J If V ... WJ J' 'if X .M,BBBBBBBBBBBBBBamBBBaMBm , i ' J 1 1 J THE SENTINEL. CITY AST) 8TA.T2 ITEMS. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1870. r rnu a. Biamr. a buaiab art. an'n T,ml to mak eulret ud giv receipts. as., ae. Thk Wbathm Rang of th Thermom eter l Piak C. liar die's Cigar Store : A. 7 9 - " 12 H 80 81 4 C0NQRKH81QNAL 8PSAKINQ Meur. Gilliam a-id lloger will eddrea the people of the dutrict at the following tiuie to J laor : Albright', Chatham count;, Jalj 21. Mattbewe', Chatham county, 21. Hick, ry UouBlkio, Chatham cb., July 23. 1. Mtt.Miftjj Franklin, couoty, Jaiy aft, Naabville, Naah couoty, July M. , Warrenton, Wrrea couahy, July 80. Tkc candidate wilt be H Granville coun ty on the lit, I I bbV trdiil Aoguit, tbe place fjr each def htrextter to b designa ted. t .9ETX0DK T1CKKT8 R&AVT ! jCauMvMWet of Wake, remember tbt tbe oehjeat,, jit your township raudkUte mutt be Oh, your ticket!. It kt Beearj therefore, (or oh towatbip Ui ae4 la tirl written Bet of their toweehip can didate, U.xt they may be printed ia time. Send the tut to George H. Snow, Kq., CbkmAcf the Coooty Exeeativ Com mil tee, wit tb number you waut, and be wiit attend to having them printed on tbe (loogreeuooat and County ticket. Doa't ni-glect a day, but attead to it at once. date lof lb tjrntwilf addrea the people etk C la. U.. -UajJ ....... r- . 1 !.. ' . .... eate wai argued belore Hie Honor, Ckiei H JmtteePaaon '" tolay, by B. . - rBtoar ji the Eiecutive. Tbcae addreaa W1weii5igtt tbe time up to 1 o'clock, when tbMWm continued tor furtherbear I iug"U when ex Out. Bragg will 4 uwkV aa app in laror of la aqd.liberty, laika:mat'imtjyba4arBaaUfia.. mobeoatiBuai la make arrrata and maltreat . tuelr priaonera, and ipeult and trigbtea waa aa4 pteildreu. WU, "wnen Uilng I e jme to l be woiyt ibey are certain to mead," i ie the old adapa ad, in tbe preeeat cour htiaoeocj, affordi aome coaeolalio. - " ).,. hCft)r. ra he itilt to tartbe baUnoe iiflbe arsuAMiate of Couoeel in li ceaa belora eu reader ; we are aot lWn do ap aem. , v , Winding up Auction at thjt Yarborough oaae to morrow tee advertiaemeat. S Velber new adtartiaemenU to day. i vtfMj'lwV W baaa a' nambef of toyi from IS to 30 yeara f age, and per ithobaT BOt rwildad In the county ht atceaaar time pfaacribed by law, bare registered aow'ar atiU jaglatariog and hare ttpreaacd tbeir determiaatio to toU afiHt litttio, tbla io only all good pea le having any inlormatiua of aoch, to iKrnitk tbr nimre tobe oVilidtor ot the Diitrict in orde r that ibey may be prmUd a the 1 dlndi.7 - - Byrequeat of( tlt founty Xxecatire Committee. . . Nw PcBMcatiaWe bae reeelred from Mr. Char In O. Chat6Jd, publUber, NewIIaeD, Conn., through Mf. Alfred ViUlama, BdokaeUer oi tale oity.be whom the work ia lot eate, a boobvof 80 pagea entitled, "The Americaa Cofge and tbe Amwioaa Publuv" MoJt..iQrteftPio teetor ia Yale College. A glance through tu p tgee abowi that it treati of the atudiea, teat book, common life, olaea ayeleu, relaaatloa Aa. of Oollegee, but wt ha not bad time to give it euffi cleot attention to critlclee tbe iew the author takaa of bia ml Ject. A BoTTUi or Birraaa. We baea aa a aample, t-om Mr. J. R. H, Caimef.of tbe J new Ding Store, a bottle of BogR aermaa TonW Bitter, put up, and aold by D. Wade 4 Co., Baltimore, and by Mr. Carmer la ' f tbi city. The bitter are eid to be a good preaenptioa for general debility and lom ol appetita, and acrarjil etomachie derange meat, and ia aaid by those who hare tried it, to be pltajant and palatable. A we. are aot oiucb debtlitalad aad hare a good . appetite, we will lay aaide our bottle until M lead aoaething of tba . j tb " meaalime, any osa oeedieg any thing at tbeeort may know where to lud It, v'r: , , tour i jlea..from the clt j. Qoiy abort time- eiaov- w.. were bloom," aow w bav the boll aoariyttady to pa oat it aaowy wealtb to tba Oiler. : .I, i ' --Tr lamat f" 1 I If too bare broken china and crockery doa't fail to e aoma of tbat excellent ItalmB Camant, aaanufactarad by Mc A. C.Plllfc TbUleao bumbog, bat oomea ap folly to all what ia e'alat lor it. IfyoaBjoy agoobewa' tobeceo af ter dtonar yaa ought to go to Piok C. Ha, die'i aad get toma.of tbat iplaadid MicbL. Lg"BB7n.i'll;j4 ll;.J. .Ljl- t. ht P.nk keen evervlbing that aa