Utit 'IS fV .Tfff' Jet ! ir . (aeaf - norai tore public sentiment bare fi,a- encountered by Cutow aad Kirk. Cvrow Till got be abls much loagar ia defease ot KtfUo dtfj Judge Watt and Sheriff Lee. Wi cm drive Crrow from hit position ia (bettering irk. od ws will do it. We hear tbaf the G armor bit bet eoa- Rutled, end m IV t, it it bmfTaa to protect ,il "christian ffiepd Kitk" from tha crto ail lew of North f.Vr Ui.. Tie 4trbJ .turned ntontbe . . of Kufct afrfvtlj 4fsfliMy eakflT; k til fOMWBOt Uve pi-ft gtjllleiuka U b .at read; to go Kfrkii bail. - IT thai be why it bherf l -forbidden ,bj tli tiled 8utt Marshal to execute bench urint on Eirk t Tk-irkai mtj th time informed ut, w war not to mj jtkwg of -aiak-la tb taBwrtx, except r tMurf$r SoTIt Mtj j oblio tsr- ut. If we i wo aught Hfi It to take ick. We told him 4ro thould always fttk the tArth of bint and we would be it act. to aawnat aaB-w-.- -. ft dow underaalU aiamhai'e three' oa. He had then determined on sheltsr Jr B Kirk front ht ,yiuU)erof 4b criml Ijs talk upou bias U knew fiawoaldd tnimadveraioa ol the people tod , nd bene hit threat, in . d,- Timor's iNM sn, fapS, head nod tj, tbtt Eirk tbtll ba forthcoming. w it bound t) j hie Mad,' k tbs amount (28,000, lor Eirk'a appearance. He tlii call on the "half dozaa beet iu4 it i Bute" to go Kirk'e bail or oommit hist tbs want ol iJ ii". big pel j Marshal eu-ctiv Doehier to ao. may ftJfWJtehte ,,ud8f :u on tta nenca warraat, DUeriS le fcjfuedbj blscaauaal tkatll wat kit uttasxesnte the warrant. Hie Deputy dnhebtdri(4',ezcittadlt tad appose -would bar (ally executed it lur tue Martial, . . ;Ho cam Martha! Carrow at Refrowt i o'clock at night 1 We heard Bberii tell bit Deputy, Magain, to inform, tba jiU) ot liia purposes to take Kirk. We Uid, than, sgsinat giving each info' Ma. If Bberii) Le bad gone, at we pi bim, ha could bava axeeuted tbe Wi tell the, Msftbtl.'BW. It an tbe nor, they bev alt laid tbesksslvat : to indictment, .nad, Judge Wttta, , lot the lata ateotioav a l no frame of tJtoarfKra Ceur upon tbe finding of in bill. - .-fttti-nn - kcff4Z T0UBQSB. Qttixfti HOLDS AXD.BpQJX, , fbeN are hittoric aaatea, and, though lilted, toncar theaH fnai each other pi tod date, mountain and valley, tkey aeoBBccted in the aaviairt aad doiaanv I frgcetdingt, prrparatioat aad prnjactt tM great antl-republioaa aatb-Souud fioa which hat tubrerted our fora ot fweaent aad well nigh dettroyed our ifiito, titt nietorT will hand theat dowa foetenty aa beloajiag to the taote lae- ltd engaged if the aaate auterpnaea. 'uttcularly are (be aaatea o( tbeaaatete : poutleal ligbbi bleaded and coaaeoted tM tourgoe better affair, bat we doat fck tnf of the, and rtpecialir Holdea, bel much ptide in the ftatiaotiea let their connectiott with thit affair gtrea publithed tbe GoYeraorVeiplanatory h connection with tka laUar garbling W own requett. madt threaeh tk while he wat fillfng bit coalract ) Wa. A. Smith d; Co., which Wtaded t Jot, W "edit Joe.TufBvf." JO atk- af certain editota; al a faatttrat V to pobluh hU card, aad we tjett Ma that we bad ill faallag taoagh 'u the itllow to kftdaea ae to aaetpla, f thtcaaeoa aiai ta tkt tawmatiwa PattiligeflV wafWcrva6t1i ed ri tppeart to coatict him oi nrbttaa the tiaa.M ft varUiag' of tbtt '.Kuk aid" lira' bi. under dtreetioa 0oTenior, w bkniDg- ftretl by tka a Aiaetauot tatuake them cooiaatta Mt4ned,- la' t hie aama fctfaf. i At rv tayt, tbe Governor wat deeply ia fHia the Butter, aad the arerblin of i... wae autaawaiaaMt.fcrfaa'lBal y, ud crery hooatt ntaa (a tbe . ft.ttiBtifd with" the f tea, wurtay, eraor could garble tbe: hntar tniyet loee Bo eharartet by tb . .. .,t-t,..-t .--.- lJtUidaaa-WHt-i tatiui daTtbay rrnir aiia; that Holdeu aejfcfwll tmAUd Wiba mmi'JL tit" M1ttoknn ,v ,, -. ar .mm- "PtuiBj parpoae f iwmIm a tke awMKaafcrgttiu-1 tjllt":". r-f-r- r-'y-im ui aim party. ; " mi pow.-JKt.Brr patlOadtaba 8 &rai anriwaut hmtiaw tluJa ai . hoga aad fereotta &eeY that wj r Sanig ieYiwBj-1 TT tmayatteraW; aWtiutnieU'ei i i rw .bethel, JfC.uD Jentaad Jht ' w.00 per barrel, will ,rtk prjet Uck, thUilinwweork. piakM. aad the law eoadeata dwrflrog. The hceat ttarfc afltlr at Mem- I mw tiatgtc uir m ike aaiariai ' It tf a regret taat there eboold be lort BMUUoadr it aay where, tod aMeten la ar own State. Tat there are loaftaeet ia wkick natkoMo eamot braok thi Maaore wbick aHaxa.is aoma miadt ttmf aia who eVcliaea duel Vbaa aoHMind. Tkle fact nrorea that theeodeIhMU i(a9t riorosalT coadena,. a, aa the expraaaiua ,f public oDioioa would ladicau wbee duela take nlaea ' I d liSf. V! killnt: The all roa- be bligaor upoa lleatlawiegi.Oarlawa eoodtaa kol tbe faet Or fighting at well at th eoda Itaetf, "(D4f " they Wight , to be rifcddly Mtoeeed awUI public aauUoMnt U ew4 eJi'ftofa.;:...i- . We