7 1 Wf ADTISTISECESTS. v- I! it RALEion n. a; saturd TJIE.SEXT1NELi; f ' - i - j. TurUjUanHaaL - r v CaaTRaaa, Jnoel, 1870. ... 'jfhMba Rada attcmptad to bold a towoabip aaaetiag la tba Court Boaaa, and rirx iiortxso wvvlaua tok jrr. CdMMiSCJSMSXtA T WAJtSFOStdT iToia tba'Dtifton Joanial. vi in Job waa in a tiifht olaoa in tba We aabrUbed yesterdsy, Gororaor Bol "w ty int gnu aoca a aateuog ! Tba But T a . a I Mr r m laarfc--Mfaaif-aamia.! -it"g ta BriTfrrrr.r:., r - ,-- r . 1 y ' . J-. p- . ,. I , J . - 1 , T"-A j)W now baa MM iU I hrf T J 1 S I II A. .A' 1 1 la. I f .11. ll' ll ,,:.:,;: , ..... ; Ti- j " " ' ' " -' - 1'. 4. 7 VOL. 4. aI june ll. 1870. . - -' . . , um - soaker el !w, Iran Juivt , L6CB to Ms, Tib) ufOclmtlo requires tad (ball sire, mon teded aotieajtoen we fca js tO giv it tO day. 4f gWJOinr?!!'T o Ttrgieiar B .o.ia U wiled f proclamation jButUJtaw si g pioclirity to itW thoe due. Wt. B to8 prodamalios " wj 'eeagood tort,--KM W Mcaoa, Tbes th murder of that me Wat eomT' w vsmurrono, ae hwwhiho proem ..-a, aor oBered any reward for tbajto- anUa, natll tb Hmtetmu. anwred bim op Its It by" ;0nirf pubite attootioa toX the t Thsa be iessrted what ha ealhi proclamation, la Um tditorial cotuma of i akotioa documenJ, och aa b bad assail bifjrt writtca for tba lamM Utr M ao Much ia It abol Oailaw ;1 nciaauk4 kad fcren iamad batofe, 'A oaa iould hardlj aea an;tbiig about LaarJend icLcodi (n it J ; , 1 1 1 k9 Km Kcutng tba moidar f tba jJciaat, tad goat thaBUU jtneb Mm - idra a law otlirftial f vheraaaea.'!-- tbt it bin to bava baee extreaicly acligcat Ik doty, beretolora II tbara waa My a 1 of propcietj Ot briogiag tbata ia at Aaoag tba leat, he baa a " Wbama tbat .1 Bboltaer waa obliged to "aaerilce bia f firty and leav tba State btcauaa of hi mUoa to the Unit .Vw, it it Bot aetnatsbiog that any maa 11 ardinary preteauonl toeoaaaaoaaeaiei laiagraittacl, flinuylabricatlonaatbia Att ought to be a grave and dignified .1 paper t t Fa Bbflna BlUr jUr artotion to tba United State govern ot, and oppoaitioa to Ka Klur, tbat li uKDaooeeary (of Kim aapeeiaUy to aae. lakw property and jhu away ta aava bia SM gaaaaaUaiatlnB rtali to ifiiar, like aeveral othera, b a palpable Meod. Tlaplaia trath b that Sboffuar wa ia L aad ran away i no tSoubt taring Lia at dolUra a-day to aid hint ia bia flight trteltd through hi ow a county, pM (.M diffnot ataiiooa oa the Railroad ion ha took tba ear. Tbra aevera) ad- ttinoeBta, attaching hi properly, itick ap af tba Court Ilonaa door la Graham, w ibat he ran away. J$ I. jk tM Shuffiwr wa tY rebel eoldier, and tbapoiijiBderacy iacatcbing dearr i a Koera eaaaty lie la the maa wbo M grave, taklag from t the body of J pt, wbtch aa boiled w a aorgaaat fegh aatil the Aeah bit tba bonea; tba ibt tbea tbraw to bit dog; and tba Uoi ha aotd toa physician (i r $33 ia WaJwato money J For JhU f act of Ian.: baity ba wa iadictedla Quiiford 8a- kQrliar.feHlM lleaitiVtaii aat, altar tba faabioa it Btephene tor K1t cbkkaat ia Rockingham. .'I hava ao diapoaitioa to repabliah Ik M a tbeae, aow, that Bhoffaar 1 Jt: Ot.Mba, a, bvt wh .the Governor h f ymbalat aocll character a bl on protlamatiuBe, wa think it well aay, evaa aoaolataly aacanary, to Ibrpablia know who it U b I tbo nwtor ereataf pathy tor, Ha avated three time al tnocb of bi l- adiaary proclamatloa to tbi fir elea 4lPg.Cijiuuk.jba.M ttitaaIo- i WarJer. -- 1 f fr " Tbe people oftha State aava to pay for !) bite and annecaaaary itatameata ia roeUajation, u aa .'adtrer.iaeBaeat, ia fismt, a aniUaa taxi a fit lutrdly tat fua ol in three bard timot. . IW proclamatiojamr a Radical, ' iliijjlkajikja . .xanJiit..wi"t.bi . talaa f4, aad to aa aaaeraatatv republication Iwatei Broclaniatiooa. J(axt to tbnub- fioaof tba Qiabam affidavit, li may b N ow aa tka moat 'abamekaa and tatta ""Mat tbat ba appeared ta tba column faa&aa&ra'fiaee the appearance of tba 'Me-Work." ' Tally rt to Uae that, "wbea tba wicked r- ta twoola roAum ai. r . :- . . v ar aot dona wtfih tbi pmctamatloa 'Db tha swy, jPadV btrlt-W8,tw, T tin aaoreiog, w-tbiak H likely we 'W tooeb4.aita, Nw aba raw agbiW f r.?otJllIl!iaf!!l4 .U.Jiw.