,S;' ' ;.:f.;""v.H-'-- -V "TV THE SENTINEL. CITY AMD STATE ITEMS. X3!L-j. gaareM r: AninAif. mat 21, urn. r law. M. Kiiiui. a Bruinee Cletlf! a.llB A-Oved to WW auaUkU and (! MMIKt, cummh i.d 7 ; vx ax ansa. There will be a iiieeiiog pf- ibe Item. oeia'1. tad Cnternra'irB. of ttiii city, t .'JM:I Ij. t, . jijjk i OloX k. lilt . Jjie .llrv...f of appoiullug ttekg-tte trt tbrr irritrtet ------ tWeewlb., watt-h; wfH Wtty tie 1.v,J 1 At' -Lockville ?J''uaUxy,. ("l.fbam by Silaa hums. W. U 4 K. S. Tucker & Co., 1'riale eu,l other g.tfida hew arrival. A. D. Taylor, Lmiih an I euiokad l,f, jicrd oyiter end ure diriWjtble. KnttrUitiiiieiil at Wake Kiret Coller; during lb pjrr.,.cliin( Cnuiiiinfoi, l.y Rev. J. S. PunMoy. Beautiful flower, eeeil and bull., (VI, C. B. DenaonPittaboru'. If. ('. TiiWtr atajiufactury, E. It Pgms, UilVjoW, N. C, . Real P-tat for le, tituaUd on ll.tl boro' tieet. C'iutunw.WK dieted AT. B. H. Wait to a Captaincy, yesterday, lit noticing iivtiug map of Hartford, aud mills bin General Agent of the "Hartford Life," iuttead i f the '"Connecticut Mutual" In trance Company. Well, If we'did not err nrraaioually ehould think we were not Iiuuihii, ami' if B t huituao we (lou't know what we tfhould Wt cjlp tbe billowing imratapfa frfinva 'W8yai'W e. lFVwl"A' ineJBfcpiat JTaJtur m PWU, ,S - lOTiWiJ To aHarge bunijv . - r aay to this I lloMg FlH iMttittAlii'a CoalPAU." -Thin Company'" hJ coimidrral.lc iiik on tb property recently burned in ITemler'anii ; mml lift.arontrerttBtit: '- tnr-tt?Ti -tienaw eorna)opabt aay the In will be fe4MbAle Oompasy hating bail aa Agent ou the apot o -Arly ttt nine tirt'firr, think now ttt." a.tBl ttamrgt iriiHMi ItcW thataum. Bu vbateraf tlx) amount may be, tlii C.mpatiy only await a full report aod aJ jucnieol.to pay orer toiniu.er's I lie amount ol" tbcif loam tba) money is reedy. We c iinmeud thia promptDeaa to the c..iiai.U-ra- itummi'-- "" "" TBI HgKDRKdfja BorrEdiua.- Some ol tho who nttnA by the late coLflagratiua at Hemlerson save u.eaiit to tregia again, and in time will recorrr Iri.m their l.nwe , but tueie art tiibere who cannot do thia ; aim are , wMowg with famlllei, aud whoee whole miaou of subinti'nce ban been Ueotioycil. Tiny hare no outtide neane, aad aie rniuci to runrr un m a aympitbizlb public ahall c ine to their rein f. Will not the towna ami cities, an. I even Ihe country ntigliU flicKiila of North 'aro ioa, coma iur wad tn , lhi;ir. 1 1 1 id 7 Will not Kubtib-lt 4 aoBHstitino; in tbat di lection T U wa are rucouraed to do .i hy our liiizeoa, wa will iiubllab a rail tor a public tneeting toi take the euLh-ct into lonatUeratm. , - Krarkliittom Academy. - The ixetciwv nl tl.e jiuaent eaaaion ol Frui.ki.iit u Academy, under the chaige oi U. W. Ncal, ., will be tloaeii on elie ttiml I June, by declamation by the alwdtaia, literary a. I dreaa bt Mai. B. K. Bulloi k, Jr., aud a. r- uon tyftey.tKfflf JrBreii', jTUfflat.". The opening of bext awaion will be an. : jtotta4Tbj :lftfa',r'p;'' ' lot CUtABAi!a-o Creain, Soda Fotrotatb, tropical lruTtr, couleclionariee, cakoa, 4",, knd othar Bk-e things, at Moie trra. i- -trlt""n--WTl tir format tnt nouncement oa Monday. , - Mori iNrimnABiaAt. On Tliursday aitjbt laat, a littlwbfter mid uIkbI, Mr. Nl on Hiiob-t, muling iribt miiem from H d igh, OB tha Hoily fpriaga road, waa roaacd by hit wife Who had discovered ObjUtlUaiJIMJaJ going iht doofj he diacorerrti that an iDp'j ahuck-pfn had been tued, and that t be .mea were comm uohAtTng by the ieoot tiaotsa larger buildinga, among which . WeM Jhil barn ttii) irtibte'-He tuahed out ..aaajraja ;":TMiitX3u BlaTrirniTlhn aOaLuTkoy AriUAteawiglta ' ' could not Bop iti re. f .a ;:;r;r negra run to til door n4 itart . to ' go in jle-TM toward him, calling hut dog, when tha negro turned And fled. Tbo dog eAoe ap, liot iote of oinj tiler the negro. Jumped on a emllerdog, and whil e Mr. Hftnter ge"""!? ,lim y. ,h trcatina neirro threw i ioo, Ub get rorce wbkk juat mia.d bit head. He saw bet owe pereoi, ' but beerd it leaat Jone otberM they weit bfl. Tbe ahw-l pel "--Vaitt ecjaaidanible potticvBrCnce'Ttere . I r- .n ik iWaw'i attention ta thee oooiinaed outngBK- e ttjratW aa a erawanaa el k n MlaneWaaf ftBat Iftfl 11 I W f IMML... t..i- iwittMted' to mffi