...!.. ' r A-1- I hip: a. a M F. X J (- , III IV! mm . ri M' : T. T' , .WXv as ATKT1 tMUat Adtaaeitt aiU tw aasaartarl ta WnJiMMWMrayTiBiir aaaa .nuiwr nrtflr LbA Html rvu.Aii M IWIW Tu do jAti CMTeaiiva iuuhiu urn ctlMa tt tb tlrliwt Bomrotut r1Iapa it mtott W fMtitol right! f ntry mmt,mms. m4 tkU4 (mmvt itrins dittUttb l nW I ofrr color m ptmnu todi(;. vitioot ia lH b0 4.tituiion which a t kh,B,tw Oool4, CuMiitntwo ia in Uncnl leal ani, txcpt i ti lr u tbe tfC awcy ptotaQitoa to the rqoul rigUla e la udiijeJ ciilioa U concenieil, it what tit people went rwtoreil. Tba ConatilDlion iA p'tA by tha CjoreBltrto of IMS, wtiieb lattajjiaant lo eoafitfm it 10 tba Cooaliia- boaf 0 U) i'oltei BUh wottld bamt-j ciww aa4 rtpaoaivo. Our alj eoaaly tTffpTaaSfflfi uiKt aflictrt ali. JI !. Obi- Court yUen With alight altera Hoot our old chimu, altnple Court (Tatani, -Couutj, BuRerlOr aod Supreme Courts, with tbe time-honured diiUncllou between lw ud rquit; must tie r atubnalicd. Our peopla will understand bothiDir ela in tba kii buodred yean, S. Oar Judieiarf.OaT people ieel be ami ut .Mtaraing to the old netbod of electiutc thw Judaea. XhAvr lbt ajatem tnrj Jirlti Carolinian ta proud of the bla taj otfai J udiciaxy. Tba rncw ayetem aad m hiatery abamea eTer trjj North Caro liaiaol Ab.iT all thiuga, W want a pure, koaea learned and aoti parti tao Judieiary. 4. 6ur Tbe beople diir tliat the ihnU be aa few, plalaajM M pl M poaililiutbat tba way taring maa though a tout, aead not arr therein." Mild enough toaroid aft f raellr, bat alrict and rigid eotJBgh to lie' terrat ia eril-dotra. The Uitit' Code iwaitra.aA.d,.an4..,iffc;r prnataall. Oor people are aut likely, un. s iti operation, ever la learn their rlghla their oburtiiaaat aaoVa. , Tlf . aay tlx old wine"!' Hal tfw thtn Oil new. . .iMm. : jpaiofcW ax. in poWic charitiaa, bat tba Mea ia aupnrmrly ikutittf f ntrhlttofieif; "wfieb'' StW oMtot pay her debte, aor pay aba batareat (fjjiero, ili jnaWbtjiVy' appr6prlaUoT nery year to cdacata arery child tba Sit Irom to 81 year of age, rich and lr,Bjrre''o'd' lck,'in tba eomiaoB Kbjttbv aI at thai tTalyerawiaa, at tba pub lie upeuae, and alto to educate erery aiu' tad blind peiaio (icb ot poor, aad provide tuavtry tiiaane peraoocfc and poor, at ua public xpenae.iaatityBBi pro idiDg tor tba needy and Iho a who cannot take care of tbcmwlrea, , until tbey ate able eaaaeaof beib educated in tba ruditnenta tad cawaOai parte el learning, between tbe aprof t iod IT Wlflnartba public ex paaa. But youtha o both aexe andl bub eolori, ought, .o MkiM totader tUad that w boa tbey arrive at 14 or U yaw of age, they ittonid ataiy that inpor tut leatnra in iducaioo, W Inn t , tttbey nav be iadepeatkBt Three ate uaiao1rtha' tmfaUjtiilriHi i.i)r Staged. Other will occur ti) tbe reader. laaartwmmmya tlwaaaBti la wbkb Iba SaillMla. hail taaila. araina at tba lata ,'w pat vu th county oiTyrrelrJ I . . . V ... . .:.- a : a 2k T eaa.-- is taeia, WBteaj w taaw-Ha , sbawabiatir tna Brsttfe,aad -a -..y -ax, w. ynamj. , . i I...... . . -...a - I. iJb 1. tfftiTW mi It the correction. "',', U nwyorlty ; 'Judge tihip carried it by - 1 la .. .u.U.lJ of ta form the eoaat of Dare, At th Cro-xtaa'-gsva-elupp-U aad nUlip, aU? TSkA Lakw gavVBhipp arKto M aujority ; add tbea 13 vote to the tof, 4 have a ft of in tb aoaaty aa , aa tuna. v-.h'i Hi.ie aa a"' t$lTACAS(VT. u u 'Th death ef Mn HedgertoaeI 4?aaa pr ,aprtat(tf IrW tti My, The" Coaaervativea ' should raa atrwigeti.Tuaa fpr' tba puettiua. -it .j . 1 , . 1 . tea wFtmr Cbun'y'aSnitf maV tajti XedneUoB Instead of clllnaAffty 'SSveBiioa. Care" afioolof la takea 1 iSTtBt. 'wium." "tv't can tlect pur aua if thia It Tba,, eoasauitee abould ba failed gber at ta early day for eootultatioa. V...--...Jer1IB. it aaa by tba nana at :1m Boeitoa wl -'iJtKderejOiwT aoktsnb f Ifatd veaMry.la Aoguat 18S, was bded rn W at Aabeville oa last aWuday H;b, ' f 'Wtoa came 'liatt Jitt "tty'Biai wftb t sxagang and was arrrated at BttaavilW, mat lord were 'aataraiair wbeaoa tbey (Hat,' . C.i iS vBH St ' tkiAUf fop ef J-Wici. . pgrbt act, t& mi a waaae fcOaof making 1 Mi Hill nllM wN' ia1,'iiMWlir',r filfit -Trmt-n' -Be, 1 the atrtr-tio ii ... . - - iiUr .iu.ritt' T. I- 1 ' .... warmi in a couai.a A ..ST1"! Vwell and Aiamaace, bat w learaea l.te Mouday evening that Timothy '"f1?! " loth oi krariaotajaf jiba aieu.aJ.fi-iit-j ..