-avlo atngatt)irjtraswly avtaVaaa that .' . V-sttba ia1 wleat; tot tam froti eut' 'jajm; to- W4 aulia.,. We itialt oniinue, bowaver, hp "D.d ii, organ, tba aMaa.IaXiw aft-tbe T Maa mere impnrUat eaim-0a-6HV IIm tbia that af aaaweriBg tWattacto i wvfTaor, ptxfl gt, ad drankia d bbt blooj mua tforrrapondtnt. Wihaiagtoa, -the holier frma tba , 1h Coootv Convention, ar kicklnir n f and tba aomiacaa era getting ilia- ft t. r iW FaoaU, waa jiat u toa gawd aoaaa. and aaotber N aaaarar aeiegaU knocked down oa tba atreet .v. - ' ' - XtiW V rmdaf ialaffiiiaaiaf aagjit, Vbafrtuaa fit tba ncatiag, tba par. !oaa of abicb waa to aJaaU dalegatel o taa uotraty Conrtntlott ta tba llthv ao aooaer waa tba aaaatiav orsaulul aad called ta ordtr, than tba a'uordor ba- f.J?.:'lft-pcaorcW objected tba taMara11Krt F"0' ? a K Fridit Joaca ttada a fe remarbl, ap paraat'r, wiagte. (Jba apreac,ut a word ba altered coald ba fcaTd,f;" Ola, paliaetaaa, aaid, Tbai ia Dm cratia ilkk bara, loi mUobiet. , . Friday Joan. "I call tba gaetlaeaaa to ordor. ,Wa waot ao MraaMtiW In tbi. aaeetiog. ' (bbuuU aad laugbtai.) , Tba Oortmof trt rrptvaeated a tba aieetiag fey hi pnrata aVcretarr. Ur. BiebttrdaoB, wbo (uad aa apptai for order M aaraopy. ;M i ! f 1 1 Joha Juaea. tba Burlier. cklTed J0,,B Jo the Barber, calUd t a I A7 Biaangotbertbtni;a. thai 1 a -waa-tj recuoanticT i Repablican, lut ad to tba point buf cHda't eaplaia ba rt waa ue potaetea Uie ten tbouaand dollar bf IUilroad boada, be found with hi aama on them in Littleoeld' room. twaaaw CraviB paid there waa a man there to break aa tba BMetinn. Orie of. "put biaat f pat him onrT 3anii-wlw t 1iaT fUmow gar (be nam tit Johq Jlanael ,a ttiif gIIRyparty. l-Z XJoMladaaati; denied lb ebarga. fj?.. ,,, Logan Darria, Ceba aon, took tba floor and told aa aorcdota ia hi etual felicitoa atyla, abant aa old fromaa f irayeillng be "road to Cherry Moontataj-lwbo, corftjog to a aerial o, point la the toad, olticallv -cai claiawd that "ahed bad d if aha weren't lott r He brgaa to feel that ba wa lo tba aama pradicamaal, aad that it (be RepabH- oaa party traveled on ra the road of die- aord ii wa bow going,' if would b at ia Ned Bryan, tba colored ehoe maker, aaid bririd btca quiet heretofore, aa a Republi can, bat aow, tor aaoe, ba daeired to "aup preaa'' Jiintwit. Cebe1 oa propoaad nine name ta dele gate, among them Joha J one and Moeea Patteraon. ' Aa uproar aaaaod ; many calling out 'to have John Jonea'a name araaod. iua. Joha aaid be wanted bi aama takes oil, atr ba bad loat flO.000 by aerviog en Com mittoea already ; that ba made hi living by bi ra aor, and notbjr rerviog swaeomaU Uaa. Hoea Patteraon aakad to bare hi aaaaa token off, aw.' I 7 ' Jama H. Harriai then made hi appear - anc on tba arena, aaid be waa a Republi can aad a ta-pyarl (dome of the aover- -aign tookaVaif they thoagba tbi per- annal rtflUoo on their awn tas receiDta.1 the WUiarf That "ta too, would be a tax payer, il ha bad prop- arty: ' 11a moved tbat tbe meeting adjoora antil Friday Bight. Hoa" June moved that ad maa vote oa thaaottaaiepbeeo (wauling oat of the city. The motion took; bob bat "th gent leaen Irom lb coautry,"-voted, aad tba motioa to dlara to Fiid.y Waa adnptad. ; Tba maetiog accordingly ad journed, amid much hallooing and boui- ing, Bad th Chairman carried off lb pack ad committee ia hi pocket, aa one of tba outrider Wittily remarked. ' OoW Guthrie, m- OrS:'mJ Henry Uogan, Tat ol tha aama Aouaty, were ia tba meeting. f Bogan wtatad to apeak bat wa hlaaerl dowB. Jama aaid, It mutt .be: !? to Mr. Hogaa that the convention did aot want ta wBf bfai e the pw twit oeeaaiois', ' tad be? toped ba would be able to aea it, aad Opt Lahtxi.de, bJlJLJIjagAab- p Wt 1 toaadigaatwia, aaying, he -"didBt-thtow there waa ao mnch ignoraaca ia hi prty.,t There waa aame abarp prring betwaaaf tba brethrea alter the adjournment ; Borne declaring tbat tna vnairmas wep tnere, uadfartaiainlmnem. with tba commit-. treia bia pocket, aool toe u waaa-pactea coocwrn." Tba leaf oar apeciai reportor beard, aa ba left, waa, a member Irom tba aubarbe declaring that "it wa mighty ni aad ataer to bim, for tba Chairman to aoaa tkera ana take Bia atat, wtta tow delegatae ia bi pocket." . ' ' -' . 1 ' '" ' i-i'.H v,J 4 .