TTTMTry -;-VV.-V-v "w4- l-- f-,-r4 CITY AHD B1AT1 ITIX1 TsATCRIMY, J AS U A BY , 1870. C.W, K BltlUnt. Bankl !. !- Mffl .!" ' tier. UrW '.- w Ai YstKKOAir.-DMtidi the new .Tartu men ta whichappeared' yetterdty CipfBgWl were noticed at tU lime, w I Matloa to in following : i r..,i. An and Dr Qde-ihe tweet, lufol Ul ornarotjoiat, uj f , vusuw : iacUaojeJee of 9 variety of hautebouj I amwwiwto trtie,4Mto.aAj traveL J" wn' ton Ml there Tal A.. Took A Ax tnooonoe s aiw fcaawatfta 4i Tire iawvta ", Tha (rarhertudo i irMtadiiw mdt.wMl 1,1. and retail you cannot T i t . iM their : Hoe, aead hrdly fee looted goure-ke'pifig'' gdt of the nardwart ,aj.JBbucJwie. There ai mtay Lj,l getting married bow, add" we direct a be (lttrtleemnt. Io iu -OrgM tor tali at ytyetUtlllt, W it Jumi uo.,"tI T vuftiDjc powder .aiitJr tomi aod-tbred thirteen thootert.' ' T ., .1 ..f it-- n..l. 'W..I 1 ' t.t. Alio, 01 till Kllga JSatlOOal IMBE, Ttf; BiLL-Oar ciilieoi will m li po(tttnitj ot myyyiag aooeaio of If Hll, tor lb oort wk orw. . 0 Motj Kill P Meal.tlM mouDcrment to another oolnma, Prot 8. JiDif L e, the popular and oloqoent ofiuir o ptM4 our , cjUieni ia U ctur. 'God to tbe Oeoaa," i Hfrrem- 1 r beeember Itt, will dilrr ltt "Batll of Bamptoa Rid ," fur tbe iaiaaiaifeaB!'JM hojaatbeeceaaioa; am, ioo amao L tc:tir, arid teeond, tba object, to rain iaill W for the ,M ; (fteaai Fire Ke nt ' - '. " f Oa Wodaeaday aight, tba La Rue mia rrb appear, and wiH repeat Tburtday Ji.rridayntgkt. At n early day, tha Ladjse of tra Bap. tt Cbarrb enJHjpeo Featrral aod Fair, , uia tamt yiaoa.i .. .i. - w. . ToWtctloWrd ttona after by tbe exblbt m oi a Table" aad,perhapf,a Faatkand, rUiBly aorotDftanierj by eooeera oi ei- rlltnt mtnic, girer by tba Lkdiee of the (duiuuipi wiijii ' .. , in -ak Lwrfraa arCoMMofia Hu ProC Dii L an . Erclleb Q takrr, we under taa d, uliril a t-clat' at &atona UalV iaat Sght, s tbe tnbjret of Atrrltiiher, 'the p)kraioB.W pypauor to oar eoila, Ao, ,, . ! R ft raid frtenrj- jp, ! ! irofeiaorof Agriculture aad kindred tV kit, In tha Pultyrttty. of Korth parojtea j Ibether tb'u be to or not wa ara not eor- ih!TndTleed.r'i H V'1' ""- SSB4.r- .I i -pwj.i 'affjp 'fla..aa nmi 1 "iiii,,.p -gjpr-r - tiorv Sc-We . aadtaraUad U at L. 0. . rtoa. who wat a member of the Coaren oa trom Stanley, 1a in towa, aeeklng. It ia laqghtheappuit. went of cenatta. taker ir that county. He' eava, the .people ol Ualei'ar hlglily p'loajad at tha paaaag of btttilitatybUI. Thii r a mltrepreeenU oot tli JataUigeftt people ot Stanley. I'a an autlioriaijd j a "jjtrntlemaar' WD cquainted with tba eeatiiaeata of tha p leot that covntyv that aot doxea Intel' nt people ot tbe county ' but eondemnt let aotaa anueoaatary aad tyraunicnl, aad )at kiortow) titav- ' ' am i ai - 1 '""'' Coat 1KB Gun a. We rears that Mof ig oaiaa back. Tburtday atght, got a aew otrtHog'hotta, Ult It Friday morning, poathetama old cauae, and went tame Hard on Lamitkb. Tha Standard of Mh relay tayt, Tba Bepnbtleaa partj bat a .efoipaAy .with doilgert r arid again, W ctl( opoa the' Republican, of North arolioa be wiark the rote ot tbeir Wpre rntaiiyaeW te who lUaxit.sp lor tbe' trty, wha rotet agalntt It and thoee who edgel-the wont data ot all." Thit i try hard oa Lataiter, Cherry, Etbarldge nd ether in iba Braata, who dodged the ueuoa,.,awiy (itaa, oat tbe r!toluuHH re oaatiDg; rb Ooveraor to dtamiat LHtle , last Thudy. Ueleat they make au ihet'JeJiH ilia.StttmlJtrct wil bit them 1m .between tbexryee., , ; . v.,.,,. ;-.'....,'.... Skr Baoaocir.'-Aa aoos U wa'caa At roeua tor them, w a . intend to ,rcpub4 h tome of the eotnmuoicatioa or Oea, mgdatf Wryaav wrUbaa for. tba 8xn , t-l8BJ and i860,1 cilttciring' Cot. loidea, rry peppery.) and Yank gen afly., They 'a Ul lie rtrretbing wading itUat ta the- tianelal kiiawU,, parhapt, lUt-tainruS' ai we-varirT-m'-,, . , a r : Taa Deoaat4n,b Batata 4m Tbsrt tT.whea tta rwlution reqtuttiog the OTftdot 'rSiv:rA fm LIttlff4d ai 1Stt riater and Bid dori'wer' imder tm idara oaii.Xa bffiad.'at aua1meat: aat egt4lUraaAMB) tot tba attlua .taken. The jeae tad bayt WwNrrdtred and the Betj,duieti-TJecteti-yrtl,-aayt IA ha toUowiag eHaatora, though preaaat, tSttfl&iiiti'tmri. Uittlf, Cbarty, tberldge, nytka.lawkina.Laatiter, Long, iid Xoore, oiYftyrTV-' '.f '' ' ": 1 : Ot the origin! reeoiatioa tba yaae oad itt war; P&!hd. and r1d, yeat ii, ayaSftV Vraan, Itattly, Cfcrry, Ittberidga, iTibe. Lataiter. Untt. ana Ju ioie, 05 i aa if-f 'UlLilgL ItuDDgb tbet mw pKijmt ' I IT.,. ' - r - - Par- lt(W ATT, teetttHT aadVperatar a boat ind-thpooiogn nmoeed. kit nirbornVrer Meatrai-'W. B. Hutching A ot, Baraetf waUMk&neot, .Wbtt.h h reoejrad o.4tAo aaaua aad. ankt trt-l6ofJt,'ttfe Ac, In.allty aBd rorkswawbip amaarpaauod ia tbie rrfriow.