t th oi-T ce U Vmat, W. IL Batiie end eona, on VoatUY fttTMMTwt i T-rG&O. W MORWEtAri,i Maj llai, 1870. i Norifw BaTttriciAJ. Atr Wiott rr tat CoHCMit.Ptrinna iodebtatl to tbe aderilgned, will eooie torwur.i aod tettlt withia 15 day J from data, if not their name, amoanti (aid whit foil will be publiahed' lot M day. inylMiB FH1X TBIE." N. C. AoICVLTTrAl, SoCIITT. lero that tbe'iF.Aecutire Committee rf tin Agricultural Society, aided by ooe ol plA-ie Preaidtut, Col. D. M. Rerringer, have reviart ili ttvtalutit lita and will to publiab tle 4aui Tby riqwat all lrio.l ol Agriculture and tb iodoatrial arts to nuk uggeatiooa to tba PieaiJtnt, Emi P. Battle, rq , ii tbty will iasue u (Ijir rtTikd lut nrnJiat)y re tbt Pair. ' This riocietjr .will bold in uextannoal '''it luiTr Will Ua a tnrir liiJiin aliMijlainKr.. pruceciiiua will ta t' a iHt, tfttert-atttig i-Larai ti-r. 1 B KI(l'WT I OKCOltAIIUH Uf VSION 0&AVS8. A niierial inevtinK Poat Hedewick, No. "A A. H., hi ld at the bin riff" orlice. Idbrib, H. C, (ir i be iuip.e ot making unai.rincuu lor reorung and otberwiae m.iiniiialh?lu8 the giav uf tbe t'aion drud, at tbe 1,'nlon owelerj, oo the 30tB fihir tf 1'. V. Lt, in Ibrrbair. 'Ibe.fjIlowiaK rruutioiM Were mooted Hetiilre,, That fr. II. J. Mtnmogur be ie- tpeciioMy rrriti.-atL-d to a t aa orator on tbe flat art auarij Ma? 30th, fur dtc tratini; tbe gravis ol tbe tniou dead. yfi wrf, Ttiat John H. Bouer, Ei., t e.'iniMiiiiy rt-uiicated to act aa poet cm tbs aivvv tcca.-nou. Utmntd, Toat Iter. G. W. Brodie lr ap.ct(uily nciuate1l 16 act aa chaplain on toe (N'carioa. Ji,le.,l, That M-jor W. II. Martin bere Ui lo.l lo act aa Marahall. , lUmilri,if 'I hut tbe natUI proceaaiuu be duptt'd witb. Jirf4n.it, That tlii Kaitigli braaa band lie tngige.l l.r tbe occasion, and tbat Majjr ituuioi ba cuiiaiiMmi cotjinuttee of one to iiiakucwary aTifTrrfliti, -jKnotmt, Tbat the Chair designate the ciiiiimituc' uu fiuauie ami decuiatiooa- lktuuiia.U.JtoAHi 1 aw 'tasra t. 4 ?mmuiit jfmaSe tetr W tTn u r Kff JItOH C ..... r:-' - "r 'uaM. I i.. i... uuibvi i X naiueU I ona be iltaiuau.l com mi tie ol arrabgn- a.iitiTrf'icriirT f. Col. A. W. Hbalier auil Jua. pli VV. Iloldeii. . AloTKu and neconiled, tba'. the Releigh (iland.ird aud 3twM'iNaL,bc iir.juesied to pub !'!' ...the proccK.liniyi.oJ lino tuttluig. M.'Vutl and accontlt'd tbat wlnu uiianiet t nit; adjourn, it adjourn to meet at tbe abend utikjD ou llir -bib day vi May, at B o'ckh k, 1'. M. 1 'ie inc' laig aUjuurioiJ accordiogly. T. Lifi, C'b.irman. Thomah HAMpaoa, HeC'y. ! Orrici of the N. C. Lasd Co. . ) KaLKIod, W. C, May w.b, 1870. Sir. Editor; - ' him - Wa are to receipt ol aereral letter pi.!.'iJS '! ;urope inking... JM. to. forward lb. m Uiaciiplloo of aoute eight to leu larke Uacta i i land, iu different oarta of Ihe btale, coniaulutf from 15 (MM) to lou.uw acrea eat ir, lo aettle Colomea oi. Own'ci of sucb traota, who wiali ta eell, wilt pleaae forward to our orlioe, decrip tlou ol tin ir land, location, price, terms Ac. Vina company inakea oo charge Ion laud placed In i heir bautla,unbnu iaI ia made. A roiniaeot tsbipping llouae ot Liver pool wniea a lo tiny; Baking if we will en- ,jtUri ... im. . fc .A. A . - I " ibuy put ou a line of tiieamer to carry emigrant direct from Liverpool to Wil mrtiton in our Stale. All they aak. ia tor ua to iimure I brio this aud they will put ou a ateniua r at ooite. u- -Here br an rvforlinity off tad lor UA tu hip tbe product ol tbia good old Htau diiect to Kurope, without paying tribuie to any of our mater Hiae ; who will aaaiat da ib briuginf? tbia about T ' K KINtlSLANll, Sicretaiy, N. V. Laud Company. may 10 lw Valuubls and Reliable. "BrowTi" io om A.ai Urothnif will be louud iuraluabl to tboao eipuaed to auddeu vbai.g a, affording proaipt rvlial iu caaana of Cpngba, Coltla, ato. For J'ablic Kpcakora aiid Hmgera, and tboae wo over, tax ibe voice, Ibuy ara aaeful in relieving an triiUiuilhri.At, aud will rruder articaiaAion VAMf. Mi dtn 4K 1Wfa(.it, - A) OaTilH Itlt genuine.! my 16 eodlw Younger by Twenty Yeirt ii the Ap pearanre ol ib man oi nity, or Iba lady ol- vr aiaa bow tpany auwmara after b or aba baa i barmfd awayb uray bairaaiib FBALOB'a Vitai.ia. Pleaeant Mrir. and transparent. Mo eedmiaut, . Hold bj, all diuadlata and fancy good dealer. my 10 aodlw Delay ire Dangerou. That poor, auiaoUtadOoBauaapliva, nboiaaow bevoudall kea ot raooeery. BiUint bow be bela AnrtearTf TiaS Wt' BaiiTimaTTnat alttntt etmgb: -Be edvlaad, ,-Jl'oa baea a asagb cold, get at one a bottle ol PR. Ttrirjt AUT- ACTOft'JiTand yow will eoon b raUered. 