- ,'- ---'V-'- r . -,- - U ---.VI ."-- -;-----V. - -,-'., r -ir-iii i 77 1 HS. r - VTr rfW VCVCVAY .III M M VOL. i. " - - - THE BEXTINEh k ft mit-Holden1 adminiitratloa ,soisiieJ ia the history of Wilis, Q. 1ft oa W cite I' psralilf It act lb done. Wbaa to weat into Cmt Km eopl M wat-fed fro atitrW 'I?8' wti' Ml' M Jsipxrstiveiy M Ja"ej ia th f reakiir; ! d t4 Wto (tii tnd 1 tepopt ttttjr 'lirer1 A rieocii'f icbme, a(f !thofl(ti' the jopt if9ryBTe ol6fi1i.b!y, -owing l aUIrtuaat pt tb nw,.. tbM Ifilloii the 8LU debt ft oafft btlie encnv cm of J26t0O0,O0O, -mkiog ir pt 0,000,000. Tb Bapreme Court held tht it 110,000,000 of thii oew debt WM na tatioMl ind 6TC"T6i remeimog 1,000,000 ol bondi were t once throws IW market or the country tad m Ike credit of ti State went down to tad for Ihe whole fl 5.00,006, )eie 11,000,000 bu goM 4 ill go , jnta pablie work. A Urge per ( toe taak eon'upt Wie. Iiegielatiir o4 otber U uirept.ai.ted M fhe- rndatf t1 UM aiuralandturm IM year ssore tbaa a half a millioa of ,.Is acre isvMd IrMn f ba psnple, anf m last half of this sum Was' collected say tbe interest oa tbt fl 009 000 sfc-.Ttti nvosj , waa wasb4--paylng' tt sabiss aad $7' a day to thf taoat ig t,tbd prufligatt ast of mentis a whole, 1st trgft rJi'gracad any capitajja tills Vt :tbsa they look fts "PpeclaT Ux" atflad wasted and stols that ; tbea .lj"tks Stabs Block la tba Wilming iWeldoa, and Wilmiagtoa A ManM fUilroad Company aad squandered isHiks saaons-tlieo the State got tor IJitfdead from tbo North Carolina JMXmmtMWMSLmLfte first ; bonds of tbt Company, and they k ibeai beads sad sold tbsm at eeatt kt dolisr to ienfe," whea tbey were .thW cents ia ths dollar, sad they nd t y"a vtaor fli Ka dm ooia ui) .titJared another dividend aad they a Met that tad with It, without any an riiy of law, whatavar, tbejrbstt lised an army, of .deaporate men. skt war upoa tba people tad tbrm ttoikeco, tbi tt- of i roa-1 ia . affioa, Tbey .iavt ' aqoaadered ttaool lund vatil there, is ao.acbnol : tbev hate sold tbo 'ifltamp laada" 11,000 to 1300,000, tbey bate made open jottbtp apltf tbey bsve arrested many too S)t peaoelbft bnd 1)utet cltiscns ot i3tatswiboatlODy warraal of-lawful wrlty, sad bald theta as prisoaars ; thsy e otftsd and refused to obey tbt writ of Majrywa, and losoltad tbt Gadget f Sute-they have perpetrated all tbss I sfttr crimes mort thsa ws caa eao- tav.Afaiptr'"0' has to tbt letter aad tbey know it at 1 at wa. And what Is remarkable, tbf tUsVra tuefaia aad support sack Other vatw s maa. Witk all theat crimes i Mtrtgas, open aad manifest to every Ijiwifwaed tvea ly tbe perpetrator! nutltrt, pot a tingle men ot, them hat id bit voica (a condtmnatiaw of them, 'sac;' on tbt contrary, tUty co-opentt iW attempt bieres tht jeopleto tep bait niaciheyVpiivr! that if ionsst ba tett in 'jwwer tbey would burl tba fess. pt tbesa (mm io.Kiaitd place j J It what tbey fear, aad kcooe tbo reekK l werU war of mbrdel! tbey art mat tat tbs people. We tell tbt peopit, kand wuite of aU par!lo.that ths httatti) Is td gj to tba lialiot box acd ftbr mea good and tnn,," pledged 40 f Mtet darkness. Let tbt people, amy N, bt p and, doing for h'mwlf and Uttlt Iwtad kit aooatry t tbo eoaatry dewwaat I Is it tba day to do tbe peacetu work I totaigilng thess detestabla blasts of tbt pats sad prosperity ot .tbe land to merited J and obscarity.' A'RISQ OPSBATIOX.ls :.; At Kadicat Lenslatars oassed acts call 5, 1 w i ftliretdv acta, but lo tart, sets lor tht of the "Ring," amounting, to over ,000,000 and fTrtteH$&Mm&SU aifereet oo tbesa- bouda. and last year j into the freasnrj about tl7J)00.- . '-w this avaf fo pay interert oa ths . ? WnsJ tea? aaada bad beta eollcot.d, si d ftt Htn j" hsd -abfrt att tbi-bflodt Xralatura Itasuud t act K49 I f'W they did thls,lth!e T!ingrea9nted J '1ar4''pait, 4m to ths I Msatot llttJSt " Tba "Hinmca not yeVifcrtif TM KtiiBey and tfeiTBaW ( vtery d .liar ol It. ' Tht wat paxtol bbrj wiung fiora tli eoplo1at year Pf into tbo pi rketa i f Aailreva, Jack Joass, LiUltb..ld, ttw,pn 4 Co. Let Popte cntisnl, t cd'il.iaaa another of 'aj lUdicalroblrir,and any H tbey i-"'i.'ig to at p the t UB art of pi t) a offlra. - . - MMMTS, - - Go. Bolder US aoras thlt and mar Superior Coert el Muote eoantjr, ud euuie muttt, sriaa end otber erimea. Tbongb BcitlUliMUiiiNoorded eridenoeof Gr htm in' hit ftoaeratioBV bo arfeati ben beea Some three wcekt acn, oa SatordtT and gflBdiy, tbe bnneei of , twelve paoebla tiMsip,,thidiffret ooaaUsf, were visitod by soldiers, arrests madeaad aiDa faapectabla dii eos pat la thcoemoa jail PI a carpet ag eflieei-j iwfi. ;iUg Ibeai htatiug.. Xilut the raac4 had tbos