I VQUTAjtTt J :;.TrT -- 'V''a'...lllL-J 'T ,'7,- ,' mi nm " mh iniMiii? il nti 'i i' " i ' '"JJ,' " aJsCBaS5aaaaaSaaBaw r wttaamt regard fa, Bt lU ! of tt pt)l mhilM Ow 111 U4, pIWf lit Ut b , ft bd nnd 4 tor ik. St tntoSt M Sg iMwtlL. M4 Ittia be, to ii M t tttt fMWlMHiM ttN- 4 mm f&iir&i ieUS. ft 'rwiaf act erf ah) atrewiaaa kJ iakfh) tei it tbt Ml i eea fi5Tyyfs i n&- fearaoa tad other, to tan Aegwat tetitt Urn Badicat award effitra war ia tb Stata, r tpaaaav mA tb aAlag pwaw-aaaaa, lea, tb (araoee I, Mt eaxt vat aanaetpetM f ff ' MT dkawai . tka !. hat, iia4eajaaav ahalhaal raoaaaj am ttaai m ay tb diatmihml ke owatd aecare ' kit tk kellar. Tbi irke4 aebeaMi Mt Uaa 'thawejglw lk tk 4 rVraiir Na4, t k aiti aWara'e Wt aet 4 aiii. llttaamtMibret, ! af Mmf, Roidra ba the iftmt k kia iiam in ka kt I k hat Iritade aad eBM need it I Jthborga,theaAr 1 Waa tr'twajaf eaaaart BMmft t ft eAaiwV lie wraaMat, U Bwnra, o Caawet hvkkMt Craat, Vk lay Leiora him inaatm af tba pwopt of CaaacK .-m wifaat m ejaaira of Ktik tod 1 fri.1e fold h. amtifeatU Wit tie peopt a Xewth Gajobot 3etJ1i mititarf aktaaaaara, bt aaid oeeatiat tba auaatry aad "aWrt 'at tatf ' Wt 1t "hf 'V'.'K Ct BreWttLiMBBk. bom aueriy raac karing tiee tM to set ia t aeteakot t)f Utmt ci'ti ' niffimS a a,A Kt a' fc mtd t him by Boldaa, Pool, aWjiirl'it. .f iraiigbV iM M4 daoa-i ttrtt df Kg Kfux iolMK1t ' waiiaanall tbe crime ai Loral " being charged to tb account ol t Carnal ficoJac, mtrekcajtioglbj la arm buthltgUott tbt Blat ral Ooteramcata, a the reaao to meidaat Grant to btrk tip HoU- 'Btaty achem. fostcBeibty to pot phirtriBadlcala, " I allowed Hotden to enrol and tlUi of the 8tti tlt. bt faweitiaM between tbe ag of lmtdortj ytrnrh of ge ecept at Tiair rehinoa cruoleat aad to mrtlotoi ttmaVttrUtfaf oof f tam !m not) or iatarrectioo or to n- ') tbe State, ao on" could Tba E; weald bar raitaitcd him, h4 h ""gl toitanoethat hiaporjuoi au Bedd b nal atowa "to UtaJa.AU Jhtl, Jta " ooet met oa tb bench and J.,Pt be, an4 MvA . iMiUai oi;.th,mi)i-. winifttBr.nn4 hot.- e eafleafB-. tfia-oillniaSr toiiS; I.. iioidt i., t io , wiiiim or Aortt t-arowi baaajalMtBai atwrgatad. "tottld tot it to dothia.;', "kre determine! . a A.T. -tr-k-wfMiaBtOw -8 tfdK ataeajtwrmenta, ert wf t ftgr TdtB-frfpHflk ' f '-mlara,: 4i.a'lBl Hated P rVjmm- jrdftrottr- (ton; w woVea. ancwer dieemaraad ' kaa trr a-m erm .r . k i .-ir w wiiw u arw officer. . . try 4..! Bufg, . P ' i--' . u.j noo W - ' r'"v"wfioo were & MH IBB BAII.u.i! wrr wba la br th,i , fclrtfTuW.ned with piltoit t tfacir iMkdj, t fciK tb to eoatat erime Uuj kew ntblf t Appeal to tb Htt Jsidlcivf, xwpt to Jailgii MitbbeltjMfo Dkda la W- TUtfypwl UTTta U. 8. Jadietuy BoldM misted. 1 h Public TreMurer tod d bjr JJg Kitchrli os application of MI pirer. W to py (ml ay bfrnilM to tb alf tut StaU Troop. Huhlea daUrmia- 4 as aa ba haadwi ott, . dcAaaaa at laal , fa d. f iocs of (b Jadiciary, h remoTe flia tamM.tMai offio, (woe tiiai . v Ur wa a barf a tawleet lIf to Tiodlcdre . tad alicleee aa Eiddea I ? ed a i" " ? Wa alluded wry briefly, yeatarday, to tb I m K?K;t- P''. th; btrtor. ndg ttatd aa Wadneaday, a writ ot ainia awymi 'Taw gftwad alleged in tb I k fffiecr. f r.,i -... r duct, j (petHlot Joy tb wHt we;ewnt of jqriidie Qraok, by whom b wa examineoy and ommititt, for want of bait, and the infor mality aad illegality ot the procecdipgt it The tetiUott fjr a diaeharge, on tba aWiwI ;aa4,fraaa!wrKed by kleatr. Utdgm and Bailey wbo eridratly labored adtr gnat diffioalty fur want of XacU M 1pwr -OTgTtlBBljgl,' Blf, (tCk It lB BO diaparatfaaeat to tbeat, lot ere Ibe baea fawyer mait make t .tbowldg id a bwdcaaa.) tay certainly Mt aeaubiy tkv difficultlu uuddr which tbey labored. . ' , Jaiig Battle, Jadgt Harrimottad Kamp P. IiaJtl, Km,. . aeiwl aa oounevl for tba Menhat, and tb two trtt named eotered fully into tba argumsat, aad w bar no bKattfa i earing th'., bad we been a jurjiaan. and tbe oaa bef ire tta tor a Tar-diL-t, a abtiuld But bare beeitated a n meal in fioding, on, tba law and