-e r -tW-" if.- -0 i v ; . :., . ; - v , :. " -. ';V" . . ' ' ' ' . y -- . . "Ji- L.lU-A,.'i ,', ,r.'i V . ., --r .,-'.--r'-' , .:. . .. .----.-...srA . I eaMaBBWa-- "- '""t ' " "' I ... ----- - 1 1 " - ' , f , ...... 1 ? .'-' - TIIB SENpiNEL. -r- i. ...ii'.-ii . .. .... I . I TO 8Dti tu I Vlocfc'. r bom tu aoob. Tb follnwiof bills watt Uustiuilled from tb fiotM. whleh rcltrrad to ap- BiH to tiMrpoitt tt tows bt Kt Otlr la tha CoaatT ( W D. Bill to aUxrfM W. 85lth,' U febcdtf n( Roeinenm rvmiitt nj Wn jmH 1 btarMtit 4 UMiinua U xIlc4 krrax B II to Qthnria tb ComMoaai kf Bill to iacarportta BTraioa anfaeta- lBCmpBj. , ; v ; r Bill to mibohm tha. CeBtmiaoopara pi pnplio Count j to lr; a apeeiat tai.' Bill to aaiboriw to Commlaaiooara o Jtohaaofl Count; to kaita bctfla. Bill to lnoorpnrato tha Backet and Ala Cnatpaa Mo- 1 t Mewoann. Bill to tooorporats tha Traateaa of Ebt arier Cbarob w tha Cuualy ol Macklaa barg. Bill lor thfeltef of tl.a aawtal . BbatlOi tad tai colU-ciort of the State. Bill to eatabliih tha Special Court la the Cilice of Wilmington and KawbersaI,irith. aoeodmenU iliiDg thaerfwijca th A. II. OalWway (ool.V mored that the Senate do not codcim, which totioa pra- laaate and was ooahfiad to enter ttooa his ! BILLS INTBODDCtD. By A. U.X)allowsy (ol.)i Ta amend charM .a7 atito 81, tf the Cede ot Civil By Mht tMgrove r to ewtbnriie fh- Ceanty tmmuaioners of Jones to levy a special tax not to exceed f 5000 ; reierren. Bf. Mr. Love ; To amend ahapter UwtMma tt; Merred. By Mr. BhoSitor :J2aaiutioaJ directing the Clerk to lav npou the desk of ach geaatas a priated calendar of aU -inawtior btlls, on Monday morning, aad of the pri vate bills on Stfurdey morning, of each week, which was adopted. , ' . On fcotloa of Mr. Orabam, the tola were suspended and fbc following bill was taken, pta-wlt: sAitt j.- , t. . as act AtrTHOauiita ui 'oMMiaaioaaaa t m asLusaav attcm 4atoa IK Gsaerat AmrnUfff rtk Catvlinm ia met. - . - , 1 , ., "fise. l.'Tbst ta ordsr to liquidate tha lia bilities of tbs county of Ofafls-eUis Com Bianoners at said county are baraby a' tboriied to iaaus coupon bonds, not ex ceediBg In. lajooaKlhs aom af s twenty Ave Ihouaand dollars, in dtaoiniuatloos of eat lew than twenty dollars. f bee. 1. Tba said bamtt shall rua for tea years, with interest at 4be rata af aiz par out, per annum payable semi annually, ami coupon Oa aaid Bonds, sball be receivable htpaymaatft aeunty tan for any flseal ysst to Wbih they may lall due,,, . , gee, 8, Tlia aaid County Commissioners shall bar privilege to redeem aaid bonds at any time alter the sxpiratloa of one year; aad .abalh apvuint a sei table person as Trustee aad Oemsnlaaioaer ot a sinking fond, wba shall each year purchase one tenth of aaid bonds then outstanding, or receive from the County Treasurer by order af said County Commissioners one Math of tba amoaot BurRoirat to redeem aaid bonds, when tbev shall tall daa. See. 4. That aa bonds authorised by this act shall be issued antil after aa election, to taboid hi aaidi aoiutty uodor the dirw. tiea of the County Commissioners, in which election a majority of the votes eaat by tha qualified voters of said oountr shall be ia mvor ol tbetiwa sror sjsbh lond lor ths parpose hape.i4edy I Sec. 5. The said Commissioners of Or ange County are hereby authorized to levy a tax at jeoejietHh wf aae-wer. aeatijpft the reel and personal property pi said county nr ihs special parpote of redeeming said Iw.l. . - , 'WttT 1 --ff d 8. C. This act sbsll be, hi lorce from tad after it ratification. ; u ,Jtr, J urns or Columbus, moved to amend tin bill to as to prevent the aale ot said bona tor lass tban 0ft oant la tha dollar. r, Oaekv'mvored tha proposition to JBad,pnly badeaired H aboold aaa UttU asor so, be preferred that $1, ahouldhw asbetitwasl sarthd fXlJtaUi A .U .s , . Mi aiabsa said as wsssurpri d tosea tba spirit manileated gs'nt tUisbill. by eenatort too wbfl bad tukd,. buretofore for aaonaona Sppritpr!atitfn ol the boade of tbalattwvMUiaat af rwiHetloae arhata. avar aposnikt rttts. to W; la l ehares, ss fa ; the per fU b taey SUouW iruv;waw Aispoaed ai. Ihia waaaaery ample qofwtloB and one that M to tm b atrrtcd to tb toeepM M 'Orang, who, it ta to be inneff "will be allowed Luooctrol their tJWalnutralierflrotTrstbf hjoadawoald feat sesfWd for Baku aad tba pair vbseat' oCtb hilt b to get,lbe indeslaeasf taai aoaity in'ee4 aatape tbrt t may fee I asid U iaeatalMkDta and tbarab aaak k Jkhtea anoa taa already ImrtoeoaJ., tadi psjesj, io '.ward abase are telatma (Mid against the County of Orange by- wthef omitlaa,-TrhtcBoul(t1exceedInli oaf y-. oas oa that ooaati. if temaeiled to pat tude wools of said claims Is one year, they da Wsd to leasady ihak arH by tbav pssangaif taisbUisiay ta' ratrraeS on the debt, atif tbeV toavasa fewnar -ebl to j$j , tb - awwtpet--; -- vJlr. Roi.bios aM tU faoi wa tea aUs-. t from Ceiamswa and Joaaatae) lava had aawtWaat doa- that tbey did not ilka, aometbiug bad War (aid. about a slmilaf .bill baina dalaatad. ia H&reaee toiohnaroa : entj, aj sheet tbe amendmetVt tackr -f-'Wtormyeaterdayrfrd of rHstribonda ennronrialcd fm Ra.Uaail 1 - fposas-ataisss sam rbaa-aeaats to that "eatmn tbto ansa Bwsaa a the oppost be- tbowBWihifWjrat, o tjsb tif s mm, SeWus opprtiiUioii. ttara. wai a simple kiaw oaiiioa to allow tba aeaa'y ot uraage to hat maaoer rt aball be done,, ajpad . . be bill woaltL pass. , ; ' J9t Joaea, of Columbus, aaid the Sraate ; JW! voted, oftjs.torday; to rettrlut ib said - at Railroad boadato a leas sum than Qtl canto , iatheA.uir, he thought a slmllsr smeDir- vat should ba plaawd la th a pill a tutor fJOsideratia. U it waa to be ar-plkd . to la aeeta :.