7 : (xffi'l THE SENTINEK it of U( bees. President, tu H U cm pitta eolrol Ja-lft1. Croliosa4' tt T kuodrcd er(Mi baggafaad an bji jnd daatted office haldinj jutir, OUfla gp ibe dah or feagut la North Carolina. Tha work mut ba aow to4hora taaaa. Krrdj tby arc faat raaSblfofc 14 pMoot. Wa liMrd a proaiioont Republican oaclvre, and reret it, that hi party could j elactlaf jBiibsMtH linUmJda tioji tb ajhltffcem with tba military, ? -- Ttitii tliaold JaooWa ytm, and baa Men uwtlally pr;lJd t0f5 PjlcUiB Ufgimenrt or twopt, atatioaad tiirooga tot tba Stata, iroot Wilmiogion to Morgta tat; noring tbem by fomnaoiea into dif- 'fam ci.uoiiea the wedt of tba alaction, I pat ita tftct upon the BerTuua ayateiaa of The otij"Ct tit- Bid' apweb a the 4tV ei JhIj to, eight or tea thouMod, grinning aegroa, IM lo-iutimldate the wbitea. Tba nl j ct ft tba LfgiaUtivo addrMa by Judge K te for the aama purpoaoa. Iiiilce paarson'a letter, that be feared wwwwwi v-s!nc rtciToo, 1 tiJ imunai'E rT tnm aeJw tin "nr fjitrooaeii il JUiiTuboret- imrtict of jDini'lfi to lutiruidata. A Mienir xhnutd oerr put a man, in jail ,l:ur he haa hud a trial. It Judge Watts ' did urdar UtleJ and Ilnlletnan to)ail, aa iht D puty Slierifl id, be sh jqld bare re fuKii t oley the order, for be knew the - JjiJgu C'!d make qa iiticn Order urtit ttie c. u' I bad been btforo biin W hope ilie Jr.nhini and Ka Kim, yill (l,aulTa their e(a ana vlo peaee; ordec aad the Constitution once more to rtigo. Aor 80. II talse atatemcnta aod auppreaibn of ttutli could comigo a man to tbe Peui en ti iry, we verily btliere that Gen oral Clings nvan'a addreaa ia aufflceiot to put birn there. The addreaa e?e : MIo Jane last, !ai a DihOM i( (be Weaitro North Carolina lUilrotd Coinpauy, I earatatly reaiated tU. Biotion to allow tbe Pre.ident," Mr. Swept too, to aell all tbe State bonds of lb Com aaf at fifty centa' fa " 'the dbflarf taking -the ground tbat e aMmt ihan use fourth iwaldtuen be aold, an aa to raiae motaly mouey enough to aupply the demanda of coutractoia for one year ia adraaae." -; : We learn that Uaoerat Oingmaa haa laid that be drew up tbe b 11 which requir ed the Trenaurer to iaiue all the bonda ot the Company at ooc. If be did not, it ia' certain that he waa tbe lobby member of the Legislature fur the uIlingr"and be read and re read tbe bill before it waa preaented to the LugiaUture, and talked it all over ub Littlt field and 8weptm. f , , -tI;,' Thia protection (6 tbe S Tate ehould nave been incorporated 1n Ttbe bill. The bill ahould bve limited tbe Treaidcnt In the! aale of bonda. , 0,tn. Cfingmaa eaya la hU addresa, that be ' noredfora Committee to examine 8wtp on 'a aocoiiotf, and thai be moved it io order . tU be BU,jh'W pt- tW tfemaittiie,. ... . but the Chair diao refaaed to appoint him Wiaae he as hntavorable to Bwepa m. Who t'jia Chairman waa doe not ap pear, bat the General ahould have expoeed him at the time. Aa to hit not being unfavor able to Swepaoo, no man believia it. General Cllngmaa baa followed Littliflcld and Swepaon from Raleigh to New ,York, . Iron New York to Waalilugton, and borne again. He ha been their cnnfidenffal tdl viaer and trlend. He k-ww tbry bad ap plied the money of the Week ra N. C. Rail " road tijlioria7pcaTair6n.""TI " ha Swepaoa" written obligation to pay him tea per cent upJB the profl of those ipecu latinna. He ha in bia pocket LlttKnld, boo 1 for 15,000, tba price paid for bia an -T-Gaetel-t4Mmfl f Bwpea end the ,. hRmgr.'il0(iO0r.,inlrrftM tba Stat ,jvan robbe ) and plundered, bej fell out with the "King" about tba diviaion ot the apoila, or "-rather, the price which' they sUoiltt "pay bjnj ietllieacrtScce iaraadered while iiiey, - with bh) kaowledgf and quiet aeqaieeeoce, - were dtapoiling the ra,jxrtmlt, rBHaaaid lo bVthT anther, of tha by-;, law of tbe corporation, "under which 8wp tea aold all toe bonda of the Company. He, t ot a term with Swepaon, ont of whom he ha made $100,000 1 Who be I uvea t t ; BtiMtakia Coorr. Thia tribunal ;teti thatctty wrtWUfit Ifoaday to Job a-xu We re autborixed to etato that the t caaat tr a the aereral Judicial Diatrict ' lat week let and 2d Watricta. ! "Sft"r -iSMrai!i th tttt. Wldj1rlcta;: Stb 1 k umA 1 tth rtkollM. ' RroekU.l8tb and ft! IMotrlcta? .IT .11 n.-aw. WI u I ..-a,KM BmT S tV.lBBl , .. On htoadayot tho'ttrat wetlf, applicihbt Qf riceaea lo practice law will ho examined l!5JJUf 1 xaiauied.ojrleading, Prao tiee and the Code of Civil Procedure. . 1 The caoeealrom lhj lat Diatrict WU1 be takea wp oa WedooadayJ1-..