i ' , - ''' -- - ,. i 1 THE -fflfelrt INIEL' ht tf p fUgwowd HldeaV4" --118? Jftwguw ahaiasvalaatiae Ja. tat Troop aaeoaaututioaal, untttbor jatd af lf . apdl wlte W . jiaeojBhrrtnt 1nrgoiitinof acb force! xnn- tplrsry tgtlott tb 8Ut a oODiplrscy egalirm kod a Attack upon, too pac of society outrage jipo (uaaut bamaaie ty aad i fraud apoa tb public TreMory. powibl meoJioi(ld Jbf taping Lf QUkih 1b wing U ae. tfa qurttioB of llxt Uwfuloe of ttk 8ut frouj 'iiiieoiljr. Ufor biin, tut b g dccidwl tbt ny j)roK giva by ur de to Kirk, wm Btilher kg!!y okotHj brading-trpor ny on fcr tu HMO tbt b b4 oa lutborii j U gnat Mulo, Tbt dAioo U o doab carrcet. 6o. Hulden huM tewiul Authority to or ww them, to (d thot wliilo la ier?ic trpy lhem dollar out ol ' tb public TMuory. Ho elaim gia4 tko pablio Trrtmry of Kortb Pprotio or gcioct lh bui, lurIotUiBg, of fur cvmuinwy itorai, foomo wfgo-fr proriaiont f try kind lor tb Suit Troop U legal claim. Ii fiMt cbooM to credit Got. Hoi daa, or Kirk, or Clark,, or aay, a- thr "t ZJJt MUT.,T.lIiTvV '.'ill Ri.lS u ... 1 rr -r j- -s "Arjr',"'-rf toqao-ia pay a aouar io tappon toeaa neon. W anva tbia warotoa: ia the mo- I pk Itbaieedit .DoaiWditHol-H aei, or. ClaiKa, Of Kirk, or any of tbeir ebofdiaatea, fur a dollar' wortb of arp. tMoarar anythtng alae, ttpecSfoglo get tt esVot tb Stat. We tall yea that aeith. a- QeaHoldea aor II r. Jeokloe, th Public TraeMfer, lTa tbe right to pay oat a doU Uriel fbet porpoee. Judx Pearaoa aad lU tb. Jadgta kaoer tbia. Tbey bar twornjb eopport th Conttiturtoa of the TOraTfilatei aadrTbef taor itat tWi atrjl ire it forbidden ,bb U. S.Coa- titytiob. nnr t. mn CUila aor Kirk, In tbclr bot beat to git neutloa, ttopped to eejnlre iato tbe iMpaeelbilitiea tbey aeaamed ia railing tb Bute tVoopa. Ia tbia (eapecl Kirk baa ae- totitintitl tiMtilna tmt Hlarka " did wti feaaw bmkMl that HojL"bee aaauraacae, bowyrer, kaif eenore rie-ht to orcaaiae and aHra f TolaBteer miliury force ia Mortb Carotiaa, I tkia aor etberjaw la tb Buta' - Whet .iMpoaaibilitiia t beta HolOeo, n.. r trtilr m 'knrot tbeil oflioera io- karrad by reUing tbeea troop I Tbey ar laaeaable to th law, a weUaa' tb parti jtamatWra; f aaf lfta robbtrie they "biraeommittel, tor aay rape, murder or ! imaji tbey bare aaade, in I act lor every taieg tha people bv auflered froea tbear adacrjljiit S.5IW I Iftveiy alitd aaaa ia thee Stat I Troopa wr to deaert to-morrow, Clark fiad Kirk here ao right to arreattbttt a Idtanteta. If la tb attempt to arreat a I barrier be were to Ull thoae attampUog thtrreattiadibtl lib would baaate ibtl t ttw1lW.t!tTkB- K"ir kava atriiht to nunith tbeir, auldier for deaei- ao or foraayjtliuig elee,o4 4( l"y o. paaiah any of their aaaa tbey are amenable tba law, and Try 0a. of tbalr taldier btdlylnated and lapritoawl may aa oat writ otis&esturyiM. VakOatft had, mo ! aonwniv give taeb ordeit to hi colored troop at tbiBeptiit Grove a led to tb thootiag of a L. b. eoldier b tne rotorea mow W biate WeiBiuiia, Pr -m m 'Kan iu ap iiviviwn f ttaaaway tail be baa Deeo bcowidiob euaB,aDd lUt-larlte ie eqat;j ui ia taau mam, a aa aoceeyary to tb ii i ii" p ' j I I W ar tdld Buoa trood iulUii l, tlii a. Jiw Mi ai4lM8'W,if wanr leaetee arrived l iLtriajfanip w ikiB4alBBpa ad ctothina h.d Ww aent no for tbeea. th Aa4trel Kirk MMLtkri a wrratinB of tbeir leaal adviaert to 4g the aam o?'''lheaBtat Troop to "Stat Militia" Thi w expected, aad L r - m- A 'j I. .'' I L SJ . 1 i wantaor lea preta eoana uajw aaju t la can the, "militia" but State Traop. T!ia I their oroiier dceieoatioB. ta can be revea by tbe order trf 'fOoW HolcWarww rut tham aad. other official pepera. uark d m kH thr rSVdert anOl itblt a lew dart, at lad Uaaeelvea "OoL iroot..' Th B4MwfeBaMd bjr tbepr iaBrtaB;-bat th tfaaiaufr of tbe "K aTtuScient to establiah, Ua ft t et'haeoaititutiooal and illegal Td ol armaarn--s VMBhawthMFrV4Mf fd it Jadgroent p hU ndrt la 's.'""c2F-rr"ir-' , tk" is.i .wee hi. ..i-wiwfa. 'anlit hf J I t' telai ttoftn. nt,lie' a fufl etat' eat of all the facta In th eate, " rw!; ItMBirtinr IK charge en. 1ton? BBtlT.w1B1t), Wated them naby biam.;. Im. dang ar, H -wa rro "Wf fUted Ibafniiom . Woaaack Jjigtd bj tba Qoraravra rjoefeeaioo." " r tuthoi iaed V Jtr, Womn'k V aty, taM u . . .ii. .i... i. 4 - . - -" hi uuiu I I n i 1U1L . um mm Mhaioa at any time, aor ha he aay to DUX pit tmmvBt diciary, (or ah on tarm, ia a carta to, a tree Pplerwhoiinipl dtraiato hurt Uie lawi Mtl.fu!ly and impartially admlniatw.. ad.:TU aUbint onlTerwIly prevalla, that aearWaU oar Jadsa araao aami I 'collated at pari liana ia the KejmWicaa tfvm uih ui minu, joHiisa w too of ie parrerted , fr.no. caaaukraiioa el party, and for lb maiateaanc ot party r Jadg pearaoa, j