-- t tboat who may dotrtrt (bit g yc htm t all tod they will beconTinoi-ih'h'H.e wborlo ot doontTt wHly-of-eotfcstr'i till an how, , Th Ebariff irom beavily taxed eomty, oajM to rocoaftj t ratke bta ' returni, b aid fiad told; torn men out pt bouie Md De toaatiaij tb 0rrsramst'f da naad f r tasee, and he koew womea and children were Mftertog; lor bread, and the Hooey bo paldlalo tha Troaearj JCor, Uxea abould bare goo to anpplr their wabka. Moot pereoae r oarofag ta-arwt-t)aa' gtn for thla dtatreodog itite of affdra, but Holdeo, Settle, Raada, Rodmaa, PooL Dick and Barrtngera, (botfe oi tbemj are entitlar k a nine more cuttuag (i an, like Um Ooveruor wiU our,) tbaa too carpet-bag. gera, ''',' v- ' ' - " : .'bi eax tha UtistJuiLiaAUM. ( about Bichmoid) ii tha hoaaea ot h poor Siaolaic, Ltiia aad Cuff ' Mao aad Mor Ing tare dollara a dat t When the houee ia aold, Lafila draak ia Wubingtoa, can't bear tha duldre cry lor Ueadl 1m the diatrieta vkere too . cropa failed tea year, the Sheriff will bare to tell homeatoada for taiea; Ihjy bare told iu ao. Jalaeaodiatriota, noder axaeattioaa. tbo eijariflli ara tslliog oot mn who eould kato mot their eoeafeneaU and paid their ammrnM m :at year'a crop bad bea aa abuojiot one. Bat eieutiooa oaa'twalt for oro pa. ,,. HoJdea, 1 with bit Leaguea and 70,000 negroea. raatooad tha iwiodlera, LitUefiald, Lallin and Deweoar, opoe aa. . Put a time. om bia rooonatraottoa ataft, ho faaioaatf the tb W; Jvagt Alden, aod tbagoo.'Tattiii,' upon aa. Baring had tha 'people down. with the feet of aueb ewindlereaod roguca opoa tbeir nrck, ii It to be wonderod at, that ha now wnQUa nllitarj bill to keeu then down t ' Let the Sheriff evil, but wo aaj, "-rite fellow men, our country jet to. malaa." Tbm carpet bag thierta ah44 yet be jfooa, this Wad (ball yet be tia t '' PRINCS LA fLIH. t . - .. - 1 UVWIUMi Mb mnW tnan n IHU -rla-M .At I tttradaaoa aot more than three dayi ot tnia aeetiott. Churchill, of tba BUutdori office, waa beard to aay, on tb - atrvtt, that be hoped tbe Grand Jury would flod a bill tgalnat hint and THweese, tha earpet-bag member or UoBgreaa, lor ha waa aatianod that thee were to bo benefitted or bad interrat in tbe nito made to r'Jaae Smith," the fictitious aoan A; W. 8bafft;rt who ne4 pp the iioteJ tbinica ana tayi it bit opioftta that De- weeae andXaflin bad-guilty knowledge of thia not , Mr. Bbaffor receired the ' note from Tta- weeta for money due the Bankrupt office, Ha had no itnowlrdira 'ot the illralU of tha oota, ,..' It la reported that U'tlefield - gar bia boada amotaotrBg to more than 40,1)00 dol lark, for oorruptintf tha XtglaUtarei Wile tot to "Jamea Smith waa oa x the OOSuaL tamawa waa ao Bave tbe- tMoeftt of It j bo ia eaid to haw patted it to Deweeae Kow tbera ia talk of atpelllng Laflln Irom tbe Houae. A colored member wat heard to asy b would 'iroto to do to. If any aolorad member will call oa ua, wa eaa gi bimaridaBoa, w think, aufBcieat to tip! Laflln - -''i ; ' ( Iftbewhlta "hand", an .williog to ait with aueb membor aa LaA'ua, wa ' hope tha tagToe tra not" No member who bat hot reoeiTed money from" tlttleffcIJ,' arnotoa payable to Ve 8mUbt". at UAia itaaid to bare done, thottld a willing for Lailir to faanaia membtt of tha Iicgitlatun o; North Carolina. '5 " Oo rr; The tiUndari tayt, "The Republican party baa no uat foT'itMa who do aod dare to etanii up lor' their party an der any aad 1 alt eireamatancet." Tbtt want, H it mean', anything, that, aboulJ tba treaaurer prora , defaulter, Pilgriat Aabley p roe are tht wtarporatioB of t acbool taw; or any otb"6fflcer tboald do tay eth errttcally acfj " (whlcb,- of court, ,eery body knowf there it bo probability ef any ot them doing,) yet, it they tkotild happen to inch ao toetdnTt.' lb Standard bat ao uaa for any mm that would not tttnd up to them. That it jatt the coottruotlon tbe bxngaaga of the ttmdard bean, and then itat a word iu tba contr jtt ' to chaoge or modify U ' .' , , '4 ,. ,.j y , p , . n ILCOK KILL ti l W A ontdl (t f , Th g rt da a n dj Erldaj fJ . Bas, tao am 1878... rw' rABtoro wwa - tuoiiear. , I, A AGE'I niiTBiivt :;?, If KaUngtiianrid AftifUt j (aj-luoa rmlibiailoa of bittrameatatl'To al, ilomia, irparari ana ivrpaicwuraan iwnw HoDaroha of tii rtealon. Tba world dellod to predae totoat eaal to tbe Oaralrale. Keirly Inxme Bted,' Eemoaeled And IBiArgea lor isiw. Theflreat BlCAfOO A J TAlBOTX . BUJLiI Kr:.r b, runni 4im uia, , i . 