-r" Baccai." tro'ik.rgfetf 'wiihk1ffng AJ Sykr at. the aco ot Mr. W V. Potter, iB Vrm ilaeov. r oanty. November laet, waa tried o3 atquiited by tbe ape- orAart of that ooaoty ee Friday tta. , li i ne ttienHioou iionk oi pmH givte i( i i ' , M r to cmmiiml. . I ti, ,., h ku,i eeueeullv. if The the Bawiae. many ddii fciltn4g-atr)4 met bvingaM ltrf tbe who'ai - 0Vt5 IwotaAtrraSV 1 JVt WatxYoPtrbiftrf-rtintliat at fhe time ff the accident there waa but ooe lady about tbe builditiR. . Miw FrothiDcham. a bvlv rota Prooklytti few Totk, fvith- ber eeeort, a being lliowk to tie rp.rr the building by Walker Oliver, one if ibe colored por ter. ToVet no. tliar had to paaa BD tbe tairapiy timt 11 to the aalWyof tbe coort- fwum. i uej nan paaeeu op, ana were w tweew4h roof and Ueiejdng of tbe court room. They had ao raeana of 'fretting oat, U tbe ttairway had ba preotpUateii Into; the ruina. It waa fluavllv neceawrt Walker to est bia way fhroaeh tbe ceiling intobe-iitirary. Ia thi wy ha manauei to aave the lady and ber escort from a very Uim'O'ie'knti rtnM,-i-'t.e - u ' ' Wujor J..&. Calvert, mho had hi left W badly brokea waa (landing, in the- cleik' office near the door, immediately Dnder tbe gallery. Ha waa looking thiough the win do iatb tb eearifWia.' He Waa abnrera- ing with R. U. Maury, Jr beyond whom and pa a line ware t and ing Powkalan Bo', berte and Tboaiaa 8. Baldwin. He beard the crash and' otarly made bia eacape, bat bia lelt aide waa ckugut, and be waa Dome 0oa iota the ruida and owe red. Ueliuod bia right arm free, and with thi be managed to tt the ratbiaa (mm over bia hud add to breatbe. lie waa uuder tba ruiua over half aa hour. . . . . . . - : . I s TxASfmr 2issaniaj get the folkiwiog : "l wa tauding io the tourt-room ome dlatatice beyond the ,cen . Mw ; I tieard a low, rumblinx aound, and.the floor gave a tort ol a jump ; I Itit myttelt hi king, and I turned aud aaw tba gallery lulling over vlUinught .lt auiddgcatch mu ; kirUtnatalyiK miaaeaoiev;; 1 coulu ae the mea cuiblitig vei eaclmtber in tbe gal tey and 1 btard in oneerthJr yell of an gumb that aeemed to go up from one mouth; then, iturlnadlul crash, ,k Into the darkaee belew 1 foood dead Lady tying on me, a wounded man under me, aad an other at my aide; I heard the man an dar meaay. 'Obl Deaib, where la tby ating, oh t grave, where U thy victory'; I heard criei of pain1, aufpllcaiiona of mercy, and ucb expn-aaion aa t)h I my poor wjfe,' 'aiy pour children," arouni me, aod. la aae if aiaut I beard diatiootly a aound which I eraeoeviBoed pr elt from tume poor fellow dying fmm auftVcation t mapy died Iron mff iion; and l emtur that I would havauijavi-4bad I aot been taken out wheal waa.--- MJor t. U;Kll of Ptdtsbttg, waa eoDvlraieaf with Patrick Henry AyftK ben the floor toll In. He, received ad - k.riU khM. W.M a - 'Vi Vk..aA are ol a e-jvere aod painlul nature. The variou railroad train arriving to tlie cily wore djajnd iq ni(uring,, and the carta aad other street vehioli awre,lao aiipcopriately decorateil" with, . badge of the aatoe cWacte, !( f t" , 4 'a , M it. .i.i.ji. iMvie,eoMm r. .'.t - Onent tbe Btuet- rantatkavla incidtal of tlmtlay waa tbe miraculoaa eacape ol Mr. V. B. White, member from Kliaabvtb City, and eoopled witti U,la eufpleamre to note- at coauuier, wbica waa remarkable., and bi-niic. He tell ' ttiaooh 1h flior, and", trange W aay, wa aot hart ia tbe leaat. Ut 4ut not f'tA tpvtfor momMt, but remaibed through io tiie do, working manlully in tbe aurhiavor to reaeae the sul kier Bueb 'eonj-aite -and humanity a llita deecrve great praise.' i f , ; For the Seottoel. Swtrr Cbkvk TowHm,'April 80,1870. Ma Emjoa : -1 will ts no liarin to te,t you Kuow'iVoie ! i.ng1i'ioOI't'atHtr4'Ottv here in the country. Lilt Sunday, at preaching, I heard li waa commonly report ed Hi the aecret iclt ty to which mnt of tbe b.i groe belorig, had agreed on , Wed neailay nigh', the 2 tth, .that they would begin tbe burning of every houae, mill, barn, Ac, in the neighborhood ot Holly Spriuga, and that a prupiibeat .Begro from Kaleigh went out .and miked tbem oat of it, a day or' two before the burning waa to ,bgia. puch talk .nd,.ucb ruxuor are either founded on truth or got up to acne and alarro , W,hu fue Governor' argro militia wei In cin.p at B.tt', there ;wa great- alaim among , tba ..whUa paopje. at pecially among Women aad children., pne yoong lady, when the, ntgroteotred, tier mother' bouse, went ou. at tbe tyeck aloor, crawled nader th houae and ttayed there lor three hour, Until tbry kit. , Beading twi t'Cgroea, who were aot olTicei, from , lim)ral.4jt anaaft Whiui Mum. I (tmM avill rm oW4.toe5ahrf-t-t 8teJei.es,.nT onu pl ,hj deputita, caa arreit any man in Wake, and it tesiated ninety niu ia a bandrcd Will gojtot a itltanre. Tbi mnkn tt ttnnectwaarr for tbe mootf , lioadod tuimbor fa,. arrea.,bito mm, r " '-r-, f k n The tax Daveri bf Wake ara tired Mba- Met-iWMf'P"r "aTvW,wwr)HranaWT ,a(roca,ajojdsigorjwao are ueea io control the county. k you want n eg rota to arreat white mea .ia town, Ut it bo ao. We know it will aot fcw tolerated the eouutry, I bear it waa the Ignorant aegroea who pat Utley aid HoUeraan ta Jail withr oul firat taki ng them to the Judge aa tba warrant ot arrrat atemaadttti fr. we- had had olficara mha saw the',dary,.: thi could wot have happened, uj have aid all I wanteds ri yo, hat o a mm tie,-' yo caa pabliab ::f xt-Ji--jenf era Z x t-rv--',r--'lftl:l I p. 9 llow could a negro ia Raloigh Jn,iout,w,heaths.lOTjrie ouuoart wiui thuae ui the coauuy who were onkiog the threat ( 1 of the Semite CoBiult!e Pnljtioei lm hiliiia. will in a da or two retrart a bill which. 