, . r-rrr : v a n i . ' yj7 - 7 -,-. . .""'V. ; : --- -, .,,.,. ,., ,A. , , ... . ... ,. I,, , r , i , , .-, e, ,.,,,, il -. : i ,.,, , , -,,.,.,. ;. ., ,. ,,j . , ,': VOL. 4. UALEIGH N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1870. NO. 99 I . ' - r firiwriHEL: aad estravejnt-poniplBittla about tbe ci cite of arbitrar yaud illegal military pew er He. thee professed to be emioently conservative nd th unchangeable Irieud of liberty end civil right II protewcd t t oltrbly AppoMd to Military aMirpa tioo d deopotuia. f Wf eODfM that tboogbt tbcre wai ioM grtaaa ot bia coniplainU, ooiwiiiuillo aUfTOBotfy wu then nigagnl la a IrnnondoM war. W ayaipitbiRed ", wittt-tba We of jilt' lihetiy b thco--rttoW. Ifa eri4 oat oT aaiu rpu$, Ibst wu the burden ot hil cdfWIkU from dT ui daj aatl waMc la wek. Howdoeabettand aunt TbrougU tht ml fortooe, accideflta, putioa and Crimea growing out of trc late war, and by mrarji ol bia own uoprioclijlid and prxfligata ac tion! wberebjr bv tiu loat all the npct that all rraprctable and good men ever bad fur him, be ia bow U.irernor o( tbe State, and whatever mi; be laid of tbe lawleea eierciae,o( military power during tbe war, we litre atrt, without fear ot raceeaalnl contradiction, that daring tbe whole war, no each arbitrary and despotic military pow er were exercieed or eougbt to be cientieed a Go. Iluldt n new. in turn ol profound and that, too, wiibout the shadow of legal authority to sustain bis unhoard-ot action Ui action is not only monstrous, it seeks to establish a state of civil war, and ia . without a parallel in American history. ' Let us ic wtiatba ha done; lie bat gone out of the Bute and employed an ig norant and illiterate dmparado by tt I- peacacekwjxervisejwg tt.wiytQt ltuatyxwy, w,Maasi,L ife&TaKww'.' .W4&iMil ir?.fir XZrV . -r3 lit Ai? - f fO m.?v fbKU Dafverilorvtoie... fWJ'V-' t - tne prjwertnd wdrt Mifk ta too f Theali i legal view, Holdea't arm t I : j 1: :. ' , l : :;J "i tw'Vr-w r1t " I Cower V.r bi. crimes.s m&U iuiA ind .11 h,f aider, and abetter, th. bead I . "TOUr T 1 . . pe"0DW koow yonr tMligBity ha name nf Kirk, and brought him her and empowered biin to recruit an army of a thousand men at tbe expense of the State, to execute bi untawfol and lawlou order ; this, man Kirk ha gathered together about . Ore hundred men, who are ready and will ing4Xe)te ady order, no matter what, ' tba JCirk may make, and Kirk is ready to exeiute any order tbe Oovernor may issue i to hiiu, tb Oovernor say so and Kirk My, so, these, men hv been armed, equipped and clothed aad fed at the ei' , . peneol tbe State to tbe amount of ten of " - - t, -. aa'a i i.t jriti,- ,i jWyj- in uwlir oxrfutmg tlol den's lawless and disparate order This military organization ia not only made without the sanc'.ion of law, but in B time of projound peace. ' there ia not a single ioeianpe reported of resistance of th civil authority, on tkrtntrry,"ii Judge and omcers say, there never waa time when tbe people evtrywbere yielded more read obedience to th officers and processof law. There was not a abadow of ground or necessity for the exercise ot even a lawful military authority, and w know thai Judge and office holder of the Republican party have protested against thelawh- BturpaUon ef thoGofrnof; tbey aro astounded at hi aeiion, nevartb lea he persists lu hi coura of criin and outrage. IL ' 't Kirk, by order of tbe Governor, ha gone to Alataanoe ooaaty aad thure estsbliabed a military camp, and has arrested number f( lbs best snd moat respectable citizens of that county, wltboat any legal process of oven any charge against them, and they are bow held and detained by him under order from Holden, aad bw declarea hi purpose to disregard soy writ of Aooss trjnu or other process that may be issued 'ot agaiosthim by the Judge of tb BUts ; this be does by order of tht Govsr- 1 nor, and coiflct of forea betwee tb ? Jiiocutie ahd ' JuJIoikl branche of too State government is iuiineuU James K. Bjd, a highly rtspectable citizen, Uwyer and a candidal tr . th Leglslsture, while h waa about hie lawful lnio', ws (trrttfel bo Fridsy taohnnf last by an edrd f Klr m uu UtUna: him aeo Us wit sy fnoad, IHn ojBgw IrW-vsita-wa thn ir lit f thoss waa bo warrant or any legal precVpt lor at arrest, there was ao obarga taado gaBsi Lim ; bs wa arretted by order of Boldoa, and by bis order Kirk wovld not allow aay body UVlir. Boyd, except U tb pre ' caco ot hlmseti of on of bi officer. Thi ' w can prove. Mr. Moore, "'Mr. Hnor Mfi i Bcott and Mr. Ireland, all resectable eiti ' ' bobs, war arrested tha asm day under likit