a- TBK RSSVLT. "" Tt, ri fit returns 'of the fectf!D?'out (jvJMi -V --J m$t n k B0",, v ur oar ,(lri 'bet 0 trfseipb of iti Democratic Coiserv -flrtprty i complete, preeeattngoa ot ft mot re msrkable revolution of public .aliment, ever know In Worth Carolina, jf is ny other Btete in Ihe Union. n . wu it ecctmpllshedt la three J"" , fearihtt the count oi .Mttouu, to Sheriff'. regitrais nd poll bolder wr judical, nd pir ta Abandaot idc io ibaUbousaW of, illetrot8ri wr isMftO uo permitted to 'drsv lUdiml "held Btat Coavatio aid tleeted i thorough organization. Tu 75 DO colored voters, though Dot so uusnl poat for IUdicalium in 1888, were Mew Ikdwi drm ud dttern.ined to vote with tkta. Money wu abundantly supplied talk it btinc ud ftotn abroad, to Cur the ajactiosfor Radicaliem. Tb officials of (be -st-rl government were aim t to a vUt tbcm, uot only fattra, but s aiamteii u 1 woikera lor the Holdea diiittfit'. ud every wan who could B,f , .yf h aiuiing Hum. wept, into, ijje taoTt'sin tleie behalf., Added to this, UB .gimeats of. Ktat t roope were cet Vi j. -V"d rn 1i i'i mi i ' i r i i i A bbV m I - oaiMig - . r ; - Bust eutirasy tli .'efforts ol Hie DeBtocratft CjcKfTntiin I'flil D't Slate t'onrcntioo, taw without IHcient nrjranization, wiih tetDony and the ordinary appliaecea of lOMiia. They did not have eoy maai Mttlngt, nor did onr able epeakere. can ran Ike Siat as os k-re ocraiiioo. Aad t with all tbeee aJruDteue againat at, we hire oTMcome the 13,000 majorily giwiOrant o?er Seymow, ad Tiara a popti!ifi;m;ority of from 8.W to 1S.000. ft aat blotted out the more than two third Majority ia the Senate and Houae, led hare aecure 1 nearly a two third ma jority againit thorn ia,butb Houae. . " ftauh a remit la wondtrlul, je aatoand hJo our friend end eaemies. Wild leek Vtda giut at, ihe queailoa arise, iji.jt.jBtplitliad.t.Wa knowl aa mT to lb enquiry, but; the uniwal RKiicthW ia the mind of the peopte, .that ntni wrer waiTalh 6t w ao'ornrptf ttaUud improvident a1 General Ai Bwbly ll tbe rattj atid tuat ao administr' BMenr labored a tithe ao bard to beggar M fieople of the Sute, to oppren the p0' ylt with Uxatioo, to k,ep up the ipttit of etrile anxwg the people, and floally to eaUithea by it despotic, lawleta mili tary etganiial ion, the irtua! auipeunuu ot dx writ ot kabeut ear pill and the Otter ,asilng of the personal civil right ot the ample. We never saw such eerneetneee, awk aaivernl deterntinatioa on the part of lb people, 10 tote at all hat trdg, belore TkuisaB who had not voted since the Vir.eiiuld utiihcr be bribed or scared from OrrcUing that sacred right. God aad Sbtrty, was tbeir battle cry and tbey tiuaphed gloriously. -JUSQTBROOKS ASD UAltKASCOR- . rvs. The miserable truckling of Chief Justice Piwin tiulnud - by bis associates a he auiT,T8 Tfie matlS or The illegal arrest Mue by Gov. Ilolden, ha,, made every ksseit, bighsinded msn bang hi head for "Wry stame, at the deep, humiliating do Mrsny 0 the Supreme Court of North CsroltB, We have been prouder of tbe afttstioa ol our Supreme Court in days pst, than at any interest of Uie Stete. It lolly bearing, its freedom Irom partJaao bis, its iesrleasuets in tbe discharge ot duty sail its wise dreiaionshave given it a name ia twp aii w,la Auserica, Ol Which l M proud. Alas I that the Una gold has stcotn Uii nd tuat IckmbaA has been writ . to apetrllt i r-T--W -r- -rr WakHk iluiJadg Brook 'tt-ti i S A.Bitilrt Oatrt,Ja-isxte t ;-thw.tight. l ar iif w wm -fcfr A m totoy thewH -r -"- wbopMtcd pesitioa. Fiading ao relief - from tba - Caf julca o(Eis associates, the learned BjiLseTlor the person i rested by Kiik by ? Wt? of Gov. Holdea, hsv applied to Brooks kr tbe laceieary Wiiia, and .tksy bar bean issued promptly, anjJ th Iscge kas anlend ihem to b exveuted at wsoi,b4 the parti be brought before bim 9ali.bury4he present, week. NThe Judge buists and tha V. A troop ara l-.'Mfw alwy, th.. Bra Iiimm it : . l , Kk rg I tJth ;0hlbf . y na Kawi f Wi hv answered -Jkaqaest w4VtmettiTftTw time, erfr-4rsi1- -flw'i J VcTucF"" TUti m'mning. vV liav VwisUukjMMMa rttrate, "better-. Bad better," c and fe w rtpeat, th news from all partawf to Stats n jtnrt good a any reasonabl sstraghr to ""'RS nlajiiflty to- exptcV Wa shn bava rtrtrnr i the fopulaf vote ia tb Stat, start sad Hot it i. A friend wul to know, wbr is Routing Wi-k gwine attt," Wa ao store tell tba we ea the ' evtatioB' el.' About bow, ' O Wot heal ' ee bb pan turer. , . . i I , Ob the other hand, this -Demoer RAUJC We tee it crated ia onr exchanges, that l sura men, bad gone to Moor county and elected Sheriff, aad pat ia hie place bU competitor. Te prevent miscuocsptioa ere will state, the lacte ae we on dent