- 009 PtMQCMATJO. r ' t Tha t4e0aaa ,M vrttard.y ,aooa aw KTOBCe that Ofagew tUta t tlfgV PV f cTaaiaJofttf.'iteetlBg 'It intira ticket and bar tag a aaaiorUy al a to aaa jotot NHot fw-tba lgWtrrr: T' TfJI imluti fUfJafWa a.noouDCatb asocaut of th aoti-radjcal Uckat ia tb alclpar eltctlo a Waabiagtonity tandia Hartford Connecticut, tba Faopie'e ticket wai aTeciad 'avarntba- regalai'iTublfca bomtaaea, "'7 ' "7,7 --iUaicari)TH latttefclfifl myraof. aad aay tbeaa thing are nothing, but wa are axfa adaAed attb thrm than f uld bwif they went the other way, and we bava o doabt tba Rada are laaaao, WltraiBgtoa ta doing briak. trad ia dog baJg't,. ... . t wtJag, aacmalo, ahlflj' Wnd 6f felfova. woo, an oaa tbmg to-day and annthr to morrow, )ut aa Lir private intereisU went aeivaa up, if tuey veutured to put tbeia aeiTaa la Watk and wbita. ob aadraraariea, it aetmi, bad le toa art-to gfre tfaayatifirt oia "fl8Ticra bold oa tbeai, but aor Bilir Pmlii. ilia oboatoa CootjtodJa,u f jf tba Scaata Aiaatanca. Ma o( kewi' aw-eaatt-ua. Bilir ia bow a fttiiV.t.,ii. if.fv,.i i.,';t I to M k baa oCtlp'.ia baea ao good a friaad to. tba riahva ot tba colored man, aa wiir ba aeca from tba iet trr belo;wb!cb Billy wrote to hit Wnd reMiegtoev abra tba raid Fcauingloa waa trying to beat tloa. B. P. Mnore, fnt tba CoBTentioa. tttnnm Mr, Motri vat in htjor tie tan I , - -., ' Wa aav arreral of (beaa oldobuiiiiota oa bad, wbieh 4 a rptto"oaa during tbapraaeot eampaign. , But ta tba lelU-f. Let the eolorad pevipleread it aad ra Wba't a gooo uteaa wa, W; A. Bmitb waa to thKin, tfoie he Wattttdlhflr t,ia t'isenA ported a bavtnir aaid iiulihclx ihi iua auxnia w wui)(H, uiai o. w. ainora, of your city, bad aaid in my priancc ibai be waa in favor of negro evinencw in the Court Mr. 'Moore did wrwfanyjBrat anor fat Aa'wai ia fatot e iirgr actu'enotv-r Mot only in Boy praaeno. but la tbe pre. ence ot John Pool, at Bertie Mr. Brookt,. Thompaoa.olBt.Tt.ie.. . v. . 1 : . . . . . .. n - . J wuwiqia u aoova gentlemen, Mt (hey told me of it next , luoruit.g k the YaiboroogbHoaaa. ' ' Mr. Hoora t went further tbaa'airrely tUog ba waa fur argro evtdeoca. He ar . ?ued with maa hoor about it, aad fioally, aot yielding to bia arirumeoia. aaked me to poatpooe aiaking ap my mind npoa tbe lubject, a be looked upoa i t aa'a matter ot groat importaaca aad ao one abonld wake op their miad U o aoa until the ul )ect wa thoroeohlv toveatitrated ia all ita bnar- J iN aaMHi Sam ai m noma inotti frimd tf Mr. ifeopa'a. and ud in., tbi time JiUSrMrjRti5? oould rwt and ma ia ia favor ot negro evidence. . Y'oa can aa thia aa you pleaa. , , Vary reapecttully, , -W. A. flaiTK, CAMPAIGN OOCOMttXTa. Wa are constantly receiving applicati one from vari ui pari a of tbe State ' for cam paign document! ; all ot which application! and Inqoltie' aboold be directed to J. J. Litchford, Eaqn Becretarj and Treaaurer ot th Conervtiv Central zicutivc Cum- mlttaa. . irrwRTatotoliera lhat, a yet, ao doca. maat bava beaa pr pared lot: diatribatioe. iar want of fuada, aai-wa augVt topers tool interested in tba getting up ot mior. mattoa for dietribution among tbe people, toeiert theniKlve to rait money lo pay for printing documfata. ' t ; Tbe Ceatral EiecutWeComniittea Cannot priat doaamekta, adnh'aa'per aad pay th poitag witboBt money, we tberulofr, in behalf of th oommittee,call oa our friend ia all part of the State to give attention to tbi matter. I Our 0 ponenU '' will apaad Mt-aoma ittoia way, aad m order -to f eooateraat tha ioflueoca of tbeir lala atat. it. W mutt tend lirtbeet to the peo- nli aaui to da tbU it w ateeaaary to bava aiaafi" L-l Conuno'nicatloaa ea tbi inbject aboald b directed aa above. ussTHfevsor tun. BXMCimrs -.jjHtffft- Pannaat t tfa call of tba chairman, tba Executive Committee for the State, of tha Conaeevarive party, anet la tbi city on tba 8th teat. . mm lwJ i - 4 The meeting ; catted to. order Ly lb eaatoaawi 4Wr'rftfev that tbe obifwt ot tba call waa to anmtnate aeeadidata far tba.tifflca of Attorney Oea- After aa Interchange ai te. aiuucg Um. member ot the Cr.mmittae, Jamn . Amia, K.o- out la aominatioa tbe Uun. Wm. M. Ship, af Mcckhbarg eouuty, which Horn! - natloa waa concurrau ia uj accianaiwv. The loliowing reBolutioa, propoied 5by Boa. Tbo. C. FuH, waa aaanimoualy Mioptaii j w Jfwilmf. That tbia Committee do moat heartily eadora the addrma of tbe Ouiimi vativa ox mberaii tbe Oeweral Awemlrly at tbeir last, arraioa, and rtcntrniir tba am a tba ip wiiMa of the principle ot tha party . la the etato.1 AaJ w invite awry hoaeat wtar in tbe State, both white and entorwd, to wait with aa iw carrying cut th nrinriptetaet tortk to eaifl addrraa. aad ia aatalMUblna a wia.a)onoailol aa4 juat ..adatinjatraiwar meat. : .... t Oa atotaawaattaa-r.