Wl tarbaUy, that W. II. Bailey of flaHabary, waa arraetad ia that place on tea IBtb laet. oa the ere of kit drpartnra lot Spartaaabarg, to ataat ia Mat eoaw bat Mtj. A. 0. Atery of Morgan ton, whom he had challenged beeaatw of drrttroaeca wh Ick occurred ia a trial to ma montha ago. Mj. Am j andbta Irieadr pfoeeeded 4 through the country it it laid, to meet the eagagemaot, and wat up to time on the tpofc biaruotored that apoe ike arftt f Mc. Bailey, ha tent fur hit frieodt and de- uiaaaad aa taTtatigatioD to atoertain from .t . -j:. " .. ?' '.T I ftatad, that Whaa thit feet earn, fe Ote Bmxi' oi nit competitor, toe cata became more complicated, at the action of. . Mr. B. ia, baviag tke iBveetigatiaa, tseaied to charge the oppoeite party with baring tbe arreet iqaqa, wr, wntca tiowevr to ere waa no fouBdatioa. Vow tbe arreat came to be made it aot known, but thote a bo am ac. -juainbd; witte kJtrjf Aferyv brae w (it bi i wuiu aare naa bo anowieoge or it, ana would ecora tuch a roeorv t be duel hat tew prevented and W are glad " iSf f t bui who about Baliabury la entitled to tka eredii ai it, bat aot traotpired. - -t - ;.x v iWBtKM ixjot :,; x. Joeapk William, tke Ooreruor'e bob, left the city tome two waekt ago tor partt nn4 known. Be took aa carpet bag (rat eerenl Urge troaka, MOsiaat to pack Bp tor email family aad than Ware room lor State bond, ' It wa thought Joeeph bad goaa with a letter from Dad to atk Fmaiiieftt Grant for a "yotf or place. " ' ' We near agly reaarte of Joeepk, but we are not ditpoeed to repeat them.for Joeeph atay da bactar whea be gett from under the ken'ocace and aril , eianiplt ot Dad, Joeepk't yonag irieoda alwaja tpoke well of bim aa a boy, , Jour jean ago he tatd be would leave tbe State became bit fath. r't tmitMaaroald aewaeff h riaiqg.. I aeph wat mittakea. Dtd't potltion made "Ml n V ff! s?!" ... it 'Joeeph bat gooa" tithe boyt aay "for pmi," kt hna go, for it It a happy riddance. i Littlefleld la a geoerout man, and we bare ao idea he would aee Joeeph tufTer aa long at be baa a Florida or North Carolina bond.'' He owea -thee- ta Joeeph for the terrioee rendered by I)id, If Jiepti had tekea 4d Aebley, the Ptlgrtav with bim, the Btate could ' bare borne tb lota of Joteph with mack more fortitude. x Til IS JHIB 1 . .STATM. . i The Rutherford toe Star ia bard upon ita party frieadt. It aayt vary truly, that the ittdteel tMoat ttaaUad trorft "tba extrava gaaewedeVeamBtioaT of, the Legiilttuie, tbabppointmeatot raacata. and thievetat PrceidentBef railroad corporationi! the nomioatiot of bad, worth leee men forof&oe; and, laatly, laaumpataary of tfaoee placed ia power ta admiaiaaar tba affaire of tbe State. Wa atay aad, aa alter diaregard of advies Irom the beat mea ia the party, aad affiliation of tba pWwrt that be' wwh eorrapt, deaigatag teoaadiala. V. JErpaa tba prtaumptioa thatfrje "Star" baUtaa waa U aaya,tt la aot a little etraage that K abould ooatiooe to tnppor g iarv t ' at tmiBBnallaawrrayt and degenerata. Tba Idea that tba few- beaeat atea among tbrat thonUI reaaia with tka party to re. iurat ft, argatt HttU fcawwiedg td Matt BBwaiwiPba Hataaa. at, eortaptton hat. bm.pStdlaTtb gaaeaetioa aatbl tka want haaif 4 nrtrl; titwt4-TbwaT beNtteBbtqiaatw. lata, kf it wnaid praeerre iteeif from oaa Tka fbbfnU taya, tbatCoLO, B, Deeke rv. who hat keretufora been a War at dva- Cata af gwaaral aataeety and the reaotat pt? 11 tba diMbilitiea at aai people, aw oe claret that Cot Waddedl will aot be admit- I cd tQ bit a at, that cooaeqaenlly tber will 1 ba anethe aiecUoa ordataiLJUka BOftou hitkatlf aa a caaAidata at tba near tlection. - Wabapa ttafc Uot,qIoaatry, wbmb a kava takta t bewaeeia at bb) deelarttoif la favor af geoeral aaaaeety, hat bee mil' fflafrti Ma abatlaa4b it M-wiir ttE.fi. .Jhidenoi,o,Jt .CKtrtybi fecoBtjetthe,, alettiea, aadaawrawa; key wiH givw hint tkewtaor.-pra Tww-piwer, yr I & Ktif af Wt fqfflj yaojafcejt Via Wk. 1 1 M Oeorwe a apoeaer, i Baatntiy aanaaewa 4 wtltha rroecunana aoraan, anrevta aaw i e4tBfJ.H?'AJ?Ii!iJ? tBr Cuapaay, at Bataia,Iliiaata.. , - m , n tie i i u w' i ": M SawBaaaoaa 'BaaMi Cotxiani- Tb eaaBaftbletaariMtioa have contracted" f ' ""trriti nartM r recoaruucuoai w taw tmiiaautri of tbit Iattitutioa tod UtworK ' i. ia ntanroa. . V , I "f. af.-aeTWij p.T.i, ,we a. iL-bi iv.'i4 TaatWfaBraiaaL tMirr. thia ceatort. ileoaitad uu li. I. c. 1 " "w-oeevii aatav t W kra aaaw Bearetlep with tie latara, TPruMkt ter. J'oet, iuria aoreOtt tad arW BU-eamapaaatd aM are oeataaaM. naith aadpertertioaof hitworkfc Wh a at iriitaiua.V n I a . k-VT , ' ".Tiewar, aaanataa ibatora djfflaoU-a bat JUe Jut, th wt, af , acterietkaudtha wotk biaanallotH Rand amtti!.viiebria,Jiwl JSJXiMfWrt;tTtl31C4ie.(tncy.