'Doaotpuf it off. -my la eodi : . ' w... . '. 'inaa.-i i -j.,. L-i :ll,& k na eare and labor M bnattiaaa tta are as to ten evreiy apn ine buiw dj eoaatitntioa or lb araenr, eiietg''neiaaiiiwaa-ara;'ww-wBM tbaVaiead ui wane aaatauung acant ia f it, euwa tatut tMt eauaw only ;-iwpay..WArUoavl- aud iriava the yatrm to a wtata at fiaruai aouapaa wbes tbeu- nrat efluct baa paaaad off, ara too oiVeu reaortee to, ai eeruuiuy a are ieava bahibdit aremdinai of atria, tba Baa ot ibe adulterated bqaore of eoaaaaare produea pre BiAiwrwubaBattaaandeaeay. Toneb tnem not, 'too aod regaiat tbe overtaxed vital auebiawiy wtia IioMauer a Stomach Biuera. la that a bole Bum ebxir, tb aioboue eleaaent, which i tba paeeat aritaoa irora aay aoaioa, ta leaaparwi by tba ebuet tonic, apertaat, aubVbiliou' and ulj-lbril vairetai low aunm ua (iiiwa, aw treanben. recruit, aolae and portly tbe yi ten t tb miMKdi of tb great vegetable eoeel I. Wbaa tb wioaaaob H tt.l baaltby ataW, tb kila Iowa reeoiarly. tb boirabr parforaa Uitr oco piopari)i. and in Bvrvooa ar eum are ta p I, 1 Tft' TT' itoinnt of Iaikt tin mut OV IBflOUTAiiBuv, M.14 mm u.iw uw m tba flitter i te promote tbbi Tigorov eondttkaa of iba tonctioii npotl, vbieb tha aoeartabaaaa at lb body, and lU power of eeduraao at nly d Inr. amntaaueallr reeootmeBdad tor tta remark' atarTKitiSsaiHt ftnwrepiuibm'w - aeaeyr Ua aal uaa tBOMing aaraa laa.aaiiaia, m Itroly appem. a nW . tion ibi) annw. ajut a ajaraetloaa abdity a witbMad tatigBaaaawogtabaaaaiBgalaalia; axaiha MLAttenauiaHrifc Mratipa t u.j putablt aod 1 power fut eortUal, and aa a piiag and aaea mmt aliarativa. tar ta awtataw aa tae Baataaia ttedie that i woman pane wnpat,- Joai . Dors tar abb Paicm. Ia b rnaaated ia Reptioiaraa etrdea, w untlrr etaad, that ANDREW J ACKSON ysaea kaa ageot at work Mt tbia city aid eoaety try ing to defeat Ueorg PruV cbanoe tor tee Leialatnie, oo the ground that Pnc rwfasee li-DlaT mum oat twierraieauoB. W gi the rumor loir .(What ttle woni whicb w tear at aboutw kundrvi foSart J yalL. Star. ,-,' We HEWADT2BTlSElfIT3. Very deairabla Krat FtaU. ootid JtiD of pMir aoMnauta on nuwiMra Rint iu guud walla ol water on ttia rJtntai and tba pniparti u bow uiuler raai fur r'fcw. A kugaiu aaa ba ka4 bj aldratiiig boj itl, f. u, By il liu . Wake For eat CoIIcf ComaSeacamanL 4 1 tb aolHitation ot ba Facaity aad aiaay Xja. otbura I bava aooaeawd to o ajy bouaa u Batertaia. nation darfaiv "i im, oui acu ui ol j ane. WniU aad Bat Hqat Parealla AND LIMKU M0HUN8. A btaimrqt aaaortmaut f HUNTS, at Low ruicca. W. H. H. ft. TUCKER A OO. y 21-1 4- MaBrLANU HL'dAk ( ll(Kl) HAatH, Maryland Cauraaad Uams Alidlhar Lot of amoturiur HuLa.1 lUaf Duttalo Touitaaa Urn boat eref oAarad la luia nirair.. Jaat raoelved myll-lf ai A. V. TATLOBU lt iCM Ole'l HUH. ....... Mb Lol-atera (Htar liraaJ.) EiuiUaa Cbow Cbow, Miwaiua Uiau(a, i At myai-tf . A.D.TaTLOB'S if Vol) WANT iDBK WUIHUKV, WLKti, Ulna, Ac , at low pricae, bay of A l. TA I LUB, myai-tf " - No. li a).u..li.Bt. THE LOCK&VILLE FOUHDfiY AK0 MACHINE SHOPS. HATINO KMPIoTKI) A KIH8T CLASH BHAklar and aiaehitnat are prauurad to do u aluua of uAaiiuna tLapcoial atlaa.ioupaid to ajill ork. buth sriat aud aaw, rapairuif of atauotiar; tygiua. Aleo. all kioda of aiaiihiaa aork dooa at iba cbaapeat raiea. All aaa oi watiT pewvfr reudeh roe oathable of duuig wurk rhaaoar Uian oao 1 aouo aLwuy orbar plaoa in tbw Mala. Aiai, .!wa auij plow oaalll ya 1 will aau cuuap uy aootraaia ana retail. atil, t-trtrttorun fctr.: it -t. I w-.. w ..i. L. a.." Bttveo reauuioi' ruuua aou l itleeu Eioua Flower Hoada 1 on Oei .whim, t nabaiaa, Verbena, Doable fata maa. lialilua, '1 nbenatt a, talatbolua, and Tboaa- auaa oi oiuer uraeunoaa and BaodliMi flanta Flaut l.ladio.aa bulb, now, maaruiniwnt naa atyla - aura bloom, - and raqoiree littia oara. Oil Hi aux VtI gg, t 1 1 LI, II ajlj - riaattJ CaVrTlaVAA tJ OlftU fftM, gOatTaVUtettd. C. ii. UKNr(N, mji 