'TtijnVc? witt b;a BmUmiy "Pill' whlcO Ui rreWOiDl IS imcremooa tjo ravor; li exdodea from amKty only three cleaae namely : Drat, tboee wbo withdrew themf elvee from Coagreea at the beginning of ba rebellion to ongige ta the fecefcrioa mnve aeottoeeood. thuae who. wlihdew trom the Uaiiext fitate Amy aod Hvy for the aaaa parpnaat aod, third, tboae wboeigaod tbe ofiiriaat i-rdnHHKW of wioeaaica ia the varioue Stait ra H ia tbedieliet thU aach a bid wtll pa IrutO ',Iioueewilkvot a i ai an lei oppiaiiiioB. XueAawad DttpaUk bfOinl WAugl TtifTwm. -in--t oprtictilcietrntO)tfbrri' vSXSa.il T. . CUSQMAS. I "Twigo" AW'tiad ft patent lor it. , I i , " sad ire J m :-MdMtjiit. ii baav nW-"Ji? rZ " Cirern-Wl f Ir-rniA a m-ffTOman hA went Vlflmin 'V TT-gM yWTMWiP awai IV w-r- , 1 - 1 . --Ma, Koi9Hl4--.wd-4u.iotfed, ahat o had a rewdW , tijif" tba ftwllrfij of "moontata teorafionMta.'S-ud would aot attack the cmtlemaa, wboi aarna ia pre fixed ta thia letteru 1 rrite to bf yea in the earae and I tbe aaka of hit old aea aioa frienda, not to peraecute a man ot h age. It ia una, that we might retomot dead taaura agaiaet bin; - but I wiah yon, if yea 'pubiuh tbla, to ap-ilogE ) for hoy reference to hit paat tier, aa t have alway thought, that tbe moat eaeted ' maxim of ancient iheatbea pbilowpber ' wa ,f"JM ). It (eeoia, that.be i doteroiined. though long aim a poliiicully liuiletl.to fsroa toe miuuiain country td reeollect the otctir feaotw of pt geaeratUHt tav-e weeH he apent bis poluwal IjIk. - lie ) ai ' Hot rlept wtiH. aa ttio olt, Uifj. Vaw-Wii-kK but baa oeHttMhtig vnJ, vj.'woett ne bnugllt .bi. own iutcreat at atake. lie lavoied the ti minaiion of Qua. iluuoock tor I'reaident, and atterwarda made apeecbef lor Seymour and lliatr, yet be p-otoaaea to have favored Uw adoption ot tir new Con atttution in North Carolina The appeal, which the boaorab'e gentlemen makea (ia bit last Jceble letter) to tbe cutorod pa'ple ia aimply hdieiha-, ia views of the pad ; that it la intended to affect the aaoantaln diftnet. Is which b fought Colonel B. 8. Oaitfaer to lbSi-oa the qrattiva ef aroaaaioa and the Ualhow 4ocUiae of HSutee' righu." JLboot that Unie yow will recollect. Ik... -..I,.,! I I . i ... ... - 1 M"i'"ri(fi BitJi-otew-f 1 utm to the d 1. 1 mam wboi had alway voted with hi lolluwa i i f Jibn,, what ar your politic He anawered, "Squire, J am a Oliiigmia' Whig." - The Venerable bid geutlemaa to epotided, ' "Welt, ' John, ttirttey t a very "good thing," but put the buiiard on, ud it wUiaaaaeate maf.'JyiVjP JtM"1' Kow, Mr. Editor, tbe writer think, that the ged'ieh- 4 w"aiteovew greai In the Trb Diaviet; for the Seaata, and ia eitbot event he wialtea to ergaaUa the Cling utaa,Cotiaervtive pt th i;iioi.? man Demoora a, Be aaanred, that either oaa will raUe a (tench too mooawoua fur the noatril ot mountain people, 1 - " :. la fact, if yoa will pardow, me for telling another ttory by wy of iliuetratioo, I will y, that Mr. Xftngmaa'a courae remind me of the remark abidv.Ffeeidint Idncola i (aid to have made ' about Judge Chaae, aad however juat, it w a, a "good hit,' It la reported. Uiatim one told Mr.XlncoU that Judgt Chare deaired th wnminatioo ia bia atead, aod Mr. , L replied, .that he wa aot at all urpri.el, iCha never gae to 8h kxeept tue SoimtiM a.-4iBgtnn p logi -a tor publishing bia letter in th ; "etlandard? and ittrinaatea, that he I 4mt willing ou puraonal gryun J neWfy to aend bia letter to yo iouk out lot the " 1 urlu-y batrard" tbia year.- ';' " It Geo. 0. can't cnntiol a party, and give bia name to It btaidet, a be usurped the place of tbe learned and venerable Dr. tiieb-ll,hc will maaifeat ao tau-reat ia poiitiotw Ho waa . aot content with the uonora heaped upoe him a politioiaaby tile penple 0lte-ita4t, tMrt iavadVi - tha aciuutibc department and ' deprived the moat learned man in the State jfhi claim aa rjiecoverer ot the highest peak OlJilack Moautaia,,' . Why did Dr. Mitchell loae bia life f ' Oen. C, Wilt tronrywy, prvtblg; M'ortn Carolina ha been anbjugaled, re conatructed, plundered," a'andered, and al moat roind, but to all ' nvrreoee I pray, that the "old North 8'atc, the enutto ot LiUriy" may not he finally ' ruined by the eombtoed rule of Holdea td Cllngmaa. "Good Lord deliver u.n "With retereoce to .M, Swepaon," the writer" knOw noihlrtffr tmt Ht dneraeem aiaraau, that Uaa. Cliuuaa h -tf d bo u pioyed aeoouaaei, wnefl h ia , a rtoionoua l.t, that he baa not b.en in the habit ot appearing ta tba eouria in hie Die-not for probably twenty five year. Tbe eub.trT. ber doea not charge, that. Oen C. ia iuoa pable ot giving legal advice, a ataman' bia calibre may retain bit legal lor with out pooataoUy petueiag 'bia booka, aod poaaibly Mcaara, Moure, Phillip, Merrimon and Battle, allot whom, it i laid, tody very olotety,may have kaa retentive memo riea, than Gobnjntiri, or the loiter may bare takeuato U "uear icodet by a aort ot iuatirci and waa therefore