- ut tbe taakl kaira baioaa aw it hat aatbk tiout thta tttaa aaalwutaea-by tbaaataew of a capita eniHe hf the- July rmmhw of the Mdiitburgh Mw, If purpoae la to briag Bainu Bern kafara the reader, aad vhiletlDfwawtraeeeeeMof theiaeideata of hie lit,'awj eitftfc aaata ta4 tiaaavi neauol "h) tntetleMiiaJ tnae, mm Biaaee at'thtt great writer aadlfotji er? haoatree eriliyieaia ybjeM.u . a '"' In ttniay'e paper I will give aa outline of bia )aboTun. life, and tq Ute.t Jawa, I will Bubq6.fi aoma aifltfcUuaa aaoa (ia gga-' fttoad tHMka. . M ..-,, . J Stinte Beava waakorbaw Deceaatjar flae jSPI Boulogne-turmer, in France. Hit rawer urea two montnt uetore nit blrtn, Ue man of cultut,aod)atteand Mil i library fo hit too, in which were T ty bookt cootalulng ample Barginaj aShotatioB , I beaa the tea read "wila ike tynipatby 01 a litorary Darn at aad '.lC'im9Ji i turn.-.. ju.'V.j .s. -b.i ii i f ti wiiirn ifitiaii ti ITiref TokVmg tbie iottitutioh be devoted bknpll to tbe etodv of medicine, bat boa long be proaeculed that profeetioa tka mm terial in my fmeaeattoa do not fhra aay antwer. , Ua eoBtieaed .boeg enough W obtain a good place ia the Boapital ol Stint Louie. Before he bad tttained -jle twenty third ear ba oofflDenced hit liter tr . courae, whiob laaJlf calaUaated ia tbe Dro- dartioa of tbe atoat a titer ly and finiahedt eflticiama that beroog to aay language or nttioa. At tbe reqaeetolM. Duboit, one of txenmh editor at tba BUi, caiata. fltave prepared eocae oribcaj artielet that at encw attraoted attention and elicited praite (root X. Jooffroy, "a critic ol port and refined Hiaeirtt critical wait ta pabHebarl la 1958, and exclud ntarkeft praite la torn of the public ietiraavlaat Ja(ia. rit.traaeo parted, the reader back to What iy ba ..II-. 1 . i. -1 I a J . . . .... caiw v pne bihnoh penw e HI lll rature of Kraaoe, to the poriodf antecedent fat Roll i mm Bli ml i Wt -Va, M ! BMdehU BVttafwearaaataanpuet,' wkiiat ba Uiled to win tbe ear ef tka' pablia at aucceaafulij aaAJirae) eW kfuatat, lawnawiaa aad Viator Hugo kacraaae, baatvartbaleer tecured the fclgh approval of tboee emiaaat Dotti and made a. nami tor bimaetf imoo2 the tiogert o 9aV f hrwW fattM ho aa letter, are reveured attoeg hit country wren. ' lie publithed in all tare Vol' pottrv. with thw reaportiv flit latt volume waa not aa earai iifui at tbe tan the' nfwwUJ it, HKha At Iblt particular 8f Id lor pthwjij whjcl.a to attain gretter wwn, He again tfeUkea BAaaelr to cnWeiimi and about thit time pablitbedl bit ftatoot article oa one of tba aat jMlthraltrV French writera Boneeeau. It waa a very damaging attaek, apa .the ttaie.aA 4bia author whabad beaa eaaded aadaepied by a large data of admirtra. Ha alto wrote very ineiaivt and, dianriaiaating efltlciamt upon Boilean aad Lekreoo.f.ai later M ba) wat dittatitfled Wllh tot judgmeot pro nounced in thee nrtielea, auaaidariog tba oca on Boilean ta rBamrtTBwy dedd aodlflcaiir.Be, at tbef were wnMea, a ne aa4. ''it nil the1 loeoltBOt M aggrtative, yontb." ! U the aaat aanoteUoa a gave eiptettioa to an eptaiea atat I onaa ta be at eeot BDund aad (adicioea. iie declared thati"yontb canaot poaaeat that vary dell , catr quality J iaats" for "tba ealataeea of ludgment at that period 'ta tea -maeh troubled by partloa, by ardourt la tpecial and aomatfmet srtravagaat dltecUooa to allow tht balaoee wx ba held by a ateedy aad impartial beadr be etatiaaad, "youth It too aoofldent 1b ita awb' awaa to obeerve and M "feweBt with daa deJ&araJ rTT. t3 -j - - , , otiAJ-.ti- 1 ' At n tat period, , dwrr rea oi TmiU Philieoa he Btoderated biltoae-bs came bat aggreetive )& fht cbaraetet of bia oriticita.But tbera reataloadaU af the bcaaty and altwanea aad analytical fawar, only inllleeffloaaoaaea,thua dietingnUk. ad lh earlier arodBCtiaaa. It wat aaw that be wrote bit tptoodid erltkal aeriea apoa bin tootem'porariea, whica bate tinea beee ab- lbaa.ft'ikjrTa i XUtt ,lhe BtvolBtlon af ltlftt fieave wrote bia aavat FW, wkleb ww r SfFTVa. fra, aliairw-waw r ttXulJ:;Tbn WiftJwry JBt J it ba aay'liaiarkBhial aeeaaat evuieaee taa a4 CUWltlOTtM lttCB5aBl-lii . . -' 8ai ari'. n. - an. nwalibaa." bat dtlt BBt Zim aadowad With lbWreativa tohiea Brfumtrf til ctttrata B WrlUT of ! character. tr welFdraht tad bare a'dit-' j tiart indiajdaiHry X-m4 !! Itny gaagt it ad alsrna aa aught pa axpaefem frott tie pen of aaitrte-Beave, bat tbeatory u,w. f.tajvat. asrioa. wad refer i fWt next Hterary aodarwAreg a tba m$ttt Pf fft Mtt-fimrip ww wa a. lithed tn tTl Wamee. Ihva not read tbe mori DutaoBBwar.B; vu fwajmnn hori 1 have aaidkaa'twotaa, wowevwr aa f tnrruiehed by ell tba beaaty aad raea sst ter alt BaiatarBeava aver hich bt-lowst amtr, kU Mi Work; oi firet- lntiwttBBd jwa.iu bas a iice. out a te leuiuav UtOUJ I kivatofoiwiatearytBnt I 'iMtMi vii 'ScB''ofnlt j-wj bnlltaii Iti bnlllanlcair. in tew wee p- v aeUa ad tka .B iffilt latie If rtiu.andln IMIba t in loi8Bt tbra ted to Belgium where be w-.rth fnlvertitv ol Lelaa. 