otrouButaaoes ( thero wa no legal precept and no charge made against tbem, nothing but Uoide'ordr I O ber imi ,lar arreaU kav btoa made, but have " .J-"-0rysr rociivedr tli Brno 0( We" olfiof i",roi, and il isid msny other arreatt ....wUIU.ioj.Jrik they do an! kiwwlity.caa get ol tUfacTioni'indrirauixpr "7" 13drSt tb ttllQxat fi ft taikUrtf 'Rrpabt Ist "r - "-gaw, to let tns geuutmca aimed go od bsu. V71. -iia'aiis mmlirm'.iMWii- Faaxaoa oa tbs applicatioa of Judge Mar rimoi aodMr. TarketT llWTe WrIXaOT Bah Csrtst for the goattemea abov iMiwad oa Saturdsy last, but Kirk has aaid xjoaiUyeljJkaV ha would W ooj tka wriU aad be U betaed by tbs Gotersor. Jt rsmaio to Le aeen, wbat Judg P, arson will do ; h acted with great firmnesa and VoUoeaa la simitar mature heretufors, be 1 aot'raid It lie ba tbo roarags hsnstd tobava,and woieel eoonJeot Ihatbawilt d hi dutv at all hsisids and every coat, : ---VVi'sAwsia.jr .. . ana wa lead aa eonSdei a ppoTfTS6m afl parte will auataia Urn, for tk kan4ful o rlolent who tuaUln Kb Got- a LF, ,ii:a i-7!!1'1-ani--i'-w -ia fc -r 4 - W atkl tbta military orgaaizatioa and y atuvtoaM ba nn aaacUos of law, we re peat tbe declaration and go further and any, that it ia ia ripreaa violation t tbe Conttitatloa aad lawa of Una But aaj the Unilae) akataa, 11 than were any act ef the Legialatur aulhorixiog it, aucb act wiuld i void udei the Canatitutioua of thii I'tato and tb United' Bttea, bui there, is no tticb act and tbera is no ahadow of prettace tf authority for it We do not tndcrvtaod ihaf OoTernor H olden i Mints that be baa legal authority for bi action. U hi OT'W to raise tbsl force,' ho do not rtcito or refer to any act of the Legiaiatur authorizing bit action and this U usual in ouch order. ' Thia military force U not militia it doe ot purport to at, it it rwnW ud mtr ttnary foroe. Kirk and many 6 ni tbea are from the Staio ot Tennessee and many of them are boy and men not subject to do militia duty. The Constitution of tbe Stat does not prorid for "any military or gaauatian except militia, and the Oooatl tutioa of tbe Cnltod Bute forbid the States to bare any military organixation other- ihsss mliitia withont the auction of of it, ana aa such they aro liable to indict stent, they aro not only liable to be indicted a rioters, bat Gov. IloUlea and Kirk and, bia men are liable to be indicted every time tvy arrest a citizen by or ler of Uol. den of aay one tlss with bis jauctioo, They, including Holden, are liable to be aasd la aeivll' action at tb iastssce of any body arrested, for treapass and false imprisonment. It will be tb duty of the Grand Juries of th Slate to present these rsBtsra aad any oas injured may apply to a Justice of tbe Peace tor a warrant or to a Judge for a Bench warrsot, sod bsvs the offender boned to appear at the proper Court and aoawsr criminally. Ws sy tbi is the law. We ksow what ws My, and if O . Holden doubt it, let blot go aad em ploy a lawyer who kaowa the law, aad he wilt tell him that b and his army era li -able a have above suggested. tt mi1 sntrt ttnat View. ao U avew sr Irresponsible they caa be beld to bail. But Gov. Boldea ltCwortb something, and hiaiderand adviser are worth something, and tbey can be made to answer civilly and crlmiaally. There is another thing: Thi armed Lmovement has cost ten of thoussnds of OoHsr. Tb money has been drawn from the Treasury, We are astonished that the Treasurer bss recognized tbe Governor' warrant, for it I said that Mr. Jenkloa ia ordinarily cauttout about paying out money. Now tbe Treasurer hsd bo right to pay out thia money, there is bo law an- tbortxiag It, and be U frtmallf ruptunbl to tb Stat fiir every dollar be faa ao paid out. He 1 worth something, it Is ssid, snd his, boads-raen are worth something. We know what w say, Tressursr, when we tell yon tbat you are ao lialil. W lupposs tbst th Governor snd Treasurer anticipated that the Legislature will pass aa act justifying this lawlsss ex penditure ot money. Whether lb Legia latar U of on politics! strip or another, It win mat 4o so, aad rus people ought at once to mak every candidate whether Re publican or Coasarvalive, pledge himself to tb people, that ba will not in any con tingency, vote one cent to pay for this law lea aad ctimtoaT conduct of th Governor. Wa learn that ti "teeny countiea th canJi dates on both aides ar pledging tbewaalves not to vote tor aay looking to the legalit itlna of ' this' expenditure of th psopw aonsy.' t- x bi is rignv. Tb Gwarnor aodJuha fool aad Abbott andflu tnai SeitU adi others, ks4s apsaiaC lsiftisotp4rpoMJb,AW4 lawles