employed by BuiiTdViJoTiaj'S kaowlaklged to be a gnat man, kmp!e peo ple aa heat think b) a little atrange that b will net tiBdix-l in take a laxf from a man tii-nprfa brwelie," aad yet, when working lawyer, like ilooie, Sltrrimon. Phillip 4 ijaule, ho,de tote Jtboir tiaio the legal !:prlifaiia' 'TaAa'itiit TJeratl aayaiewulcved, tie nume,4 the brattice Id Un Sarepaotti It U remarkable, top, that Uiog Oounael lor Mr.Bwepaoa and iaooBfl deotial relation with him. he hotitt aamtl 'TOfflif'ttttrMulTiamef ia no apob.giat for Mr. bwpon, and .riot nt take tlie'uiouod. that ao Atuirter i aader obligation' to bi ciiint any JutUitt. ITtan i miuiant ia to bia euaiomera, aa tbeie L a muiual oootiduTiWoo, bat ia view of all the .ciicumateocee, thi caae aeema Mraige.lf o WiandtrtuL J , ii i Oen. Cliagmaa refere to hi military-ea-rwt and jo one will queetioa hit bravery, bat many private aoldier, wbuee bodie rent ta tba toil ol Virginia, Temjtuee and Georgia, baaldea huadraaia who walk at the jdow have acted... quit aa gallantly. Ami moreover it fa-eeid that OefiJ U. Wa tbe firat ana ia North Carolina, who wat eoo acripiod. He wa elected-Cot. ot the SSib M. Oi Krg't T white at H laifl h .nwalog. iuc. Beaato ut ,lbe (;aufcderaM Voagreoa, aod, tlioui'h-ba relnMaativ accvtited tlia txaitlnn. eteeuni bim ia order to dif iei taim rr the ir v..- , nni,ti.ii i.i. .Miwa :WMwalM'ttoa7jw maft tor imm'toe, wbew I aavotoofe fully digWed the Goa. trial' campaign documental P. a' I forgot to. meetioo, that -Gov". CaldwelL according to comaion rumor it ciroulating Gm. C'a letter. Did you ever bear that ia 1 SOB. "Mr. Caldweit declared oa tow oteeip. towt ho would not vote for Cliogmaa, i tba U. 8ts Baoate, bccaoi he had ao coiiatdeDoe ia hfa, "poiiticai uateg jjjy."v( i- r.' e-'v '- ; f . "Behold how good aod bow j Uaaauii It, 1 tot Jb.e hrea to dwelt toKeiiiex," JU B ee eow- will iuratah the tuUmtuU, tbesOMa- wiU alioar. it tattickt rtyaaid LT.l.:' ili . il.'l. i - T. - neoeralirjortrol 6 iDquIre about Gefut a, tax aa a uomty XJe Ij pay n. w Kate, Jooee, KolUna inform the people, I pr Bowman 1 rleaa it difficult to aader ibr j the preeont col plei aynteai of law. and perbapa the Ojncrri old liceoae i oarrea VI loe liaiuie auu in uaa uwb plain, twenty (lollar Iceaaa, iV ExcrjriTa Drrt'aTiiaiiT ArK C, ,IUleioh: April i, 1670. At a meeting ot thi Covornor, Head of bepartnieota andothyr olfioera ul the State, Government, held thi day la tbe Executive Office, pnaeot : , j ' . Hi Exctl'eocy, Oorernor Hdden. ' . ':. W. R. Hicliard'wm, Pilvate Serretury. . 'fin Tt -nr rt-Uer .d1itanttltairal C. W. Horoe, CH-Wy'k Jxw.uue t 1. rrr! ut. "... . ' C. it Farria, K qwr oi the Tapitol. Cot. C L. llama, Bupt. I'dIjI 0 Work.' . lToa. L. P. Olua. Attoreey General. W. H. Bagley. Clerk ot rupreme Court Rev. S. S. Aahley, Supt. Pub. lutiroouun. ' 3. W. Uolden, Puhlio Pr.ater. D. W. Balo, Chief Clerk Treaaury V pX T. J. Menninger, Chief Clerk Sta'a Dep t. Rev. 3. W. HoodVAaat Bupt, Public lo itatr.:i':! "... . :.;:- S. M. Pariah, Clerk Htate Department A. D. 8a wye, i " 1 4 , IL H. Roberta, CJlerk Audltor'a Depart mH. A. W. Monro. Clejk buptPuUie Worka. . JE. 8, S. iAeblerj, Chief Clerk Supt. bHe Cbtrh Punrerce Court. fl. n, nivuaiuwJa ppjiuuu nwoiaij. "Qa motios, the Chairmaa appointed the Tar T .:-.... ..n.-M follow wg commttte lodritr.oiution tor the cKcaaina. Vic : Grn. A. W. Flshef. A.dlu t'nt General ' Gia. L. P. Old, Attorney Gerrerat j Ret, .& UJ Aahley, BnpertutfiirleBt ot Public Inatruc'.ion : Col. C. I., llarri, Bapt,Pbli Workj Wm.. H,. Bagley, Clerhot Stt)reae Court j D. W. Biin, Chief CleihTrBijr;ii(partmenlt A. U Jenklna, Teller: F. J menntaver. hiL Clert oi hiei titert. 8 ate Department ; Kev J. W. Hood, Aaaia taut Supiinindent ot Public luitnicUoa, and H.D. Coky, State Librariau; ' On motion, it Wa ordered that, ia view f the recent calamity ia the City ot Ric moad, tba Capitol builduig be oloeed thi day between tbo boar ol IS if. aod un down, and that the National Big be duv plaved at kalf-wmat durloz ta day. : . la wa lilrihar .ordered that the State ftoua eel) be tolled: ai interval between the hour of 1J and P. U. ' ""' The Committee ibioagh their Chairmaa, Rem, B. S. Aahley, reported tin twllowiog rtaolution wbich were anauimoaaly adopt ed! ' ' Wattaaa.",' On the 47tn tntat, there oe- oarred la the capital t ifa State el Vit ttioU.io tWjeity 4d,.Rivbuw.d, a caaualty wben by many promli eat aad olhtial citi en of laid State nd City were euddenty killed, and a large cumber were badly aad iatall woaaded. thua carrvue wide apread altltctioo and aorrow among the people cf our 'er commonweaitu, it t theretora. tttnlttd, Byihe Repreeratatlve ot the Executive Dvpvimeata of tha State ot rKoitlf aioar the- oympathiee wf 4he peep ol tht rotate are tiereOy tvnderett to me omcera ana people m me t.ny oi xiica mood eed of the Mat of Virginia, and ahMt-thaeaatiraniw that-Whatuver eaaietaacO it may be, in our puwro extend i beaiu ly pronerta. , Itetuittd, That the proceeding of tbi meeting be ligned