1, , bmVli BOflEKH. - ,H0U1A1UIX." :'J . Betida IS other Artiati of mnit. . tarae' Origiaai Benaatietv - V. teooriyi,., .;.lBue;a .,-.. Hhoeriy HhooFt . laiktat a . , nneoriy Ohoo F? i: ' U " VH', Shoo F1J TM treat -ftanea'toa f the day. ' VaadarhiH laalk-4lowlt wataUa V-Ftk htutM ttlba hU.aVtaB aan aaar " "7 - r g.twry MBt. - ; ry piguN t Win at t. Admlaaino t . OaUerr oot, r'd oaa ia IWqaa.t 74. A Hatted noaaber ot Haaamr Waata for .eat at Alfred William' Book Idton, where a diagraat rftttoHtevaybeeaeB -. ,iiin H..JK a mrH,.W, iTin.jiliji. ? at fff ft ii. PV B WKlrTt 1 .IZI - ,i ... ' -' m,--m-m timummnm . o"i'lt " " WrtlWaoliratTowIe Ahetloa tammiaaioa 8toTW Wrtm.eitWB Wtraai. . ' v , A aara eaiwew a n i.arw aw ci.naawvu artirlrat FatbM Bad, Uair and Cotton mart iu!n.tLa i lliw. Waahafcrnida . '43eMiy HtaBd IUMmb lBa4i,Verefaaa.duajtllooia, Hlioaa aauiciuuiaig. J ' ' : - , i ; h . .&.dto at Jwu a yipMa , i j; l' Aatuoaaart, I WAITS COBS HJtAIfc' r'",), '' 4 -A aow aurpty. frh griaiBi ot r r4, ALSO. Prime Voaai totter. iAtrf.TOWLF..t, bJIIw "("" JUrokrat. nt ASTXXTISZXSBTa. Ibe Ortta MoBrinm in thx tmirni nt iiia fat Jaawe HcUwiel, deaml ia for aatu,, it ia an aeaUea4 titftm a4 1 ht mni enter.--' - - - i hi in '!, .1 oAnu. Mr.' JMMr : Sinee we ad-Mrtteo Terier-4tF te konirt to rent, eno ! jr mlrt, lv kad from 11 to ttaalla. wkr wiUT ant uu u eaiu lurwata and wave a aaacnpuua ec icai impsriT ai ear omee. mraRKer-t vwtuig" our .ti,eaueaaanrativiralifciudaaod OMarii iptieo of real ornate. . i u Oftoaeltbe -I ' "-.." - ' tiewra Lam Conrrimr.' )aaSt-ai ., v- . - i .. .. t- Wtoehae, Hartnaa j. Trrn I Tirittri -ni -t trni n-mi.a Hw MUWiMUtl (HIU WH lUI LTA l!ta njieal la. Ja -tf Aaetwa Com, trdata. pWDB, IPLOUB., Jakt reai'ra a CoiwlKnaieot of Terr tnperior ttmOj JTkw m , 1 and . Marre) parkame. M packame. UtKtt i. 00. - Si IOB SALE. TreitS ' eloae eiMMiriMt, Wiaidtoei T te Caraiuaa, akuote U untu. , J jaan u , r. M JONES CO, 1 The Besctic eairi. Fire TBglie cMia:Tsrr: UCKERS HALL JAK,3J. 1873. J Frofauor of Bella 'JUttora at Wat reBtenFl Coll'wgex Mr ill qullvar bw popular Lactuio . b w t'" the battle op . uamptox " . J a .', ,il TCCKEIt UALL. t or. mam at 7J 0'alo. k. Itnr a btgia i a. AdmaMtoa 00 eenta. itpwrved beat IS Baota. w. m. vtAA wr., . ) ' t C OO&atAM, K PoaimitU. , .Harem of Me conditio thrGt,teJfytiU&kt Auw-yo, jiwia ,animtt, of ekm uf turn net, Und. January 1B70. , . . .,, 1 ... 4t ,l .1TMI 1 livnt .(-"t" aaaxM'Bcxa. 1 1. . , 1HS and Dianoilllba.' . aiHk frrnl ill U. A boada s esoare oif eolation. . . . , ' 100 too do U. Ub iatinda and aaoMrteaaa M. haa. J ill auintflljift WVar Otook Band and ktuttrfaga. aiIH 7, .. "T "J""'"'"! Hert agautaU &M Ul , b 1. """keaBtl Bank ara 7,iu S8 Banking Bum !.,.,..., l?.ot f l unwur aad Ftitarna r ! rrant KaOBa,....'.iJ..,Mi..J W tiaawaiwaimiirgtttair.; , mr!M -i lull of othar Maiional Baska. ,. Sn,UU UU luila a tula Hanka " 7a a trastaiBai liarnaaoy, 0aolading bmAi !. ,?tltl ...'. Man ...'j't''"'Y4 at) Dpaoia. Com .. 1 Taodar kotea. . , .,,...., 8,t0U UU r. i j rit ff .i i v l',ai ta t -i j '.- 1 uiMunat. 4. f i tu Capital flleok paid iu W M.I . V,W afl jtmaaime. .....j .,..iv...i ti Vro&tandiiOto 81 .owl Mi b at. Bank emulation, outotaudiiis ... lib 000 Ou tadinWoal IXokwIm... ...... Sb4,3ti 14 UoaoKatunlBiik.. . ......:. ..i." 44 tag eg ; eaher ilaoiui aud teukura.. . id tot an ;.. "i,- St i . a HtTB or KoKTB fctll.IA,J L W. K. Asnaaanit. Oaahwr of thar that a. Uoaal Bauk. ot Baiatirti. . O.. do aulcautlj awear that tha a bora tiuitiiit it true, to Ui boat .of my kiavwitxiue and bciu r. r "... T mi ... iimmffia i ' i vt. jam txunMKn, vawuarrti: RuUtnribejd and 'Worn td before me thl atftth day of January 1I0. , .1 BABtUBbU, WHrj'K, : ..... ..if nliaryklth. Carieet Atttatt -1 ' ad ta. i 4-om ws , .HO. Q. WlUJAkta, k , .,,,., , w. ,u.KBoa, y MaedtatTt! . a wn 0r (At ewiaiitita e tht JbtUiak IfathMl daw Aertt Utrwlaita, at fat ere tf Ixumtm an tjaturday January n, 1870. Mr , .j I l it uj ft " S i) 1 r- n ' aaawaoBB.?r-!-j .1 .t ..i a. Ixkw and DaMOanta. ..... . . .i.ll 47(1040 Ot Ovsrdrmfta,...,,.. w.,,.,f,ilMlw u. a. Buoda to aachre trculatiuw..., oo If. 8. Bund UapoatM...... ' tuo.ikw Oil IT. tt.Buada and laoariuoa n hJ.. tiM ou Othar btocka. Bond and hturtague u d.aet t um nwrjiraaaDUagaB4 , , ' : , lUaarre AVgt'a. Cunranny 63.650 Aiue from ktadaemlojr and . . 1 ' ttoMire Aria. iUd ' at,T Tl 4S6 W Oua from other BatoHUlBetu...... 