and them. Two year go, the people of Moor county elected H k! Worthy, one of' It moat popular aad pablle spirited citixeo, their Sheriff. Mr. W. having takea compe- 1 teat cuaaeel ae te hie eligibility to -the f office, qaal Bed at each aad entersd upon hu dutita. His competitor objected to hi qualifying, because he alteged b was iliiglbU a4 eaawaeed u.gaiiu' hiaa. Taeeaea was carried to the BoprcBM Court aad was no decided until its term just cloted. Tba decision was against Mr. Worthy's eHgiblllty, though we have beard it char4lwie-j parliaic decision. Tba only thing saceeeary at io have given hiss aa efflcial notification and Mr, Worthy would at ooce have vacated I he office. But tbia proper, civil and legal course did sot suit Gov. Hoi den. He seems pevef to have realised the jfaet, that when be was elected two year ago by tbe negto pepu latiA of North Carolina to tba omc ot Qorernof, that if w'a eiefiT office. He seem to bsv disdained such an ' idea, buV yi KlB lTltlnt Sia hnum ti ' na, vai MW.9Ma fof tl posseaeof, by carrying out his grand iloqasnt kiea Of power, and place, by a s:LJv ZT ft fore the election, it was understood that he bad hoisted, the Jouug local ol the Standard I rum that position and aaade him a Major in Col. Clarks't Htate troops and jnt bim at tbe head of a equtd of "Clarke's btbiea," to eiecut some job in Moore county. We could not understand tba movement. We were turf be could not mean intimidation, of the people ot Moore that would bro been too ridiculous, but it ecms he sent Henry with a squad of Claris' aoldiers, to tell Mr. Worthy be must turn over bis oftioe to bit competitor, acc irding to the deciaionot tba Supreme Ciurt of North Carolinal.1. '.. :. ; : . W regret thai Henry M. Miller was so enamored with the '-fuss sod feathers," as to Identify himself with tba military tx ploiis sud lawlessness ol Gov. Uoldeu by acctp'mg his appointment. He bears aa i4ocmbjdrndjB ib ttu ory of tbe people ot North Carolina, as tb champion of constitutions! law, of peace and fder, aad fur tzetlUnet, ae tbe elo quent defender of Civil liberty and the personal rights ot the citixea. O I if tbat tongue were allowed to speak on this arena aad on tbe mad career of Gov. Holden tbe pa t ' two year, how scathing, crush ing, overwhelming, would .. be its re buke, how bitter ite denunciations and how eloquent it pleading, tor right, tot peace t Alas 1 that w have so many de -generate sous ot noble sins, in this age. " u r roioa is s till tor wa r." The impotent rsgs ot Gov. Holdea and his adherents gives veat to itself in the Standard ot yesterday morning.in a charac teristic bur.t if t anon against Judge Brooks aad th learned counsel employed in behalf ol the illegal arrest made by Kirk by the order ol tbe Governor We have not space to aottcsib article u 1reeiTerTh public will know how to appreciate tbe spleen of tb chagrined and dis ippointed Governor and hu satellite. Hs has made war upon tbe unarmed and quiet people of North Carolina, without the shadow ol law or reason, ia th hop that it would pro voke retaliation on tbe part ol the people, tf hee circumvented tha and of simple Justice and th right of th people, by tb' aid of his Ruprem Court, sad now tbia redoutabl ' knight ot tba drum-head, va por and favrs as tf he were reedy lor s tilt sgainst tb whole power ot tb U. 8. gov eminent! Hi rag is impotent. Judge Brook ha sought ao controversy with tbe legal government of North Caro lina. Th Kxecutive has mad wr npon th Constltuuoa ot thsSUt and it. laws and against the Coostitutloa of tb United State. The appeal ol onr injured chi le i th Coos' lft0t"ol 7 the Stute'ha Holde. aad tb. Cbiel Ju.Jce.a.d Mw theirappesi ia tha Ust resort ts to thi grossly violated hf -Holdea and Kirk j and bow, Jodg Brook as sa honest jurit and tru to bb oath come to tbair rescue. H hsimptraoB h.:a duty la issuing tb writs; aad bow tb ground ol th contest ar okaoged, Irwca. M oatraged State Cos dtutioa and tb great body of tha n oof fending people ot North Caroliaa, vajth Gov. Holdea. to th Bovernment aad Cod stitutloa of tb United States. JTIb. PrwM 'f' '.' .TfV 'T ''V i'l'L Z.'.JH"tT 'A'l-tXmmn aa s aa m. eVrat wlfl no't oTsfeifara lis soTemn oathTto Eandar ta ths cxirrnpt design uf so incom: i : - n, .... etewt aaa Bliwt yanista, u wrr m idea. Tti sacred nt(hts ot tbe wltoAa buarsw wul be raeurelad br President grant a they. hj Jhesm i Judg JUtoka,... i!tmiJlrftt.r: WUfflU ffar t of a whip, uo'eee Koidea and Kirk tr V 4-tv Ua-.dav- Saowgb aid. - Duf rT Fiit.