by tbe Chairman and fvcriy and torwar.ied to UiaExcelleacy, tbe Uuveinor of Virginia, and to Hi Hon or, the Mayor of the City of Richmond. On motion erfjoarttedV 1 -- 'v W; W. HOLDKtt, Ohmtu W. R. RtoitaitrMOff, 8oy.' - ' " For th 8antt0L PUBLIC MSBTJS0, , A jwhlic meeting ot the citixco ot Mid dle Crei k Too nship. Wak CO., wa held at W. W. Jolinatwi', (Buhey Joaea' old pr cinct,) April J8ih, 1B70. Tha meeting wa organix-id f y calling G. H. Alford, Eq ? to the chair and appointing Wm. Ballentia, aecretary. . " ' i fa motioDcot IaaaC Rowland, tha follow, geotlemea were appointed a eommitte to drat, rcaolmion for th ooniidentioo of the mteting, vis : W. H. Holland, J.J. U McCullera, Ja. Adama, Iaaae Rowland aod The commi'tee retired for a abort ftae, after which they returned and reported tbe lollowiag reaolationa, which were alter du coneideraiioa onaiilmoualy adopted : AtaWeed, lat. That we ere opaoeed to th policy of tba HViual pariy ia it extrava gaBt.jvmateot tbe people nioaey,aad ia it aboliahiw-ttio Couuty -Cuuru aoLlUliitie. JB,iBf Towaahrir Coart thereby inouwring adilttioaat expena. apoa aa already op. tawkoaaea aod moo taw. - - .JiWaarf.lUat. ...1'aatwa ahail aaJoavor to eaWvai kiodly re.atloo beVKaaa the white -wear eotorta race. ,' . ., . , ., , , Uttt rf, 4'A, Thai the im pruoameat of Jame Uullemaa aod JainOa , t'tiey without evidence baa oiantaaitoo, wa aalawlol aed incontinent with the principle of our government. . aVavoiead, Ai. Thar tbo chair u appoint twelve etea oe dlitee to ta County Oo veatioa to be h Jd ia Raleigh oa aome ruitrr dy,' to aoolnatO, candidate to fill tha diffa"t.citiorj Ola aed w heTr pbtttgexmaKlvo to mpyortthoaomioataoat ot that Convention 14 ri'"Wriii'.. - : Uttektd, fitA That h-opy of thee reeo 4aMeaa..lo.anit4.auf ltailh tiaavrtiMUa lor poinr.aiioa.', i " " . ..TwiKpalrMr'aTAlfmra f thoa'iHit For MaKietralee-il. xt. Allotd aad W 1 IT Hitft Rrtv--- f-ttw I-irr3rl--l4,-.1l),,, For Clerk W. II Stina . f tib'--JM H JoaeaVVt ' ' For School Coot utt ioe J. . C. . Ifarcom, Johotoa OJvaaad to. Ballcatiae. 'T h chairmaa tbet prootoded to apjiotat iollowiog geo'leauB.to wit t J . . i' J.J. L. acCuilerp. IacRowUad,Allea B tta, W. H. Uollaad J. L. J.maaoa, Wm. UUey, J. H. Joaea? J. A. Jtotria,-J. W. Roger, J. E. Fwh, jamaa A. Adaa aad Jaiiie Adaaia. I On WMitioa of J.'J. V MoCallere, th cbairmaa eed erevy were added to th Lt ot debegaJe. i ...'..' -ff. tbo I J ntrnert, ; ; 1 i. ALFuitD. Ch m. . Wat, BaixuTiaa, key. a. Pat a Bawyertrrmr imiw: t- . anamit e aiy-aauiitrr . AaJ Sa oa fro CStl aw, 1 Aad kuauut; aa taagUba', 'I aaw faaa Uaatea; Katie, t L b ,,4 ym, Ulilm aaw 1 laawlaaay aaat aa i A" lAadaaeaaW I aaw aaaa.' i W..(. tit ,A r j tei t . ' I VUB I. f n. .1:1 O 1 fkia kiaeinii dwil aaw laaakvr) , . a aaw iMlogaMaaad oa,. Jtyaawmaaa.oevataiaaieet.l V V J ttw,u' if 1 I J 1 J f . 'i - ill1 , i t ti! j-4 i '..'s I .: T'MW aawa Taa aura ahatl aot ataait attll, 1 IT ifhu' tba kuuaag niaudl auwa Ira LuwJTha kiaa 300 aaw ut y w f aU, .JT. jat raiaen ue aawHioaa a guar.., ' j tat . "fio long Tv aawad I eaanot aaw, , Hot e'e pat log ou earrUga ; All eoalraaia keep that 10 aay draw, , AttdlKeive AO la aurriagar .-.i. Caoraa. , It waa Xaaa who eamaTaal aaw'," " '.' A 1 i Iq l.k ia 1 'oiavi oared Wbea Kali aaw it, waa baa, . , , Bar kaart far Xaaa hankerad, : . ... tor.al T Bean ran arane ant-or eaea cria. I iml ui itima Hnm.tn y in w. - . - aawug I kaeh kawing abail W aU aa ' I aaw Kaaa aod he aaw ma, rktooadatheaongef Kuat--ltauwiTra,187Q.' ' . 1 7 ' ,7.:'Lm-7i7' ODD rktfcowa CBt,aRiTli).Tlie flftv flrat tettivetiary of th introduotioa it Odd Felloaiblp Into th Urntid - aMai..wa ...i.k...t .i..... t... rt.,..'.... t ..1... &z.ajMmi0dxfE formed at tha Lmlgo room on Front atreot at J o'cloch, proceeded up Front (treel lo the reatdence of Dr. Freman, where a halt wa Davie to receive the Orator of tbe day, Hevr- J. H. Dally.-atter which rhe tuarch wa rumed,tbe prooeaa'oo arriving at th Theatre at 10 o'ehx. Tb dree circle wa filled with a display of beauty rarely xcedu(i any where, while naraber ofgeatlemea wereacatlcred throu. out th crowd. ' The andieuc. though uot very large, waa evidently aa -appreciative one, aad liatened to the proceeding with aa atieatioa won ay 01 lmiiaiion , un uta tage ware th Committee of Arrangeraenti the Chaplaia ot tli Lodge tnd tbe Orator, The exerdaea oommeoosa with an' tatra mental piece executed na tbe .orgaa by Prot O.'abao, aftcv wlxiia Ut Chaplain invoked the Divine Mekeing In a very appiepriat prayer. A ode wa long by th Choir, after which the Grand Master, W. L. Smith, tntroduced the Orator. Of th oration It la not our Intention to make a report. Few reporter! caa keep op with the guahing flood of eloquence whlua characterix Mr Dally' oratory. ' Suffice tt td (ay thaThli rtputa loo ha not been dl mlnlafaed by the effort of yeitarday.'