It y. 1 7 josiAk thesis! Jr iditos. WEDNESDAY AfliJL M. 1870 I ., MSfTlSQ A t MOSglsrUlU , BerunUy 1 mat Wat a no d trr corn plaathg. For this rcaeob we ejtticiiiatod a until turnout at Hrlville, where we had L invite. lo make a epeecb o tbt rxeo pit of Wakt. Wt were a math turpriaed at the iiiWk plesoeri l tb whlfh snimsted lh oeoola 'la" that Dor low Of tfla$i Ouabain a4 We..xBtilramt T tneok of txibeaortinr animation and al, would ill deecrib tbt ' The f5WarJ;of nday rtw report ot tb Republican Coaves- tioa bold k CrC Boom here ot Set aidey";' enougbporhtpa, fol4 all jiractlcal ponxotsj but 1 hot' tuctii'b, to gratify the catioaily.of ft ea oat f Jr lrif 4 ; fi luttance.U nieileoo eliueioa woe'ever toitii prtfiout cblmoey corner 'etacui, Id which tbt business" for tbt Convention wat "cot md dried' before tbe be w rang ctllios it Ibt outsider User "eye " to wbat wee Died op tor them. jJCht SUirilta UJ4 to "OXJ tbe little) epieod ( wbleh Jensen Herrie tbt cotottir tspTranTIoT tbt 'long ttf , firt tbe "lie," U JUn -D-qrlet-wbo ntUapttd vmtot of 7 arlmlniatratioB, which bit brougbt theme, loan, want tod degradation npoa State? f " " ' " Wt cm ttatt ibei Plkn mould cell "tbt old editorial if. It wee all about Gov eraor Holdtn and tba eorniptioa of fata - carpet lg "sdmittiatraUoo flwitt tllft new corrapUoai at developed tbt tale of 300,000 serf of tbtlcbtt Ud oi th Bute at IS cent par acre ; and (bt devel opment of tkt Bragg Coibmittcnf Boar, Miona-Ootrt tbo Jedgt wat paiiwd t know tlit Ornd Vary bad beta tempered with, and at tbt. acxt Court tbt Oraad Jar and tbt people watt ptiaed Jof ktww tha Court "batt been ieteptsred wt St .Tkert wat not a aliigle Radical at At WAt ins : VM'lnliumAit' 'At AtkA laat election there wat but oat wbltt Redi cat ott cut at thi precinct, aod be beaded la kit ballot wUiumt giftog bit aaait and kft tbt grooDd immditiy, ,' Aj neaeeuger wat teat to OTerteke biM aod get bit tiarH,: that hit ! votk Inlgbt kt coaoted. Wt told tbt peoplt tow out of tbt Oot efoor"! Railroad Preel4at gaTt DrL Bloan 20,000 of their taooey, 1 " Bow tittkfleld, aaotbet ef tbt Otrera to intorfrra la tbe priTate arrang tot wnrv-puuere. Hao Rorruat ra Cr Fa '".We bear of ai groat ootiaee perpetra ted bjr two aegro kfflaoa in Cepe Fear Towaabip in tbit eoonty, ay tbe Wllwjiog. toararaofot tbt ltb. apon two wnitt wootea Tooada nlfflit lut Ihrra in aamail aouae oa tbe Llule Bridst road aooat t aiitoe froaa (ait eny a iaiati by the aame ol Wright. About bed time on tbe olgbt mentioned, Mre, Wright end bar daughter, a jouaglady, about U jtaraof ege, being alooa in tbe koute, a koock waa beard at tbt d-ot; ra. Wright want fun. ward, and dpi wed but a ttack "o? tbt door. aw bt-Tkonof two" wgrsrmto", and aked tbwa. jr bat Ibtf wanteoV , Without . p' yieg tb' y foreed open tbe, door and one of fKlr trprHrt. WT'Bbl pleoed? btf aaaet reported at' dclrgaict to, tbt Slat CoeTtaUoa ia May, tbaVvWakt eoonty ia expect ea to tare a preponderating Influence ia that body, there being 149 Dime oa tbe bat From lb tea however aaay be deduct ed fb!U who 'will Bt orftetpate, ualeai tbey lit mightily;, which wt bare do idea utf w.wiw,.-,,,,:.,,. ',,f.. great many art woodrrieg why it wit that our friend tad neighbor, B.C. Badge, taq WM first recotBOttadtd for tbt "abort tad aftardt withdrawn. Oi coaraathlt ia mcie matter of eorioaity, and if tb Conrentioa doat xplala it, wt can't, wt ueard it toggeatta ty out tbt ialthtul, that tie'i reiereoce win not eoaeadtrod tatialaetory, and it waa thought beat to tbow tioa" what they wart willing to do auder bettor gnarajtee, and then not do It aottl tbt guaiaotee aball be gien. lVe know aotblng abotrt tt If wt were to ftbtrnt a lUggwtioa, bowtf tr, It would bt tbattbt'ionf term" wonld U a mora at etptabltlialt ; aod trta a Statt Seoatonblp wotiid b preierablt to tbtftbort term, t We forgot te meolioa that the a ante of ttlvtlitrRepuMlce4'foolttj IofflolaU wart added M tbe above 143, wblo teemed to f hi aoenrtrf by ;alTtief- It.flStT E XE O R AP H ICr imm u paying oa toe naoii m noreti i i h tptttuliy t ' WU1TEB0BJL- mjstora." (From the Jukaoerlli. Coiua of AprU lt(k ) ABHIVAL or QKMRAL LE8. .Ytaterday afternoon, about (our o'clock tbe Mick King arrived at her wbart. baring oa board Oeneeal Hubert K. Lea aad bis daughter,. A Urge crowd of citix-m bad aawmbled npoa the dock to witueu the arrival aod to tatcb a glimpae of the man ao honored aad beloved I t eVery Boutbern heart. Aa aoon ai the gau'g plank wat put aabort a atlf eattituied comoiittee taa-aiiMinM- ol-Coi. riaittlv'f t.'