-Tb Rad of JoLn- stoa coonty hired a band of music to play for them rounr tba eottntr dqrtagl. thj., took to "lift collection" to piy th ma- stciaoe, and only aaocaeded ia eoliactiag it tvats, alter bard begging among their party, Th toast which) hat. toretofor called Itself "Tba Republican Band," bar called a B'jetiug to consider th propriety of a change of Bm. . . . , .;,v.,:. 1 OAult I. ... nnr HOLDER. Tb Staxdar i of yeterdav. jn. artnounc- commanding bin to prodao th bodies of certaia prisoner bald ia Yaoo-yviiie by or der ot the OvefniW,"; ' asks- th Qnistio "ajiat kat Judft Brectt t4t with murdertn ia Xartk CarvHiw, tWe answer tbat Judge Brooks neither ha, nor pretends to hare. any thing to do wtb mtirdere ia North Caiolina; but bs aa a' great deal to do with tbe illegal arrest aad deteotioa of many ire eitixws ol th Cnited Butes.whe re now kept in close custody atl'ancyv ville by Col, Kirk n.idor tbe order ol Gov- feroor Hutdso, -. - - - The celebrated lih Amendmeat to the Coastitutioo of tba United State, la it firat sectio solemnly ordain that "all per. sons bora or Bstoralized In the United Sta'ea, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are oil irons ot the United States and ot the 8 ate wliere a they reside. No Bta'e ahall mske or eniorce any law which shall abridge tbe privileges or immunities of citizens of the United Stales ; nor shall any State deprive any person of lite, Jiber' tf Of property, witboot due process of law, nor deny to any person iUiia Jti. Jurisdto- tion the equal protection, pi tbe laws." . Tor the purpose of eeeumie the libertj hltorXng tliem tbe maii,.o .avjog na ah tawtul restraint of it rmwed, an act of wi'tV MVrvwtif4 rrfmrnirAlfiiiirfVvstjt!. -ft TfJCl: f tt,,e cuurt of the United "e'!' ncT; Mitchell and Mad.son Mr Bt,e i."r - State,.i,d th several justices and judges of such "Courts, within tbeir respective Ju- risdictious, io addition ''to tbe authority already conlerred by Hw, shall bav power to grant writs ol habtcu torput lu all cases where any perron may be restrained of bis or ber liberty io violation of the Constitu tion, or of any treaty or law ot the United States." Tbe act then proceeds to point out the manner in which tba bcnillt ol the writ ia to be obtained by any person who may stand In need of it. Tbe counsel for the Alamance and Caewell prisoners, after vain endeavor to obtain relief for tbeir clients from tb Stat aathoritiei, - presented proper petition to Judge Brooks, who gve to all tbe questions involved in the case s t)iorosh esmiotiqa . and Came to the conclusion tbst It Was bis duty to issu tb writs. Having done so, the people ol Norib CwrwHstt nay rest saaurwd, that b wtU ws all Itgal means to bave them enforced, the taunt aad tb threata of Governor Uoldrn. and hi orgati to tbe contrary notwithstan ding. The titandard says io the tame article, that"Qovernor Holden takea uo advice from Ku Klux. murderer or sympathisers, lit is not in the confidence, nor is he tbe tool uf such Ku Klux lawyers sS Graham, Moore, Bragg, klerrimon and Buttle." No person asks or desires bim to take advice from murderer, Ku K'ux or otherwise. It is bis great mitfortune -list be did not seek tbe advice of those whom be style Kn Klux Iswytrs. Tbey would, had be done so, bare saved bim Irom tb ruin tnd disgrace, pet emery aad political, Which bow impend over him. "ALL HUKKBT DORA !'-JOjBPR OS A RAM PA OK. We fake th lollovmg Irom the Wil mington Pott, (Red.) of the 7th lust : Let the t'sgle scream another gTorTou victory- Democrats disappointed- tbe State safe all buokey dora Phillips eU eted Dockery to go baik large Republic gains the West all light the death ol the Ku KTux-btd Salt Biver.' " " Th following dispatch from Hon. Jo. W. Holdea give the li to th many cop perhead "Conservative" ststemenls of Dem ocratic auccesat : ' RAJ.arosL Aug. 5, 1870. Wa bva carried Wake ;: probably this Conirreesional District. Conservative ta mors are lalse. No returns from th West, JOd. W. HOLDEN. The shove reminds us of aa anecdote. Aa Irislimau was crossing a feature, iu which there ws a savage bull. Tb bull aaw the Iriibmen end made lor bim, with bis nose toithe earth, pawing and. bellow mg Th Iria'unaa- saw.thc bull, tod. it Oorturrel it MrB that tf would be gran J fua to let bim com np, and then tk bim by - b-f e itd rwbirrssn. The. Idea appeared o tunny that bs-oay down and rolled over In rices ol merrt' men!.; " The bolIcm up with "bis aos silrl close t6 the gfohttd, and still pawing n6r bellowing. ' The Irubmaa i was "so tickled at the l rick be was g ing to play aa the bull that h rold hardly stand, np, but lost as be was about to put bis fuesy pro Ject in practice., the bull took bim on hi horns, gav him aloas aad threw bim over jjf . ... I felt alt ever biiweTf td sc If ny bones "wera broken, Bi"tboa himseif, "Weill's mighty