..'..'::. - " --'.'.;' '. : '' , --'-' V . , . - . . ... . J -. . f . -- , -7- , ,l X - - X TIIE SENTINEL. - ?? A ----2iBBjeBBwaBw yy gtuftiod Utt wk -th! Jafrju FW, V. W B lde TWAoH Setttot J athar, ,,,! BUI IOU,d S5 BUld , bmtupiracy towrry the election ThJy by to, W failing la fct, td dele 1 altogether,.7' W ttated ht tti mean tOb adopted to accompliah ,b end, we to',rete tent 'loo and ex- kfckw, niUlIjriwgroi, txciu tred public enUment jai balm tp tbrpterpwi'M ilolden iliould t yifW body ol raelj to fc vail na by .tUm rret ny-l tb bert eitl mt ol, t!i" BUU Mid iitrg ud Btasei) m4 Utit; ttiLua sad fatrlfy. th ptofl tn.toto tor SUdictltaB or tbiUlB aa f otiof ft t U,' PP1 ioid dt; th bring o g6Mni it MdaMTargiMiitMraieiy, weu owiagOte reapoweibllltyara ahoaldered romiwd jliat would prtt as?i.aar gtie to day. aad, Jell the peopley .we ea .Wih. ebJ' gwi oompitMltl teaH eey befor a proper Judicial tribaaaL Joha Pool ia the n taoy U oatpiraey, aad be bga H preparatioa iatai"iigo7S''l'o MS tad prepared military bill for tb xtrpoee, acd triad to ioroe tb Radical to aa it, bat it wa o cuj ap tpA nattJatad sal it paated ia tacb' tbapa a' did aot nit hi wiabeat became bck ti dt ttfl' iletar at tbe late teuloa aad wa iatra mtal la bariagth inrnrrtcdo aot paraea t It akle paied in ock ibap a tbati t lid -aot aait-bim-aad. bit prpas ITbil b a a ber b declared to rarioa TCtinae tbat tb DtmocraU cooU aot any tb Aug tut aleotloa, aad tbat mean (aid b predaond to pratast it, aad tbat I tby Would wry it, would not b illswcd to adwiniater tl fetata 'gorera iwtt. While ha wa here Iroa timet 'im be bad freqaeoteecrci nterriew witb luUco, Betwa and "other, H0 tu"wiA TDusdaf tb oaplraey wa aarreyed aad iwuMcd j it waa agreed tbat Bewaptpert i tb Btf thoald ;.giuteth lnaUer o Hi Klut.ihut tloldcn ihoald iae flaming d alamiag protUraation a t mime at II ..i. ..rf .J W.xt AMwtll Mt Lr Radical rntfmber of Congrca tbonld Sluutb.Mmr.ubjl.b. i frequeot and fervent coovertatiooi, and Ukiitbttnl et tba ttai juch f al Sattto ttooia join in mutmiog toe buibu h hi Wideat tgaintt tb peopl of tb 8tat. 'kit wat not only agreed npon, U bin been kwtto tb letter. Settl lately tItd he Prudent nod mad tb moat fatot and Blimooa ttatemeatt to blm about th po, ib of tbe State, aad Pool, Abbott, Boldea udr orber, held totorvtowt Ura daiiag U tot torn of b .United State Circuit onrVta Which it wtt agreau a eeou ww htdetperado Kirk tad net oa loot, to or ie law, tb n.rmed movement, through rliicb tb people r bow being outraged 'r-iiinafturg,!)!, n ri fn- ';uM . J -. t..' It wat frtbrmor agreed tbat every effort ihoald be mtde to Induce -all Radical aib) (a tb St aMaoiading Ufa Judge a ths Bint, to aupport ibA pr Mined novement. How wall tb eontpiratort have ineeeededio fa?, tWpfi-pU e nod know, wd U lamalot to be t;en whether tbey Ca putlj cconipliab ibiir pnrpont W treat bty will nut, that tb people of nil partie ill fft'thTke freWienj tf poll d ideal them.-; r- 7 t f"T' Tbi uwiopiracy it not idl ; it to actual, it It tb t moment operating. Uokle ba taulctl.jf f J5ji isfetrt iv Vmmimj, "all to right t w will earrf tba ,pttij by'an warwhilmiug maiirity.' Mora thaa that, thoutanda of dollar aav beea etat her by Radicate U tb orth to aid In tntking till eoaepirtcyii-ffacto! Holde 4 Cb,bT driveft Radical office holder with t trong hto$ int tba tupport of tbia coatpirtcy. Wt ienrq that probably tb moat refractory inth wat tbe Treatarer : b beeitated nnd refnend to pay thXmonertronr theTreara ry to provide tb conspiracy rroy, but laally h reluctantly, and agsiort bit Judg meatgtv wty. ' eWBBtntf, ia tBee oflsplrfttrrw will tear, .ey wmglva'B-UirSuaaiirtt lb Court. Dtolden did wot , tell CjO. a .R.ikery ira!.f.ut'Ui ttMilXtShsPLURUraHer; M- tod him. l)cty aaja, tbat trrracnt trrnr.t ttianoirr"!iTVir" flT. Kle ariVuMWitAi Voaa W,iid -!ri felS.ij vtaw-fbvf led ,"1 .:tit aot ail, a wt know. i - - z, -. hnpptoofr W" Sikfa'anil rrery wber tsnetlder pf wbat bar taul. TVea' bse consplrat'ir baveia vartou way, and arpecially through tb humiarl tad OiaKr.ptibU nodfsi ling, tbrttteaad a uh trrrtt and tmMoa'bot, ai'b ft View to dU iMbutt ei posit'. g ;! ci itue aad tbi eon?ilrcy7 vWe tell tbem, thej mif- take lb? ir inateii no ewrr bmt ot tbe Almii'litv a&a cbanu our fnrne. we to td todo i,ii w pariih to lb aBilerV tokiag, aad wbea w so down, there wilt b tbott bo will e mm after ai, wbu will f ooub oar work. Tbe Vf0'.. rorkTbe, ?5 tnJ.l9TDn?op'j.liijiot loota ht of Iho ia bMnt, saw w--wf-l-f.ilT i!ttratrmmr-Ttrst-1.rit-rl P, 3a ImwiiTdq it, if GBfirU'iir'yfi twliete w bin doM toootbinf toward tpMag th nfcerd of fraodaorrBptioo oatrafW ao4 arimaa mt BMmt A Co , and art juH beua a greal work aad whicb will aad only wbaa kbo irtaHw aad sapv bit rata froi aad farrieg poppla. , We rcceiTed a talrgraa Saturday ttttiag tbat Kirk'a aaea bad baag a Mr. Pattoo, vf Alaianon, tbr tiamtki MKKt eoale st from bin ta regard to Kb Kim." A gea- Hemaa jtia fromS A.lakaiicf eoaflana . tba (dlrgram. 