-'tlf JaU!ltr Col. fteoijng,Tr. Mutaeil and U. TrBaji, tapped bori) tod tought tbe Oeoeral in tb upper ealooo of tbe boat. Tbe crowd aoon tottoweft, until the bcftx waa -flthd-to- It .Umoat nuadtXland.. artho . eager , g -"passed iroa,ertt-wntr tweovereo xf'., T1 daughter, Jumping forward about tbia time to tbo aetintaoce of her mother, wat atiaed by the other ruffiat aod abw borne to tb loer, - Tbt mtnd akaddera at tbe icadiih object which waa evWeotly their latent : but Mm. Wright miraculouilr Waped from tbt clnlcbet oi tbt raffle and prnog Itpm tbt boata. Screemiog at the top of ber voice tbt raa toward a aeigb- fbor'a a -few- hundred yerdt (!taTanTand cried for bit aaeittance. Her aaaal laat who wat then puraulng ber, dreading Ik ap p roach of tb neighbor, turned ant) fled. About tbit time the ecreama of Mr Wrigbt't daughter got beyond tbt control of tar" vtl aataltanT, who alto got iriglitea tdand relsaaed ber aad took to kit bee la. eaWeyeeea-oae wwietHVroditdf Tha Jadiaiarj .ifeWiiril.ea:jyyaM .k. :.. .i -t w i..A. ;.u I artiUteiet4aa4i or UieAUi towered pr Oat of tbe negro Mrs. Wright thinks abe racpgaiied aa having eeea befera." " . Mere era mora fmU tot the gfurfaWt tolama of outrage. Fubllah then tad oompleta the "record" fur which you ao my can i Stitx Aot lit rom m Staid anos Racmo. W slip the foUowiag from tbt Wilmington wa; , Tbt aegroea la tb vicinity held el'nion League meeting at Shoe fleet On Wedoea. Caicaoa April lA-Tke feaiaa Cenareee, ao. Jiwieeii jiue An. Aa auwim Comcaittee of I ww appoioted ; aaoMoot r ir''T aaii kiit nn -tut tao erearnt. 1 urn xpaiKon oi Kirniru rwwbu, uj uw. irtiett oee uMinniMnly r ewana. COLOBiliO. Czevaa. Aoril 16 gaat fee M'srecae ro- peet aeo nUwral dueoveriae near but Hta tun. Mew Mum. The rta are luuxl nta in e Meng. to tat r- ' anea. - - .. t j &4f v".-tBi,'u ' WxeiKOTOlt Aartl U e Mexico eiU be adeattwel chie aeaitioa ; laakiBt M staler. la the itoaae Ui auti nunktr of bilk were tatnxluaul.iuuUt the rtgttlr cU;ttiBa- ffitfc tuc the Month. U ibe aeyeaaw Cnnrt .other pni!ing bniiiiea (U'a off tne 1er render mrnmGu - OAltUOLIO : C0X8TIICII0H USOYAIOS , BLOOD CLEAXSER. Thle mediejoe ia keowa to tlte faealty as kemt the euuMtrated fluid mraet of aanaiwhU euilal with other Wuable aiedieuial hero, aad i guarauteea ae eneauoauy pore. - Tom rax coal or ' aCUOFI'LA AND CO.t,'BIPTIOJt. tbt Commit tut and abook haoda wiLh tbe General. At tbe earnest eollcilatioea of! many, tbt General waa finally escorted by the Committee to tbe uj per deck, where be thowed bimaeif to tb crowd aie tabled upon tbt tbore. Not a word waa apukea ; oot a cheer waa uttered, but tbe very aiteooe pl -tbt multitude apoke a ueeprr feeling tuan tiie loutleat huzin could nave ex prtsecl. Invitation were eiteoded by tbe Bt. Jauet Hotel, the Price Uouar and otoei bote , to tb Oeneral, and fin carriage era lurolabed by Uartnrlge Livingatoo lor kit aciwtmmodattoa. Tb Oommittaa, Uowl rer, bad made arrsngtmenta to en tertain him st tbe residence pt Col. I. J. Daclela, but tbe ticneral dieltoed atoppina aod continued up the river ootheKUk Kiaf, after" a ilay of little more tbin a halt' aa hour. "The Genera looked Sroro and feeble, but ezpreed himealf at pleaeed with bit journey, aod ttaled that be lelt much bet ter tiuoa leaving Savannah. ' The balmy air of Florida waa evidently having a good effort. Tb Oeoetal will return on tbe Nick ioaj to-day ,on hie way baok toBovaaMh, aod during the fuw houra that the boat will luy here, be will Uke a drive about tbt city. LOBBYING WITB r7 LOUD A CUAPLAM MAKH8 A 6PBC1AL drootte pealsoaeeutit OttiioUi tojxereal 9"f Keiruge: uiindaeed a bill (rrmnltet ttnoe tit Vlefesburt to the Baton kueee and New Orleaca H. H. iMterred te tbe Coiaaiitwe oe Poblie Lanaa. - Irake tntrodeeed tbe folloirtng aa a 18th ametidmaat: , . Zbm Called atatee aball protect each Btete egeiaat docaeatle vtolaeoe wbetteror ilahall be ahowa te tbe freeideot that aoch Tie eniw ex tu ia aacb State. Oiagnea ahail bare power to en force this amendment Attar a abort debate, Drake mored t reference to tee Oommittee on Military AftVlra. bat it wee iuaiiy relened to tbe Judivux; Committee. MurriU uitrodaeed the fUowiu( : MMMuUsd. J tut tbe Jadicuri ComuiiUM be xeetrueted to ISquir whether eomtpt Bieuu Ire employed to lnSnenee the eote of xnjr beuMur on the iteaotng ueoigie diu. whu power w wpu w yeaeone aud paper. Paaaed. MIH8UVW, Kt. Look. April 18 The d ifaicalioa of the Citj Treasurer amount to tit,7,l(W. WA8HIKGT0K. ArrU li fievenue to-day WlPWIHOTOK, The Oorernment h e no adrieee regarding a feoiaa rail on Canada. Totn in the Treasury (111,15$ 000, indadiog 97,000 000 u Com -eertulaaleei terrene)- bai anne O.loO.OtO. r ' - f la the Uuuaa, imoug tbe bills introduced was ooe trtnting laud to Urn Xemphia and New Or Mum aailruad I one e-labluhing mui Wamere hstweao 0. a. and Mexico , oa te aarref be xurbor of Corpse ChrUU-, Texax T&r,ff Olti reeomed uid the duty on pig iron aueueeea ro arjoarireieni. rrr-- mXiw.m' T::: , . r . ' r--v -many oi tuem armea Kt pietofe and " "...'' abtr on sue i. ' I aJwIarfl.s: j. 7 e-ijai aaiw-axL ZC WjUIt WPW W 8 4bli i"0'' ref-tWi trty, lovaded thel"" ,,nr rercuwiir a Mat A A t-.n .pjyst,. s t HfSR 3 ..x... V.Wf - ,6t T1 l-H -.h.W .KT ..xv.h .i, l-lLrr-. Dlorlnt ihel D.viu'e blcsainir. took occasion tniiooeroflered a re.r,lUllon o.truot.. eom- ,m J fcM ,v.,. .ir.Ji. . .a..1.1 A WWHme policy that b ber MrM(M,Ri,., the, ,Wl(, tb k.uaeol I pf ay, esr neatly for the paaage of a certain equxi r ghte ea the Oiai g aiid Aifexandna kuu- Tbia remedv la npouaded exnreeehr far parity to and eleaeeine the blood of all iniu-wd- tiea, (otUK at one to the ftmntaia-biat W Taaeere. I piles, arabltla. tUa JlraKliaae al tkeeel, axolle. tknoadiai, Wewie ef Vliat lev. aeretwlek -SVw-aM' hMwtX. " " . -.