ajmsd fores. It wargotte ap oa iibsratjitoWa th pooplaoad Bdoco tasm to rot Jor lbs BdirBfwseisa,;orioi,k from tb poll aad aot vota at all, . Thi, wa kduw,bss boon Joha Pool' policy tor saoatppaM.,- Tkf mtTtVsa weak) ot aaawcr tAsir (Hrimsi, for ta calling oat tbs militia ftwat ar ot all partUs would be called out ; a meroenry armd orco wa neoessary, snd Kirk ' waa tba oitabla ioatrumeat ; to use tue language ef s4oko Pool -whilo hero lately, b. waated I miUiU' a. could rat; apo . , Tborf waa and 1 ao Boceaaity for asliitaro foroa 4a- ihia State, and Oov. Hcdswsnd Joh Pool, know this a watt ss we, and tbi whol proceeding m art on foot for Jh cnmnal aad sialstef purpose 1 d ptTyentln jmiSiJbt j!ilU. W VisTmas, which -8t torbrct, thee eeceps danger 4 4rby thay oaa Bon ia fMyFOjml-m the j people ot tbt out. , ,- i. coaaider of hs wa bora aid, aad act aad K aad Tot for good tsea who will ee t aat Oer, Hoi Jen account fjtx bia crime aad eutragt apoa aa epprsesact people. .Wt do aot advise- violent me wrcs, bat a calm appeal to the peaoetal riaki theUwi give'"ih propli collaot rvsly sod ss Udividaala. - Balbt these meet be used ia arary casa, aad though redroea will romr, it will eosn by aal by. Iloldi n and company may ncoeod in per , Bir1 and w tiast tbe people, aad especiaMy those injured, will aeo to It, that tbej do anawer in every caae! Biliboio, N. C. July 15th 1870. To Uoverxob , HiLdem : -I receiv, with proper loathing and protouod coa kuipt, your telegram aakint; for tbe part to - !M oLll of violence cffjied lo my fami ly by suiue unknown auaasin Bring a gun into n, y bouse at Mrs. Turner. I wa not at home when it occurred. I bellre it to have been tbe act of aome member of the it-fret Jacobinical dub which, your Xxoet' lency argaalaed, (wearing to aad witb them to aland up to and defend each other, "through euuimer's beat and wia-er cold," it-, and if you failed, or any of them fail ed, the penalty was, to be "pierced through tb heart," II I ibould fail to observe tbe dignity and moderation of expression which be comes a clliztn addieming the Chief Ex ecutive of tbe State, your Sxeellettry may attiibute it to augtr sad indignUioa, last ly rouid by recent acts of outrage to which I and my family have, been ul jes ted, rather than to want of civility aad common politeniji. tance wiih Dennis Uanes, s colorod Re publicsn, wbfbsbeea twic i coovicted by a Jury ol thucoaaty, fiarlareeay ia brsak iog into th' ttor of Jainea Park and Meal ing shoe therefrom. You ai aware that our carpet-bag Judge, Tourgee, set aaiil the verdict after contictiou. and did not require leonis to give ball tor bia appear weosi Uoart. V- - -- - - I told Solicitor Bulla, tf he did not lasu a special cais for tbe ' arrest ,f DennU Hanoi,! would expea bini aa eolluding and compiling with the , Judge for the es cape ot a vHtarnend tbief. Tb Bapla wa issued, but Dennis disappeared and ha not been aeen in Orange until the night after tbe firing into my house. ' " " It, i due to li ilicitor Bulla to date that be baa, always,-in my presence, eoademaed tbe sol ion ot tb 'Judge in setting aside tb verdict in thi caw. There ia another character with whom your ExcetleaVv bat permaf - -ow acquaintance ; I mean John L) JIetter, of HeodtTion count j. convicted aud senteuced tsy judge Henry to twanty firs years in the Penitentiary. You will recall. -ct he reach ed Raleigh, in charge ol tb Sheriff of Hen dei son County, on the 18th day of December last, and on thnaame day you panlonid and discharged bim; assigning aa a lesson for it. in jour report to tb Genersl Assembly, tbst Led letter was an Idiot aad oaly fourieen yesi old. Six dsys slier jou discharged bim be was arrested for atealing and lodged in Orange jail, when ba had grown to be a big burly negro fellow, weighing about 180 poundseome twenty or twenty-five years old, and not at all more idiotic than those of his class gea stall; 1 What a wounrkrful clianga in. six. dave If yourrepoit be true I Here be remained aix month or mora, wbeo ba broke Jtil and made hi escape, at the seme time releaaing some dose horse thieve, felon ii Among these Uoa rats aasd by LedbeU ter, was nne Bill Halt, who was ta jail for aa attempt to aaiaatinate Dr. Muatgomcry on tb highway. For seversl week before tb (ring into my house, a ban 1 ot armed negroes ware frequently seen about and around my hoast, armed aad with canteen aad haver sack, usually ambushed near the road I passed in going to my boras. Two of tbem were discovered by a woman . and child, lying la an oat fluid in fight of ' my bou, rrfwl wssrscewBiijd a