good thing I took: my laugh out btfor tha bast cam irpr vWj't th "IroHirt I a" i-!iiln"f'fr, Stir ns a rn.if Tbat' Joe's c ue. riATT BBme T-Tiisoiat The Demo crats saiaed over two thousand votas la DavidMdklnihsBw jtad PIci Bdkr, gcotttwid Biny 8-ltb, A ccrr.po.dcBt write Irom Iiirgit a th; heavy ub acriptioa. had been started to buy Phillips aad Badg.r a Via cup aaa uiiiy oroita a new-tin bora. Niut.yaeVeB cents had been raised, which will tray th cup ad bora, leaving two cent over which, will U paid toBcottlacaiih, T tf' Election Returns. vaAiara (0wclal Hliipnt Jt7 Phillip iMliMMiH oeat rowla, l.aau, Xiavi, 0. p, a Hawkins. B ,l.2I,OUa B. 1 431, pmv Cook 01,WS,W.T. Harruj, 1)., 1,891, 1, 1,17. Guptoa letd Sheriff.. Oae Go. aerveiive Cosamissioacr aad Coaaty Treat tree; rest Had. Xb election, w leara. will b eonteated. i v - trt, Bllpp 13 maj i 4 1st Coagreas, O. Baran. IX, W mj , 4J dt.f Homphnry,- tr:rxs i Si-nat. MaCMitetv-iit j i House, At kmsoo,UgO maj, jjyaer, D.,2t maj. County offioars Conservative. Boassoa. ' "' " 1 Tbeelectioa ia this county resulted ia tb overthrow of Hayes, Siaclair aad Proctor, and the election of R. M. Norment to the Senate, and Thos. A. McNeill aid H. B. Regan to the House, all Conservative, also the whole county ticket except the Sheriff, but he denies being R idioal. AsHUVILLB, N. C. - - Aagiral th,t87o; " Editob Sbbtibu. : BuocomlM Countv ha givsa a. Conserrstlve ruajorWy if er Ave hundred, Madiaon- County, heretofore KsUcal, Baa roiled up a Conservative ma jority or sc. caliam, having heretolnre given a Itadical aravzrciVT. a v , ri i j .(i .viita i .1.116 lBUUtl VI'UUIV ut tuuil 1 a stTva - eive. - - rjrfflmTTiff, nsrrvjijvt. la r&r'nZ.. -hl- w M Countie. Merrimon oiaj-iriiy, for the State Senate, over Bro. Ulythe (the anal who told the anecdote of the Dutchman's prayer is at least 800, agnin in Henderson, Transylvania, sod Bnncombe oounliea.of over l'JOO. Brownlow Morris i elrcted to the House ol Rprentatives from Hen ders 'n County, and will set with the Coo- servativea. He voted lor Mernmoa sad Shipp. . In short, tr. Bttttnr, "vriiri cariied every couuty west of ta Blu Ridge, ex cept, furkapt, about on I Never lias there been sucb a "ground swell" bef irs in this part of th State. Radicalism is so com pktaly aanibilsted tbat tber i Maroely left a single Radical to tell the tale of tbeir ruin, Many who ruled the Radical ticket ar bow njoicing wntJ us over our bb pri cedrnteel victory, ven tbe n groes say tbtttbCy hare voted their last Radical ticket. J.. . . 'la raorLB ot tb West fav fixed tb br.iad seat of tbeir condi muation boon Holden' Usurpations, and God will bless them tor it. ... .... .. Kvcrvbody thank Jsisiah Turner for the able blow a ha dealt upoe Radicaliara. - In baste, yours truly, - CONSERVATIVE. LAWLKS1 QOTRAQB. Mr. Turner, the editor ot this paper, having beeu sitl by turprise sod boroe off to prison, ir. bave oot,-uulU very rat . ceotly, been informed ot tbe circumstances of outrage and iudigoliy to hi household, li .l i ... u:- ...... W leara oa undoubted authority, that alter aorrouoding snd capturing bim when alone near Ihe Railroad ststtoa, a band of armed men went to his dwelling, half a mile distant, outside of tbe town ol Hill. boro', aad there bunted through every room ia the hous, without warrant, taking several piece ot firearms, including tb shot guns of hi littl boy, sad bore them sway with then, whether as trophic at victory to to st to Holden, or for soms other use, w srs not inlormed. Not only is th liberty of th Pre stab. bed to the heart b tbia hich handed out rage, and that Irom a aourc that ha W' I eci wliu uueesatvti eiuie or mmun v. every publio aaa of tb State, for twenty year, bat "the right of tb people to to rear la their person, bouses, papers and effects, against unreasonsblt searches and Misarea, ha been grossly violated t TBM 0 WRA 0 Olf PA Tl OX It ha bee denied that tb outrage said to bav been committed on William Pat toe, Alamance, by hanging hiraap by the aeck, Akc, ever took place. - W aow ouks th distinct charg that tharop srs putxouad PaUoa' sacav aad tb ead drawn, ever -Jtnxfe.-oftraeviid .L. -4 T, i . -.) .1.