2ldlwAwlia. IHUtfara1 K. O. North Carolina Tiu Wire Manufactory. f tUK IJKLUckbJUMCD B-EIuPS CONaTAHTLX Jk. ou no a tn largeat aloe of na War ia the NiAtr, aud ol ibe cry neat quality. Ba wdl enpply lrealera in burtb aad nosib Carolina opoo beilei luuu, iban tney ean bay bortb. benitouiber 16 per oenu in freibt and paekage ui aaved by bnyi g your Ita Ware at Bdiaboru. F iu lattaaent au applioatioa. Tbe Patent Top Fruit t au to aaal with War 110 ou per bundled. Plain printed dinotiuea ior ua aaiit witb every abipineul. . H POO UK, iiulaburo'A C . biy 21-lUt TO UAV'I EXPHESS! Wa have reetred a baanUfal aatortment of 8 4 Organdie. Plftui Peqafi, Sa; in Striped Peqae, naiiiUOA aiiu aauU aaueiluaa Keil Hair Clutter Curli, Will Sath Ribbon, ill colon. PalMEOME, PETTY A MCWUOM. my tO-tf . COTTON OIHNED ON TBH 01!t WILL Vj command a bbjber prioa in ibie or any other maiket, than tbat gtaaut Ott any other Gin. To ttaoee daaurwg to porohaa Oina I Woald re oeetfully refer them to Ibe following named .gentlemen, who are Cotton Faetori, via, . ... l... rr aiujia,.. I VNN ADAals, UFCHCKCU A DODD, nANLlkJUl HON IK, A. M. UoPilEKTbatb, and abio, to Plantar wbn ara now aamg tbem via I JLrF. tlnilKH, U. A BLKLiMOK, a lUailH bAMibna. , Thar ia one OB aahtbtUoB at my ator. ' a. T. BlbObACa. J 30 If - Aga. V B t-W ,- u 100 Mbl. Fiah. all linda. V 1 o Flout, Aoua Ib. N. U Ham, , Aiaul Weeteta baum, 6U 8.kaSalt, ... . JuaC reoalTad. jtARAaaaa PVica, u gJEa aAy E...Ai It ! a.. JT, f. XRBBS at CO., Mcnagtrt, ilCTWO tT , BATWtJiW MAkCIt AP Pl0S, WILMLSOTON, . C. SPLENDID SCHEME. 78 Ballot, IS Drawn I untkrA , TO BE DRAWH 8Alt7BDAT,s JtfNB Ara, WO, AT 6 P. M , AT MAHAQEK-S OFFICE 781 PRIZES - rut eoaiwa aod pear ol go bay bkMtad oraawMBt. ;. Uwr DrawUnra lavanary eon cs whan ad etuved, and areaaruiUd to by a amiawtai atvUuhad is ail tb daily eity Mwapapara ar" Pereof "oiamgrSl Ta'"'taia"Ilme DrwwmaT. of March tsiih. wtuch we wt rcHH I li ad inu tieve aajem eiraawg Una lebima. . -.-1-- ,. ; .:'..'. A0IaT8 WATEP EtEBI Read money by Mat oXac oribar ar ngiaiand met. we i ll ebortly preaent a Grand Bcneaaa ta eaejajjejaj ju (r-tHMa'"'' ehinA (10.MIO. Iaily biippiaaeTjUry Drtwuiga at 11 M. aad S P. M. ..,, , Jima, m t. , 1 am Bow maamg onca aw airga wnmBera. Boildera ana aartM wwbwg to ba woe Id da wwil to anorr aa ma beror ranaaaua riaawbara Addrwaa. ear W C. teraoavaua A Co, wee have aaibortiy mauke eentrarto frar m. . mylU H aavn.AuaavAaii.VAi.. J M IIIHVIi'OV IJJU T ATEaT aHtHVllJ. aaa rue lw-aeta-nn . iwaminu Evening Edition. TKLEGirAUUIO. fVidatf Mht IUicaiea. 7 ..WASuSIaOTOS. iaanoToir, Ha 3Q-Unai 1997.000. t.ni-r"-" bi ili;uuiil, or Txa, (dwrta tf at ! ura Jur of ibai HiaW bare luusil Vbl fosr Mu umU aeauut parttaa lor ianux fiaoda. Mvaraa ei Itareaae offira are aiuou uoaraaa wid adijara iulf loda. Jaaob u enium d Ailoruar of lb Soalbera imaaliiil aialm li : v--m- - iba bal k comtxuaata theottaara and craw of tea Kaaraaga lor Iba uaauayuoa uf tbe Alabama, aAtpropctauui Howaa p sooOad wiin baameaa appartaiutug to la Ulaute of (Jolttoibia. A eaag wa rweired Itoaa iuSuaU; an Doaaeibff tuat tba Hoaaaraaolutiou' of aluro- taai D;o aaauad try a Uhg July ujn iu uljulrtlkaa Uia dar of b uurncuaut I ba amauduwat waa auaaiuaooaly ouooairad in. A aaotioa to- raMoatd rr waa bud oa tba tabla aa tba aaauar dauaita aau aoal. baaaTK. 1 b euur dar waa aaoud to tbe bill anloraiiur um Ilka acoaauraeot.' Tka Oonuuiaauwrr of lauiaaj HTt0a baa wrutM a larf eaf Woftwia WUor to a party io AiDAuy, woo, u aeaou. aaa tautiy arouKUi a cbara agaiuet a tuarcbaut in tbat mty, of vuila Uuaw af toa mnaraal rovanaa iawa, aoich, upuai luvaaugatuai, prorad groaadiaaa. 