-..t Indnfged in danue the late war bred the moat ft Hh'to'e arm of many penone full of eorofnluua Then of erura tbt Impurltieeof tkeeeraraleae patMxtt were abeorbad m ta Ueod ecaxea ethee ia sitboot dneaaee. aod both be ame in 'acted alike. Mea, women end ehUdrea xhroboat all the Weat are moat wofnlly dlaiand fntm thle eaeae, sad knew aot aaUl a faw axoataeaf o, ta ongio of it Eeary't Conitltution Etntvalor Berterea the Entire S j.tem of l'aln aad aeaea, ealivesa tbe epwita, and aesd new blood BUUMflaQ THltOUH XVBiil VJUM. ' It imparte a Vparlxllng BrttktMest to the Eye, A Koay uiww t the Chech, A Kway Ttatge te the Lips, A tleiarneae to the Mead, Brtghineea to the (Jompie&Jon, Buoyanry to the tipirlla, ud tlapplaeet on all Mate. (or an aneetunie or tne smdaeye It te anaur- pawed. l'eile have keen reeeaee, a It were, from the rorj jwi at OeaUa, b a uomIt aa eT thi remedy. aloae oa tbear own merit all tnxl. ana rm wui xnea o eoiiemr nmvwwe nTern oaioe, LEBltATki) Ma.tltUta. hie greet EITSA0T9 FROM VARIOUS LI IT IBS. '-Doelor. I waa Taeeinated bi the hoenitaL Before that 1 bad no akin dneaee. CBrtl I bad a bottle f your "Oonetluuoa kaooTator eeat me by Mr. Ksper, of Oolumbia, Mo., I tonered tor ture wu ruoauui auras - eMaee I seed two Ooltle 1 tax ail well exoept a email' aore on the oatf oT mv left loe. and that ia eettlne well taat." Thia from a lady. 'And bow my alia a ae oletrabd fair ae a rube'a. My oomplaxwo, thank i jour -ungfiter, w-DeasHnxi. iHfH.lai; wall eay eoeli relief was au kuown to aia before. Juiiuoeed Hod he dollar lor eii bctiee ; two familie hare want to try ix i mf verj miija irouoiea wtta ayprmie.-' hu-nmre-rbMimxthnns- JThree bottle or Con' atitntioo nenuTtr hare made me a new man "" ' " CO A LETOVt CELEBRATE) MlOItaKg. TBI GREATEST DiacoVERIEs "f KOOMWSClIIirCKAItO PHARMACT. fTiHC fneorieter elaaa Bat a JL eoeerad cor elle but shu '--n Zf are repreaented to ears be garraateee tC!r aa abundant eexUewe and proof tma bTTS1 aathe hundred woo bav beea aSiaS"' been eared by their eaperior tirtueTiuri.' and the creel rwuUuia. o,-T--,.- latta eaend far Ihaaa ealahrmiAd m,-A. ' aa i an a v!r irltfe Xn .. r. ui Wd, Wit. telle ao eanariDit haaaanur thai IT ey eta wawaa-aaaam ixdvtuaai COSQLSTOI'S TIOMiJm Burua. fresh Cut Viounda. Old Kr".1 Maada, Liiwee y Miiixe. ahetto Tac-f .weL' aiPiW"wea-'aaaK'Jiiiiejwa,. Un Sam aajeiiximios. aoxali Box u7um!iJ3 aairaa Srou Cxt Co., H. C.. Dee. n KZZL'Z x.,.... hae - w wrBwaw-sa- WaBMWOJ Wllfl did tot know tbelr trtiig(k,nd U toon H they found it oat, they .would best hit par ty 80,000 otsa - - We told them tbt Wakt Hoot wert a taged In RIt!b oaubja of "that elty tbt Wskt lioor knew tbelr tod trould thow it aod mskt it felt ta A ttgott aeaC Ckptala Pe(Jarttret, Ctil , William' H. High aod B.'f. RTgsrt, I.mtde tpetcb ee which wart trtlt leoeivwd aod Biacb ap pUaded. , - . W Btver attended a more pleattot aad agreeable 'wiaetinj of tb piOpie. ' Lr.ue Ioirroal4. j'tjArt.-. cit d rjxt '.tCreth. tof t log t Attveolog all quietly dirtf4,'oo!PBe drank, ao oat cursed, at did the 0 Veroof before tb Chief Juatlce(oo oat cried ''Hull t Order f ai did oat ol our member la Coo greet. It Morrlanlle emld- iuleH tta at lit manly aplrit la (hlaiireet aorkiDg, mar ket-wuildltig city, Wake woo Id wo longer aend Jo B ttoa to Import a bbtrif -or to Bausrd't Bey fort Superintendent ot Tub lie Instruction, 1 Oh that tbt egll UoM luxy tuoa noa oat tueir etreogto, ' ' MvnwMU,eaaAMMU per sib asd jba r toqitosr. " lot Washington, telegram of Friday, we - rad."1ri th Peiiafe."Ablo!lfr'of North Carol ib, mail tpewoh ta the tlsorgi Bill, a Utile out of tba uaua) line, by fvtr log a national military poitp for tha south to preaerve law and order, tit appeared to isvor tba new Kadtcal policy, which it gradually developiagtor policing tbt South wim ta armra ywc.- The followiog frou tb !Nt York lUr- U thowi the remit of tuck, JyingtiLtpdata at tbotetetkaoat by'rueh poiainodi.tiiict hearted villalnt at Abbott and others, now id WtAhlfigtois 9 ir'.jx Tf4Ti,T TM fWf a tit tV Btl IttwMaMAw Am tusTT. Acoortiiog to tba itatemont given our reader from. vat of our WtsblnvtoD oomeponjentt ea tbt latjeet nhd rat tolore fsideAthw prty,4 to beeontitoet, ba40Aa'eaaaM man tte to-contmue to "raa tbt macbloa." : . i HuWtthall notice lba roDlutini when thty art ttthorative'y , eadoraeU by the pretty thing eotnetLIng ant very coatly to know oArdtirtBl l'ii rrsirru'Ion.--Wa ata aojuewhat uruck alau wnhjHa, third resoluili'B. which decUre for lr.