puaien. I 4 tbcii belaroea 4ght pt them looej Wiiiioui UMOUig OKertw Uuurt. area, -'t Mr. Jemee I. Boyd, of JLUmeooe, It here ; tbe Rdicl$ be is colas to tura 8tU' eTlileuoeand make woudcrfuf liclourn. II he doaa, beau bart aone bat members (AHtntto4idf; becao't hart the Coov aerfstWa Deaooratio party to which 'we beluag. We beliere la ao secret societies they art a cures to aay country, and the people al North Oarollaa art feeling tble l')rwMwr9IslrMsM wa aow going oa ia tb State, Is .betwsea Paoaa. alBr rJirinX lihisute. JW ,Br4Bo4l X SiMM 'Sift tfKakrV kAnrta SF .aif -t4 J IT T "t" a St T tot wUr Let them flubtl burn anil hano- on. If thev wi ll, but we expect, ty tbt help of tlod, 4k majesty f tb law and conatitatioa, aad tbt mora) power of truth inherent la tbt grtat mat of tbt people, to put 4owa liotlftliese secret orgsAisatioos, ao inimical aad dangerous to liberty, peaet and ufetju Bomw lour months ago Holden'a detatu tret gavt bint a list of aamoa ia ilsmsnoe, aaid to belong 1o IheXa XIui.ltby has bt BOt proceeded to arrest Ultra antil tbt bva ot tbt election I ' Ht bu bought aU tbt borate of oat of our Livery sublet here that bt could gat, and It atwO bas W la orde to Baltimore fir oat hundred mora. Tbett horses art to otused to rldt i over. tbatriwB'swttk, to make arrests an tha tvidtact o? such i me a as Daniel A. Qrahaa, Touloa aad Parrott. " " ... i Joe says ''Dadbas aot yet thada up hu l OiUtU to arrsst asr Ma tall -Did" Tit tfarS I aot arrett us. We are aa Americaa eltitea. lovat and obedient to tbe laws, aad we defy lsd. Kirk aad tba dtviU The devil ioeeraate who signed ths of diasaoe af eaeeasiea and ealied tor tbs btsd of Abe Liaoola berort Booth took it off, eaa n.0t. aadf shall aot threaten tbrongh his stw, oar arrest sad banging ia the jail yard, without oar throwing Deck aenaact ia bta raeth. 't t V Tbit wicked VaaoaT vao. tbrooKb his awtiiiirviu rtwumw, umm wivu(ou, wwwut despoiled and plundered the people, Shall ba told ot it. Oraat aad bia graad army of the Potomac can't. aUeoca us aor shut tba eomplaieinff moqtha of tbe bundrsd tbooaaSd'tez payenrof the State who are groaning atder tbs bnrdea, oppraaaioa aad iaault bat has bees beeped Upoa them. 9N 0ltJ0SM WSSlt. It is bst Just one week to tbe day of ele twn.Driog.:ihLw jhjirjjj m be doae by tbe Conservative and Demo- crsU It Secare tbe slactioa of hoaeat mea to - oiRc aad -jredeeny -$bt Stettl torn tbt oppraaaioa and misrule under which it groans. j We hats betaorotd to by tht Kadioala for two years, and we have sees and ftlt the feault, Tht old laying ol "bad Uokj aod worst a-coratng" expretset precisely Ui facts of tbt' eltnstlon,undei Kadiaal trlo;7TtBowTht people, those who hart io4ee the twrdeat of taxation, Intend to make a change. ., It Is a week ia which every man matt do oif whole dirty We mart arouse oar owe friendl tt acjion ia registering and voting, aad at ths same time watch aad checkmate tba aaderhaadad movetnentt of of cpp aarata. ' f a 4 aW w.4. There it to lei miot sprung just a dsy wrt;farhTa (cadets j ths papers are bow being preparea and disseminated ready to be biouta out aivotdina- to Broeramma. Certineatet and ant to oe raiminawo, wiau atww wuiui" en tbt timid and sffect the wateriBg.x This so, and we tell yea of it the! you may h fcuOTimait. r a..,.iT tf , Lot none of tbsss fhinglWve yoa. Oar eanaala lust, our wosoact brWbt, Radios It are turning to as every day ; we kaow thia is so : Uiarelort, let every aoaww auij and tht Butt is redeemed. -rirs wat it wojdartif J Chief Justice Pearaoa, few dsyi siaco israed nlneteea wnU jf Ja, JP 'tSiaWorsiieff'liB Xm-Qt Bbw a gentlsmMwbo tra dartook to serv I similar writ from, .aiUaheU oilktBopt riol Cjsrt, jltwa was ton-ep by Jbrk and U gsolkmsa Sarirjg 4eft jeeyvtibea hie-ataf--aaw4Ob f wbs pinwrdTwrTetted- sad ctftltd tad uut is iUtM cuatod. ocived by counsel harev lroat Oeorge wiiiii amsorerww ihe wrlU issued by Judge fearsoato Kirk's trmp o ytttgtdty to scrtt-ieatbirrwwr drives front Taoceyvtlte,- BOdae tareais ei beirg fired Intf.'