14, Kit iM Jianfc aud ilaokaaa - ltf.til lib Banking Hoa...,,...,. :. au,7ltt at UiarlMialaa(atoM.....v...4..v.4.- , 1' furniture and Finura. ,..,,...,,.. i,7Bfi 7 umut Kip.naoa.... I.'?!, - m Oii Taxaa Pa.,..... ...;.,.,... ,...:,, t.eta m K",wuU"(ii.aadig taaadMa ld i Hilla of otbair Mauonai iMiia. ...... .. VraetMiBal Curraoey (lueludxng liick- aat...MH.Mi.dWMM.Mm...ft k.tiil PV i04 gpaata (Uadaadaufwaaiiani...,,-,. JAI tHI Aaigal Tdr btaai..,.j!..,,n! BJlralXW " i,ou ,72a at .if-.. ' jjtABnjwf. . i Capital Stock Paid to. . U....I.. a.4 . i It W0 W ExohBge....taa4.M-"'!- Jaiif Pruntaud I-aa e.l J tialK jal Bauk Motaa oatataaduig..,, be ladtridaal Dapoatia. . ... .... . . . ... et,T7g at Uubad atotoa llepoalto. . .....' 7oi ttapwue of U' wTlaaboMiBkt Omeera 1 n.l a Uuawtiauoaal ban.. ' AtttW BdiaeouMi'd...'a-r..Ht' wlAW w .. v.. ! .J,., IH ?.WU:- M 'ft i I 111 ' 1 "T ' '- i ,:,krrrit - i - '"'5-a,at.Wa i..- :AT OT SOBM COUA, V - , , ... , . 0 t- ' ' I p. A, Wrua, 0hr aim haiw Va tiooal bu.k uf hurth iMuwuta da aultuudy ar hat tba ab7T etatoaiant.ia tnaa, to lb of m konwaatawaad toaliaf. ' , BabjorfUd aad vrt to batute mm, tha. fin atayuf January 1WU, i ... . b 1 1 ., U, albr.k,- ' ii,1i.1i w.J. ttAWAUibijF.- JaaltHUt. , fAaTLABD Bt04 Ct:Bi-t,Aii,7;li iML parmr.j I'lian f id Tftieir''. i TU'i Ii ', . I 1 1. i if ,,, I,,. I,, fcjinai tfcaaiiAim lAiiiiMaaa 'Jen If " ' ?. .: ATL6B'S. ' 1 - j . patapaoa Family ln half hfnm aVf-iS'""- .w,-a-..Ll.-l and otha gradea of ivu " reocmsK to-dy - A. I 1 ATWIR, n - TELEGRAPHIC. "Waimi-ert(, faa. VI r7oca A bill eatab-H-ttaing- earauB tamaip liaai waa iutrudiM-nl. 8iia mereiargr tu uie iraaaury aa aacao wnj allowed eullwtitxi of mrtua ibariXar fees la Kew Xnrk. aftar tko Mma'Mt eoalaraa toem uu-xai. i Tha bill altera inv Virrralaiuwba- umrM uMaeuraiitoe to Biria, paaaaal. - IMriar. aluw a Uiii( otibaia, waa uun1. Tba apeakM aa aosaead theerweial t;oaiulttraa aa roatal Tla- (raiiii, M iaUwwai Waakban, ot Uk lutw mim. 11. lu-L i.Im tL' -A 4 pa-Mtd U .a tu Ii. llua luil r ) ail law audi ni ia lawa stvi m v aT vmoar or uaoani f tae sun-raiaaatu ar aahar twui. tka aiH aiUwatu a-mtl or re etve tbroagh tbe mmii trt e MMa-M. ciy twtir.' hamr.l ar(-har mill. T...J.. --...J .r m. W....W .-.A..rt. J. 1 1. ) agniMt unuera attaua bus niik diiur axuatr lilir timmii- aaaa-t etna ataaui,e, uaawa wxut. aaaUt tba cjiMUma. he vlaltod tha lTitUBt. k M b knew MUe-of auy ethar toaa aattV naua um Mar WDvann-uii, waiea, aa (Uia rraauiont) waa aatlabad aouid ayt b eat down. vkw. lerry unsiaji-i eoaBaiBajeaue to w war DanartttMat tha organiaalioB ai th (WMtf la aaitoialu) ef tbla. lam aaa ha ia aa-uawl puih w MiirtMnMUfi. .iir fbivnii v. tbal ao aaibnrttT exiaw fur ji'tjd the eaeta of njiiKiifB mam auiaeee raaairuiar taa nairt . Mviubai rroni aewiv reatored stataa hiijia.i Joint raaolutioa fuibifeif ac- ""' " "I"" ana 'Tlj' ij"" fir prMiaturM"lor win m, wHit atMiiwa m o I'raaiauuu a aiuUua to aall up ibe bill ci-oaMr.a Omaha a aortal Mrft tuougbt forth npnaHatvUa fame at uia aoumuHi m auita wumnmtmA auru a ia uti tnaaui UajalMa port of aiij fiaali; Tba oar.ancj bill waa dlxcausd up la adjoofw- CorblDi tha Praaiuctu'a broUiar4o-1aw, waaW P in uoi raruc veinntitee lo-aax. t a. . ijwia, bauator tram V irniaia,tia b aaatod. ivmar, atur a atre-ritla waa Mai ad. , TbaiurttMiea reMvma to Una nawaa aa"d etkara nsardfnH WaakuiMtoa, douwd aar iutoa. pju n. rm-oaiuMiuuiu-r apirouriatioaa fuf taa im roaeaiwiia af WaautoijuMi aowf anak reaeaa aiaadauta wooid aa diaraaai-dad. . Wouira nrtv!Mrwte eapanaU tauaoioua eathlaaab. , bat ah year ctMag Marafa atd wvatoahowa (Mat raduatwa ef pubae dbt aad lea aapaaaa, aad Cougrew by thai time mf-t-htaee tha tMoaaaity' of improving tha Capital tin had aa deaMJbe ma oouid oouia, wiw eabiuat miniatara would be tarirfeHwd ia hua ee fna ef raaa b iha -raa. araroasi. Ta auppoaa Uiai maanpraanitit-tc Una. Huoi vuutu fl picuuioa ox an.uuu par year, (TV graua i VIHniVTl T tXBGIU,,. ,' Eioaaumo, Jan. 37. Oea Canby to-day leaned an oruar taaiau atuitaryuuntnliaiona, aoung aa mmwmmmnnmisa iaara aaaaa, aat an araaai l bamritwwtoto MatoUourw, aad iiiam imanrHBg anWBMM Blliitary tkiBMBHiiwau xr Mil aaah aaniaoo, bdUm ro Umm a bj the U. H. Ooart ; aad that all etril emwa, atwoiBtod ndor aba' rmunnl Oaav riuaeal, eball ?aeato wbaa aaaoaaaara ara kd or apoiotad under tha nw Ooaatitutlon. ' o. a alk annua a hrmiamailuo tohVfulBg uua ab aamw araaaneaiDiirv. waa uuaa afipeutad i tiorinor, by tior. Walker, to ail the taoauay oeoaaianad by Ih al. otloiiuf Lowi w aaia w.v. ovuaiii. , FOBEIOS. ,w Jjoanoa. Jan. S7 -An aarant will kavaanna rVir New York to amuat bm amafcka dmrm in u- Erie It At , by atwg atovk bald abroad, - . . , aliil, Jan. H7. Tb aatliiirlilea eiMtlfy d."kwiiwwetod to ilfajanaaow aalottowa. Kan. JtrjiOTiW W, Jtt- publican 4, tuomata A.tKfi j -UiH 11 .mm .1 T Vit-r -.r-r? . - , MABKSXd. (, ,4 , ,., W1UIIXOTUK. JaM. !T7.. Bnlril .Taaa.aJW 1T7, ' 4 1 raiod kul4 Brat l,o , i-'ruda I . - -T....w ia-asuaa 1 "f . ..