-achO ile. free rpeeeh, tree Ulior, tr tboai4ht,,fiea ialk ant Irve ataA" We are alraitl if tbr laat privilege it Uijciinditi.'Uallf gi anted by law. tlhtt-m'tehlftOB 1 iiwwree ' will ' T-l tbamaelve at liberty tt aiep in to any man's rm-mlt they pletto, loftl mat migut create UBplea-iautnisa. . , . TheSiandYrd taeuafly ol lctT t mat "the meetiug wat tbea - addresawl s ty Mr, Piwt, Master Rosen, wbie'J mivl.t our Calvin. We hanDod to ' mto' the Coun Honae lu.l a Mr. Poet Uaeier Roirere' rat In what irrriad' ta nsa letmo Oulu tet'l witat Center afjwe Ulte,-tia And read and akliiped; along, trying to Ood toraethmg ba, thought would, do to find fault With, ana naa una ly eooioanww in tba ''Eieeatlvt Central Coiniuiuee-" where he halted aad aaked tba autloif,T'rtvrbo aa tha man wbrias aamae ara na thia cam Butte!" J net at tbit point tbt "oommitte ot deleiatea" cam to aa cut prat lore aavboay na a ouencw o nuawer on lBtrogatr-Wo eostte-a anlieritanail th ostiilemaa .. ln"Mvaant to tliia matter, oa which he felt or feigned ao maah igaaranoa, bat ,t wut yaaturaj.tft LntimaUou that no man wtiuee same w oa that QomfAltte waa ever accused bftdtlflT Smith or toy body elae, ot atesftng f tbat was tba word used) -of etesllat: 19.000 frtia a Tisilroad, nor hat oa or them tvor been mdicttd for ewtarlng td too duch mileage at a poblio officer. It la aaplaataat to, bav to allude to tuca taioge; out wbea mat 11 vet la a glass ktati ooAagkt to b careful bow b brgtnt to throw tone. " dent bad lotonded. With tb roaloratioa of Tetas, ttadlog ap a - memege to -Cong mat proposing a oivereal amneaty", but la eon eerjaeaetef tb"inwe4 diatarbaoca ia North Carolina; Tanttmae and other cmutb era State, tveuiting rrom tbt fbollh otrnr set .wt i, anreaoastrueted rebel, General Orant bxa concluded to watt a little lottatar. lit doe not tblak that tha joutbra po-t ol are in lb prefatr Ktaxe or- roina tw univwrtal sbeolutioo lutt yet,' tod that wbea thry art they will thaw their faith by their a cede. 1 ae jotuitg tptrttti anaoog tbt Boutbera people, therelt rs, will do wail to turn their attention to tbt restoration of mm -end fieri T ' . Amotrkb Elf K.tiM OvtBAaawt'dt tkt lnrit of the Sfaiwf jrel wht it so x loo to rt,M'a,iid atklieXl4t ei' eelnt tlb fS11iwM tag ifoM the Fayetterllla Kaylt.t tb litb "" 6a ourrHy atffhV- Jt-' tnat ilerritoa Jlaner,coloreil,sibotrldinbiabouioo thetUunou toaii suae three mi lee esst el iayettevitle, fit ie taifl to have been t ijuiet, inoffienaivt tuan. A Jury .otlanucit . wat called Sunday tvenlns, and tbt with the Coroner tiaiuiucd witneasrsaad Hivot-4 tigatad lb case , twitU Tuesday tvenjog wbea they returned n verdict. . , Una Jake j Manuel, vcilorJ, WtLargsd with tt murder, and the tircumxUntial tviUeoeeaccmt very oooclualv that )ia It tbt fluiltv Dartv. Tbo iarr to report, tori kt la now ta piitoa, "A family f.-ud or doJ Ntueauc jeaiouay is aaio tw oars cauaeu ta tad allair. v.- . ' !, Ia tt aot eraaitoa f The tnembert rf tb CK DtrnVAtettubly of -both partare- will yemember, that ir the cloee pf tbt iisiloo, a bill paaatd botlt Ilotue by a atroog vote, TAtto,-Aprtl 'it, rMO; - Vtn. JetUk TtvM SdiiB emdlMiT ' Iff Dtxa Bib : la vour leant of to-day. there appear an editorial, 'criticising the otilnloa of Hit Uonof. Judira Wattt. fa the east recently tnea in our ouperior uourx, or tbt Btatt ee. Jo Jtaro. it M ttateo tn tha facta la tba case wert a-athered Itom a member of th Bar aad that I appeared tit counsel fot the deeadaet 'At tbt rmprra. loo eeeoute bare beea by tb article alluded to (a bat beta mentioned to mo) thtt tbt facta wvrt eommonloatta to you sy mysslt, I datir to stats that aot tbt s lam aorrf that my aame sboald hart beea eonnrettrd with a aevtpapor tni?tfcrtroB" tttavking "ttit wcwtoa or- a Court, especially ta I waa inter ex ted ai epunavl to tbo taut, 4 jf ' By publiihlrg tbt, tbore, ju wUVob' Hge. 4 1 - - - 1 J ,d M. BC8BEE, ""TTi fjobllili iU tlxlyi card f Mr. bim- bot, and ttat that wt did aot gat aa lot of th facta Xa tbt east all uded to fi'oia aim. tta that much ia ettted aad understood,, we ci4not conceive lil any further grottadi for "rgrtM that kt can bavt on tbt ub- jrot, title thtrt wat a niutoltnunt 9I tbel fsotai 1 lf - w gav a correct atatetuoot of what otxarred, bo "oot can makt tltber mora at lea of it, thaa that th roget, Jot Uardet, will go toot fret, (although It wtt t plain eatt that kt ttolt tkt Cur J whea h It oaat couet tietord tW Supreme Court Mr! Buebde bilieve thia, lt kt wat wrong' to tdvte bit clloat to go to tbsexpeoss of s appeal. And all, till will efsjset on soooont of that eery peeww fwfpryta Vyiir8iyyrMi'is tbteratt T jlbetfjpisoiiimi to the fHatf to loderanlfy c4ley'dra7 Tut bill nVvir reached tbt offlra, we learn vl tb Booretsrj of Stat. WhaJ te,tt!ni4 d' It i loe Vy oac know t Tb W't was ogr-o rl tnd enroll arterwarOx, U i if il ".il't, . ' -a-ay w 't , t A Ecaow'Hf. Ti t iklona't t.Uf fr4, toggeat! id order to aot-1 alMi.e jitj-jl , ol a Cobvcuiicn ) rwmiaste a caa.H fatf farCongre for tb.-rrtX'IfVJtllC'uki, that ail tjxn :! s-vl Ta -bTo'l-er fl.a AM VnrtA "'"" a-""' Mr, ieilara ahout half a miie dlataut, and invading bt preruieet slao tbpt and killtd tha watch dog belonging to that a-emle- oiaii- 1 he r port of tiie gua Mueed Mr. Jertraet, sroompantett-rry a DftrT man, to aally-'tofth U aaceriain it poaeibl what a a the mattes. While he and tua negro w -re in the yard ttwax tweoiy guut sod pUtol abets wet dttuhargvd by tbt parry of outrajtere ia a voll. y, tfe bill' taking effect la Ttfe ftitf, irtt aad la fact i:'rlk- itg a!m -t evety oti-ct near at hitiid but Mr 81 are anil 1 te negro. ll.l occiirii'd aboot 18 pr 1 OVlock, aud stuf abich per"- lurujBoonaih Utiii.B Lescuers luft aiihout fwrtbet dtrai Bttrarlwa.-!