-1 t4lu fBWWa- r aeutiv Commute will addree tbe people of tbelrrxr,TOnBiwcHsitato SAiVcouauy aa otsua a can w. tbia time and tha da tf tha approaching Uca, aaut mat ca-Brj averywhera to do Ukewiae. Ui a book I" bcaB ba kiitw thattbaaa iyggiJib himfta. i nat re w t th anooea of the Cowaervauve jmoeraa b t!ekA. la all Dine of tbe (Slate. Oa tvotioa tb Chairman waa appointed to lafbrta Jadga Bbipp oi bia aominatkia aad reqeeat kia acawptaaea, f The Oomaiittea then adjourntrd. TUU9. BKACIU, Ch'm. J. li Dcbfobd, ee. ' . U,,. , , , i, I,, iHaret Urahini ai nubn!iJ h it,. bet tba;wbol aQ.ir j do bw (ore ana. I bopeI may ba ptdt.aed for takivs tba matter on ai?ai. nut u mart, citiuna b are ao ruelly aatailrd b the H.tndarJ, tor thrse grDtkmeo ans known ta the pij,! of Jl.wra, ot kijb standing and t'f K? tiiroBliat4 rtiaracti ft ! riatpty aba" to g'a a Irw fatta to abow bv-w 4tf tba Itadji-alaliavv broomr. atur wring ty bave nlnnc'aad at d ol.l th. tom aa tbey en, rb ai-a a4 kuo they , maat try aoiua new. i ui,w- OiAia t4 tuty r; Vttun; on the tmJ ilum in f - ounaw ur toe ntry !. fcplp tin y men to think, il tt.a ptopi are btindej. by n,rt S jt- n oeiifTa.Maaulnit apu me league Orgaa, urelr (lMy witt not be aloiild ami kVitbl rii brllera tba awora atkieuimit at nnii a wnwigq a Bum tntt't, ; t la Graham 'a affidavit, btf s tbat a kaowa but arrtaiutr nrr riwilant offior-r, b aiaiea ttiaf ba, Liumlf waf a Ka KJlox and wa urtwtK when Kit ItliuV boaae waa tirml and bia wife and lirildKa mnrdwod. Vby did not tbat pmt4 effi-f, a bo. tank tlii aifldavit bava O roalad, who ewnfauicd that be waa brawmt aitling aad alinting in a moat fal murdtv t n ma aam peace oinoor bettered Urakatc t tba ruUtbt dijUia nuliviw ts iai it'wtaaw tiraaaip etirlar IH.O. Aathonv U alaui, brother ot laniel, wa arnmwi ubiu i cuarge ol tKll g itunlv ca ed n tb mBrd,. r of. Blue' lnily and j4- brair-rt- br-ne tx,r tbersmii-of """i7 Auiuiiny mia nipiicuVi'B nerore jutge l.uiK n, aba i uka hold ing court ia H.wie, to be adiuitiii to bail nmlar the writ ol wim, lht trmowtngU-Xft'troflW'iBff leitliuonT. a tkf-n bt JudL'e'lHiLMiiiiA Efo ISBTtltwnflta at the jiioK;otin I of Moor county. ' "I waa at Staainu. oa tit BiRl.t ot tba buruing, Aaiboa) torahant, my bn,tto-, went wltb we, we Jot Iher half an hour in the nfght -welt to got work done on Anthony' boa. V beard throe aliot Brad in quick luocfasiln, Biar ling went to tba rttM.r and aaid be believed Krt. Blue heuae waa oa tin. II went to the door to aee, oa t.aim.MhHI beard mraa Bmw ho la qtn.k aureeaaioo, tha Braaaami'd lo be. rannina- biah I am anoeteea year old, my lathee ia o idered a ftknd lo the eolojoti paoblav aad belong to tba Itadlcal party." - A aether brother of Aatbony ' and alsw of Oanlel, www. rf tk . . .lgjt.. .1 . , that Aetbiy anil iiaa .-llwett- hi hflowanoV aiuroVmil bt iuiily,"tiat th nufiru'a cbaraeter waa ihowa to be very bad, tbt be bad waite incoaaiateat atat mut Ithi witlnha tvideooa of Daniel, who i rWd an alibi, ot eoarae acqnUtod the delradant, .. -y The plijeet of the Nmdnrd I too appa rent, it in evidently for political pnrpoac. A t wliungry, atarting Hadicala oould be aawetf here, who want orHce, though lb nU will aot elect them, and tttey kaow ii mUHia are called tb.-v will act ap- polntaent. Whereby they may get a litttt ot the aredrnt-, and being ciotbed la a little brieiaathoritr, eaa give vent to their tpleea amikialiraoa tba good and quiet people of tie county, they kit thaw only hope ta cintnd atTaira ia tb bayonet, hence, aach men aa Daniel Graham will ba called aa to ewctr to anytltwg -4bliqBe may require, Daniel Graham ia aa ignorant youth, bi lather ndlniily r luuiiliarly Known a the'-SwamD Tiifera." fiMia tb wild and ravige (jh.ratiter they have ever chitUed. In-IIuvi tbU''thto1ir'1Mwr'b' meaning of halt the quealloa and amweri in hi ailida.it, but it ,at:em tbat it wa Died ap lor him., . , Bo far a it i cbariied that lb civ'4 law eatiaot be executed, can pek Irons ob. aerration, epecia4ly a to itoora aonoty, aad aay tbe cbarga t aot ttu Bare, our lt Utfurt every, man who fiyurtd on the State docket, wa c aiic ti xoept oa caa ol baatardy. Whether tbi ia coapli men lory to tbe lawyers wbo dtienaeo, toe follcitor who proMrutcd, the Judge or Jury, I do aot pretend to aay. Tbara ba aot be. a and to, aot now any reeietaaca of the elvit autboritiea. ao on tliink oi oeb ihiiit,J-.Ili-ia-ttita. uu Iragt t..Jiava-.bcea- commiited ia a lew ioataoce by pnknowa per aoaa, if tbey were kaowa they would be arieated and brought to ipaedy juatica. CITIZEN. In the Junior Editor' reptt last week af tba.. 8it)Utaia traifedr. w omitlad - tb iJiewiaa bnau wa 4aMO;Bl prbabla j-wnrteporr wa-lrrhlaJwBraat'w pro bad goo into me t.tai room n w"u On mtnuiig ftht 4-iff rdsr. But it prove no miataka, Wad w reourd tha a4weNtfrU,i.