'Tb perpelaator of taU ootraM knowUdgaJ to tbe geattiaa,Botoaly tbat be had bang Pitton, to stab hits eoatcM. but tbat bo bad bung ftp amral other of tboee arraated, by tbe t uaiba, for the tamo parpoat, -,-.-. . . Tbara ia a doobt of . t! tiotb of tboat tateataatai Tbey are- -en betaatiatcd - by- aumbert of pertoaa wbo wllaaaeed tbeai ; end tunaer, Bargia tMtu4 of bit acta, aaylag, that "wbea atenly ametetf Uiey rope arooad their aecka, orawamg the up by tbe thumb, they wilt aoaieaa.' pt t. Chief ErecQllv of the State, aad all f jin.iim. mtrt tm i .li.i'uni -riti . -. t. gt toe of tit Oorarewc, "backed by the jprwldeot," tb eleotion defeated and Rad ical rale iaateaed an a Indefinitely. Well, any tb Lord help tb Stat and people. id PLAIN CASS. ig""W"" .m-aaA ffiatetr ; r Jaaww X. Boyd, la bit mighty "confeaa iont, whkh tb SUmdari pabiuhetaa Radical aampaiga goepel, lay; "I wa tnitl. tnto th orgtniitiion knowa ta. tba mambert thereof a th "White Broth crboed' ia th month of Howmajlmw" B declare tbat ba "cut looee" . from tbi orgtaiittloa tbortly (tr be wat Initiated, and fba( b "mad It bit butine to know aatbtogp ; t-opwntioB and -prsfl-iog tbat be "uaad 7ery eflprt In bi pawar to bar tb organisation prokea bp la bit eouaty," and tbat for tbi laaeoa ha a- iboatd and aocaaed of unUithfal ewitijiaff i '" Now, rensember, tbli wtt In 1868, "tooni tfter he wa initiated." near twa year ago. it hr apk tbe truth. With tbiettat. 1 87 or a the K KUi aadtdat f Tb Ka Klax would certainly bneabad aotbing to do with aomiuation? a maa whom tbey bad ated ad aorneed treaoWf I and tbe Democrata, if tbey bad deaired tb Ka Ktu ta,wnld hardly bar aomiaated Boycf, tbeirenemy I Bd farther aay tbat on great object be-wat ae fwmnatM a a cwa tn.i didat. bat wat nominated by- b Dam w, eratle party, aod ia boettlily to tb oris committed by thi aeerat arMolaatioa. -The eoaoluatoa K that If Boyd call th truth tb CoaaeriaUvea aad fJemocraU ot Alamance nr opponod to tb Ka Klu. Tb .oaaraor, tot writlog out Boyd "Contention" might aot, la b great aaie t ui arodnen hie..-' tewtt. bate tca tbto palpable diarrrpaaey, bat tbe paopl tea it, 4 aart laagh oen U a ta mm pue"i ductiva of tbf campaiga, A STB1JUX9 TJ7 VP BAblOAL Tb people are faanlDn' .1th tb exfrava- aaac and trima of .lfew-jatat Radical adminUratloa irtbir Suit- tipteiaily fav tb at aad azpeaditar c ntoaay. Ho fct.tterj on Uka' ap tb Wttory of tb :4tn and of political partie ia the nut and add together all tb traad and crime and outrage of all political partie that btv ever controlled th Hint aad admta- ktered "Ha government from It toandatloa tdth brtrfnntngbf Hold" dmlniU. tion, anoV ab hol added and pMkeo to. ff,dbr Wifl w-etob M etbr In tn bBacM'jmgiwd ngaieattb ituJ.aad arimn and r-trg nguntt th Stat and peopto, af H4d' Radical party ndmialr thej:rti m tirMiat1bi--)ra ration i Radtoal rultta Korlb Caronnft. If on Dek of tbi to a Radical claiming Inleltigece aad tell him tb ppl ena 9t and wU aot ttatd, thtt, b iaoM aaa boot at yoa'aad yt, "how caa you gt Oter aar ekty fad tgr ' Surely b aolorad ptopl brgittaing toiearB that tbey ar tb poor dupe ol a at oi araceJeap raacnhywhq. wUt.tull tbew Very tool fbr ofRo agaJti''..?; vt. ' . . ..a irinnMr Let 'u tuppon that tb popular voU oa Thnrt.w ant tfcitl be to) invar ot tb I-F,mTJ-,r, latuwiiie, . .,.u.,., -.iM,., ,, fcJ..L Hdioal,-- neat W' -!L VI -OT.4 robbervl crim. repadiatioa, diagraof, ioin- biv' BnuiUiftbleT arBoldadw- lmintotra turn lai . the Jaei Iwarjltart-ttr wtrr-wo- th -wMirthrtW-' -f irtur in.tcUlgeai ana hna & tb ftttBraJand tba ampbata W put W to-4S eocMtaLitOmni.9f. very North Carolinian tay, mi m not to. Wt mual to admit ftod tb world wilt id" fitT'tJf KCttSu Ratrieare now before tb people, aot on of them, from tbblnbet hi the loWeat, baft demaavi by hi voic or hi pa wbat bat bier -loor t it think of it,popl ol tb StatC and .eoaaider, if yoa are wtfliag to aee anchft popuUf ttrdict readeradl Odd I aa a partpl and 8;at from tuch dep aad awful dugrac 1 KALEipn TBS tyif.. -T7f SBMKDT. Diaia u, tbat uumftat, mmpt asd irr ja(W mea now ooatroi tb State aad bar done 10 for tb pact two year, tab tb ClWf Kiecutir. It ie aoU.riou tbat be sever bed any tied mural or political principle; hi tot I ject U l.i'e bk b to keep oa the tarieee and to get iato office and get snoot j, and be cam not wbat meao bali be emplovea to parpoe. He wa flrat weo yoallv'a Wblg, I hi did aot pay or pronia mocb ; Xbtu beT w a "a T&m;iwt7ait "US' iiiimMaii' torn became popular in ' the Dtmocratle party, be bream a . teceaaloa Otmoerat, until that party related to make htat Qor- rnor of tbe rtat,tbaa tecaui a XJaibo .Democrat notil tb lt wf broke vat, tbea be went for the war tuS 'dgaed and upportad the ordoaoce ' of aeoawlon, tbea a tb iurtane of ecaicm aad tb Confidemcy brgaa to wan he becm Mt.,diem;UiBate.tP dtri4 to ge. lato ofllc by tin mean, nad u tim wr oa he became a traitor to tb Confederacy a he bad, at the outset of tb traitor to tb Coioa. At th Ctoaof tb wtr benot only Welcomed Shffmaa'aafmf at tbe Capitol of tb Bute, bat rejjioed mora, la the desolation aad - baroa it ue mamA mFWsS-Vfe'TtiMri . rrrrr : lWTor,'fie btlmW"wwd 4HnJk'X Pretidi-nt Johnton and bit reconttnietio policy thi did not keep- him In office under it, tbe peopl tpuraed nnd repudi ated him by acclamatioa aad Gov. Worth M"1wlVTafBda Johntoo, nad fnatted tdat Onarem tbould nptet Zxecatlv reconttructioa, end wberot n first at tbe friend ot Praeidnt obatoa. iacpmty aad vabamaKtiy cpowat giving tb colored peopl uffrg and th right to bold office, bow ha lotltted thtt the n'. groe thould hire nch rigbtt b did Utfaf tt th't whole conrte of tain tim ahowa, aot cuLojMpjiior tfi Jbtock iifthntheam. be knew tba white peopl never would giv him office, and he hoped tba black might. b becatS tn furiou friend ol tb , black race and Oongreatlonal recooatruc tiou ; that tuoendad and aura auoagh hie j card won that time, the deluded colored people voted lot aim a a mat aad by , tbeir vote nnd ft our baadful of whit : Wbat ba forth Bute? He bae made war upon tb wbit peopl ot the State who voted ngalont him, evW tint he went into office, and to gratify bi vulgar malignity, be hal virtual ly dettroyed th industrial interest of lb Btata ia aumbarb! way h ka ttimnta- ted unfriaodty feeling, Jbetwnih' whH aaijlacipap?aartayd;wplta1 acalntt lalior a far a he could, and by tb (alt reprawntatlona tbrougn alarming proclamation and hie paper, tb taVr, 1 he ha frightened labor aad capital nway from tb Stat By a yfm f pablia robbery aad traad ba ba attar frinwated our tyttam ot Internal luiprovtroent,' and by concerted netioa with earptl bagger utTdegMeratirorth , CaroUalaaa, ' tba icliooTfund Md"OttieTTrouTcaofh-t hav been tquandered and rpent fbr aBlaw ful perpoee aad ia each way at to aatkh , aad valgnr, tawaiag tyeopbnnt, Who tatter htoapatart vaairy, and whereat tbeaicdit at th State wan at good aa that -of aay Stataef JCaiovytadnr Ida rutoaad by aeoaonrtcd aombiuatiaft to In ert . the public debt ta tor tebwloa aneaaat at that carpet bnggirt aad other might have Stat bond on which to ma money for tbeir awn arfebmeot a well a bit, the credit ol tb Bute hal goo down' until H ha ao credit, and the. Slat ed' are a byword and a langhla. ttock lath mr ket of tb wiirld. 1a doing all tbi crtmraad mitcbleT, t bm beea tided by men lik hiroaelt 1a lb fcegll'ir and Judicaji,ltran'ha ot tsa 1 aovemmeol. With aa oecaaioeal eicepuoa. taca a ;direARlt!mtT;e?. yr'r. 'i mi "at bV ftdnilntattired ouf'fjtate government In ail it department fr " h laat two yearn, Bwr rtercwea uraciai pow ar ia tbi or aay a1 eountry. ,The Xrg- lllur for th wt part, aad which We awlef tbcptoioommad of Holden aid Cftrpet taitgett, .eonfeatedlf' rise ' awoat Igaoraot and corrupt body a wheto thaV ver Membled oa thi continent.; Tbtn tody "ftt' lb4 bidding of Holtton d hi aoadjurori la ertma, Bnelenouft 10 larreate the State debt over $29,iKX,004, After tba boedt btd beta baued n at oace and eold and awrt of th proc1a .rrtojo5 tbto xlirh liai flMhJng1yi ..'jrvSJI. net ttuve-tiv repadlatieg th whole of XlMT?LHuiJrBftUJ it in iurpltadu, cited to IJluatrabiJlb ita ptdg aiBViialWd18H Leiril.-nre.