- -t ", 7: - - . 1 -..;--'' - . - .... - - a m W BF till - 1 ' r , I ' . . . V M. Vat BUI V 1 I A. . a a . ' -wwta boa, t aaoca foj t J VjfJ ell be pa,d tha Va and tail ai le riau, W htroppoanioa ilu ix,raBctod, and be eoa d to able biU. oeee'. (of Cnlaaboa.) amandmaiit ewtotod dowa. Meaara. Bellamy, Buret, Blfthe. Colnova. Cook. Huriae-taa aiul onea, OnTejaim, ote4 Maria, -4iV Ma aUamhaueT.Majl aka. Ltl-i- J ' vat to the bill, to wit: . irrmm. l ok aavDanoa ka . fbase aad hold injot aai1 enant onWra. aeiaal coat aad taa prt o at oa xh uuuit i f aaia jHtrcneaawiDch wm ttrtM )o a. . "7 fr. 'Met of .Wake, amoved to Mnd 0 tbal the proviaiOBa of the bit woqlij , alao apply la .tha ooMty ot, araka,'wbi)h wee hjacted. aad the bill Mated It aecoad '. Tboee who roted against its paeuge era, ataawa. Bellamy, Borne, BlTthe, ColsroTe, Cook. Galloway. coU, Jonea, of Columbna, Md dmjtbr .ttbV, L. Mr. Smith, ol Wilkea, moved a tuspen- aioa of the ralta la order to take ap a bilt to aatbonse the 'aalined voters of Cald well aad Watauga ooUntka to locate a oer- tata Tnraptka Road at far as It ezlends uroogii said eonhues. ,t-,f , . s , s Mr. B all said some discourtesy bad beea shown bin as the Representative of Cald well and Watauga, by introducing the bill wUhobtaeosuUiog him, but he sbou'd vote sir. Smith disclaimed that ha bad any fetaeaaaBof aatiac aa a discourteous man- 1 !S'WttW Teqnesv orpwpennurei;sa. -paea1-aaid that these proceedings Dot aiT( pueed. This bill to mske a dirt Road through several counties in the Wes tern pert t the State with aa appropriation of t US J)W, to , haul a tittle grass, 00 w sad, apples, e hugM at tba ( lims t l iis passsfre that It was s must absurd p.oject, 9118,000, to build a dirt road I bo one ever he ard af such a thing before, and to make a bad matter worse, smce they bvs got the approprisUoa, :tbey sr qa.rrellng among tbemeel va In order to aettlethe dajpaxaaad save tbeta' BoecesaSry expenditure of money, be introduced the following bill as a substitute. Aa Act to repeal an act making an appro priation to the Manna and A she villa Turn pike Road aad ita branches running through ibe OoaotiM of CeJdw.ll and Wa tauga. "-a t J Mr. Bmltb, oppoe d the ad.jptioi af tha sttbatiiate In a speech of soma length, aad endorsed tba manly conduct of Mr, BeeUI, Senator from Caldwell, ia offering no op position to tba passage of the bill authori sing the people to locate the Road la the manner taey desired. , The substitute ol Mr. Resnass ws how ever adopted tor the original bill. Messrs. Iteall, Biytbe,' Colgrove. Davis, Ethendge, Eppasi eok, ferknar, Oranara, Jones, of Wake,' taasjtar Mp ra rpt; Xaoeey, afv Laugblih, Marphy. Robbfna, Scott, Smith, Stephens, ' Welker ' and Wilara, voted against li adopUo. , ; . , Mr. Forkner, moved to lay the substitute on ths labia, M1oat.' ' ' Kr. Moor ol Yancey, TO uvea 10 amend tha nbetkwt, ly atrvklng oat the 13th and Hth snortoD of ' th orlgtaal bill, (wbkk prarioea tor the breach road through tha aeaasla at CaldwtU and WalaugaJ aad adapt it tor tba substitute. . a Feeding it eaasiderstioa the Senate ad ouraed antil H e"elock tbia evening. HOUSE OF. RErFtSZilTATIVEi Wbdhesdav, Jsn. tt. 1 Ttofise'met'purfustifid dotirbtneit ! Mr, Justice arose no a qteatlon in regar( to tba attack pa blot by tba itokAird, thb ailegatioas ha pmnoaaoad aamlaaead caw ardly. IHriag bis remsrks ha said that tba Staidard tn doing th State printing waa charging enormously, and waa perpetrating a aWirirrfla ntMia tlia mnnte 'Ac? &c' ' Ila denounced' LHtteftrfd aad fclf panissas in Mtwr latmt, ana cnargea tnat iney ware briaglag Uiagtace upon tha Republican party. ,;v j 11 '.l " bipjbt W htoatriii Mr. Whitley, tor Committee oa Corpora tlooa reported npo several, bills. which were placed upon tba Calendar. ' ,, ... - aaaoLcrfioir sirtmua - r By Mr. Justice: A bill to arnencl chapter 184 Pub, Laws ISW-'W. ; Referred; By Mr. Vest : A bill to compel officer to Blaoe.oeaviata.ua tba IVettoaUar. "! ' Oa motloa ofi"Mff TV1"W tuspesded sad artir soms flebau tb put ws relsrrtd to tha Com mi Use oa Penal la titntioa. tfSMitu Bill to incorporsU tba Trottees of taa rrssklin Academy,- takew ap and passed Itt 'third iaialta-'-ierTn , Oil motioa at Mr. Juttlca,' tba ioles were' inspeaded aad the following re olutloa ip toJUeadJby iiauall m yesterday, was lakea ap i Wheree