- r -tt- 'It ft? Joiif etBYocPtk.? tfrat -aeuviriitra iino 1 -were mailt timp y to terrny aaa not 10 kill. The Atuidurf eay tbt L ag io are duUaded.VLut thr rtdtl't, r0o! juuch like it appropriation bill,, wineb bee elicited e groat deal ol interest generally tbroaghigot uie oiate. ne mroimea toe Aimiguiy teat th State wa abandaotly able to affird it. Me slao sent heavea wsr-1 tbe turth'T iarfor metioa til at ibe people deinanded tt tod b id Urgt-iy jti,iiiel for It. rle earnett'y bttriugbt lor the mem hers light, erso and iatrsaib to stiabit them tn do their wa4 iuiy to tuppurilpg Una mertt'-riou bill. Tbea Mtre-eiplee-de b'-Ve-!-Kr - piece 1 f clerical eccentr oiiy (not to . t ha'! it more i-oimeill) ou record ciea ed a de cided acre' ion in the Hou-, and the KokI Sptaker pounded ay firtevcnil ae -rrrfc- bir- gitTetjbeft'irt order wat reatorto. f W-W Ml4u,i'-4 W mat- JBOS. 1 bera , ln-m Rat tigb. I reckon th born wat tbt only thin ks tvalld Bod In tb Treasury that be cold tb oat that HdwJ p rjaaUU-t dW.; at least it - w.a 4aoml, tlecte of pew-faxhtonod proeeedingt that allowed iMor- wUbdtawaU tW,Al iM otarVaar'ih: killing btrlur.Xy wneBr----msa- want. .nm:. irwr.arBa itat ttidenUy, guilty or BiBalinghw, l least ' Satitfrr t BantAMait-ThtSbnt 6fj Watt County bat tettM wltb tb Public Treasurer la full lor 134,4.0 81. Tbit tbt nei t largest - pay meat . mails by eay Forty teait tgu, the ptotcLt ttx ol Wakt cohuty . hava paid th tntira tapta tea of tot F'dto. But tbtt wtbt l aot b ceint fhmiltar with a g-aod? btaoy hituitet Stf'tre Biw tflorrjed l in way of Oovtrt nrcri't oSi'i ' fuWieW'-a , dida'f tttsi laxlf at tnnch then at they tad ruct-sary vt n?2cn .1" ST ' a nWMtOATea. V a. rit0FgO Kii WARD tidBiMS. At tbabeid if 'bit Profession ataadi tliii Tichlu min, aod it it villi-1 feelioe ol gtnelii-jL prU that North Carolina, bis Dt. lvt aiate, wstchat turn, mounting tbe loitt pinnacle .f A; glorious nvms. Bus it proud uf ber nob! too, aad well 4 adead nvay aba tie, fur la waartog hleli . rawa tktr-eeltrbt.jwia Waowa; lVTeli Ifaiaid jar- trow. Dr. Warrea la indeed bo utdmary mtn 1 'Tor a ran gonitti, a mtnd ol elegant and rtntd aasompllahinenta, be wmlilnei tffapou-otw Bnergy wl'Jt aekill of tba biuueet order,' 1 bouth coipara tivt-iy tpeaking young la J ears, h etaadt totly without a rival among tb moat lifted and taletted of hie Brotembm. occu pyloga proud poaiilon, that at once elites the envy and tleuactioa of the malioton, aaa to ntvereaoa aaa anmirstloa --wto truly Bob)- and good. Iuriog the) late war, as Burgeon General of kit aallvt State, bt dltplayad aa effieteaay, t-su, and eopaci ty, that lieird th warateet tbwalaem and commendation, and aoldlere from til parts of our tunny eooth-4aad,can, aad do testily to ills now r uaowmeme, xrrnnvt; ritd k I adneaa, sod hi freniue aad twiH aa a Physician. Bioce tin, let BtfinoH tpeak, and do juttloe to kit tuerlia, as tot point with tha Soger of pride, ; ta taat bo bit loaUtutioa, too WatAingtoa Ifoivenilty, t fcwytart ago in tbt dawn of infancy, now in tnt puma 01 a glorious manbocMi, -proudly taking itt at aad amont; tire dret aad finest Oolleg of tb land 1 Rat not alon in bit public capacity 11 1 medical man tad Prorneor, dort be dely eoitpet. lion, bat at tha prirata .Fbyetaiaii, tbt frlaad of tbtekk and needy, be acarrtly aa aa quaii 'vemuinrag two qoaiinca tiona. to rarely found united la a m maa ismaoe-araMtMa Uenaai) bt lea itllaatbroplst to thl (road ea and noblest ten ot tbt term. Tb poor bear gTsterful testirsony to bit gtent bebevOlence and csneroeitv. and no nhxnl. ritn doe BibuVetttattvcAA Tnea ctrouaa, oe proud of toy tilled eott 1 Ai' ad-wtslf him tnJ-tsi.tsftwi; alter givrioua abd all endsritig fame, ami pltct a ttera and uotliBhug - bxsd -a tbt moutbl of tbt few, who trom enty and Jeajnaay Would trsduct aad .lander, or uluck ont laurel uom bm brow I " . - -,-'iiinrfVi ,v. a.i- - , WiLiatBoao, K. CL. atarca stat lefu. Ron. loaiAl .Tvbjicb J a. Dmr There wat a coaaldarablt tiir la oar quiaf! little village, , irbea our Keprtai-otative, siegrut, ana tot. memoer rrom Axce, ai Carton, bearing oa hit tboulrttr h ogt bora, tuppoeed M b 00 Of Billy Bmltb't oa a amaiier toaie, arrived he bad that wat Viaible,. Hit ton, a mas mee1flft-Wa pmrt of tbsteWB; httbo mm) tattc! from JrHrntr eioee, epuaitt Ut twnn Haaae, ai a toefl rrol mataabxiirt titfi at g , rids, t,i meet bias, aad irettinf witbla about tea pate ot faim be AoUceul, "Br -w y .arboia, 0d,caU ap your .nlot Mum baa left oa; run oS io Jtk Bprioa', mwyiu moat let raa, wt m aaai.,-' 11, re li poo toe Kioa istrwr took tb tmrdeu otfhiaowa enouldett aad -put It on tbt abeaidert of td ton. Tat above waa tba nlv taluutiea ; tbt leaking ot kaBda, the. familiar howt' ye-lo,r all tsrgots at a ght ot th3 hoa. Ho ,jotjoos war aakau of h; ma or Irlonde ; ibt bora occa wted tbt tbeugnrt of boto, " 1 Jou will eoa.'tr a favor hpoa lit good1 SUCCESS UMPREGEDESTEIL . I . . . : t.A. at t t ' rued Mr. Edmundti aroe ami staled that chtigea bate beea-broogut to hla atteiitiun in wiuctt tue iianea of partiee wh'i w reeaiJ to ue re&djr t'l enetxia th aaa. ware geen to the effect thxt xttempu S.d beea eorrupl y aitde to in-fla-uo the vote of Heuxtoi ou the tiiiotKtx bill B 1m1 hut eay upo 1 whijh nl.l", but thee charge war otaos in auch x tnriner that he w utii be reoreaut 10 tiie dot y xx eeua tor, if he did tiol aotn tbni. It thereture offered a raaoiuliou taetrsetiug toe oonusitieu ou the Jaduiaij to mimre wUiDjtr .av xuu.pi had ben wxde lv corri jiiljr ii.tiixvuco Hie voteaof detixtore nn the bill now feudiu In tlm r-wmxte, lor the mduneetun to rirWHuU-ion ot ik State of tieurgia, and ertta power to that lfmaii'iee to eeu i lor uereouaand (.atiere. Tue reao ntKMi waa xdouled. ' lb Oeorgia bill waa reeum'.