''- 'f 4 . ;- i 1 '""- fimH'&-Mim wmmm- aiaaWit It V "1 ' ' - aa.i.MMMBBVaVaiBBwaBSBwaa , : , . f"!"1 THE SENTINEL. JOSIAH TVUeULr fc EDITOa " t05Jt5M8vi3 lt WW rvifHM atr TAXCSIVILLM. 1V ere BOtadvtod fully el the state of things et . yaeatywfou.TBr, ewcrett o - Kirk's cwnp art pretty well BoaoealttL-a. . Whether ha bee tarried oa with the prisoB- r. bmgior. patting pistols U their heeds 1 .'. r .4 atlW threats 'udlHMCtl to force "front them teelioiOBy le Involvs brraetlres . nd others, at to charged apoa bis U. Uol Borcen. t Orbtm, w br ot btwd ; wi lhe contrary it U bow Intimated, that Kirk has acted with, mora lenience," ': taneeiatlr ' si not Bersea't eoBduce bee bwi uifNd, ' W leera iron a. correspond! t, tba tht r1so.ert t Tawwyvill by tome Bteaat had beta advised of the parpeei'heir eoaseel ta appeal tt Judge Brooke aad that be would 1imm tt writ sd enforce tbeta. Oatltf arrival of XeL Foote, the Deputy MereM et Yeoeey vHla, the-prlt- oners ehqafef f t jdj .At lb lflUlllgmM, i ana Kjrx. nuiimw v IS caUlc toon f the Hotel et Ttooeyvillt tu filled with .geotltmea aod 'ladle! br - tba BOfaVf V - w , " ' - - Wbaa til JadAinl Labia aaJ Batarriflad 1i1tiii WM Inform d of tha'ramora of tba a 'aa - 4? l I. at. - rLtW.ing oataat of m owiicau in in SteatVt r told ka -aaid J, tka pf aeoo .' wlrtif frw' Thaolt OkI Hged and hoof red by liuf paopla. Tba 4Btrjrt'y of kla purpoaea and almi, tba boa ty with btcba baa JaarJaaaly labored to rcdeaoi Kcktk CaroliM tro larot aad :Jlrof'y.iIl bladlcatedL aad Ma aama " 'kill f dowa to paateifty boaorad aad ra TaradJ nheu tta aavia ol Holdaoooi aad tbi ao-adjutora w'baMd T. w -ffioca rrfBFba at)oaJwa'k'aa ' m,W tbk loUowloa felwm Uk la atruoUoM 'fHilillah -.-- ....-w.-,..-. , ''. . Tabocttiixb, Aug. 10. V'0o." 3-.Bi.' IIii.iamijo t I forbid k- iaUat l)olUly aay writ f WUM ry , iMiud. for ua. I dafr Boldaa, Klrk'a V BkaiM tad OoBrt Martial. I . r J03IAH TURKK9, Jm. atolgrajBkoirTar.,eotaa too lata, aa iba writ for Ma. T W bat BiftaxJy baas ' Tht p werty had bard prasssd oendltioB pi our people la acknowledged , by trery ooe. 1 JJsTer was there sac It a geaeral com flalatof kard times aad aerer was there each good ground lor it. The Ralical par . ly aot only proTldad for the Issue ( State hoods la ooe year to th amount of 2S, 000,000, bi&elee at the earns time maaaged - to ttetl abnU $35,000,000 In few months after tbeyVtr issued. They hart fasten ed upon the people three times as many paid offlosri as ever had before, aod Blao pay them about three Umee aa much for the same work as formerly. ; " The Democrat ConserTstire party , la pledged to the people to eartail the sxpea aaaof the State .government, aad of tbe OoBaty aad muaicipal gorernmeoU. .Tba -umbef-of offices eaaaot be reduce A aatil Ibe Cooitltutloa It changed ia this raspeot. This eaaoot be doae at once, bat North arliaaaiaat go back to bar old Court and County Syttemt,whlcb were much wa filer, much cheaper aad oarj be made muoh . more tmcieal thaa our present eipensire jCeurt, Oonaty aad Township iyateBM.-T -sr a To get oat of debt tad to live fret from , 'dM ertrf maa muttgo io work.m'utt live .wiUiie bis Beaoa,aad la order to live, the hurdeoaof govarameal mast bo feduoed -to e proper ataudard. No lamter. mscbaa- "i or merchant Boleat he hu Urge means, ."eta bow pay tbaupaaaet of governmeot, 'ffd make mora thaa frocu 500 to $1000 a 1 year to tnpport bit lamily. Aad yet there ". 