( wway re arreu K,rk. w ft(i .r... "'. r-" .jkww m avta aaaatd to Ml Murray ag,iB ,d th baeaali ml. ui wnera me rfffideo of Maya W. w. HoldeoJCjia has .tut tu. If and hU toola, H.rdK,tbe t rv ,ti 4utaittiiiiy,aal yet fcava y utlu. ottJMt amatrd by a nod. " i Kiriil Xetlai rannof armV ICirk,lut Itukka and Knk oaa am at ibair rictirm. Oh, jatflM whither baat thno ed f , Wa tram that Sirk waa at Uraham wUh a MM idj aua ; it waa eoppuaad that ha rough Oaweil ioio irgima. Ta4adgt .aji.1? iUl ti?th a yreparod the way Hr the eaeane of thia Iml matt; nphHc lurtire itt;Trirurtfifi !trtanoTfce'rnff"aTTJC aoca ia makUa hia earavv. l b Lrjriala. tllif trtt f..r j 'Miuiaaiei a.J,aapi,bed Ortna'lio' hki Vt fV it i f Idle uii-n In it en ay fw in the btat. Every budy work, and thia it th true eccret of f he-nooous and prosperity or the place, Albright' worki tbe prra ot the city tod givtt tbrm through Ike Patriot good leading and the lateat atwa. At aigbt tbe banil and the yonng men honored ua with a aerenade, to which we replied in a tpieeb, Hiring them hat-thwty year ago, aa a tcboot , boy, we knew every place upon tbe ttre, U a tbi ir town wt kuew Motahead aud Uilovf, thea io their prime af manbood ami uacralntaa, bonortd by all, aow eaouroed by all. Audi niiit artf not given to every day, ags or generation; Ouillnrd will not aooBlook upoa their like' again. Among tba jgood idi-b of that day, Wreoaerober lather Pai V, Dr. Mebaae, Dr. Wilaoa and Mr. Uret ter. TJnder tbe influeoce and teaching of aucb men th town, county and State, proa pered and. . waa happyYhuae day and tluiaa mea amvj-tFv ''''var. but their mi'irtotj aud their bright dumpies live aa a. rjylt Jcganc v tq l heir juHieidjtu t a. Now laihek place .' Tourgjaua Weiker aod.titbuanj lai' t. ( - t v ' We alao told them howJuihje Dick had nkaMtrtnl tbr old 'Mfcade htw; gvb rulpg to JCik and biav! inta, aad denying Jeartee -and preteetttw"' to '-the -vkrm o'f SI aad tloiUea. s We .lalJtcdeaout Bigot tiajt. KaKlu wad Leauet ; thanked the band for. titeir ,,aeet iBiio,,aii4dor tbe fompliuieot paid ua, boaed and bid then good V ew Bucc if tr GrraIxiro;' ' audv her Iptelli.. m-nt. induetrioaa oenote .i -fn . !! aXAMttrAStrWtKitSr n tut Tbe grape crop in North Carolina the $retn aon, we. jtude ataod, U a-4retty fall ,iaai fAatMJrtallf3y- the several varieties of the table, graje.wil pot likely oroiw at BroltaiiW aa maat wor fbot to1 A- rtrrtSTar-B sucl quantities Wat tlie raarneta Decame eaaily gtfe41 4rsrHthrlore,tba grp is this State baa be lucceselally tjaltivated M1 tbe pnidicetie,4t- i aet bkely to. be ae tworJtabU aa baa tMew generally tauppod.llut ol the atlspiatioo of our V-ilWd'tnAate toe,arrlttclue afgoiil wloat, we tbtertais ao doubt. It baa been letW li&ieatrySiaetml Vt" ' H gtet o ealabliab, b (act, and yet lf are TUeWer oj foreigB wine, are very bard aXvtaottbaf'f irrfW'wiaa Aa Dibet 1 arletttavJrYe obavrveibat the Maw aailAai abtl other Korthera joursali are W.vdOI ( th. pM1T,- of the .-7teopiKtaoeBtprvdawB;ood wioe-thst tvcuoai tauag t prdai f oo r'T . . ... . . a. . Ai yet th baainn of tae-maKiBg ia in ila Talaacy, aadpoi; paopl ha.te liepa stow bi a ldpj awBttib) la ri nrilla4ura, beeaasa tbey have succeeded passably with tba old oawJ CWa&aWaatBaaaal,' however, maanlactarera of I t ' I , vi.. lt, tha SeeoMtaoJlm i f he'quaaiity ' whicS baa Beretornfe been mad irf tht' Rtate toa fb gi uerarteccas.ty for srllint- oot prodawt anon as tba; mATKOf aaOlCi O- tFU wuiacu vug., WC' fftm parketable: have prewteI our , oeople deteraaiae tully what eaa ; ba mad ot tb aTamrttaf ail thil i aaaallty of wine, made from the Bcuppvf Log t grape, wHUwt tHrrtaoat Ilqoora, which bad beaav kept fntil it was ttyiSiaeB I .1 aarwwl 1 M.I aaaat tak tgatl, v Kflft fkaawX Awtf jtbem eoeld tetf-wutX kiarl or wiaajt te, bat aaery o bhuvl abet il waa t,oal to tH txw)tklf(''y. wtaJrpid ib1a..4.i,it,,waa tbapttra jaic dVba rwpaamiwag faphew taj atuialltmJitf. .ud that a proper trial, h a rieaaa aad tk ill, that aw J area WP n. - : ? " i-r--fry;ifirir'ltiilti ij IV' TTTrT7"---"r,r ?w tba MaaUuL tJfirMDSTA TBS SMAdTOJCT M In the Sktii, ol the lath iaataaT baa Kniniraiuiaetr'H.'iiia l ril i.Ii.i liwtie W i- Cr r -i ' r'"i"Tm While I am not at all txefeieed oa tfaja r;"rJe aneattoa al " t!w OOP IBM Tott will a b pace ia Tour iner lor ik. . " "PI o -vatawna,- la which mIt ft r- w uie rfiaiaaa al ay particolar iadiTidnaL Imt i .1 a.l- aa tar aa may be. the Drineiola tku .wia govera our Letfialatora ia tfa wwaa NfamHal aiiBihuJidii ?'-JjTr r?." Wt tba ... , , . .,,, proceeu ta cooa.dii to 4Qtioa at iaiaeT ' ','. .r?.' Tfle otiatKi aa f hnj..rf 1.1. a..i -MW'MMt wntaiMa- tea a.:. 