nnMavncct to find la a well fui aad'flmt ! aataiilf atmea gg. --ggprarKtotittriTpr ureeata gbPB5rCrfieg baa baea Hedged, mmd that a baildtag CumaiilUi bai bee ppotawrmeth work ordered to go .JBjBW.: i. nanbnr. la BtokM county, oa tb tb iat H. aaid -lb prlntlpieaeJ the Ifcpablicaa party ara inv mortal I ; they UI F tbmb it probablf tba peopl aforth Carolina would rktbet Ibey eWldiVaud will beip W kill them, it they are t. a aarried c at kareefter a ibey bav tieea hereto ia tbi Btate. : ' ; SMO B0 MILITIA. , Two eompanie ot aegro militia, or State troop, arrived her mat aijght from New bera, and wa andentaad other aretj: come to Bight. Theee aegroe ara encaoped at tba old Baptiat Grove, and aqsada of them have been parading tba atreeta ot : ttiTcitv to day, lor the Burpoaa of taikin a moral imprim, we preaame, oa the pablie mind. n anaemaaa tacae negro troop i were brought up ia aaawer to a haaty telegram People ot North Carolina, bave got to pay for all tbi uarlea and anlawtul military parade aad aoaaanae. What do LaosfUmik of it 1. Ire nut cninir fo ait till , oa tua uar oi ejection aori im aia aocuxaea opprewion be contiuuaa upon you r emember, t&at trie taxea r ttiu year are laid already, and all thia eipecae i not provided lor yet ; tbat will bav to come Oa yon nelt year, beeidea tbouaaoda and of tbouaaad of deficiency for th Do yoa feel like itanding it I If not, go to tba potii aad vote againat h: Wut the Sentinel : GatBAK, July 18, 1870. IdUor 8ti4Vt.Ka. Sia: Allow me a abort apace la your column, that I may artewer aad correct new atatemeata made therein a few day aeo- by aoma peraon aigning blmaelf "Truth." Tbe aUtemenU were : That 1 had formerly belonged to tbe League and could tell all about it if I cboae t tbat I wa, two year ago, the lead er of tbe Republican party ia tbla county aad waa aow throw 'overboard by tbat party, aad tbat I had hitherto acted a i( I were afraid ol tbe Hardee aad Albright. I will aay ia reply, that I bav aever be longed to tbe League and bave aever at tended one of it meetinga aad cooaequenM y know aotoing, whatever, ol ita eecreta,'. bat I have aever flattered myaelf, that I wa th leader of tb Republican party in thi county at any time, though at tbe time mentioned I wa acting with it and uaed all my iuflmno Iq, it behalf. J (toaeatly Uttrw&ttwtfcul van ttffir mtki 1Stt f mad ao aaiaUka to tbe courta of forty f year voting, I o44 Aatter -mveelf tbat 1 4 ... k . r .... iwitm wear '13 n cat party that I waa formerly poetmaater at thia ilac and that I have btaaa lately removed, or what reaaon I aever knew, snleae the pitilul aalary annexed to the office induced "one of tbe live moat reapectable men in the county," the preaent P. M., to make repreaentationa againat me ol afuiilar character to thoae which he baa bteu conatantly making to b Ooveraor, and by reaaon ot which our county baa been de clared to be in a itale ol ioaurrecfioo. A to tear of any man I bav oerer known th feeling, aad tao who know me beet, will vouch for what I aay. At th commence ment of tbe war I wi what I had alway baea, a Democrat. I oppvaed aeceaaioa and wa aa of the very few who voted for Dougla. I voted lor him under tbe hoaeet conviction that I waa doing all in my power to avert aeceaaion'eod it conaa queaoaa. "Since the war I bave eupported by my vote aad alio by whatever influ ence I had.all reconx ruction act and mea urea, believing it the brat conree to aecure that peace and quiet vrbich tba bouth eo much needed. Tbue tar I voted with tbe Republican party aad ao further. I have aever beta a Radical aad hup never to be auob. I became convinced aometiine aiuce. tbat all th' lair promt mad by the leader of tb Radical party to poor men, Aa., were Idle word which they would recant, a oit a oocaaion demanded or their owa aelfiah end could be turthered Uwraby, Aad to day 4 baa eea full con- armauoa of my leara. I Bave witneeaed tbat which I had hoped never ia my lite to ee, vut: martial law proclaimed and eolorced t tut ualy ; num arratd aad dragged from their borne ia the moet brutal and in ultirg manner. Ilea of tbe flret reapecta oility, over whom not a ahadow ol tuspW cioa of disloyalty ever rested, uuard atatlooed at tbaentraaoe of every atreet and people forbidden to pa in oroot of the town. Mea