-as.-MW". . rriday Eveaiatf DMpmtcihee.. it 1 !( 1 WASniNQTOH. ' ' I Waanwrroa, Jan. SB, A toiwbataaTiaaUwial Wa hington orrpanduit y lagardiag Oor bm'a eirtdaawa bf dr tba iold horror tlaBiBiuaea, that Cortiiu adiiutwd that h wa ngaia4 tn paoalattoo with Jay Gould, and tba hiiprealon prtHMHdOB aula uf lb Baim. f tu tam auttoa, faatbthlad4Avalit tolwra that Ave f.uhlli I bad il.dllUUaa kltlL- liia IJr.ialUAtli throaga Nra. uorbin, the rrtwiuwita natvr and the cot ttueld am hark ad la tha aaaetlatroa. la tut baaaaiv Jobbatoa, taa Vargiula aMator wa toaiao... j, w 'fi- t-i ....'.- ii ; 'Jba Uosaa pad a raaolutioa making toe rn nna Tliiior aitivtira m jtnut anamua. uiuauu al virgmiawatewwBiuaudaaawo. - - alinl-j " Mill 1 n- B1.: ! hH ,i at 0 HABKjtTti.5' S(iW tan, JB 2.3-Htoc!n'onclLlod gni dull, Mmwy eaay to Ti eachange, long t, taurt 91 ; Gold 1'til'e aaapoa lf; Teao. ax apoa H,mtm 4Ai; V,, axoa I ........ a . n oapoak u. nw fait: lainwafa 1 1 j avwa. wm aw a w, ua aa bimj, J: M, Ca uld 41. bew'll, B. ct oid SU.uew ui ... -a iiverf' t- 7); Ala. W I wt.Uaa 8a but Ja tiotir without material efcaage;' Wht dull aud without decided ebanue; (Jutb dull aad drooping ; Pork dull, meaa 'JC,M to 17.39 ; Lard iraiM IdJ ta lf ; Cattuu qulat B5 ; Tarpaulin u aaiugi ouinrBi, m,ui aur euaiuae. ': iiamwK Jan. i Caoaala til. twatt t7l.' lira uvula Jaa, mt 4J fttug atoady, upiaaae u. uuami ,u an,. . . i -ft H0B3E8 FOB HIST AID 011 SALX. IV ;ia'UV City, of lalai; til. . - i ..I S uii.r"'." n r i A Brick Iloua T mom. KltAae 4 moma aad tu naeeaaary out baildioga, it ooaiplsw order. eiiiaaaia gamen, iwaauoa poe ui vow ia mi Lit. KeutlUM. - I ' ,..! ApplJ at the 0fll Cf Ui ;!' ! S S : ,'.? .e .aW4OM Ua WBurawit, , jan.aiw?., v, St m BBXTaa g v. lift rtiii't'ff cMnatl f 'atory train Tt(M w the Wiwtarn Ward, 4 Twann, alt aniwaaary eta-bailiUPta, ta gawd. npaii. larg gardaa. Witt gaeeV well f Watot- tJuu-Mj- .!.--.... ' ' ,i 'Bdlw 170 R aad lot 4un of lead, 1 bcaatirai uaa gfoaatw roan Wa labad baaimiat aaav-ffuad out kU4iaa, ana of tha moat baaowrnl tooatteaiw to- tb V"- true iBduOoa aany term, v - AptF at ih Of. f tb4 '-' si 1 . , , boaiataaoMMtXaoOwn JlB SIhIIw , ;i 1' 1 FOB S4LB. fiplendld IWrck beet, t rooma with large biaamaiit and lam auaibar of aaMiaUiiMiga sawn H tana ; aa wa moat daairabl raaidoltoa ta ibe eijrric tUI IWU B hbaral larma. ,v . ' 1 ApplyvatthaomaaortM 1 Jaa 87-dlw - . A lit. I3B BAT.K.trge Manahm lkooaia, Wltb . aplaudid gnira, f J acre of 11, wit any ,iioiif ofoua-BailoiagB aaT(Kno U1M immtometa la tn t. tr. nuajnut t -ul Apply M tb liffl U tha . ; ... .. ,. - , . jj, o.U4f a UKCojrrtvr. i aa tT-dlw "!.-' j " r i:"'"" AJ" hALK htoaaw A aooBM 4 dan Bora ef rr. land mi ih Kairu n ar-b kL u.iot) order. healthy kvatlrn ivtttrn. I'rife flaw. 11'. tUa.riAtia. tr taav r 1 t w fioird C'aaotaWi t4oBj.ijrf; aa T) tlt TT 'tia t room, Mo I 1 Eaata attnttrgnffid erderpi Boa.ii'rwwaAa.-' - t r- .1 A I.IIII at tb CBI4 of the ! J.n r-d -Ai ....... . a .1 ia BAJ A I aaaaud iauiluiiaa ""' u-- 1 rnce 'pie d-d mreetmen . . 1 . Appyat h"llbe f-Jft a.i t Jaa-dlWiM,.",- V ,r . I.tOU MALE Handaume CotuO rooma all . aara mit'l.tiiltting lroe ; Baatora W'd, . a of tbe mi UaaaJ al a aad toe. lioa in tbe ity, 8 aeree of land, M tJUulk Ar .y at tha t'ffraol the i , t. a JV-di Moara Caaouaa L OoarAti. anrl fb fkiag atoii 1 rTir 1 I I asraPTr .B..V. 1 rr'alfjsret far Tuaaf Kb, sa kt dulighta of IT u , ",ry "T lmiiroprttf of (rat. ' rtawaW -kapptoaatt Meat rreeC tea ala oaaaanaMJ. "" Aodeaaa, HUWAW) AiWOgiATXOlT. Soa r.yi Jaan-dAa-Sin, 7ATCHIrOB8 HAnVMiwT 0 Mtai polaaaa at paraljao ttte.ayatoat ot daeaaeaUk JH&prfetm Aarmlrarrallal prapanatioca baaaMm' nraaao thef - t aot - pea. to, ff yoo tWmWi,toaaa the daagetv- Tha gena ma V.A Jtatobelot' Hair pre Aua tAtrfy pir rf., iB-fcihi.t.f 1ta fttP(frrJ."'Boltf Origiiue'TrfpiTa iris tSuSrtC wv,UAly '"-l i;wl v.' .trt AWAY , WIIJS . 5(argOMFOEIABlJ5 TbUaakM CwaitoaBdaaraft-r tba liaptnrad. Sent poet-bata oa reoeipt of la wnta." - ! - - i - ' '. ' Aoonaa, m. m m. rtxrns, ? tefMkwaaai. 