testimony that Jadg Brooke bad jwiadwttoa, that tb pruow'lfog were it bigal tortn, eaaww- jog all th nrqairemeota ot tbe law oat tlta. i auljr; that th anawar t the writ wa tall and tuilLuwat, tod that tha priaoter watv properly tart Irglty held, tk aniwtt for rkda I criKltiaa and barbaritiee practiced by him., oa tb prtaonar ia bia charge. Theaa taots were tot only clearly establiebed by qao tkrwi rWrti ISjrat'auth.aTtle, ri by argr ' mcataa4 deduotiood; eloquently and logi cally drawn, vn , Aotttated ylr4aj; JuOge Hood, fctr ccmetadoa af tb arguaiwiv ted tbe h would take tbt paper with him, gir th uVjedt mature eoaeideiatioa aad return bi i JveiakM lo'tb HrahJ la diit time;"' 1 Iwtgt Boad dtrhig hi abort ta here, mad t mora fatprtblf improaakm tbat-wa anticipated, and we loam that, bcfbfw : la-ajnm be upreaod blub erati&catioa at .tivJ AiBdlr'klkg JuanHeated toaatitl blnuelf, a')el( a at tb peacerw! temp W oJrpeaple ootHktBdlng tL' ljcHiB( Bcetet through, whiob we baft w rocontly pamtd. W tink, that termini partia id fti 8tam JMrvt aBawkAX dappaint-, adtoJtdgt Kttd.1) U -t ' V f - - -j -'l i " ' 1 ""! - ' --It ka boat already; jotUcs- . Vh tbt y , Injunction Irsaedyudra I itcjiell, tjt JaioJaii tbt rubhe.Treaaurer,1Uid tbt fay, otaet from fjtng PWtany public moniet wliateref o kccOuaf! ot Eoldca' inlawful Mun froopa, . brokB oa Susday aad. itoaday- kw by ttba fMramptery carder of OoTfioldea. woo. jritmrel Jfit,. p JTenklua, iwb ot 'PaUlic Treaaurer" Jeoklu low Paymaatt ot aahbitir ot lb Treaanry, tad enlaced him to 4r ttar, tha foadt lijWcHtrftT.1 r-Biir, Brigadier deneral oi foal Militia, Brigada Qiarter Muter who the rank of Kajdr; aat IptymMtrr.toa ef.tb.afmy NurrhT'thirobaa-or tb- ttat troop tfiuag Mr. Jmhlnt felt relnctaatly 9b ligadaeeoanply h tba, rigoroo dema4 of O K jiotden.' paid thw money otr, to tlsftlr''l8HHiirr . (id a rur iwr.A. ., Jeakioa. iorJt- jodutaseilia, k aw oataa bf bwmall4- 1ot be tiUcLed aad pnnUbed M ctmUmpC Bdldea he' demanded or th PnWio Tieamr akr iaMa"k-- ia lwl ibinira.a la -fhjt raw. her, of b to. fi y bf both ;a,-inKHi Ta woTiky1 at tlir high traet by IWpliaata Ul ala- ?ic jaataao aritb daajanch) from . aay , ,Uonor r.r what it, o-olte lkt tt, f toe lJ.:lTii- otvht lo1 bare rigxt4 rHfrtpteaUa) 4al ta eooaectiag ta bt aaed A;uad)aaUaiawajaM in lb .j. of tb. I k.. .,.,, Li- . w pe"lty, Tbera lU 17. 7rr " ighl b. aat w.jj . . r - laaajaiiai " . . .. . .. K'rkli d Bar-flj". i-i,. -v. wi . a au UwfuI act. o( bia officr,bul ju.tioe " ,od "1'J of aocietr drm.n Sat 1tT it. . .wTer, wTaet wbi lm,. oiM-rbt p,m.ta Hi. Jeokinr' ft11c...i. . from tar . ih. 1 a. . . JlTfk tUia r.'.- "-TP war til rtTw, a ualA Jwtlj Croi)n tribunal pf ju-v inm bVKji 1 a aaiffht aWB) v nrawlfnalai aaytbiaf V Ihei; W Waa iartW' pirit aad fa porpota, and ebUvioai of jus Uoc and right. Tb firr aay . It ft quite impoaaibl to predicat aay tbiog vt tbe trtbnaalt of jaatica, to-called, ia tb old North Bute, aad w therefore bav-n denial tvsnaka. of ih !atmanta bo; bajtltoecuratoM fbal before Ippltr inn tbakKaltliaory taataacB aaeaaoerofa cettfitmcj if retpooeibla for alt it acts, it woald be well to prat tbtt tber ta a Ka KJwt Klaa in North Carolloe; and aecondljr, tkai It baa done aay niaebief. Tba tact anild and atterhr melflcieot member of tbe order, ana aeer matani etmiOB. " i . for the BeBtiaeV Bia Fall, X. C, Sept, 7, 1 870. . Eihtob. fittrtrmb; 0evr Sir, ia tbe pro eedioimof tb oanMiMaUwwiM Mhtib- d ta the 8btibx, f t Ath tnatin tbaj cam bi Albert Murray , Wm, Bedding tad ottJMt, eaarged with .eonaptraer am , to reoort ear, tba nartiaa War eask rwoirni 4 1 tbe mm of 2,000 to appear at tb text term. f tp Bupenor uff qf Ata bbo county, which ia tro Mai it 1tn th Ikatjrwwiaa" ebargea wr aaatalaats y ,4t tviiteat, hiob i itttot tro, uibara mttfejtoa oflered to wutain the cuarue. ,r MTbtm Mr. Badger, of coonael fbr-Ube ptoatcntion aoggetted to tha Court that b waa tot ready lor trial for th tack of im jxirtatit witoeme aad moved tbat tba par aim be noogBiead to appear again (at torn tadiflaifc tim,)bCore tb Judgr to tniwer the charge, tbe eounael for th defenae ug iteatd,taBt,tbouah tbey had not had at op- jMwtnitT to coaler wittv the pariirf conceroj w.