1' lteA4 by.iii.XtKialaua t . cJT K-tea iroot laat aaiDtier-wboaa tliaa- r.Urii beeetnra awatowd by Oagraaa ; or raia taai laniuf ta tava aam ana antral j,- ; w V; I auonii that ad rcsar j aboul Ibatadl to tba particular ftaiat of eitbef of tbaat bree claawa, bat that a Btan aboald be hcteil, wiiB'.at ret reoo tt aitbar. who can kttt rrprotiU Aorlk Orafuta, aot lor be glory ot the thins, aa mitaUd jl. - uaMMDm,' aai wota te aote wtaa to arm Tlie beat UieTrtt of (ha Stair. rtoai thi aoauniotion It doea taarilly follow I bat the Leuulature roaat auject a mn who ia diaabbuiuder the ft'a war -ta jrw-a nujjlit to be, b wouRt oot Lata' tailed to jlu : or for Tte.cfM taf Iti' (. WlW lectued with many araina ol allowaaoa. He makea- i oeduotioa from falae pre mists, aa mutt appear frata the mere state ment of tu queaiHM. I bava aevar eaid if ia tba imperative duty of tba Legialatur 10 elect a ataa vaoaa dlaaoilttie bare aot been r catoped,, I iupli tayu I bava aaid bjore, that there should be ao eUmdittiM tioiu, every thing ela being equal, and oatawoa" aoe lojaatice to aae, aot to aay to hi owa good senae, Wbaa be bum ana, mai 1 nat a. aatn mora. -in coatraeewtitfa of aay yoattiaaj "Oataw- ua argua tuai 11 wouia ut tuicldtl to elect a maa whnae) diaabilftiaa bava aot beta ' anatovd. - -To-araaa pottey -t vratild ask, iaal aiuoerity, o14 it haaaicidal t It to tbe "Hadical" policy, tbea j aay, let our Legislature commit auicida. But U he meant to aay, aa I proeame he dnea, that It would be auicidal to t he Coecervati re policy to elect a man who ia aow iaaaad, tbea I wuuld ask, waerebrt t Woul 1 U b aul cidal for tu Lrgialsaur of North Carolina to tend our vary beat man-the maa of out choice to tlie United Btetat Senate, aad atttUaa atk, Caagaaiai 4aaatavwa44Uaa- blliiiea, even tbouga he abould fail to get them removed t I believe all thia might .iMttvaaa jet 'tMejrjieHwiaifauY nor would xtorlu VJannii v wit, even hurt. I cannot realise that it would be suicidal, or in the leaat injurious,, to claim one of the Batnrat frulti of our let titf bry. ' "Catawba"! yo4Ff ertalaly "Wrabot'rba mark tbWate.-yoa-ara BDneetajiHftlv ftiri-ef. ' tt.er fertil Ira aginatltripreHirea'a Bieaetala" Whet theft la only a mole-bill. I leu yea maa an ibh dreadful atiprehenaios, that North Carolina isffoinor tu ouuiniit miciat ia BBvreaeia ai.iD, calculated to alarm only the timid) aad I imagine tome Doay aa pat tote laea into your bead simply tof uaemeotj , . , BufVaJ-aaba, lalirlrgnndef thli aarai "tasasaW)" Mea, aay "tnw -mieority aaaew data wiU be declared aiectad," aboald tb Cooservativea elect. a man whose rJtaaWlt ties have not been removed, and br cite the bM iti ana eaa a tnthwrtty t atrpport biajaaiuioB. WraaoeT woadeftBiiystreeJe luibwdl! .Now ibi idea iaaiujpli ridica lou "Doe not "CtaBba" know that In the Jjoataianaeaae, there' bid ouly rea a electro by th popular"woti,"hd aot at provided bf tb aatitioa fof ie ait-, lion of a Uqjted Htateagaaatott TaMfaaa he rclers to therefore, at authority is limply BOBtttbbrftyatalC The fact it ihla, it tb Lrwaaratar ot Mwrtlt OaraMaa sbeald Meet . maw wba aaa aot obUiabi teat tbJt thta smminit to aatbiawvbBt saotber ahrc ; Jtioh can take p'acaji tery soon. Tbe coa tlhfiTtwwrjruatf WiirBBt tt aautattTy WH)BlhaUaawb6 bm ia t aaeb aa, aad it "jniti'', eaodidaia fen ta ba "da- dared elected. U woatl be ia flagrant Vio-i latioa of etpreaa aoaatitutionsl proviaioot. aad-oartaiuiy tbara rntoo much wiadom aad eommoa eeoee anaoag tba Kepablicaaa ot Coogreaa, who rwprattat th "Kattoaal Rcpubiicaa aartv" to commit a miatak at oet ta fatal aabe" Internet eft ha party. Aiuaa. ig at jlna abawat eaamaawid tat eUaiad what it avadaraba baa, aottuag teriontxpuld. a,Men4 Jt-wa allowing, which Jdo tot allow, that Congress wOl Msot remova his diaabiliijta, - -' ".i; . V. '- 1 n... rmtli JUl I TBKO II. llinw IVIIUIIRS Will IVUItfT Ma drtabttutor; sfflt' jr-1aBt6dfityTWriS,Vf ODinton 1 reiar ctrMitally to "Vuiaea ot Xttawba s""UtvbwarBrd rroem eawrwaaeaata. iaat from which I draw the concluatoa, tttat 4tblbPbliwaaag-- aabtaraa Btrpwrty rfift, twltwer ae a ataMer arpnavt pie, aor mattef folicy4 by ffiatlag u, reinovi the dlaabliifte of inch ken tie- aiao at th trnialatara may eleet, allowing thai bt is now biaaed. It it fair to tap. noaatbat Kenablicaai tlwara aot, either from pfiocip!er policy, and hi wa.caa pre; aentaeaee where tbe ends' of tuiLktr can be tobatrved. abaa wa make tt t matter of 1 if - 1 IiiiImi.ii ., Maatav'. " Buti't ataVatiapreuaeiH jaTof ffowB Dj' my "Cat tneodl ffamya tltUtial fy, m. bit cil;icbm oa ray artieJa, thai there eoald rrpretent North Carolina aa ably, Wmm t&SJ.WS. anuet. lie lariuer aaya uiiereuviauj wi, ihi aartljaithafat Bmi. btommi, ba long to tha awry same party, and bold pre eiarly tb very tarn viewt toocUag all p" liiW QUtstloa. bald by tboat who are Bow vteaweed tWaaM. . WvUJ a-allow that tW view b) the ease It a correct oa, and that tjtmrreat will aot f .ft b eapiaend U in all its tore, at a glaaoa. Tbea tt follows a a matter ol eour.