going abt.ut tbeir daily btul aae aad valadie halted aaeerimotiloualy wherever they obaooed to be aad commanded peremptorily to remain where they were aatU ndeated. .. , Mea ot North Caroliaa, rouae youraelves to your duty. - Tbi ia a laat deaperata re- son ot tbe Radical party to continue it bold over yoa. Tbey hope by exerciting tbi terrorism 0Vr the free peopl of the Stat to control tb coming ctecuona, Tare i but on remedy tor aa let every aiaa who daree to call httneeit a tree man, go to tb purl and vote tbat party to tba oblivlna which It aa richly merit ; vote agatuat all carpet bagger, both foreign aad doauatic, again! pokgiet tor tb party or tao eaiiated aaiier tb aaoia and bear ing tb baa Bar ot tb Republican party aad denouncing ta aeta aaxai eonupuoa oj ne patty to wale tbey prole ta beloog.- Beware 1 tbey are double beaded, witu face both way. Beware ot tbem . , . J. O. Mc HURRAY. . . Trlbatta f Reaavect. At a BMCttng of tba employee of tb Rawigh aad Qaetoa Railroad, held La Ral eigh July 17th, 1870, tba? foUowiog reeoia- HQM. wjimibouix Bflopteaj,,?!! Wattrt-'Tlirae'-wr''ai aHrma rovkWaov Jiaait cUAapoi.tttiBBra th tutimaly death at oipi.,tted CriaaH, btaary 0. PattenotL, who departed tbi trmatly o tblth of Jalyv 170, ' flUMlVi Wit ''Tti"l,?TeTww t . iaaaW. Tbat to tba ralatiooa of th dtCaaMd, aad to th bereaved aad d'eeoa- o late widow.' w feeder oar (ympathle ia bet bout of Borrow, aad tor ooaautauoa, commcad bat to Jtm who ia tbe grver of ail good, aad may aha mart that wvad aa ta tbat apiritaal bulidiBf , her wvad oae know ao parting. Jbmhti, Tbat I tba thaax m the em ployees are daa aod ara baraby tendered to tb officer of tbe Raleigh and Oattoa Railroad Company lor tbeir kiaaaeet ia graatiBg ua special . train froaa Kaleigh 14 rrelMVM4 .MnSalJalmdlbt.. funeral ed ear lam tatad frwedg Hear y & Pttteraoa., : flW, That copy of tbta ReaoliK 1 ceased and that a codv bi eat to tb Rai-1 aea wiio.pv iiveji joeiura H:: iiiai i . . -, nroftlirt I rr rn rvn -t" 'aatW 51W 3&1"2a(E3&t s$SSS la a mutaka ot "Trutn ; it I true . ' ' pablicatioa. , ;, j.., , DW; ED WARDS, - , O.T. BIRUE38, vom- - RTT. BISBOf.f J Society ara preparing their Fair Ground at A'aidoa tor a grand axbibltu tbi TaQ, and tbey will bv It, eartaln. W eo rratalat cur aid WeighUK and friend: dowa tbere oa tb prograaa tbey ara making in tbi gaod work, and bid thrm God peL ) -LkI :.,.,s , : t A A lUttleaaak 4 lacbaa loeg, wt killed aaar Butner&rdtoa mat weak. . , itw ADTzarrsiJiurTf. : NOTICE. Thb tax Ut roK tar 111 bccn ptased ia my hand tor eotteetioa. ail per- uu ara rtqaomua aa eome furwaro; aaa pJ ap promptly. T. F. tO, Bauurr. " P. H To thnw who have aot pail lb air ia'iee for If and aa opporraoity will bo aateaaV ao to aa me Mm wiinin suaaya rrom una aaie voaie up aaa Bare ranuw eoN. T. F. LEX. a rr BaleigH, Jalj 1870. July 10 dlw rrtHK BP.orjuii atottxaLi MUTisa or 1 the. Meebaaie' OwweraUT tu be BM at the Govt He m fneay iax. Iriad ut , at a) a'doek. Mamban aa aai their due on n or aelura that t lua- to.Jtrmiataau jj. "- ti..a.juim.-, Jn'yW an: '"'"'&ajttr THE REASON WHY MO&EJLEJP-Sl IS SO POPULAR WITH EVERYBODY l 4. Tb eooleat aoda Water ta drawa from Uw' Catval. eoauiaiua rroaaa Cream aad Bheveu Ice. 4. THB LADIES FaRLOB ICaVCBKAM BALOON ihn, aad ararnhin ia ao Bias Uiat ta bim faaUuioaa eaauot lau aa b 3i VOSEt.ET annplae faaailiee with th Uat I tie markat aSjrda, aad yoa aaa lad a, Iraali aapply always ready. 4 Ik Oaou w U nd (rood CIQ ABU aad TO 1AC0(J alra;a on aaad. mt-JL aio&rJtf'B; a!oaianTinax.' I. im.ii Wholesale and Retail Drigxlati, ti Fayattevltle Street, RALEIGH, W, C. ism or tueqoldes mobtab ) VV to our onmeroue patrout. and tba trade in (anarat for their past feeore, aad hope to merit a eoauaaaoc of the earn in an mtara. It ahall be our aim ta nil ail Order faithfully aad promptly, taking apeoial pain in eeleotiug tb BESf GOODS. and eellinf them at tb loweel market Tain. We call particular attention to oar bug and attractive assortment ol fd.Vt'l' ABTIOLKS, BBUSUtS, SOAl'S, POMADES, -. TOUKf WATSBH, ., dc, and to oar large a look of PtlNTI, OIL, VABNIBtlka. aVe. Baring mads large additiona to onf 8uk, and with iacreaeed feci lit taa fur doing haaiaess, ws will undertake to A I all orders large or small to mutual adraa'ags, and eor nally extend au ia vitatioa to all to eail end sxamiua Oar atock, or aeod ua a aampte order. Kespaetfuliy PK4CUD, LKB a 00. Jaly IQf . ILECTI05 TICKXia CUNTA1NINU THB KaTIKB LIST OF caudlilatea. printed promptly to order, and Bulled poet -paid to aay pust-omee in the btate. Paioa 9 per !. Addieea. NICHOLS a GOBMAJf, . IIoub abb Job Paiimaa, ... MateigK X. C. JuljTIWIwr ' Tl.VNER rlBST CLARt WA.NTEU. ROOrR AMD JOB good wage and eteedy work. i. U. BtttwnieK. kauioB, N. 0. Jaly l-d3t. MALS AVD FXXATJB SCHOOLS, rarer, Wake s'eaair, f. J. r'pHB KKXr BEdHION WILL 0P1CI JOLT XNyftb. 