Joha'ted-" tetter. Bill " Hall live oaly three mile from ate, and1 DennU Haae only one mile. liaBfrajhM.a by some, to ba rb reaeoa. M th peril to mvse Wisely,--Yes ..laaM.as stated privately ia cosversatio. aad tm,-- .... .. ... .. . . licly ia tb editorial columns of yonr organ, tbo Aoastsrsf, that t w "King of tb K Clua i". aad yoarorgsa haalo autad that I aeseaeinatrd Btepb, or esosed it to bo daa. Tbsmo Oalumaiss sued slaadera have induced jouf Ignorant brotherhood ot tb (aaguea toaeek their rereng apoa me bad mine, concluding as they -might logieally do, 'trom tbe pubticatioo la tha SUiuUrd, fast aseatloaod, aad your coarse oa a cer tain memorable occasion before tb Msyor ia Rslelgb, tbst each acU oa ' I Wr part jrovld oljt1rkaamr time ago, the Sheriff , aad posse went In. J pursuit oi usqoewr ; aaa pis paaa. Wbo ia, BMiilMal ft fatlft! atfcfl tlal itt ft aJT I B,ej eBBSjewxB sr aw ww w wiw eaess-aBTe brm to higw positio, worn to "stand by ted deffeerf theea, tltrae aamaaar'a kest aad winter's co'.d," aader a pesalty, la caa ' ItteVt," -, ;--'!-' ,'! v'vri ' - My fsisily ba ant wanted- protectioB in my Its sore, iocs th laager baa beccea j apparent. My Mlghbori bat beea elgtlaat, aaoeh ao, atsadiay ahoas ay Irluae rudTrouiuls, at -a'gat,. altloogh anilbar I w ay family were awaro of tt at the time. . ' TeavilTaw in Onuag mpl fur the proteotioi) of sll her cit'B'n. It only lesdi that oftaooVro b pointed eft, to Be arreeted IW pruiect bm, you may jndgo of my astonish ment when Oea. Cioiko, your militi Col. oool tsfearrapbed m tbrt a detatchmeot of twenty mew were on hir way for the pro- tectioB of suy family, sad that the oom msnding office, ordered to fport to BXO. " - . " , i . Sure enough, your millfis arrived about dalbreatTafurdayTrSauBT tbe General that, aa tbey had been ssat tor my pretoelioa, would def.ay a'l tko i pens ot them (rota Raieiifh aad beck, if tbey would rstura foribaith. I wa not Willing tbat the jpjK,ohaug should ba taxed to teed aad p iy soldier foray proteotioaK My propositia ws aot etdad to, by the Gtaeral, aad I than aotified him tbat if your militia dared to pat. loot ob my premise, tacloaed or aoenoluaed, I would caa-o th Sheriff to arrest tbem tor a forcible trespaa and put tbem ia jutt; aad It the Sheriff should tail,' or be ,alraid to execute tbe civil warrant, X would foroa them off wtth my aotxet, attsT my oonatt tutional aad peaceable remedie bad tailed to abate tbo nuisance and remove the unt lawful assembly. , ., Aad bow, Governor, having given ysu ;Tifr-ooaatr,nrrecTrouV ao limit except what i' placed on it by your cowardice aud your fears. You onceL wrote tb President tbat I was to be "handled at the proper time." You ehsrg that I am tbe oom msnier of tb Ka Kux. ir I am, tt 1 your duty to "handle nie." Any Sheriff, Marshal, Coroner or Cooslable, or tbsir diputies, caa arrest me oa a eivil legal pntcest; tittl yourtttr sTTatritT wmKTTr I regard them aa the unlawful agencies ot a secret aad Jacobinical club, ot which jrm have bora, and ar aaid by I faa at 111 to be, tbe President. Tbe eomaoa talk of your Jaoobtoicsl associates Is, that Gov. Graham, Jartg Kjrr, my-lf and others, are to ba arrtated. Tne arreai t! Governor Graham waa disk talked of la Washington City, it is a.rw the comatoa talk ia North Carolina, among the white ss well as black member of your league. I know hot! what course Gov. Gtaham and Judge Ktrr may dean it proper ta piirue, but for my- m.i.t miae myaolf by acopliog th unnecesiar protection of y-or ttolw(ul militia. I have not written what I have to lo--flame the public mind, tor to Increase the loathing of tb people for yonr act and your ; administration, but liecauae it i meet and 1 pruper it abould be aaiiV especially at this peculiar eriaia, wbea my life aad that of ay f saiy are sightly imperilled by aeaeret Jecobiolcal association. ' '' ' " I msy take occasion beresftef to give you turiber "particulara," as tbi y mty.be developed. Ia tb meantime, tlgoiug my self, u lam, ... . .V I,! ',?'. J Txur ia loyalty .' -and tb Caostitutioo, , JOSIAH TURNER, Ja. 4 QLSAULHQ3 PA QM -MTATM MX .... CHAN 0 KB. Tbe branch mint -at Charlotte 1 to be oontinmd, aad Congress appropriated $4,400 for iu repair, before edjoBreawot. ' Wm. T. Oavidaoa, Iiq, decline tb proffered aoainatioa lot too Senate ia MeckUnburg, against Colv Joaea, Bade by a few dbora;aaia ta,'.-; ,,.