-e, that tba BepnbUcant au Loan traa oaa bava tv pata bla girvtcxt Jet, lUuaiag tuaduat I bio seat tba aaaa of our choice, tuougn tost maa mty aow v ander the ba7 They wiH.not tail to feaU ite tufty, that, In any poawbie eoaiiDgency mrm umv . " 0 o i tihMtataaayiilia"i a. 8ATnniriY::ftT prrumLWo - KotfK CaroaWt moat abty,' fe.inohly aad affaetaallr ! tle Baaatnt and ta tuaa faim hi wai be- at ef the frjlB pi4n tha f u ; N"if ba ia am tent tVat Vxt t t u 0"Pd by aj OsaamtiTe, ami , a'aa, afipeailug that tout f Hiw'in'oatKiar oaa of pelitit diaaliility eu!J aub a prtttcel ait-oae, fca! could only iato larorath4trT)0blicn rrtt v, a 'wa! party. TbarVvaarfTat iv ttiu" pit a tbe lata alacboa i',i-th Carolina, ft cf PHteat atataa K8 fUata oa ta C ,o areradra aid, bat Wwaa to trereot thia aranauoi, ttjat Ua lUdirala diaai.V.I an aaaa af aw baat mti Kit efnm th.- k (laWary aWjad their t,t, it Wwwa aaecaaanry fH rlaaa "TitatiBctww iti now b dan Mt.' ' n,i'thtt Worth; CroltM Will aa . .' I fnw to mike aboieaol aer awa ravr r-tattm aa ler a aid epirtaa t.,,t i H tbaredwa. aratHrh.- I. mrrW 5n h'a ". arktrk I an il...f' t tii.t 'i5S tMtaW Aataapna at' aa aa vaiiee) Bl baaaiai y a (.wimtm. , tbea I taxi ahweUotly aatitted ta the' pioioa that, U ta Leffialatara aboold aa let Sena ar wba ia taw aaant, t"on(itta will aot beaitaia aa treraoaw ki dlaaWtity ' Ia oieaieg thia eUw at tbaaak I aaaat a, I fad neatly tbtHad ta any Mewl, "Ca tawba lor tba tpiradid argaraeat b baa rteea BM ia fa Mr af am wlaw al f ha aaraJ "Ji" atoe ; aa aitaoaf a aa atay aay r . . . . . . "7 ' - r-taHsrr wJmwVaytirMV-e same obJlfforT.-" 7 ', .Tt. teaiia-i baTTTR. r DoTrtw aaiota atade l y any Katawba" frtaad mm ncuw a ttia reader uaat deter- baa aot bawa mLDornoaa to treat hi mBtraiaaiwa at -tea ram 11 at anan awr ma deltttoa," tl aut aroppiag "wf tba Miawamd wraia at Siaiudd aaa) 'at pouttoal atooaioaaism but rather a tba reaa at a startled eballiUotl, ar partial 0a wrort of kind teeliag, teaacloaely adbareTt ta as pnoctpte, bat stilt ew'y f-imf, kavitif for iu object aoraa fawiu wke axpeoU, U taMckaaceaot alt f awaarorial boaorcar ha regarded eqaal, tba M aaaat nr aallilalhlal nnnAltalMa aaeitl at a -- km aVai at lw"ul l'l)VBlsja Will IV avVSawV' M 1 all at aWedelaaai aaattt may be that the eptcisl strata at Catawba."' Tba ear aaarka rf aba produottont, pretty clearly iadtcatt waa aainut. isa aruai "Uatawoa," tb -aawiil aa,'U yo doat ajt.' ..-- i v;j-- wttaaetlotiy, -- - n tITlBil'OF XVMIKti ! " -. ' 1 w arn. : 1 '' j C4MWSA AMD titoJJilA tirfi i "J A mar aaaxttaa aiaea are aalUd-aW attea tioat'oafw(itaaaa aniaaataj bfnpO amti'atJ awaMaavaaeadiaaf tawartiaaa af tab aatoaa of Vhnllatw 'MKt Honb Oar; ttaa ta"raaafivtrtaantia ta eawvaaa for 41 a beaentwf pleaaote aaekara aad tovert I of ibe araad aad pictoreMioe. The ajrtJebi I baa wltciin sees. a setba ,wtrw.af oa tbaf eabiaeVtrr, wiuca, axiweaung M, aawel fatereaa,i aptJta : ta- -taa wamajaewf Aaajaat itjOoa ti taaw. daaad taaaWidaw. awry stasasetaaatta, tpeaata- tat taiany of Waster Nortla XWui), aay t l.ba baett there ht year , itaatrt j aaj oa ft. at nai kaowleiijre tbatawaittiet tba Ut skill. Green, aor WtaU louatata eaa begin to euuura with tbuae C . Western North Carolina. Where tuafilaa Hidir. Cumber land aud Allegbaoie ajult to lurra tVct Swj aarlaad ln imaricamany oropeaa geotjemea, aav. cawmraa ta flavor ot lata. ana , yoa . wiimaa ; Jbagia,aeoioa- aaa French Jauiliat .amoaar these . iataaartai Pitta,, Mwal.it ....l .,x, :-i ' ,''t -r.1- . Tba aroaad latter wfratatXailat ooanty. In .Mil Bute, awd aivea a rrenbia deacriutioa foibaiiieej teasa jBald AUt), taabra W,iema agaoerai, tMOacajpa, tivauing W "paof waawagiana.7 1; j ..ii vmmnttiig aritbeaa, tba 4rJri aajat W alHl o,n tea buteta and aaoaa tarn bouaapciouina an oa eliiilble oolnU Uuiid th graod bill aad tb trm that aaw antta awtmateat w towards U Vat ski -aaa) Adtfoadacka, la part at least, Zivcneq ia wa, region,". m tv lurtoer JHocet that it baa sent a aueoial artiat oa 1 a roar uirunuo tn Buntn w Doat tlluatra lion win too appear 10 it Pga. tie of tbt fWraaaanrreapoodejiu are soft overdraws and Bop tb day it mat far dit (aot when the sceuet tbey describe abatl b fawtter known aad tppreciated. ,14 ' the days of travel and t'cht aeeiug tbe niout tain rir1ontol Virginia and North Csr,.lioa, abonodingin grand, tod beattllul awtnrryj meet baa uuar t'luactiv ,Ut 'futurat tn jouriali and tiaitnrt of cultivateii tastes bt proportion at tha faclliliee lor reaching meat are jmproTei,-ieiejitaj prany ba ItMo.--blaf yar tbwaevi igatoia abang to wbita Uacbaa aoaat af tsaater wirgiata ware autpnaea - evp tem5s:l esihi smuky dty tuci. twedat tb eartbqoaki I'JaaVOtt kBPpmdawlsiwarEft.aa a laxiaa tooting aiiaa on Ui eewaty ot Nnpuv'bara ulaaa tlieuia i Htt Utfc0!i : n am ter guard of datiMvrou mil. That tba taiand wa altraen Hp by eoaas great aov'ioo of natara. and aot iurmvU by tidal dapeuU of aaad, would appear ram tba fact, that tbe . loag atrateh of pti oa tbt seaward tide of tba tataad aef aaxbo-wa mad aWpoait, aad that b wear r ittmadiauly beyond reach tb" depth" of levy latnowa. ... ,-, .... . . .