. Hi expoeittOD'of th principle aod Intention et th Order waa clear aad pointed, dwell ing oa a few' leading thought and bring ing them oat for the admiration of all r fitting' mind. :" " '"'' " - ,l--'i Th aerrtoea cloeed with .an nda h tha Ch if, well aung and pppropriato, ralSr which lb . beoeuictioa, wa proaounoed. lb Lodge thea tormod again , nd after marching through erra! atruet returned to th Xrodg room. , - , u ' W ooogratulaie tba brotherhood on the oeeaaioa.- It r wlthuuiooe Jarrtiig incident to mar ita baimooy, aad aU aeeiu adpl4 aaol bappy.i s. ,. At eight a ball .waeutvaa la thoCitv Hall, at which maoy ot the 1 air and gallant rare preaMia. Everything trawepired bap pity, w bear for it waa oot oar privilege I Dancing aad bappmeaa aebiom tail to go band to baad. KaiaaaKgeea Jvurnml, k Kw" JaaT P.ra P ricroaaa GaajiT Bcmtt , or th ISavt.-Jar, ttooeaoM I a vwy ooaapauiouabl gentle man, but upou hie natural ability, or iaiel kwattal atialiihiWItaVaaUwaaLBaiy iUtla atfcX eoUul, til auaait, , bullet bead aud wed devciopeU abdoaaco, taut the alory vl ttitie Uiuikiug aad lag wting, V.rgK witu aU tbe advauugea vt a, tduoauos, auu a popular aoutVpatabVewcatirj?, paaaad Irum ia meriviia to tii docka.iuo i ui witla oat eaaaatieg empxte tipple iraa ttur ao Carf-yiUMajO ax -puollal plulailretrt). iia Waw.oual)a t ttii tMavaai tbe-wtaiaia upon wuicu aiabituMi aoer. . Ui body waa too heavy m tua buoy aacr. and ao it aevav UlMMailviX!ta waa al ptulawaiouaAw AV tue Iwr we me.q tue igaj oaa-ue bint rvpaiaiiow Witfaid Ui ewihaty COUU-UuuaU, - ta. p-tltl oa luruaaio uiapaaya a eie ui theblueeX' tj t ot aitail.Mi.yra, veiUiar aaoiaiaul in tuoir iaa.c aor raw suitable la tuair eo!iditf Uwaa una vf tuue auane oc)uku u pb(iuoal auvaanomaMt, au oomotwe to dem uoioiie goaeraiaiaMi, tea elavaied UtO-g aOvVavUaa aeUMat Haawl 10 Tat U OU auiroiaud- i.'ii tmA :7,-v,. j !;::' A MvVBl, Mfraicai. Iawraoaaa i-A maarcar laaua iota i Oaihsa tn a . imna (Jiurnt tUlia" kaajuaa bwa rceuraa a.ry trom taetaaany. '. JU at tbe Bret aa tla biuall W.imprtel. Uw tni eouutry. Uou- u baalowg taMi Mae i ia xbe baou P.aMaM.aa.OHttcX.arm.eO.V.'!lBllUaiAeist uaa atiaS bad oaL aitia rartaiiai 1 iravtai Uooad W a baat paaaiug atwut UM WaMat ot lb WltalfitaMlaajuaiaaVJit Ut. puip.t.aOtiiaV qt.gM-mar ttyacawd eatoaeUug trotu u4 v.e 1a ottice. lh proof btlore 11:0 Senate iu 'J aaatppat p.iJeOa Of Um toatrd-i vi(igttui"g cotumittee Will to Ample to Bteet af w Baoaeaitea wk pioaiea, and ua waul aaaaan.a Wljv otivei avi viut.e. lu . tbo aptigbf rvurcaeatatioo ol t. reauit.it t, ara awriftoauall allactaad tliaa a .uuuibsr Of auw bar, luoad to toe - Variouw aoiaav By airduag tb aororai key witb aaaauur, tb wetaK moaiO I proauoeo, wumiu caa be beard OlaWrly to wotiaeettoa Wtta iaie otba pieoaa ia im bead. Taia iaetrameul waw tuaautaouired try AV Kreape, Jirturt, friaa.'U, aad will appear lor th tret time iJb.owa Brigade Beod, prhbably at tbe I aaav itain " ' mcucvuvui vjaaaia. - J W JafawaMaV ' " '-'! r-J ia fur toe 8aaUuaL April t8, 1870, t,jBHBiiii.i .at i;Ji.uSJ'1rtiTarwW oal WurwiayUat, the p ' e and", biin IheWila" r laUicJwm.ae CurH lutkiai., ate bavuig oaf kara o' tb aport, Oi-e ot tbe : moat amudog occarreacea that, ha nappeal ag . aa. reoantly, ' waa a politic! meetlDg baud by the eon of lien i tlui place on toe IStb iuat. 1 aiuat toll you of it i, , . Abuut 11 A. IL lb j c nMaenced to gang ap, one at a Uiuo, aad by IP. H, the le. lormity, 01 , tte n poll ical iltucnt waa plenty well repratatrd.: , . r , L'a Ur toe diriutioa f two or three ol jbe wbiie breibreu, tty alter aoma I ouhb', m nl a genuine old ahiagle-ewainp b no tb lr clianoiau., .' T ',,,. , ' 4b old Lllvw Kem'4 tbuudetairuca. There e no. ba kdoan. hnwev, and ba wmowgwt, a ItaTw aOTfTOJTlt.tJ p a.iove in to tei'i'ug ke aatl tawty tmA wi-wa, - tJf ttrU A(:i Amjce tjoaaoil.' afe muli md to think they never eu Itouucid ilieotj jct itf iheir oieetmg, it ay ut tLcio knew i but tly managid to aeare up a 0. rujiitice, aud iu the Cotuinittte reiuruid from ua conauitauoa, , and ita cbairioan told the Prvaiileut ol tbe aieeting that, "by bia petuiien the repott ot tbe Committee will tiov bo read," poor old Cutlee eceuied atiuk with a Ht ot conttrr nation, aud, wbea h recovered bimatjlf lullkieplly, ar'uee with a abeepiabnea that Kaduaia ouly om iiuiiata, and laid them, "Yuti all' br di Bjoabia.1; ' , ' ; ' A ruaaiion of itraud confualoa and anh-" )iiue ditoidor followed,, and tbe next wo or- jpr w TV?f -j-. im 2mr,n 'o,fcsa&artaa Why' --TVBIg.v;..iaaw s -. tbiiiU9 tB r. td put tb qowtiuo, ffrtlJtur K Aiming- -rrfrHhtnti "Ytvtta-ai hid hi apoccb ititeriperaed with acuttlcteat auv.uut id turn men no and Mattering to . ..I. ..... JL I.I. .tl ... -. 1 tie 10 tl trao ateadard ot toif ehr. quents, and draw forth another tbower ol iiiaguitleeiit diaordtr. ' , J4 en caiM I oi..tiott to tdjotiru, fnA t nun troin tome wliil leader to old ancle Cutle mat be aiuat put tbi mutioa. Be en, aed atierwaitnolug ht ting hi eye, and bow teg o low a to bring aev, b ttammered out, ou all bear dt moahia biiw tlat we ahould now rjaia,H aad-they ttiouraauV. -'-: . . .-. t - ' 'ntvEKtw-.: .