1 kt kMAMfeMt m Lacs ever eaa yj, thia poatuoa lot two veaia, oarieg which tiaia ba aMtvareov kM ttetatesea CbataanbriaBd, aiaoa "nuorisheaJr'tw which "faioit aw anairiicai aoavn their bigbeat development. . It kt I r . . . i r i T ana: ntoec" aeaooniav iwhbhk mmm dratectioeof an aatkor Ut it to befband ia the tattre ranga -af fiterary eriticrun. acanJay has latjt ut toot at I Nothinf tba M ti-1 . , - -7, -- - rrT .i'-r 'r wire t aatlt that It tM-rtRoot tad aa aaai t'-ia i.ts''CTJ'';ir' tia be - t . f"f aj aoewJaotik tk Oaa ". one of the WUof kbduraUie oti ZLi L , P"J aouu wetl taw abOitr of fiunU tUrE. aa a panpaaitioa. to.kim iabiuk tub auek !t'f J'Wy aitkit lot hie pap. wwo tilt antonwiuiM il. h Ofld a) ladebti for the .Beat perfre pataf eeaey a4 eritioal wnting Uka ? W hbrariaaal tka wotl.1. Wu Bailed tliera. -ra o,u,k ,...1 ... Tt tiaew baea gatnerwd lot ui3 tnao.aijt Tutt. tv, u... law aad eJoQueooa,aad will etnaiae the Mat ot the author I my next, I ahall a aonutliiaa BMira til aav at thraa mttm . derlul liauera. ila w aaihur afiul Wber to-orka A hJt ( aH ttuta to dwatl tojp e joubilaUtfd a to'aaie of Female Purtitu ajmu .h Tird iw.i i.mft ..h t.iu.h ..i mi three ot lour other fuwea wriowtrdAt?r' J'jV "S-fi la a retired portion of Peril, aa a "gloomy '7 cuiom, (not xnaveatiar, aa the M-r$ Sttint-uj,li the aioat areom pltabwdi veraatiJa au4 aolaadid riti wh lived fll. on Bleep," On tbe fol lowing Saturdai all that aa mortal of hint "l'0ok'ifdjUitM;rajBwahullaradal or pomp.. Ha had r. n anatjwl tbmt hit nw I aiouiji u uri 4roa ie awtet hum at once ta the grara,and that ao leuo- rwf Bwremoaiei tiiouM Ute flaoa. , borne Ire at ail thootand Bcraooa kiaamhlixJ aa tt-tftarart' cee'tii Ikabuaawj.j pMtiinB'lto i ter oi the daceawi. i IAjlcmiJIv mmi IhI ,,j j 1 wine grata, a ample wreath at violate Waa Alaced upoa tba coffin, war a, M. Ua tuaUda, one oi keaeaatoH, advaaeed to tka bead of (tie grave, and laid : "Adieu, BatBtg-BeBte. Adieu, adieu, our Jriand.1 Wplaraiag toy fnt epectaipr--Oootla-maaT who have accompauied him hither, be thanked. ,hlt auuM 'OtUoea,' ae eveeuoey le eoli." Many pertoaa liager tAaraond the sorfy made grave or wn- . oaata aoouijsa, cemetery of Mntpmu. l iBiaaiiaaagiiig atevtd ahoaabmannaatwiBBr the '' t war waa oeah qaeocbed in ceth -dieeoeeiog bis atapaadoab powerT and, tba splendid ataaaone ef hie iaeom lBrabh geoiaa, aad laaaaanag tba cbatat that potaiMy wiH be awver again filled by nay trench mm bj any writer of any Jtbevtimeor 'Jwd.;.,.. ..T,. ... , j. With aH bia gamut and mtnilold gifta, witkallMs teanring and inluenoe, be wat lM lovable, nobl hearted, eharitabla ua tall of sympathy and kamtUty and aaaat -witb competed featares, f rather wat aAprfea, pf pleaaant upect withal aad of i quiv awaaara, Dyinf at tiatw-ara veart of ma. but wituuni aay trB kutowteage of Oartet, be baa peaeed tnta am spirit wonn, leaving MDtna aim abfaant of ligbjl M luminoaa at tba aatsola that aneiroled hia aama waiM Hvmg.-' Whan tba memory of ttM warri ore ot Fraoot thlJIHteorJy In tht Paget of tkkia fiaa or la the aooga oi Uie auaatral,- the Uterwrrtrtninphi ol rtalnta Bettve, bounded ny ao circumieeiaeB araiie, win oetwoewea IwltJ, .ach, jrtolog jotr Edtubarga fUvlew, Jaly 170. KitiotmraB avvlew,,4... atn.v f w. ; ilUiBtsaltevle. MMfmt mt - J Iff i ' Fo tbe Sentinel." ' Lai Buna, V.C kept, tltt, 1870. Xa. Ibitob: Ilea an Brdcle in your peper, ttatiog, that paa Jerry Aahley, an a-sraaar.a mgar, a onimmer poy in OapVJBha OrahamoaBBpaav from H tlhtJ beco, baa Junt returned from the Jersey Oily Harpiiai, where be baa beta for aerer tl teafla la a atata of iaaanltv. eaaaed br a t fund received in tbe head at tba battle ol Wettyebarg. irmnw, "i;-:, - I reepeotfully lake tka liberty to correct tke staktmeat atada by ajfaley ' This bey Ashley Wat bora, pa . Flat Bter, Orange Coaaty, K. C. and U kuowa at a rile im Malec, and a rogue ol tba highest order. eeae two yara ago, ba duped the Editor at ta eyataeraer, Ml. ra Uard la eUoO vMatLiby a vilUaaottt bvlaat having been ryiagln nKortkarn prieoa,, : iuf prbtp ti) rat ytara, aat being ahtei.Jaj get away oa account of tavern wenaria, itoaived, at I he betttaof OeUyabarg. Mr. Pollards sympa tkiel Were Immediately . ealiated, ia bebtlf of the preteoded maiae at-aatdler, sad ha went ta warb and raited a tontiderable Ibtwbfoyjpavr-i. t V short time aftarwards ba -waa detected hV Oreebaboro, by a Flat kUvar gvbtieman. tn;t fiiitaneasaarepana, npreeeauog Bint- trfU;cii VAMWM ne Hon aware bo ,.wbv wimm. jm Jet4utedially or jhema, wbtnie arrived jraUana nasny. t He annkattmea comet boaae sad rvpreeeati liIau.iU aaaaina aowiritil nt -annua Iftll fioad ot ateamboat aacidaot. Tba writer tome tinhteea months aga, et eeel aa a deck baud oa t bay tteamer. frwa Portarnoatk to Biltlm'wa. , U .Thia boy it at mediuot siae. With a down- aaat toon, aoa aire; compiectipn, wun an ldrW iek-talcaTaVe -aeraaVi I write tbt above nt waralng to aay pertoa who may read it. tie it now at heme, well and plenty af akvaey.i. i i t Very retpxstiuiiy, f jBvrai ',4.:.