:- -.'.f t ; itt; J. J ftiwul Ct a 1 y "'taw, W"lJv'.j AX" 151 i IT mi , 'v! r-p ! fori kjrfrtejte r 7. el at ii.-S ,i t Hi er vr t 1 lVlor r !f" . V r i ' fULEIGlT-lt KO. 64 t a. tht i er ' 'S TT. A . " -t -V u t ri i-i i .5 i ill 1 a. iN. X f 1 1 .. I T L. I 1 i-.;.! - II i II i 1 tTW JtejrlsUture Of Korta Carolina; 000 ;-i r -j Taeeday, Mrt H, - x970:. -fh8w wrdr at f .'clock, ' ' fBtSO BBAMBw OF BMXB. Bill to lathorisa tb Commissioners of folk county tojtvy special tax; patted, Mr. Jose of Columbu moved arseon dderatioa f th vo:, J. A. Hyana cot. msvsof t fat th do- do m tb tablo, Which prevailed, ' ' -- .Bill to aethorit tb CommieaioBer of Bask roomy to i.y especial tax.' - Mr. Beeowa failed theprtviow qnetloe whlrk HiWMwL'iil ttooOHJ iaWiit 310 turtwrixirjg" the Cemittlifionera of Wsk County to Urn Coupon bonds lot I slteed ia amount (40,900 ; petted, 'Bill to ".othori the Sheriff of Pitt Cosoij, Jobs Foley, to collect imm of -telfltk jlr. Robbint wi alt ! prin bad understood, and MM tba pabfio print that' th a Sheriff trait Deputy Thompson bad made a com yitte smtab up of. the finance ol Pitt Coun ty, fia bo pad tha Senate would mm tba BMorinty uf poerpoaitg this bill nntil it U ascertained what ha bee doae with tba bum already collected. Oi aaotioa. of .Mr.Barnee tbe bill wm kid on the Ubi. Bill to aa bar M . the lata Chairman of the Coon'y Court of Caldwell to execute feeds tor tba telt oforrtaio Iota in tba town of LeaeaT, pasted... , Bill to toe irpora'e the Raaigh Saving's mudl. ij stilting out tun ecrou Haw River and allows the owncra of Iht bridge to charge and colhct toll at sock rata as they tnty deem proper. Mr. Jrnet of Coluanbus moved to amend the bill ao 4a to provide that the rate of lollthaU.ba approved by the Connty Cum-, tuaaiof era, which wat adopted aod the U.I pasaed.-r; .-f- NaTavrMeWa. B emao, Burns, Cook, iirfg wBeV jasa)BB. - '. f .... KerolnUoa in favor of N. R. Jonet, thariS oi Warren, Pawed Bill to incorporate tbe Cagle Mining and enafaotaring Company. Paawd. Bill to divide tue county ol Uyde Into wreck districts, ratted. Bill to authorize Mary Jane Tjeor to MttnioA a toll bridge acrote Deep River, ia the annate of Moure. The Ird section urovidrt that said prop erty tiull bt tienipv troia tajrttlQB JTta eoamtrtfriowtiom it we rerrrred recom ' ateoded that it be ttrickea opt, which prevailew.' " ; "'' Mr. Joeestf Colnmbns, moved to amend tbe bill,'ttbmii b;( tht Connty Commie sioners W the rare ot UIL" wLlch wat aAeutrd and tha btH paaeeO. ( Wn to declare Uen Hires a tewftfl trace MTtaln extent ia tht conutv of Stokea, fltjaif, ,ini .( J itf it. 0a BMKioa tha Senate adj iurned. HOCBI OP REPRESENrATIVESL " tvtwnta tRastoB, v , TMBDAtf, aaaftlr ltfthX Bopte called to. order, at btff'pwr'T t'clock.-:',1i-i"' ," ' - ' Leave af abeewra wat granted- to Meftrn, tVniih f AllsghaBt, QawkuwBarBta aad Whitley. T7r--"T " Ob BtottoB ot WhclaiK'tnt ViiW wert mpeadad aad tha trill to rrpeal tba aet to allow eitixent ot North Carolina to practice it the Courtt Of the 8t tie,' Vat 'taken Bp.' (Dees awty with 20 UwytM- Kfeart.lrfclaif ad Miaaei atlvneatad tht repeal of the bill ia remaika of length.. iteiata.Leary eoL Pottt aadothera op yessd tbe bill. . ,'k)i Aher a long debate Mr. Sinclair called the praVbmt BaktialL. Jiftuf ltklUlLU-Xb: tall weaenetataed. klutaA Tht yeat aad nayt were called and the bBl aaessd tta eenoad reading1 by a Vote ot yew 88, naytl7. 't t"-,-- Tht following la the ballot: l TutfAlfeeWi Armreoif Bariet, Bod die, Uahdlen Davit, Davtdaon, Eltuf. Farrow, Ftrebte, Gibeoo, Green, Grier, Harxit of Wake, Hlckt, High, Hodnett, tfamphriee, Kelly Of , Daiv llBotti. MewtloohaH, Moore of . Alamaaoe, ( Nctimhyni, Talater, FrofBtt', Rayland, Bee, Bwbioton, Shaver, Btnclair, ftmiih ' oT Allfghaoy," Broith of Vayaa, Bjkee, Tbompron, yttaL Wuitley, I Wllliamai f-Uarcett, William. ol Wampeoo. I -HATC-UeMn, 'ahaMrth. BarBeXt, Car t . . a, .i. vnerrj, a L-trrJ Dixon, Eendtlcka, 'flitliard. Bin ft ant,"; Hoffman, Btraey, Hndgina, Ingram, Juotut ot Uen dertoa, Lafl a, Lotry, Long of Chatham, Maya, alorna, reajraoo,' Fou, Price, Itey Betot, f4nipt, fetWb,AitOTetrt:tJtiileyf " Bwett, Vest WnK ro p mhww via metwttol &ir. pulley, tnf vsiet ever impended and tbe bill to amend chapter en paena Jtt tjOTtt ritngj 0a Btolioa, 4ua bill wa ordf3 loBa" printed aad ftiadt special drder for to mor roBet I o'clock, i .'J.-i'.i' ; 0t Bwtioa of G. W . Pries, eoi , tha rale wert saipesded and tha till in relation to tht qrieran trie at tha port of Wilmiogtoa, u taken, up aad'1 batted itt te Teres rottaV Saga. - - Di TtBhdorVrrMrone;"THeFill to" : atvad tectioB ij chapter 183, Publw Lawt, ef 1848 ', wat lajnei ,.By.aBa paaetditt jat a Jltght jerirtroaf at tife Ilntover toaety fo Bempton tointyJlaJrik.ea.BJl t4 paeaod Itt sevrjral rea.lirr. 4 ' V -, Otmotioatf,Hairie. of Wak-,'el ,tha . hill toaeerainn tawaabiot ia Wtkt ak.aatv. .. yaaattaa Bp aaa paste J Itt atwi tin ar.i 'ut--;.