Jra and iatirpesi . ant, baa recot)y lotairad the dwUoat aod ot)hdeDBatioB of th public, ly th im gW" .lr,tCcit(;cVi.''or hi aotl. a Uixl,k atartliog; en J, utoMnOiog airitnia be bs pnclaimed. Tii'iAur4ij act bivh fct-wattiriea, hn bena fyo aa-et-r paadiag, to a to cotw erery oonaible eate aad eecure to tb eilla.o inmunlty Irom tb aligbteat tyraonicai opprtaiioa, i bow ia ttia hand ltuod too contracted to fur. niab retief ia caeca a hsreb aaCTeroccurred ia tb reiga ef Kiag Job a any ot tbe Btuarta. I tb fault la tbe act or ia be bliadaeaa or aDwilliogaea ot tbe Judge t No donbt can b ' eotertaloed, wbea It i roonllected that otbtr Jadget in Eug'and and Auiertca, bare alwijrt ionad. tb e ufficieotly liberal, io autboriie tbera to 1 lnqalre la erery cate whether tb partlet wupuuw WWW mimft wuW IUWCfB Kl UUU1 ..BaUu T . 4 u" Io "a1 ' y fHfh ol Tb CJtiirB -probibllinggfcueral warrant mer. by aay anil all perawnt may be aeixed with out evidence of any act committed or any eBttnoe not particularly deecribed doclar. big that ao peraoB ouht to b takea, m, prianaed or ia aay manner deprived of hie; lile, liberty or property, bat by the lew of the land that every peraoi rea:rained of hi liberty at atitUd to a rem Id y. to aa quire into tba Uwulneae thereof, Bod to reniore the aaine, II unlawful,, aad tuck tooirqy ought ot t b deoled er.rielayed that all Courta thall be opea aad every per pa, for aa iujarj dmi him, thall bav femady by due soar of taw, tod-right and jottio adminittered itboUt late,, denial or delay, o ,kx Tbe Conititutioa afforda tbe strongest ttturanoe, tbt at alt time tb pertoaat liberty of tb cititen aball b wouiu prow only magorflceat fnttiaa, and empty rant, if not aooumpaoied with aorne aubatential aad ureotical plaa for redreea io caae oQ, tyrannical oppreetioa. To give force aad virtae to these glowing claim It wa alto provlUed,"A pritVegt tit writ tf hdbeMotWpnt.tMl ton t uriiiD." The guarantee bav been acquired by die p.irseveranc of age. For centuriet perttmal liberty bat been manfully con tending with ilia gfarrf of oppronloa; end it believed that Itliad M(tt o fetter ed and bound bim, at to render him barmt lent for tba future. K'ingi and Coancilt, Ktaleeaii a aad Starcbtinbert, Bbenffa and JadEa,bad all been eubdned In th con- teUand th citixea felt that unlet be of- fonthxl tbela, that law would certainly pieIm- i0d Were wi ltd 0u to mat him afraid. In tbe hour of eecurity however, tb . Chief Justice I heard to announce, there Ii yet one man left greater than tbe John 'aad Stuart, who mj coutlnue to arreat, maltreat aad impriaoa tba people without bring accountable to th law. Oaa W. W. Holdall yt wield the tyrant't tway 1 d - fttnc of law, Cooatitutioa and tbe sacred "The Chief J attic ".: of tl.a SiiDfeme Court hm aewerBBd tb kcAtat eorput act, to order the arrett of tbe Governor of tb State." Tbl U earteioit a vary atrwg doctrine, id a wilful ' repudlatroarbf tha plaineat snd wtoot BeiaiTl- lawgtlag f origiaally fcoaceived t tfatrat fnettyiaB aywfkriigar'Seetioi J 'of tbtlrf! ri a act prtobt------- 'yayya'oygc iiBw,''wbw)awy, writ of arWtrjii thaU have beB ooiy aAnit'tt tM& ni JTa.V of tha Court or before whum Ac fvrtXultk to iiau BB atiacnment aicwaM w- vjV i A1A,. lha' Rh.rTof mr Count mUk- it tkit tUaU and commasdicg Biin forth with to mvprtktU mu prm er tfftotr aad bring him lOMnediately bo ocai oar or Jad.and oa Matt aev broagbV, psreoB,pr oScer thall he aoa.nriite.1 U alo caatody ia the jail of tba couaty, where each tenrtWiadge- may: be, withoat b lBg!kftowd tba Hbettlrt thereof, until tucTpTio orofficr-ma fetura w uta w.rljkaBdriipiy tloa to i tbaparty. fc ' bat Hlu w" Ball BUI una laimu. ..nna.fl Wno tlf noeratlne M una ciaute I Bf II Bwwiadaa , aao Uttaa" r - . ... jabtuct to tb .few 4jCoattteAi Bute. ' Ae evtiry oUier, so wa b bouad to make due retura of tb writ and (bow to lb Judge, th right d kutbority which haed,jbw fltata. , If hit riefct wa letsUl the tbe pnf OMrt would bw feaaadrU, it wioaglol ha would b taken Irom Ii . caaiody aod di charged aa th CrtwautaOoa of the State and of the tToiUjJ State pror-dcBaf'th Governor refaaeU aoa lue augw aaja, bav ao power under lb Aaian eenyar act .l-.-.wi;.-.. ,t,.SsJt i;rd4sj8Hcg - ' " - JJffww i ijhi ifinnnui-iu iii ..i. W " - to attach tbe Oureraor. effioer ttrpwwquftwr rWJKiyTaT"aa iieg aecaa do ea wroag, ad ; b) abor tbe law t la thh State aad all th Staree tb aayereigaty reeldet la th people end the .GoTrno r impy 'ufficere, ,,U BUerifla, Coroaera, Clerk aad Judgee who ar all aoWaabt to th fawa, liable to impeachment aad Indictment : knd aul.joct to 8nea, Unpriaonujeat ( aud, ereo sapiuJ puaiatuMBt. . Tbe idea that tb Ooraor, 1 abofia the raw aad aat aabjeot to tb procee of th Onatrt l abauW, rldiculou and oorrpublicaa. , Wbea IU jadg la: eue a writ be rio .it hf eu horii 4.J 1u ' ttlm, fcut " be il.