-, ... .. i at m i li... j.. . -; Ait TuTiaaarmo Dbcii la.At inter eating drciaioa baa reeeottly been readered ta the Superior' Ooort of Ciaeinaati, ia which the freedom of the pre a guar" dial of puhlio moral H vevf rally viadlv oated. Ia Jaooary laat the Chaoraoati Aa fnirtr publiahed tha ataatwaoat tlaatViian ' -The Maaara. Wetoteia-'- aa Vioeeattaa, the Fjor h- tiort- ' blaokgwarda, having agreed1 to withdraw tha can can Iron their varied play Mlt.Mherw le UtM r aothlag now left in the city in the- wa of art.aae metit tot too taut aamlmr- oS toei men who are wont to top on their toad to tit work houaa to baak under the loot tight of Concert hall aad revel la the gloria oi tbo Inbmloea can can, " 1 "t -i Whereupon tbo partie aemed brought aa aetioa for libel, Nytng their damatta at Uie mode at aura ot $10,000. u Judge Hagaa decided' oa a , demarrer to tbe eataaplaiat l.tbaitmttalig oltuaaoft naoiad. beiag expreaaiy iorbuldua by th city ordtnanoe. tbereioiobe laogaag naed oooooraiug too hudse eoald not b cooattned aa a Ubefc The demurrer waemataioeil, ; ..,.,,-... ' i " li ;- ' ea -a - ' - ' ' i ' Jfew RAtLBoaD Pr(Wbot.-W leant that Mr. Mue, the New J-rt y geattemaa who recently tiurcliaaed the ipleodid eatat of uotooei rrimoiDO, oa otaunton rtvr i ag itating the tchem of conatructing a- rail road ttetweea Pamplin' d.p .t ob thi Soihid railroad, and th North Carol la a Hue at Leakeaville.' A Charter authorixlpit hb'toa4H'-aal- -MMwrrpAf W et J coitptiiy lor tue building ct th road ha lieeu prt p irt d, ad will aooa he prupnaed ia tli Leg.alature. The coal of the projected ioiprtiViun nt t calculated ml two million dollar ; and It ia atated that' the" people of the tetiion which it l rlealne t to travera are diepoaed to Uae evety txertiob 'to rat tt. ' " - " ..'-'' r (t ia alao atated ttat the X gialatnr of Aorta uatoiioa Da ' already cbartered a toa.f betweno LoakavllU aad High Point, which tatter "totality I oa th liue "of tbo toad between' OoldaboroUgh and Green, boidugh. ' Tbe Una Ip ht Pampltn' pro p r w connect wllh lhl road.' and to winitit!Sjo.aditiorui ii"t:in.:,oar.Yi.l giniaj tyatero of Nortt.era aod Soutberb tnvr OummuolcaCVoo. LftieHntrg Jiopuk Utah, " ' ' ' 4 ln HriMw0 Movkmt. Hrfi h baviug UitiHi ao ItukietUo fariaiao palate auy kiuger, he. gohrjDtMul Ma.Ahiiia.uig l loipuftiug aaigaruea u lue IaiuooIe ' d caty. -.1 oe ueeat, it i claimed,- ) tender and wtioloaooj. tt 'l it iadio having appro pna e t tbe aajh. oi the kangwuo uudut i' o-mte-r toetireeraar hertd;' ta otttr way w put atop ao laat petluattlau motroi- ty la tua wa ao uevouf an oi. tue aaa garooa,ruid stbtia, having doatroyedr the aaud', tue habit may be ta timeelualoated, To pvxltioaof tit torepajr ot thia. wiuo ig iwiar vl tb aud of AUlca, wbea ataodiog 04 V- hlodlege . reaviy to leak a akip, ta aut Belike that, of the girl ot the petied wbea tbo to to th act ot going over a maiddv crwaatrC s aval Miaa hUatrartiai .toe wn'taii lb kvg:i pw a atiaw-ookirad paraaol lined wilb a bouoauig oulor, aod wiU waar neaataaaf hair out aarewu. Ho l atuck bar tb accr-ai b..'iaetaro tMetlff a axempuiuhi luioair waiMa , .. . Btnxririnr fnlmrn-ifMi - a a aflurt ia madaby a poniuo of. tba preaa: eabatdiaed I fltt.inmi.i. y aw BHa4evtei emw- f iiat JMtaH.ai c iiii-rretf ara pile, auagillbt paiiioue ciiia-na, ana navu i wteu naing wted by tb S.aut ol Oaorgia, to aupport liow (he oppvall, bud that Builot k, lUo(h iTte'a tnta' veM)eatra,ed e community, aad that the r courae hr kaa been'ol ! taa'auiet biwj.ced cuaacier. tver la tb hiatory ot p iliticat corruptloa ia th Capitol baa there been praCilctU by a et of political acaropa and (cuewaor ucb anblhahing lmphdeuce aid effroateiy to ia flUMc tbe vaua ol member ot Cougrt.aa. lb committee la tb Keaato will mae ail jjuf fpyfi htlJ)fora they get .through lb tuvangatioa. AieAad J.tpalch, bpttial wat.''ityeaM r-T ' f , - ..... TflMHignyOVD TRAQttT At the aieefrjr held on the CapU....,,,,, "among ofUci gpek'ra,- DiVfedefibt' Oo. Wit addreaewd the crow4 -The fol lowiog ia aa extract traan tbe eloaing por tioa of hiech, which duo crvdit.hoth to bit bead aod heart! l-e tint 1U What brouhl aboat tbiaiealamityt War iiaell ba apared Ibia, papilob. aad woadrou itrai ge it ia that after all the rvgeef war (A Capitol fill tt tielff Thai aetoaadina; iaeideot 1 fcaelf - a leaann which wouldil awoliuao with tMaieB tarv. Tbia I w tli ey ; btrit inc the war bad briioght, tugthr aa eaiwus, eager crowd ta heavy mai on the ek i iorof aa ipperchaothef i-t tbla buildlox to hear the tie daioa f, WjL Jritfiviry. by fc fttpreot eourt ; that, a (trite piecipite'ed tbat oruwil ko l ctHiuid lb t to amy -and death t That4iune M a ubiug ad moiiiiirxi. - . . . i. . The Capitol ta old, it la of the paat, paaa log away. Let it be built ejww of tba dura ble and ootid granite of your rich tivor bank, laid deep in the aolid anil of our country, and let k tup structure nlae a lolty plre toward lleavea, a etgo ot Covenant with Ood I And let tbla ba ayo. bolio of a moral and political ioaadaUoo. laid anew and deep, for uperetruciure of love and nrotDeruood among men, wuctt ahail be approved aad bMawd oa lligtv ' Aad keaof come oo abiee troia tlio ' Bead, but trora the living,. From tbe aa- kaown other world, to wbbie hoiirue the ' :' Mft!aJia!!2 f tu dr! wht.r takon-torf U -Munne. ' " J I a t xaeKt j a i' 3 . If rWJmj.Wwv&XCsr D.vme. tpecial Provideaca, If there be aa infidel la tnia aaaemoty woo lacaa faith aad aeed proof let htm hear me, a poor etaner aaved by the morcyi- tot God'a polal ProvidMiee. 