there appaatt la tha public lawa ot 1868 aa act to autboriat Mis EiceKeacy, tba Govrtraer-to appoint a ButoPiiBtsr.' And, Wbereaa, th msfsbar o( this Houw never Intended to pssa any aucb act, Tberefora ':, ''( J2saWaaf.,That regard, tha appoint" mentor M. & LitUiHeld aaSMU Printer sod Biade aaareauag a monopoly ooatrery to thearae meanitig aad lateetton wt thawo. itatida. ' - iSmlU, That M. rJ- JUttlenatdt; and ha is hereby reaaartfully reqaasiad to nw iga ar Btato Priatoraad -wder,-to-Tba-aad that this Central Assembly may pro vide tor tbs Stat printing aad lH4g the best and eawpW Plea, .. s . i Mb. Jouios aaid aK iatrodaead th reso- loti m from th purest motivee. It was w!I trMTTPed - fT aooan suchlwtbi H mse Intend edjoias, -m rwat imhoTixtdtoaxytbst tbsBtsta ting ooald b dona tor much less aad nrinti: tha biudiaa don tor lut daa hslfetwsat taw preesat gtati lnntarnow charge ta it rea-ardad tha act relerred toaAtiolae Ubb tha coastitatioa by orastiag amoaopo iiUaokldnot as ait basest man sad fV4 publican, sadora the ioadqcf at at, 8. 1.it ult field , d called, upon mcsuUm as rspai auaUUTu af ta pjpla, -axamia thia sat'er thoroughly and tlt-wtofaardian of tha Deooles Interost to aft as their consci- eases aiiaated, . t. Sinclair spdtharrBeokitiia, and maris remarks in defease of tbs eoaraa of M. g. Uttleneld. &. He (Mr. .V eaid tbaUbs bxklmlet fflaAaaakfcjVjeia.: vkad auooeedvd in dcmoraMWatf tlisepu- augurwsa for tie porpoM of baTttf Win raaMnwel aieertaia peroea, warv m- toflueaca in tha eomioii eJectiona. U biok ad too mok like a deatk-aed veMntMoa. and ha thought the party ahould bow stand up to its past polk aad aot deaert ita If leads and taoDortra. fcc Mr. Braha.ol Martin, moved to make the wwv spec m irrten tor' wloaday at II o'efnrk. Uot H s voter- 4uKri : to da r. ha SsioawTl--. W !5tod7 kts. Jnrraai. aaouarled i tha rfanlntion Dria liia remarks he aaidskat wbila'thla Jl,t)lay waa aaaa-e w-ainir tag apt propnatioua, ueneral Llttltnald andLflia weraalwavaoa band ; ibae aiaaaain otlty aa fluali titeai, buVoaia fceo. ttemaot were soak inal tbwK-lvs SASanair ' baYoe.'aad'-tie pf rTliigram) tlidngbf that me owe pnauug nau oeen tt)isinaoaged a wll.as Railrusd boodvaad he tbauM M circnm4aar aarnmadmatbis raiat'ar as well aa1: aWKiad iwatiaral erant to prova there bad fey foe) )lay,&aj ale opposed Harris of Wake, col., spoke io onpotU toa to'tlr iesalaM.-, . , a ,. , Mr Hinnaoi (Chairman ot Committee oa EorolWDtJ.aruse'te) . aiHStfoB ot oriv-. iliirs. Hisattsntiaa aeua: eelUd to a law aivwg ths OixftrooT tha power , to appoint a estate f riater, Be Want Imasediately to the Secretary 'i vftct and examined the eo rolled bills: oa' axammauoo found the i.ir tha enirnuamt hill and lnil.H lUti tS53a bad been properly endorsed, but tuer was n( endorsement to show that it bad been sent to the House at any time, Ac. Tba flow ot basins at th cfoee of last session was tha cause ol lb Committee oa Enroll ed Bills not having examined, th original bill as they ebeold have done, Ac Mr. Smith, of Martin, withdraw bis mo tion to puanpope. . . , ' Harris, of Wske, eof offered a aubatituto raiatog a special, Committal pf. (hree; eoa latlng af Mtaa-s uic-f pisa aji 4rgo, to investigate any alleged mismsasgement of I be aaU'iia af tla) cSica, ' 1 t a . ; , Mr. Downicg oppoeed the resolution and! charged that tti lubrexlucerof It wa acta ated by motives of personal hostility, Ac Mr. Justice denied the charge, saymg thst betana,ksktft th asrseaiui maali -nea4o.ptorajtagiuat the oontinustee of this swindle upon the people thtoajtardf assisted by its pais In this House, waa en deavoring to, irowa, him, down,. He waa aota rtud by ao personal Hotivei Bat Little Add ataa ahasgedaU a.toi Htats aed aad cuiltv aV stuocadoia Irauda. and ia lead' of meet tg sonee obsrges like an honest nian, (If ha 1 one,) boldly oonltoot iog bis ' aeeuasrs and 'Uriag them to- tba pruoi, aa aMoeeds astd aairka alt i toveau gation. i Hr . ,., i"j Ths records of tha Court would show that be tare a Ictttioo. note for illeyal pur poses, ll ths Republican party expected u' nee ana inriTs in iuis otaw iney wouia bsve to throw evtrboefd disttooert leader and show they intended to act honestly by the people. If tha Republican party re quired hint, fa stifle hia aaa euovietioas ol right aad wrong, aad eadeavarad to apply the party laab when an honest man ret used to support a dtsbnwsak measure to salt tha dishonest parpose at a teW dishonest men, tiea he wished to see tha party dlsaod would help to kill Hi, Ao., He concluded by charging' that thera had been serious frauds perpetrated in tbe publication of th law. After soma lurtber dbae th substitut offsied by Harris, ot Wake, col. waa put 10 vote sod rejected by a vot ol , y Sa, aayafiO. .... ;i ... t Mr. Justice ealltd the previous question pat hi resolution. "" 4. H rwiis.-' Tb call being auatained tbe resolution was put to a vote sitopted by tb following Ml;U.