- V iim A HIU.IMIIMIi HUUUt tU TOIWli ! I 1 AVW ALB ll.i Jl. .u H... .hiii .,... I3ffin:ltt1toftartnr'ti,tlnat ahstfartol,iaai.i.rif ' tiipngr&S;.TyaT Oovernot Holds) ka-wi that thi oatrsg Wrt eommi'.teJ on Pa'ton, i 1,k4 hi iu 'iimlUti tk$t M wJass--. , Let tb Giveraor ar y oak visa who dsrea, deny the charge, and twe ttaad,, prpard to frtk (Asa. 3"---" "l-T. " ;? ,'t f Mow, what become of tto cari8caU,h ever Psttos signature,, thai appeared 4a tto Standard a Urn dsya ago, aad which. ao doubt, wssforeW from bimtr Ibat to I ilia niA4l Mannas - KjkiMV t. derth tnqaiaitonal proota brought jo bertipoB arm fi2IIIi S.IlS! W repeat that the Mirage) charged a bsving beta coBimitted a P4t,Ki net. tafjT omltte''BBrl .trratW WoroTHot tnow Tl n.l hs smHft 4ftfraib,ti daub investigation, s j J JacK&avJt rsuastrrLs August A-iu- snaaal eveet occurred ber last night i the aaamage of .Hon. . Albert,. T. Morgan', (white.) it distiogaisbed republican Senator la tto JiiVJt. tIoUTbf , hh immtAiat for Chjvelaud, oeepl left im medial el y , for Cleveland, Ohio, Morgaa toraser aesne, nainiavuis, Tto aAshr aatarally etratt a wsalioa (a ihenmiSBit. atiitvaa is lawvrr of (on ability, at te erie ksbits. bd wa colonel of a Micbig ui regitueot of th fed' eral army. Th imij m m b usciuediy dusky baa. - JOBW 'KSBRtrfiirU.' "Ia the matte- f Jobn.JCerr beXor Ui f 5 aiM:rMMHR at tu rsafotVup1M Snd 4 leT,-thrfaishal HI tin. ClW'Hliffi8t'Tr relura upon tlteil.eiiig wriv'bath bad exicuted it by dliverig a copy saCol. lorg:w;kirlt " '' ; DsvmI A. Wfeluj..Mirjk.aJL'oC-tla " Itrtm Court, .iHM)rehyuth.il abd cnimMMled fribi:k to wttki ivifet ihi. writoa G.(W- Kirk,' aa jwled by fbial usuterjupruteCort. , U l Ouav'a s Kaa. S .tt T. Camp Holdea. Yaoorvville, N. U, A a vast 1st. 1870 I renv etfully replv to the. eervtc of the writ in the case of .J ba Kerr. Harno! P. Hill, Jess C. Gnffl-h. P. A WUoy, I T. Mitchell, Tbomaa S Woes act, A . O. Ya ry, John McK. A. A. Mi'cbell. l anct J wea, J. M.Neai, WY B. Bowe, Bariiili (iravM, n. N. K n, Kobert Kuan, James R. Fowler, at Z Hoop r. Jamas' C. Wit hamkoa, and Peter H Williamson, that t hold th prisoners under orders from W. W. II i '1 leu. Govef aor and Couimaodui-'in. cbiel ot niUitu. GEO. W. KIRK, Col. CousM 2nd Re. N. C. B. T. The reupmr th tfan; .11. Butte arort-i and sud, we, aa counsel tor tbe prisoners move. ;y-siite&r3airt--ae sPr a pre pt to aoue cniuoteBt ber sf.)n commanding bim to bring tbe Ixxtji of tliea anoke ubstaa- tially as follows: May It please your Hon or, I bave already argued the questions presented hy the present caae ia tbe 0lhr cases i f Adieus e irfv which have been be fore you-ao tu'tiy, "Shit my 'Mmark now shall be very tew I" eontesd that the re turn el George W. Kirk, which has just been read beiore you ia utterly Insufficient, and that, therefore, a writ of attachment almukihe sasued gainsr h in, a directed- tif 1808-8 ch. 118. I say that tb return is insufficient and I wilt proceed to show it. The 11th section of tbe am sot declares tbat "h parson or olBctr, on whom th writ is serreel, must mske reiurn thereto in writing, and, except when uch pert on ehall be a worn public officer, and (ball mak bi return in bis official capacity, it must be verified by his oath." Now tbe exception ot tb want or an affidavit in favor at iwefff puinic officer does not ply in this case,. beciUs G. W. Kirk i aot uch public officer as Is meant, by tbe kaUat tfrput act. Ha is, what' to' ibiorth Carolina Hut Troops, and bo sucb troops are suioonxed to tie organised, armed, quipped and disciplined by tbe constitution and laws' of the State, The lU.h Article ol the Constitution is the only authority lor orgaoixmg a military force In this Bute," Thai Article is heeded "Mi litia," snd declare '-that all able bodied male citizens of the Statu, between the ages of twenty one and lorty years, ' who are citizens of tbe United States shall be liable to duty In the militia : Provided, that all persons who may" b advert to bearing arms, from religion scruples, shall be ex empt therefrom." s f . ' ' ' . Tb second section declare tbat tb General Assembly shall provid lor tb or ganising, arming, equipping and discipline ol th militia, and tor paying th asms when celled late active eervtce. "And tbe tbiid seclio ordains that th Governor shall . to Commoder-in Chief, and bav power to call out tb militia to axecute th tewijcuppr rio or: lrrsttrrecttoa, bu sOTe5cli"dtd f fat sld DgTss ftTB'enqunred repei . iavaioa.V . It is- tha seea tbst lb CoostltuUoB ot tba, State say nothing whatever about Stata troops; and by turn., lag to (he sots ot tbe Gshuraf Assembly sbiaU Hod tbat all thee provision are con fined exclusively to -the militia. See th A of 13(lo-'fl, chap, ii, otititled.."An Act o orgi hiMr Ntirth Caro lina," and also the Aot of I860 '70, ntitid MAn Act to secure th better protectioq of file end piopery." end oommonly called bhofloer Act. leitliei ol ihsa acts, sor any other, ha a right to go beyond th Constitution ia organizing a military fore for th State, and nothing can be sound in them or either ot tht-m, showing sa at tempt to violate tbe fundamental law of the 8tat, la neither of these is there even a hiut