1870. aad ooauun twenty weeks. iturdtlBraoath. TnitiPB from III to MO per aauioa.. I far Circular, apply to A. U. MKBBITT. A. V.. Pauuual. lulylSdawtm ' ' ataadard" copy. , riVK CE.T KEWAHD. IBKaEr rOBWARW ALL PER80K8 agaiaat harboring, hiring, or m aay meaner aueoaragiag ta raataia from my authority, my eua, L eoiaa HamUtoa, whs haa raa away from my hea., aad la aow at large He I aooot i hat high, IS yaarvoid. dark akla. hair betwa aaady aad eebera'ovior, iuehued to eurl, eree u won aort Ban sees arow a eoat, Jj7-arrraind as jaa Bafr worn. Any titfnmtWISB et ai whareaavaf WU1 b tiadlfrecirived by uhi latber. H. U, ffABllLTOrf ' " t,il IffSl ' Buna ti. d Oautoa, V. CL TO CONTRACTORS KTM OBADIMa r au a, i N 70 a a bkt. a U th Saeead Saethm of th Chathm Bail Boan. mm huywaod t tae Waatera nan Boaat. ready Mr letting. Pasasa apply to bm at Haywood, Kara Oarouaa - . , v HaB-atokd fare kt eea Waldo aad'Baywoad will a ranaadaa to ail pereooe who nail me ea thi kaeinia. ' ., , 0. 0. iPOBf. , juiylldiw. MANHOOD: a tp- H w Paua, aix obot. LEOTU aioitTlB b "SaTCTi AtTTSt 5IT-' A ; B4 BadlOttU'-t OT flperiaat-rh baxal U eaUa. aaa latpsdiaMam at mare reneralfy ; nwrroaaaeea, vom eft VUatd:rirB3al. reeahuig Ban a eaaa, as. Con Brue.' "A ta Tteeieeliefletm , Heat aader seal la a plaia mvslopa, ta aay dreea,rwaiMMaaroa)pi pt.yate, o twa Boatag atasapa, by CUA8. J. U ELLhX CO , 127 bowaiy. Tork, Peat IMtta box Vjaj . - ' . . . ... l AU, Dr. CalvarveH' Mar nag Oatd,'' anee rS ceata. . . - . jaly IVhIwAw:w " . ... jr --- i- WAWTED. -: . A SOBER AVD BELIABLI MAW. ABLI TO maaxalear are team, to dira aa Om- aiba. Liberal wag gieaa. aa aaad apply aak- act a briaa" good reanmmeBdaUuBa. jaly .., ,.. f QtUtJ k. TELEGltlPniC. TaiewaUiy ntgkt UlapaUche. ' i , .WAJWISBIOK. ' f . Wi.iimk,, Jaly f -aereoM ftM.OOO Paredol b ill from heat. Tu (n.ulau laua l'kanlav. It at iouUmpUUd (euduif BBBrieaa a Eu. wp wm uu I a uie nr. waa. wumua aaoaaq Bauainr moriou. KIW TUBK. Haw Toaa. JulV 1 Spia ebipmaata fur arvae ia-av mini aa aa ew.im. . Pt,- . . . .... II.... T-..H..1 M.ntl. 'SftuTeoliuoa rreaeh hue wiM But najtat ta ouahuaaeaee of tU war ia Kuroa . euuaxiuaoU the Ltj aaar -wrtr--taw awr -oB-jinm to M fer w aoti narr. It u uhmJ tki tkA Mitlrlnv Vrnr K witn. on thia lj.artlte. LoaDoe. Julf IS Tba Fa ie eeepUeal ton- lag ia aewa reeetraa rrom rraaea aaa rraawa It ascribe U balk ef the diaiMtehea to atiava latora. - Paaia. Jalr l.-TBe Jvm il ofaXallv aa- oonneee tbat the EaoBrur au deaaied not la reeeiT eiiaar in imvanai qaanara or we quar lara ef raoeral Lmeeraaar vuloataara or aay nana, er aay aae But BetiHwiae katbe eeniu Barmg raoeivea. aa nawa ay I rvvtro. a MUar tram Uu Bui of rraaeia. uu Bua for ki ap-o) aawaea alu war. Waea the KaBHanc qaiued IBs Terillsriee tav dar to return to at. Cloud, he was loudly shear- aa oj u people. flut even a sairauaB Baa eeearrea. Heaae Da nuudt wittidraw Bar aaaat from Parte, v ' Mathtac ear tain aboat thatdaiwrtar of lb Emperor for the sfca ai ar, It la not Ukrly that b will set oat for tbe froai uutil er tfainf I resxly far srtivs semes. 8searal Prasrtaa aireota ia the oitr. wha tsra saanseta ik plotusa aud diatntwtina' moaev has beea arresiaJ. Ths arsrasatts Henri Boehefort's I Kirnal. d- paarsd tbi 4 sauretnr, for ths Brat aim In ssrsral weeks and was annaptly ssia id. Priaee Napjteoa u axueeud bare to-nurre. kvis said be will bars a eomneud. Uuii. Jalv l.