as ;---.?;.nJ5' ? ft 1 r THE SENTINEL. JOSLAH T0&VXJU Jr.. ZSITOX. WBDJTE8DAT fClT 10, 1870. JVO ABBSSTS. W received lb fullowtDg peeil tele , Jim frdm Ofeeoiboro, jiirf at we goto s,f' pTf, nd bare do tima for comment. In, dead libera il not much needed. Holdeu't plan are taat developing. Kirk niy have a mo ret lUt as long ai tbe book ol Chroa fete, warw. as- wtrityW' - lieve U tbe purpoae, "until every prominent .opponent of Radicalism in tbe State la in- 1 u .. ---r OMM,'f -Wf' MU. Jfiiier JjWIla. i iiB Kerr, Hob. Neat, W. B. Bow, and tea otbn, were arrrateil at Ytnceyvill on yesterday, hy Kirk. Tbe Court House, Allied with people listening to candidates for Con -great, wa surrounded snd no one permit ted to leave for mid time. Thee prison er!, witb thoaa from Alamance, were confined in various rooms of the Court House and bo one permitted to aee them. Thtirt deriid front terrablc eye witnesses. , WHO BB918T8 TUB LA VP I Tbe first mat to resist tbe law and legal process tinea the close of tha war, is Gov ernor Holden. He has, without the shadow of authority, organized an arm; of rioter; ot which be is the bead, at a coat to tbe State of tens of thousands ot dollars. Tba Chief Justice ot tha State issues a writ of hnba$ eorpvt, and Holden diaobtjs and dtfies this writ bj armed fort, by an arm j organized for this as well as other unlaw ful purposes. Thu is (rsoson to ths Stat. lie and all bis army ma; be indicted, and anybody arrested or injured by them may sue thi m, Holden included, and make them pay lor such injary. Tbe people ought to tue them in every case, and indict them too. If Holder! or hit army shall in pursuance lrf-i" -trfi&t In; km M&jT Ana, 'Jfveij 'man W Thfith will b guilty of. wlllut murder, and We do not doubt tht, if they so take anybody's life, they will be so dealt with. Every step they take only makes their crime the more flagrant, and they will be held to an account An outraged people w)lr aee that, the law it enforced against $ , these disturbers of the peace, and public Aaad difisnt perpetrator ot high crimes. : -TTtVWOXB8 TVAV. " The Standard of ' yesterday coaUlnt a long demagogical and pointless editorial - about homesteads. Tbe Conservative of tue Htste are, we ahould Judge, fully at much interested in nnholding tha Home stead provision of the Constitution as any body. Indeed, o as our .obturation goes, there are more Radicsli and Republi can opposed to thi! provision than Con tervitivea. There is a wid diversity of opinion among lawyer about it a majority ol them , favor it How it can deprive n lawyer of a fea we eannot aee ; on th contrary, It make too manv fees for them. " There i no ooo troversy among ltfjers about tha protpdu effect, th difficulty i about it retrtiptctitM efleot, and thi is question which 3ome Court decide one way tad tnmeftnother ; but it is a question that the Supreme Court of tbe Ceiled State alone can settle definitely. ? It Is well known tbatin the Constitution. al Convention,, it wa long time before the Radicals would consent to it. The idea wss, that the Radical did not want . t, but tbe Conservatives, the white people ' ot the Btate, did. We apprehend- that a msjority of no party won Id favor aa aban donment of tbe Homestead provision of tbe Constitution, whatever some individuals rTT of tvery party might do, so there is notb - ing In the ridiculous parade of tbe'tfiVutiiiri. We think tbe Rsdicalt would be the first to strikt the provision from the Constitu Hon. BYBBT MAIfa DUTY. LeteTy me ia the State remerober tuat il ne vote tor me naqtcai tioiei n vote to coutinu In power W. W. Holden r ' andbiadmin4rsttba yH, all j ti erimep,. Th Radical Convention which lately as sembled ia thi titfifAmoi. resolution endorsing him and what haba done. -T votetlte Radical ticket it to endorse him ahd nit crime nad outrmge apoa thi Btate and people. LH tbo people remember what b liat done, especially; let them remember .Kirk army, what it baa coat aoM done by ? order of Holden ; Ut them remember that V 1 thi lawless baud of rti-rs, by eipres order ijjiUXoliri, Jut .axraattd,- wUhoaL y "-V :;juina ad without nnj, ga authority. --itCiflr. iotth rercitlo of th Stat and tf-jifgyel..lnf fwwa p4aoe-t place, - tet them remember too, that this waa don fur, th sola purpoae tt forcing and frighUkiHg theuvlo titlntht iiiifl2 tA, and keep HolaVn nd hi shsmele crew In office to the end they may ooatirrue te plunder and outrage the people and Stat. Let thi 4 people of alt partite consider of these ' tfiiugt, and deliberately go to tbe polls tad vote to make Holden acconnt for his crime. , . If they do this, tbry muat vote against the Radicals. Remember that, and let every man do hi duty. " .v .. n ., ,.' n . ,'. liiLiiu Oirrajtna. We understand that nunjlifliuf GiiviliJileii' p A mtliUa wen ' last night, to the house of a Mrs. Phillip, a misitMtal' widow lads' residin in the aoWWIStarnraT -i ..:.. r.- n. ., I 7-r tip put a coiorea txry ont at a oaca win dow to run to a neighbor' aa4 aik for at litauce. , Tb neighbor cam and the L'larpbi'' hurrie dly left, ansjr having made . aevaral tffirts to break into tb hou.e. Thu the work goto bravery oat 'All -4b various uiesn are to be tried to 1 areas tiie peopl to resittanc and give excoae fordsclainf tbe whole tttataia laJurree tion. . . . . . eHAfT. We have read BhafferV card la 'liis morning Standard; th game It too am alt fir ut to waste ammunition oa TBt miDKNPOOl COSBPIBACT. Below we publiaa, tot, tha ioformalioe at all who may read it, "W aat purport la be t tetter from Washington, published Bret ie the Standard of the U h feat We Asve no doubt that it was written either by Gov. Holden or John Pool. It embodies tb sentiments expressed and the !tai tag gested by John Pool, in various converse- tions with persons here on a recent oeca sioo. We hare, reason to, believe that it mitre pre seats and sleadere President fl rant, but be this ss it may, it develops a conspi- ragy tg1ffia'TOanpeopTedTTEra State in famous and fi odish ia its character. It proposes, by a lawless military force, to dt nadSvirmtiw - "msunvSMS.