- v m , Tb merchant of Charlotte bare taken step to organize a Board of Trade for tbat city. ,ii,vAr -i- ' 'm I'iinu 'The Pcet otBoea at Blocker aad at Autrey'l Store ia Cumberland' county kav (Mm diaBoetinard. , f ' Hoo. Z. B Vnoe and family are sumaser tog if Ashevilte at th Carol ioa Hons, w ' '. mvi.J ' mr ..J - - n .1 .1. i published at Jcfisrson, ia this State, ad4 viae tb people to "com out aad vet for aad.,aea liio State iroa ailitary tula." That's it, la U t aWaitoa, w aaatt d bs visited with the I a ... tl... Ml. lytU a.n'l borror of military rule, bat tf tbey wea't. why, tbey May look oat.. Wo tbink that Uom tb Governor', ataadpttint, (hat edi tor' fTaaknea oatraa hie diaaretioaws ; XABTtai. Law PaocLiar.-TWa bar jost learned that nartiai law ks been pro claimed la Alaaaoo. ' Graham, tb oouaty aeat, waa tejtaa poeaoonoa at yesterday, by JUrh , gaaraa. ptaeea avsee to provoat ingres or egrss. a Tbe RegUtat of tbo county received order that iasjaHUMi gvoat eaelteanet prerais. , What l are w e-tmrag SO f ft thsGoewvao a'aWare two-caaotlesfaiuJloot hrosksng baJHi -it, ii..i i .,,X tfat1, pieelwHyTfty, aayVa ' trfisatfasat ot thuuku 'wrATTMsag csar ltjt.,., afi iniWisTT-11 1 th f W ll- wr v - sssivb ar wav CoOfc. tag to I it Its . 1 ! Travelled oa tbeir ssylo XaTeTOeorge were aoaewbal atartled ta Ulen't Fail the I A aisaaarH s n . (wIa lbs ansAkaa 1 a. od ascroM crowding into tb coaobea that sw to ooovey tbea to the Uk. "Where ar tboee tellow going P asked a patava gat. "Ta tb Pvrt Willi.m Hemry Hotel, wm tbe aaawcr. , "What 1 do tbey enter taia Bcgroea there 'Urtainly toey do." I U bed d if I go to aoy bo at wbei they ealertaia Bgroe.' Tboae ar tb waiier ot Use hour!," aaid ta ages and ta ,t, 1 TBS BABSA9 CORPUS CASK. A Tk loflowlng ia a copy ot the paper la tie eaee of the tabt u trjmj iaued'by :r1fr; Moore of Alamance. Tb ' writs, aud re turn tbrrros, fir th other partir arrested ar aim -Tar. ' " STATJ OP ROBTrt CAROLINA. ' To GaoBoa W' Kib. Greetingt-We commaBd you, that rti body of AMpbo U, atootsv xoij uan ana aevsioeu in stwr wasted ss tt ss. toitetB. wiw tbe dav and cause ot bit capture and d tei.tiou ,'l'V wliaisver nam ba msy be taTVeiT, vou b.vs tisSore Oi', Riclimnod M. Pt araoo, Uasef juauce-of earemo sjoatx oi ana state atoreaai.l.Bt the Chamber of (he Su preme Court, ia the city of Edeigb, ioi me diately after tSe receipt or tui writ, war and reotiv what shall be then aad there eossidt-reel of hint ta tht behUt. ' , - Witoosa. Richmond M. Pearson, Chief Jastice of tbe Supreme Court, this tb 16tb dsy of July, A. D 1870. IBigoedj K. m. rBAKSon, va. j. a. v. , J- 8TA1 E jUFKORTH CAROLINA, A. a .McAliaisr maks oath that oa Sunday, the 17ih of. July, A U. 1870. be tween the hours ot 14 and II o'clock, A. M. ta the county t Alamance-, on the high way lead! a tram Company poops la said ooaa ty, to YaacevyUle. i b oouuiy ot Caswell, in aaid Btsts, Uut nine tailf trom ssid ('oiiipanv Shop, lie delivered to George W. Kirk, who wm at th time apparently learwux ing the signetm (o lit writ, that he could uk no Bouc or toes paper ; tnat tney had "played out" That be wa acting under order from Gov. Holden, with ia ' ructiooato iwsrsgsrd , tuth papers. He jurthet JMaals - the. papers, back and tell '.him that the Court has been appoint ed to try tht m, (meaning the men ia eusto. elyj that bo would urreader tht a oa Gov. Uol -Urn's order, but not otherwise utile .lhtyaeui.ssullicitia.futceto.Mbip hjiu and was then) (meaning tue peraou meauonea la ths several writs.) sway trom him. He aaid. to a person appsariag to ba a snbordh. aatoof bH toW yoa if . ey auea paper earns, aot to allow tUtm to be brougut to nu" Affirmant is a cuixjn ot Alauianca CoDU'y and a qualified elector of tbe State of North Caroiiaa. that h delivered h aaid writ as said Kirk, at tue request ef . ri Paiker, K q... Attorney lor petitioner, the Sheriff oi Alamance County having been amted and tall being held ia custo dy by aaid George W. Kirk. (Siguad A. u. McAiavUMs.it. ' Sworn to and subscribed betore ma tbi lSib July, A. D. 1870. tsT tt Dl ! V -t...t tr;::tf,rk, returned on the writ under affadavil ot tbe officer, A. C. MoAUster, InUI wbose band, tbe writ wa placed' for execution, was Tead btfoir Chief Justice Pcsison to-dsy at 19 o'clock. Th Chief Justice said be would' bear counsel at to what further action should be taken,,. to-morrow morning ; but on tug--' gettiori tbat the partie might be, shot be tore relief couid be had, be appointed .to hear th matter at 3 o'clock today. " Meaar. ' Battles, Bragg, Mernmon and Parker are the counsel for tbe petitioners. At S o'clock, tb anttef came up ootor CbWI Justice Pehraoa, when Uia Honor aUted he bad written to the Goremor oa tbe subject and would await bi reply, and therefore be puatpoaed the further eonsld rathra of tbe matter antil tomoTrow morn- Rswios i-raaauao s-r HalwobD. Th Btamdard aakk a big blew over the Grand Radio! rally at Haywood,' yesterday, atat ieg that there Were M0 peraoo ou Wa heee b irons a gsatleesaa wbo wa pint, that ibese ware aot eseoesuiog J 50, sad at aaat halt of th-eia -Wire f oaaerrativea. MsJ. Craa oaa opeasd is bad t Hawkins oHowoavia a "writioa apaeek, aad a big olorsd geatlemen, a Hi) tloeed the loene.' Oar vntormeat saya tbo apeeoht ware p toraail heartily ridiculed by the aa greea, only a turn ot fchom wer prwtait. i : TTi jcpJk'm'.vvcbt, 1 1 ; , Vawa, July Joik. , Tb followiag case -we argued:.today, -. -v-..