-.cii ' "Citvia allle' colored, who watted 6a Mr. Hoi fleet, went Saturday morning (tb day oa wukb hVepbena wa killaJ) aitor Wood ia tbi room.- TUe door of tbat room wa neea ntMra at 1 o'cloi k. noon, that day. Cal vin, ia oath, wora he look two turna of wood out 1 it that morning aad gave the key to a yoaog aaaav who abuk tor ar. : Mr. BiniewMtal tm StoteP'SowTTCal via. be auru-i aa awwrtltr vtma-. Are-yiig etrtJ j rrerf wnew jowweat lot lUil woo l i . tstttar-inrTr f..HilllbL-n., fea.HJ to flgClg t'uu al, utu, a luaav ul uui cbalau-U r, w 1m opoa paib teat.&i tba aa treat with C'al- tote The toonrtnat m irataf Wterrond it that hrwte ThT ticobit tori ptmailf. and (bat tf ralvin by tjftri it. ,t,ur at aver ami a kev.to aev one ia the Bum b did MtMoriMl brzr a.nii titfw aTt rtts . Tbe Btaamer M arina," plying between WilmlnctoB and Pavntteville. met with aa accidtnt about 3) niilt abov Wilmington aad aaak ta a ttet water. Tba "Marion" bad oa btiard a cargo of 70 bar ml a of epir la it TarpcatiB and 301 barrel of roeio. terj Tba nrufutaoj ih Pimi.Uat ...I iruaaurtr Ld.intad a Ifcruer . oiowure uf proa(rity tba the Collrga baa tu). rod at y van xn,c ui war. and aim a udeata a coaveiti'd lrim a juaI l.iw.. .k.ui t.o a Tba auteb gqa twwa II taleti(a ilurm the . ar..B,l..i .iu bkbi, I lie liugiwa oiu'.nert ifa, d.irrae bf A. M. in e..urt. oa Hev. Wm. J tkaat. . . , u, T ajriuTiiiai iiuixa, aad tba bonary dRr a a.. M. oa Julma I'lent, lro, ,! , 'JKa.j rwrtmrn, S, U, Kav. , i. n'o.n.ot ui il til ..it t,r nary ot lfnville, ti. t!.were bonorvd with tU tuts ot Dnotwa of IMriolty. Mr. Brooke waa onfca a Ptoaor ia tliii Col rgt; to Preaidat ot tba Nortk Caroliea Boptiat Coaveoiloa aad ba lig beaa tba aatwOK-d paitor of two or three pbercbee lo tbla maty. , Prot, Toy ia aa A. iL of the Uiiivenity at Virginia, and ba pent evrraryearaata OtrmaB I'alvejaity, aad iaetiata eily or ot the moat bonorrd aiaa in tbaatMiatry. Ha wiH dtltvar ihf vale: dichiry arraioa to-aigbt ia W-e room at Or, Julia 1. Hrtiadua, wba ia about to etartto JCamua ia purwliit of beaitb. Uat sight f(er. J,ba Mitchell, A. V, of Berib-. diliv.r.d tba aaaual addtaaa tit alwmnl Aaniriailon. ilia wdjoot waa a-w(aiiwr aia t -taraajf-ftfiin aw mm iTCIba pur. op tbe truth Kvaalaet ia tha Bible to tha nope oi iue nation,- aad tor aaarlyaa tr mpim ih, ewuenga, ia rapt edmtrattoo It waa 1 1 very bat iddraia vour himhi. wn iw uougHi aea Hirto ta iiaate aad elegant language, it waa eleqneat throagb. eat, and Biaay nattotreaaDarkled and tk. aa wiib to peeaiuar gvaiiai wbicb be to mi "l"'"K'lini.a'Jii--UiTwd tad hnaared BuB ot Auta 4Jarolin. ". .,vj-i-r ,t AmorgtheemiBeDt georImeBpiait,w aotio hivv Jam U. Taylor,' tt P., of Richmond, Va, Rev. R. II. tiravat, of Can too. China, Rev, B-AJ Manly, D. D.. of Soaih Caroliaa, Re. H. Hatcher, ot Vir gjaia, William Katae, Ki ,ot Warwatoa, N. C, aad many vther. Ouiiuected with tbe Baptiata of tbi Btete. T.Ma,irma ia tha great day ot tbe asatt, and of ha proceedin n yoa abalt ba dalf lofurmed by ' mKivMBSRTon cdnncnuoa, Th Repotilieaa Diatrlct Coaventioa aa. aembled ia Lambert on, ttobeaoa count.. ' iifaat," t.'iit l.i.tn', "TiiJlTmCf1!!!?'; " lllkt'tl'a Caucui oi dulegatei held on Tueadav night, Binclalr, other wlMtb "Fighting Panoa," denounoea Liieut. cot. uocxery, late ai me C, 8. A., bet aow ta tepiraiit lor ri -elect loo to (Jongreaa, In tb atveraat terma la tbi tirade, tba "Parana" wa aoconded by A. H. tiajloway, who wa almuat equally -vera in hi dunancitlon ot oar amiable Repretentativa. Ia turn, Dockery to aid to bava dicted tfa "Parson, " applying tha acalpet pretty tiiroroualy. There wr tormy time in lb eaucua, and il waa ex pected to ba equally (tormy ra tba (Jonven- tii)B.' I- ' June was la Lamberloa oa Tnedyand took, occanion. wa learn, to Inform bi eon. petitor, Col. Dockery, that ba would bava nothing to do with tba Convention. Tha delegate coald vot a tbey saw proper. Rut ia aay event, whttber h (Dot kery) ra Mlved the aominatioa ar hoC Joae waa willing: to bet tbat he oxld beat bim by I 15,000 vote ia th DiatricW-HU tor at, , - - HHv.j, A nanirent. a wall aa S conclusive, kttt t to ablUbad ia tb