-miS ttfwi of this-Btate wbrtt-th bulled Stare', lap ought lo be taken tat hold the owe- spira'ors to the peace, ang o skswrr eruni nally. Here is a deliberate conspiracy openly avowed to overturn theConstitaiion and laws, and set up tiie lawless rule of handful ot contemptible, profligate and irresponsible worn out. political hacks. Oue would think tka tagguliun a ridicu- lout just, if tbe parties Were not proceeding to execute the p'an. The military force is already partially organized and maay of the beat citizens of the State have btea ar retted without the semblance of legal authority and by tbe order of Holden. This It perpetrating tbe crime proponed. And we understand that the purpose la to organize a military commission at an early day to try the persona arretted for any crime Oov. Holden may tee proper to pre ler against them. 1 be charge preferred are to be tottained by any tort ol testimony that can be trumped ap ia the league meet ing t and otherwise. It ia said William J. Clark and Kirk are to eoinpoee tbe com. mission and Windy Billy Henderson" ia to be Judge Advocate, and these men are to try and execute whom they will. Wat such a State of. thinra eiwa. enwnUia. f olf biyoud- eipreaeiem fx'Seodt" a1onecou"Id conceive or tufi tliatnclss crime. We preme Court Judge, (except perhspi Jade cVttlr, who, it is said is concerned in tli plan,) nor the people of the Stat of any party, will tolerate tbe perpetratioa of soch uuheard of crime, and Gov. Holden and Mr. Pool will s learn to their entire aatis factjoji before tbey get much I wither in tbelr job of wholesale murder. Let every body read the letter. It ieye.lop.t..tli jjlan of the conspiracy in out Tine: (From tha Btaaitard.; tarraa rnon WAiaiNaroit. We Invite attention to the following let' ter from Washington. This letter correc teveral misatitemeota by' the Si.ntimi,' rorreepondenta. It also correctly sets lorth tbewishe of th ad (nibtstraifafi st WaiUiniflvn in relation to titw ana oruer m tni nta,te, and tba pur. po-es oi ins uiivernor to pmisn criminals ana restore peice and qutet- Watniiieo-CiTT, Jaiv 1 Ith. t8?0. , Mr. Editor : The letter Irom thi place, over tue signature oi a native," puBllsh ea in me mutisbi, or tt H;b iuat arrosslv and lei ineeniousli miaatatat Tmtm tbat it was evidently w Attentot peta4. porpoee, anecting me penatng elections In norm Lerpiina.. ; i i I have the authority, at leait. ot Senator! Abbott and Pool for laying, that neither of them ener said that Governor Urahsm or any other man should be arrested and held as homage for the good behavior ol the ' K Klui," and tbat neither ot them "telegraphed or caused it to be done, that Jugedrahim (or Oov. Graham) at greatly censured for not taking a afand sgajnsf the i.- ri,,w " ' - - - " -T- - Oov. Graham ha been greatly censured herd for not doing an, and f bar heard nch censure Irom the two Senators from Kortb Carolina, a well ai flam mani other persons in nigh ottjcial andaocial position here. Ic has not, to my knowledge, been suggested from ny yiurtar, that Gow. I Widen -hoiiM arrnt men and rrrrldhern as hostages lor the irood bebaviot of the Kuklui. That would be a mora mild and complimentary mode of dealiaw with them than anv on propoera. Tfi ate is little, if any ddl.renee of' opinion aa to th proper caoue oi aeaitng witn tnena, and this Apia ion wsa freely and earnestly expressed to uor. tioiden, wnite ne was in tea uitv. bv the; highest otfioiala and by very maay of trie most emineai nuaMmea ' ot us eoai It was to the effect, that th local mairia. trates and civil tribunals bsviug failed to bring tbe perpetrators or repeated crime to justice, after a reaaooable time, and it being plain mat in organization of tba criminals it to perfect, end their aambera and tbat ot their abettor ao great as to evade, ti uot to deny. We orainarr method ot criminal proceedings, soma Mtraordlne ry and violent ixsrcis ot authority ha be coat necestiary ana aoeorutiiy obligatory, npon the Eltcutiv nt , tbe . Stat , Son advised th holding of mortgagee as aecuri ty ror tn ratore, Dut all sn vised a lueedy and (harp puflUliiUenT ta th crimigaia and to those who have eowcer-iled their .ertmra or hv bJvuj ftpntenanee- aid or' support sa-uteir-p asps Securitc for the future la exoected to ra suit Irom tach punishment, and it i not OeJievea taat it can do attaiaca tn any ether wnTr-TSecrttrr ergmniBttt midnight ma raader and nturdcrera-aaa only be- dealt with by puniahment of tbe most exemplar and extrtme character; -t bealtata or atickl wpntd betray aaxsk weakaott ia) tba government at lo tmoant to encouragement of lawlesanret and crime. Th emergmcy wbioh these miagaided and wicked men nave raised la Kortb.uroLa. and tora ot th other Southern Btatea, since tb war, baa Often arisen in to oariy History of th Woetera state and TerritoHe, e )hs eeaty etfteUv Bode of deefJnr with ft ba teara oiten prscucwu, irra rawaii nod erst ood bv many Senator and Krpreaeatatiret in Crwurtss, who volunteered tbafr Counsels Nothing rtotulD mm linioa op Bfnw ni a am fc'axH: aTiria1tia'st'Tlllif LfmTH mea.Tunder bold aad resolute offioera. wh neea meet it by any actioa that may be nerary.'.''?