(yaTtii it Jttst got loth tit at rxuiB a Oder arrmtj but preanmaa tney . Vouid bar to obiection to betnir at oooe 4KMmara em at JUamano Baperlor Court, which met with bit approral and alio th approval of tbe vouuael fat tbt acoeianutioa Jtml it atatlaa -ordtag)y doae, reoognwooa tk and the par tie releawO.,. . I trail know that o far k I am concert d, tbey can utver ai&ka "the charge food aaoept turougu penjureu wiuicmw, . KeapectfuJly L UTJI1RAT. " - wiucKBsoa on "smaa." A correepondeof ot tha Hearth tad Bom, 0yUe-wy,mf tho heal tuailpttrntklf Jaatkaikhi ottry.. h vBUaa-.gaad 4elf ntmmtiot good tataa.gttttK tbt lollowiae in a recent comrnnuicaWon,. t ,'.V1 - w ..s-. ..." I'm wt ig'in amprovemmu wirt' triui -tby or kmprowamamti nn'i at v u, -i' t At tta.m to rarana ,vmi nAgnt, who' t IJttle riled About tbt tr on ni AmctaL tot U Pron. t btlir'-ln Atrepio .iftdi-arpwad ketprir- brldvet bp, all ldy. aatt . i tm cam pa lonH balteve.'J ,y J, tba 'ring' fellow apendin' all th money to one plana, od kryla'to'-ttiak trronimeor tor tknrr olvevwa- ki"- thattdtrwkmpywr trim W are gettin' to b old Telluwa,w y I, -Tamil, and flotrt make much bidt wn oat tl wtl"brt otramw'riag,' th Voung "tolk m. kav a bard-tima, 4 ticC" any I, "Famon ; but It yot to givi it Uul tlant.-off nm odd Sunday," y I "ag'iot th twfut ay the tenia rg art ruanin' up tbe taxe, it'l my opla 4m ymBrt,toy-tsfww---a ofOkTtiec-tayt "H yon vrant Bcrf lar apoa it, who Uved 1' amrtimt at i- iUimJmtadtvil.. twin to a badad, at jk ,kmtwf-y I i lt' my opipion tuai tuat f vwa a ' Mharr oratai-awvjMor, or bad built Lidseeart' Howa-hou, or wa la th -Rinir ''' mm eriirmeawli m sea a4 -1 enea likely b waa, VUter Wilker- aay tbt ramoav , , y - , - . ? ' V m lb iaBtinat. '3PROM Ji OBTH-KA 8 BKlf CABOWiA. Th tat goUOoal coWt Itr thi sttrm f tb Btata. for (rood govmnmeat, wbole- Vnme end equitable law, apoa th part of b CoeaervaOTta, a opp jaea to a couiidb tnctof tbtUoldra Pool-tiwrpsoa Littltficid K- ,h n4ila waa knt Indued tkcvri iMtota kkJ this people totally amaaad.' ,f jMw.-we m t. w from every part of th KIUnt Wtat, to our great 1 deHght "T 1idDet,"rv a of tkWt V Ci Wrd Jjettoerau that wontd aot b intimidated ami lorced tram duty fcy Boldea, kvtrk tbaVbarsa lia'ynnet tbeKfln 'aniT platolil' Vongbt Co a read,' Jiib?1r eimpte -auMle, ol lmpnaonmeDi m luatSoMnne pr aa uf t number of your beet citizen I We tioqor- yoav a4 love, vum.loil'. jonx. n lor tpVt J9iavrjQ0B wreacaicf tae old ftt-6htp, dismantled tad balked aa eh 1 I "-ytm Ot th Cut are iBxiour -to bw yon stalt of th WerL (bat wtuart BQt is, pi tny;hotlrt war hearU rlt ' Hp wHh Qqrt for oar deliraraae ot tb 4th day e)f ig. ieat, trom a carpet bag and acalawag Lrgialatur tad potilicat dominance, that oar heart rut out witb . jour, to iwlth I Tnroef Jr. a tb great, fnatrumeul fo t'i accomplktbment ol lb vicviry ..ua.i ana to Jodge Brooktthr'jurt Jtf, "who rr tood Mr. Turaar aad IbOae bikt good cm g lit nffht of ' pj Irtwrty, t etc ,7 ciuwB i aeeanag It wr au b. But w mart I deUy oo(jar toll, to about o, d,y rf 1 0, J tjamdaa, -K'"r apart 1 muiatu ThqrJT. th M.kl hl a of r,B'1 4 th.Urt o thi Court ZA dwd of bom wen ul 1 and large auto bar tl colored penpl l tb grood. young member of tb it tbe first t r. That be la. ,X.j m of crraat P?mTiierl atte.' J " that oeewion. Col U 0. stark of Sot V., waa t i 1 Wat M DIlUcVII t iiv a- aaralbatafth--,,,. mXl. LuJJl WUkxl.. kKl itteatloa era paid Capt. Jm, ta fa votii aom of the meat "tbintr bawd beard' wbett a .t.-W'j! ItMSoWVand all ) by Reiii'eaU. Among to many luiogt tn uapt iM v prore tut atte depth ol dfradatloa to wbieh tb Legialatur wa burled, iaeoaiparieon with otbet 'iiclaratoret It better day, att'ed tbat bt bud mt et-et a whit lad in tb Ooaamon iJHrry daring the eeha of 8J (Speed )ke Jaryit) Tbe I vile nreeeUt felt prntd of their eg f were u'oglAie Of tb ladle who were t Raleiffh rturidg' the eeeioti of 18B8 HHr, ea.t tmiktd rrtry nod mrmitijr)T m t'ttit. Janrl,- Mr. Burwell Btttrr of funfiuek, made-tb iaet amuaator wW aerred food t never w fcelore: Mr.' of rJirtford, remarked that there ai oior to eat at tba barljieeii thaa wa then contained hi nine ettuitiea. 