- Be we go, yet Holdea says be ia sustain ed by tbe Chief Justice, and bas a great respect for tba haws aod tot elvtt avtborr tie I ..!. . . ' ' -t ' Oo apoat toe impadcaes and rijpoeri- . ''I? ...... '.F .RALEIGH gWWBBg UOLDKNASD TBK "STUO." Tbrre t Bd awa, fcogulwot of tJie f?H.. P4l !imsQs.T. Ilildm lOoVjt, jiU That the "Ring" plundered the State is prorea ; that Holdea tppointed tlie nwn, -. ' Dttnitld tod Bloaa to r.epontible uowitioa is prows, aleo. Yhat be c oolVl at the pecalatiooa aad iraods practicod by hie appoiaaaM eii be (irovta bj Job T; Uraeesa, ot Ibo Tilleias wa earned tttaaa ayWtem. ; "i That Oof. Uuldaa tefusad to tatatpeaa aayobetk wbahewtr 10 preSM th oar. ruptio(,U.g ottJSd.jh.41Jiar. fcuipUd d vetwt end puowa .a siagla abue cpuunUl bjjUie JB4 K were thas Lat4t tUe people's moner,-is a patwtt laet uaoonUaUicted bj aaj jrtcard ia lbs 8tate. , .. ' , . , It cannot be showa by aoy measag or otb r official act, that be bas ever lifted bis voice ' or mal. aoy tflort, or advised tba Lrgislatura or the ouarte te take any steps to hamper the rogues or protect tbe flasoces of the Bute. Web. reao doubt that be lean, weiehe to set oa fot aoy inquiry into tbe fraude and corruptions of Little- field fhd tue "King " it would end ia bis f own exposure auu contusion. -" V Thoufth be knows Llttltfield to be a per- . Though LSl9iia tsn'di sI itifit 1 v on f1sTitrrfir 'spprVrplrtai fag $3,000,000 to a Railroad, ttill hs continues him In a position in which be baa tbe handling of millions of tbe people's money, with no security for its proper ate. With these tactt btt the ptOpiawbfl bat Ssm Phillips, Bcott, Kirk and dldap jr Dick, will dare to aay tbe Governor Xuu s clean recoid kt regard to the ' frauds jMd Corruptions that hate beea praclieed fa Irti siate."- " ' "' J.Q0K OUT tOR FRA VD ASD FA 1.8 S ? i HOOD. The Radlcial leaders here art leaving nothing undone that eaa in any way mis lead sod deceive the people of all parties and induce tbrm to obtlaia from voting, or-W YoteW Jkauds. will., be prsctictd ia leitxenoa to tickets, many of tbera hare beta detected -k ;Si,atn-.-ew .'i".'Hi-awoe- y careiuiiy bis ticket betors as deposits it la ths ballot boa. , f ( But tbe people uny erpeclally sntiolpate that astounding r presentations willbe msitt and sestteted Lrosd' caat over tha Hate In band .tills aad otbsralu sa to Xtt Ku erlmts and Outrigea, 'and as to Je-' yeloofiututs mads tbroogS UoldtVt Willi- tary movemeai. Watch this matter. It is already iotimsted that this will be done. The peophi ar k ware of tbo lawliws armed ioics ot Uoldea orgaoiaed rzprassiy to' fotot tbt electloa bis wsy or de- it altogether, sad a man, or act of men, who caa peri a rate so wicked a trime sa this, ia capabls el - aiakiug aay franduTeat aad Ulaeafft at itpraaewaatloa to sccomp iah a pbrposa. TaO e" rbo have perpetrated unheard of orimea with out Bueiber.oa tjbageopteol atoatattv ia tead to yield their grip oa pdwet ad the parse and sword, only after the people baa a wrescbed, theaa Irom t them at tba ballot box. Let them do tbi atooco and tend thtm ,f hart they wilt Bevat , bt beard of again or mentioned txcept ia ooort and duiisioav i,,4, m t jriW(4 r ,M iSi te Perthaiaariaai. ':- oa JeaToawtaorwT- --WTftryo hasty note to infirm you that the Coneer vstite prospect of taic ss In every county west of tbt Blue mags is ingni saa prom ises certain soceess to all the Vouaes vati ve eaadidates It the Legislature, lor Coa, grass sad AttomtT .svarait i r, rutuipa did hie cauae ao good, indeed, it was maar Ifest be telt coderane. sll tbt time aad bsdaocoofideoca ia the party whose csa- 3idat bt is.- The Kadicals set tbt hand. writing OS tht Wan sel tear ana tremoie. HoJdtn's war djwa there U playing the irdschief wiibthera bere: the people ot all iij rfiaaaia4t, oMrpt a Jew liafttca s, son wicj nurv iinj eeealreid to aay may aaauna mm. . - ' The Radicata to tb srenoa resort teaii sorts "ofablfii IBd TWbtrlni;et tot deceive jbjr-tbinft ts-e.ThcT JTiit tell aay swt of a tale to aw re a purpose in rart-r locality. aal H toe eau coeiravu la aootber. Thef tell a tboessod storiet sboot what yu ell say tad Uo Is tht East aad ao doubt tbey will then make false repreaeotati-His atwurnl to tbe West. So look eat. We detect frauds ia the tickets prepared, aha daily. Let everybody look out for freed sad falsehoods. If tbo people East of the Kidge will do as wsll as wt totted to do, wt will carry tbs S ate by twenty tboesaod snsjjrity, ' Keep the ball wuiy iu, oi ,:tir 'twrrwjdtte W I'pnl'twatiaa H toi.s)4 JbV ttenUtioe. Ths fitaaiiare'ol this morning sa jU Jsmts,ILXtiaioB lad. Wilt m Alisa, CaassrratlTt ssslld-Vrr ia tba Wast fijok boid aud peV grottsd- la 'vtJ5pGItioB- an tbs bometttad pruyjaioa of Ibt Qoostita-. mfbtt;wewre BBthoriaedtooay. by oat wtia knows aad te rttntesible. Jt false aa to false ss te Mr. Allen. To tUuuUrd gitat tutbnrity for iu vtatumtet tad w lake ill M.thiHit Is entlrelv witbowt loaa dstioa aad w mad td beteWeCt East of the Ridge, sad so lately btfeta tbt elrctio at that tbe talst statsmaat eaaaot be ror-' rectcd. We say the statement s made witbout a shsdoW ol fouadatioa M to one ol tbe geotlemte and w believe to as to N. 0.. HATUUbAY; JULY 30, 1870. B j. J ft L n,iau - 7B1 Q9HTU9T-L00K. Jfli. imA si tk .BtiW gotatmtt toe ftp 14.. That was tb( sear kefora Uoldeaj 4 Co. came lalq oSiaa. Tbo osstot . tba ftUta iroveromeot tt tba year bagiaoieg SOthfol September, AID., 1804 aad eadiag September eOtfc. I6i Was 1 746,B0.40.