-W'riiaX'W;-2li'l YCAS.Argo, Armstrong Baraea, Bod. die, Carson, Clavton, Diridaoo, Durham, Ellis, FarrowFerebee, Oajling0ibrV Oibart, Oreea, OrUr, Qairia, d ftsoMia, irawis,of iWaka, Hawkloa, Hsak.,Uigh, HioBaut. Hodnett, Humphries, x Iarm, J., vis. Justice, of Ru'taerford, Killy, ol Devia, Leay , Losg, ot Ohathsm, Losgt of Richmond, Malone, Mstheson, ' McMiJisn, MendoobBll, Moore, of Alamance, Nichol aoa. Painter, Proffitt; Rdriuson, hbsver,' Smith, of Alleabany. : Smith. , ot! Martin. SmUb,of Wataa, Snipaa, Steatoa Veatal, iWaJdrop, Walahr Wt.4eyr-WfUHms;ot v . . , V , ........... .?.,.. . Harnett, Yeea S3. Mats. Ames, Aikwortb, Bnn.etl, niuir, Hasdricka, Uodlm, tiuffiaaa. Homer, KKl 2, t Jlooivalayas' tmom, vm asjuaseMuv orrill, Peaieio, Peak, Prociw. Rsglmd, Rea, Bioclalr, Siateodi, Bet,flylaea, Vts", White, Williamson, WiUon. Kay M. V A meatage wa received fjom tbe Gorsr aor tranamiUiag a ietter from theSeeretary of War, asking ihs oonsrnt of rtr- 8ite t tha murbasa of eerteiar lands ia th 8Uto ibr aatiooal caautariea by th mdted Statea " On motioa of Mr: rreocb. tB to'attey was rtfeirtd to tha Judiciary .Committee with hatractiuaato prepare a tail to satt the ea 1 fit s Ui t By Mr. French: A bin Vta en- Cot of th Stat toHh purchase i ilaada . Wilmiegtoa by aba Vailed States for tha eeeetien at nCeatota H eaat dux 5 lies ever. By Mr. Whjw: A bilt authorising lb CoinnsafeiBfwaPeit mm boadaj lies over, (..- - v ' ' ' By Mr. Smith, 'at Martin : A bfU to pre vent the oVeiractloa of flA k th wtfcrsif Kortb Carolina. ' vv-. "'j'T'Tr.:' ... i. .arscit--owona.-rfl Lvr:f - : " - Mf. Jarvbf made the fhlotpoidcOiiat .tki..iauWa-aJuaatiaJiy-l.2k:stoa-a a bill a hie -aa three wvska ago- iadafllaMrly poeipad therefore, tb Hods eould not tb i aUu, act on this one. . ... . ., .... .. i .Pandisa a daaimi'm oa tba -ava4osJbA Hawse ad oae as a. j . . ; j 0 :' ' 8EXATE. ; - AN . ; . .i Tawaaoaay Jaav .7th, 1870 ' Tba Beaaw iwaa waltod ' to order at 10 Jt'tlltnUt,!' .!.' 1 sn'l v tsawtSr'rV- w artxa raraowocio. s I tl Mr Clrabam 'to Kuira taa Sapmme 1 - . . t'-A ,i eartf Hiirtb Carolina to exaaMae ippll -WataesWa foatiasaaa to waU.ealUa-UHMWW apaa. i. a law. efarrA T ' ' Bt air." Rlcbardaoa ! Ta ftllev C. la Atdred. tat eefectof of Monro eount; JSWmmAM .. . 'By Itr. rJeaWVYopeat an act 10raen"dTUliU paa4 ita'arversi rwdip without the 1st eeetiaa of the 8rd ebapter -of saav! I the Crretoof td sppoint State Printer aad 4dBrvf; ' ' 'r ' - r"T Mr. Bealt moved i suspensioa of the roles ia order to pot the bill oa It Mvarat read inga, which motion was toat.'aad. tha' bill 'Wee fciiinij." vi m-m -?,j (. . y' -'By Mr. Welltrt6tortidefof A4a' tor of Iasaea loonnets from tha Fenlteotia. fy to thelesaaAsVium ;e1iit motion, the rules wetostistM-ndtil and the bill pskssd its T!:..tiesoiuUuu"Kititi!st- 1ns; saTKHWiflSa es bf thie Btaie to t exert theiaiWlva,to.uav l"! '511 1 i... i ...... ... . w nmrrmmi raa vars, in at tbslr produetioa ia tae Boatfe may be made profit able. Use aver. - - - '' By Mr. Biytbe: Rear'alloa at Mlows, W aaaiAt, Ttia patrfotie elt'aear 1 bt t baasVJta--shls Osasral sVtombfyitBalf latiai proajoatitoMi mat u Ike Lrv'slatare would tocato Penitentiary at ar Bear tlitsdty. way wauta aaiy dnaato a saltatils site faa aba asms, bt weald alaa doeata the anoa at lea thooaaod dollars to aid to ha erection of aakt fealteartaryi Tbarvtorei, KaaajMa, di m easia last the UammiU -toe oa ae PeaHawlaty be instructed, to re- pon so uiis oooj at aa early day, whether the alortaaud propost-ioa - has aaaonw plied with, and if aot what atepe should be waaaw-sa aai lasaa piwitiiiOTk, t ltwM4 WrUse, Tbat tha Saerslarv - ot I K, JnwJW.k. -A uaai obligvioas whea tber ar apptoaohad ta a ; The resolution wS adojjted. ' ; ' -r M TBk oD.'r-1': A message waa- received from th Hoaas asking for a Commiitos of conference 00 tha bill to establish a Criminal Court ia the dtiaaoi WUmingtoa aad Mawberna, whim w aoaeurred, ia aad the Preaidsot ta nouaced Mr, Murphy, aad A. H. Galloway (ool.) tbe Senate board ot aaid Committee, Oa wottos of Mr, BeaU, bis resoiation aatting forth that tba Superior Court re cords ol Wake -furnish avidaeoa of fraud aad earrnptioa oa tha part of Miltoa H IUUeosid, ttata Printer, and requesting taa Governor to remove him, waa. taken ap. Mr, Moore, of Carteret moved asjayaba reeolutioB on th table, which was lost. . i .Avaa. Messrs, Burns, Colgrova, liavis, Flyilia, Oalloway, (ait) Hayes, Hymen, (tol.) Jonas, of Columbua. Jonas, of Wake. 1 MerttaiabV Mimra,ot Carutea, , Ssajth, T .MA!TaAi"ed1lMlewiDa; aa a sab Utnte lor My. Ueaii traaolutioa to wit W aaRBAS, At tb lsst aesaioa of tba General Assembly that tiea. Milton nVLis. tlefield,,wbo by virtue ot the Governor' , authority, is Stat Print aad Bladen and President of tbe Wes era Division of the Western Kortb. Carolina aUilroad, did ab sent himself from th State, so that be ooald not be brought bclore tba fiavestl- taUugCommitttakTraiasd by Joint reuja H"0 00 "t'ribery and aorruptio. af wAraos, at the preaeat aeatioo of the Gen eral Aasembly.on iba very night of