-f'f-''v-'', ir . There is-no Irutli in th uiianatioa of "A Native," that the f resident "did aot eocourses Gov. HoU!1 military, mv U orilsrad aauoimi erneoded aocoatremeetatw-ibe shipped to tba Worm - tjaraiina ' aroopa? anBt to raised, and the tame hav bee (hipped ac cordingly. Tbe poaitio of lbs geaesamaat npon tbia question n ao tMtvereaiiy Knowa here, tbat it i carcery poaaibw for "A Ka- tive" to have- beta ignorant of it ' Tb National trormt already sent to Jorth Carolina, Were sent ! ihe ordtr ftb Piesidtat, A,lv"ty "ih Ifmi eat could not awaol twf to yout S'.tta. H haa nada no order Xof it aW Thi PresicWet ha neat troops there by hiaowa order, and be asaared Gov. Holden tbat lie would order two mora eosnpsala there very oqa. . Tba purpjae of the aoatnuuii eatioa ot "A Matrve" seesos to he tbe less ai that maniteated in every ' Use of the 0nU!L That is to aneooragathaXaklu it a a deatrrad by aha meaearee at Gov. Holden, and to inprrea npon the that h is aot sustained by the National Govern mcnl and baa ne aatnraaot of it support in briogiag down such puaisbnseat npoa the pepetratons of the raceat eatrareea vuiuihiuuh tw Nuusi cTHsaa, ana uitie lruui oouattinsocing aA toleratiaglK. Kirk,, togsthe -with -tir eeweoseet, it tucb deeds in their midst. The real eitua tioa of the case does, not ajsm. ta be ' UHsd tirber bf the ortminaia or by those abat OT BajiMexsitisBt, euoluvU CBeT AC rultetKta make JajartmaiBiKn the enmea. It cannot be expected by Gov-. Heldea that a mere thow of military force will either aatiaty tbe demand of jeelks et prod ace any salutary enact in affording protection to tbe outraged victims of par. tiian violence. Unlet hi purpoae and in teatioos are totally misunderstood here, bit military force) U te insure with otrteia ty ia oue way or aeotaer was in gatrsyi and their beUori r op9i(ijhjieAJhaLl ty ia one way or another that the guilty thu coufsderata wiltb tarriAed by th example to such aa txteut that they will not dare repeat tneir crimes, and comma oihe will not dare to totarat such crime tbereaftar. there ar several paasagea ia th above which show that th writer was ia Raleigh and not la Washington bat it is neverthe less a foreshadowing ot tbe lawless touf that ha since beta inaugurated in th Sife. PBBSWMNt 6 BANT. W learn again that tbe assertion of tbe Standard, tba President Grant endorsee and will sustain Gov. Holden1 lawless military movement and resistance ot tha writ of iotas carput, it a abam fabrication, and then h) notth tllghtett biundatlon for th ataarCloa. ' - ' ' ' Tha atiurano of young Dongls. ihat the I ing; he barntr atith0l1T"lo" gTve any aucS iaiorafie. and neither Presideat Grant nor toe rederat iroopt are a ere to aiu executing the.civU. law, and not for th purpose of sustailrg"tbi lsles eiorta I Of Holden to overturn society end establish civil atrif. The U. S. troop will not hot itste to aid ta the execution of the writ halnat corpus if need be, and they witl fore Gov. Holden to behave himself as aooa tnybody else, and, if necessity require it, he will see bow this is. The fsls aoggeeUon coming from young JJouyaa, a mar atnpuag. throwa out to maka th people think th President endorse Holdta right or wrong. Thi is ot only false bat wilfully o. W do not know that thi young Allow, Dong. Us, sustains any . relation to the President, and we doubt tbat he doe. ' Let him thow hit authority r w any he bat con. An 01 USB Cr-Xl&kVB OWtKAOta. About tw ekiitc iodgeCIoad and D. C. Scales, pst were oa a plessur trip to th mountains in Mitchell aad Watauga coubtiee. ICRJcale bad ojgaolon fo visit tbe Cierk of th &urtorCort of Kltobell couBty, 6n bovine, and whll thr Kirk bad him arrested aod detained" Jr half day, Mr. Scale i a gentleman of 1 bfgh ebtraoter wd had dob aoiUngo irk or wany one to provoke, much let to Justify, thit outrag peB himatli aad tba taw aad the public. He waa' ao arretted tad de tained aad no etuse w assigned for th tndlgnttfnnld; There waa none. What do th people think of inch con duct, done, too,, with th atactica of the Chist Msgistrat ot the State - MAKft TUZM BKSPOXmiK. Holdeo's army ot treason, outrage aad fcurder hat an4 willocetthataU more than WO.OOw; probaDty 00,0W. Wb .tT . TO -'SV.i!VWa'jr-.ww----CT...nBr. U. .... 1 ler aaia iuat uuWu save already beta pateTTtiort, which eODttrt power on the Governor out of tbt Treasury. Let It a remembered tbat thi Is don without any lawful aataor iV and tbtt Gov. Holden and tb Treas- urerar ptinnally napoaaibl for every dollar o pid, " They hope, no doubt, that tbe prat Legislature will legal! tbh law l( deeply crimiBal expendltor of Lt tb peoDte of all iiartles aaa to ft tnat au $an iaiatat. whether Cenaervativea ar tetmblican., pledin tbemtelve that tbey will pot vote for any meanr to ksal-r we uca conauct, and that tbey will rota to hold tha Treasurer end Holden personal ly rmponslil.'"''" t'.-" I', ,'. Let tb people ta every eooaty look to Una matter, A. IV - .! i : We eautioa thi Coaeervative h toWBtbTp Ja tblaouiutty, to-JVeep jt ey oa lfJatrAtiua. Wk, e w-aV rrrdrCTy Informed a number of youth nader age ar regtirtering to oto la Agut. Let every och instance, be aotsd,tb asm and tb proof iakradotra aid haniled to tb cfcairman of th County Xsecutiv Com' BittottW prMeataeaft beior tba tiraad Jury. There ar aome iastxnc of th kind, la sftalaigb towaaalp, a wt bar aa doubt there ar ia nearly all tba albert la the eooaty,-Tbey will be dealt With at th right tima, t,,A To Aehevill Citiaea fcaoea txtr eontainlr'g aletter from Hon," Plata Dorr nam, declining tb candidacy' for a teat ta to 4Snd Coagtas, Ta favor of I d Har- to take talk court Inasmuch as bt eaaaot ditabiUUm tapoatd bf th " !tlbaiw4- Mr, Darbar eoaduct lit thu matter is that of a patriot, aad,ehowe tbat b baa oaea actuated aolery try a detir to advtnc tbe mtereat Of bi folia w-citi test. Tb suocest ol Ta Conservative ticket ia tbat Diatrict i aa attbliabedT fact, a4 ao se lection' could girt the peop'a or that tec tiod bsor ttiisfaotioa tbaa tbat of Mr. Harper. . N : T aaanaf Tb thtfdMBuaf nJ4igeaihe Stock bolder of tb X. W. H ; C. R. ft. Co. will be bald in Winston oa th S8tb inet. : ssfitat - - r , tUP&lMS COV&f. I ; k $ tecatuv, July 1. ', Mtftrt mTaT,.A t ' Th Court opened at S o'clock A. M. Chief Jaatlc Fearaoa on tbe Bench. Mr. R. C. Bad get, counsel for the Exten ts ve, ppeared and read the following replv to UnCblelJlUtici't letter' ofyeiUtday. - ExacCTiv Orrtca, Raleigh. July 1, 1870. T U Bon. Bieimetd it. Ptorun, Ckitf Jvtitt ft 'Xortk Car4i9 . V:..,- M . . , , coucwnluu the arrasta mad bi (JdL Geo. wcoived. 