-. This was tbe Irstyei of Badicai rule. Difforaaea la coat f$t !,180 4. f bis vast sum was smbrtx!cd md went Into the potkitt fifiuaujir . LVJa to ibis the coat ftba JUgisistura M 8i)f70, liiO.Ooa aad a bar tbe eoorajan tun of f03S, laAaa. Ad 1 1 ifcw ihv am yt J .at lost to tba Ring'' for "apfeiai. Us", coo. poaa, say $lll,12, aad you bare the still grtatct euia of riSM.tl O, dors awt the heart aickea at such details ol fraod aad Tillaiay ! Caa it ba that tba p.-ople will .Tote to keep each t1uadrors la bower longer t W traat aot, Let tba people remember too, that although thM crimes; ara,ooa(Med aad art aadeoiabta, that aev uf' aWiaai aa raised bis rains or pea ia oppoaitioa to, or deaonciaUo of . 1hett crimes aad frauds that bat do parallel la tbe bistort of eirilisrflos. ts this aot r markable t it argon 's ' combination ot tnapunttc, st once aopanirttt aad alarming. lt the ptoplo wake ap aad are. tuemaeirea, . fj aT - . arts. .. I 4 tffr-fr oraw attachment or rote -lo allow . i.;v,daatar?ew' -1 i f j "v .ceun agsinst the UoverAoc .for pot mak ing a sutficieBt return 10 the writ of serous. , , 4 v , !....!,..,, i. If this writ of ettecbrtent against tbs Oovernor Is aot proper, tbea tor a similar Writ or rale aaeinst CoV Oaorge Vtr Kukr I. That tbe Marobal of the Supreme uourt to directed to proceed lurtbor In tut efecutlon ot tbe writ ilircatad to him7 to bnng tht body of tbe prlaiiner ror your HaaairPeaaaJtar-' a tbit motniBg, tbr Sbtb Inat.tb Chief Jostle Ocliverad hit answer ta writiag. at lollowsi , ; Ka Parli Veen. ' ' J "', Tut Bret motion ia refused. ' ' - The Chief Jostle of the flopteras Coart bas ao pooei aodet the ioboi r.mrmt act to ordit tbt arrest of, tue (iuveruor p( the State.."""," "-. ' ' ' ;Tbeeo6Bdbtlb'h refuseil. It has bum adiudkmuit ht W(U Kirk had a justiasbls "ekeott,- its orders atieg oeea avowed By tueujwraur. i ne tiura mougn.u retui Marshal tn no to tba eamo ol UoL Kirk make a demand, as the liovwaot bu ta ken apoa himstlf tbe icapoaaibitiiy of de Cliniug to producj the body ol tbe petition er 1 Story's ease 10 Johnson, S3M, Chaw wsUat Keat e the rear of a wtit ot aatwse ssrpswdixaated to OeaHtal Lewts,' bald the return, "Triebariy ts sot i aay custody" ta bs ft sufficient,' it Should bavs born, "laewsrty Is sot la m y contody or hder myaantnL" Tbt custody ol a subordinate n the cusio.ly ot tbatwfir.--- Tbe petiuoutr.if It will servo bit purpose of applying t tbs Chief Jus lea of toe Bus preme Court "vAb IT., & for a writ of sat eunt. as; suggaated by bit eounwl, may take the fact ao ha, that 'tbe Marsbal pr ceettod to ths camp tif Cob Kirk, and laiointod bim oi toe wit, and lilhet Cot Kirk relied oa bis order sud reluaed 19 de liver the body ol tbt petitioner. 'ii .ktL rAnso!fv , umi ( v ch. J. a. C ' It will be remembered ' that the ' writ WhiciLwas Jauad by the Chi4 Just lea, af 4 ter tht Qoveroor had made bta ret era t tbe writ of ioaassatrpat waf aa roliowst r i To David A. Wicker, Hsrshat of tie 8a. preme Port:wf ,i; js fh" iutt 1 1 You art hereby commaaded in tht tame of tbe State ot North Carolina, forth a ub lo bring ArWphoi 0, 4 Moor, wherever to be feawd, before M. Biahm'md M. Paarsoa, Chitf Juaiica el Sua BuprauM Court, ta the City of Raleigh. Heroin tall aot. , Have Ii hernia tbia writ aad aaaka da return,- w RicaauiaD at pBABsoa,- . i Chad J oat ice Sacetiot Coart. j Ealoigb.ioly 80th, IB70. . .,, A , , j ) -I InstrvcltoUs-'o will wait apob Ills Iictllency, tbs Oovernor, exhibit to bin this writ, aad s copy of ths opinio ia "Moore's cass" and makt retur to me, I M M tt .A 1M ft at laajhsoMi ' - 'w -nt'e Vif if 'V Ot af. 0L few ' Jhis writ was iaaeed after tht Chief Juf tke baddaUtaloieadaolatiflg Uiat by tbt oooaUtstioo, tbt Gjvatnor had 00 .Hg,,to,aa,k3f,tsSfa iUnl nt Jliaaas fas aot suspea- ded, aad tbe writ above aaoted commtadad tbs Marshal to bring the. bodyof ,More before him. bat to Brit fcfV V w TOr It wUI botesa thaTtbs I Pernor irae to obtf tbit writ, od wwjtbt CWel Jtu-il tiot ssys b i powerless to sxuout tbs tow I of tb Isttd, at tk Governor hs takea the' responaiUUity ao$.ta,do.ifc,t. iWbsta stats of things I W submit these papers to lb people d tb State, and tbeoowatry- But; what hcome of lb trio, pretence of the Ottereor tod kit aHtigajfelfcll MlSk8.j fetfeiggJ?; ting ia accord; aad that b was but carry ing out Om ftplnina pf (!, JJ II tin be so tbora ia otaatUng betweea tuem, more tbaa bst hitherto met the public ty,' MoaAaSTAsUaatILA.Mstihsl,4 wfet -a a wt iwt br tv C'isnnri f slooer, Sbt fferA artested y ordyjBIsr f tU ewaty-.