- i jf.-lenii "1t inbisowa astu't, but ia tffe nam of tbe aowelga, T8 m or okt bo. TJfJk -TUT kiuiaU- U aeF kta7b( it only iaaae it at hi awara doty e.toa, 1b behajf of the dtate ; and abere tb duty 1 eipreaeed be way pot k-giUaiately reloat to perform ft. la tbia tea t of Conetltttlfooal libarty, ao mat ataetU acore the law, a4 the Ooeeroor ha id more power to k t the kabtaicarpu act at d flunc than tb luru- blcat iadiriiiual of eociety, ,;, . Bat, aKia the Jadge aaeertta aa eaea for not obeying tlj act, that if he grant to the etiixeft hlaeUi right, it will be re- aiated aad-"the eome war"! I The cue it'.'jmjfir ;.;'i.'jc'C' z&tSp-'L'i hOFlziciuEiiL ; 1 jenBeaet'jBa or oar owa law lea eiu a band together to arrt or impnton ear people, tuey'aiutt tubmit to violence, and be left to the banditti, for fear of rriiBC 1 Th inculcation! of tucU a dootriae i clear ly edroa it sot oontaoiptible, a iavftiag ioaarreotioa and 'violenee b b ecal inffl- cteatly large to enUile them to ettoip- tloa flora the law. , farther exeoae, tbe Judge way, I ava b pjtat tomtt tltu, J am powerle. Till it aa ingeniout but very nnjuttifJable -tarw to fir to tbaiatfcjrf-ao Judge ha aay ywt ewt.'tia. Th sweat beloegt to tb Bberiib; and tbey call oat tba power of their eeveral oountb a wbea becretarj to execute proctaa, eeo, f 5 of th u ear. p w tol providva i jr: f '...., 5.'.. "la tba ettcatioa of aay attachraent, precept of writ, adder section! IS, 14 and 17, tb Bkvif. Cmr or tthtr ptrtmt to hjt jo u.H, rt Isr'is ryvitrm r catea." And 1b Sen. 18 It it provljed, "tbttb proce stay be directed to the Sheriff of aay eiaiajy within thia Sttte, and Sec IT aathoriie "Th Cmrt or JJudg to direct Ah precept to ny BUeriff, Co-oner or other person, oommaading bita to bring forth' with before toch Court or Judge, tkt fart) wAereeef U h ovn-t, tot who bent lit tbe writ ot katmu cerpul thall Dava peea graait V i.Il wa aid aeceeeary, vnereiore, mat th wrtt hould hav heea directed to th Sb. rl of Citwall or Alamance, or to any 'aurpwt," fur then were 80 odd other i Sheriffs aad aearty SQO.OOv other perton to whom th writ might bav been directed, - and each on of them had a poaer mmliatu. Thi eacuae, tbcrolore, U, bat a flimj pre text for not ditcbargiag a tiinplejjlaia duty, wrtiic-Tliritg-tB- tairmarjakaaay- umrd to perform, and which Judge Kerr aud other had a right to demand regard leat of th ditpieaaur ot Uoldee or tba ire ol Kirk. ' " WheVHoldeo tly refa J to ofey the writ of the Chief Justioe, b bould at once bav bee attached aad Beat to prlaoa.- The coanty ot Wake wa aot 1 a Mat oi pretended intomctlon, th;r wer ' ao In-. aurgecU then, aad tba writ c uUI (bav Mceated. y .M Sherifl, ; tb ajaithal- oraay other pertoa, withoat any apprahea atoaof elvit warlla. such cate,1Cirlf,i totce would b diabande!, a Saekte, wort tiaaa ueal. a- itaoiUag apod hi Uw ea pertot ; aad why horld aot to QovatBor hav bee taut to jail aad imprisoned r Hit ooBtenc wa explicitly wrltu la ft few which b diKgsded and the fudg a oJr to mobouoc HI vrTiy tiool(J Be, tb ab icot fre, tad Kerr, Uill, Roaa aadhair'W'fia fti Warrant or legal etiaravv to aaBifct ioa of the Coea-Umioa nd iaw ot im Tbia would aot bar Ueh .so,. bad th waol al-jct bea: iawJ through other tbaa tb paitit glaaar of an' elective Judlclarv. The CourU P Judge may aot jsoatrot tWeowtroor, to":r'We!'- w . thoee earcouva puweta, aamweiwu wj.,t bia onHcial ladgaMav, bat tbe right to da dAa whether' the ImDriaoameot of . tbeaa Utrllfi wil rif rT,Bfg twtoj Jndiaery, aad caa oa' lat-paJ4 SLSL Oiwiwitalialo oompelled to make hi rctur of lrerM bj him a a jastiUcatiffa JaMmtismmfT ..4 ..alwA that fad to welah tbeir t a riu.,tt:.thfcia.k4,;ii- mlaittered Holden would hive goo W it lbs prisoner would wTJrJairaeaB from tho inmiluof Khk aadBargea, aad th tare of a tasret maarrscuoo pvaceaoiy 'V. ,i j, tv" - tt )- VrilHrnl wirurio tba Wilmtag:- i... nr anneals the asaie of Col. " Robert StraBg, .i WilsatogwJO, tor tb ,V, Beaat4 ' , ! Cor TU Newborn Jeara kavl that tb crop ia Xttura Sortk Caroliiia at verj Hue. : V 4 ''S rtRjrw ArteirsBtar and -'tar wynBTaa. "fte atri.d at SHetB.- T buredar aanrav iri)j at 8 o'clock, fnart a rgl crowd ol citicea cosgrcRated a the oVpot ia aatici patina of MviK ine irMooeia, but they ware doomed to. (liaaipotatraeni, at they were to arrir oa aa exra traia later in tb 'We ttnpprd at Una veil known aad do eenredly popular Douae,arUKMtot a auat a oaitenl ftreaitteft, tottalrTerytaiag to gi oroer, la uot, ooe npfrewa, V-f' 'fcaL'Bt BnTAIUB.' aKCBBID. A targe auaiber ol gi stlt-oiea gathered IB front ot ti e Hotel, wlure thy i ea V!' tn r.riTMil. lua, Mr BniWr nkia hie apiVtiaoc'e.'