-,a,L, ffiindoipTst J from"lhe"0obnty of CUoiri and Badger aad Bragg arid for teladent lieasrL Bmith and tniBland. ' - , m .... u , .! Poarr Pinrr DisTato -W. B K.q baa beea aomaaatast tbo SeaaKia the fatty lrat Seaatoriaa dtrisi, osenpoasd of tba cwuwtit.of 8tla-(!aidwU aa4 War uogaJant Jiaa eMepted tbo a)m!aatioa. Thia ia a.ateMcoac aw ajinaiB aad ajitt aaeaii-eV-s Wnr;t weste vutfh is fri kiswatt . BatM, rraiMNt ot-.. ta Bailtud.io aJaaaAawdaapjwstwooawtejd ilMpaiBhacooM Aagusts, sBa-dor, that ai rood aay ma oar Itoas. Aagmtti ta Portaaoatk, Va, oa..yaur4ai) awght, as In -tlta a "'"deae aiiuu.tjuuiascurxc.a. i vs pine, isvea tba Chairasa the troub'e of .dliurninir the " BHfSVUUK.. - - . "Old paddy" swl-iwf-ta -4-4e w liUUaiy 13kUtorallie Ba.liral candiJste t for th Sen-ata ia tb dtatrict outupoeed of J tbeosttsHteaet sorry ao4 Yodfewv --'r - Tka BaMoa militia onaipaeto ta Nw bera adehrated the fell ing ot , their aaJ famta oa friday by gettiaeT draakaad aa gagag aa a free tight, two polios officer sttesapteil to preserve order, bat laew set tbea atkwaaa aad add tbea tbat tksmv si law ooald aottaack tbtaw ..v , ,i , wTVatr'lMireto aWaobod la a itwe aad f-aa-attawiaw oitaoa-o-oaewad, - - - ttaa uaccb full ol iriumoh and en. f f : : t)0r lniTdrCWr,geVT:t That k failure to do fiurwho! -autf In rouragtinent to tbe Conseiv ativt Party. itWekamew.-. aadlnaoect- 1 bil. a bctorttl. rTamertatid: deteftolned f One of oW lteriub.-an ir,nd. . .br Ju"- J-7 ' froes th Wdminirtoa Star. THINGS TO BE REISESIBERED That iljiotbereofire'lsiered must bat all who have changed' their rei ew-lfrwuitLf Bttnnd wtrre. mttir That in view of the" conflicting opinions and decision a to tb extent ot the pres ent registration of voters, th taft plan is for every? Conservative to rcregiaier. 1 bat alt the candidates voted for on tbe 4 h Thursday in Aug ut mast be voted lor on one ballot ens tup of ppr, which msy be rimer printed or written. - That at b est one T"Q'I, - eoereetle Coa aervativ should be at each lecuoa precinct in the State, charged with tbs important duly ot keeping,, complete list ot the vote polled, including tin name or eveiy vour. Tbat the old registration boos oootua tbe aamee ot tbousaada ot vntwa who have left lb State; and that, aaleto they are watched, ear enemies will bae. rpeatr" employed to .vote every Radical aameton the lists, whither tbe parties be dead or alive Watch the stolle cartful ly, or we wilt be bastes by traad. Tbat all I bat Is necessary to aceomplish tbe overthrow ol tbe Radical party lo North Carolina, is to Waf eat ear est. To this end a leal verting committee ot five, or mure, should tie appointed fur every "Town ship in the State. And this committee should see that every Conservative name ia on the reglatretion books, and that every Conaervstiv vote i polled. . i batUie akctioB ol our canuulate tor Attorney General, and several of our candi dates for Uoagres, depends trpon tbe poll. tffort will result in a glorious triumph rugm over r rong. That "we most support the. regularly nominated tickets of our party in all eases; and that every iffjrt to encourage divia Ions in our ranks is virtually an effort to perpetuate Radical rule and corruption. That George W. Kiik, the Te nneaaee freebooter, and former toot ot Hrowulow, is now the lool of W. W. Holden, and in band ot guerrillas whose only object is murder snd pillage. Tbat the triumph of Radicalism in tbe coming eiecuoB will prove the death knell of civil liberty in North Carolina ; tbs absolute ruin of our Stale cridit; . and the itoppag of all work on our railroad and other tmproveaeat. ' That it every Coaservativs set oa the presumption tbst every other Conservative will go to tbe polls, and that his Isilure to vote cannot aflect the general result, the Hal must necastarily give a uaanimoua vote lor tb Radical ticket. Perm thaCslaasbiu (Qe.) Kaquirsr. Some week since Harper's wrty UaTr ing puhliabed a