at such an orgaixtioi as tbat no oommsudtd by Cob Kirk. Indaet the forces he comm inds is not only ignored by tbe Constitution snd ls of North Caro lina, but are expressly forbidden liV'The1 Snd paragraph ol 1 tu 10th C ion I the 1st article f the Constitution ol the Unt ted Stla,'whn:h rtec lares that k ISmt-; JlbaU iittft inentnratsrft.'Dwgiwf-w troop or ship) ot ' war la lime'of peacA." ' . . . .11.: 1... . man who la aot a eitlxi ol the State, and - . Li. . . i: .. .. .M1Ht. inon soldier are Said fo b from tbe r8iite. f Tcbueste. This C tl.'oel, who, a I hsv already said. Sign bimse f Colonel j.f the add Ui0iii ot pt Nonb ' t'arolini' Stats troops, aud .. ib' ichold the pris met odtr ordeis from W. W. Holden, O vera' ot and. O'Utmaadei-io Chief, of Militia, is not, therolore, and cannot b, public oftt cor of the B at who is auihoritej by the iobtot iprput scV to make a return,' which i ni.t ...rirt.d h bia Oatrf ' 1 .-Ji.-.: ' .'1 in.itrl..rthiuriauM...U.yaloJli:jLuiU or, that we ar entitled to bSve Cur second t aatrtion graated.-Tiiar Honor Is sathotlird, by tba tit ascuoa ol to uswsw e so direct th precept, called for by our mo tion, "to any S'leriff, t'Oi otter of other per. bim.U.brtcg Airmail. n nl.ir..)o,.li uraefit tb writ of k.ilti Osrsusshall bv bi-ea xraa !.? The b xt M'hwib autheoavs ,ca arwiff.' CoMi-r ob r Befsav.lo wIsosb tie psao pt may be diraeuc, te "call a bi id U-a pesrar of ' tba , a ia other eeara.".. YoB bav already held that aha pasplt CwaU eo.Bty are alt iaur. I gawa, iB'at rttiTio- ean of g -pmi"Miium ossBB saaae xroe Mat comity.- as jour Hooea to already decided tavat queatiea, I anil aot argu it sgaia, but I moot to par. Baitted t say that to my suino, it seem W lead t absolute despotism ia tht) ba taw It tto Governor eaa, M hi will aad rieaa are, proclaim, a haaos,twocoaiuiir4 to be in a tt of tesarrsetiess, ts aaa pro c'Bjm vsy county tV : tto Stat to to. ia tbst condition, , and thea, tba aulitary power being predominant and the civil powvr prfiTfafld at It n-rt we shull VJn nmimmmmtltm ttiao ti f hibuhT' tb'ab i as soos as iu county ol nakr, in shicb th Governor reside, shall b declare I to be la a tt rf inrnrrsctio, then the Got, eraof hiasnH. will baouaa aa inaarReB, aad the w shall be i auaditioa of de potisat and anarchy such as we hat no word fa tbe Englbh language to etpress tb idea. 8 r, th ' kalu mmjmt act. which was evidently draws With much oare sad was intended to aecpra, to vrr ot-rae Btat tti lienrflt of Ihrrgiyar" rf t ol kobtui terptu, i not inefficient that it uist bemad deadl fetter at th trlearnreol the Governor. I eiualend tiial. you have the power to appaiot ov txaraoa j" L) Ciut! IO rxtiu tu preeept w itll tar, and auc yasnty i gut, coi)flu4 lOUti county ( tea well tor th to id hiut la it . exroalioa, , bsrt saay can oar, u jtcesry, ib swaa of vry county in the Bute, Ny, air I contend that's s but re trt, the power of tbe Usited State authorhies may b applied tor tb ' siMia BtUnc tit precept e8eetuii -A : I chs by aakiog rroB) your Honor aot only b writ ot attachment against Cot Kiik, and tbe precept to torn proper per so to n torce ihe pmduetioa before yoe ffa body ot tbs-pstitlof , but for any o hr rtliet tawliicU w may- -ber entttlcd' and which k is in your power to give, t have it to my assnciah to' discus the other qUeStiimswbK The Ulowira is.tli decision oftbs Chief Justice in tbe at) veTnentioned case sss.fj.yaaraJ& HA "bimbtb bibb. O.I tbe return of the Marah!, kr. Battl e 1 BW't . THff-XttoZ smxW-retnre Sod. A writ to so eosa Detent neraoa to tiring the body, and call out th poss af tue e;ouniy u aecesury. Th firat tuotioa a as not, allowed. The ol jectiou, tbat the returu, as tb Counsel termed it, i not sworn u, and othi r ol jc tions takeo, are aot relevant f for tliis doe not purport to to' a rttmrn, bai a reluaal to make a ntur by tbe orders ot ths Gover nor. ' , - Treating U aa a refusal, tb motioa h nPtaUoweiyoj, jtl resaon. t, out la to opinion deliver.-d by we, I csa ssy DO more than what I bav already id. The power ot tbe Judiciary i exhausted I Lave no pass comitalus. Ia this particular, my situation differs from that ol Chief Jus tic Taney, in "Merrimon's case." ; He had a pass soaiitafai at bis conimaud, l)ut cod sidered the power of th Judiciary exbaas' ted without calling it out he did not deem it to be his duty to ooeuruand the marshal with the pi it "to siorm a I6rt,w ' " It ia gratifying to be sbls to say tbat th other Justice bar been la Uu reserved coo. fcreooe with m sod all concur , (a the 1 RltjUsiy.-tw M.TBAKBdN, -T i h. . Chief Justice 8. C,; . ASSAULT AND 0UTRAGK. .f On Saturday last Mr. EC C. Reed, sued out a writ before 8. D. Herri so, J. P., sgalust Stephen A. D mglss snd Joseph W. ll..l.t- .K- r..ti .1..