1 Our jreople are vary poor, but tha pooreek prti viii t larve amoanl ot tue dcw they had, to ommrmorai with aaarfceab entbneiaam, tb treat whlck ealled them togetkwtv- Mr, John Cbberlio, lb Com -moner elect for-tbf. oountr, waoimeaoad the speakie ia the afteraou. lit apeetb waa abort bat welt timd asd to hit entire credit. :Tbo east tba--eld warred and bwaiered, Bncobuuerabl and never dieptrit- d imr barao, ,-lilmdimaedtuortaBb ly ,thHold(aPul towtiiitrao and ta oweptont aad UttreAeld tbli tnd thtttrtf ei Ma-woalawea: iAvialaturr, at overv pray its ia 8tnatorit Dietrtct, to bia great koaov aad tb aligbtenient aad delight i-ot hi oniltaa'. ir. flpaed fpokeiaJ lenfftb- aitainM :bM dwatr.. -Tbt popla aroatd kav him I" Mr. bktooarMenaUvtuact, ala tVom kbit Dia trict, waa en aot tad. Tbe peopmv of Camchm ar highly pleaaad with their wi erabt and tntetteetoait Monttortv Uo.' . kka) afCamdaa, Mr, T, 0. Gilliam, of Hertford, Perqaieaaa auaatyyaad Mr. Waa. anew, ol t.inui(R,;o.atiiwana.Aa aaoaetns." Tta ClOwd waa wnUaill lighteU K tb fT tad ut tb day' pr illBK Aiur tkre beer jot croon and Turner tha, meeting adjutmaq. n.Jbu. Varlhaaeatiael. XOJtTB ' CAROLINA VSOlARATlOlf OF .MVgrSNDSliCB, SUMS BR TW&, V .1"!.. i s Mb. EMToaj Allow at to amor yo that lb people ot Viraiala, not only mnA orrelyaympathmad iwrtr thatr tiretbreu ol "Tb gwoavtoiiona otam," ia tnttr taw afllituoae,' to which tbey war tablectod by aa apmart'tod unprincipled uaarper and tyrant, who, iu leaga with t time (erring and i aurrupt - jadiatBry, wo id kara p petuAd M!r wrongs, bat that tbey groaa. 1 rehwc m tneir pieeeat attfttveranaa mom at ppreMot which ha aoare a porallet id tb uaau.ry at worta. . .s ' Tb wbmm mwJ tb erwraM wbma abef actiili.ted aadwrthaapvmvatvd trvnngt to wK ibr at aubteataMl. and thtHUr miiuiHaa aad jtwtm wblob tarv msnireaa. ed trbrAtb pmfM'rtim arrivad for throw fog off tb galling 'tnd mioicraM yoke, gar pmot ail -tb lea tbat thay art a wall aa Ma pwiipl. i n " " Tb first af all their totatrym to da el art their indipeadeaoaot t toMig. op avamonvbev bavw tbaert - by alxir aotioa at on! that iter wiU to -dammit tavauat, bat that tbey fcaom tn day moat appropriate anu tu means beat Dttact to aecuoiptMa tiwtr htavt Dtrti porpoec : i j .m t - iwt W l at v ttiai tiieir siecatenonr vn taratiM. t iodupeadenoet b'laarabl aa it waa to taair patnoitim, ia wutpwd by tnmr dt-mooatrarioa of 4 h AasiHt 1870. a dav kick arlll b Iteooiffortbl niiiattod bf air adoiinag world oa It moat gierioa epocn - ,a wU ttia timtt of op?tiia Ua,;- 1,4 Ilk K hulwtrh mil'a Ifc hk.k knd alti 11 mt ttiwH tk klttowe, bi4 point bun ft V? bliit o'her flirt lliatl rrlebraw the 4 ll iftiy, a tbnnlvrrary of ihrir d.-lln rune Iromorrta aiuniK, let flortn varo.lataut k' acrd tbt nth tf tavaat, a tha day of their tmanctpatloa ftm a dtmetUe (yrit ag a tr exceeding that Iron! abictt our honored aocrc'or iruad tbtrux-ln . at tha Ilatvec art bigar than th earth 1 ' ' , ' ; , , A.BOUUtll JIAJf, V reidsnt in Ctutral Kew Vork, to , a triad ia lbl Otate, 4 .;,.!.' ' 1 can hardly keep bottled trpany fotavt tba iatUBgatm Jwm ljaaa put ot i an new of th grasd political ehg It North Caroling Ihav watched all tb rtccatt marma'i nri tbart, with, prvf utd , fotereot, aad witsef ae1 lioidea'e osurpatkoa with at indHrnartvn ia no iway lea that yvr two. Ho such blow auaiui. civil Siuarty and IMipnUr t'mht bar fr Writ Hu k td tin t cunuu M lum a'v'; ihw., ig uiirwuvr JIoHpb and Juris Peareoo. wn tbt mom -4--tUpinpl here .re.gar.4 -tba- arawau) -ol ito amtrg yo a aa sntrng tbat tboulrt moat him laiamooa .totevir;, aad tbey loot wun to mora lavor la judgt 1'ew oo trngt tegai Tnlitg m eowsfd'y tracking jmd. aiaMwwrmo, - a-mt-H 4 know, only t tingit tadieai paper k spoken ia hi defence, and. that i Uurjur't Wttkly, . Tb cood act ol tb. paopjo of your piste it aaivtrttlly applatdod ; their JUh rpirited patmao tli tba Uaa of Vut pg eaa, aad 'heir raaoiam repudiation tbe of .tbt bad tea, eb . hat mmrnfed tb4m, iov. Holdt,I judge, mat b pretty laoroaghrv tcartdLl Hot a man so BajOTpSlonii.d fnll of , ftriirt t erlf ay cuoiinrte a eteile the owti(netrS bit drer4- btw4 taiaytwn . Ua-.ittt. bear watchleg. 