..' Un tew noticed bitu, lat be nnally aaafiagt-d to "ring io j" ronvertadoB turned or lb Hohlen l,io I Peart in and Kirk wrwitrtJh North veopla of the State. ' Beoator Kolibiua. of Him an, en'erexl rota the coBvereatine and dealt Mr. B. everal bom throat under which be ttagKeratL and ftilod to rtcver. Tie tjthiliiiert had terowr, allowed hit p iobj wlkerlren'"irooi the cni'ttt alt'rH (fr witbia a thort dia'ancr, baited )lt, R. aad aid that he (Bai)gvr) wa a aiaa, tad de tired to pntee it if anybody wuhed to try hi in. ' The crowd bnkr oat la a loadlauitli aad ha Tnihd for that itar, Ukicr the trara for Rateigb that e(dtfg. " " JUDOB brook t Tbia cratlereaa arriTed oa tb 8 o'eioek ir-rT"nTr-r-iiVi w-innitanr TaOT,'jf,rtT-,ririiiVnrff L i if-'Tir " vr nv . -A i -f .... i . .... i - . lltl.-lf Ul.L. It 1 .J 1- 1 1. 1 - Bull Miichttil, and i joyed, hugely, hi many joke. ; At the buor of flea a large crowd repair ad to the depot lo receive the priMiatre. Oooeidoiiahla leeling was aaaiteatad apoa teeing ike condithm they were la. Iodic tinK bad tn ttmunt. . . But all of there ia d to a ia uah good tpirit at tb proe peet of aa early leieaoe, that tbe crowd b cam better eatiatijil. Mr. Turner bailed Be irom the car window, aaid be bad aot had a drink of water aiao Tuesday aad aoold not drtak any the if he could get aoata batter milk. U ta aot' long la waat ot it, for tb true people of Saliabery warn ready U do any. lu.utff. Jn their pj to asaka tbem'eomiartaiile. 7 1 hay war ta kra to tb Towp Uall by Ike V. S. Mar thai I (Vr, Carrow) aad tbeir waat admin istered to. K iik we oa tb traia of eouraa, with about 110 RiVR but he Wa aotirkd pnttty ooa that hi arrvioa were) aot toogt-r needed, Th prlwioei wno ihortli after tak n to th Court Hoot and ordered to appear on toe next day at 10 "elockx Then there waa a gearrl roia ot oitiaeaa . tot Uywe-.arvarTfco ytiet- anrTOTUtr was at least o hoar getting Irom tbe Court Uouse to the Boydeo IJolel, be had to many friend 10 K" hla. A Jrite of awe prumnra propoeed to vcmaiit whet her, took qnarierr at lb Hotel ) Mime of them wet quartered ia.th town wiildjcititena Alter t upper at tb Hovdcn.Hi.uje, a Urire crowd had gath- mr. A to hear tb prlaower talk ot their C'.aanemeat. ' " . , . ,wwor MtAT. v .x-.'.i a .,. On walkins out on tbe aeit moraine, our ear Wei saluted with crlet Wkar t Darr't JIuU." Oa srlnBOiiiir auroaetiit airewl tin re wee thf veriubl Wiudy Billy wtlk 1bk with bit bead hung down at quite a brick pi-ce; aim tne en. a urew airongtn Whr it Itar t MWt: uuiu ueuiaepprsmi behind a corner. Nothing of interest Iran pired until ih boar tor tbe trial irrived, wbea tun citizen crowoeu uiiumn now and remainwi to the wl. That end our readtra already know, the great Ka Kiel farce euded in a Da I Tbea It was that a truly grateful people did aot hesitate to rkpreet their gratitude to Bis honor Judge Brook lor hi upright aad mawiy aouiae in this dark aad trying boar.' ' 1 '' " s tii a BkTuaa. Whew the Court adiouraed the blur lor returning bom waa sear at hand, aad there waa a aeaaral rash for th Depot. The ctttcea iB; large BUinbers determined to eatha la of tbem. and wore n hand. Tba traia noved of amidst loud aad eoa- tiaawd cher lor Jo Turner- -long may At jitotrtrravhw- hiiie wot sllaawaai Bad aad ber lor -Joe 1 urner aas we enjnu," greeted u. At Tbomatvill ther , . . . . . L waa a gal Bering ot several nanorea pvnwnt large sum ber ef whom wer tad let with anamjL bsaotilul boSQUeta. i a. nana was araetad with anmtwr of traaspareactea anaaediae It. Mr Turner wa tailed tor loadlj and was earned to tba Mead amid load aiipmasa; which Wa cootioBed during a twenty miBoiwpecB,wHew " teapteUltyff High roiut crowd wssasemtdjjwe nlik ttnmm, kMti aara .Jtt V tliiamahawa Ibaet weit leaal awa tfaooa aad paopto aeeraatoled. lauinBg el.cr Ware aiva for "Joe Tamer tb aval www nor ot North .)ewlB, aad -to Mudga Brook," aad three ftwwmtfr iUUU. Pv Kh ( Mr. T. wa. called pat and spoke lor flv mioait,;. wbea the traia movedod. , . ... . . ,. . At tVttinanv ftliooa a erowd we sastav hied who etieared tba Druoner. aad called loudly Jor JuTB4itoPrrdJa, the, plat tot a end ddieatd tbem until tha traiu m-ivad off. At UiUtb oCth iaoe. t ration exceeded ani thing w trer wit. aesstsV , A large cooeourae ol people uau sormiiied and whea tfcj train ttopped, w wii uieuiJ wTiS a uraud dupiar ot ati f-viwka arid nrma of eaweflw Lena were aasda lor Ma, -1wbshwbm munu. ue wa Ukru up with Go. Graham aad placed ia a carries which tha horaea had baea tax na frifar-alitt alli'r"' 4-iiot Tr-tlgTrffttytrupawith: toe.d- Cuiii. ia tb lead, and drasa into