- iaaA--!L . - r STATU OF NORTH CAROLINA, ( i; - ' Wax CooTT. eft Henry C. Reed, a citix-m of said couuty, makes oath, that about 'quarter, before tour o'clock, P. M., of th 8th day of Au gust, A. D., 1870, white be ws sitting in his own hooss oh Hillcboio' street in th city of Raleigh, io said county, engaged la reaeliog, one Stephen A.' Douglas and ope Joseph W. Holdea came to bis ' house, and without giving any notice of 'their p. proach or presence st th door, entt red the room in wntcn arniot wa jt sitting; that he asked tbem to take seats, whtck they if affiant's wife Was at home. He respond ea tbat sue wa in the sfit iluing room, tbst raid O 'nlas then said th affiant that be bad come to sec affiant on important business; that affiant said proceed sir. Slid Douglas then ack-Kl affl int. If ht. if&. I ant, had said to any gns,Uit tu, l)ouj;Ua, f bad with s'pistol hircAl one Pattoa to ad mit that be bad not been hanged and forced to make Cob iea low in the county of Ala mance 1 Affiant replied, he bad not so ststed, tut hpd said , to soma person or persons, mat no,rnant, db ieamn ; rroru on Spooni r.i hat siid Patten had, told said Douglas that b had nit , bra 0 hanged tbat to had heard 'from several person snd . jepeatcd lb Stskniejit, tbat said Dougla bad pretanted s pistol at dd Pstton and forced blot to admit that be was aot ao banged ; that, said Dougla then asked affiant ft ii would put bi statement ia writing, ..which affiant did ubsiotiaJIy, ladding that be thought the ststement U to ureentiDB- the nlatol t Pat ton wst not well sottn nlcaTed: tbut laid D. U2lS tfieo a" a? a af5ant.il eaflLiBt,, tftstoai'7M Dllj;lus, suit 'J . present s pistol at any oe io ext-irt coalesaioss, hmtint ala Tw CoulitBtKy-lo he tod -BBrqtrjRiif ' tanc with him, 0 ', bad seea hi.n but a tew times at a distance ; that said D.iug Ui Ihea roe Irom hit set. stepped to tb p tiiies dor that l d Into tto chamber of atauit't wite, ciowt jt, turned round aad stepped tewird afiUqt, drew B pistol aad swore he, Ddnls, would be God damned II he did aot bill affiant, V afBaat peited ia bi refaawr to mate tto statamawt -da-aianded ot hrm an did sot writer a ha directed; that- affiant said ia reply, that to would aot, under any cireeimstaa ces, mk such statement tbat he would suff.r dei It ratheK then ' - and att- to -ww warm'sdr ttW 'W-ta-Bi'r "How could II yf Sueb.rlitof ot juuu. BaB Uthi tnoajent atrtiUiol ia bSild, yew at trying to sorae sae ta mab a-writ- lea s itement.n Amaei repeatea tuat b was anarmad d woulJ raiher suffer nrffnTT that, ai vbafHswrafrlsut Wire Tkilt Dbitgut to leave tb house, els she would bsv Bim Brtavnrt aid-O.Tbgta laiotaat1 SV was a.t thet tt - her, oat affi tat atSspt a si ordered said Doagla to,iev th houiec. Said Uolilen was orearot darinff tb whole affair, aad wtoa Mrs, R-ed cam hiio ttojjMjajrja: tovsjd DpugJ. to that a lady ws present ud to etesis.-- Said DoBtfl drew piftoi, betd tb sarbs i bis haad, aad earring asrl threateuiB tortpo y and repeatedly demanded ot affi. aat tbst hs should auto tto - nqairsd tatrwewt,ad affiant persistly retua4. Said O-CU Indinf he ctmld wot extort front affiant tto dird writing, li adt aat bou-a la com pan y with Said Holden. Said Holdea esm to affltat' kous with . J li v - , ; , "SH.-4, WW fc -" tn sue 'v is suiMiantialiy aad ssacB ia "' d - L r , " Bi"M?1' i Arf f 1 t B.CV KWDt fh parti wer at 1 L U. today, brought belor S. D. Drrina, Esq , sad 'Waiving ft preliminary tranri nation, war boaert ovwa w appear tto a tana at ths Superkw Court ur Wh county fa law (rruai 111 Louurui CourW Journal I " ' . ' ; . l.im I.-' V .r Tto Wathin-!on drnmid Is tto naner - - that Hot such alartre Uc I Go. UalWa-. - Ueurgi pi unci J o "ailvertiaiBg"rlbat ia, ' " pabiktluag cansWek Ubricated to pvj t . - die thsr Jlorth against tb people ot UeesM gia aad push Baliock Georgia bill Uroogh toogrea. ,tThi orgs of tto carp bag lubliy aow expreaae a bop that GoV.- rJoldea will bang "th mta who bav beta murdering the Union people of North Car. for tto hut four yaara. Xotwaver it ayt.. i M Governor Holden, of Norti Carolina, la sustained by the Frtiidcat apos a square ndrtading of tto facts. ,5 General Oraat - t aver yield to impul, and when to ded- 4nl ta- tv;ttotdelt'tolBrflMr T 'T' ,"" -T the necesslut of the situation; " Ot course Grant hu " Squsr and- , standing of tbe isct,and backa up Hold -ia InU view of th necemltia bl the alta atio.". Did not I be Utter of a New lark Ik Radical old BOt aarrv tto akction In North Carolina wittoaupltttanijstfaia.