1 he T bT aay, tbt V rwgbt W W"' think u mi if audr thPV.'i ' dwlie'ff CHraMf.Bof ' rTft.-" irf ta.d ril. etittpr,. TU" boolrt he o pualebad, tba' ' mj -we peeUbed all orimi-a with de tb ; aud aaettpctof aaharil tr-l''- tU IhnwelTWareront ol tbl a:tt!ary ' rbaraetf, liietnry atia.II tx forgnttoau It any , 1 aruea m aaaera f the ConaartMrtve pvty niU aak via of Utetr tacaa, aaff peia.. ... a , JFrom tb Wi"prt BulUUa-l V4 ".H aanameil," aaid ha, "that b.. day tf Ladcaaant bad oaea and ewatraty to ati tb UMcbtataof ry yooib, U aapejarad thai maafciad erjafrtWJW'j'TJ;!; aaaa a tbe 1 finfrwuKt taeuided Ut l.ml Berk 4m froaa bit T, ad declared abac be had itarad tad died tat Sag lead," tbat bt knew .hat -people ta bm tutfcl alike fc6d tad their acmatryf aaxlaabia leammataadaataa Kaglajkd paaaed intath tettat mtf -,., .. Tb text tjewraramant ali4 it Msaottt wa tb tfattad otatea of Ane,aad what tb tarn of Aaaarioa eoaoded Mount Vr a treaiblad aa tb haeaortal nv'tthingtim are croaa bia gm and prayed t tbat hit OotereaMBt abtald aot b tried at Kag lead bad bttB,aaaeotttli4ad ddpotiata, bat aa) baa, aeetaig- aad ii&pwdiit lltattif 4-sn ,rtttrfTl t itisj.m-w;,tr . Tbe tint Btatt cIUtd to aoeost) t waa old Virginia, tad a tse aa tb samf f Via gtpla tnuaded tbt imawrtal Heary aroe U bi teat, M inclerel ke h Suuth Camliaa, tad ta aooa at th oam of South Caroliaa tounded, J a ha. 0. Calhona troet fram bit gravt tod declared tbat with au our iatim b knew bat peopt to o iy al alik to Ooal and tha tovntry and on bit recommmdattoai (fottk Uarount paaaod to to tbt Mkwtfail eity. r i ... VH,, Tba third b lata called to taootnt M th Stat of IxuUuaaa,ad a aaet at tb oamt ot Louicitnt onnded, Iltnry Wat kin Al len, banting aaunder hi tieautilul flower deokoil tomb, trot and proctaimad tbat ka bad tired aad gbvtrnad in liOUiaiana, bat died ia exile ; tbat be kotw bar peop'a to ba loyal to Ood tod tht Boothert Usmfodaa racy t and at bi reoeaiaeBiiatioQ , lmaii an paased Into th eeleetial dtf, amid tb roiaag aoaga tf tht heavenly ba, ' Tht Belt Btttt .tailed to )udgraat wa the LMwBtar Bttt of 1ia ; aad aa aoea a tb asm Tekat toaadotl lib iinmwrtal Hoaata) rt fro kit tomb elut bad to th babiliraaoM ot tb soldier, spake ot tbt bat, tit of Baa Jacinto, tad deolarad tbat bt k new hr penyil ta ke aiik foystto 'Crod sad tbttoamtry tad (oat at tka Loom titar 8ut wa about to pa tbmogU tb a;tM into tha city, that scalawag Jak H ami Lin a, sprvag t bis tret, and (wore that ha rMn ahnuHraa oowpana ul th l"iiu owt oiate, that ba knew; bi-r people to b disboyai alike to tb country, tad on bi 1pm dtut, Tela went to h,.. .m y,. : i FALL ft RMS QFBUPKRW& 0OVST8, iWm givt below th Urn tor. holding th 8operirr tyonrt it tb diAereat couatie la tb following Jadlelal Piarrictir ' .' . Firra Ditbict. Bamett coonty oa th Deoona itonaay in August and rebraary. hfoor county, aaonad Honday after th second Monday ta ' August aad Fwbrasry. , Montgomery eonnty, tourth Monday after thetrooud Monday it Atlfjuat and rtbnr- fJ4 " r ' . h t dtaoWotmnty, rlxtfa Mendty tfW flit lecoad Monday In Angbat 'tnd Pebraary; . Union coorrty, ightk Mondiy aftcr tbt tecoad Monday la Aogoat nd. Tebrosry. - -Ant Miatyr tenth Monday- after tbt second Monday it' AdguBt and Pebroary, , Blehmoad-ooonty, twetfth Monday aftef tht aearmd Monday ia Angatt and Pehraary; , Cumberland enemy,' fourteenth Monday after th aaeond Mond,y to AU-Ust tnd fttmtrjS'-H ' JjVJiii , Brit Dirmrev.lrrjrfir tonary' Ult teeond Mowday la Agot tnd Kebru -sjry, -.l l-' ut 4- .i ffeiiw oottn'r', teeond KonAay titer th emnd Motdayia Angnat anrf Pebmary. " Praokli eonnty, lourth Munday alter tb eon4 Moaday to Aogu4 tnd rbra Hfy .... s tKJS f -r .owHttrm tfltiBty, siXLh Moodav kfter Urn atoned Mob day it Angnat and Pcbroary, T, Wake eotaty, eighth Moadtv attar th aaeond Moaday ia Aogvat aad Pabrwaryf , Nah eout'y, tsafh Monday fter tb tcuond Monday ia Aagost aad February. : Halifax tonaty, tweilth Moadsv altar tbt Mwrnd Monday ia Aagtwt tttd Pvbrtfry, . Morthaapiua eoaiity, furtentb H.ioilsy after tb eecoad Monday 1a Augoat "and Pebruary ' . ."