1 resneetMl fanJi ; . , Kirk mad the aricsu and now detain the prteunw named by my Order, tie wan tm to oeitver the prisoners. on goe be fore m ia respect for tbe civil law, or tor those whoa duty It U to enforce It, but the condition of Alamance county, and some other parts of tha Btate, baa been aad ia soch that, though reluctant to nee the strong powers vested ia me by law, I bare oaea lotced to declare Uiem U a atat el , ia the Tocaliuea, under the uuidauc tad and disloyal men. a dangerous secret iaeorreetioa. I have invoked public opirr to to aid me in uppresang tun treason I I have issued proclamation after proclain. tioa to the people of tbe Stat to break op the unlawful combinations I I have brough, ,0 b,r ,my civil power to restore Doaoa and order. t)Ut' all in vain I Thi Constitution and law of tba United States aad oi thi Stat ar set at naught the eivil Court ar of longer a protection to lite, liberty and . property ; assassiuatton aad outrage go unpunished, and tbe civil trsgistrates are Intimidated and ar alraid to perform their functions. o th msjoritv ol tbe people of these sections tba approach oi lx hi ia like, tbjt' entrance into in valley f t ths tharldw- ol . . . ... death ; the men dare not steep lienes'li their roof at night, but abandoning their wive and littl unsa, wander m tue womta aotil day. Tha civil government 'was crumbling aronad ma. detotiuiaed tn r,ij itah "re b 'iy-wrrrorof the powerped"b"ffi of ittution attd 4awt and by tbat rectfon. (,'td. Uto. W. Kirk la comuiauding toe mtlitaty forces m that county, mad the arrests referred to in the Writ ol Aulu ewrptu, and now dttains tbe prisoners by my order. i At this time I ant satisfied that tbe pub lic interest require tbat these mttlTjiy'priii. oner shall not ba delivered up to tbe civil powat. . .. . 1 devoatly hope that the time may be abort whea a rettoration of eace and order mT'retiifr"JLla frum tb prtaenee of ml tttary toret and the enforce-. meat of military law IVhtn , that time hall arrive 1 thali promptly teauir the ettrT power. - W. W. HOLDKN, ' ; . . 'h Governor. ' On tha conoluaion ot the reading of the eemmunicatio from the Executive, air. .Badger read-varftm-Prociaiaiittoai Itsbed from th KxecuQre ofScs at various time Witbia th last two year in reference to various pretended u iCux outrages and disorders la th couaties oi Jones, Lenoir, Alsmance, sVc. i 'i' ' -ChUf Justice said. I;r tbt argument opens I will abstrrSfT&. th ecou nae 1 , the object of argument fife Sid me in forming an opinion on tour. eWSMStrae'ci law, iiBiouun tuur aaaaMtw ui lav, ,"-,M ev abnw thai CoL tik,bal W '(.aaonabla i. ai ine wets aer ra.Tir . -ma mmmiin- excaae fyt not mafctbg return .las ,ijit IfTitai ot aasaas ferpvj, at soro rel9iiitii from tb power and penttof aatAttajiment I 1. Da tha facte aet oirt.i ahnw lili "latar.- rectioa' and a eonditinu ot things, putting u 11 . . -. i . i n am hu inuurihi ui uui uuicai ta toch imminent to tutpend the writ otkabaoteerpu in the coautiet subject to military occupation t -eV-ir 8blpo- the wrft - not to' t suspeeded aa. in the preneot con ditioa ot the country, it is highly probable, aay.'ia '"iry opinion etrtain, tbat an order totbelBberil of a county to call out "the pow.rsrt the Bounty," and with rorce take tbe petitioner! out of the bands of the miliury aatboritie will pluoir th whole Bt into eivil war. should not the act ot 1 cZ",'l to call ont the militia to lunnresa rio't and iseorrwcuoa, in oountxe Wbere UK UoVi amor has tx. rcismi this riowtr aad taVen military possessioe ? - ii so, should th writ be directed to tb Governor I ;? - I tbtll be blessed to hear argument oa tot auojects a qtiesuuaa ot law, aod will leav It to tha girad sense of the counsel to deeide, whether so excited discmsion tuch a on yeatarday, will b ciksaJktfcd eitber to aid me fn forming an opinion, or w aatwn muj otuci uaeiut purpose. , .. ,u :. . . -:i pJeaksos. Jdg Battle, Gov. QraiamTftJof. Bragg ad JadgeUsalmOncoonaet tot tbe peti tioner, than addreated tbe Court npon th b,utioa of law tad kokaU cation iovolv ed ia tb matter before.V' A, tb clot of ttesejelidrease. tb Chief Juettoe pottpoa i lutter toqidvttioa snht o-motro,v Air. ItaJger will U aeam against, tii jnW-. . . f. JiL. . isx 1 1. 