Jnea aumhtr of tha Votary, irom jexiga uiacn, at ra o atr. Wtbm,ooa at th Maaaacbaaetta Seaatora, in relation to tbe "war record" of (ba lata Birr - It ttr eHawtoa, and bto anUeedant. Mr. Wilaoa, by bia antortunat attempt to defend hi bleed, baa up aad bimaeif to the !ot acatKIng erillciam. Mr, Btahtoa Wdaad-i-aad, tberarora, beopto do not da- air a, aartieatarly, to spwak of him. Bat everybody know b Waa, priviou to being taken ap t y Mr. trfnooia, a uemocrst, a State Rigbia man, aa aaiboliuooiai, Ao, Tb Raltimor 3tt aayat "Mr. tkaatoa wa la accord la all thmr with Mr. Bn-! Party. U advised both to tba beat of hw abilityand a late a rVptomber , law I, ba waa ia tb city of Beldmote, hnd IiMplog cttraai botb loud and dwu ou tba wbo Is VjUdical pBT, H b4"tb 1 511 mmnJkKLJiSLAm iiLuair ujiiLuiaus ruuu..i -kvuiu wbo attar wari f ana it to tneir aurantag to turn into oemini"tia riutv -A vWwr-'ll.Aiitet' eW"arrAsH-' there ar ao many aspiraaia lof otuoa la Orkum .ail soma distoiUfactionXwiib the acUoe of iba Coavaatioa at delegate, it to riaoecflullv aeirifasUid to th Kxicutlv CoHimi' tea that primary aUotioa b held oa Ui 2nd Saturday ta July at avery pre- doct in to county at wbica. tba Conserve. live ahall iadtcel tbeir preicrei lor acn sm a, aad tba parse having tba highest bus her of votea ahall ba tba aomlaea. , Caa thr bt aay , td j aii-e lo ., this plsa and will not all pan lot sra-to-abida lit re tult a tb tWas.U.. . VlUihUa, 'vKn an That ka klac on trace or knur- -t -- XafaTi VuTMSU ta Caswell; "ptlmi" th tieatk Of mptpa,li tMVfft tha 'iJl,,S 5 At lea.t Mr liuU.abo ouubt to know, ..;.. .. ...s-v-w..-i Kr--5r-ir-V-,y,Bie sffiiTLaw "0"i': bay tbia lroma roUnna if high reepact ibtlity who aaw Mr. Batt a w day mm awl "iinjervieem" biw oa tba olJ.l. 1 "let ktSMjkUtSaiiM t1ii4lpb?jb:j.h''f MiJUjr'.k Seven tncue nigu, wim an iota auu a naii heel, a Spasiah instep, arched sole, a mova ble heel of gttt or Hlvef, with aa ludia rub. bar tie to deadea tb touad; and they cost- iroa fa ta isw a pair. Tbrema were killed hntl anotbar Wt.ndrdy lightning wbfla rhpairiBf barn La Chicago Saturday. . A aaoat CfBtarkabia pramaaitina baa joat coaaa to aor kaowlli. , it l ,j , i..,. ty8UtPt 'tc tR? r the cMj aad tretcb(o apwa tba auperaataral. W a only . hop to .give the rewUir of the a tutarauia i.tea ol tb trir, Uv- fabrrriSEu u-K wnaiia is iu low a tba HilL inlh wwwi, pari tu it city, it Had fir yean claimed idmault a B,atiljt4 and ba tank jprid ia aavtAjr tlmt It Uik. ia ioibio that cooU aMit be r"Oi-giiwd with tii irt at tba ai utoa. He did a. brlir ia ' panutarii aaaatharationxiy and be atiwly Vaifd the Hoa .f nn i ii,va t vou.l 1 1; buotiag tbnxrgb tb aoHr and fort.' coo tiuu iua to tba cit. witli Li. .I.x.. .,,,1 ..... U waa a vary Ni'mrod, and h bad a Ui fur praarviuit( iuraorllant aiyl,, tiie giinu auL-orcu, n e nova lurae nialtar to altow vac reader tbat W, ta , not a uaa whaaa aaaliy aBecavd by tfcoe deuiomtratioa waH'b are termed "pirilual mao)futatioBl.', bkime'ttm 0 bia wila waa taken asrL- ou)y ill ; aad ta ord that aha ban the tnoat cartful autaiog aad patirnt attentio It were poasiUl lo avcora. he aaaUittri ia tba dutix of the aick room, and aparcdsettber reat aor aleep, tulunteriiig to ta waota of Uta lick Wile, both day and night, Dcanite k..t...k. i: i r ... i . - i w Mvat wwium. wim,u(uiu.- nn til uwet tlnv!et gue, laid down on a lounge In tli lick- i- ..amv anu iar.i - room to obtain a little mt aot alec a, . a queer tort of .drowtineaa bam ovor hlJ Jieartrnonuep. Ite waaanntciuttaof every, thing transpiring in tba.r9jBw'Ha waa, tor the moment, Ihoapabie 01 motion, he had no volition of will. Suddenly there trrrtfar. ed belora hint a awiiTpus,. A rc looting "bUIl, eyea Waiting flie, hi aioutu opoe.arook lHig I tutu bM jiuaa, and r-a -wa laafake bia ride With hi tail I It waa a f,.nul tight It waa too real ' foy aa tppurition, tod W. wa appalled t : What coul.l he dof ataxing a UeijKraureUort, be tprang from from tb lounge to the flour, aud tb tame instant tha terrible brnto VAnisbed I ' ' Obaerving tbat bit air k wile waa Watch ing btaatmuire movement, ti inunirad ui h. r it ab bad teen th Uaiful aiiiUL . 