- A mloraty ot we fiya o tta rfriarayg"h"el wuitanet and toughing atoska fori taw ; bar parplarlf way , a donbbhitIet him attend lb court of thBtta for . week nd read th Supremt Ctwrt report (ov the'bVat eigbeB ifloelb. , "" ' ' J t. all thin ertme cermp'tion. nd Imbo- illty, It l proaed by the people at be ballot bo aeit Tbartday' 10 ntr.p tbe fafthlete iticooipeteet offia) Oi the vaet pafihy roii W the iaoalculabto detriment ofa oppttreed people, aad to tura torn of then out of tb ptoeea tby N. a, VEDNESDAX; B'Ng ad diegreor. jHTbat the U tba p1l witaeaa f Why! Urge ember' iSnrate aad ouotpTt tAfiii!SiXE'f tyeoptrtB-eoattBU tbwawt fwa1 WiUi oat aay tembiaao ot bwfal aatharity tbto ana Ualdoa in mad a iietnter, aad a pkk ad army at me it rained to nnatato blm aad bi ia tbew towbfc plana., ta keep tamav na In powaf.- At Otoe a regalnr ejetcta of tarrortom to at, Mi' loot, y making lawlrat arietta aad eacoi aavffwdiag airie.iia, end llin. hy tha atdte at UiAdm i a'aa the tin are fcald la pria n tbw( wiU tf thi mao ; , Tt i dona lor tb parpoat .wt'iinjaw tain tba eoatpiratort fry. lour tote. a o keap them trcta. ToUog at nil, and tb people' oublljLtold lha tby nt aab etotthiaka-piure,Uti Jedarai armj will t broagbt iato their midet nod tb. wmftla aoaatry iwnttalxt.W wij Mi, To coatammat tb diabolical parpoat of thee vil aoaapiraton, tbey keep p numbeta of dntectire tad tptot, tbey bare inaugaratad a regular ayatem t,ptoanj( tbat cottt latt tm if meaay wbidt tb peopl art fiuoed to pay. f , I Tbto to ft baity autlU of tb leading rU wblok came, btoev ruin and ararp ylfeppilltj MprotparitxirfllKewhola popla, area tboe wbo are tb dupe of tbeir belliab acta. How truly be tb ; ' inonmpvtanl i :-fri- zrtx t-?j -i!Hrttlrtriim w tarn Vhem out. The people can do tbto if tbey will mak a united elf it. Let them vol asainat twd-i unlimm nad every man tuapected ol y upa thtting with it, aad w ooofldentty nop a brighter day will dawa opoa var dark BuMfa --. -" . M1L,VA, 'l I ' MMAKKABL K FAD r. I fo' It to not deaied that the' Treaaore o tb tat bai been wte4..'triqjdKl-rd-JtJld mTapplUJ"and"ruaeea"ern6.K'iIiuao'-(; lea during tbto admlnittratlon at uir U fc.re. It i not denledlhtt Ihr Igilatari wne never mora looompeteof and tboia .lBIh!lLWroprtndjnf uHnwurs awwpwT .am u in kcfiua, 11 admitted that a la'ge ' nitority oi tb Gadget of the Slat r utterly incompelnt aad tome of them tr oonupt, 'it I aot dn atod that Holden it tliorouybly wiprlnclt pled M tb Chief Executiv offloar of tb State ud that grv charge hv beea mada gtint 'lh eompetency oi tJme and tb Integrity of other of hit lubordinate Mow wecall public attention to tbit fao rtmtrktbl , tact that not 1 'ft aiagla promiaot Radical in ogio or eut of office, having full knowtojg of IU w bar itu ted ft ka aerrupUef ftad fraud's-ad rime aad outrage, fca ajrar , publlol raiatd hi Toioeor writtea word Ja condemnatloa. aa tVtmuneiaiiua of tuob erlm oumiptioa andoutrtga. - Wy tbto to ,mrkbl iadd, tber ivevar party . Itf power ia tb Stat Pedmal govtrbaf Bit, tbat had don a tenth of each crim aad out rage tgtinit tbe public, wltoae member alt would to hav brt alund from altering aom ward ot eoaitomnatina nnd dejiuncia- ioa. 1 Th truth to to Radical ar regtt tor JTa JCtoa. Vahom laMga makWg'w.r oa th peopl e body politic aal each member auema wur to tuttaia every O'ber h any etimt he maf perpjtrate tgafnatlh. Stat or people. ' But be thi at it may, tb remarkable tact wv ealJed aHeatb t taiata, aad to i worth oatidriag by th fpi la. Ifbo 13 visa or tb wiiitt ' Thit to bo of tbt important inquTrlei of lb campaign "sine tb mtrvetput confcf toot,aod ditdoMret of Mr. J: X. B yd and " th otbe fttoa," 'and ft public Jnurnalltt w feel It to b our duty to throw aii ia ii(Dt oo m buuj t ta invBoacBoeoi F"" '"4 Udiga.t. fk lack -ftW dene to etUblith thldntl ity bf hi Boyal Hiffhaeaa. aad oa thU evidence we think HfTSaniaet frfttWpa toherglaf-ot-tbt WWla Brotherhood," "of j iotimately tkmnected-wlth tb Royal fmil.i a.fT,.. How bare to the evidence Everybody taowtTbar fc mp h;tedVit aeetJoft'tf M' t wbm ibbi 'hinrrt'it gauinttioa to! taid to tnat, ar.d Wtotded oatdTbte inUAict th'er nntd be eold hlmtetf ta tb Ra ti lor the Attorney Gen. eraltbip.' To ihiaadd 'th fact .that l.e mad a tpeech In tb L-g!"l?uT, I wbicb a ttaed tbe following empht'lc laegaage t I rwtet ful'V loto tlie counnclt of thoei who dVtne thit to t gnvernraent of WHIIX MKf Pr wo I pvopoee tbat bob bat WfJtTl MEM aball, participate la tba duty aad ditinctla f taontroiling tbto govarnmrnt.; , I msintaia 1 tliat tbe riirhta of aoffraire thai! b their tacrativa ljm lo the dntyot eiercbiag paWia r4aOoa,-Xv(cy,pblif 1 Ijre -from tde Jury uasiuf-iv.aiUiUUurgK Ueiitdai.ha !.ire -the pretb'ene, mo-be a plan lor tbe tn UiTa ma.