'are clerks and abends la this State, making every tew out of tba pockets of oar poor rfMOpTe from f lO.flOO W Tl5,0WMHTy7 - -Other wtf-.,mlpti: , Tbe Ivegialatare oaaaoi reduce the anna- ber of emcera ia the State to anj; great ex- tout, but it c redact the SaW lea add teea Ot tbe offlrkla in lhs Siate,an.d thla Umuat dj at the earliest' BU'tBeat, Tbe people i dew tad hoaeely aad eapacity la oar pablio otBoers aod a redoctioBof their salaries aod few to I proper ateadard Reform, ralorm, . we sy Is demanded, and the people Will i have it. 8naae few offioera,perhaps,art aot paid too Bach, hat the most ere. . f ouitaTutjescTJos. The tat payers of tbe State, bat eepecial ''- t6)edfBy4sr payers ef Algmanee sad . 'CstWfll, abouM.DtSt llisoi B Injltae- tioa' igaiBal Gov. tioldea IBd lbJ" Pubnc i: TreaiurerTIB K$m IBs; TutC! Jiflog tS. mid .' pAJt. tJUlJUWlhatJluUlUt. fiaLil.-MpMe ol Holdeo'i State troops. He 14 the aulh -ttf vt law t-wtm the tetsma4 wa -...Lhtmot to-ispprts riots, IptuiTectlou or "-fBTtatrmr-TOtiw has aot duoe.1 " Butte " "Ass ofgtnTied and enlisted a Tolunieer fores " if Pale lroopil"c6Saea"orTenIeaaw ,HJlh Carol iotaot, whites snd oegroet le ppraaa aati latlmidate the people) 44 ' which he bat as law, or fight, aor itreaoo. ' Such troops he cannot lawfully pay out of the State Treasury. He bu already ased . public money lor this purpose aad be and . the Public Treasurer should, be at once n .Joined. ; ' - - Gea. Alfred Sockery atfartbatea the de f(at ot bu sob Oliver to Billy W. HoHen, 11 1 ' I .I 't .. . i . BTSPBXS Jl, DOVOLIS. , The oily Bttl Dtttc Wli BiBcOBjpfoop, h6 brr kbor ara , id to b IM too of tbtt (mt nu, tb late Into DooctuL a daa wboaa sowoocj U rtvaraa for bi ability ad Uteaibip, baa bats attraping to cot qaiu a avdl1 ia tfaia eiiy lot vbm tioM. It b U a eitiaea ot tb SUU and iiM a domicil ia it, wa do aot kaow It, bat b iwaggtra aad atrata about u if b wera aonwbody. . Q Holtwa Ua aod it ia aaid tnat b baa imhb actiag aa-A4JaBt QftaraHtba ab ttca tt Ad- jatut Qmmtl FUbaf, wbila attloaeriBg flwB tba amty adi O g baaa actirt la alactioaatriBg t t Bdicl urn liae b bu bM in tlx State aad tba rotnU abowt with what taoeww. It tbat rrery lgnormu nitad ITortb,, thjnki btnuairiatlv OvimoeUnt to aaligbUa tba Sontkara peopla oa tba witj -ct o polltloa. rvmirlu. ka tooka a ii thraa aralaa of atata vonld takt bii h4 sf b re qaiU a atanpar la tba lata eaaTaaa,ad w ara told tbat bit aparebaa kara btaa iinga Urlv lafluiiatonr aad IdlotUs. Wa bava ates bint oa i atral "act Mlooa iurroWal by castf of Mgrooa, talking politica, aad owing to bit Baar-aigbtadaaaa or fosdataa for (bo AMcaa 'acaot, ba aaamM to M aboBt to aenbraoa Batnbo with a kiaa. Wa bava hoard of his thrttta aad aboaa of tba Democrate (aod bia lather was a tifo loog obO aad bl his tiolent, prolans aad dotni aearipg conduct towarda thoaa outraged new who hat baaw amatad br Klrk TM dar Boldoo's ordora. , Bia tats attempt -to bram Ik at aad intimidate Mr. Read, was mlth of a low dooa tug. He baara a worthy sama, bat ha baa- diagfaoed it, Got. Hffld'T f'J il"m a aaa lot such paltry apac.aiet.aof kamao aeture, bat the people of North Carolina bare bob, and wa hot HI eOaala ToromT St tile aod Irieoda who BokaotMi, or tEal STATS BWATB-MSMBSBS MLBCT. Wa gift below tba 0eoatora elect ia this State as far la heard from f the Hat we be- lim to he oorraet, aa Uf aa ghris t- . 