-Bavt 1gK?mrAft4 job I. Byra, cuargea wia wnipp ag one JoTo-WTHtvwj-pf -Jrrbno-xotjji'y,-tnr bis political rpinions. At tbe parties ars j wfcitftreVvbt ewettwrtsd by &shrr- alona, Without pots ot . B. troops, a gniucsot fact that lids pbo bst been lying about resistsnce to ,1s w is North Caroline, wo,uld do w:l pnfmU. , - ,- -1 Tb examination was 14 ootn tifftlii sfteroooo, but bsd aot dowl to befjfe Wt Went to ptest H t haw -aradt aotliing it reftrd ta tbt pajtlcalsn of tbt ess, I i i " ' Pertheiia eL - I tfn ik. w, t , ? s t p vmaa TIlrWiaTirr, T?Qtt tB fcumOle I Iiruia at toa bantlL In Of aolK.Cn. s, , trl) to roa fjr our com o MKi, st.t tot te gmxf f.f h pnple of it-ttk Casatiaa, wthoat ftgaH M Moa, Co'or or riou- condition. . . v ,Jim arbitrary , noiaa of powwa rt Kihci rou, nuirr r.j nut l oa.lllull' a jot ineisiri 01 Worth rrollia, in.u.p BJin(f the wt oil ' ttrjmt, h ihvrv is lo the Xrt.iuiuo o Ibe law. baa a .d pri sa.ic.ir,pvio the u is t vry statvsuwa and pmii.4 in tins bioed :nd. i It U rurai t Tn d nVrrnt prl. of tbe Wotrjr that f jaa conUmpAie smiling a part, v,yoBr amUtarj futrata Jobaatoa C""'! t Sit tea ol tbe omtaty r ia the o'tue 01 people ol ine onunty I auter at r H mi ig iKnaviiT for It. ' The pe,e of Jhnto OouBtJ pnnwaeai as a taw -toe log aad law Bidding people j they will compare favors,' bit with any community either u or out of tht State as good aad loyal citiseoa, Tba records ot tbe oaory sootain sat ia what I aaawt of tba ptopla .iof aay aeaatT. - Kot oal; the reooidsut (he aouavy canity to tht trutb ol what I asrt.but evcrj p.a eollloer af tbe county witt eo.lora aiihout beeita. tioa or m.eul rtaorvatiow Its traih. Tbea I apural to Toa.UuVitwar.as rrsmiaaitef i. ci'iif cJabtt uujtitir.lbsiut-to kaw, t.eowtij : , anaer wtist, authority rlther ot tbe Constitution or the tawa of ........ I . ... a .. m . . I nmww oa--v - aw--ai- BXaa'. mous foul-oioutb falaebuotli alaae slanderer 01 ta piopit of Johcstoa ousty. a II ths object of the move is to get up line imwm we rausens OI mtCounty aad tbs militia, tbs instigator of tht wicked fawarxa stars hr aboat tti jffta, fia ejS auu luereiiassngsu' tuiu. au exoepttutv irnd I rg to ly, Gorernof, yo4 try one Of . tbt afortUoaie- toeptioB. If tbt Mldjj Cats tbf kiudaess. at,-. , - , . jl 4 It ths object is to make political capital, lo deter the voters oi Johaatoa county to keep thi m fmm tba polls oa the 4th day of August 1870, H will ht tlgnal tsilure ; lb soidierstbemaelaasars rraaa,eotitled to tbe right of suffrage aad in eouawa with their fellow cltla. os they will not forget that, if yon in tbt txercist Of an arbltrarv power aot guaranteed yno ertber "by the Uoasutadoo aos Uws 01 Monk Carol i a a, oao, proecnoe one , Towr;-voa --a tbe aauis right te prtiantilit tbom.wbi - A. Xf ee prase, ine apaaco ana a tree oanoi Is gaaraotaaaVtostary cibaen 4 Ibtftteto by the conatitatioa; laws,. They are the palladium of oat liberties and b who denies, or attempts 10 deny tbt tree ex ercise ot tht oat or the 'other' ia " a traitor sad onward, t ever aor, if yoa art not iaaaae.tf yoaara wot Klreaiavtirto bard- aess of heart aud reprobacy of mind that you may believe a lie, the conclusion with every saue nib fa tbt State hr.that yoa. are-' bent upoa miacotei, tnat yoa tniret tor tbe blood oi 1 boss wbott twora aaty it is youre 10 protect. y4 , it )!..., k' T "Let as take bird's sye view af the ooa diUi'B of the Slate as represented by you, thmah tbs api-etscles ot common sense. To bolster p your case, for argument sake, I will admit this truth of your bill ot ia dictmeat aa tbarged agaiaat tbs prop! of North Carol isa, and wa will go farther ; let us admit that svery county and every citi. s -n in tbt counties are in a stats 01 open rebellion, I ask who it n apouslbl I fIt iswsel thaunlteraal law of nature that like causes prod no like e9 U. Taking thi view of the aulijoct, I: ast yoa, Oowet.. nor 4a all eaadbrtoeey whether tbt depto tsbia eoaditioo ol ttfaki aomplained m by you ia y wr bill of indtctaseaa agaiosl tbe psopls of tbe State ia Ihe shape of a proc lamation, s-vei siitted ia Worth) , Carotin', belora. How many ot your predecessors svsr complained, otttclalfy or unolHcially "of the deplorable aoaditton ot affair a represent ted by yoa t Did Worthy Yncv -JSUiant, any ou.er Ooterno ot tbs good old North ntste ever malign tier citisHns aa yoa bate 1 No, Bo, Governor. . Tbea I repeat tbe enqul' ry where does tti ful lie t who it reapoa ' sibla