( O. E. Vf - fA03aJlJ----Be - A entlemta in Boaten bad kit attention awaceao, aiiv ww ymmmmw bivb inw .trvr by B warne whotppeeref to be ia great ftttrem Hettoppxd md Joqmfed whai pe. ww m mww, m Hp imi . pi teat bBVwwwwwy bwry him,Ther,tMtlT- 4ii tialiartaritf rciaid Aer awj f Wyaa rtoast neiavema,aomeann tee." He ftillewed hi- iaTa tba bmiiea, aid thetw,sne Aaa4tti.aBOif b bnf butbaod baa lying la theeeffia reaoy V1 kmH, a 91 geatianiaBV SKymg bet dlttieiB,nmirtit bagbtvaa, Bad,' giving Pury aar uabaan, i.-fcln.rf arn.rtl. H. I i goaa but afcw sura wheVbe jnlaiedtt'Bt Sisri ht rtorea, aad aatwtnmtag for them entor- ad flBottr ieramMy, ail fbg4 Ihe Jop noted dead ana sitting Ik bis coffia eonatiBg taw anfeaaf) he hl given tba wo- mm a 4 t Ulii fcafiMT Hi If ik ti ie e In eia asti feaaarhwd te the aae that he need not tnmWe himself t roust the mneey, t U was right, aad departed ,taddecaoa a - - paw tbrlfrfa FrvFle) Far) la Mrrth Caraltaa. 3QEQ(llBlbl.4iC T tkt Colored fat pie af tent Carolina, ' Faixiua Omtaaa: la the eaavatawblob it Bow ttoing on ia- oar Bute, between aha Hrpti'iliOBM aad Retormeva, M tantoeraNv tarth ta at) Impertaat, aa avdeao akjigbtr raedartinn. machbae beta Beta eat ia rectrd la tka parpeaaa of the atntimitt or Deatocrata, aad ao.fly ttateeaenie were aiaiiaat' fjeaw at tale, ' iUk" toawrfiwa trnce tbe tate Aegaat aleetioat aad tba aao. ceae ef the Deeaoerate there, that a auaae o oar ouiorwd aad wMia tnenda ia Hew berry, Boata Carollaa, iaduoad aa ta visit North Carolina io eaeartaia tka teeth at faliity ot theee rumore. ' Aeoonueglyj on Tuaaday, tba 1tk in. teak we kut Frog Level Btatloa. Kawkam eotaty, having tekea tettereof letroduoliua nrre we met wnn a BttmBer ot a-eatlemen. both while aad colored, ot both pertiee, wko treated ut with kiedueoe and ooaader atloB, tnit off-ed ut evary facility to pro mute the object of oar vialt, It riad Keen alleged in Hewberrv that ithnfn.,..ii. . t i u.i.:.L In Korh Carr. la bTTZZrilX liea la north CtrcJiaa tbe colored peapk au vwu wiHjeiieu to carry wriiiea ITtart far their protectioB : that thev ware now Irbipped at the public whipping poet ; that ik . ....i i: .-k . irtiiktioni: w.M til. Milnlwt i.i,l. .If.k.l. J. b "f;vj attsM wa a-atuei mv termination to 1 protect them la - all their rigkta. Tbe Republioaat admitted that the Cojnervetlvee had dona' nothing " yet of wnicaioey coum complain, put did aot know what th-y would do wbea. they got into powerrT They were not jet , ready to go with them. ' Tan following tUtemeqt. from Ootrruor Z. t Vanoe, to whom we carried a letter trora Y. I. Pope, Kl , ol Muwberry, will axplaialttelf : Diab bin i Your letter ia trad Being two colored atea. hi wen. Winn and Davids, hat baea headed ate by them. I have Intro duced tbeat ta maay at ant Bioat iutelll gent eUiataa, while aad Mack af both pa ties, and lorn abed then every atnaaa in my powwi ta acquite eoereet Utorttattaa ia re- Srd o Ike atata of aataUs ia KardtCaro . I hare ao haaitatlon in aawanne v-ou. at valS terabet'neeirtla saoakfinttng nibj-i baatof tba recant aaatpaiirn, aaviog een vateed aitaaeiveiy niyaalf tad Baingled tboroogbly , with tba paopla, I give ny word ae a geatiemaa at boaot that I have not bawd tront aay man in tbe State a sia gkt wutper ol a waaor tkougfetol intnnw log on any right of tbe colored man. Oa tbe cottrt, It tt tba tattled policy not only of my party friend a, but everybody bera, ta ecqnteeece te all that baa. bean, given, and to enoourmce bim ia ererr roui- bia aav in the treat work of flttlnir hini!f eiiienintp. jcrvry aay oonrtooae ut of hia ratue at a faixiiwr, and we sincerely hope to) make htm tometbtng morn, ' : Beportt ot tba En Kins autrtgea from two or three crantim bava been greatly ex-' aggarated for political pnrpotee, and good men everywhere disapprove and will fro no aowa eucB vioienoa. Truly youra, . ;, , . ' " annuuin: B. Vkucn, Ron. Ramtltoo C. Jooea, tht rkata Sen tor elect from Ifecklenbsrg County, Colo nel Wm. Job neon. President of the Oolua bia, CharTot te and iugnata" Railroad, Very readily addifl to Uov. V auoe't letter tbalr teatimoay to th ume affect, , On Thursday night, we left Charlotte for Raleigh, and arrived oa Friday morning. We spent Friday, Saturday aad Sunday In the beautifnJ city af KaJeigb, aad aai yed much aoBvertation with gaotlemen of both pardaa, Wa tzbibited Gov. Vaaca't Mttar ta a autaberol gentlemen af high standing, all af whom very cheerfully endorsed tt. Aatoag them ..were et-Ooventor Thomas Bragg, Chairman of the State Executive Oooeervative Committee Hon.