- a--aJw-. . military, sufltr restiUoatioa. w Braat M tbes stsWmanU BtemiBated tbraugb tto North r Thia was certainly a "fall view of tto oecessitiosof the sitaatioo." If y' more endenc vm wanting to ' sQuar oadaretsadlng of tto facts," U fornwbi d by Mr.) B.ynte, th Washiagto cor. reapenueai ot iu uincinnatti Susattewto wrote to that paper July 23 J s follows : It seems fttrseg tbat so little should bV know br Otaoeraiu Ihe wal enatditiea J ol affdr in North Caroltna. Tbr la aaor than a suspicion that bqt little cause lata for th extraordinary course taken by Governor Holden. One fact, krotn bar to most of the press, bs do mora tba any of th (torie ll Out. either aid oa tb Bald of saioa to throw eutpicio spo Hoi. den's movements snd crest th belief that he bs acted only to further th in ten its at local political ractloaa. And that tan ts this: A few weak belor the djouroaot, Senator Pool om a tu mparter' gallery -and called out a gsotlemaa be supposed to to ooahected With th Whlngtoa C'arms It, - H t hea showed hiu a North Crli. aa Bewipaper la which there was a coll robbings drawn out at great : length. v Tba Seaator wsat oa to say, quit coBodential ly, that it wa deirbl th Chranid should at one begin th publicktloa of this collection, and keep It a o until tto atatemrwumad ahwald to wmU imemlaw ted la tto North. H ; further Xpiateed th need ol this by saying tbst, to carry the Stat next (all, It would 6 necessary to a th militia extensively, aad If thi col leetioB at outrage could to well circuUted tofonbaad, it would justify th step ia tha eye of Northern , RepublieausVM. Pool made th mistake ot communicating sit this to tb wrong man. H iwever, he mast bav ascertained hH mistaks aftward aad remedied it, as tba account of th autre; es ia North Carolina . began to appear tb second day after this eonvertatioav aad ia due time tbe State militia has appealed upoatlioeM.", - i-t?W Astearurtler rtssems they bav towa gtajng on ta Niwtb Casmiaa fat thai act soar rTjst a taeytrsT ,bta is tfttor Slates mr th past forty year, aad: ia S kreat marly cases ths Ordinary legal 'ma chinery has bein found inadoquate to tb deb otioe snd uunwbaeat of rowh aiurderad labels, a tba Democrat ar called. , W toliavc Gov.. Hold a is abl to cite tb nnaveired murder of thre Rsdiosl t!(rtn'Ih four yeara,'one"orwhom to bias eii um mm "ma- be get ria at."! Tet all this tiro jiwno st ; sereoely om tto bench in th person of Ridioal Judge,' and vengeance lumbered with harelaw aotu coaled until tb approachior electioa al Aagost 4:h ntuad tor, Tha saartiaU Ur wa aVoiarr ioisn rps suspended, aad "Kirk's lambs" sent out to create reign of terror. The jails are full oi inno cent citif?, the Virginia border Is eoverwd . with fugttrtosv d tfaaeropa wt ta tto" -tkld i but thar will to ghjriou Medical victory oa etectiaa day, aad Holdea will to empowered to repeat bis exploit whea evr -ih Beoessitiea of tto itatioa Bod tli ternhl -dvsrtiMmnU" of th Wto- . " iOftoa tArswieis may justify it. trs i . - -,, - Hal is eliciting ra w justifioatioa by -choking eoctessrori out ut-ht prieowar, - - aad Margwi bi-tretrCtdmet, Is tongtag ttttm up by the thumb with tb sama loyal design. Tb Nw Yofk TritoM say 4 thai these attempt to turcalnufiiaiioas - - ' frpnt ptlsoner "a relic ed barbarism aad -- - htvery wkiob ant even martial law twang Ms, aad whtolt tto peoplaottbl emuatiy ill not counteBssoe tor aa inaiaat." But it lb pi opl ol this country ntm . not too squesm si to Coontcosno Stat wlmitte tratio that eaaabt gnvr without toytial law, ao permit ciuaeua ta pavis avuaU c s at aa orainaryaiWciio aawl by s rabbi soJdiery, th.y (himld bo, otjsct ta tb Aitisaarr locidawt ul that sort ol srowv trjuoe-a.t.jiodrirituf tita,t4y- mB by Which it cab jostity ft other severlliee, Tto Pleat deny it S maia But SO tit-; meouU "General Grant e?r yield to mpuls, d wiiea to tUci ded to help Uv den it wa ia lull view of tto scsattie ef .Dm aiiiuttioB," . . .. ,iiiwv-s- "gfcBrS; ffix-foriilgiTTr little unprotected place where tb Soar Is fro-jsed-: fiy bridge . exactly Its oooBtiary una ueiweeu rancssaej MQaotlB PrUMia, and it etpiur is about a Uapot taat a Was tbat oi Sutfolst few 'year ago. It wa probably fUt fided by a law Pra- ' ln, placed thsit Ml ptckai atwty Aawbtbu -the pHsc about th Captor of which by a diviaio uch noise ia an ad by tto Pari telcgrai. t'jet inp. ' " -i - - . Is-' . At Sunday Srbnot la Rlpoa, a teacher m bad a Hal toy if a kstw whM tbaxf p.esvioa "sowing tares" meant "Oourth I does," said bV pulling tto seat oi bi littl breeehe atouad ia front, "I taarwd M slid lug do a a hiU." OBlV---) 9. . Jj:-i Sfl ts t 4 : . ' t ijui 'V- swAfsl-vsTlFl !. ! ix a, -V -

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