-v aloae. it U ntnrlnew ibat ao toeir a iktoauBttuBe to be -aev-tha -Haftatiit,$ MAS S gevwanta! i-?' gWfnfWMIIMiai 1 !,"l IiajJUilUL tm lit fteuUaaf. ftlend u tira would remial )- of a tag wboteaom aamoaiuoa if iu aot tat af thing t -,- y .-- - "Tki wail raraitaK v-e , Sa avannil eaale uu ath "Ma" V What If omeof th I4 apirftayoa are Bow ooaBnlx H) But tula, wabeat giv. inn thro a i.e ti moat- the charge agaiaat Ibrai. ttoatd die faum bard treat at and eatiage a laein wtl win oe four fomt hew end be.ealtar: or what your peace ei mind ia eoaafqueone I . : u " blESTOB. AUGUST 3, 1870. Saw U laraa, aatMtattaJly, tb t mrotf tb writ of Hab Cof- rIiJltnalT'AntodBTrt.-"- -aCaiiel 4m Uwr aa lagat aaMtiaaWMu -.iraai'WiiSrv (I.) Tb 3otaat y of bi bead and Amgiwatiuar aad atitbuut fneatioa lr aay p.we U ta Sta'.a, oaclar any oat lev 4 atalaof iaaaaaetiMtaad a a -a all tkt tttuUim wtM wAoto Hat. U , Tbat aittwa a ouy i thai djlartd id laai tieeitoa, ait Mini til. to-ae iUbt ibetcin ar b enrgent. ... (S ) Tbat aaa of ibeta aai4 xecatet be dpvii.d ca raeeeta Kt of Aeeaa mvui fi tb rtliotof iwU)i baid lsu tady vaby a n bba, Wa h to aa faaurgeat, aad no reaargeat caa tncut a wrtt fiif th iclkfof aaotberiatiurgeaU : ' v f rum tb'a b-gal maaima tur. following Irgat atrallariat gowt iwr4rr (I ) If in ooaaty of Tadkia, it wbieb tb CbH Juertc reel deft, to declared ta be la a Mat of tiuurteAtiua, b (tbe Chief ltitari,j .Ui(.i di rf aaltt aa ; pat, for be would b as leaargaat, nod oa imargent cms aot aid toolbar leturgoat to atanp mti V( H wt--tfv f ' 1 '-. i9)i Wbea- tl wkoto Stat aboald b tfeclared Jo be lo n UU of bwmaction, taca, tD tba tababitaam ara Jnaargeatt nad , alibooji h the writ or ietoa anwat to aiA I wWflmy awaawaeaVWaJw woveraor Bat to tin la orsler tokretpeclfd end obeved, It Wat alto tjelievj r"wvww! mamdiaz tbe vita crva ndhw a wilunry aommtoaioa, to to proclaim tbe atata ia t Mat of iaaarrwtioa. . - , - ( ) U th eoantyof Wake be declared to it ia. a, time of ioturrwoiioa lb Oov- awwr cannot ail oat. tb 'will tl either of l,-:,----isriaoa" Ihliirtttn'ot; Waka W0U14 b iuugeU and A intur gat caaaot b -clld out la pat " down aautber -iaaorgant, a he vrould be -but puitiig"uineil SowavTBeai tie tb Uof ernur bimaelf being aa inaurgant and Com" anaader U-Cbiol, w tbeuld have the tpec taola ol aa armr of ineursent , tod ' bv "an Tb 0vraot Might evad thi by btnglng bin mtideao from pa 0 uaty to another, if to aram aotfjr ftoe.1. Art. a aad' Bee 6, Art. liol the State Ckmeatution, which pfide that the at of 6ovrameot thill ha tit tb city of Batoigh aad thai b tbtn reaid therein. Happy Wake I t Am, w are twa baaty j for th Ovveraor my dw eOfaa that atataaT; iaarreotloa,' acnd.foot taay occopy (to aay'partlt'ular time. " " - y- . , m - -i-- uruTJcaTiciA so at coslvm.v x tn th c of Wyrtohr, a ' reported m Wiattead, page 450. w learn that Wyrtck deaerted Ircut tbe ' Confederate ' army . nod wat bfoflght beftW Judge Pearaon1 npoB t writ Of eofyat, tlleglng tbnt" Be had pat In ft tuUtltute nnd bad fafterwardt beea ooMcrlpted nnd Illegally token t ff to the army." It wa objected, that being a detcrter b could wot be heftrd. "Tbe Judge decided to hr him, iftd diacharged him, anytng, 1i might b put to death If Mat baik to tb fttmy, or be WHhtut remedy ia tb Court. ! V' i'& ! Th Judge then proceed when eoolroot- WiS oisutiwo th Confederacy, a bn to that i ) Uolden nnd Kirk now.-wlll It b taid 'tbto'deaiftM W j netiot to aary for tb good af the public a.rrie ta prevent' dowrtion Hod twbid Jitattoto rwat wil"tol Jart tioa b dona Witbont regard tovoaetqiara I In tb tot care of tfi 'Alamance prtoeo era, th Judge ftxmt t ht l4 hli rev ereee for tbto old principle, when urged to act apea k he lad it owiy h baa til ui ft are ot tpch. aot meaaiog,' - woootdlnd-to vii !