false and malicious charge against Virginia'' noble son, tbat he re mained In Qen. Bcoti'a aervice a a mem ber ot hi taff aatil the lost aoaent be fore joining the "lost cause" in order to obtain full knowledge ot tbat officer's plans of futur operations, Major Sidney Herbert, editor ei the Troy Heutnger and Adter Um, Jelt called upon, ia view of hi official knowledge of th tact in tbe case, (ha being at tbo eommeBcement . ot tb war a stafl officer at Washington) to refute the lalse charge and delend the honor of General Lee. That be waa right ia hi statements, and that bia good intention have been fully appreciated by Gea. Lee, ia clearly shown by th following very modest letter which Major Herbert ha just received from the gallant old hero, and which be kindly permit, as to give to tbe public through the column of the tlnquir$r i . "Pear Sir I am muck obliged to yon for th kind sentiments expressed towards me in your reply from the MtutHfer and Aivtrimr, of which yoa are editor, to the erroneous assertion of Harper's Wttkly re specting myself. Thou(is it is difficult to leara tb truth, ihe fact ia tbe charge cited might, I tbink, have beea easily ascertain ed, inasmuch aa I never belonged to the military family of Gebornl Scott, or eerved sear hi paraua except whea la Mexico, when 1 was attached to tbe general atafi of lb army in tbat Country. ' "Theottiog yon for t ie refutation of tbe ahargsi and tr your kind . wishes, I am, wry respectfully, yjr obedient servant, ..,i. is. . fR.K.Lsn." A Man Sxi.l Hi Sbabb ia thb FtrruaB Ltra.i-Hi for a court ia th province of ristb, iiuagary, a suit wu pending, la which aa aged Jew ws to mak a aute ateBt aader eath. He was ready te take the i . Thls man dan aot take a oath." !3 wi$ o rimme;zzz?zz Jrf There leiHstsa Hebrew- prayet which , contains the sentence, that "arery Jew baea bar in the liif to come.' li is bow SO year since, while I wa pretest, whea IB 'man; wh t bow about to take th oath, stold his 'share ia the lila to so see,' guarae red t bia ia tb prayev to aaolbet Jew, Mr. Y., who paid aim a certain amount of taoaey for it A he, rberelore, Cannot eaont any ioegetoa future xiMeace, ha ; be Bhwg to Hero bop lot ia the life to come, it must be wrtainly indifferent to iih whetlier to. awoat to the truth or a falsehood."'''" ; tTUi aswrf.t eteained lata, and a I - IsawM t lertf-Ka al tMfaawakaMk . aa.av . bMltlii I granted th protest of tbs old man, and th party who. sold his "share in tb lifa to come," ' was dedarad - tfeeapibl of taxing tbi oataC :".W tr . '.; ':A'- " v. ivPeask sent J4y trstioe el "i M "proof-iiitive.' evifa (who baa tlag up), gell,' lhi iaa pruy tis to-eom home. Ponr o'clock f - fiaacd (who ha takea but sine glass f a eurioua enmpotiBil, apokra of, by bimtelf, a "whWraiT,"t - Wh' yoa mean.madam, 1 khwl ff ttilnmi&ix ynaiJBatlaatv it abo'appaoa, earloualenuff, IparsbM Big ), aaaasa, aad dtiM t Ulk oao (tin ) aeverai tiava, aadaas f, Retire to bed la unayjiuaiatettai - . , :....- TstboTO abipped it.OPw bales of cotton daiof the, pset- iiua:-y.i ':-. i-j Wilaisgtoa 1 afflicted with rowdv Radical meetings, at which tb aoat Inde- sstiaaa ditgoatiBg accaca ara enacted. I : . . . a? -l m-H .. i i. a: j t. .... .... , , . .-, . 7: I vt it.vjviiiSLi. nxi.'iLrttmr'.&rshVl. OICX, LEACH, ' - Gen. Leach .Mike to a crowd t.f about ' tfitee burnlft-tl persona here ia last- ThMrs-- 1 tht neet-bes made on tlix iL l,.i,,i. , - uvu. ' " - - - ' MWiJ UII1, II ' 1 11IOMI who beard tb address ef both (tars were Botaaiouithed tnat Phillips and Scott were trying Inwoito through the campaign with out ineetrrvi; Leech Jt was s perfect slsogbtt-r ot the gentfeaien. - lie coruminothl by telling his sudience tbat be had on thre ditft-rent occasions mnde proposition In Gen. Scott to rnnke iriugminis fur iheui to muuip the dis trtct tngerherj --tint ftprtrsKt-m Ja various excuai-a for hie miuuHl to do ao He rend a Iclti'r frtjm G n Scott, iu answer to one of his own asking that aoiue agree meat tie made by wbiih hry could cauvai together and dmcunsl ihe iasiu btim the pet-pie. Kcotl in bi letter declined to en ter into sny arraogemt-Br; saying that Mr. Phillips had requested him to get up a eenea ot "Mas hieeuog To the Ufa r.ct, and ' tbat until afier these meeting were Over ni coain aot meet mm but, if be would v iit until then tbey might probob'y come to aome agreement. Leach said that a tb time wa abort ba did not It-el disposed. to . ait down and Walt until Scott got tbrpusb witii hi "Mass Meetings," but had-'tuade bi appoiotmen'a, and would be happy to divide lime with