-. t . Wma, of, V r. t ctaV:a4tU U tnrnd oirteia taciiooa i -chapter 8 7d, raMie Lawt J8B-,l, wae taken tp tBd P Itt teverat reedinga. .f , -r ft motion ' of Mr. llalona, theVitl to emmd Mctioa IS of thai set losespead tha Oeieol lJml Proeadara ia eertein eaeve, wat takea an and ttoe'Doaed nntil Thire ST Wat ' ;-r----'J. -ZJ. :. lit BtoUoa the Uoaseadoarad. a Vt . v, i-v..- ' 'Y o"1 T''DBBtltT,tftrcUlo, 1870. ThteVnatawat celled ta orth at IB a'rioek. f-- ""! t FB0K TUB rt0aV.-'---r--W-- A tteestge waa reaued truut the tieote watttittitg a com tru ilea uoa front tba wovtrtor tod BoperiaUBdeot of Public worts. mIlB I finrirta na.rl. .....j i at. tba ri.ste .ad 0 iii,.,. tbc eoattractioa ol aofioitbed lUllrouU. Th. comntiaicfttioo of th QfTrfinr tnT...lm, Preaiderfti iaquit lengthy. 7 .Ut, Brogdea moved katrtinstf WptiS f fa couimnnk ion aod tca.mpaniog " l" IUQ ILUlirb 111 IOa flulll Uuiawut priuutu iu IDC Baa at aaeii weioTwr m tm, ueuerat Aaaembly, r. n titer ntoTed to amend by totati- mtiBg "ne- oopie fm "tweotj" which wat lort and tbe original propoattioa prevailed. kom rai cod cm mihiorbb. Bill entitled Procedure ,Jb Criminal Aetiooe," 14 pif-a. Bill eatitled "feral Code lift r... Bill. rtl.tine to official bond. Kilt kn ara.. mm : J -.- mm w uivnur id pro is appiiuta .e l"T wiflnwa eeartaupuort and ia dower all bf which werereierrrd u appn prlare ootnmttteea upon the ruadiag of their uilei. ' BltU ntTRODOCBD.' Bf Mr. Bell.ruT : Bill to ml' tha acta frreooei fctU) Aeacy nod tle Catawba Laol Cora par y in tba CH of Charlotte : refrrtwd. . .. C ., '- . Mr. Mr. Lsnter : Bill aathorliinir the Sbariff of draaeille to collect arrear of tazn, which paeaed it etwerat readiDaii ander a aupDaioa of tba rolee, By Mr. Becmaa : Resolution ia faror ol O. W. Willoby. Referred. 4 By Mr. Jonee, of Wake : Rewla loa in faor ot U. M. Miller. Keferred. By Mr. Josea. of Wkei ReealaUoa In favor of Mr. J. O. HUtoa. BiflmTtit ' Bv Mr. Love : Kcaolu:tB in favor of T. . W, Taylor, bhltnff of Hendaraon coaoty. intv. U-,i jQe-Hensi, aVXvt.. ,y. jtiii wiet nocted on ye-teraay, amended aod paaed itt third reading, 18 to 17. By Mr, Loe : Resolution requesting tbe Beprvtentativetof this State in Congress to ute tnelr influence to bava tbe ditabiliN ttet ol all tLt citiaeet ol this State removed aa soon aa practicable.. Mr. Love nveda suspension tf the rults in order to pnt tht n solution en its stVerel reatlinga wbich prevailed. Con iderable time wat uonnmed 4n the di cuaion of this retolvtioa. findiug iu consiaeraiinn tne Diar rrivea tor me tPKCIAL SBLiBKv Bill emoniiaiory of aa act relating to tha tnspectiou ol K..sin at tue port of Wuiniog ton. ' A. 11. Gnllowey, col., mo red tht iodefi niie paetpoiimeut of the bill. Meters. Murphy tnd Bichardtoa eppotcd this motion in speeches of con.iderable 4wo, and argoct te paMas ot tbe bill. J. A. Uyman, col., demanded the pievlone qneetioB wbicb wat eoetalned, aad the bill wat nieoted. Yeaa 11, akyt SI.' On motion Mr, Martmdala, the Benata HOtTSB OP REPRESBXTA.T1VE 1 Wedbxidat, March U. 1870. House called to ordtr at tha Btual hoar, Mr. Ellis presented t petition from the physicians of Catawba Couuty. Keferred. fexaoLimoitt ARD nut, By Mr. French t A rrtolatlon in favor of tbe Secretary of nte enale and Clerk of "the Uouee.o Lira over. rv . r ai d - l. k;n ... Mau b.U. V, . . , WMI, U UI .1 w prevent tilling ot trees ia Mill Crtek, Johnston Connty; wat taken op tad past ed its several readings: ' Ob motion of ReynuTil ool, the bill to Bxempt School Committee men from work ing on tht public btghwtyt, M takao op Sad made aueciai order lor Friday next at 1 o'clock. , S1K0IAl BI1BB. ( Bill to ba entitled an ut to raise tsrenae. i The bill wtl ditCBSsad teotioa by teotion. In tection 1 cla 1, which provides that there ahall be an aa aalerem ux ot twenty five oeott on tvtry one hnndred dollars in Value oJ teal sad ptraunal property la Uii btaie, auuject to tit tap lions made oy law. This tx shall be levied ia addition to anon special taxes as ara eutuoritjd by tha Gen eral Assembly for cxianty purposes, j Upoo ail mooeya, creditt, uivttmra'tln bonda, hot exempted by law, Ore-twentieth ol one pt-r cent. - : j l'pn all tockt,-oiot stock companies, or oiBtrwite, flve-tweotietbe of one per ent of their cash Value : PreetdVi, That all tbt taxes for State and ' Couoty purposes, imposed noon all real tad peraonal proper xy, fffatr, ia bo cite, vxoeea two.thirdi f mat per eenf , except special taxes tor coun ty parpotet rntitied previous to the raiifl- y pnipwee reiiueu prerioee so in. rauu- Mil. or tBaev-sat.xoB taovea lei.nt, ont in . tba Proviso, tha words "except kpectatlaxel for CdunTy purposet raufUd" hviooaltp tht ratitlcailoa of thit tot. , it. Poa argaed for aometima ia tdvt- acy of t.it amendment, - s ' - . Atier a oeuate ot some lengtu tat traena rnrat was rejeoud by a vote at yeas la, nayt Pendiarr a dtseaMioa npea taction rl.tht kJIotiBA adjoorned,- ! '' TCAwa XT, Utni...f tLt reA n.At remj - inuou authorizing tht Eogtoaeinz Clerk to IJlploy fir ttit rait jif tht sesil.m, to t-atit-" ant, at f4 per aayi wnioa wat aaopieu, - BpCSE0PMPllESB5TATiyEB.T i - ' i : '. svEwnto tBtMoirv: , , , . ... i. Wmbbboat, Mtrob IB, 1870. '-- ; Mr. French for Ct'muilitea oa Countlee aad Townshipt,, reported favorably upoo tha bill to establish the eonuty ot Pamlico (out ot portions of Craven aad Beaafort). The bill eras nlaeed aooa the Cateadar. V Oa motion of Mr. enipetj the rsMlutina Danen- the Dardiaeu ot tue lata K. M. far- Aec,. of iioriuajspton,.. watlakea up tad f adopted.''' -' .