-Lat avauiBi Kia William aaad a apaeeh ta a treat erMd of peupls aha ae k auoeTatolaw him, ha eaaa 1 "Ha waa raanonsiiils fur the ear which had last brokaa oat, aad alifc-ht psrsoaaily bepaaaira anaar th aware. Bat Oernaay evea from 1S- yoat the eeaa had apoaawr aaarmoaa vere aaT. Praasia had buan spoiled by her rapid vista- two Vara, sail semap wueei uu i oarsoaA ftvaatmiaiia for w irxettlBf the p.iple to ivrolt ha baaa dia- ItnhalMtto Haanrar- - - 4., TirpMl4.hMatient U; ihff a mm. vaiwaaw em tmimm t eynr n-t, - Wcdneeday Evening lklapsttchea. WAHHtMUTON. WaaaiaoroM, Jalr at) Preroet ParadoJ earn mitted euioide tbw moruing about ko'oiock Hi mind yaalerday aeeme 1 wandering and dis turbed, though he engage! in hustoeee until a hue bear. 11 is siipuosed he eommitted the dead while aworiug auder maaaity piodaoed by over work Bud inteues heal. BicauaaD, July , Judge Ouigon this morn. ug decided that tb vwlalioo aih sIsetioB law in one of tbe wardein th city vitiated the lata maaleipal etacuea m ahtt city and another one mast be held. A leleeram from Daavills. . Va.. ears that a urge aaniDew or eiuaaa or uaawa I eoauty, H. C , bare gad la that Bias tor eafatr Irum Cot. Kirh aad the Notth Varaliaa But troee Aa aged eitnrea Bamed Bowie, baa been badly beat en by Kirk s men," and wa brbagiit on a Utter with tb flying refugee thi morning. Kirk4 waa etm arresting pruanneat cilia na. B. P Lindaay, shut for the eedwo.ioa et ha) wilc'isi.ter by Cent W. f. Uaywrd. bar father at Cbeatar yesterday, died Uu morning. FOCEION. It la rumored that Ffiac Kapoleo est a id force ta-eua Baltic in ma a.-.ir,iri wttb-AiL, miral Wellaom in ihe aosnparioa of Hauorer. A anmbaref eplee hare baaa eaptaidd, by both aide on th Ithua I Admiral kteln eoniiuaada the abaaael Beet, Prince Oe La Toar P Aurergne is th Prauob iuiatere to Aaatria, , . - The OMiauahW KaokteabarK wa vlecUd Preeldeni of th North Banuaa .Parliaraent. which . chaandn Vehemeutly aiheo Bmwunua announced tbe dtwlaratiou of war by Prauoa. Tba King theaepwaad tb eeeatoo with a speed). Tn wlluaat aaibaaiaem praraded Turkey baa tVaiied oat her reeerv aod topped th aetegraph ia .11 directiona. Tb- Bank of Pranoe hae raised tatcrsst leHv A graud popular demooslratiua took place in Dublin ia favor of Fraaoe. Mora than 100 OHO people wert o tbe aroesaaiea with twaoty bead ul music and the Praneh and Iriah fl g ea twined. Th police eaptu d three Preach lege wbea th proeeeeiue rallied and recaptured tbem. Telegrapbie ooninuniuallon batwaaa Fraao ana uraiay hae bea dealruyad b th au Ihoritie. Ih North OermaB Btate ar perfectly har- ' in i-aruamaiw Boaaimouaiy vol HB mUhoB taaasm, , mabSktb 1t Nbw Toaa, July M Moeka very weak ; Money t to 7: Eachanga, long 10,. aaort 10 ;Uold 1U; bWda M; Teun. a-eoopons ait. nee W; va i-eoouona H, new 67: La' old7tl: Mo. it j Lm 6a 7J. S 90 ; Ai. fl M; Oa. '. J ; n u. old sot, new 171 ; n. U. M 71, aew T7. ., - i Pkrar a aha 'a Armor , Wheat atronger and qit ; flora two aeaie higher ; Pork qn et and arm ;)Lrd Iran and wautrd ; Outloa dull aad draopuig, C pi and W. OrieanaiM, eahm BW balee j freights aaaatUsd. - . . - , , IMPORTANT SALE. I HUB AFTER TTJRMNa OTKB TBI ,r borough faraitore that t atihhara a ,aaauty of valuable article to ell, eoaaiatuig of Uier Bade, Matraasss aod a graaa varBjijr w wiivw uM.arw wi uaineroue to aiantioQ. bm ww wammanca aa xbareday. at 10 it Paraoaa waatmf berg.! had better 1 swie sale.' talylt-Uw " , 1 M BLAIB. A LAST AND BEST . "-::'MACHIN'li.r--r- TIKES OMLT THKER TBBSB TO FABX Cor Aod allot an Aocli; - - Boa It a ateaa - K w(l A1 uinag if deal red, rrtes 1. H. Baiooa. ( July , Bbabs ranKBTiiia iettl, Large eaoek, amnrtad aura. a, a BBtaaa. J-tjltaf KAIIIQE tTXAXZ lEatWAiY. TBI F.IB8T BKfWIOM OF THIS IHBTirO Uoa will epe ea the Hod eg Aaguat U70, with lv taaaher ia tb Literal y aVpartaaeat, at Maaaa, aaa ana ia the tiraamantai chabGM ptri a mASSLLl Per Taltion in Primary noure par aeaaioa of i aaaama i .M j Taituei in Collrgtata matt war aat a of meui be eer Ta laiua -tw -adw wwwrat rprtP ttwriw l irl .. uuIak. aa ua T1 l I Iawiu and Pair,Bg fc'ua 1 OruameaiaTf aaaU ieiiZZi needle Work IB f t Board (including Pael aad TP7TS'4Lilbu " taa"t K - kbipgy at Uu W. BOIALL. PaanDBirr. Jul lMawtAtl Ealeigh, .C. . rEAjnuiToa- acasixt. ' OPE t jth Jaly tB7a Taitioa tram 111 SB as IM pee asatiaa. Half m dvaaet Beard ia good familasa worn Is t 171 as siaMia. Beiaatiae Last area with etrwrimanta free. . O. W. lkALv A. M. Pnacipal. .aaela-",; ;lc -y.,;. - TtMflHtl '., MIBtNETILLK, S. 