."'4 ' """" " ' t pavtanr PnrnitTr'-Nt'f.rrirty,'B tli first Moaday ia March and Bcpn-mrwr. . . K'M:llotN ' 9y,- Kfihdaf alter tbe first Monday Is Match and Brp' araaowrj ' - , Caswell trmnty. foor h MondtT hftar fh Bret Monday ia March tnd He pt ember Pereoo omy,'lth Mrmdy attvr 1h frit Monday it Mrchti4 Sfp'einher,"1-"" Oraaganiy, rtybth Mrnidaf attoT th drat Monday ia Maw k and Bcpiwmiiev. ' . Chatham enaoey, treth Mmday aftef'th flrat Monday Ml March n Vt)tfmVr,.' . Kaa.lnloh amnotr tWatt'b M mdar ' aftrfx Th first Monday in March and' BeptrmAS ' Alamaan' eouoty, . anon tort moansy titer tn trat storaf ta ataren ana Brp ttmbtti t 1 " -h--v dm -.. Ik FAVW FOR tU9 VLHIOVX. According to Borthar the hi1tblrM children are bom It January, Pelntinr and M . ai ; . - k ' t ,t' ,w rco. !. . ; i fVrtwril aat aafr sAmI their iVTb wttUli mWWmi j -.- -.v. It.,,.! I V vvtf tlieif'i.-yHk r,lnff-iafnT( alffatf fe!f -TSiliWsrfWo" aigbt in vity rbtmd itwW ttt It;. . .Of' car th"tl 'il Tniatitr "h. by their motbat't nrllk,' aat above lhrr huodred die, but art the earn itomb.T reared t.y Wet aartea, gr bandred dti , ... ; China, properly, ao-rviert, r-rmt)n abf.ut tbrt hundred and lfy .milliot of anal, and extend over twenty ilrgt'e of iat St ud aad (vrnty Of fnngttsd, Ot tout bandied qaer degree-. ' " ". lr" - ' j ne, toentr ana grawmopprr )atb twt fctndred time their' own length: toiiul to s qnerttr rf a mil tor t . ' Tbenr srj ia t m fire houfl.-! "ud l ,w ...1 Almlt tweBtTJwTi'1iB)tt.'rW two' bn.iri ant nttyimf am iaiei' thtiMi iwa itnt urm et ttite w i,vh.m. need ta tba eimtile etf hreathing. Tb arat aoda of wr(tti tawa oacd by tbt Atbaataa r nttrparcd by i,in 8tid kava bM wtiW m M emd. i aert art tbtrty (if aew la tjb oeuttta of a tvtweco pleut and KT, the Celebrated btitaaiat, eanlet ia he bead of t poppy thirty Hi -IbiHNiad teeile. It baebwaa aabwIatMl by aaaay - MearalUt tbat tba elm-urea prodao thitty tbav aaad it.ia. , If the leathery gill oT a'un'atl perch. kiII be aafotried tad pBd"- tlry "would ateoari:ire jwl. -TliiaeriH, vu, it o nun a wen, tiut t( e, a p.i to b flrttr ijiir trti: -- Ia tbt htteaaa knua br are two, buoilri d aad fity two teHuata hoa.-r ilard truikitig po,! iBttiin hare a extra aunibrr, which a. 0 lnm.d ttew tb Matotlf tft tbwmh, kkj ftpgrrtaad tM. U'ttey aio Hett 1 taaaeng- tb- paiee hrcT tbey gratr., 1 a aorta, or prittdi'aUrtnryof tbt hl mcaaitre etxtut a alxnita liKH ia tl minuter Tlial of W. od An,, iaro H . k i baab aitiid el fr.ua tea to I quasttty atuiMtiaa floa ( the rark, villi b Jdid qutt audiul to th harpooocr ha atwm tt euik at tba animal. . t ,Wbe rabtiitMintrrelt kfifl fwlottf orttf gnawing aw mate, rM ta watt .meara, lUelr tirh ofiao grow j bmg aad at crook t ad a to preretit (hem fmtu taking !d, anu inaranon nae oceorre) lu l,u ti l . . . ' fWr?TOt nuuaj ia . tu, .j;t,,o, ;r animpatred. Tli earn. remark, ata tr, tSuilth, ol II jton, la applicable to the iiliml, I bar fovariably found tbat tb Incurably blind astordrmmtf teeiag or hrartag. . t.41 iwi"?fyiHl '.'A'7 New Discovery 1 1 -4 oa, ; ; Salvanon for the I lair. it'll . ,' CLEAR A. .VATERI . 1 WIT CKTll--- LTHw tIGHTftt"'i per Rt tier tgl eww. ? -r-.f ) I . - f t, .Piuvomi V itai itri JitTcrs ut- ( I terly irora aU t)?fi-if cok:ing w ' ' pre paratiota(retofi)re uftftl,. "7 it is lurrj.id, cti 6iueiitig, ; prwatwrtomudilforBliniy' , larls no stain to th skin. Hold t the Ugh mill k dca and ' clouUcs4 It leaves ro mark oa .. the scXp? yrt it trproducrs in ' i vray hatHsartiTal color that timeornsiofrwtv way "haw- - i Urti'hA nil nf ilfct f "-W '" i is for one sole purpose. Jfiat of, , i ' teprotiutinawith altsuftite cer j tainty, the naturalolor of the" 1 ! hair. ft 1s! nrr-iKttrnJed 'as a" ' i . cTiily tlrcsMuiinor lorreniiwlng' curt ot Matuimajm torcu?