- ioeiea Turner, Jr.; Eoo. A.S. Merrimoa:Ool, V Orabam. Haywood j Chat, Dewey, Esq., Caahiar of the First National Beak ( Mev. Wax JL Pa. Tau editor af tba Sairfrxu. Hob. Wm. U. Battle, lata Beprmaa Oonrt Judge t Chat. M. Butbee, Eea.i Hev. Dr. J. Briaton Smith, Prwident tk Aagnetlae High School ; Kemp P.' Battle, AVq. Joeeph B. Batflhrior, Xq f Colon. T. A. Veoable, of Qraavllle; Oeoraw Littia, Esq4 tieurgtU. Bkoa.E-q, A s-r.tA L..JJl MrH)t,c ted Aetiy tka tnaaove whiob bad aaan lr cnlatad Mr Hewberry. ' Wt tntmn vat tew Ouaeervativ aolered nun, bat they we nam of good akarastar aad laUabla, Tkey - - k&va ntlrw 'maiflrtenaa tn ette pldgetef Mm CeaaervatiWloi leaTn We alaa cmrvereed witb Baa. Jamat H. Harris, the lata Krsobliena asadidata for C great ia the ReletRk Dlmriet, alao with Bev. J. W.Hoal, satietdnt aaueriBUrtwt M aujajdw-lhej publicana, we leuea to on awry mtewgeart colored men, ami vary d-eided tUpnbtkawa. Tbtyaduiitted that tba rumon tn MawtW ry wrrs fakw, bat rtpemaod mowb more eoufilruceiu thn, flapnblkaa tka ta ebe Coaeervativa aarryt : I uwy oetxisoewd a J JjJlMaV..W We Irrana aa t. .-fcii 1 aeera. itemed -thaf thaartv" CaasavvJien a annaonn alx akJA . ..K lea atn-aana k. Leraiatare will aiat atrlaawot law tbf.1 I-binding 'art- 1bMar;aMMivwMv evert bbbm In tka Btara, wakien it nbtirb 'Jii1SfWiTW1meo ote4 ogioe koldei fowi qte-kitie. egwlaw Bht fuaem latfrVg we ealisd aa uwaw ttaaa, eowMaaoiltu iLHwtsltitlamBvr Md fa4 bim yery petila Mid eeamuierata of Ik coadttiea at. taeCMhirwd fKn.pl. We Vers as well planed with bia aoavareaibm, that w adJreseed Mm a aoia, t which ba promptly replMM BS BNWW8 1 . ' SaUiet, Sept. 11, 7U. jrtrsnf ira aa tamfm Oimnnf' f bava tba hoaor toae I aowtadgn th reeetpt af ynar tew ot yes terdsy, rawrming me that yea bats been deputed by tbeeoleved pecpWi t Newberry, Boatb Carollea, t atcertaia tba truth ot iaJeitr ot eartaie rewwrt with irgtrd to rbl trsatwest of nolovad pecpt tbtt Stat aiaoa tba aleetiaaat Aagwet,- aad taking ma ta reply to ccHaia uattioaa wkick yon 7o the j n To the riueetlom I replv at forlowt: tpfiffiba de Tf true or fala that, tin tba Aeswvt ereerww tatbtr Btate; tba rot. ared aaople are eoatpailail ba narrv Ptttit about with thtm in ardeg, tn tkr pretao teua I Aoewtr.'l bavBvr beard of t oolored Mawon briBir eompellad to oarrv euch neat. ak da J beiavit akat tbay bav biea man. rwep ta naov, . '5,,. eV , ., B, aqeahoa tbtt true or falat thai eo!or epermleare bow whipped at the whipping neat I '?!-'-'' . tw, . twrTHerTtJCTat (fiaaiion . la it true or falas that tba rigutt of tbe colored people, as tweamd1 by 'H,M w b tbe white perhvt.aai "-tU ' n&mJ., wm ., ,-Anawr To tba bt t y gaawladge and belief It la aot true. , ..tbiertlod I, U It, true' or Uae'ttiat tbe fHtldio aabaaea were rleeed nninit tbe wt- -v-waantwjog- pewpie nit l,s tii h-A aetabllabedovet tba wbaia State,. bt tbey ".b'DfLe,tb,',,,J pldly as praotl- i uiauncuua oetwoea wnite aad cotorea people it that tber arc teparate aoliooUiartie taeaatomi but tbecharaa ter of tba echooU ia Abe tame,' aad at ia the teatiiniHiy pf all with vhom I bartoettrer- aaaarl Am Ik .i.f.t ..a bb..k.b .' a t : " "viTOinai tners isno.aapoa- TgSg"H Oolorwdohll-l 4oy amnai van viea BBkM VBaaaV Pa tlmaoatraryttm deaita af botk poUtW cal ptrtlnt is to give them equU- tdranU- net witii the wi,Tt. . .iut.. rr. !ev' oi me rignu.auil pnvuegea ol the Co paopla now Secured to them b y tht ContU. tutiou aad theiawat Aniwer. I bava set, eonratwtth neaUemen t -:-!( 'i. . Frees my Inter aliJtoth , political f",1 m been Impressed, witblha eoavttioB ihaiTtla both tba deeiretand In ten aoa to reepect tbe rights of ths ador ed people, and to glva - tkeat tab fURbar wKuniy toe uatii ngbta at aMcnant mar abow to ba aMuuauv I Will add thai Inn t Ik. ttl.t. kl . r iwwasys t)mrt trra election ; ,: thai, inuue- uwcii uvreeuit was cnown, a nam ber of so loved Peoete ntmlied aa arm nffi. bert lot emniaymaab, wbaeb would enable inrm to leave tue country witb tba troops, at tbey ware-afraid tbcv would be Ill-treat. I ed, and, perhapt, reduced to ilavary again, f I believe Ua tear has wara otf. aad thoat wno were aiaimB oa tba anbjeatt now ami Wa wsis hlirhli olaaaed witb ear trln. Wa hailed on Uovernor golden, bat could not see him. Wt regret ta say that one ol ktfl ntinmmm tm. Bf tl nil kM.ltw but wa awribatad it b. kit 4oa traa nee at Wlrtsky. Witb that exception, e, were treated with tbe nlmoet hlndnaaa. Wa bava that given yon an outline of ont vrtpi' Waare la aomeeeloa of other facte aad dooamsnla, but believe tba toregellig ie enough to lautty nit that the oonOiUoa ot tke colored people ol Kortb Carol loa, bat bean greatly miarepreeeotetl Bomb Cr' l VuTy ratpxjtflly,w(' .'avael-cMt -."'' I.. a i"--r aieank Wm, a f Informer.