th day. snat we 1 naura at tn state, waa called btfor tba bar af aba Hoaas o I Jteprasata Uvea, In, Commlitoi M to Whole, to an- we quaauon in rslatioa ta fraad la Rail. - road bond,, lb aaid ; l-ittleneld, who is said , la . fee cognisant of aaid trend. again preolpuausly .left 1 tb , Btato; and ulertnt, it is low about iity da), aiaoe aaid, Priatar, Biader aad Presldeat as auwasatd, ieit toe ptaia, ttetweea two Oajt, charge -of fraad dady poblieaed sgaiast Uim and wasrsu aaid Littkflatd 1 peifectly oblivious to all such charges;, 4 wAsnaoa. every saenvber ot 4hi Qeaeral Aajembl U kjtowiag to tba fact, that Dr. Hawkins, Presideat of tbs Cbstluok Rail, road, certifled on oath fx fora taa to vaatiga -ting eommiltat aiortrsaid, that ha paid aaid iVt:flflidms,tofe-','booKh;.this ti.talur spprorriaUig 2,00,00tt I eaid Cba ham' Railroad; mxi Vm. tb Grand tUT 4 Wk oouotv ildr at prg . Term' 1869, pneeat aaid Lit k field if attempts to bfibenwmberaof tin weaeral Asasem Vty i aad srAsrwia, k . h publiabed ia Uie aewspapera of If ew Yrtk aad PaUadelphia, that tue sstd tiltlefisll, with lbr 1m vary r ceo tly been,, en(ad ia frutleM aea f th Iwada of tb bta'; aad wasraas, I 1.1. I II. I. J 1 . . L . a H . ia uiihiiwu to, papw as viw, oias l Florida, that tbe Mid: (.ittlenald baa been preaenUd by Grand airy la that Btott. fJ?f c"m,U11 '"WtT? I siia a.1 null, and 4Ma rinn. . tit Railroad pad cans , florid aaaf MTwa in, rrooru . f i id juvr:-r i'ilTanA tSuirVew bat toii JUttssAUd iuu. in u cxnxinm, ixa aign a r iiia.am B it tor 3.OU0. With ttw umwI deeiirtl of swindling Uqocent ptrtios tntlat amuaut 4xd awns, said aoie btvlsg ae,' aeoarw djng t ttas onin i ma l-hurohill, , tbe Aceat ot said Littleoed. civea b aaid Jjitiedsld to s IfcUtloiAsbersoB, aad with- put ounidtrati n, as sipsars .hy the cords ot said Court ; Tbtetora, , -, .1 H-olvd, ' by th Seaae; that -tba. aaid Milton & Liulcficld tea a Dr.mer oersoa to be Siata Priater, Bind, od Prtstdent nttlie Western Diviatu of tbe Wssirrn North Carsliaa Rail, Rod, aad ttaet tba Uuvamor be, and he la hsaky n-sjsvssted to take imaaedisi stop for to removal of aba aaid Littkfleld troto tU- lrvaralrpaaitiwi aliresaid.',.! . V ..-, .' i :, wssnissd, that an uaxi g taa tar nish tk tsivernijr witii iwxRlfled opy of .,b' raiutio, iaid alter jm patfe Mr. LaJbiiet jaidbaJiiaotaoasidered th abjec tooroaghlyjbdwat 1 of Ihs Im- praaaioa that tba best ss4 to aoeoaiplish Mia ol-ot, WKUid, be to rel. ths act gie- tSkl.mhm fe'fiuaaiarsittttaie Uiorollig t repeal th.cl &im.u. and njovd a a a Jed to by the KBieeiojyie ugh ita seyersj SFsrri-eT.RrTlo fiuTTn, readingswd the teajta mjasd to aospead t ba r a les. U. Nrahaal a.fd ba hj It,! J ltiroat 01 tna pens' aid ft torft rthAt stcW tjeoeta at all, the b II wa atrodacad Ut ia the Hioa sad miiht hts beea ratified by the t Biorfti of toils iitaea, not hs did wot believe it veT' passed the General A mj 1l.aVgl'noortbe thooght tn snstwr ehoal't ba looked f', wod tf trtre, iaaraa at a ia , and it staid aot be r. V cogatrs't a laca. . biU hid oaaaMl thiif tir to tL Committee oa iPubiie Printino'. Jft Beafi, wld la sal heard the ; oant tbey M ejamjefd ib iaUr taUiawIsViJa. w4i maiU.iaaa. tba a, tl lhalsnv vslebeine HtTta: tUv exauiiDed furth. ... .wi fit' " r"" r' IT rft-.i wn nvnaKD neiora.it van luiutf ttoxae; TdarHTirirw"a1 tba Becnrtary et'Uts and etaad by the Speaker at the Houae and the Pwaidenl eould obtajn ppoa. tbftcC'.u ta f ww Kvuita. a ana v a mu iiis. luitiiiiiiiiua mm air. sisora of larsetev atva.ui rwr tne whole rahiaet to the C,ainitWa on. she Ju diciary aitb instruct io to rejHtrt f bill if Wiev MUM It mar-ry.,,. ,., ,-na, qututiuu vouiu l uwu.iiod by tua t uat without aualjaaoav'fa'fnprof tli a Tiw ,weulii otcooiuUbBe--ecof re nwva,om. oiucw, toeeaae tba iaw has reieranca oaljf to taa aaeihad at appebt- men aj wotua apply tetoe BiUBf el the office ia taa Kitaia. . It tb sseolatiooe are adopted tba eaUoe at tbia body woald not be fiaaL tba purport of ihem are aimnls to point out to tba Governor instances af the, www wbs ae api'wiatsee, ana toe manner la which keoaa iuleratiataalf,hea be can decide, alter aa axaBuesotaa into the subject, whether Oea.. UiUeflsld kit, to bold the posuiua at awV , . H , Mr, Walker asid tha autaitoa. that ore. sealed, itstit to bis.akuid and wbioh he believed to be the proper' view of the sub! ) s a was, jam ha was dealiog with a State c-r, the Public Prialer, aaxi the only oario' ff tha Banate Air decide was btbar aaid offioer, bad tailed to do his duty or vioUtod htsooptratstwtia thaOov- etnor. fla ai d nt na.nm. ili. u.... 1 j. ' ". . j.-T-TT "Ma . vnug u keaeta ti.