to-day ot being bt aflilia tiott with themilmg. that are being om mltted la th BtateT beeaos- w don't tea (It to help to pats tbi nerariou bill- Anrt Sir, tb uaftle that make the eharsw. would 00bBat onr laait. and onr nrttwt ir iuci d.u nie pqwer,ancr anev are seeklDS1 mejMu iirejueiwer, anor anev are sect I do . ' -J" If tjr V O't A by -riauyit rrikmv--m-..r f oioy tome. iv.nrtmKiir. w bate erlineiedd cowr.pviaLnceif Ftnr rfc'c.BiTv Beirihis biu' ' was npoB tm png m th1.,ue tn Tri. day, belore we toBBh tveea tor Chrhtmsa, just St tb cloe whew th p4rty w as tteter. mined to pot this bill throngs Mr. French (aid l am sorry h Is not In hi seat now to boar, and deftBd bis coo rue If be can) be irtta diftot 0piut. to th, wUUl ri Z ' lished rule ot tuts hobs atovsd to appoint ptes enough, to enotrct the entire bar ot ' , tois tioaae, aud tow tuoie who differ with blrp tn finiuio to Vote 00 this bill ; "aor - Sir, did hi tynriaicat Bttltnd atop here. bot when one ortwo eifiitlrmet. an tnii ilJ 01 ins own psnj, aaei 10 n txcused Irom voting ftoui coucieuslout scruples, ha re fused 10 sxent tneat, i'Ut d ettttod to Uieut that they ssigbt vote no. aod why was Im ao ready to allow them to vote no tbecawseSir in bis great irtmit. to. got qnorain, a answered kbpurpmt well- a yea, Thit abuwtconelusi very tbes leader ot tha party aiw uemraawwa toaysan SIU4 py VvasUtU. ItUlO pd bi right,! bey raj by lorce.iBnre. nuMiim v. .i iiikiuii ui jaorio VB'Olt aat bs it corns to' tuts f That piw ar t tit her and) be dletoiad to bf a net ui ad. vnaturers tltsr power t yott. ar tu tot on' M grtat queaboBi of tbe daj I bow it is, sir, co rue torward now ami off. r aevotal aiuenJ- meiits U the bill wmcb snows tuai we sir W':r tight'wBd tbey wi wrbag, Oue nor paint, mt, msd 1 sm doiMM W shown that tber ianeeatity iur th bill; that , the.bill is uasale, and contrary to tbe gen. lut of fret government ; that it subjects men to great wrong f that h is a- wuloa expeaiUture oi tht Hard sarning of tha peo- -pie 4 . that it it all luuodud f piejuuice, kiui will be executed .(a- bate. And bow. . elr. what i In Object or lira wboitt thing t t unhesitoungiy tunniif taa n tasor pout- ial sails, am taat tue cropping out ta in diacuaawa be btgm to aitvW som of tb counties that r 10 suffer. Sir, tb dss- clardly schema ol tb dominant parry I tbi Legls atere to hold over tot two fear Ion-' iter, bat exploded ; tua gisat rnaaee of tua peopl r spaaking out regrdleaul party, 1 inu tne pioiiet r" an am w hi mii-ln and the oulv lost inltience is that tbe want tbi bill to tfrv them th strong rm-at miiiiary to isuiiaitlaie snd by loroe. aarry th next kitiitw,i irr V ; liir, I any name an any piutucai party that t alraid tit eonie betui the people aad ask for their tapport npoB tb merit ol the , palty aanrntee Uieir oppoweBuapuB aianiy aadaipan pns pinay hwat nwg w th ooaardlj tuineriug pt; csiliiig on tha strong rw of tu ntlarj lot help. Sir, Sun psrty IS uowuriuy Vl u wmmmf or tb peopl' f Uhe deer ld Btsta ol Jbttis-'iCatoUa wlslch ha bees to home 4 out lathers, nod 1 , pray . tiod that , it may be th berlug ol our cbijdrea j . nd 1 nope, Jr, th bill will aot pass. 1, im in' .1 j aw ui wiini. ' "'-y ui jiV- I it, iTosT, Jto. 18, 1870. ' It I currently" rerJorttd' Hi Uoraiaor - - -Cliambariain, alMaiasv trtii prooouAss tha . inneral oration ai.Jrtiud oa tbs tsoond day af er tli arrive! u tlie paabotly luBeral fleet The ffdetwW bdu oath 28th , . Thl'Biril States duoWe-turreied Moni tors Terror auil MtMtOTwmitn-wtlteail ftom., lua M.- . me Mineral fleet and a. Witt, not j"la the luouilora here, but tvut pwiomd to IVirilaaUby rail, aud take brg.7 J . wr the hnpaaing navas awwnaom B4sndaat 0 poo, tb tiisiiuoarkatioo. aa! irmm-M of , lite raoiaim -A . -.- . ' , 7: ' Tlie body of the g'rral'btlsnthropisl will b received by tli Uoveruor,' tb Legisla ture, the military 4uihoriie,owBittto fri to Boars) t Trw s at 4b Paabody , laoi iito. eoiumittf Irom tb Board of Trustee of the Peaoodj Educatioual Fund ' acomuiltteeiif trie H ua city government, tb Massachusetts Legtaiettr aod.aommit toe trota atuer Mew ! jfinglaad ssgiabuure and eity governmeuts. l be Muurt pa the . funeral train liom Pi rtiaud, loa 1'eabojtly eontistirVg of Tiresiitative fi'o'ul islniues every department bf th pablto aortlre, to 1 getbcT wit laifited gtte, will HU en .l"JUJB4KjL:te,id,9d. that the. c.re-ij Wl. Wlllfl IWIWI.I .lyiww " Tb M tasulatMo aJ Veajiect. Its lb rajmory - !ijjLJ' uiuu ol a comieilUv 10 .aiuuii hiaiuuer. 1f M , I.M.yj.tVUiI:..l jburoed. Th low house ol" the Main Ltakla. tur by a voWol setentv-elL'ht to tiiirte. nine, to day tabled tba resolutive to at lead, in a body, the funeral caremeniea ol Ueorg Feabody,- at ruriUnd. and aoceutad tn oommituw's rejiort that it wss iatxpedisut. SW.MISUU. I -' ; : 7 ; '.! 7A. - - : " . ... . . .- . s : 1 -.f ' - , , " .."-- ::-.r ' v ', - - : '

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