- w i Hug hsUflnfcss; nor for atimulay- ' iSng f frrowth of the hair.- 1! J' ! The si cihjectf may be acrom- ; .in .4. 4 U 9 H am r Trie color nastwrn 1 I fixed iththeVrralia,hy rha.' ; i 3ntV rmtcal Ilait Jnviro . . f ator. tut a e..ri .,IHWVITA ! and unequaled aiionftiv . the reproduction ot tewijfi-rf " f fiat hue of pray hair, 1 noth- ' ,, ang eise. i nis u.ac, ipli.slicd.-. . ia jfotntwototrn irationi,,, of shade i ' according to fratred hoJtrersHdra??te BTATCf XOBTH tl(LIi, DaaM Q Puale, PhhuilT John ft. Auto tf Pnrtk UaraUaai T Joha P. IVrrlaa Oi ua ! V ua are tit.y eouu.i. J4 to ha ittnar mton W Jed we Moe Uin t b kid An tkaeowir at ke a la Vuart Un ia Rt.iyli.oa the ihk iiobdar ttmr Uh xmI kt B'Uf at Aarnat. l70 antl th raitUliil wsuuk aa linliinllil te ta eAte ut Um Llvrk r to auiariiir Ixmrl ,4 mu4 eeaois tim ih lt diky of e-'iiUMiilMiff, . ; t,d tm ttie aaad Julia , Huylma Iu. wulioe UaU l tim tttl te anawar tka eow.Munt wl km ttiaa Ura. tka. jt'iaimigeitt tek JuUcvMDt acuwit turn Eur tae eiiia w iwe li4i.ar.-a aow eifcbty attiwra ii lataewa ov two aauilrr auuu Iruaa Uta Ut. oar of KeiiUmtint iu Uia paMit thweut, Harem I i-. r. -.-., iiiwa awkr wt bl aad aaa) tf and Cuart, tka ( a.pt !!. - ..,..,'' . .H kT!!J.rrk . . of th retMrwar twrt uf titi. I AttArnlT1 for riaitiiilt, fowl lia Ifrer. pl-4o." . -XBUlttwl . fikU Jtoa I. .krtimM pt. I ALB4IT AGElCUTMla WO a IS, ALUANV, K V. r j. i ' a e r tltmHHm!htt,tar.Vtt mI trt Ansu, V a - m.) ! -1 r- . , Tin Puwer at eeeeraeiw4 oa tk IW1 ev F vt td wfceel priMtpla, witk mam and ewaamr ebafU, aed walk liw aaian swan aad mw bsavaataKWal Ik aawa tot eaaatmii am la aaa tawi ( ibe au vuunr, tt Unim la aiioa kind of waiHiiiiee, St4 l- ttM mirtxamL wtlvrtnt rbaJwio Hi teenl at aabar ;' t tli w AflOluw : f iw wim4 , w ift nr ni li6wrtTf1vi" wrMK'ba4 trauiii. ftt, lta a aauMt .t la w Itiaa iu hlr4 Kuawle aa t wul tve ear wr Kailvu I jr. 1 b tuaw ' at i it Ilia m Va chain, and fea l)iutBist hi ni ab't the treat iwtiil h-nruua, an w - -uta i tur. eat all etiatiKue el wteoa ami aittaaa , aaouu ereatiil artu4 tuitt aiJ by ' au; panam aanpatM te am Uue eiaa trf aa olunry, tture thaa eight theaaabd or tbe Burwe Pw-te aai km a-ild ami aad 'ui .ti twanty Jvra ai n4 ia all pari nf Ike e i -. wna . aaiwa ftM aa ta tnnhiitt Wnt v., n-vy tlow ail va tat, aad attb aistt iimuu-A! e-x lee raiiau. t'jr i ar hai eawMsd ka ei-w-K.!' iy truU by aujFfbi.a4 au4 ti&va nfiu 1mi f 4tt . aa karthit mat Mind lAtnvv f -i ! at kwa artieu wwrfctl kT ihaMikc. L -t aim ttave1 as t ph-h i . t t. l i .wt eYrwiri6 Iw. J tileuaii pmkK 4itrul .! rh. "? I u aawtrat u( it, a , t I rfcmuip;,u ut Ui mn'U.K. duvuu. u a ml a lata otv. 8 t. ' , - , 7cPAnrf of ffttfUTSu 'thaTtriJwY'.rWBr.'wt.."!!" d-:,-a b two " amraea weSine u aaih, traoi-.-; rini,tatr Uoar. win iiniultifii.uu o( ao.woim tiisw iu W..-H ul to ut ti inww emmr a tlittelun Mt.li.ne to bi awi ela j ui keiMH of lw.t pa , VXlTaaS l,.!uV11 "w. liint Mubiue akue, runndrioa, Uusta. Br). awaatuw, 4a , Ui-j er rqoal ta eav s It thw-iuwiw IW, w tii Tvo-b.wa Tom. euikei k a Wa, - wateik awtjr lHt iMunhaaa aiuch, m fc aaiue ttaie,aa twnaonneau the i.le riw. - tor itritovt Mtwi tliaa etnt tViedwiemre, of I i'nw witn iiw jtwfi tk.fi.rmir. I - ' ' V""" .KM-Jll X VVLVi-4 Ttv MJtllMnmM !ww,wwwu vww.mr ."'" . - r I wiw iai, an uinaaa.il MM kJ 41 tliMivtw4ukura. era tuilt iiun.