-d, and Drxka, Hamner and Utrpeutar eooke bat no aetkra wa taken. . , iu explanation of tbe Georgia enrrnplioti rto lutlon, tbe oYar aai , ' It ha been rumored ahoat theOapttol that a prumibent Benator ea ncrea a Ueorgia State bond Hue would rot agarnst Uie B hgbam amendment, end. tge.enti in law o anoaftrr BenauaT was offered a larne aura el auetie; to lutaeuc the vote of hie fiher-iu-law- aeaieat that aaaendmeail Is both eaee tbe kiw tat waa eent ! with a flea to hla ear aad tha relator apprueoiied in the matter gave the luforiuataen wluou le. to the iuirudtwuoa ef atr. Admtnda' reauiulion, tloth lluiiaee are ia iihiw te-eighl, BOUTH 0AHUU.VA. OoLDsaix, B.C April' 18 The vault of Ibe banking konae ofeSott A Oo. waa brnken open on aturdar a is at. nnu toO.uoo or 1S0 UUO u moaee sad valuable eemrille arrte4 uff. , I be itab to bjut ,U00, the real dtrided xmigpi vate individual. KEW TORE. Kxw Yobs, ApriL lS.'-Btrik of 70 abin can pan tare, xfaain( ve urouauyn aaa urmj iaj. . POBBWS. LoxnoB. Anrfl It. -A nrotlalAnal eneernmeht aae oaaa naM aar 1 araxou an Jet ixrasi patronags. HAADWAKE, CTJTLEBT. U THX AXZ1ICAV ' COICBIVATIOX Butl.a . Hole A. Benin Machine Aae b. ea aoxwred wltb tb Malm eneorw fa trerainm au diploma wbereetr entered foe eompetitam aloirt tod eM toil tone held dnriuf law p imam, . ... rHE RntTUCITT. CAKK and oebtaintt with whisk thi machine ooeratra. a we 1 aa th aarorm exoeiienoe or iu wo a. thronslxout tha entire range ef aeiriug, ta Stlttshln;, aTtmalxur, Ftllln jf, Tncltiii, i,Awxtlln HM iA ntw fl tl I I I wx 1 aa I. a, aa VVt atUjl at AVaaVM, aUAAaeA UetUlw i ing Sewing n, Qverie-unlng, , Inibroidenng oil th Edge, ' and iU Beautiful Jti?" , ton-Hole and iyeiet : ti.i. .. Malt Work, Jta4 it MwoaaeOfnniue far m abeoixeeoanv othtr mmiiar mnlio , i ll I xlaa tb CHEAPEST iatrinetcMlv. a well ae tbe BEST, eiaat it h) reallv TWO MAOHlNftd cot Uud i una, thy eiaipl aad baaatifai aianbsnirsl arrannint nerer beAwe aseeav iiahed bf hnraaa logeonity.) maUiig eltuSrake ek Htltidt ST lluUou-itvae Stitch, a oeoaeiva msy rexinlr. ft ax, at the aanx time, tlmple ia euuati auwnei, eoeapsrttiTelT nolMiteee, exaily an-; deretood, sad s word, it combines with ttiee AUVA rOKH. KJ.(JLIIH(Vt.l,t iraOWt.XUE MDHT DslxUllLl OfJAUTIKS Ot 'ALL OTHKfW. Tba eaBos are unite to eem In thi reenark- ahia enarluM at Ma Toaritea' Boarding Hoeea, (Mr. Tbomoanaaoldelkad.l yaTrttatiiiaHiraeL and at Watsosf I"(orraiHi dallerr. -1 " w tiHKt.nrrnw tMHRier. Cpl f OJI JPIlltllaXai. TUB (TEAM KB COTTaK FLINT WIIX leave aVaabinertan an Xjdav. Wednaattav aud Vriilay. end larboreon Tueeday. Tharadxy ,''fliJ,'t,,, 'hhjiTa-w, Jroat. Verandaa. Vetrce. and aaraviixai nr 1 exsi me abt aw K m -ai . ,- nttoiWaldwt to Taetjoro ftt. M bji alBatt ol tntaflltlltal 1T011' WOfaJ ax.,ii'.i.Twiieex0.wt.iWnbttilt rsfc iuai ifti Haaaliiaaim 1 i - .- - - r j - , - 1 . a 11 amei, a. a ' '' 1 x -w . . . UALkaoii rUS!tlitl5a5-Ala:Dl)OOB Fin i v TOB-T. , - All order promptly attended to, -, t-.y '-.V , TUOS. U, BRIOOB, , Apnit . i i , itoBttator, THOMAS H. BRIGGS, l'CCU80I to BitlleOB A OOUD, - HA BDWlkE. CUTI.BRT IRON STEEL, pATJITS, VARNT9BKB, COLORS, OILS, "(ILABS, ' tad all kiada Boom Fwuiabing Oood kiadt Boom '.M.K 1 . ALSO, AGIJT rOl TBI SAII OT BURR AKpj S30PUI MILL 8T0KB3 wAJcMorw B6rtWg Cloth, ITJTJBER AND LXATBSR BKLTINQ, aicAjt atmriNKa akb baw tuiiUl, XyXttUUaiJUX BS.WS, ."iatavmedlat Umii m la prpormo. . . ., Houtt Aad lot lor (alt in Warrentoa. I tlKFIfa fOB BALI T fiOTOB AXO LOr at Wamataai kaswa ee the Alatoa uiare. It OMQlalna tl acrra. and eiiaarnxiewl for beanie of ituw4oa, - The ewelllugaod, oat boueee are aa ox good otoee, ana there are lew mors head. eome or mer Oaatraai reanteeioee in the tnwa. essr le-dltlt - MAhViM H. 0001lXa, ''!- ALL ITS UEPARTJIEXTII. Tl fHa. BHHJJUB3t, AT MBA. TBOMPaON't J.I JL via Btaoo, earattenii me 1, Haieleh. . U alXTing aeeurvd tli aarrioa uf the teat Dtwae Msere la each srSaeh of the asemee . IMatd faetUttee for praeeutuiB, lie kxtsat and moat reliaUJe etrlea. : eaa xewara Xua ; autia f iirii max uuej Ay ma en saeuav taeu aieteritle made ie tbe bear aacaac aad the tttint xlntl eratxfnl aad aeesrats. ., vtadoti g soairaeatiag x resam sot ethar tisdiee she wish te mtte ap their owe aia(eixlt troaid oe wen xo nsee tuexr xreeaea a .d w ita 1r4taalHBataWwT' ''''f2'?1''?'''""': ..t -A-eaWwiat.