-...- '-,! . v . . Oitxtnotloa of Mr. Potter, tba bill ia re asrd to. common , earrvirs of freight, waa taken ap atrw aeweaerwew 1 Oa mo lira of Mr. HcCanleta. the bill to ari4' ju''lf4 tg apa.tiat Tn ia ct-r aia eases, waa takea up aad psatad auvteverai raatuorai - - , Ot motion ot Mr. Darbam, the hill to incorporata th Wastera CeB.ral Railroad Company, wist takea Bp and passed itt awecat fwXBgaW.t-r ' . The d;ooaioe of tha Reveooe bill wat reeu tmS tnTolir1rH'-Trw:io5' -when the bili patted te Miiid teaUiog by tht fol lowing ballot : -.. .,' f. v. ... ,.!, .., : Tata.' Aaiea, Aah worth, Betrmtt, Cand ler, Cry, i hrry. Cranrkird, Dixon, K lit, Fotknet, Fter, Preach, Gahagan, Harrit, of Wake, Beadneika, Rinoaat, II of) man, HorneyvHadginge, I -.gram, Jus os, of Baa. d t o, Cffi a, Laar,- Lf5gprt.'hlthtm, Loug, ol Richmond, Mayo, MoCaalvea, laoexa.BfCkowaa. MMnt, Paartoe, Pnca, ".'7ji-iti-rt, I Battle, BibolaffFmfth, u'fStoo.'TSitTirl, niruil- UtekEri w5 Wu. V at, Waldnp, Walcb, Whitlei. vitleoo, Durham, Pert boa, Uitiaon, Oreeo, vrunnr, uawaio. tl.iillarn, liif!lw Uortin, liBiuplinet. Jiftvu; K-IIyi 64 Davie. Ua&fte, McMillan. Moore, of Alaueax. Nibni. Faint. r.Pou, ItotvioMu, Shaver, Smith, of Aii'Knuy, ervens rv.er, Tte BiBwta. " ! ' iTMotii, vviiaeaia, 01 Bjmo Oa aiotioa tba lloute adj araed. 'i SENATE. , T.tJitao.Y,' March, 17, 187A ineaeoale wra called to oriltr at IA OCIOCK . ' By Mr. Foianor? Bill to atiTforizfTne If le Trt ptalr'e litehef Tn cer.'alri PnliHa woiKt. Tun bin tuinoriBje tueuoveini r with lite adveeawf tawaownatl af tba fttato, to sell tbe HiUe' iatortat ia tbe North 0aruliu and A Mad tic and Kor b Carolina Railroad, and ia tbe Allx m ine and Ches On nx'tiOB, ut Mr. fjo k, tut bill wm ruler red io tbe Cunimittee nu Iiteiual Itn piwremeBta, V--' ' " T't; liy ur. lyeci i lx U to a Bind an act to inc"poiaif ,ibe Cape Far and Wueeamaw Laol and Lumber Company ; rt-ferrrd. Bv Mr lK-ili.it v: BiU onfecmiBK rureisn Insuraoce Cumpantie doing tusiuesa in luia Hute. By Mr. llayis : Bill rtlatina to Inoranoe I coinumaiue iiii'ijruirra e i u lut vnuvu nwiee aid doing Kna-ocoft in tide rHte,- both of wbieu vtereroierrod nine lojl 'wli gipnolal . . ' .. Vr?. yt mmitiee, Mrar. lJellmny, Uv, Joiwe, kleubufg, Litsstter aud Iwbuiua 9. nayt . col. air. ucuaiuj wu a. ix. uaiiuway House rtvoltr.Ion In ftvor of white and colored aoldieit who were disabled in fight ing lor the liuiou. paused. Ketolation aathoiixIngtheCoamfttae on printing to make anaugetm nta at once to to .haee the' Acta ut the present General AMemoty tintrwa ; passid. lietoluio fot' Mr. Ittibbins) propoaing td'Hivrrt Ttnr tJerly ft'itrorB; w-mraet a is ni,ajul aiijouruat S p m, ani. moet at JA p in ; passed. Rewi ulion atuhlritilrf. rhe Public Trent. urer to employ council to test the eonatita tionality and validity of the bpeeial tax oouiit, parsed ust onu r.Mi), , HeeututioB nqneetii.g the Rvprtitientatfvet ot ttiit elaie in Cunmesi to use itmr tutu -epoa to have ihe poiiiital diaaUluUet of all i taa'einaaaa Bf twit BiattJ Mr, rbflinr moved l icier tbe reaola. tiou to b tjiecial ooramittoa ol' ibree, with iBstract tons, wmcn was vutea down. . Yaaa. Messrs. BaleT. Bmeden. Col grove, li) man ( -jol ) Joaea of Wake, Long, Htioltn. r. smith and Btpnta. ' Mr. Love caJted the "pvlttit tjti-tiiwi, wntCD wat sustained, ana vat fttotution passed nnanlmoutly. : , r ii , .. . ,. TKIBD BtADUia 0 BILU, Bill iu relation t convicia, Tha flrtt teetioit ot thit bill con Ulna the fallowing provistmv. that no pertna herealter convict. ed nt crimvlb p.aaliy w tiers-d & impri onmoBt at bird labor Iq, the Penitentiary, ahall be-tent. need lor a leas term tbaa one year, wat after outidirabie discaasioo, rtiected On motion bf 3fr. G rut am tlie rvJea ware suspended in order to take up and ronaidcr tbt but ralttitiff to uttsitietioB ol tiacis tratat in criminal actions, and tha bill P'soed. . t On motion the Senste tjuroto. HOUSB OP REPRUsEVTATIVEi. , r TatMPiT, March 17, 187(1 Hon -e called te order at half patt o'clock. ' Mr. Grren presented , a petition, trim c'.rttix ctir-ns of Suuih y dwuli pry mg tbe enactaieat in a aiay law tn, regsrd to old debt X. KetHred. ' ,4 Leave ol absence wat grnated to Meetra. Davia and Seymour. tpxetah CBDKM. Bill to he entitled-"an tct coMetnln electioDt and trgittratlr n in. tht year 1870. In aectioB I, won n aamet tut a nerent officers to be voted fur in tba coming elec tion, Mr. French moved to ttnkt oat "Shariff," , . - , Mr. Jreccb. aiid. tha Supreme Court bad virtually ill aided that the4 1 ftlcert would hold overia s(.it of an tleotioB pldered tj. iiuao. , M) c.!lt,r.0d the -by a vote ot yeaa Baytoa. j The MIR.wlrfg cf-nUemetrrvtln tlie affimatiw: Mes'ra. F.ieer, Frefh, M0' tnlaatv Seymour, tiincltir and Vest. Mr. Giuiter .moved to sUike out W.tiwa Itt.whicb.pryyWe 'hut. ai. tii aUtceM. wbotove'eution it ordered by the firet tion of tine act, thall ba voted ff f on ona bailor, either written or printed "Jtr.'TU t klvoontlud iha motion Hariw, art Wait eaol oppnesil 44,-........ - Alter tome debate tlie yeaa tod nayt warn called and tea amendment wat rreted by tae toauaing oaJiut i . x aaa.- auaw a argo, aTmerrong, aoaaie. Canon, Davidson, Durhaniv Edit, Farrow, Gatlia, Gibson, Green, Grier," Gnnttr, Bar rl, of Franklin, .Hawkins, Uickt, High, Uiuaaat, Uodmtt, llumpbrira, Jarris, Jat tua, nl Liendersui, K.lly, of Davie, M alone,' Mu Vliliae. tlnure, f Alamance, Nicholson, Pain tar, Profhtt, Rohinsoo, Bhavarj 8inlt, of Alleghany. Smith,' of Wayne, Btiadwii k. TbompMin, Teatal, Weh, WhitleV, Wii llama, ut tiamert, ara wttttamt, of Damp Nv. alensra. Ames, Burnett, Bowman. Candle, Cany, Cawtliiwo,'herry, Crew ford,D.xoa,l:i(leK.irko.r, Potter, Prrnit ttrmyrwiiswiaie Lrary, Ing, ol ( hjthaffl. Long, of hid rmoat, jaaju, jawawiaaa, a or. ia, reanoB, Prica, i'mctoe. Baiitand, ttet, Rnotrow, Rol.btDt. Roynotita, SiBclmrr, Birnonda, tmtih, l Maitin, Siiipr, t)iautni, SU'vewi, Stilley, Sweat, Bjk.-e. Vest and Waldrop. ,. Mr. HnmphrieBaBofad to ainwatt-trlina. "1" lv imividiMf fof 'TBe'eTwniB of"a" Clrk ef to hnpil it CiitJit lorCa xitnekeounty ' nr. u. said tuat ma Of tr aiecttd bay died, aod tht ptent oi.t as oj'ily ta a" puintee ot tbe Jadg, ami he thought ie t'ea-tl'tttiot eNtr- that the Ckrk ia tie totutnea sh-uid ba elected l y tlie prfiplfin tle eiectioa of 1870, tberei-re( ba oSfed this ameadareTitrM:' ' - Ma A r?k ait rt f laf.' l 111 tint ' ft dtvtrs ' , Mr. Eiucla r oj.p.isd at' g, 1 . .. . . ;jfaii'Wir'vitit-toi vote twt . - L'.:-U.r..IjXtUa V, fca-erh-ah. tue aweadaieat--m rjectel. Mr. Pri r mrV1 tolay He mnHrwi to "WTOBstdei 44" ' ;Tbe is vote and tbe Ui'te. Wisvyeat to rceiBsiiter was put to othre argued IAiator ot the auiee Iroent tteasra Sinclir. Rjnfruw, Haina, of Wake. Vwul sd oiliira opposed tbe amrunvctoi; eMi Gibtrm aiorLl l amend tat Inoladios . . V..-iayva. ae"-"-ll mr 10Q nrthviLiiiw Inr rttH t-h d the hniienor Coart ittjalj "crn'nlii"Bii Tioldlajt tf "apimi'mViifi (Tnie it la the nature ut a suu.iluie for the o hi-r two aim ndme its.) Mr. bmckir mi-vvd to lay tne tmnrlmtnt o tna tawe. ' .-- The Chair announced that if the amend ment wet- tabltd, it would carry tbe bill Tbe mnt'oit was pr etwaVo a vote and te Med. f Here tlie reelBDatioa of Joa. W. Uolilea. fcl , both ax tlie Speaker 'if and member ot tlie H man, to take rff ct tu- Fremh ntortl that Mr.DoldFn he repeated to aitlid Bw his reaigneilon at Hpeakeraud member ol tbe llooaa. Carried.) The detiate spoB the difi rent amend- moata tatbeeiactioa bit Was ntumrd. Meaere. Downing and Moon, ot Cumran. Were rpposod to all of the ameodntgitt. . ,r Mtea.. tfailittg, Maluse and .otbatt tup-, ' - T-:';"." T " r ported nr. rou,a aniinduieot. oinm and r.J cted tly tbt following ballot ! Txas. M.lrt. ArgoArmstrobtf, Buddie. Cand er. Cawtbnrn, Davis, Davidson, Dura bam, fi'lM. Farrw, Fetele, Uatllng, Gib eon- Gieaia, Grier, OunUr, Uariu, ot Franklin, llaakio-, Hix .. Iliunaot, llud via, tiumpbrirs, Jarna Keily of Davit, 7 Alalyne, tleiBliiaii, alO'io ot Alamaace, lS'icholaun, Pain er. Poo, Proflilt, Hubmaon, I Shaver: Smith ot Alleuhanv, fmith of rr ajjtl, uomu.urr. ttcktu,-- tt jiiwdt, Tf ii ll..- u......... u:o:Li. : r a-. ' uawB v aiaruwi it f iiuanif yi . paippevH. i h'Ava.---Metira.Amt Ashwortb, Baron' t. t Bowman,-Carson, Can?, Cherry, Crawford, Dixon, Downing, Eigfet, P. rkoer. Potter. Franklin, French, . Gtbauae),' iitrrut, of Wake, Heodriokt, Hilliard, Uofliiiaa. Hor nes Dadgiogt, lours m, Jif4tM of li.ndr- soo. Kelly . of Moore,,. Ajearr. Loo of 'hanii fatng of Riolinifiwd Mtve-JiMui Uanleta, Moure of Cnoaan, Horrit, Pearson, Peek, Price, IWtor, Rea, Krntrow, Rob. nine, K-ynolrtt, Bioelair, Btmoada, Smith of M -, Snipes, htevent, Btilley, Bweat, Bykea, T jsttl, Vtt, Waldrop. ' , Mr. (sunter moved to strike ent tn Bee tloo ti. tLe aM't iilp,:i"' aod lunert tue . wuru "may, -., ajvaw .,Tht bill fhta patted itt third retdiugby a voteoijeat no, nays u. ,,,A (tiearage waa received tram tha Senate OoucomRg in tha U.-nseresoluiionailjouro-iog sins Jrf on tha 2sth last, (trmutdtm On motion or nr. cti!y, tba bill eon Otrain the pUblio priming, jtj t.kea Bp. , - jarvts au.ved to reooliLjiU to tba Commutes an Printing. Lost. I .'f Ml rurham tald by t r erfA,ce to tba tikle atorxed to" the bill, It wonid be teea ht ateeart.' Kicbols and G rma pro poa. d to do' tba work for 8J cents tar lhooeind enii" of plain compomtlon, they offered' to give art -epproVt d twnd ft r the reitbm! aod propir execntioq of the aork. Aa. ' Ut moved to strike oat in litie 80 ooe drdlar," aad inaeet fcB2 oentt," Mr. Stiller moved to amend "tht amend ment fcy making tha prict "78 ceBle." Ttie yeat tad nayt were called, tnd tbt T'J-' "".