'tla loner lakae tua aroaud tbat toaaa aait-apputatad da- aaotreifw and-tin uiitaay apaw, wbu wiafca tta boat - aaaa w Drmg enaricea agaioat woweat wen lor teabntoal nulauoua of tba Iawa, have ub alalia to ba aouaidarad uabar ttaaa diaraputatila p r aaa;ia l b latiar tartbar aviBuokHeta a vary atra rv bak 10 tua partiaa la qaaauoo. , . P8KNSYLT ANIA. PaiLAPELrau. May kti-lu tLa Preabyleritti Aaauaibly ibw morning tba Moderator read a auBaraiaiatury diapausH, addrvaaed ta iba Aa avmbly, by tb aurabk Dr. Ktnoit, who n Kimtratur of ine uauerai Aaaaoioty im ai wbieb lb Bianioraol axbuun owiaral Af- FOKKIGN. Hivaha. Hay Da ilodaa baa babbabax' aa oruar tbat ail elevae bakmgutg U ioaurKaula rM tba bald oria lonNgaaoaMraM,of wbo b taJub ap anna or ear red aa g'UKtve to itpaiuab truupa. or M-noftted aoy otnac aarvaw toe tba1 BaWuuai iauaa,ara UaMualorlu Ilea. luauigeattiapi. iloaiorill aud aoaia of bat lot 1 TW'WIIIW'W OTi aotit koowa that tb ami of Oanbabli ar witu. tb loaaieenut in aouUieru l.t r. Looo, May 110. Tb lul owing deUlla of tbe luaarreotioa la rortagal are patuiAabod to-uayi lien. Babieaae having taka Ox Laatla at t Ueoree altar a abarat. aabawbavtatn aim wera killeu ami tigbty woubomL atrd tb Fabao aad iraiiiaiaoly naoguod ada oomoaaud lulo ib bog' oaftdav. abo. .aalbonaid bint an- fonna aa aauAMtry.. A a iiuy a atM wa peaiopUBd aud ayBipatbutd in oy 0i' people or Li boo, uporui ana ouier ottie. Saturday Errnln DUpatchlri. Washington. WAAanroto. May .i-hriuTa. At 1 o'okwk tbia moriubg, tn ttenata paaaed tba but n torcing ibe iSUt Amaadmant a any aw and mor atruiccut ebtuaea ww aided, it eoea to tta How tor coovarrnu. lb anal rota waa .i.lOA.........,..;. -.. Maaa..,j.. in motion danvine fee to inLirinera wa da. mAtad, yeaa 21, naye ill Un motioa of ttortou. a aad ion waa biaerted. making orimmal ail aueaipu lo u.auruo tb yoteaot anfcirae paraoti by .arl.ing tbem of oooupattoa, or jcUug flow bona, land and etbar property, or rotaaine la renew laaaee A a., tmpoaing lo ot Kou and iniprwunmeot ai wot bm than a year tor enob offear,. AB aildiuooai aeeltoa waa nr.iooaed br iokmv pool aud adopted, aaakiug orgai.uuuoue of two or mor peieou to viotata tbia aot feloniooa, ai.4 pnuiababi by a Iu of not b or mora yba e uu. Ofla,at-i.XiMB..t u olbc uudar Ui Uoitaa auue L'arueBiar. moved an ameuduumt tbat if any paraoa o deprived of an oliea, iopt tbat or KOngreaaniett or tial Legunator, by reaaua of tbe violation of tin act. ur by tb dautai of tb right to vol, to any eitiaua on aooount of race, euios-ao , he abatl ua eulitled to botd aneb ( ro.ie and raeover puaoaia of ttbyire.aaomMwio, at othar appropriat piooeeding in any U. a. llui un ot toui t, Iur tb proper Uialriol or btata bar mg ianadiutloUji adoptml 1H to iM. MARKETS. Maw toaa, May SI Klocia vary atrong ; Money Ay t to 6 ta.arbauga loug tt, abort lui : Oold 144 ; eoed H i lOna -(puBau,BawMiVa. a-eoupona eu, new 6e j Mo. 11 1; a, old f&t i iv. a 6a 74 J ; Ba W ; Ala aa 1 UU, ta 76 ; Oa. be Wl, fe 6mA ; t. . old 4M new 'ii B. ii. old tal, Bw4 Fbmrdalland drooping; Wheat qnlet and heavy , Corn qua and anebaDird : Pork qeiet. Beta 29 37 ; Lard dull at 16 ; Oottoa d.ll, td- dlu g npUada (, Orleaoa , eaiea baiea; Ipirua l urputiu ateady at at i hawia Irm, lot mvmi - jl rtM LoaooN May H.CooaoU U 1 Bond 89,. LiviarooL May 11 Cotton ateady ; Upbinda toi ta 11 ; Orleaua lit, aabw 10 OoO bale. TOBACCO MARKET. PlTturaaoaa, T4 . May L The market maaa rataly aaiive, aad prieee for om kind a HUM lower. Tb braaka aoatiaae to be mad ap mo Iv of tow grade W aoote evanBaoa poor ing 17,50a 50 ; fair to good. fialO ; abort leaf. t k to 10.M ; mediam til m 11 M ; fair to good 1.1 to 16. AU kind aitbl tor Wrapper keep in good dmawt aad bring fln proe. bat th erop abowa bat little wrapping tbbeooo. Wa quote enai eared tit to 100. and hardly any offer ing. Loo abowa more daeiio tbaa pnxd. T ba W amokinj: 1 rnry gaa ttront Vigor; wfear d yow raoosd be got ttt iv" Yea b ia traugar, hat h kaa heard of , PINK HARDLTS VK s aad a got it tbare cd TdaeAlftteawJitat bleNt, 7uT I kaea pbmrj BWea-et Mil atatt wVe!i&raw I Al tf .... HABDIt. Faaeat preat. I AttBITlLA THIS t)AT 8T H- Ineladmg Miehteaa la tint Tobaoea in balk, big Bag and Whig Cigeca. Try tbem 11 wv km 1 audi i win reiUAat yoar taeiAay., . l Onaoail lacker Had. I v- . , baoa o w Isimap Onu, myav-u. :, .,( , FtAAtb maauiib. SIX TtJBa PRIMS QOSHKIt BtTTTIB. BK eelved tavday.. "v '" my l y W. T3. tTBOWACB A OO. PICALLI IH HALF BABfeELB. , . 0 la - e n.lW T. - 1 Al " A .. ai rrimfA J teivd lA-daf. TaylrW W CBlboMACH ACCb, 'At6AiS:flram IT " .. I UOTrr tadrr,- - W. C. bTMONACB A Ca j62FayatianUSt. 1 f D0Z. TO I INCH rATT RTEEL HANT IU lad O0AA0 IIom, oo Hatnritsy -- 1 TBI MOOT APFKOTED mFBIOEHATTRa, . . , . , ilUli LAvVla. myUtf ... , . . ' j T, ." ': HANOIBO BASKET, ' r AI (Lad of Platad, Tb aal ' , I a l'ba o'umIJ awM 'l Maeham Riaa, wae -4-tabwi w aa aaaaaaa atwaaaaatwila wwaw Wat AiiJafiiaiAiikiiAVroW'rt'-r-a-a'i" -r iiu'w..'