-' Uam lrgfi Jtepublicaa. it'amBBWjtevjeMar mtt$wri.: TBSB0S3 tejt, igfBlk TBQ VAXB , A writer in Harper's Mtgatlna, speaking of tba terrors of the earthquska, says s i Aa aartbquake.tn ' its most destructive mood, neualty eerma Io Strika tba solid onjnd himify biua tram-hrneath, Thit by far lu aioat fta forav, Kotblag aaa ana aoncueetoa, 'Tba anrtb iiaall rtee into the air ( tba strongest buttdlBgs Itart nawards, crumble Into ruins and (au tavansnthart baau.jwin 4heir w aapaatt f ba land slidta away from lit sa anatomad plana, aad bole. Hauls and townt arc driven through the air to tbe top of Bins er to eotne untuii region men ana cattle ara tnot aat as kvin a eatopanlt, aad fly like miatiiaa aektvtbe ianot.anui they tl,brniaed soil, bleed lag upon . the earth ) and, at tf retolred to compistn the labor ol destruction; lbs tearful euucuaiou It soma- limei eepeitcd three artoior timet, an riHbe vrWe tatiwd tht, BBtnr tt ahaaged iataa chaos ,of ruta, - At the great' tlalabnaa aartbQuake 's aian was (tarried, ta an ia aiaat, wgalbet wrtb tba fletd oa which bs waa ltbormg, to a dittaet part af the vW ley i at utotiamiia tue ooniet ar tan labea- t taste were hurl. d through the air te the top of a neighboring bill. Tba Celabtiaa bock Was oWcrtbed as rrtembllng the ex ptoaios at a ubrerraaesa miae, whiob did ite tearful wor la aa tmtaat. fa Cbiti.n fritawataf. ode of tne -sadeva' :aaquaka; tleeuribea it at a tuil0-B Bxplojtoa, neOOBl paeudliy 1 PoImi lika that nroaij. inad hj toe uiasitarirv oi amniieat tanneavtM fact Is the chaaga proaaieJ oa She ascent fter sn etrtl.qutkena to the jFwaatetc lands that bava been wholly removed from tit! SiMieut boUBikw- fa the iadlacrimiaaia ilaiiwmba and timtvil at waa tan li eaa bee JwaaoBjeteij -' A lo3D. Oub jro 8w.tBs.-A4 agtd Begrvat whoea piety had, secured lor bar as evteaaiv tepatatioa, la walking ber ntuaj fonatt of viaiiaropied4a-apoa a neighbor -t-..,a wna wae&aaanv wmi uiet aa a BtBinerai JUter beinir sourteoual v leceived tba na great pulled irom ber , pocket a long pips 'mil iwaialieiii-' araoking - annia ' tpn rJlt "Ij?aBjJlB-si(taB eQaa'lnfelftaAeBYin ' vor aeveral mmulaa, but tba fumes and 'jmnlca.ttwai taa faw-jaA 4 ruing from hiB chair ba said "" Aunt Ob toe, do won . tbiok yod are s 'tNMeta--f-,e- fYea.brndde. npeeksi is."; rai .h Vlitte in,theBiblaJnt.r --. -r , M-.a.bruddar,"!- '. ' ,? 9 -JW yan wwnw tber U I pantsgs In tb J5rJC!ntJ? Wsh dec lartt that. jMtiog , eleax shall is bent th kmrtteeaof baavaa I f I "Tea, I'va beard af .wnWti j" ,iii,i.tw.-,. iwe,vg'Wa-ytw . T an," i V' : i W'aB,'fAlbi,'HWbot tlBgrlootat fcnavVa, beaeasr there kt hotb tng so taalaaa sakbs bceatb at a smoker; What do Ton lay ta that I , ' 'Wti..t tpetkt leave my brt behind m wsea i go io aeavenv: i" ji rt-rjrr . ITt Wb vmhs or ttaae wna anriiata t UmmiM BC'Weoriie T.uket'(teii4MM of BJ. ' IUnA,ilnhl knif it 1m mmiA Ik.t tka M ak44 .. ilW JlilHM a tMelTiM, Um he eWUr he wianeelBia Bane' afaitaaaerBaihiiaiBtfl tire ef a vewtk. va havaeHnki Btere W aay vowa, re aee IommmI aae (lay t a ' Kree of bit roaia.vwkeMMRbtl.a'atoe, Chert, mt wj voeta, ye are hmW tU e'er f Weath ef mf ywuk, all ymm er ia ee,T '1. - ' tealMaatmyOBlygayvieieecietia, - Dave a my ttweaaf mi mtmt ML 1 wf B mm "-"'v f mj VMlk. r eeaeea ye mmmM M I tree et air ywata, rw evil bte aao evil nte eeea, aaahen la tmre ya aM' riaekf aay ywaak, 1 bf i (wkiiule of ay yeath. yen have led ma attT " awaaiaaravyaay aMaan yaeaay r f IkVNPkj ye wlB .rrflyke'aiaaoV-1 Palaeaf my e, yetavkilevoa eealaet: ' ' ' Jove efaj ana la traa wiiajlom aelwkl. v -1.- , , 7tr he iwieiokvMr mdi j ' Eoj-e aj a, he r tw4 oa OBr t , , C?iattnffPATrATrArj baits abbitiomtbb: butvxb- MBPBB8H 0B 0MBBABttBBfUm ToxrABDporciAKrrrerTBB'1 QVMBB. S lM.;j,Ml...jt :.-;liitt t. rFrvm ke JTea Farl lU rv.v ,yi(l. f .'-ft Thb wan. Europe, which bat rulbe'tr' ',,f nw wnprwas Baa reaaereei tar ta exile aaaVu'V' abtadtirary.wtlt probably taantt iaaatrtir awvatioa oi aaotnar royal ladv to tba Ik. peritt mgattyr- Fortrmg y. tk,.""m"i gMtairifb id tba- King of araaaia, baa """" entertained tba ambUioB af haeamiafBa. V iuBt kjawctatcBta ha a mn.iiltn.i.i..-.-.TJ.-..r...j fe.' oi? waoo ir,.-rJ I mintortrnawotn'aabood. tier devoUo at , a with and mother " ara appreciated by ber (amity, while ber deads ot kiadaar 'and ;,M charily render bar dewryedly bslavad Bad X -opalar. But with Ibeai mors jgartta- iH rf, boms qualitiel sbe combiac s lerg koowT , edge ot men aad polltiet, ud takes i deea '"a: internet in all that rafattas to Biaretar bbcI " ' " art. . Her jtajesty tan dadgbtas af tba a moat Duke aha wa tba atuainoani hriaa tod natron ol Ooetba. and ta bar nik the cam much la contact witb that Ulue trioilt natborinad fa character ta a N!'