( -i 1 ba bng, tow, rawai kabla aalaad, ahot ap teraal diMaroaac la tstur' ecttaomy. aaa fowd to, bava. avtn , reaakaliU ,at eowpaairaeau Tit Buey tnb nought at aiara U eatauaoaeboala ; tb bird af tb dropped tbttr Ka oa Ua white tend wit. , ertwe the' wnttbeat watrteA at Syonvw MMstar vaij aa m tiwa naowa at Oofcbra !aoJr but rath procett of trnia tbr'tri't; bybtlv -f t jr;ihmpff; tbt kgead gBa) "tatiwaaoii froat l'-1 n irnmlaaif au aurt aitetatii oa it glbmaatag aaad, and lien at tbt taint of Cobb' Island tipaudedAad v wi tors iaereated, tbey at lew dedtbei txirminDdatMltiSji . Untg jtojrAl tb re tea a) become a tttbwaabi , pjaeawv raaaaagaa fttd, jV .' t-; ... . :. y: f u:m-. . "onB.ahat'ee UtuadiBariaa t" fA latyfc lady, wht r "A latiiadinartaa. "A laly. tarderdettBrtoallr. Buow, at (maa what tacartaie d aircumierocity ob d bemuatr War, eadbring 4 axlttaa arioppe aua u dtbab ob da aai wane," - ' I mi. DeTtbata --wl BM . i lit i V"JPa . !' . " Vr-" ".TfiTV'i urm it us ,rste IAS? fiiH lot 14 aeauoM. i J i ... ' mm- niniii rxia aa aa aayswing IiaataOTamjtjUJUst Jbrfwaaa . Bar- aa.t tta..laat1la tawaraW - r - w T larit Itlv, tu'k ... msimmk . i, I cra vi.k v. faiHy iavna Maarkl taatetda) a tMLMtf. aa Uuaaaht Ltat 1 t MkAebauld. ;aiy,. thamaiilaaa At, BMuikia ot taaar Jaaurure autkaaa draavina ik . t..... ...1 lU. -M I. mtr aboald ImJeft to.ia-alaatdiwlir aaiitsi oi tai La.iaUuira. . But, autk a.1 due re avcj t-aAuatoai tart) pnwaJiaa. aaitv vt Waa, tak,a waa afoaykedt ;aua Jattew taaaliaJlai. Al . .efasa&rakm. aat iltak ffaaTL ftatt niTaalal JM wadart le to hl bee lemoved. had ta ttnaaaal taa aatioa of lb Leuial bra hf attb Wbiaa Uia. rkwai pi tbai theastiarooa BiL.be iiutUird X !uivvly ta aach., Thia ta anfnlr aad no 4t.tiiJ naturally iia.ct Uif litiinatiou of 4m JtImkI f th we fi ," ti v .. . .1. .' v.... 2 ... I':...:. .4 ...... a,ova( of their il iiuuuia, 4 b kaoan, Mr. Itd.uf,.that tba Bt aeaioa, bold a4 bard-working atea in tba Ooar ervauvraak aad who have awatnbtued mutt totb iucceyf ibrty,ar tba mea whet. Jut that very ,raov, bava film ta , CuwraaaiowiJaow, ."Jhtir labor made I bam 4aoxraaaa,apd fat, pur f iotor U dat ta a4cb a Turnar. Vaoca aad Otbera. Aad aow that wa ere. aa wa treat, oa tba r .... -v . . .. ' I r'mf T vowa;rara, ana man ucety I b'(l ia aaa braecb vf tbr CoBgrw ft .M-aTl tur ialittd that jour elaitua ' ate Boa to Iw Mr. ' . Vs-'Batrtirt " Vl-Mrsiaii. .... ..TT. .-...,. aamvaou eaavi': mw' wnum tu enemy 11 better t&aa yon ; tad who were iaboring to teoar tb re moval af tbeir ditaUHUet whilst yo were laboring to aecart th removal 'ol tyranny, jnaValt aad mj rrwat tba aeckt of the peo. pb I" Jttetma that therein, audi a lLlut at ttrving oe'a. eouetrv too faithfully to tenure i boport aad rewards) ,7 - . . n 1 hit doubt let i tbe. prrfer prtticy to Ciadlitt a Uadioal Coqgre; It, certainly U tot thi policy to atainiaia tba integrity ad efficiency of a party.. It ot quite tare if It bretttrt, that ther art Biel Who Wftl teti Uia marill bi Cjuiet and proybienop i tbt battlet' which are la ema. Xet at know, kir. I lllor, 7 tf (bat policy p to pr. vatl it Raleigh this plntcr, , . , : 7 -1-' Now aU that tbp frirniiaof Orahara.Urajrg' Turner and ptlmrs (a like" aitnatioa, atk ia, Utat this matter of diaabllltiea shall aot b tetttod against tbeta in ..adtaooa . It u tit evident lea de) cy of many ul ytmr onumit picatioB. bat tb their cltiia thouJJ bar Motidetwii ri oa 1 tbeir , ..mertta, . and tbey abould bava chance to try ir teat la, Cong raa at .Wat given ta Mr.' Hbober, Mr. Bogert tad atbera. , Ia abort just leav thai puittar to tbe wiaJom of tb Legiala' Ure when it met' a, without trying to pre Jttrtet lit acvtoa to tba txeluaioa af a largt aad Worth elaat at CanaimiatiM. v 1 nt auppotittoa tnat Uongraw WU teal mm aaautt.l.t. At l.a ... K... .... u iu iwuugiutiiiy 01 tun pouaiur ivv a founded. In ignorance of Ooagreaaioaal , an, tion, JJaleaa I am mack miateken Contresa paa aever yet seated a minority eaadidale except wbc the alectioa wa cooteated. for uiegniity. , Jtuw tuco, a ceateet eaa grow ot of oar Senatorial election j ant unable, tp conjoctures but OM. oouId be a easily trumped ap again, a. non-diaability maa,' ta pay eiher. Sao in fact, waa tbt oeaa, tbt Louisiana eon test rtlerred to by owe of Jfoor aorreapoadeota, ; 7 . 