-' Y'""""-- -.;.-,v.,,- -r i- r. Jirrrifiiiii ' : ., gllttlaw4eaw;- "I V!J?r?f? ITAVINO KKMOVED AT LAST TO Mt tftaT i . "al"1 ?--" ' Iba aof aruBAent taaM ma. aotiua. baoauaa U ia I .""'Kryu ' t ' Ilri(b(J liifm'aaUiUaditiaiiiiirlHhIIIrltM Mil Kf'fllll Dpalpp In --'-i- Tlaa araia ihr Itlrriia af all Thlaga .VJt'lUt.J'RtiUlwUt Ptrry DtTl' Ptta Killr, ilea baea tealad.ltt evaiv. viatT Ol hinalf. aod oy aluuwt aer nauuu auuauio Aiuaiwao. tt ta tba altuoat onaataut eiiuuanioB aud luieati- aaabla Iriasd of tbe auaataer ; aad tba lra r, iitlriui uivujvtjka aiia.mi' irl- i. U im aud.a i.,M JM'J.f .fuc MitMl r mvut, i uuif oruuwa, auu u aoa vaj-oua wriMr latioiioa. aa ai-U lot dtaenlery, diatrbat, and bowel voouaiuta Kouurailv. aud ta auniab!t aitad bir aveiy iaie ol aieu ou tbe taea ol Ibv globa.' tt auia yon ealt lor and gal lb genome ruu Killer, aa niaur em tulNMUoatruuia aa atlamol' ad lo ii aotit oa lb araal reou.atiou of tbia valu. ab.e utadiOdie. . BJt lira uoaa aooooioauy eeoti Nttle. 1'aioa XfU. SWi, ai !.(' pk Hon it KULD b t ALL' MlJiLlna; Df.ALtliS. uty 1 lui . ATCHL08 HAIR DY& ' Tbia aplaooid Hair Uy m aba boat ui tba world, EarwUeaa, raaabto, uujvutaiie.oa, doaa not en tain. toad, ta if any, aifuuii pouton to produa paralyat or daatb ATo4 the tauuUd. and aIav tuaien prepaAiiuu boaatiiig vbiuxa they do not paeaaea. TbajuumoW A, Batrlulor' Hair ly baa bad 3d yeara aularuiabod rap lUlion u ap upbold it lutigrit; aa ihe only t'erfwtl Hair l))a--blk or Urown. Hold by all Uruggaita. Applied at l Boud t. N. V. uu, i dly M0NY MA&KET. Oreeiltboro' Money Market. UUVLNU tUTWl Of BANIt MITKH. Ac. Bi WtLdOff A 8H0BEK, BANKF.U8 AND Itow uint Baoaaaa. Rou-ra Klb Btbkbt, Uauaa - aoBo, N. 0. of 1 C tV (..p or (tf tlbarlotla , i, Wailoaboro Tviue . Merehaate' Bank of Newbef n Far mere' Bank of Oreeaaboro', Mlnr'and Plaotera' bank Oouimurnial Hank of Wilmington fireeueboro Mntual Ine. On.A old Tirarinia Bank Njtee average about. Soeth L'arubua " Qeorgta tt. o.Tt. a. stock. Wa boy and sell at liberal. pricea. UuLlajidiiii ver. Nortb Uarobna bouda, l iniod Htatoa rlond. and all other marketable aioeka. Order for Maufc note by delrtor and Btoek holder of Bank will receive prompt attentiun Return for eipreae paetagee of Bank note A,, will b made on tbe day received, by cbee on New lock or Bnlumor, or in ourraucy, a de aird- Life aod Fire Inenranee FolUwea uaroad in foot OoBipamea, at beet ratee. Mar, to-tm SWEET QUININE Ie a Meeeat lapravmeal. kaplacM th am of th BITTER SULPHATE ubiMia. aim wnica au ara laiaiuar. ' Iloae for doe, it ia r WAIiHANTKI) FuMy ual la rj h 1. BU- AMU, LIKE IT, Id TUB ONE Great, Pouitivo, and Unfailing CURE For ill Siieaiet of Malariout Origin. Vever w4 IW. laiarawiliral rever, 1 t (hill Vevtir, Heawmeail fever, !i alllewa a-avar, . I)ubil, aud tbe long train of diaordere following tbee when negleotrd. SWEET i4t!Il.E I made aalely from rernviaw Barb ,(ao tt Bitter Qdininel, therefore ia of Vegetable origin. and not a Mineral poieon, but on tbe contrary ie .roved to b on of tb lrmeut round u tb iLuod of all healthy peraoBe. . , SWEET (l ItIXE . act aaan aalldai t. aa well aa ear for, aaalarial wr walaaaaalle pala, th a"b turwiAaa wf wbmk by tb tonga caaaea lutcrduf. lent tVr, . An vui butmih,, vmuam tut SWEET UUI.1UK over the an of aid BltteKQuibine Ie the entire ebMBoe of that iaeaaaa, swntatml binaraeee, wbieb k tba latter la an IuaurmoonUbta ob itaoi to Ka a a with moat peroo, aai alway with ebildren. SWEET QUININE la m two formi-ta P0W0F.R, for th aae ol Phyaioiana and llraggteu, and FLUID, for ua m tbu tamtly and lor lb gural puolio. 8TEARH8, FAERAVCO. Maaafaetarmf Chenuate, New yort my t-aodt NATIONAL HOTEL. ooiBKb or BAi.irAX aaa tnairrsw marrri, ta- afKDilTZ.LT eoara or Tea OArrrob, ; -HAxIiuoe, R.-ftmareb-Sft.-frSiJ."'" WE take great j'.eaor m reeomareadiBg ta National H 1 and it popular pro- wnetor nAh rood eMre of rti rmhlin rnrraH I Vi ly. Thfat top in wMr dlBTreir(yirtyjr Anctmn A Collaiua Wl-We' W It ((jiiaI la any I rat olaa hotl. In aburt, both hotel and prvifwiator ara all tbat eaa b raoa- ablyv eapeetad. ... 