tot the tarmott 'and j xcitament UMt pervades North Csrtdio front, the . a stiore to the mountata tp I You, Gote, aor. at Hit reaponib e peraon, ihe sis was at year owa door, land that It proceed front tout eaaaa com bioed, , or, taking ass r bumsa viw ot tbe tutrluctlit proceeds Irotu One or mure of them, is. incapacity, in sanity, eredolity, or a depravity of hrfart, aal. mmIa-4 JM..1 b.Mt. a a,Aitlrt make SB - Jam Wtnait an-t prrtauwai wrrpi. m , .. , .iouri reix.Cibilty, - J. r. I.KACB. The ftrftowing we-take froastbe Fajsta Ilia RigUf speaks lor Itself ; ' ' i Cttoan Crkii Towns'ffir'yujy T?TiJ. Ti t ' f ' tter?onn eouotit "t--T'- "Ws,'' tbe Vii&rtpKi'' S, hs leg . beretofot acted tnd voted wiib tbs it puwlloaa purtj, tab Ibis ttetbed f anwunciog norsolvt jontot tbd faryro4 mi tiie futast wtit aw vnr ballot aod ii.flarwce to flee grxwl and liOLi at men lu cfilca. , '1 he , Kadn alt have tailtd in evert oromiss thet ever mad the' peopto. ''Tbey pind retoaoriissnt aadf Ka, aad ai iseanail j-aa.tHi-ebo-. Dockets, tb otlic bottler with the pon tic's money; baafcrupt ;he Bi at and ruin its credit 1 tat the peotiki aimont tmolursMv and totally destroy our toiarnal hn prove mcntt (or yrarate coma. Wesataiy tatg .11 nmLait kwtaat we t ma-etB hatrr- tugio jut honejt men in orfrew.; Tie J -a-'f a ws, rini.iAjrii. ' . u u I Ji rL anv i W JA4.-avoM(r- ' "LL'THEUK JAClfeifiJf, K W. Hf ACLINO, t lih.Shi V. tyAKIh.R. " JUllN C. CAItTKlt, JR - 4KLh.aV.16UNfwH ' , "A mil'ttsry company psrsJed t Boston t few dsyt ago, with twenty-two men bear leg asnskets, aad twenty three playing oa musical Instrument Tnl bs tlwsys Uca the wcy wittf Mauschnsett. W bav lawvcv bad a an yet te which aba did not do a urea W nsor blowing tbaa fighting. -I L'soneT eVmraaa. j ,.,x ',- v'1;-- i, , . ,...1- ' ' .. ' " 'r -V. ' ' J .'!' , Ia a recent sri'o la tl. Bal-itibvPf.tw jrTecuuutnig a autubtr tU alleged ouU ragrs, t;S : " " ' "' MAad a colore) man, who was on the streets of Kale gh ymtordat. was ricrntlr aost inbamsnly awntrffwd i4 coautr iTf Baaapsoa ApWttipi' . Nw to the facta. This a-gro U know iasmpeoaas WUitant ., and hat ih r'tltnTneuniaiI'Ii !!!. ''' lu frooi Iteplia.Northamptwa aad Wake, lia wasatoiai-iranger to ttampso. u-i Mo ttay atornWg remarked to a aaio that It wuuld . 'Ve loiin t,d ilioro wonl.i aa twa-etinkra fell tociwr tn MimiM.vi,, as be iaw-udtd to-bate K.rk anU his ate tbera. That aigbt Bcoti waa whipped, as de-:r b(l ia the lo'towing affidavit, py ao- i lw Ca but as ra s a a uia not know him. , f.r no ol- teres, but as they swsar, ia accordance wtta tbs otders of a tocrot Lssguo, These wwa tit nanicsis, : Scott left iutmediatelv: without 'm.fc i eomplsint, bating paseed throogh Clinton, tbe county seal, oa the day Brl. Dockery apoke, oa bis way to tbo railroad. A eolofrd mao, Siunusi Ouapler altsvw wwua wia eme Eaoimmea uat oe tboagbt it was bis duty to tell tbrm of tba plot -to get Ktrk"i mm lute ths eounty, byrrepra sratingthat Boon bad bea Ka Klu,rc; 4m ii HUH al mm sttaio up tiy t argruts tuemsa'vss. A Btate's warrant wss immediatett issued fttrtilrjtt t Kat i.artia'.Bt J trtr, 6VwWftiickpe(I andliara aot sTucVf bewa heard from. It Ml htl hTAll kA. attaaftaM I a ?SSrlsV vj -u wuite wan ana several ns gvoea. and guarded and takea to jail by tbt tnttetv 1 1 t v i . . .1 Whet broKht before the Magistrate tht parties msas ainaatttt to tbs lacts therein contained, aad by ths time they get the meo." to Samo- soat wesnpBMBt the ottwr- tbtw witt ht f P'wod . i4 batedgdUJaiUd to U ai n m xaacey tine military trial. I tils is s (rue ind simple statement oi tlXtU borrar. m aiiuwa his rmi fwaasiie f - Httca of the evidence tut which tieveiaot liohten order bit military lo Imprison tbt leading citiaeos of the Stat. Caa it be true that Kirk bu number of trained East Tennes sse emissaries to make work lor bim f ' ' Thatttdavit la at tollowat t, M s eUatreua L'oqbtv. ..-.- f d mpftf A nUtMt hion J. JS, jtaraisn, - Wash- Howard being. . orrAa t ni am omoer ot s society or secret nrgauizauon, sad known amongst at as Oansral. He, VlrgU Clumpier, snore such persons ss bs wsetted a niambet. Tba , iiaUi la Ihia, ot as pearly this is I can remember i "To keep all tbingl secret, and if s member tells any thing, hs Is to be killed." Virgil Cramp, tor twore the mam bers to do-any and evarythina- b should order tbnt . to do thronnh Tboms Butler, the Captain, To kill a maa of mea, to burn bouses or any thing that hs, Virgil Crampkf, should order, The aieoibeis to this secret orraai tatlon it, Virgil prumpler, general t Tbos, Butlef. Capiainf Wash Howard, Bmitb Hefritigr1ara flowTd, Lewis Howard, Low uweas, Charley Crumpler, Wrtn tler- ilng, Thad Newman, Jiut Cooper, Orten Underwood, Usbe Hoyal, all colored. I have bees a member of this tecret orgsuU tatloaatioai ttiiee weeks. Virgil Uruuip bar administered the- oath ate, bold, mg op my right baadL;;s Tit meet tugs of thii , orKanixatio Wor , held at Ylrgii Crtftiipler't hoi, 'on Mat thew Puiaon's htod, In Hainpiow boumjt 8Utof WdtUi-CiaoIUia.