1 , . If thia foi-beaiiag tpirli prevalla there jrlil b praoe pad barmoay in th Conserv adve rn.k no matter who bt madt rieaator, Buttf It ik expeotad io drive all of tb gettiemea who are aadef . disabilities eaa tlr-ily out 01 tba geld by pressing tbll mat- tut paid Ly pressing tbt rtiat nmX Pf ,tb rtault Biaybe" tbp tuntimeott ot many 1b Hi fa aa, we ery qnprofiitbla. iuea are tup tnattmeptt or maty rettion wba pare leap fur Iht poncilliaiion of Radicalism thtn. tbp building tin pod. br aaav-J us,'" VW5Srfl Atlrt Xa frwaidwat Aadvaiw Jebpaeaf aaawpt aaaitatia oa oatardaf wrgbt to a large aadaw aMawttoy nvitead pta pubiiweawaar Ikwpnmm lacsmaatt at the wai. Jptaad aMPnaeiateoeTaaU laimed tttat he T bed vatad. wuilormly fcw tb g.iwdad ibT waaxi eeweary ti raarrat to a tjesaKii pateaa warn an rtaal yeerajaaot was, suwaaiaanVaaaUaanbajwd tiisi ttun luat - anbterted aiaea tbw arar,' iii aaid ba bauf always weaa tVaHert4 ha aa jiilaatnl Yam PptaldBat aa a atraaursvad k bad aot and m Id ana tenia treat) tbp traa faitb 1 -tUrna lamaad tha raaii Mat oavmtbta ut Ignrwaaaavi tie tba read e rsniutioaadopid by la State eovaataaa brvonag a reautat ina at the aouihere t alee tav then rtjtbt 1 bp anwaraign Bormnof tn Aeitnita aexea, eawl aaid t -mp iaamil ia and revotutioa in dtagttrat and axavwiUboii tb ! alm laapaal Bf ' tba irtia ef tb paat u val, u slew ii tanaiiimiadini). 4 doat aUtaaa wit aeeuooal ehew. jbii,-v .k .. . . .... ... .. . - . - , rwnrrtreiinioa pi h jvprtwr, lurmovmot umi. greaa ana tjue Irgiatatwaa tree fmrn aapp'tinMl i tsueaaioev tie HHaraaaad tb PVat Horn VoaitiM lor aot daaalatmiaat ttesmim and atiggaated tb . 'taiUieg ef a peimary atri tiug te rxliaUH a luae M ia ctate of Taaatasus eaatbai taittu. . lie ! with aa appeal f ar ptadsatie and daeratjua to kaatt aai rgcoostraatiiia and aadHan aitiava- ia JtumHmrmiA, ' 4m,M .S.tttatI i.,b - mvm urn 1 in aiSaan naawi ' Bhij--H I,a7 1, tawyeat Hi .! tM pi newrda a bate) t fiat Jtrcbaaaef baeoo'. rue beet IK pro paper art tbtrktwr urgiBg tbeir reader otwtaeaaoreeora mad gv tf ' fbeyJ aa ate .so at' tn wnp. aa a fftrag .'tea a awad-of a baaad bog eroBi-v Ur ,fcs:Ta4ati' 1 Aa.'iraaaakaaai ef at a aaaieaaewih gag. tab tPadaaarwti able wbea the earn reaebew l.Vd'J.ooa at a model Ajawrfaaa Imiliwiaam a .ttaawat' ilia. at ieaarvw aiiaa vroiaer n ia eaaeklng tor aw raa, aaaa nea.aa ap War klaieft--a-kr, bia rwlaT fro bl PtpfV;!.-- tvalWiVi ihaf nfaLai adfipg atrbbtaHUtatl; artt weaker every day, vaad thai I am graaltv. tliy aaiproavhiog aty red, ealr a lew aaarp aatcfaea.aad awl will b . over. Ja iieavaa Uire la frat iut tb to. -.aarth baa aaaat. row that Uartu a camaot btwU". lievia aaM i bp p ittd, p aplatli breatbad bt iaat, IjiV-I tl ! i''tiiW U ,riJ(A).;M .flrf-la .TOt . a j rf aa miK4t 4 a 1 ' i" J I w le M J. r iii ... ... . : . ; 1 .1, WOJDMli wn9fw t J..-. 1 . T V . T , JTV 1 ini vara, ma psiue ir lUM K I Ul I juva- ! 1t.L;.'i..i'jf;i ' iJ'r4otJl!! 1 lt fu i ... a iwi .tl n J .:TaT JbaWj tba. im i.i .itnm 1 vs' i:efc ' I "tan, BB1 to txpiure It mr vea but tltort sJtataaea tkaaougb to tWitls" bae that it it Vgttmd, axaaay aaal peealUa '4 wuttt at aqaui una tttm taoti wta rt - ' -' ' - ''t " aaiaaaaa avehaaV J AtwaaaaV and a. xatMa...ait;Jt Aavaift a ni votn 0 mw ot dirt, it ta very . pou.c place lor bills, pie 11 on and ruiinu el J11 y ij.-. .-... t.,. liiL,, , ,-u. ti-.'. Ant' ( ; i - r tu M.ii .jiI tug cmvi a lre a'lWtia Ol water aa clear a,irytJt At ue Diuio tue atreait rutii aloug ,eae aid; but furtbc la the cava la contracted to Hat aaaat irvdth of tbeiireatai-- TMa aa art asm two or three mlUafawaa tba aaouto, aad tbaaea oewaast the taariat ba ta g tn awBiab if gojaat albraw oar to go lurihe, d tba, meat daring ba aoly b4ea i miha. Ko man baa aver Uu tb eadr v.-.-. .. - . . 1 n",'" " ' '(J number ,of ta 7 anvarmganrtorrnireilToti connewedwrttjL ff.i saueave. eau 'tnoa, nl Ocatt moo ' bw Aava) batjt foasdja it ghjotry fe- piaaia. , variBK tha war. aact alter tba fitH TW'S W"iKv ahrrwanta tha iisCJ-l JT-iw aai . -i' -tt-..-w- ;ja;,m,i,ui!..Hi.. htrsraji w aa --li-ia fc: fLVW-f V Jte.i' :a t trim ttaytxplorftlg tie iiaVfl, an J wiieb aome two rnUea tram tbcmoatlr tbey etubibted"rvr tbaiKMaea oi Uattwj awe: .JW taata Jlebel iieutenan) pad twa, priataa,..,.Tbty er6 locked la each other t arint, aud it la iup -....1 t.11... ."i.t.. r. . . . Ptil ttWBBaaWrl.. aaad tbea) he4tVMBtaiJia: U I miatak aot, tboaa wlewd iHtat aa longed to the 7ad Indiajta mouniodlofab ry. 77 . v. ;. .. ",; r ...ji. About 1 year after till wait or trveh toba ditra inuipped tiicmiolre lu'explore tltnl eaa.ntaey weoeiaaKie taortirtg ana nav JktXflt been beard pi piaae. iltiMt .abelrtab HKi I tow acoounted J;r ppop p bypnthi. lit bfbeir iliau they Wer lost, A tlw time P'Wgiwwut aetrxrh waa wiadc.int ' bd tneep , aaa) it waa tp)Htil ntf bid l aomp biiwildered in Ibaananp aalerntk ot tbacanra, and aeyer Arrep blplo find their way out. Biil bow it ia believed titer remained ia tbe cava bntll eight, and fhml ifMra-waa au wpaavteaa,' McrtP Pearai Would BioLoal iaaur :taaartupeeaathir oHlcert would, beliav. Alum t ialuat in the feavr, tad. af eohrsa, I.H.k now beta elw lot tbewti'" Ar an ' evenu the mystery' ba Mwbe4eredBp, sad aaopl tiyi&g Soou4 ana aav aver tnatiaalaat kUeaoUUsrs ad reconret to tbt atratagrn to daaMt, (Jury L I1..T 1. .. . .. 