- - , ... TcAmetv lVvaiaa. Carton. Cartv. Cawthorn, Cueery, Dixon, Downing, Pork oer, Potter, Franklin, Fiendv Gabtgtn, Gnntcr, Mtrrit, of Wake. Milliard, Uotuev, Justut,ol Henderson, K.lly, of Monret.Lt ln, Letry, Lng, ol Cbaibtm. L wg, of R.l,.rt. u mr.i i -a vnowan, j-earaon, fnck, Priot, Proctor, rttgiana, ttet, Kenlrow, Kobbiot, Raynolda, rV-ymour, Sinclair. Snipes. Stanton, bteveaa. Stub y. Sweat. Bi kas. Vestal. V.ai. Wal- NATa Anm. Armaimeir. ftrvblla TU.la uaeiuaoo, JJuitam, JCilta, farrow, rereotv, Giln,flrwn,-rieT, Bamt,-tjf PraBklin; porua, Aog.a.n, atarvts, Kelly, 01 iravia, Maloae, MtJlillan.MicholaoB, Painter, Pou, RobiBtoo, Shaver, t-raitn, of All.-gbauy, Tnwipn, Welch, Whitley, Willieea, of llarnu, Wdiiamt, d Sampsoo, ... j 'Mr.- Jlntone moVi'd to'ttrlke out in lin'ea f ta and J i ttie aordt "H. pom of tbt decia totta oi me nnpreraa Cirtirt."- Lioat. , la lint 23 which P-rt ana dollar net 4-rewpvte work." Mr. Arg-j. JBioed,ti- aninudby roukipg it S-t cents. . Loth. Mr. bttlWy moved to makt it b78 etnU.f Tn bill then ptsasd ita eeooad twadinff py a tKrutt pany vt.j -h - s it v- Th Wll then pusea lti third reading. Altar tba trassaeiiot of tome tnrtbet bnimportent betsjese, tbe Bouse anJoBrnarl. note. A eoB-munlratioB wat received frwea Joe. W. Soldea, Ei)., declining to winKiraw BitreaigBtitua at rtquesttd by sue uwi. ' ASKW.TuWB IB NotlTB CaBOUBa. A letter to tha Boston atoWtieer tart: FranctiLigUtb oi, of Philadelphia, imina dia eiyatier tht War, bought a larira tract of lad between the K .snoke and Tar riv re He and a iff othen organised tn.J .j;r.-i?nta'rTrY.:.rt.'3 riVt-rrxrt. .-. ...... i. 'i ... . ... . euujuwi wa.tina mv Tat t-lsct! Preaid-Hittr-aniffjltTro tea: I hat t0 at work PieLarin lor iht" ae-UUmuaaf a a ortt-eiaes tow a. as g otlemeo ttto Aatcd with him' art welt kouwa la I'liile tlelpia at among tht meat reliebla buaiiieat Mtf. A railroad bat been built for tevera Vi1at.sa A St.. aai a, a. j- -laal ,r - ' Tba road will b further txtehdod, and open np a valuable tract of land tutUbl lor hrmt. Already a fcw Peonaylvtoia farmers, Irom Chett. r county, hare brt.ken ground, tod their dep pluo.hicg mtket Hit naiieti tiara. A flouiialiiug town, such at it U pmpoMd to build np here, Will Of a Mewing to North Carolina. ; s , .- TltTfe-ta-eeitrd Kt HI a t ic. Ms ol men uj eavipriM.ue viae aueve, com irum a here Ibey may. InrOtr Carinno A r kv 1 . Wili ha aea. who ,hoaUat ,wi tbe Oaaaclal admiaietreiioBU't & t H the t.tafwlit) WftWMwa.thaot h-.iJ-.l-Bg,M be.aJTal U bJUlSelH! . t Ai ili-luiie utay were taadw Uhtj 'ago t sme c:'l"t, the tat orally otia.lt m4 by npusaaa. pretha!f.tllyoawB his tue t.tnafwUt) ejaji(i.U.la....l.,''".0'! nw '"" "- audplit-3aaa.,jS 4( a kj B ailvajara WVJ U ,poinI aieatain tha oaivnat, aad y..votiMeiin(r men .to tut tiewsit ot its tjioiMema WMttrt nt iwe hwv-ihm m"i r the L'nltad A ataewlustiiul ie.LiuiwJeirletHaH.hiaaUiB)raldbBtB guttl v ,,, , f ;f, , , ;.:..; ar , T"'"TT.' tBVT iiwr. e-- -i TTP---v miiiu v the n ant ut $WfiW Uh4Jot iu w aiiTwiee iia'i MH'tiPBai aee -r----- I' WTTS-'I.OI N M I nl a. aileanea. it h kleaM of woMie T . : .... aer wuian Ma leattnt tat danq iug in crowdrt bahdumai.aaAiaiJuat;. . , . .. , - r . ' : a,a..Lii at hare na.eav ro.ftaascafl e lea apteiafi iettaaax'4ay ilteaUd, aaafcafetiie hottee of his pioue ami wea thy brnl.er.iu. la Cutbia I ;t M . haaa ten i '' Did ba advaact lit hv WaAW 4 eaavsra ... r w ittt tneory tuat tt emtliv af ttttgnvarB- 'mova Ueepe'rfc-'.ij St- vvwi. Drd he advanee K j haoiB a narr la lb, gokt eotViray , ButttrflelJ, who waa chh ff i.ttrnmintal r .r:". rr jtz w; in trening tip tba a-hacrintitia fbrbltn of 100 000. to the ansi.fc.nt' fjeatarialiin ia Did he advtBOt it by appoJoUng , Jlnaei' n. Oriune'l. one of" tJtainharnbei. on But.' (rfleld'n liat. to the collectoraklp of th DOrtOt K Y.Wk I, f5rinnBll la 11,,'nnJixV tte of Rla-taLct i.i..-. .J..-i i .... , ,. -. i . . , . V ' 7 " "T vvi ui oiaicin..ra,Jiue orimiaat ,wna pefM ig treat. x,-r." Vif n Sit ttf law, c.lleotor ia Adw.Otleaaaf ' , Did ha advaaco u) by k4voatwg tapndt. anus, U tbt pnipotal, that Uwecurotaiy of the traatury UantiQevwd thttraata- ty .oeiitt t.:,-. r: - w j Did he advanca it by ptopoeitg to, out i tiaue-iiriisiiBt.raiat of taaalistn I ;n. n a r - Did headvaaoa it sby Btvawaiug taB uva taaaiHia a'y wuiiouau ouartv .WiUatuaa repatiao Jowraalltt-tell pf ef ma woid-wratt eetdor done try li htetwl j -know-BoibiBg- ta beaee ad oafa tttl ttrategitt iwrr yelVpt Uratit)-whieh"bt advauotd toaerodlt ol tna. govwraaMBt tVMcwoa iitts. ttr M ") t tvat ".it Ut, aV: ij mt ft ho A Rtjuiwit f Ast ABOItitt Vtatttiiti Tion. We tear of an amusing tttnupt . at' an elopoment which took p!ct oa..ll..snn' how1" otttrd Mtly-4tf, ' The- pf ttet- l-wew a young man ot tint city tod a young Tht partlet shall bts namelet, . Kteryibing Dad oeen consunimatea np to aionaay tn the way of preliminary trrangi-mcius. .' Tbe laay wat duty ent-ortea Itnut her home by the alnlvcui!!? liT and ooiivyd to a awampbard by, where they wire lo li tbe arrival of B tarria-it, Al r' neud bead obtained by a fuend' a day of two previous and everything had been arranged, but stlU'tht) carriage did notcouity piuaily the bridegroom, In ,antklpatioi, Wiuit n tjuttt of tbt