tba Were greeted a aa groups ol ladies a iiii smiles ol gladness aad - welome, a h Bad boy with r0rcuTigaTTOrut1ltTrglttU minatcd, and kiiid baxaait nt the people. Afu;t tperchct irojroiaan dSbv. . tf bam and otherti the pioceaaioa baring pass ad ibroogh tbs town, coned Mr. Turner to hU residence to rest tit th Bight. V -S if aa ameodmeat to'tb BaakrupiV peraoa ar only reqaircd to pay lltty emu ta lbs dodar t.l ioOotrfe.ee cos netted alnce Jsaearyloca U wak,.s lbs Uw aesrly what it waa belor the per cent cjaim weatlato oprratioa. ,. Tor the BaatineL Hh-1 anr wf Ike twe eitfaen --ear thil fmatrwti tm'tun aaf booraadfita aoaay yrera la tbe past, la vwwibb; yxar roeord for thirty yeara, aa-4 leariara ez atiunder of tha law aatt a dtfunder o th Uoaatirarw f the United rtatta, Baaaot avoid at ill looking (o yea ia thia trymg and tbrwateaing eriaia, tor tha cieriioa ot yoar aatb rity aad all ynr sowar, kt idd lag tbn Htaie of the' erlla which dietreea our eitiseBt aad menace tha praee of the State, : Many hllT, had tou thowa Jour d.o tloa to 1h fnoatitoiioo and th lew, ind eelnred the aeme urmoaaa, wtilch bare el waya beea attrihatetl to joa, yn might have arretted la the outaet, th evil which Bow afflict then. ' Thry believe, there war ao danger ot civil war from tb exreotioa ut Iijwi i mnmt la the nrrt In "ii Tbey believe, if you had know fltihlen tt well at tba pubiio rln,-tht be H as arratit coward, aad It "Richmoad 1 hail .twee) -what ...hJ'.,r.Wwer:t.jtaat,. mat ti, .flea woiii.t bav auceumtHU Withe power ot the lew I If y had fort ad the laaoe npoa uim, jour old mean w.'tild bav booored uu tor it, aad th$ ptopk tumid Aoe taken (ht wttntibUitt. This MjfaWtfBw&.Md waw who aat Bernorore tuowa tuat ne bora hittlitr of any rttponailiitity, thoolj have ettieW reapoaiibility oa that occaaion, aad tbut eatailed Ue oar pMple, at leaat lor a time, outrage and ahanieleat Tillaity, by -throwing a4 th teeponiibility npoa i.r.;iloltiB.; ; , BUt Ut that pa t. Th pennl wast prompt relief from Holdan'a and Kirk'a i ... . , ... . .. . . 1 ittvtH, itij' Stf' -IK' prAtfa-rtii4 "I we." It it ia th reach ot jour ieflu eii e aad at yoar eatburhy to give aa peace. Holdeu't tail Kirk' aid Clarke's State Troops, are aiaturbert or the t.e, tbey are a auiaano to grievous to ba bone tonguraadlt mast be abated. Yo fciew that Oof. tloldra hat violated th Coiitltutloa tf North Carolina, violated tha Conetltatina of ' the United State and violated tha lawa of the "Bute, ' by enlisting a volunteer military fore eal led State troops. Yoa aWar that Hnhira tad tb Public Trurr bav aa htwrnt right to pay a doit.r oat of th Treary oa account of tbe Stat Trooju. "Toa fcarw that theykav k.ready pirid' out of a bnrdened Tresaury . a eonelderable una, Yoa i that our eitisent' hav baea illegally arnased, wantonly and wick dly brraa.dl sad onjrafred of Hoi den tro,ip that eilii- a have been threatentd, menaced and bang Bp to lore front them coafeaeioes ot tying talerhooda to imp'icatt themaelvet and other, i Yoa knew that the pwirainB nwiin vt our iwm cilia na re M, Ll m,,MY ir Baas ha mAAm Su Alamance aad Oawattew wept tawonetant !, ?, 7?, .'rt a iT. LT-- alarm t.t. iT-k-- -r-TL.' lnBTOir IJlm'ya aagl liuY"inn uCaw-abdina neoDla have bcra tb ineulta, oatrege and' crime of tbeaeiraea without reatttnae. u no a nana bea tteen rnkatd aaaiatt Holdvanftti State Troops, under all tbs provocations, tnsalu, CtttBe aun natrage committeu anainn tbem. 1 "Klrkt Lamba tntay of the were entitled ia Tenueeer. 'Yoa taew that many of tbem are th moat abandoaed of aWa (hat they are eommittiag depreda-bsf liont apoa our innocent piople In Catwell and Alnmaao daily. Yoa anew that there ta no tatwrrettiea among th aative people of thoae oooath-a that Kirk'a aad Clark1 State Troupe and Gov.' Uoldea and hit abettor are tba only waewrmtlieal hi North Carolina. .- rWIM vou. clothed In vour Judicial ermine and holding tb keytof th bigheatludlclal authority in tbl State, longer tufur tbrtt outrage upja aat Th people beller you caa stop tbea lawlett proceeding if vou wilL l oo may tarow to reiponaiuiiiiT apoa Holdea. Ut tht fof4pt tU rii hditu lUUx enkT. our auij ton deliver tne people irom carta. Will yoa retUir pete t-i North Carolina. . Yoa Daa do tt and yoa can do I. .A ll ...... 