1 le aAa)eJi. ant ' '' - " T .. eaeissaaia aa ta J if4 t hh ww vwiiva iusv ue iuuuu vucar uwiiBB iusv ue iuuuu nt B CarUlW rbytrtob rme PauJ Cerelav . - - - , , ttetawaiat Bveacaef lay Tf; "admtlse-f , bameeoe wstw wettetagaartawa aiuaa!y furoUbad. . Wbaivtb popi atasmbaorti I draperado Ja;tba crowd aried ewt.jMfV PaalDentdnf our ri.n.li.Tf 1 V. . pria not vwrrt gootf barrcue"lHil iaalaarjiqeore aVbatae th bt up" I Tliareri aaatavad ilkeiiajtaitjona.lh, tonea pt thunder, and xiiJ9lina,kir tiuarar at tb meichleet doub apring gushing up in twp coloon. with I tiiund likt a iTiouaoI Joy, TOmt ioai ef th etB.Trhwei be repeated, with a look aa terrible a Hplit. ning, wuuajiia-aoemf aeiay twiaoat hia lat. riiKW ilia tl,.u .l,ll. tlialCternal, br. I r his children! Not in Pb'raraeribrtitt, tiwer nr. it Med With peiaawans gatwt and kaiu 1-aiMteBaabid im Hw!tt "I .u.a. .- . i. u . . - . .11 ' V f T''",ti WMflU.iiiiiiBBpa, doeaaur YMiet to ilet vu, pp jm the 41 rw-1 cbratetMuetif Hlewp-ire'taa.. r "Vjijm tbe giaoe ann grea y wurre imr red deef itaaaawamwiwiwet -ptay iBre I .d, brew Ht aa)it.iHiwm dbaa ahwpeat tallea abataaua tutiu miai. aauuiuts''. M.hft tb rtlll ing ; and lilb uiti ib.wuuititiV 4vaptvWberihc girri'4 ptrrfe'lii gold if np fBiwaairaPhapiaww PlottUf 'imind ia 1 w aasnmT twOTo en') aaatiaait, taaatMoe ai f" Aeditaamwaeae ittt Jwaar tblne'awaalty,':' g aaiiK.,ia KAhyrlag etnttftb aummer rtlu.a iulua lewib b:a awBia .llH tbey eteitiHutueil lu liiogi.i:l -f aprewi. van n psaaraiww rne eiitiii ann, or a. hfe gKpe,aritid Pbef mtatmgbt' rawon ; eportUHt 1IHmpmmi9'm gio!er, uantiug, m jlte hH tUiiwer,JpldiHg its bright cuftlL,eb!rTy tmund tlie wintrv 4tairtrt' .d K-rk BaagyaAi.red iAn Mi wrBtida.CHipid-air,,.whe. arp.ift. Jabjauaw)rr" orur with celestial puwtr. tlie BljetlC liand pf, rolrac-tlcuj-lkal .Uuaod ii' w4f t poiw bnnfbw tte Urtnk. Ks foam brinva an madtrvat awl marderj'oo Abind ttaia it liquid glaaaf i.ale widow mad ratatwitig r.Uiiar. a wep no burning tsr loludeptbu! Speak 001 toy lrienl, would you rxubanga it m tk d mod', dfii.k. alcohol t - j . A tw at bt tu tewr af a ninipeit wit. faaieavlfc.!? t i-d- pi HI' , 1 aa i i 3M C iinin ti Kbxi. AlrWi th I aat arnaewvkat rtw af wtrr tjcrrlnr tf ra aa, accoraing tetvaaiatoa, ltate1 at the jnaetrod ol the lapbratot andTignp, at at A'ah villajrp called K odi. Bcatterett a'etig tt14t.kBf pl.ut tee-ct hundrvel "h" 7?. .vJ . WlaTi-B.1 wt-tle ul tur p.iiiik Wfera m rtuawat,a tassity toispn-buttrriw atMiafrt,tptffiaa5' I. .nt it is l)tj rue tAurciwen) aopiewbat ta tba UaMe l JK lew, aad U tanmvM Certaia halo watt WuMib or iia;iaetioa kad Wrv'uiultT lM.t moiiaca pro griiaa baa penetrate I tboae eotin tries of tha a at WUkU baJT ;oog tieea IB d.-ray. Bad MJ-'f tuuHt&i"ttrmmSm' Kt .1. 1 1 1 'i.. ....... t leaawep. ws iwi,j.ii?r-i rntr-gyiiit-it fa Iowa a merchant Beat a duiuilittr b. er te a matt, a, ho replied by tetaiip 4 matt t To pay jog prtJi.ildlng niy 'not je. Ttat a 'hlf.jiglit-rierbelly .right, . Juat kep bmilitig .u.io It, oJ it you II ml yunr bsrrhf abppiag,1 tpit ie thitn and try It PgptPtv I em, aaVattewatry."" (- -js 1 tn . cwrapiK'a vi in vnz'BK isuer 4 r..l& r:LL-r..'iiC '. , fb I elonatf paueV' give' the IuDowIbk deacriu- 't f frt?l,' 'KvAWvJMrhti 11c aim ru big aurisr.il cboriia, it-ap- iwasimi ugii iih re De tifewa tl, awwtraaw Pf 411a. PAntttaAitW 11' eUv t ar, -i "T-TTT T T A .L, -if ' ' '' I 1 m 11 i jriuea ta Boina Argaa 1 : ' CQtTOX hMCD MAhL&t. n ta tmaa-a, aa ga. aa.71.- i. DaaW Aa.ftt. rA a great deal h. beet th season' fur preparing U iU too ba kaad, f propose to give yea tba plaa by - . wbtee) 'anpartaew baa taught me, I eaa .auk tmioa tba qaaatity at man a re every lua i( wUkb bt aqaal ia atrengtb ta twa tout of co toa teed rotted la the usual way. , 'It la tba aaaaleuitoat of planter to three -thaHtoMl aw ol th git' koua wiaJow, wker tbey aamaia ia a targe pile aatil a sad ft manor th Kit tpting. .By that titaa ysa will tnd every seed aa bard at fliat, ' eu tattling shrivelled kernel, bard aad itfi w it hoot ta v amelb Tba cnaaa 1 1 r HBaaa,brtat pU ot aeed, aatH yoa -gut dowa atinoat to Ilia tMrlara of tba, griiuml, is .worth, fur manute, but Httla nmre tbas an muih Mttto wmvl. Every tjlanttHF kaeas ttt thuiop cft'.o i-ih an fhsr a-w.tta ("'d ji'N'ift biurr w.r-Mtrt. tb well roiteo iat iuuuie. . --Bout plan U r -keep tbeir a.td suuud, and o-nUod that it 1 mi re valaable, aa that contain all of tboaa gaatea. popm of which atceatartly tacane during lb preeaat ot decftmrotliloa. Tula it true to aotaa xftot( b atk any eaa who bat tried it and ba will tali yea that the I ret drowth eC aay. duratte wttt rclp tb toa bora It tip. JCvea if tba sum mar it peaanaabl ait iLMrt.ll akl.ik la ...... ... . L - , My own plaa it at Ibllowit A Avll lk.m Ha,i. tba 'ai-J.