1 - if-'- la a apaech beloB tn Radical pew wow a Lnmberton tooeiAly, - by , & , Mabana. a eolored peSitlaan hmlmm HsVeJrvdjt- tlactly- aaaooad ' aWat IaisiityU the iaa ia to pros etmpaign ; ad be are dtbaictaraof the old member-to the Legislatara irom tiiit couaty, v)ie knew them to it aommilttd to that tbetrintS, Tb party ba nominated thee teen, and diet vaaa ucion ma pui'HU svaswaaUtS tO UIS doctrio of BociAt Eqvujrj, and we ia toad to bold them to this issu. H'it Joitr, I . .. . ' -'"'. for uiftoliael .BMiTnrjaLoN, C.. July IV tfHOt- 2fiu Jariak rarwar-, Jr.. XJiler MtaTitul biai ror torn time past ther hat been call la yoor paper ... tor a metta of the yuim : - . Haaing umteatitm iur tsberttr o-t rrmtiv ti Of thi beiua JonJyT tb - mem her M-bm aooat committee with tb towathip coin. aut tea P reseat, ther was a large garheria-; ew uh paopea, ano; it wss mongut Met to Till!? at a convtaUon. ,Tt,-rn'-f ijpg waa i called- to order try Dt.J. at. Leacb. who aomiaated Mr. Willia BauceW-aa ctatrman, and II j. C. W. Gasett -Meera- try, wth eoerptnrg- their1 wpmttCTTw.PT tiou witn eptirepriaie Mmki Bneeebet wer mad by Mearr. Willi 8tnodert,Ej . o. 7. sjrjaav. rv. u. a.verv. ai. tx. a.neii tuii Mi Vf. Oatartt, and all setmsd to be for. one mm tor BberiB, "the old incumbent," Heary IL Cnllam. who was emiaatcd bv eedsmetioe. Tbe atmeet harmony pre vailed,, aad" avery man saying, "Old John- fatoa tbaO b mdeemd. JOHXTSOS. i : T TEXsEORAPHIO. WaH0M1TOII WaenwatoavJoJj i JUvaua to-Ur S578,- Prew6nt has appointed Win W. Bsli Celleetor of Iuteraal Bstoous tut the iri dtstrwt ol tliMittlpot, s4 atearjr W oultdau, fur tha lad Virginia disirist. , Tha.;(eirats WH, a smh4 Sf (ha pra4ae provides taat lbs tflat ol ueorgi nana sooa Blied with tha Becooslrttstioa Aj.-, sod lbs U h llvtli artiolaa of tba ameildBumt to ths Con Uluuon ot ths Uoiied Htates bariof; baan ralin A m Kood faith bv a lea La-iaiauur of said riitu, it it berebv declared that tba Stale of aorirfa Is enrtt ed u renrsaentau n in ths Lou- creaa pr ins t uuefl Maiaa, put uuhik io una Mopls of uavrgia or tba riftni to an siaenoa ror lawntwvwmwwwnw i, ii, ii iii i mu ii,,iv, as urmideit fr ra ts tjotuiltntion 'ihw -of, ana IbouiIbc ia this, or anv wher act of .CehinTa. t, vfvr.fhit' ntnd tw imxir armt t mi iOl; a aa prov.uvu ujr - .POIUSIOS. ' Bzsxjii, July 16---Tlis Government is hourly ia recaipt of dispatches from ail parts ot Ger aianv, offering mn. iiionev, arms, huraea, c, la support ol the Bauonai asaaak and aMarting iaal no aacrinoe that can be made will be deaiueu tto great tor ths cause of Germany. Xtit Govarnmsot reoosameuda firemen ss the nonuf refuge Geroian iiipe. iiord Lyooa, the briii-h iwaiater. Is still ee daavoring to gst hiaoaiieriaa J to praaeiet eeetrmrnr -Ttii'irait ror a ('bnreaa oTiha Ei ropsao powera to settle ths question between i canes and i'raaaia faaia, Ja j IS. Priuoe Napoleon arrived in Nora a; jtaierJar. Us reeeiTad a dispatsh Irom Paria, and will Klmn. Tba jwrnaia ol th a morning pab'.iahe the fohuwing ataleflBsut : "kigbt days ago Bismarck sent bv apesial aiasisngst to Count Werthsr, ths am beaaedor of tbe Gsriuanie Cu&fesWatloti, au order to mass no eouooaaiou to tba Vraaob Gov-sraBH-aV t not he toe muota imprased,' Bia marvk euoaiaass, 'we are ready. Prolong tba situation, if powuble, to ths lutb of Ja y '" lbs joarnala argue hrom this tbat frusaia in ans war irom tba twginaiuc aad aougbt ouljr te gaia lima. Xbs Etupwor will leavs Paria to-day lor the sat of war. 1 be Priuea Imperial Kill aeoomoa ay faun Ui lbs eld. Tbs kmperor deslrea tbia. aad tb Empras does not objaot. Tba military tsrc&daiits of tba rrinea era lu reauiueaa. frine Napoleon, as soon as b arhrea frum 1 t. . K . V will lu Norway, will ba obafged witn an important uue- to Italy. i babruJa assert that ths French Govern metit, m oon aa tbe result of Uia. vote op tbe infallibility digma waa kuowu hnra, aniid an ordar for aba retail ol' tbe troopatroui bouia a Tbe lionrto to-day opened wiui a davliuuig tandoMcv. tteata a5tlUB. l . ' . ' ..'J. .... ' - :7' -'-?;1'' ... c. . ........ . , 2 iarJsiiePbr rutsu purls: He ouia mint Lupsror veibajiofuiiuarian. , stblng positive baa beuu asoortaiued yet Sortl. (irlnai. klublf and all the memtiera of bia embaaa, left Paria yraierday afraraooo lot ibtrlia. Tae i1 ranch gaailrou lu the Mediterranean haa baan doubled. Vice Admiral Llvba Grovier ui command. . 'ibera ia great sotivity at tha War Department to-day. A largt uuuiher of, aealnd oriiaja have boon ai nt ui. Loiio.t, July 1C Tha abaolute withdrawal of Priuoe Loopuld ia geueraliy oroaited, WASHINOTO!!. WtsHiKOToot, July tS,a;h)t aovammtntwiU be urged lo proniia for tb traoat ortettoo nnder auiuiral g of thaltraat awkraaihamiitoii aiaiia, whicb -baa baD earned by tbe ataamtira of. the Mortii iannn,Lioya, ttsubtuc and- Amanean Cwnpany. FORI ION. Lomdo. July 18. -Pruaaian veasela In Englieh porta bars diac barged ibeir prewa and laid up. The Tvma in au tditoriai tbia urM-nine exiecta iio ba obiral to -chioeiow - Praaalag rerereS at 4.Bi Hwiir uiv miwnw TprB(loua sun leaat auotber mioucy oi tae ttrenon army, rrnseta neeos at it mri teb Lbt Il,to ba altogether in raailinaaa. . anathar editorial am Tmxt aays : "Franoe wltbout a ahaitow of exeuiw or juatlboation umngea aurvpe-in a war ot wbrcn Bo person 1 y ag Stay aee u ai aad " Tbe aUx k market in Loodon and Lirorpool is pawly nomiHl, There have been no genome trsifsxctiots.,Tb aaubr arisea Irom tbe rumor tlatt the Emperor oi Haatia pronoancea ra-favir i, .rf,. or rrunaia ana moouisea tae jaaanlan army. . aJ.Jw. .1.;,! ma dev r mo nat-jiiaiLW-wey tnmg. oia-m-ai rai ailty UofluaB4AaaJu;T IS The neutralilr nf omwa uaaivaaiw omewty u4oiaraa. t ne uor erumrnt baring prerwaaly ooutavnioatad with frstioa.'" .... , . faaia. Jaly IS. Fnswe camaada e 'dsrjietoe rroau Uu ttwaui Uaruau tltetee by aooo to-day r wash in row WinamoTOK, Jubr id Diplomtta here bare reserved no unuaual dlepatcbaa, except thoaa to the Praaaaa Minister to hold iiermau venae la at sale porta The administration haa ne feara of eompllea- uuai m uaaigara to awurtcaa eaipe, KEWVOHK Nxw Yoaa, July 18 Many Uermany bare have telegraphed Bismarck for aare transportation nuaae to join in tn ngnt. ', WILMINU ION. Wn,MiiTOTOK,- -Jury lir Tbe' CUT a i eleanier "MorBet" olvared for New York yeeierday, witb lapl, i. n. Momt, taauiorarilv in some) and