--KetHig were held totnttweoe thrss tiaas a Weak. ,Oa Monday night, tha 18 b ol July,,l70. 1, il - .. .l -...I. lk.,l V .. 1 . . . 1. , . Ti tt eau i- a' w ,u unm A..fw.wifM Cooper, Jtarsh II nwsrd ao liwa.llgw. J trd, ail colored, went to Ihe bnss of T ioy Wbita, faV4, in thscoaoty a ttoaipsen, ad Dtate.ol North Carolina, tad took therefrom a cohuad man who called Inn, si-lf ticod A. Litibif, aod Csrried him aiiottt a quarter of ' a mite from Tony Wttrtew-hTmWJ wterr Usrch Howard whip- aad him, ths ssiil Ooo I. striking bin aom fight or ttu licks with Utile wuip. Lewis Uiiward, colored, wss present wltn a shot gun his faos ooocealed nod biddi a-vrltk a covering ul clothe Attor tieatt waawbin uJi asa wa . fl red raff. nrMtaded to be Bred at said 8'n. "4 Jl'wink; thl, Lewis howsnl fired the gun Do not know what Hnetf was whipped rt 'f bought t waa oi dc rat rota Vtrsii CrampU. tMe Ueseral, Mteral ol the rumiUira if this cutj, go armed, witn suoi guns ana pistols. .-, , . j '' Bwi.in tnd subucrilied in before me. J, P n,r'i(-n tJifffrrftlian-oa-awJ mn' rnii. 1, tt a. ooice ts lotoo, tUiST tb 2.7 tb day ol uly, l0. - , ,, l ; . ' - Wastl H nowsBt).. I- J j. -wisrkr- rOltd) It & tardea, V Pi---W or NoatB CanoflHA, I jtrao.Ci;t'v-.-1". VTbed Nswman sod Jim Cooper, Oolortd, twoia, bttitl et That tb fact set birth is the ion aoing affidavit art true to tb best ot irty koowlcttg knd belief, eicept that Thad New rasa Ms tot yet taken' tbt bstb. ; Jtiwott end snbsertbed In before aie, a I sties of tk pesos, lor Saipraoo nonety, at 'my niT'ie iu t litttcn, tbie, tijo ,25tb.,day of July. iito. "; " .. ' k, i.is.giBiiu;i ,1 :tn r,M-r W . n. ante vtKWtta-' J, JE. BattiMtt, tfi P - mark, - , Jsmbs Coops , I Tb' will I no pnvatMtrieg ia tbt war fa who Franca and rn.viis It is forbul M-b lt ths ''Pans llw laiHtiOH ..1 t.i.it whtcll Ws fleBed ntTtlie P.etTtpoleGtlarici wt Kualaiid. Frtnc. Pttaaxa A(M.lr1, H:ur sa. Sardinia, ah if Turkey. 1 To 4a Kuai of the loar points ihe aurcetl npoa I' ' ...... ,1 ..... I,' ' . .... I is aa loiinwu ; r, f rmtnntiK s auo reiusinsaiioiisiieit, . lb aentrsl tag eovart enemy't roods, f wlab tba- eu apiio ot-aoetiabaa d ii wasv' 3 Neutral gx'd, wlnl ins eact-ptioa l Contraband of wart srij, BoJj liabls cap tar vnder rneaiy's n(?. ' " - ' ' lUoekades, fa 5 order to b blnitlrig mast i f tfieotivt ; that it to say, tnaiateioa ed by a iurce thilivitnt. really to. prsvent rxs to the oosnt of thaeoc mr. v, , , , Tbe ' Americaa Oovernmeut. lt will bs ieimlnrsi1 dcclised te become a party to tht above (lclatiaa.-.aY, , Xriiiaa, -; ftTaw-wa aW'.Bt1H tWTTfiiahBT'" most projtllo .( tits m la riu s tba, biiivr fiui-s of lUcnuairutiiivo -la a fiadU t alfalr in every scn-e ff tba woni, Tba Utdic., Oovrrnor. Ultln.; wtj i, from the ipn ttfiiinlntt of hiAiiiitrnctinii. has Iim-q eue f it must radirsl dttturlx ra or order sud law suit tbeular adutiniairatioa of jokljre, has Dow ranied hia radical audaci.. ty so tar as to dciy tue sivil counaj to pro. uoe et-rs'U; t plact in oinmsutl iili body t liug4n rsbteb b olla the Siaie miii-ls, e.rtu tkrf. Kirk, dvin Ktibl t thr, HMUtpu'utioa t,i nBitar OKivenuB's in j,naf i-u ordfr ih w V'o'uupI o arrAt vc.,1 r, tj i't.ili!i Ju,li ' vJduabvkuoaa, lulw ot euiiusrtaiive cb star and tendencies, and t chrr thun, aot with aay oVrrt acts, t iil tr moral, bql ' WlIB4Bpiuoa Wiertly ot btrf TOOflrctlI with that Inviiillo but m .v.iUI.'i, um. caibn8b-ar, the" Kfl Km Ulan ; and linal. iy, to answer tlie writ of the ".Cbiel Juatu-s of the Btnte Jor a habeas corpus, by the charsetrristio Radical reply that that sort of thing, was "pljed out.1 Tha recon structed carnenwgiers and oaurpert of authority in Worth tiaroitea wsra not to be Insulted by a swgestita tva-wf onnstiti ttoasl liberty, or tbe ooca wtuUr but now "plsyed out forms of, 14w. Ami 4alt this . approacoiiig pomRtaj eainpsig tt. T hatpin, 'vl greaaionsl candidates were jw,klug Iq the . ttirt Htnsnir wbe t in wrier trie friar na ttniuud; 'C 44-WfWH- MuttrllrVtit lt-- r "- arfiatT BlAtla iZtiDL lHolurfiniT tJlBL . BxlamB)lil aaA A IWa. aaiuiaV L " iwauivai expediency and the as surasct of Mr Hummr that kecoastruclioa. must us carried oit st all baitrda and , bf all mease, aud that Recouaiiuctiou mems