-.WAWm--i7wheri sell ii. th; AMtiticut AKiraa mcuibb, ta oaly prenueei Family Knitting faekisa evr iaraaiad. I,t IJJ Wilt knit x0 0i i it-he raw m-LQre. ' A Mit'hl.Na, CO. wear t-doawSea 7 Ailitres lL,djAS IXITriNtj De-tUB aUat , Ot, AaMUS, SW Tbs wsdaTattsed ea tbe first dxv Aorfl ISffl eeaaiid a'i omeeetioa witfc too Bubsrd aaloss of Meeata Pl r O Ooaof. Ai, eevcwtxs daa ex to seew tea, Uf wsPet eonneeuMl with said bi'Uard taMna. are paexala to Meaarex rVpoee t ttoauMW who atat tie aditKariaSd te set ie and iseetBt ,; -a ;.. .,,,- . .. . . eAJUJaiaVAJIYAa, 1 ayt-tw ia a 1 r-,, 1, - waa aa. nrwai vaacuiaaeu VaX xx XXC, la t AiweU Moss. -, .--At .v . apij-tf t. b. Baioas. f.yPiM)ii) -itul'b: ov O Asxee- Bhoeale aad !, urn raws Oral Hoa and X 1 ' etma,oas atatxeeke sod 1'aAe, daat rsastveeT hy - ' J - ap tt-tf 5 . I H. BSIQ09. 4 LA HOB AhD WELL A'wJOniKD STOiJK aJx, meoBiaMet xouta. Call and eiJLei iaj th.t OJ nBRUAJIT TO AN OttCEB Of TBI grj. ety, mat at psoue outcry, TV I narme Caiart QT WSka (lnar,t Kaaaxal Term teOK. t allaXI aU at mulia rutw. 1 ax lb Ceatrt raaa door. a the Ciy of Badetas.' I a. m"i i - 7 - - -.-. aia aaj ox We Ltee not uieea fi more of th above ex trai-u, but you os ask yoer neighhae euout th rem. d).J Eeery W lit wuneihing good to eay, a it eurea eeery time. ' Foe xia DtBaats or raa KIOHEYs, W' ESTIOH O? JHI UfUNK, A - ' Ann for remabDitemw, Nerroaa PrTieyral ioa, Wextneae, Oeueeal Lestf. tuilo. and 'ml of Appetite, hi uoaurpaeeed. t 41 riot I- in mdonn our nmiady alwaya fiiaue mo u .uioer oi our roet-umoe ttoi utt your letuira. The new Uw In our hew ifufa PMtr utlioe cosiptU tiiie. - Addreee, UH. M. . HCIVBTak CO Urcctor ier,c-rl Berlin Hospital. rVuxxux. .tK' tiiy oi the United aula. Laborewr), v7e 1'earl el , j-uet-OAi' Box 51172 hh" lOhA. Bar CONSTITUTION BENOVATOB tl per jouio, an boiUa toe tA eVaV anywhere on reooipt ol priuu. 1'aUeiiu are requeetad to eor rupoiid oonfliVntiailr, and reply will be mad he foiiowieg mail, bold by all rrapecteNS Dmggtata. Jan 111 dAwly TL0VS. DiAllltS. oh n. wax use, nmcm on, oto. w wiujajxa, p. nuaotueoa. niKCUISOX eV CO., Commlaalon Mrelxantsx. ANB BPliCIAx, AOICMTa OF W. H. AVKKA POB THE PUBCJUA&B OF FLQUB ON Ntw York, City Floor Exohaaw, Me. 141. VatoNT tratlT, ' ISTew York. Williams Ktrscmsov. Wholesale wroeen Si Commissi! r -jjjjj- WILMINGTON, N. a Prompt peexonxi stteatlon gieaa to all bud. nee entreated to ibe in. Liberal eaah adeanee made oa real eonehrn mnnte either Iu New York or Wilmington. iteereeentsd N. O. North sod xw af tha Up Fear by W. H. AVE.. tuar 11 -5 w A CAItD. T Y prepared lo All orders for aU gradee of A ricea. ItmytoliHxIl cedar ou the Ksw Yoaa Crrr Fuo Exoaxsoa, aod have a en pen -or lodge and sioat ba rr. therebr uwwrina n- aweet, Brll.a,. rt tb "low,; , .n-n -i aiuaosiaoa at uo.. and njjei MBacwreoa are Bona toe wall known in i-ur.a uaruiaaa w reejnire any word ot euenn dalKiafromm. A ftr thia. ail order foe Floar to famr taromol attcBttOO, ahonld ba addraaaaa t . .1..-' v.wiTTt. " Ul ,roB-. Haw W. H.ATKHA, I refer bt ,I'J"" - W. M. Wuaxra. D. !.. Preeidant - - - Kauai araBawree T N No-th faroiina U.lll. w n . -. . apaar, uaiaar neoretxry ol mate, , W. iL Jobs. Ban .former'h'-C s n ..,. S" tJspeFwxr, Bale! h, H. C. I. B AtttA, ,, Attoraayst isw auihnsid, M. C in anrnrai Tn 1 1 w itn,a 1 .. . 'a PUee in my family and it xflurde ua tmTl are to raeomoxeuds raedxeine 01 . LZ Tirtoee to my neiihbonrsaudfciaiik rt7Er ton'e Vegeiabs eiaiee proree Heel to ba.1 Yery ttespeotful y your oliteb Lamb Propritor of Lamb' ouruig tli tathil AjmtlCAV &HSTJ M A T I C LTJ UIT. , TbeauralUngeelralbeRhMmatatm Baa,i. Back Aefae, Head Aobe, Pxu in the mtaa' Back and huff Joint, Sprama, bitain gmll Joint, Eulargenieut of the txhutOa ef tha T..!l tore Throat, Ooitre, Bone elua, A Ae. tt a Bowie.- fa.uo a dotea. Eli xio, , 0., Jan. lai m OAS B. O3si,eoa ltesr Sir, u 107" IsL. apt. Wo., while xujeelf and haoda wire IT on the eeoih banding of the Cnieetau. Chapel HiU K. C, at. L. Pettilurd waa wk apon tbe eexAolduit it bixdte down aad ka i eome 11 or tl tees to the gretiad eeroae ri It inehee high, bending In au nbe and niu him rcry lixd lulwaaaiy, I called ta mediuxl to him, aud alter other medieinea had i by th Pu, xi juuix which tailed Mgieebtet ra your American itbeumatie laiiiment wax si aud be waa auoa relieved of hie paa eat MQ inj and by lie aee he eouuuued lo improve wa eompietety restored to bit former bet aud eureoath. four ljiiuuexit j eartainry i nroet prompt and eltedteal remedy it teueei aud euruig pain, I erer ai Bead. 1 ink pi i-1 - f -r x&rrfBiiarf' "" ' ' . Tinner Barg t, tt t. , ''lfna B, uerueeeur-ao' eww aauTtn.ev'in. fl sturh ,,t.k anu Bxcxaeoe ior ia years, aumeuDaae ft eutVi to badly with it thai he woulu ba eoetaad bed for weekx a d unaote at lime to turn hi etxf in bed. 1 purchased a bottle at year Aae can hnunmatic ijaimeul end iiah ppy lei form you Ititt alter uaing your moat wonder Liiumaul only four tuuee b waa - lpart cured, ba ha boeo -cared now tea months end haa never had any return uf the paw iauee.hi now aiuy-oxie years oid, nod ia ow nt ee go health and hxa xa good lia ol bimaeif and ixa ae be has had in XO years, I thai! alwaya tern bar yuu uh gratutude lor lbs HiitAi n medicine haa doue my father, loare Traly, hAl'llA-MlCL O. BANPXKFQBD COSGLZTOS'S AXTAIOia , Th great cius.for IHapepaia, Iiarrbi f h.