'r, 4 skbatorial Divrak-Te. liL' Cairltuek. Camden. Paanootank, Peiquimana, Cbowaa and Oatea Roloa K. Spiwd, D.j ameaiJ. ftkmeor, l. "tri" Bwofort red Hyde-K. J. War res, . 4th. NorthatnDton ath Bertie and Hartford ib. HallU-Heo7 tppet, l, R. 1th. Edgeeombs- a. B. Bellamy, B. t)tb. Pitt- UcCeftery doubtful. th. Naah tad WiUo-L. , B. Battle, D. '' "" '' . " 10th. CrertB and Carteret -WAJ. Clarke, R. and R. F. faehmaB, tt-V--' - lttk. Jooes snd Lenoir-R. W. Bag, a llth. puplla aad PbsIow W. A. Aiaa, lJth. Hair HaaoTel Tadllrootwlck-- Ch arias McClemraf 'D., aad A. U. uaiioway, eol R. i . . 14th. filadea aad Uolnrabus- car. rle, O. ; -.- 15th. RobeeoB R. M. Norment, D. . lth r'umharlaad. Ramett and rJemp enn V. U. lroy, U. .anu xrr,.u.. . Jayrr phy, D. - 1710. JOBBSIOB la. nanuaii, v. 19th. Uraeaeaad Wayae O. U. Brogdea R. - lib.' franklla aad Weke-L. P, Olds, R.aad P. B. Hawkins, K 80th. Warrea Jbo. Hymaa. coL, R. ' gist. Qranvillt and Person--B. ,W. Lst aiter, R. tad Barnett, R. ' . 2'Jod. Orange Jao. W. Graham, V. ' 23rd. Cbaibara -Oatloa Albright, V, ' Mth. CaaWell r- . : 13 th. Rockiogbam-xT. T. Mors bead, D. COtb. AlaBtanoe aad Guilford Jno. A. Gilmer, D. and W. A. Podia, It BTtlu lUnduluh and MoniatotJeri -t SSih. lloore tad Richmond ld- hotter. I. SSia. Absob and Vuioa A. J, Dsrgan, D. 80th. Mechleobarg H. C. J one, D. ' Slat. Cabarrat aod Staaly Valeatlue Mannev. D. i :. !- .' v I JJd. Davie aod llowaa W. M. Robbina, ft.,.. Davidson -P. & BobUoa. D. ' ' litb. rorevthaad Stakes-- Adamt, ti : - SStb,' Sorry aod Yadkla A. a Cowlet, 6tW Alegtader aad lirdell $7th. Catawba, Qaatoa and Lincoln-K. IHtb, CI-TtlM.il, Palk lid Rulberlord it U tChhJJae Ta ejg, XtaU ft Ul Mtw vtarv v . ,..1 80th. AllrEbany. Atha had "VTilket Conk. D. . . . JOth, Bartoomije.HeBdjrrsoBMdT aytvanle Jatuee Kernmoa, O." . -4at;-BaTw Caldweltawd Watattgh W. It.-"J.ti,-ciL H..;..v-.. . 49i Ma.lia hlitcUlVeDowall ad fanoeyW. Fleming, U. 431. Clav. Cherokee, Hevwood. Jacksoa ind Mat-on-W. Ia. LotD. ftota on, nspHKssnTA ti fss ', ,.' , . MtMBBBt bxco. s :' A, leaaeaes. " . iAflttf a Gamble, D. . A, mmm. Wll0, " V ' iirsetaff.. - C'afson, lad. , ataeMt. Smith, D, AavertTkoa. Sparrow, D. taviuv utUJ. b. Milla, D. fiir(vw1-Pr.Msfti! - " " , tioiAum. U, Was. rownt, u. mark, I). WwSaac.1 oho Pagtt,-oi R." CWd.-LeelC Me A lee, D, " - - 11. ffaBias.'ei Blrbtril jEaybttV-fiiil ft. at at Dudley, colH ad Geo. B. M illia, coL, K. . cmimrhuU. .1 i.li - - CvrrtiiuJc- "i ' - Dmidmm.- Jacob Clioard, J) Jaoob t. Browa, lad. t--y - - - '-4 . Dee " "- i' liupHm- Bead ford, D ksvk- Kdgmommx- FrvtA- FiwaJb'ia.JuO Willisroaoo, Col, R. aad J.aesT. Harris, R. Zitedea. A. W. Fither, R. 4- Oollek, D. Grew si k Bofi4.W, P. Welch, drtan. i Ukfri. ifytb. Laa, D. a-raueu. niii, u, Nichelaoo, 0. JEeet Jnu. in Xototr. R V' Parrot, H. ilftWi'ari Jfarfin. Oregory, D. IfjBsljff. r it -i ii - Mttiltr.birf.H. P. Warring, D-, J Sol. Raid. D. MitcktlL r- ' Xonlfftnury. r -r .fcW Kelly, D JVo. Woodward, D. JFrw Haittttr. Aabe, D., Geo. Z French, K,4i JU MaU-m, (col) R " Ohm'.-Ju. E. Scott. D. Orj.-r.K. Stradwick, D , C.C. watur. D. : , At. f i'jot---- Pf rttm PtM.VL T. Jordan, D. . Atkinson, D., Joyoer, D. Polk .- RaniolpK- ' I ttidmnd. Fletcber, R. &MMcI4rill. D. Krtraa. D. kaekmaham. Johns, V.. fiarid Settle D. jfowaa. Ciawlprd, I). d: " - jrJUrerd.