1W Usuigtoa Ta t, Old aye. atada atrw,iaajiy wtOnwt doetor er adlataaa.iiaBit paaa-paidacraeaUlt ofiOaaato. ao ia'aaiKian iw boxingtoB ara., m. I. VaS i tlOOU Al COLD. I'M OBOIDE COt0 W1TCUU8, TBI AX0li)(WATCaC0arrASY, Tbar ara all Um beat make, Hantlug Caaea.iua- iy uana . worn an vuriuu aaa un-rn atiri i a-jwai aa laniiiniin aa ilia Boat puwt a mMwli aauH th Putt Jrmrtni mr iid Ladiaaiiva, al lit BAVU." OU IXlUttLlt. k.XtUA , BEFUIED folld wawu uma uuunnjt uaiwa, row jKwoicd Lavara, or vM-ai to tJU OoU Wainhn t Hogahitoti aad VmtrmttHtdif a-p aorraaf tana, a4 w aad xMtorfuaA.wtA Aaira ifin-r rvua i aii luk w aad by Kspiaaa auyabwa witbin tba Unitad tatoa, payable to agaul on dehmry, with tba punuaga w Maaaa aeaauu baKaa paid (of, aud t aot eiluhelory rauiraad, by paying tba fcanraaaabaraaa. aKMbl mli ht mtnl bo auitl-u kratatorat) faokage prepaid, by ending oaah ia tdTaiK. 1 1 " -' " AOEBBSCrWl 0 nil WATCHES or. it an ..iijka. lltli, H.HanaU AUH auilMlWtth ka.lMk4a.'-.i VHOinqKlfML itti to KTuid XWUI nnit-wn. twuar wuj rum ' TMB OR0I0K WATCH CO.. ,u, oaJS-dAwSm. " HENRY'S t.aiij , wiiaOAMIIOIalOj.4ti, COSSTITi'TIOS BENOYi TOR, 'iffm tfir riifraWA 'f-,r r"?:y - -afcO(f0 tfLBAJiSEB, -,r4 Thl medtain ia known to tha funli aa h.i,.. tbe eonemtratod Bald g raot of Haraaparilla aattod with otoar valuabl madlaliial hrl .ua iaguaraatoad aa ehamuially pure. " Baooop-rWfM jT-' rBorrLA axi consijiptio..' Thl remcdr 1 anaguoaodad axnraal'w' pmryiafaaMtelaattomgalwMaaaof aU tntraii. ii, awag at ewe to the f'JUutaia-head of diaaaaa. It extmguiahe ' 7;r, Vanaaar, raaMMfMlMl, '. haaill Mia 'loan Of aoanwilMilBtmriblaaia'UaianavrfSiWatl pati ware aoaoroad iu Uia ttiond or man oUu., trtae without dieeeaee. km) both be ama ln'eetadi Jf..a2rJi eaoee, and kaaw But until a law menthaaaa. tbal MitfOi nf IL - - . i " T .. 1 is.r i.usi n,. V . HtUUT a Conatitntlnn Bannvaf nr . I tUliera tt Eutira Mrkam of Ham and aW I m!l. L. j.Iij. T .it .. .... 1,aaaaiiaiwwBiooa - BWBDI THB(8H KVkail VJtM. - r '! i . . i I BnorttncF ta tktt Ultima. And flpplaaeri n fciArt.'-''"- For alt aMt watef tba klodnvya U) ta aattar Paaple Uira baa roa4, a It were, from th rery taw of Omttt, byataataiy aaaof Unw grant 'Tvm ,'t(8 b wj tooitataai -( L KXTBAtTM FBOM .-VABaOBBi UejSBfci "LKKilor. I waa aaavUnalaa In . Ika hnanilai J Befura that J had no akin dtanaatt, Cull I bad a bottle tf yoar-ooatlHtUau ataavraaur aaat me I by Mr. kopar, of Uolumlna, Mo., 1 aaoVrad tor. I tare with rauulng worae bloc I uaed tyro I bottkw Inm aU wall ansnnt a nnaa.. a fl ' I eelf of my bift lag, aud that la gaMiag wall faa!," I ulnar and fw aa a babn'fe Mrevmplaliao, thank) fta aim. Mlanal - la lu..nil..l 1 1 "iniarrom t uirf..vAna miw wirakin ia aa t aa ran. 1 mit wall aa naak aallaf' wan j.l known to Bia bafor, Kntiuaad nud bra abnlatj air alt twtlet ; two ranulir here want to try H." J T?T.r,med7 4mv head a waa Trr aaam trtmaia wmt iepBuiaa-7 komorerbanmiLrita. Thpa tmliliiaof . i "r"JbTJ"?,f.." ew ate- kmmlVm. TWA am)ianm, -b.aa anad. A rV mtiMt tututioatWrauir'' , . l a .1 ..a,.u . t i V . i.t ift , traota. bat -wrtl na-k Trnirnnirtibor atut thai wa anaAa r.ia mam i.r IKa alH a. 1 mwij avraar mm at aiiaaainina aaoa. ib ear. mw n rural nai time,.. 1 . I ; a..maia.iii' KXtrnttH, BirnnrTtosf ofThb tniJifc ke i.aa.i....,. adfiiaa Jfatoaliaaa.a,im y-y. Naew jMratlWaaxjiiw, OteTrkl ij. tufte, and Waut of Appakit. it la unaurpaaawdk CAC'Ttatrt ffl ndanagour-ramadralwanl piao. u. B.t of o iJ! erne, ii inture. 1'he Bw law in nor bw York l'...t' Ci&b. thl. - " T-r - Addraaa, mm. BJfcrMa4j'dk,rm'tVki ,i linwtur,iriKra Berlin Hnantial. fruia. , T tatnnrntnra. ITJaVaaal aa liiAi- bMa "ivni I ivv TObAC f boS: ?ZZ1KV1LZ. J . I'-alf?-. J'U"UU ii":r or. raapood eanfidaartuuly aad reply will bmadby following matt ,.: , , ' j. ., t, ..J ul wiT?rr Z . a. I - ...j ' -'.. i ' ,, ..f.j JJl . .f . f-Min. ii.iii '. 'i. J A lark et)u!r. while bol'tnd Maaj nutalaaA wreklr at - jaa nMJfrWA-jrsiti. 1 tint una.. 1.' . ; f AIMS Ban.', haai TavrvT In Ui th .C.U Al.-.iu "i r.r"-" 1 1SACH BJIOHu lmTO.i.-wi- a"..- i..aMUBaav.r.f.r ruLA-aa.itl.; a.? a. t i . f j ft m r !i--s 1 11 flonaliftaita Hfliaaral.'a j P,H.'a. .1. ! a. i. ; -a "i --r Tn- -r-tr- 4.4 i. FT - wi -"". itiw'to a in 11 aaptm, aTWOal B..' a :i . . av.i ll ,t g I aa a w . n "w1 11 1 iaii lww..)i-.. .. Wt tU know that tut prua..,.. - A jv w . 7,. rT, -'rJMn-il Jl Lf ' 1 . f . " ' ifi'ISt iirr HlbL?;" "Li I Bolt WBtc. tf,..O.u.a.y.l. thtljt 7T T-T-; V from tha arm of maur peraoua full of aorarukiua 1 u ' " Inlurlout to the OfOp. ' ' ' . I , "if ft 7, TVVI.ITv-w aa .. V , 'I.. . - . ..I 1 . . - ' 1 . 