- . V. i mora or kipf about tbp gin kimt. Bring f ! all tb wheat and eat straw yon have l. "' ":r" JF- f'7" sfjar. ;, W hea you have gol enough to make aheap about two fret deep and wide ', 7,,7,-. ):.'.. '7. j enough f tbt beat of the eottop teed pllp. x I I aromiu .iwuuv isii pea. aea ra f weerla, turtaot ear lb, swamp mock, etc , then another later of button aaad aad aa aa through. Thia manure eaa be imirvd f tlmott ilfty pu cent by a liberal supply at 7 waoa aaoet or a tew aiMnem el laap pu ipreatl eeee aawa layer el aattea aaad.- . tain werk, eaa be done en rainy days, wbaa St it too wet to trick '"totton. Th fertnaex" tat lop deatroyi tba vitality af tbe grata trad.1 il " '1. .?.; 1 . w-r i'1 .....'. ..With tbt aaad from a beadrad baJaaaf. eotton, prepared ia this way, yen ana ana. pur (wo baud red pen of lead more tbor. tugblytbau by applying tba Dlxoa," Langdon," 0 ilbam er any ether ( meant! maaara, fet tba rata af taw bnndred pawnd per per,; Tbi maaara . will teat for Mverai years, and aot, like tba other )ut meottoned, give out belore tbe Prat efop br half don growing." Yours truly, .tUii !.,....... RwctaMian." a Dpllta County, Alp. Sept. 87d. , rUMflig WMA WBK8HIKS IS JHM "riw tii !! iwii ML.; .. . i Ghia farmmr aeema to ba of dittiuani imu. rlpn, anij glvet tb following directioal lor lalHilamtina t ' '"-""t ' ' m utaMa piantaaMaraliaet 1 tbtfall, tbey Mi frait tba. next ., aw it it the tall grpwlb .pf root, which tupportt tbp plat I' forth aril yaar'a bulling. Ua into year gardea ' to-day, aaj pull op 'a ttrawbeny piWl rWw pp piwitttt Utat pratea. top WiU taptbp aid atotkul tooiaaad . ... . . tatt ar aaaa. aad Piatt, and I roan tha eruaa .t ta loot U auatbaaata new rauta patting eat tbt aaaat make p guad fall graaHb aw pea will g aw ePtaidarblt enp vl bu taeat yearr and traiaaulaatiiia pwwi pant t a baav f t ta tbt Ktiarat coodiUoa Of lh plant tbaa If Hm ap at aay wtbrt tmrted wt tba yaar. 'ivwaw "W ptaaiiiag yoaag raaaaip tnal ai wall puotad $ tbea oa a etoady day p. a. , ft. A.1 .IIU. HA.b 1 WA ' Jt ... .w.s'Vm.; www.-', Mmw-M nshv waera y drairx to plaot and man k a place lor tb row ; aprom put tu tn rooki evenly aa all -aiabP e.atip ao ae 10 bring tb dirt well gn. ... . 1. . r . 1. ........ . , . j. Ufm. fifm,, millk - kPdi jtnMUtd tb pleat, it taa wewlbar teaald vv dry water tavrangbly, eu aa aattwkt iih roi.p alien atM-iaaUaaa . ,uj us urwiiug i appaaraao J m.atcttaua erti .t-.-m:. t..;tmwr tn eeuisg in at wiatar, tbpautira twlae4f 4b mtail. ewer the ( - iaptpaadjpIL wah fc bHter at . atraw or Uptbay like aaateriaJ, ta keep tb piaate fiuat 1 awe snaBgea at ; treeauig aaa tuewing, t i , wtaivb tity wonUl Je tapeeed it left ea tbe ' tiu fat where, tbe aua and winds would ,1 have lull play upon them. , TbU noveria sboald be removed la the nmati. au aa ta' . tat the paate grow np without hindrance. , iii trutt oaaa eta lortaed ia th fall. aad. . 1. . 1 . . 1 .. . . .. ii nusa ai n jurBoi otifiDg tn etimiciet " of winter end early ipring the crop of Irulp .,' trawberriet, like fcrtpe.. iuwJ a gi ' l' :"':mJ' , turrwiwwill-but tiot decniedlv lab and papcctally not recently ttauacb 1 with greea or ta lamoura. If manure ia needed, let Il bf ftrie. Old. lieliiulteU'aam'i'aBil ta it bp tbortwglily mid with the toil, wfak k aua it best to bp a deep loam, though tome rarwitiea, a tba Mly acarltt, will gjariak in taody a-Ml. . a w,llt toil ia alwayt beat M tvtaw berritavaVa 9n4 'kA Journal. -i '". 1 x mm aaaaa aa 1 fTa ear Coaatoa Boas. Tb practi. ntbility-af aetog ateam eat aommoa roada ppptara at laH to bava been tborou iHtd tattoailanJ, wheat tbastwej itWrkompwo-rnad tteimerf , aruie Ulalt.kaa earned for them tbea. rrrawt ot tttrarott tkupUoai. r A tix-" borae uBi etaamer bat baea raoninr for pvwai wantllt 1 rf.m Aberdeen a dt.BC, .rvil'-unhvi'lout Alul in. many part th - iv(w.gt(br. mtmimMnaFmUi - tii a 1 earn eouine draw lea tent With eHwet " .'mi auiie. ui rr a wiutuiea luaa. t Uia liiajr. hn we bava-Miola aavitrated bw tteaatbnate, and bxsommivoa rnn oa 00m- ' uiuu road, 'uratle and travel" will increase "twyo&a. pprettoe.,WaVeitwiri aaa, 't 1 ' '-in, 1 .'' .? - ' A Chicago paper it retpontUJ for tbp) ""iT "fu ,,aJ! I! torn boy ia maiciry dropped an tnvil Weighing Iota jHKinir out ot a lotrrth ttorj window oa tba bead of an African who Wat pasting and he bad theaa arretted, lie taid ba waa wtlliag 'te ht rti bny have fun, bat when they jammed. VMnuiap't" bat dowp over kip 1 vet and foiled il ia that way, tb law mut tk i k coutts , M .7:: ; St JUMBH '" i-1 I. r-. '; i , 0

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