-J. M. Justice, - .l.ockey snti-Holdea Radical. Sampuii,- : r- 11 WoW. 1 Huh Mitchell, 0, . 8vrVVLC, Hampton, U. 7roiyieaw. TvnU.T. 3. Jsrvis, D- 7a. C; at. J. McCaatey, D. Beis-Ueoderaoa H.odge, H. i. W Wilha Merin. tool.) Jt , Blew. H'avne. 1. . Smith, U, Jno. Robiuaos, R. ' Wilt. York, U. WVaeit, J. O. Duubaot, D. .Faifia, : Feaawy. . We have left many blanks ia the above, (or the laaaoo that wa have not tbe Barnes. Many of them are CoBitetivi . .. We beg our filenda to give at the 'full hemes' of he members elect. for lbs Ben ti net Ot araar Paora, N. C, Aug. 8, 1870. Editor Btntind: 1 ' Allow me tlt privilege through your amlumna in retnm mv tbaokt to tbe" tree- mmm nf Alamance and Oulll'ord. for their liberal tod uniform support under eilating eircumetaoeoe, on Tburanay .est. ia true tbat I have been defeated through fraud treachery aad intimidation to a aeat IB tbe Senate lrm tble ilietrt. No people aver tnterta a poll ticai too t at wooer more peculiar aad adverse oireooistaaeee, thee that which waa brought to btar against tbe good, the true and tbs virtuous people of Alamance. v Every devlc tliat unrattrainsd power, treacheri and Irauil. could fttort to waa ceiled Into rraoUitlon. to overawe and deter tht Cpntervktivt toters from rxerelalBg tbe dearest riaht suarantaed to tree men, that of tbe ballot. . Over three hundred Con servstlvs voters la tbia county, were through I ear aod appreheaaloo, kept trom tbe ballot box. aod ooutequently tbe election ent by default. To tbe people Of Alamance, wuo braved all aad endured ell to support me, aad atsa to tboee who would have done to ander more favorable elrcUmataBcea, I re turn my moat gratetul acknowledgemeBta and to tbe people of old -Guilford, memor.. abia at thry hare ever beea for tbeur love ot peace, law aad order, I return my most profound, heartfelt eease of gratitude, aot oelv for tbeir liberal aad flattering support. but also for their unbounded hospitality, both ol which I bate been a recipient, aod lor which I shall ever bear ia my boeom ooe feeling, aod tbat Is yreittetls. -Tbe day dawa of hope aa well at the head of deliverance now atimulatrt the Irre mea of Guilford over tbeir complete, trt umphaat aad glorious victory, while tbe aigttt shades oi Radiealiam eeMte -aa-a lowering cloud upou tbe beans of tbe tree moo of hat twla slater Alamaaee sot Ib fairoess or ia Justice, but by the unreetralu ed band of power, Iraad aad intioildatioB. Rwoectfully, jce. J. A. MOORS. Tor the SenUnaL Wikdsoii, Aug. 1, 1870. D Tdbkbb: We are, of enttrse, beat, ea ia Bertie, but we have gained three hundred volee at leatt.oe previous elections. If every county bat gained at the aama rtrrwe ttw3tflie"rtwiatrr'a - BaayBaityAkaMKit We wewagoed tWei bjured here by the f. ar (hat the Igaorant nroa would reel It their duty to pitch Into tbe whites la aid ot Iloldrn'S war. Holden's object watts inspire fear-IB the wtdw-rjaktrwheravtba aegroea are tbii k. Such aa idee It exactly Joba Pool's statesmanship. " I have beea waitwig, txpeotlng that my old Iriead, Richard Badger, would publicly denounce 'fioldea. Holdea weat I Into Court, bad his tide argued by Badger, ap parently was acting Ib good laiib and would have claimed tbe decietoa If it had beea ia bia power. (Indeed Eolden toM, Ua aad claimed It anyhow.) Trt Wbra it west agaiaat him It waa fl uted ia so far aa It waa againat him. Holdea aaje ia efldrt. U I wla I takt BP the stske, H I lose I snatch tbe fake. I with I knew if KrnBedgef oTiiaaifi lilhia. TT -vl am glad that golden bu stripped the plumage from Peareoa. Pearaoa ia eery aead. tMBti tjttra Eiehmmdim dimipt.J The Sogliah traatlatioa ol which LatliTBentenoe mar be uaderatood tbwa, Hobleareeid saav wad- Peaiww- :fartr ttd, , aogooa oya. Taw CotiQB(i Ciorr.