Tbe reoeilt arbi rarv mrru-Ui 4J i IjMirv-tiA- by Kirk, bare oraaiad aa uitauae feeling, but tbe people ate datarraiued to bear ad with patieuoe luniioo", aua reiy on tne oauot box in sag aat aa tne proper correctly. fORKIGK. - Tha bttest foralffn lntlliLrnna IndinAla Htmi. norwav aim H..ii.n 11 i,.,n v.. : 4 .... unvHVH . u f . , u,v. nuinmi ai neaie operate ta tn norm uermaa sea, . - Iblirtaad w kaaratlarlna Air Uia nantralll Mwauu, wuiub u ta aui rrauoa lavora J ba poaltioa of Hu i 1. niuwt&ln. Ttia n . ,i, ... .i . . ... - Istest surmise show a diapoailieu on her part to support Prasaia. Tbs foil wiaar are tba French oorpa eommaaders : Canrobert. Pallfcao. I roa eard. McHaboo. frailly nrf nt ,h.,il iniani ruairva. aa Basaatne. - FT aooa dlaarost Haifrinaa banaiuaa laaa -lUn-. tad frsawbotao, Cboaaa and beaasaam.esmataad awrpa. " .. ,-', . , . :. x , " Tba Telegnpt Companies have made arrange meats bi rea lr all tbe burouaari aountriaa iL uaming rraaioew . , , von uarioa aas been expelled from rranoa. trench men of war are aalAi,n.- il.a Juinnra urn VTacnauon or bodi la train rananaii. ef Praasian Iroa elads from Hi,i,(l Maiaa atiiliiaiail IKailitiilHH haifltianTMTg of riTtartasnif jaitd tomcaiaa biuit riawunaa oonam ftenera ema. nBoaaaa. tua Jtuur lb rraaiwina ate.tafiaras at Pcartraclr, fttwt hnrv aiwl ' , biewa from tbe firoui as id f VeLaill "rmrt A ' eoaftieb HM.-t vl t f f ! j i ii lu. .'I'wvai-sMinaA .fH tafri wi l rirasm, uruta aav aeea nttaiAurad. u wans " WASlllXll fO.t WaaTrTrTo. July 1U ui.mamk Lalrarnk-A 4a frasauta Minuter here tor hia auiiaooa. P"'" p'pwny on iiuv nigs aeaa will b asampt from astaars by Praaabut abiua wiibual l-auarknt Ml MHlfar.b.,w vt - " . F.Tfhafrewra Muuataf eallei on Fiah snd rer- naltyinrormed hint tbat Frbnos wib la'peoilke treatraf Pana uT Inrat tuii ivuJi.a.aiMi UtajS. ..- -r- ' fustklUMj jr a German nannr-a1 u- aiaaai aalia ..J- tha taiaalioad aad in, k l,.uL. t,-... Laaalra tai ian Sia ...tft s . : ' I Tne eWaam "tlnW' rm.,.J U . . - - a-" whw to rrertea prvKmnrav : sinker ueeee lu onl-r ta hMtitbaa tb Moat bar tUataa, Tbaa occupy and torun rraiiaiurt, vbenot swep tbs bill bsaksftb "Win snij than sins l'reaait--war wwstyhm ( " "T'-tTtratitaaj ef Ibabkmub t'nu "raaOaila t tullaw. . , Tbe a auur siia VtoV" Wvmoalli. Tt la antiUui whstker abe will I tempt to raaah Mresaea....Ji.-. .. ,..,,. ; i be Loyds exact bra to tea guinea a Oer mjaalupping. . s , . . 1 lnaAsia TTaAtm) mAwaV (Tkm mmwt anaaaaJ at fOfi??? ".J M?je. Bjsriof Inreplringtolbadeputatioa of the aatlonal "(fr. apoto epiw4 tbat apoa slirm be mcu kji to proteeuoa or w Capi' apl'al daring -'-' 1' arraJLaia A Married; X . Ia OranviB Co , ee Bandar Homing tb lflih mat., by Ua ttaw. W. K Bursm Mis FanrvTaoaaa, daairhier lap ,W H, Tbe-aa. all at Ursav4J eooaty. weoo, m. rj Vity papers will pitta oopy. UNPREGEDENTEft-' SUCCESS thi Amai!A coiranrATiOH Has been bonoreit with the hifhert award in on iu petition aiaus sua rzaiouiows a eta annng uie paot aeaaou. THE SIJTPLICITT. KASK AND CEBTAJKTT wiui whicb taia maobins orjeestee. aa wed as the uniform exeeiienoa or its work, urougaout ute entire range of Hewing, la Stitching, Hemming, Felling, Tucking-, CordinV Braiding Quilting, Gather- mar s oewinif on, ivtr sen mine, Embroidering on tha Edge, - Jtad-ita Bnantifal But- ton-Hole and Eyelet note Work, Plaeo V unmuttkHutblii far ia abeaitotoany ofhr timUar invention It ta also th CHEAPEST IntrinfiealTy, aa wet as the BK8T. siiMa ft is reel-a TWO UACH1NK8 eoniUuiln ous, (by a aiatpte ai4 baautifttl macnanical arrangenvaot. aavar beior aooom. pUabed by buruau uiKeuutly.) making eitber tbs Look Btiteb, or Button-Hole Htiteh, aa eeeasion may require. It ia, at tha earn tune, simple ia eonatraotton, earn partti rely noiaaiaaa, eaauy aa- deratood. and in a word, it combine with ibaas ADVAHTAQEK.KICUJSIVELY ITUOWlT.TrtK MOBT UlLbiUABlJi ODAXJTIKn Of ALL The wiblle ara invited la examine tbia ram ark. able maebiue at M as Toarama' hoarding Bouae, ( Mrs. Thompson' old stand,) FayettevuJ Hireet, and at Wataon'a Pbesograpbis irallarv. luntrwctione to tbs am of tae aaasbiae will ba giyen to all purvbassrs frails. r. DnivuiiiKn, an S-dswftwtm Agent, COK01,ET05iS CELKERATID MEDICINES. A. " -7 .iiTatW -muumia. ftt.;iKUa; JLJt'U -- t a. aoouuaut .,mou auu prout o oeaoauoeo ria aofiiidaut evideucs and broofeaa beadduoed. aa tbe buuilreda wuo bars been ainiotad and been curea by tbeir superior virtuea wul tatteat and tbe graat reputation, popularity and da maud tar theae celebrated ntedtuiaew, wnboet any extra etlort to introduce tliem en his pat te la lo annering bumtnuy tbat tbey aland aloue on their own juarit All ws aak ia a aiagl inai, auu you will (lieu oe uoOTlllcea rnai vu-imi and true nitrit belong TO CONOLHToNa t'K l.tUHAXtu MfcillClMKb. varus, rrunnuui ouuja, uid Korea, Chapped nwiuf, u;i aoo saw, m.i ia, rt laing, nore j broat, vuiimuu iu, eh o&, aw., mow , s eeoca SOX. . Lara Hoi Si VScuOlS Dot, tddo. braallBuxt? do.. BMVis8Toa0ATCo., J, O., Deo. It. MO John A. (AmyMan : t ear bir,.J taltw great oreaaur m luiormuig you- mei A nave uaed t'ongletoo'l TegoUbb) ttslrs with llfleat aatialao- tiou -in ausoeaafulty oung Two Jad eaeee of met ta my family and it sBorda-ms great Meas ure to rewmmeud a medic law ol anab Moertor Tirtuf to iuj ueiguuuura aua jrtenia aa i riiagis iou picui pwra pruyea tiaeu to pe. yery neapeotnuiy yonre, , nrmsriua Propoetor ef Jhaaib't Imuxutg Miiie. ajbathaa epunty,.' , , , , . ; w -j- AMERICAS' SESTJ M A TI 01151 The anfalllnir cure bat UkanmaUam, Na.raio llacb Aobe, Head Aebe, Urn ia tba elbtat Weak' ll a aod but Jotnte. Bnraina. btraina. Hllrt Jomu. Kniargement of tbs Ulauda of tba Throat, Kore