carriage Trliiia' hii pronjaed bti.te remaliied la aba swan p.. But, 'l;vc k a "day: ber parents bad Buirsed hrT.,ttid While ber lover wat 4 been t found ahd rex" Claimed bef in; the twtmri, whitbef t.ef had traced Dor frrim home, ' I mnirinc. If tltn can, dear reader', the lover's ditaiiD 'inlfnetirt oa hit ratorn with tht Carrhige. f Umindf Qoakbb A Bo-f..attaM eBoOemtDt waa oreaitd tat thadetKN a Taeadat aiirUt. wnarrini n im ieaunreei uaia, oy a serrituy Arsui eiaoirKiuai yuaspiaiiioat ol a btI var aad whnauntlji tayraur on V Wa tte i water i WivaBaawtacl,r. Xee deeired trticie being broagtit, bt took. It wtthtiw . f . i. . . t. . i. j., with t party ol fellow em.r.0ta J Caruliaa tor the Wom, hearrivad it ti f . o bore' On Suuday murnitig last, and leeiaig a Uttl woary aad imiMsHwed At lavid dvw a ia th to tmf . apprapriatswll to ,awjia tht baggage the party lor, a alight itau, While ba wat aetopi tba , tieatgage-mtaWr of th traia cam along, aad .kxst wowrtlag an tieepor, uairm i- aad . .twatoda, 40. I. ear through to Portamoutkv u&t eHut.vi w , Tue car cam thr. ngU ia daetima. britie-. ins? itt animate aawaJaaiaaaimaiafriai aifright, having beea (sta i-ha.jroadi toast any or wx y aoartw severei time row tt BVUlVa SBf itltb W4.-B tat taawa, .i . .i t. 1 S-av-watww 'BH4VMB -ybV 4tawf a4t , " I entirely iuult, ami b wtav.ooly j tMtratwd WAV. iy.MWtWitmewtj iIiMb. i rJltMhi.sWai.iJel Wutl 1 alter reacbing tbt depot ktce, bartatt 4a over two day and aigua wwwubIt hat( or drink, and ta tha most diurnal svud turar iug ,coqfl m.nt .Imagiiwbitt. 'fit uowi ft How set med to be anany lamlsbed with Ultra wntn (a car waa p.BV an t to every tnqatry be could only ask for waur. T Tea lVw V"lt ewreiof tajtjTh flpautah" lftgaUf'hoif riding at aachor oa th Brutary pifasiite j tbe patriotic y A bm aiioerettMdi pleasant olrjaotuf Motemptanoa.' ATaBkoa tyaipa. thixer with tW'jftibao caU'(jcUftft iVt be 'would like a..tttliig,,bttr , than to; tak on? bf Ur flam'a J'Bb-er boXu oa a raftV-.withtitfry. goodieit, sad 'open a lew txtra srratiis.ore: lanhe tideeol the SpaBiah mcwiw.! slla wria ut that h wouldn't Soar, ) atttat tut hwr btg'rtm, tBd tbtaka lit oaitid pat hat whole hulk toiler water 'sittwwltoat ttava mm e' boaibardment,' Tbo jractv me atx mt piansiltl coouali, bu4 ww vtawtda't a.ivbe him to tr U wn bwett tVet'-oeaiaalt-. llf. J lilt M .'at til tucii an aet epoa the Alabatnt I mai j--ae.it l,ni, rjt.ikaelut Cal I PajtutttVatif Al-The alilhva'i fwoai regron wv-'-peiiosj'traflit VrifrnilJ square aiin-a, th bjiotilwot 'atid "WnM te gloat Lt,i sqq tr rnne7 1 tb r'-,lawj b terttaiy .talt tbo.OtlO, And k' Ik Said 1 hue) J1rd'lMftoirh.!uar aad A0 iiaistHlr?tje girJ.'itwl th. orrthrstta i era sou trjuart nrli- Of amhhtc i l Rl,te miTea in Onigon, and . valuable xqImuS ia rennvytvaui. 1 4 ': ' ,., ,1... a.i ; f " A Ksw ' Loudon, ttabbath-scbool teacher laid to a little boy recently ", Supposing torn bal, wkked boy thuai4tvp jotea your way to church, and tsa ja to gp to sow) bad plaoa witb tiita, what would ; aaj jj ftaat Jtuuid- Vtepaanwl tba lime .wag t " f would eas . abuo Be. dou't bvtbsr ate, fm to ad fAl fueVsy sthuwi" reVsif -a- w - - aittititt abowa tba trail taaaBit,tilMtigtywBaearely bed la. with letter luxa-iant. TfMoBlug eexat t Bit tnti head large I promt wvwwtote-jiled wbfB bbb'V aia wu-apraai a laia, even Tee, P1" i WootUatwtt, 1tBtethM j i-- ... t " V I v " . iwU!Ul h apiral; Bern . t, .ii. J,, j'; 7 ta. - " i i m.&m - Lit "i i-.s,r.'.-' IPU 'ir"i, witlt, p io-imc nx X, : PurB v''"ff "'"l pf m-u-.w nx L would ' J 'Jv'iM euraetttint of etlratntly J1, twnkUlrttatte, at ia tlit net of VmWT rttlwBtktaly f..f - Bopleaaaat "i omrrre: s" ."- 1 - i " . . . fT . XfTraiTS M 6cw baclE . dish ol muiHin B ivorva wtm onion, taymg it T? .fT ,0.', -". M Bi-vei favelU "B" pww..B antimony lor 'aaf Z i wHwntt pm own. rfeftrt.likr-rtrATiiit'lh 'ge'berat LraanuuncciT iona tn apont ana gsaiee, aaa ht tR thfngf most bol k t heroic ideal of ArabtB chemcter. " v r;"" . . ftt-mH born atfhe-city df lfpce,: IX m ffotrJ which place be fled to Medina. J ly 1, 623. This flight gave net jo tbe epoch tnt nron.wgy clNd tlit HeUra, wtlctt IB t J,i.r.- .- ia LTaT ..a tr rH!BrHiurMa BiaiineatB rk.i..i... a.v . vn.i.,i,if,nTi, dh ea'iaiaalta. Ona of the latter.was of the Jsw.bitt, and tbt other of tut nw-iriea wet With tbls help be traqt. d fh Koran, wbich he preu tided to receive liw-ttraft Gabriel,1 wiicun In-iba Korci.b, Arabic, which bedeclard Wat tha lailguage -of 1 Varailuwv Ja tbia Uoguagt there are 1,000 terms fort word, 50Q fur Hon, BOO tWfterpenr, ot -BO f Honey, it it sup. potsrd to bo arttteu about the year (10, and paomect wa lo nntteJewt arid' hrisiiant, wlimatlaiwntl 'rt tUtr wofthtp fit tone Got. u utter Bertaln ttejt end i'pereniohlet, extn ting obedient to Mahomet 4t Prt.phet: The t yla of tht roloinelt Boedt,,concls, and beautiful, and where tha aitrihiima of flnil ara rla- tcYttrefl, It If tub time and rnsgniil.it nt. It tdmltltha'divine Biiitsion nf bold Moett abethrftt Tfie leading art cta of faith it wrmpatilhitBy tf Itf eTfWkiyfmrtndtBtgt taary Bctma, tamely, Ihst there it only ona Gftd and Mtsaomot is hit s putt te. " He died px? 631, of tbt) rflectt ol t flow poiton, given f ojm ny a yew, lna yeart be ore, in ofder to diK-ovor whether be Waa a true prophet; and ItnmorUI, ts be declared tnm. "H w Millfwa bi vial-ted, hie ihrloa ttnenthat uty, from every quarter of the kif&lrtiatritfTK wnti 4 cams . . iifiiir trnnir. -.