- The lavestigw. tioa latatha charsea ot UUtreatmeatasade by ihe colored cadet Howard againat bia fellow-eedeta aad superior otSoers at. Weat Point does aot tba far aohaUntlaU. the etateaMBtt which be macft in the eomplaia U g letter wbkh be wrote to bia tether, published some time eiooe. His ttataoasat that ht was mieaeed by bia ofBoers aad tbat B diecrimiaatloa wee made againat bia ia bis ateaa aad sleeping apartaeatt bat eertaialy aot beea tabataatlated. Alto gethse tbe letter seeau ta have beea prompt ed by aa taproot motive from as oatatda eoorce, faw what object does not appear, though It may lead to. some official aetioa oa the part of the nilitary amboritias. f7j.J.J, T . -IA.. . ' ' OLji-IVu,Fla7, - ...m . i .Mi I M - ! BVaMiaia 1 VIROISIA RTKA IISBIP AKO PACttT I CQifPAMT, If . if: Kaw Torn. Aegtiat (th 1870. ttB 1 1 ana pleased to inlorm yoa tbat toe auccasa of tba Virrioia Staamablp- and Packet Company, ia bow aa eaubliabsd fact, aad that the 'first installment of tbe sabscriptioa is being rapidly collected by Unas. j. wortnam, l trtaaurer. iue Stockboldera in Korti) 'aroliaa will please respood to bis call. ' TheCoropaot fail Tocted Hs ahin Tarl MKicIiiDoad and will ooniineoce' work uH awdiately 00 tbe Steamers for tbs line. Tbe Tredegar Iro Works have contracted lor toe Kagiaea aad-- tbs Ulcl ieiiatoa Nil Wnrki will furnish Llis. iron u'alinn 1 thieg to he esed ia Uicii tomtruuttou titn ia the way of raw or meoulactared material will be praetned in Virtriaia and North Ca-olina aa hx ts practicable. ' Ttte tact iak UaTia J. iturr la f resiaeat, Chat. T. WortUfcm, Oarett F. Wataoo and Cast. 6. Alexa4der thXf Kxecotire Com mittee, affdrda the mfd$ goarantea that tbe Steamers will be piiVu'J o eompletioa with all iMMisibla basis and'ftat onrwill be completed aa promised- ty-AoVt - spring. in toe BH-anume arrangemeourf are now being made to start tlieL.DsU.ie FarVwith temporary Btesmera, .7 , J Korthei Sttfacriptk)4 are resiientfuUy aolicitad to baild othft Msamera aa rapidly sa possible. I am sttinflad that a "safer or more profitable Investment eaaoot be found and bops that tbe tubecribcre in North Carolina will not only double their sub aciiptlona but induce itiiir Itiendt to tske stock alto, remembering tbat it ia a .South ern enterprise en J njumauii will succeed il true to ouiselrea. Youia iruely FEIiU MA.LLETE, Af(ent. msCELLAHEOPS. si oatiia' rtaiteL. OBAIIAM.N.C. THg FAtaa. lC(ttW.1 ill! Isntt Ol-lSNS .th iVl.i Mudina, K.dkIiIi, li"n, Ureek, Fnuob. AwufBK tti in llt or ibd tdmuwJ euoraM are Uivbei uj Miwd SUUiuuiica, itook-XteepuMC tiAtrtrei Haiebce. For CtrcaUre, eililreee, la SO-ewSw . K. H. OBATK8. "aBjBlLe-ioJFiya f JtrvetM!wej-aeiHMBMr' 11T4NTKU IBMlOi, XaTELt riTE B0N- YY drod btloatutloo July itf-.r 1.YNN iDAU-l. PJQQ LIU , N. 0. BiOON FOB BALE Bt Julyiit- r uas Lia nr Duz. yuKsa ftoat im htobk and for l)U aale low at 10 4eoU par do. July W II a LMH ADAM. J ATA, AN THKH rot Ju.t to ban'. LInN