-... . ... k...i l'..bU .rd WLt ti "jtv j I flMtf.n. 11 . .1.1 Mill An 1.1 LI. Iit.l.r Ooveraor iioldeo will only give klt ntdert tpJif'tLbit priton rt laH he -raay Unprieea, try by miliiary cuurt, ot put to death a horn he pteaaea, tor any thing jtb Chiel Ju4m of th Slate eta do to tbe eoutrary I - ;- .Vad.nwcb U. 11). Jgreaj ,.w(it of fight )aiilH.U( fc(UlUlUUl!IM, tttuipjugtad fi beif loot Uortruor. f-.i-.. jjtgnx ABtitsrtL in alavaxcb. A teitgitw anmaiiua the tue.l iy Kiik't men, y.lerUy, in' AUmtne oi f. M tl.dt, n'j D.. Prt'nk Mtbua Mr.Xok, ud And urtto ToouipaoB Itt and " otbt-i, ' . . . - i Tbe protwta Mma to be,, tbat iBurgea, kt rk't Lieutenant Colonel, liangt tp mta by the nick uutil be in nearly trngladi)er lit him p by tb bg toe rrr ill thstatjty and tliut oontinad t torture bim until b conletatt tomUkiHt; either tbat he t llc'a Klna himaetfTor tbt adef 15J uc"6 1 L git ' it 3 Vratgttwiy the fr0bitli pointed t are erateted, and, perhaj t, tub -j. ed to tb na- tortuwa to mek tbem U-Ateitbia'to: &fj.fiitojju. li.Jatit. Caruaua-" nv ot tne oeipot, ; umm; fjajia boaatk-ol beiOvr. "Ucked by lb Ptekl i dent," IM tb pdopiaoi tbi ! kaf, II, d vol to im hi admloittrat loa et Thuretoy, if tbey will. L- tbt people ef Pther Siaiaa knew it, "and at th nam tim that even three ttrtyeJktMaaAl lurcea tee pevpw vu raiMci( thej bopa that right- will 0eer -er later prevail, od blc-odtbed be . aroided. L"t the world know that taeee are our op pmamet, and tbe toe: hope, th , Court, are denied aa - Cut llu day oi ,iitck wi ng will eoml -- ' - .;,;-;f "t :..W.. OTMXsmoT ma urns' .. JL gtt!j tb bbtat atwrty, wfioT . - " A.- ;r-.i --i atalaalhat be taw iU"or d i tET'fk'i tor Paui, at' tatad tbat ' UJde badjrooaa 'bow-abut' beyond naytblngi tbnt ea aoatrmplaSed q airiaed oa, la regard to aha, wUttary iut ' mtat la tba ftant.;. ..3 f Tbe eoapiiatnre ought bar bad btte aadamtnading aawMig .tnmrlyt- la argurd to tba aaepiracy, at tb lollo 4 'i:il?w oawuwwi--.l.; 2 ' It to aot aeeataar lorib Amerkitaf beoi pie to bvk aerot ihOeMi o nod a con". dttine ff War tUy nwd oely ,io ,bk at tb But oi hortU Cantlma, ,whi orgun Ixjd argro leglnxti! are, Vindicg the etiuntry under tlie tutttority of a Qovernor. and by tht autbomy oomuUting outraijt s Spm ! live and liWtiii' evttaan t?j tuualled by the wont detiMim. 4! in ,i: ftrr red for alleged ptilttical ffout be eane they relan to tuppon. tbtadbrrtuU of tb Kadieal orgnointuoa. ,TbM arrettt ara taadein the ini manaer na in any jJ(lJRljllr.l"I Wboritj;, Voi By'Porc aine7 Writ of kabt mrjt ara twora out, bat tbey are dtoebeyed at th fHnt of toe bayonet,, nod lb deck of tb higbttt Court ar utterly diaregar dad " ' ', 1 k-- ii,f.. W &ti kpt ootreedcf I Informed Iron day oty ooetareing tba great wroor I w toe .uk, Ui coauiiaoder ut tba marail.- denu tetuaed to obey the writ nerved npon 1 I W-Woaii.- -.iShfc-n Br in trire'ri Kf. a,).- Vrf T-. . tttTiiaieoifltl iloT to li affenftf tffffrimy Wd WfStfnMerrtr ot governmeaB uut BOaoeB bopt oc eipecU lion it to be realtoed. . Tb puiilie tr treat ed with tb lotiowirg dotpatchr: . .. . '' "Baleioh, N. C., ; July as.-Oovenior ITotdna retuw to (tirrender tn Chief Juttlce woo ware nrntteo ana, ar eom lina by Kiik through the Governor'i order. Tbia relutal It in repty to" na order from tbe Chief J utile ta produce the men. Kirk , baft aaw in outiiHirorixitM Jiuudrtd. dl- Uvnltit taid lht Qavemor lloldea bat ordMred a military coiniuiMton to aantuibl at lanoeyviiuto uy uiua peratuunow ua- dnw'Mrei, . a i .,.. ""PoBiw MoMbow, July S.Thria otnnpaaie el (wtOcvplnlinBTeaTnuola- ing u,f Kaietgn, n, tU., to, aid Uovernor lluldeu in tulorcipg tl lw In tbtt Slate 1 "Now, hen Wa o-Btider thai' election 1 0 take place ia Narth 4tofuttoa early tn Aagatt nad that tbe protpecu nreduoided ly agaloet the iiadicalt, w bavetb tolui tioa of ibeaetstraordinary and tyrnnnicnl procaedirgt, fiolilen't armed niovemeext are directed entirely agaian thaee vita tp poat tbietia o(!hto ateiiit,j and bi rant ot law, ara reruaaa oau, are rmutou trUl h far, aad ara ta be triad bv t court mrti4 eompoetd of tuob mea ft Krk may Tbto ItnH la reeordn! .with 'ft pro- gramma lonur tine laid down and agreed Upon among in earpe"'iggeia awni ewuwi wag wtt Bs aigwin ee ouuiuera UJreJrfifioa j)f lb whole nlot round in the Mew . York TriluM. " la Ma latt. n toeclal oorretunn lent ot the yViswMtetrt to tbat paper ib following : "Tbemaaaaria which partiaaa telegram from the South bav btea manufactured and pubtith'd iu thu North, to (unbar the 01 r tonal dttiant ot nntcrupulouf and tm bitieua maa; wa well ahowa P a the d. velnpmenlt brought out in rub n oca 10 (be .Weahiogton Lhrtn.cU during tb pr'gret el tba rrcent 0orgia iDvettlatton. Jhr