Gen. Scotl at anv or all ' of them. Geo. Leach completely vindicated him self aud par;y from every charge brought by oeott and fbltltps, and then ha chanred -r buine on tbem, ami ll ever a sot of 'men re ceived a caatigation tbat Waa as severe ut it Fork township inform us that Sheriff Mas ten instructed Jonas fpach, the constable (filial township, "not to (o'leet the rail road tax for a while yet." It is understood that it is not to be collected uutil after tin eUctien. Thu "tjcoou" is, as the good book says, "wise in bi generation." He don't want to stir uo the bilts U our honest farmer aotil tbe eleolion is over, for it niigui cost tue radical parly a tew vote. tiueotal cent, but will. come down on the people for all tbe back taxes. And I bey will bare to be paid. No "Homestead" rxtmption for tAens. As Gen. Leach ttuty 1 declared, tb radical party now -in power in this State weirte -Brorrcy; tbey have -cleaoed out the Treasury, sqnaDdered every dollar upoa which they could lay their bands, and bow the tax payer will be eom pulled to face tb coming music Lands, a ock, crops, household turulture and even wearing apparel can be seized upon to pay these radical taxes, and then will be no auch thing asotliug out of it; uoltsa, iu deed, we can tuanage to elect a Conserva tive legislature, which will examine with fflWWRnjnty)?. Moceediiig. and sh out every dollar of bur BUtttra u tott:i rnnr- tbat has been incurred by error or fraud. 7Aof will, bring the taxes down, and tbe . people must look to it tbat tbey send men, pledged to such ac tion, to Raleigh. PeopU't (Salem.) Pbbm or thk Utnon Ibvitkd to This, The Texas State Prea Asraciation ia convention at Houston, the other day, adopted the following: Whereas, We, in common with all Tex an, are anxious to correct auch erroneous impressions aa may obtain abmad regard ing our Bute am) our people. And whereas . the Press is the recngnitdd medium through1 which error can be m-ct promptly and sue eesatully met and reluted, therefore. IUxolved. That - we hereby invite tbe ' member of tin- iv-aa throughout the United btatm to meet m at th city of Houston, ' the XSth . day .of November, next, totravel With us over our public thoroughfare viait our town and ouit-a, view our beauti ful country, become acquainted with our people and partake of our hospitalities. lusolvad, That tht director of thi Aa. ociatinB are hereby charged with the duty of making tbe neueuary arrangements. ' Resolved, That tbe paper throughout tbe L'oiied State ar berwt.y requested to copy aad aa.ist ia giving eircolstl to these resolution. ' Colbbidob At a Pholibibt. All read era nf Coleridge will remember ble noble ode to Mont Blaac, beginning with th nHaatboa a eharm toatay th morning sao r Until thia time Coleridge baa been credited with tbi) poem j but now there appear a writer in Dwight' Journal of ilmie who give a translation ot a poem by Frederik Bran. The translator append a note; in which be remark that it i very evident" sue voteriege get tee eett part ol eta hymn o jaowi oianc rrom ne U.1U tbat ba avaa Urm.lv lnlii.l i. Off Fork tnwnulun mlikrnt. na lli.l Mliirt' ' - i . U ;e ' I oHbrogbrxcuirlng bjm 1timraimhht$M-k-.'?-?'-?" plagransiB on tbesooiew bt iingalairgrounfl " that lb obligation i too evident to b cu eealed." - . A C'BirorTa Old Blocb The Hew York Aw, (Radical uthority,) of a late ' -. date) aayti '- t i " - Walter Hutler, a of rMiewlof llV Geuernl ' '. hsa beea cap ard In Yorkvil dtbe re idene of his afliaw-ed, It V& charged . 1 that be had stoko 8 fromis1 Lathy, .f No, 0 WeatV Hoastoa street, lluili-r u , tempted to eut hi throat before fa wa '. taken Iroa ibe i bouse. ' What a 1st NaMa."-Mi il r..i;. Tu ,1 a . i sra --. . ' " lr.. w " A i.T." ". ir." w. mm io" u irony o -eusnire -, yesterday morning, the cynosure of sll syta."" As hiif iiTqatocoUcaia kaowa lb aesrar'F rxposi law is asms wa .ttamtttsBatT?" eheia-a the-deeireft-all to cjl.'ctl a ff IlititVi i Ai-.-1Hi.W .u "l: J - r kaee autJlcTtrneiilBlT liave treated ao proiouod a at-naatioiD U u. V A manled kentlemaa, every tim be met the father of hia wile. iomtiiBl i.. hi. - lth ly xaipf aoddHpealtioa of bt iM4aMjJM'!,fe,.vAllSk,jm-l beoiiuiag aeaiy of , Iks gramhling ia bis ' aoo-ia law, the old gsntUmaa excialnved : ".klj ahl ia aa imparUnenl lade and it iWr any mora cotnplaini of her i "' oer, - tuauustand made no more complaint. . ;i , . , ,.,-,r , , .; , Tbaeteciioa of Judge Wart a, tb Coa St-rvativ cstMltrlib-r Ihe Senate ia th distriiteompostfdo' th oifrt t'aol Hytl aad B-autort, is conceded ai tire by ti ' ejle S'ff ?y& t : y