8u had beca twaha all the while, but she had saeu or iieard aothini o the Wriarltioa bit b had ao Itartk'd b r liul a.,d. Hb. told him it wa all bia own imagination: that h bad wora hiuiaolf down by erniant watchiiiit. and that heuetxbd nwtaml aleen- that abe did not require ao inwh attention, itSm. auu mat n ne oia Bol ntttatti th reat hi aiin j. But be couia ..uiw- deut and ba wa tnnoh annoyed about it. Ha wm perfectly wide awake all th while, aad bow oould tb thing bavt merely bean in bit fancy I '- ' ' - W. acale laid dowa ear tba loange, tad WM ta teat poaitloa only a few minute when tha uaa horrid brut agaia mad BU appearance, looking much mora leroclou thaav before, -aad threatening ta tear htm with hood and horn! Tb bug brata p- Cched W., glared la hi yw, while tb breath ot tie animal fairly atifid bin t With a wait ot terror W. aprsna tfom tbe loan aw. aad tbe aama inltakt tha horrid brato diMDoeared 1. 1 At tha tam Ume th atova ia tbe room wa wavalopad ia a aheaU af flame, whlob a hot ap egaiett tbe eeiting, and W. feared that tba houea would ba ai aa fire. But th Oimea vanished a aad deal a tbey appeared, aad there waa aor that amaU otara ta the room, or -tb ain swBokaaatbeaalling.:. .j IiJrMMMrU never, prayed, aow fairly trembled with terror, altd prayM to tna ureal awtag iue prueoiioo lor bim and bia. From tbat moment W. beaama a arm beiirver to a kareaftar, and a avatam of rewarda and banishment, lit. ha aot aeaa tbe wpnderiui apntriuoa tuc, HaBuatab TiaAtiB amd Abchivr or CosraOBKAcr tue meia treita unt fraiemitv. Which met at tb Attor Uouaa New York, la February last, Ustened to ta oration by Wm. L. Stone, aha, la th course of w interestiB ,-eiuintwence of ths rs- b llion spoke ol David Tllghutn a tb nfficer selected br tb Conlederata Oovein- BAent to take charge of ti treaiira aaa I . . . . S wi ' 4.' . i arciiiTis. ... ... ... . .... , Va the morning oi nr. justii s capture, aati Mr. Stone, liluliman waited npoablm at hli beiiside and said! Mr, Davis, by tbi map yon may -e that the enemy tra bora, ansa and ch i th situation l tit rosda leaf the count! y lu iitieiy. ii t you do sot, you wlll becsptured in flrenonr. TO Mr. flAVla renlvinir carfv? "that "be knrW lit! oWtVXttai araa 'Iteat, TbjBifL',p t inedil .-yas-ir w.ll.arraA jtaijfc i.';na n 1 1 u' ed ilh I tbe treasure and arebiv.a, and- propose- aebnr them, even at tli pent oi tne lorn ot your favor and of my tifn. I tball atan at once by the route I bar marked out," " j Tha result to welt kaowa. Ia lc than fly boon Mr. Davit was a prlsonel; ; bat tli archive were afti.-iWbn, a few wrti alter, IB the recesee of the fwest, 1 ilglv man learned ihat all waa lt,s ba" atone, and with bia 6wn bends, ' buried tha treat ar and srehivrf, snd unh, ' (luring tti tour 'day 'tbat elapsed ' tictaeeo' parting With tie end bit untoward death, be re-vcaU ad tha tp", the -ret a to th' whtret biluUoi ih archive I forevef'buriodj and st toog ai Hief ehaB b kept from tb- en ortBao frm$r ttrsftttrf atnf y 1jrVTRiai n,.t,t to, ft nirV'-wW WCTVh!r-1rltf y: l-hia Is the Irne liistrry ol tt.a ari tnve oi I " . '.: t ... I lium iius an .iwa i -,wrn w tf th.fr rr. v - V L74a4batlt flgbtiog ay. a auwakamlib, wba waa nerieg a ban pup, loxlucrfl nl olirfafbeTto T"ia' BaTli lour inJTml Itot tlm.bulUTbacwiu- pupU-Hian4 h. Aid mm r tli nose. I u son. aisre- gsj-dif g the paternal roariog, exvlatmaj, -ilold bim. Qrowtor boy, bold bim I bear It, Irytber, bear ht it'll ba fh making at tha pup. H j, ' , -in . aa. . ., Two cbildrea of Mrs, Pmitb, ae Vaa Bart street, Brooklyn, X. V died recently frott th ctTeets at wound by rata, which had bitten tbera, v V r(UiibttrV oa .a.rday, (iib d ot June. int, ,s . '' r The mirtinir waa r...,i. i' i. : i !i't"uiuiwnii Mara Ktrr. .n aa i.trrtar. . ll Ul auman hrl. H ..'.r..j 1 . ... ...IM.M IBfl VU Iwtot lla nwi-iii, .i. i r t Jabgatoa, to riw,a.nt tbi towl1ia i h iiw flay oi jU0Ci jIIt Bmity nfier tl .or.t ;.('. , f". - f "aitduii, tq , ro to nmk. . a aptwett. aadafi. i. . ... ...- ., . , ' : 'PI1''! to tt,a lath , m.,hnt. the ti.,.tit.,ii,)0 of ti.e yu,d st , twtba. oM Wirf,v v.rt,B or bol.un ilivi.,haw m.u.1, cai!i ol d( r waus.ai,)t.d by tba1 Chair, and . hearty tba aupport giva .v tba BR u, thaClTr, aid ufu't, oP1K.d ..lhn,"',o,? wtnB, reuraaj at aev , -Oa wotioa af Cap. M. A. IUmwy.it waa gauafrora t ,f, townabip , t tba Joanty Vahvantiaw aboald ba by imttnt,' -"-" vi The Meatins tlicn u.iui . m . JobaW!nuigljr o. w u J J. II. Burna WeraelaatwH ' ua motuw, tba lctioa bf iht,m gentle- ttArrnvaikWippoto. 