'O, " ! The bessioa of 1874-fl epea A u goat Uthv Pur Catalogue adilrva, ,J-ti. WM. JSIKOBAM. laaal4Mwlm, ' . : inscx-lASiotrm NEW "it'drtar mEbBUiB, ilaruuril ,s v, " . -. - r ,-. S25 maw I to aew artiste turaiaatB. wi - tj.n. aaaw. aifrad 4- a I. auM N.-end nr CireBlv, Bra-! 7 hnsiMa)aieay iapii)ymeeia. B. r. nova, t7 Are aareet. Phi avtalpbm. Pa. feadTillf Thal(lal aVhsat Unlta- L1X naa;doeaaa Bliuiatsra; lieu I puur aaaiieaie : Baata As u net SB. A( a, UrcrakW. tiile. Pa. yw. tTh UltH I j rtad Ladiae rrrvaa Uueapwuoa auataitt IB doaired aaf jraaaiioa. Baoi irs for stamp. Ad- Mrs, a, whlZaLJt, Haaaear, Pa. Wilt, PtT aearMT a aalary of tu adLuar ae mTiai, aiit !.. hlI ;' ae1l'miwb-y'-'-''V-- mi.awaai antra tao watch trod, i ar.ii towrorr live aua who will act aa mm A .iul. . " - iiutit and hoaorable aaraiJu urdaT. Address U atuBros Kenuadt a.iki , I'tUeborgb, fa, . Iiaaht wi wiT -"Luii.ot I ) !- Moos." no opausitsa. Btea a'ranaKa K Baaadaear ' Pereieaalar addrssa U. , r,ai.irtu:VH. tvAiBaumatiaud Cbi- tJA-B jLi JLiUJ.A-A-4 t.V nig paai -eea. heuaooi, i iluseWut aateat, Pluiadsiphia. J tVOOMANOT, WarnHNhTIOM OB BOVU ' CIHAUMlhU-attvPaeeaieloB. ibis . sa- kwrfal b wk has mil iBrtrueuoaa to enable the raader to lasetiiate slutrr a, er any animal, at 1U. HaaaM-risai, ButritDaUaiav aud Baadrwd ofstbereariuasaxparuueuta Iteao baubained aenomg eadreas, wnn tu esou poetafte, to r. hVAhd CO.. No it Hoath KutbUi atreet. Pbaadelpbia. STI 40t taaranuMB anNatat.-Aiarirl ouluuin paper. LslKer aiaa. Uioatrated. il.roiai to eketobes. Poetry, Wtt, Humor gm bum fua, Bimssosa iof a aanaihie Blad,) and to lie aUHiaars ot ewiudlisa. haaibavs. ao. Oalr 7 eeata a rear, aad a sau rb eurrarhiir ''traa- (euus," 1 i-iii test, gratia; BO.voO wealaka. atouey refauded W ail whom aak it. It la wide awake, feaalma, BrerhfaJ Iff at aow 79 emu a year tiaannes. yzKK. Addreaa "BUI a tCH." HioedaJs, l. H. PATEjrrs. umi2MJ6miww ...... ........ 1 ror in IKtwtTiifft aaiMrb.-a.iSriiy .'an Hrai.um&Hrl fcuuaia beiure the f.uou Olboe fur oa twaatt 4vaar Phwir Amenn.n.nrf a-mau KaJ otAjensj la the iw-et xtenl in aBa.WifbW .r - t ,wawreKa wMaat iiaiwt)t.a..: . wan a Au., itrrarx now, w I or. YES I IT IS TRUE 1 Tbat th beet Mower, tb beat Droppers, ths bast Melf-Batsrs to be fonnd hi tba world are the omciaal and retrnhm doobka-motioa iCrMA MA CHINES, aiade by th flu Manufacturing Co , Of eeiemimiow particular. Seadfor pamphlet eoutaiaing Ht It H A t Be I M . ew Book. Pre fur stamp. TAK.UANT PBOMPr.U09iOB4BLE. EELUBLE. A OKhXd wanted u every etty, Iowa and ril- IX lag lor to largeat ana moet auooeearul itji.iiAH u VfE m tba eoontr: rr only one sa id Kxurcae Coea r good giv ant- duraed by the leading paper am pany 01 tne unuea state, our reraal Mtiefeoa , ear Bnmluoa to Agm hot b xcealed,aad our chackaar fra. ' Hartng twuliouaee-Bjatoa and Chioego -oar fieiutiee uneeealleit. aaa ear niaaa seasa to anion et ai other eoneerns in this trade combined. w"Snd for ciroular and free club to an BVC. TBOMPaOM CO, 13 Fedora' street, Boston, or . , 168 Mat (treat, Cbieago. A. MOD J3X HOU8E1 nmag a cripple. I hare aiade house planning a apeeiai staayVOwa hadt last aaaeB hae p.a a moaM at eooreoieaoe, beauty. Descripties etrculars of Plan, Views, ate., with ieneral information ot value to all, aent Are ddreaa (with stamp, or eeript if eoereuiant 1 OKO. J. COLBY.Arcbiteot, Water bury, Vcrmoat. EysPAPJR ADVERTISING. A book Of 135 r nted page, lately ia- nd. auat.iu a ust of reerimn Advar- t-ing mealnme, giving tbe nam aad fn1 partiooiara eonoernfng tbe leading Daily awe w eeaiy puuuaaa aaa nwuiy aewpapem, t getbor with all tboae having large eircuiatioo, gravra. BlatlM tree ta anv addrea on reoeipt of filleea eeota. OBO. V. howbli. a co fubUabera, ao. o Park Bow, New fork. , , The PitthrgPa.J teeder, m it bum of May W. W70.aai '-lhaarmef a.i Auwll Aila hiob iaausa tbla interesting aad . Hnik, I ia aue arfln aau sen aoTsrusing Agaacy U3 the United States, aad wa eaa abaerfaUy maoea BMHid it to tb attautioa of thoae who oeeir le aa!vrtlathaBr bniinaea aetanhacally bbj ayateia- .ny rn, aeca a way t aaaa ia, ao to aeeare toe utrgast amount of publicity (or the laaat expand ir af mcaaey." h. 1 . Sir a a CAnn ha aeadaiiM mi 1.1.B, Kvaparatora aad itoae Poweta. embodrmg all the reeeul imurof aaieute and laAin ths had of srery kind m market alauufaotareu bruko. L-hOOlKli BKt . Btoff.lu. a. . Kilhaeanwaa at aurgo mtuaala fr 1870 awit free,, . . s LIRGEST-BESTr-CHEHPEST; 1? H InuPMlHa. 