14 s rpnrauni isrignineaa to IRQ' A Roar tjilaw to the f 'tia.k. ' - .i-i---r A Htaft Tlw la tktt Llpa, t'8 : fnim I ! .rT A Itutraeee to iho If ettei. t ij A ...,,,,. , HrlarktiMHia la Ika f'nmnl..laa I '" 1 ; .4 .1. ... . W ul -I . v . ... ik, wajiwn van., Jl"M.,'l..'.'..y' .' ' EtTtKATtt ' H I at ,.t.v. i! t , y -f j M Bala nice, eweet Hty for eale br . . . T FOOCB, Jaa a4f J w or -1 ' !? Mulabanil k C " '-0it4M4.ae1 ajrup.' ' A HD., BIWTBfr CLATtB" tXTl U Not and 8. H gyrap. . . For tele tt low by '. WIM-IABO BltO. jtaat-dtnt ; Wiimiiito, K, 0 : " ;'inactiiAyi!0)Ts.ii teffitr atprtTataaahm of lb SuMt Milk wn in viiy. Hiw aa ao eir, bat aim oad anaprr Of iwaVm bhHi ankt ObI 'ii aaaaa U vwaar baa.avra thw be nu M taut awaaf -liUkakf TOWt.M JaatJtW a -teoa- fttarauaai,. j. ' iod Botarol. ' AT hJtA&OKABLE PRICES, BT Uw D-f, weak, MWh, -wil a prrrato laaulgr j, roBM aumfurtaiiia aud earn to. Kuna.ra ! tlio HKKTt i V.I. I1I.VW 'K hakkf -i i m.k -. 41. a UVU'l.filUl . .tl.lf.1. .101 . Hoont 8lr oocapW b. Vff , T"rKlTV Alkal WMUV Knotf tlm Wa. . a-- r- T rtrrTirarirrr IKIBM POTAWKS, ONIOSaV VICKLEtt, BikV dioea, raanad iWatoo. Praeh FeeolM-e, oauue. f awutue) atuatarda. d. I Kmalinh aitdFrojh Tomato Catauo. DtMiratad Goooa- ant, tgaaaa tolattn. bitod Beef aad iiurkah f blur, maiv to-day - ""'I 'ir '.ileajlrannoaato 8Uaa bn n Sat - K.uoual itaojt, T WILt tlB RKKEMBKKED THAT THB MaMara, Tr mala Bro'a. tonk tb ra prara- ra at klli Vli'tfliiliL MlalA li'a rmi lk..ii mUh(i ruaiia. Tbii KMiUt mn fkllr uniiairauint ik uaiuia,-iM3iuH HMMTtwira ajuaiiaaim ' ' 1 t'eil at the bun of it. VIA.!, fayaiicrill 8(t aud axamine bo uf the Im at they fcav 4 , - r f i ict f. , . "NORFOLK ADYTRXEKT&y General Commission ' ItIerxhaBt, ait M and BI. COXafXIire. HI , ' ' '''No'iifotr: Va.1 ' " 1,f No'rftWMMEltTU OF AIX KIWO 0 betn r- a tvMMuw, mm VMa ariana apr uraHB. - aTO noo and 0ural Maruliandlaa aniiitld .A boat alTurw aaad glra aatiafaouon. ' i Otatar Mbell Uaa dtdwarad aa aara at an PUB RKUV LIMA, Afit ; XKkMOKt 10DB , ... Y oK-guT lajiwi. ; t . ,,. . tT.BO prt Ton of 9,04) poantft. 8IIELI LIME BECOMES FOOD FOR THE QR0WIN0 ' ,1 Jt iti C"9Pl -ry- - isniLLLBiii: Digetlt' and lrrfrra' u trie Food '- Already la ike Boll. 1 - ; SHELL LBIEt- AUwbe QAtwoa JTerUliffer citn lilitt m(MplAaiAiAd.JUiat . ; them for th futur.iUNi. i , .i htho; riant .jrt ,( SHELL LfililE CONDITION .. ri V5.i ".?J - .v. .- nmu, uraia ami wa aipaiiriiwrirHafn lar other ramtor ar fertiliser. . Tba low orioa at whwh wa otfar thia fertUlaar eomla ua lo raqalre aaah to aaoompail.. all ,.T:i.:.nSmrvnriCi.T.7.n - ..: arhfliatMa tW "triaif trfi MaebPt tM nt f'fdWlttAah I dard kUruira.iuru.ahad a. " T mwk iaii I an laruMra aoiionau. .. i;.... . rn.maanuriait,.."! : XlaBtMbUaauuaaisB Mmb .4.- uummro mrvnt. 1 tiOBl-OLt Vk. "A Kkw,; Discovery 1 1 1-' ; r a. I. (: lrj)wr l II 4-i.yiH . n .'tS-fJifT-'r. i t,- YI: ' V UvUValtAWtA 1JI Mt- 4. AaAAk a . V ', ' I ' CLEAR A'njyATER " ' WTTHOrjeSEniMtNTir' ' OPEiTVltTHE LIGHT I i f ' i iW Rtl taring 19 GrlJI ir it f M "r Ordinal VolorY;; differs ut-.. ,;,Phaja)ii' "Vital' trrl from1 lit thafTiair 4X)krini? , rwaMtrndrrf fntVir- tli. I mi lt Vfnmllrf A' wOmAbi w-M ihl K M 11 " V"V'U. "" pTccyftatesriomuddyor slimy,, , J n . j . . " - la'ef.reqUircSrVOfilialtinP'.IBl I .! .:, . "1:1 tl , v .J f.. ..l r. .. Li'if J ii) fa ' Tit KtfiC Tlgflf anJHl8t;lC-l.ran4 , (JCur dUai ofthLlertBd8tomah j cloveSJc&s, 1c leaves ho markcta ... 'JL.i-,jr9iit. cSperttritBt --theacl-yetitiTprwlucwin . . , ' rrfav ViiiiHkp natural rnlnr friar pbitaaot eur fur Cough. Culdeeto. . "J r ."1. i - .tuiicor -OlBAtti mai have,,. Ul k.J .t .f , " I , r j tiVtt,.lvu t'l VI. . , . , tiPn-llnn ii tor one sole purpose.yiat of . reproducing, abte cer . tainty, th natural olor of tbe . . . .y . T 'JiaiF.-i It IS tloVCltCnded USA daily dress? rforremov'mg' ''"rhwifAMTiir, mbab FAyRTTEntxi w. f. nor for rt V1 ry.wd1,.w eMee.e. nWtWUw.Olhaa. 'Bcurt or -Mntlruff: fiof rforcu - '"f yini?$. norfor sfimulA- I 'tinfi te irrowthof the hair. ft., f . iT. .... t '-I ,,rf wiecis niay oe acttwn ' , plibhJ I after the color Jiabec fixed rJthftVitalia,by Tha-' rmical Hajr Invigo-. and un-auaUd pwX'trtkmfop - . - , t" nal hue of mvhiUoLdnwlu ing elsea Thia is accolipli&hcd ! tt u rrr lt it ar aceoidinffto th ' required. SgldFoyall drufrrrlsts.' I mil 'toaatl IMonortoi-. . , . u t , lee H, lasveavtaia. i I I L I I A amaH traet of Uad of 40 to M aeree ta 1 h 1 ! laaa milaof tba City, soata btnldtngaoa It; the Sandloff, Maultobto for t Market Oardan. Tarmeeaah. W. iL JOhKa At r.'rv. ;aSMf AtKtlog Cvm, iiaTthaott. KOBIY XAXKET. . OrMaaboro' T 'uejr JKsrtat - ' Boraa.