urn gam ia n e'"t ta oonmction era State. k m beiievtd that the Bumg electiont ia th South will ji'tuit, tn torn intUnce. not Dvibant tn tb defi at of the Republic party, but in the duleat of car. tain iadtvidaato whv-ara aad - hav bee Otiae that utHtv a meant-oal to ttieit OWB UUdvuct m- ol. ' Pnreteeing thit, tbe efl'or-l It lo gut lip 0 0Ua W BiCIr mariiafb','and', locr"beirirprflW-Htb miwettot aaemea alladtd to re teimiog with aeeeuttta of .atrag e, tliie to par tknlarl ilia 1 ana iu Noith CaMliua. and 1)0 tufprl lie- d be f'-lt at d.iily iuh of lorrtrt Irotm cail fWM, aervea ' vp in m tareatDtTni, aald erne r -tue Xiortn Cantlma eaink, latrftd to the mUitarv. aBt to, iiof JiUuH ff iktit tLiltmiuU ditttninattd threuah (M ' TbiVtt pM''"rs reaiWWM the' icon let .ineul th 7e',laMnibeSadoiUtt ttr.' tlow tralf baalM predwxioB lieeu lulttlkd 1 AM what Aetata ol publi affair II bat in wbicb lh Unvernor of a H'a'e tonnn -"-'r altalltia.: lioaditTOfLt t Zthi- otial uari v wh fMa-u-t lo Hi-, i Tbi i tM.t!iaw ot Kadioid Keeonatiua tion 1 Ihi it their interpretation lof a "lirpuUioaa toriu of gutruniinf I" When 1 kiy t i ovurihrowtf It a ritate, they CALL-ttVIT TUB MILITARY ; reaort to MwiiailAW i inl iten became tbey , willtvrt wrbipth Radical dynstty; dbv, oty tb writ of JIb"ia Corput; tfiuro lie dedtioo f tb birfbett tribana'., tod iBkugeruie a couditioot'i aearcby and law aatuafc' ; ' 'i!i.lirfi . ,Vo bva lb pre Jl tion from a Ridiral aouice thut tlii titi(4 aould biiea; you now have tl.e faifiilioiM.t Of th propb tfgm f !! lVOmfi flWftmq '-lfk,-Jk.Bjr4aV. "-f wow id -be in tfMtijg la kn'j. rb.t!.if the1 Pretidi'nl baa raily ambonxed tbe Vioveieof of North t'arulint to euliat ft Silntrg'wnBf 'wf-tt -war ; etpeaK lb o in.if -h.t H t' ,Ttii.tirm)do all iog, aud in tlune proc(mrt na ctn'iii Utot. Kit -.!r 'tl. .t .lie hi t'i aid, ei ' ecranv1 roetit, uiMi(t,'aiid ooGnienaot- of (.1 Pedevai- kaacaiive. it tviU eoiot ta iiikt clniin that lite l'ri bmt bae prdewrw fire of United BtBieeUriilkry to .North Carolina- bi h! st d.m tK'ni t that r!fet - .fi,, q.t, t I tg BtaneheaUta S31 ioeti - Uut ao to yr )adga tbe . oa, a wilt givavtr. tba, tmticr, of tbi wnrupja. the anrnttnaath pwpu,of JfortU t if i nt. tud H' it 'W dtciarotion of lite n . 1. 1 I. a t .i I . i awith tba enn. i vuiiiu- - r - - . teent and espptoeat Pnakieet, aad tiMii leave tt K tn itieriut oi ir. urani i dcctaiti u.i.bir be ba nail given tbe -:vo. 103 TT1 llllj i I Tl ' -t I' U i. ' Jl f t I towlcea and bUw lyoiioded aatUuriMUta cjufn-ed :a j . 1'a .' iaaaa litem Daring thin ' cuun a- el Alamauce ul CmwcII tereral raw otre-nt r itxdteat ftemrror. f . . ? ( ft iiexrn and on eommiited noon a : - - ' famUy ,it wbifoa, CoaK rtativat ia polltiea, ' ail 4 h.n.ai alkiuja tis aaa bom, Tbuot that ttve aorulcid. were com. muted en tuas ol both partie is tfioieatly r lievi ibi o. any upiioa ol having beta promiuwl by, pjtuical ruatri ; and thereto ' W 41PV but what tue civil Uw. u u iurtrtie, a oui.i av bee quit aitMi ialb;ptimiie, L'itiUieing. bow rw,a.rentitte.tbtif rameatalny, and fbumiRg:te as -HlMha appro! m Pia,i." tlent. U-mt, U otu-bu Ilaldeo) ini. in.-ditttly tetoBKtnn erny-.aot cail tag til 4ii aUiiia," birt regularly enUat-" ma an aim umbe-the. n im..,i -t Rt Teui.Mne hutwbacker named Eirk Kunii ny 0 oi!iir ia Urawnltia' niiiisi A ' 1-1! :l' fa tl"l J nimii tboia CnulttH Otliier Bitrtial u ner ob hundie 1 wtj, 1 "'- til very '": 1- iced them- -H.Uilt,U. kn,l ijr- tnatby nuUUry epreentuiu terror t.y ihe procedinkt nod th exceuiM ol hit eoldierv that of- the erliavti of th TtcTrDrjrB -94 t, rlnia to fear ol tbir 1 vea. Ia behell of the eld "for military trial 4 writol hebeaa eorpo waa prajo l ftut br01 t chief Juaiiceol the tn J terrrd apoa Kmc ou which that wiirib remarked tbtt tbto kloilf thljj wj"jm om nd- drove tbeeiInllKcr y.. O.fctr attamnt rerv like writ having beea mad, h taart u. n. .,) me onicert lervin j ftgaiait KTmti and "uViie fo'Vi Sberi 1' - -JatkijjraaWBJIJ' SaS JTiiS TiKX&2ne GaSt.bMt4MMi-t -f 'i-' 1 1 . im laava aTSiw - iter r 1 provei ta! to bi duty, reimet ttto attach. -J- omit, any ueviaret mat au Ho can do to ta writ a tetter to th Governor. That f,,. tioaary, ia a comma nicatine eee before a, reiiliet t " I bavt di-Clan d the .M.n.u.i ' Alniice t'l f'.M!i.ii..a.ctB..itf.toMr , 1 rrctiwa, and li'tli tuijueiy nrm m raiui, nu- 1 ao not (.' DOW 1 Ct Mr render th iuurxati to th civil authority until that aethoriiv f ntnred I. Otbor wotd. I lure rrcliiiid " in.rti.i ' inwytud- b-ssttree i-bavr prorlnimed hitrti!" iw ictnooi riHfc tue civil conrtt, la tbi aititndo, then, the unlortu Data turn.! ot North Carotin remain r tba tiirli(Uw impotent lot llieir prwteotitm. while the cwiii with .llitJi!ainiel ..ppt0Tl vt , LMHi,func wai upon luem, , 8.1 much lor th facta ; no for tbe vi ff.nc going t ttuiw tbe! approval ot th Preeideat.