- v. , Wtfeevtaia tetuval of the Ax'ona. 'wrilet FrecDovt, w bora w tarritle wat elfured. ' A year wefara tbf inlett led tacrifict, a captive 'uufiauuea . or nie peraosai vtetuty, tnd wrtbont uhnlkh oa hit liody, wat selected trr4-e ma dtUft -He wat arraved ia a tplendid dreat and regaled wih tree as HUB profutton nt beahtilnl II rwera. When bt waa attended by k tram of royal pg t. aaa a tna aaiiea in tn tueett to pity tumt lavmna taeieay, ih crowd prottrated tetitlve before Mm and did him hnmao-e. In tbls wayht led an east Inituiout life an wttttia a month tr bit aacnooe. - Pour bantlf.if girlawar theB aehcu-d at hit erariMeieini: and with them Bt eontleoed to iivaia Idle dalliance, and wat b-aated at the bMitaata of tlie priaotpai eol.Ut In VAtletiiiia the fatal uat l, aaoridfia ar p.. ana oatieaiiiaa 10 tbe lair partners I bis revr.lrt.-a A,royaJ barge trausportad him acme ilia Ul.i to a leiupi wt.iob ttood 'on lit rnHrg tt, ' At thr prouetsion Wound uftrbe tfdet of the pyramid oa whith th temple was built, tlit nuh nov victim threw awsy bh gay Ol.apleti of flow art, tul tirok in p eoi hie aiu.ical inatrunienit. Thar ne was rrwcneti q pun ttit tactltJcltl ttooe; Bv pritart x trd hit head r knd Jimba ; whilt a sixth deifcroDs'y opctw-d hit breast Wltb a atiarn nt it ami fi,a..r. a I e , ' " ." ' a ii.hu i t the WOtrmt teTTriTt the oarottafini heart . jvrteu we nraw in moral r is it not tba Wsy itlt f1itenipter and his Victim t t-kWjrl world: the summons, de..air, ss- rifloe, death 1 ' T f- t ti ir iiaiiinm-nat a sai" j.' " '' T i : --t" t ?Tb Bi-XBriaB Svot. Th buds hav I baeo alamiiBg, awdr abeir night at nat 1 nearly ptst. d. a.hey-wiU twoa aWakt to lift and beauty. Ahieadv pnopl ar euri au tn know, how taeny of thus-that mat lalAAiriAllUaiiU ti UlL Uata. atled t their hwrlt;- bxttiuiiiatiivainiuiajr thaw that more are WJiM " ibeo. pan be. nurtured to fair pr.iportii.rjN ud lUAtlrUiua quaUty, ... ma iady bat (nee poetising a tb tl p ng koda, and U may aot Is toe- let xoqua aiw: m. . 'Hut bow tbt bttds aretlumbcrtng Llttl they cure for the wild wind which rock their tlry arartiee, or ting them eolitn Inllea biotjTh rainbowed Ic-lcle may be peudaat from their tipvor tht snow wrap theta la its toil imb:c. They know aetbbg about it but exit' in a smu-eblivious Ctadttioa butwiMO tU-p nt trt.1 te future, deriving streiig.h irHut tt.tir Iqrmer lit aad looking with bright eop to tutt union ia to oom. whilt tht x are ibuaratjoaiu. it nm ba a,.. tie Ukii g uniliioljU-it lu gasing ujoa tha ee.ufil Mlaw it,- Ji to, d.f UmuI futl saiiais'Xior, i 11 toy ef thtia Mae tor.uaate ai in priKiuca vuuu4 tana green. ngs sad P.o-imoqs grnot'thvy may w hruby as- lu.tet m ift,a,,peituiiin, ti Atarow their LfutaiMa -rae-fwterit;i pun hLcv-wt ujrau y -hix.nL a'iiu:u 4t Jii..a.J t.tl B Bt.S4 TUB WOK'B AUB BABfBt.- TWj--w-ete. ik u ',ne m tali oru.a that a k'amita wilfcd on tk street mea would tiopand tr at l.tr as tttn Bnget. Bibies re am sorc ttji.t t,nc in BtneetrS la San Prtadxw, Where a mrxher had . ttkea ber ...v.. r t " " , tuoutea: "Btop tliot WflHl toil let tbe paby cry. I l aem'i heard awcH a touud for U-a yeart. Tn audience applvitled the ttflrirtHnr. tb orrJira t.)l-pet ttthebaby cootlnaed it awrtoroMMK ami Boivertal and, aa itoutded enthnaiasm I ' at i .mu hi i t am. . I . . -:UVf lb enrtua dleoovety bat been mad bv atv Aag tea sjrgia. Uat eioLkts iana,.t pMOod wiih .trjctoln. They seem to . ws au aioui ui poiooa Wtia lapumty. , a urn a wirs to. hkb bcsbasl Ta killowlng haantitvl and tochiBgcx traeta ara takes Iri.m a refer wnttee hft at tft." ft) ar-B WiO-i-'1 .wad by hm, torn time after her death, ; ba.weaa,ihe Iwvn ot a'- raimioaa volumev ahrch'abe warfverj foad t f teroaiBg. Iht lettr, which wat literally Jiat with tear Biarka, Wat wnttea loag before the hoebaod " waaaereiwlhat thegrars f fatal dittaao -had taateaed spur the lovely form of hw dnvoud wife, aha died. It iatttted, at too K "-, VI BIIIBilvIti II atUBI eaea tatty as or nineteen, - It attawt new (etna t Ph of tnw womtaa kff. lionet - K.-iU Vi o-h HV 'V .' . " W hen thit shall reach poor ay, dear G., aoma day whet job ar turning ever th rehea cf tht pat, I shall have p4 away . , urveHT, 4it ei ,ie be keep ing Ut lonely atih i vet the lips joa " " rr crftea preaO, and the aod wut ba grow Ing that shall hid furavar from year tight th dart of one who hat to oftet eued "7 ro ion warm Beart, For: tnsny loeg aad tleenlrat onrhia .n ,k v..T , . o , ... ... Ml .u,,u. uta wer at nasi, I have wreatlod with tha t.a - teioHsnrte rf tpproaxhieg dealk, ; nnUl af last It hat forcati httdt optiamy mind ; aod ' altbough to you had to otbart it might aeeta bat tha Bervaut tmagieatmn at a gtrL yet dear G, itittwt to. hi any weary, weary k-OUra h I naaaaal la .. 