Botblng more tor tes than a guarantee of a republic form of govarntnerH te ether words, 1 Boteramest mrasedand tnld muA- npu-atid Uf sod; lortbttft'lriilfltititifii or'""" Hauicat twpnni tcant; , ;, In acorrrinnct with rhli kii if nMl,: Hcsn governmodatfastsccoiiri'tatlieCoiiit' ' rlTmteid-tTrft.TMHl-sfit iiliSSruiwIpr; ward, and tt. Biiiittry mmisjiia.CoU- Kirk himself and bisubordinstesoonilit tine tbs Courts was ia sesaion. to trt r more strictly speakiue. to condemn tha r.' rested eitUrtO.1 Ths a hole transaction it bat another essmple of tbs rrgitfmar rea utte of tbst egregious botch Work ot leglaa lation .called Iteconttruciiuti winch a . dt Slgried and is bsintr executed in North - and South Carolina and other half ionhed Btawi, ta tbe Interest ot ; Uadlealisor, t.y placing the rsias of guvurnment sad the menni of ntflcUl rumunlna l ih ,. ' ' ttod tb Baltimore Sun 1 JulT 13th 414 iti; VAKTi&LlZAW tit 'irottrrr fAtti t t . . -t it-, a hifvj4wM:: ' '' a .' ',,! V . H I ta v' f 1 . Chiel Jostle rearion gave hi dacisioa; on . Saturday in ths habeas cpus cu growing oat l tht lrret!. jfladif 'by Colo- net Kirk, meting nnder i rtet tit by Governor Ilolden. Tbe Cltii I Jusitoe de cided that tbt writ wa not.autptndej sud omit be obeyed; and ordered it to ti-eiie in the esses ot Adotphus O. Moore, ttne ot tb petitioners, d KhsmSfcnhtn directed 10 the marshal 61 the Supreus .Court oi. North Carolina, who itordund to bung the' botlli sof the pets ins named lrl..re II. chief justice, wherever found. ' Amirdlni; to ths mesyrB ftatetuwib CiVeB ot dndirn lJrsoB's Olilliioa it Ik ttleffrsphiO -dia patch, frhilo dccla ii that ttaf writ La i not 1" en aimiirndrd. be at fh s ime tiuie Jut.fid Kirk's Monti to oly it, npoq tba' grounn tttst tie was 'acting annv tne or- d rsof hi autwrior, thf . QotmnttULHiLt, 4 ,11 the writ is Pot ItwpendeiL and lb Gotwnnr hail no power to supend it, or tu suthoilua its suatienslor) by Kirk, it ia dif. aeult to see wut justintioa tn latter caa , fiodt m thaslferra! ertlcr of bis snperievs Uaa tb CUiasl Justice mean that if Unver . nor lioldcn wr to order Kirk to Conuiiit murdor, tb order Would be his justitbs- ttdt f Tberf Wat tints IS this country1 wbtn tb llbertv of titisea wa toomdare sacred as bis life, and the violation of tn one scarcely lest heinous tliao tile un lawful taking of th other.' We can hardly conceit that so eminent a Jurist 'at J udg Pearson bas prom a lira ted a doctrine at variance witbube detuiona pf the highest ooorts both ol thlscountry stld ot Ku and, and with every principle ot eouetttuuonat liberty. Ouiy under an atitoiute tteKit iara tan lb orders ol the superior l plead d la justiftcailnn of any eruoe th nilwior may commit. Tb next thing to t seen it wbwtbettfa wril will be obeyed. Ike rotor made by the marshal to whom th -Writs ar addressed will bs looked to with "''"In tlie"nie.irjtiim,.rn(''cTi!S3 Toflia pr,,,4;-'-!--' "' tile conrae ot etetils may be bad tr in the following pntriplj which appeared in yesterday' ("undat) Waihinptun Vnront- f, ndihe diptth given tri. .Governor. ... , ttoldetrtotlreredtltTr ol tiiatpapvr, -,U will-.-.' be seen that IliildeB craliuS TiiJii Tearaon's decision a a stil'aniHl victorj," sud jjiai.,. (lirenUV fSonaiduf "tliil the ,!Jiv trior, liacked "by tb Pretiildot ttjrjtb. .-liattm ' State and th Ch!., Juktic of luaowa , tttate, bas eommarid ol tii jJoaitiort.'; Id )aragrspli Is as follow 1;" " '' ''. , : "' "Nohtb: CaboUh. The fIIolniliii- tatcu cxpiaii S ttetlf, (lover nor floldnii as command ot the poaiUoa k Nortk Can ollne. and is now siiataieed tit thJ I'rtsi dent ol the I. mied S'atea jid bvjhcjiiicf juiko ul tiialwu'luu!": " """'' ' A!;,, X. f, JutV 83. IfTfl I' J,t Wt Forney, silitorol ifie C?i"flid; lial.eat Corpus Ca.e jor deOtJad. Chief Jin k reaiajti suU ctUly au'iUhis 'Ut -4tett' ggTUJiiusiU.iuiLfcLu.cttu luli'i f-Jta . w.w.ix-iuiKjL- "Cbuu)n6 Stale Ufpubjicsn lt !.iu"i " Don Piatt on Th "colored cadi 1 1 ''If Tie psinaini, West fTilat witl N Hi irtVnlahcd that who cot hope lor a tfri, . If be to aigns, ou tb birry" fiiv oouitiry avail be -convulwd. lb-Dry W ilaon will ntanl oq . bia-hsad, wkuJi . jullntit at ll.auVict hniut tellect, ricnator C'baric will curs nd swear, tnd that will aot damage bis monds ' Uinglism will invoks "the -gaUiered wis dom ot thousand yiara," s,m speak hi speech for tbe bunjiedili tmui witlr in irn emphasis tliau evtr tod in the end the lit tle school will be tipped jnto, ike- liu.i.soo, and this infornal nooscnM oi ' nicking aa otliuer, instead of craatiug an army, M tva tuKver." sit tbs other, 1 .i.T.-. . ,n "'v '" ' tVtts ' ta.t 4S tt V -A" i ""IM