- On the very dvon whleh the errvernor date hi letter to the Cbief J at tire t. (tie Raleigh Utaitilimt, orga of tbe Governor, myt tlitt the preaident baa Intt written trout Lot g Brn. b to Uovernor llol. flea 1 aay thM be had oe.lerrd more taittd B'att troop to Worth Caeoliua, aad tbea oolinBoi.,A tort ouisibte. aroud ., ttobmant or twprwrt Vu itt fa. tkttUng w,",ud aaeeringly add : "bote tberrmiiientaupuort tb Uoveraorl W aboitld think ao "T'- - "" - ' ' - - - Hew, it trier not onwtliitig horrllil la -thi thought af th Preaidcot ol tbe United ' Btta anting 3i etae ia hit Long Branch cottage, watching tbe cbllcirea at 'play ea the bvaoh 'and the pltaaurn-yacht akim tnlng th''rl,'IBd'r!Ut of thll tcea of Hvr Bier tranqulllrydetpateblng battalio npoa battalioa of PtjlaraL tauOpa m mow dowa with tbeir "last atimiting gunt" tb nnhtppy jivopleyf the Od Hortn Btat t Lot there ie torn 'detiltl of th ftjtrmcnt of Ihi ' arouhdrei Oovtrnor tlikt "tirant back Man" (a thec now ttandt, It la a -(ii.b.iiuring .(tuppci i'lO that our Chief ' klHgUtrale itcu;.4ble of fcylj bloodod aa alioeiiy at l b r charged, ' jt , ,. . i.H m i.i 1 .''' 1 Lfiaa .what JthftJ ttatttn gV 'tar (Rtpub- Ucnii) tcytof our Chntunu Qovernor; "We canuot Mitt the eonvlctioa that Uor. Uolden i partu'ngft wholly mto eihievont and indctecnibie eoura in Nnrth Careliaa. -Giving nil pajmljie omtidtra Uon to thM9fUoiiir Oov. H. la regard to the Ku Klut KUn outrage and rit tunc to law, we tee nothing to uttrfy bin anidknca all point fo tba coneluaioa tbat tb rtrm iaewur.t h hot iiwrted to ar dictated aolvly by recklnut, nimcrupulout determi nation to carry Ojjt bi own political tad at all hnuril. ' lie dtflt the civil Courtu, Uieada the writ of Imbmt evrpet, break up peaceful niectiru a I y military force, r rettt th MiukiTt, buyuuet the ipectttora, nod threaten the tlvi ol all who protett agalnet bit tyrtnnical, unlawful d .ei'a He emplnyi a willing tool by tbe name ol Kirk tin enforce hi thtma, oi tejrt !ritauThi Kiik fiuurtert bit troop in private hoBiee, tear up wtiu of halmtitorpui When served npoa bun, and declare "tliat trt! of thiog id, aafcUU.fJ.ade ,,4hT. sr9(?rrtitrfli 'or: :4tvidBa. b atrcwr it-j.-iUs?.-r t4' th -et U-, Court toribi irpr.-jmmjmnn, nd it appeaia tt he to fitarl lo o io die e uajfdi flury linttia of (itgsiulr, fl a military com mi. ton in bit en i.i p for tlie trial ol- hi pil'iijer, toni buutiredt In otnulier, many ei Uieia iuAuentLd citu tit. and who have bi en oouuted at good ):ej"iblii-aut, but who 'nr nut prepared to' tuntala tb arbi trary net of 't;t olden) The deed ol greedy, unecrupuloee reo, lik Uolden In North Carolina, and Bi-oU in SuiHti Carolina, m doing ii ti lite itusiliief to the repuulicaa ctnim, making It liii ioiiiili!e to build ap a teli-attalainj("'fb pubSieaa ptrty ta th South, and puitint; wetpou into ttiehand 4 lb enewna of tbe party in the North, It la the fault ol just auch men t Boldea that North Carolina la not annndly repub ltoaloy7iraraTiroiad Siaflr vt- 4 the rteath . thora to larga ft Union ele anenk.illud.pg the wr, an i in no mute wan thewOrk of . ri-conatniction catered upon nnder more fivorald attire. At fo - H"r1ei -itte4.ittnua Irtckji tter; ami piniw.tl len"r.iii, A ti'nttrti b ia jut tlie aiyie ot nmu now to perae' fciitB ih rn'iid vinitinivi-.K-i.tnot only bi VeooeljjhB'STa;"'' liU't 11 ft'f" ltrptttHWT-si, who o bitrpprettiv rcigo.- . ; . Iu tti.iwr to an aiiouyiaou incjuirer, we- would I' al t lint we kaownojreaaoa .bji.al!I.ilt)d DftH'Sl bpy miynnj r""ke an honeat liviujc by ti-i.iug iieat btum elliatwt. II. bnwever, it l tru, a we, Jmin ft it, tbat uiduaifiout doal'iwtMB -tliM) niitaiu eoipoymi'iit, w tiiiek it woiiid La better for tUeiu'reSreehiliya the i aellirg A l'tiH6t -, it btt a prectrioua-; totuptuon,! n.l tn .vt-ty ar allied to eps- v .', ... - : '-rr- ,y ': a to ' - '- eftAwi I BW''lti"aC; v'tiaa.ii . 1 ioa -

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