--to ctmtd bricg " - m.uw. Hu UM.H1I HI. UUD . tract, ana uatl 1 Wat waa ahowa, tb Leghv laiur . or he Goveraor eitlu bad tbe right to rrmov him, U malterad aot bow big auoundrel be might be, he d aired to do what waa right,' oven to a bed man, aad ha thoagut thia wree aaatba proper mode to psrsue, .ri !in .it-en a. Mr, Rabbin sal t he tbauKn( tb! point made by tba deoator from Mecklenburg wassousd, th TesotuAionl tuthprii tbe Oovernor to take Wooer ateos immediate! forfbi removal of the Public Printer, and ia taming ptnperso-ps ns may adopt all aeeeesary legal pmosedingi to rescind the oontraot sstd to av been mude with Lit tleoeld. He wa opposed to all dilatory motlona, aad favored aa immadtat tot oa the merit af tbe vtwnMti(a, J ' .. Mr. WlnsUd said If a wron bad been perpeUatott, aad It bad be'ehsrgwJ thar uen was the aato, tb flftestloa that soi gesU M Belt to his mind was, how shall' w oorreet It t H thought H then had been a wa aaa sae sate -to womet -It wow and make tbe Jonraala speak tb trath; Hit eould besaowa thsttheWH did aot pass . I I . : I. .. .1 u . ..... " wvnarai naiuuiorj.iusrs waa no law aa d which the appointment could be made aad it weald tkerefotttw nullity." " A. H. Galloway, oof. 'ssld ' be was tor- pnsed at tbaeoarss of owtoin Senators who were supporting ta rasolstioa ; - soma ( mem who ware aasatliag -ths character st K. B. Littlefiald.i avaa. tba :mrm man ,ahn W.m lsd and.; cltlid 1yt pif beaevolsac, tabbing blm. U lii aiMOuiipdf tb Slth rib. ' He was ala auroriaed at the Re publican of jtb General Aaienibl , who have a large majority, for allowing the Democrat 10 aaa tbfmaa tool, , Ha ahould wiivTu.vuffisnui iuw .xeaoiuLioii iaim. until ne iwintneiui is erovaa la im a-niitv Mn Rospsasi asid has had BslarehlBi tlx journal ol sha Itoaato, 1 aad 1 Hotuev and laaea ws mm pea paasaa Oetbi Ueusew it aaa rstiaed by tlm Speakers of ootfe nouaef soa ws S UW. . .S-ifWT I Mr. Grabam. aaid tha tha bills were sat indcxe to tfee toaraala Was tba rea so that ha-waa imJ!L. M aawsi.sHMasaiowjsitlM peg by the, ienatac froalaldweil, etio he had mad th tatnent that it did aot apats4at'aatalBrs2m ot IUU 1 1 ,lfr. Lov aatd-M'Wss ImwrnrerM welWr tb law wu tvgalarlr aaaetodj atat.'Ir araald haiseaanaiaaatjiaa ska a. ,k. Governor has tb sppointinc tower. If jBl,i'.,?i.U ,n fty aat that power, hk . la aa th bower tot,l iwiaww w aseaajt . mmm arwvrwB, JtTOa ftV - T dra A I - - -" - -- ' .: La.a mf at UM na f Utttenaldl n annt t fcnl,i T ..: . : 7: - i taa sasooaslbia nelttoasxa.iiw.tt to fc- 1 - i . . ... . -X. ! - 1 aay aaaa lajuatioav" bat aw devrradvw harH trr thoToiKAIv tnMlni,! C .1.1. -. ..... hoped tb 'motion ,, tetitht,.Zt tbe JiKliciarv raentee voji.ij.. to. aui asAwad rata t r Vnx.. Mtoat toaamitk. of th ' Mr Joaea of rVTbn, '""""d,- Mt. Brogdea did Sot like tha .pirlto? tuel w4m fka InAirtat fnrt.n1ft.aai 'was m.t"A r to tbe Jndtciart CotuhiiU was yottaJiii uoaM u toltotrs I'rJrl. a follow f 7j. a i tj Yxas. Mrasi. Beasfey, Baetntq. Dsvia, FlythwiHayea, rarritigtoa, Mwor, ft XW krW.Shofloef ad White-. ' , "Hi. LBdst't ntotloa to tdtt to a' siKclal TjowmittewavoTef aown, to wit ; , ' Ytsa. Meaarav Beemaa, Brogdea, Biytbe, Sbarrv. Coltrrove. Cook. Davis. Ethertdire. , I . . Cbarry, Colgrove, Cook, Davis, Ethfrtdg. Epps, col.:Fytba,-G(illowsy,eol Hayea, Hsrrlngton, Jon2I Wake, Liadaay, Mar j tiadam. Mohre; of Tsaoey, Raapaas. Bhrilf 1 aar, gmitu, Whhta and, Wiosread-2a 10 t$. Mr. Orabam called tba previse, oewtiea. It ws voted dbwa., Mr. Itsrtioi&Ic mevad lo aastDrme I k further aonsliUraiioa autilTburad.y mat a 11 eoioea,wuif; wa vfwa nowe. " AT.-MMsr4.. Reaskf. tWUmr. : Bniir- den, llurns, Blythe, golKrove. Dsvia, K b IrtdjiByJappear (wU- JEty - Fiwkaar. Osl yip?5Sf 'of Tsoct, recLa'P'1 anasBffrstPwejs iiopwfTOWi Laastter, MarttadaMti Munfr, limner, vruite'inn Ttinin-a tawf7r lfcenwa. Cook, Baert, Stephens, ad emtthy dud lo "the afflrmatir and banged their votes to tbe negative tfor lb vote Was anaooBBeil ' ' l1-'. who's mat hick sri vblad dewat" tAlMi-Meara. Itartaatt.'BTdtBlB'yt, Colgrove, Cook,; Dsvis,- Eiberidce,' Hay, Junes, af Wakn! Muere, f faueSy; thoff- Ber,. wane eeu rv,wwaaif. Mr. Lia isay oMivad t strike out ti pre.r amb at "th. sobstitots wblcS was Wuted da V- i- .,'-1l ' ajr. waaasv eetf belian whk tn t.lanrwa.ui .a .l. l .t: r ' w . I-i.'i : V ..t ;.iT..iS.rri: n, JJf: "'; 'f 'CWtj,.., L4aat I vold In tha "kllln I "mmis aitsagea utetr vote ta the jaiiikuiva . i... . . j' t. . sobttltuta oathe utrls auicli U ofl - , Atsa.aen Bellamy, Co!grova, Cook, Oaaia,.' Cnawa ol.) JWkiN-r. tJalloarev. c4l llajerHaiBiifflo,? Hymant J. Huiaie, uoore, of t ar'eret, Moore, ot V n ocy, Reean,,' Shufl-wr; fciuiib, 6iibeiis, Ssraakaaid vVa)a-3t;.:;-- - - ' .. The stihti'i WMVotml down hr flhf A K,- M,r. lUtiMi..::ilealV -Uroprton, Xtrabam, Jow-s, of Mrckieuburg, Limtaay, Lav Masoa, MelolHW, MeUughlin,aiarphr, """ ww,, n biueaia, v tasiaaa as a ni aoa. 10, ,, , ; ,M ' Niiaa. MreersTJeeoian, Bellamy, Bunk' Biytbe, Ordfrwre. Cook. Davla. Enoea. ool . jrorkaar, Calloway, aid .May, Harrington, 1'IWML aid , J.iBM.af.CVdambaa, Jaaaa, af " " ariinaaia,cKru UAmiwt.Moore, of Yaooey,Ropaaa,8bofl'iier,8iiuth,8tepheas, Sweet, and 'Welker -24 and the orMnal raaolaitoa was voted ewa bf th :foiloe log vote : -viij i(m'm 111.1 ,l aij' Yeas. Meetra. , Baraea. BealL Broad Orabam, Jonaa, cf Meckleaburg, liadaay, Love, Melcbor. IiughIlp;, Murpby,' Rob. bio, Boot Whiteside. Wftttead and W1U . Havs -ItWs, Btrmairj Bellamy, Barns, Dlytbe. Oolirrov. Cook. Davie. EoDea. 