1-J - . . - - ..wot, ,u nuairur wj raa ooaclla myself to leaving you, whom I tor at well, and tidt bright id ot ttiahit aad beauty j and kard Indeed it U to I rug. gl aileatiy alnae, with the tare coavio tioa that I am about to leave yon forever " Bad m derwa alow. a h - dark vtHtyl 'Batl know la whom I bar trusted' "and leaning apoa liitarm."! fairaU tWa t ' hltls-rftme for keeping aXllJhi ', avea Jrota. yon. UoWOOIlldlsubiaetvnu. nfallal, .. t.i. . I .-' I Pinowtug Tour bead nn.ia n, Kr, fAJT bn4t,'wip tba eath daropt frm your prow. Bad ash jonrdtparirngtpirit Into iht Maker's preaeaca, embalmed ta Woman t holieat ' praye , But it at not to ba t-and I tub Y.ittva ta '!..'-' - Lit. '.' fonghloag and dreary nlgh.t for the epirii'a B.-l B,ghl;. aad tranaierritig mj sinking bead from yotv breaat ta in, 8e tour b..s..m I And yan thall than my hatt thotaghti abaJatt ttatot pr-astMworthi. and, aad tbt last feeble kits shall be your Bad even wheo flash aad heart shall bava fatted me, my i ahall rati t oar antit gltxed by death aad our at irilt ahall bold on laat communion, until gently Uding frost key vtew-the laat of tha earth yea Iball tuingl with th Brat bright glimpse of th attadina rloriaeot thai K,,t,r, -.L.a 1 sdiata par tieirs at- wukBaarir--w.ti know tht in ,1 dear 0, where yoa wiU ity teei oftea hav ws ttood by tbt place, and. as we watched th mellow euo4 at it glanoedr in qulenng Baahet tbrongh tha lva end brightening tht grassy Biorjii.it troond nt wiih ttripit of burmabed gold, each ba thoueh! bt one 9f ua " ...it alone; tnd, vm.chever It -miUn ba, your nam would te on Ui ttonet But you loved the spot, and I know yt,M u., m ,,, tht loa ah.-a yon s.t Ut lam nuU tun. Ught Wager tnd play among the great that ooven -your Mart Krav. I know yoa witt go ottea alona, whew 1 am laid there, aad my tpirtt will bt , will yoa tbta, and' whisper among the waving be aacbeti MI am Bol imt, but goo belort." CTJBtooi ACTt.-Out of the great natural phMumaa of lb be. hrv hi the m.s-arr. tag ol lb dtoaati i wtl eaetitteatserttd that tba wo.k r-beee aid not lis their ttingt agaluBt the ttingteat malet, bat merely pnshert tb n out to die, Thit idee, howev. r vaulted In m the tneeaacra being tlatyt ommittad at tbe bottom of tha oive.el.nh. r i be poor drone retire fa cluster U Jul L2T' " " Uoobj impwid. tag ovi tliem. At ntual, by use sTl hi ligeBloueexpetlliiult, IfuUr discovered tha truth. Six arett vtiara nnl ... -i,. Jdaaabataawih wifr : 'tfeawarcher " pfacet iiiemeeiee. - j ult , eontrira.iee,. ar ' Hm! auccteilaii tn arfmi...... .L-- itbol July, w taw tht wo ker tctuullr ibe snab-a. ia the aknii at at the aama .-w,', and t witb - tht tarns peculiarltiet. The ft.., table Wat covered w.ihvto iuii oi animation, which flaw ttpoa tb drone a they cam from the hot. tout t)f tbblre,ei,d them bf tbe tnteautl tb limb sad tba wing, aad btviag drag. Bed tbam abont.ao to speak, .iter qatrter. ing thru,, tbey kil,d tWpeated ttingt dlneted between tht rings ,.f. Iht BtilyiThs mom.nl that thit lormidabls Weapoa reached them, waa ih I.., ,i,;. exitnce-Bet tiretciied thalr -in, a J !.f sdAAt the tajua-iJuBsv U tb worker um - cousiuer m, 10 as d. ad, as they ap peared to ne, they St, ttuck flia tingto deep that it could hardly ba withdrawn : and these bant wrobiiLtd to turn . .BpoB thetutelret with a frew-lik motioa ,-..l;nS ""Old., ba .aisenH.aed. eat.-F' mfrncuM eew-acfrJi-t bf car bag. - Daring thrt hours tli Im vs furiouf ly dettroyed th nisl.a. " Th, i l..i ered 4!f tfieDT'owa liu 'll'. i"r,u .i. j.. ' M ?7Jckt4 lha UitiWt4tX tb neighboring thivet had takea Itlug ta .Bg them. The following day t no diooet remained In tba hi h . . w Tbb Brioax Dbbb bxb Bbbocb.-W araealled apoa to record a m.i torrowlni. eircatntaaooa, whkh eorrtd. ear Smyrna latt week, wherein tha bridal lree was changed Into a iuneral tbn.ud, and a boat of joy Into a fauuse of mourning. Tb4 sb JtOt wat Mis. Kesi.h Ben dure, who was sgageit to s marnedoa Friday lost, bst was takea ills lw day befota'and dted f,n -ovwa'ugj -of th. day .ppoimed fur th.la-.aii.t.ol A BttiirgeT Tut tad aad axtraordlnarT vD. X.,?.?t i , j"? Jhadasv nt al.w. U . .7 .," ""F I' r . " mo eniif e com KBtonity, but n.m can have a pn r.rT oe- wepiiua w in ttwliiigvpf laiy Who wai tb' luapm p"d''groom-, wB-wfatrniTtfsTti ie -wwtid tall more-btTiri;ytfwg ny S ti;,;" Who doSbth SI "mourns and . f,. . iJ OumtWaad baoeus eke-1 not " A!t 1 lor buuan bopet t; To young - lady- Wat a dtughtor of Mr. Dtvid ie.dur. t. titVerv in-law of J-.iba Siewar j E- r T dertVaarasrw 0Au) i' ' MM Ot CteIH.-.TI ',at,.1l.,J strvt a towl oa. day, a treatlnmau foBn , cootiderabl dUBcnlte U a.-...i. . Joint aadtxctaimed agaiutt iht mM,Vh naa toia p.m to old h tot ajouug e6ie CD. M"?l.dT!, " -' "' wife, don t talk to mueh about tbe aged aad re pecttble Mr. .; be planted tba Brat 0m if efrrattat Wt UaiiU d in u, i... e "1 know that," aaid her busb-iud, 'Wdl htlieit this hta tcrateiitJ it pp. ... . a f.-: - a..' nttii-4:;- r-fr. v...

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