ADAMS. July W II 1 f SAOKa BtbT BIO OOFViea 1 91 BTOBk. l.J audlor aalalow. JaljW tf LTSK ADA KB. OKI KMOHY COTTON GIN, ONLT BKKN ia see a abort tame Juat ae good aa aew. Call and eee it at July W-tf UPCHUECH A DODD's. mwe hirre waoon uabhbsb on w jaly W W , . OPCHURCH i DODi IaaBTUJLOUAJU5 I jT A. aiaM w UaMlur Jwnniie.' july v, a .Sol UOLAJ BKIX. poa DALIS. Beautlral Olaae BetU an4 pure white Opal Delia, very ejteap. as( iHf V W. H. JONEi A 00. COTTON BAUGI.WU! (r rv BOLLS BEATT COTTON BAOOINQ to t UJ i ' rive. LKAUH BUOlHEtto. attg -o f 0 xroBD mmaLi ACADiar, Oxford, 1 C. The exrreiaesof thla loatitote will bereeuned on WKUNthlMV JULK H7TH. Mies M. K AUTCBKUa. TMuolpat Maa.B M GRANT a . A.aooiate PrUulpel. Mae. W. H. a OK BOW Teaobw of Muaiax Ciroulare brwaided ea applloatioa. JaU-ewilm ' - T) SAM PBSSUTIXa KkTTLBS, aeaorted AJ aisee. at Jaly mt 0E0, E. liODQKE'8.- MILCH COW FOB BALE. Warranted to give two nllone milk dally. appiy - LKJUui.au bill. rj. ENU1NE 1'OKT ) K1CO BOLAftSEH W. C. BTSONAtfrf A 00. Julyit-tf . tirTBBOBO' BCIKNTIFIC A0AJJEMY. && lissbl. PriBcipL? The (eleventh tteaaiea begina Uenday July th.l870 ' BtadenU are arepared far any alaaa tat Cot lege, or may lake a throagb OontMreial eoaree lor BaeiiHiee tkrieauao Department aoppliad with C'abtaeta, Cheaeieala, laleet Apnarataa, Obarta As. Kogineerinf taught preotwellY. Full eooree ef Leotoree. Taawa bsduokd let IW and Mo, Onrreney per. eeeeton of SO waeke, (or Board and Taition. Ae eaea daUjr trom Haywood, Obatkuua K. B. . Addreee, Prineipal. tor Catoolar. . A Joljr B-dlwaawlm .. ...... C. W. lOPPHO afc CO, -Mi OBgfiswrcfl tTttmt;;.- TTt ECEITERt of all kluds ef Soatbxra aad IV Northatre Brodoelwm, anr4i aa Tobaeea, aoi. Hone. Hid uiiS, atar, Hemp, Baga, Bateawax, Oreeaaad IMed Fnuta, llaatw, Peee, tSaede, thaut and Oralo, Potk, Beef, T.iiieoo, Pooltrv, Butler, Caeeee, Kgge, taard. Tallow, Hih Winee. Aa., Aoi Our long eapertenoa ia the emidb-tioa butd aeea aeablea aa ta eall goods wnlkj 'it iT-Uy lor Hae kigbeat atarket krieee. Harkiir vlatee and etreulara eent ea applioatiea. OoBimieaiea for eeUutg predase t per eeat. Woet, U'oOaeeo, Ao., H par eeaa. Ooneignatente tolieitad. . "Areata Wanted." , . tug Mlp .i .,. ,'!.! Imai- attva csbi. -. f MAiU AVTOVKXTTA SUPP1SS. Vaar low rmcsa. rBiLADiLrmt Bf"t vadw ladt u.. tMU but. AltU-BOOiltXJ. "Jttgltt --"r rVOTICE.- . rkBANQE8 and LEM0N8. Freak arrival sad VS ta Mare to-oar. At W. A. 8ATTBV . RALEIGH MALI ACADZIT. iAUVJEJa. tVJla-AI'rlaclpBll rTHS aeat Bfioe win kagta AaguaS ttk, aad X eteee Deeamber 1SJ. -. ... , . reraul. for tbe CleaJca, .' p.100 ' "f " - Eec'taB. " -'' " One-half ef tba tnitioe ateet be paid in at vaaee aad the etker at Met mtaete ef the eaieiea. aagHt..-, -t a,..---., t QKLUMO tEKT CBBiPl II O - roaCtawllt - . - Daab'lnr Is eleaa owl aav acock darlur Aaaraat 1 will eeU for eeeb at redaeed pnee.. . Ay , BownTBB'TixB.S'ostaaaaiaa. sugla DOUOLA4 BELL. ' f tfrotn DtepeBatorjr of the DalUnl SUtea Diotma Crena'a Baclin Leaves. rroperliea. Tltalr odor m tnu. diffusir, aud otnwht arootatie, ttiair tatte biiterih, end niulogoQS medical rrj.rtles a4) I'ses. Buebs leaves are gently etimutant, with pe eali'ur tendeoey'io the tyrlntry Organt. Thev are gives la eomptaints of the Urinary Orgua, aneh ae Gravel, Chrooie OfcUrrh ot tbe Bladdw, Morbid Irritation of the Bl adder end Drethra, DUeeee of the Prostate Uland, and Betention or Ineontiuane of Trine, from t Unw of tone to the parte concerned, in iu Tcntlion Tbe remedy hae aluo been roeommenilnd n Da pepeia. Cbrofftp liheUanatlam, Cntaoeoua ArTc tions, aediDropur. Urlmbotd's Extract Bn-iu 1 ci tvuuuvHIvu,, ua uiuuf a a. i.a , vcu- n .