00L. rrkor, Tialtoway. Col, Hstes, Darrineton, 'jtainiiR torel Reaiaea," Sb'ITaei.' iioilth: HlaiiiiaDa itrrat Walknr an.i Wh,l. Tf uawa. ijai!l im J 1 lle,"r T " CHOUSE OF REPRESENT ATrVlA.' i t . 1, .TnMMt,lavll,m ' Paiauant to adjoarBBiaat tha House aJ sembled at 10 ; o'clock.. .. ( parmoaa nr. rrencn presenud a petltloa. to r. gard to a petition relstiv to cutting canal from Colly Creek to Black Rivar, Usaever. TW.u an - I.r.;.j,.,oiiT or fejimrrres. 44-l. Mr. Snipe, for Oommittea en Propoel tioa ad Gmyaae, reported anoa evrml resolutions and Mil, wblcb war placed oa tba Calendar. , 1 , 1 Mr." Moore. ; of Chowan, for Judlctarv OomeHttse, reported apow several billa, whi wsra ptaaad tha- estosdarwadi pow screw Diiia. J wil be no(ca.ka iby aoss ap j ragu RBotiwYiom kiroBttU. W UK Banner s ' i. lll tn relation' to taking aAf Miotftrht "wiAuwtat snm wmmiw wtm v uiaAtuie.ssbUiauUeaLOver. ,By Mr. Frawcb 4 , A raaulutioa to hotJ ight aessiona on aad after January Slat. a-'Byth eamarA rssolatlo sislrijf peci4 Oommittea to report to tb JJiioi the most important measure that abo old h acted oa this session. Lissover. . :'f By Mr. Moore, of Cbowaa 1 A bill lnoor paratlng th society for the relief at the rroaekst of tha - v irgtaia M E.- Canb Soath and their famillss. tbair widow and children. ILi'a.-ntiL ... i'- By Wr.Malou ! A M to allow Xeeufioa oaisnwnowii lana soiu anuer execu au 1 Htstertadi --u. . j ..l w ..? By Mr. Fieach-i. A bill to iacoroorato tbd Excelsior Planting Company. , Heierwd. i n Brtha amr A bBt In belialf pf thaJ Haditarraaeati and Odettal Steam Hart I gatloa tltwsUrswK'tet la mfmtot ) By Mt, Gontar ; A iU praridiag for fcs 01 witnesses in justice' VourP", , Wtlerred. By Mr. Moor, of Okowsa : A resolution prolonging tba session! ut ths House until three o'clock each dafs Relerred. . 1 1 ,.y ibaatoAAi M-ltioa that ttor tba j IM ol Februsry ui(t n bill shall be inlro. duced except by aaaaiaona ouaasnt . until the Cileadar.aait exiab) on that day aball hev been Tilipo ted h ReferreiL . j V merlon of Kagtwt, ttfl-- measa wa aeat to tba Senate, proposing to raise a Joint Uommttee--J on, lh part w tn Houasitndl on tit part o( taa at, to take into aooalderauoa, , pnwAitiit .to tb Mta relattoto,r,ri!1''f "minu"- 1 : l 1" J 4 t On motion of j. A'V Vol tba sulee v- ' ijil a.it a '' WMI - ..a-.a uau .aiMiU. Vourts.jr " torZrZrZl' S m'm "T ' ! i v nr.. Anva k. . . ?7 Pub, Law, i68 o -.TL wPtmTM 'rin.Tif taken go aad iveralm'gjtj P and rf A WlsWsa'llms'S i ia'aVal 'Th4WH.W t4oinTii Heir J otonty tobeealled Dra ,r. ' V' 'The aentloa n eiirrtd up in the point of itdar raissd by ' Mt. Jarvn yoatera (- re".r .. ..,.., . .. .i- :,':1hs wssiroverrniea sua" poips o .ta gasand tort the point was raisea hm lata aa mtovtdvad sasf. admisaibillty! of B bill alter A aad passed to ita third reedJittf. . iMa hirvw than oOuad an' mnwaaasawt. asawkwaamtka WU an. aJwaaaTeBt tbat.Uia mauer aioaUA ba laft to a vast ' ofta pent- pie ol tbit portion 01 tue county oriyreu pfopoiwd tn be em bodied I the new oou . ty. ABai sam debet Mr Moor of Ctkvtraa, aattod tb praetoaa qoestioo. t-t-a " 1 ' Tbe call being sustained, tn( qdeaUoa IW e or red apoa M Jejvis" aineadmaat which aat pat to k vote - Bna,xaoqpiea, yeae e nayt $ Al md Jfr third, reading. . .'. wii -i!,nK! , Oaamtt'm'of Mr. Moor,4l, Chowan, tba totty nUch UictitU jail asaKdJi uird Ht. siuor Wa tifferiSr a amendmant to 1 the iff at that lb oucstlod of -tua eatab ' kiliinent pf the new eouut be lalt to tba' Jqiialied voter oi all tliom sections pro- i0-eti 10 be emwaoeu in tna new eouaiv. - -- jhe- am.S'iioew t wa pwto w voto wad drd,aad-stoiiaa4aaad .third reading. ? . ,4.,'K-.'' I '!LJIijari rec.iii.uhr the vol by wbtch .tba Houae nssBed iba reaolutsos yesterday, ttqttosurg M S. Littieodd to resign hi poaiibm, aa Bt' Printer. k.V-w f ' A 11 af siini nriiMinn,,Wr. Jetties mied to lav rhe oiotioa to recouaidcr oa the ta ble, sad hi utytioa called tha yea aad TbcllUiog usUlned, the motion to Isj oa to table tna motioa te ncoastdar, waa attoptea ny tae following oeuoti TAa. -MeaHi. Armstrong, , Banner, Batoea, Boddw, Candler, Car soa, Clayton, Davidsos, Dwham, J. lis, Farrow, I b, 1 fHatftif: ..V"1 Oreea, Oriar, Migh, Hinasat. HadaMt! raiBj - Jervia, Juatas, at Haas ti. ..... - i . .trmhmnt'' 1 tjag-tr" Rlchmnad, teaoeTii' "Kin, tl I'ruiilil 1 .. ,, Hk. tff IV. a.ujf anriM Sf ci. V )', Waidrop, Welch, j kI' lataals, WttlUas, ws "wnpaon-a-au.. , i ! r . . r rAX- Masr. Ante, A ah worth, Baraett, 1 ti; - v 1 viasaid, uiioe. 