?" M not nktaal as ny urn. With tbaaa antecedents aad qaeliocatloaa, tht could bardly tail to tab a deep tnteraat la the great events of whi.-k her court ha been (or to toaey veart tha "f " 0IBtSB''.i Hi ?t' J ';-Ul'i-.&!;'i ,'4 MS' 4 ,!.. In mats, colUvatioa aad UrtelUef, ah ia v a. vastly superior to bar boeband.who is simply u i , large, bin IT, honest, heart, ar-lf-willsd, and Somewhat dull geatleman. Th Queen h-' too aaeb fWl xraas U Vetol.t:u.le in Hi- i, aUait "-iat..tWB-jwii.ta.:iiiei.i ' r - ' , - turasd tba aoaie in. lavor ai Jiiamarekat, larga-brainad policy, when tba obaUnatt. , timid King wat laclinea to bold back. A naacdotv Uloetratlng Her Miieetv'k capacity tor politics it sot ganaraMyhaowa. 't' In 1H44-49, after tba KtrUa laawreoUoa,., ma tB4triottoM tne laauity ol tba old nviagor nuiaa, , u tIMlWaa tn kla nrflt Lf atort marked, tad ted M anmberlrts court w intrlgo. ThaneaiBaattaCOo. of aoart, " attempted to make light nt th malady,' TJa tbalr object being to govern a tba Xlaga name, it was denied that he wa wean, sad at orkf, Mt taaltdy Bid not iarapa i"nr " cist bim from bntneeTb tjUBBonlty',',"!' wst iBomaeed by th aawililBssaee a tkeii:f pbysiciaas to prormnnc say deilaitalafwtut Lifl ri mmM uniti-e lliMte nimifmtAnrwa that n ber Mtjeety, tfaea Cmwb Princess, invited ' Dr.Hoeekar. UiS meet dUtlneuMhed phv ticlan aad pbiiosapaart tn Berlin, ta tba i-ld palace. ,, gb reoeivad him eatiiety ia anrr friendly, knd not In n profetttoeal capacity. i , j Bbs tod tba bob venation oa geswrnl sublects i ot art, aaa nt rengu gitaea naturally to tn aoeorpiBg qiianuoanx in nong-B tu tue rrinotat stpreieea to artat oi .iMwm family, and asked, was tber reaJly aay .,, , f hop of bis ntojcsty'l eompkt rmtortti.a . to mental sod physical hentth.t. .Th pby 'f stciaa, thrown oft bia guard, replied that tber was "not tba allgutott bp."- T ; Tht Princess imtaatlv aiuee. paaaed epeai , .. somt folding dort af a room, In wbiok i uAj were seated ssambernoeVthatysnaeH, mga- MUoit, meet hen of th reyat family, aadk W-i tb high ofBoert ot Btato, - Wttht a aont-' nitading voici tbt ordered Proletwr Uecb x .1 er to repeat his stBlernenta reeuecting tha A...wiiw.M rtk irt.. k.i.k ! i. k..i ,..:t u alternativa but ta obey, sad, en a taw days. 1- btr kutband was deoiarcd Kagant witb tall ? authority. H retained hi poaitio netit . , hs BMuruert tn title ol King on occasion of bis brother death, Which ooeorwd a f sw-' x's yea aftawrdi- --erf 1 '-.! W -t , Th Istg Bmbltloo eharaetarof Quatn.u h.J Aogutta, at w bar stated, sxercisad Bt"lt' . InB'ueae wpoa tha King. So shrewd an , . oerr Si Uiiratrrk bat alwtrt recognised " . tha temloin quality as a taverebirteat b '"- lasting male diplomatia aeeata. 0e.i?i . . : Wioieioa b wa doubt aboac tha- Ataaak of a certain appointment be-, dnlrad to ,3. Bintvo, uuvit urn mmm luionueti luat me wit 1. . 1 , . 1 .. . , ., . . 1 . ; -- -- of the otad idate wa a peewtiarly smbitton lady. Tbla tamed the taaln, ad in am 1 poiniment was amy enecteq. Ttti Isnkbtm ' PkATtn Booo-Tb TM. 1,1AM .li,a .k.U Vt .i. A m tba let Jewish By aod. bld at Uipaio, tke, ' , following wa resolved : "Wo bit trr or htrJi expreiaiun ahall be eoatalord in say ot tba. prsysrt undrr rwlelon or to be aeerlv eonv pentd ; tba aontaata sbsU tm brace all hn-' " , bibb being at tb natvatas, ad notniag sliall b said tbarda wtthv Vagard ta ska chotet peopl which might bt th Isast ai a n U4 pur nn-iursn ot anotoar cneut. . ua tne . ailiaj kanil. tn ate wivim. ahna unAmr - revision, shall lay stress arwa the fetigtewa nf mtition ol Ierael, th yrrTtrl 1 r'lf r ill 1 liana v I -in Ua tiiilory.th Ioa4motnl Mnaein ariat-i-TTiir-- ctpkl 01 progrraiive drvelopmnt, a lutnr nnimtwt'bBarnlBdirtr trftiir--arBiti'iirf V coinmands, a joOf ..pn jtnj. nBraand. . . i.i Billiliijr. . ": ' . "ff"'""" "f tiri (' " . e I" 1.1 i,, : ...JPllktlPiiKl; "GhiiK jitin tttara poaj. , Tic. M. ivu, NuiUmliei HO j-A letter rewired tny by CbartW.F " Huts Intern! rtwfta c tor-th I ". Vr- dmtrict, front Prtsidant UraM, cootata tba 1 fullotng: 1 regard the movement bead' s by t.rt tVkwt aud llieti a' ts.'ti""'"""' similar to tba Tennaase and Virgin! move, " "' '" menu, ia tended to carry portion af tba ; Kt'TJubliosa 'Wtvavrr totl. TUmMt, aad thai givw tbeat control, v I aoya ya!- " -' will all sea your way cleat ta givw the me h.m a!ar ticket your support" . . , . The arirt mitt nfHeorv TJ.tisrton. tf i ' " fUt wrrip, in Mtitia ct)ety, wat totally "' - uuin yai uy orv wm rail i I.M1 i4t -1 i 'l.i ft I t-i.ir A f " Af A f i- jstjt r t.wt T,9. -- -f ".3! .: . -r tv mf W w X a ''IkI - . 1, 1 , v - t - ' f S 9-, ' -