1kV gZZTlX TXTu 11. .L. .. .1 . . . ... ttoaara. J. own wu a toil liiirut J. Jackaun, 11. A H.ml.r. I. and R. 0. Cotton . wi , Th tbanka of tba Meeting- ware tbea. tondercd to tbaCbatrmmj and fcVcretarj. A copy ot tbe nrnewftin,,. baaa4-hrha-Ra1rMiTS r,q.t to publlih Ibenctad the meeting tbea adiournad. .t . , r ff , , . JOIIJT MAMMUKI, JB , Chm. MAaa Fow leb. S'v. IProsa k HUlsfcore ltnnrilar I TUU< DBAD I AVIANS, Thk iui-mrr oa Naw IIuraianir lmti tiatVK DlaoovBNKO. New Hope i littlo'branchouutry folks would oall a rivw. It gurgle and wind ita wy Witbio live mile el CbaiKil HiU aad toa milrnot UiJlsboroush. Tb little stream, ba bera oa a big tprse, had t big freshet, and playad the dettca-with thawi. and th btidgaav BBd beaid has uocartbed a bend ol that eouotry oa which was once eatahliehcd . an Indian tow. Alter tbe water had falloa and gnu into Us banka tber wr dioverea . ihtin Tn.ii.n ..-111.1... it.A.. war liiuud i mttinc iu their nke.lutont Their knee drawn ap to the idiom h and their bead faring the ast, Tbey wora bead aroond th aaek sad shoulders that were kept la tb toil perfect .and are bow la our charge to show to any one tbat desire to sea. Tbe Indian were wrapped ia a mat ting made out at flag aad platted togebar; a Dleceoi which wa fouad Dreservsd ia . oa of their grsres and it now tp bt aeon ia oar poueeeton, ' i uera were six or seven diflerent kinds ot bead aroond their aeck . om blu glaas and other out ol soap. -atone or lima atone. , There were also two pieces of potter war with anexplaioabla ' bteroiilypbica carved oa them found in tbe grave, twa-ptoeeaof saiali eopper pipe-, and aaotber piece of email pipe mads exactly in, ... the shape aad likeness of a tittle bugle. , Toe skulls were' lb thickest for hutnaa belnei that you ever taw and tbi bone ware aisawlraglT large. . .': Trnrrurr-:: ., Hm ' !,TtAWTIOIt,,"i'' K-'KS ihs Kttaraon, the graodfathtr of Mt W. M. Patteraoo of tbia county, aama into poasewloa of thia bead of creek land In tba year Vial, taniani were tnera ibo( ana tbor ws bat en wbita maa there named Baker who, lived ,1b a little bend of tba creak. Bakor land WU tb only land cut down and lerd up slid- to this day that bend l known a( "liaaer corner. Tbr hi ilt the holloa "rock ""War'' Mai n Patterua's old mill which extends a mile dowa tb creek bank and there is a walk way underneath the rock. Piueon bole arc ant all about ia tli it rock which tradi tion aay tha ladiaaa a tod to bids their tobacco and tugtr and ootft in. . A traveler hamed Ltwaon apaka of thi boUovr. ' rock TO''Bitioiy"oPbIt tfavWbniujjh that aectloa nearly a century tgn. Ha any it wsa a "one eyed tribe" of Indians whe in habited tbert that ba wa -detained there three' dty and la hit . Mplutluga ... of tha ptanata Indian guide cfrid hiia- 'to tbia rfjc;ksn4 mrM Saiafc,iibfe m tharock tbe iuiliean ran to it and tpit onit for wuat reaaonit imknowo. : ." 5 ' - Hot mora than Dfty steps oppoaibt whora tiii grare w r toiiud is a henumg rocks. that jj!ts.two thi.filt over tlie.cre. W and MP Pattcirsoa says tbat hia ha waa a boy tiia ' old negroes aaid tbat ths Indians used ta cut souurrault from tlirt banging rock into tba bote petow out, sniit tbe, Major, wo-, boy were alway afraid to tskethe leap it waaioo iitgn. amjur rattorsoB nas kvmuiy loll ia our charge alt tha relic wa liaye mentioned where they cn be eiamiued bf any who are curious.. ' 7 : ViotAttu" bt tub FtFraaatst Aatno- ktKS(T. 111 tba decoration ot the gravaa of tba Unioa aol.llers on Tuesday lat at Ar- Itugton the colored toldiera appear to bava. . bei-n wholly lgrwfe,!i.,by tha.. Uaind Arry - of the HenubliCt The ni'gro t!w4 occuuuad, k leoifiiit jr. soma distance-apart tna that -devoid totlie : jik'tiajililifSfll, ind lifl , on parsUona bad li -n tnade to include it foiWiMiaiiSfaTt aau i m ine npemiiui Sinl th,; Tut uuee, went iiMi.otiee.l. Uto. . r ning, th colored restaurateur ol tbak "pilot, I highly ineensed at this slight to ' bra raw;'-and propi. W Bietuorializa-" (;ongra tQiiayttli bodtea of Uie cukirsil.. toldioit taken np.tud buried ia the toina tewiwtrry wtth tna wbltet hst no distinct-. 1 ina tti.b. jnadaOB. Jaticouat-of aoiotK.. Among tb tueot tpectatort was Senator Kuvels, who occupied hitleitura momenta ia reading letter Irom hit constituent. Th fly baa iis aae. He serve to keeps bald beaded ainaers tw ska at cliarch oa a warm day, ao that their nnregeneratetti heart may be1 touched by the preached' word. . 'v- "TVS i--.'.i.S T 7 -IT " canvnssera ' " " ,;' ? 1 "" -f 4 - .iy 1 aU sSyisaCTtsFsi