1. W. MilXIl, CbartMtnB, ft. trff tmui anew Coin parry . a. B C. ab. Floreoee, B, C. A. H. Waarao, - ' I. Ajxaa IMmata, Barn well, S. O. Jo U Coaiat, "' M '- ' R.S HaV, aVlgeMd, S C. - O Ia. farm, Charleetca, 8.0, R A. Aurow, Atlanta, Oa. 7 .-marmVaueaam : ' ' ",' TLTFi TECETABLE LITKtt PILLS rCarWAiifaa Tft Liter and Btomaob, Tatl'i Expwctaraat, y V- -laatwrwe-C TWaajmaa itaa-aue and tthmd Farm. Tutt m iMaiirowed iTalr 'TSyirt, Th vitaabla jpreparatlina ate for aala b4 . .. .. , . WlLUAMri A fi AlWttoU. V . ...... Bi i L ai afl awgajami bibb) "Ji - I'mr hair. -- 800 COEDS OF GOOD BEA!KNEI PLE Wood, which wiU b aAl tow fof ea.a. Fmona wubing Ie hay will plea apply a ena. t :" 7 . . ,1. A. WADUllX. i FoeiusiPawiiaoa'aMi'l, my It-If . , Johnato ijoaatT. b. C. OfA POUNDS HlCHLEB'S SACsAOI r 1 err4 m-day. myiHf w. asrsosACBAca The IFE AS S U RAN CES 0C1ETY OF UMOAUIAVrJk;KV.VaK,- BtatitOt'fitt t GENERAL CHARLOTTE N. : C. assets; twelve MILLION DOLLARS ! 1 1 1NCOMK .r500,000!: ALL CASH. 8am Aaaured, (Xvr II aa I ,) darlof ib jear 31.I,I4I.4. Being over ii2(ooo,rjio orbatub than tub kew Ijusixess or AJil jUTUEIi UJb'IS IASUKAJSCK Co. IX T11K "WOIILIX PURELY MUl UALy f ll VIDKW lft PA'YA '''" AtiO ANNUALLT Tba liumrinc imbUe aboold not allow iteelf to Diri.lt.uda" atanr eoainanlw aaiug tbia einrmiiea aeairtbat tbatr dmdanita ara u.anai" .. Tea Terr oxca eioi to rn Terw at all ; bat they oo iot aauia to rat aatd tba aaulamaal of tbetbud, fonrtbt orflftb premia. Om Aaadred Ikllar paid I diTtdead. at tba and of ea wear, and each rear thereafter aanaJa roc a bundkko an. Taura tuiuu paid at A I M .11. -a ...... - Cna k ........ V. . w.J. In -'re "-- I hi raoa or by lallar lo tba (teuerei AgaoUK tlunllerueb of ebaraotar daairoua of foruiina riled to comaiuolflAW wrtb iU General Agaota. OE0H0E W. PUILUPfl Aoiiiary. JAUbn W. AUtXAhDElk, kaoraLary. j. c. BumtouGns GENERAL ooiuiui an enure new elook of boring A bum Bier Ool, wbieb I now nreaent to mv triende. ouatomer and the public generally, oompriaUAg. a lull anaorrmrni Ol LAW.ta, JACONETS. . CHATXTES."PRIltT"ETi TiEL aINFJC t.'ALllXIKH. UAl.lr.tlKH I'AI.KXlKH BLEACHED AND UN ULKAOH BP IX) M ItaTIflB. niirao A.iu rukiu hugutruAa, BIUXUBJf SH'HTlbtJa, H08IBBT OLOVBH AND TBIM MINOS, HKMBTlTCBiU), TAPS BUBUKAIEU AND LAWN BANDKEKOUlEFit, Rinh.iAlit TDtuivn V1.1 tdWd JAOONAT, OAMBU1U, CMRI'KKU MtJHLIH AND NAINHociKrt. BOOTH AND NHOEH PON QKNTfl. LAWE8. iGJSSag&timJWUHMtU. 1 OENTS FER.MSIII.d CiOOOS, TBDK8, TALIHE9, AND BATOHELS, - Ae, Ac, . - - My etoek hariag aeea parabaawA at tarn toweet Oath ftgorm I am determined te aaal aa aheap a ba oheapeet (if not ebaapar) for Oaab oalr. AU I aak la to .air m aaU and aaUafy your. P. 0. MoaairV I ap lS-tf OtdBtasA "SAi'oiao.'' . i I BOAP TBAT CLEAN" EVEBVTHlNft. Jtll tlH (.WIS, my 6-tf JBAIfr allTHII. tin Ana lUJVTBta,, , . BRAMBLE 8CTT8tS, : , ' BBIA8 HOOKS, GRASS HOOKA, . OBAIM CRADLES. myA-tf r.t ' JBIAB8 LKWIS. "Oa Light ie an expeneive Loiwry. SATET0US MONET, " SAVE YOUR EYES. Tbe Cheapaet Light, . TBR STSAME8T U0HT, 7 TBE BEitT JiOHT, A PERFECTLY SAPS LIOBT. EJXOKL8IOR OIIM ONlt t6 CENTS PER BALLON", Jl EltS EEiVIS. aiyt-lf S trO a, Y 1 , A- Aa agaot ber Iba maeltorer I oaa anpprr to rder ibia bo okl siuokiug Tobaeao ta 9 aad SU lb. Boiea. It 1 noUd fi Ha ' J rich Hn.nl, h Barer. Uaanola ma ba V-.ial flir,., How tttct ! sow Settond f ' f, pwhffaAtd, ta a eufad wiAlap, -' " ' "' PaM0ea.lll ffatlfTara' '',.,.-'. A LBCTTJKE OS TBS HATU8A.it TREAT mnnt, and Radical Core of Bpermatorrbaa or beminah Weakn, lovolonlary Kmiaabaj, aeiaal DebUtiy, and tmpedimeaia ta Marratg ecaierally i (Marrouanaaa, UJaromption, AjaUeaay, mid Pit ; Hemai and Fbyaieai Lieaaeetty. rwaai. in from itetl Aottae, 'A by Koar. i. Ctjltab. J3Jx vksjariyMI BWatat.''AaV. A rawew m tkeiuaaii at laaeret,- Hatit aaJar .al, te a praia eaivetupa, ta ay Addr'aa.jKpanA.ooMiiHiofaicenia.iartwc t etewerr. newr lrh. rk eaei aaa Aleo, Df Tnlvmreir "arrtae; ftoida," iaLdrliAiUA. ' t'arwllaat. lfT1lBAAMAa.otth Boob Wtnrear I. Cily...i-ubU.t4 by tb liurlb Cmroiiu i lnt Aloaatiaiwr- -u - : - - VMoaonly : ap ii7 If -ICE! ICE! ICE! A 9UIM BfJPm OF MObtOR ICE, OS V head tor tbe aeeaoa at tb Ie Depot at A. ft. i HA fd, Fayette nil rH.,oppoit tb Market, WHOLE8AUI ASD BET