1 OOsTBT. TACT. Llbsralitv. A-J aud th heat tales bav (or era twenty year btea fraly aaad apo ' MOOKfcM KUKAL VKW TOBKtB, And a result M ta aow, pra-eaainimtly, th Urgael, heat tod eheapaet utaatratsd Kara), Lit erary and Family Weekly ia the world T. Be of thonaaad ot wide-awake people, all over ths eoe- tinena. take and admar the kaml mr luaaaarit aataay, vatwa, uiaeirailime, etyle. Be. .. n ,4 TBtj PBBSS A!U PaV'PUt PaVAlSI IT. ViWaaaianla otUnuni Tlx B...I IM mntt aejgabtTj "pr int d. ALIt dlter, Widtljl uirvuia.au, awi ueartitr aauuetf paor. aa a a.,,wluoh-aW.Bii4 tta .tn nra tbe Deo- pi. 1 ' " VToL XXII begin Jaly t Try It I Only ee per twubi er annioere, or per year II n T .liMinv" I UU XUUIM fill PV for the. Be, akly DOLLAR btjb I BsU maaarv t IBM Oa dotlhr wdl pay fue aamvweeki aju.da. Fift aaata a aaaoui paye nir tne oaiiy r .J., A. W.AKHaB.P Addreaa. i-r, new lerk,'-1 r i rvt " i I " eau 1"" IK, AKVASSSiU WAII .EU FO PCBCfTTKtLO, J the great on final 11 watrsaed anatie wsakiy Bauer. ., t ae Arei 1 Bombrre aent oa feasts of tJ ete. i a.lMluaa. lU eta-.LilMiral Umntc Agent. OMMMid eh rosso ireniriime to enbaerf hwrs. -Adorees PajneimsUa- Pwaheh'Tig tMt.at Nsassn st,, N, X4 poat-oaioa boa, 1,783, ela ' i t j CIAKt-?TT X t . t H amaTITJCTB , T - ttlAKLOf IB CUAKL5fa. NV-T7 7 cit omniii mpfciysO In tl Brauciiee uauiiy toaght -am First usee smsis asmnaarrw. Por Cireahur aau (naaipn aarticular aa to terma a , eddree "" '.-nxw. B. BrnsruLr J7 llliwiwam. ., i , Charlott, a ESfltlStfASD CLAS3ICA1 SCHOOL, mil BEIT BE ir! fOM OF MT BCUOOL WILL X awm ea Monday, leak July isie. Tu tiuB from 111 to W par sssstoa, aayahla half ia adaes, hatfak theoloa of the term. - , Faults andar 10 veers aid ttikt. - " ' Ptaorh abb Ostvaaaa Can Lmawm taouar ti Mae Vjuaads ar aaa aow. . ' J.N0. t. WOnrBlI, Jalytt-tw aa ' f , TAB LIFE A S S U RANG E SOCIETY OF UNITED BUIROCGHS CHARLOTTE N. C. THE EQUITABLE HAS BEQQAIK THE LEADING It Hew BneiaeM (sum assured), for tbe rank by mora than 1 arwrami Miuaea Uuuaaa, In ItHW B was tba WA Company la new buainess tor tlie )ear ; in 1861 it aaa the Stb ; In 1861 and 186S, the 7th ; in 186 sad 18o5 ths th ; in 1S0, ths 4th ; In 1B67, the SJ ; in 18ti8, tb lud ; I at 1M8 It Mim The famrui paUlo ahonld aot aUow itaetf to Diviilanda w Mauw amnaniai Mains this eaorsssiOB meaa that Iheir divideoda ara ''aunrel" r- raa Tear oaoa atoia to rat tnbm at ill ;'bul the thud, rurtb, or aith premiaja. On Aaaared JtoUart paid I dirtneoos. at tne rone svbdbbb a- niBrraix aotxaa paid at AoBtioatiena lar Aaaaraaaa Baav b made to or hi peraon or by batter to the Ocoaral Agent. ueattemea or tiraetr aaairoa or forming riled to oumaaaicate with it Uanaral agaute. OEOBOB W. PHlLUPtL Aotaarr JAati-B W. ALtXtNbEtt, Beoretary. J. C. BURROUGHS GENERAL apU4m vri.j L ,--i a - 't&Y9 WWS' - 1 n-.-i,.... I ttTMlUDOrO AOStY AUlXt. WJlWi BTBa OP UANB NOTES, aa., BI .... irt fMlrriBJWIJlBt.'4(!2 nvu Bank of I. C " Cape tear ' Oharlotta Wadaaboro " Wilmington ' Boxboro Thomuvul 1 Oraham.,..; ' " LaxwgtoB . " qommero,,,. " Ciareodcn FayetteviUa ..-....,.... " Waehiogton. Yabyviji 1,. . .7.T.. Merchatite' Bant of New bar a. . , r, ..... Paraiere' Bank of Sreeoabora, . . . Mloera'and Plantera' Bank Commercial Bank of WUmington. . . . Virginia Bank Mote avarag about. South Canuuae M Oaorria .... 80 7 as ss 0 80 10 10 a 10 1 T" to H6 i!J f kg M 8) ). O. it. B. Btook, We bav aad eell at Uaaral wricee. Oold aad Bit. rT. Nonh Oaroiuia Bonds, tfhltsd State Bottd tad all other marketable stocks. Order for Bask Botaa by debtor and Btoak hotder ef Btaka will raeaaTh prompt attentioa. natarae for expense paeaagae af Beak aeta Ae. will be mad aa the day received, by eheok oa Maw fork or Baltimore, ar la eBrraaay, aa ae aired. Ufa aad Fire laearaaae Pohatae iasasd la good Oompaotae, at best raise. Mar. lOstm . , . . - X L LIGHTNING APPLE PABERS, UattTftlXa PEACH PAKERS. ' Tb lteei and Cbaapaet Parere arsr ottered ia thia market. ' ', CAttABSIktHIBBTBBJ. Ifnly l,tf T. H. BBIOOS. A NEW ;?I)lSCOVpRY ! r PhaloiVs "VITTIA; OB, ., Salvation for the Hair. CLEAR