1 -WT. mmmi II V ml.) V . i - .1.1. n uiiuo, ii j .w .in, , - . . to aa what yott wll( do. " asm tu.sa, AuguttM.h, joA ' ...i' f 'iii l TBI MACA. U Moth trootile tad expense ta th count j mlirbt b vd bv a protiar undeinandioK of the r-q"1,'"e'" lit ltP Mia part otJ uat icot of the fence aoa urtna vuii'a. We ar iblprmed that many pru nmiesn ere mads by the , latter of . peroor orTaose which Dave already her examined Into and flnallv olapoej ot ty Jutticet ot tht feace, unuer ina impresrioa uiss mi y areswora l do ao. Such, however. It twi tha caae. For the b -tier, oudrtn.ling ol tlie tul.).ct, w pubhth tli i.Hi.wiug act lor the iBtefmMWi iiew - j - - w p-- yhwt'wf atlwKi;ieu' f; 1. LSaas Is tit Cilhat (A lb, . Baiittoa't ' ThtSiiM,tuA ' -rity a-ar North Carotin do nt, TbsTTT'sp ilTTH; tbs dutt of each lattree of 4lM I c on f betor Moaday oi tvTy ferta of th BapiTior Coart of ooaaty, 40 ta.aitn tnecieia 01 amid court with avlrat uf Vh rew and fsncas nf all ivifVHNM and S.mlly rlti posed of by aaeh jiiV-iM 4b peace,' toe .stw wttB th v tfa isr each esse, n all crtrtdtiat setWns, aiai tha U d terra "f the HnvsasiAa! I UAltfi. - ( " A ' " " ' " Sec t That t'i eleik Vd m Snpior Court ahall hand coin ol luck litl to the Solloi- tor aad to th aud jjry, at esB term of tba. hamrlor C"hrt ; tot no' IbdVcimttit aball bs Ibund tualiiH sot party whose caae kuluaaiaiuUI d'ttwiwd. i4 b o tin of lh pear 1 vMt, iobi tin atu thall aot be deemed to extend or eulerge or I therwitetlf ct tb JiiHdlctloa of jmticeti 3e3TP st 1til JeT sli lltP.: 1ft1B'i KatiBeit the Ith day ol , March. A. P. . . . word or Howea cut xaroan . a atie wrsot took O" pproing'y- Tec rebels (ao eslled) aey right which flidieali we. ao ..... - shaeild trtosat I ATu. tarries. - Tb Tkrboro' Icmtheriur sayt t tot. Ua at L. A'rlngton.of Montgomery county,: Ala a aatlv of thit Stat and who, lot a aumber of years reprtaratcd l!h .cuauity ia lb Leeiaisture, i now oa a visit tob ralstioa aad trteedt 1 North tstolloa. I ' ' . ' " .1 I . WiJiftBeMt. itsTfalJMHH 4ivt wa, r ritf lia bav eent a lUriil of !y tliriui;h It and erh etr att iriar i don. tb aoblj. tt biIkU W aoaa.derod. a. uat to make anv diaeriuiination. but I h moat be Dermitted to claim for old Bun combe, and ber gallant llejreen!aTrl.)Ct, Capt. Thome , D Johnatoo, more than ordiaary eradiL It will be rememWred that Buooo'nibe wat tba, tfrong bold of Radh aliam. : Tb party nomiuated W. Q. Candler tba old memter-a great parry favorite, aad w boa penoael popnlarity, wa a tower l ttrength- fat all thi Would aol avail,; Caot. Jobaetna mad tn abhj and rfBcieul can rata and bit malrili over hi eompatitor wa 403. Capt; John toa it I young lawjr of great promtse,' he ha a e'r head, a und judgtuint, and it a nil ; ot ni'at eicellnul LiiaclK'Jtt Jtetine, Ita is a rU'ncf rniin and i il H to rnskd hi cuaik tu iiJ, i , j mke cnjiital niiaer fur the tn Houot Repreti ulativta. it Bot old Bun- we4 I the apeakwrt - - " " A 0LAS09 SOUTHWARD. '" ' ' Th eutraife tnill of th Tr0mn$ I palB griadiog grieaee for th North Carolina tntrrderer and thieve. Far irvira acorn a. llnR .Wsit fajrfj Btvett Ind admiaittered ia api at aiartrai law toil miliury letrotitm. th North Car-illBa carpet, banrer and aealawapa bav betia already to mtaafee tare etories of dinned' and Durreiirtiig 0oorvative hevltiir prevented ner6va from i-veting la that 8t Tb eeataef the CongroMOioo elect ar to h oonteeted ana uoldew I oontertng with Kelly and Buthrnnw toreverea the verdict ef the lWWiFKVIBJIWewwi e.,nijur t iwt - 1 TW-niiii-aiirna , , Thn Hwtaia -ahi.n 1 - i r...., . - ..... I. T5 -wra:w -wtro 'ywtntiiyTvwygrWffvraa' and Waehinirtoa dab over them. Thia hasiaw tt baaer thaa tbe crime of Boa diet Araold, for he flaked something and didn't pretend wot to be traiton Th epptwhenrVne of Kortbera CootervatiTea that thi North Carvliaa eoaeyiracy will uecd at futil. The asm thing wa tried ta tb -eae of redeemed Teatee aad Virgini. , It ovrtd iu aulbor with infamy, Uoldea and Company will mtns wbea their time it up. It l ber attempt to hold over by violence, they will b treated th aam a any other outlaw, and th ftateigh ooitortaki r will aoi b out oi buaioeva." Th CongrertmaB elect Will be admitted, bectas lliey tmn Ukt tha naUt and becaut the next Hon- will bt Demo cratic by a decided rn dority, ante sll th ignifaiL' If Clerk McPbersoB behave Io aa ngiy manner, the revoiutloa which hit refusal to vruauiaa tba House would coa- Ua, will Lome by aammtry meeaare ta tu uitwwat of thtaaa;aHtYta tbpo pi. Alter all, tueaw Soathera, fellow aad Washiagtoa tVrllow do not so much mean ?V'.s SOUTH CABQL1SA. ' " Tha Hcooaldere4 and temperat d oreaa of tliS (fentleuwn of uth old Nurth HtataV.tbl citiwjn oi which war iormerly tuOUgtil 10 D among le ruoav wuwj, neaoahleand Well dlloosed of tnf la th Union, could aot but commend itell to all but tbea who ar teeking to ion tm popu- piuaion and to provoke popular Vio dence. which the TnT urue at an excuta tor their 6wa Infamou I'eoaduot, Tb! object or tbe coUB(irliy governor anu, ma accomDllcea we to control lh election la tavorut th Radical, which would b a vain attemnt anleea the voter Were