-jwits or tiKU Moras. bt Wii205 iSHOiitH, FINIJUta AJTO luaujtoOkuiuaa. ttocra UaSTajon, niwii i aoao, blJU, . . t at fiw....Vrk---i-- -J UbvlMta, ........ ....,,,,,,. af " ad.Uw. .... ............. sa rtS00-.::: ThomaaTiUa w " u T lAunawe. .. . H Waahia--Lwi .v i t r mum jiaua ui bt-n-tuiiuni'. ...... . .""MM1IMIIKI l. tl K . . - . " ""T"l OomaiarclaJ -.tik. ti V. M1m-.a(. (jrwuaooro jktutual lua. 0o (oid) ........a fjaa Bafcetaa ararag abuat U.M 1 fit kY UIM,t ti.C.halrroa-t Ht,A,.. 1 O it, K. lnvtorad rV ilkaftakadk WabMVMrf 1M. I . til...-.., ! V, . i .. 'f l)rdr SJT? ... . ' t bolder Of M. .S T" " J"fT , , jtoturna Aar eiumwi auwl Vkf h.1 i v" l"4"" ' olTd, by ab aa Jiow I.ark.ur ' jiZ . . airml. a . . . ' Lia aad lire tturarauoe rUi haaad In cood Oompaowa, at Wat rata. . 1 . MMCZ1XAXZ0US. CAftktYM a . t' S 1 uatroeairad a aawatiniilT Viil .it iKa au AUo, a bvga aujajly f aarprtaa Caady aad ,f . n itf .. .AT. CJS7KA1I avBBOr- Xal tew anprlr Ked Akataad ISmia liak, Orab U,a ao4iluug Ueoa, Hhoral. Mia and Forte, ' i V?.i aa m AfcP. CHJtATHaJI A BBOrf . j IBf OOUUaV - -; w ; t n a . ..' ,r i mi 't Bleaahinga aad DoaxaUoa I'aat good la greaa anew Trry onaap, - ... jaa Sd-if ' . B. F, CBtrBAbt 4 BRO. . 1af.MlAaV t rESCl'P, L CO , , Ubolesalo md ketott BriijrglstjvL ""it, FAYETTEYILTJC, fit, 2 II ALE I G II, N. 0.: Ar mow fTeriaf fop BtUo tk -t tAttaa fiiieMwbl raa, .. DBfjds ." ''f 'f "., '" i ' ' MEDIC INK rt, " p r,t t r.,a .M eilKBimfl, . f.Tt, -aIj l'i FEItFtiatXRT.' ? " ' Ja 'l!'t'' . ' .f i A ; Winrtnw'rf p.,!. Ja i IT . Iiniaal ' . Atiu. AULAbS HAlli nttRCBrSft, , , . , kltti. AIXhMt HAIK llotiiJL Btliljf tAlBBjihWkt, ' , lOO tit ' iict'i), ueb da ' "' lBggi4. )a Mf rno ttTTe" 4a Tenli r rt.Affa X TEitd ANlMiflrtH AND I'KANOT . .. . ...,.,v..jtiKOwr i-t Mue Norfolk Oil and Ykb oaao ! COMPAlSrX'B. - niObPHATlO . AIBII i 4SVAMO. f PKICE tm TON OK 4.MW Ibfb, AT am ! n BFULA. .'. , . . Manttfaelm i tu Aorulk YtryvUa, Tbiaartial M mueh oca-lor to tha Faravfan . Ouauuan inrtiiiiwr. ( It oouiaiii a munh kwgar , pervaataga of boa phowpluiii and noda, and naarly aa nuk AwaHNua, im eneat Bpoei the land wiU be aaaa fur rear, to' 'Jba following aairaet fraea eertiftnlB r. r rird from tlioa who aed It lant yoaf apoa j Ooiitun will hare the affoot to raniora the pre-' jtulioe pradwnad by tbe-tia of niaiinfaettirad lartiliaera, and gia eanttdnnea la Uua bom Bavia ariinie. II. Leliormab. W. of Bertie" Mante K. ft. rrl'ibawartawtn.haietbtn 10 'Maai quautitnw tut m Oaauo and found th proda ai.i with Hiruriaa dnot muatt m faror of I your artlcla, tha wad wa larger, fjottoa heartor ; aud the plant kept great through th dry Buna nwr ' ........ ,. , - i 4. , liorum or mbi state, writna to the e J Import. Our I ircular for Jaauary 1 8 VII, i pi bom aw variinnaiaa ra loH. 1 Unlw promptly attaudad to, addraaaad to any . ef our laadi.itf Coni'ttuuitoa Marcbaotn er to ttoa'l Agent titan orat tAwktmap Brae. A 0e.a t. ni Tf aavuinaaaiuu aVWH totllt, riOrrolK, VB. , . l-w MaaK -i '-. ; . 4. . ttoa'i Agent. , "'' ':ial4flgfc Hne AcaAetar, ' . Ot. BY AN,.; PRINCIPAL, TTILLenaafrtheBpriag Buealen oa Meat. ia n-tt . ; I Tl TTJTIfKfTIPlP I IVfi'u f i r d J- .'."' - . Tatfa SwtttparlUa mad Outen't Dolleal . i,. ... .... .. ,?. ...'." ? The gnat aatoratlr aud Biw i-ariflw. iTuit'al Ymitrovoci ilttlc Xymt r.i Warraid th Uat dya ha uaa. Thote TaJutble preparatlout are for eel by ' UJLUJ!BHAIWOOD. , ' laataba ; ,. Batoigh. ,0. - ",T.w,th. " . 1 '' ! a. h.thomab. IELICX BOARDisra awn mv . " - school,- niLLftBOIiiX. N. C. Cutti4f- . Mntnl lAnauidn " . ... ...1 Beaalirtib City Loit ttl A act ton. QHTrXsTHTTHE lat 1. aaat, (will aaH - :: to tli. h'(.'it h'l(nr twelva (iv mur.l f tii prtnwat bin ding laKa in die Cftr. 'ihr ar t part o what I kiiowa i tlw ft or h.uan. roirty. utuauadtot Aa nam huakh-kavit of ' i V ilmCaoiioi aud in th moat at ,ntu .ad ! , nt.l. ir.k at tha Til 'I t,. 1 ... Al . . Md Wm-t in rwur ol 0nln, fhaj trei iJ 10 h. wdib tot fat tnw.o.'adyrUuig mo wa and eaey aaa to eaoa Hit. - . i-aanatona third oaah. baluwi. I aa 9 and t yaara, without tatwret. tha imn.1... ((ig epfiMwad anenrity. tut th rraatiua of bnilmnaa therooa durlne Urn aaar t u.i than ene half t a aun at nliih il,a .... l. ... . -i eltherat tba option nftb kuia w aayntca uu in jirt.m;a.',oouiairBdjg 5Sr . a aJL " : J I i.