Tbrtait, Uuttra, boua Falen, aa., Ao. Pno a ' wrnia. o.uu a uoaoa. . rlaiai, S. a.aa. Ut, 1&70, John B. Conaltlon Dear Sir. m tba loth Sept. lttbV, wbuti myself and handa were at work oa the Month building of tb Uuirerelty at Obaiiei Hill N. 0., It. L. Pettiford waa Working a pan the aceftoldmg it brote dowa and Be tell sums ii or ia1 feet to tb ground serosa a rook 18 inehea high, bending in bis ribs and injuring him very bad luterually, 1 called in luediuai aid au nun, ana titer tuner nmiicraee bad been need by the Phyeioiaus which railed to give him reiiel your American iibeanuuo tauinwat waa need auu ne waa aooa relieved of hu paut aad euifr lug and by Itasas he continued to improve and waa eompieialy reatored lo hia fornrer health and airength. Vour Uuiment tt eertainly tbs moat prompt sad efleetuel setaedy in rattevua aud coring pain, I ever aaw naed. 1 take pleaa ui m m-uuiBuuiii iia aupwior virtuea. - lour Heaped, MKNKV C. HMITH ' Xiuaar Bargeit, at., . Jtabugh, N. I . . . Br. MATiwwa Diar., Wsaa Co.. Ii. C JoAa R. VoKgtrtun DtU Bir, lay Father Eliaba Sanderrord. had beea arlliaLad us. Kn.i..i.un. and baekaeb for 16 nan. inaaa nan a tt..A ao badly wUh it thai ba uola bv euabued to kieJ elf In bed. 1 purebaaed a bottle uf your Aineri ean llhouraatie Uuiment aod I am b ppy to in form you tbat alter ruung your asoat wondarfm Lfnituenl ouiy four tiiuaw ba waa oompieMlt oured, ba ba bea eared bow tea montbaand ba wu tor wwess a, a uaanie at uui ta tn h a. UM aau auy return ta tue paitt alnee. be is now alityVoe years old. aad bi . in a rwwi health aad baa as fowl aa el feStBselfand limbs aa urn aa uau iu yeata, I abail alwaya b yoa witb gralutuus lor tb .bueili yum ' Voars Truly, ' " ' ' ' AiATMAJNIkL a. BAIDEUFORO. i COSGLITOFS AKTALGIC. The trreat enre for "KtiuZmf? ' T1..H1. Ohotera, Oollo,' Cramp Calio, tibetera Miirbua! rbok btomaeb aud Vunubng, Fain ia tb Mowelax rant aotie. a., at, i rlii at a I- ,.i Weabt yea be seenre fKm thai nab, nA tar eoseeaaeat uponenddea attaoka f reietstj-ttai aaiiim at aotairie. .a.-wo4. WaaCBt Jh r Wtfc-li-" Mr.JaaMJa. t a sfakat Dear -tor. hr u b express my wiaiia 10 yoa lor tb aatwn)r.ltal -7 many sax eenveu xroSa tbja tiaa at 7" riia, luaaiuine, ougieton e Aa taigie, wntoo tur tbe euro of Tootbache oamur aa eaxetted. and I but tBeali tbe hiufc um,aa gie ia weiu wnea I lm"rm yo I. e Id shea I Hifinm ju that my aeiahi 1 from ail parta of tli neigh borboodu I ef tbe Voiatbseae by Ue tssav aav 1 aw 'rom ail part ol tb neigh borbood to be eared taw Ttattba by lis we-v I bare need at an aambtaa f sniss. aadaauaa hiuj a a bae ta mt - tJ laaiaowa.. l, i V - y. 1, "Sfr,. - axmcrMrt rr " s-t J. , av4( .tJ..aVWMLatTOK,tav, ,1. i i viijiAwsaarwtt, a To whom all eraen ttinti J?,Tr!!!i!ii & For Mala atallal,- la . m. j .'. ., F.-V tj;1.- na 4Htit-,aa THI aOETH' CABOLHrA COTTol X BtUv tafena bia lri-m n- i.- -1.,,. .1... IW a. aai,aiaSF..15 V. " "I rad atll V "-"-i f t j ma mt taut uib Irom th vul at-TTf! B" "aieitala, oa tne moat apnroved plan. ' ?T aa ey dnraUUty and aerVtee. , turned. T. " 5S asoaey ifiisj- be re. After it veara aniarbaaiaa.. A ,1.. - aatbrfaetioa of m biu,- . . - , a , , J f mi Wli " ef plewatwe atSLJMamjkiin. or Moatb, at,d froiaht uy 6, tarail by pnrclias bg at hovMi atrf ready iwdrart a4t at tbw fttui do not give satwfacuua.,, i w. , .t-,v KPga BfiMHTEO SAbtT' 10 IS8UiE I- , a - LbLlVanfia tivi Y r'" Eepairljif dona at aioderaU prices, Jaatmeaa. i- rttartntt ifamn, Of, H. Mian and Cotio Merehaut of kal-lgh i Heath and J Q al btmifabaid, aai - , ww niji, n. Ki. BAMUit KOWtAJfO. - . . L k.1 n 1 my ls-w Aswtm a. STATX Of RORTH CA SOUN A. VajjiKua, Cocimr. ( St-piaioa Cocar, 6rama Txtn 1870. B. M. Doyle and Franc Dorle hla wife. W. R. PbiUlps sad Hnsaa PfaitHps bis wife, bicbard stucbeil aad Nancy MitobeU kis, sia. AgtMa 1'aaroa, Kobart faaroa, Di ary rMoa llMlaaua Psares and CortMlia Pearos, tba avat Ave iitfaaba try W. . rhUllps, their 0uariiiui4 ium. rtaua. ' t'aaree, Simon Psaros, AoriU 1'aaroa hu Pattrse and Pater Pearos, Piaintiffi. . , Aymmml - aidnay Peare. Osorge Paaree, Bobsrt Pearea, Kelts and Jan Naloa hia wife. Cw and Helen oarr his wile, Dulaaey and I ,. 1 1 . Il.l..... .. . ... ftu , . . I Wife, rtunlua aad Umrw r 'i l.. . (.!. v,....j .. ' " . 1UVIUIUU KM Din vviiauun i'emtoo'jrSr I'attilw o Land. It snpsariBg to the 0Wt Awes ths aadevit of i. i. Dstis tkq, that the lMfeadaat aut ay Peiros. Oeorea PaarSa. Kobart Paania. JMftet .. iatrt, -i,f siaf OtrV AaW, r; ts tbawtow oedarsd- ba b4i(dijiBi .bi-ipJida-; To tne 8t ijfii, a nsvapaper pabliabad ia she City of italoigb, onos a week for aix waaka ana. loaaaivaly, aotuyiug tba aaJd ikHandaaia tbat required to appei . www HWU, MMI Ml- ut, at at ana nail term of tale Uoort to be held for tbe Bounty of Frukha, as tbe Court Huuea in Louiabarg. en tba It Mirth Monday a! tor ths ssooud Monday In Aag ust A. 1). 1S7U and answer the petition, and te take notius that if they fail to appear aad enewsr at tbat trial, th patitton " '-L-- - and board aeooraingiy. . K. H. larrJBULACr: July 7-ww a a. o. OTATK Ot NOKTH CAROLINA, O k"ulujii Coostt t nraaioa Coobt Braiao itan 1H7V, Henry Psaroe Administrator of Riohard Wina. ton deosassd. Plaintiff Against, Orsnberry W. Winatou. Moses B, Winsloa, Joba 0. WbistoD, Biohsrd H Winstoa, Julia A. Wina toa, Carolina J. VYineton. William A. Wlutim. Jaa. Harnsoa aad Bar ah aarrtaoa. his wife. Harrieou W. While aod Martha bis wu Ire- fottdauts. Psrilloa to tall lana1o mafcs autittc pay debt. It appearing to tbe Court from tha affidavit of ths fetifioner, that Jas. Harrlaoa and Harab Harrison hia wife, two of the Daisndsut in thus ease, are residents of tb btata of Mtaaiaaipi, it. ia Iberefora warred, tbat publication be wade in tbe Hutixel a newapaper pabhaned In tba City ol Raleigh . once a week for ait weeks ua ceaaiyaly, uuufyiug aaid UefoudauU tbat tbia . petition baa betuVled and tbat they be required to appear at tbe next t roa f this Ooart, to be bold lor the ooaatv of rVtnkTtn. st tba Ooart Boass hi LouiarJurg oa tbs tin Monday after tbe second Monday m A an oat A 1.1TO, end answer tbw uetebon : i&-tMm:..ctiA .aa uiMu.,twi4i.. tw a taaea ta'tonreaaedl and heard auoorriingly. n. K. 