lotlmi dated and coerced by military pomit. The people of North 1 Carolina bav given nu ctut for th aclioa of liulden, tha gover- oor, who It tiittalnea. It bow appear, ty United Slate troop, ordered to th State by Pretid.at Grant. Thi t governor baa arreeted "many of tba leading, moat peace, lul and BBoifnndlng ol dtlaem," and they 'aZ iZe. In tiie Btiti el iriniiinn trout them admlaaion of tbeif Hioatira la' tBtnrrectlonary act hleh ar not oen aommitten oy anybody. It 1 well knows thai tlit) charge againat taenrlB a aaera 'stiaaii-- ' ? r la aplia ol all tbet i siaows auempvt at intimidathia, howtv. r, t'ta North Caro linlana have done notiiv. Ther I reason iu belli v Mist 4y hae elected e out ot Ui avea nirmixiit ot.,cog.e4i iaBa oi two isnle i tha bait Cwuitf Ba. aad tba thoica at -to agiit are givee astai a ice of th ieotUja ol a Coaservstira Lirrttwo Pieee oeoatof. n. Tha, ravoiunoa w swuib oromises to be Bfl railld than Waa ceat svaWBaaariBtl ma hnt trowwiy 'b u- U-ruiuei ot a-, lioaeriui wiu.wi:ty. w w- . . - . f.... .. 7 ....... . tM reVoVC:ed. if oat a satanl i)una.raUa at. jority, in tlwaek llouaeof HepreteBtsliveN B-JJomtvt Vnrun, tu. -fl em. e- B, d tut "KAMOA I Pb VRPA TIOL The scheme ot imp in but iiovern mentt on tl rWaih by htr force ia tht resort Ol party thst bas iaihaa eo low 14 the adeem id alt inewr that ' no ttoH-Qilo ortaCewswiathW-. tha. M(neiaf has bate tii tl ,i.swWully. la a Htat nf the Br ttia s -ttf ta-wlrilor wr ma-tteowa-4-tb.ttoii'hrB Wlataa att setoxraea .aiia .iy s wmimihi relativist wuh tu federal goverameet, fo naHtktaat tba South, ' Bior Mluctaatlt witudJS them. Th . Lata aeau-. numt ia North Carlia wa aiwaj aUODti tiiuuUVd,H (toutrV, by a aatagoaUM jbt bei asigbtMH-, Sirath Carotiaa, la whiab a curiam eobooi ol DOllllsiS'is aurKHij tocaied anlt.stogyaaiv-' aaaiisr.i'a MHiiut wf tba lUiiicluatiinaaia North Carolina baa ao colorable urstuxt 1 ii to, tb ff irtol b bead ef PWer aatt tpaaaanurt to olunder tbe Statrt aad to ivaretm by fawlHayy-vtohitivv tba-ieawt pariaefwaa o ta gtet btaly ol th Itiaen. . -- r tb- a-r-T.; . t 9: , LMuoiilphm At , r. i . fai Ott.aeT M. l Ai.taiu!. Mr. tJotiB ilriij).liVii aesr Opellka, tlwd ou KithdTr A fie t T t," ane b aiidrtd aad thiw rjasTt OnJ' a Ms tlayi CsTre1it 4tu- U kss.s satiysoi ftonn- vsrwiias, isata hsa B m Ll IjbVb. Si 'Jill l?llj Ira latt. 1 XI lUvolu to.rry irt!ggl begaa i hia boy- . I ...J ..I .. . Iniuilt. wimwm ff.mit a'-l I B WVitrBfr- .- "iToe aiearid auallia iha . l num. man .i... ... " " ,-, v . " -tmX . lltlue.i lbHm, -, I Uum him UiB,Buh ao maal Vesrt bad fweS i, .-til ha bad ot ertliiieaUiat biau , Tbrooghoat ais UBg,l4 ba wa never kuawa to tsk a ato gla tiotsroi aastllcia, ar aall to lb wrvw teof phye;aca It I well eaoogh, for tb hes. tit ot owr yoaeg mea, to atd that uaUl ba waa thirty ou yen re of age ba had ssver iadulutd la aof tbe vtoea that bra common to .that- period ,of lihv-t tpiUa a. ULLIU.Vf.S. i? "7n , i-" "V . T.'r v , ' , ': T i T an.a .WeW,tauaa., A - . MWt.H W.liM.K AJtlr raAttJaueT'rr? HRPrffprietor W not elaim to bav dla Jl, mmtml eaiw-aii-tmi whaa Umm wweMuaaa ak rt ,r.uu ui care U garraiueoa theai to do, ae abuciaut eviitence, aaj ptuut cm a be adiiuoed, eaakawida who tiave Ira aWxHa aa4 BMW eaixt b tkeir aptivr nriM will allael. aaat vb fTwM ranta.uui, titta1iy m aivi4 Air ma wiuU atiKnue, wuhowl ? extra S iff to tnimiio tbtui oa hie iart. aoile a aii'k-on biBiMijf tu ttwy mad ' el' oa thou own amrit All wa aa u a iui key aU, aad wul Uxw be eutinuexd thai airuie ttiHireninni ih'i'mjk iu tWUUliUAN itti" LCOSOLCCOSS VEGtTAEI.E SALTS. in ita ua tiie t W .. All. I l it tt auii k wi ti.ihar, ait tonea aa iue -aw-anrtflwn., nmkll Bultir j i taa-oL .Latga Jwa - airaeTaCBTeCo., H. O, 11, a, Jufca Ivmjuumi lew Mr. I ule aiwa ploMure la ii...fimi,f j th.k I bar uii Cuaiwua'a Vttaie naive wnn it aiiaiao' " tbia i eueetaahitiy eariea Twe Mad eaaae of i'lie ia oty taltttljr and It auarita aa (rM piaae. ,mW,rotMisHiJ,a aAViSie of aiu auuenuc virtnea hi aj awudibour and fneuJi a Itujilai"" ton' VvaetaWa ewlrv prow newf is baa !.' s Taiy Hiaclfulijr wa, ( i iw S ..