-in.. In ebildren. In affeotiou pacull.r to femtlee, the Exlraet Buchu ie aaeqaaled by any other remtdy, aa in Cblo roaia, or Betention, Irregularitj, Fainrnlrujaa or Bappreeeion of Caetomary Evaeotiona, Ulcerated or Boblmae Bute ot tbe IJteraa, Leneorrboaa, or Whitee. DlaOBSee ertbe Bltadder, Kidneys, iaravel, an at Drtpaleal twelllnga. That medicine lnoreaaee th f power of Dlgee tioo, and exottee the Absorbents iu'o beaUby aetion, by whioh the Watery or Oaloareout de aeeiUoBe, od all Cunatarai EntargemeoU are redueed, ae well ae Pain and lattunmatiou. Helaabold'e Eatract Buchu kaa eured every eeee of Diabetee ia which it hae beea gives. Irritation of the Neck of tbe Blad der, aod loflamaiatiou of tbs lidaejt. Tlktrs- ttoa of tbe Kidney and Bladder, Betention of Orine, Diseases of tbe Proetate Olaod, Stone in the Bladder, Caleolaa, Oraral, Brick -Duat De. posit, aud Mucus or llllky Discharge., and for enfeebled nod" delieate eonetituUone. of both saaea, attended with the following eymptoma ; tudiapoaitloe to Eiartion," Low of Power, Loaa ot Memory, DiSealty of Braa thing, Weak Nervee, treatbling, Hotror Of Diaeaae, Wakefulaeee, Diaaeea of TUtoa, Pain in the Back. Hot Handa. Flnahlnc of the Body, Dryneea ; of tbe Bkin, SrupUoa oa the faee, Pallid Countenance, Uni versal Iaaattade of tbe If ueealar System, Ao. llelaibold't Eatrart Baeba letHaretie aad Blood ParifytBg, and en ret nil Diaeuae aiSjiiuig ifrotn habile of diaaipatiou, ea eeeeea and Wpradenoee la life, impaxieiee of the blood, An., enpereeding Copaiba ia affeeUons for whkb It la ased, eaeb ae Oooonrtaa, OUxte of long tUndlng, aad Syphiiitie AHeetiona in tbeee dieeasea, ased la eoaneotlca with 1 llelia hold's Bote Was It. lVdtoUBt!-wiA'f4Jlfywiita. Beware ef eoenlrfeita, . Aek jbr Helajbeid'e. Take ae ntba' Patoetl.M rjer-kotUa, ei f heWtat to ttM-iPeUvered ta any aatdresst D-x ear ibe eyetploeas Ja all eetBttanieatione. Addreee Ha t, HELmueLD, f 4 BrsMtdway, T. N0NB ABE GENUINE UKLE34 DOVt CP ia etael-awgraved wrappier, with fao-auaile ef toy Okemieal Wsrahoaea, aad aigoed n. Ta IIELMBOLO; ' JaltdavJi-reew.,. . I J I - U I hi- " -i) aJaWPAVosWU aVV Jk. Vif 1TI POUTED DIRECT TO Trig rARfRB !H gtH3HiWKF"f WITI THB 1B0T1 TntlT 1 now o nnleril known an4 approved Ibroughoat the CiKtoa tiUvtaa, aa V f which arv r 1 - . Neatest, Stronge and Most Easily and Quickly Applied ef any Tie" .Known In the Market Th. faataoinea aa well ae tbe band, are of tbebett EOLtIH WROCOBT IROS.and e riMi.w. hae ahown tbat Ibav do not break, aa many of the CKOC IKOti (aetvainge of other Tiae do thereby earing mash eifxtna in rope, labor aod mending Cotton at the ehipplug port; - M?Prioes as low or lower than 00.iO.TIX8 trl.ltvral Arrawsea ate awaata WILWmOTOff, N tt.'StTi.v. 27 lW0.dod3m "THE GOOCH THIS "I It h.i irt-n Urfli.lv ai i aaifLa Arut'SI'Alil.K TIKini.lH. Fanoraai Ul Una laarh t'oila Jul, JU d l o fli Tl twujie buying wiyovutr, c O M OF NEW Wll. T. FHIPPS, PBEKIDKNt. m IL j I fS urn. .HIV. .111 iii.i Hw.i.i. i,iiii)i.iiM.i.,.i, nm mii i"l'i'"..il,l 11,11 BJHH jT f i 9urrlutendrnt Agencies. - - - - f - On the Mutual Plain . y .