1 aoooaut in thievery cao of aorifa aad ootrovaraj4-itamy-luty-aud deal re both to be preaeBt at the aae oottDOimeatof the op Bioa and the deci. tow nf ib oouri la the eae; my mu would have been at the vary cut re of 'the k daiiuar. . VTia : mr..-LroUiera- :" . . " . . and : weilav- and . Alerednh and . vnoa-i . , ter, were . Bitting;, ' and .who, .. every eoe,liave faeew-corkrtw'y and ' eeverely, if -bot daageroualy, wouoded and mangled. They fell In tbe midat ot danger aad of death, and their late would have been my fate, but I wm anatcbed back and detain ed by a client moaoeBgef trom hravea at -the very moment wbea I .wa ttrirmg to h pruent la th ctwrt . rubra.. One .aad anuiber tvr juncture of OircuutaUoce held -m back and delayed , me to : withla tea minute of tb trrrifio dtt.f.": Kf broth er Dauiel and myaelt, oae on each aid, out ot lit counail. Jonn weia apired, and ear taluly tor bo horthine of miue, I believe ia do blind fate there 1 an diatluy of maa tint f '.Vroyttfrmo cohtrol,' ;3C.. and I am net Him4 to eoititw Iliiti. only , belore tui uiuKitude of people j aud lor myitlt and all pray that wa may devoutly pralaa Him, and Him ouly, lor lil, Infinite goodoi and mercy. ,t TBB BUBJUSQ. 09 TUgJUCnubsD T US AT US. I TJjo born Ingot ,;tbe Rirhmoad; Theatre -la 1811, December JlSth, it irequeatly aU ludad to m oompatlaoa with the terrino event of Wodoody. Tbo flrat play tor tba aight waa "The Father! or, Family Feode -, Too alter piece: waaa4 .pantouiame Bailed "Haywood sad Agaea; ox, Tbo Bleeding Nun." The Irat play, wee eaded without accident aad too pantomime waa brought on. llucb toeout altect waa requialtav ke-Y cludinff fire, aad ia the very fire act tbe fire eomlag ia contact with a carta m Ml it ia a bUaei aad i. a atinate tbe I an were beyond cootrul. Anvao'.or gave tbe alarm, and the aodtene, lerriiteietjught ta-tacpo, iroot 'the bouee. , . There .wa. oothiog like order.-- Theerawd preeaed la tbo-deetioa . ot th doora aaxt etoaori tbem, aad packed " tbo bamaa weight agalaatu tbem i aa lhat tlier wa ao ogreaa except by leaping Irom. tba wuidow. Tbe fiimte overlook .many in tb body of tb houae, and nrt aufioca ttog tbemllorwanit buroed them to bea. Some were trampled to death and alroiWarda burbedi Otherarwere killed Jumping' iroot tu windowa aad were Larned.' Oat ol aixhnndred peraoaia the theatre ' Mventyatbrto rore boned, loclediogt the uovwiBor or too Btat (waoaea w.- bwtTS) and a aamber ot tbo moat promiaeaaatctti'a en, tad maoy other were eevareiy ietiared. 4 be-bawtwieg oeeaottbiaeatoiapbo may be la torn dears lasactneat, 1 It 00 of tho moat toarlai ea'amiUea by fire that tnrnbleagaut that we bavo read or; aad very mnoa eaooeded tbe hurrorauf tbo tcraah to the Capitot oa Weduoaday.ia't v Th Moeumeatal church, a mar of oar t r!le.ni kno,: ttttadt 'oh.iti itt :ot tha,.; tkealre, and the monument in ft on tot tba bureb-eoain tha name t fl what petubed ia the tutfi-Uitpatck, t rrn-wtofl',CrwA tdoMTT Mmn, JUkUri " - r , ,"" f "TT view of an early coBvocatioa' u' tbia Cong-eaaional Diairici in C'tnveuiij for tb poipoo of taleoiiog hum uiUulavmM to reprceeot u 10 tb next. Uongreaaei tho United State, aod ia view oi tbe great imp trtaoee ui making- a proper ,liOoa aod tir other aud ; adxliiioaal reaauua, we rteaire to call to thaattcotioa oi; the voter of lb rountita oompriaiog tbia, CoBgt loual Diatrict,, ear . muu ereemtxi. aod worthy coaulvuea, Cot L. M. McUiikl. kUa ma-ot aiaaomproudaiaf -ifivgri- - UIJ .ruwaraaww uw t.ina viuue ana iarliogqualitie.tbat ao emiuaatly St a maa for tb lugb aad teapooatbl poattioo io tha ' "great council of tJre-'troa.r-rrliy-gotyr-mtudltit. molay.-K oot prracntiog bia" :toaaw4a Maanjt hewuf it J-Batma aatkinii the aot uma iita ia auimat-aaidetwai- piDiwwinsnaM, w bom tie i per- 'S w alfy' uul'Mw1ri7' awtfK fellow eouatyuieu to adopt th, method of tfrteiftrg ftw wtrmrth puntto u tU4 nom-"" trie ut tbe lvt vative paity to ihu Dia- trkt, , t, 1 Our tiatrr eountiea know wtll lha ruditl. " eal teTttoteTit rrt'-' 'itaawbap " Wniiat fferihe nam of .OoL McOorkle for tha aoounatioa, yet,houtd it aot ateet the ape ' pruhatiua ol tha Diatrict 'Ceanauoa are ara prepared to auataiu the choice id , that body 4 aod wbnat w ao aatbly feel and kaow tbe merit of hi claim,. w do oot - -deaire td appear aalbah or urematara to prtaaieg hi cbuma .before tue people at ' thi eany day. 1 . w. . tUjK)laUli'y, r,... ' ,.,i-- -j .... , caTahba tii.' rr Slalwilk iaajrioaa,,' . " ,t , . '" .V - - -- t -l"-" J' .w . , , - 1 , , ... , , . , ,