'flMUKKLAKH, JoM-wew r CbVC; 1 c, u..,. t - , . 1 Bursaioa Cooar, tfraiae Taaa 1870. Bennett Oty. Admr. uf Jamea I ttargeaa, Plaintiff. 1 Agauut I Psfifioaor Alfred Hledga and Mary his 1 wire, raiiy nurgeas, Jaauneue 1 be rgeas and tb next of kin of I Elisbetb l'owell, dooeaaed i llafi,nbLllla. 1 Sef lewtnu. It appearing to tha Ooart, from tbe eiadavft.ea thea4uloaar.lbMBally Uargaws,JaamietarJl)ur geaa, and the next of kia of Abaabetb PoWoll deetaesd, Defaodauta in tbia eaaa, are noo-real-eetaef this Wale, It it tbemort erdWea thsi pubboaiion be made In tbe HKunaar., a aawa psper eubllataed ia tbs GHy of llalawb. o a - week tur ttx week n lwJt uvuniy tha rte-jeai(l Ikfts Jauta that this peuuoa haa beea Hied, I and that they are reqmi ed, to appear at tba uext term of thi Court, to be held for tbe eouaty of Franklin, at tb Ootirt Biw in Loniahna-.. . tbe fourth Monday afier the aeeood Monday ia Aagaet A. I), lbru, and aaawertha pstition, and ta take notlw Ui.t it any. JtiL to appear save answer at that time tbe petition, will be taken aa oouieasea ana aeara aeeoraiiigly. K, H. TlMBKRLAKE, jaly 7-w8 i - 7 e. H C. STATM NtlTH f)ABl,li, ... . i OUATHAM OUUMTX. ' StrpiBian Counf. Tariaten Johaaao as AdmV ai 1 awni a lam, . - fi4tian at make real Ba h wuiUm, 0.-.1 VI:.. ia. TI st tmafaeta, au, marina aua iseeo noia. tt etipearing that two of tb Defendente Mary aa, .m a mi aNlW HUp, 1 aBSIf- eae yeara of age, Iwithnnl gnardiaa, aad aua- reaiduats of ths Btate. ft ia ordered tbat pub- . iicauoa be made of tbia proceeding ia tb HM- , - -eigh Hmltn tt tot ait week saosivary, onee a . wwk,BotifyiBir aaid Dafeadaat toauiaaarat iba , omoeef tbe Cnrfc ;tl tb Bnperior Coart tar -Chatham eounty, within that time to plead, anawer, or demur, as they may see at, or Jodg ment will be takeu pro conr'etto. sui s s-wow BiVs'S-JTlt, UtO STATE OF NOBTH CABOLIS A, I -Mata Cotnm. ( goraaioa Coubt. Mary Ana Tilliama PlaintiO; against Lanafurd wuiism lAereaoaut. Ia tb ahovb action, it annaartna- fnana (t. affidavit of W, E. Uarfaam, tur ths Hslohl? - L Tbat tbs Defeadaat, Lunaford WiuTama. after das diligence, be found ia tbe. II. That a cause of action axiata aa-aius ol Defendant, lit. That said Defendant La not a raafiUnk nT this State. ' , It Is ordered t L That aery laa ef the aamnMma ba mAilah. pnblioaltouiti tb iVVkly Unttnei, oaee a week for at week snoeeeeivelr. "1. IL Thst a oopy of tbe su moons and eomplmat Ut thu action, be forthwith deeraartei ia tb Poet Ouioe, dmrcte t to the said lletendant, at, hi aaual plire of reaidaaoa if the same be koewa to aaM hlaiut ff. and aaid anauaana abail k. deemed ia havs beea aerved at the expiration , of Iba tba ut publiealioa praaonbad by thi order.' . Given under my hand and eeatof aaid , Coart, offlos tn tlaabyilbi tha l.llh da nl Jnaa A II WTO, J.P.ENKiNa. ' vNrtrttt Ooart,' ' - ia 3Vew , , Msah Ooaotf. 7 ft TATI OP K0BTH CAROtlSA. I Uarts Cooinr. f lc FrobaU uoV. Oattt Cb., Junt JO, 1870. Cnatln lord an Adm' r ar Blit.lik n..i-.i j . ObtaUantiw and Bally Babe, hebw law tUddiek Haater, PaUtton la aaaTrwob-. -It appeaniw loth Court that taa J-ta..Hi. an aot raaidai of this Mute, it Is ordered tbat pear at tbia otboa on tba .with Ha a .a laanu l. . ..a ,h.M.'iaf, Tra "S " : I W -UUW OftQI O ehow eanae, if any tbaa -Of ths plauitltf sbuuldBot atws, wriy-neprayr V ltns C B. fi hrVWIaER whala 1-A .a Xl Oataa (joaaty. at' arao ba ilataaviba tha ataa A a Ofjaa M , 'ft. JtL o COWPEK. i ia ! - -Ti FrDbata.Ju.iaa ..a v - .. - . , awav 't t r- i ' -n in J- K. A; DAf TOJf, X.HNTH HT II MET BETWEEM MAU AMD CAM. : iKlnhaioml, iVtrirlmlm. BteXCtt ia ateaaKttiawatsuperlor Mra struetioBs. Wood-Muabmaf u. culiilais Toofau. Jtahufsetarers. ' Millar. ' Umara' tluinliee of all inula. Aa u. Oaanagtr. Bballing, Maagara, Fuiieva, 'imrlaaa watr.hhi. fcvitiBg, Laee Lraiber, ba. Idas. Wrentbes. Bleam and Watar P.n UT Mm. Twist Drill, Went Oar din Machbiaa aa. eriuiK atemirnla Fatbaaa uLu'T Haadbjavta,o.,,. - , ,, .r,t . . . yom gALKv : On PorUb's Engine, uf thirty Hot. naara. witb Haw sea, anat Mil one btalisaw . siigiu v, aweaty.Hira. i ioed lo h ma. rer sww. Alart 'hiib tba I mb, a lot W itrtaTUDg, P"-yttTfil Htagesa. Art rent POMd i jiaa ' --'t r -mtsa siiil Faa Blower 1 tub Dieter Oraabaw aaat ia . . - nettoaue Mixer jtw pair Fraaob Han aiiU - , bkmUliABinatUa,.Ae.; as twalvs horse ' ' pow,, Futa Bou Muuna Kum, Boiaar - sd boirtaDg Htrkioerv :ooa Al&Ahii.iata' t..k. . Uir at twalv frat bm f twn An i-. .Lu- i. .T ; .'hlBrbb Hire WiMdbjit I'lauair atui ttai. '! a , vmw mw tidi: Haaaulaia ewer t bo mediate Hiebaraaoa, Meuiom o, 'a . malt Planer and Matcher: ooo tlo new Uaolol Ffaiter ; one H. tali' to. make aad ., Matcher l one Mmitb's three side Moeidiua- II a. - 7 chin and Cuiter ; a amall enrfae flatter . i ooegageUsl,eAiaaw ; on forty-borae . ,,. power biatioearv Faeuia and Tubular taia'': on Boyie A 6atbl'a mak t Inch Ciroaiar ' , w, lor tt, warraated : one U ineb Haw fuf ' tVu. Lot of Gaariuga. chaining and Htturera. "" for I e.f,t a poeod; Btaaaa Pipe, Oalka and Valve,.' A ectopia lloaia Oa notai fotkaiaaitable for s large bowl or a siaill Iowa. taawaxt v. Wik. XM 0 ' . a . . .rr JK,:7 rrV ,l-.ic-