-a, ii, . ALL POLICIES NON FORFEITABLE AND ( PARTICIPATE IN PKOFITH l-j ' ' V.I ..-.j.-:-. y. ' ' ,' i . No Bestrlciloh on Uesltlcnw we -Irarel. T" -.,'- , .. - ; BALEIGII AGENCY. OLD REQI3TER BCILDINO, WPOeslTE COt'RT HoriB. - - F. .T. THEO. N. Jaly -tf GULLETT STEEL BUUSII COTTON GIN. niVraO liEKN APPOINTED GENERAL AGENTS IN NORTH CAROLIXi watt tub ' itJULIjl'JXT HTl'aKlaltHUKII COTTON QtN ... "the or.ont.iA (-otto!, cisr." We deeire to reonlre er.lera for Oine and will appoint aetire and rawpaaaiblk Agewte comity where Ageata ara nut appointed and aetivariy aulicititg urdereT , , BEND FOB ClBCCLAB AMD I'BICJS Um - Mitchell, Allen & Co. June 17-t'awStn DEPARTMEKT; OF : TITfnTIT flfAn Til 11 tvAunLflHlItli!rl.sm MEW YORK- r E80UI, H aloie ht GENERAL AGENT AND MANAGER. DR. C'e! JOUXSON, Medical Examweb. ! ASSETS' - - - - - $500,000. CASU n'A.LTH.l AND moilcAt Bi)A 4e1ess7irt MHUiim MnajBaaxift Bie-iriawaaaw jwnaiaia.iafc..-at, MOIkI.RATC CI sod aii tMsiSDiiarfiisiiwra oaim, eoaj flWraVy Uw-tr lAoa, tboaa o tha kadmn -Tt,m IT. i.i.iib aTiilin II, ff aha aaiauaa cat BBldeiwTittttr'lrWt.iy awirawe advaBU--TtrpolTaa. SflSg 'njtfrtmjh'ik'& 1 BTivtlRad totteanadtniTWaVMrerAryMiwanyhsaltitiy pari ef tfaa xi. ibey panaetpatef to r1" f lis pronta, ere allowed 90 dare graoe lor payment of Knnwal of pnminm, a eaab eorreoder j value of polioy, oadS Jri8iie watch has awvw Ua o&ei by any. etw Uampaoy, tbatefeear . i vertiei PoUoatelnto '! I.,- ' 2:' afiee the aaesaeat tatAe. atnee aaeuel eeaaaliuoa. ear Mime-'o, 1 nuTa oaiea reeir etaxi in tne very popular uompany wntea 1 ne.1 toe t"" r-ytoaaat to Huxiralrt aioja. wbieh ainet of Iba MiAt, aad tuned ajuanpaaiee kaveadreed. Tble tbeadvaatsfe, toffataar witW toe etnitiplioatioo ol Many sew uapuua. la tfate Btave wbe elauned to poqae-aaennaoal ebarme, toRatlwr wiUi tke exiraodinary ettreonnse praaaraled ef Kxeeleier iaadueed Be to eeea-pt tbe BuvBaareaMne of tbat (.awipany, vtne piao eoKibioaa eat mt popnlar fear aree et other Ooaipaniae, eepeeea-ntaad ia tbie Biale, wilbont aa eiorprioa, aed tbe edditinsal prlvt ira of eonveiuuft polkiea, vtucb tbe hfSdet eau aot afldtrd to keep a a, erwiahea to diaeoatttaae. beeaaaeof tbe death ef tboae lor wbaae benett tbe pol'T waa eeewred, awe m alamauiy aSarnd which nrevtdee an aaeoane (a entA (trowyA ae, or for a. tariaw 0 yrare au p'Ww'wav Cimiare rrmn ral espaaoatioae aad aoy other ilurMatiua.i will be eOeerfally famialMd i Tbd awoet nberat arraagaateate. wiU be uaade with Brat ciaae aoUcitora. to rowa the Itosureat forward )s tba Old Kortk Bute, to tbat poau.oa aautle her to ooespy. June J-d3UwttB FOB -HUN. tOTTO.1. T" os CBisrm, aww w aaa m--wm I ROM IlVEIcPOOL. can be bought- at in any market oa the CoaeLfa with Merehaa.a ataal aeatef. DEltOSSET & CO., - Atf ta fr arS Caialiaa. COTTON TIE" HO 1 TON. . :r r'--r--. vt . rmjirsr b , it 10 lipetf m T.-tl U eu ua juatM tbt rf ; . 1 A MY YOKK if- n.HOIL-T, BtCKBTSKV. c , ;Z4. :0l HI'. HAYWOOD. .Tr- Jr. T. Sledtotil J&xniuineia. KAMSAY, j3k GElSTTt la every m wB at bin, m. NORTH CAROLINA. . 11Vrim a ewwaMerW MA ' CQNDUCTEflBYA WISE, PECBEUT. RD OF DIRECTOK8 t'PON A- t 1 ttaat ataksll theT i- mmi .,.injaaiW(.a BtrMS-rAscK, Muiaal C'ah Onaamiea. I tfl.iii , ! n.K.-.. .1. ...laa aaaM'Maa, MUaaa. whwb her low ratee aad aaoat aaipie aaoaniy P. r, FESCt'D, aScal Haaaier. . .. I '