-lerx, Oollo, Cramp Oalie, cholera More, diok stoBiack aud Vomiting, Pain in the hve Tooth Aene, e , Ao, Price 1 built, dosen. v ould yon be aeon re from the pant aad raft ing ooseeqaeat upon euddee atlacke ef Tout aohe, Couo, Cramp Colls, Cholera aforbo A Ac., tbea proeateat eueee Butue ot tirlilu Wxjxi Couirrr N C, Dee. lath, lHot irr. John a. OongMon : Sear hir, aUew ate eipm my thanae to yua tor tbe est eat U myaeli sne fxmUy hsvvratrirtd from the ae your moat exortleut medicine, tongletow' j talgie, whienfor the eare of Toothache be excelled, and I but apeak tb high "apprac lion and ealeein in which the va-tuee ef Au gio 1 held when I inform yea .that ay aeigkea come from all parte of the nkgbborhood it eared of tb Toothache by it aae, 1 hare ex it la anmnerauf oaeos, and it hae never fau m a eugle iuetaaos. IteapeetfUUyjreara, x Joe c. Bxaujoi atxjrorvrDan ar ' , , i. M. vAlhUtjfTON, J'AanMoeewftaf, ' . Basigh, h. C To- whom sit order must be addreeaed.' . ..rr "a'e at all the Urag Hlore and Deal In Medleine generally. ; For Bale Iu faslelgb, C, by Mreere. V Hams A) Harsood. and liaaara. tm,aA l A Co. ' Ian. S-wly. mar 19 w HAaDWAKI 8T01E." , "SCOVIL." SGOYIL-npB. 20 ntt AB0TS HOBS JUHT aS Dosen Orowa Caat gta Boss, ' AnbrigUCaatgtaelHoee. - Half e. iUweU'aHoee. TUntera are Invited ta Inanaai tkaaa mna iawaw jr""m. rtirlotf T" jriJLiTf LEvriia 'jfdBZlTimaSTt VJER1T XaAIlGE ' bTOCKOP r ' IB Bis C!y i-iiij' -oemn ltd s TrTtsw1 Oa a s-exatta s x-auw ewetv?OM- til a !au,t ul ties, orjaa onmia; i tb r e-atieir lotfcaao a the Tewt bV tj' street, aaw eooraxiMox; xmrnt se aw , betne the nreoert) ot IU Ut ft. H- Juai , , , , Tt who of tiue potwijiuviijt tb dow. tr. wall.b e.d , . -, -. , . ' .raJXoaiB-Turjft.csl, Biaueeiw a'eredii V welea monrht alih xpjrueetl etsanl tatnne mi ' - . ...... ' AitsiuiTAwitx y ,:.-.Trr.i waui OF ALL K0B. -EXCaCaAsS IOR 0 IX, TO CONXRACl'ORB office ptsiw. conni.tio.T, RxAaioa. N.'c, Feb JL 18711 SEALED Propoaafe will be reeetved by Comniieaonera of the North Carolina V tentiarv at their office. BaMah. N. :. antil of Wedueeday tbe AHh ef April, 1870, fra- II ersotioo of the Peaitentlary oo tb site eooa for that pnrpoe near the eity ef xUleteb. Be to be eadoraed Propoaale tor Baiidioe tile Pee lentiary, aad addreaead to the ear Of O. ' Wetker, See. te the Comialaakm. The pia drawuu aud apecihuatlonx axay be tweet aada epectad, and aduitionaj infuraetxo if deain ebtaiaed at th ofnc of the Aaaixtaat Aretule at Batvigh. B. 0., or of L. T. boooald. Aa , Ai chitect, Cleveland, Ohio. Bids to be stade I th forwie prseenbed ly the Arohiteei, eruiH eopiee of whicb aud of epeMinostione may a pn cured on applioatiod to tba Arahiteot or Amk tent Aitshtteot, Bide are tattled lor tha Man ing eeperete dlTialoo of the work, vial . , L Htone Maaonry aaA Cut Btoae, ! I. Bnok Work. - A Patetermg. ,' s. tA, - 4 troacht aod Caat boa Work, , A Carpeater aad Joiner' Wrk7 m ' ' A-feiutiua aodOiaauiK. . , T. OalTaniaed I rot. Work anA fl " I. Tin-nbin and Oas friilae- ThQuan7 ie quite near the eltebf the btili Ing. aueeumears good sad the Oommiaui have the area of tbe entire qsarry for all per poeesof the PaniteuUary.- Th Comouaawe w raaaira htae Mr the BnoS er boll) X ley tu tnrh. I bee famieaaie' aha ta-wai e,ea aaw Job of bnch work, the euotraotur taking mutton of brie already provided by th Ceo mieeiou, ar the ppce paid tor them, . Asidt tiRfdar -mail icuy what aember of o viet he will engage to employ oa in eoub-xfl and a hat wage fa wUi pay for them seseidM tbe Cotnuiiaaiouera ftlrutah anant and avateew arid boanl anddritne rteoooviota. - -1 AUveh bid to he aoeaanusaxed with S srittet guarantee tigned by two respaaaibw suretMi and duly etamped. Tha Commieeioner reeervi the right to reject any or all bid., to eooept dodine to doe a contract, U their diaeteuo tltey may deen u tneir duty to do. - AU th work to be forwarded a rapidlr praotieable, and com plated at abe earliest poxu bie period. The (Jemmimioa, r reaarv the pr viieg of takipg poeaenaion of tiie eeeerai en of to baxiatog, bom time to Urn, a aeo at their Judghient it naa b occupied. Aacb bidder will furniaa hie post oatoradere1 and hold himself iu rasduteea, with h eureuea te eater premetiv into exxntraet ea one. of hie bed. Copies of the epeasnoatioiu exu xe Aeaxatant Aruhtxaat bv mauinx h whieh earn will he raenrsaO wbea ti sawouie ttuna ar, reuxruad. Proportional paym thle aettaaatee Wui ba Blade ee the i arogrueeei, rxat ma tea iter east, asiti tMYtt tract la eotnuleted r . ' 4.AS AJ, t-uvniliiti "T O. M M. WeJJxAB, tea. aV.B,M4ta-l x wmmIw Aii la.A.lJi.xx kfi ..A. BOW A,. B-3" VawwT'ttUWwa WwhfUeIAaot4 a.'i J!- i e. Mumn -i-a BOUmixLESS AND STiTIO.M .9 PsiMmmt. Jtraat, flalilmerei M . . ND BSr A-SdOhTED tue City of , BOOK THt taVKOEBI bcbool. Law, deftaL, atAtkltavU, LJUAUaxUAlar , xtxxiuioua asu ' Bask and Countina Bona Bu Jooery of tU kiada. ..- V . . ixiaok Boohs manafactnred to erusr v etyle el blading tad ruling Si r,? - : : Tur Liiqjv mar txeasjaw . J i -. it ? r,- -rfrn t -rfV "alwe---erltw 8E:-!--- aatae'aiem- n ..'.iTr .

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