&i. U -1 .i.a ,.bl litai4 t nutrnwrn a eui. ruotvj h tua luiHneau.i at tuiu J. hum, atuok ara aulgoua ul ttpra l'atut hi ta L'wtad ataW of atwarKa aad l litest Btiiaiu. ' i ilORACB . EMERY'S . t ATWrT IXBEtSS ' S A U W A T T with ovkMBor Timtaata AuiiutratuToa. j!. , Ktoufiwtwa kytkt .. . AUUMr AORKTLTl'RAt, ' WUKKS, ifamiteia Urttf car. VtUm ati libtrty Stnmt, " ' All am ir Il.iMa, 8iaoa'oe W.ter I'.iwer, , Wh r -wtthoat Vtkratmit B.pMira, TheHI "1 !irotir. ar BtuU ShJ . HimareU mJ kniy , woihI ejiiuuuta, with a..!ij iron piai ixineara twatta mm! mmiI ahrita, awl are Otto lt ' lawl aaa Hatek! paiHr a4 uitu, Tliharnl of tba iUu ate m.mut.d ha tiMny- wtnaalraa bmriH; wturk at 1 Ium4 wttk Hal4Mt aaslal. All niuUiu m .A. . Janetl ii'iih r a totwiit nf lam tl..mi.a r.,-iu- " 4HW tur ia awtrty ilwnWa U aprnd that a wrar ritait4 i.w tiraetunai tm. Tim Bi')Muai,r ' etw.ua i Orirta hj a kary lim ka'am. ..t .wVKwYwmiBnnaiM to a to b a.i. iUiJ to all aer ilinwuuiui. h eesumncUta tka (aw tKBittfitoliiatk aiHke a Mm kma, -aiwiara , ad wautulua of in araia. straw suit twar. It aiaa ba Kiw (was al taeik, n vl trx Ipsa, tliaa we i4 many ulber atakauf ikiMbataof , tlw eaia alM and ana, maay ul whlck laat ar anM Al aaanaaird - pitsa Uaa m aaked far - Bfniw aMBliuea,:, , , - . , , 4l . j HORACE I, EMERY'S , 'f, "i - ? l' .Jli ill x . .! TJaivtrtat Cottoa GiaaLug Ktckiaary, . . . j v t tt itoPOTAettpitb at nm " " albant A0Rrcrr.tt"ftAL ' woasrai" J.v AXUAPdY, tV. V ' Amunx lii iuoit.l IWorea of I htM f.iltaa nta ' anidMtaiw, wktt4i Kan, MKtiin4 a tbai their w I eanwd aud wuriit-wnt iwaaian iki. Biarae BManivaiea Ut tuttuwiiui didio. rt.witK litkkB koitPUfftmisit. wtik'B w ulltd BMily BI ilway ut u t.fewilM, ar wufifMlroavr tk aim, trevuil an4 s waa wtiluk Ilia ttuiuia lull rmhia. im. , ak , dtuin lit ui'Ma of tl.uui.i. " iteMetawe .swMi w. : and aans alt ' Paul Uie ( utiiei kMii Ui iu.iv ta aniaua wi. a c tkawakl ail lime .,J audr all ii,. .,,,,, " cireaiiaaiaeiw a aaangix at , taum i .,l it Mw saw sua oi'ii'iimai wt tha ant.il euUiiit-atiaa. laM-tr pmaaiikir at Smkiue. kri,ii-.., .. . ,,j -'! If of ibeewatwa mil, mhw uimm ittw niasutdadkiiaiif uig BMuiaVMi livwibaary ptaalaiwa haada, . ' '-t BiaaaAMTa laM aat Atn.nui.lu.iu.- ObamtrM'i aatk. eroHbuttiutsr, avma , poM iJn i 'Uii(( ihjm auhmrand lamiii. ' (in atia ejlrri tin jua ft, tb tn. C.fc. m4.r and ax n torin ij aiit Uiruiiirliiint lL Bote tHiirikl u.e Bi.ua b.t.i-liu.iut cu- ' waawasrteam ktchtii Uui twavMk Ut,' ' 1 a!. Tba minion, flu, f it.-It orwat t,ndeMa4 aamaialaiwa at Itul w -aroasilloa ivara awl taiaa. sail on .. fnta Urtii '"T- . ' r . ' tM tha atrnnw ftlvmiaft.l a! I1.H- el. i. .. . jCnfnrtiera hJ ftlm any Mi7i Mi .rit wliK- u baueoui oueei ' I to., ..,( , . . flank.- !! i ml Htwitinr rlt.nW amakliia ! Iwlnit j. ut-l. j a a .." ' kt lata tir'".'r Iiui..h..o. '. ck (bat aa nm-e wt nm fr.ua anr bn U tru ' tnuiwa u.e of ib w-4 ilo nt-tuca ; tnna tk . 'ill i..l. uai u,d ,,.,, WWHMtlMl lwnatof ir, anua. - Inm U air ttnw . . , , pilih -Ike . rw, t ih atnuKth, 1mi' " kwt asudear awkua UtMka tbe wm w -ar au. h aa te luw l!i. fawtvat eSli Miiet an t txiaiu i t. and wilt, haai..r.a.uk aa i,r ta iaau taw tm a aea kaimrvd whm1 , B'i.1 m .1 wr ut m a 1 utkar aw Uiea ar kabi In do. Hut TV power KKiatrfd drl, tbea . O a, ia ilia t'Hikm iWu evvruetw. t ManJ - - y , . m aooait e.kir of WlM bauniMtata rtuw iu.ul tit , ud H.p.w -win! auk it, a atiMfc timtr Spa l ike amp ataynt mmvMt aiui a r,wn.taaduis!r Uiar aet-iiua i the aievd ilia nd hhiu i1 iww.r, an wlitetint any rftiil tot ii.n ;'' utai t-r kutwr " . "wi a an aaw oia, with it tut. Mfwr " a ttinm eawbk f wwe to ta m -,UiBKrli wt aia anwt fcouurtliaa aa . aiaij lirni imrt an, . . i wwrvaiw. llkwuiul and t'lMulnnauv -, Mww-aiiy eflsar, Mr kt at-af yiMiiitoitoiat, irtwA- itm-m. -rj, wt .wwrauna, .uvrt' aHHtmat. . it u A6t.taciiM.4ti .iir pnai ura ta tuiia atunuO a ' ia Utwn i ta -. It. a eoua,iHiii.f 1A fa.b.i yr . tf, and aiia ' aa ail -war Sat Ha wMaai.. u4 arlf lal atawea r aaew wtiva ui. ti pari: , a .... n. u tara traaa rin 1 .,, j,hj aw iu a. w w a w m at tc f JJiu,t4 lata-KgMa, letii,tr Cue-.'ra. friea Bw Tana aeui w a l ai i 'imuiU bi JitiiH-t a. t-V C l-l "k. '.uiit.u'rem,i ; r r , 1. -kBimild tubaaeo J I . s Vi-; . .-- 4 t. .? JT"' 17 b Huldea or aay It) aatawtal ..... , i-1, - ... - ,X ' . ' - r i r" , w . .. !

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