AIL, , , Raietgb, May t-tf ' '" ' ' A HALF DOZ Er BOTTLES OF Dg, TTJTTt i. BarmwanlLa andQaeeaa Sallght iU wre vrnit a epaitet atckaam tbi Somaer. . -.pgl-W . aan pilable THE tt" BT KITIIISr AGENTS, BLS AT THE END OF THE FIRST YEAR THEBF.AFTtR. .' ba deoaivad wiih niJ tn tka t, ui....i tba end ot rova tuaa, intaraat at an par ewnt. . n . . u . . . I . . . . wa wjv.avj AKouL utrooguont uio eouutrf. " a aonneatum with I l.a kl. .i.tv isui. ... i WILLIAM 0. ALEXNIES. Praat. Uthbi' B.UWK, Vioa-l-raatdanl. & it. a. springs, AGENTS. FOREIGN AND domestig DRY OOODS. nooaa orM wnt akd AuatTTAaca rut. Th w-cjb f jrif rjKmr ' m PRIS'TS AUD DRESS GOODS ! n .arunut bought ai pani pruM aad will be old fur moab la tbaa tbe Lav ba ine tb war. Huso la al Ortiach'a ana lv '.t9.t?tn3t.fi.9m.lmbuUf.-. tldaavemdaie4aaw GOODS FOR M5 BOYS' WEAR. The mat aaeortment in Iba City, eonanititig of . . w". nmneay veane, tot- . toadad lir,M tAooda.- Joel the good for Hummer. Alwayacoma utllKtM' it yea wiab ta get mtd in prioa, atym aad quality. DOMESTIC GOODS I Wa alway km a eood Beam lmar.1 Am lao CHS Bf II 'W ia Inatlha A, .... .1 V7 8H0E8 I SHOES 1 1. for Maa aad Bova'. for Ladian tn ..a r.A.11 dr,n- bow when oq want a pair of Boot or Iao. iual m.ke up yer mind tbat Camtca baa vet tbem, for b alway keen on anion the bt aatortmaauhi Aha no. : win Md look at them. : T :,, J 'f STRAW GOODS I STJUW GOODS ! Ladiaj'and Miaaee Hat, trimnwl lata.. rttmml, .'Hb-.aVaavgetf ; no- uae (P wwar'yubF wmtr bat any longer, when, yoa eaa atop right in at UHUJMJU'b and find eomething new. Iioa'l ttegettoeome, t . H HATS I SATS I HATS I Pot Men aud Boy a. Jait reelTd a flu auort- -naabt. Boar in mind that it, ia vary bnponant to proteot your heart, ao what i tb uae to wear an QidbatvWbeayoo.ejABjiotwt. CMBCR-n and k . buyanewoue. e. TJmlverelUi ind Piraaola. A very aaefnl artwl. Bear bi mlsd that yon ' wmhI tbem m anaahua aa well aa in rua. Wbea yoa waut tobuy come and look at CbJCECU a, A few word to my friend and euatomera. I told yoa aom time ago, I uiMnded te eaU good ae eheap aa any hoaaa Maw er Old, Large or bmaU. I have proved my aaertb to be true to tbooaand and I tU the pwpl bow, that I intend to do a etraightdorward legitimate buat bm j rpraol good aa th ey are, and U good, at made Igurea oa tba eaab bam. Wbea aiali 1 eaa yoa at CJtKEUBH OOBNtB t . A. CREECH. apa-tf -. . Wboleial ind Setiil Drugglttt, it, FATSTTIVlLUt bTKKbi, RAILiEIQ bft N", a lia of tbOotdii .JttsrjbKJU3i New Ai-rlvaLa. CHOICE PERPUMEST AND PANOT T51UET Artbuaa ia g reel varmtT. , rturuuti, UCE a CO., aplt-tf OaOMtetav DRIICIS, 9IEDIC1.'ES e. TJ HATE MADS LA BOB ADDITIONS TO T oartHork of Drage, Medleiaee, Palm, OUa. Window Olaaa Ac, A., wbieb we eaet to tb trade, and to large boytra, at the kwit BWMMei ... aplt-tf w.. Alraggtete- NEW ARR1 TAI.aj. CHEMICAL AND PHiBMACEDnOALPRE ,V twratiawej aad Medicinal MpeeUitiae of mam-beb- d reputation, withea aweortmaat of Fancy tlfaiPrfamry, aoapa. Ao. - a-tAJ -iiO "dOUB, LR A CO. aplt-b - - .- -i . . Kmggkt. ' SABATOOA MINEBAt, WATER; FHFJSH and Sparkling, ean Bow b obtained ail our OanBUr.wB-avMigbt or at bottle. W reeeir tba walwr diraot feom the trpriug la vAaa Ttrtit ' Reeervoira Uned with block tin, wbieb in, the pnrity and madtoieal proper tm, of tha hut. ly abra4ad water uumairi d. .... . . . PWJCUD, LEE oo; "' CABI'P.T . f--i ITTTniVT'TT-TrfT . TBI LASOEST AND BESTCEJ-ECTED STOCK OF FUaNITOhJU JgAlBf Ala, AI A W. FIUP3'. Ceraar Fayattarill and lmvie . Jlow-.afbrwgb "it, St-ati ,, ' ' . oomtaully on Band. . JP A R JLO H,. D I M I H G-R OOM, L.ASBBA5niirricspciixit I Sola. Tete-aaWa, Hocking CbthirDriiu-. I Ibarlalada MiiOmm. ... u . . .1 t --W iWan A 7r."iioB' tnTliuina . aw., jaiwv, w auv aanra meat or "Mfrron, ' Ctutals Geodt, - liiaiaei ana Timtim- Call aai eumuv. " , my tf ; -fntm- fcatMatwr AaliTaTAu'Afefcnap mw TrAtrRat. I.b- wua. ana eyoryioing ta ia IB atiiuauiry tine, at MBS. BtviLLi IL ovr lb brag ktaore oi Feaend, Lee A Co, CaU aad ataUiaa them. aay U( t : v.. .,.1... ' r n M PUBIFT THE BLOOD TAKE DR, TtTTT'8 A Baraaaanlla aad Wa felybt. . apiUm v , ,i AB A tM'RI'vO MKMriNB PR. TrTTS Safaapenila aad Wuwaa Debght ttaeM.. te L ay 21 la '. ' t 'awi 2C --

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