Ai'ATKR I . WITHOBBTSEDIMENTI! OPEraaJHE LIGHT 1 1 1 Fr Restoring tt GrsKflair its . , , Original Cslor '"'-. V .fi .i. awsaaaam , i A ' PAWIB"VlTALUrfferSUt , terly from i fhtua.ir coloring t prerratlonwTierctofore used. . ' s Jt .'UrtfMd, AweeV, smelling, precjatftates no muddy or slimy rnafier,requiret noshakin(r,im- 1aru no stain to Uie skin. Hold t tche light and it is clear and loui& It leaves no mark on . . , the leant yet it reproduces in gray haiSlieTiatural color TJiaf". time--Of StC -time--or - Kkiyaiir,uv r. bleached out ot it. tPhaWsVitalu ao Ani aTj KiifAcA j at-piuuuv-iiiKiuu atusaaiui.c cci- t taint t, the natural aelor of the bai It j novimended as a ' daily cUmioenorforremoving rr 1 curt or rlmlrutf : nor tot cu- ' ting bJCness; itor for stimula. ' J tinc,te erowth of th hair.. L alThesI objects tna be !accbm- ySPi auer tne coiornas Deen rX .; ,L'K1 VitKtlic y italii, br Kia- Ws temiir!al.llait.InViEc4;i,1 mi Trtar VitaTSbI a harmless l-r-atHj iifrfflt3l4 f re? tne reproduction oi ie ongte OOthvrr Y taccoi ipiisnea ! t A -hi aTortt two to ten ai cations. according tb the i th of shade , irquirrn. varTyj Pee it, Mat eeWtma ' , Xt!i ;.. A WAT. 1 . ALtatw. - GBEAT dsdasrloa made aB etyles af Phav tograpba, AaaBroaypaea, Oeaaa Ac BEACtiFUi) PEAnXTTPES ATFIPTI CXJfTB. Thi great rsdaation m prtea ia a ahxart as, ouiy earing tae auu iaaaon. Tboae wia ug as tbu inemaaiva ot tne aow prices ar tareas ta eau ariy. July It Am . J. W. WATBOlt. Equitable THE STATES t SPEINwS, COMPANY OF THE WOULD. 1 year 1869, exeeeded tbat of tb second company In the FIRST. be deoeieed witta reaard to tb tetm "Annnal tbey no bot aaam to rat uutU tba keUkment of ana BOM year, ana seen year insrsanrr. rqoais ta raa or n.r mu, misreet ai aix per cent. anv of the aooaslv AaeBta tbroarhoBt the country. a oanecuoa wita tne oocieiy as Aaeuie ar w v WILLIAM 0. AI.EHNDF.H. Praet. UtMiY aj. HV0E, Ttca-Picaidaat. & R A. SPRINGS, AGENTS, lobacca CommlAslon Merchants, so lrvr-rt a vnv vi a 11 fVmGfrt j.v ami w c-auvvi-i raw - jp ytu,, Virginia and M. U. for the al of Manufcturtl ', Tobaoeo. liberal cash adrancea oa hipmBta apaVtm I'HILir A- BALk Saleamalu QXPOBO FEMALK ACADEMY, Oxford, I C. Tb et' reiaeeof thi Institut will be resumed on WEBMEMDAY IVLtmU, . , , Mia M. K I11.HELL PriooipaL Ma. E M G It A NT AaaooisU Principal. Mas. W. E. MOKKOW..... ..Tracker of Mie. Circular forwarded oh ippliration. Jal8-wam - - F OB BKHTI For th balance of tb rear, tbe Boo oa Martin Btmal opposite the Post Ofttos mad next door West of th otto of Battle A bobs, at pree- ent ooeupted by B. tt Tboma. 'or term A., pply to JM-tf O. at BOBBEX. Ji;.T AgtgtlWBXA,. A plndid Un of Iriah Linen of all prioee. PBIMBOBK, PETTI A WEWoOM'rl, JMf TJCFf AID PKINTkD LAWNrJ. . At r&IMBOBS, PETTI A NEWUOM'8. Ju M-tf LA HOE AaaOBTMEMT OF BAUt JiETTB. At PBIMBOBK, PETTI A KEWSOM'8. JuU-tf TJOFF LISKJi LAWMa, JLr At PBIMROBK, PETTI A HEW80M.- - " Ju tt-tf Ttaaatx. Bt'TTmivH A. PkgQX PK1NQE3, PEQUE PK1H0ES, aUBKTTB . At . PBIMBOBK, PEm A MEWfOMn. jalstf LOUIoBUBO MALE ACADKMIV Ike Fall Motion wilbhegU JtJLI 11, 1870, and . eonttnue twenty-one week. Tmma heetofur -For partioolare addrea M. . DAVIS, Principal, V JnlS-dlm 1 Louitborg, M. "C.- x- Ditsolitttoa. THE FIR OF BHEWBTE8 A McMCHBAT I thi day dieeoieed by mutual Mmsent. J.O. Brewster wul eoUest and pay all debt of mis ui ua. J.C. BKKWHTER JB XS-U. O.O, MoM UBBt Douglass V Bell QROOER ! ' AND COMXIfSIOX HIBCHAKT. FAItTTETlLLI STREET. Baltimore Bide Beeou, Veltmt'BB.i' Sugar Carai Ham, OBtryffiiai -.LIIfeti.B!Tii . S'V" 'WaBot'co,1 ' - ' :.Ur Baakeaait, ?. , ;v ; . ATwtty-ieBomBop, , ' r Z'i K.. v Hundred Bag OoVa, Chean toreaahll For eel by DOCaLAJ BELL. July 19 If G. T. STR0NAC1I, WBttlCSale aJtJOOF A Family Lia,a a alway kept ea band at the "" moderat prices, aay exia wiU tU yoa at Bbm, Maekard. 1. US Kit te i no a ' - ' ' LnuhkAaa. Brngai 1 r..c 1 k. u-.... ' ,1. ! t,om Orffia. r -.-v -S aoxeeCaadlaa. s v f --' - -1 ) M - Boap. Sa Lba goad Lara. ,. W,0o. hacoe, .. , l Bb. Floar. . , .";... il3 Back F.mily Floor. i KegaNatia. , . I'll Baoaa Malt. V.. l' Bble. Lime - . t A It Mear;aaaaa. t v .. ..;,-;.. l.i,lt,t,B1,-C-F""X1!0' -. XigaTftriarrTrwa t.' ' '. j!jL,-'JLuf ii t . "..'.ts. '-',;.e."Jl .. T ! - .:-J.f. , ' : ., 1 V