4 MO b at k,aillas Jfaaa JTU V if! fuj;?' -f v.kd, Hi.s, IiotH.,, H,,nan. . HaJH "1 . r.. 1 -rif.yo, ' 1 -" " - " w 1 b- fr. I' Sii j' a, l hi '0,1, i,t. . U'k,t. W.iu - - . .." , V tsi, " " '"UiWO SUll I SOB 4.1 . -iUvMr.jfarvms A bill so tttii a-ctian f tue putilm Uwiot lood-a (ra pealiag every aeciloa fa th rrioi Xtil road act levy inga special tax) ... The bill wae retard to t0, Commitfs. oa iasrrnSli ImDisnihMn ni BrtDWt and: ttiadfl apucW order for Weds. " eay sxt ai ;a o'clock. .,... . ' Oa molioa vf Mr. Ifal.ma tha'k.ll a. mead the general eorporaiioa act waa aakaa ap aad passed it third reading. ''" fvffwsj yuMieu ia juiiowlng 1 WlIKBKAa. CharcrM kavaVj I this Housaatralnst taa Mr.i. trtli i-k . ' - fore, if -: r jj.t.wl -aiw'.jj.i -'w:!t,'.:.( . . Bmliod, That a Commitis of ihraT "" P aiiltointed be tha Ana.k . a lovestiitats tba whnla ..,,.. ..j . Aaa-aahiMaan I printing, fhar TtMMora, f--t - ; jm iwo, saat BUuaimitto af thraw be appolnisd to tavaatigata tba matte and report to this Hons at tba asrliast day praetirable. ' l iTtit Umii. Am,. Argo, had J. M. Justios, appoinled a aafd Com- .Utaa i . , Oa motion of Mr. Moore, et awaa, th preambl nf th substitute wss amended so a to read : . ' ij -. FAsrwsrtfcB b, 'be irendeoiaa f root Rutherford, fetl , . .Mr. Input movd to add an additional atfliloa that said Committee bav powar to end for oe sou and DaDwr.-:""''4 , Mr. ,KJbit,oa proposed a lubstitut tor r. .Robiuaoa propussd a labstitttto for lugram'a aiuaudmamW thaA Aald Uoas. - i jar. ingrain', aiuanitnsuat i. ..1 i.. I Mr. - fclrtes hare power to'aead tot . oeraoaa aad papers, take teal! mony, ailmiuiatar oath Mr. lagram aaoapied tha Bubatltatai ' , Tba saiwt.tutoaff.md by iurrtaat Waha Waa aitoptad as amws-ii-d nd the t tiott as amended, was tV.-n1 sj.,,,. si -'' fofe M-j" WWy.cotj'tha ,B, -d ai kit) to meor- ;port th. Pplto lUaMitoi Loaa d frust Company ol Lumbenoawa takea an khd paassd It, vera! h.edinga. " ' On motioa alto the adj .oracct -1 1 1 ' I II dj lit laaWaMBmalat i I I 1 1 1 . 1 1 L. J MSHA&KA 911 CAPT.J. UXOBlNSOlt. HKOAHD , TO A i'SHfOMA T1QN8 Ma frMsaaa s-la tb te remttk bat I may wske to thia assotatloo which I of. f raO.Land bad alaced pa , tha Calendar be fore the rt oe.s, I wih ,ij understood, that , I am actuated by other tod higher motive Um tons iaspwwd bfm4mrv for party uranawar for part aonital.. f mal h a North, Cewliuiaa; tha tbra -to.a mMtar 0. principle Mivoivea, a qqeatloa of hanor, t ak4 I feel with baiua.tb morUfytaa! mot that' jbar arwndklutie and 'oatraaOaJI proceeding, which I perhspawwpraasdea led la the inrislatioa of .a. m.r. .....11 1',rTl"l In th bwly to wbien I bs l0Bg.( ' Wbll f km hot bien.ra.tT,? whera tba trend properly bvkmenl f J kotUia haw asnala tht a gaa. tr..d baa aesn. perpetrated cmis only upoa majority ,.trt.tbb.amrni Aessiirbly but 'nOOB tha riani.l. ft tfwl. I,sa.. SLITfl.'L r.TJ"Vru y-fww anicq juif HOUS SX miaiwcnsrsai I sdnnuaa aa ikais r-ll IteB ,b fHmbaaaof fr ".5"r avtH to call tba attention or this h.hiss to Aaa (. . ... 4aw paasaof thia "act to proTirfa for i yw.a phto).lntroctioo,.'.wa aolv tnected alter a protraotod and exciting Out., eat, a St rural. that. .i.i 1? .T frieads ol Wueti,,tHirTT. and. t , "" Ot Wftlna I -va'aaVa'olMJO Igno rant. fu 1 ask ir, wss were aver a Baori flilgfaiftlisre'gartl "of ba expressed ndaokma enadiui Bt. ol l& w,fl of tha pople through Wr ripreaentativeef Wea their aver a coole and mors bras facadr? Idattiaf impudnoJ,..,, .,,,,-,.,..,:-,,, Doe tbe iegisiatioa of any Staf fureuh sso 1 her instaoo of h "Rin iotorpolattntf aed f irging tt'irity wiioreby uy caa mai Ipuais and. make a Jvaxpaaditiira) -bf the people's money I I bav ma thi u.bt, -bit, that th qu.tiou will bs asked, "From svkat pertyaVettoraj'aeBolBUoa aooar Bui, iustliJJ this I axpeet and aopa ta ae gsuerou vmulMtioa as to ho aball flrat ttand ap bare, and, iu the nam o( tba boueet meases we represent, enter a soletua protest Bgatast tots asiearabie ouvrsge apoa tbe light tee people of Bortb) Caroiiaa. Idesiia that th guilty party autyb known, and the Indicoauoo and scorn mt all sood Wtm shall be vislthd upon them, and 11 tbey ewewpj pewuons vt irast ana bobot w -them W kurkd frnew their high; pleoes, Bod : held, np to tu a' and indignatioa at aa outraged and instilled paopk, - -,-!.)- -I nova, sUr, tba adopt iua of taa rwoln-1 tloaSrav V- ; soismi" ' K H-' ' " ,i y 1 I . .1 ,,;!",'-': fCBirki Staitltariits1iev'tbit, aptta" etoci ,.IIaBa, peaambtt .48aetoAV tiia -atut of aaa yaar.-r 1B08 , Ha. .h $u lor tccelpts sad Ussraniea of sugar ta H.rana: fa 188 l,430,jWW box.il ii m lbiHW,8S,00ats; lurk i btnd jktjiut and ul - December, and 17MM)ia Jlalii. , 1 b decreaaa, ia snip ment ot boxes troot Havana and Matai sat ta 18(11 is compeusated by a larger export thnf u.ual of hogheada These tiguresare gitea to show that tba insurrection i aot so Im ad labie s it ba Wen repreuated to ba. It is corfl.leBtia.'ly assorted in liaraoa that tnere will be ao lolling h ia the in gar prozacUoi tor tb prtaest fear, . .. -a.-,.:.Lvw -. ' ' . W BXaJU,. Riwawr- fcaa Thargwd- af S. - i nuiair son tnormoua brua for th. reiuwa 10 giant, hsv.aat only oeea naertod teU. biU-rf.er tt Wt stWafbody. iad wintod ad seat out to itba .pioplaof rbe State, and the tiowet given 10 thia h'i. ,,!' iV .V: - - 3 , ;,.. ,"--' ..