-.., OiJVKRLAMR, t : : Trojiilelorol tainh'eiriouruig JtUa CiwUutai I-' '4 0 ;.?.','.l,u;-?"J..ta,J). timm miiu 11111 tfi.iiii n.. -.. an.i . - .. - hi i 'n'vvt ,Mi&t4iia4ie!fti& tj,.i;iimt.,,sarai I 1 I' r IL li-jl, - ..j. ,,- -i-'m aiT, i it:i , .V,ri st'l . ,n.ptlaai , 0.10. Ut, 17,-" JTofca . OmgtMo Umw 8ir, ea the 1Mb ef Bept. lUctl, shdo mjraetfaad handa ware M work - on m nnii suhuiuk or tbe Uaivaratr at Otaapet Hill N. Cn s. I Pettiford was MU Ma Ihaaaanoiiuuii it brofcw dewa and h U some II or U toot n the trou sotum a rook 13 lIMhita hbjh, benuiun u lua nhe sod ti.kinnf -hiua very bad Internally, I called in nxtival aid Jo !, an alter eatoer mmtiiiiiMe kad btt 4 by the i hyaitiiaiui akieh rails le;ielum reuaf your sjaericaa Uiieemeua Uusuwl was aasd ' aoa be wa aoon relieved r hia nam ami m I tea; an by ttenaS he eooiioosu ta huru aud "" wmm wuyniy natuefta ut BM ronwee BasltB aud suemiia. tear Uuiraeat ia eertalnly, tbe Biual tvouipl aud allwuisi nnieJe la eaiuituia aud eiirinf pwu, 1 avar aaw uwi 1 tak uieee-. are la ntuaiwendnir tt enperlor rirlue. ' - - -seere nweiwt, . : . - iiKhliX 0.KM1TB -- I . - Ml 'kmum tluii.it, bh ivA kaiwb, k. c. Pt. llaraswt Dtt Waji Co., H. 0, BamtMlunl. kaJ been ardiet t a us .iHwmaiiaa nil buaaelie aur U , -meunu its auaveMl aa vi f aim it tba k ul.l IM u aJ to Ins bed for weeks at d atiu i at time lo l- t. self .tn bed. I pM.wl a bottle ut y eaa attniamatta iO'ittent a4 I ani a -. . - t.l IM- r.M ia. j,,a. uiakAt a ww sttiy-eue jrsarviHd, so a- et la at B'W4 hsallb au4 baa as fuutl wsa a hiaiealf aad bulbs aa be Baa kad la to yean, 1 aball always rswaa per yoa sua araiuio.ie toe aua imuen yuwa uwilUiuia kaa doue my Utber. . ; w-f -..XaaiwTralft 'T 1 '" " I ." " b A I MAMJtt, tt. tUKDK nroA C0I0LETQ3 B AVTAIQICS." - Tha fres ears for Ilpt'Pia, Diarnaak, Obijlevs, Uen, -Cramp Oho, Ubuaera Morbaia, tbah atosuumsad Vomrtauii fslaia ebe awwata. Xuotb1AiHvAH ., fries at A iwtkta, to- dosea ' J t . " WoaMyoa csaeear front tb pain and aonwr. law eoeaeiiaest anuendiea Mtacke of 'loota selas, tMio, Uraaia Colas, HJboiere, Morbus as., aVa..itbea nrusure at euoaa Mottle ut abuIkm. Wa CoTt C, 1J. Wth, ine Jfr. JWl Jt. VoniHon t Deaf ir. siww ate ta waaraea air thwiaa ta f"U tbs bai a that myaalf s tamily bava dnrivad team Iks aas ef miur atoimrlkul medluilMk t.AWtf HMOU'e AS talKie. wbieu fur thd cure uf Toouiaeba eeiuu ba saeelled. and I hut arwak Ibt bub "spur uou sad eatauia wbiaH- tint viriaw ol Anlsb, M Is Belt) abealiubawyoe thateajr BaiKbUora sosne reuia sll psrw at tbe o.((Ubw bood W be oared ol the Tonbaau by its use,, I have seed ta uuiubsre or eases: saa a Bas asver ranaa mm anwib) atata. i-"1 - ""- ..... i i . saiieeMniiT Towns i ... ., . JoaiB V. Hmkwsi. . MaavraoTcaxB sr . i .J ii . ivmiinaoMiiV! v i .... stsMSfb, st.L To whom all erdera must be auibwmait, for Sale at ail Uw Urua Huh as and Psslsr ta Mealieine esnnraliy. Pot Bale la Kbstt, ay Hi ears, wa Hayaoed. aad ateesr. t'eseae. am Co. 1 X. iy- ; ' ' v ' THI VOBTH ' CAJttOLIJfA COTTON 0I5TEIBE3TAJJD CHIAPlaT. mm PUDER-IIOltKO WOUT.D ItFnreC r A fully' inform bit luend sad Je ubiw, that " he la minuleolunuK tbs sixns uui iro ins v.y heat uaieiiaia, on tl s n't t.prved p"a, with as ays- to durability sod sereiae. 1 base Viewer warraoMd sr tbe aioasjr wul be e- AlUr I years siperwnee sua ins (enerei sstielaetiua uf my former patrons, I lel eon. , asntof slesetnir snr that stay rator mm wiUi rdets sstbiaOia leeqeel to any sad hurt or Moath, snilrreiKbHusy he aaed by asreiiae. hint mt Uoum, ai.d icily iKUes hail It tb Um dims not kivs eatiefoeuoQ. ' , TOU3JWOT.rrTriW"Tiri,TTO i'T!lCWr" ' .UKMVEKT ia TIMS. " S,apaixiug dona at wodorat pries. , ; -- B ma utors. hi W. H. ,oul,.l'Miw waus.vri' R. ', -ii W. tt. I'.oul,.! Hied Sua Mmu livnauie Hairus Adaaa J.,Biath aii4 J.Q .Jtosa.ultiiiilihrield.aui M. xi. Beat. Buow UUI. M. I ViAktrXUflWI.JlSh. - Ualstab, M. . By lt-wew3av CATAWBA IIG LI3H AWD CLABSI ., i'al e'evvervr"'anfvnAe '-.' ( h-'f' n i"' sivaa.wr. . ,f..;,i'i : .,-JI y . S-F A S . . S mtuif p its.ta.nf r'.-. THKIWhlbisaiMlofl1iU loatlintfos WIU Be ate saihs aril al omuvis Jalv 17 x a ' 4sts wdl mad saMaoist aeaeoss sad strrseaatle e..a.ninii. in aimuat SSI rswis . a iiies.iee edniU 'a s.d in s eouiiu ar staibaaaauesl tan nsa,)iinnw ease .ijiliwia, . a - 'lwiuus ir smuii s I weeae free M Is l. B-ti1 in i-nn'" '" 1 ' r aaawta, ia - - for CMCitlar ana esrtje latt adih-enai - I ar t V CI Al IV A. B. ... ..i " .1 ! , M, at riSUhH, A. W "tmi-wjar r'; lajiiamA;- tim atANoua wilu.,iisj him Huhnol ftir roue H'ties-, -wa- tbw -rssiilaBua- wTePritn,"VV-V3-rfl F; "lthKimv 'munr, eotruty M. O. on Hi ard of Augim, Jru. , kg fjeulsrt tpjily ' .'r; S Z'm - - ; ;. .. ;ttc T.F rxsrrci, la'lDsato w -,: ,...r,ixltiwr,ai.a. , -linrfe lktet euhtoil Ploir. rttHR HATkNTKK UNRACTKO WITB i X MTt'UELI,, AlLK.V. CO . of Hbem ta supply tbs Male of hortb Carolina with tbia aaeful unpHMnaut, t j,, .. j ihyill aooa issa i Iroutart esllinv anoa v every merrhaut in tbe Hlaie to awnet la ataaina tnr-ia known IC the Farmera and 1 'tasters. -. atarebaats svsrywnsr WtU tell at tii, with Frei(bteuly sitded. . 1 r-Miasrseaid to bshwKely inereasei whsreve kfui beebubeiHl flow bse been use t. . si UHidtw I yM ljitf lljrTlfcSagcWBwa i j i t ,t ,sM.'"JI .." ."I ,1.V,- A.